Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 21, 1816, Image 4

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Perkins & White, Have fust recm from vec^on*:o nsiJnn^Ut. jtpr ship •, k&.ofofyir2&v<#» fa* TVosdb'n for cash i r Cloth, 10 pi< kid Shoes, 250 dozen-ivory, horn‘'and tortoise; shell Comb*, 5(1 dpzi 1 New-York inanufa^pied'Sjwppndars, 2 caseadow priced Saddles. tin Jr-,. UUH ^ *1. tJ-U Jr■-i .• . «U-t a ' , ■ •', i Received per stipe Adonis and Rubicon, and for sale le s .... than J'faoJTorkprices, ; 25 cases broad apd .I'airo'.v .brynniedyopam and cast' r Hats; with a variety of British and FiencnDHY. .GOODS, 1 plated V-are r &C- boi dee IT-" w lit; at the prepant law. prices. J oiuv F. Pbuy at -(wrros Offer* foe tale, at verg'.redmoed tetisive assdrtinent bT tresli and 4 pridhs, An extensive-assortment oT fresh and genuine Drngs and Ab&tioesi Dye Si ilfr. Wiop Furniture, Phials, (M. lately receNed from England, l^rance and the rtorffi-— jya»; C01iV>V»J■ YtId. j. Aqu* Fortis, dupl. r Allura, Brimstone, Camphor, Cream.of Tartar, Calomel, Jallap, .Magnesia, Manna, Macej Nutmegs, Opium, Rochelle Salts,.sugar of Lead, Sulphqr, Tartar Ein$tic„ white and blu* Vitriol, refined Saltpetre,- Peruvian 'Hark, .1 jCcaCnaiihS, Rhubarb, best American and West Indian I iastor Oil, 1 lenry’s Magne sia,. aodaic • Powders; all the different kinds of patent Medicines, and a small quantity of gennine Rig* Balsam. He keeps «Fconstant supply- of painter’s COLORS, dry or ground in oil; such as white and red Lead, Lytharge, Vallow Ochre and Spanish Brown, Verdigrise, patent Yellow, Prussian Blue, Vermillion, &c. LI VSEED OIL and WINDOW GLASS. dec 19 * 151 Harral 6c Worrell, DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, In Congress-street, a Few doorS west of the Market- square, are - now openingsnd offer for sate, two hundred . i . ... a:.... .....i i-.. c n'jnr-e rme aiul twenty-five cases and packeages of DRUGS, CHE MICALS* AND $HOP FURNITURE, he. of a superior quality, and at redaced prices. Amongtiiehi are, -Aqua Fortis- Duplex Do do Triplex -A-Hum Analto, Spanish and American Aetiier Antimony Arrow Hoot Balsooi"'Copaib Black Lead Bismuth Borax, refined Castor 5‘d Chiltenham Salts Camphor, refined O Castile Soap. - Canthrides Calomel ppt. Castor N. A. Camomile Flowena. Cream of Tartar Flo wer of Sulphur ifigftjtr. • Gum. Arabic Ah).—Opium Do Tragacanth Ivory black, English Juniper Berries r Gold and Silver Leaf Madder Nitre refined Paint Brushes - Paint Stones Patent Lights "Powder Ipecacuanha fro Jalap Do Peruvian Bark Pearl Ash Pearled Barley Rod Chalk Rotten Stone Sinpbur in rolls Sweet Oil Sodaic Powders Sarsaparilla Salt of Tartar Spirits of Turpentine Tartar Emetic Tapioca Tanners and Sperm. Oil Trusses, assorted Widsor Soap, (genuine) Winnow glass of all siz«s Verdigris, dry & ground in oil Phials, assorted Logwood ■Magnesia S. S. •btt Calcined (Henry’S) . Also a complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Sur geons’ Instruments, Painters’ colors, Oil, Vamishes.