Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, May 04, 1818, Image 1

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m/nd i» yi* "r.g *! resit srltft MlUblel *»««-be:t *in~in. T»IW-I|^. _ A ogn.*, f* emblem* and device*, in .testimony 9? the]£?jj[5 bi> * ,r justrouse entertained by congress cly< gallantry anil good coml'ict' ia board ■onr . ling iml capturing the British brig* Detroit and Caledonia, while anchored under tJie pro tection of lort Erie.’' Among the various official dstie* derol- . wing upon me,I hare a high degree or »h tislactioir in the performance of this: and fit the aame time to add tbe aaoorance of it ««pect for ynur ■ ir, bonoraWe servicesm ah sifijrcr.uml-jiior **• dharaeter a* I gentleman, With tbe best V wishes Ur yo.ur prosperity and. happi ocss, k l have the honor to be, dj’c. . 11 ■ B- W. Cbowsixsr) klo. The schooner Freemassn, Doaufl— Havre hssl arrived at Boston. . j Tbe biig Cenigie. West, tailed from Havre in I company with the Comet, arriied at New-York I Morfstk, April TS, 1818. rVidi*! Boa—Tomr letter, and the award which poo prevented tonne in compliance witlrh resolution of rongreis/hare both been re- eeivetf: l want term i to etpress the ming led aentiments of gratitude and pride, id- •pired by this token of public confidence. ’ Rett to the consciousness of having «n* deavorefl todn hi* dot j, ewery officer must . value.the approbation of his couotrr. J, know, indeed, that'.thc anceeas which has • procured me this honor should be ascribed • - to the gallsntrj and good conduct of those whom it was mr good fortuahdocommaod. rather then'to mypersonal skill, sod that _ , _ . , • ' Jfowe this distinction ciore to the gehero- EiS!8L2ffiL5!$???l2&2!2£ ** Pb “" W ‘ isjty of congress than to my own iner Bus Terr consideration will animate my ''•fntfire efforts to jdstify the distinction • which my country his deigned to «*fer - M ine. For the kind and Battering manner in which yon hare been pleased to make this pOmmotiicatiom, 1 beg you to accept my Acknowledgments. -■ 1 hare the honor to be, respectfully your - riWedient'scmnt J- D. Elliott, * llon. B. IF. CrnaninihitU, - SecreUry of the navy. In tow, loadst! with botton—to sundry pr Smorifi-Mri. Louey-reet, Miss Randolph, rev.. Mr. Phillips DrJjw1M«U«Jiam. HcJinMor risJtnll, Crayton. Data. Crane,. Hrnter., Thomas. Harrison. Garni there, atesr*. Hancock, MLaugS- lir.j and sercraj. servants. v The sbi;; Patent, Sarough, frofa Savannah, nr- riled at knvnp-’ul <m she55ih -Hatch. It i* rcponed diai the'ship Francis, from , SKaBsSBS™!.** 5 0(Jt I'-Mf of tire errw wei The ship-John Wiaalnmtroci Sunoiai. V- jiflurftv ATORI0. wiitbr girin Tw-aoaaow tvaxrro tbe benefit of the Ftf.Se mince sirill be as follow*: „ htj. •• ” ; efjA* _ • - . , . ■ ■: y - my peapu"—by • v- ■view Meroah .Handel. to London west *ibcre at U'mthawpton on jthw 10th .Mitch, but *irvfrie#± to be r rt o<r after The jrefia'ftMpkilfa arnvei at. Haute from tlii port on the Ud Ttiettoddoc off Falmouth on tie j*;h .Ifareh. The New-CiHfrw Packet,' Gt*y*an,a08 the Sa tan, Window, from Jboaaiiaft wit at Liverpool l-’h MarebT , Can*v t —*l.rr'-*b fir *"**" ■ terwiah - Sang-r^iu/y-ri/ (M ay Mr Ccaave—Ahr fimeew <ntcHnjr ts* ®nf- \ Creaiiun .Uaydn •a W«V il. . . Hymn—OU /&»#+.* •* K' , William*, from Sovtnak'w ] Sopg—rwwmter Vwtf- net<*» PUBLIC Si&LES. A- Tayhr: V &to and Cboro*—“SWi* rf a; Duct—‘ Pm* a* Lie W> , , Aw hem—-‘1 waited paiieatlr 1 . . The Ntncy. from I Uas*Song—“TMe trumpet «Wf md* . SjraveoS, united at Liverpool 24lh Afarch. I Meaatah. Handel. TOe Ltverr.O >1 Trader from .Svrannct, was at I Hymn—“CtwU G*d what da W oadicor.