Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 17, 1816, Image 2

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'^Eroin the JYe-w-Yttrk Mercantile Advertiser, Dec. 4* TWO DAYS liATEU FRONT LOVTXW. The British brig Berwickshire, which arrived at thi port yesterday, sailed from Bristol on ihe 28lh of Octo .bcr, and brought a copy of the Bristol Mirror of the 26th containing London dates of the evening of the 24th ol that month, with which the editors of the Mercantih Advertiser have been favored. The following extracts comprise every tiling of inter est which the paper contains. Lowdow, October 24. We have had various rumors in circulation to day which whether true or false have had the effect to cause a considerable depression in the funds. It was re ported that a secret correspondence had been intercept ed between the court of Vienna and Bonaparte, and ths ! the Austrian commissioner had been detected in an in trigue for Bonaparte’s release ; the minor of a dissnln tion ofparliament was also revived. We have no reason to believe in the truth of either of the reports. Lastly, there was another report in circulation, which was con aidered much more feasible than-the rest; namely, that the prospect of the speedy opening of ur ports for the importation of corn having caused a fall in the rate of exchange, the foreigners, who had been waiting an oo- ]k>rfunity to sell, availed themselves of this circumst mc< and disposed of their stock accordingly . What is to In depended on is. that a foreign broker, supposed to b. in possession of some information, threw upon the m .r- ket some hundred thousands of stock—which rati ed 1h depression we have noticed: 3 percent, consols foi* tit- account fell from 6 to 61 5 8. and for nionev from 6 l to 61J. Tluv (‘covered towards the close of the mar ket, an-.l left off at 61 7-8 for account, and 61 o-4 lot money. All tiie letters received to day'from Nfertbyt-Tvd*. il. the 22d instant, state that the rioters com intie quiet, ho that the military daily increase in numbers. In con- - cmenceofa disposition to riot at Brecon, a strong f re. had been sent thitherto protect the several thousand stand of arms deposited there. The military non be ing in possession of the place, all apprehensions for tin safe- tv of the arms have ceased. -One class of the " orkon-n called the- pr.ilh-rs, have been induced to return to then- work, without a compromise, but‘lit se e re the nu n "in are )>aid the highest prices; there are four in numbt-i employed attach furnace. The col furs and miners, the persons who are p.uel the lowest wages, are stiii re Tract ore, and have not returned to their work, but as the different works have a good supply of coal and^_m>n materials on hand, their set vices can L-c tliept nt/ci wiHgj for a considerable time to come. The French newspapers ti il the -world, tlut- trade- goes on prosperously, (. ay s i private letter from Fans) and that the harvest lias been to., mb y good. This is 't»o gro-s. The French .ns- indignant at such a mockery of their actual condition. The f.ce is, that tne baei ■weathe r lias already set in, and with it sympt ms of a timine. The necessity of having fires materially affects The means of the lower order*, from the high price of fuel. They are actually in a desperate state already. The day before vesterdav thehakci-s’ w hole stock of bread in one qu.rter-of Paris had been exhausted by nine o’clock; .there were still multitudes w ho had obtained none for their breakfast. The bakers told the peop’o that they could not obtain flour. The populace became clamorous, an! it was found necessary to c.d! m several counniss iries of the police, attended by gers d’annes, in order o dis- jerse th—in. The want of employment presses neon the tifc,eo*ew.TBy Indian archers, and (V wing; with large bod s of cav. ipv; in the centre they had a 4 poui d-er. A >;<rty of the enemy’s light troops attempted to take poss ’ an intermediate small wood; between ins left and our rr ht, and our’s opposing him, the action commenced. The commander in cmef then ordered the whole line to m-ve forward, which was effected in the best or,!'r-—the enemy reinforced his ii. ht troops in tin- woods, and the same was done under a