&c. ■Orders from Druggists, Physicians, or Merchants, will - be ^promptly atid carefully attended to. • 143 , ' The subscriber if ffferi'jor sale at very lino piices the following articles, vis; -ay-few dpzcn dressed calf Skins, ~ jp^sides dryssed Leather 'Barrgls,Appfo s vdiUoPotatoesof a superior quality - James Kenyon, At the office of Charles Cotton,' on the Bag, ni:dr the Ev- chtingv. ' " r dec" 17—159 - change, ■ dec 17-1»< ; Frlhcli aiid English Goods. I *« \< hoot JOSiEPil AUKB, r Q(o. jppqros’s.Hivny.) V Offers for sale,' on ekco/nm.adc‘(ng terms, by the piece or , - . , pqphagi, t/skfaiiowitssr ; Jellied and carubric .fancy Shawls, Kerseymeres,’ put pelisse. Ciotii, cotton and silk U.— 1 -■——a.,n xoiliiie*- — lets, .Maistcyatongi Bombazi , TMidk^rtjiiigfit'eyantuycM'lorejuoe, Laces fe\Is. different - sizes, bLfck. and, ‘.White Drapes j *-^qrrung”Ccup^a, fine Vhe h c u.Cioih s, inebaujl women’s! ' ind.bueks'riu^roves, silt Cloth, men ami wo-i 2 ~* —•'— Cr_ v ‘ he# > French .LmcpJ ready made .cam** jjOT elegant fcVehch L()Oia\<i(iLASSiES,^ of va- o Viipo montlpniprp with, shorWau* ft r . m^^nts, with shades, tea, toi-' rkin^ Tahios, with marble; hand-i.'hji.-,French' urnbler 1 ; and'Decanters; ladies’gold \Vatches, ^ndMlye.g^Uaa..Xue<iLa>jiU'»aa^2 bales Humhums. also, tx STons, Imperial ajid Youti^ ilystm WTATIOW. co#. j cordial mmi grocery stork, tVaar Y^iomae'Thtihff.eefs. WpittBro ad-elreet, . £ tBg rotiowiKo 'Aarrccesf Wit: 1 chest imperial Tea, 1 <lo ypuiiglhjssm Tea T03T gallons Cordials gndShrub .. ,6Q gjjlons.Limednice ■. , Jamaica and' W. I. Rum Gin and Cherry Bounce ' Teneriff; Malaga and SI terry Wines Navart sweet Cider Trim's grgen Goffee amd double refined Sugar Half Spanish and American Cigars 'PockeCTIbok^ Q'iill* and Wsders '■ tfiu receive^ Q,t& ohifi fyrdt ^eUi»tfeoti,frbM I. 140. tons Liverpool groiu^l^al^-sto'w Jugs. a»'<vted A few tonii well .assorted Iron, d crates l>Uck Boti A few bundles Gernv»ii.Steel, patent it Carolina Hoi Castings, assorted* trace Chapt* ■ Mill and pit Sow*, aifew casks blue Liverpool A few biindlfaof Spades _ Ivy* 20 casks hpst bottled Porter, 10 boxes X X tin Plates 2d casks-stvimg pale Ale. , . - v , jW Wliicb, withAte DRY GOODS and HARUWAfcE**- mally receivril, makes Fiis assortment very, j^ifpplfttf*- - All of which wifi be sold on accominouating “term i, Common and’ letter Paper * ? Hair, Combs, .ornamented First andsecentLqualityplaring Cards Candles, Soap and Tob.-tcc . Salmon,-Maokeitl and Cbdiish Morocco Skins _ _ • Morocco Ha;.*, assorted, of a superior quality, warranted - The above articlesare of a good quality, andwill be sold low for cash. . Taste, compute aiut judge. dec 14 149 Ciitifes iianiioii c> oo. {Back of a Hrjte't/tcaetinn store, entrance Bay-tune) itiVl: 'SCST EF.I EIVKD, 1 trunk ladies’ m'-rocpo Boots kid do , roan Shoes' 1 do 4 do ci 2 do leather Shoes 2 do morocco Slippers’ 200 pair negro Shoes A few dozen Port Folios, together with their former stock, makes a complete assortment, all. of which they w»U sell low for cash. dec !4 149 The subsclibers Have received, by late arrivals, and offer for sale, at the ' store lately occupied by Air. Andrew Knur: 100 bags Liverpool blown Salt 30 casks London .draft Porter 23 crates assorted Crockery, 28- boxes Tumblers 2 pair Looking Classes, 22 by 36ineues, gitt frames 100 Demijohns, 11W fancy ‘tusket.s, I'.K) gin Cases 20 bis N. E. Rum, 1 hhd W. I Rum, 50 sets Measures 1 hhd Gin, 10 bis and 15 boxes Cordials * 25 lialf barrels mess Pork ) 13-do do do b <* 3 WyU ! 