Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, April 30, 1818, Image 1

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Mkj, the* •» Mtotkr «frHVm TfltiMrtn) Im, and thtn flav* him a blow in tha race with ij.clctiehed hand, anil at many •trinea with the end af a common Ctfwskin, t aa I deemed jeceaaary, for hit indecent frvblication concerning me. ■ Hf.nur B. Ha*ux». ■..■Jgbujay memtof, Aprd 13, 12)9. r Nr.*r-Yoax, April 18. f’fii, The Synagogue late!/ erected in Mill 4 Wtrcet, was yesterflaj consecrated to tire / aerrico of Almighty God,'with the u*all rrremooiea of Hebrew wariort; ' and on which occasion ,M. M> Noah, esq deltyerrd-an appropriate oration court abide tba order al the eealat 4e tmijfir M, wholesale, per gallon do mad do gY do nt*, whoieulp, per (ration »: it.' fThf* wine*are the product;* • ef Iter Sris* oeukruent, la the State It Way be,necessary to caution mariner*, thot a! r.o great distance tram Pigeon bland. St. bach, a w ken reject haa been Alien in With luvii.'g on ly pare of a mail just above the waters—Bcrhadoe Jbvrerjl, tfh or'*., ,, •* •tii'itit» ' ■ is ■Ht SAVANNAH ftfiFJJiJUC an. „ Wednr titty Brewing, Jlpril *9* 1818, rstand tiut there] jib-briom! Ilagdrman, jeaterdajSpfotolT.hic trial to tlienext terra, apon aa Affidavit that one - Margaret Gambough was h material, wit ness, and was absent in tlie country, lie ' wm baited, himself in, a recognizance of gdOOO, artd t»o sureties of 82000 uadi, to l appear at the . next IsionseC peace, and / - -v • -■ „ ; Prrraacaa*, April 10. BAjrxmtoDBBr. ' 4n the night of the 6th iast the raalt of « <he farmer*’ and mcchanica’ bank of Pitts- -bbtirgli, wsa entered by means of false ke; *anrtalaige amount in notes and sp< - . Jfe ’•Known* Jl tram or extraoniinaiT circum- Stances has been developed, which in all . “'probability will lead to, the appreheotion • af the vilnans.and the recovery ol the mo, • »ey. • The persons suspected of haying • ’vomraitted the robbery, stc two gamblers of the names of Piny mart and Emmons.— Phiymart goeS by me title of Doctor,and fdaprofeaaed gambler. Emmons is said •to hate'formerly kept a store in N. York. They are both well dressed and genteel in - their appearance. The Doctor is about : six-feet higfi* slender made, were a bine < jlfroekcnat and a fashionable bat.' Among 75ti>«r circa instances which led to a suspi cion of these men are the following—-They both left Pittsburgh abouta week ago, pro- . Jessing to go to Petcrborg or Richmond, ▼a. They, however, only proceeded up (the MonongaboJa to Elizabethtown, where . -they purchased a skiff* in which they pro- smred a false bottpm to be made. They -returned again to Pittsburgh, on or about -the evening of tlie robbery, and one of them y,W«s actually seen in town. They had em ployed an artist in town to nuke them a smull iron plate, with holes drilled'through (t in different parts, Which' was so ingeni ously contrived, as to deceive the artist, and particularly so, ns they stated it was - invented ..for some unknown piece ' ahinery, bot Which it now appears they •were * enabled, with the help of small file's 1 and saws, which they had purchased ia town, to convert into two keys, and thus ' to effect their nefarious pupose. They are 'piipposed to have passed down .the river in *fih skiff*with their plunder.. * . We have not heard precisely the amount' jwrakoittf .... . 5s'a large amount iii notes of the larmc and nreelrarilrs’baiikof'pittiSbtfrghjanial- rio.Somc notes of the bank of Pittsburgh.