Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 31, 1816, Image 3

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, %rjistittevtfle Journal of 'December 25. w«e Jp«*ed session • Concurred W*> e9ting his excellency the gover- oT tbe4egisW«r7^J ra i government “ to take the ne n pr, to urge ^ p op ^usujgtbe boundary line between •cessary an d the Spanish dominions adjacent to the Crated pertained and marked”—and also, re- Georgu, to o' i H an q requesting our representatives quirmg our * u£ e their endeavors with the general go- in congress),v . Darien established as a port of entry. vev nment, to lutions pa9S(;( i the house of repre- Ihe > 0llo ,, !i g state nearly unanimously, and on being tenuuveso • wefe on the table, where (perhaps sent to se “* nce v they were not further acted on. from nisw ^ ac t passed at the first session of the 14th “\Vli«^ hai the m0lkt anc j increasing the umount congress, wt . o } . ;t# n)emberi}| has been generally dis- <>* col " t . (i bv the citizens of this state; and whereas it is appr ?iai in 'a free government, that proper respect be T<*Z p.iblic opinion—and this legislature believing, ? h f the act in question is impolitic and incompatible t /, e principles on which our republican institutions rre founds!; •* .<g e it therefore resolved hy the senate and house of rep r „ e ntativs of the state of Georgia, in general assembly That our senators in congress be instructed, and our representatives requested, to use their bet t exertions to have repealed as early as practicable, the aforesaid ob- n: \ious act . , . . .lull be it further resolved, as the sense of this legisla ture, that it is expedient to engraft on tiie constitution uf the United States, An amendment heretofore proposed ar .d rejected, which (is in die words following, to wit: >o law varying the compensation for the services of the senators and representatives (in congress) shall take ef- feet until r.n election of representatives shall have venctl. t ".luil be it farther resolved, That liis excellency the governor, be requested to forward to each ot our sena tors in congress, a certified copy of these resolutions.'’ OLIO. The ladies and gentlemen of Sfva.uttaii, and the lovers of muilc, in general, are respectfully acquainted that Messrs. GEORGE D. YONGE ' AND S. S. DE JONGE/ From the Charleston Theatre, Propose giving an Entertainment at the EXCHANGE, on THIS EVENING, the 31st instant, CONSISTING OF • SOLOS, DUETTS, POPULAR AIRS, with variations on the Violin, Clarionet and Trench Horn. In the course of the Evening, Air. G. D. YONGE will give his Imitations of the following Instruments on the Violin, viz:—The Viola D’Amours, Bugle Horn, Trum pet, Flute and Flageolet. Those ladies and gentlemen, who honor and patron ize their undertaking, may rest assured that their best exertions shall be given to insure ample satisfaction. The Performance to commence at half past 6 o’clock. Tickets to be bad at the Door of the Exchange, and their residence, Mr. Roma's, State-street—Admittance, One Dollar. dec fer—-154 ' * < • .•cisunderstanding appears to have taken place be- 'iretn the American merchants in Holland, engaged in the India trade, and the Dutch government, in which the latter iiuve been guiltytrPa breach of iuith. Several Ame rican ships having arrived in that country wit,i curgoesof tra, some time before the arrival of the Dutcii East-lndia Company’s ships, the government agreed to take Un- American cargoes, to dispose of them at the autumn, i sales, in order to supply the demand of the market until their own arrived. In the mean time some Dutch tea ships came in, and the government then refused to p r- mit more than half of the American teas, (»a_v 28,000 quarter chests) to be sold according to agreement; in sisting that the sale, of the remainder should be put ofi till the spring. The Americans complained heavily at this proceeding, and were under apprehensions that should others of the Dutch Indiamen arrive, the saie of their teas might be postponed indefinitely .