20 half bis Tongues, 20 bis Mackerel, 4 bis Raisins 4 casks Cheese, 7 Bedsteads and 10 Bureaus 1 elegant Sideboard * Also. at store -W. 21, Gmfimerce Row, 50 casks cut N.dls, *>ssotted sizes 200 Grindstones, -A sets Measures 4 pipes Sicily Madeira Wine 15 bis N<». 1 undo Boston Beef, 2bis grauber Salts 39 boxes cotton and wool Cards 20 do Wmil.or Soap, 10 do- brown Soap 20 dozen Windsor Chairs 43 do warranted Axes and Broadaxes 6 casks Hoes, steel _Plates, 2 do Hiitchets and Hammers 200 bis Turkey Oilstones, 5 Willard’s patent Tifiiepiects 7 casks Flints, assorted; butt Hipges and razor Straps 75 Common Bridies, 5 curb Bridles 200 pair lined and bound Shoes, 103 do negro Shoes ~T5 pieces'compapy Nankeens 4 do 'German linen Shirtings, 1 do Russia do 10 ■ do Bedtickings„ 7 do j.riest Cloths tO dozen printed Shawls, 3 Cables and 3 Hawsers Buttons, assorted; 36 dozen Knives and Forks 14 pair japanned and pialed Candlesticks Plantation Seives, 75 Trunks, 35 dozen chalk Lines 20 dozen case Combs, do ivory; Castors, (plated) Looking-Glasses, peeket Books, portable Desks Tinware, Brushes Sheathing, printing, writing and letter Paoer Olmstead fg Battelle. dec 14 149 The subscribers Sr. Have vwt received, by the schnoner 20 half barrels first quality mess Beef 5 do do navy mess Pork. 5 do do Tojigucs 100 casks stone Linte, 7 pair plated 8altetnnds 30 "Castni-s, T ghisses ea'di; 25 Castors, 6 glistes each 50 Castors, 5 do do lb Castors, 3 di 15 Cast ois, 4 do do ,~4 plulelll’vifaet i, 18 pair plated Candlestick s 29 barrels Nevv-Ark Cider 01 instead & Batt“llf nov 9T —T do File subscribers . Have entered hyto Copartnership) under the DoHfoii Sc and have' purchased the stork entitled to debenture dec 7—146 ore, "arnar ^-streets) oj BW8R all Just -Tecetyyd, tmtW saU cheap 4br cash or pro duce* Jan assort!qcn) _<ff XlUSICAL 1NSTlif ViENTS, con^rting oifWlottns, untfi elegant bows; liand Di-gans, FhttesjGfiuSmieL prtpSied Rosin, in boxes; best quality YioiS^SriSmg!*,' &c. ,KV " ' Izjtoi. p-4 dirti, •*An -aaMrtrfreiit of PA-XMYttfODDS, different qualities; JEWELLERY, STATIONARY, and HARDWARE elei TJbe’-subsci-ibei's^ ‘ Offer fof fate* 0 20 bis N. E. Rum,‘T6 qturt 1 t?r olfeis hyson Tea 26 (^s^s cdt Naiiv^s'mrt-edFlz»s " - —* — J fert>ckery, suitubje for country stores ^iTnCiVT 2 1 Cllaios 12 crate*assor| 500 Jugs, assort lbs sm 3 hoi <35!Mto**hte plkp^WarOi 4 cask sad li ons inodj k)a£ Sngiu* '' - * 1-apw - 250rbawe»<*X£fcba»lrSB»v 564 do tyre Iron iSt Cases nortborn Homespuns / ■’“1 elegant Cllklse* Alld l - spiHTl Waggon Together veK|Qd japgHtiiSsortment or DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, See. wlyCj^yjiUbsJiPld low, at wholesale * ' '' * L -~ r &R4R?£“t3»M- “ Hat T. Grsipon, *$&!■ Market-square i ~ .... lave ju aWumfflsrn by Dr. Harris,! Store. QiCO. lete assortment of the best $oi» lately dec up [Hr Abner Woodmi . led Woodruff's ^^a^BWdsrbuffanclpiafo’ vgtsf low. Merchants frmn . _may fi»d itrto their intef&t thousand Holland Quills. ‘iAi firm of tc of Mr.i John.Hunter, in the ship chandlery, and iiuuuig witii it a large and gehcraf assortment of GROCERIES, fresh from Boston, consisting of Teas, Coffee, loaf and brown Sugars, Pepper, Must trd.- Vinegar, "Molasses, gweet Oil, Cheese ami Bii*tcf, Hums, and Tongues, smoked B- ef. Pickles, table Sal , Rice, Bar ley, Potatoes, Onions, Peas and Beans, corn Meal, Suicesi oralttin Is. . - LTQl’ORS. Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum, N!" E. .Unm, Hollami, Gin, Peach Brandy, Irish Whiskey, Cotuitry Lin, Madei-, ra Wine, in bottles and by the cask; Port Wine, in bt»i- ties; Claret,. Wine, by the bottle or dozen. JjiSf received front Jbiverp',aL, per.brig Friends, 5'J casks best brown st<>ut4*orter 8- dKto ptue apple Ciieesfc 20 dozen London refined Foft'Wine 12 Tdxcs“PICKLES, containingPicaiilio, Cauliflowers, mixed Raddishes, Oliow ‘Chow, red CaLbagts, he. Every article u>. the above line, will be furnished on the lowest terms, for cash or town acceptances. '. d - O. L D0BSON. JAMBS HILLS. N. B. Sex Stores put up on the shortest notice and in the best manner. .- dec 7- H6 Tlie subscriber Has just ptceivrd* from Liverpool, An extensive assort nent of extra superfine blue, black and fancy colored cftHh Coats,‘rich Florentine, white Marseilles aftd fancy Vests, superfine and second doth. Surtoiits and Tanlxlouus. a large.,assqiuuw>t ; aH of which will he ^old low for ,c.-;sh, by Ledlie Thompson, nov 9— —134 • jyferchuut lien wm wholesale retail. S& .dee 17- 1 irst Fail. Ooyrtn*;* 1 , By the ship -Lucy, just arrived from Jdj;,erpoel, ANDREW LOW <v CO. 150 r Have received a part of their WINTER GOODS: which, together witIMhose already on hand, theyadli rtorsal^, on moderate and accommodating 'Their Stock, besides other Articles, cor,mins the fu 'do wing 72 hales dulfil Blankets 5 do 30 <lo 10 do 8 do J ust Received. 130 ddzerr Fpcket flocks antll'unes, assorted si,~ (rery lowy public walk ift Pari?); French Ink, in jugs chapel of die Luck Hospiuf^'****'^*'^ Songs of die Temple or the Bridgewater Colfectio 0 .q£?aw»f5£ " The life arid Writings itf Mis4 ty Wbodburv 8.. C. SCHEN-R. '.Received, oil consign alenT "AW MfVnrrfp; Ari rtocil goods, 3 rose Blankets white Plaips colored'PLiins Flannels Coatings, Flushings and blue Strouds Cassimeres, assorted black and colored Bombazets J 175 pieces Bagging 6 trunks wwsteaaml lamb’s wool Stockings 6 do 3 do 6 do 12 do ootton Stfx-k'.u.p*. 3.5 do primed Calic'u s 4 ilo ' do Slarsetfles, forv 3 do woolen Yestelcts 1-0 do a cotton Cambrics 4 do black Cambrics 6 do cotton twist ShirtingsJ 60 do assorted Muslins 15 do cocttin UirtbrtikA "2 do Bomba/.ines - 2 do black Crape 1 tin black silk Handkerchiefs 50 cases of Ginghams, assorted 20 do 2 do 12 do 8 do 6 do 10 do 1 do coarse and fine Dimity handsome furniture Dimity , - Irish Linens brown Holland apron Check pound and paper Pins Whitechapel Needles Cutlery, assorted, in small Casks ' Turkey red lam Russia Sheeting Crash, for towels Osnuburgs, Sic. &c. fee. axu By the ships Georgia, and John (J Fulmard, frots TJvee- poot, just nrrned, Brussels Carpeting, with bordering and Iiearui Rugs to match Venetian and Scotch Carpeting, and carpet Binding .Green crumb Cl-’ths and table Covers Superior Cloths anil Cassimeres l)rah Cloths, for great coats Fashionable pelisse Cloths Printed and plaid Bombazets, for childrens* wear Velveteens and Corduroys Fine long Lawns Irish Sheetings, and Linens, very cheap Chintz furniture Calicoes Winter Shawls and lace Viels. Furniture Fringes and bed Lace Superior green Cloth, for billiard tables Bed Ticks, and a further supply of negro, Blankets and cotton Ragging, A t. oct 26—129 Fresh Roots and ^noes. wood & walker, (l\ r hita\ 'r street, next door to Pcnf eld's jewellery