Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 07, 1816, Image 3

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w tr.TTon the nT.vEuZicx*. ^ u'.ittsh Consulate, Savannah, Georgia, * ‘ December 7th, 1816. -n hl , nleascd to publish in your paper, for Sr*—d° u merchants in Georgia and of all ,c informa ‘' “ t he inclosed paper, containing' ti in (roverning* the trade between the ports c. lions 0 ‘arse in the Bermuda islands, and the 1.1 „ , ^'*11111, sir. J’ oiir ‘ that bru- ^ ^ ^ persons int ^ verT ,’ n g tiie trade between the ports of regulations „ (; eorge in the Bermuda islands, and the Hatnitt<tn aia ^ un ,^ er which those ports form a depot United West-Indies and this country. l “ e M ost humble servant, J imes Wallace, o,i C 1-use of the act of tj\e 52d of George III By the “ CO) pitch, tar, ttrfpentine, hemp, flax, chap. 7'h t0 p jW ’ S )rits, staves, heading, boards and f masts, y;- ir p. Angles, and lumber of my sggt, bread, ' plunk, tjfu ’rn-ns, beans, potatoes, wheat, rice, oats, biscuit, | ypj'jn ot'any sort: horses, neat cattle, sheep, barley, an j ° un dlive stoctc of any sort; such commod- hogs, P oU .'L’.rrowth or production of the territories be- ities being T, y n j tec i suites of America, maybe lrnpoit- longing M' f rom the said territories, in any foreign ed into t* h.’nn.rimr to anv country in amity with his ship or vessel dcioui/ b * m « es !^ _ar and coffee may be exported from Bermuda - ..pcci'is above sixtv tons burthen. in , \i „. v icles whatever can be imported or export- N °r m vciels to or from the Bermudas, (unless e dmfo r e^c. seUtOf ^ venlor) svitn( „\ t 8ub . le^^ieve^el and noxious aU icles to confiscate., ' X. B. Ifthere lie Cast-ladia goods on hoard, the forfeit- ui’c is universal. ^ ( f ^-)venib°r, it was resolved bv the Board lUat offices OI Discoun a ' ^: J} : j, L . s *,tc of Kentucky. F r- cimiatt in thc state " f oUi "- i.prsuiotitK ‘"die state ofXew-Hampshire. VI xfiriiiletown, in the state of Connecticut. Jit Providence, in the state of Rhode-lsiund. At K.'chtr.ond. in the state of Virginia. And at .Savannah, in the state of Georgia, and they into operation as soon after tiie 20th of F< arv next, as the circumstances of the Bank will admit.— Philadelphia Democratic I-reus. Three chit s latest from England.—By the arrival of the ship /loner, captain Athol, in .11 days from Liverpool, we have received Liverpool papers to the 29th of Octo ber, containing London dates to the 26ti, inclusive. We discover nothing important in their contents.— Charleston ’Southern Patriot, 4.'A inst. “LEGITIMACY” According to the. political system of modern Europe, it would appear that any thing is “lkhitimate,” even espionage, bribery and vrai- j, if the. liave a tendency to perpetuate the reign of “legitimate” despots, and to extinguish in all parts of the world all ideas and hopes of civil liberty. Under the influence of this- system, the disciples of the holy Pitt are forcing Europe to retrograde into astute of barbarism, exceeding that of the darkest ages. The high station occupied in North America by one of the principal assents employed in the execution of die project to assassinate Bonaparte, by means of the “in feriial machine," is one, among other proofs, of the sue cess which has attended tiie efforts of the misanthropic enemies of iui mail freedom. If public morals had not wofully degenerated, the mail who could allow himself to be used hi such a business, having performed ins job and received his stipend “according to agreement,’’ would have first compounded to shake hands with all honest men, and’consented never again to appear in any decent society. It is now ascertained, beyond question, that* another