** StudweU* Boad* en the 11th Much. I 1 , M. Lather ' T|te shop Venn*, from th'u port win spoken I Final CHORUS- -Grand BaUdajck. on the Xkh uU, bound to Kew-TOrk. - I Memiah 1 Handel. The »bip Htdng State,, Swinbam, and brig I fl^Tidrt* ra-v be had at the b*ok*torei of TelcgrapJi, Muarusfrcm wiaport have arrived at j Mwn. V. T. WiUuunr, aad Merar*. S. C. A J Kew-Tork. '* Perfotmmee to emmeaee at I o’clcek. may 4 —ltd ft AtANNAHT REPUBLICAN. % Monday Evening, May 4, 1818. CURHK SPffA'DEJVCK •Poyrxast*,” to tbe "City Conned” dull have * place To-Morrow. MOFE~FIRKS! Sinee yurlart notice of Use fre(joint Are* which « &ve taken place in car city, yreh*te now to rrtord <wp moTe aiteraptr, one, on Friday erening last, in ' ' ffrar.klin ward, a little above the market—the other • yesterday morning, on the lot occupied by Messn. Frown It Green, at the west end of the town.— ' jjotb of them, however, were discovered and pot •at, without mueh damage. Although every es. ' yrtion bs* been made on the pan of Use pubco ' aided by the eitiaens, generally, no one has yet been detected. Eight or nipe jiersons were w, tested this morning on suspicion and oommitted to gaol for examina'ion.. : »' , ■ ffe are authorised in stating that, thr Planter’s <* md'Mechanic’s Bank of Charleston peremptorily rrfuies to pay specie for their notes, except in . the intention of many to have : the bin. of thi*.h»i* jtwttttetfr .mtetMWii-i* given when askedfur- How Jdit that Charleston 'Bills, in oar city, are at pir while Bills of the banks of Sayaniuh, at Ch*riestbn are at a discount! It roust be, because. tniny runaway with tbe idea Au w Charlestoa (risks pay apecie for their a'otes, when this ahsolntely is not the ease. JaeKMV, late lieutenant of the U. States’ ' •eveihxe cutter Dsiiaa, belonging to the District of Georgia, has bie» appointed by the-President •f the U. Statevcaptain of said cutter, vice eapt. tenk ream ml. RFe are gratified ia having it in our State, that, our townsman, Joiua Taraaax, is promoted to ibe rank of a lieutenant in the U. S. Sfavy. He stands nearly at the heul of Ihe lpt of promotions. He is deserving of iL TUB V. S. FRIGATE. COXGRBSS, . Willi our commissioners, Messrs Rodney, Gra but and llbhd, arrived at Rio Janeiro, alter a passage uf 57 day*. !ihe was tu sail from there On the 8th of February. The following , letter is « Horn an officer on board the Congress, to a gen. ttenran in Savannah: "It >S, FrifOle Ceegrets, J *‘JHi Jl'-dn, 7th February, 1818. J "I have only time to state that we bare arrived Acre, hut expect to be at sea again to-morrow.— We arrived oa the i#ih ult after a passage of 55 ■days. “Yesterday the eidevsnt prince regreni was pro. -claimed king of Portugal, Algarve and Rrazilt.— J was present at this grand ceremony, and had a .good view of iii* majesty and most of tbe great personages of both sexes, who constitute ihe Itouse of Bragonsa. “This country is grand end picturesque beyond any thing I have seen, and abounds with new and interesting plants. “We ail now for La Plats, via 6t. Olhorinis. This government end that of Radios Ayres are at peaces but tbe Portuguese are tending on forces tor tlie protection of Mente ftrdt, which will be thHlrst port in La Plata we shill stop at after touching at Maldonado.” Anetber Xethr, tame dale—«j f, •We arrived here on the 19. Ii of Jan. after a pas sage ef 57 da. Kothing worthy of remark occur- fed daring the passage. We le see here to-mor. row for the river La Plata, which will be as far South at the Frigate will proceed. “The harbor of Rio is good, spacious; and very Cssy -of access! I cannot ssy much in favor of the city. The streets are aarowand irregular. Tbe population is said to be from ICO to 120 thousand. Ton may look tor the return of tbe Frigate in June.” ' | , SHIP MEWS. JJi^k-n'aier.Te-Merrra. 