Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 31, 1816, Image 1

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V £■. 55S5 B y fREPEMCIC SL FELL.] •SAVANNAH, (GA.) DECEMBER 31, 1816. X UMBfi 8 135] TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Whole Number 2766. —* * [Volume XlY the republican 19 PUBtIBBSD .. VER v TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, ' A 1 Six DOLLARS PER JLWUM, PAIABLS UT ADTAHC*. ADVERTISEMENTS 1 . i o+ the rite of Skventy-Fivx Cents per r?-i“ £ - *-”*"* “■ * * u “ cL'Tsfor*. ch continuation. CAuit all orders from tlie Cotthtkt, unless the must accon , • ^ or the party well known to payment b“ :eXU the Editor. , Ilium™ to the Editor must he post-pam. The ship ALBERT GALLA vtv^ f 0r Liverpool, liaving commenced Likin- in her '. w, will meet with immediate, cfcsputch. tor freight “‘oov 30—143 On the Hay, near the E. charge ' The ship W1LLIAM, captain -Bradv, for Havrcle.Grace, will take a few passengera, u “ ude **• «5w^u^tco* ->' dtv -153 _ 'i For Loudon J| V/E The sfeunch, fast sailing, coppered and cop £$3?: D er toenui ship WILLIAM, two hundred and ^iZr.ftv tons burthen. A part of her cargo being w’i.l meet viath dispatch. For terms apply to Jmaster on board,at Wallace*, wharf, or to Bubo & AY aits. -154 board or to df C 2 Pr For London The new brig ELIZABETH, captain Orad- •d, j a every respect a very superior vessel.— For freight or passage, apply to the master on , to T J. BATTELLE. —154 . • Fyv Liverpool '(To haye truck dispatch) The -;niw awl elegant ship OGLETHORPE, ■-Chr.v'c.. .fa\ m_-, commander, in'ended as a rtgu ^ wp . ^ ...4, ,c ,i u i - - - — - - — isiii r t iauit r, copper fastened, built of the best -’la- tt-riuis,i*itil *'i ev.-rv ivspcct a superior ship i-oi or nassare,'bavin# good accommodations apply to cap ■ Javate, or ,o SYUKGES CJ BURROUGHS, J\fo. 3, Commerce Rom Landing f'ont raid ship 50 hogsheads; nd 50 barrels N. E. RUM der \7 Fo.i* Liverpool The sh’n THOMAS FOWLER, captain Tlio- J|fS.mas, ha dun 340 tons, a new vessel ana ready MS'o load. Bor freight apply V '* 1 ' - K. RICHARDSON. lace’s wharf, or to rice 10 151 For Liverpool iff. ii or aiiv I'pyol The regular trailing ship THOMAS G1B- , BOX'S, Isaac Brewer, master, now ready tocom- jjK&Sfemence h ading, and will meet with all possible dispatch.. For freight or passage apply to JAMES DICKSON & CO. or CHARLES ROCKWELL. dec 19 l 151 ~ F or Liverpool The fine c«.peered ship CORA, captain New- L^comb, will commence taking in on Monday 11. i r '5 i',■,i, and will have immediate dispatch. Bor freight or passage apply on board, or to R. Richardson. dec 5 - Xj-5 For Liverpool The fine fast sailing ship GAMILUS, captain Howland, will meet with dispatch. Fo*. freight “ cor passage apply to captain Howland, on board, or to PERKY Sc WRIGHT. dec 12 ■ -143 - For Liverpool The fine ship REBECCA, captain Ximmo, will jmy have immediate dispatch. For freight apply to R. Richardson. dec. 4 145 For Liverpool - — i ^ . The fast sailing copper bottomed packet ship w**Jk,FACToU, Robinson, master, will commence ^Ntoaloading immediately and meet with every dis- pateti. Fiifueight or passage apply to AViiliain Gaston. nov 7- For Iiiverpoul e-v— ® staunch, fust Sailing Philadelphia ship JJriftJyJOllN BULKF.LKY, Roger Horner, master, JS&«<£will he dispatched among die first? vessels. For freight apply to JAMES JOIINSTON. Tor sale 50 boxes xppV a nd 50 boxes crab Cider, in boxes of or.e dozen each 2300 bushels Liver, ground Salt 200 pieces cotton Bagging, Crock i v nov 9—1H > hoi* Liverpool xfT-r- One hundred balesco. o.