Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 14, 1816, Image 5

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/ ‘ \. / Supplement to the Republican: SAVANNAH, DECEMBER 14, 1810. pponia wisli of Joseph Carruth- , j, rv -)<>i business, James Carrutiiers to ttecunr i I(1 |.j,on i. nielf. The commission bu- U i:-J as us ul. by Joseph Carruthers &l Co. E«S tO will earn- tn suitfis Will be’ ■ h r-. n n ;f. r fir s jc oil m v.ler.ite terns' a consignment 0 n ZM sien, sc november 7 —133 r The public are cautioned agaiust v till - ci'Ch ot ilic s.iip Isubclli, ot Alont-fcjjjO s I w\ii not p tv any dA>ts of their contracting. Baillie Allen. dec 10—B—14/ matter ■rff \ professional gjenileniin wishes to :c'Ao n;ii i ted with BOARD and LODGING, in a gen- l • A fine left at the office of this paper; address ed M I- 0. will be attended to. lee 1-2 —1 id _ __ t?> Three or four boys, from nine to fvtrteen wars of age, would be received into a private unilv to Hoard and Lodge until the 1st June nett.— enquire at this office. nov 33 •- 143 ""The Vlarine an:l Fire Insurance COMPANY, Of ft-' ‘Jitlf 0f O IV’fUld'l, Will insure Proper:-.- in Boats, between Savannah and ilgusta, and at and fr >m cither place 11 the ot’ier. R. Wayne, secretary. nr' P| 1 IT Jhrist Oiiurua. . O' r i dlerv Pews will he rented on i i it ..1. *1 1C 19'h a tctio.i, llie bidding will fur one year, at public Icom n ncc at ten o’clock, \. v. Tone o -rsons v 10 rente i Pa vs on the second in-st. tnd 'nave not seitied ag: ceable to the terms on which Thev were re it.-.I, are i thinned that file subscriber is ti-adv to settle with them agreeable to > •on; r ie : — u -l t3 1 o 13 : 14i James Mitchell, Captai. v t: K\\ IV.ecti A a’IH be hell r ‘l i Chi~c\. ‘>’i t;?~ aril M i.i Liy i\> 2 TilAS C•/; .-i.iivl f ) i mv », Will O p C. I 111 Id O CH»C(V el'i i' V Oliv Ch.dr 145 d:c 7 The law o'tv scutlv in the oc Notice. ? of til" s ibicrib‘*r, is it. tlie house r; :a 1 )j.Uoii of d octor M*Leau- EJ.varJ F. TaUnall. \n Oversei A J * r S ‘3 V iV E )S I T C.' i frooi 1 , JKF.tSEY W or** the s»inseno< rs q V)s r , tile body ii.iore i ‘t‘s re l, nerfectiv neve New Importations. WHOI.ES ILF. A NO HKTATL. DUEL, GRESHAM & CO. {Comer of St. Julian and IS huakev streets, north of Air Shelm aid s boarding ho net, in the stare Lately occupied by •.Messrs. J. K. li kite & Co.) ll.ive the pleasure to inform their friends and the pub lic thut, they have received by recent arrivals 437 packages ENGLISH, FRENCH, INDIA and AMERICAN STAPLE and FANCY GOODS, Orders11 particularly for this market; Which, with their STOCK, on hand, comprises a gener al assortment. My the ship Oneida and note landing 1 case Merino Shawls 2 cases silk do 3 cases cotton do 1 case silk Baiulanoes 3 bales Madras, Sistersoy, Posaky and Choppa Ronial I handkerchiefs and fancy neck Cloths 3 bales Carpeting 8 do Coatings, Flushings, Fearnoughts and bear Skins 4 do Bombazcts, various qualities 1 bale superfine Cloths 1 do Cassi meres 3 bales Flannels, assorted colors 7 do rose, point and dutlil BLnkets 5 cases superfine Prints 1 do Dimities 2 do Irish linen Cambrics A 5 do do white and half white Linen 1 do nun’s Thread 3 boxes cane and common silk Umbrellas and Parasols} 1 trunk Irish Poplins 3 cases Cloves, beaver, kid and silk 2 do cotton llosi'-rv 3 do ladies’ and children’s French beaver Hats, assorted J. B. Read, 1 Tardea of Christ Chur h rent 7f’.n ~ r ro::i "v 3 Htl‘d, will m?et with c n jiov.nent on ap* ti-Di ri i > it. & j. dec 7 145 .7ml po*tension given immed ci , c 1 y 9 \ STORE, in M.irket-.sq i irer, ari excellent stand for business. Enquire at tilts o.Iioe. dee 1J *147 Caution. if. The pub'ic are hereby warned not to cr.-dii the crew Snf the shin L TD WELLINGTON, as no lclvs of their ontiac ion Wiil be paid by [ id ■puid-’iit Prenhu:-. m Janu vi-y next, tor , for tne year 13!/.— lose it 1 o’c'CK'.k. :i* btury-s, i :'i, Hjtl"d t 1 rasters ore. last nig dark green.! lie A rewar i of F1V3 DTLT.MtS si 1 , h in it.on where it can b< dec 10 14/ f mud. for its return, or infor- I^allUAS Lost ff Daviison. o: lar re SR VL, of ch ise l gold, set wi.h flor- : -,h tlv.rc was engraved the American eugie a nai I.