11L 20m. A M ■**■* itoKT o'F SAVANNAU. ,«.. . j iiut'Ev -Schoonex Constitution, tojekha*. Hava**. 7 ds ^with j’.ck and 8 jur—to C» r nochan A Mitcliel Mirkrts •' 8t.!l. and t o ral: to b*. eff-ft- od far msny art'cles. S;o-ke ofl Havana, tbs Bue- teaApnisnship Uuus, eascrams. ___ * * The* CSii'fft, Xlwfon, from Urerpool for tbir port, was spuken the 21st ult- lutau a? 10, Ion. 1 30; she had received mueh damage, aad was mak ing for Lisboa. The Harter, Bell, sailed from Clyde tor tbit part, the Lfth March. The ship Edwin, Datton. and Pouchrr, Maleom, from this port, arrived at Liverpool, on the tin j A/arch. Schooner Rambler, from this port lias arrived st Philadelphia. Fert •/ Charletttn, May 1. PR&NKUM HOUSE f VSM-IOKX. \ ' Genteel Bardiug. This new, spacious arid splendid building, situ ated in Broad vay, the great and fuhiuuable street dividing the ccwre of the city, at the corner of Arrived, brig Commerce, Me»crve T ., ^h^et, uodned by the 18 day.; Kh’ra South Carolina, Allen. N York 10; «P llon of .“1 £? ^,‘ D True Republican, Jarvis, Newbem (» c) 1 d,,; I * m«n« n« s«P|^»ed, tor wnvenienj.e or ele- Mark Time, Carr., W.ln,inrton (jr «) 1 da ); id- brine csSSTMT.arZ*£tt£53ulk& their way to the northward; Hoops Adeline, flrad S Sh^rHa«ni ^6 y 'd C M l ! 0n ^d date 1C ^io^d Hook,‘the Sarro^ »d the llifter, and^-bc SHS li £f3S2SS ss^waswasst w£d livl^L Wrtt S r.::Z’. I expense haling been spared by tlie owner to make |-ocki sloops'Retrieve, Horton, Wilmington; Her-1 V'™l’ lc 'ff" r JPIl'men* sndftrmlies!* 1 vriitiiv P?.a-L-«»vr. . .. l:S3e$KW^p!2S5WS3 apartments. • ,1 Lanin far sat*. Purrtiint to order and deerte of the honor- sUe tri* riftrior court of Chatham codnty, wiU be s-dd at ihe e- nrt hi.use in tl.t city <*f Sarannah. TjO-MO HIOW, the 5ih instaM, the roUoWmp lots and land*, bring part of the real estate oflb- laic Ussurr Bet-re*, (ltd. for the benefit of the liens and creditors of she raid estate, via. - All those two lots, number thirty-one and ther- u-two (31 and 33) i>- Green ward. Owe half past of Ist utetete (fTTpiiMlI «iyihn*r, friib/ ward- ... “ “ “• Three (ouiu the riilage of it-CaB, known as lUUifirn twelve, (13) thirteen(t3) and fourteen ( l sj>«U in tbe city ot Sararoi^b, and'sOuhty afore- (Jne five acre lot ra the township of Savannah, attached to lot number six (6). sCreuito tything, Anson ward. In said county. • Pns town lot in flatd.wick, in Bryan county, known a* number riguty-tae. Two loain the tow* of Brunswick, in Glynn county, known as numbemone hundred and fifty- two and one hundred and aer-nty two. One lot u Sunbury, m j Bryan county, known as number seventy-eight (78J One tract of land m.Bryan county, ooutaining five hundred acres, purclitsed at aherilf mis as the property of William Wylly. deo. One lot in Vemonbuigb, known ss number twelve (IS) in said county of Chatham. Two lots in the village of Hamstesd. ia Chat- ham.county, conuiutng-onc hundred and ail acres prime land, which waa bought of William Lewden Four lota in Sew-Port, Liberty county, known ■asuumber ten,YlQ)twemy-qim,(£l) tsranty-two. One t net of land in Boorke bounty, containing three hundred acres, bought of Pdrg Green, m the Mate of Georgia. Terms of sale for the property in the cite:— One-third cashi balance in one and two years from date of sale, with interest from date and mort gage on the property, or the tfBole ia cash if pre ferred by the purchaser, or in lieu ef cash town notes payable at 60 or 90 dayi with the bank dis count added, and approved indorsers; and for the property nut of the city cask—Executors titles only wiU be given. JOHN BOLTON, march J—f—S3 JSr’cr #/ R. tlcben, dee May 2.