— 'Among other articles stolen, was a gold tikecfal granted by the congress ol the U. States to genera] Morgan, commemorative of his gallant services at the battle of the Cowpens. Its weight fcasabout equal to 29 guineas- Also a number of Hamburg me dals, of uncommonly pure gold, of differ ent devices and impressions, and princi pally Un naval subjects. It is hoped that the citizens generally and on the western waters particularly, ’ wilt bo on thp alert in the examination of ’allsuspicious strangers and gamblers, etc. that they will cheerfully lend their aid in bringing the perpetrators of this daring robbery to justice. V P.S.—Emmons occasionally goes by the aapie of Foote. Such a month of April as the present, lias seldom, or ever perhaps, been expert- *' aqccil in Georgia—we believe that there *has been a pretty severe frost every night Since Monday .night last, and the wind during the' day ia almost as piercing cold as is usually experienced hero in a consi derable part of December ami January.— Tlie cotton and corn, wc believe, wherever they were up, have been pretty universally ’destroyed in this part of tiic country,& cot- ion seed for replanting has, we are inlhrm- red, been sold fora dollar and a quarter a kushtl.—jlttgusla Herald, 24th iast. "r; DJRLV(frTLL.U.VT. Naw-Foux'April 13. : A fraud cop p* of robbers entered the City Ho tel this morning 1 , about 3 o’clock, it is believed, ia I Various ways, some having scaled ibe walls, k some tertcrifig through the difl'ervnt window* in the friar; by tneans of ladders tee. Tlt. ir plan was vrett formed, and handsomely executed. They en tered right or ten ofthc bed rooms, in which were sleeping a number of lodgers, rifling each room «f clothes, money, watches, Ac. to a considerable amount. In the morning, the bustle among the Boarders may he easily imagined, each enquiring throagh the halt for his clothes The scene, as expressed by one ofthe sufferers, was truly laugh- able.. Mr. Jennings, wbo keeps the. Hotel, has pur. « sued every means in hit power to detect this gang Af villains, and we trust, from the well known vi gilance of our police oflicers, that the guilty will •von be brought to justice. Gazette. 1 Evoea Ltrcol*. is elected a Representative to ffoagresa, from Massachusetts, vice A. C- Tarris, grsjgned. - Irtte-letters from Philadrlphia state that Gen. InUeraoud hod-set oat for Tampico, (Mexico) in •omnony with a number of persons who intend Co form s bettlemrat tlit-re It WooM not be as flOnohingif thf enterprising tMowers of Bona- paricwtre. hj- their v-dor. to carve or t, for iheir wwttuaei a large portion rfthe Mexican dominion •cnamlyn good opportune now, offers from the frequent stvuggfce or'the Creoles rgainat the gpanisnls.—iraiiinflm City Qaztste. - i . * GO Wti flCUT,. Oqhiri'ty . VewOrifttiu, jtfril II. • fritton, 1»V quality Slceatti 2ddo a»n35s S I do 15 a .fi IVnotowt. ilu: 25a2*t tobseeo,.v«ry ■rate < alt; mferi 'r .vi,liutpendtd, 4 cU; .leu.-, fwkvr’n. bl S I a 3}-, auger, on plaotauoa, lb 10 •r’.tk dr-to. delivered ia town, lQJj coffee, 37 n M cents. . . TVierr Currrif at Tcvay. IVias, grissfrlasd, tgoyeaSS «M, pa battle 75 FUte^dAlfc . The distresring ’cry of fire so often nf late heard in our city, arms again resounded about half pa*t •even o’clock last evening. It proved to be the bouse ol Mr. EUtith, at the east end. of the Bay.— This firs was accidental—through carelessness, the candle caoght one of the curtain* of the win dow* of Jimsecond story, ft was, however, hap pily extinguished withoat any injury.* - This morning about 12 o'clock, another attempt wan made to fit* (he town. Combustible matter was put into the stable adjoining the dwelling house of Mr. Course, at the west end of the Bay 1 - It took, fire; but fortunately it "was discovered, and the progress of the flames arrested.