-.-are wanted to com the cargo of the brig SB ART AN, C M. SssAjC-«.-Coftiii, master. Pbr freight,' for the same, apply ' . REA & BUTLER, Johnston’s wharf Who have j: rt received, per » <,oh S-u.n, 10 bijg:; prime Java COFFEE, fo: L.mi y use; and 4 b-vreis prime gretu-Lanucu COFFEE — —— c or Idverpooi The Iir.tish brig WILLIAM, ca; d- For ^ i on^' 9 STy^son, will he dispatched without delay Ja^watfreiglu apply to II. Richardson. dec 5 -145 For Liverpool £&Sr C 7116 fine C0 PP erefl br g FRIENDS, captain George Wilson, burthen 225 tons, will meet j&oanlwjth dispatch. For freight of two hundred oarrels nee, on advantageous terms, or cotton, apply to J. Wallace; Who offers for sale, received by said vessel, *w tons Liva-pool ground Sait, 40 tons Coals , l2 cases coarse Hats Crates Crockery Ware, assorted Ktl \ s **S' nt » s ' one Jugs and Bottles noy ijw;j The ship SOLON, captain Smith. For freight Capply to R. RICHARDSON, dec S 145 For Greenock. The staunch line British ship HARMONY, fw » v captain Coverdale, commences loading im.nedi- t&Mcdiiitily. for freight of290 bales cotton, to fill up, apply to JAMES JOHNS I ON. dec 12 ir 148 . M For Greenock The ship WILLIAM FELL, John Boan, mas- JffWwL ter. A considerable part of her cargo being BUt engaged, she will meet with dispatch. For freight or passage apply on Smith’s wharf to JoseplijCarrulhers Co. nov 7—13.3 For Glasgow _ The superior and fast sailing ship FANNY, k^W. W. Forman, commander, will meet inline- diate dispatch, the greater part of her cargo be ing ready to go on board. For freight of £00 b .ies cot ton apply to JAMES JOHNSTON. ih c .irrd, by the Fanny, mid fur sale, 26 puncheons St. Croix ltUM ?i ., 1.52, For Bordeaux The fine coppered Philadelphia built shipTTLV. ^ffxLIA,captain Morris, of three hundred tons, hay. JSfebfe&Cing the greater part of hef cargo engaged, will meet with dispatch. For freight apply to Perry & Wri^Ut. d-cn- 143 For Bordeaux Tlie fine coppered Philadelphia sliip MAG- ^ - NET, captain Garwood, burthen two hundred and fifly tons, having great part of her cargo engaged, will meet with omck dispatch. For freight or passage apply to PERRY & WRIGHT. Just received and for side, 200 barrels fresh Philadelphia FlsOUll loO bags i • enL , ( , i’i’ 6 barrels 5 P r,me S reen GO>iLL 1 case FrenchTsuives iv STOBT. 'Philadelphia Whiskey, in hogiisliCads Philadelphia Gin Cut Nails, assorted sizes, 4d to 20d 50 bags heavy black Pepper 200 bis Philadelphia and Baltimor • Fiour Fresh Prunes, in half and quarter boxes Fresh Olives,Capers, brandy Fruits OUl Medoc Wine, fine sparkling Champagne I-'kie old s'autern Wine, white wme Vinegar 2 cases siik and kid Gloves and silk Hose lirandy, 4th proof; Smyrna Raisins, in barrels, Sic. d,r 12 143 / I’ Ll' Havre tu' Bordeaux, Jls frriteni may offer. The fine new ship WILLIAM A HENRY, ^captain aeabury. Apply/to / R. Richardson -145 For Havrc-de-G caf e The fine f.,st sailing brig SALLY, having a great part oi her cargo engaged. For freigii apply to li. A J. BOLTON. - —1—153 For La Roche ile _ ^ The brig CLARION, captaiv Uodfisli, 150 ■fP&Fo tons burthen. Provision being made for two ■«(&!