Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, May 09, 1818, Image 1

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« AttoM'J.-lb • •*''*'• portion ofths children of our poor from $ ,-xannM, irreligionsad Immoral*/; The Ptide * r edotniKHi in the mo* economical. and when* t(ver it has been; at into operation, is fouad to be _ __ Wecesffuli and it Mod afford those by whose bfiiflceneci' has beta creeledned eeppoited,th* ■ %muH pare and tetiousl pleasure, when 11*7 wit. •warn its growing, and the improvement •ef toe “little onei” nailer tlseir ehargo. Ut bim - • whn 1> eold, or ddad to the (Merest* of thir school '^ebititt end behold it* benetict fitied-by number* ml children, whom toe tuna* of charity lure •draw* fromthe liabiUiioa of psaur,, Ml heMb »» •T 1 ! ■■■■■ r*t *f B.e.a, April VA. A Hired, sbqfiV.tae. Ouk. 27 dayafirom Liter, pool, with nit,crate*, he. -Sailed the £t>.h March and brinjra L-idoa dates da the 25tb. and Liter- pool to the ffthh, one dtar fiateri^ko ho* reecie- rfbv th* Milo. Left eh ip ltd arm Bolton, Gard ner. for!» York, to ceil April 1C- Cardlnr-Ann, Reeves. for do reedy; Ann Maria, Wade, do 21st era, time of ■ ••cTPBw' soampmje /-Hie committee sppeu-ted to U»Jt tStftrdk’Kw 1 eamfmjy r- tabfitoed.iriltoety. notify 6 dr h* ode * reP°° Th- , )hh%f*tojr,ratl*«*eta"S«5:rteo icembem of the company. and all-Othcre willing tojoia k. are inrited to-at read. Ifc* ‘lafkria- . If .h ApnL and Many olli- inoan. Sailed in co erith. Uupa Maria, and Astrea, for Kew-Toriti and Eliza beth, for Charleston. Tiie chip Filenn, J*»e, ailed Ihe day before for Boeton. Spoke April 5. of tiit ech> Dolphin, mar 6—1(4 &»Mufc U*t*r Jiftogigation g. .collfANT. tee, a ' ttowofprtmd admiration, h| famtor of tide inati- ' ^Cutiaa, at honorable to ourjeily aod dale—ImwiU - -’ceearnnherofinbaaearta,redeemed,in all pro- fmbtiity from fisrasigy® cm, .and rendered cum ■turtaUe and happy. Let ceiry one reflect, that Ike pittance .fapiradtroM each aubtenbor, nay xr*U Ire retraanbed from toe long Ratof estntva (■nee and folly, that marka hisexperdiure’; and ha odlttuak that well laid oat, wb«h aha 11 afford %hn the graiiBeatioh of knvwS.g that be ia eiyitt*- touting to Ike bottremg and ennobling of hie lei- ••few areat urea, while the prayers of the orphan and Vida* ere —ceiling taBtcVcn. in bit behalf. v , UBNTuU©. 4 #n tree' etezazaa atrcxuea*. *0 Wcomnaia—lam really surprisedthat noun . ,vfcp^aa»MpvAfhee»eai««hAn'i«»a»»ical etht- eatbo, nsyoftr name implies, sboud bare taken «ch a superficial view of the Many inconvswen oies attendant os die primitive and pastors! liber Ay for Which yon soaicad in bchalfof jfour taecine IHvnd*. I do not pretend in any way to ke ho*, tile to thn Inly re*p*cUble clan of qtudroprds tut eureiy there i* a rusticity in their manners, ami -a'sort of cynical freedom in their habile, which are (touch at rarianee with the improved and elegant Vlate of society wliieh our city now aporte. Re ject, good Mr. Pepularie, bow it must shock th' delicate rterve* or many of our belle*, eren to an- tieipate a rencontre at a sudden turn, with one ot the creature* Pansy the vehicle of one ef 001 fhstiionable* with ila hind wheel just on Ihe croup «f one 01 these intruders is the set of starting "tip in s fright te rid itself of this ta burthen, lam astonished again Mr. Po] viy, that yot» • can suppose that any one sh'-nl SsisUka a cow for a Sana fide biped alder Man, when horns which y«t Cannot for a n»o. M'-nt fancy they have any thing to do with, would dt once correct the mistake In abort, friend Pop. Ilians, I conceive this ordinance to he purely dr lh'>cniio*l, placing all quadrupeds on the same footing, and wliile horses, hog* and dogs art pounced on by the tnyrmedona of the city, 1 set «. reason in a political point of view, why cow* . should have greater constitutional privileges. Bui -rilould you be to differ from me T •hetriully join in bringing theae tnuih injureu Membcrn of society op by uirisoe c.rfiu keforr ihe next eupreme court, for thank heaven our habeas Cktnitu act is BdV «j<peml«l as in England. A BUblUbNT. PrfMS Current 1 Angsets, tib soil. Cotton prirTb. 