—Arrived, sch’rs Pennsylvania, Moore, Philadelphia, 9 days and 7 from ths* capes—on Wednesday, offOcraeock Bar, spoke sehr Sylph, Famhara, from Philadelphia for Savannah,- Uejvi dere, Cobb/ verick, Reaul ZSLt&EL£ 7days and f from'tl^capet; I N* *«^ve.y for private boarding. Charitv. Robinson. Wihmntrton *r e 2 iftTK Ann- I f Mr*. UollUCrson •The choicest of winea and liqutr* V'll be fur nished, and no trouble or expense will be spared, to make the entertainment pleaaaat, rare and ex cellent. I . Tips establishment is net ietended at a hotel Charity, Robinson, Wihn.ngton it e 2 days; Ann-1 Maria, Fowler, Savannah 1 day. Pert c1/JVew.rert, April 24. Arrived, ahip Mersurr, Uae,27 days from Li verpool, with bardware,lcc. The M. was elilig- Mete-Terh, april 20——a To rent or lease, All that part of the premises on the-rear of the I large building at New Deptford, or commonly ed t(i>put back toliveponl twice, once with tKe I called FIVE F4.THOM, containing about 400 lose of main-topmast, ard one man drowned.— [ feet square,, morly ucdep Banks and cultivated; From George’s Ba! k has had a continuation of 1 with the advantage of a large creek adjoining, «e- westerly gales, i» one of which she lust her stern curd at present as a lumber dock, supposed to boat, andJUadber dead-lighte atovc in. No vei- be 100 feet wide alike entrance, and rusiung nearly sels succeeded in getting to sea from Liverpool, | die same width about 300 ieet backtto whicli it is frpm the 4lh to tbe 26th Msrch. contemplated by the+ropnetor to Odd two other Rriti-h brig Hope, Potter. S8 days from Sevens-1 docks of ICO feet square each, feeant chiefly tor Carolina; cvcnuig row, iiiycu, aj am irom l Il.ti,J—- - — Prince’s Island. On the coast spoke brig Belvi-1 as such, witlronly a small capital, secure the ntost dcre. Tbe Evening Post has experienced very I profitable part of the lumber business. Msny. heavy gates for the last 18 days. In 1st 4Gj, lor. Lother advantages can be pointed out by sppliea- 69, saw a ship with her main mist gone; the great J dun to . ‘ N,- TO BN BULL, distance from us prevented us from learning her I Should the largt buiklmg be_ required, it may- name. Capt T. informs, that the sloop of war I be included. may Gherub, had tagen a Spanish guineaman on the 1 -104 coast of Africa, who had plundered every thing the came across, among them she had taken tlie Diana, of Liveponl, and Nimble, of London Sloop Rising-Sun, Bates, Savannah, 9 days. In tbe Sound, one ship bound down. No tig. naif. Eire' Company. Those g*ntleroen who have or wish to become members of tijc Fire Company, now establishing in this city, are requested to meet at the Exchange, THIS EVENING, at siskt o’clock, precisely, to adopt some regulations far their government, may 4-101 Marine Society. An extra meeting wiU lake place at Mr. Trueh-1 elet’v, evening, 5th inst. at 7 o’clock, on business of importance. The members are particularly requested to bs punctual in attending. Jly crJjr ef the Pre-\dent. may 2-10.! JOHN