*£thirds of her cargo, she can receive quick dis patch. For freight appi) to K. Richardson. dec. 19- 150 F or -Naates ,j. The brig TWO BROTH r itS, captain Lapham, .5. rti will meet with dispatch, having three fourths of ..; .df'ti a cargo positively engaged. For freight or passage apply to tire master, or to J. .BATTELLE. dec 7 146 For Boston The superior packet brig ALMIRA, Isaac At- ^&?^wooil, master, will be dispan..wd ininiedialeiy. 4£AeSfe.For freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at Anciaux’s wh rf or to Wliituey & Parkman, Hunter's wharf. Whs have fir side, landing from sad Cnig, 10 hl.ds. and 50 b!:=. N. E. Rum 16 do New-Orleans and muscovado Sugars 200 his. No. 2 ISecii Boston inspection. 100 do. do. 3 do. y NEW iJELF, 20U Demijohns 3 cases fashionable straw Bonnets 2 do. first chop real Bandana II. ndkerchiefs 2 j boxes Chocolate 10 do. No. 6 wool and No. 10 cotton Cards dec 24 ’. 154 For Boston Tlie biig i-EOUCI A, '1 homas West, master, having two thuds of her freight ready to go on tacySScboard. For freight of the remainder or passage, apply to the captain on board, or to OlmsttiRfl Bnttelle. nov TS 142 Fur New-York. ^ __ The sliip HENRY,Peter Edgar,master. For -.-UAiJu freigiit or iiassage apply to the captain on bpurd, aiXS? or to ’ E- M'KINNE b. CU. or to dee 24's 153 Ft i r X e w - York The packet bug BF-LMDEUE. .Togelin, mas ter, to sad next For freight of one ' hundred bales cotton appiv to the cup lain, or to B. M‘Xinne & Co ,-w 24- -153 For l\ew-Turk The brig CEYLON, caplaui Fannin, will meet -with immediate dispatch. For freigiit or pas- Jsage apply to the captain on board, or to A. Frwin, Letlibridge & Co. dec 24 1 153 Jones’ wharf For New-York The regular packet brig ELIZA LOUD, N. H. Jfg Smith, master, will meet with immediate dispatch. fiS^bFor freight or passage appiv to the master on board, or to CHARLES W. CARPENTER & CO. For sale, landing fro.w said brig, Pickled Salmon, do Mackerel, do Shad Half barrels com Beef, fancy Chairs dec l (l 147 For New-York Tlie packet schooner LOUISA, captain West, will have immediate dispatch. For freight or TtSfijlir passage apply to captain West on board, at Hun* tor’s frharfor to JvLN LATHROP & CO. dec 24-*—-* 153 For Baltimore Tlie regular packet bug CALYPSO, cupt. in ^Nedi, will positively sail in all next ween. F r .freigiit or passage, having good accommoii - nous, apply to ~ li. RICHARDSON', dre 28 1 54 For Providence The sloop SUSAN, captain Beardsley freight, or passage, app.y to HALL Si HOYT. dec 28—1.54 For For CiiariiiaOKi The new and fast sailing schooner HARVEST, captain Peter Launeau, burthen 9u tous, w ill sail __ am Wednesday next. This vessel is purposely built for a regular trader and has superior accommoda tions.^ For freigiit or passage apply to the captain on board, at Matirei’s wharf or to . Isaac Course Son, dee t5-i Hunter 9 * •Ufhtltf For freight or charter, To any port in Europe, Tlie fine first class ship ARIS TIDES, captain L Carter, burthen 270 tons; for further particulars, tsi-pply to captain Cam r on board, at Smith's wluri, or to JOSEPH CARRUTtlEUS & CO. nov 26 I4T . For freight or charter The fast sailing staunch ship GLF.NTIIORX, L captain ltainey, now in complete order to re ive a cargo. Appiv to / Henry AV. Rills. nov 7 133 For freght or charter Tlie fine new brig HOPE, captain Pilsbury, j.It/S'h'M.b'irthen about 200 tons. For terms apply to y^ 11 " 1 master on boara, at Bolton’s central wharf, os- to J. BATTELLE. IF}.10 has far sale 35 barrels Nos v l, 2 and 5 Mackerel 50 do . No/2 Beef, ? ,, , t .. 