Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, May 14, 1818, Image 1

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SP. /• savannah republican^ TFidrtnday Kvtning, May IS, ftlS. O'rtthe S3d cf April last, the Danish brig Nor kljeiiN at tbie port, Mid (» be from Havan. Mr Charleston 8Um> SARAH putts Ell, CnBara,'«a*- ,’er. ■ For Reign t or pottage; apply to » HALL & HOYT. ,3 * 117 Jamaica Hat* ' _ Fifty p*,nebeoi.» j~iluc* HUM, laodrog from to Hamburgh, If*patioWraindwtrera—{£*«**'^ *** the had a caqgoof sugar aad coffee. < at the eaatora-hoost. and the cargo rfneneed ofg- j Therein me trttdemtand. every rrsaaoo to belies- (bat this vessel iras capurrd by a patriot priv- ten- aad the errar takes ms- that the i icr assumed «k osme of the origin*! commander,! ami by means of the original papeta tbove eco- Mncd sere enabled to get the cargo ^through th» j out om-b nose, and it war sold 6 now undergoing a c ert of adjudication. We I have taken notice thus far af it, in order that the Owners of the Nor berg may know where aha i*e- In any light the tmoracLon mint be viewed by an honest men as a species of grata frahd. We j forbear to go farther. Mr. J. Wait, bearer of despatehes/ram Heron ' Way IJ. __ The subscriber ibei" Has received fcom Now Yura, per aeh'r Milo, . ^ .extensive aaaorunent of WARRANTED MEDICINES, HTLut are •f<rtd fer eat* at tss tpsae, mjjadwvg cat. Pray t Set A tniWnp -mar Carbonate of Soda—Camphor—Opium Rhubarb—Hyppo—JmlLp—Iringlaaa S ida Powder* Chorch'a cough Drop* DJby’s Carmimtive Ctm.xh’tessence of Mustard—Alcohol Thompson’s aotierior Cheltenham Saba Senna* Arrow Root—Rose Water English Saffron—Sulphur-—Saltpetre Castile Soap—Nutmeg*—Spanish A seals Lee’* Pills—Mace And other articles, which will be disposed rifan-der Capellen, governor of the islandvef JaV*, 1 00 K * , ° j q To the Dutch Charge d’Affairaa at Washington, ar rived at Philadelphia on the -6tb„uiL The !i.Tork Evening Po«t,|of the Sd inst. alatea that "itt returns of the election are not yet com pleted, but wioogh it ascertained to enable ua to eay with <u flinty,"that dial section of the demo- may 13 112 Habersham. Neva-Orleans Sugars. ISO barrels prime New-Orleans Sugar for sale on liberal terms, by LEVY HART, may 13—113 Njtice. . j , , ... . ,| The copartnership Jiertu fore exTstinr between cratic party denominated, for distinction sake, the J the subscriber*. umkr the firm of fc Sa- k M.ihK*s man, bmro aucceoded in their Assembly (ticket, ana in a majority of wards for charter of ficers." Priett Cur-ent, Charlcs/eti, JMcy 11. Cotton. >eaisland, lb. 68 a 71 cents; do upland, prime, 33 a 33; corn per bushel 9i) a 95, plenty; flour. Pliilad. bl 10j, dull; dq Camden, (Carter's wall, is this day dittolrcd. may 11 US A. Keitell, M. Sevrall. ' Notice. Croaoa W. Moaaaix & ussaam* G. Ausroa. _ ... .. . . . , Auorntcsat Lav, having formed a copartnership, brand) lUj; do Richmond and Baltimore. 10 a I lender their profeiitonal service* to their friends 104, dull; rice, prime, per 100 lbs. g6 a 6 37}. tobacco, per 100 Iht. Carolina and Georgia, 7 a 9}' j and tbe public. BtiiufoTt, .May It/—l—112 m snip NEWS.'nter, 7’v-Marrasa, l/. ifbn. s'clack P.M. PORT OF SAVANNAH. German Doctor. Anotra Blcjil*ao, lately from Europe, res pectfully informs the public that he intends to' practice in the various branches of Physic, Surge- ey, PaUlogie and Midwifery, in Sarannah, at Mr M. Spann's Confectionary shop, in Whitaker, street. He hat in the late war in Europe, oflicia. ted as hospital doctor, under the emperor Napo- 'Ship Homer, ffeu/urran'ek. 60 daya-ballaat I J**" ff")*?’, V lke *“ e ’ br f e h ° 5 P ,ul * •“** —to John Speakman A Co She has experienced, | b ‘? “ re ; «» n 1 * voyage^to this daring the greater part of the pmage, a succev- r '""‘ " “ ”' “ ■ion iif gales and headwinds, and lost a seaman | overboard. 