Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, May 07, 1818, Image 1

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.’1} A one relation of ours who has reside* twelve year* in Prance,'b*s just arrived in sad inform* as that the Veto nr*. ' ronncea by the king oh tlie-recroiting law, hi by uuajr of thebrvt firiendsof the Boor- bdn*, considered a*'the death-warrant of their djnaaty. It waa understood that all the marshal* of Prance were under strong impressions of -indignation against the king for this extra- .ordinary application of the power with which he ia entrusted under the new con ofitution. The Buenos Ayres privateer I-a Patri ota has captured no less than 24 sail of 8pnnish Ships, andazslleon with 1,500,000 dollars on board, in the neighborhood of the Canary Isles. Stfcle*.—Red. ann, shot—consols 78 1*8 •—do. for acc. 78 A IIEHO FJILLHX! , tt is with feeling* of the deepest sorrow and regret, (hat we perform the painful duty, of an nouneing to the public the death of CoiTGROKGE AKMISTF.AU, the gallant defender of Fort M‘ Henry. On this melancholy aeration, the rt eol lection of the ever memorable 14t|, September, naturally occurs to our mind—when the Star Spangl'd Manner waved in proud defiance to a formidable foe, and after a furious bombardment at 13 hour*, continued to float triumphant on the ramparts—then it waa lliat Baltimore was rav ed, and a wreath of nerer-faJing laurel encircled the departed hero’s brow—Halt. .la. ‘.fd utt. m SHIP NEWS, Bgh-lVater, To-Morrow, 13.4. Uw. o’clock M. PORT OF SAVANNAH, nuira, Brig little Frank, Darien Schooner Fatty, Fridge, Charleatoa Port of Charlexttn, May 4. Arrived on Saturday, aloop Delight, Cooper, Savannah, 1 day. Cleared, Hamburg rhip Ga- laiea, Garritz; Hamburg; British brig Atalanta, Thew. Port Maria, Jamaica; brig Catherine, Weils- mao, Havana; sch’ra Charles A Mary, Means, Bal timore; Flamer, Osborn, Ncw-Bedford; Sarah & Hannah, Hunt, Havana; Regulator, MllheWiy, Wilmington; Maty, Slalloril, Matanzi*. Port of McK-Tork, April 2.4—twin. Arrived, ship Alexander, Manafield, Beams, 4? days from Belfast, and 34 from llie land, uiib lin en, pork, potatoes, tic and 64 passenger.; ship Dublin Packet, C< les, 23 daya from Waterford, Ireland; ship Maria-Caroline, Macey, 15 dayafrom K Urieans; ship Atlantic, Matlack, 27 days from Liverpool, will, dry goods, Ac—spi ke April 17 lat 41, 28, sin,. Savannah, 10 daya from N T rk for Bordeaux, had aprung aleak when 3 days out, and waa then pumping; brig* Ann, Newcomb, from Bordeaux, and 36 daya from Basque Roads, (whereahe waa driven by strong westerly winila, and where she by wind bound three weeks) will; a full cargo of wine, brandy and dry goods; Do mestic, Baum, St Jsgo • de Cuba, 19 days, coffee and sugar; Syren, Bracket, New Orleans 22 days; Speedy Peace, Fosdick, Saretinol 5 days; British •cb’r Perseverance, Cook, Kingston, Jam. SO days; seh’r Export, Jacobs, 27 day* from Blakely; sloop Wave, Brown, Savannah 5 iti: Schoharie, Drake, 1J days from Gibara, (Cubanf—Below, the seh’r Bliza Zc Mary, 9 daya from St Mary’s, with live tssk; end a ship, brig and two schooners. Port of Portland, April 22. DiSTBHisixa SmrwnicK—In the sloop Experi ment, (arrived at this port) came passenger Wm Foster, 2d mate of the ship Julia-ann, of Boston, who has called on us. and given a sketch of the allocking dissj'.er, and lost of that vessel. He states, that the Julia-Ann, John Burkett, m.i iter, sailed from London about the I6tli Feb. laden with lead, iron, hardware, block-tin, Ac. hav. ing on board 64 passengers, principally English * families. Having experienced rough weather Hie) lost a quarter boat, and the aliip leaked ronaiilera- Mv. On or about the 12tlt of March, a jar of Vit riol, among a number that were stowed in the long-boat on deck, burst, and in the exertion to prevent the fire, occasioned by its spread, the cap tain was severely burnt by the