-lil t ( aiid the letter. J. in. in caditols. Any pe -son, finding the sane, and leaving it at this oVe or the counting- slial! receive Five dec / 146 sa ue. home of Erwin. !) .'liars. Lethbridge Co. T vo barrels o' UK one cask C’lKRSR. the brig Sailv, from case colored Siitchews and Sarsaiiets cone Nansuoks mull muii and jaconet Muslins do cut Class and silk Buttons box coach and riding Whips do stubl, and double barret Fowling-Pieces do brass and stubu bairri pocket Pistois casks sau Irons AND A FEW PACKAGES, C-intainiug Elegant satin Robes, Alacedonia, Paris and fashiona ble borders ■ Merino, plush and velvet Caps and Bonnets, Feathers anti Artificial Flowers Tul, Canneise and other worked i’iiloreens A civet Binding, iicw.1 ar.d go wit u«.-iature, fancy Trim* ri lings Siik, Cnenelle ami silv er Cords and Tassels Gilt ami silver clasp Inuispt nsabU-s Silk, velvet, Zephyr and u.e.nask Gauzes Brilli int white, Palmire, Aniavintiie, green, lilac, im- niortal, Macedonia, Levantine, i'lorcnce, satin, Vergene and Tati'eta Si.ks Gilt and pe„i 1 diaUent Combs, table and head Brushes Pocket anil Cnina liixstaiitls, in tiie form ot u shoe Needle Cases, ladies’ A .ihccs, watch Stands Gentlemen and ladies’ more.cco writing Cases Ladies’ work Boxes, set With mother oi p at*l Superfine Pomatum, .Seen m bottles Walnuts, in piec-s; .Mussels, Ciiesnu's and real Eggs T.-ilct Tables, .Secretaries rail silver Seals A\ ooden sand Boxes and morocco Note Books S.iver Sp.colacles, looking Glasses and Screens Ciottk Tags, bout Tassels, Curse its and coi'sett steel Bones Stay Strings and eiaslic Garters, Sec. For sale by Duel, Gresham & Co. J. S. Aliev. * %■ 9 Has just received from JVeiv- York, And is now opening at his store in Brvan-street, where he oilers for sale on the lowest terms; superfine blue, black and brown Cloths, superfine bluc^black, drab, and mixed Cassimeres, elegant fancy A'estings, black, green, drab, and purple tabby Velvet, silver Cord, blue, and mixed Sattinet, iy on Skin, blue Coiding, waterproofCloth, blue, and black, Flannel, bl^k anW figured Bombazets silk Lnibrtllas, Irish Linen, SPShifting, Humhums, stripe and mixed Komspun, flag Handkcrciuefs, ladies’ white siik (iose and Gloves, do kid do cotton and beaver do black worsted Hose, worsted Socks, silk Buttons, patent cloth Buttons, ball vest Buttons, See. He also offers to furnish customers with superfine Coats, made and trimmed in the best manner, for S28, superfine Cassimere Pantaloons, for §11, Coatsmadc. and trimmed in the best manner for §16. ox HA a II Ready made superfine Waterterloo Surtouts, blue, black and colored Coats, A' ests, and Pantaloons, which lie of fers for s..Io at reduced prices. dec 5 a 145 Lewis iViiraiut, TAYLOR, Respectfully informs, lus customers that he has ta ken a room above Mr. J. P. Gi/orme, (jeweller) next door to .fudge M-'Allister’s and opposite Johnston’s square, v, here lie intends to continue his business; and front his former strict attention, he hopes still to be fa vored u itli his customers’ business, and does assure them that ail business left in his charge shall be punctually at tended to. OS HASH A very handsome assortment of Waistcoating and a few dozen of iambswool Shirts and long Drawes, which will be sold low. oct 17—124 Merchant Taylor. JAMES FOWLER' East of Messrs. Mo~ai, H aflace ej Co’s, ami nearly oppo ;die Messrs. Duel, Grip ham U Co’s, in St. Julian street) Has the pleasure of informing the citizens of Savan nah, tied he has established himself in.this city, in the above business, and will baye any garment in his line made at a short notice, in the most fashionable manner an i by the best of workmen. He hopes, by Ins cxpcr.cnce and assiduity, to share a part of the public patronage. He has selected in Xew-York, a few of die best of the following Articles, imported into that citv, viz: Superfine black, blue and fancy colored Cloths Superf ine black, blue, mixed and drab Cassimeres, Marseilles, Toilinets Ac. V. Inch is oiured tor sale un accommodating terms. ■ Wanted one or two of tiie be St JOURNEYMEN for whom liberal wa^es will be given. Also Women to make Stamen’s Cloths, oct 31 13*> oc 29—y:A J. I .