Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, April 28, 1818, Image 1

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peeled here from Baltimore, and with them io embark immediately for Savannah, wliitlirr they will proceed to join the army tinder the command of general Jackton.— Keener hate we seen abody of mar* healthy •obrr, ami military teohiiiz meb^—JV* - Jtilk' Ut aeon. . * 8A fANNAII republican. ■SSfi 1818. f -t A-Kfr MI.YISTEU. j Bttno Wasanrwrw* Ci»nu • eramtnr in conytaa from Tennessee, baa been appointed 'the pml-lent,« lb the approlreiioa of the'aenatc So bhenvoy extr»nrd.n:iry rod minuter plenipo. (entiary to the cnatt of Kanin in the room Mr.'l’l Jnry, who is about to mar* to the United CUtes. '' The non detailed from ilie Bret regiment, ro- tendi d for the protection of our Souihem fromiee, bare been <li. charged by gtnenl’Hof.kins. Their j werficea not being deemed meeuny since the taceeu of general Jackson, a , • '■ —' f It ia said that ArhuUmot who was taken at the 'osptate oirct Marimbas been placed inclosecon- £ I'tsCkatby aeieral Jackson, awaiting the return ¥ the army to Sb- Marks, when be wilt bs tried ? ' by a court martial. •>’- / •av ijidatyt'.’!-»■ f*1*9« bflirfrtm a jwiftins •" Btnden, if Itifjtyl rctpelMluy, tt die friend in thiedty % » Otttd Fein irt », 1818. i *lA rumour has prerailcd for snme time past, Shat a diroree waa tb take place between, the Prince Kegent and the Princess of Walea; and ii b bow asserted, with confidence, that the appliea. Sinn will be made to parliament, during the pre« sot session, for that purpose; with » ia •Wed, • to form, an allianoe between the Prince Urgent, ami the Dutchess of Parma, who, as you 6e by the prints, ia shortly expected in Lon .... thvm tS^MdltdgeriUe Jeurnat ef April Hil. The army having arrived within ■ few miles of Mirkasukienn the night of tlu-Slat alt nrrangements were made for an attack •aYly next morning, which wa* delayed a short time, by order of general Jackson, to " give colonel Elliot, with 4C1) volunteers froth Tennessee, time to rnme up. junction being formed, the troops moved forward in the following order:—50 regu- Jars and 100 of general Glascock’s bngmle of' Georgia militia formed the advance guard, commanded by major Nix; in front of which werethe spies, consisting of a few Indians, Tennesseeans anil Georgians—a little iii the rear of the van, was the artiW lery, supported by the 7th regiment of re. « ulars—next came the baggage, followed y the 4th regiment, of regulars—then the rear guard, composed of 100 Georgia mili tia:, The 1st and S4 regiments of general Glascock’s brigade formed the right and v» Sank of the army, covering the artille- ' gfutette friendly Indjim. occupied a station litareciUUo- regulars and Georgia militia— the Tennesseeans flanked the right anil leftofthe advance guard. When the spies were within half a mile of the town, they descried a number of Indiana, apparently guarding some cattle—the fact was in stantly communicated to the commanding general; but, before the flanks could be thrown out; and the necessary measures adopted to encircle them, and thus pre vent their escape, the spies tired; the Iir diant, after a sharp skirmish, fled. ‘ [Here follows further particulars, for which see Republican of Friday last.] The JFeather.—We have never witness ed so backward aspring in Georgia as the present. Vegetation of every kind is nearly « month later than usual. Our for est trees, wliioh are commonly in full foliage at this season, arc just begining to put out handsomely. Even the Lombardy I*rtplar has been in leaf but a few, days— l]hV mercury in Farenhoit’s Thermomet,e stood yesterday morning at 35, being but 3 degrees above I reeling' point. Water which had been standing the preceding night was incrusted with ice. Most of the tender plants, and shrubbery, have been killed. Nearly all the cotton up has shar ed the same fate.