Vitriol and con- ftued'to his cabin- On the 17th March between 1 and 2 o’clock at night, bearing a s shout 3 days tail off Cape Sables, stared a butt forward; the ship was in a sinking condition, and all hands were engaged in freeing her—but notwithstanding eve- . ry effort was made, the water gained upon -nem and having sesenfiit water in the hold, the jolly- boat was luwervd from the stern, and 8 souls out of 79, escaped—vir; YViihain Eos er, 'I hoi. Allen, James Armstrong, John Purvis. John Thompson, Wm. Britton. John Junes, and Wm. Peacock — The .hip went down about hall past 2 o'clock, and every vestige of her, with ihe passengers, all di appeared About 15 linurs afterwards, being almost exhausted, tliey wtre picked up by the seh’r Constellation, capt Thompson, from Bahi snore for Annapolis, (* a) where they arrived in safety. The nanus ol a few ol the American gen- th men passengers lost, are stated to be Al’tntosb, formerly residing at Cambridge; Mr. Purvis, said to belong to Philadelphia; Sir. Bibs, of Baltimore; and a French gentleman connected with Mr. Giranl in Pkiladilphia. Port of Motion, April 23. The enclosed letter 1 this Inuruii g rectocd fr m my Portland correai ondent. Ybu »ill observe an account of the shipwreck in the papers. Yesterday arrived the fire fast sailing slop Milo, •apt Bronson; in the remarkably short passage of 25 days from Liverpool. I eariosc you her news, and have forwarded seme English papers to)our address. Yours, Ae. J. Hearts, jr. Argyi Offer, Portland, April 21. Mr Hooper—Sir, 1 gave but a mere sketch in mv paper, at you perceive, if the fate of die ship Jiiiia-Ann. It was lustily drawn from the imper fect and unintelligent acccunt of Woi. Foster, 2d cite, after the close of my paper On Monday af ternoon. The Experiment yesterday sailed for Boston, but having put back, I have this sljernoon endeavored to obtain note of (he circumstances, pf Foster, but with much difficulty, as hit memo- try appears lost, as to n jpes and many other par- ticubn. It appears tbit the long boat of the slop, at the ftce Us* Vitriol ja>» burst, aaa cast overboard .WiU> her contents, (6 jars.) Hat two days pre vious to the ship’s sinking, the mate. Wm. Lush- ^ j, was lust ovci board from her jib bunro. 1'bat 1^' "it of the passengers were of the cabin—lb w iu>mwcrr sauira, among th.ns were Mrv Han- s-f.-in, ajrs Furvia,and Mrs M'lnlosh. That John FoishT wore among me numtxr saved, who is with the reSBmswicr si Lubes waning opportunity to rROM 6PM ti&XB3r6XDEJfT9k ,V» rirk, isth April—to'clock >. M. Fort BrenUti iona— 11 y the arrival of the Wig Ann, from Hordra*i, we learn, thpt by • decision of the minister of marine, all vesselsfiom the United States, with a cleau bill of health, will be admitted into the . ports of France, dering the winter season it hunt performing quarantine. One deg latrrferm London.—By the «r- riesl of the fast sailing ship Atlantic, from J.irrrjxwl we hove received i Liverpool (taper of March &7th, containing London date* to the eveningof the S6th, we have <tnfj room this da j (or the following items:. „ fornri ^weawile tendon, Wednesday Evening, April 9ISM hours of 10 end t o’cloea.torobt^ m c.i-Ir. A near relariun of otira wha haa resided fliuHAa AsriJbsddint will be cswii!. i stock annexed to the 1 .-1 r in' are wea’.Sesrd.jbel (Christas their rt beared, lest they should be MRrorect. Tours h» baste, • Fuss Btnut Notice. imvwis Birrs aavtaaTTW* raxrtw. The underlined, coimeiationem to obtain sob. seriptioow to the Stqpk of th* - Savannah River Navigation Company, gives notic* to three sub scribers who entarrd their names . no >be book, thisday, to ascertain the number wanting, s ps-. in the dirtthns of 459 sSwres of-the afco.e nmui Stock, that it ia required th* they tome forward To-Morrow rooming, at -10 o'clock, in tie* 3d •lory of the Exchange and subscribe their irypirc- ti»e macs to the books of iheaasnoatinn. snrri- ixr td each name the somber of ab«rra that they w5l then be declared entitled to Fire Company. ittev apt o<i ted to draft a eoaatitu- Ttbe F>rd company «»ow'a6oOI to be <a- VlTtE city.