Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 14, 1816, Image 2

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/ i; y CONGRESS. Ir Sf.v 'TE. —MLstdnesday, December 4. f The motion oFP.-red by Mr. Vaiihum, to repeal tin A .• « -- l,:. (Compensation Liw, was, on his motion, yesterday, post poned to Monday next.] Mr. S wFoun offered sundry resolutions for thedis- fributiouff the most prominent parts of the President’s Message among several committees. They lie on the ta- ile for consideration. ■' Mr. Morrow, from the committee appointed to en quire whether any, and if any, what, legislative measure tnav .be necessari for admitting the state of Indiana inU tli, Union, or for extending the laws of the United Stale - to that state, made a report, concluding with a recom mendation of the follow ng resolution: — “Resu'ved, bn the Senate and liaise of Representatives the United States o f America, in Concerns* assembled That the state of Indiana, having formed to thenise ve.- constitution and laws of tiie United S’ates, an.l to tin' ul states and tiie peopk, and spites to be formed in the terr torv north-west of the river Oliio, passed on the ldth dav of July, 1757, tiie sai<l state shall be, and is iiereb adm.tted into tin- union on an equal footing win g-inal states iit ail respects whatever.” The resolution received its first reading. Mr. VitiNOM submitted tiie following resoli consideration: Resolved, That a committee be appointed to into the expediency of requiring the Directors of tlu- JVmk of tiie United States to establish:' competent i>ffi r *e of Discount and Deposit within the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia—and that they have lease to report by bill or otherwise. Tiiis motion also lies on the table of course for one .day. HOI’SE OF R FPU fcSE VTATIVKS. The following McihIk i s. b- sides those already men tioned, attended on .Tuesday: Messrs. Janiet. B. M son, tfcege liter, V: dl atm C. Love, Daniel Avery and Win P Macl.iy. The name of William Blount, of Tenn. was omitteil in the list of the members winch we ptibiishcd. fie at tended the first day. We have sta’ed tliat Mr. Xr.t.?in of Virginia, in off ing, on Tuesday, a motion for the repeal of tiie Com pensation Law, pr< faced i f witli iy. remark He omit ted to do so, because he believed iurn . course ni pre suiting a motion for consideration to lie inconsistent with i^he rules of the house. 't IVmlnnsdav, December 1 Mr. Thomas M N* ison of Virginia, and Mr. Samuel R. Belts, appeared and took their seats. Tiie following petitions Wire presented, and appro priately referred: By Mr. l'anc■•>/, t e petition of V tlimiel Will*-:* pravitlg to It- diseiiarged from imprison,nun, at sui. . . the United !!v Mr. Grosvenor, tiie petition ofT.iias Parks (presem- cd at a former session ) THE FEESfDENT’K MESSAGE. Tiie house having resoived itself into a committee o. ttie wliole, on the s'ate of the union, Mr. Nelson in t:n cliair. 'he following subdivision and distribution of tie ^Pr. sident’s Message, was made by seve-rai resolution offered I>v Mr. Taylor of New.York, and adopted by ti. committee: So much of the Message as relates to the sul ject u Foreign Affairs an 1 Commercial Intercourse with u British colonial ports, was referred to a sc.eel con-.mi tee; so much as relates to our military aff. irs, to aselie committee*, so much as relates to a rc-irg-ui/.a ion o- the Militia, to a select romtiiittcc; so mueli as relatest' ©Ur naval affairs, to a select committee; so much as i*. lutes to manufactures, to tiie commiuce of common- and manufactures; so mueli as relates lb altering tin condition of tiie Indian tribes within our limits, to a se lect committee; so Midi as relates to an uniformity o: Weights and measures, to a select committee; so inuci as relates to the establishment of a National Universe \ within tiie District of Columbia, to a s