03" -Vt rlmrvmaat aftiMW lati. Part af Charleston. May II. Ar. tinted] brig Liverpool, Wilkie, Antigua, 21 days; brig Angelina, Sinclair, Puerto Cabclln, (S' mill America) 38 days; ach’n Uiadamia, Carr, country. On his voyage to this cuunty, he was appointed physician to 300 passengers—his testi- montals will convince and satisfy eve/y one who may be doubil'ul of his skill or education. may 13 ■ »» 113 Lands for sale. The tubicribcr being desirous of removing to the upwCfHinin, for the bettererjojunent of his Health, offers fur sale 550 J seres ot hud, compos- Baltimore, 24 days, and 31 from the Capes; «e-[ «d of tract, carefully selected from 2 to'iOu acres nntance, Howes, Norfolk IT days; Fame, Shear-1 each; the most of which tracts are contiguous, and nun. Richmond, Va. j7 days, and 17 from thr I f r0 m 1 to 7 raiki from M'lntoth court houie and Cape*; Client, llenitmln, Georgetown 1 day; Ar-1 Sapelo Bridges, and 10 miles from Ri.eborough ab.lla, HaM-vick. do. 8 hottri; sloops Catharine. Uoerty county, adjoins the lands late the proper. Cahler. N York, 21 <U fc la-t from Georgetown. 1 ty t ,f Uo bert ba.lhe,, rccased, John H. Mdntosh, day—the C. was bound to Danen, Geo. but bav- George and -niomas D al. Ac and abounds wiUi in^ «X|>er.ence<i iruch hsd weather, and being I a cuo^iderable quantity of the best yellow pine, short of water, put into Georgetown to procure „, k „ n(1 cypiesUia Sotted with spots of Lad n supply; Defstor, M ell., Baltimore, 16 d.ya; I lrora S) lo 100 acres, well calculated for settle- Vh asaut, Hatch, Geoiwtown I day; Harriot, I meuts, lor the raising of itock, and especially for Comstock. -SivninoA, l day; steamjmat Cbarlea- thenpply of useful t.mber .or ship building, Ac Gin. Rogers, *maan-ih t via HM.ifuit,(outanle) 1 W lnch is w.thin a short distaoce of a satr-mill, da); shiop PhcMi*. Murphy, Sanmnah 1 day. - I that runs two gangs of saws, and where lumber, Cleared, ship ban, Berry. Ltrlrpool; Hr. bng |*„ calculated fo? market can be slept from the )S nperor Alevaiidtr. Watt, d-, Hrigunh^g Twee ,p 0t . A , urlhfr description of Uue property i. 2° bbC i!!Ifi: r il,T. UJ L * Bd ■ ***?" { Hwugltl unnecessary, as it is presumed and ex- r ®*i«dens, Cobb, Witaungtoos-sloop Lin- jpected a purchaser will first view the Dretnises. coin, Delano, Wilmington, Pari af Jt-.l imara. Ml, 2. Arrived, aeh’r Jane, Fish, 21 days from Cape Henry, Havti; brig Momer/Thomas, 12 days from pected a purstiaaer will first view tbe premises, which will be'ahoifg with the grantr of thCTluid, and a generel plat she ring the connection of the mats, watercourses, Ac. Also, a new framed dwelling bouse, and four' ;, ' y* "r"' "Oiucrri noin«, .a uay. rrom cont gudua lota, sooth of the court-houae lot in CaDeHenrv'Havb’ I county, containing 180 feet fronting on Cape Henry, Havti. ,* rt H ,eb ' | tne road from Savannah to Darien, and 120 feet Bremen; brig Juno, Catliell. Kiu Grande. May 4. —Arrived, brig Mary-Aun, Dcapeau. 4J days from Pernambuco—Americans arriving at Pernambuco are treated with much suspicion in consequence of some misunderstanding between the American Consul and the government of dial place; b igs I'lnlhppi, Lypll, J1 days from King slon, Jam; Samuel, Hmmwril, 21 ilavs from St. Jago; James Monroe, Crocker, 22 days from St Croix, (Hass Rod,)—The brig Rising-Sun, from front on the road to tne Academy, well enclosed with a good garden, &c. It is believed there is not a better stand in the iv.iuoty, .for a grocery store ami a house of en'ertainmmit. it being at the nead of water navigation of Sapelo river, 53 mile, from Savannah, 17 from Kiceborough, and 12 to Uarion, and u here 'he mail stage is in tbe habit i t ^topping at the post-office. Should an early ap plication be made, a great bargain may be liad of the above described property, and negroes ot “ken - PV—t Gleareil. nliip Ncptu ic, Gowham, Kiivrston, Jam; brig* Ciilumbia, Dyer, Gibraltar ana Lr^hom; I GliatswoKh, Games, Li'b'»n; Fame, Whitney. Bar- bid^cs; U!irm *nv # Gibs >n Jamaica; sch*ra Manli us, Young, Havana; G »od Hetum, Knapp, Aux wyf'i Nancy,* S’.