1*a30i tobaccodiOaf 35,*A'-ur r tr barrel fa tOikacsn 15 a Wj lard IS a Jlij “■ ' r 'it a .lift corn per bualiel 1 tS a l M I 1*)» I T5. a bai aeftl SHIP JVEWS. tigS-ffaur, Ts-.V*rrsw, 191. Ofm. n’tbtk M. '«■' : PORT OF SAVANNAH, ssunk Sloop Pa» orite, Trow, WUmingtoa, (N. C ) with turpentine, tar, and tUrm, to John Hogue fc Co Sloop Express, Hammett. Charleston, 1 day. Sloop Adeline, Pradl.-y, Charleston, 1 day. Si mp Delight. Cooler, Ctiarleaton, 1 day. Boat Nonsuch, Aqgwsta. with 3*1 bales of cot l»n and *3 hhda of t-bacco, to WHEaa Gsivten, fohnatoa & Hill* and W. Joyner. Brig Caaket, Barton, Liverpool, via Lisbon. 4t days from the latter port,"with sundries t* Gear kniiugh' A M’Kiime. Alsu, one brig, one hennsphrodite brig aod s srlriinner The sloops VolantM-Lr.-in, and General Washington, Coeat*, frsn Charleiton, ale in the Viver. ' • Pari if CSarltiltn, Mag 6. Arrived, schooner Planter's Friend, Campbell, ■antee 1 day, muiffi rice; aehooner Live-oak, d >. 1 .lay, rice. Cleared, ship Corsair, Sutton, N. Y.rki brig Betsey, Hopes, Havanas scli'rs Six Sis. Crn, Penson, Fredericksburg, Vs; Calypso, Hil Jard. Havana; Satellite, Smith, do; Farmer’s In- riustry, Richards, Kaltimori; sloop* Volant, M- Jhran, Sawtmnakt Gen Washington, Coates, dr. The French ship Chandernagore, of lOWMi.nt, a from Bengal, with an assorted cargo valued at te. 'wirral millions, bound to Havre, arrived at Cher- hourg March 8. The British sloop of wtr Cherub, has taken a Spanish guinea man on the coat of Africa, who had plundered every thing -he came across, among ■them she had taken the Diana, of Liverpool, and Himble, of London. Part if AVw-r.eb, April 58. • Arrived, British brig Edvard, By am, from An. tigua; brig Morning Star, Allen, VS daysfnm St. Tit ires, Marl, with nmlasies, coffee and specie- left ah -ut 60 ra t cf American vessel*—the ports would be dosed on the 15 h April; sth’rs Milo. Beetle, 4 days from 5 .tsinnci; Charleston Packet Vail. 3 day* fromKd-rngworb,Conn; Henry Din ason. Wood, 8d> >r -m Charleston; kising State*. t> l , Bichwvcnu 4 da/t; Frank, Coir, D-.rien. * d»Jk Colton, ncr and cedar staves—on funday. lOti miles fn ts Vaudy U' ot, spoke sloop William Henry, from Charleston for S York; Ambuscade, Skidmore, 1 eorg. town 4 days; >1 ops Patr.ot. Crosby, 4 da* a from Nantucket, via New laindon; William.Henry, Har; <r, 6 day. fro* Saw.-naA— Apnl A«bt A Ion 7a, spoke sloop Triton, iS nnd.f >r New York triun llaliimorc. 10 day* nut in a leak- c.-ndni m, one rump eon.tantlv gnim;; ltspi I, Bradley, Boston 5 days; Hero, Simpson. Y* mouth, Maine, 7 day.; Spartan, Montague, 5 days from Cdevna; Arcatay, Hoyt, 7 days from Aur-insnA, with five oak timber.— Below, brig Vie. tor. .45 d„ya from Barcelona; and a rcho. ner — Went t • sea this morning, (l ips Loan, Fcadick for Liverpiol; Lorenzo. S.