Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 10, 1816, Image 1

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SAVANN BLXCAN. jty S. FELL.] KuMBEB 147-] SAVANNAH, (GA.) DECEMBER 10, 181S. [Whole Number Zto8. TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV the republican IS prBLISHEt) ST "FRY TUESDAY, THURSD AY AND SATURDAY, A1 SIX DOLLARS PE It ANNUM, TATiBLi IN ABVANCB. ADVERTISEMENTS • j the rate of Sevknti-Fivk Ce*T8 -ei will be inserted at tne T)U HTT-SeV tit AND A H ’-I ail orders from the CorwTRT, unless 'he mustaccomp J Jn Tuvv N> or the party well known to paumenpoe set t})£ Editor- ill Lsttebs to the Editor mutt be JOST-PAIE. For Havre ^The substantial and fast sailing 1 ship WIN I FHF.I), Charles W. Gelston, master. For freight nr passage, having excellent accommodations apply to the master on board, or to Calvin Baker nov 12 —1.15 For The packet schooner MILO will positively sail for New- York on Wednesday morning next wind and weather permitting. For freight or pa- saire* having pleasant accommodations, apply to captain Bradley on board, at Moor’s wharf or to _ Palmes of Davidson, |46 Exchange D rk- dec with iminediat' M'KINNE &. CO. ffg Three hundred bales COTTON a -e wanted to compleat the cargo of the ship JUNO.f r Liverpool, now taking i i, and will meet dispatch. Apply to f KDYV AltiX for Liverpool, having commenced taking in her cargo, will be dispatched as soon as possible For of l| 00 bales cotton apply to captain Webb on hoard, or at live counting hou-ae of RICHARDS 8c HARROWAY. l.OV 9 -—14.3 ■ . — '"Uj" The skip ALBERT GAlLV ■V[- S - for Liverpool, having commenced taking in i et with immediate dispatch, for tie ht r of 200 or 30u bales cotton, apply or to nev 30—143 !y to the master on board, CHARLES COTTON, On th■" S' 11. near the Exrha Sr- For Li verpool The line coppered ship CORY, captain New- J^f^nexL ’and VilT have immediate dispatch. Monday For will commence taking u» on <nd will have immediati freight or pa -s-ge apply on board,, or to R. Richardson. -1 45 For Liverpool P 1 itch. The fast sailing copper bottomed packet snip FACTOR. Robinson, muster, wm commence loading immediately and meet with every dis- For freight or passage apply to William Gaston. nov ( — -133 For Liverpool dec 5- The fine ship REBECCA, captain Nimtno, will ave immediate dispatch. For freight apply to 11. Richardson. 145 For Liverpool The ship SOLON, captain Smith. For freight : a ppiy to P R- RICHARDSON. dpc 5 345 — — — ” For Liverpool The staunch, fast sailing Philadelphia ship lOHN BULKELEY, Roger Horner, master, ► w iU be dispatched among the first vessels. For freight apply to p JAMES JOHNSTON. Tor sate 50 boxes apple and 50 boxes crab Cider, in boxes of one dozen each 2 )00 bushels Liverpool ground Salt 200 nieces cotton Bagging,_ Crockery no ' ' For Liverpool The British brig WILLIAM, captain Richard son, will be dispatched without delay. For freight apply to T ,. . . R. Richardson. L !>. “ x .-a M: risr* half i Havre * The superior fast sailing brig SALLY, captain yo, will meet with immediate dispatch, having- f her freight engaged. Any persons, wish ing to ship, can receive Bills on New-York, at thirty days sight, for two tnirds amount of shipment. Enquire of master on board, or S. C. Dunning, .V". 