Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, May 05, 1818, Image 1

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4 savannah republican. Tuesday Betting, May 3, ISIS. -ERRATUM. I" the letter from sa effieer h bwd of the •-frigate Congresito ■ gentleman in this eit^ PabbhcJ iq yesterday'* paper, in (U Ji»t pin. fftplw lit liner for -it. Coihori**" r«u* Mt. . OLD MEMORANDUM. W« ejrtrset the following mtrcmw, fi ■%stlcawii'o M*gi*ia« for the year 17th nearly Ifntuiy since. > ".tantniKr*, May 30, 1733. Tb* June*, captain Yokel jr, 110 looa and _ font, arrived here on the 14.h. with paiseagers and Harts This (hip rode in two fathom* and a half water, dote to lb* low*, at low water mark, i Tha captain Retired the Print, appointed by the Trustees, for «4# Jim ,up that ihould unload at «U* Town, where there ii safe riding for much bryct rtaacla - v At an election heMatobeBankifig hotuecfthe Sank of the State of Georgia, on Monday, the 4th (hat foe nine Director* on the part of the Stock, holder*, the following gentlemen were re-elected Hirer W. Urea* A. S. Btnmen, done P. denar. Wrunn 1'atlox. M'Hanar, We. T. Wnusxs, ten ilowaiD, and. Joan Taaaea, Gaoaas W. Dearon, coujrrar produce. CAH.raifti nfi pay. Aiee, par 1Q0 lb*, (doll) 6 00 «. Coro, per bushel, Floor, Philadelphia, per bL Ditto Augusta, per bL 1 60 a i 6i 10 00 • 10 sc 7* 00 a 8 00 70 a 00 80 29 A vO 31 8* 9 Ditto, op-land, ditto, Tobacco, leaf, per lb. Cotton wai telling in Auguita on the let i at 35 a SO centa. •' CITY COUNCIL. VMare. Earrox*—When tbo*c who are clothed with authority, mod delegated to represent the peo ple, cease, to respect the public voice, and diire gird the inwrest and feelings of their constituent*, they are so longer, la reality, the representatives of the people. Clothed with a little “brief author* ty” how soon do men, in the plenitude of their setr created importance; forget die source of their dignity—the origin or their power! The great end and object of legislation, »re, ac cording to my opinion, to enact such laws, and adbpt >uch measures, at will bear equally on ali as, should be acknowledged, a public good—and as will give general aatisfaction. If the first and second of these are effected, tl: third necessarily follows- Bilt, when a legislative body enacts laws that can produce no possible good, and such as are generally odious—which go to impair the pri vilege common to every citizen; and which bear partially and oppressively; —when it adopts roes ► urea which, virtually, grant a dispensation from the observance of established bws and ordinance, to a few intfitloaO from certain heal cantideratian, v and enforce the pennaliies of them agaipst others, enrsly such Irgialstors ought no longer to be ac knowledgtd at the representative* of the people’s l will, or their rights. The existence of such facts ought to be, and will be, an efficacious cause of oluuige, and they wUl inevitably, create that hatred , and obstinate, offensive malevolence which will animat* to a certain rtmivnl of the cause of the ovila complained of. THE COW ORDINANCE, passed not long since, by tne pretent Board of Aldermen, is really so contemptible in itself, and ..*• injurious in it* operation—so replete with iris- tocracy, that, on the one hand I almost blush to notice it* while on the other, as o citizen, I am compelled to raise my voice against it These uie- ful animals afford subsistence to n\»ny—very ma ny poor families in our city; and at this season of ^he year, the verdant suburbs of the town yield them nourishment free from expense to their own ers. Can this, the easy access to a - scanty rob- sistence, be the cause of passing an ordinance, prohibiting, under certain.penaltics, these animal- from passing through the streets before '■sunrise” or alter sun set”—or from being from without an iacl'tsure during the night, -.tiny owners have pot .