-boUV-tflU they jrdl be res ike a repon on FriA-y coming next, the lav;in thoExclongntWhenfind where.Site a uf the company,, spd all 'other* willing , Milena. wlQ6^: - . ^ Unidn 'Jtovl Company. ^ ijte Unfoe K-a-1 Cam kaviOgnrdatads div^tfnil or 4 per caul. <n rani aC'ick.orAdollara per ahni<r Stockholders may receivt the aaxan an application to a. .-.William Woodhridge, -1» wt—1— Orion'Moral Company. PUBLIC SALES. I be returned immdistrly William Gaston. Durham T. Hall, Robert Campbell, tfovann.h. Moy S, 1818 1^6 For Liverpool, The brig ELIZA, captain Adam*. For i-freighi or pasiage apply to the maatei x on board at \4 iiliair.sun’s whaff, or to a Jonathan Battelle. —1C6 For Darien and St. Mary's The fa«t .ailing .loop BETSEY, will ■tail on Sunday next for the above place, 'For freight or pamage. apply to the mas- ter on board, or K. MAltCKLIM, april 6 a* ■ 106 Bills on Neir-Yorlc For «alr by tniy 6 CHAtiLBS MAUREL. Drafts On Providence at IS dr) a sight, and on Boston at 6J days—fur sale by George Gordon. mav f. 1 168 Coaches. An elegant Coachee which may be seen at Mr. Dernier's, for sale by Butler df Murray, may 6—ax—106 ,V# 10. C.ntmoree row Flour and Pork. 42] barrels superfine Flour 168 ban-el, prime Fork For aaltby WILLIFORD A BAKER. may 6 • ■ 1C6 Take warning. A aloop, the owner of wlii-h .» known, took lately from the rtibscribtr’s plantation on Skada- tray Island, a quantity of Oyster Shells, which were sold in this piece for building—Should this trespass be repeated, the persons offending may depend on being severely punished. James Bilbo may 6— —r -—106 Just received 140 barrels Pork 100 do Beef 15,00j lb. Bacon 100 barrels Flour SO do Whiskey 20 hogsheads N E Rum 40 do Sugar 25 barrels loaf do 150 do Bread 50 bolts No 1, Russia Canvass For sale by Nichols, Dobson *5j’ Hills, ffb 20 43 Corn, Oats, Flour, §c. 20C0 bushels clean Korih-CaroUna Corn 50 barrels superline Flour 70 do Georgia do (at a reduced price) 300 bags Oats 15 tons Iron 1500 bushels Liverpool Salt, deliverable at Marin 12 hhds Jamaica Rum 10 do N B do 30 bis and 5 libds Whiskey 1 pipe Brandy 20 barrels rye Gin Hhds and barrels Sugar 10 quarter casks Tcnenllc ) 20 ditu Afahga C WINES 20 Lalf qr casks dry Malijaj 50 boxes Raisins , 10 do Prunes 5000 lb Bacon 20 kegs choice Lard 30 boxes Claret Wine Kegs Sounds and Tongues Do Salaan Barrels Shad and Salmon Half barrels Salmon and Mackerel 100 bis No 3 Mackerel Bags Almond-., Allspice and Pepper Together with a gene,a! assortment of Groceries, at retail. G. F. & Oliver Palmes. may 5—1|—le'5 William H. UiUelcnd Having acid bis Stuck of Saddlery to Hugh Castidey, solicits the patronage of those who have —, , ...... formerly favored him with their custom, fur this engaged in freeing her—but notwithstanding eve-. ) . cm | rnun , j( e feels no hesitation in recommend- ing him as an cxcechcnt workman, and a person in whom confidence tan be pjucecL The subscriber Having purchased an assortment uf SADDLERY of Mr. \t uuix 11. Gixlsls*]), informs the pub- lie, that lie has taken a store, orc dour north of that occupied by Messrs. Joins It. Uouric A Co in Jefferson-strcet, where he intends carrying on the above business in all its various branches, and earnestly solicits a share of public patronage. Hugh Cassitley. X. B. All offers will be thankfully received and punctually attended to march 16 Georgia—Liberty county. By Elijah Baker, elect til the court of ordinary for the county and state aforesaid. Whereas, william Roberts, esquire, applies for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Dr. Thomas M. Kallendcr, deceased. These, are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindrrd and creditors of the said deceased, to file