—ih. We learn, from Washington, that con siderable unanimity at present exists Among the heads ol the different depart ments of the government, which we are sorry to state, was not the case a short time past. Mr. Pinkney, Mr. Gallatin •and Dr. Eustis. our Ministers to Russia, Fi ance and the Xether'ands, will certainly -return home in the course of this year.— ,1 ivthe place of the latter, no person will "be appointed, it being the intention ol government to diaebntinue that mission.— Thu oeeupancy of St. Marks, by our troops, Ka> given rise to much speculation. ’The object of government in thus seizing the strongholds of Florida, is probably to^ . “bring Spain to a sense ol justice, and in duce her to come to an amicable settle ment of the differences which have so long existed between us, by bring prepared to prosecute the contest with vigor and ef fect, should the dreadful alternative of an appeal to arms become necessary.—»6. The decision which yesterday took place Jn the house ofrepresentati ves is of the high est importance to the manufactures of the country. A bill has bren ordered to a third yeading in that body, and will probably ? ass in its third reading, to continue, for years after the SOth, june, 1319, the ex- istmgdutieg on imported cottons and wool, lens; so that the present duty is establish, cd for eight years to come—we may all most say permanently. The fate of the bill in the Senate, of course, is uncer tain; but the probability is, that it will piss that body also. If, with the aid of this stimulus, the msnufactories cannot be sus tained, they must be adjudged uncongen ial to eur iastitatioas ar.40 our habits.— Prire, Jformli; Ar.shipt* r . . * Vt- 3. , , Liverpool, 70 days, covR, ceded. We hope it i» as wach.a* was ! Prb 17. inth:'mouthof the necessary tiff foster the existing eatab-1 brig retsivius, of lihhmcnti.—JVeUional lattUictnoer, l&hr*??**!? 1°*125*1* tnafefet • ■ 1 - • ■ •*’■■■I 4tvW, ton it. is, rpokc Iliifi'J InsWnr. ____ I 4 rar-.lrs sail 29 days From commv.yicAted. ^2*0* •. Capttia Lawasses takes a pleasure ia publicly | acknowledging liis thanks to tlie different *«tu» ““ r —“ for tW erertions'jnd prompt! „ ... !=5MaAapki» ttsby Ibcbrstwf men to U.e detach-1 D«pe»» ArethUM, Holiurs. Nyw l days—on the t'Jth in at abou^lA m» a. member thooe who wen detailed from the militia companiea. and took suab trouble ia proouiog good (ubstitutes. CunRESPOJYDKJyCM. “Anti-MuUuo” ia received and a hall appear in our next. (at) IJ day* from Itayaua bound to Bristol, bear ing away/>r the firat port, with tbe loir of her rudders brig Al nn, Strong. Norfolk 10 d^tch'r* Charles & Maty, Sfrans, Ba.i'more H day*, and 11 from the Capen Satellite, Smith, Uahimore 12 day-, and .0 from the Capei; Sn-sistera, I’lenoa, Sort ili. 8 days; Adeline, Topper, Wilmington, at J liiy*; Jiiops Ketneve, Norton, Matansaa, 18 days, sugar, clice and molasatsi Raprraa, Ham- met; Savanrai 14 hour*, cotton and tobacco; Olire-hnneh Hewea, Norfolk 11 day«; Eliza, Ter- | rel, Wilmington, a e 5 days. Cleared, seh’r DcparUd Uiia Lfe on Thursday night bat, the I Pataey, Pidge, Snvanr.u/i,- sloop James, Vincent, 2x1 instant, in the JJih year of hi* age, la«as Ksu-1 sl- Mary**. esquire, a natire of Luncaater, (England.) Mr. I Port ./ .VewJr.rb, April IS. Pell, emigrated to ilia country at an early age