%e convtnitncies for keeping their cows in- olosedtand if perchance the sun should not yet be up, or have set, when turned out to grace, or to enjoy a more exteasivc liberty, they are immedi ately pounced upon by the jtekall* of the city council, and impounded; before they are liberated, fees and eepensea mutt be paid, "in terms of the ordinance!” What, Messrs Editors, I would ask. could have originated such au ordinaucc—what injury do Wiese animals—what injury results from their be ing permitted to go'at Urge/ h such a measure palled for by the large tody of the people, for the purpose of removing an evil yssrruSy complained ol? No, gentlemen, there ia no evil, no injury, at. tending the eeercise of this privilege—a privi- 1*5*. tl frantced to every citizen, and which the city council have no constitutional right to im pair. There is no evil, I sir, resulting from the Cxercine of this native privilege. The besotted debauchee staggering home after bU midnight rev 'll, gets himself entangled in a labyrinth of build, g materials—stumbles over an alderman’s pile of bricks for the want of a good sod sufficient Ight— barks his nose against a tree—knows not whether he is in contact with an animal, biped or quadruped, or against his bedpost! Hence the in of the Cow Ordinance; and to afford an im aginary convenience to a few such characters, after ybeir nightly orgies, the many arc mound'd with law as oppressive as it is ridiculous. POrULABIS. Marine Society. AO metre tuecing will take place at Mr. Tmeh- det’s, THIS ErOVI.YV, 5th mst. *t 7 o'clock, on business of imparlance The members are particularly requested to be punctual id attending. ilj Aer of lh- Pmittt-ni. may 5 -133 JOHN MOHR ALL, oee'ry. PUBLIC NOTICE. Savannah River Navigation Company. The undersigned luring been appointed com- mirrioners on tlie part of the association of t!>e SsVaesae Hi /an NavtsaTtox Com rant, give this public notice to the catena of Savannah, tint they will open the book* of •tib.cnpt.on, To-Moajow, the 6th ina’ant, at 1f o’clock ia the forenoon, in the third-story room of the Exchange, for the pur pose of.receirnig tubscnpt niu to the'stock of the above named company; the books to continue open daffy from the 6th until tlie 13th inst. inclu sive, from 11 until 1 o’cl ick of each day, until the whole number of shares apportioned to Savannah be taken. The number of shares rpportioned to this city, are one thousand; and no perron can subscribe for more than twenty sh resin his own name: each share valued at out hundred dollars, to be paid at such tinea and in such iii.txllments ms the association may demand. No copartner of any e .-acetn will be allowed to subscribe for any stock in lisa iudniau.l name, in calf* where the couc-rn to winch he is attach ed has already subscribed; nor can any h*ad of a fam ly tnbscnbe for any stock in the uam* of any of its members. N» person can subscribe for mother,—each subsenber roust place down on the books bis own Dime, with the number of shares annexed thereto. The undersigned beg leave to express their re. gret to the citizens of Xsvannali, that the number of shares apportioned to this cny, is so small, in proportion to the general wish manifested to par ticipate in an association that promises such ex. tensive usefo’neax t» the agriculture and cum- mcrce of the State of Georg'*- 1 hi* regret i, the more particularly felt, by the undersigned, being placed in an agency where they, ax individuals, are sensible of the good-will manifested by their fcl- low-eitizens tn the objects ol tlie associatior.; and at the same titt^ as agents have not more slock to offer for their subscription, which seems sought more to express their approbation, than any re gard to pecuniary advsnage. Robert Campbell, Durham T. Hall, Wiliixm Gaston. Savr.nn.