smart fire on both sides, whilst our line descended from the hill with tin greatest coolness, tiie enemy occupying his advantageous position. On our arrival at the wood, the eneiv.v made a gene ral discharge, which was returned In our line, continu ing its march moi.liy. The valiant squadron having a its head general Z .raze,fell upon the c.n alry on the ene my’s right, which he caused to retire to the rear of his infantry, while the commander in chief taking the colors of the bat.uion, (de Barloveilto) put himself at the iiead of the inf.uttryvc unnianding them to charge with the bayonet, prec puated himself in the enemy’s line, (lene- •;.i i...i..go.s charged oil the left; the mf.iitry of the re s rve, joined the line in this movement, ami the cavalr. "it our right, charged oil the enemv’s i-_ft, with siieh ii . •etuosity, ill t the battle was d ci'ieu in a few minute lithe complete d strue'.ion of die enemy. The enemy h f more th..u five him !"ed killed oil i! . fi.-Ia, aniongs w hom was r...p' in Q.iix.-.da, of Ihe king’- il.JL.linu. » ah m -'-i<‘rs, 55) u-k Ion chests, -m . 1 V W pi:v »IU tl A\V , :>• Sai'.i C «11*. .1 the • O n* , f s cm -j*, d <i cor* • net of l!'r y- <i„nt : a'iK/ilyk’-J * whom W; 1 .ir.fion v • its Ii.w i itr< tut! cions: Suif.ii IN, iffK\ , diilinak- d w. i i til S.t.iic would he (I.. ,<>• .. / Jet id ifl'frh’ at . 1- il: its < Hirers. larg: -| v , vile Helti , a ■ • rsi 11 ivnci. in a r,f our arun if l- id sip: -I 12 o'ticei-s ; .. rIn. t- and U < (nok JuO fn’i - of L.nct'S ati.K.iiiii- l . : ini M. II'. IlhM-k v \ <. ry *iir« r.iron, aini .-•l v ** (i t • hop. ro UUt 4 i Kilti, ill Il(/ through whom I now address fnyself; and T hope tl;a& yo»ir excellency will have the goodness to send me tin necessary information as soon as you may have realized the amount of paid bill. With this motive! have the honor to oTer your ex cellency my best respects, praying (Joel our I .ord, that lie will preserve your excellency many years. Your most obliged servant, who kisses the hand of vour excellency. Lrxs Alvahvs. In: Toledo. Translation of a letter from thr elder Toledo, to his son General 'Toledo in the United State*. Taeann, September 7S % 1816. Rflovkp Sijx—As it is a long time that I am suffering ‘he grief of not being* able to near thy name, without hor ror and shuddering* on account of thy il! course of con duct, the letter of the 2d July last, which. 1 reevhed through the hands of Ins excellency the captam general of this island, was a messenger of peace, which announc- which his father has manifested to n tir r- . distress, will fc? considered as giving s , ’ r i n xcry peculiar "claim upon the chanty of'U‘v V ’ n 1 Host07i Itecurtun*. ' ^ yAVANNAlL REPL HLIt• *** 1 L ■ Tuesday Evening, Dec. 1?, i^ jft INCREASE of crimes. Tiie slate prison in New-York was i • . - s ca.lcu'r,ri.j culprits, hut so great is t l — • of crime that it now contains . 01 rerror M'fln gar. can army of V'-iie/in • Centre, to tnc vi •’ -rs Slll.lll Mis! — 'nil hie victor!, whir. ■ vvil inies, .uni ri .nn'i -ti- brothers. The in nil Hie zed m it die i s v:;!'iI", iiiif u\ infantry ha> p ii vairy runs bis;;, r " ho in 1 he (h Hr: Hies frig!ited to soldiers of l b with their wmi Ii:*lit. ; let us e\'. may rise ma j ■ :: n an 1 sustain d bv for vou to rail .i ,|s ■ ri hi..;c- to- in . t uni t. t;t an- r< outm, c I * mt>o, suppor’ e.i on your anus voi-i* ii..vo:iets. Am.iiu r \ i. it-rv e..s.. i Ilian that of \e-tei<l.,i wi i forever m . ; y our glory, and insure your happiness, ,.nd your ons names will be rererdi il in nistorv. Head Quarters at Chaparvo, tiie 7th September, 1816. till..'.Oil M'ViHuoCH. f poor Yothing but the utmost vigor ;u;.l wisdom can carrv the government through this trying season. It will be no easy task to manage the populace of Paris, stimulated bv famine an a refractory chamber. One important measure for the security of Paris is the pre sence of 5,i.iO‘J Swiss troops,-some of which arc arrived. We understand that it is by no means the wish of the old experienced tanners that corn should rise, d hey know very well, that with it their purchasers will rise in proportion. 