Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 07, 1816, Image 5

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fk - - ' " > ‘ ‘ \ Supplement to the Republican'. From :t wish of Joseph Carruth- , . . y,.y ,.>od om-finess, James Carruthers r.Tts to i ■ K , imwelfc The commission bu- u ill cuT'. ■ 1 ■’ tines. willWatte,. l."i.isus by Joseph Carruthers & Co. Hi) offer f>rs 1- oi moderate terms, a. consignment ... {.sicr., :*c. november 7- 133 01 L..n t s, ■ ?y Three or four boys, from nine to t iiir on' of .tst-, would oe received into a private i.iiiiuv to Board and Lodge until the 1st June next.— Enquire at th.s office. nov 31 1 143 Fellow-Citizens of Chatham! 1 off nv, if a c.,i itiftt tor itui.i’il V K't OF FAX It HI'id V"i at the aoproac img election, in January, und il elected shad feci grateful and nc oblige 1 L. S. iTLyon. r.nv 30—P—143 Sun-.lav School. The officers arul committee of th - $ numnah Sunday Srhool Union Society„ li ve tlie.s«ttisf.xdon to announce Notice. ‘lie\;nai ‘aims ‘I, H..s opened a Law-Office in Savannah, and tenders to th -> ibuc ms j cistern circuit. n’ofcssioaal services m the courts ot the oct 8—120 Notice. Xhc lav office of the subscriber, is at the house rc- eentlv in the occupation of doctor M-Learn Ed vvard b. I attiiall. out 8—120 Apple Brandy. 8 hhds and 5 barrels 4th proof APPLE BRANDY. Received per ship Adoui-. n l for sale by Mei*j:s & Heed. dec -145 i' or SdiC, Tint imported in the shi1> Isabella, from Jamaica, Ten puncheons of superior high proofed Rum, thir- . ‘ 1 .. 1...^ U Pimr-nto. hhY R’ lif.c* H lit 1 1 oil liu'it-'i' —r ... 3 ‘ i c i b s and twelve ba^s ot Pimento, a box ot spice, and n hundred and twemv tons of lime stone Ballast. Aii- ij to Huaaai) Marne u, at Messrs. Carnochan St IitchelL dec 5 145 For sale or rent T ie dwelling II )USK, belonging to the subscriber, •■v :-r n ward, X.». 4. The standing furniture, if re- -1 iv; 1 be rented, with tne liouse, for one y’ear. E. Jackson. -114 Imported p~r the ship William, captain Mills, from Liverpool. VOH SAVE ON VEI1T III '£11 ATE TEH VS. l)ai--s verv bcs. I.oadon dulfii Blankets /if casks brown Stmt;, London Porter, 6 and 8 dozen iO kegs white Lead, ground in oil, 281bs. each ,jffe 0 bows 8 by 10 crov. ;i 11 lass W .In 10 bv 12 do :•» . .tsks Enghsh wrought Nails, clasp heads, 6d. lOd. allll 2nd. Xij crates crockery Ware, assorted for the country . j tons bar Iron do. do. casks bar Lead, in lib. burs i.-j do. Sll t, Ot a 11 sizes A quantity of Iron Pots, different sizes On consignment, One bale English broad cloths One cask best steeled broad Hoes i )ne case of Hard wait: Oav cask cooper’s Adzes, Hammers, Chizzles an dub Azes Ore cask Sad Irons, one bundle London Shovels d caska Loudon Porter, in bottles James W allace. vender 7- -13 SAVANNAH, DECEMBER 7, 1816. New Importations. WHOLESALE AM* RETAIL, tlit* nubUc, that they have <*s abiisucd a Sunday Sciiool n tin Academy, and have appointed a suitable number )f ditous teachers who will atte-al t«> tin. same every i «n i.v from ij iarrcr before 9 to hit i past 1J, and from l u f- ), lS t 12 to 2 oViock. every Sabb tth. \ i iiicatiOfi for .ivl.m-.siou to be made to the secretary >f the Society, or to dr L. vl.son, superintendent of ho M'.aonl, at the time a :d place .&bovc mentioned. Tie necessary books are provided by Hie Society, and i ix, re:[nested that toe parent or j^uardiu i ot an) cinid ?r learner, to be ad nitted to the sell 10I should be present » their iirst i lmission. JOSKPil CUM vllXG, seci'ry. dec 3 144 An election will be held at the court house, on TUUHS- TJW, t.iv l3v.*i ui-vtant, under the supcrintendmice of three*j isi.c- s of tue peace, for an Alderman to fill tiie v*cau.; , occasioned by the resign-non of John Bolton, ti} ^ jUy ordei of Co unci', Isaac DEyon, dec 3 -144 . CnyMeriff The ..[.iri ie aul Fire Insurance C )Mi*AX'if, Of tit di / iw iwink, Will insure Property in Su its, between Sivaniub and Augusta, and at and f>-"> n '-viicr place to tne otner. II. Wayne, secretary. oct 24—127 . . 