leet committee; so much as relates to roads and canals, to a select com mittee; so much as relates to a revis.t! of tile criminal code, and to a revisal and modification of the Juilician to the committee on the Judiciary; -o much as relates to « more effectual inode of preventing tiie slave trade, to a select committee; so mueli as relates to tiie olfice of Attorney General, and to the establishment of an addi tional Department in tiie Executive branch of tiie govern ment, to a select committee; so mueli as relates to the* revenue, to the committee of ways ami means; so much as relates to an uniform national currency, to a select committee; all the committees to have leave to report kj bill or otherwise. These resolutions, tiie committee having risen, were concurred 1:1 by tue house. COMPENSATION LAW. Mr. John«on of (Kv. 1 rose, anil after a speech of more ' Onihe subject pf the Mifitid—Mesdit. TlarrJson, Tall- n.'idge, Uioun', Ro. ne, Paul,, oml Marsh On -Yavat Affu's—Messrs. Pleasant ., Betts, Cuqitj per, Lovett, Robertson, Stearns, and Cleudennen. On Julian Affairs—Messrs Thomas, Griffin, Adgal U r, Wo hi ward, M‘Coy, and Fletch* r. On the uniformity of II eights ami pleasures—-Messrs Pitkin, Ca'hoi.n, Hopkinson, M Kee, Hall, Crawfon id Clark, of New-York. On the A' 'i m.l University—Messrs. Wilde. Wrigli* Breckenridge, Herbert, Powell, Hirdsali, and Hci tei On Heads ami Cana's—Messrs, f I.os. \\ dson. Brook.-., I .vton, H.itcni..n, Yancey, Adams, and M-iwis. On the subject f the African Slave Tt < de—Messrs. Pickering, (’.omstock, Condict, Tucker, i ..ggart, Ciiiev ■ nd Hooks. O' further brov si on far the Attorney t,cn-ral, and on 'ie sold et of an .id / tiona! Oetiart:nn:t—\\'. s-rs. Lowndes ia-isett, W illiam Wilson, Kuggic.-, Forsy til, Bennett, am Pare. On ' nif r m . \ Cu PIICU — -M ssrs. Call) MID W 1) .t llullicrt. \\ lure side ll.miiii. Towiwcml, HI III til. s, ow. Toe oust* went into t' e t c * t loll of :i Clli jll.TIll to Uougl*. s-v for nt *(*.•*(. Ill r»(. Sal' 1 Oi* C at* ll *X illg* liie uai- aits, ll 'IHIlt’.tl i • ;n .i t Sit r« -V i ■e For tile rt v Mm : r S'- \ .IIS * i 75 VV itt r A •n 4) >(*. . t( I'ill;.’ 4 Mr. ai: s.m \N US t onscij he ill tied .rt t! duly cL'cccii, ,n.l Flic* ho. -u* .ulj iniT.etl. Yrsi iv 1: \ w.s in* (1m\ ii\' <1 bv law for tl:« d' c lion oi i B .... »*: n v y\ \ * • < B ¥ v r n ; u rt.iu a si a t s bv tile eti r» or r hr *1 .•*')(»’! • U l ill) (l > ale.., lo ser\ tor four yt * * rs rn O) ’ll * 4* !l ( I M JT 1 m ..l. T1k \ i*» tl a: l;l .hr s '? ■«*»•* : , • !' r* 1 (>< •lit. . -id Da VI T M » n s v ir« •111 ‘«f (1 l l liia a | —All// l. *e VV- At a, .■> !i in .7 i M. i) K ‘ / ■ .\ > •l * !]•!*• l s* :• ie 1 to tli r Ten 1 .**s, irr; N’t: i • 3 *.U j*- A.. i‘l)l Ii '! n •, bier J.(\. Wt* 1 i.,v*l S * *i i.t r>M|i « : i [H* rs posi* ve st te- ill u‘S in f . J . •r . • t /*.* .. t. t .led t). ^ ON nit :i , •* *f i ■ e * i. .. » of ’,c r T. db il NN !,•) Ml loco- ,’•»>.* \\ S ( :*e • IS U iti* ; rc i< fi it lit* i . )f:ie *, »f!. !• r»c tii-tii <i \ oi Via e.! m m . \ t . T \ : ;* 3 tlJ l iVwllIll '.*) n \ Mice , ll:.. ■ \ .S ...t i ills 1 i* 1st. *>c e< ii j ( •i I'- ,! inert »f 11 it *\ i .j\ "1 .1 CNN. ll c.iiniel i>i ii - }> *s *«i. A ,1 «.u fil. ' • i ■ 1 NN Oil'll Uluif'.tU I:.', re ft t*t in*' i)v ll: C ,<)li lias kv il jjf (*•*, i r., Vovpmber 1$. THie election of electors of President and Vice-Prcsi. lent of the United States in this state, took plaice o Thursday *he 7th instant, in this district, colonel M. hew Mijl innhan, of Rutlicrfbrd, is elected. \ not heard from anv other district. All the gentlenu • ho have offered themselves as candidates are pledged o vote for .Monroe and Too th Ins. LANDS. We have understood' ’ an attempt will be made th next congress to allow the officers who fought tin bat le-of their country during the late tv.,r, small trads ot land in ad’ition to their pay. which we all know was poor compensation for their services rendered. With tin western members of congress we presnim such a project w ill in po n:..r, as donations of land « ill drew some of the wiaitii and talents from tile Atlantic ii (he west side of*tiie mountains, and iti political ci.lcu- I lions that course is prif r:ed that iecurcs numbers and wen it! i to iim country. Will, in: inters the west •ireoiuulente, without them we are but dust in the po litical scale.