Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 10, 1816, Image 8

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• * .. • ♦ i ; '•*. - V *• *■ >•’-* I"' •'«? - ■« -i U =V 4 ■■■ «# y. \ \ ^ tr- f v * • Bank of the United States. Notice is given to the subscribers, to the capital •f the Batik of ttie United States, at Augusta, that the sontmissioners appointed by the 1’resident of the United States to receive the said subscriptions, are duly author ised by the President anil Directors of the Bank of the United Slates to receive the second instalment of the 9aidsubscriptions, to wit; on each share of tht s:.ul capital, ten dollars in gold or Mil 11 coin and tw truly -five dollars in coin as aforesaid, or in funded debt, at the rate's prescrib ed by the act ot mcorpor.-'ton, v. n!i a pov. er or attorney annexed to the .certificates of the raid funded d,bt pro portion,' authorising the l.-nt, iijjicer for the lime being, at wliose office the said funded debt shall stand recorded, (Or tl'c register if the tr .usury of the United states, it the stock shall stand on tljc books of the treasury) to transfer the same in due form of law . to. the President, Di rectors anil Company of the Bank of Hie United States; that the said commissi; tiers, as agent- of the Bank, will at tend at Uu Bank of Augusta, bciv.i. n the hohrs ot nine o'clock in the forenoon, .mil two o'clock in the . 1 ertioon, dally, arid every day, (Sundays excepted) -from the 1st of January next ensiling, to the 25d of same month, both days inclusive,-for tlte purposeof receiving the payments as aforesaid; anil that the subscrbirs at their option, may either pay the said second iimt .hnent at the original place of subscription, within the time herein limited: or -t the Bank ofthe United Stab s at Philadelphia. EDWARD HARDEN, ) Commissioners C at \ .litgust a. all Goods. J. S WALKER, JOHN CLAIMING Avgusta, November 22, Ibid not 26-cl—141 Planters’ Bank. The Directors having- decl ared a Dividend of sijc per cent lor the last six months, the saute will he paid, on and after Thursday next. J. MAILS! IALI,, dec 3—a—144 Cashier. Planters’ Bank. An Election will be held oa MONDAY, 6th Januarv, at the Banking Mouse, for Thirtem. Directors, to repre sent the Stockholders, i he Poll w ill be opened at ten -o’clock. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. dec 3—z.—144 CTjf Tite Avgusta Herahl, Aliiledgntille Journal and Washington News, v ill publish the above three times and forward their bills for payment to the Bank. The Art of Penmanship. The subscriber informs the citizens of Savannah, that he has just arrived in this place for the purpose of teach ing Nathan Towns Analytical System of Penmanship. He professes to make an illiterate person in- that art, write a plain intelligible hand in . eighteen days, and those who Jsive been advanced in that art, may expect a greater fluprovement. For further information, call on the sub scriber at colonel Craig’s tavern, on tfie Bav. 2 dec -146 • ' ' Notice. A Dividend of Three Dollars per share, having been declared,by the Directors ofthe Marine and Fire Insur ance Company of the City of Savannah, the same will be paid on or after this day, to the Stockholders or their proper Representatives. It. WAYNE, . dec 3 144 . . - Secretary Factorage and Commission. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers bis services to his friends and the public; Ills Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizy & Barnett'_Th.e Store is large and commo-botis—jAi : 6duce''will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD W AVNE dec 2—139 Blank Clearances .For sale at this -Office. ; Bank of Georgia. It being deemed expedient by the Board of Directors, Lhat another Instalment of the Stock ofthe Bank ofthe itate of Georgia should be called in, and tiiat the Stock holders should be required to pay. a proportion thereof In specie. Notice is hereby given, that, agreeably to a resolution of the Directors of this date, twenty-three per centum on each share, of the Stock ofthe Bank, is required to be paid by the Stockholders, on or before the second Monday in December next; tiiat five dollars, in specie, be paid on each share, as p..rt of tile said twenty-three per cent, and the balance in bills of either ofthe Banks of Georgia. The Stockholders are further notified, that Cashier’s Ccrtificates'of Stock'will be issued n lieu of the Com missioners’ Certificates, held by the Stockholders, upon tfie delivery of the Commissioners’ Certificates, at the thne of paying the Instalment, as above required. H|Western Stockholders are informed, that they may pay S#id Instalment, and receive their Stock Certificates, on delivering the Commissioners’ Certificates, at tidier of the Offices established at Augusta and Mtlledgeviile, so boon as they shall be in operation, which.wild be in a short time. EEEAZAR EARLY. Cashier. Savannah, the '20th September, 1816.— L 115] Additional Notice. BANK OF GEORGIA. Whereas, it is represented, that it will be more con venient to many of the Stockholders, that the time pre scribed for the payment of the Instalment of twenty- three per cent, which includes the five per cent of specie, directed by the board, on the 20th September, 1816, should be extended- Resolve l unanimously. That the time be, and’he same is hereby extended to the second Monday in Januarv next, and that the Cashier give notice, that the sn.d Instalment is required to be paid on or before the said second Mon day in January next. Extract from the .Minutes. Eleazar Early, Savannah, November 1 131 Cushite THE SUBSCRIBERS Have reectv it. by the ship (,eo. pi. ,jront T.iverpnol, A large r.nii vu u selected supply ut lii.oiiS; which, wiii. i seif pre; out sto - will lenili r tnou . 'la ment ver complete, and wiuCIi u.ey will di: pose el by -lie piece or package, on reasonable and ncco.'.iinodiuhig t.JAMES DICKtON K CU. oct lJ 121 Calvin Baker &Co. Acrni.dni lheir citv and country friends, that *1 ’> arc reci l'lujg daily, pir the constant arrivals at tn.s port, their fall and Winter su. ply of i'lA GO 1 wicch is large and extensive, m the Various ai t • . s requisite for the country; which .hey wib dot on credit. or for cotton, or cash, as may be- muv. cun- enient to their i nstoiners. sept A- i-14, _ A. Erwin, Crenshaw o Co. Have imported, in the ship* h'r-rDti and John FUbieiU'ily from Hi ver pool, A very extensive ami well cnosen assortment ot;l>KV C.CODS, IKON.UONGEB V, CCTUKHY, plated amlJa- pomed \V ABE, com prism;. a complete assortment; which they are now opening and mli rmgtdr sale in Gibbons’s brick bniidinsr, near ti.c Marct *• at the most-reduced :»d\;u,ce, lor cash, produce, approved notes or acccp- ;i!iCS. OCt oI 1»>0 Charles YV. Carpenter 6? Co. Offer for sale, at their store on the Hay, a general assort ment of Dry (lootis, co.vsisTiNo or Cloths, coarse and fine; Cassin seres, Coating, Blankets Flannels, Bombazels, cotton Hosiery, Calicoes, Cambrics, &c. Also, on consignment, Three cases Millinery, consisting of Ladies’straw Hats, trimmed do while chip do do do satin do. and Bonnets, trimmed do beaver do trimmed do dre.