if I Arrived, British brig Bluclier, Perkins, 31 day* Amercan revolution. Though ha wssyoongand I gea,, £daya frot'.Uecais, bound to the soothe liissituatnm humble, still bis service* were’net the I »art'.; Dodge Heaty, Davis^lS day* from Wi|d- leaf sralotis or sincere. He received aeverc wounds I •*<**. Traveller, Taylor, 1,8 days from Georoe- ... . .» . . ..I town, with naval stores, bound for Boston; Eliza- ■» the con-rat for the liberty, we now enjoy, (the Afm , ju,,,,**, jo day*; from 'Hiebmoni With pains of which wounds he felt many years after.) | ‘lour and totucco- Juli-vanu, Jehnsfoa, 10 days tie was twice taken priaoner, and tlie last time l« I fnim I'hibdelphia; Br. seh’r Jametr Crank, 29 da. the wibfortune to be confined in, and underwent l from llcmaraia, with rasr. sapr and mnluses; ., , - , , . .. .. ■ . . | Mar ha. Denison, from Plnlidelptna; Toatine, Hoy t all the horrors of, a prison *6ip. He armed m h d,y. from Charleston, with a.ulatjes and rit*. Savannah in tlte year 1781, where he soon I Cleared, ships Brilliant, Baker, Livcipobl; Plato, marritd—in which place he soi.atantly reside. I Holme*, Cork and a market;briga Bee, Mix, Ten- wi>k >1,. „r..n. «... _i, w , | eriffe; Aurilla, Hitch, Monde; sch’rs Indian Hun* with the exception of one year, whenj.e went on seaman. Hicl.monvl; Thamet, Winant. ditto, a tour to Europe for nereation, and, to see Eia I General A Jackson, Christie, Savannah, Boae-in. relatives and friends. In the steady and industn-1 liioom, Wheaton, SavunauA ui pursuit of an bo nest oo upation, lie won tht I April IS —Ar. foig* * 4. a y* Jffm . , r „ . , .. . • 1 Wtimington »c; Brutus, Gorton, 60 day* from esteem and regird of all who knew hin;; and gain Ca**. with aalt-aailed in co with ship Sterling, ol the appellaion of an upright, honeat.gnod man. I (ar. at Haeana)—left ahipa Fair American, Brown He haa left behind a wife and four children to I for Plnlad. in 14 daya; Mohawk, for Jicw-Vork, mourn for hi* death. Mr Fell was kind and eon- un6er ^ ni bri £ Auguaia. of Bo«on, for Havana ... -. . . . . .. . . I next daw a schooner just arrived from Mas**- C'lwforr] m i friend moil hospitable. In the | chiueitsi a ship for Phiild. in .10 or 1^ and a walks of public life (for his*feUow ci ’Z?ns several 1 number of others not recollected. April 1, 1st. lime* b-itfcwed their almost undivided suffrage- 3«. 19, Ion 66. apokn ecli’r Elixa-Pigott, from New on him) he was firm ami undiviating. His oppo. Barker, in 16 day. from Hava- nents knew his oppoa.tmn. for it was avowed and na . G ov. Woixlford, Pierce, 31 day* from Trini- manly. Independent in all his actions he went I dadj Ur. brig Calherinr, Collier, 26<Uvs from St. traielit fon» ard, consul«mg, alone, the frrUnn of J Kitta; sch'r Brilliant, Block* 10 daya from Rich- U- . t. a. .J . A , I n.ond—April 6,4r> mitesBoktfa vf Cape Henltmcn, h.a heart. 1 hough he never would b. dictated to, f , u i(> bng Bari!!., Morriaon, from TrXad he would alwa** be reasoned wi»h. Tliat hr lia*J I .eCuhic, a: d supplied her with provisions; bad fmiltif s can excite no man’s wonder who Jhto-mt I bv*en 06 days out, bound to Philaa. Same time, A<m*ri/forhe. whodream.of«-lfperr.efo..,know, «h’r Columbia, from 8t Domingo for 1’hiUdel- e»■ rn v . t.