— Clarion. THE SEP VR \ lit*N OT M MN'F. Is yet before the I .cgislstiirc. Wliat we i*ec*« ive fi om the reports indie. 11 nun h j .erso: a I e limit v .ml bittenu v-.. inti we presume our leg is'. Jure knows tiie best linn for the event, and if tluv do not chuse the present, will give us tin reasons.—Sn'cni liroister, vrU tdf. cmnmandedbv Lieut. Champlain, of I" l ed from the Fans of St. M , v /. I imrsday ahtrnoon, with coIohI’, i’„ a° Vd - 0,1 arriving i,. ;.'"; K *-". -Im, winch afforded her ;. n oppnrtunrvm V a st ancuorage; b«, notuitLsiandi,* ail * c! «>f ■ *e active vigilance other exetlle ° ~ ‘ r '> as forced on slicre. at officers ami j r ; SAVANNAH llEl'LttUCvJ' Kalur,lay Evening,l^ c 7 j(j| , l KO.IKC 1 KD MiSsioy ^ It is now pretty well understood ( i i.neei. n.i liuard of Commissioner, f,' ^ ' u,sy,,s intend to establish,,;' " ' oatti.tru-hlsla.ifs. For purn.J' 1 ' ,IMV 'I u ‘vlily mg, by a religious cou,.,. " ,il - '»*' fid nil lives ol those i-|, a r, .e son ol Tuni ni Ti,e m leai ta Lne Mr Th cberof Ho ton. w !.o tc Eunip<, land f,.r the e i.ft.ooil Hope.— io. TO riK F.IITTOII or T* •-1 V ATI UN IL JPVOCATi:. —\s tie r* appears much soiieitmli te.-peef ng the " te of r iptam Uoriion. oi >he frig tie U.nsi e.lation, who i> know*, to liavi betas me time in a poor state of health, it ni: v not be amiss :o hand 'oil fir publication, an a. "I mk -.ii, UV-s, > ,r tilll;lv honor oi it. ’r\ g’*l. tract of i r l „ ! , . I. •rfr./i.. oe. ot ll iiinuah r,.,t of :. ci lisoi. t rv n: ! Ure, m .v be proper’., i rn.idi knot' n in order to prepare liisfr.ends, ill s..ine measure, for Very u.ipleasalit ws. I is dated “. Vn/i :■ Hail, Amriist 2.5. 1816. Caotain Gordon is iti such :. poor Mute of liealt.i, that In- will not allow tie* le s: noi.-e te he tn. de in his hearing; le officers under In s coin- scarcely is it >e ■Mill ni to vv sli the decks, for fear of di-’ii bing iiini; tide.’il, l.e looks miserably, and the pin sicians entert m very little hopes of his living a month lender; allowing to his on) vv tindv—doubtless, lu must go soon—nothing but a can save hint; l.e has d>. iiidltd a’.v: ’ to .. mere sken Ion, and has been confin ed to is bc-il for a nt: his i"ss, tl.oiigh not so ticul..riv Ins ...hi- . n,i 1, past. •n. The serv ice mil-t feel e t*i iv as hi< officers, a.'lil [,ar- ' i v\.. ’*d s v.iiom lie lias aiwavs kitcvi r j * •* i r* n. • • * I: UllOllj t S K*. in* 'vj.: • . •' n• *u t* iiif. We .» •< r t :res o. rituv* a; ;»i*. i\ view, such j/ :bi r„ T* MM!*.*, t! iuipt) .. ir- ■t* tin m; it iuc »mc , ■ •Jill' to Ci.aitJija »Iill vht i lll\f II u in 'i; v 111* f\ (. mull ’; i I conduclcal laore like u father thill all) 'lung else.’ o:t t.i.t' I t -p.i; T' re to be re^rc m. iu nourish I if st* u;v i . Iter dat' d 7’ort of Sjn 3'1, Ibid. T. irida I, October norer. king ol '' in.- 1 n.irlliern ot ten group, aUout. ’* :*_■;Ii and composed mostly •nd. the natives ot whtcli V iionibals. He that as it n.av ■iiions are eniertaiiied of tm • i the voting prince. (’ • " domuls higlily to tiu inanity, and, no do.lot. beneficial f Will attend i lira..lit \,i!i C. ,s: utii. indeed. ■ i v 1 .uniting mose isolated regions j;.: vantages, i.> the underJakin i/H or /uirrieici. n strictlv Co; -- ll! ; toe >oung man .I [■: .. * t - t_*\ u v ■ ili»!*s elOl.S, f;«i Wf who reticle under the Miitn line, so distant iVom rop < Ml' i lilt cjt .n ich nc \ s. V ( \1 r THK AT 1 Vf*\ O O r readers will general.