1 hey must sell their corn at market for 131. a 141. a load, winch the monied buyers will soon raise to 241. and 30l. and ch..rge them at that price when they repurchase it in flour. It is said that a firm of opulent millers, in the neigh borhood of l’ishopstone,Sussex, have, at the prisent mo ment several thousand loads of wheat in their granaries mid store housi s, which they purchased when it "as about loorlfii. a load. The comnurcial house of Messrs Petlv. of our citv, whose trade was mostly in the produce of Kngiisli ma nufactures has failed for 860.000 fiTins. I Ins is th" largest failure we have had for a long time; several English commercial houses will be grc..t losers.— Go/.-T- nai.’s I'aria JVlesxenger. It is definitively settled, we understar..! on go->d au- t’uirity, that the duke of Kent v.,ii ahorriy lead to the] hymeneal alt. r a continental princess. A corp »ral*s party of the guards is posted every night in Carlton-house, or within i*s circuit. ■e F/Xthaokin:vary F.xpk iivkst.—An order has been re ceived at Plymouth for sinking in some part of tne har bor the Eden sloop of w r. which has never yet been at Sea, for the purnose of ascertaining wltcher ‘VH water possesses any efficacy ofche eking the operations of fungus or dry rot. A similar thing" lias been tri„d with success I and "on merchant ships. The diving bell is to descend m Ha- • jtwaze and Bampool, in order to explore a s i.table spot to lay in. There have been riots at ITeckingfou in Lincolnshire, and at Stftnleriand. The principal rioters in the former jilace consisted of women and boys, tin Tuesday sc’- night they attacked the houses of some miters and tradesmen; 1 after which tiny separated, meaning to as sume their outrages on the ensuing day, but tiie ring leaders were arrested in the mean time —nine of them were tried on Thursdav at SVaf'wl, of whom five, i, - eluding four femab-s acre found guilty. 1 lie. riot at Siinderlatid took pi re in the i.i .rk- > on i ri lay. when al! tiie corn 4"as forcibly seized and carried olf by the po pulace; but by the activity of the constables, nearly ilte whole of ii was restored to the pis.per omurs. The S'stem of frarne-hreaking, we regret to stab , continues in Nottinghamshire. On Saturday night, 12th instant, tlpwards of thirty frames "'civ’broken at Lit nlev, viv Uiiles frmn Nottrnghain. The depredators tilled Several of the houses of every kind of property. ihe P ixteiife: The following ficial letters to " ii.. our possession. Tin. a s;iy posited into 1 rea. The tre-..chert an 1 d.f riots are placed lit > ond ip, t>’nure Pat'ini, IVT-T; t'r’r 2. I'h.LsP \ -l.s., p \i-KUS. u |«:.rt ot lot m £■ cen’eii Spanish o we lla* c hi f*>r alluded as !>-. uic, i jn I’sii:; 'iiiinicti in tin nr.-,i leu eiamp of the . a rioi NLna is (.Or tii’ii cf Th; ulom llie p..t- ed to me tr nquility and repose, so much needed by the j and i ivetlt if-two. besides (flirted hearts of thy parents, the idea of thy repentance, of tin ubinission and reconciliation with tin best of all kin s, and that thou mayest be of to my niucii 'oved country, which thou bust so much wronged, basso much a-.riiated my mind, that from the gloomiest and I !!l - most afflicting situation in which I was plunged 1 am restored to sthsations of the greatest comfort and len- lllTCct ji'V. \ oroof of this truth will he found in the paintid sacri fice f make , to remit thee the money too i hast united; for with the scant' uie..ns to "It.cli l am it d<iC( d to siio- uort a nimicr ais fhiinlv, willioul posscnmii ;■ ioi i. loan to iv*ociire the hare uec* sc ri.-s ol lifc-, wiih the strictest economy, ! have hseii obliged to :v: i** ucli .uid strain u" - elf ill the extreme, in order to pr..euri a a receive hrc.ig'li the Ir.nds ot I.. . iv Dun Luis de Onis, to whom I ior;ir*l u "i not having been able to find a Inil upon agreeably to tl;V 'visiii-s. Thou knowest a:i I dust confess, that i'i i • l i Ii hi .-l.ecev Sen.or !: die presell'. Nc" -(/rleuiin, iger have jt'-oe ■ I, I is'rc v M situition in " hiell th-m art, tluiv i.i ttuil rail apply hut thy f ilial-— -.on . is there that looks u-u-n ttu.-e v. u'. i.a-! ' father? If thou i-t-i ;>■ n- trad u "ll'i tl; an evidcn* proof of u. fecu. h. ,i , -o..i | i- render l'r-t- assi'.t.uu-e. tfioii - igi-t that tlu , • nobod' l. a", e nra- lie. e b •h'- fatii'-e, who b,.vc euiiers, is :ii. terested forth „ .if r — in- t-r >hin mi in-r on thv it. .sition to :.i er div ci . to lilt-world, that U.