—Mrfuli Urdu Vie understand, that the United States’ mother Bank is neurit ready to commence business, and that in the course cf four or five weeks, the branch in this city will also re ceive deposits and commence their discounts.—A'u.s- 1’ork Gazette, 18lh inst. A tolerably spirited debate is now going on in the house of Representatives, on the proposition to amend the constitution, so as to establish a uniform mode of , ’.loosing representatives to congress and electors of pre sident and vice-president of the United States. The subject is of sufficient magnitude to justify the t>me be Stowed on it; and, for .reasons which have been ably and fully assigned in the debate, we wish aMtct.3 to both branches of the proposition. In the senate, but little legislative business has yet been transacted. Let it not therefore be supposed that that hodv is idle. It is not always tiie multiplicity of moth ns, orthe prolongation of-debates, that denotes a close at tention to legislative business, which is always acccleral ed rather than delayed, by the proper digestion by corn mittees of the several subjects referred to them. When the committees report, the business is so far matured (no unimportant object) as to present itself in the best shape for discussion.—J\l*z. InielligeiJer '20th instant. It will probably be sufficient to attract the attention of most of our readers to the report on the proceeding page, that it relates to the Compensation haw; on which sub ject, it is the first document that has been submitted to the public. It may be viewed as an exposition cf the mo- fives of those wfio supported tiie measure at the last ses sion, but now think it proper, from the many expressions of the popular feeling on the subject, to modify it in such a manner as to divest it of the features which have proved obnoxious. The gentlemen who compose the committee of the house, which made this report, are Messrs. Johnson, of Ken. Findley, Webster, Pitkin, ILs- sett, Cady, and Reynolds. The report is characterised by' an ability, as creditable to the houce itself, as to the committee winch is its organ. —»&. 21s/ itisian:. It is stated that general Scott, “during his residence in France and England, made a large collection of mili tary books, and that he is now engage ! in completin book on po.ire, principals* from French authors, for the army of the United States.”—Fed. Guw.tte. It is stated in a late Petersburg'paper, that "general Scott was ofrcreVtthe department of war, which lie doe! in ed.” We are certain that this intimation is incorrect, if we had no other reason for believing it than that we are sure our government would not desire to *e the army deprived of an officer of general Scott’s merit and active Ciinn;cixT.—j u ulioiiul InUllirencer. DREADFUL SH1PWKRCK! We yesterday received Newfoundland papers, and those of Halifax, to the ftii inst. They c,;in;im an re count of the melancholy shipwreck, on‘the 10th ult. of the British government hired transport Harpon.,.- bound from Quebec to r.igbtu!,' on Cape Fine, m ir Trcpassey, where the sh : ;i Con,us a short time previous - . lUe Havpcone- saixd from Quebec, Oc.ober r 7, and butt on .>o.,rd, 384 men, women and cmldren, independent of the si.ip’s comuanv. morning. A tew nitr. >uei:t. ded m getting cn shore in tiie stern boat, al| tl.c oiliews being stove in pieces, and in the morning many more were saved by means’of a •one, which Was tinned on shore hr a dog. At! who ,‘ltemed to *«iii., and all on the wreck at the time that * vve: . to pieces, we re drowned. Whole number lost J8—saved, 177.