representative of another “legitimate,” has “succeeded in employing an officer of the royal army” to act ns a spy in a confidential station, near the person of g eneral Mina; to report all his movements, and most probably to pay him, at u certain stage of his operations, the same sort of bloody compliments, which the father of this spy was hired to perform upon the body ofNhnoleon at Bay onne—nature not any means legitimate which tend to preserve the persons and power of “leoitim.ite ki.vos?” It is a source of satisfaction to believe that Mina has been unprized in time of the “legitimate” perfidy of ids aid.— Baltimore Patriot, '27ih nit. Query for Casuists—In point of intrinsic criminality, what is the difference between the principal and the ac cessory in assassination, or between the murder of a beg gar and an emperor?—ib. “!. r.G IT IMA C T” A G. IIX. It is desirable to know whether a certain general Tole do iias been recently enumerated by the minister of an “adorabie” monarch, as one amongst .the “rebels” or- ganizing in tiie United States an army to operate against the possessions or his “adored” sovereign in South Ame rica? And further, whether the “plan” communicated for “the pacification of Mexico” has been deemed a sufi- ficc-nt atonement for past errors? And still further, wheth er tiie signs of repentance professed by general Toledo have been sufficiently unequivocal to induce the pay ment of the whoie or ou'v a part of the TWO THOU SAND DOLLAR-.?- it,. We understand that .Tonx Howard M men,,'of NeW- Hampshire, is appointed bv *hc, consul for die Island of Madeira.—Xcw / e-d Gazelle. Extract of a letter from Washington city. “John Quincev Adams is to be our next secretary of state. A messenger has been sent to him already.”—(for there cob be no doubt of Mr. Monroe’s election, and he does not wish to be caught m a cloven stick, as Mr. Madi son was—He will fiirfie toe ministers of Ids cabinet ready to proceed at once to their respective functions.—llich- niond Enquirer. A letter was received yesterday via. Boston, stating, that on the 5cli <-,f October, the bay of Honduras - was opened to American commerce.—Xew York Gazette, '26th ult. 'V ' ■* The company now filming, with the new ofrnaJting an extensive purchase on our western waters for French emigrants, embraces most of the destinguished Frenchmen who have tied to our shores since the restoration of the Bourbons. They contemplate the purchase of at least 100,000 acres in a body, and to invite emigrants fro in' France. We have little doubt but the project will be at tended with the happiest success; and that 6 or 800 useful families will thus be added to our population. Tiie cul tivation of the vine, wliich is also contemplated, will add to the useful productions of our country.—Albany Argus. 192A ult. GRBAT ARRIVAL FROM INDIA. By the New-Castlc steam boat which came up yester day afternoon, captain Anslev and the supe; cargoes of the ship Benjamin Rush, came to (he city, and inform that the ship had a passage home of 129 days from Cal cutta, that the missionaries that went out in the ship, were in good health, and that the Benjamin Rush brings a return cargo for Edward Thomson, esq. the owner, of the value of eight hundred thousand dollars.—Philadel phia Freeman's Journal, 27th uit. We le ura from captain Curran, of the brig Peggy fj Pa nda, from Gyadalo’tpe, that the governor of that island has taken off the restrictions on ■ur in American vessels, and that a schooner from Alexandria had been permitted to land and. .sell her cargo off. mr at Jiussatefre, fur which tne captain obtained 15 dollars per barrel. The yellow fever teas raging with great vi-leic’e at J'oivt Pert e, and as many as fifty persons had been known to die in one day.