- t • J ; u a. *». I phis, 35 <lavs out. jiothm eif Ye? h’« friends, (who knew th n J ScUoimei Polly fit Sally, Fairchild, 15 days from II) are assured that, when weighed inthr Jut* fof j Havana, with mulaisesand sugar. Has experi. enced extremely sever*; weather on the coast for the last 8 days, with constant gales from the !» x lull inat .poke seh’r Nassau 18 hours from New •ice, th* preponderance will belong to hi, vir- A just man, a generous acquaintance, a sin cere friend, and an -ff-c ionata relative combin-1 Y -. r k for Mobile. Left at Havana Dutch ships nl as each character thus specified was in his I Pulydore and Buyder Bee, and‘a brig, all waiting a) me. Heaven lias called from time to eternity 1’he summons Mowed from infinite wisdomt il has been obeyed by exhausted nature; and it beenm-s us to bow, th ugh sorrowing in humili. ty—thv will. Oh! Lonl! be done. m SHIP JVEJVS. m UigU h taeTy To-JMertbib, 2K. Out. o'clock P .W. PORT OF SAVANNAH, asnivi*, Brig Olynthus, Sharp, Philadelphia, 10 ds from light to light—with an asaorteii cargo- to Perry Wright, consignees, and others. J’.iaa^figer*— Mr. Philsnn and lady, and Mrs. Itobertaon. Spoke IT Cape L mk-Out, a schooner from Petersburg. (Va.) bound to th,sport—it bluwing fresh, cuuid ■ut ascertain her name. Schooner Harvest, Emery, Charleston, 1 day— with sundry articles—to J >hnaton A Hills. Schooner Patsey, Pidge, Chaileston, 1 day—to the nuuter. Schooner Experiment, King, Darieu—with 120 ales Cotton—to aund'y per.ona. Sloop Adeline, ltrad’.ey, CharleMon. 1 day— with, sundries—to G. If. St Oliver Palmes, and other*. * * Sloop Hsrntnay, Wing, Charleston, 1 day— with brick—to the maiter. for eargies of honey for Amsterdam; ship Sterl ing, Allen, of N York, ar. 27lh March from l adiz, in 40 day*. Spoke on Tuesday a brig 40 ds from liocln lie, A a schr fr Kieltmord, both for N York. Stroup Triton, Treat, Havana. 19 days: March o op the paisage from Porto Rico t* Havana, oil , Matanzaa was boarded by a Patriot privateer of one gun and 34 men, who plundered such articles they wanted, and took from two passeiger* on board about g5000 amount of property. Below fast night, a brig under French colours, supposed to be from Hocliell*. t.. , - 1 The ship Woodbine, 64day»Trom OavTc, witli burr stones. pU-ter and dry goods, got up yester day—his experienced a continual succession of gales the whole passage, and is very mwzh wreck- ed. Jimei A t, seamin, died on board 3d March by a wound received in a fall from aloft. Cleared brigs Susan, Morrison, Ha ifax; Eliza Thayer, J-iuomioA. 1 / JSr j Taylor, With the rntM-gra'.fol senitmrnu for the dis tinguished patronage with which he was honored at In* former VOCAL CONCEKIL retrsetfofly aauuunee. hi* intentions of giving another; This Evening, %7th inst. AT Tax IXUslH U.TO poos, . For Which occasion he has node the faUewine selection of SOXGS, via: a>; •*• past mtr, “Song—irthen to lure thee be of-j Tbe Thorn, He was fimea for deeds of arms. Ftl love thee ever dearly. Jessie the Sower of liuMriaMs The anchor's weighed. The death of Abercrombie. Siiefil Era jfow. T. C*i*. ■SauM JS-ahum. Mrakam. rnr aaeon. Song—When freedom on the foaming | Love’s yoenr dream. Alton Braham’swcho song. JSrakam Beward of It ve. Carts'. On the cold flinty rock with thee. Recitative—Ye gloomy caves. Sraham. Song—While history’s rauae—(from the? „ Iristi melodies)— 5 '“ ‘re Black ey’d Susan. ^trsu. V Performance to commence at half pait se ven o’clock. rrj- Ticket* to be bad at Messrs. Wdliams*,' and Schenk’s book-stores, and at the bar of the Ex change. No money to be th* door. 1 npril 2F —97 : Bank of the State of Georgia, ' Samumnk; STOfM#, lift* — ELECTfONTFOR DUtECTORS, «tr. An eleetion will be hrld at the Banking House in this city, on Monday next, the 4tlt May, ensu ing, From 9 to 3 o’clock, for time Directors, on the part of the Stockholders. Bank will be dosed so far as relates to the u-wa! or ordinary business on tliat day, herefor* all Bill* and Notes falling due on Monday, the Sib, must be taken up on Saturday, the 2d May. ■fly filer tj the JBhitiI ANTHONY POKIER, eathin. apnl 27 98 r tetifCTIikpeSi -<** ** ■ ’ . i.i i ,•—- iii-m-f , To-Murrow, 38f!i thsUiit, *' " trni as tout •' * • • At MtUtn't Lwrr it kin/, near the firry landpt/i ' ' ||L The schooner MAY-FLOW EH, tffilk M her rails, rij JUe’r« tmnss-nre nt 10 t’tl lk. M HEU.EHf. mi-V. To-Morrow; NStli irritant, WiH it nil at my rtsrr. