Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 28, 1816, Image 3

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Mr. ; Latirame »r to Studies Mxl Rice Lands for sale. T 200 acres prime Rice L»wK|b of IslaV bland, boated r.ortHcast by |avann^.Wt river, and ’ t |, 4 From river. On tins tract there isa valuable Si, for a high ground. land fpr plantation use and T*“* ™1 e pitch dt tide, and is easily cleared, being- only in under wood. Terms, , . * •'• got) per acre, one third down Fry do one bait down Eg) do cash, bankable bills, bills of exchange; on England or New-York, product ofalt kind# in payment. Marshal's sales,continued. • r Owxhe first Tuesday tnjjinuary vt.i 'V- tYiJl be sold »t the court hphifcjln Savannah,^between , ,. .f' ■ *-/ foehoursofi-iflapd'T o’clock- if Two negro wdmeh.darritdBbse anti Di-Uv iM on as the p.-Opem -of Joseph Davis, to satisfy art execution - at the suit of tlSeChitea Stales, vs, Joseph DaVi* and David Leion. .'V '<v. '- afar^tf. c . — ladles’' «id gehtlembii af caching the French language, ■is simp it, easy, requires no frombtiehnhd,' knowing his own iai part qf Speech wifc _ pledge Of- the Ere-icii Wifocelerity. ’dkUoiwm.nds9“4«m» viil himself, take , the j^iarshai s sales ip«e iu,j hich distress the student and are ad. . : 3f to a.^eaeiher. who is thoroughly ae-i, |dy',^^bc^oh, and a long habit -f&'i Ws will ‘atiWrdS^meaiWol #k his scholars. ■ ., . .. - i deSiruus to study the FregCh jb&fc; region,,will please to, call at' Messrs-. dec 3—144 Ex’or. in fait for the hart of /■". Levett The first, Saturday in January neSrtis the day appointed bv Law, fi^ foe/gfeefom ot' tw^o.Justices bf tlpM^Feace, for each captain’sdistrict, in the several counties in this state, for the tetm of four years) which elections superintended by three free-liolders of the district, who -are to be sworn by the commanding officer of the said district. Chatham countv contains feigwf districts, to wit, four ip Savannah'and Cherokee IJkl, Little Ogechee, WliffCBluff and the islands. And on die first Monday m January,.an election.will %e held at the Court-house, in Savannah, for Receiver of Returns of taxable property, and Tax Collector for the vear ensuing 1817; to be superintended by any three jus- -ticesof the peace. JOHN P- WJUdAMSON/j. t.wk. OhffEK STKSGES, dec 14———149 .T ■• -. v ,'.v, Sheriff's? sates On the first Tuesday in Junufxrt, next, "Will be sold at toe Court-house in the city -of Savahr.ah ••^between the usiiiil hours ofT6 and 3 O’clock, Two Negro Tallows, named N fc d and Liayd— it-V-eH onssthe-property ofJohn I. Grey, to su:/sly a judge ment in favor of Robert SvCibsort. ALa-HM-TII H sf. c. c. ’• .bov^t— : 134. '% .-Jr* ,V ready shortly thereafter. . It is anticipated almost with certainty, that this institu tion, possessing advantages inferior to none in die souths ern country, will pot fail to have it* desired success. The building* aTe cpnvehjcnt, pleasantly situated oh a delightful eminence', remote from all toe noise and scenes of disorder conimphly incident to county viilagfes; and where the blessings of health have, perhaps, in no part of tliis state been more enjoyed/ The restitution will, in a few months, be provided with a valuable philoso phical Apparatus, toe trustees having made'an appropri ation of two. thousand dollars to the object, srihi received a list selected suitably to tflUt suni, from Mr... arris’ cata logue (Ls^wotf). by Ur. lfayis, president of Middiebury College, and have made arrangements for its importa tion- Viewing .toe-important ad vancetnent* that ediica- tion is fhaking in ,our state, and the ample resources, of all to participate in its blessings, they fondly hope that their labors: for-its establishment 'Will not have been in vain. The trustee* have