-rHhd it bfeen lata at night, much injury would have been done. ‘ . . . - ,p&yx ,jTj?JiZrTiafa~ •-.? The vetnns belonging to "Lynch's Corp*”X*ill assemble THIS BVENISt!, at 7 o'clock, precise, ly, af their usual place' of meeting; in order to take the field, against a band of incendiaries who at present infest our city. Fail hot! fry trdtr •/ Oihnel Lynch. COWSKlK, aee'ry. fiirUitr particulars, Married, on the '23d instant, near rough, by the reverend Mr. Kennedy,'Mr. Jo us Mohsui to Mis* Hutu' iiouun, bath of this place. snip news., TthMtmw, Alt 10m. t’clock P ’M PORT OF SAVANNAH. CC? Al arriiU. etxaan,' Schooner John, Brown. Madeira. Schooner Three-Brothers, Timmons, Boston. Schooner Selona, Atwood, Boston. Sloop Antelope, Stevens, New-Tork. y Pert »f Charletton, April 27. Arrived on Saturday, D. S. brig Saranac, c-.ipt- Bltouf 36 hours front St Mary’s. Put in here to procure provisions for the squadron at that port. The U S ship John Adame, coin. Henley, and sch’r Lynx, luut Madison, were still at 8t. Mary’s. Two days previous to the Saranac’s sail- ng, the pilot boat Delight in coming-down the ri ver, up-et during a heavy blow, and two me., were drowned. She was bound from St Mary’s to Femandina, with provirions for the U- 'States* troops stationed there. Schooner financier, Crowell, Petersburg, via Notfblk. il daya, with flour. On the lSth inst oif the Fiying-pan shoals, spoke a brig from Phi- Udclpliia bound to the Havana—blowing fre>h at tlie. time, did n a learn her name. On the 24th,. ht “ heavy galt frikn w a w the t. carried away her .Anrii. NeW-OflKfc t» days'aiid 12 fromlbe ttafize, su gar, flour, porit, lard, and nutts. Tlie ship' Ten nessee, Oliver, for Philadelphia, sailed in co. The sch'r Mary-ami. Hill, for this port sailed 3 days before the 0.—Sch’ra Leander, Neal, Baltimore 15 days, corn; Com. Perry, , Ashepoo, 1 day, fire woodi sloop Anson, Drinkwater, Darien,' 1 day, cotton—tlie sch’r Gen Brown, for Washing ton-City, with a load of timber for government, sailed in co with the Ansnn. Cleared, ships Pearl, Newman, l)d»ton; Newbury port, Goodrich, Louder.; Aristides, Garter, Liverpool; Hamburg ship John A Hcnrick, Harms, Hamburg; brigs Sa- rah-ann, Banks, Savannah; James Monroe, Hull, Providence; sch’rs Ann, Clark, New-Orleans; Can ton, Brightman, Newport; Thames, Tolman, New Fork; sloop i Prince Maurice, Busby, Philadelphia. Port rf Baltimore, April 20. c Arrived, sch’i Decatur, Little, 7 days from Charleston, coflee, rice, Ac. Came into she Bay' oiaA'hursday—saw at the mouth of the river a her maphrodite brig with ;p.\inted ports, bound up. Cleared, brig Adriane, Cowpland, Amsterdam; Dedalus, Bose, Bremen; sch’rs Toni, Lowe, St. Thomas; Leonidas, Turner; New-Y-wk. The »hjp Gen Sutiih, or BaUinr>re, arrived at Havana on the 18>h ult 45 days from Leghorn. - - - Port of Philadelphia, April 20. Arrived, brig Betsey, Wedgewuod, 72 days from Liverpool, with dry goods, salt and coal; -ch'rs Margaret, JY.Ison. 21 days from Cipe lienry. cof fee and sugar; Augustus. Nye, Norfolk, 5 days, with timber for the U States; Philadelphia, Hand, Alexandria, 3 days, iroivi Ac; Betsey, Smith, Wil mington x e 12, tar, cotton and rice: Georgetown Packet, Hetvts, Geot gctown. 13, cotton, rice, bear -kins and wine; Argo. Chamber*. Baltimore, 5 ds;; Thrce-Urotbera, Tears, .W.lmington a c 14, staves, tar A soap: sloop President, Athmore, from Lam- ’ —''—Cleared, ships Kac- Medors, Hamburger. 'Iverson, St Croix; setdre • Pocahontas, Seybcrt,. N. Fork; Pocahontas, How- land, Boston; Union, De tnrt. Hirhmond; Huntress, Bunlick, Nantucket; sloops- Scourge, Me Groot, N York; Caleb Strong, Stanwood; do. »na* ora esuKuosmrrp. • OJtce of tkt jfm^l'ork Gazette, 3 ' April 20 5 Arrived, British brig Favcrite.htcman, 40 ua.s from Berbice, with; it war, rum and coffee; Span- iah brig Constadtia, GalUna, a3 day* from Porto Kaco, with sugar, molasses and Coffer; brig Tri dent, Thompson, of Kennebunk, 27 days from N. Orleans, and 21 from thiBaliie, with sugar, sch’rs bmily. White, Savannah, 12 di; Lycurgus, Nich ols, 59 days from the city offit Domingo, via Ni-- 14 da; folk i lays, with mol and to-. bacco; James Monroe, Ilipkins, 3 day* from Nor folk, with tobacco, flour, Ac; sloops lirk, Sand- ford. 13 days from Charleston, with ashes; Vir ginia Trader,Caswell,7days from Kiehinori and 5 from the Capes, flour; Brothers, 'Frarubers. 