-’.it .ir* VSt ill.Ill Si • ii n-l la Per cm:in r:,«sl d- t ' ;i- sition. . : iloct. anil 111.ii v i I- :rfii-e hundred I Cl,SI. — . .... — — I. , 11 111, 1, 1,1,II i ,1,1 O Sr Veit numerous p a ..,: ..ivmw train time to time been grantet, 4 lIk* want of acrummottation rendered jep 1 sable. 'J'lte deleterious effects of fill; e .. '' n ' ev ii are severely and extensiv(*: v v." XurnitiisfaRding the well regulated n, h r nu’tieiotis watchmen of New-York, scu-, "" pignt has passed for some months igu-k v j.-;' a •son:,* store or house being pilfered; or na-s. " U robbed, and such of the depredators'-' b *en arrested,proved, with few excer.fion- convicts released from the penitentiary'" liit-.* disastrous lire, in that citv, may V* y- i -e -afcly attributed to the same source. ybl'~ ihuludeipliia lias not escaped their ravao, • ' n r'i.e consequence of the-e spoliations is. t ’anhe eflicarj of the penitentiary system begins t -y auici: doubted in the north,‘that tire h,j„. . »•„ ><*w-\ ork state prison have adf, .. ’ -- ' ' ; ' :v "" hat* suoject, and requ. 1 to tue general go Verm;: e ■' i’ •'* vreitir:g a colony of couth • river on the i-orfhv at - acid ts'ni Jl// •■</. ,),,a •ip. but. in the event of p’cteti. to form an estab! u be i or lit :t ' Tl t; .01: be i t.i t )l*"' jure t • \ i • :*f J hC#- i ht I Miino .do ' riS T ::.r « h' ■ .. fin Vi !! l :i d the ! *!>r■ X h .. 1 • • * **»’’« ': i i T i * 1»t ] (• ••it ri • d .V 1 ..! .(’!*, A !ic* 1 * \ , s • i - * " J ( t i - il - ! .i,:L .r cd. ’1 m lSv I*a»>,. ( t ill .i* *i . t: v ih '/ •r.' v. * it V. * the OI A *. I.. v: .• V* ,. in the ». » hr .vlll*., . " t -v 1 1 - IM - 1 IS Mh !‘(•» r i)' ti. TO l ’Cm* li i ti. dm Ill +<■ j» :.t . | j A ->f !:is : * , 1 a v .1 TO *. *ip.* ' * >" . f ’ i \ si ! r It l ti.e i !(. ii’V of T lt hf-* llldila l*cl *5. >1 »»l( Inmsi If m th« w iHl h f A l\s’»M .n ’’O Sitf' •*,hr .’ u »1 .’If 1 ICbJr T jy ct/itduc f. h ml pinv- i'» t p ' !r'-:*d; i ” * t vr.tii S il Wih/. Ail. ?\ -t f- •/!)» tlw 'ri f ,. M w i) • r ) S’.i. its ii! • 1 itvc ’.he fu lest t u>n- * • ’ g 11 . mi iiio'is r • r • iz.ins. i: ejl'dir ;*.i • (,,u li !« nc r in tin Ji» k;** Hi. » it V, 1 i S t; (’ f , a!i(l C.v*i 1 rli V of th« ?Sk* 1: on the iron tiers of the. s r to f ie, Ifngiisli rcuii-u v ate, on L'ceptacio at rt’.vx i ft/' •Mst iv •• i!i<i-( • i i’ t!i: 1 c.c tin- * ' "lien -In . of ;i iv. hi i- and, in fint better lime ed love, :h bosom of 8 errors, and the king How we long to pi A ll Be pi rsti.aled, tiiat n-. ' ir ! . p;.i i.,rda 1 - (i ■ i -. s't h:. j,i..y as at tine -.ay, ... c die glort ot living limit r the>nii' i, as de-, r. hie as lie is h. lo\ i d f- 1* Ins Vn-Uli s, dio i.o> r* fuse to thy aged parent.., who m '>c«*o" ea on tin e nn.ol’s ofth.cir distinguish- cnn.-ol .tin. f belio.doig" lin-c return to I In ain, with a firm deleriiiiu.-.lion to expiate thy von thv hie *,i> 1 iif- c. of religion and Vour ninthi i- oi ■ n- d 1 nddi-t-.s von thiseiitre in in.r hosoiii, : S v.e .1 v: ever read' to do, "henevi r llioti t a , e.-.r as it Lc- . * oil Spaniard, i'i »oi ed lo sei ve ul in itve " itu submission to tile ii 1., t ,e other It n-i-s; for although lie had not, at tiie rf those letters, complied wiiii his promise oh calling on Don Oms, he n.ul declared to ms h.tiier h:s iv'/'cr',-:-;t-.,ii;i tns "iaii t suh- mit and become ricoi.cihil to “.'A tux: tf a;l kings" I the “ailured PeruitiunilP Jle had, mol-, i ver, cotiiininca- ted his plan for the ‘’pacification of Mexico,” to the governor of Havana, as appears by (he Ictur of Cit nfit- gosto i)ory/).iis. These lacoi arc cogent evidence of To ledo’s defection. The residue of the intercepted despatches, more im mediately interesting lo the L’nitcd Soles, we liave thought it best to pubhshscparaien, on c. ednesday. How or by " liotn these, papers " ere obtained, e sh.d! not dis close, but merely remark that ni-iitier our government nor our citizens intercepted them. 1\ unxla'itiil nf a letter fra at the governor and captain gene ral fi -u tempo r of /L.v.uia, .o the Spuaixh canister lit the United Slates. Havana, Oc.oh. r 22. 