MOHR ALL, eee’ry. Mot ice. Lost, Last evening, while on tile pitrole guard, a gold | chain, with four strands, without a slide. Also, a gold seal aud key attaehed thereto. The finder by leaving it at tbe bar of the Exchange shall be I liberally rewarded. may 4—1—104 Savannah Poor -Houso ^ lltspital VISITING COMMITTEE ' rim May and June, Jos* Casxoeaa* and Jams S. Bvussw. Joseph Cumming, secretary. may 4—104 ....... -Caution to roacuasras tv raivus st tax couxstob’s sax**. Whereas, the Tar Collector of Camden county has advertised 5200 acres of land on the Satilbr river, belonging to the estate of William Elliott; for sale on the first Tuesday in May next, for tax es, which lands have been legally and regularly returned, and the taxes paid by tlie subsucribers, agents for tbe representatives of said estate; they The anniversary meeting of the Georgia Bible I do herebv warn all persons from purchasing said ‘ ' ’ ' ‘ ‘ '. HAB!i“- Satiety will beheld at the Precbvterian Meeting Rouse, To-Morrow, the 5th'ant, st 4 o’clock, 1*. M. when an election will be held tor a Board of mtnagers to conduct the business of tbe insti tution tlie encuing year. The Board of Managers are notified to meet at the same place, at 3 o’clock, F. M. Josi&h Penfi.-ld, recording see'ry. may 4 104 < lands, april 28—» R. A J. -99 3ERSHAM. Mew Presbyterian Church. to rrscaasEBs er saves ai Tax coluctob’s iucs Whereas, the un tersigned. as agent for Sir Wil liam Middleton and tor Mr. Jno. Middleton, owners each for a third of a tract of land said to contain 5575 acres—lying on White Oak Creek, in Camden county; has paid for th* taxes due art the whole tract for several years past; and has nude a regular return for the two-thirds wliich a„ A chS^^ rente, i. that the pews in the new church, on the *2“*S *«, la * ! . and * h " £ ”. tbe lower floor, be sold in fee eimple en MONDAY the I m “■" « id? " d Ittb May next, on the following term* one-half **?“_$* first Tuesday in May next, in theamount lo be patd down, eSeJburth payable l*?'" 0 "’. ***** “‘ wt ¥’ fu j ‘Ves-whtch are on the 1st of December next, and one-fourth on 1 Sjd^ 1 ^r rn^i'l^ the 1st of March following; and that in default of 15"S ^ the county uf Chatham, he, the raid agent .ing payment at the stated periods, the amount riously paid should become forfeited, and tlie I ™* " >ews be re-aohl. A plan of tlie pews is ready for 1 raenl bspection at the church. The sale will tomrofnee at 11 o'clock in the morning. (loth hereby forewarn all persons from purchasing the said tract of land under the aforesaid advertise- PETIT DE VILLERi, agent. april 27- ... -cB Si 1 april 30—101 Oliver Surges, Chairmen board Druetan. Chatham Academy. The Academy w:ll be re opened agrin on Moo- day next, the 4th May, fog the reception of Pupils- under the superintendiuiee of Mr. Limb, assisted by Mes-rs. Pettigrew and Merrill— no pupil will be admitted without a ticket from the Treasurer— S truts of tuition for two months 86 66, payable advance—tor Latin and Gretk g9. The Treas urer requests that persons wishing for tickets of admission would apply at bis office, in colonel Fray’s brick building, near the Exchange, on I ■ turiL y next, between the hours of eleven and two o’clock R. W. UABEItSHAM, Traae. apri! 10—101 Jist recotvoj 140 barrels Fork 100 do Beef 15,000 lb. Bacon 100 barrels Flour 50 do Whiskey 20 hogsheads N E Baa 40 do Sugar 25 barrels loaf do 160 do Bread 50 bolts No 1, Russia tank For sale by Nichols, Dsbson S[ Hills. To-Morrow, toh intt. ffi'l be nld el the.Utam-Smr^e-panfhhtifrf fie - orewott- /• (c»se«^h«L . .’ ; 78 bales upland C-ption, - _ damaared art board the steam 6om-.* «J * Irv-gns- ing boat No. 4 on her ptvragie front Angus**"* sold by order* port wsrOrns. Tertm-Ca*. murto—104 .-T^C/w rTti7 be arid or the ■ 3i bales upland Cottons ,j, damaged oa board the steam cwmp*d> *• freiglutafl boat No 4, on. ber passage from Augusta,and sold by order of the port warden*. Williford fit Baker riuct'rt. To-Morrow, 5th instant, WiU be till at the teurt-heete A■ Ihit city between tltg unci Anr*i The corner LOT, Brown-sratd, ChippewMmtar*, 60 by 90 tret, south rod east front, and as pleas- antly situated as anyfin this eity. Williiertl to Baker, nnclVs. - may 4 1«4 : ' Marshal Sales. On theJirel Tuttday, ia May near. Will be sold at the • mrt house in the eity of Sa vannah between the hears of 10 and 3 o’clock Those two lots and improvements in tbfc town Sanbgry, levied on ss tits property of John Mu. lo*h,at the suit of Lewis A. Bouncke, sure, cop John H. Morel, marshal. msrch 25— —1 69 Marshal's sale. On the frit Tuatilay ia Jfiiy neat. WiU be sold at .the court-house in SavanntJi, be tween the hours of ten and three o’clock, Wiiaif Loti No 3 and4, in the town ef Darien, 'with the improvements thereon, levied on as the proper! v of James Hamilton, at the suit of the United States. JOHN H. MOKEL, april 1 — 77 . manhal. Marshal's solos. On the Jtni Tuetday in May neat, ■WiU be sold at the court-house in die city of Ss' vaniuh, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. The following NEGROES;levied on a* the prop erty of James Williamson, at the suit of John Hamilton, vs. Edward Shear stand, and Jamas Wil lisroson, to wit: George Kambeit, a sawyer; Sukey, good wash, er, ironi r and cook, Chaney, George, Willis, Lu- cey, Jacob, Ouen, York, Betty, Mingo, Gate, York, Louisa, Violet, Collin; Hilley, carpenter; Harriott, Sain, Nanoy, Jinney, William, Scipio, Maria, Qua co, a sawyer; Sukey, York, Friday, Quash, Jenn By irder tj the adminiitraltn. M. HERBERT, oocl’i co, a sawyer; Sukey, York, Friday, Quash, Jennv march 4 54 Musco York, Cste^ Maria,Elpr, jus. Uecste, m. tearaw■ ■ * - ' ' idgt • rook*'Cola, ajgrdiner, Maiy and Bob. march 31—7S H. MOREL, marthU Marshal's sales. On ihe frit Tuetday in May neat, Will he sold at the Markrt-bouse in St. Mary’s the following tractsof land, levied on aa^thr property of the late Jaipe* Seagrove, esquire, deceased, at the suit of Dover & Taylor, and of Alexandre Dover and others, to wit: 1200 acres adjoining Point Petre, on the St Mary’s river, 8900 adjoining the town of St. M» ry’s, called the Dark Entry, 9643 acres about eight miles from the town, in different tracts; 5500 acres in different tracts in the said river, from thirty to fifty miles from the town aforesaid; 300 acres on crooked river; 293 ’on said creek and 1220 on Dover Creek, aad opposite the sea & St. Andrew sound. JO IN H. MOREL, murthul. march 39 75 Sheriff’s sale. Benjamin Sbeftall ^ C|ue or , tUclimeat Samuel Roe. 5 Inferior Court * wiu as sou On Wednesday, thp 6th instant, * At the Court-f/tuie, in the dty ef Savannah, aktwas* Tax vaoax uooaa. Sundry Articles, consisting of Groceries, stand Casks, Rum, Wine, Cutlery, Wool Cards, Shoes Bridles, and Crockery,' Ac. Ac. attached as the property of Samuel Uoe to satisfy Benjamin Shef- tall, attaching creditor, and sold by order of the honorable the Inferior Court. George L. Cone, s. c, < ,4 1 102 Marshal’s sales. On the f.rst Tuesday in June next, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Sa. vannab, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, Four hundred acres of Land, on Sapelo Island, in tbe county of M-Intosh; levied on as the pro- >erty of John Montsllet, deceased, at the suit of John 8. Trulutva F. Hopkins, executor of John Montallet. JOHN 11. MOREL, ternhcU nay 1 1 102 Moties. AU persons having demands against the estate •f James CafTmey, deceased, art hereby requested to present them without delay; and those indefct- Motics. ... , . ^ „ —.. «—*-****■ « make j april ST Sri- 98 Motica. Four months from the date hereof application will be made for tit removal of three certificates, Nos. 118,119 and 120, which have been lost, of the stock of the Planters’ Bank of tbe State ef Georgia- JOHN >. PHASER. memh3-*»t*_54 ',»er returns to this office, nf Goods soil oa cots- iBMii'-na from 1st January last, to 1st inst. 00 or beture the of the prerent mon’h. John 1: Roberts,. Cry TraanarePa OJtcr. r City SnauMh. l.l.ttm 1 9 18 102 Cards, Blanks. $c. Printed •* tow aftato Sheriff’s sales. On the frit Tundiy in June next. Will be sold at the court hotfce, in the eity of Sa vannah, betseen the hou.s of 10 aed 3 o’clock, 20 Negroes, viz; Mingo, Welclierj Peg. gy and her four children; William, Mary and her five children; Ned, Rose, Sally, Simon, Eleazer, and young Eleazer, levied on as the property o William Stephens to satisfy executions m favor o Andrew Low & Co. add others Also, one Negro girl named SilTia, le vied on as the property of Thomas J. Prescott, deceased, to satisfy a judgment in favor of L. S IPLyon; the said Negro returned by a constable. Also, all tint tract or iiarccl uf Land, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, on Black Creek, shout thirteen miles from Savannah, adjoining land* of Hobbs, Snyder and others; levied on is the property of Seth G. Tbrcd- craft, to satisfy judgment* in favor of Thomas K. Miller and others. Also, the following eleven Negroes: Quatha, Mira, Chamont, Molly, Joe. Louisa, Ja cob, Hannah, Moggy, Dublin, and Moggy, levied on aa the property of major Thomas King, to rat. sty an execution in favor of Robert and John Bol ton.' . Also, Hill’s Bridge, with the exclusive right, together with the lease and improvements oa eight acres, belonging to the county of Chat- ham, levied on as the property of Joseph Hill, de. ceased, to satisfy executions in favor of John Levees, cl aL Georgo L. Cope, s. e. e. may 2 K3 Blank Manifests Per **le st tftk office. To-Mcrrow, 5th instant, f ms ba ttU at the caurt httut between the asau A JACK, rising three yean old, raised by gen. real C. C. Pinckney, of South Carolina, ia of tho blood of the Royal Gift—tbe Jack presented by the king- of Spain to General George Washington; it ia well known that tbe Lift vu full 15 hand* high. * Joan Witts WILLIFORD It BAKER, sueis. april 13—87 To-Moriuw, 5th instant, Will be sold bee fore ft* court-house ia this eity, . A imxll HOUSE in YaMacnW. nfar the soap and candle manufactory, the late residence of and belonging tu the 1 state uf Preserved Alger, deceased .object w small ground rent 1 emit, cash. S.tdhy e-iter ef the aebuinietro'er, M. HERBERT, auct’r. tnav 2 102 rr all vc a ffi; To-Morrow, 5th instant, frit be etld before th* csw.