\ r* r ?f the new s ».f tiie c» » * i.e n .t tii re nu s bt bt envun. »*mv* ifv^* t > p;*;l’ t . t p r r.* .. Midi circumstance'* hyp ' .c'uise we r^cjuir* i\ f*x. ti. r c n . attuned ti'.i rum e* c . IE FIRE' \\< \\:> h re if oi.* ct, iii. .oe >• Vf in F" l'bl*..: v. t S 'L .wStevi mi'.i . s, unknown *..- Mil* juibsa*. from r.u*, . '7 t.ic li-.di-af'wi.; •i pe o:!i. t’e. Jl . s'..U*(i t^’. us. Si. . .km ore e lomIin c- of :»'t . ri\ . l I’.lorn. t. i.. I.i (; i I lilt d Silvltb, i. >t ilc»\vc-ver, tht situation he m possvSMoii tiOIJh, its v\ ten or, ■ » i •non L»i v of tl IS is Ml 1- favorable to die reception <>r news fn. ni (’erra K.rnia. nv (it tin* inh.tbiiaius and i-nii.^rant Spaniards carry on idar smd uninterrupted communication with the , c ivfiju- nth the sources of .our infoim^t.* n .«re corrvn .jid .aithcutic. 'frieia^t pri\..'„' inie.u^t ace th t quarter, w as most favorable toViic cause ol in- ld'-nce and free doni. .f. j^o Marino is incomplete and peaceful possession «iri and its adjacent dipcn.icnci. s. Si* (iiv^oi* Kcntuckv jxjrn v, »«i«»u itibiished. emhr .<* n nich camf .o iu u Iv ,or; 1 r of « .... • iwini^ i*cpi\ Wa*> i • *.*i Vt*\v Orleans, a . vn* • i unoiljr ()f In y ,|»1 (litjy. i o he letter.—il/. TO T r P"!vrr”S f»E?rr»>vt:•.> \ »iir pape -Xtract “f t Ii tt ’■r.icli is to con ’ n vif cn i inc u ■a. • time, u letter w as v«’ ’NiaiiCiSab toe letter ...k . Iiu . r, ..s soon .»s >1 \c vv-Orieans, lie t(»l- A. h. Ik* m an esq. of < er and si .intiug*, \v ho, : i vU been reielTeu to in I Ti. Ih'.PHKTKnS. t ,:e 11th lost, contains from ii’> pi j t. 'Ik: CNident intent of * a ff'-ni.i.i '■ . » expedition Ldeiv made from this port, f rthw ro.u the United S *t srh 1.1. f M., with die attack on Tireln iml. I concerned in that expedition: it was iiikIlrtakvn not oi iv nmiu leg*ai than an hour s len^lli* in w hicl* he declared iiis opinion t,,., vjf the com.ienvation law, when justly view ed, tti ch urged, b it ins raution to tie predicated on di> w ill ;u:il implied instructions of bis .•onsli'ueiits, offered f»r con sideration the following resolution: “Resolved, 'That a commillee lie nopninted to inqiii**c into the expediency of repealing or modifying the i.,ie act changing the mode of compensation to the members of congress, a. i mat il.ev report liv but oi oitieivvise.” Mr. Desha intimated, that w hm this subject should be fullv befo *e itie house there would be c >’<■ to be said about it; and, astiieu .use had re-fu-cl u sterJ.v even to consider it, he required tue Yeas and Nays 0:1 the ques tion of consideration. A suffisieiii number not rising to support t!ie call for the Year and Nays, they were not railed.. The question on consideration "was determined m the* affirmative, without a division. And the resolution itself was agreed to v tliout a divisi in. After agreeing lo a motion of Mr PevnoMs, direct the secretary of war to lav before the-house in. report of the commissioner appointed to nir k and sui ' ev , road on ’Tennessee rat', together with an account of the expense attending the same, The house adjourned. The following gcn’lemeo are anpoiuted bv mjeak- mpose m pursuance of tiie order ot th In,use. to c the committees of the house of r^nj'escntat.ves. LIST OF ST V.VI1I vr, , O'! .i.TTI.KS, Of Ways and .M ans.—Me ssrs. Lowndes, Smith, of Md. M *>seiev, Harwell, Wiiken, (.salon and IKiideraon. Of elections.—,M..ssi*s. Taylor, oi (N. V.) Pickering, Hahn, Vose, Lr.w and Thomas. Of Commerce and Afnnnjactiires.—Mi ssrs. Newton, Savage, Hnibert, Parris, Mffnor, Mason, Foi*n«*v. Of Claims —Messrs. Yancey, Alexander, Goodwin, Da- vt n *ort. Lyle, Hardin, Lvon. For the Ifistrict of Columbia.—Messrs. Tucker, Lewis, Irwin, of (Po.) Wendovtr, Herbert, 1 uyior, (S. C.j und Peter. Ot the Public Isimls.—Mess.