-.h. M.ty 5. 1818 —105 PUBLIC SALES. —— i__ i±. . Sheriff’s sale. The order bf perfnemanee will be ii follows: ! Shcfullj PART I. I *0 f Case or attachment Samuel Bern, j Inferiv Court ORATORIO- An oratorio wni be given THIS EVENING al Ckriot Church, for the benefit of the Pemate ■Asylum. or.lfp hi •»#. PART Overture l Recitation—"Ctw/iKi Jr* oaypeophf'—by Me. laylor- - Messish-tjxndel. I To-Morrow, 6th instant. Urd-'S, t ^‘^••e.intUeityojSuvam.aA. TrajeTtx. I Sundry . Cataoa—'“left vpy wr Ar*di” Messieli ..Handel I Cssks, Hum, Wine, Cutlery, Wool Cards. Shoes Song—“// If Cord God Ahuglty” Ity Mr. ,| Undies, and Crockery, Ac. Ac. attached as the A Taylor. Handel. I property of San.-ia I Roe to satisfy lienjamin Shef Causes—'"Theiieaveaoarelt'MngtKtgLTyof Got!” j tall, attaching creditor, and sold by order of the Crruiu!i'...’Havdn. I honorable the Itif-rior Court. i**Im — AUCTIONS. To-Morrow, 6th instant, ir.SU nv an Tlar’e *1 trf. al iwl rryhiy. 1000 feet Boards abd Scant, ing. Andimmedurrly after, it Trif aoto mkarf, 20000 feet dear white pine Boards. -vr. ~flerberT^ aStl f. Terms, cash may ,4 104 New Presbyterian Church. At a meeting of fie Trustees of the Presbytcri an church, held on the 38th April, 1818, it was rttolvod, that the pews in the new rhurcb, nn the lower floor, be sold in fee eimp/ee n MONDAY the the amount to be paid down, one-fourth payable on the 1st of December next, and one-fourth on the 1st of March following; and that in default ol making payment at the stated periods, the amoan' previously paid should become forfeited, and the pews he re-inld. A plan of tlie pews is ready for insprctinn at the church- The sale will commence at 11 o'clock in the morning. Oliver Sturges, april 30—101 CJuM’-m.n board iruttoet. Chatham Academy. The Academy will be re-opened again on Mon day next, the 4th May.forthe reception of Pttpils- under the siinrrintendance of Mr. Dumb, a-Kilted by Messm. Pettigrew tod Merrill—no pupil will be admitted wi.hmit a ticket from the Treasurer— trim of tuition for two months R6 66, payable i advance—for Latin and Greek g9. The Treas urer requests that persons wishing for tickets of admission would apply at bis office, in eolonel Praj’a brick building, near the Exchange; on day next, between the hours of eleven.and ’clock It. W. HAUBItSIlAM, Treat. april 30—101 • ~Treasury Department, fTathinglon, April 10, 1818. Notice is hereby given to the proprietors of the old Six per cent. Stock, tb it the hut payment on account of the principal and interest of the said Stock, will became due on the 1st of October next, ensuing the dates hereof, and that the tame will be paid on that day, at the Treasury and at tlie Loan Offices, hiving' such stock standing on theirbookt, to the stockholders or to their altor- nies, upon the surrender of their original certifi cates of the said atock. It is further made known for the information of the proprietors of said old six per cent. Stock, re siding in foreign parts, that in order to obviate as far as practicable any inconvenience whicli might result by reason of lo-s at tea or otherwise, it will be advisable to retain correct copies of their cer tificates authenticated by a Kotarv Public duly appointed. WM. H. CHAWFOH!), april 23—arf—96 secretary treasury aydn. PABT 11. Hymn— Old Ihndr.d. M. Luther. Song—~Lord remember Band." By Mr. A- Taylor. Handel. Solo and Oiorus—’’.Sos>e the tymbaF* Pricetta. | Duet— 1u Pmitt ye the Cord ” Hill. An’hem—“1 waited pstiently.” Chappcl. Bass Song—"TIL- trumpet ibaS oeund.