s'ore,) * Respectfully inform the citizens of .Savannah, that they have just received by the ship Iluhion, from jSew- York, the newest fashioned Boots anil Shoes. Ladies’ morocco, kid and Jaue clasp Bootees do white, blue, purple,slate, and buck kid Slippers do black anil colored morocco Slippers and Ties do morocco walking Shoes Gentlemen’s Suwarrow aiid razee Boots do bryad strap morocco Shoes and Pumps do do do calfskin do do mnri>cco and leather dancing Pumps Women’s leather Boots, race flippers and Ties Children’s morocco and leather Bools do do do Shoes 1030 pmr men’s lined and bound Shoes 500 pair cheap negro SijOCS, at wholesale or retail, may suit, the piiTcli.r* r dec 17-—.—x AN INVOICE OI ... msini«:« or Elegant .bl.icjc and whife Lace, Veils, Shawls, j> e s 0 rCeiis add 1 fahdkei chief* I^vantiiie w.dreFfonriiceiSiitsH, Flonntiiit Testirr 1 case Cmbcellns- aud Parasols " "E 1 do tkimhrics," some verVfine 1 ilo siik Gloves anu Stocking* 3 do Perfumery, 2 do artrfionS Flowers 2 do paper Tluugings l Allies’ black, white and colored kid Gfovi-s Gemh-oien’sbuekskin-aiid beaver Gloves Morocco pocket yind counting- house Backs Toilet Boxes,"Brushes, lie. *' u boxes Saddles atul Bridles , 4<) do real Spanish'"Cigars 5U / casks tut Nails 4 boxes Shoes, assorted. life 14 cv- -149 For axle bv E. CHltTEXDEV. William Perldiis & ^ielanctou JL. VVIute Having connected themselves in business, under the firm of Perkins & Linte, off-r for sale, at iheir store in Johnson s square, (iormerly occupied by Mr. L. Thomp- riwiiK^ 11 ^ assortment of British and.French DHY tjrOODS. Hinong* witjcii are Broadcioths; Cassimeres, Blankets, Plains, Vesting, Bombazets and Bombazines, 9-4, 104,’ 11-4, 12-4 Coum terpanes; worsted, cotton and silk Hosietw! 14 by 7(i\ dainask Tablecloths, table Diaper, Irish Linens, cotton shirtings, Dimities Calicoes, Xmcy Musiin, cambric nook, jaconet anil leno Muslin ,, Gmghams. ladi«* ' „ r I.W, silk Sh»is, fadin’ bfack Ibbous, Purses, s, k Net; Levantine, Canton, flag ami il.mdana Haiidkcrcl'.iefs; .Merino Trimming, nut shell tdbves, face A c,l. s i’eloriues, plain and ri^gm iadn Levantine anil F lon-nce -Snk.,, CorsetU, elastic stocking 1 les. keathe-s, Bonnets, Ac. n0 v 19 138 Calvin Raker ^ het). Acquaint thrir city and country friends, that the- are receiving daily, per the constant port, their Fall and Winter arrivals at this - . - . . . . supply of BUY GOODS Wh’oh b large and extensive, m the various articled •requisite for Hie country trade; which they will d.smseni on credu or for cotton, or cash, as may be m,« con- <*»t o he r.?"—-:«>»i-s. ,... - -.. rt . liiv SllbSt l*;bci* lias rcceirerh by late arrivals from England, France and Ncw-Aork, an extensive supply of fasliin-iahta Watches, Jewellery, Plate, Plated Bore, Cutler, “ ‘ y Goads, and a variety of other Artic'ksT which aSlfl f i 4* - „ i i p ’ W.V.O, »vuifou are or- tcredf »r sale, low for cas*i, towa acceptuiicts. or nro- uUC»“j v iZ;™ 1 * Gold and silver patent lever Watches, with gold and enamelled dials, fud and fourth Seconds; gold ind silver repiatmg, alarm arid plain U'atchcs, capped, enamcitef si-conds amil plain movements, gold ear and finger RoS, Bntccict-., -Neckliices, Broach^ watcii Cliaf s, s-L Keys hair Ornaments, amber aifd coral Ncck! a X%^ il9 15(J Slipes! Shoes! * ( The subscriber offers for'sale, at the Lite residency, of Air. KoVrt Fair, near Market-square* 70d pair of men’s fine fcathcrt-Shoe* do do do "do do do <15 MoroWfl ilo graiii dir- ■ - l.ip skin do fine Morocco Pumps 1 leather do Ouxlov.c.1 do tiygvo Shoes ladies’ Morocco Pumps Grecian Rands do Bootees ^ Ikiv’.; Shdei. children’s Ihiskins, Sic. negro Shoes Will be sold on reasonable terms'by Abel Evanjs. ALSO, ••)<;<»..