2, Commerce Row TOR SALE OX BOA11D the 200 S i ONE 1.1 ME dec 7—-146 rur iN antes The brig TWO HR j HI K5, captain Lapham, will meet writh dispatch, having three fourths of Si,jL cargo positively engaged. For freight or passage apply to the m..ster, or to J. BATTELLE. dec 7 145 For Alai tiuique and Tin- In-ig THREE SIS i'i F.5 5a lias iteariv a full cargo, i NX!!)! -ir t.- daioupc :it .hi Saunders, ig.’it oflU0 bar- persons, apply BATTELLE. ' 1)1* 10 hhds 4 i ase; 5 cases fine fiats 3u b.trreis and ha 5 cases SILKS, For Providence, (r. i.) p. eket.brig COY EH N OR i lOFKtNS, cap- i cn.ith, will meet with dispatch For freight :.i e apply to ibe capti..*. on board, or to T. 51. UA'bV, JLN. it Co. It ho have tor rule N. E. Rum Plaid. Ciisn.brns. Shirtings,See. tr*. i>.sassorted Shoes u reis Mark', rel c msisriin Canton C of rapes, byiic’i'iws dec 5- Sarsncts, -m—145 For Charleston The regular packet sloop SCHOHARIE, Le- ^ ° : ' s y th, muster, %\ ill sail on Tuesday next. ®®tiK«F>:r ireight or passage, having good accommo- appiy to the captain on board, at Hunter’s wharf, PALMES & DAVIDSON. Eor sale on hoard said sloop barrels TURPENTINE dations, or to 30 40 spruce SPARS dec 5—m—145 Exchange ON NEW-YORK, NEW-BEDFORD AND BOSTON, i’or - Je by HAZE \ KIMBALL. dec .j—m—145 mils ON NEW-YORK AND BOSTON, At siiorl sight, for sale, l’lvasc apply to CArlNOCii 143 . v _\ cv MITCH EL. For sale bv o.-t 0—120 Hills Oil a\CYY-iork AND PHILADELPHIA. A. ERWIN, LET.lBRlDGE&CO. Hill; 'or freigl Fol der tale bv . Oil New JOHN 145 1 OIK j^sgfe&rels or passage, for three mm on board, or to J IVho has for sale A DRAF T on BOSTON, at sixty days sight, for g>120G dec 7 146 For New-Oiie;ius _ The fast sailing brig SALLY ANN, captain ivSnu'h, will meet with dispatch, being in complex " order, and having two thirds of a cargo ready to go on board. For freight or passage, having hand some accommodations, apply to the master, or to J. Battelle; Who has landing from said brig, from Antwerp, 69 pipes superior Honmid Gm, (wui ranted real bkudarn) 72 liquor, with glass bottles lOl) gin Cases, 12 botths each 120 Fancy Couth's Baskets 600 linen Bags, 100 pocket Pistol Battles 14 boxes 7 by 9, 8 by 10, and 10 by 12 window Glass 1 package Locks amt Keys 3 hogsheads Toys 3 cases containing looking Glasses; Boxes, &c. 3 bales Brussels Carpeting 20 packages containing French lmet mgs, Shirtings, table Glottis, diap table Cloths and Napkins ALSO 40 tons German Coals, suitable for grates or blacksmiths AND Handing from New- York, 36 bundles HAY. dec 7 146 sugar B xes, cigar O in brics, Sheet- •r S, rv ices, Damask or charter, To nmj port in Europe, The fine first class ship ARISTIDES, captain f-^Carter, bnrlntn 270 tons; for further particulars* .SSmLiJsreai.pIv to captain Carter on board, a. Smith's I i-a i. or'to ' JOSEPH CARRUTHERS 8. < (). ' nox 2o 141 For freight or fh.irtcr The substantial fust sailing ship TIFIJYS, Ca P - , V-J-^tain Puriingtun. b-irth.n 527 tons. Apply to steissa&«the master oi» board, at Bolton’s upper wharf, or to J. BATTELLE. !''")• freight or charter to the IVesl J nates jy Ug" A good double decked BRIG, of IDO tons, in JiyU'D^readin'-qs tc receive a cargo. Appiy as above. , ‘ *■ For cat- vti board the Tiphsn * j 12,00u Philadelphia Bricks, Apples and Potatoes. Ap- pi\ to ; ; ie ir. -ter. nov 19—138 For freight or cLarter The fast sailing staunch ship GLENTHORN, *V»SVcaptain Rsinev, now in complete order to r-> tceiv e a cargo. .A.pplv to Heurv Yv r . Hills. 13.3 For freight or charter The fine nev.