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT ' Groceries $ Dry Gooisj aibv 24 large elegant Print*, and A quantity of sole Leather Terms, cash. SAe it ttmmraet mt II sVsrir. ■ D- WILLIFORD, OndV april 27 S3 - On Wetlneatla-Y, the 39ih inataut, JFl.V iettdtU lie prem ia*. Those wooden Building* (exc ptmg the Corn*., one) on the li t on the Bay, opp site t » st< re uf E. Wallen, esquire, to be remured in fir* days. •J era.*, cash. Sale It a, mtrie at '1 t'c ttk M.■’ evct’r. anril 22—95 .... '.. :, r -s Executive Department, Georgiu, MUedgntille, 14/A Apr.l, Je.t>. Iu pursuance uf a resolution of the Legisla-urt of this state, passed the Stlth of Dfoember la-t, u the following words, to wit: “The committee ap pointed to enquire into the expediency of selling the claim of the states to confiscated propen.., with leave to report by bill or otherwise, be; leave to submit the following report, to wit.- I liai taking into view the situation in which the vtau is placed with regard to the fund arising from the sales of confiscated property, tbe difficulty of oh. tabling the necessary testimony to establish bi juat ngbts, and the length of time that may elap- before she may reduce the whole of her claims oi confiscated property into actual possession, they are induced to believe, that if tbe whole claim eodldbe disposed of for a reaaonahle anm. that ii I A trset of LaNU ^ wo.Jd be the interest of the state to do to, and ( . a , car lhcI , le of Use- lar.L of beg leave to recommend the following resolution. to wit: ' ^ Jietth,ed. That his Excellency the Governor be. and he is hereby authorised, to n eeive sealt u pro pusals for tlie whole, ur any part of tlie claim nt the state to confiscated property, until tbe firs- Monday in Nuvepiber next, and that his Excellou cy advertise the atne, once a mouth for 6 months, in the Georgia Journal and Savannah Republican; and it is hereby made the duty of bit Excellency to lay the laid proposal, (if any) before the next General Assembly of this state.” NOTICE ia hereby given, that sealed proposals will be received at this department until 12 o’clock at noon of Monday the 2d November next. v E. WOOD, & sectary. (Cj'The Editors of the Georgia Journal and Sa. vannah Republican, will publish the above ir oni* ly Tor sunilonthi ' aprtl 37 - t;—98 Mi ff|£-Sha KSHSwnex For Philadelphia The.packet bri^ OLYNTHU9, captain •Sharp, will be diipatched on Saturday ■next, the 2d May. Forfreight or passage apply to PERRY U WRIGHT; H'h .• have reerived andfor tale eu hta- d laid hrip in ,ui n'ilira to ivit purchaser*, and at a hw rate, 2000 bushels yellow FLINT CORN ~ uniat Gunpowder and Imperial Teas in small boxes of late importation 50 b'>xes of Chinaware 150 kegs Gunpowder 15 barrels Abbot’s Beer Crab apple Cider in boxes of 1 desen april 27 93 . Slo 'p Ann-Marki, Green, riurlcston. 1 day— with coTun bagging at candles—to Bacon St Uru- and Isaac C -hen. For Charleston The regular packet sloOp ADELINE r.tain Z Bmlley, will positively sail on Wednesday next wind and weather per nutting. For passage only, apply to the master Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charleston, 1 day—with I on board, or to G F. U. OLIVER PALMES. Shop Antelope, Stephen- 1 , Charleston, 1 day— with brick. Leant adiefoWed c»t.on bagging, crates, mulasics, codec brand-., gin, Sic—to vVm Gaston, P Stanton, 1. Cohen, C. Hur.