-vage, Cuaricton. Itob- con, Holdru'ge, Havre; Saeletn. Lovett. Antwerp; brig* Catharine, Collier, Si Km*; Arurha, .Mott, AcnusuA,. utd sch*rCordelia, fi.rtbe W Iruli ■+— Cleared : hip Cotton-Plant, i’a’li, SrvjniJi; br gs Jane, Saui, Baa Imlkr, Tom Hazard, H iMridg., Liverpool; Reuben fc Kiiva 8t w. l!, I^.ndon;-cji’t %L!o, Farnlurr .VcmanaA* Franses, SaoU, llama. hm and W VkWBt. pti ffd M anti, the wreck of the wsfiV Dolrto*. of tht fl^fwtoSwHjkrWtoJof-lbc fnr«rmo*i. a temp-xary shelter, ma<ie with sswJIspan a.ida*3i, and un- der itadesd maiu'a Mnall bucket wear Wra, and a box with some bread in it, and several small bags of breed hanging mtbe fuse rigging; n Woe coat, with metal buttons was under aitru be had gold ring* in his eats, which we took • tit. and. then burned him. The sssaelsra* shout 6i> tom, lflfl lTBkfPtlfIf QPff, Brig Pummu, Hedge. IF days from Malinzit, with Molasses, sugar and cofloe. Left sMp Fox, if and for M York, loading; Gen Jackson, fnm Bristol m « loading for Eun pc; seh'r Jane, 'Hill, lor Charleston, uncertain. -Sailed in co Wtlh bnp Cleopatra, tar Newto-srt, s*d seb’r Milo, tor New- York. Spokein Ut 46 If. lost4JJ,seh'r M< niiiir Star, of Newport, tS dy. out from Alexandria, had sprung her bowspnr *nd received oilier da mage. : Schooner Derpatrh’. Sawyer, 33'day* from bl. Pierres, Mart, with sugar and molasses. Left st St Pierres April 4, ship Brupurn, Thomas, of Hath, uncertain, bad lost one man* Henry Fam; hrige Rebecca^Emery, for Saco in 0 days;' Excbarge, Jenkins, bound to the leeward in 4 day*; *ekt>»n- er Combine, trigging*, tor W>lm«rgton in 5 day; sloop Atlanta, Wheldtn, for VeW-Bedford in 0 day*. Touched at Hassatenre, Guad. on the 9th mstj left at Bactaterre. a ship belonging to New. buiy, eapt Drown, from Wilmington, driebarglng; and several other Americans. Otf Guadaloup-, fell in with a small fleet under Spanish cnlors.— April 9. off Monsera!, tpokc brig America, Otis, 4days from St Pierrsa bound to Bath—all well 8ch’rt Jane, Woodward, 8 day* from Wilming ton; Only. Daughter, from Fredericksburg; Favo rite, Cropp, from Alexandria. 1, * »—A brig and aeveral schooners in sight , ThSt ten per. wait of that proportion jtodksftld* company r Cette* rtv-l „„„ iidTje; ..the monies he I to UicjOint raid Into _ order uT John Cumming, 1 L. C. Cantalow, I J. C. Winter, L John S. Holt, J 1 John Connick, J tjfjf IN eonfortnily with the abate resolution, the undersigned will attend at the th&d a'oey room > ifllye Ekctiange, TOMORROW, the »:h •inst. from Iff until ( 'o'clock; to receive the-ab jve nam- edamount often per cent on each share subsenb- ed to the-slock of tbe Savannah Rurer'Narigaion Company. Tbose persons who subscribed on the Ssb inst. ate entitled to three dupe* each: those, who were subscribed for st Augusta, re.-ident in thnoity, have twenty shares each, as wjli benecii by rtference to the Hooks on toe above named day. No money Hit bankable, will be received in Garment. ~ Durham T. Hall, ■ William Gaston, Robert Camjibcl). ■tssennaa, Mag 8, ltlS *-J08 v . v . tuU. Joka B. Cariiaie, J CharikTjarvia. i** “ vfc SATURBir NEXT, 8th iuaUnt, A dl be sold at the store lately occupied by Cknl> - ?*» r ^ Market-aquare, and on dam CRJa^d * lot; betwetn toe hour* of 10 and ■o’clock. The entire Stock nf said Charles Itrrn. coo- sistisg nf Groctne*. llac-in, Ac. attached as the property ot toe said Charles Jam* at toe wstance ol Juhg B. larinle, atUcbmrtovAna, and »<nd s,'sy r “• *assat s&zrs may d—.(06 ■ - . - - r Martkul’s a alt*.. |CT The Boird of the Savannah Female Asylum, return their grateful thanks to toe gen- tlemcn of the ApcrtmewFand Old Hundred Socie ty*, for the proceeds of the Oratorio gif en in Christ church on Tuesday evening, for the bene- fit of the Female Asylum; and acknowledge the recap! of two bnndiedand forty-f ur dollars, fif ty cents. 1 ELISA IRVINE, see’ry. mav 8 —s— 10H may For Liverpool The very tup; rior b ig CASKET, Bar ton, matter, w.U hare immediate dispatch. iFot freight or passage, apply to (Scarbrough aft M‘t*inne 108 For Liverpool, Th* good brag DORIS, Charles May, -muter, burthen 313 tons, coppered to Mie bends For freignt or passage, ap- P>7 to toa muter, or to _ 4 * ihflni may 8— 1C8 Johflton & Hills. .Mining. A bale of COTTON, sucked dimond [D.J L, No 2*, weight 298bls.