- brig HOPE, captain Piisbury, burtiien about 2'U ions. For terms apply to the master on board, at Bolton’s central wharf, J. BATTELLE. Who has for sale, 35 barrels Nos. 1, £ u:d 3 Mackerel 5U do No. 2 Beef, ) ,, , ■ 2d do No. 3 Berf. S B ° St011 lns P ectlon - 40 boxes CLARET, entitled to double debenture Also, BILES ON NEW-YORK. nov f! > !40 Bills on r sale bv v 08—142 cw-Vork. BALLARD 8c SPENCER, ft ire For Nevv-Orlrans Tlie schooner MARY, captain Ltd AriV on Thursday, 12th instant. For fr; o _ HALL i dec 5 — '45 -»/-ib la, will sail apply HOYT, :ne\ ■wharf Hills on .b tYY r -\ork. 3« 142 Bills on New-York. For sale by J. J. Sc F. BLANCHARD. ALSO A few tons of Plaister of Paris, to be seen on board the Frc itch brig the Deux Frer< s. J. J. & F. Blanchard. nov 1° 138 tt : C or lo For Boston _ _ The brig GEORGIA, Thomas West, m ister, AgcSe having two thirds of her ft eight ready logo on board. For freight of the remainder or pas-age, apply to the captain on board, or to Olmsteud t]f BattrUo. nn V For Bos The brig ADELINE, dispatched in sedately. ton J. Rich, master, will A few bale; be cotton and -134 riec 5- -145 For Liverpool The bri°- TWO BROTHERS, William L.p- ham, master, burthen 200 tons, in complete or- Sififcderand ready to take in; can be dispatched hav ing a part of her cargo engaged. For freight or pas sage apply on board, at Bolton's central wharf, or to J. Ba\ 1 IliLLh. BOV 134 aster. Apply to For Liverpool The coppered brig SPARTAN, C. M. Coffin, ill have immediate dispatch. i o •hundicd b. ies of cotti n are wanted on freight. REA 8c BUI LER, Johnston's j/iarf (Jj* Seventy-five casks of RICE will be taken, at a low freight, it immediate application is m.uic. dec 5 145 ■ For Liverpool The fine coppered brig FRIENDS, captain ^George Wilson, burthen 225 tons, will meet. tWith dispatch. For freight of two hundr-d ivantageous tenfts, or cotton, apply to J. AYailute; some heavy freight can be taken if ofi'ered before Friday next. For whicii or passage appiv to Whitney & Parkman. Who have for sale 16 hogsheads prime SUGARS 10 hog-heads? r[;m 20 bvirre-s 5 “ ec *—**—»4u For New-York The regular packet ship WOODBINE, Joseph - WiUet, master, u id be dispatched without delay, having part of ht r cargo engaged. For freight or passage apply <>n board, or to A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. -146 dec 7- Tines’ wharf For New-York The regular packet ship COTTON PLANT, .Fash, master. For freight or passage apply to -the captain on board, at Rice’s wiiarf, or to CALVIN BAK-Lii. cV CO. 19 138 For sale The fast sailing schooner ANTELOPE oSS^titen forty-four tons, of an easy draught of wa- Swv.-4-.rfte-r, wei i calculated for the inland trade and now in compute order. For terms apply to ISAAC COI1EN & CO. dec 9 144 For sale, freight or charter The brig LION, T. Bryan, master, burthen 170 tons, deep waist, newly sheathed, in com plete order, and well calculated for the West- tie, being an uncommonly strong vessel. Fur J. BATTELLE. India trade, b terms unply on board, or to dec 7 146 Bills for sale oil e\v-\ork. Apply to CALVIN RAKER < O. nov 12- 1 15 For sale BILLS ON NEW-YOUK. Applvto JOHN HUNTER. nov !-?