*;. Robertson, M'Lean, King, Sturges, Harrison, Williams an i Hendricks. On the Post Off,,: and Post Roads.—M< -m\s. Ingham. Cannon, Breckenridgc, Avery, Carr, (Mass.) Caldwell, Noyes. On Pensions ami Revolutionary Claims.—Messrs. Cha i- pell, Reynolds, .Stuart, Southard, Wilcox, \\ heaton, Cro- cheron. On Public Expenditures.—Messrs. Pickens, Harbour, Hammond, Champion, Schenk, Thomas Wilson, audjeri rniah Nelson. On the Judiciary.—Messrs. Hugh Nelson, Wilde, IIop- kinson, W’right, Onnsbv, Webster and Lore. Of Accounts.—-Messrs. Little, Reed and Edwards. Of Revisal, lie.—Messrs. Condict, Bradbury, and Wtn. Mac lav. On Private Land Claims.—Messrs. Sharp, Clark of (X. C.) Telfair, Atherton and Huger. Thursday, December 5. The following gentlemen appeared and took tlieir seats, viz. from Rliode-Island, Mr. Boss,- from Vermont, Mr. Jewett; from Ohio, Mr. Crciyhlon. The following committees, to whom were yesterday ordered to be referred various subjects of tiie President’s Message, were appointed, to wit: On Foreign Relations—Messrs. Forsyth, Smith, of Md. (Irosvenor, King, Baker, Ward of Mass, and Dar lington. On Mi!ifary Affairs—Messrs. Johnson, of Ky. Conner, Ilesha, Ward of N. J. Peter, Thomas >1. Nelson, and Du&eus. views, bn' I *ii. .aid f. u.n me...onous ii,uUvc». No i..vv of tiie United MaGs forbids tiie expOMalion of :i>*:iis and .inrnun it ion, ..n.. i riskt.l considerable sum n sending tiiem to be employed in as noble a cans*, as .as i vi— en gaged the • x* i i ions iff’ frt t*. i n. YotircoiTespondent is anonvtiious to me ..nd the pubi.e; I know not wilt ttier lie das ili-closeil nis nalll ’to vou; til * tenor ofilis letter, iiow- ever. vvoei 1 le d onr inln ueve Unit lie be.ones to a vvor- t Ii v baud in e.i , no no n * ty .ituiere to Uie belovtti Kerdin md. and w enc!eaViu*s.ire unceasing, to rest, re tile reign of o ;i !is;ii a ai suuersiin.u*. in tin westirn world; such a p riv ex American people s!.n ban me’ vvitii a general succtss in hi.s attempts aga.nst the roval enemy. He uas Under iiis cuiiui.uid, a very large army, generally nffieertti by Eiigli.sliineii. Man*, naval aim mintain Olliers of tills station, excited hv usririt of enter;.rise and uisgusted witli tile Kngdsu servici from Mime local causes are daily going oterdo join tiie invincible XpGregor. This island is unbar the command of a British govern- I or, i i the exercise of the Spanish ’aws—a ststem of laws an I most despotic and d niton ; novvever. rendered easy mul support bit- by the mild dispositions and virtuous charac ter of’ho-w vvdio have the honor of* diem.— Many English v esseis from Amcnc-ii ports, have been seized, and several condemned in the court uf vice xil- mir.dty for the tr .nsgrts.sion of die act of p; rliamein, that prohibits all vessels from having more than one third of foreign seamen .m board.—.Mrw-l'ofk paper. u. pre a. ntatmns i I cause, md ‘les’rov J T .and I tiunk ii or per mat tin -• " caieii .. anis'tht ir n,is!*e- t<> fidiife '.ie republican' i*r.i .fi.iurrt ton in-gins to -x- FROM KN1ICUA. Cn viil< sex, D-cember 9. i British brig Eduard Beam. Leader, Antigua, 15 days, j The ship commatiticd by the Buenos Ayres aiim.rul i Brown, taken by the ilruien do op of u*ar, anil Carrie tl j .mo Antigua, hut! been condemned—vessel an 1 cargo i cstniv.ted at 5u J Imus-.tKi dollars. Ti.e p ague cont.n- j ut- ii i rage at Point Petr , Guadalounc, increased j vitiieive: (!*. n. ntsir J.oik*. Lai r;i, the governor, navi i fai*'*'* to it, and ;be siCol-jfc u c.unmund, i.ati nrum'ntc-d ur. v< ssee. fr.-m ti,.^j ing die port. paD'l in tile iert:!** iv .**: n is (;• ■»;.auis i \:iic i*. 4 * t. - 1 ha* e too ^iv..* ;. « • f : *»,’’. tor ti t j>;.**.<r » *• % * ts of vour miTi su.> ,!*. jit. c .. :i .-I „>k;i (l»sC*o.Siir. :*f m.i ii.e —hut I (ksiy*i. t)».** ii,*. «• . i * * i . i 11 * i "iiou.u Lu ni.i,i( k i :ciNv 1), «n«l I tiieref *rc it- pioi <().. to pui)*iMii i t j v. Tile rh.tri'** s m.