Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 05, 1816, Image 3

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,1,5 5*’. was calm puTled down. Provide ntiajly the morhin^ ich greatly aided th.c exertions of the crti- *7 * cf- * . was c ' the progress of the flames. The Joss re - nS inv has Dot been very great. Messrs. Townsend' ° f t^Nlrs "flocle are, we believe the greatest sufferers. -n "vertior.s tn.ri activity °f the citizens, were such , * ’ e C i on sai l, occasions; but there seemed to be as be a in directing their opt rations, and there ant was w videntiv . deficiency of aparatus, sucli as fire-hooks, axes. „ k „ Wj^ r i in a different state of the weather might “■v- . .. f..u ,i,...i.* „«* riv felt. No doubt efforts to reniedv w n sen OH.'IV »‘ ;ive ... •■••li be made, as cases of this kind interest ,hese vdividuai in tlie community.—Augusta Herald29th OVtV) uU- Ttr gggrLATURE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA ' U mem’td i's ses-. ion on Monday last. Nothing oc- Con , : ‘tm- first (Lav except the election and appoint. ° Urr of inli.-ets. In the senate, J. K Pringle, esq. w:.s 1 T ** In In the senate, J. R Pringle, !1,ent j’ ore'll Uni, and John Murphey, esq. cler , hn isc of r. presentatives. Thomas Rennet, esc . i« ic< ot r. pwseniau>c3, iuuuw 3 muiict, esq. was : ‘ 1C 1 1 weaker and colonel R. Anderson, elected clerk. a few committees were appointed, and the governor’s A ' to have been received the next dav.— * fathom /Miner, 3brA uh. .. Charleslon New-York, November 25. The nniversarv of the evacuation of this city, after a i .* >t- s ! ru££ie'°t S0VCM . Wa1S : * or prize wiik h now v'h.'s t",e "population ot this Union, vv.ll, vve hope, be celebrated ruts dat, with an eclat becoming the great CC l,fre?ebratimi of the anniversary of the 25ff» Nnvem- uai wln'li restor'd our exiled citizens to theii v’ , .f,rr all absence of seven years, a part of the di- homes,- will parade under the command of •vision ot »ru ‘ - j (juritniue The line will be funne l in Hudson- fie- ejeirti o’clock, when the troops will be review- *r I'h-’v will afterwards form in the Park at one o’clock, CCl’ * . A i. ,vT 1, be present at the ceremonial of the presentation, by 0 1 —ernor Tompkins, of the Swords veteil bis excellency gover bv du- legislature of tins state to genera's Scott, Gaines, Porter, commodore M'Donougli, and captain Reid, ut the Armstrong privateer. Evacuation of A'e~c- York'.—This day being the anniver- sarv t ,f the evacuation of our city by the Ilriush troops in 173.', it is requested, as a mark of respect to those who achieved that memorable event, that: the flags of our shipping and public places, be displayed throughout tut Jav. C AIT AIN GORDON. tVe have seen a letter received in town from an officer 0 f the Mediterranean squadron, which leaves little doubt that the captain of the United States nav y who is stated to have died recently on board one of our frigates, is captain Gordon. I lie letter alluded to is dated 17th Au gust, at which time captain G. was confined to his bed, and so ill as to leave little hopes of his recovery. The letter further obs-rves, that lie was desirous to go to France, to trv the effect of a change of air and scene, for which purpose he had obtained the consent of the com modore. —J\’jrfo he Jit aeon. ^ Offeree hundred tales COTTON are wante#fo compleat the cargo of the ship JUNO, for Liverpool, now taking in, and will meet with immediate dispatch. Apply to Ik- MTIIXNE &. CO. dec. £—r—145 For Liverpool The fine coppered ship. COR\, captain New comb, will commence taking in on Monday .next, and will have immediate dispatch. For freight or passage apply on board, or to II. llicharclsou. dec 5 145 * Book Auction, On Saturday Evening, the 7th instant, ff'lfl be continued the. sale of VALUABLE BOOKS, f Auction, . . J * Of the most approved Authors and elegant Editions. Sale to co'vm^.rre at 6 o'clock , p. m. M. Herbert & Co. auct'rs. dec 1 144 Cotillion JPartici For Liverpool The fine ship REBECCA, captain Nimmo, will khave immediate dispatch. For freight apply to H. Richardson. de^ 5 14 n Jb or Liverpool The ship SOLON, Biipply t.