* Mr»ish. HindcL Hymn—"Great God what do lore and iUr.’ 41. Luther. Pinal CHORUS- -Grand BatUtyjah. Messiah Handel. tryTickets m*v ke had at the bnckstores of I Messrs. W. T. Williams, sud Messrs. S. C. A J Schenk. Performance to commence at 8 o’clock, msy 4—114 Last Opportunity! The Ladies and Gem icme a "f me city of Sa vannah, and others, are respectfully informed that the subscriber, proprietor of the MUSEUM Of Natural end Artificial Curiosities, now in tlie cocxT-noru of lhi- city, expects to George L. Cope, a. c. c. -103 To-Mo.rww, 6th in at. Will be to'd before my store Groceries Dry Goods. S*9 f commence as II n'Htck. , , A. Howe, autt’r. m»y5 — -l-}5 , . _ ■*. . To-M tie row, the CtlTfustaut, tttil ke mbU if are my s:e #, kQD pierfs tcry «tipfrior Qalrn Ozqaburgt 200 |.i cc» pnmr 1 «>erocs» cot*un Terme -*unv» umlrr g JOJ, caslu utcr 200 and not exeecthng JtO, 9j uay -; over that sum, four months, approved r.rd pap -r. S'dt to . re ut K o’r/ldt. ♦ may 5—105 M. Herbert, auct'r, Furniture tales. On Friday next. Wit instant, Will Ae sold si the rtsiiienr.e of tViliuuu M. Evans corner of Price anti I’residesh-sircMs, Will be exposed to pubbe axle, at the market-house | f[ ouse hold and kitchen Fuanitares in the town of at. Mary a, between the h-urs ot | " 10 and 3 o'clock of that day, the following nc gro slaves, naffiely February, Pleasant, Pleasant, Peggy, Sally, Ma Marshal’s sales. Oa WEDNESDAY, the 20th inat. AT 12 O'CLOCK, Will be sol J at St. Mary’s, by consent of the par- j tie* interested. The ship Aeuifrn Senora de Btlin, her | tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the !cargo found on board. ALSO, _ The brig Cor.fitnee en Dim at Alerts- cler, her tarklt, apparel and furniture. Bggfa Conditions, cash. John iloog, deputy marshal. rosy 5—105 Sheriff’s sales. Ou the firet Saturday after the fret Tuet.Iay in \ •May next, ww llen % i;Ury\Surn\i, liek, t runca, Hi t* leave hereby Monday next, llihinst. Tboie I ‘' Ur 7’ Vork, Rate, Elsey, Mira, David, Riner, who have not visited the Museum can now avail I •J* ck > J““F*i *- uc >* • 1 “ r 7 el1 * Sl ‘ m ' tlieiDiclvc* vf an o»r«rtanj»y to behold ihe wan- I ^^ ilium, Sepio, Thebe, Dulcr, M-nlda, Amc- ri HJ , der* of Nature and Art, forthe small pittance of *“» H«h:.rd, Moses, Crery. Suus, Lucy, t.eoigr, | Hrints fifty cents, children 25 cetts- well worth one j s "cky, Chany, Geotge, LVillts, Lucy, Ja-1 1(<) handle knives and fork* dollar, in the humble opiuios of the public's bum- '««. Betiy, Kate, Lucreti*. k ilet, (.cl-1 , : ' rI | , rl ^| lip |, te , n ,i c ut Glare and H-'isa ble servant, JOHN MIX. | J&.^. *“■ I New7ea*hvrHeS.!a number h."?«me foT. •-•vsi-tivu or Uru«tclt, Venttun a d atair « arpetingp Hrawinp room npJ Tarlour Clutir* Mirrors and maiitie Ci!axs-s Sideboard. Hnodea«r and S**rrr tarr. Hr reins ltanpe dining TaMes. breakfast 1 mblea, Bedateaif tatu'.t, window Corn ces. An rlr^ant mantle Timt piee# , .. . . | ny, Sunon, Jim, Uoll, Uuirlet. Limua, Jim. Clur-1 _ . P. S. Those ladies and gentlemen who have Juletti , 1sct u W u, Jeh. Quasli. Fn.Ut; With a variety . f o-her an.clcs ickets of sdmtssior to the museum, would do Joe)> c ,. ir Kar.c, J.i.ny, Ned, Sarah, 3aIt '* 'i'i , * ,fc veil to Call ■» time. »- _ Ilet, llector, »lar), Bob. Hose, Itri.ter, Join., A- „ .. M. Herhert, Iron, Deanna, Penny, Hinrr, E.lmuod, Dapl.m, Tor Jbcwlork, I Judge, Hager. We,” Peggy, Isaac, llili. Judy, Ly The schoouer MAKY, captain Laba; I uia.Sue, Q.ucko, Sucky, York, Nat, Kitty, thru, r freight or pas«»ge^appl)^ to J Abrsbam, Uapbny, Molly, Paul, George, Iteck may 5—s»—105 Wanted to charter, Decn, IJraitdy, Nann, Lucy, Carolina, J um Smith, Silvy, John. Mingo, Uetng one hundred and twenty four in numoer. A vessel fasm 190 to 120 tons Of easy dr*ft to 1 * vie<1 ““<**/ b y *•'»“« of »» execution f 11th May next, on tlie following terms; one-halfi icarry Live-Oak from St. John’s. Apply to “ — 1 -• “ .. “ “ Isaac Course A Sun. may 5 u—-165 bet. auct'r. The whn|r of which can he viewed t revioua 18 the -ale from the hours of 9 to 2 o'clock m»v 4- t-104 Lands for sale. Pursuant tn an u,dir and .if rer of the hdf brv- hlc the inferior court of the chuntv >t| ( hatham, at the present term, will be set up for ;ale, at ihe court-house in the city of Savannah tin tlie first SHIP NEWS. iSt fab-Water, To-Morrow. 