*ue .ie. **Hsi the i) n n t»i* *. si. '*»«•» i, ;*uf me -! fi*. U!l Ti hr V llCli i I . 1 11 ;_r . Lu) Ud; r. rJ, yijioK L k* y 11 - i N.h V > »»V (J lit \ > > , !»;» 1- r*»; llo. aUd'.ir, \i Haiti, 14 u \ «»rk. y-* \inrk t*in ».* |d!)ht/)jj ; w rum, ia.v^pii40 c ui' of * Illllt'tl tltOIV S<*l*JOllS luttiirC, .tiUl I in:.*, ii.i r i! ukIuco'1 voi» i». refine hair nnlilic.i 10a, mi.i, ;.t acrompunifiI bv ])!*'»'»f. i h; convctcombir: ot tn ai.Mitin*, ail 1 tiie officers lie com:.(i»» : > n«’ at tu / 'f>o rican any vincucalioa; inii Spanish co.ts:, as w t lofi>* In;ui u.f .>ud b 'hoi; I la-tir. of I lie ;»CtiV»_ < \t rtiO'i *1 t.iat 1 lie i«. r of die 1’oV.ii j... .md • • ICnI j .»* tS . i'i ’ *%.'!• * *-. tin* cr i jt of ;.W .f.tck "> n. i li.s *» i ->*«. L »i vc;il,! xv ,i; *o .,*;. public.m government, ment.i! in its cst .lurdu: with which she w .;b i. • ' ion of ti»e \ \ i .ir.'s wia. . vdobe, f.ti* fi-wai oeiii^* »• hould ook on l.u - as on rcuces of iiiv life. tir> (.u^at to know . in a iifiiu* I’niii d St.iU.**. haviiii** no 1< i;ai c ion i,er pi i i si esen ition have b- tn i.d: i.airon .xt * u liv^ Vciv-C'rUiiJi::, Zls! October lulv receive 1 l ie t. ;•* t i’s !t.r tuts. s<*rv ie .**. .ii n . bet it i la u iv * ina\ Ijc i aiT'd fop ■rail !, 1 < a ll ;;ii ;iS'i)i*i,tiiuii wi’ii tla is no* i. !;• ii, .is no ti* correspo i- . 1 u i> I b(*iit*v c, oicl to the re- :.'»(! if sir* si.oaid prove i stru- it the arms and .oommuiimi si 1 -scrve to tin (iisiruc- >* ss tin tUivbt part of the cion^ of any inioi-opriu t v, [ ;i liie forluna e occur- Vrr\ re-p* clfuiu , ) our\>, A. la. Ihl6. to . ’iuiCi ictifis fn.i!. , r to the ll r$t- ! X ;r *v.; • n .n ; f iIti. j.iace lat.h irom die WesrT |‘.’.(its, 1 or iiiionii.itioi., dial iidisLis of Amt j v* ss f :.5 rim.-t h‘*^LlU..o:is :.<•! io .oic!• oi for a ton I ?' ! du.o ‘. t ho;iVk offai.v oi :lu* f»r;dsh ports in | lu lie ti*"iii w nidi Vmei it ... emi.iiiv rce is . xcimletl. j "ins case, they vv.i. be i.ablc to st./urc ami condemn..- I mm, on ’he pit*,, of a design to attempt a lux:., h i.i dn d r de i :i» s. Our informant adds that one vi -...el from Nor'h Carotin. , for anchoring mar the port of Antigua, rned r.t, and hut for some inffut nti.d cr captain, would have U en cumin.on d.— evefal American V.ssels had b. en ■ T* islailels-—Ini ..hove pie . t.ellle u' The following :.ns*>*er »>f tiie president of the United ■states, ton u’ni'tiii 'ir.'in .*d t v»te <> F thanks bv the last legislature of Vortii-Garo'ina, has been published in tiie 'Carolina papers.—ib. 6 h rust. Washington, January J, 1816. Sir—T have Tpeoive-t vour'omnuin’cation oi’i'u* 28tb ult. and 1 cannot i.e uist nsible to the approiialion ex pressed of my contliid during a momentous period, by die legislature of a stale, which Imre, with distingsiii.lud pal t*io’ is,ii, Us si i.i re <>f im* trims which were eiicimntcred. In ret "inineniiiiig tin- appeal to arms, tiie reluctant duty was presen.ied hylne honor, and sanctioned lit the voice of tiie nation; and m concumnging ih a peace vvincn provideil to* its interests an elevateii its cnaractei*. 1 consulted inn iess the obiigu'ions of mv public trust, than the principles which 1 have ever cher ished. 'The arduous contest, with tli sores, from fortuitous events liir lias successfully paused, may now he reviewed with in- s'ructiou as wellas with congratulations; and the review will never t-il to encourage n confidence in the energies of a free people, and in the blessing of Heaven on a just is si i/.en friends of h He under: to ni condemned in t urged as tli. cause.—,a t.le (,..z te, U./i Hi a Creorifia S par.— Many persons being impressed with 'he . !c. tliat t: i-s:n-.1'is :im sii-eeotil.iie ol Oenig eenned. wc have tla ofstaim^ di.,1 n imt ouiv Cali, but iiaslntii hii,light toa stale ot pei*feciio". iittle, if any, inferior to toreig*n sugars Lieutenant I’.i-k. of liie navy, has pfaevti i . die hands ot die iitit- rs, for the inspection of*, o h a- may wish t<> t .vuiiine it, a s im ple of C u'g/.i n,in,d ' Ln llt. B. recently obtain ed tins speenut n fi mn a genii'uiaii in Savaimah. It u.