—supposed to have bern taken fr >m Wallen’s wharf with some other par cel through mistake. Any infsrmatiun concern ing it, wdlbe tluukfully received by James Carruthers. may 8 a—1(8 Smiih’nwiarf Just received, An elegant assortment ot’ itlacfc and Drib su. jerfine Heavtr HATS, cf toe newest fashion and irst quality. J. H. Walter. msy 8—t—103 Jut received 149 barrels Folk 160 d* Benf 15,000 lb. Bacon 160 barrels Flour 50 d* Whiskey 30 hogsheads N K Bum 40 do Sugar 35 barrels loaf do 150 do Bread 50 bolts Ne 1, Russia Osavass Ter axis by Nicholi, Dobson V[ Hitts., frb 20 4S Corn, Oate, Flour, Qe. 3000 bu-hels clear North I’arolina Corn So b.irrels superfine Flour 70 do Georgia do (at a reduced price) 300 bags Oats 15 tons Iron 1590 bu-hels Liverpool Salt, daiimrsM* of Doris* 13 hhds Jamaica Rum 10 do N E do 30 bis and 5 hhds Whiskey 1 pipe llrandy 20 barrels tye Gin Hhds snd banvls Sugar 10 quarter rask« Tenenffc ) 20 dito Maliga J. WIN88 30 Lalfqr casks dry Mabga^ SO box * Itaisiai 10 do Prunes SjUO lb Itacon SO kegs choice Lard 30 bnttn Claret Wine Kegs Sounds and Tosguss D> S*lm mi Ilarrcls Shad and Salmon IblfbarreU Salmon and Mackerel ICO bt* No 3 Mackerel, Hsgi Almonds Allspice and Pepper Together with a general assortment of Groceriss, at retail. G. F. & Oliver Palmes, mar 5—rl— l f -5 Map cj the world} or uascaxox'a ruusriss. We have been highly gratified by th*’ perusal of a Map of the waril, en Mercators projection, just publishing by John Msliib, Geographer, and Samuel Harrison, Engraver, Pliiladelpbia. The Map eshibitt at a glance, a view of the whole world, including all tbe latest dbcsveriea. It is in Minute, that it eahibita the United Slate* subdivided into a tales and Territories: and Eu rope subdivided agreeably to the arrangement* made by the congress of Vienna. The engraving i* beautifully exrcuti d, and the whole ss harmu- itieualy arranged and is so compact a form, that it presents to the .eye a very beautiful picture, suitable for th* parlour, the library, or the esust ng bau*. A very important BMktital Table-, shewing the length, breadth, area, and pnpuLi len ef the sev eral countries nl the world, ia attached to the Map, together with a Triangular Settle of great utility for measuring distances, and it is ornamented by a Tignetlr Title, executed in a mot* beautiful style, fey Mr. Munay. The Map is accompanied by a descriptive vol ume, giving a view ot ike leading features of the Geography of the World, illustrated by a set of valuable Statitiical Tablet and Engraving*—vie* ol the Isthmus ot Darien, illustrating Ui* pracica- mlity of a canal between the Atlantic and the Pa- cilic Oceans; and view of the Isthmus of dues and Delta, illustrating .the connection between the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Weareinfoimcdin toe prospectus, that it was tlie desire" of tot author, tost this Map should serve as is wsrfe tj general referee ta oa all toe lezo- itig point- ol geugraphy; and as a companion to Ilia Map of ibe Uiuttii Stairs; the one being toe picture of a country became one cf the most in teresting on toe globe—the etuer giving a general display of the worid at s glance. We are icfcnn ed by-the Agent for. these works, that etiirgcs* Mas of Gsuaei* is nearly finished, and will be ready for deiivety to subscribers this spring—It i* u> preparation by tbe publishers of the shot emeu- tioned Maps, and'Wfitn readv wilt be an object nl great importance to the citizens of Georgia—and will also enable toe publisher* to fellow up- tot.ii general plan so far as our Mate is concerned, which we understand to have been predicated up on the idea that a complete view ct toe Geogra phy of the World could be presented by three woika—which should be in Uie hands of every c tixen ofthe United States—Then are It. The Msp a*. 