their obj ections, (if any they have) in my office, on or before the first Monday in July next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted tbe said applicant. Given under my hand and seal of office this 1st May, 1618. E. Baker, c. a. c. may 6 * 106 Georgia—Liberty county. By Elijah .Joker, clerk of the court of ordinary uf the ccuntv and state aforesaid. Wliervos.Mrs Elizabeth Shumalt, applies for letters i f administration on the estate and effects of William Shumalt, late of said county, deceased, asncxiofkin. - These, are, therefore, to cite and adifionish. all and singular, the kindred and creditors of tbe sakl deceased, t • tile their objections (if any they have) my ufix, at Kiccborough, on or before the first Monday in July next, otherwise letters of no- minis ration will be granted the said applicant. Given under my band and seal thi* second day of April, 1818, and 43d year of American inde- , endtrre. (L. F ) B. BAKER, a. t,*.s. «. At • meeting of Uie. Trustees of tb# Presbyt«ri i church, held on the 38th 'April, 1818, it waa roootvoU, that the pews in the new church, on the lover floor, be sold in fro ample t a MONDAY the ttdi Slay next, on the following terms: one-lidf the amount to be paid down, une.foiplh payable on the 1st of December next, and otefowrth on the 1st of March fallowing; and that in default of making payment at tbe stated periods, the amount previously paid should become' forfeited, and tbe pews be it-aohl. A plan of the pews h ready for mspectios at the church. The,sale trill commence at 11 o’dock in tbe morning. Oliver Sturges, sprit JO—101 Ckainaon board friiiim. Chatham Academy. The Academy will be rt-opined again on Mon day next, the 4:h Mayyforthe reception ofPitpib- nnder tlx superintendence of Mr. Lamb, assisted by Mesxs. Pettigrew and Merrill—no pupil will be admited without a ticket from the Treasurer— Tunis «f tuition for two months $6 66, pavabIZ in advuce—for Latin and Greek j$9. The Treat- urerjyqueats •Wpwnv-iJi^. « admission would-apply «t bis office, in colonel Fray’s brick building, near the Exchange, on Saturday next, between the hours of eleven and two o’clock R. W. HABERSHAM, Treat, april 30—’01 Map cf ihe world; at wxxcato* g raorscTio*. We have been hie lily gratified by the perusal of a Map .Jthe wrld, an Mercator’s projection, just publisting by John Melish, Geographer, and fiamnel Hairison, Engraver, Philadelphia. The Map exhibits at a glance, a view of the whole world, including all tbe latest di-coverics U is so minute, that it exhibits the United States subdivided into States and. Territories: and Eu rope subdivided agreeably to the arrangements made by the congress of Vienna. The engraving is beautifully exreuti d, and the whole to harmo niously amngid and in so compact a form, that it presents to tbe eye s very beautiful picture, *unable for the parlour, the libraiy, or the count ing Uou-e. A very important Statittiaal Table, shewing the length, breadth, area, and population of the-sev- ersl countries of Ihe world, is attached to the Map, together with a.Trior,geiar Scale of great utility for measuring distances, and it ia ornamented by a Vignette Title, executed in a most beautiful style, by Mr. Murray. The Map is accompanied by a descriptive vol ume, giving s view of the leading feature* of the Geography uf the World, illustrated by a set of valuable Statinicr.l Tablet and Engravings—vitas of the Isthmus of Darien, illustrating the pracica. bdity of a canal between the Atlantic and the Pa cific Oceans; and view of the Isthmus of Sue*' and Delta, illustrating the connection betweeh the AfcdiUcmnean and Red Seas. ► We are informed in the prospectus, that it was tlsfc desire of the author, that this Map should serve a a work of general reference on all tbe lead ing points of geograplr; and as a companion to his Map of the United States; the one being the picture of a country become