^phens. Cape llenry, Hayti; Rich room!, Bviins, Savannah; sloop Nancy, ttrfmc*, Charliton. Pert r,J Philadelphia, May 2. Arrived/bripi Grn Jackson, Tear, St Barts, 15 | JOHN OKMG. •M Tntneh county .Tfnv 11 f*—H!? United States of America. DISTRICT OF OCORHIA—IN the AD31IUALTT. Tht president of the U .iteJ St-an to the tnurshai of stud district, tnreetivg; [L S ] JOHN J. BGIeLJOGn, dent. Whereas, a libel hath been exhibited in behalf of the United State*, in the district court of thr United States for) the di>trict of Gecigia. alleg Ptanteds Bank. The dire thr. s fiav n,g resolved on cdSog !a the whole smotmt <lue on the capital stock. NOTICE iS HEUliliV GIVEN, Ast oki all Bares, in which sixty dollsrs xre re- quucd to be paid, on or before Tuesday, U h December next, and ifle retitainipg twenty della.s, have been paid, are celled op in to pay one half of tbe amount doe on thturistock, on or before each oFRievfc—e rata ior.eifi»yv '' ■ Paymer’t or in notes of the banka of this etaie. . •. J. Ufijl DIAL, eaahitr. Uvammh. May 1M 1«!».- gf^ltiri-fl2 Tie Augusta Herald aad Chronicl^and the Mil. ledger ill* Journal. WiliptthrUahj/^ shove once every two week* until the idin Fthreary, W19 Building and Insurance Bank, At a meeting of the •ub'criberi to the Building and Insurance Uauk of Georgia, Baaaa M'Kiaxa, esq. wa> called to the chair— . MetUved, that live eutnmitri^aya be appointed to do all th ngatba*. are netdfA tu carry the »- hove into operatiun. -The foll Jemg persons were appointed:—Wk. Saaaaaocax/J b. hcixoca, U. Beams so aa, Raaiar laaao, Jen JP. Uaxsx. Hciohxd, that On all Mibscn|rioni atrvdy made, that the payment of two doUarpoo each share shall be paid within ten days fronv tins date; and case of n'>n compliance to do pe same, aucti sub scriptions . ahalt be deemed (wl'eited, and such names be stricken off; and tha iff all future sub- <rip:iuni, the said auta^nf tvo dollars shall be jiaid down at the time of subscptling. (fy Notice h hereby given iv^utfirmity lo the above proceedingv,-Bur- the V- subscription for Savannah Antt'lM opebdR af tto^arim and Fire Insurance office every day-(Via office is open) from the boon of 12 to 1 o’d ok.. W m. i Scarbrough, J. S. Bulloch, B. Burroughs, Robert, Isaac, J. P. lienrjr. msv 11 110 Office Bank United States. Savannah IWi May, 1818. Nonca—The discount day on Saturday, is dis continued until the first of November next By ardor. ELEAZER EARLY, eatidtr. may 12——e lil PUBLIC SALES. ,\ Marshal's sales. On WEDNESDAY, the SOth inst. WiU be add at V.'by^nsent of tbe pari tic* imterestrda Tie Hup JKwr/re Sriira * SaSe,^ , apparel,'and furniture, and Uk cargo found on board. A1SO, , The brig Cam/Sente e* Dtau at Uloxan. her tackle, apparel and furniture. MHb Condition*, cub. Jobk Boog, deputy marshal. Way 5 14 Jilnrshal's sale, continued. On M/jfrii ’t'ueaday in June eext, WiU be sold at tbe court-honsc in tbe city of Sa- vanish between tbe hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, Tboac two lots and improvements in the town of Sunbury, levied on tie property of John Mu- loch, at the tail of Lewia A. Bouncke, aurviviag copartner. JOHN U. MOB EL, merthal. may 13 1-—112 AUCTIONS. Marshal’s sales. rosrrosaa. Ob Aefrat Taeadey M June next. Will be sold at the Market-heese in St. Miry’, tbe following tracts of land, levied on as tin property of the late James Seagrove, esquire, deceased, at the suit of Dover It Taylor, and of Alexander Dover and others, to wit: 120d acres adjoining Point Petre, on the St. Maiy’s nver, 89W adjoining the Iowa of St. Ma- rysalted Use Dark