—Norfolk Herald, 251 h ult. wo recent attempts have been made to fire the town ortsmouth,.(x. h.) one of which was, by kindling a P li ni Ion tic tind. ! .. II... t ■ I 1 Tw of Portsmouth flame under tiie neff custom House.—A lad has ac knowledged that he made the attempts and has been ex amined aud committed for trial.—ib. NEW-ORI.EANS COTTON. A letter from a respectable gentleman at New Orleans, dated the 25th Oct. states that “the crop of cotton this year will be immense, the season having been very fa vorable. “The price of prime cotton is 26 cents. “Freight, by American vessels, is from to 4 cents per pound. “The mass of our products this year will require large tonnage to transport it.”—Xew-1 irk Commercial .id- Verliser. By the brig ' yeslerdav in 16 vessel had arrive! tain of which ha celebrated pjtri taken possession Caraccas, with a possession oft; ultimo. rginia Reuburn, which arrived here lays from Barbadoes, wc learn that a 1 there on the 6th from Laguira, the cap- :i brought verbal intelligence, that the .'tic general sir Gregory M‘Gregor, had of Cuuianu, and was proceeding against sufficient force, it is believed, to take t place.—Baltimore Federal Gazette,27th The following is an extract of a letter from a gentle- fitan m Poi t-uii-Prince, to his friend in New-York, dated October 29, 1816. ‘1 he patriot expedition sailed from here yesterday rooming, consisting of a ship of 14 guns, a brig mounting . and a smaii schooner. None of the officers appeared o be over stocked with joy; nor were they permitted to .“-to w hat place they are destined. This expedition “as left some of our merchantmen completely in distress they have got almost all of our men, by making large Promises to them. As to our vessel, we have but one an left, and a number of others are in the same situation, hen we shall get from here I know not—there is very tie produce at this place; cot enough to load one sixth °I the vessels in port.” " ** ■ r ' % * >« i‘ ft# ante* -a. The brig TWO BROTHERS, captain Lapbaro, meet with dispatch, having three fourths of cargo positively engaged. For freight or passage appiv to the nrister, or to J. BATTELLE. dec 7 146 ib'or Havre The superior fast s-uliug brig SALLY, captain Mayo, wiil meet with immedL.te dispatch, having JSCiwS Iui If of her freight engaged. Any persons, wish ing to ship, can receive BiiU on New-York, at thirty days sight, for two tnirds amount of shipment. Enquire of the master on board, or S. C. Dunning, X>. 2, Comm ree Bow TO', si r.E ns HO Aim 200 casks S'i'flN K r—14? For Alai tinique and Gruatialoupe T! brig ’I'M REE Si ITERS, captain S unders, has nearly a full cargo. For freight of 100 bur- ?S??*£rets or puss ge, for three more persons, apply oil board, or to J. BATTELLE. VIho has for sale A DR AFT on BOSTON, at sixty day sight, for §1200 dec ’ —146 ,#ivv'ias i Tiiest^Gm-boat Sea-Horse, ruhtuin arrived here y xitcr ti* izf mornivg at nine o'etuch, in 36hours from die Dela ware, safe and sound.— ib. liacj. -.!t- — On the 1st insttlie dead body of a man wat found float- inginthe harbor cf Charleston. He was carried on sno -e and b.tried near Fort Johnson. He was - in ssed iji sailor’s clothe;—a knife which he had suspended from iiis neck 1 by a string, had “U. Peace” marked on it This is given to apprize his relations and friends of Ins fate.-—Southern Patriot. Dic'd, suddenly in Barnwell District, South-Curolina, on the 26'b ult. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, aged 46 years, consort of Aaron Smith, esq. It is our meiaiichoiv duty to record the death of but few, who possessed so much and such intrinsic worth as Mrs. Smith. As a com panion, she was amiable and interesting; as a friend sin cere and constant, and as a parent, faithful and affection ate: she possessed all those excellent qualities which ren der the lovely female endearing to her friends and usetm to society. Tile loss of this excellent woman has left void, which, to many will never be supplied; but wc mourn not as those destitute of hopes; our religion miti gates our sorrows and points to brighter worlds. Seated in realur: of glory now, With joy she sings triumphantly: O! death! wiiere i:> thy sting, and thou, O! grave! where is thy victory. PORI OF SriVAA.v'A!!, Saturday, Heccmber 7, 1816. ARRIVE I). Ship Lord Wellington, , Liverpool Brig .Sally Ann, Luther Smith, tna-her, from Antwerp via New-York. Five days from the latter port—with a full cargo of unens, carpeting-, glass, toys, gin, coal, &c. to J B . teiie, owner; and others. Brig Eliza Lord, Smith, New-York CLEAHi.'. Brig Lawrence, Robertson',' West-Indies ; Aurora, Thompson, Baltimore Schooner Sight, Silva, Havana Sloop Leander, , Charleston »Goid Hunter Siotesbury, Darien and St. Man's Port of Clui lesion, December' 5. The schooner Brilyporeen, RaiL.rd, from Georgetown, with a cargo of Staves, Stingles and Tar, consigned to F. C. Deiiesschne, went ashore on the south bi\ :.lccrs on Monday night, having drifted from her anchorage inside the bar. The captain and crew c.une up in their lr m on Tuesday night. The schooner Poilv Gallop, Gi.lii'i, went down yesterday to her assistance, but it is expecteo wili save nothing. When the pitots c..nie in last evening, the wreck had gone entirely to pieces. to go a. I: { some accoti 69 nip T2 litji lhd 126 <5uw 14 For Ncw-Orleaus rist s-.iling brig o.xLLV ANN, captain v.-ill meet » nil dispatch, being hi complete , and having two th.rds of a cargo ready -1 For freight or passage, li.x i.ig hand- odations, -pply to tiie master, or to .T. »iaiiul!e; H iu» he L j}ih7)pr from said brig, fron* i/.r-vpr/*, J'll A CS .'it •' rii Itii’ I loiiund (.1!)!, ('.VlilTuilri-U ICul .iiwivAiUli j , wit!i g’j.iss b.iUii s } boilK s each • ;> vketii i j'oeket P»stol Britth s J, rt !'\ 1J. and 10 by 12 window ff'KH and Keys i U'U' ' IdlrSi Glass looking Glasses, su^ar Boxes, cigar r?xtjnar •; fj c; 1, French Fnen C.^mhrics, , Shcc*- (diaper iLrViecs, D:inii : >*. L{ ilwlD S A*. S') uit:*!>ie Tor grates or blac ksniitiis A S J> from .A eic-Fcr 1 :, * dec 7 — -146 i' liohloti The ! r ~ ADELINE, J. Rich, master, will be f-g. dispa’cne r •■•letlia'ely. A few bales cotton and r*T'-s line heavy iVng'x can be taken if offered before Friday ties't. i n' v.'fiie'n or r*rss:tge apply to Whitney & Pavknxan. fj Who havt f .r sale 16 hoi,slieatb prime SUGARS 1° >’‘Ogsheaar. / N F , {U:(I * j, . " ’ ’ • ' } ' AuctioUv On Tuesday, lOtk Inst., ,i , ■Will be sold before my store. Groceries ami Dry Good^ • (as usual.) > Also, -without the least reserve whatetsr, 4 pipes Cognac Brandy 2 pipes Holland Gia 4 hi ids W. I. Rum 5 do N. E. do 8 do Rye Whiskey 38 llarrels bottled Porter 23 boxes do Cider 1-0 boxes negro Pipes 500 lbs Shot, assorted from Buck 1,0mustard SfiteA lyO boxes 2d quality Soap 25 . do 1st do do 50 do fresh Raisins 20 kegs English white Lead 8 boxes white and brown Havana Sugar 2 tierces green Coffee 5 cix.tes assorted Crockery 5 crates, each containing a complete table 2 cases coarse Hats 5 pieces Sacking 500 packs 4^ Pins 100 dozen Madras Handkerchiefs 80 pieces Humhuma 50 pieces Calico 20 pieces coarse Cloth 30 pieces mixed Plains 75 pieces Hessians 40 pieces Bandana Handkerchiefs 50 dozen buff Shawls A handsome Gig with plated Harness A good gentle f.mily Horse And by order <f the a/hni-iistrutors of the estae offy.Fi(k‘ tin, esq. dec. 1 patent saw Gin, (AVliitnev’s make) 