*• iiowson, anL) sign painter, AMI (ilLDAH, Missing KR, m .rked J). ti It. Sandfrd. and m irk' d CreushuM, l evied frAi* P.titad-.-lphut at Howard’s wiiarf, and which have nr.ibabiv b -'-n taken by some person in mistake. Anv infot'dtaUon respecting them will be grate- iuilv receive-' 1. AV. T. WILLIAMS. dec Id—-.t—14/ To rent That wl! Vn'-wn PLANTATION, called Enlar [fill, belonging to tl.n estate of General Jackson, adjoining the cl*.-, will be leased forat»nn of years, on application to R. J. Habersham. dec 10 — lu/ Wood! Wood! The best of TIRE A\ CCD. ot various kinds, at Five per coral, on the «ii.,if, to always or. AVal- lace’s lower wharf. Shipping will also best! plied, a4 a moment’s, with any kind of Fire Wood. M. COLLINS. dec 10 :r 14/ For sale HOUSE Papes lla-.HKM, Glazikh May Mane, near the .Murker. Mr. Rowson takes this opportunity of informing his friends, that lie has just arrived rami the Northward, aid is ready *o wait on their commands: who'has for sale, Paints, Gold Leaf, Whitening, Lanipbi—k, Ac. dec / w 14-6 Nesroes to hire. o On the ninth day of January next, will be hired to tlie highest bidder, at the subscribers’ plantation, in Bryan countv, the negroes belonging to the estate of David Ortinij late of said county, deceased, for and during the year 181/; also the plantation belonging to said es- tale. Conditions made known on the day of sale. N. B. A division of said property will t uivC JlluCC 071 the 8th tiny of January »icxt, of which ail concerned are desired to tukc notice. AuftAiiAM CKL .\i, d* c Id—m*—147 ex*0*. . Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Jar vis Jackson, esq. deceased, late of Bulloch county, are requested to render the same, duly attested; and all those who are indebted thereto, are required to p v up forth with to CATHARINE JACKSON, dec 5—*+n—145 ^ ^ ^ adm'iw Notice. All persons having any demands against the estate of James Powell, esq. deceased, are requested to preserq them for payment, and those indebted are hereby requi r . ed to make payment to JOHN DCNAVODY, dec 5 i a 14-'. QanHf.eJ Ex‘ An elegant Chair and Harness, with one of the best family Horses in town, for gentleness, on reasonable terms, as the owner has now no use for them Also, a young Negro Man, 22 years old, stout made, and a blacksmith by trade; lie would be very useful for a country gentleman. For particulars enquire at this office. _ nov 12—135 A prime young Wench, With a female Child, about seven months old. The wcuch i a complete house servant. Her present owner not having use for her is the reason of her being oflered sale. K ir narticah.rx apply at tins office, nov 7-134 For sale Two valuable Tracts of River Swamp LAND, lying on the Carolina side of the Savannah, opposite Argyle Island, containing about 350 acres each, part of them are under new banks, with knowles for settlements, and about 100 yards from the river where a vessel can load. They will be sold a bargain; and terms made to suit g purchaser. For terms, apply to Alexander R. Chisolm, dec 5—fv*—145 DncotaUgo 4 o rent A tract of LAND, within six miles of Savannah, on the.Augusta Road, near Pipem. ker’s Creek, containing fifty two acres; thirty of which are clear and under, good fence. The present crop is cotton, and one of the best v. it bin twenty miles Possession will be given on the first of January next. For terms, apply to Thomas Gribbin, dec 5 4m—1*5 Afu* F t square “"***""Erousjit to gaolTTT Savannah, December 5, 1816, a negro man, who savs his name is Trancis Spalding, and that he belongs to Benjanun s* cott, of Columbia, (s. c.) He is about twenty-eight t ears of age and five feet nine inches high, has a scar above ha right ancle, occasioned by a. buck m IX. M’Call, g. c. c. £n C IN- , 147