1 Description of the World; 3d, Tbe Map and Description of the United StRtes. *■ • 3d- A Map of th* state in which be resides. From a perusal of of the specimen, we have no doubt but his desire will be fulfilled, and have great pleasure in recommending this soap to the attention of our fellow-citizens. The works may be aecn at William T. Williams' Book Store—they are beautifully executed, and do credit to toe state of toe ai t* id this country. grT^Thoac citizens who honored the United States’ Map with.their nibseriution to Mr. Hertford, deceased, can'be supplied with their copies in eltgant order by C. P. Harrision, En graver from Philadelphia, who has taken charge .f this agency. He will also be happy to receive order* fur Hank or other Engraving, which kt pledges him .elf that either in writing or ornamen tal work, shall be superior te any thing as yet done for the southern country. may 6—— h-6 N Dover fc Tltlw. of Alexandre Dover and outers, to wit: I'KIj acres adjoining Foint Pctre, on the St. Mary's river, 8900 adjoining the town of St Mai ry s, called the Dark Entry, 9643 acres about eight mile* from toe town, ia different tracts; 5500acres in different tracts in the said river, from thirty to fifty miles from the town aforesaid; 38o acres en crooked river; 293 on said creek snd 1320 on Dover Greek, sad opposite the sea k St Andrew’s JOHN H. MOREL, nwtkai may 5 —1—105 pvnuc SdLES. f JUCTHKVis. Oa WEDNESDAY, the riOik ioat. * Af m t’tiotis .Will b* said at St. Mary’s, by, coaaeat of the par- ties interested. *■ . > » The ship Jfettetm Centra de Ut, her tackle, apparel, end- fcnxiture, cad the ,cargo found on board. ' -re*. The hr% Cenjume m Men at Mm JtfYxdsr, her tackle, apparel and furniture. jott£ Condition*, each. may 5- Joha Doeg, dtfmtf mmrtktd. MtrskaVs sates. Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in June next, Will be sold at toe corn t-houie, ia toe city of Sa- vannah, between the hour* of 10 and 2 o’clock. Four hundred acres of Land, on 8ape!o Island, ia tbe county of M'lntosh; levied ua as tbe pro >erty ef J kn Montallet, deceased, at toe saitot lolin 8 Trulutva T. Hopkins, executor of John Montallet. JOHN H MOREL, rtarthal may 1—-|—102 Marshal’s sales. On iht first luesdauin Junt ntxt. Will be sold at the court-hook*, in the city of Sa vannah. between toe hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A prime Negro Man; le vied upon as the pn perty of Thomas Smith, deceased, at the ruit <■ William Dixon fc Go vs. xdminblratrix and admi nistrator of Thomas Smith, surv. John H. Murel, marshal. msy 1 1 103 Ti-Mulrr-iw,'-9U> iazfunt* trot 4* **M I- my srsfe* Groce ies Ami 1" tj Cwudw. i U t'sfacJf A Hotrc, AMCt'r, -108 Ou Wednesday noxt, ISm inaunt, WiU heeeU -et,te rsrfdr i» if S XeibA t^t, IT* , ur'e tmU-ge, R- tg> . Hwmbold snd Sitchra Fiutaiiw«| . / '* wr'-.’t’ i Sideboard, Sola -i - * Dining sad tea Tablet - ‘ Becretcy and Boufc-Caso ci Bedsteads and Bestdiag Looking-Gliusea ; . Chain, work Tablet * i&'rtiicscaad Curaita readers, Aadirons, Shave] ariTuwa *M A variety of other Artril** Jl»*. ■ 1 riaao-Fostsaad Suitor . Terms cash Lfea Mat-oil 11 I’lfed. Willilurd A JUaker ausi’r*. may 7- -1«7 nvmna. An the fret Tueeaag en Jam aeteS, Wilt be sold at the Maikxtfcmisc in SL Mary’s the following tracts uf land, levied oa as tot . property «f (he late James Seagrove, eiquire. Tuesday ia Jaas