one of the most in- teresting on the globe—the other giving a geicral display of the world at a glance. We are inform ed by the Agent for these works, that Sturges’ Mar of Gsoxtuais nearly finished, and will he. •wady for delivery to subscribers this Spring—It is in preparation by tbe publishers of the abovemen- tioned Maps, and when ready will be an object of great importance to the citizens of Georgia—and will also enable the publishers to follow up their general plan so far as our state is concerned, which we understand to have been predicated up on tbe idea that a complete view ol" the Geogra phy of the World could be presented by three woiks—which should be in the bands of every citizen of the United States—These are Is. The Map and Description of the World; 2d, The Map and Description of the United States. 3d. A Map of the state in which he resides. From a perusal of of the specimen, we have no doubt but his desire will be fulfilled, and have great pleasure in recommending this map to the aLention of our fellow-citizens. The works may be seen at William T. Williams’ Book Store—they are beautifully executed, and do credit to th estate of tlie arts in this country. £7*Tbose citizens who honored the United States' Map with their subscription to Mr. Hertford, deceased, can be supplied with their copies in elegant order by C. P. Harrision, En graver from Philadelphia, who has taken charge of this agency. He Will also be happy to receive orders for Bank or other Engraving, which he pledges himself that either in writing or ornamen tal work, shall be superior to any thing as yet done tor the southern country. may 6 lu6 “ Powelton Academy. The publie examination of the Students in Powelton Academy, will commence on Monday, tbe 1st June next, and he continued on Teesday; and the term mil close with a public exhibition on Wednesday, the 3d. The pitrons of the In- stitution, and Iht public in general, are respect- fully invited to attend. The succeeding term will epen on Monday, the 22d June, under the rectorship of Mr. Smqh, a. a. (late of Muld; Coil:) who is expected to con- tinue in that statios for a series of years. Miss Slehbius will eonlziue at the head of the female department; Miss S. Stebbins is her assiatant- The Iter. Mr. Swift, a. * is engaged as an as sistant teacher of languages; and Mr. S. H. Miller, English teacher. Tne Board of Trust, notices with pleasure, tire rising respectability of the Institution under then- care; and are fully persuaded that the young la dies and gentlemen engaged for conducting its different departments, merit the confidence of the public. The branches of usefhl and polite education usually taught in this and Similar Institutions will be continued; ltd the ra’.ts of tuition will remain as they bare bees. Two good Piaitnes will he at the serrice of the school, and a competent teacher of musick is ex pected to give lesssns. The bills of tuition are to ae paid quarterly in advance to S. Duggar, Esq teacher. Board can be procured in respectable families on moderate terms Tbe village of Powelton enjoy* a high, agreea ble and vary healthy situation. The society of the place is eminently moral; too small indeed frequent scenes of riqt and dissipation, but sufficiently extensive for the- improvement of the youth of both sexes, who resort here for the pur- pose of education. . ,. / My order ef the Board of Trait. S. WESTON, Secretary. april 15—jo ■ 9 ' ; -Sheriff's sale. John B. Carlisle. Y _ , ' > Cato n attachment—Interior Charier Jams. S ion*. ' On SATURDAY NEXT, 9th instant, Will be sold at the Store lately occupied by Charles Jarvis, near the Market-square, and on James Oejmd’B l»t, between th7ho Ur s of 10 sad o’clock. The entire Stock of mid Charles Jarvis, eon- aisting uf Groceries, Bacon, kc. attached as the property of the said Chari rs Jtrra* at the instance of John R. Carl isle, si-aching creditor, and sold by order of the honorable the lafcror court at thi* cou'.ty. , GEORGE L. COPE, a. *. a. ' -106 , t ■ . Marshal's sales. Ou WEDNESDAY, the 20lh inst. at 12 a’roecK, Will be sold at St. Mary’s, by consent of the par. , ties interested, ^ I he ship APea-tra Senera do Me/in, her Jn/SLtackle, apparel, and furniture, and tbe jtaiKcargo found on board. . soso, _ ____ The brig C.njie-.ce en A.