-I, St Moorhead. P.iaergen, I Miss Vilte Fontoux, capt Roberta, Me-sra. Webb, rrocolt, Willink, Holm, a, Jeffrey, and others. Boat Two Frici di. Auguita—with 5-'0 bales o: coliona id 44iihds tobacco—to sundry prrsrns. Boat President. Thom, Augusta*—wi-h 6d2 bales | cotton, 11 bis flour and 18 hhd* tobacco—to W Giston, Campbc l k Cummirg. Johnston ft Hills, I Kichardvon St Co J Guemn St Co T II Condt. Lithrop St Co I. C hen. AGScmmes, Sturges Btirrougliv, Thus Gardner, and G Tufts. april 27- -93 Jewellery. JutI rteeivtd.per brig OUHIhue,/rtm PhiLiri.Iphiu, 6 elegant patent Lever W’atches, and an assort ment ol Topaz and Jet Bar Rings, cut Coral Neck lace* and Drops, and a quantity of fine Garnet Bcardf. Foy K. L. Duhamcl. april 27 a| 98 The subscribers Infoiyn the public that they have complete MACHINES expressly made for drhring Spiles, Boat Independence. Augusts—with 489 bales I ,or Constructing and securing wharves, and soli cit the patronage of the public. John Seagreen, Joint Gnfiin. april -7 x* 98 For sale , Two NEGROES; one a good carpenter, the others g od Axeman. TO LEASE, a LOT on the Bay, near Fort Waynt; on which is a small house. James Johnston anril 27 1 98 cotton—ti D p.-nre, A G Semmes, vVm. Gaston Scarbrough fc M .-.tune, J Lallirop It Co aad oth-1 i. Boat Eliza. Auguvta—with 362 bales cotton—to | Scarbrough & .Vl-Kiiir.c, and 1 ho* Gardner. uuu, Ship Lucy, Webb, Liverpool—Jliehardt U Bar. reitay. Ship Montgomery, Riley, Liverpool. Ship Commerce, Peteraor, Liverpoen—B. Em boli. Brig Mars, Hall, Amsterdam.. Sloop Planter, Tew, Darien—metier. iiVotice. The copartnership of Coksick it Docsser ex- Pirt tj Ckarieettn, Apnl 24. j pired by its own limitation on the 2bth in»t The Arrived, Hri-it!\*np (.anbury, M*Aluster, St. I untet'J.d business of the concern will be attended Domingo, via K ngstun. Jam 3o days, with mxho-1 in bv A. Dous s et; or in his absence by Messrs, gany. in dis'.rvs-, bound to Liverpool. On die | Campbell & Gumming. anril 27- -t*— 93 John Cormick, Augustus Dousset. Il ult. Ut 23 Ion 30, spoke British brig Volant. Allen trom Port Antonio bound to Liverpool — On the 9th inst near the inner edge of the Go ph Stream was boarded by a hiigunder Carthag-enian lvrr, and treat*) politely. On tbe 11th inat. at t X was boar -ed by asrnooner of about 15 tons, under Buenos Atrtan colors, and was treated in inaiiin-r—they plundered the C nf almost the whole of her ship and cabin stores, and look from on t.otr.1 a black man. named Tio. mar ll'i l ame. Oa the 12th inst! in the Guiph Stream, in a heavy blow, spuing aleak, and carri- ' awa> the n-.iz. n-top. Captain M-Aliisttr find- J I! impossible to proceed on his voyage, iu con sequence of the ship making »o much water, put ! to Hit* port to refit Scliooner Louis*. Napier, New-York. 11 days. Clrarod, thip Ceres, Maicom. Boston; British brig Mann >ny, Tullock, Demar-rs; sen'rs Two broth ers. Nickerson, Citium (Me); WU'bm it Mary,. A „ OVER5EEII. to manage a -mall gang of 5* n **!{ K 'r le r ck ‘^ u ,? Gratjuin, Negroes. , n ,he neiglfoorhuod of the city-aain- Notice. All persons having uemaods against the estate I of James G-ffVnry deceased, are hereby requested I to present tiiem wi-liout delay; and those mdebt- 12th mad in the Gulnh I Want* a situation In a erHioiiog l.o .ae or t'orr or as overlooker I on a plantation, a person who can produce satis- I factory recommendation*. Apply *t this Office. 1 apnl Y7. 