9 days from Richmond, with flour and tobacco.— Below, one brig. PILOTS . Authorised to act tor the Bar and Giver of Ea. vannah; BRANCH PILOTS; Stephen Timmons Widtam Royston N. B. Sisaon R. Anderaon E.' Broughton John Uxoti Jesse purois John Cleary - John Low John Dtmu% flcnry Critig Thomas Nottago W.tliam Wt^ll Andrew Guard CERTIFICATE PILOTS. Stephen II. Timmons I Henry I taker John Hale | James Elf»rd. ‘ ~- . JBy trder- -f the Board. JOHN G. HOLCOMBE, ap-ll IC—100 . »ctief!r.mwiotie*<riofp:.«tage. Just received 140 barreM Pork" 100 do Beef " 15,000 lb. Saeon - .. 100 barrels TJoto _ .Si 40 do Sugar 25. larrel* loaf do ISO do • Bread 50 bolts No 1, Russia For sale by ■ • Nichols, Dabsea k Silts. feb20 ■ -43 v ■ ; - - Copartnership. : BxxMwur F. Lues a|idi)^vsu.L. pi Trsahav- g former! a conntction in business have takeii part of tli % airt occupied by Mr. Nathaniel H, Olmstexd, ('*, vi4cif,J when they offer for sale groceries of every’ description. . • Edea & Potter. april S9 ICO Take notice- All persons are forbid, from pureharing a Lot- of ground in Challiam county, containg five acres, being the greater part of lot knbwn by the num ber l (one) bounded northwardly by Liberty- street, jrestwardly by thegarden lot No. 10 (ton) and southwardly byl6tfocmerly hudoffby Messrs Currie and Hn^-, and advertised .for safe on the 2d day of June next, by David Williford, auetion-' cr, by the order of John Carno^han, administra tor of the late George Richardson, deceased, and to be told fur thf benefit of the heira of said es tate; as die said property is legally vested in' Ukj we dpern it proper to this pobliocautiou. William Y/ilson, Dorothy Gootidll Wilson, •iPPMEJyTlCES ranted, " Two of three boys, from 13 to tS year* old aye winted, st the office of .the S^nnah Keptth. tiW", *• appr ntkes to the nrintibg harness.— loaisfrvm ths ttaoUf .'rvwlA'b* jwsjaerod. Chfi. To Ik nif for on Santipday next’ a s\*<p ataie over the Savamveh G-wtrkjone mile a.7d “ Six bones 5s row entered, and three ^re expoated from thecocnfry.’ __ * ' XsTis ee wras»«» a» sw* stn - F air wheel famago : jJJ 00 Two wheel duto .* _ kXb c ,finnaua v ; *-,- g'. Footman. - 21- •;. CjT ’ A mewherwf the €larh rrwtta Members «ilbplea»t ig>ply-»t Ac bar of the Exct-wnge Vor-.Tickets of admission and deposit them with the gate keeper wf the course. - - * " . V * Thu Pronrietor. sprit S8—k—99 Par;Philaiclphid or Netc-Yorjc r j The fine; fast I ’FANCY, captain t adding sloop SAILORS’ in -Babcock. For freight april 29 u 1 apply fo the master .on board ' KSTv? -,■/ it & Pinder. 100 * For Chafteston april . Sheri#'’* d- i s. I!ughes,T T .' . - we £■ Cate «u attachment—Inferior lohn Fian. ) * doit*. .On Mondar next, 4th Will ie told at captain WUSam Tai lUi'vHOn the tjiure tf 10 and 12 o’clock. The schooner.FfiOVtbBNCE, with her tackle and appurtenances, and boat. Abo, her Prints, attached as the proper- ■ v of John Finn, at the instance of J. & Ungues, and told by order of the Inferior court of this ccjmty. •' ‘ George L. Cope, 9. c.*d spril 29——100 ’ • , Sheriff l s gates. Gaudry A Dupon, ) . vo. \ Cm* on attachment—Inferior Lewis Moncheaux-S ' toart. 