-r at Jlexea. Jhwf.der, her tackle, apparel and furniture. Siii£ Conditions, cash. John Boog, deputy marshal. wtty 5 105 Mirshal’s sales. ros-rroxsa. On the frit Tuetriay id Juno neat, Will be sold at the Market-house in St. Msty’s the following tracts of land, levied on as the property of the late James Sesgrove, esquire, deceased, at the suit of Dover ft Taylor, and of Alexander Dover and. others-«« wit: iOru. -in adjoining fotfit Fetre, on the St Mary’* river, 89U0 adjoining the town ur ». ota: ry's, called the Dark Entry, 9643 acre* about eight miles from the town, in different tracts; 5jOOacres in different tracts in the said river, from thirty to fifty miles from the town aforesaid; 300 acres on crooked river; 293 mi said creek and 1220 on Dover Creek, and opposite the tea A St. Andrew’: sound. JOHN U. MOREL; munnul. may5 1 105 Marshal's sales. On the first Tuesday in June next, Will be sold at tbe court-house, in the city of Sa vannah, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock. Four hundred acres of Land, on Sapelo Island in the county of M’lnlosh; levied on as Ihe pro- itrty of John MontaUet, deceased, at the suit of lolm S. Trulutva F. Hopkins, executor of John Montallct. JOHN H. MOREL, aar,htiL may 1 1 102 Notice. Commitoioo Menkurat are required to make thier returns to this office, of Goods sold on com- missions from 1st January last, to 1st on or before the 10th of the present month. John 1. Roberts, City Tt oarurrr’i Qpce, City treasurer. Savor,nah, lit May, 1818 103 Marshal's sales. On the first Tuesday in June next, Will be sold at the court-house, in,the city of Sa vannah, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, A prime Negro Man; levied upon as the pro perty of Thomas Smith, deceased, at the suit of William Dixon A Co vs. administratrix and admi nistrator ot Thomas Smith, surv. John H. Morel, marshal. msy 1 1 102 Sheriff's sale, continued. On the frit Tuesday in June nest, . Will be sold at tbe court-house, in the city of Sa vannah, between tbe usual hours uf 10 and 3 o’clock. The following fourteen Negroes, vi2: Sampson, Esther, Charley, Jim, Alick, Hetty. Joe, John, Smart, Peter, Dido, Dick, Maria and Elias; levied on ss the property of Thomas Armstrong, Use. to satisfy Alexander C. Wylly. The above Negro*: sold under foreclosure of mortgage. G. L. Cape, s. c. c. may 6 — ■ 106 Sheriff's sales. On the fru Tuetday fa July nest. Will be sold «s the onort-house In the tny or Sa vannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. The following seven Negroes, to wit: Tenah and her four children, Abraham and Sarah, levied on as the properly of William Stephens to satisfy a mortgage ol the Chatham Academy assignees Also, the following seven Negroes, to wit: Agrippa, Jacob, M-illy, Venture, George, Cato and little Ally, levied on as the properly of the same to ratify a mortgage of It. A J. Bolton, •ignees of Chatham academy; Also, the following Negroes to wit: Simon, Bet ty, Sam, Patience, Clarissa, August and the Chil dren of Clarissa, to-wit: Billy, August, j-in. and others, Anne, big Ally and Nanny, levied on as tbn property of the same to satisfy a mortgage of Richard ltiohardson. ' Also, one Negro woman named Phil- lia, levied on as the property of William Green, to satisfy William Craig, and sold under foreclo sure «f mortgage. George L. Cope, s. c. c msy 6 106 (0=1 announce to my Iricnds and the public, that my House is now open and ready for the reception of all who may be pleased to favor me with their visits, at the seat