next, to* following real props*. dacoued, at The suit *. Oorer\ T^lme, and Lands for sals. Pursue A to aa aider and decree ofthe hoaoiw* ble tot inferior court cf Um cauctv of Chatham, at tot present tern, will be act up for sale, at th* court-hotue ia the «ty of Savannah on toe VriS Fsrecutor’s sale. ■ On /At Jt el Tutulitg in July next, Will be sold at the evurt-bouae ia to* city of Sa vannah, Tbe following three NEGROES, Nad, Bose and Nancy, belongisg te the estate of Stephen Millen deceased, ta pursuance of sn order of th* 'nfericr court of Ckatliam county. Juhn C. Gugel may 7 107 Quaffed Etneuttr. Administrator’s sale. On the fret Tuettbi, in July uarl, Will fib sold at toe court-house ia the city of Sa- vsnnah, The following two NEGROES, Loaen and Flora, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Sarah Milk n, deceased, for tbe benefit cf the heirs of to* said deceased, under an order of the honorable toe Inferior court of Chatham county. Jehu Milieu, cdoi’or. may 7 10f aYotice, All persons having iff mar., l against the estate the late Tin ®*-. Me’ d-mhall.c-quirr, are IT- quoted ‘o pre-xnt them within the ti.ue prescrib. by law; and all tb-ke indebted are requested make immediate pa: mem o the aubsertbera. may 8 a-f 108 JS'otice. fivHicn Menhwa. are required to make thier returns to ibis office of Golds sold on cos* miski-ua from 1st January lx*:, to lit inst. on or beture toe luto bt toe present month , John I. Robert*, Cirv Trewtrer'e Offer, Cttftnatwnr. Camrank, lei Mag, 1*1*. 168 Poicelton Academy. The public examination ot the Sladentn in Fowelton Academy, will commence on Monday toe 1st June next, and be continued on Tuesday, and tne term w ill close with a public exhibition on Wednesday, the 3d. The p itruni of the In stitution, end the public in geaoral, are respeet tully inriteu to attend. The succeeding term will open on Monday, toe 23d June, tinder the rectorship of Mr. Smith, a.-a. (late of MiddiColl.-y who is expected to con tinue to that station for a series of years Miss Stebbias will continue at the head of the female department; Miss 8. Stebb n* ia her assistant- The Rev. Mr. Swift, a. x. it engaged as sn as sistant teacher of Ungufegfes; and Mr. S. H. Miller, English teacher. , The Hoard of Trust,.nntieca with pleasure, the nring respectability uf the Institution under their care; and are fully'persuad. d that the young la- .lie* and gentlemen engaged for cnndueling it* different departments, merit the confidence of toe pu: lie. . The branches of ntritil and polite education usually taught in this and similar Institutions will Oe continued; and toe rates uf taition will remain as they have b en. Two good Pianos* will be at toe service of the school, ends competent trseber of musick is ex pected to give lessons. The bills cf tuition are to oe paid quarterly in advance to S. Duggar, Esq teacher. Hoard can be procured in respectable families on moderate terms. The village of Powelton enjoys a high, agreea ble and very heahlty situation. TI-* society of the place is eminently moral; too email indeed for frequent scenes of (jut and dissipation, but sufftciuitly extenaive for toe imprt>vtment of the youth of both sexes, who resort here for toe pur pose of education Jtg erder if the Beard ef Trail, tj rS. VBSION, Setreterg. P. S.