1816. ] have just received your dcsnai cl i ot ti.e 17th ;'.■Sep tember, staling that you Ua'e sin.-et-eded in e ngi.giug-an officer of the . oyai armies to lake p..rt in ilu ( \ji il.- tion of Mina, and to serve fariifuliy the ems - ol ins I majesty, to ttic agreement v<;u n.-aiic vu.i him, amt explained m lue- same (le-pa'cn rent, i.iing in j my possession for the rse it is luives me to i i..g.- of; j comm nicat ion of it hating bc> n made to tne im-st. \c# i-1 lent the viceroy of N’t-w tipaui. with a copv of t.u ctphtr, | for his information and gov - i n.i.ent, and 1 acgii. ml to of C- IIK’S tilt e, 11. iia-l' a* iliv ki lg " ith loy ally, j laws-of thv country. Shouldst thou do as we expect thee, we " ill bless thy existence, .-.nd prat" God our i.--rd 'o shower up ui thee his blessings united to thus- < f toy f.l in r, who anxiously desires thv happiness L- is .t'.t.n../ Hi d octso. j lAceompa p-iag Ike preeteding lettei -. Uk re was a j draft drawn In a'noose in H;.v..n:i, on anotlu r deiphia, (1 ti d Scptetii*! r 26 tor the 2,elLiU to be given conditionally to tin- \ oung general Toledo; also, a let ti r to a house in i Sad itno re, requesting tlum to pay the same sum, in case the H11ila-' elphia house should h ive other,' i.-.e appropriated the funds placed in its hands.— The money lias, we under* and, bedi paid ] V proposed appears, or. reflection, ratner ;-npud;cid!is. J’iie fariiify ,,l i. an on any place of punishment, tituate.. da oiitieis oi Aew-\ ork, is fully asgreat a- , u tiie heart of ilie stall —nnieew. more • lie criminal, at ; ..r biedkin :nem, may avoid deu .•inumgt.ic* frounois or ( ,»>inw over to tin* lr, : i iistt trovn lie may return a, convenience suits him. and again commence his de testable career. Though banishment to *he western shores of this comment offers not tiie same readiness of icIjiC- n iita, for peltry. The cul- s ecu re asylum arnoig tf le so: oecaut-j from his coniine- uni. by taking refuge ssinn; over rce lie rcturinng. vet it is equally favorable ment, and admits of much injury to our ('him trader-;. v»!.o resort thither for peltry. The cal *rit would obtain In virtue of ihe regulations of his majesty the king of the Vetherlands, &c and the dispositions of the go.ern- , ors of the colonies of .Surnnani, 8t. Martin and Sab.., the commercial navigation of tue vessels of the t’niied States of Ana lira, to tho-c coionic-e, is re-established, on the I sami 'doling as it "as before tiie year 172>—And m ) eons -qm nev thcv.ot, the articles allowed to be imported | i no Surrii’a ni. ai -.- tiiiiber, cuttle of e'e-rv d. scripuon, : tiri. dand s,.i'ed iish, tobacco, flour, pcus( and beans, ami other arlicli s, dried and salted pork and beet excepted j The productions of the colonies, sugars, cotton, coffee • ail' 1 cocoa excepu d. arc permitted to be exported in, foreign vessels, on pay ing" five per cent, in and outa-L ti’i' i s on ail ar.icii s enumerated above. If sped, ng t. it islands of St. .Martin and Saba, been re.pmi’rd, that tiie national vesstis iiclon^ii the oorts ill tin; kingdom of the Nctiieiiaiids, are i x, nq ur. paying inward ami outward dunes, unii the e\ f'bcs ui tiiat quarter, who have more than once surprised several merchant vessels trailing there .mu massacred every soul on board, 'i mur derous disposition, assisted n> tne cm wing of a civilized rubber, could not fail in being b..,r,i- tiable, and fiequcotiy uitii'.iating in the destruc tion ot our merchant ineu; nay. tin* very v ui.eiv L-self m glit fall a vic tim to satiate the Vui.mii;' Team e. Kut were lucre no po.s.-ib lily o: e- caping into the interior or should t* c vac,vie. entenain any aversion against entrusting them selves with ti.e savages, opportunities would, some time or another, occur, Ol seizing on weakly I manned vessel.