-.s Caps, cotton Vandykes, plain, figured and quilled do white and black Feathers LIKEWISE, Ah Invoice of Cabinet Furniture, comprising an ele gant assortment of Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus, Sofas; pillar ..nd claw c..r.i, and tea T..Llts, dining Sets Mahogany high and field Bedsteads, kc. ALSO A genera! assortment of Saddlery, consisting of Elegant Saddles and Bridles Low priced do do Saddle Bags, Trunks, Valices and saddle Furniture 1 case Gold Leaf, containing j.J packs 25 quarter ai i<1 half quarter casks Col miliar Wine 39 kegs English Faint, assorted colors, ground in oil 22 bags Corks, assorted. ' oct 29—1-9 •" •» « .»■' I ■ <11 I L1I . .waMasa. jrrm Stebhins & Mason, Tr. addition to'their general assortment of Goods, have rect ived, L> the Elika Lo"d, Harriet Newell, Laura, and otlu-r vessels,from New-Ai.ik and Boston, a variety ;*i" Fancy, Fasliioiiubie and oiapie Articles—amongst winch are Elegant Merino Trimmings Fancy plush do Rich silk do Fashionable Trimmings, Roses, Wreathes, ?;c. for ball dresses A complete assortment of Artificial Flowers Chenelle and silk Corals French silk Nets, forth? head bilk velvet ludispcnsibies, with grit and silver chains and clasps Fancy silk ami v ovked Inlispcnsibles Ladies’.uild gteuiemtii’-. siik, heaver and kid Gloves 1 aiiles’ and gem leiner.’s- siik Hose L.-dies'and misses’ Angola Gloves Elastic Garters Fashionable scarlet 8-4 Merino Shawls At isite ana colored Merino .thaw is, v.ith ri-’h borders Lace Veils, Shawls anil Handkerchiefs Levantine and other silk Shawls ami llandki rrkiei's, of all descriptions Figured Satins Bandana, Hag and Florence Handkerchiefs Fancy Purses Colored Sewings Embroidering Silk Floss Cotton Marking Canvas • Marking Thread Boston Wadding, for quilts, pelisses, & \ Fine assorted Tapes and Bobbins Broad twilled Tapes Black and colored French Crapes Canton Crapes Hat Crapes Linen Bedtick Cotton Bcdticjc Furniture Binding Marble, green, mahogany and figured oil Cloths Fancy French Boxes Copartnership. The subscribers eiuer. d copartnership derthe firm of t.ieet rr is. Mum, ; re row , ,' ,un ’ ne-r.i'i ..ssoi iioi in ot DRY GOOD.-, a' t!.<;r store s of J..I.I,..square; which they oik, t, T r-th t-.Mi.accej at ninety u..\s. * ' * 'A M. S. ( F.L-- r _ <>.'t 19-135 ^ J..:.X Aliuf .MlSt i'kA-'CiVcd / r < r brig T,.l.i,, captain •' ■ /•/,. from yCese-Ym y, on ^ si'JVtrh Th EYl Y-F! V F RACK Vt.1.8 Di.Y GtjODS, Vi<NS2;»: I OF Fei rnoughts, su. eiline \ cs mgs Aihiife, 11d, veiiow ‘.aid biac - Fhmneis CloHts :.nd JUr .e\ li.tves, Assorted co.ors 1^. u e.ji'ii.i, isoi si.ets t f .igi, uu n at it women’s laruh’s wool Hose Nun, voinen and ciuniren „ cotton Hosiery hose Blalikeis, Sat-ii 8tiipes Also Gunpowder, Shot and Lead Tinmen, Wine, (.in, Pepper Srfa’i, t.'operas, N.. is, and A small assortment Hardware Twine, Cotton Bagging And a variety of other . ,'tines, , f v : are o(r j on very low terms. In u.v ja „ , t Theodore A. ScLotthie. oct 31 — 130' fn I), i or siiiu. The subscriber la.s just .neen. d, p. r brig Henrico ■om, and >.fi. is for rale m t! e uppir p it of e-|: ,ss’ auction s ore, for eu-li or gcod t;,e; is o „, )er the ioiiouu«t^ ‘ ’ Russia, Ji..vens Dm k, Dowlas, r ,i as bro'.i; Row mis, L ;a tu, imen < In. is, bed I brown Hollands, rool Limns, limn jocKit liandktrciuefs, ill real Is, Hosiery, girth AS < hhing, cm Cloths Ribbons Tickleiiburgs, co-.-mi :- t i-ft v s, ('..her. silk'; n i nilas’ Button s F .rwso-.s, s.;k, M. ms. >i as, Mlk Miawls and !f„nd.M.ivmefs, . i nge, ' .V... f ..... , p ij] ns meu;*o K'm'ais, Ua».s» .s, G . v s. h.,.^1 \ r + <:.'»\cr . Fv^Uii»ai< ^ .ckv F.-it .s. ;l,iv..rl .• .^r.Aton F.r.r., cut u-.G < : !- v.v.. n , tookin*; (.U^s, ^sort- ttl, ijuwtls, .icAcliav, c.iiii.iit \ ('rnaiiu 1 »• s, kc. and An elegant ;is.*-oi» of £eic! :*:ul si.