13*. 1J«. *’*!#«* M. PORT OF SAVANNAH. aeeim. Boat Stephen Decatur, Augusta, f days—with Nfi bales cotton—tn Wm. Gaston, K. AJ.Hsher ■ham. A. B. Fannin. A G Semtnes. H R Gnath- nev, Isaac Cohen, Thomas Gardner, J. Camith. m, D Ponce, Campbell A'Camming, and others. Reat Congress, Italian 1. Augusta. 7 days—with "pro bales cotton—tn Wm Gaston, 8 earn rough A 1 t'Kinne, Camobell A Camming, Hssen Kimball, yhoeton A HiUs, and Thomas Gardner. The steam-boat Enterprise, IHvis, with two of a enmpsnr’e freighting boats in tow, started at n'eteek yesterday evening for Augvsto Information wanted. William Miuiaax, a native of Dumfries, Scot land, left the British brig Friends, captain George A'ilson. of Mary port, on tlie 25tli December, 1816, while loading at the port of Savannah, (Ga.) for Liverpool, and has not been heard of since. He was a tall stripling, 16 years of age. fair complex ion, hair inclining to rtudy, blue eyes, nose short and turned up a little. Any information concern ing him left at this office, or sent his father, John Milligan; architect and civil engineer, Boston, (Mass.) will be thankfully received and confer a lasting obi gstion on his anxious relatives; try It is hoped that other Editors will give this insertion. Savannah, .Hay 1, 181S. [a*] ~For~side~~ Four tracts of LAND, .11 adjoining; the whole containing 950 acres, in Uorke county, on Briar creek. This land is very valuable; it is adsplen to the culture of com and cotton, and a great deal of as good land as the county affords; on the land there is a tolerable comfortable dwelling house, and about 15U acre* of open land under good tence. Also, two g-iotl Mill Seats. Dams ready made. Also, two other tracts lying on the road, leading from Savannah to tVavn’esborough,-where I now reside; both tracts adjoining anu contain ruo sere*; it is well improvt-d with a comfortable dwelling house, and all other out houses that ia necessary to have, witn 30 or 40 acres of cleared land, with a tolcraule peach and apple orchard.— Any person wishing to purchase will call and look for themselves; as I am anxious to • 11.1 will give a great bargain. Also, stock of all kinds on the premises, and 1 will give possession as soon as 1 can cetthe present crop oft F Arthar Bell april 30 rt*——>3 Valuable Real Estate. FOR SALE. The subscriber wishing to remove from Edge field district. South Carolina, will dispose of his Plantations, about 15 miles from Augusta, (Ga.)— One tract lying on Cheves’s creek, containing one thousand and thirteen acres; one other on tloro’s Creek, containing six hundred forty nine acres.— On the former is a good dwelling house, and all necessary out building*, grist mill, cotton machine and distillery, with about 500 acres under cultiva tion; on the latter tract there is an eligible site for a mill or cotton gin. The lands are well a- dapted to the growth of cotton or wheat. With the Lands will also be sold, 43 m, 53 NEGROES, good field hands; and the dock, which is considerable, together with the season’* np. if required. Terms, one-third down, the remainder at one and two. years credit, with approved endorsers and mortgage. Application to be made on the premise* to Hie subscriber, or to L. C. Ctntelow and William M-Hary, Augusta, Ga. JOHN MOOBK. april 31—e*f—94 Corn, Oats, Flour, ijfc. 3000 bu-ihets clean Nortli-Carolina Corn 59 barrels superfine Flour 79 do Georgia do (al a reduced price) 299 bags Oats 15 tons Iron 1599 bushels Liverpool Salt, deliverable ot Darin 12 hhds Jairaica Rum lo do N E do 39 his and 5 hhds Whiskey 1 pipe Brandy 20 barrels rye Gin llhds and barrels Sugar ( 10 q'uuter casks Tencntfc ) 20 dito Maliga > WINES 29 hslfqr cssks dry Malign J- 50 box-a Raisins . 