of health known as the Madison Springs. All exertions will be made to render visitors comfortable. My encour agement tbe last season, which was the tint, was such as to authorise me to ofier my grateful ac knowledgments for tke patronage 1 received, and hope from my exertions to merit a continuance of the same. JAMES ALEXANDER, apnl 79—'fo—100 a |C5“Brought to gaol in Savannah, Apri* 34, 1818, a Negro mail, who says his name is Gn- Btrr, and that he belongs to Burnham Russell, of Morgan county. „ He is about twenty-five years ot age ar.d five feet seven incites high; has on a blue cloth Jackcoat, white cotton shirt and yellow pan taloons- H, M’CALL, o. e. e. april 29 J0O • JCT*Brought to gaol iu Savannah, April 23, 1818, a Negro man who says his name is Joax and that be belongs to Ur. John Hall of Charles ton, S. C. He is about 45 years of age, and five feet seven inches high; fce say she formerly belong ed to John Dawson. " _ II. M ( Ca!l, o- e.' c. sprit 23--96 |C7*Brought to gaol in Savannah, April 19th, 1818, a negro man named JERRY, who says he belongs to George Gibbs, cu Cumbec, Sruth- Caroiina. He is about 2< years of age and 5 feet 6 inches high. H. M‘Call, s- c. c. april 23-0—96 AUCTION'S. ’ r To-Mnrtow, 7th instant, fir ooU on AM thi tU.p Ann M .rim. hits at Molton’o control rria-f^ 800 bushela Gotten Seed -106 to at 10 .'cloth. Al. Herbert, auct’r. To-Murruiv, 7th Instant, IFSB bo told on board thatek'r Rufat Xing cl Met- , ten’i central dby; 15,000 lbs. prime North Carolina Bacon 3000 lbs. do. Lard Sale to etmmenet at 11 n'et ek. A. HOWE, mtrrV. - may 6 106 Furniture sales. On Friday next, S/A instant, Will be sold at the residence of William M. Evans ebrner of Price and Preaideat-rreeu, Household and kitchen Fuanitare, . CBXsiaTixe er Drumelt, Venetian and stair Carpeting Rrawing room and Parlour Chairs Mirrors aid mantle Glasses Sideboard, Itoodcase and Secretary, Bureaus Range dining Tables, breokfa. a Tobias; Bedsteads Stands, window Cornices, An elegant mantle Time-piece Handsome Prints Irory handle knives and forks Several articles plate and cut Class and China New feather Beds, a numbs* ktnjaome Busts With a variety of other articles Sale to commence at II t'cLck. The whole of which can be viewed previous t* he sale from the hours of 9 to 2 O’clock may 4 104 Lands for sale. Pursuant to an oidcr and decree of tbe honors* b!e tbe inferior court of the county of Chatham, at the present term, will be set up fo,- sak, at tbe coun-bousc in the city of Savannah ua tbe first Tuesday ip June neat, tbe following real proper ty, belonging to the estate of the late John Peter Ward, esq. dec. for tbe benefit of the heir*, and to obtain a division ol the said estate, to wit: 202 acres of tide smamp, first quality, on Hutchinson's Island, opposite the city. 650 acres of land on Great SatilL liver, suppos ed fresh marsh and pine. 630 acres of tide swamp, on Lewis’ creek, in M'lntosh county, originally purchased as eenfia. cated property. 900 acres on Cumberland Island, i* tie county of Camden, about 300 acres of whirh i* planting lur.d; on the premises there is a good dwelling house, Ac. 500 acres in Liberty county, northaide of South New-Port, in HulltovDi swamp, originally granted to the late general J-acblan M’lntosh. 250 acres of Land on |luu:touii’s swamp, in M’lntosh county, at the crossing at 1 urkry Lamp. 200 acres of tide swamp, in M'lntosh county. Cat Head creek, opposite Clapboard Bluff, and ad joining the land of major Jacob Wood. 150 acres of pine laud, opposite to tlie above. 650 acres of fresh marsh land in M’liWush coun ty, near the upper end of M'Keytliar’a Island. 