\« r WAT( Ais<», ov t'.* iTiijoidis 4th cfi ti.ii. i Ai i ? V.Bio will be soiJ sing-lv lo uccoiirioou **• • m r ; net Ifdviu Lei; n. -193 . The east block coo moo.:,ns 1.11,-1- - on Fraser’s v. h„rf, aiiioining Stn 'h's hu. , rented for one year from t;-e fin * J. u :. *v i,-. wharf is equal to any in 8av. ; nah, aia. m-.i e f..r me and dischareung of; one FLOOR, in use e. st U'n v :n. m of f buildings, v.'itl. a c nil ri.,b.t , . um r: R cliiiniKI attached lot , U'lii - ,-s j;., ^ . , nine moiniis, front me firs' , f O' the above- will be recsiv.. to the first January, dec 3 14 Le G Informs the ladies and i;u;v n n vicinity tiiat he has return^ i t temis to practice in ins art o* . tf!*iner success, to e«d ,i v »!•* «r •. pa rates and plu Sv.eca'Cft 1 .; lie fixes tec: . < ( ares the most r .vcie-ate U- : danger in iuvVr.a: the tot/.h t-y • ()t VOL (11 Vv'idl rpiw; ,.p,:| t. v - - tiOilifl ‘ ■»<-* ; -> f-ie •> tefct!! \\ lllte » .jC Lt.atAi; II:; I’ ; l\ \ . tiia the ^ u.i»c. ih ]»..•: a water v» -v vUie the liioU • i* } v eii l. •.. t * !;>. what cure w t n satirf c ;on. , He compos > ..n (i.-itiuv r? f r r ! i tC’iios, which he ::.i« cmp;. ' ’ Ly niak>n£*’ u>c «>< ;i a*, h* Apply at iiis i.ou , in York-* . courthouse, on the .ot next io a. Gfc J '•■■■* r ' of S.'ivr.n cfh and i*5 . c.t-., aiurc he ir. :.-'t, iiiid ac-pt s. • ■ - ami tx- acts c s a “cter v. .. h • ; »> .n r. *:a re j*, ..icr .s *:.< s.ti.u. / n 1 •' f 'ft' - r -f.r ro.'iirii:,; \V.e - .. . ■ y ;.nc stixugtl.- ui* for he sc*i~vj e: il l.iicr Who tfi.ttll ■ 'll!.' r..fspasm nr *••!'.. ■’ atx »e succ(' c , . 11 . t 5t of th.“ ^ t>ui's. t - p i* os’ sale. The subseri Necklaces, with smelling bottles Hooks and Eyes ncer, mt.'iu.m.r i.. ,.s per- nent resident, oiler ft r >.d. two i- ts ... 4 'i..r i, •an the h.ock of l)uihiuv..s exiei'.diii:' Hi;;, the (>.<1 _ i heatre tn est BroeO s', well ku •• n L\ tv Tie - aire lots. Those persons who ;,rc* ills: o-.d u purct risr will find til" situation a pfr ;. t r .. d>n ••itgs.rd likewise a mcs'' eve'-clients«-e I ; >i- b„, t>»of :iw kind- Applications can he o;..d, ^ \ i.uvsnv,,' the subscriber in Augusta, i\q , • ■ ■ . urice aiidttria.-- '*V. U. Oakman. dec 3 ——d —— Ribbons, Threads, Needles, Bins, tund Boxes, & e . &c: Many of tlie above Goods having been purclmst-d iiir cash at auction, in New-York, at the present reduced pr»Lts, can be afiorded ver\ cheap. Five PIANO FORTFS, made by .A* '•sirs. Gibson.Si D t- vis, and warranted to stiJid the 'climate, for sale at the manufacturers’ pr.ces. oc .j 26—128 Fo;* sale An elegant Chair and Harness, with one of the b-st famdv Horses m town, f,.r gentleness, on reasonable terms, as the owner l as now no useful' them Also a voung Negro Alan, 22 years old, stout made, and a blacksmith by tr:’ — ■ • it country gentleman, office. ade; ue would fie very useful for iticulars enquire at this nor 12—135 ivice f.aiitls i . FOR S-!.!•:. , y SCO peres prfipc Rice L..m!>, upper end of W-y Island, Ijo'iuidvd northeast be 8.-. m-h back rive'. .'4 west op the Front river. Uo t • ;i i here is a vali.Tr' knolfi for a high groinii! set'!,. . ami the ti?e 1 ' land for plantation u: e ,.nd s. « 8. V : is land is in a fins P ib'li of tide, anilis easily c«, being' o..iv in e:rk'' w ood. Terms, ipCy per acre, (me ti.ird down (e5j d ' Oil: halfdoun s'-W d:> c:.: !•. 1>: nkable bills. ; ’s ofexchsii'a' England or NcvrYa.k, |.r.>d.,ee c! . . hi. Kin p.uatn:. Enquire ef R. Rul, I"- I ::; s.e. I 'i.:h; .!.;..||' SU'\, esq. i’l ch:.i h .■! .u : or the'- h>. where tlte |«c* ft*:.}' hr seen, aud inuiagulah' gp -p. he Vt’ilirawi rSieplienr, dec 3—144 Ex'..- ir. fact tor,'.ir heirs of F. J tvttt