10 do Prunes 5090 lb llacun 29. kegs.choice Lord . 39 boxes Claret Wine Kegs Sound* anJ Tongues Do Salmon ' , Barrels Shad and Salmon Half barrels Salmon and Mackerel 100 bis No 3 Mackerel Hags Almonds, Allspice and Pepper Together with a general a.sortment of Groceries, j v*. James Seagrove and ’t'ti' King 9 —,.;i I ica an n t ii vr at retail. G. F. & Oliver Palmes, may 5—tl—105 ’ J. Battelle. so 16, coiCMsac* mow, Offero for talo on f.norabU term, to clote invjieeo the following articleo vizi 2 bales Flemiffi Sheetings 1 do Diaper 1 do do Sheetings 89 rolls Brussels Carpeting and Bugs 2 elegant Wdiou Carpels * 1 low priced Brussels do 42 pieces cotton Bagging 59 ao Uznaburgs ,. « ‘ 1 trunk fine Irish Linen. 1 bate Tape* and Bobbins 1 do Plolillas 1 do. superfine Cxsiimeres, mix’d and drab 3 cases low priced Muslins ^2 asks' | Shoes of various description* 1 case Dutch Locking glasses 6 gilt framed Loosing glasses 4 large Prints > 1 case Violins 80 dozen school Slates aud Pencils 12 packages French Goods, consisting of Fancy Ribbons, Lustrings Kid Gloves, Flowers Millinery, Perfumery Levantines, Muslin* Cambric Handkerchiefs, Bonnets Feathers, Lmoroideiy Ac ot various descrip tions w 1 trunk containing English cotton aud silk Lace El.-gant adfc Lace Veda and fiiuwls 4 dozen worsted Hose 66 reams Writing Paper Si do. Italian letter do. SjO do French do. do. • 599 do Printing do 4 chi-sts paper Hangings,chimney pieces, Ac. 14 coils white Hope 5309 lbs. Cordage different sizes a quantity double and single Blocks 20 barrels black and bright \arniih 100 barre l X. E Rum 10 quarter casks o.d Tencriffe Wine 10 casks superior Champaine, do- 6 baskets Seltzer Water, 50 jug* each 6 casks dry White Lead 30 do. cut Nails bad Brads 16300 lbs. English Pots 350 Tea Kettle* 3 Weeding lice* 15 brass mounted Dutch Rifles - * • 51 mahogany and oak Liquor rases, gilt and pla n Decanter* 1 case Dutch Hones * - 109 barrels No. 3 Mackerel 20 do No. 2 T . .- ’ -‘ ‘ 39 half bbls No: 1). Beef Boston inspection 25 bbls mes* J 10 boxes dipt Candle* 1 case Composition for AUls and Gins id can- Dutch hearth Tiles l ntsv 5 —195 *"' ’ cd on Uie foreclosure of a mortgage Edward F. I court-house in tli Tatrall, administrator John Hamilton, v*. James I Tuesday in June next, the follouii.-g real proptr- Williamson, to satisfy su,.l mortgage ana costa. I belonging to the estate of tlie late John Ptitr Among the above named Negroes, there are I Ward, esq. dec. for the benefit of the heir*, and carpenters, sesmrtresses, tvaslu r». house servants, 11° obtain a division of tlie said i state, to w it: Ac.—1 can recommend a number of those negroes I 202 acres rf tide *tnaa>p. first quality, oa to be of the most value ut any uegrocs in this slate | Hutchinson's Island, apposite the e:ty. Conditions, cash. I 653 acre* of land on Great Sa'.illa liver, roppoo- I3AAC BAILFY, a e. «. I e< > foe* 1 ' marsh and pine. . ,, , . „ , I 630acres of tido swamp, oh Lewis’ creek, in CCf Tn e Lditors of the Augusta Hcr.lJ, and I M'lntosh county, originaliy purchased oa confis. the Reflector of Milledgevili* are requested to | cated property iimrt the above adverusement in each of their 900 acres on Cumberland Island, hi »he touWy weekly papers, once-a week until the day of sale, I of Camden, about 300 acres of which is planting and they will please forward their accounts to tor | u ,g ; on , !ie premiK , t h ere „ a rood dwelling in Jefferson, Camden county, oh or before the day I house tic. Which will be immedi itely paid. I 500 acres in Liberty county, northaide of S6ht<i St. Mary r, -a March. I818—56 I New-Port, in Rulltnwn swamp, originally granted Sheri IT’s sales I tu tbe >ate Lachlan M'lntosh. n - , o ,w , .