engaged as a Hector, Mr, Ato.zu Cauuyn, from'Middlebury college, who with the requisite assistants will have the immediate charge pf . the nude department The terms of tuition wiH be, for the'minor class, twelve dollars, for the second, or Eng lish grammar class,tsixteen dollars, and for the highest class, including the Latiq. and Creek languages, Matbe- maiics, FhilnSopby^&c. twenty-four dollars per annum, payable quarterly to advance, and no scholars will be * *M:ei 4it ,s ; a-. *: On the first day id Jauui.r; next, Vfitl be sbld at Itt-} an Court house be — ■ ri the usual hour’s of ten and three o’c- ck, Alttoat tract. oHrnd coiP-iwing 50 t re^, tiarre'or less, situated bn the sal to levied Rh as .Jthe ity > f Joseph Silt, dees to salify sundry v xeeutr ns— conditions, cato. L.EEB1.ACKSEU.8, h: < „ dec 19 -15t ; ; ' votice. An election for a Justice of the L.ifefior Court of Chat ham county, Will be held at thc Court-house, in Savan nah, nn’Monday, the loth January ensuing, to fill the vacancy, occasioned hy the decease of Robert Mack'ay, esquire; there being no ielecdoh on the dity 1 heretofore named. JOHN P. tyiLLl AMSON^T. % e. c.: c. /. * EUWAllO ILVlt:>KN, j. r. c. c c. ' OLIV ER S I' d ROES, 3. i, c. c. c. dec 19—i—-T5I' ‘ Georgia—^ClialTlJiiiftCoutif^ By Samu^ Ai. Bond, cleto oF.the conri of nnlinarj’ of said county. To all w hom it may eohcerii. Wh^as; Isham M. Shell has this day ap| lied for ut ters Of administration oh the estate': <d i/ewi G Rkld f~, Rtew soldier in toe army of the United States, dec. as principal creditor. Now,’therefore, these are to cite and admonish ah and singvdaf the kmdtt^ and creditors'rtViti*- aju.l.ewis €. Riddle, dec. to file their-obiec'idns. f-f ;-m they^haye) in my office on or before the. 7th dhy ofjaimary next, otner- Wise letters of administration will be granted to the ap- plicatAl Given under my liand and seal, of pffice, at Savannah, the 7th day of Oeceniber, 1816, v- > •• >t (U.S.j < J*] SAMUEL- y. ROND, r. c. o. nds, ou St. Simons .Cotton Georgia—Chatham county. By Samuel M, Bond, clerk of the ccurt of Ordin; ‘for toe lOoutity of Chatham, y., To'all* whom it may concent Whereas, the honorable William Stephens,Ms applied for letters of administration Qmith tht wil/ anneo ed \ on the estate and‘eff(cts of Janies Lucena, Tate; of Forth,-al, .deceased. .Now, therefore, these are, toerthand ..dnionrh. uR and Singular, the kindred and creditors rf theWid'James Lu- ceiia, dec-to file their abjections, (if any tluy have) in my office, on or before tht first Mood y in January next, otherwise letters of administration Will be grunted to the applicant. Given under my hand and seal Of office, at Savannah, the ?d day of Decimber, 1816.. ft. 8;) . i S. M. i;ONT>, r. r. o. Savahnah Fool* House HOSPITAL SOCIETY. An election will be held at-the Exchange on Monday, the 6th of January next, from nine to two o’clock, for twelve Managers for the government of toe Poor House and Hospital, for the ensuing year. The following gea- tlemen are appointed to superintend the election;--- Willitun T. Williams, James Morrison, Calvin Raker, Oliver Sturges,-John P. Henft , Joseph Habersham, Jon athan Battelle and James t/i, WAyne. The members of Jhe society are requested to go pre pared, to pay up their annual subscriptions. The gener ous and humane, wholiave not yet subscribed, are soli cited to come forward and contribute to the support of this useful and helievOlent institution, in order that its interesting objects may be effectually carried into exe cution. , . - _ ’l'he accounts for the present year will be published in the Gazettes of tliis city for the information of the mem bers of the society. Georgia—Chatham county, By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary of Cbathain coiinty. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Elizabeth Doyle and John P. Williamson, have applied to me for letters of administration on Fran cis Doyle’s estate, on behalf heirs and creditors of toe deceased. Now, therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said' Francis Doyle, deceased to file their obj'ecti6n**(if any they have) in my office on or before the 7th day of January next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicants. Given under my hand aftd seal of office, at Savannah, the 7th day of December, 1816 (I S.) SAMUEL M. BOND, c- c. o. a—Chatham county. Bv Samuel M. Bond, clerk oi the court of ordinary for the county of Chatham. , To all .whom it may. concern. _ ’/{ . Georgia—-Chatham county jBy order of the Board of J^Tctouiger8, Joseph CutUming, “ ' . iS-ri v.i By Samuel M. Bond, elerfc of the court of ordinary of said county—-To all whom it may concern- Whereas, Paul P. Tbomasson of Savannah, has applied to,we for letters of administration- on foe estate and ef fects- of Francis Leroy, lately; nf Cumbei-land Island, planter, deceased, on behalf of foe'lieirs.- Now, therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and 'singular, the kindred and creditors of The said Francis Leroy, dec. to file their objections, (if. any they; have,) in -my office, on or before the twenty-sixth day of De cember nextL otherwise letters of administration will be granted to the applicant. L'dfcc- 10-rl47 day of December, in the year of y ur Lord eigh/ hundred and sixteen. Georgia—Chatham County! By Samuel M. Bond, clerk oi the court of ordinary of Chatham county. * - <f To all w hom it may concern. ' Whereas, Mrs. Ann Deiannoy, of Savannah, widow, has applied to be appointed the guardian of her two sons, Jules Deiannoy, and Emile Deiannoy, ‘infants under the age of fourteen years, the children of Alexander Deiannoy, deceased. ' ' 1 . - v - - Now, therefore, these are to cite and admonish all per sons interested in the welfare of the said infants, to file tlieir'objections (if any they liave) in m>' office on or be fore the 26th day of December next, otherwise letters of guardianship will be granted to the applicant. _ g Given under fhy ’handjand seal of office, at Savannah, Will be sold in front of tlie court-house, in Savannah the 25th day of November, 1816. bt’ween foe usual hours, > * [L. S.]‘ . » SAMUEL M BOND.-c. c..o. , Due riding CHA1E—levied on as tbe property of Selby — " ■ - ■ 111 ■ ' ‘ Franlilin, to satisfy an esecution in favor o? Thomas Grfobin, against John Everitt, and Selby Franklin his xxuuuv. security; ISAAC D’LYON, s. c. t. All persons having demands against foe estate of Jar- Georgia-'—Chatham county. By S/muel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinatj' of said cohhty. '/'■ , " To allwbom it may concern, - Whereas, foe hqnoriiMe tNilliamStephens, hasappbed for letters of adiforiistratipn,^ (vith ihe.iai‘1 ennea ed) on tbe estate and vfiects of John Charles Lufcena, leftiof Portugal, deceased. . Now, therefore, these are. to cite and adn oois, all and angular, foe kindred and creditors of the-xsaid de ceased to file:tbeir objections, (if any they have)' in my office, nti.or before the first Mondky in Jaimi.i^next, otherwise letters of adtninistratjpn will tfogrun^. T » «•»» —ilicant. appltcant. ■ ■ i-s—■—J : Given under mv hand and seal of office,-at Savannsp, .he 3d’<i«y ofiSDec'emberj 1816. r. Cit}^ SUeriff’s saic. e first Tuetday in February next, Rout oftoe court house between foe usual , .' hours, ■ BmWings ^on lot 24, Elbert ward; levied on as tlie Tpt dllMjtoB - ha Will be sol< proptrsy of Paul J. Vallatton, to satisfy' favbr ofE. Tubbs, for M. J. Johnston. ... ... I. D’l^on, s. c. 6 1 . 'i ’ v.'A'-.i w/.Ta '■vJC-il. / j| . re ’ •' K .T -* 1