—Mr. Smith has tot pleasure of informing the public that. M Ranitt, of Augusts, will give lesson* in Music outing tot succeeding tenet and that M. Le Dure, from Lyots, will instruct in the French Language, tnrl I S +o 9 JVetite. For aaoutlis from toe dxte hereof application .will be made for the removal «f three certificates Nos. 118 Ii9 ami 12 srheb have been last, of tire st- ck of the Planters’ Har.k of to* State ol SeorgU JOHN F* FBAdtB. Tax Collector’s salts. On the frit Tuttdag in July next. Will be sold at tbe court-house, in the city ef Sa vannah, between the hoars of lo and 3 o’clock, Tbe following property, or so mush thereof, will satitfy the taxes and costs, viz:— The western half of wharf lot Ne. 2, in Yams- craw, with the improvements thereon; levied on to satisfy the direct tax of estate ol William Lew- den fur 1815 and 1816 Amount 013 67. Lot N o 34 in Columbia ward,“-ail,jett to ground rent to the city, with the improvements thereon; levied on to satisfy the taxes oi the estate of Dr. George y. Proctor, deceased, viz: direct tax for 1315; state, eonnty aod direct tax fur 1816; and state and county tax for 1817. Amoant $74 50. All that 8ve acre lot ia Cliathsmeonnty, known by the number l€ bounded on the east by lot Vo. r south fey lot No. 15, and north by lot No 14; levied on to satisfy the direct tax of estate of Michael Germain for 1815 aad 1816 Amount 819 12. * All that 45 acre lot in Chatham county, kat wn by number 4, about tore* miles from Savannah adjoining Camp Covington, aad lands of Uilbo, I'urnbull'and Vallottom also, all that five acre lot, known by No- 6, in Chatham county, ia the vicin ity of feavanaab, levied on at tbe property of the estate of Isaac Laroaeh to satisfy the direct tax for 1815 and 1816, and state and county tax for 1817. Amount 83 98. A tract of land in Rrjran county, containing 330 <cres,tnore or lest, bounded oo the east by Dnd uf Mary Maxwell, oa the south by land oi Stephen J Maxwell, and 6. M- Waters, on tbe west and nor ill by lands of Simons Maxwell and Amt Fos ter and toe commons of Hardwick; levied on as the property of Jarars W. Ward to tatiriy hit di rect tax for 1816, and state aad county taxes fox IStr. Amount g3 SS. JAMES EPPINGER, t- m e. may 7—107 Sheriff’* sales. On the frit Twvlug in Jttlg next. Will be sold at the court-house in toe city of Sa- vannih, between the usual hours of 10 «nd 3 o’clock, The following seven Negroes, to witt Tenah and her four children, Abraham and Sarah, levied onaa the property of William Stephens to satisfy a mortgage ot the Cffgham Academy assignees Also, the following seven Negroes, to wit: Agrippt, Jaeeb. M dly, Venture, George, Cato and little Afff, levied on as the property of the same to satisfy a mortgage of E. fc J. Bolton, as- aigncet of Chatham academy; others, Anne, big Affy and Nanay, levied on as ton property of toe same to satisfy a mortgage of Richard Richardson. Also, oao Negro woman named Phil lis, levied on as the property of William Green, to satisfy William Craig, and sold under foreclo sure of mortgage. George L. Cope, s. e. e may 6 — —-06 Sheriffs sales. On the jiT.t Tvreday in June next. Will be sold' at the eeurt-house, in toc,city of Sa- vinnah, between toe usual hsuxs or 10 and 3 o’clock. House and Lot No. 10, Yamacnw, on Fahm treet, and Lot No. 10. South Broad-street, levied on as toe property of WiSiam Wright to **:jri> judgment! in favour of Thomas F. Willi.ras, dec. 1 GEORGE L COPE, *. e. a. to obtain a diviaiao *1 the said estate, to wit: 303 aarts ef tide amarnp. first quality, oo Hutchins**’* Island, opposite the city. 650 acre* of land on Great Saul la liver, suppos ed fresh manb sod pine. 630 acre* of tide swamp, on Lewi*’ creek, in M’lntosh county, originally paichatad as confis cated property. 990 acre* on Cumberland Island, ia tbe couafy of Camden, about380 acres of which is planting land; oa the premises there is a good cwiilmg house, 8tc. 500 acres in Liberty county, northaide of South New-Pert, in Rulltown swamp, originally greeted . to the late general'Lachlan M •Intosh. 