1 spinning and card Machine Terms, cash Sale to commence at 11 o'do ok, AND Jit 12. ij-rlaejc ^ On a credit of CO days, for approved endorsed notes j on proper stamps, 7 pip vs very superior Sicily Madeira WINE D. Williford, auct’r. dec 7 1 '6 Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in January next, Will be sold at the court house in (he city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. Thirty negroes, levied on as the property of Thomas Savage, esq. dec. to satisfy an execution at the suit of David Lenox. JOHN EPPINGER, '—-146 Marshal. 20 barrel dec 7—xt—146 For New-York . The regular packet ship WOODBINE, Joseph „*$j§NWilU t nixster," will lie dispatched without delay, IrVAa^khaving prt of her cargo engaged. For freight l. Lethbridge <N Co. Sorts’ wharf or nassume v. on b Jbt %v; For sain, freight or charter The. brig LION, T. Brvan, master, burthen ,.«YV- I~ i ■ ms, deep waist, newly sheathed, in com- .'HHwKipletc order, and well calculated for the West- [ndia trade, being' an uiicoiiunoiily strong vessel. For terms apply on board, or to J. BATTELLE. d- -ri 146 sal;? p»>r The brig JAMES SCOTT, burthen 112 tons, Ajx English built, with American register, in com. TsSf-.plcte order terms apply to for erican For the inventorv and JOSEPH AUZE, Xo. il. Ito!ton's fJjA The packet schooner MILO will positively sail ior dStnu- York «»n Wednesday tnorning* next, wind and weather For tVf-igiu or pa— sa«*e, having 1 pleasant accominoaaiions, applv t<» captain Bradiey on board, at Vf-mr’s wharf, or lo Fillnies Davidson, dec ^ -a -146 i.rchu tgiJocl Cotillion Parties. "Bhc members of the cotillion paries, „rc required to meet at tiie Exchange on MONDAY EVENING NEXT , ,,< 7 ft; dec 7—1 T6 .»i t s i. i v 111 \ e v i, Per ship It oodbine, from Xctj- fork, a,si* mil silk nv T'>r si-bscribek, 14 bales and 1 barred ALMONDS 7 casks GLASSWARE Joseph Auze, dec 7 146 ' ? ? - * a tre i itC sdUfie TlUv-.' ,s Offer for sale at their store, just recei ved by the Wood bine, from Xew- J Lorrillac Tobacco, Maccabuu, Picxles and smoked Tongues, Goshen Butler, pint- apple and Goshen Cheese, smoked Beef, mess Beef, fig Blue, butter Biscuits, Crack ers, race Ginger, Cassia, anchor Gin, Raisins, Almonds, Olives, green Gages, Capers, Anchoives, Champagne Wine sparkling, split Gaudry Dupon. dec 7 m * W Stone CilYv- The subscribers 2009 bushel: and of a very dee g of ,upi led Sail. tffe" f"i Giver p rior y: >ot t> i .die.' ouncl SALT, stone-dried for rctailinpr. Caraochan k. Mitclicl. — 146 i he snbseribers Offer for sale 1 pipe Cognac Brandy, old and fine flavored 1 do i toilaud Gin, 2d proof warranted genuine 2 do Malaga Wine, do 12 qr casks L. P. Teueriffe, } -\y incs 5 do do old Colnieuar 5 2 baskets Cham pagne, do 10 boxes fresh Raisins 2000 lbs good Cheese 2 casks white Vinegar 10 bis Philadelphia Whiskey i‘, Catonuet & CO. rG r y_« On Williamson if DevsHeX wharf J. i5. itowson, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Pai'lr Haxoeii, Glazier and Gildhii, Bay Bane, hear the Market. Mr. Rowson takes this opportunity of informing Ins friends, that he has just arrived from the Northward, and is ready to wait on their commands: who has for sale, Paints, Gold Leaf, Whitening, Lampblack, Sec. dec 7 v 146 Georgia—Chatham county. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of tiie court of ordinary of Chatham count}-. , To all whom it may concern. Whereas, John Gibson, has applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of George W. M‘Knight, lately a soldier in the army of the United States, dec. as principal creditor. Now, therefere, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said George W. M‘Knight, dec. to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, on or before the 7tli day of January next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant. Given under Hiy hand and seal of office, at Savannah, the 7th day of December, 1816. (L. 8. • SAMUEL M. BOND.c. c. o. French and English Goods. JOSEPH AUZE, (no. 11, hoi. n»’s iia.vke) Offers for sale, on accommodating terms, by the piece or p 11 deage, th efo i!owi ng 4-4 twilled and cambric fancy Shawls, Kerseymeres, low priced Cloth and pelisse Cloth, cotton and silk Um- brellas, superfine Toilinuts, \\V; ten:.ting, Bombazets, Mock Madras Handkerchiefs. Levantine, Florence, Laces and Veils, different sizes; black and white Crapes, mourning Crapes, fine French Cloths, men and women’s silk, kid and buckskin Gloves, siik Cloth, men and wo men’s silk Hose, Mazandr.mies, Rohes, French Linen, 4-4 and 6-4 silk Shawls, C.-uibrie and ready made cam- fine Shirts, Tafetas, Iii'ibons, No. 4 to 14; hat Covers, leather Hats, elegant French LOOKING GLASSES, of va rious sizes, inantlf piece Ornament.-, with shades, tea, toi let aud working fables, with marine; hand.,ome French China, Tumblers and Decaliters; ladies’ gold Watches, gold aud silver ditto; Necessarius, 2 baits Humlnnns. A bn, IV STOKE, 254 pieces superior cotton Bugging 24 casks CLARET 1 “ x 100 boxes do 25 ditto do 24 do j 2 boxes Lavender'Water 22 boxes Steel, em"ty Demijohns 12 bottles v entitled to debenture dec 7—146 i'lie subscribers Have entered into Copartnership under the firm of Dousov Ik Hills, and have purchased the stor k of Mr. John Hunter, in the ship chandlery, and uniting with it a large and general assortment of GROCERIES, fresh from Boston, consisting of Teas, Coffee, loaf and brown Sugars, Pepper, Mustard, Vinegar, Molasses, sweet Oil, Cheese and Butter, Hams and Tongues, smoked Beef, Pickles, table Salt, Rice, Bar ley, Potatoes, Onions, Peas and Beans, corn Meal, Spices of all kinds. LIQUORS. Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, N. E. Rum, Holland (Tin, Peach Brandy, Irish Whiskey, Country Gin, Madei ra Wine, in bottles and by the cask; Port Wine, in bot tles; Claret Wine, by' the bottle or dozen. Just received .from Liverpool, per brig Friends, 50 casks best brown stout Porter 8 ditto pine apple Cheese 20 dozen London refined r ort Wine 12 boxes PICKLES, containing Picalillo, Cauliflowers, mixed liar!dishes, Chow Chow, red Cabbages, &.C. Every article in the above line, will be furnished on the lowest terms, for cash or town acceptances. O. L. DOBSpN. JAMES HILLS. N. B. Sea Stores put up on the shortest notice and in the best manner. dec 7—•—146 Ixeor^ia—Chatham county. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of die court of ordinary of Chatham county. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, John Gibson has applied to me for letters of administration -on the estate of Israel Panned, lately a soldier in the army of the United States, dec. as priucipal creditor. Now, therelore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Israel Pan- neli, dec. to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office on or before the 7th day of January next, other wise letters of administration will be granted to the ap plicant. Given under my hand and seal at Savannah, the 7th day of December, 181$. [L.S.J * U. BONDjc. c. o. otice. An Election will be held at the Independent Presbyte rian Chui—h, on the first Monday in January next, for five TRUSTF.ES, <>f said Church, for the year 1817--*-* Foil will open at 10 o'clock and dose at 1 o’clock. Oliver Sturges, dec 7 146 Chairman, Board Trustees* — c Xf Persons who rented Pews, rn the 5th instant, are notified to cal! on the Chairman and settle for the sam? before THURSDAY, the 