'Op Monday liext, 4tb May, Will ic mold before the otore of Gaudry d Dupon, LtainKemble; abe will ut^feigBUufvS;-. ” P***^*' wt the Inikriar court of this county. George L. Cope, ». o. (. freight of her deck load board xt Rice's, wharf, orto- -100 •freight a- ^ . *' ,,r passage, apply on i John Thomas v’ f ’ : " • i f april 29- y. & Dupon, or are'en, Wallace'* -wharf. A Saddle and Blanlccts, supposed to have been stolen, which the.owner -ran have on application to Gottlti & Copeland, april 29—>t—100 Bamard-otreet. • To rent a a a , A DWELLING HOCSE on BrOurh- jpl I ton street, in a healthy and remarkably _ Maw pleasant situation. Possession can be given inpnediately. Apply to John Lawis. april 29 x —— 100 SC7*I announce to my friends an<L the public, that my House is now open and ready for the reception of all who may be pleased to favor me with their visits, at the seat of health known as the -Madison Springs. Ail exertions will be made to render visitors comfortable. My encour agement the last stesqa, which was'tlie first, was such as to authorise me to offer my grateful ac knowledgments for the patronage I received, and hope from my exertions to Merit a continuance of the same. ' JAMES ALEXANDER, april ?9.—fo—lQOjfe," ^ j. v {C?»Brotight io gaol in Savannah, April 24,1818,* Negro man, who cays bis name is Gu* but, and that be belongs fo Burnham Russell, of Morgan county. He is about twenty-five years of age and five feet seven inches high; lias on a blue : oth Juckcoat, white cotton shirt and.yellow pan- aloons. U, M CALL, o. c. c. anril 29 100 \ 10“Brought to gaol in Savannah, April 23. 1818, a Negro man who says his Dame is Jesir' and that he belong* to Dr* John Hall of Charles ton, S. C. abopt <5years of age, and five feet seven inches high; he say she formerly helong- -d to John Dawson. H. M c CaII, 6. *. c. ar ril 23 - * 96- |C7*BroBght to gaol in Savannah, April 19th, 1818, a negro man named JERRT, who says he belongs to George Gibbs, on Cumbee, Sooth- Carolins. He Is about 25 years of age asd 5 feet ' inebe* hiffb, . . , H. M<Call, s. «. e. apri!23 fS , . , - |Ct* Brought to gaol in Savannah, on the 6th of April, 181 J, a Negro man wbo says his name is Hasst and that be belongs to doctos Anon of Riceborongh. Hr is about thirty-fivr years of sge, and five feet seven inches high. . i . H. JlfCall, a. o- o. aprfl 8—*-85 • PUBLIC SALES. r\ • Notice..... ' On Sstorday, • the second day of May, at It o cTock, *. ». will be leased for one year, the stalls'in the vegetable market; sold .under the periaitodance of the-narket ecmnaiitte. ' ' .'r?v 5* - 'V F. M. Stone, o.' x wG-97—98 SHrorr T** ' ' ,*V.— spril tV- ICO Tax Collector’s sales; Sn the frit Tueeday to May next,' Wil be sold at the court-house in Jeffen on, Cam den county, between the bourn 'of 10 and 3 o’clock, the following lands—having been charged so the property of absentees, and pro ceeded against agreeable to aaactof the legisla ture, passed in ltocember, 1804, vis: Seven hundred and thirty six acres of land, ly- g on Great Satilla, levied on as the property ol John Portions, to satisfy hit state, county poor and fifty per centum taxes for the year 1814, and his state, county and poor taxes for 1817—-amount due R63, 19 cents and costs. Also, 2000 seres of land in'Camden county, le vied on as th* property ofthe estate of Thomas Shubrick, to satisfy the Watt, county, poor and fifty per centum taxes for the year 1816, and the state, county and pour taxes of said eststc for the year 1817—amount due gl47 2 cents 3joa. and coats. '■'•*-■• Also, 1300 acres of pine land lying on north river, Camden county, levied on aa the property of Daniel M’Neatl, to satisfy bis state,' county and ,oor taxes for die year 1817—amount due 819 11 cents 5m and costs. Abo, 5575 acres of land, lying on White CMk Creek, levied on as the properly of the heirs of William Middleton, to satisfy their fifty per ccni turn tax for the year T816; and their state, county and poor taxes fur die year 1817—amount due R242 25 cents and costs. , ' , Also, 5,200 acres ortand,Tying on