'Fo Druggists, Physicians O O 7 J A X D COUNTRY MERCHANTS. The subscriber resncctfullv mtorms his friends in Geor gia and South-Caroliua, that he will in a few days reco inence lvis Drug, Paint and Oil Business in Savannah, om ul connection with ins present establishment in Philadel phia; and that he has taken into copartnership with him Air. Robert Worrell, jun. who will attend to and conduct the business under the firm of Hahhal & Wokiieu. They will open in a few daj's, at their Store, in Con gress street, near the .Market-square, one hundred and seventy-nine packages and cases of Lit Iff IS, CHEMI CALS, SHOP Fl RNTTUKE, &c. which have been care fully selected in the European and Northern markets, and can be confidently recommended as of a very supe rior quality. All orders to the firm, or to the subscriber, in Phila- de ielphia, will be promptly attended to, and charged at the lowest prices. GEORGE HARKAL, fhita le'tilru, .\*rn>. 5, 1816.—139 For sale An elegant Chair and Harness, with one of the best family’ Horses in town, for gentleness, on reasonable terms, as the owner has now no use for them. Also, a young Negro Man, 22 years old, stout made, and a blacksmith by trade; he would be very useful for a country gentleman. For particulars enquire at this office. ,lov 13— 135 To rent The store occupied by Peter l)upon, corner o*' Drayton and Broughton streets. Enquire at Gaudry & I) up on’s Broughton store.' nov 9 fr P. DUPOJf -134 Ij of freight o. , -dations being very superior, 1 - ___ Henry W. Hills. | V French Goods. DUEL, GRESHAM & CO. {Corner of St. Julian und II '/maker streets, north of Mr She!man's Ooariling house, in the store lately occupied by .Messrs. ./. E. II hite ii Co.) Have the pleasure to inform their friends and the pub lic that, they have received by recent arrivals -13/ packages ENGLISH, FREX H, INDIA out AMERICAN STAPLE and FANCY GOODS, Ordered particularly for t/us market; AVhich, with their S'iOCKon hand, comprises a gener al assortment. IIy the ship Oneida and now landing 1 case Merino Shawls 2 cases silk do 3 cases cotton do 1 case silk Bandanoes 3 bales Madras, Sistersov, Posaky and Choppa Romal Handkerchiefs and fancy neck Cloths 3 bales Carpeting 8 do Coatings, Flushings, Fearnoughts and bear Skins 4 do Uombazets, various qualities 1 bale superfine Cloths 1 do Cassimeres 3 bales Flannels, assorted colors 7 do rose, point and duinl Blankets 5 cases superfine Prints 1 do Dimities 2 do Irish linen Cambrics 5 do do white and half white Linen 1 do nun’s Thread 3 boxes cane and common silk Umbrellas and Parasols 1 trunk Irish Poplins 3 cases Gloves, beaver, kid and silk 2 do cotton Hosiery 3 do ladies’ and children's French beaver Hats, assorted 1 case colored Sinchews and Sarsancts 1 cose Xansooks inuu muli anti jaconet Muslins 1 do cut < ■ lass and silk Buttons 1 box coach and riding Whips 2 do stubborn! dotiLuc barrel Fo.vling-Pieecs 1 do brass and stubb barrel pocket Pistols 6 casks sad Irons AXD A FEAV PACKAGES, Containing Elegant satin Ilobes, Macedonia, Paris and fashiona ble borders Merino, piusii and velvet Caps and Bonnets, Feathers' and Artificial Flowers Tui, Chcnelh: and otiier worked Pilloreens Velvet Binding, head and go wn Garniture, fancy Trim mings Silk, Cheuvlle and silver Cords and Tassels Gilt and silverciusp Indispensables Silk, velvet, Zephyr anti damask Gauzes Brilliant white, Palmire, Amarinthe, green, lilac, im mortal, Macedonia, Levantine, Florence, sattn, Vergene'and Taffeta Silks Gilt and peart diadem Combs, tabic and head Brushes Pocket and China Inkstands, in the form of a shoe Xeedlc Cases, ladies’ Valices, watcii Stands Gentlemen and ladies’ morocco writing Cases Ladies’ work Boxes, set with mother oi p aid Superfine Pomatum, Seen; in bottles Walnuts, in pieces; Mussels, Chesnuts and real Eggs Toilet Tables, Secretaries anil silver Seals Wooden sand Boxes and morocco Note Books Silver Spectacles, looking Glasses and screens Cloak Bag's, boot Tassels, Corsetts and corsett steel Bones Stay Strings and elastic Garters, Sec. For sale by Duel, Gresiiam & Co. oct 29—T?9 J. S. Alley, Lewis AiirauU, TAYLOR, Respectfully informs, Ins customers that he has ta ken a room above Mr. J. P. Gizorme, (jewelier) next door to Judge Al'Ailister’s and opposite Johnston’s square, where he intends to continue his business; and from his former stn :t attention, lie hopes still to be fa. vored with ins customers’ business, and does assuie them that all business left in h;s charge sliail be punctually at* tended to. on hand A very handsome assortment of Waistcoating and a few dozen of lambswool Shirts and long Drawes, which wiii be sold low oct 17—124 .Merchant Taylor. JAMES FOWLER CEast of Means. 