—iJ-.v.'o.'j Daily Advertiser, 16,4 inst. The brig Bayard, captain Watkins, which arrived here • esterday from Amsterdam, brings di-patches from doc tor Eustis, our miri.sler to Holland, for government v inch will he forwarded !o Washington by tbi* day’s Suu.—JV’o/.Jk Mcucti, Dec. Ilf. . 1 iie last New-York Columbian state's, “We learn that ".IS captain li.,w m-s of the navy, and no! captain Gor- 0I, > "bo lat< tv (jkiI in the Med.ler-ai.can. Lieulcn “" Kuban, of t ue marines', '‘"h some foreign oflic has been kmed in a duel JPORT “ST SA VANNAII, Tuesday, December SI, 181G. ,, . Allitll ” n gll?volutloTt, Bradley, Boston ' K.iz,., Potter, Xev-Ytnk General Jackson, 1‘e.irce, Providence, (n. i ) • ci n S Sally Ann, Smith, New-Orleans Fellow-Citizeas of Chatham County! ^elecWrW 1 ! 11116 tbr CORONER, * the cu- o - n, and solicit your support. dee 31 yr—155 3amCS M< Amwlly. w Lewis Williams trade i n persons to be forewarned of having any '7- whatsoever with rny wift Cotiliioa SoeietN. Tiie members of the Cotillion Society arc notified, that there will be a party on THURSDAY EVENING, at the UxclidKige. BOND, sect'ry. dec 31— 155 MARINE SOCIETY. v™ *■* “vaungs wnati J ‘ H,£ from tins time present. my dec 31—c*—155 A meeting of this Society will take place at the Ex change on Thursday evening, the 2d January, precisely at half past six o’clock. The members are requested to be r:irr*u:il in *hci? rttendmce di e .31——— 15J 4/* l 1 ’illy or one huudi’etl bales of COTTON are wanted on freight to complete the loading of tiie ALBERT GALLATIN, fur J.iveifoo 1 , which can be taken, if application is made , u or before the 3d of January, as s.:e will positively s 1 on t:.e 6th. Apply to CHARLES COTTON, dec 31 155 tfj; One Imnd.ed aiul fifty bales of COTTON wanted on freight to complete the loading ot the brig WILLIAM, for It. Richardson. df'c .SI v 155 A r iiaLlAM FELL & 1 UC Sfii( will take fifty to eighty biles cotton 00 fi e.-lit to Grceu- ock, if immediate application is made to Joseph Oairnthers & Co. dec 31 155 For Liverpool (To muU in ail this ivceh') Fnftj square or compresseil bales of cotton art m wanted on freight for the coppered brig SPAR TAN, C. M. Coffin, master. Apple to Rea & Butler, dec 31 w 155 hoh’ ,‘r.■•/’» - ha-f For Nantz The new fast sailing coppered French brig .jj'D'^JA.MES, captain Cantin, will take some freight ^dAdkiifor the above place, amid will be immediately dispatched. Apply to the captain on board, at Maiirei’s wharf, or to CHARLES AIAURLIL, UliO has received, by said brig, Salt, cotton Bagging’, white Linen, linen jjh’.e tig, Bri.- taTinia, N.,;ikins, liaiidkcrcliieis, Mats, Paper, sweet Meats, Giiignolel, demijohns full of Vinegar, sweet Oil, Fru vs, Brandy, Fruits, Catting, demijohns full of Wal nuts, Pease, Bottles, Cliesnuls. dec -»I—1.—155 John Stotcsbury, master, to For Rariea aud ht. Mary's The tegular packet sloop GOLD HUNTER, ti'ciglit or pass, ai'-f. dec . gc sail on Thursday pplv on board at For sale, freight or cuarler __ Tiie brig HERO, captain ii-raden, burthen tons, high deck, stows an limidiiat large ago for her tonnage, sails .well, is newly sheathed, has sever..! new sails, and can be sent to tia-L a small expense. For terms apply on hoard, or io J. iidtteliiN dec 31 155 t Fur freight or charter The superior new double decked brig HOPE, captain Pilsburv, burthen 2 0 tons, Ul vV 1 1 al!\ tl^Mto take in. Apply to the master on board, or IS above * * ric,. r,J I t.i dec For sale A clinker built BOAT, 30 feet long and 7 wide, in good order, rows and sails remarkably fist. May be seen by applying to Mr. hSe near the Fort D. WILLIFORD. II * 155 Insurance Stock And a few shares in the Planter’s haj:k, for S': plv at thi«* fit r ^ sUgaji le. Ap- s5 i AJh O OlaAilF i‘. 