Grtat Satilla river, levied on as the property of—;— Klliott, to ■ - . taxes for 1817;- -e year 1816— ___ ^ lfm. and costs. . . Alio, 1400 acres of land, lying on the aouth side of Great SatiUa river, levied on the property 3ira, ahd costs. . ...... r Also, 5500 acres of land, levied on as thunro- perty of »be heira ofLyhab,-*4 sath&dh^r' fifty »■» Iiirtnm s«r.,fnr,lb*>«V lfll^-aedlhc^StWA county and poor taxes for the year 181/—amount '■ —193cts. lim. and cOsu. , 3(100 acres of land in Camden county, le vied on as the property of Lewis Ueblois, to satis fy Ms fifty per centum tax for the year 1816- amount due g32 25 cts and costs. ' Also, 8310 acres land in Camdeqoounty, levied on as the property of Miles King, to satisfy his fifty per centum tax for the year 1816—amount due K24 90cts jm andcoits. ’ SHERROD SHEFFIELD, t. e. a. o. feb 26 —f- -59 To-Morrow, the SOth icafarit, - 1178le teller lit s**t« luely lecufied ly.UflW Daey ft Marlin «*i Ifttnlcf’t wharf ’ 1'Iieir eatirc Stock frf Gti«di*. ‘ . • eoVstanvuuv- .asfciMsLi! 4 hhd*. Jamaica Rum,... jl - v; 90 barret, and 5.l.lids. Whister ' „ ,17 barrels N.t .R m ' v r 60 Barrels prime Pork ., . , *6 barrels Beef . • ' : V f 5 hhda and'3 barrels muscovado Sugar London Porter.- - "T ' • Chccholate, loaf Sugar, Cheese Potatoes, menhaden Fish,. Butter, Beer, (tin ~ ■*' Sounds and Tounges. nerrine*. , ’ I sperurCandles, Mustard, fee.Ac. !** Terms at time or sale. Salt to at 12e*ett<Jb. ■' ffj* Theabove stock, if not previously diepbaej of at private isle, will on the above day be aoh( without reserve, at auction. ■ ’ fry order of the Atlrgneeo. M. HERBERT, A«*V. april 29 97 ... ... Oh Friil a j next,lkt May, ' Will lo onii oti tic premutt, Those WOODEN BU1LDINCS an the (lot corner -of Jrflersun ynd Cofgress* letreeti, dppoeit* the vtore of John R. bWatnpr, esq. to be removed ih aavao- Sale to commence at 11 tltlitk. ■ A. Howe, Mud’r. april 28——99, , '• ■ On tlie first Monday in May next, Will it told before the cevrtdioutt to tUt city, id tween the urnal feflrt, .' . A traft of LAND, containing 570 aaret, aitilat. ed ne»r the I,»le of Hope, adjoining the hinds of William Lewden and the Urphan-hoiua tsUtc, about eight" miles from Savannah. Condniono at time of tele. -. v april 27-98 M. HERBERT, ourt’r. On Tuesday next, the 5th May, IRS ho told brfoet Ok court htuoo, without A prime Mulatto WF.NCH, aged 19 good seamstress snd house servant. Terms, cash. . a. M. Herbert, oticFr. april 29 100. . , r .; yaaAk.a' On the first Tuesday in May next', Will he told at the court-houte between the unto heurt, A JACK, rising throe yean old, raised by gen- end C. C. Pinckney, of South Carolina, is of tha blood of the Royal Gift—the Jack presented by the king of Spain to General George Washington; it is well known that the Gift Was full 15 naudfl high. , Jorm Wxiu. D. Williford, auct’r. april 13—87 , Caution to rratHASsas ex i-shd avyehtissu to as sold XT T2S TAX eOlAXCTOa OX CAHDES COUXTT, J for taxes said to be due for 1817, on a certain tract of lmd, containing about fourteen hundred acres, the property of Hugh Rose, esquire, a non resident, a* the said lying on the Great Satilla river, and was returned agreeable to law to the collector of tax returns in Chatham county, in July, 1817, and a certificate by G- K. Duke, esq. dated 19th September, 1817, transmitted to J. Bailey, collector of tax returns for Camden coun ty stating, that the land was so returned, and the tales cpic on said property foe 1817, and the fifty per cent tax for 1816, paid to John Kppingeiy <sq.