93 Wanted Candles 60 Wizes Charleston made mould Candles just received per sloop Ann Maria, and for sale by Isaac (Julten. april 27 M 98 Received, Per s’oop DeLghi jran Char let fan, S pipes 4th proof, tsst Co^n-ic IJR\NI>Y. Charles Maurt-I. april 27 X 98 MOLASSES Suitable for retail, landingtiqm sloops Adeline and Delight from Charleston, For sale by F. STANTON, april 27 x 98 Caution to Pt-RCRasEU tr la.vus at tax coLtirroa's sizes Whereas, the umlrrsignei!, as agent for Sir Wil liam Middleton and tor Mrs Jno. Middleton, owners each far a third of a tract ot land aaiil to contain 5575 acres of land—lying on White Oak Creek, in Camden county; ha* paid for the taxes due on the whole tract for seteral year* past; and Ins made a regular return for the two tliinls w hich he represents, in the countv of Chatham, where he resides, agreeable to law: and w hereaal the whole of the said tract of Land is now advertised to be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, in Jeflemon, C:mdCn county, for taxoa—which are legally allowed to be paid, and w bich are actually- paid in the county of Chatham: he, the laid agent doth hereby forewarn all persons from purchasing the said tract of land tinder the aforesaid advertise, ment. FETIT DE V1LLER3, agttru april 27——cx 98 Sheriff's sale. Fxaax & faoinsoii, ) Call on attachment, „ ( Inferior Court. Rruasiv Cmitts ) Will be sold at the court house, in. the city of Savannah, between the hours of tea and twelve o’clock, To-Morrow, 28th instant, One pair elegant grey Horxea One silver Watch—and Sundry Groceries, attached as the property of the defendant april 27 98 G. L. COPE, * o c. Jxst received 140 barrels Fork ' 100 do Beef lJ.lKW lb. Bacon ' 100 barrels Flour 50 do Whiskey 20 hogshcatk K E Rum US do Sugar 25 barrels, loaf do 150 do Bread 50 bolts No 1, Uuss-3 Canvass For sale by Nichols, Dobson <§* Hills. Chamberlain Sff Burnet Hiving Assigned to the subscribers their stock in trade, books of accounts, dtbts. Itc. for the purposes of securing the pay ment of the follow ing considerations: First, a note of Chamberlain & Barnet, discounted at the Planters' Bank lor Six thousand Dollars: Secondly, a dt bt due tLe estate of Calvin Baker & Co. for monies received fut their aeeount: Thirdly, whatever may remain ua der this assignment, to be divided among all their creditors, rateatly in amount of the debt* due by T. M. Chamberlain, and Chamberlain it Burnet. AU persons.ih.vvmg demands against the said T M. Chamberlain, and Chamberlain ft Burnet, wil! please render in their claims to tbe subscribers, a< the counting-room of 1. At mis. - , • ISAAC MINIS. JAMES McHENBY. xpril 9—M ffii k* ide/ 0% the erne AueU sccu/ied b$ M&*** l'-9cy If wAW't*r\ vrhsr * Their eatirfli Stock at Good*. soxdsnaaur s 20 bag* Ciflee 4 hlidi Jamaica Hum Su barrels and 5 lilida. Whiskey 17 barrels N E H m 60 b.rrvls prin.e Pork 56 barre-N lleef 1 * • 5 hhds. and 3 barrels mnseavado Sugar V Lnudon Foner * Chi.-ciiolatr, loaf Sugar, Cheese F-ilatoes, menluilen Fish, Butter, lleer. Gin Sounds and Tounges, Herrings, sperm Canutes, Mustard, tic 5s. Term* at time of,ale. S le it t mm-rtt at 171 cl tk. (jy The above stock, if not' previouiiy dispared of at private sale, w ill on (lie abova da) be sold, vvilhmi- reaerre. at auction. By irdcT if Ike Amp re* M liERBERT, april 24 9” Oil the first MuihImJ iii May next, If’ill be ettd brf re Ar eftr-kutr in iku tif, ia tit- m ike t.tut.1 k ar. William Lew den and the (•rpha i-ln.Uie estate, abuuleigti mile, fiom Savannah "andfifii ol time -/ tele apnl a7- 93 M. M.Rl;EHf euciV. On the first Tuesday iii .tiny next, Will he told at ike court-haute ktmern the utux Sown, A JACK, rising three vearsnld, raised bv gen eral C. C. Pnckney, of Smith Caroline,,, ,1 lie blond nfli e Itoyal Gift—ihr Jack j tr.ej -t-i, liy tlie king of stpain to General George W ailu g • it » well known dial the (-If War foil 15 Inmoe Ingh. Jons W KLL* D. Williford, ttuci’r. april 13—1)7 Mr. -V-aafc On the Jirti T..e.lag in Alt, to.rt. Will be sold botore die enori lii.iiw in this city, between the usnal hours. All that House and Lot, No In. Co.