10 hl.ds of Jaiaaica Su ;ar and 2'. boxes Claret. For saie by BENJAMIN Ho WARD ft CO. dec 31—ai—155 Hunter's stores. Cordage. The subscribers have just received per brig Calypso capt. Neill, lt<0 coils Baltimore RIGGING, made u! Rus sia Hemp of all sizes, whicii will be sold low ior caal. or product. Isauc Comve Sc Son. dec 1 -155 Lut aiis ami iira-is. For su'.e by the subscriber 19 casks New -York cut Nails, assorted sizes. ALSO 2 casks of 12J. Brails T. A. SCHOEDDE. dec.-l e. isy a 1 or sale The Savannah Female Jhylum. in account with Sarah I. Lamb, treasurer.' DR. t Clt. 10 50 1816. . Dolls. To csh, paid Mrs. Dews, forf board and tui tion of Asylum children, from 22d Novem ber, 1815, to 22d November, 1816, 1955 59 Do. do. paid May 8c Lewis’ bill for 3 pair of blankets, Do. do. do. Norton 8c Wadliams’ bill for co py plates, Do do. do. Joseph Stiles, for 25tf bricks, g3, drayage 50 cents) Do. do. do. 8. C. Schenk’s bills for books and stationary', Do. do do. E. Kempton and J. Douglas’s bills fur 75 pairs of shoes, Cash paid for 2 papers pins, Do. do. Mi's. M'Garva for 2 quarters school ing', M. Verdelle, Do. do. Asli £c Morris’s bill for repairs ’ on Asylum lot, 3 50 8 65 62j 0: j 8 Do. do. Insurance for 2 years of Asylum house, Do. do. Mrs. Irvine, secretary, for repairs of Asylum, Do. do. A. Woodruff's bill for paper hang ings, Bills collected at Churclg not passable, 19 25 51 27 ea 6 4 87j Amount in Bank, per bank book* In Treasury, / 2197 22 1039 -hi 469 41 S3706 06 There are, at present, twentv-one children on the As;. - hum Mrs. i) ws receives oiic/imndred and four dollars 1816. By cash, in Bank, /' Received from Mrs. Jackson, (late treasurer,) Do. from Mrs. Irvine, secretary, being the amount of annual subscriptions, Do. from do. being the amount of collections at the Churches, Donation from Mr. Andrew Low, Do. from another gentleman, From secretary, us a balance on last year’s account, Dolls. Ct». 892 43 106 63 513 1250 25 300 100 15 75 Amount of clothing presented by Mr. A. Low, Summer suits, j&164 29 J Winter suits,* 146 5 g2706 06 250 39 per annum, fur board and jfii'i n of each, schooled also at 16 dollais/per tumuli;. I have carifully examined Female dsylum, far tits year 1816. One Ci.iiC 1 the Accounts of Mrs. Sahah Lamb, treasurer cf the S'auatmafi 16, and find them very correctly kept. ROBERT ISAAC. Jzivrcs Frauf&is. Lc Soussigne bfirc a vendre une collection de livres Frangaise parmi le.-.queis sotit, les oeuvres de Grcsset, de Beileau, <lc la Fontaine, de du Boccagc, les confessions c.e Jean Jacques Rousseau, h-s vovagos de Cyrus, Lucrccc', I’ami ilc i’adolescence par Berqiun, l’his poiie ue la Grcce, ixo. S. C. Schenk. dec 31—155 Kettall & Sev/ali, bio. 34, Holton’s wharf, llAVK RECKIVKD A supply low priced LOOKING GLASSES, various sizes ALSO 1 pair 40 inches by 24, very tlegal,'. XU boxes English Mustard 4 c:v Itys I.ea.l, smali bavs 1 Tacks, 15 kegs Tobacco 2J kegs and tubs Butter, &e. l’ickleii .Salmon, in kegs Also a large stern BOAT, well furnished U —*.-—155 dee iica is. iiutler* (joiixs ro.v’s WHAiir) Have for ,a!e, rev ived fter brig DKza.frctnJVew.Tort, 10 puncheons Antigua Rum, 3d proof 2 do V. I. do do do 2 do New do 25 bags St. Domingo Coffee 2'J barrels New-York eagle Ciin 15 bis Loaf } .„ 5 do Lmrp ^^LG.-v— 26 quarter casks Teneriff W’ine 25 boxes mould Canales, and SVOHE 5 pipes Holland Gin 29 quarter casks Colminer Wine 4 half pipes L. P. Teneriff Wine f bales i’winc, 13 barrels Copperas 35 casks Shot, assorted sizes dec 31- -155 Doctor John B. Berthelot received by recent arrivals from Fctrop", the following nicies, which he offers fur sale at his store on th Hut/, Has article Improved carbonated Soda Powders, for making Soda Water Cheltenham Salts, of a superior quality Heim’s ealc'ned Magne.sia rifcc 31 p -1 ' John, savoy. I.ct? from PhUadeluhia. Informs his friends and the public, that lie has begun his business cf ilCUSR PAINTING and GLARING, at L. Savor’s, opposite judge Stephens. •le- 3 i—'i*— 155 S11 nl»urv