-, and putting to sea: or bv con cealing theiiiseivcs, in ships touching there until l a considerable distance trom land, they would either find their way to China and from them ■ • to Europe, or desert at some of the islands if ■ a i -dif}trsiu; where, in conjunction with the r.i- ] tivcs. They woubi soon liiitl means tosuiniisr I some mercnautninn or other. In the first and it has ! n»st instance, with vessels at command, they g tr ; would naturally resume their old habit of piun- eacli cap- uering. i ne ill disposed portion of Fired crew would augment their ft*ire .,* hi* information ami got - i mi.ent, a.,cl 1 scqu.inl aril dulv of 24 (foliar* on ev. ry ihousaiul ! tUr0d crew '' ou!d Im re, bsihg fit for your nucuigeiic., a., . .on ..ctmg as governor | ( ,f.,og.,r. The articus imported, in foreign v. - Fiat system of buccaneering already progressing „<l.capu... gcn-ral pro ump.i.e. m con* 'f :e st |s art . M .b|. ct to an inwanl duty of dj per ecu and (., ! !:v (lie* Convicts who have escaped Lorn J‘o‘ ’’K-rSStmTSr* - fr If «» r.*--*? Eft" *? “w* ;•<»*»»” a short lap.,- \nor '/>■.« il/is Or I. nr, '.'.'I" 1 V -'' 1 - ''! an II, lenacr tlic na vi-al inn of (lit- Fai ill! in* - translated for the Freeman's Journal. FOTRTil BULI.F.TIV OF THE CENTRAL ARMY. The junction of the two divisions of generals *iona T ft- s ami Sartisa being accornphshed, conf(>rni..hie to the (intens of the commander in chief, the army commenced its march from the head quarters at 8ri Diego Cabrutica, the kJili August in tiie morning in the oireetion of Avar vua. The object of the coTiunainh-i- in chief was to take possession of that important position, before tiie forces that the enemy was collecting in the plains of (Jyvazcas, could occupy it. It was necessary to make most rapid marche*—hut such was the rigor of tiie season, that anv other array less animated than our’s, v.ilh ihe enthusiasm of liberty, would have been detained. Copious ami con tinued rams, impetuous torrents, immense rivers, and in undated plains, obstacle* of every description, that conn! only be vanquished by republican constancy, were en countered at every step in our march. N'otwid,-standing we arrived the 3d instant at Luatacaro, " here obtaining inf rfftation of the movements of tiie anny of the cncn,v under tiie command of Morales—the commander in clue: determined to march b.rc.k (countramaich) on the 4th upon those forces, to prevent their junction with tluio. of Aragna, whose conunandi r tliought proper to accele rate our plan precipitately, under tiie deiuaiou tiiat Hi ■were flying- Our army was encamped on the hill of tiie Mrivcan, oi the morning of the 6tli, w hen the outposts announced they had discovered the enemy on the heights of the Ro- bie. Our.ufiny was order of battle in their po- «ition, the * cavalry of general Munagas occupying trie right, the infantry the centre? under the command of lieu, col. Fedro Lyon Torres, with i wo piquets of Indian how- Boeti, comnntnded by their cluefs, Manaure and 1'opepe, and on the left the cavalry of general Zarnza, the reserva commanded, by brevet col. Hiuneo Mora, formed in co lunmthe rear gtiard. i d/t > _ At 11 a. m. the enemy began to matt bis appearanc, on the hill in our front, with columns of his cav dn which were recoil noitefed on our right by general Mo/if. yit,and °P nlLF h * by colonel fnfaute. A party of the enemy’s ligiit troops took possession of a wood in front of out r%ht, , ah’dtlie rest of his column frdjowed, forming his line supported-on the same wood, itli another in his rear-, hia infantry occupying life cen to serve S, Translation rf a it-iit t-Jiont iht. g-,: -error u::l cuf-t..ia gene ral of Havana, to the. Sp.w’xh JHi.-.ixte. . (i-ovfuiisriAL.), ti, p.emh.-r 3.8, 1816. Through I’ailre Fr. Anlomooe Scdclia, Don Jo.-e Al varez tit Toledo has coiiniK'.uic.iti d m l : .,- i.dic . ,11i.c captain Lcntral, a lettei under u.iie .• T Xew-OrUans, Is, .Inly last, man-fisting his repent .act- and .miitou- im- ins disloyal conduct, ui re^tiiig’:fm pardon of ins m-jestc, and prouiissing to c; :•»s vt-r; errors to .iieVood and .service oi the u.di n. And a. proof of tins dispo sition, he* si. oils ,..e a pi to ot los own Willi In.