1a,w, Wallace H Co's, and nearly oppo site Messrs. Duel, Gresham ii Co’s, in St. Julian street J Mas the pleasure of informing the citizens of Savan nah, that he has established himself in this eily, ih the above business, and will have any garment in’his line made at a short notice, in the most fashionable manner and by the best of workmen. lie hopes, bv his experience and assiduity, to share a part of the public patronage. He has selected in New-York, a few of the best of the following Articles, imported into tbatcitv, viz: Superfine black, blue and fancy colored Cloths Superfine black, blue, mixed and dr-b Cassimeres Florentines, Marseilles, Toilinets Ac. Which is offered for sale on accommodating terms. rjf Wanted one or two of the best JOURNEYMEN* for whom liberal wages will be given. Also Women to make Seamen’s Cloths, oct 31 130 Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER Returns his sincere thanks to the citizens of Snvannxh for the liberal support that he has had in the fine of his profession since his commencement in this citv, and hope^ for a continuance of the same. He has removed to Bryan-street, directly opposite Mr. Calvin B. ker’s dwelling house. ALEXANDER DOUGLAS, dec 3 n 144 . Taylor Blank Bill:- o; ale. For sale at this Office. tv ;, FRANCIS I. A VICE his store, corner of Bay lane and Barnard street, near the Market, Oilers for sale, wholesale and retail on the lowest terms, a general assortment of FANCY GOODS, just re ceived by the ship Adonis, viz; Handsome sets of Chin , Vases and chimney Ornaments, superfine blue and biack Cloth, common Cloth by bale or piece Fancy Boxes Embroidered cambric Shawls Merino and silk do Long do do An assortment of Millinery A small case of Bonnets Kid, morcco, satin and Levantine Shoes Artificial Flowers n China, by sets and dozen Cologne Water, Pomatum, &c. True lace Veils anil Handkerchiefs Laces, Ribbons, Thread, Tub’s Veils Indispensables, Purses, Umbrellas Sets Potos, Chess, Dominos and Reversis, &.c. Three boxes and a variety of other articles FRANCIS F. PUTTIER, Clock and Vk atch-Maker,of Paris, hasalso at the same store, A number ot Warranted Clocks, gold and silver Watches, and an assortment of Jewellery, he embraces this opportunity to offer his services for the repair of clocks and watches, and hopes by attention to merit their patronage. AT THE SAME PLACE, JOHN C. COHDIER, Hatter, from Paris, Has received an assortment of fine and coarse men’s and children’s Hats, which he offers for sale low. Hats repaired dec 5 145 Has just received dram Mew-York, And is now opening at liisWore in Bryan-street, where he offers for sale on the lowest terms; superfine blue, black and brown Cloths, superfine blue, black, drab, and mixed Cassimeres, elegant fancy Vestings, black, green, drab, and purple tabby Velvet, silver Cord, blue, and mixed Sattinet, ly on Skin, blue Coating, waterproof Cloth, blue, and black, Flannel, black and figured Bombazets, silk Umbrellas, Irish Linen, do Shirting, Humhums, strioe and mixed iioinspun, flag Handkerchiefs, ladies’ wii.te siik Hose and G.oves, do kid do cotton and beaver do black worsted Hose, worsted Socks, silk Buttons, patent cloth Buttons, ball ve.-.t Buttons, Sec. He also offers to furnish customers with superfine Coals, made and trimmed in the best manner, for g28, superfine Cassimere Pantaloons, for gll, Coatsmade and trimmed in the best manner for gilt. ON* HA N il Ready made superfine Waterterloo Surtouts, blue, black and colored Coats, Vests and Pantaloons, which he of. fort furs '<■ re "'ire.' .-.rices. dec 5 l 145 If > t. 3j noYl JL ■Ml