• 100 do 5U0-do Wflalto m do 300 do 2dd do 800 do 500 do 600 do 4'id do ,490 do 400 do 500 d* 1 case of castor Tbits 3 do 3 do 4 do ! do roruin do youth’s do . aniber aifd coral XcckiacesiV ‘■‘‘“"KmgS’ to match; ridicule and purse Clasps sleeve amVW Buttons, 2 elegant silver coffee andto, s^! hve pieces each; silver cream Jugs, T-mWersund pub Boats; silver tab,e, tea. soup and g:,Spoons; silver sugar Tongs, butter Kmves and cuddy Spoons, silver Coral and Bills, pencil Cases, Thimbles, tooth Hicks: nair double Dinted ffiiir tmii ei»- . V pair double plated four anil six light Brauclies; silver Gad:-oons ami elegant Candlesticks and Brackets, to m itch, table Candicjlricks and Brackets, silver ed'^ed and plain, a great var.ety, cordial Stamls, two to four bat tles, richly cut; Castors, four to seven bottles, richly cut. Guclroon and sliell borders; cake and bread Baskets shell and Gadroon borders; salt Dishes, with folt stands Goblets, decanter Stands, Snuffers and Stands, fine Ra zors, pen Km ves, Scissors and Lancets; plated and gut Sabres, xmafi Swords, Dirks, PistoLs, Epaulets and Laces- sword and plain Sticks, Whips and Spurs, fire Do-si Shovels, Tongs and Fenders; gilt and plated ball BSt. toils aud bu ton Kings, Indispensabies, pocket Books aiid Pui-iies, a handsome assortment gentlemen^ por.v b e shaving f la sea, viplin Strings, hair :md pocket Combs. 6,0 yards India paper Hangings, richlvgilt, suitable tor drawing rooms, nearly as low as cOnitndn paper. Josiaii Penfield. de^ TO a rT 151 ; Aew-Voik Fiirniture Ware-House. The subsermt-rs have just received, by late arrivals from New-York. an elegant and fashionable assortment of FURNITURE, consisting of Sideboards, Secretaries, and Book-Cases, Bureaus, sets of dining Tabies, pillar and claw tea and card Tables, Wardrobes, French press dressing Tables/tidies’ work StanljLs, candle Stands, por table Desks, Grecian an»I bell scat Sofi.s, one set ot mn- -hogany Chairs, with an elegant assortment of fancy and common Chairs, looking Glasses, Priats of all the Naval box’s wool do alio oct 29—129, 1 lie subscribers Fresh ^Sliocs. Received by the Planter, Cotton P ’ant, and other lute ar- - ~ dMn from HOhp-iui-k. • Indies’ white autl colored kid Slips-aftil S^ndah Du black and colored morocco Boots and Sandals Gautlemen-’s morocco Shoes and "Wimps J)o fin* leather Shoes and Boots 1500 pair good negro Shoes A constant sapply df ludies’, gentlemen’s, children’s and servants’ Boots, Bootees anil Shoes, of all kinds Lee’s New-Hprk fiquitl Blacking ‘ Ax assortment ofTrunks, lirushcs, Whips arid hair Sifters W.elegant Bedsteads, very wide - On consignment, Z elegant Grecian Coucht* ower run seta, Worn landing from brig Georgia from Liverpool, 30 casks Poner, 23 crates Crockery 750 sacks Salt, 490 stone Jugs 350-caBM) Cveus and Cavers " " v 350 iron Pots, 450 Spulei-s . . Olmstead ^Battelle. nov ^8 U2 : iPhe. s ub s criber, r ving commenced the BROKERAGE, in connection the COM MISSION BUSINESS^ will, at all times, buy xhd sell Treasury anil Bank Notes, of eveiw descrip- tiiuu xad, now wants' x few. thousand Spanish Dollars, for which * premium wijl be" giveiy N. B. 