‘ as the following certificate fully shows. I do hereby certify that the direct or (fifty per cent) tax on the above property of- Hugh Rose, for the year 1816, and the state and county lax for the year 1817, have been paid to me by Dr. Janus B. Read. of Savannah, agent for said H. Rose; also, the direct or (fifty per cent) tax for 1815, and the state and county taxes for 1816. (Signed) JAMES EPPINGER, Tar . Col.eetcr, Chatham county. Tax Coileetor’e Qftce,S&vannah,27ih April, 1818. And the certificate of G. R. Duke,‘esquire, col lector of tax returns for Chatham county for 1318 is also in the subscriber’s possession, which states that the tract of land above mentioned, was re turned to him on the 27th April, 1818, and will be placed on his digest, of which all persons con cerned will please to take notice. J. D. Read. april 29 —- r ——’00 {Cj“Brougbt tt> gaol,,in Savannah, April lsL.1818, two Negro men named Stephen, and Criicr, the property of Gab’l-Capcr?, of Wadma- law, S. C. Stephen is ahmit yean ef age, and five feet four inches high country born. Leaser ia about five feet s.x inches high, and U(tnty«£Tc years of African bom. * > IL M-CALL, c. e. april 6-—-81 *, • „' Georgia—Bulloch county. ~ By Ely Kennedy, cleric os tisa ecurt of o. dira ty for thwcoua^ of Bulfich amtstatealbmaht. Whereas, Tattra C, Oventon^of the arid eimn- ty,applies fay kttes*.ef «4wu|i riufllqtso* UMS'Ct4 to and- eff{Lcts‘af Maiy Falteraon, late of said. Tltese, are,therefore, to cite anil admonrifi, all and singular,- tlie kindred and creditors' of the •rid deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office, on or before tlie first Monday in June next, otherwise letters of administration will begmr.ted the applicant. Given under my hand end seal, thi* l?lfi dav. oF March, in the yrai of our Lord one thousand, ’ght hundred rod eighteen. '• S -J 'tli •- . . r *' r *®NX-DY, e. c o, march 2j—-• TST——• • ’ ' ; Handbills, ffS Kcatij printad atUus since. Caution ' v to -xraegAsxia ox xaxds at tax eouxeroa’s sinss. Whereas, the undersigned, as agent for Sir Wil liam Middleton and tor Air. Jno. Middleton, owners each for a third of a tract of land said tg- contain 5575 acres—lying on White Oak Lreik, in Camden county; has paid for the taxes due on ‘the whole tract for several year* pari; and has made a regular return tor the two tbiras width he represents, in the county qi Chatham, where hi resides, agreeable to law: fmd.wbereasUhe whole of the said tract of Land is now advertised to be told on tlis first Tuesday in May next, in Jefferson, Ctr^en aounty, for taxes—which are legally allowed to be paid, and which ate actually paid in the county of Chatham: he, the. arid agent doth hereby forewarn all persona from purchasing the said (rad of land tinder the aforesaid advertise ment. PETIT. DE VHJJiBs,- agent. april 27—i—ex ■ ; ??, ■ Caution to xrseuAsrxs or xaxds at tax coixectos’s saus. Whereas, the Tax Collector of Camden county has advertised 5200 acres of land on the Satilla river, belonging to the estate of WiUi*m Elliott, far sale on the first Tuesday in May next, for tax es, which land* Klve beeh legally and regularly rriurneiLawl the tiies piid by the sabsacribers, agents for the representatives of said estate; they do herebv warn all persona from purchasing said lands. ’ . R. & J- HADER3HAM., 'april . "j. ■ Notice, -y- • >"■ { . j . • Nine months from the'date hereof, appli cation will be rude to the honorable Jus tices of the Inferior Coort of tlro coonty of Chatham, for leave to sell. 2300 acres of land in Gi\ nr; county, being part of the real estate nf William' Ltmfiert, deceaird. . catharh;f v. limbbrt, Apia frfl-r—Afp eveeatriz. Administrator's sales. On thejirot Tact Jay in May next. Will be sold before the. ooilrt-house in this oity,, between the usual hours, All that.House and Lot, No. 10, Co lumbia ward, belonging to Hie estate of Thqpthy Dontieou, deceased; the lot nils, iject to cit^ tax; of £29 75 eentsper us ual. Terms, cash. By order of the adminiotretori. . . ill. HERBERT, cnefr. triStish 4".