Academy. ROBERT G. GORDON cr la. PETTY & CO. 275 boxes Raisins 5, barrels prime ? JlEEF 09 tio cargo S dec3i >i 155 Plaiii Pleasant Academy. We, the trustees of I’l vt.v Pleasant Academt, situated near the Upper Three Runs, Barnwell District,'Soutli- Carotma, have the pleasure of announcing to the public, tliat this Academy is now in fuii operation, under the direction cf J< hv If. Junxsro.v, as preceptor, who is a young m.ili of good, moral deportment, and his talents are such, (as it is hoped) will entitle him to public patronage. The situati m of this Academy is considered as liealtby as any part of tne country, on this side of the ni-.^i - Any number of students may be accommodated with board at 60 dollars per annum, Term- or tuition as follows:—Reading, Writing and tritium tic, 12 dollars per annum. English Grammar, Geography, and the use of the Globes, 16 dollars. The Latin ui 1 Greek Languages, 20 dollars. James Wilson, dec 31—t—155 Trustee in behalf of the whole. Dissolution of Copartnership. The Copartnership of May St Lews is dissolved t>n day; tin: e indebted are requested to make payment to Ralph May, who is duly an homed to receive m il.-.ti tle die Lonc-rus ot said firm. RALPH M '.1, JOHN LEWiS. dec 24 a 155 Wanted United States’ Bank Scrip and Richmond State Bank Notes. For sale 1U,U09 Dollars United States’ Six Per Ctnt'Stoc';, by HENRY VY. HILLS, dec 31 i55 Proposals Will bs received bv the undersigned comrriittee, to re pair die STEEPLE of the Excliange, to slate tiie Top, and to i’urr.iali dec 31—155 copper gutter for die same. H M‘IN TOSH, T L. S. D’LYON, y Exchange E. HARDEN. J Committee. To let Sheriff's sales. On the first Tuesday ill February next, Will he sold at the Court-house* in liiceborough, Liber ty county, between the hours pi’ teiund three o’clock, the following properly, viz:— A few articles of Household Furniture, and a Waggon; levied on as the property of Thomas Melt, dec. to satis fy an execution in favor of Paul Grimb&il. Also the following Negroes, Sharper, Clarinda, Daph ne, Mary, Sam, Jack, Juba, Paul, Peggy, and Rachel; levied on as the property of Jonathan!acon, to satis fy the diree following executions, viz:—Robert and John Bolton; Curtis Bolton & Co. and William Woodbridge. Conditions cash, and pureprsers paying for titles. Benjamin McD, s. l. c. dec 0-1—155 A neat two story House, near the west end of Brough ton street, opposite Dr. Bayard. Enquire of lJr. Miller, President street, opposite Mr. Holies’. dec 31- -155 Snerili sales. O/I the first Tuesday, in February next, Will be sold .t the court house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hurrs ot 10 and 3 o clock. The following twenty six negroes—Joshua, Catlurinp, Judy, Jennv, S?aria, Trim, William, Eliza, Jim, Boson, Pattv Little Boson, Cloe, Minty, Charles, Phiiis, \ enus, little Phillis, Jack, Ishmacl, Mary, Billy, Toby, Peter, Hannibal, and Corise, sold under cxecuUon at the suit of FnuicH H. M’Leod and wife, and AnnMUler and others a-raiust the executors of James Jones, dec. and sold as the property of said Jones. The ab<*e negroes being an entire gang of prime field hands. Adam Cope ; s. c. c. dec 31 e Auction. To-Morrow, the 1st January, b ill be sold before my store Groceries and Dry Goods. Hale to commence at 11 o’clock. A. Howe, auct’r. -155 Auction. dec 31- Auction. On T uesday next, 7th January, JFill be sold before the court-house, between 10 and 1 o’clock, Oue prime NEGRO FELLOW, a eotnplete botiscuKr- vant. r ALSO, Sever.) prime NEGROES. ALSO, Lot No. 12, 100 feet front on Margaret street, Ogle thorpe ward. Announces to the ' iblic, that lie will, 011 the first Monday of January r —*, resume the business of this Academy; in which, wo! be taught all the brunches of .icattemii: 1. era. m e, usually necessary to qualify young gentlemen tor the lower classes of College. The healthiness of Sunbury, its retirement, and a vari ety of other advantages, not elsewhere experienced in die low country, all unite to render it a very eiigib.e situation for a public seminary. Sunbury, hrLeo.U.