250 acre* of Lend oa Mouslcun’c swamp, is M'Intcsh coanty, at tbe crossing at Turkey Camp. 200 acres of tide swamp, ia M'lntosh county. Cat Mead creek, opposite Clapboard Muff, and ad joining toe land or major Jacob Wood. 150 acre* af pine land, appetite to the above. 650 acres of fresh marsh land in MTntmhconm. , near theapper ead of M'Keyth*r> (aland. 35 acres cf land, adjoining the east end of the city of Savannah, part tide bad and high land. A Lot aad Buildings in toe city of Stvaanak, Franklin ward, now aenupied by the reverend Mr. Caries. • Conditiant af sale mfSe known at tbe time «F disposing of tbe said real estate. By order *1 th* adminirtratnre. M. HERBBRT, mmV. march 30 75 Let for sals. Pursue*t to aa order from the honorable tbC judge* of the Inferior eourt of Chatham coanty, will be tald before tbe oean-bauso, ia tbe eifef of Savannah, On Tuesday, the fid day of Jan* next* •xTwixn waa viva sown*, AU that Lot, or parcel af gruuad, contain inf about five acres, being <he greater part of the gar den let, known by No f, (number one) west, bounded northwardly by Liberty-atreet. wests wardly by the gardes lot No, 10, (number ten,) and southwardly -by bt- forme sly laid nff by Mes-rs Currie and Hogg, en tbe gudea lot No i, (number two,) being the property et the b’O George Richardaon, deceased, sold tor tba benefit of the heire of said estate. By at dir if J,kn Come cbm, adminiitrst'T. _ a WILLIFORD fc RAKER, acetfn. Take notice. All penon are forbid from purchasing a Let of ground inahatham cauaty, coataing five sere a, beiag toe gre ter part of lot knkwn by the num ber I (oue) bounded northwardly by fishery* street, wratwerdly by the garden bit No. 10 (ton) and southwardly by lot formerly laid off by Mrssea Currie aod Hogg; and advertised for sale on tbo 2d day of June next, by David Williford, auction* eer, by the order of John Carnothan, adminutra* tor of tbe late George Richardson, deceased, and to be sold for the bcaefit ef tbe heirs of toe said estate; as tbe said property ia legally vested in sc, we deem it proper to give tow public caution. William Wilson, 9 Dorothy GooUall Wilson, Jo* Davits, april 29 100 JUST RECEIVED, Aad for a ale, it (hit Ofico, A FEW COPIES COTTOJT PBANTER'S III FARMER'S COMPANION* A TREATISE oa teas IMPROVED CULTIVATION OF COTTON* The improvement of eld fields and worn land, mi well as ditehing and draining brackish ami low lands; to which is added, a new aiethod of ton* nuring land by artificial manure, spread by* truck machine, used by a hoy and horse, with gram esse and progress. sxce, REMARKS ON THE CULTIVATION or rex IRISH POTATOES, BEETS dfv. BY BARNWELL DEVEAUX, ESQUIRE. Savannuk BtpuhScat tjiet, May 8. [9 J JVew Fresbyterian Church. Ate meeting of the Trustees ef the Presbytori an church, held on the 28th Apnl, 1818, it wire, reeolvtd, that the pews in tbe new church, on tba lower sold in/er timple cn MONDAY the 11th May next, on the followiag terms: exe-haiT tbe amount to be paid down, one-fetutb psrabJe on toe 1st of December next, and one-fourth to the 1st of March followiag; and that in drfiuilt af nuking pay-user ’ at ibe dated periods, the amount previctusy paid ahottld become forfeited, aad too news be re-sold- A plan ofthe pew* is ready for inspect ion at die church. The axle will cemuitaoe. -* 11 O’clock in the morning. OhvCT Stnrgr*, april 30—101 riairmea iemrg fraetcra. ASSIZE of BREAD. The price of flour being 10* doljara p*> bar rel, the weight of bread for toe present monte must be’.*9 foHow*,yix: , 8J- •*- ■/ 12| nentahaf most w.if* 3 3 ■ M do , 4o do 1 I Of which all bate? aad tdhn of bftau wfll take due notiee. " • JOHN 1* H03EUTS, may 2 MB ^ " ' Blank Indentures ^ *» this oSffo ■