---34 , On thef.rot Tuetday in May newI, Will bt sold to the bigbesUhklder, the Plantstinn . beyond Jencks’ Toll-gate,, ato ut two.and a half,., miles from town, and lying between tlie Augusta and Milledgeville roads, belonging to the estate of doctor Putnam—it contains in all, about 420 acre*, of land, of which about ane-thjrd is pine.'and the remainder rich swamp and high land ofavuperi- r quality—part of the swamp was cleared, bank’d arid cultivated about 15 years ago; on the tract is an old dwelling house .arid oat houses,- together with some Negro houses; near to which is a good body of clay, well calculated fi>r. brick nAhihg; and was successfully used for that purpose when "■ bricks were at 13 dollar^, deliverable iutdsru— abundance of wood is‘also on the spot. ' > ’ A- Plat may be seen at the subscribers, apd terms' made known nn the day of side at the enurt-bouse; ’ where It will take place. By trder of ihe adminitlralnx. ' ' D. WILLIFORD, auct’r. april 28—96 ',i Lands for sale, • . Pursuant to an.o.cler arid decreepf the honoi-a-'a ble the inferior court of the cbuuty *>f Chatham, a^-thr .present tefttb-wilif tee set Up fol- isle, attb* court-house*in the city of Savannah on' this;first Tuesday in June. ncXt, the following real propum ty, belonging to' the estate of tt>e late John Peer , Ward, esq. dec; for the benefit of the heju, and to obtain a division of the said estate, to'trit: ’- 202 acres, of tide' smamp, first quality, on- Hutchinson’s Island, opposite the city. 653 acres of land on Great Satilla liver, suppos ed fresh marsh and pink. 630 acres ofjidff swamp, on Lewis’ creek, ia MTntosh county, originally purchased as' confis cated property. 900 acres on Cumberland bland, in the County of Camden, about 300 acres of which is planting land; on the premises there is a good dwelling house, he. ' • 500 acres in Liberty coanty, northside of South. New-Poit, in UuUtowri swamp,originaUy.gtmqd to.thc late general LachlanM'Intosh. f., ’ 250 acres of Land on Boustoon’s swamp; in M'Intosb ccurity, at the crossing at’Turkey Camp. ’ 200 acres of tide swamp, ih M’lntosb counijr. Cat Head creek, opposite Clapboard Bluff, and ad-' joining the land of major Jacob Wood. „ . 150 acres of pine land, opposite to the above. •50 acres of fresh march land in MTntosh coun ty, near the upper end of M'Keythar’s bland. 35 acres of land, adjoining the cast end of .tlie city of .Savannah, part nde land ahd.high land. . A Lot and Buildings in the city of Savannah, Franklip ward, now cc*upicd tor the reverend Mr. Caries. Conditions ,ef tails Aside known At .the time ot disposing of the said real estate. * . . By order of the Administrator*. M. HERBERT, oart’r, . march ,*Ut- . 75 Administrator's sales. Pursuant loan order ofthe honorable the Infe rior court of the-^ounty of Cbatbam, sold at the cqitrt-licnise, in the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in 3Iay next, bettitca thi otuaf bottni all that tiqct of land, in Chatham comity, bound ed northwardly by jhe Auguata read, southwardly lif lands lately doctor— Cocke’s, eastwardly by buxb of Joseph Stiles arid B. Jencks, and west- wardly to lands hie Wercats,containing 600 acres ' more or less. Also,* lot^fjand, at Thunderbolt in Chatham county,knorihjiy number 11, belong, ing to the estate.of the late W. Benjamin Putnam, and soldfo? the benefit of (he heirs of said estate. ■ ANNE S. PDTS.VM, atfm’rx, i" h rd -48. . . ‘ . - ■trill he iold at the hnirktl 'hovtc i i tie Mary'd, between the hoiiri of let arid ’ Sheriff's sales, continued. lout rf tit .y three o’clock; Lot No 6, end the improvements thereon, m the torin'ofSt’Slarj-'v K 1 ’ SteiAeu W.qil-iert-f H ^ poor taxes Cor the years 131?,. 13 & V Wip: H- Willjauts, ». a. •. e april 18—f-92 ' I .