*s proven and ma.aif .< tured «»n die plantation of Maj.u* Mood, on tin vl tauiaii i riur; and is, we think, a con vincing proof tliat wv shall very soon, (should circum stances require It,) bt* ilidependeiH of foreign countries, for this inuispeusable article oi domestic consumption.— iu. REW ARD OF MERIT. Xvw-Yohk. December 2. Among the many acts of heroism, performed by the private armed vessels of our citizens, that performed by Captain Ri in, in the harbor of Fat al, in deft nee of the private armed brig General Armstrong, against the enor mously superior force employed against him bv two fri gates, was of so brilliant a nature, that it called'forth the attention of the legislature of this state, and damn it from ie augmentation of i's pres-, that body, a reward due to extraordinary merit. They iir ugh which our country therefore voted him, with other heroes, a SM'OUD, which was presented to him on tiie 25th ult. by Iiis excellency governor Tompkins. Zl! > execution; but w ( - tint meet v ith th;:' i, ltd. its jll'OIlfttlf t,, - im.k. au.l v. m ty be ura'*(l ;*i | met.,od ado.n^d jfs eoniplt v ; duals, ctmvet.sant m t!te la; .1 quaiiiie'. v. i; ii t e fUslUiUs, 1,late ig. ot ei tn ft. IS _ ,, ittitig, bv i!,c lather, tue reins ot governim i t. t ; ,t iither r n/.n I'avoi ite.s should, to A selves into his favor, a,some i i- tnutate ins manners, nuv be saf •'ue 11 is the coiniuet ol courtier.* i arc hi', whether savage, barbarou: uni nu (lemoiistrafiou is ;ieediui i •‘“tot'S i; -'I unenliaiit. tied naf ti ; e court, at least luat n| the cottage. U tt is there no fear to be apprehended f tue possibility of tin; priture'* relapsing mm ■'try-on returning (0 hls kindled and cmmtr Nv e suspect, too much. Tin* benuem exam, ol -Nortn American,ahori"ines. who, after ir’, |,.'W a col lew ate education.hat e resumed the a. anil quiver, and trembled at the mur,.mem., an Indian juggler, justify the ion. \ et, should (ii-'/rge Prince h':;n:nn,r,v • *o lie styles liimsel! ) remain steaiii'j,t ij, . principles be is iiotv dabbling, it caiumt be *n 'lu ated on a know ledge of human naiii, e. t'.,.r. tviiuid lorego the rude grandeur,uf a sceptre, atid confine himself to nru tis subjects; lieithei is it within the t-.-f ; . reason, tliat lie will suffer those of his . < • 'nett, who have been Ins companions ai.v’* students, in a foreign country, to home in obscurity. *>o; isolated as lie i-. ,t ■sent, from relations and native land.? 1 pt ■ lie contracted betw een him anil Iiis \ 1 ** l i-g ,. Hymen, now in Connecticut, a chain .-i f, siii]> that time can never severe, lie wy,\ r those companions ot his sojourneving aio..* jrersoti, and attend to the adiniuisn*aii«>n : term be allowed^ ol Ins paternal i!i:mir: lem-e, the full light of Christianity, v iii ’>.* ant'd to ms associat es, and itsg'/tia.'iier nut: :us remoter subjects. Tiie cinninor.:ii'v iikeiy. uiend the e.vt. riur of true religiun vt> pnrii’ni of the vernacular mvtimlogv. a:; I < oiistitutea system ol ethics very io.eipn f which the Commitsiouers fur •'fisstmis t > plate, still, we are far from deprecating iitempt- Deiieient a* the measures are f ihuic.ition oi polytheism, iti its vai io uraitu lions, yet its grosser paits Mill grady;.!!' >• ? ■ ntay, and the mind Ite prenarctl for •*. gr*’ :uaug'. This, indeed, is an important t■••• t -m—an aberration pre.giiaiit w itii the nm-r-' l iry coiisetjuei’t f.s—it pi ks the lock oi jM-'t* : ■ s.ti. aiid cuts tiie curds m ach bind the vi]**'" 1 • t error. More effectual means, however, are at i ’ u' * h jiosal ol tiie R’hirtl uf Com inissio .