26 do NO. 3 Beef! $ Bosto “ ins P ecUon ' 4-J boxes CL \ RET, entitled to double debenture A iso, BILLS ON NEW-yoitK. nov *5 1 For sale, iVeigin or charter Tlie brig LION, T. Bi-yan, master, burthen 170 tons, deep waist, newly sheathed, in com plete order, and wa’li calculated for the West- hxlia trade, being an uuc nnmoniy strong--vessel. For terms apply on board, or to J. BATTELLE. •' c / 146 For sale, freiglii or charter _ __ The new and substantial sloop PHGJBE ANN, burthen 400 barrels, captain Brown, is now rea- Sa&flCdy to receive f/ ight. Apply to tlie captain on board at Anciaux s wharf, or to Greene Lippitt. dec 28—p—1.54 For 'sale The brig JAMES SCOl'i/ burthen 112 tons, ^English built, with American register, in com- - pietc order for sea. For the inventory and terms apply to dec 7•——146 JOSEPH AUZE, .AV li. Jiollon's Range iron, 6cc. 'The subscriber offers for sale Tlie CARGO, of the brig Three Sisters, captain Saunt dors, from Copenhagen,, consisting of * 35 ions axe bar Iron and 6 tous tire Iron, ordered par ticularly for this Market 9 tons clean-Hemp Cordage, tow Cloth, Matts Russia and Ravens Duck, Riga Balsam ALSO .. The said BRIG, 106 tons, double deck, soils, ^SjRrigging, ‘basts, spars anil sheathing; new within ££,one year, sails well, carries a large cargo, and is in every respect a very substantial vessel; will be sold on a long" credit for- good security, exchanged for mer chandize, a larger vessel, or real estate. Apnly to J. BATTLLLE. ALSO 130 tons STONE BALLAST, oil board ship Tiphys. Appiv as '- 'vy. iw >'— -*•’ ’ iLlis on JS ew-York. BALLARD Sc SFENCER, t ’ice's wharf For sale hv nov 38— >42 Bills on N ew-1 ork.' For sale by CHARLES COTTON, 1 R fir />a Her. ’.cur the /■'..'•chary rot 1 sale BILLS ON N^W-VORK- Apply to JOHN HUNTER. -i35 For sale EXCHANGE ON LIVERPOOL, Pauable in London. BILLS ON NEW-YORE. N iiiety-eight casks Cut Nails, ileerived per schooner Laura, F<.rai<,«.m,-au eattellf.. . C °1 53 Coilee. 6 barrels prime green Jamaica COFFEE, and 10 b.ivs do Java do For sale by Rea & Butler. ,W 17— 150 Cotton Bags. The subscribers have for sale 350 second hand COTTON BAGS, which will be sold low. T. H. dec 3 144 Old Loudon particular Madeira AVineu Auction ' On Saturday, January li- If'itl be sold without any reserve, at the store lately occvfieA by Robert Jituckay, esq. dec. 7 p'pes of genuine old London particular Madeira WINE, of a very superior quality, imported by the iato Robert Macka , esq. ALSO 3 casks of bottled Port WINE, of superior quality. Terms— approved endorsed n- tes at 60 and 90 days* Saie to commence at 11J clock, M. Herbert 8C Co, auct'rs. dor 28-el 54 V . CONEY, jun. Sc CO. Crockery and Bagging. 100 crates well assorted Crockery 200 pieces Cotton Bagging. ^For sHe^by^^^ nov 12 135 No- 2, Commerce Boro On consignment, . Per bri'' William, from Liverpral, 16 hogsheads GLAS'5WARE. For sale -t'a low ad vance. James wa-u.ace. nov 16 1?7 Public Auction. To be sold at Reanfo-t, South Carolina, On the lith February next, A number of VALUABLE LOT3, in said town, be longing to tlie Beaufort College. The well known salu brity of the climate, and the advantages afforded for the education of youth, of both sexes, claim the attention of" families who me not already provided widi a summer retreat. The conditions oPthe sale will be one, tw<J, and three years credit, the purchasers giving bond, bearing interest from the date, mortgage of the property, and* personal security, if required; the interest pay able annually, and the expenses of sale and necessary paper; to be paid by the purchasers. WILLIAM JOYNER Sc CO. ll.n.fmt, (X m J)ec. 23. 