> -145 :aptai'i Smith. Forfreight R. RICHARDSON. -For Liverpool T!) ‘ J coppered brig SP VKTAX, C. M. Coffin, ;-‘r, w.ll have immediate dispatch'. Two ir^nra^huucii'eu bale' ul cotton are Wanted on freight. lo • REA 5s BUTLER, Johnston's wharf "fj" Seventy-five casks of RICE will be taken, at lovy neigiit, ll irnmeiiiale application is made. (ice J" - ■ It j The members of the Cotillion Parties, are requested to meet at the Kxcbang THIS EVENING, at 7 o 'clock to make arrangements for tlie season. dec 5—145 Ilall 6c HoU {Al-Klnne’i whiaf) OFVEH Pull SsLI. 5 cbcsls hyson TEA 15 quarter chest young hysou l eu 4 hogsheads W est-Imha liunv 20 casks Gosiun Cheese 9 firkins Goshen Butler 10 catks Shot, assorted 3 cases naif pint Tumblers 20 elutes ( vdekery 4 half pipes Sicily Madeira Wine 25 boxes Soap ffit Gips: df 5 —v a ' dec 5- To-Morrow, 6tli instan^ Positive sales at A'u. 2 Commerce Ho9, 25 pieces London Duilil Blanket* 10 pieces Bathctating •50 pieces white and red Flannel* 40 pieces blue and white PiuinB o0 p,eces 5-4 Broadcloths 1 ease 4-4 Irish Linens 2 trunks Ca'iici,cs 1 case Dimities 2 bales Humhums 1 case flag Handkerchiefs 1 case Levant lie Silk 100 pieces Ginghani3 1 case sewing bilk 1 ease men’s Gloves £0 pieces 4-4 Clucks £0 pieces cotton Cambric a .1 £0 dozen HandIcerchiets 1 bale rose Blankets 2 bales point , elo 2 cases ifins Hardware and Cutlery Shot, Candies, lo crates Crockery Terms made known at time of sabs Sate io comme/t- e at 10 o'clock, fe. C. JDulining, ailctV, —145 4 r i ■ tr-Jt. ( m A f - i For Liverpool The British brig \\ U.L.l A'.i r . I * 1 \ .f s A i i* * * • K_> • a. Ik J 1 « captain Ric ^son, will be dispatched vvitnout delay. laril- Fur And is n e : dfers f ;y, »•eceh'pfl froia ~ York, to <U*c 5- 11. Richardson. For Hf J1S The fine iff ■'' a_<l> , -Capl..,n Seaburv ft vie or Bordeaux, ./r i"iu mat; :_J new ship V\ liJ.IA.vI Apply to & HENRY, I» !*• 1 . i it. iuciiamson. 5 14 V f or Tlr- brig -N ell -Orlt'j RECOVER. 15 will sail on tiie fill instant, wind ‘V, master, penmttuia For freight Isaac >1* »> iS^A t R(* CoiltMl Soldirr’s of ("' tune.—We read in some papers, that a jeginient of AUiericans islormed at Port-au-Prince, un der colonel G. D. Young, iate of the 'United States army, to make ry.r* »f::n expedition to aid the revolutionists in Mexico.—Salem Guzeite. Iks cxcellcncv William MrT.i.ER, was on Momlay re- r of this state without opposilion.—lia- 9th uit. elected Govern lei on Iletftster, One of the charges exhibited against general Bissell, at the- late Court :U ,r : was, pass his post will “suttering Aaron Burr to lout molestation. dor 5- -1 1-5 iu > caiicr r Co. oiling at his store in Bry -.n-street, where on the lowest terms; superfine bine, black and b- own Cloths, superfine blue, black, dmb, and niix< d Cassiiuei-es, elegant fancy Vestings, black, green, dr b, and purple tabb}’ V elvet, silver Cord, blue, am. mixed Sattinet, Ivon Skin, blue Coating, walerprool'Cloth. bine, and black, Fl-.niai, black and figured Bon,hazels, silk Umbruli. , Irish Linen, do Sliirting,Umnhums, stripe and mixed Homspun, flag Handkerchiefs, indies’ white si k Hose and Gioves, do kid (io cotton and beaver do black worsted Hose, worsted Socks, silk Buttons, paten, cloth Buttons, bull vest Buttons, &c. j He also offers to furnish customers with supe rfine l Coals, made and trimmed in the best manner, few fj -’b j superfine Cassimere Pantaloons, for £jll, Corns made • rimmed in the best mantierfor Si'-*- II v HASH lteaelv made superfine Waterterloo Surtouts, blue, black and colored Coats, Vests, and I* ■nhiiooiis, which he of fers foi •. - rcd-ir- dm 1 ' i'-i 5 1. 