'Any person, who may. be in want of small xfigey dan lie supplied- and-those, who may at-any tiinediave mutulated Tickets of the Exchange Bank of j by applying to S COTTON, <Af jSgehaage New-York, - can hive them ^■1 ot sws err Who has nowin store, prices and on acenmmi for produce: fetudM-well assorted Oh x flV'dsS'-G-aa- -do I ‘ 9rr*5 A. 1 music Stool and 1 counting house Stool An inyoicejafLookia^Glasses and Pictures An invoice of Saddles, and Waggon Collars A. Stevens, Next ts Lose, IVallace £f Co. St. Julian street. nov 26 T4I ^Fhe subscriber Ha* for sale, noxo on board!he brig Spartan, 341 bars Russia old sable Iron, 583 do Sweed’s do do 300 boxes new dipt Candles, 20 bis new, Mess Beef 1 case containing 140 pieces flag Handkerchiefs 251 bags first quality Bengat Sugar 50 bolts first sort Russia Duck 10 bis No* 1 .Salmon, ~2 pipes Olive Oil, for family use 14 bh loaf Sugar,“50 hhds N. E. Rum All whieft will be sold low, if applied for before landed from on bOkrd said brig, lying at Itice’s wharf. . ALSO ur»v 14—- -t36 4-:r,. wiw, Ric‘-'- y* harf ... iFordsale^-* r -a al If i remediate application -is made, , A two story HOUSE,-with other 7 gather with* HAW'LOT,> sTtuxte n fhedMaitot, awlsigtfriod'S^nA for to- rewr, : "ApWat pL. vtr» ti-Lons, Mirrors and Gomices of variauspxtleras; ail vf rhieh are w. 11 manufactured, arid will be said ciivapu,r Ac Whirl _ . 'cash. •fj > Orders for Furniture will be tlikukfutfy re ceived and punclua ly executed bv J. H. Gldershaw & Co. Corner of the Bay and IVhitnker-sircd N. TL Furniture repaired. dec 1^ 151 Cabinet Furniture, Just from Boston, for side, next door to the Baptist Church, St. Julian street, l-OKSISTIXa. hr Sideboards, Secretaries ami book fcases; dressing Cases, dining Labies, card and tea Tables, Bureaus, nianogany and plain Bedsteads—^candle and bason Stands, wnting Desks, fancy Chairs, rocking Chairs, children’s dining Chairs, Looking Glasses, an elegant Time Piece. Furniture made and repaired. A Isognii elegant Chaise and Harness, one light Waggon and Harness, and St. Domingo Mahogany,’in planked and in boards. ' SAMUEL lllNGE. dec Iff' v I5T . . William Barnes, (JEFFERSON-STREET, NEAR THE MARKET) Ookiml Maker,from New-Fork, Respectfully informs the public, that he has opened Ftore and commenced the sale of his stock of CABINET FURNITURE and LOOKING GLASSES, which consists of a variety of Sideboards Secretaries and Bookcases, sets of dining Tables, pillar and claw breakfast and card Tables, plain do, and reeded legs and castor wash band Stands, Bedsteads, all mahogany; elegant gilt Cornish, - - - -- --- — with gb*3 18 and die fordo Pan n el, 30 by _ r<1 . r ... I .. above he will sell vervjow for cash. dec 12—148 MarshaFs sales. DRAFTS, on New-York, Philadelphia and T?«ton, by win be S pid JdK»ShS%£“Sy"^Savatmaft, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. Thirty negroes-ievied on as the property of ivage, eaq. delfo **bdy an Savage, m . David Lenox. dec 7- JOHN EPPINGEBi — Marshal. mim* — ' - •- """"" -w, a-je' -ft fta . } A large Wo atcry H01»S*4«Dromrhtoii r r iupeaa thijpfijfic. -- -street. *V- ydt