12th instant. Such as are noi settled for w 11, on that day, be r nted to the highest bkLA ( der, at the Church, at 11 o’clock. dec 7-A-146 \n Overseer, Well recommended, will meet with employment on ap-» plication to R. Sc J. HABERSHAM. dec 7 146 Lost A part of a large SEAL, of chased gold, set with Cor nelian, on which there was engraved the American eagle and the letters J. E. in capitols. Any person, finding- the same, and leaving it at this office or the counting- house of Erwin, Lethbridge 8c Co. shall receive Five Dollars. dec 7 146 Found, On Friday night last, on Taylor’s wharf, four smalF TRUNKS OF GOODS, the owner can have them, by des cribing the marks and applying to Peter Shick, superin- tendant of the City Watch. dec;7 — ■ -146 One Hundred Dollars’ REWARD. Ranawayfrom the subscriber, SAM andTONEY. Sam is a stout, likeiy, young fellow, bushy hair, yellowish complexion, tnick lips, very artful, has been about more, than twelve months, no doubt has been harbored in Sa vannah. Toney went off on the night of the 30th ult. is a stout, likely, artful fellow, thirty years of age, will no» doubt make for Savannah, and probably endeavor to get> on as far as Turtle River, having a wife, belonging to the: estate of Coachman, in that county; he may obtain a. forged pass, Tiie above reward will be paid on con viction of either being harbored by a white or black: person, or Twenty Dollars for either being lodgedin the Coosawhatchie or Savannah goal. Henry M*Nish, der* 7—p—+—146 thp Five Sixter& Georgia—Liberty county. By Elijah Baker, clerk of the court of ordinary for the county of Liberty, in the state aforesaid. Whereas, Mr. Davies Carter applies for letteas of ad ministration on the estate and effects of John Carter, dec- late of the county aforesaid, as next of kin. These, are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, tw file their onjecrions (if any they have) in my office, at# Riceborough, on or before the first Monday in January) next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the said applicant. Given under my hand and seal, this 7th day of Novem ber, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and six teen, and in the forty-first year of American Indepen dence. (L. S.) E. BAKER, c. c. o. t. c. dec 7 p*f 146 Georgia—Chatham county. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary oF Chatham county. To ail whom it may concern. Whereas John Gibson, has applied to me for letteia of administration on the estate of John Troublefield. lately a soldier in the army oi the United States, dec. as principal creditor. Now, therefore, these are, to cite and admonish all anti singular, the kindred and creditors of the said Join* Troublefield, dec. to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before the seventh day of Janu ary next, otherwise litters of administration will be grant ed to the applicant. Given under may hand and seal of office, at Savannah,, the sventh day of December 1816. [L. S ] SAMUEL M. BOND, c. c. o, th e 7 ■* 146 Georgia—-Chatham county. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary of Chatham county. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Elizabeth Doyle and John P. Williamson, have applied to me for letters of administration on Fran cis Doyle’s estate, on behalf heirs and creditors of the: deceased..^ Now, therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Francis Doyle, deceased to file their objections, (if any .they have f in my office on or before the 7th day of January next, otherwise letters of administration will he granted to the applicants. • Given under mv hand apd seal of office, at Savannah, the 72’. day of Di'ccsber, 1816. ’ (U B.) fiXMUElr je BON&, cfs. o.