- ide-as n the- subject of tiie pacd.catiedi of tue kingdom ol M- vi ew, and” concludes by stating that lie would proceed in tew (laysto Piiiladeijima, .o present lutllseif lo vo.i lo treat wi’li you of these mutt, rs, and then to e"uii!u'i:,e lus vovagt- to Madrid. At the fd-si si^iit ..f tliese tn-nionsira tions of the y oung ’Toledo, they seem-ed to be sincere Nevertheless, I have eompareei them w ith vour letters aiiei advices to tiie 23 n ..f August last, it was tnen in I: time heshindd-havepresented uiniselt to you ae-.cortlii:. to his promise*. On tne com rai-y, it appems inat lie re mained leagued with the pen erse adveii.urersci;^m spreading the flame of tiie insurrection and in con.inn ing marili-iie piracies. in (bis perplexity I sent for tbe yoon- man’s f.iht-r. respectable for his fidelity uuel g. od sen ices. I de,. .c-ui him two letters which came airccud to nun, and m an absence he has given them answers, wine:, lie iia"<:• .i open, wi n a biliot exchange endorsed ncir to yi n I tile value ot two liioiisailu doi .lies. Tl,.s odi 1-1 ; , I considered condi*jonul- niises of reformation, and von are Toledo conijMies v nil ] serve them fiankh and !i >noi .b,\, Ktti-.ill ii be Wih y . u will c .us* aforesaid sum to be paid lo him—not all at one :ii*u partially, for Ugiiiniate’T,-- , of which you uu.-l knowledge am! confidence ill. t b’VlOr ..111’ c.-ir: my object is *.• • :i al'.iMdoi' in- n - IOI t . .11*1 Ol.MIlCII t N !z ;t aid) lO r : o (1 ijl;t;» an! n four- ' i n- J oiceei) nmi-’iiig tins de-lic ,te* affliir to v°'< and to your know n /■ ,.i and peud. see not only' tins prejiuiu ia, vui::; r , m • egttlar Career, and , w :tfidr.,.v lus .ii*;,; from the enemies of tbe- kiug" and tin try whether by this me.ns it -.nay not I privc them of some ot lilt r actual stm • c-s, winch would not peril.-- -s he difficu ie if in the iliOliiedit of altering t is <aj,,.;i;ei. Abstaining from other r. .i< .ai.,ns, vviuc.i .ve unneccs- ‘-'try-for you, I hope that you w iii .• n , nie f- mc-lti .i ni- I’orm-ition of .,11 that rt/av occur in Uns l.u-iues-; endea voring, if Toledo not have, pre-enied liinise if, to nforni yourself of lii- acubns and inovi-mehts since the foremen! ioned date of duly last, m order ihut I neiv nai ler an account to bis majesty ot tins ocoinx-iice, and akc sucli measures a* inav .be proper and expeelicnt for us royal service, flod bivss you iiiatn years. Jus* Citxrtt/toos. Translation of a let lor from the elder Toledo to Don Onis. Havana, September 26, 1816. Must Excellent Sir, Dkah Sir—I baud your excellency, annexed, a bill of xcitange for g2000, for tiie purposes explained in the •ccompanying letter, which 1 deliver to you open for the icrson to whom it is *d dressed, all conformably to tile dvices which y our excf »‘-d3y will r^geive on the subject, from the most excellent tbe —p*iin g^Drni.l. of this i^and, lons.viz ill---vi-ions of every desc: q.lioo pay three on entry; ruin lii dassi s, fuf in and d duty, pay- one iiatt dollar her cask, saV o.r T :oofieil: rve and !,1 cal flour pays two rims in and three rials ui,heard duly p-r b..r- I ref. All -nicies <• icing from Europe are subject to ail iu- w;ir ! dint ol live p. i c.ul. ai'.il all oil* ward dutv of six per celli. ou Lie amount ot tile oi'.m't; ill c. -.e tile in voice caiihoi be produced, the inw^l’-d duly i.-. fixed at 3; -hi ci nt. and the outward duty at 4* jkr edit, on the iii.oket price of tin colony. On the exportation of all the articles, a deductionfw il! be made of l.he amount, ofthe (ini' p:ud. With ng.-rd to ti.e provisions tiiat have paid 3 pvi* cent. du ly, Tins reduc-ion is fixed on one hail. The exportation of provisions of every description, however, to be made in three months; and o! all other ... i,\ months from the d..v of the en.rv. Co-'xniutr Hfire of the .Ye: her! antis, .Yen'- York, December 4, lblb. S \M)\\ It II 1ST.\ND6. Wh liave conversed with gentleman who has recent ly n • It. lied from t ie I’aClt.e Oee.m. lie states illl.t It IS mk cor-eet. as lias been reported, that Tslila.uiiah bus con quered all the rvaudvv icii islands. A tooi, vv Inch is at one • Vila tne nfih-.- group and is more than 3fiJ miles Iron: tlwyiiec, vvliert Tutiiaaiuah residts. still preser.t-s its ui- h ; Liidence. Il is true, that I amorce went down sev,- i.d veais since, and nude a surrender of lus island to i .unaainah; but m. has since ti> ought better of r, and bidet! not ri. field without a struggle. Our in is p'-e-i-nts T...naxUia!i to be an artful, sagacious v.riitich av..racious. He w.uit> every tiling Hi is co .initially solic.iiiig' presents trom tin ,s, vvlio visit him, and dislikes gi*. ing any tin;. Tamorec, ou the comrary, is a generous, mi- 1 man Hecainim he prtv.mtd upontuaci cp. it _ny thing w itliotu ivturning ail equu aleut. We li.w ui*eati. ’■( coni, d au i.