*, „ , .1 350 acre* of Land on K uutoun’s swamp, in On thefftt Saturday after the frot Tumday in I M . |lltos | 1 eounty ;,, the crossing *. Turk, y l imp. , ,, . . .... I 200 acre* of lU. .wamji, in M'lntosh cr.unty. Will be sold at the market-house mthetow.of8. ; J r;,, Head creek, opposite Clapboard muff, and ad- ja-r^^-Uen emm V. Between the hours of joi j , he ,. ni! 0 f^:„ r j 3r [ b Wt)ort Ul mtd 80 clock, the Negro of|>i..e land, opposite ...the shove. n ‘T ... . mm j. _ _ I 65<i new* of fresh mir*b land »n M*Ii.u»h corn*. I r 'k*!!; Ch " n " aT ’'- Alollv Joe, Lours*, I , nclr fj, e upfiir enl of M*K.-i ihar’s la.'and. I Jacob, Hannah, Moggy, Dublin, and Moggy. Atso, ’ 3S >crcs of ' f und „y rmin( . , tie east evd of the I city <>1 bavannah, part tide laud and high land. I A Lot and Buildings in the city ot Savannah, Franklin ward, now oc.jpied by die reverend "fr. Carles. Conditions of sale made known at the time of I disposing of he said r> ai estate. By order of the administrators. M. HKItBBRT, antt'r. msrcii 30 75 »<>KKy» King’s Bay tract of land, lying and being in Cam den conuty, containing g 10 acres, mure or lea-; I levied on as the property of major Thomas King, I rraI . K , in wal to satisfy an execution Robert and John Bolton, I (j ar | es ISAAC HAILEY, s. c. Jrfferton, 3d .Ib-if. 1818 - • -ill Mxrshal’s sales. ruirnan. On the frit Tuesday tr June nett, Will be sold at the Mark-.t-hnusc- m St. Mary’s the follow ing tracts . f land, levied on as thr properly of the late James Seagrove, esquire deceased, at the suit of Dover A Taylor, aud of Alexander Dover and others, to wit: 129; seres adjoining Point Pctre, on tlie St. Mary's river, 8999 adjoining the town of St. Ma ry's, called tlie Dark Kntry, 9643 acres about eight Lot for stile. Pursuant t* »*n order from tlie honorable the juii^ta 6f the In^riof court of ChutliAm county, vr111 be sold before the court•houee* in the city of SaTannafi, Orr fuetdity ihe tccond day of June next, betaken the tiiuni hours, v AO that Lot, or parcel of gTcand, containing jsilen'from the town, in different tract*; 5500acres j about five acres, beinj.-^.liregreater part of the gar. - in different tracts in the said ri^tr, from thirty to [den lot, known by No 1. (i.un per one) west, fifty mites from the town aforesaid; 50J acres on I bounded northwanlly by Liberty-*’ree*, weal* crooked river; 29J on said creek and 1220 on | wardly by the garden lot No. 10, (numher *en.) Dover Creek, and opposite the «ea & St. Andrew’* I and fouthwardly by lot fofmtriy laid «»ff ? Inf sound, ma) 5 ■ JOHN II. MOREL, murohtU. -105 Marshal’s sites. On thr. first Tuesday in June next, . Will be sold at tlie court-house, ia the city of Sa- annsh, between theluurs of 10 and 2 o’clock. Four hundred acres of Land, nn Sapeto Island, in the enuuty of M'lntosh; levied on ss the pro perty of J >hn Mnn-allct, deceased, at the suit ol John 8 Trulut v*. F. Hopkins, executor of John Uontxiret. JOHN H. MOREL, ma*,huL r I 1 102 Marshal’s sales. On the first l uesdny in June next Will be sold a: tne court-house, in the city of Sa-1 on as the property of William Wright tn v-inuah, betwein the hour* of 19 and 2 o’clock, " ' ' A prime Negro Mar.; levied upon as the pro perty of Thomas Smith, decea-e J. s' the suit • f vViliiam Dixon A Cn vs. adminiuratrix and adm-- nistrator of Thomas Smille, siirv Johu H. Morel, marshal. row 1 1 102 Messrs. Currie and llogg, on the garden lot No. 2, j (number two,) being the property of the laic George Richardson, deceased, sold for the benefit | of tlie heirs of said estate. 