145 •mi! v- A>iicc. For Ae\V- iofk -„. The brig i,r.L\ IDERK, W nuau Jocelin, mas-j .JkvSvter, will meet with immediate dispatch. F w j ajkBciBlcfreight or passage :,npiv f„ c..pidn j celin, or ' B. M'-Kiuae if Co. l'or sal. on ouurit quantity of smoked B < f quantity 4 of Flv Market mess Be ef few barrels first quality New-Ark Cider feu barrelsSpetsonburg Appie-s lire d.' green Coffee A A A A dec . For .Nen-OiFait-, The sc .lOOIle-r VlAKi’, eapt-. n - s -a jv'lll I hul'aday, Util instant. F*u- Lull r . r zTr.i' ’ > li .VI sill 'ail ap..;\ -145 '/■ . Se HOY *Cir?ie y ~wt'itr'f 45 barrels first qu 5' bag.; old wiiite 56 bavrtis S'un i fine Piiiiadelphia Flour 4J kegs Butter, ire sb Wbiskej , in hogsheads and barrels N. E. Ruin, ditto ditto. For sate, by F. Julincan. dec 5—r—145 i, N . ' vC l S is, Sugar Boilers, The subscriber having- appointed a^ent for a M i- nisfucioring'(.’ompaiiy, in Pniladu ipiiia, uiil carefnii\ at- ten<l to any orders that may lie left or sent to his care. TIi- has on h nd Stills, trom thirty to six hundred g'ahons; and shortly expects a number of Mig-ar Hoiiers, Semi- mers, I . wiles, Lanins, for boiling’ houses, See. \; las also, on li. n: v or Newport ttr.u i m* soli-Gii,cr SAL./. evidence A portion of tlie department offnc Yonne and the .-ie- vre is expost d to a destructive scourge. Numbers ot Wolves desolate great part of these districts. At first they were fie w, but ful* a a lit of being Inuitcif down, they have increased to a frightful extent. It iz reckoned, that in the course of two years, more than twenty victims, some children, and some young persons, from fourteen to eighteen wars old, h iv e been killed by them. T iie\ at noonday. As winter approaches, it is proper that some means of ex terminating them should be devised.—Curts Pufjer. Tlr life of general Jack sen —This work is ready for the press, and will be shortly out. Persons holding subscrip tion papers throughout the United States, will forward them to John .1- Eaton, Nashville, that Lie copies neces sary to be impressed may be known. Editors in the dif ferent states are requested to give this notice one or two insertions. . C? -' pply DULY * VIA I //...iV- or pas- . TIN, T -w/. a -f land cut NAILS, HARDWARE, Ac. | will sell at a small advance. T>! good assort tm mt of wrought Who . T isi- htj7>p rfoyn fflnrlir. Fur Pr.ividenct*, (r. i.) The p.,ck< t brig GOVER X; )U !:Oi tain Smith, will meet vvi'h disoat.-h R Co 'KINS, a^^tain Smith, will meet \v“ "lispa'eli For tr< v ” or passage applv to the captain on hoard, oi T. ri. C'jX DV, JL’X 11/to haveJ'or sa’e 10 lihds X E. Ruin 4 cases I’laid, Chambras, Shirtings. &c. 3 cases fine Hats, 8 trunks assorts d Slices 3d barrels and half barrels \!: ; T ■ iv i 5 cases SILK"', consisting of Synenaws, f 'anton (trapes, ike. t'-c 5 — Sarsnets, »—1-15 dec 5 1 Ail of which he Hall, liitmuer .1 far. iteceiven. Per ship Harmony from Greenock, and vi 7 l he sold at very reduced prices, by the quantity, 250 pieces cotton Bagging 90 12 o+ HONOR TO THE BRAVE. On Thursday last, the citizens of Nashville gave’an el egant dinner toin jor general Rii-i.i v, ot die United States army, m consuieration tor tijc deslinggished s.rv i- ces rendered h.s waiitry during the late w ar. were alargea-td respectable number of gentle men attended the miiner, among- wiiom were inajorgen- • eral Jackson and s iite, .md other officers of t ie army. The utn. st h y-tnor.' and goodhttmor prevailed through out the day.—A t.s'iv. lie Hid: , \2thuit. As doubts appear to have been recently entertained, •whether Robert Goodloe Harper used certain language, ascribed to him, in relation to president Madison, we transcribe the following from the Baltimore Patriot of October 2, 13i5; in which paper a sketch of the speech delivered by Mr. Harper two days before, at an election eering meeting, near judge Ridge,y’.s, in Anne Arundel county', was reported. Out of the editors of the Patriot was. present at the meeting, Slaltding immediately by Mr. Harper, and heard attentively and distinctly every word istteieii by that gentleman. Prom the Pat: Ut!, October 2, 1315. “In the course of his violent speech, Mr. Harper de nounced Mr. Madison in the most iiuUc'Ul language, saving that he ought to be branded in the forehead with knave or vtd.AiN, for