1816. ff-1531 ,‘hictione^r Negroes! A valuable gang, consisting of FIFTY NEGROES, among wiiom is an excellent Driver, will be sold by Auction, at Coosawhalchie, on die first Monday in Fes bniarv next. R. tc J. HABERSHAM. dec 24 153 - Loaf Sugar. 20 barrels first quality LOAF SUGAR, landing fr*fH brig jnro, and for sale low, on tlie wharf, by John Lathrop & Co. dec 23-1—a— 154 Flour and Raisins. One hundred and twenty five barrels superfine FLOUR, and one hundred boxes Muscatel RAISINS, will be land ed from the brig Calypso, on Monday, and sold on rea sonable and accommodating terms, if taken from the wharf. Apply to Cumming & Moorhead. dec 23—a—154 A’» 1 f''»r»7ttrr, Rave. Fresh Fruit, t^c. JVove landing, from brig Ann Maria, direct from Malaga, Boxes Muscatel and bloom Haisins, casks Rai. ins, bag9 soft shelled Almonds, boxes shelled Almond., bags Fil berts, Fruits, Figs, kegs Anchovies, kegs Olives, quarter casks rich sweet Mountane Wine, quarter casks Colmi- nar Wire. All of which, are fresh and of superior quar lity, and will be sold low from the wharf, by Henry W. Hills. Jllso, "now landing, 150 barrels first quality Richmond superfine FLOUR Boxes playing Cards and cases Tow Cloth dec 24 153 Pork, Gin, 6cc. 40 barrels Irish mess Pork 20 pipes Holland Gin, very superior 20 quarter casks L. P. Teneritf Wine 10 half barrels Fly Market Beef For suit-, on good terms, by Lawrence & Thompson, dec 24 w 153 Just received, liy the brig Almira, and for sale, east of the Exchange, 44 packages of SHOES and BOOTS, consisting of * general assortment, selected particularly for this market, Samuel Evans. der 23- -154 .fust received An invoice of 12 trunks and 1 case Whips and Brushes/ comprising an excellent assortment, and will be sold low. Apply to J. LATHROP St CO. november 7 133 Hunter’s -wharf ' For sale Seven tierces and two barrels WHALE OIL. Charles Howard. dec 19- -151 William C. Mills Offers for sale 1500 bushels Liverpool ground SALT. dec 19 151 On Consignment 106 barrels S. F. Philadelphia FLOUR 10 quarter casks L. P. TeneriffWINE 10 do do Marcela Madeira do UK Hist Lisbon and Sherry WINE, in pipes and quarter cask*. George He Alexander M. Em. -1.5 Quern Stones, &c. 47 pair French quern Stones, with irons 200 FF R Gunpowder, 50 blsN. E. Rum 30 bis No. 1 Mackerel, 40 kegs spiced Salmon 30 dozen Beer’s made Axes 30 dozen American made Spades 140 pieces cotton Begging. For sale by Gardner Tufts. nov 23- -140 The subscriber Offers for sale at very low prices the following ariiclet^viz: A few dozen dressed calf Skins Do do sides dressed Leather Barrels Apples, ditto Potatoes of a superior qualify James Kenyon, At the office of Charles Cotton, on the Bay, near the E» change. dec 17—150 John Tanner Having taken captain Otis Drum into copartnership 1 the business will be conducted under the fina of fANNER&DYEB, Who offer for sale* An extensive assortment of woolen, cotton, linen and silk- GOODS; together with HARDWARE and CUT LERY- nov 9 134 Karris xL Hickman ~ Has opened a Law-Office in Savannah, and tenders to ihe public his professional llie c.-.i ts of tho astern circuit. • net 3- 12J : ’i • JCS*.