35 acres of land, adjoining the last end of th* city of Savannsb, part tide Unit and high land. A Lot and Buildings in the city of Savsnnsh, Franklin ward, nuw occupied by tlie reverend Mr. Caries. Conditions of tale made known at the time of disposing of the said real estate. By order of the administrators. M. HERBERT, auct’r. march 30—75 Lot for sale. .. Pursuant to an older from die honorable thi judges of the Inferior court of Chatham count- j, will be sold before the eourtihnuse, in the ci' a of Savannah, On Tuotday the tdttnd dty of June next, betwe n the usuali hjurt. All that Lot, or parcrl of ground, ronleinir g about five acres, bein^ the greater part of the ga •- den lot, known by No 1. (run.btr one) w<'t, bounded northwardly by Liberty.turret, we-t- wardly by the garden lot No. lu, (number hi.) and southwardly by lot furnwriy laid « rt' i y Messrs. Currie snd Hogg, on tlie garden lot No ,‘ v (number two,) being the property of the lire George Richardson, deceased, sold for tlie btnehg of the heirs of said estate. My order of uorhiin. udmi.ittratc.r. WILUFORD ft BAKER, aiet'ci. april 2 1 78: Sheriff's sales. On the fnl Tuetday in June next. Will be sold at the court house, ia the city of Sa vannah, between the hnurs of 10 and 3 o’clock, 20 Negroes, viz: Mingo, Wtidier, l’cy- gy and her four children; .William, Alary and li.r five children; Ned, Rose, Sally, Simon, draw, arid young Eleazcr, levied on ti th* property of William Stephens to satisfy executions is fsvec of Andrew Low A Co. and other* Also, one Negro girl named Silyis, le vied on as the property of Thomas J. ProsCott, deceased, to satisfy a judgment in favor of L. 8. ~ Lyon; the said Negro returned by a constable. Also, all that tract or parcel *f Ltnd, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, on Black Creik. about thirteen miles from Savannah, adjoining lands of Hobbs, Snydrr and others; levied on as tlie property of 8eth G. Tbred- cfaft. to satisfy judgments in favor of Thomas H. Miller and others. i Also, the following eleven Negroes: Quaslu, Mira, Chamont, Molly, Joe, Louisa, Ja cob, Hannah, Moggy, Dublin, and Moggy, levied on as the property ofynijor Thomas dug. to rat ify an execution in favor uf Robert and John Bol- "L Also, Hill’s Bridge, with the exclusive right, together with the lease snd improvement, ou eight seres, bilenging lu tbe county of Chat ham, levied on as the property of Joseph HLL de ceased, to satisfy executions in favor of John Levees, et *1. George L- Cope, s. o; c. may 2 —103 |C7* Brought to gaol in Savannah, on the 6th of April, 1818,* Negro mart who says his name ia Hsaar sort lhat, he belongs to doctoa Axson of Riceborough. lie w about thirty-five years of age, and five feet seven inches high. H. M-Call, G. c. c. april 8 - 83 jC?»Brought to gaol in Savannah, April 1st, 1818, two Negro men nam.d Stephen snd Ceazer, the property of Gabl Capers, of Wsdma, law. S. C. Stephen is about forty-five years *f sge, and five feet four inches high country born. Ceazer is shout five feet *.x inches high, and twenty-five year* of age, African born. 1 H. M’CALL, e. e. april 6 - 81 APPRENTICES wanted. Two or three boys, from 13 to 16 year* old are wanted, at the office of the Savannah Repub lican, as apprentices to the printing business.— lads from the country wedd b-.,.referred. Sheriff's sales., On the f-it Tuetday in June next, Will be sold at the eourl-liourf, in the city of Sa- van nab, betv,mtfce usual heurs of 10 and 5 o’clock, . Houte and Lot No. 10, Yamaeraw, on Fahm. street, snd Lot No. 10. South Broad-s:rcet, levied on as the property of William Wright to satisfy judgments ia favour of Thomas F- W lUiams, dsc. J GEORGE U COPE, a. *. «. april Sheriff’s sales. On the ft: Tuaduy in July next, Will be sold « the court house, in Brunswick, Glynn county, between the usual hour* of 10 and 3 o’clock.- ■ . • . The following fourteen ntgroe*. viz Sampson, Esther, Charley. J'™- Aliek. Hettv, Jie, JuU, Smart, Peter, Dido, »Vk, Marie rndjluf. levied on as the property of Tbomaa Armstrong, doc. so ntisfy Alexander a th* above mccrou roMunderfbreeloft*^^^^^ . april 39-101 ' ‘ . - Blank Indentures ' Far sale at this officR,