-r 24, 1315.—A.—155 N otice. The subscriber has removed his counting „ _ room to the west tenement of Fraser’s Fire Proof Stores, lately oc cupied by Mr. James Begg.*, and informs hrs mercantile mends and the public generally, that the strictest atten tion will be paid to the weighing anil otoHng of all kind ot produce and goods; he will also endeavor as far as practicable, to admit of Augusta boats discharging and taking- in loads at his wharf. Also for rent the east block of Fire Proof Stores on Fraser s whart, on moderate terms; and a commodious counting ruoin with aa excellent lire place on Howard’s JOSEPH S. PELtJT, factor. ON HAND 24 dozen approved weeding HOES, dec 28 m 154 Taxes for 1816. CHATHAM COUNTY. Prize Money Georgia station. All those having claims to prize money accruing from captures made during the late war by the forces under the command of commodore H. G. Campbell, are re quested to forward, by the 10th January, 1817, to the sub scriber at Charleston, a list of their claims, stating the rank, rime of service as specified on the rickets, and the Mims already received on account from the former agent. The subscriber will attend in Savannah as soon as prac. ricable, to distribute the shares that may be due there. William Sinclair, agent. Charleston (S. C.) December 21, 1846. [B-155J Stolen. On the 25t)i instant, was taken from the subscriber. NINE SILVER TEA SPOONS,3 marked with the initial* II L. C. A. the others plain. A liberal reward will be given to any person who will leave them at this office, dec 31—155 Robbery. The snbscribera house was broken opep last night, be. tween eleven and twelve o’clock, by three white men, and a Fowling Piece taken therefrom, there was.a note)? I on the butt end, lately bushed with gold. Five dollars* reward will be paid for the delivery of the gun. Tranquil Mories. dec 31 *r 155 Sheriff's sales. On Friday, the lOtA January, 1817, Will be sold at M'Credie’s wharf, between the hours of -11 and 12 o’clock a. m. The schooner ANTELOPE, with her tacklf, apparej and furniture, attached as the property of Lewis M. Por ter, and to satisfy Clary & Guieir, sold by order of the justices of the inferior court of this county, Adam Cope, c. c.- — — # -fi « * Bnnfc Dividends, 252 dk One year’s rent of Asylum house, 150 Received for ground rent. 36 C .sli received, 2 From Mr. Tobler, as a donation. 8 75 • Received from secretary for former sub scriptions, 79 25 On Thursday next, the 2d January, bill be sold before our store, 2 bales Blankets, 4 baies Broadcloths and CassimereH 7 cases Checks, 1 case blue Romals I case 6-4 cambric Muslin 10 pieces cotton Bagging * 10 boxes coarse and fine Huts, 1 case Saddlery ALj J 100 bug-s COFFEE tdule io commence at 11 o’clock. M. Herbert SC Co. auct’rs. —155 Lot No. 9, Moore tything, Percival ward, subject to a lease of o y ears, from 1st January, 1817, at 100 dollars per annum. * - Lots No. 2, and 3, Jackson ward, subject ia part tp city ground rent. Terms at time of sale. M. Herbert & Co. dee 30—1.55 The citizens of Savannah, and inhabitants of the Sea> Islands, White Bluff, Little Ogechee and Clierokee Hill Districts, are informed, l!_t the subscriber is now ready, to receive the Taxes for tiie y our 1816. Those tliat do not coine forward and pay the same, on or before Satur day, the 1st of February next, will have executions issu ed against tlienf, as the digest will be closed on that day. Specie or bills of die Bunks in this State, only, will be received for Taxes. Office, near the Presbyterian Church, and will be opejj from nine until one o’clock. James Eppinger, t, c. c. c. dec 31 155 1 -