11, eider of John tarHbrhm, administrator. WILLIFORD A BAKER, oxct’rs. aoril 2 1 78’ Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in June next, Will be sold at the ccurl-housc, in die city of St*, tann.ili, betv. een the usu&l hours of 10 and 3* ’clock. House and Lot No. 10, Yamacrair, cn T*n7n- street, ami Lot No. 10. South Broad-street, levied on as the pro»*erty of Willum Wright b» satisfy judgments its favour of Tl:c»m.»i F drc. GEORGE L. GOl'B, %. c. o. pri! 9 84 Sheriff’s sales, continued. Sheriff’s sales. On thr Juro* Tuevicy in Jure nerf. Will be sold a*. Riceb-.rough, beta een the u.ust h"Urr, All that plantation to the ratate Of tlie late Rogir Saunders eaq tire, der^astd, its f Ltbei-.y, reputed t • contain about On Tue.'lty 'he tcconl day of June neat. Will be sold b : "c the cjurt-hnuse in M'lntosh | th- ewinty ... county, betwta^t tne usual hours of 19 and i I >,00 acres, m re or’le*', baumltd on die north,- o’clock, ' [by land of Tuontas Bacon, and estate of Jonsthair All tliat tract uf Land, nituatr in the county of I Fabicnt; West, by Simon A Frazer A William N. MTntosli, on the south side of South Newport, | Way, south by Thcmaa A liob< rt tp.-snenran; containing two iliotuand one hundred acres' more | and east by Andn w Wakhcor an J oil e *; lev.edr ■or less, bounded by South Newport liver, .and I on al the auit of John Charopney. esq .ire. land of Conway, and purchased by E. Stalk on the 7th October. ',802, at marshal's sate—also, a small stock of Cattle and a Cotton Gin, levied on and sold under execution* ol* Joshua E. White A Co. Josatban Robinson, Henry' Taylor and others, ms the property of Kbenezcr Stork, deceased. JAMES PELOT, s. K. c. may 5—m.lOS . To rent, And possession given immetfixtelT, a || dwelling HOUSE, suitabl-- for a tmall ■■family, situate ia Oglethorpe square Enquire of TEFFT A PKUK1S3. may 5—s - —105 Notice. Four months from, the date herrpf application will be made for the removal of three certificates. Nos. US, U9 sod 130, which have, been loot, of the stock of tb* i’lsataia* B*rk of foe State of Just received 140 barrel* 1’ork 160 do Beef 14,009 lb. Bacon 10# barrels Flour 59 do Whisksy 39 h*gsh*ads N E Rtsm 40 d* Sugar * 25 barrel* loaf do 150 do Bread 59 bolts No 1, Russia Canvass For sale by Xichols, Dobson 4* Hilla. fob 20 43 * APPRENTICES wanted. Two or three buy* from 13 to 16 year* old are wanted, at the office of the Saran-iah Repub Scm, ax apprentices to the printing bujne**.— Lads ** w«M be preferred William Wilson, s l- o. april SI— x«—89 Sheriff’s sales. On the fret 7 vetduy in July next, . . Will be sold at the eourt-lioooe in tue c ty of Sir vannah, between.the a-ual. hours of 10 andS o’clock, . * 24 Negroes, vi*: Simon, Sat*, PatiefiCe, Clarissa; Auguat, Hilly. August. Aury, Lorg. Bet, ty, Tenah and ber four children, Nanny, in*, Abnliaro, Agrirpa. Ally, Jacob, M«lly# Pent ore/ George and Cato, levied on a* the property of William Stephens, esquire, to refirfy judgment* hr favor of R.chard Riebardsoh, and others, and sold under foreclosure of mortgage Alta, one Negro woman named Phil lis, lesied on ** the property of William Greeny to satisfy William' Craig, and sold under foreeto, sure *f mortgage. George L. Cupe,- s. e.- 6. ny, 163 •_ ' Lost or mislaid, A Certifisate of the Marine arid Fife Inaarsne* Company ufSavsnnah, Not-ICO,- for 10 shares, iff the name of the andefsigned. Appbcatiuo wi» be anade for renewal of the time. T. A SCati&SCB- tf til T xf 82 -