his political conduct; and declar ing 4,bat it' Mr. Madison’s honor and that oi* the nation were or could be identified, lie would sell his property, forswear Ins country and remove ,o some foreign clime!” The subjoined paragraph is copied fr>>m the Boston Gazette of Monday. The ridiculous intimation which it contains may have come from Mr. Eustaphh ve, of smug gling memory, who won id doubtless be pleased with the lion-receotion of .Mr. Pinkney by Alexander. Peon the JSoslon Gazette. “It is intimated, that the emperor of Russia will not receive Mr. Pinkney, as minister from ti.e United States, ell account oj his T7(4 been set,: to ,\aprs p. evious r e. The sovereign of.,n empire, he thinks, oug;r not to be coupled in a missior With a petty kingdom; and he the last attended to.” -Married, on Tuesday evening 'die 3d Inst, by the ltcv. Doctor Henry Bollock, Mi. H. W. Piif.ncott, merchant ;-fi Ucarleston, to Miss Ann U. Bacon, e clest daughter, of Mr. Joseph Bacon, merchant, <>( this place. For Charleston Tile rcgul..r packet su-op SCHOHARIE, Le muel For ; , tli, master, will sail on Tm ,;l„y next. For freight or passage, having good accomuio- apply to the captain on boai-i. at Hunter’s wiiarf, PALMES fe DA'filDSuX. For sa'e on board said sloop 30 barrels TURPEN 1IXE 40 spruce SI’ \RS i C 5—st — la >• rot The For Darien schooner NANCY, , iG- sail Cetiu’ sage apply to the m will i.iptam Rich, on Sundav next. For freight oi ler oil board, or to 1. Hunter if Co. Ao. 1, liice s wharf WHO 1IVVF. FOO Sd.E 8/ Lis pickled ILi-riug, 3j boxes s.uoked Herring 160 boxes Soap, first quality 10 boxes cotton and other C-it-ds 6 cases Hats, 3 cases Bonnets, la b'» Vinegar, 8cc. ’’fj" A young Man wishes a situation in a Compting- Room, who is acquainted with book-keeping. Applv us above. dec 5 145 di*'o rl-;x Osnaburgs hogsheads Earthenware boxes wool, and 1 box fine Hats kegs white Lead firkin' best Scotch Herrings hampers Potatoes p.ur long double Jack Screws i’o’s, and 132 ram Ovens 40 tons Coal will be sold low, if taken from on board at Fathom Apple and Crab Cider in boxes of one dozen. James Johnston. dec 5-0—515 •117 Auction. On Saturday next, the yth instant, Will be s : . litbefore my store Groceries and Dry Goods. A LSD, Holtrm’s centra! -wharf, (>ne FISHING SMACK, good Anchors aad . .l ai.vvo, guuu Cables, Riggitig. Sail'-. &c.. “iairJSSl One CANOE EO YT, thiftv-two feet long and four and a half feet wide, with Sails, Rudder, Tiiier, &.C. complete. Sale to commence at II o’clock, A. Howe, auct’r. dec 5 145 Removed. The subscriber has taken the wharf and stores lately occupied bv Stanton Se Bvrd, where he continues the SHIP fi ll WDLKRY and COMMISSION BUSINESS, and has received in addition to his former large assort ment, bv the two last arrivals from Liverpool andNew- York, a farther supply; among which are the following articles, viz. Bales of seamen’s Clothing, hogsheads Whiten, ditto yellow Ochre, ditto red Ochre, paint Brushes, Paints as sorted; rusks trace Chains, patent Hoes, best warranted club Axes, Anvils, sledge Hammers, patent coffee Mills, boxes of Guinea English Mustard, bis. double refined lo ,f Sug.,r, chests hyson Tea, &c. \\ fiic'i lie will dispose of wholesale or retail, low for . cash, r.roduce or approved town paper. (ff To let, part, of the upper floors of said store, be ing one of the best situations in the city-for business, if application is made immediately. A. H. Putnam. dee 5 145 For sale, Just imported in the ship fs-dr’la, from Jamaica, Ten puncheons of superior high proofed Itum, thir teen b s and twelve bags of Pimento, a box of spice, and one- h ndre-dand twenty tons of lime stone Ballast. Ap plv to RtcHAHii Mauneh, at Messrs. Carnochan Sc Mi ♦r 1 -.. 11. dee .5 p 145 For sale Two valuable Tracts of River Swamp LAND, lying on the Carolina skle of tlie Savannah, opposite Argyie Island, containing about 350 acres each, part of them ate under new hanks, with kncwlesfbr settlements, and about 100 yards from the river where a vessel can load, t hey will be sold a bargain; and terms made to suit a purchaser. For term-, app'v to Alexander R. Chisolm, t'lrr 5— —7^5 Pocotaligo^ ViH’ll v» OOu.t. Dili S Oil For sale by dec 5 t 145 Jn ew-1 ( joiin lap: >rk 'ROB T CO. /.' .