— .35 For sale The brig JAMES SCOTT, burthen 112 tons, English built, with American register, in com plete order for sea. For tlie inventory and terms apply to JOSEPH Ai ZE, dec 7 146 JVV 11. Holton's fiuncre A A x barrels rice, on Who nV: ‘nr sale. xGO tons Liverpool groan at) tons Coals —;J cases coarse Hats Crates Crockery Wsr< Kegs Print, stone Jug nov i2—i ~..i received by said vessel, d Salt, For F<">v-York Tlie brig BELYIDERE, William Jocelii t^r, xviil meet vyit!) unmcdiiitc * ircinl.t or p:iss;u,c n;jpi\ to captain J < elm, or B. M Kinne Co. Tor sale on boa id quantity of smoked Beef quantity of Fiy Market few b .rrels first quality few b i.Teis r-pf tseuburg mas- Iron, Nc. The subscriber offers for sale The CARGO of the brig Three Sisters, captain S Hin ders, from Copenhagen,, consisting of 35 tons axe bar Iron and 6 ions tire Iren, ordered par- ticul.iriy for this Market 9 tons clean Hemp Cordage, tow Cloth, Matte Russia and Ravens Duck, Riga Balsam ALSO :c Said BRIG, li>6 tons, double deck, sails, rigging, inasispars and sheathing; new within | SoJ«5f£one year, well, carries a large cargo, and is n every respect a very substantial vessel; will be sold on a long credit for good security, exchanged for mer chandize, a larger vessel, or real estate. Apply to J. BATIELLE. A X.S O 130 tons STONE BALLAST, on board ship Tiphys. Apply as above, nov 28 142 Blankets. AY\ P. BEERS At CO. Offer ut lo-w p Rose, duffil and point BLANKETS, in sorted. die 3— bales, well as- —l 144 Cotton Bags. 77?'* subscribers havt sale 350 second Hand CO i TUN BAi.S, winch will be sold iu .v. T. H. CONiyY, jun. CO. dec 3 144 Crockery and agging. 1 ockery Pur s..le by s. t . UCNMNG, .\Y 2, Commerce ftoxo 100 crates well assorted t 2jU pieces Cotton Ragpin; nov 12 ' 3.5 u-ss Pn Rum . For New-York Tlie. l-eguiar ivioket d ig ELIZA, Potter, rr:..s ter. For freight or passage, apply to the cap tain, on board- at M'Kinne’s wharf, or to Hall it Hoyt. - 132 • Deey Sc Martin, (uv.vter’s whauf) Cpfcr for sale fill pieces cotton Bagging, 2 cases linen Shirts 4 c.«se worsted half Hose, 1 do Gloves 4--J negro Jackets, f’ognac Brandy, 20 bis N. E. 100 boxes Soap, 10 boxes English Mustard 5 do G’avenne Pepper, 19 boxes Chocolate 5fi kegs Butter, 2000 bottles and cannisters Mucaubau, H-, ppee and Scotch Snulf Spanisn Cigars, in half and quarter boxes 40 boxes dipped Candles Reeses’ and Ak mun’s water Colors, just import ed; with CuinG's hair Pencils and mark i.g h. isb-. s, 2 boxes BayUy’s patent Blacking. , a . sorted and Bottles ! For Nsw-I or’-. -1 . I.-,- packet school mi -.luster, will b*- <bs ML -ca, For G I'eeaock fip WILLIAM FELL, n she Tito ship WILLIAM FELL, John Boun, mas- j ter. A considerabb.- part of ner cargo being 1 will meet with dispatch. For j irf to T'-e re- . a-r oacket school'.- r 'UU ff, V .Iy) Atwc ^^k!>iateiy. For freight or passage app.y tr j tain on board, or to i Charles W. Carpenter v 0 PANIC, ME tesX&Sm ; t*» m: :H‘ a ! lie schooner age apply to ‘t a nr: p rovidence SALLY. For freight or pus- C-). DEEY & MARTIN, Hu nter's wharf Who have nota landing tierces Irish BEEF dec 5—145 a*t or passa: nov 7—133 apply on Sn .th’s Joseph Carrutliers 8£ Co. Fur Havre or Bordeaux, vis freight may offer, The fine new ship VIILUAM St HlXRY, captain Seabury. Apply to K. Richardson, dec 5 145 Who have f,~ sale, landingfrom saidsch" 15 bundles best blister Steel .