* ward, belonging to the estate «*f V modiy Hunticnii ileeeavee.; the lot .-ub'- jeev to cd. tax, of g29 75 cents per an: num. Tt- m.». cash Jh, eider oj the ..dmii ittraitrt. M liKKIlElt I, ancl'r. march 4 54 Notice. On th* first Tue9itHjt in .May Will b« Moltlt* the highest (m'.d r, Pi.infatiVii beyond Jeoclu' Toll-gatr. ub ut ivo mu! « I. If mile*from to**n,»n«l lyn»|» between ti.e A» j, r o» :i and .VldJeii^eriUf'road*, bf loiijf.njf to flit t»uu elector Fufnum—n coutxMis m «li, «!m> it 4-0 n ren of land, of whici* ub -Ht ont*-tiiinl i« pine unu the rem;-inder rich swump and hijHi land of a lU./fii* ir quality—tiart of Ute s-wamp wa-i rlrarrd bark d and cultivated about 15 yearsjqpq oi» th iratt ii» an old dwfliiti< bou^e and out hoopra, t< jjcii er witii some Ne^ro hou•«* near to.which i» a jjo-.d body of clay, well calcula cd for Lnck. a sk » g, and Wa* *Ucces»f»i:ly used for that purj «* t aln n brick* were at 12 dollar*, deliverable intowu~» abundance of wood i- aiso on the »| nt.. A Plat may be seen at 'he M»b5c:ibcr%,*hd te made known on the day of sale at Hit eouri-houbc, where it will take place. By *rder cf th* admii-utraMx. 1).>, auci*r. apr'l S?3—96 x Lands for sale. Pursuant to an o.der and decree of the honora ble die inferior court of the oounty of (Jistliam. at tlie prasent term, will be set up for tale, at the court-house in the city of Savannah on the first Tuesday in June next, the following real projier. ly, belonging to the estate of tlie late ,'ohn I’v'er _ Ward, esq. dee. for (he benefit of the heirs, and to obtain a division of theaaid estate, to wit: h 203 acres of tide smamp, first quality, M Hutchinsoa’s Island, opposite the cityr. . 650 acres of land on Great Satdla ihrer, CuppOl- ed fresh marsh and pine. 630 acre* of tide swamp, on Lewi** creek, in M-lntosh county, originally purchased as confis cated property. 900 acre* on Cumberland Island, in the county of Camden, about 300 acres of which is planting land; on the premises there is a g*i d dwelling house, &c. 500 acres in Liberty county, northside of South New-Port, in Bnlltowl swamp, originally granted to the late gcnsraTLachlan M’lntoah. S50 acres of Land on Hou toun’s awamp, in M-Inlorh county, at the crowing at Turkty t amp. 900 acres of tide swamp, in M-lntoah county. Cat Head creek, opposite Clapboard Bluff’, and ad* joiningtlie land of major Jacob Wood. ISO acres of pine land, opposite to the abme. 650 acre* of fresh mar-til land in M-li.tovh coun ty, near the upper end i f M Keytbar’a lala’nd. 35 acres of land, adj'iinmg the east end of the citv of Savannah, part tide land and high land. A Lot and Buildings in the city of Savannah, Franklin ward, now ot a-ipied by the reverend Mr. Carle*. Conditions of sale made known at the time or Imposing of the said real estate. By order of the administrator*. ■ M. HERBERT, attet'r. march 30—75 Notice. On Faturday, the mono day of May, at 10 o’clock, a w will he leased for one year, the »fall< in the vegetable market; add under the aa> perintendance of the market a manittce. F. M. Stone, c. u, april 27 98 ,f' Blank Indentures. For kale at tltis % :r