-. 'er’s wharf Lxt'iiaiigc ON NEW-YORK, NEW-BEDF(di') AND BOS TON. For sale by iiAZEX KIMBALL, dec 5— v- 145 l r or sine On hoard the sloop Venuct net the trracr-T,-. 50 barrels of rood FI :>'•'.!? a i*l 5 J0 bushels of Irish POT A.TOi'.S, litv. Hi:Hen's wharf :;d, of i superior on;t- • 5 - * - ? f' !erse\ U T wo staunch Jersey VV’ai For sate bv dec 5 -r 145 •go it-, PAI >;.s. nlcte. iE.-i &. 1)5 \ 1DSDN. F; 5-i with ct" PORT of sava?:naii, Thursday, B.cember 5, 181G. AHK1VKI-. Ship Isabella, Allen, Montego Bay, (Jam.) Leonidas, Swift, XeW-Bedford Woodbine, Willrt, Ne-w-York British brig Integrity, Lamb, Liverpool Brig Sally, Mayo, Boston Governor Hopkins, Smith, Providence, (a. i.) Ricomond Packet, Fash, New-York Be-lviaere, Win. Joe- Un, i days from New-Y’ork; with freigut to B. APKinne kCo. II. W. Hills, Meigs & "Weed, J. P. Williamson, James Johnston, A. Stevens, A. Seward & Co. E. Chittenden, J. W. Ciisbie, Gumming & Mooihcx,(l,E. S. Kciripton, Stanton & Byrd, R. Cam; - ben. F. Ball, S. C. Scl’.enk, B. & G. Luehi-op, Cormick K, ^-ii'set, J. Penfield andG. Tufts. Port of Darien, (Go.) A’ovember 16. Arrived British brig Aisthorpe, Griffiths, master, laden with dry goods, salt and earthenware—to Younge Rich- 5; Co. ip* A Gentleman wishes to obtain BOard and LODGING, in a small family. For fiirther Vu-Lculars, enquire of.the printer. dec 5—m-^145 Apple iirandy. 8 lihds and 5 burr- Is 4th proof \ I’i'LF. BRANDY. Recfcited per ship Adonis, end t->r silo by Mei^s tc iicetl. rler 5——145 jb /i* sale up lo lease The lot No. 20, Margaret street, in Oglethorpe ward, situate nearly opposite to the residence ot Clark. For terms apply' to JOHN LAWSON. d“c 5- -145 , o rent The ROOM, now occupied by the subscribers. Kcttall & Sewall, On Hunter’s Whot'f dec 5—115 To rent An excellent STORE, with a back-room and fire-place, near tlie market. Enquire at this office for particulars, dec 5—ji—145 Notice. All persons having anv demands against the estate of James Powell, esq. deceased, are requested to present them for payment, and those indebted are hereby requir ed to make payment to JOHN DUNWODY, dec 5 | L 145 QpabjieA Ex’or r f — FRANCIS T. A VICK .It his store, corner of But, h.ncanJ Jiurtia. dsireet, near the 'JHarkrt, Offers for sale, wholesale and retail on the lowest i mis, a general assortment of FANCY GOODS, just l-e- ceived by the ship Adonis, vir: Handsome sets of China, Vases and chimney Ornaments, sunerfiue blue and black Cloth, common Cloth by bale or piece Fancy Boxes Embroidered cambric Shawls- Merino and silk do Gong do do Ail as-oi-tnitiil of Millinery A sm-dease of Bonnets !C:d, moreco, satin and Levantine Shoes Artificiid Flowers China, by sets and dozen Cologne Water, Pomatum, S~c. True lace Veils and Handkerchiefs Laces, Ribbons, Thread, Tale’s Vers Indispensable-3, Purses, Umbrellas bets Potos, Chess, Dominos and Reversis, ice. ( iiree boxes and a variety of other articles FRANCIS F. FOTTJER, Clock and Watch-Maker,of Paris, has also at the same store, A number cf warranted Clocks, goid and silver Watches, and an assortment of Jewellery, he embraces this opportunity to offer his services for the repair of clocks and w-tches, and hopes by attention Vo merit their patronage. AT rtiv SA-TE PLACE, JOHN C. COROIER, Hatter,from Paris, lias receivi d an assortment of fine and coarse men’s and children’s Hats, which he offers for sale low. Hats repaired d.-c 5 14.5 Notice. All personshaving demands against the estate of Jar vis Jackson, esq. deceased, late of Bulloch county, are requested to render the same, duly attested; and all those who are indebted thereto, are required to pay up forth with to CATHARINE JACKSON, dec 5—*fn—145 a dm’roc Georgia- C hath am county. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk cf the court of ordinafy. - To all whom it may coucern. Whereas, the honorable William Stephens, has appli ed for letters of administration {with the will annexed) or the estate, which remains imadniinistered of Doctor James B. Young, late of Savannah, deceased. Now, therefore, thesa are, to cite and admonish, all and siruTutir, the kindred and creditors ofthe said Doc tor B. Young, deceased, to file their objections (if any tin*', have) in mv office, on or before the first Mon day in Janu-rv next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted tlie applicant. (.iven under mv band and seal, at Savannah, the 2d day of December, in tlie year of our Lord efie thousand eigll# hundred and sixteen. (LSI S M. BOND. c. c. o. To rent A tract of I,AND, within six miles of Savannah, on the Augusta Road, near Pipeinaker’s Creek, containing fiftv two acres; thirty of which are clear and under good fence. The present crop is cotton, and one of the best within twenty miles Possession will be given on tlie first of January next. For terms, apply to Thomas Gribhin, dec 5—tm—145 .Market square. Sheriff’s sale. On the first Tuesday in January ne.rt, Will be sold at die court house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 19 and 3 o’clock, A roan HORSE; levied on as tlie property of John Fraser, deceased, to satisfy Joseph Kitchen. Property’ pointed out by the defin Ldit. Adam Cope. s. c. c. dec 5 145 JN r otice. Nine months after the date of this notice, I shall apply to the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Liberty county, for permissoin to sell a >aft*fthe real estate ot Adah Alexander, dec. -oiflBkting of one improved, and one unimproved ol of Land, in the town of Sunbury, known and )istingui9iied in the plan of said town as lots 45 and 46 forty-five and forty-six. Louisa F. Alaxander, dec 5—*—145 ddru'i z Georgia—Chatham county. Bv Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary of said county. To all whom it mav concern. Wh creas, the honorable W illiam Stephens, has applied for letters of administration, {-with the will annexed') ore the estate and effects of John Charles Lucena, late of Portugal, deceased- Xow, therefore, these are, to cite and admonish; all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said de ceased to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office, on or before the first Monday in- January next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and seal of office, at Savannah, the 2d d;.v of December, 1816. r L.S ] ' S. M. BOND, c. r. o. Georgia—-Chatham county. Bv Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary for the county of Chatham. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Joseph Habersham and William Habers'cim, esqs. of Savannah have applied fbr letters of admin istration on the estate and effects of colonel Josep% Habersham, late of Savannah, deceased. Now,therefore, these are, to c.’e and admonish, all and singular, the kindred a nd creditors of the said colo nel Joseph Habersham, de c. to file their objections, (if ~ any they have) in my office, on or before the first Mon day in January next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicants. Given under my hand and seal, at Savannah, the 2d day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. [L. S.] S. M. BOND; c. c. o. Georgia—Chatham county. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of tlie court of ordinary for the county of Chatham. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, the honorable William Stephens, has applied for letters of administration {with the will annexed) on tlie estate and effects of James Lucena, late of Portugal, deceased. Now, therefore, these are, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tlie kindred and creditors of tlie said JamesLu- cena, dec. to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office, on or before the first Monday in Jannrrv n.xt, otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and seal of office, at Savannah- the 2d day of December, 1816. S. M. BOND.'c. c.o- -t mm