-iStanci of ms humatut v' ill sending in—!>oat in tne laid—t of a bc.i'v-^.UO to 11i.- a-si-.taiici oi a,; Alllera all Vv -i, ill (liSd*i"SS allti "oivli Was tin nn alls of avin"'tie: fioni slo-.uiaik. in.ctlotei- a c rts cl,tion ot 11... ciiitfaC’er. l'aiiioree is till- rigiilfili sovereign of ail tla .'andvv.c.i IslalulS.— I ..maautnb is all iisuvpei .;uinaii lus no vessel oi more than i ignl <-r bn tons nurtneii. He is anxious, however, to purcuasc a slnji for the purpo e, it i- sup posed, of iiiiajm , Atooi. t: nioiae iiiso " to I) .y siup. 1 aiiiaaluati is about r • ) ' c.;-/ (»id, and appears i amorce is iii ins prime, 43 ycals old. Hite because, as tne American bo.,id el i- foreign iii.ssions will probably fi.v up- lnissioiiarv sUdions, it iiic lnt- ;)iacfiqable or at least extremely hazardous by lay tiling weaker tiian a stout sloop ol war.— a be evil would be permanent: it would not t ease with tiie present generation; because the pirates vvouid form connexions with the femalc- islaiulers and the audacity and vices of the sire would be transmitted unimpaired to the son.— in such a condition of things, ail attempts at ci vilizing oc amending the morals of the natives must prove futile, as the corsairs would sedu- ously destroy every missionary establishment " Inc i n..S C*.< Tor'll ui * • I...U .ml iK • * ' ’' * i u 1 m • hMlilMl' mignt ui iiigt.ieir practices into disrepute. Thus, .America wouid be deprived of a valuable ic.itiic, and the worthy intentions of the religious and humane be—perhaps forever-—frustrated. The growing dislike to the penitentiary sys tem is* certainly premature, and whoilv founded on a total ignorance of its nature, ’i lie casual ties which seem to set it indent* rice inNew-l ork are remediable and that too with but little trouble. Fhey flow entirely from the want of foresight on the part of the legislature yf that state, in not providing against the extention of crime with the encrease oi population. I lie most superfi- air,! observer, one would suppose,must certain!’-’ *>e aware that the prison calculated to contain ihe evil dispusmi among five hundred persons wouid not answer the same I'tinmsc wiien that i. -toth-iv hat! encreascd to a toousami, unless,in- !c. tl, a great reformat it n purpt>se had in-ten bl i -kx. il. 'A c arc tfi is ini cnmnissioiu r«t i on These i i-aiiils for one ofiiu.ii* lms iv-mleretl every tiling which rclalcs to uic-m unusual ly interesting. Trom tins stulcniciit it appears not ini. prob..ble that George m y, at some future day, be km*- ofAiooi, if not of ail the Sandwich Islands. W’c cannot but notice that in casting this y oung prince upon our shores, and in all the circumstances of the case, dm hand ot Providence seeing to be pointed in a remarkable man- ner to tiie Sand" hi eh Islands as a proptr fleid for our missionary exertions. It may be added too, tiiat the share which George has had in the battles, Which has gi- vea us po naval reputation, and thp humanity taken place. A l omparisim of the present revenue collected in he-Lite oi New-York with that of a few years oaek oiujht to have admonished the general sent'!v ol tiie necessity of making additions to those iiiatitniioiis established for repressing mis- letu ;t.iois. i’iiis, however,they have notper- •■ivetl, and tirfe consequence is. that the cvim irisi.ig trom the omission iiave been attributed to the law, instead of being laid to its admiinstra- i'uin. The code, if properly enforced, is rom- .lensurate to its tle»ign. M lien tiie penitentia ry was found too small for the number of cul- -i its, why w as it not enlarged? and when known that the lenity shewn to its inmates but served to encourage the profligate in the perpetration or it regularities, why not introduce a more rigorous discipline, which would have an opposite ten dency? After being concious of the inutility o i comfortable gaol in changing the habits ot de praved villains, why merge them in it again- SYhvfiot, on the commission of crime by relea^ etl convicts, chain them in pairs, and. emp o} thejp for Jife in tbe laborious drudgery of makia*