-V few bundles Hay- Half barrels buckwheat Flour 10 bis boned C'der, 37 boxes smoked Herring 30 dozen best London brown Stout flee 3—? Jill O 144 isl iing >1 Copper Fov Havre The staunch and elegant New-York built brig .JANUS, Congdon, master, will have quick dis- 1 patch, four hundred and fifty bale3 being engag ed, anil provisions made to furnish the remainder, if it should not be otherwise offered immediately. For terms of freight of what is wanted, or passage, (the accommo- <1111005 being very superior.) apply to Henry W. Hills* F'or Baltimore The fast sailing schooner BRUTLS, Nathaniel Thomson, master, having part of her cargo en- o-igwl, will meet with immediate dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to the master on'board,atBo'- tnn’s wharf, or to NICHOLS & HL“TER, Jones wharf ton’s wharf, or to nov 28 142 novi For charter or freight, To any port in Europe. Tne staunch coppered ship WILLIAM, bur then two hundred and fifty tons. For terms, which will be reasonable, apply to Bilbo & Watts. 136 •emus o oj 4 SEINES. 49 fathom each 3,000 lbs old COPPER. F"r sale by William Taylor. dec 3—b—144 Flour, Hum 6cc, 100 his fresh Northern Fiour 10 hhds Jamaica Hum SO bags Coffee. Just received and for sale by B. M‘Kinne Co. nov 28 L 142 Rorani and Castor Hats. 18 cases mens’ and youths’ roram and castor HATS, lust received per ship Adonis, and for sale very low by Perkins SJ White, Comer of Congress street and Johnson’s square N. B. Eighty barrel* round winter apples, for sale aeabovcT 6 not 30-3143 Jersey Waggons. Two staunch Jersey Waggons, with Harness con plete. For salt by PALMES A DAVIDSON. d< c 5 >t 145 Windsor F hairs. 6 dozen finished in bronze 15 do common do. For sale by J. Hanmer. nov 5 132 On consignment, Her brig William, from Eiierpoul, 16 hogsheads GLASSWARE. Pur sale at a low ad vance. JAMES WALLACE. nov 16 137 Stone dried & ait. The subscribers offer for sale 2MO Bushels of Liverpool ground SALT, stone-dried and of a very super! r quality for ret ding Carnoclian At Mitcliel. dec 7 T.-a—-—. 1 G Just received An invoice of 12 trunks and 1 case Whips and Brushes, compr.sing an excellent assortment, and will 1 e sold low. Apply to J. LATH HOP & CO. no - ember 7——133 Hunter’s -wuarf Just Received From Liverpool 159 casks best bro\*n Stout, 59 crates assorted Crock ery ware. For sale by M. HERBERT & CO. nov 9————1.34 i lie subscribers Have formed a connection in business under the firm of Bilbo St Watts, with a view to FACTORAGE and COMMISSION TRANSACTIONS, and offer their services in that line. JA- Ei BILBO. nov 14 136 Rrtl E-t I WATTS. Andrew G. Semmes Con’inues the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BU SINESS, in this city, and tenders his best sendees to the public in the above line of business, with the promise that the strictest attention shall be given to all business committed to his care; he has good fire proof Store? for Rice fotton or Mi rrbmdiv**. no* 31-,»r—139 Herns H. Hickman Has opened a Law-Office n Savannah, and tenders to iht public his professional services in the cour-a of the a* tern circuit. oct 8—120 LATHROP & CO. f I it liter's ivFiarf "f CHARLES COTTON, On the Finn, iteur the K.rciiattfC F'or sale EXCHANGE ON LIVERPOOL, Tai/uh/e in Loudon. BILLS ON NEW-YORK. Also Coflee, in bags; Claret, in boxes of 1 dozen each; 8 baskets sweet Oil, 1 dozen each; 3 pipes 4th proof Cognac Brandy, 12 casks of excellent Porter, S dozen each; a few bales of Plains, Blankets and Flannels. Ap ply to RICHARDS &. HARROW AY. nov 9 1.84 Almanacks for the Y ear 1817* By the groce, dozen or single one. Fur sale by James H. F’raser. nov 30 —l— 1 ■—»—143 Market-square Apple Brandy. S hhds and 5 barrels 4'.h proof AI’PLE BRANDY. Received per ship Adonis, and for sal. by jVleigs & Reed. dec 5—v—1*15