-Aeute ia thit *iff. bstr)- tween the I, r», .. A tract off .AND, containing 570 seres, situaW sd near tbe Isle of llspe, adjoining th* land* of William Lewdcn and the Urphait-homc • stats, about eight miles from Savannah. Ctnthlitr.t at time ef late. april 27-93 M. HERBERT.. a»«<V. To-Morrow, 5th instant,. Will be teU before the rot.rt-h.uce, with at < A prime Mulatto WENCH, aged 19 years, a good seamstress and bouse servant. Terms, cash. M. Herbert, auti’r. april 29 100 Administrator’s sales. To-Morrow, 3th instant, Will be sold before the court house ia tills city, between the usual hoars, All tbat^louse sad Lot, No. 10, Co lumbia ward, belonging to tbe estate <~f Timothy Bonlieou, deceased; tlie lot sub. jeci to cit; tax, of (29 75 cents per an- Terms, cash. ft Administrator’*■ sales. XT tax souaT-aosix, lavassiri •» axyxaaaa; s To-Morrnw’, 5th instant, witbix the csrm noons, wrax n sou Several valuable NEGROES, belonging to the estate of Tuwusend G. Baldwin, deceased, undt r aa order of. the honorable tlie court of ordinary for Chatham county. Conditions,-cash By order of the administrator s A. Howe. uucVr. march 19 J— 66 " ’ To-Morrow, 5th instant; Will be sold to the Itigbest bidder, the Plantation beyond Jencka* Toll-gate, about two »r,d a I lf miles from (own, and lying between tlie Angus's and Milledgevitle roads, belonging to the estate i t' doctor Putnam—it contains in all, about 42b acres of land, of which about one-third is pme, and lbs remainder rich swamp and high land of a superior quality—part of tbe awamp waa cleared, batikM and cultivated about 15 years ago; on tire Iran ia an old dwelling house and out li' tirea, together with tome Negro houses; near to which is a good body of clay, well calculated for brick making, and was successfitily used for that'purpose when bricks were at 12 dollars, deliverable in towo— abundance of wood u also on the spot. A Plat may be seen*! the sotucriber’s.and terms madeknssmon the day uf sal* at the court-house, where it will take place. By order of the admir.ittrr.tnw. * D. WILLIFORD, ctus'r. april 23—9fi Take notice. All persons are forbid from pure) ^ Ing a Lot of ground in Chatham county, entitling fire acres, being the greater part of lot knbwn by tlie num ber 1 (one) bounded northwardly by Liberty, street, wee;wardly by the garden lot No. 10 (ten) and southwardly by lot formerly laid off by jfieism Currie and Hogg; and advertised for sale bn (be 2d day of June next, by David Williford, auction- er, by the order of John Camocban, administra tor of the late George Richardson, deceased, and to be sold tor the benefit of the heirs of raid es tate; as tbe said property is legally vested in us. we deem it proper to this public caution. William Wilson, ' Dorothy Goodall Wilton. John Davies, april *9 100 Oa Wednesday next, the 6th instant. Will be ea!d en Kntx'e wharf, without reserve, 1000 feet Boards and Scantling. And immediately after,hn 7 eifair's yoharf % 30000 feet clear white pine Boordc. Terms, cash hale to cam we: mat 11 e’eleek. M. Herbert, turt'r. mSy 4 104 Furniture sales. On Friday next, 6th instant, Wil! be sold at the residence ef William M. Even - corner of Price and President-streets, Household and kitchen Fuanitarof coxsisti** or a Dnivels, 1»,;etian and stair Carpeting , Brewing, room and Parlour Chain Mirrors and mantle Glasses Sideboard, Boodeaae and Secretary, Bureaus Range dining Table*, breakfast Tables, Bedstetto Stands, window Covpiees, . An elegant mantle Tfcc-pieee ■Handsome Prints Dory handle knives and forks Several article* plate and cut Glam aad China New feather Beds, a mother handsome Rust* With a variety of ether articles . . Salt te commence at 11 a’eLeh. M. Herbert, etvil'r. The whole e r which eu He viewed r-rfsai to tjjv sale from the hem at 9 to 8 o’ttaeh msy 4—194 rf.J