• avU seem to be overlooked or regarded n iiiieience. Handiclaitsnien. of -wnd ii-uur uiiti z.eaiously attached to the j-ttnr.'n’.itth't. in re- j ie most useliil agv -" !l " '' l>Uv ' tb** a h-. 1 ■ ti e not liable to tiie o.bjectio against tne c • verted iudiau. inasuiucn a* im tear id tu it r f coming infidels is to be apprehended: ami t| ie mn. would be be employed in convei tinj are superior to the regul&imured miins’er. ts unskilled in manual iooor. i tie iiitrtiduUi*’» ; fi lii. d tueij* arts would endear tiiem to. ami ‘Beet ,t ratlical citange in the habits of. t ' ' lT ' tge. Their usei illness would secure t» tot a i onal security, and render them ii*!l 'lentil: I l' e ‘- ■*■*-■-.-* - — wherever situated: so tliat they Mould he nC'Uj- Truth, aided -} s* I pray you, sis, to assure tiie general assembly tliat their kind, partuiitv lias made on me ail the impressions which I ought to fee!; anti to accept for yourself, mv high and friend I Vj[*t spects. Jamks .Mauisux. II iUiam Miner,governor of .Yorth- Carolina. CHOCTAW TREATY. Nashville, November 19. General John Coffee and the honorable John Rhea, who (together with Colonel John M‘Kee) were appointed to tre at witli the Choctaw Indians, returned home last week having accomplished the object of their mission. By this treaty, we understand, tiie Choctaws have relinquish ed to the United States all their land lying east of the Tombigbee river; for which they are to receive the sub of 120,UOJ dollars, payable ia twenty equal annied in stalments. General l 1 . It. dorter.—Governor Tompkins on pre senting the sword to general I’nrter, voted bv the legisla ture of N.-w-York, pays a just tribute of applause to Iiis to with attention atid respect civilization and friendship, could not 1 nii pi ode the delusions of a superstitious cruelf'' ! y\ open the heart to the beneiic ient tenets ol a I* 11 ' 1 ■ that leads to happiness and heaven. Apprehensions have been expre»«eil bv so n!t , politicians that, were the SuutU St a ' civilized and converted, the frequency or duration of peace would so multiply then n 11 ^ bet s that tlieir lands, in a short time, r 0 ' 1 ' 1 n M j| yield an adequate supply ol tiie nec( ,e -" K ' _ life, and consequently, famine become .,* ■* Hi t'll trucUve as tiie sword is now. io *;u'"- t*11. i talents aru! firmness, as well as to the patriot ism of the volunteers lie commanded. In this instance at least, praise was not puffing. We believe tiie abilities of gen eral 1*. are not, e ven now, so generally known and valued as they deserve.— Citumbian' Buffalo, November 19. Hurricane.—We have rarely ever witnessed a more tremendous storm of hail and wind, than happened here on Friday last. It commenced about 12 o’clock in the morning, and continued witli unabated furv till the eve- -i*k^ All the vessels lying here have suffered severe ly. 1 hose near the shore were driven with great violence upon the beach, and those at anchor soon followed, liav- mg parted their cables. Among the latter we are sorry to state, was the United State*’ Porcupine, the position, it has likewise been arg"' 1 ^ no relief c ould accrue trom commerce. ^ ^ Q , the islands grow nothing to barter tor T ,l ‘“ n . dace of other countries. 1 his is do" 1 ' » sense. 'Pyre, Rhodes, l mice, and are not more advantageously located t.iaii ^ lyitesitt. yet they have all, in turn. ' ".'Y^ (j V e enjoyed abundance with a population at u'* times as great as their natural produc' 1 ’’”' ra j. maintain. The isles in the Pacific lv well situated for commerce; besides. IV wen suumcti icn cuii.u.s.t-j y c oni" inhabitants furnish the best materials 0 f posing the hardy seaman. In the P 1 , w jH time, it is beyond doubt, these I ' a, ‘ ^ g ; a and become the pi’iiicipal carriers betw'een ^ the western shores of America, i • tro duce » yield them immense profits, and *“ , 0 f 0 tl** r disposition to work up the raw materia s ^ countries. It will likje wise b« ^rotli^a'