Entry, 9643 acres about eight miles from JKS (Own, in different trade; 5500 acres in different tracts in the said river, from thirty, to fifty milea from the town atoreaaid; 300 acrca'on crooked riven 293 on said creek and 1220 on Diver Creek, aad opposite the sea & St Andrew’a sound. ' JOHN H. MOREL, mu-thal. mayS 105 Bank State of Georgia. savainvan, 17tu a vail, lhi8. Whereas, it is deemed expedient to call the balance of the Capital Stock of this Bank, therefore • littohed, that twenty percent of the capital be and tbe aama it hereby reipiiteA^rtonaid i or b«io*v die first Monday in N uve mce roe tbe Stockholder! tneracJiandtbebalance of twin, ty per cent, on or before tbe teeond Monday in January next; the same lo be paid in specie, ot bills of either of the banks of Geotgia. Extruat Jrxra Iht minniea of the /hard. ANTHONY PORTER, Cathier. may 11 st 110 Union Hoad Company. The manager! of the Union Road Company having declared a dividend of 4 per cent, on raid stock, or 4 dollars per share, Stockholders may receive the same on application to William Woodbriilgc, Trtaturtr Union Bead Company may 6 ■ af—-106 ' . William S. Gillett Has just received, in addition to his general as. sortment of DRY GOODS, ca-e gentlemen’s fine thread Hose and half Hose do fine Madapnlams Superfine black silk Velvet Children’s fin^wgd£ cptton Hove, all sizes Black and blue silk Cambist, for geflllcmsrfr summer coats and pantaloons Superfine white Marseilles Vesting Do printed do do Do do mock do do Do 4~i Irish Linens Which are offered for sale, wholesale aad aetail, accommodating terms, may 12 l 111 L. Petty ffntjutt rar-ived and offarr for aaie, SO dozen hair Selves 12 quarter'cheats Imperial Tea 60 rea i>» writing Paper 2 barrels men’s Shoes may 12 x 111 days; James Coulter, — , Havana, 9 ds. Clear- I j n£ , propounding, that a certain Danish brig «d, ship Amazon. Devins Liverpool; brigs Water I calle.l the Nurbcrg, laden with a cargo of sugar Witch. Hiince, st Thomas; Juno, Sillier, Nassau, 1,.^., .,„j logwood, was lately piraiicall; (ir r); Ilcro, Bailey, Savannah. Port of .V,wJVl\ May 1. Arrived, packet ship James Monroe, Wjtkin son Hoi '• S I days from IJvcrpooI; schooner Grerhound, I \ (l .(, rg now rides at anchor) and the cargo sdlev. 28 days from Lspura, via New. Ilav.-n 11 ac )en on hoard taken out and sold, or otherwise Ch ared, brigs Mechanic, Itsy. Tnnulad de Cuba; dj ^ nf . inJ wherea-. it ha h b« Agen ira, M.irtin, Oporto; Telegraph, Munro, I Hir;rte<l. that all persons conci Charleston. .May 2—Arrived, British brig Amelia, Ilum. pbreys, to days Irani Anttypia; ship Ramdololday. - [|me ( , f ncr se(7 . urc . uc lhcu vo appear m me Brown, Calcutta, *od S5 days ^G'^nj me | co urt.hotise in the city of Savannah, on the 27th " shew cause, (if any they have,) nd feloniou-lv seized and taken possession ot by a certain armed schooner called the Young Spartan, Smith, c-mmander, and sent inti. the port of Savannah, (where die said brig called the N liden en ordered concerned in tbe said brig Norberg, htr tackle, apparel and furni ture, and the cargo laden on board of tier at the ime of her seizure, be cited to appear at the tiaK br g Benjamin, Robinson, 44 day s I d ™ ' \o .from Tobago, via the^llel iivar,’; ach^n Iris, II why adecr/e should not be t>asscd as prayed bv the Yon are theref re hereby authorised. Prance; British from Tobago, v .hall, 41 day* from Perr.*»hiieu; Arabella. God- rhya said libel. frey. 21 days from Form K'co; Union, Huhbcll, I im p„ undr ,i;, nl i ,ir cily enjoined peremptorily to 15 days from Havana. The brig Onsimbo, 14 ds. I ., admonish all persons whatever, having fram Havana, armed at New-Haven on Wednes. of temli hlve , J ny Ut | e , illUre , t . or day evening Cleared, flops Woodbine, Wdlet. cU| I in> or R t „ „ IC >xi<1 brif , Norbtr g, |, f r tackle, Savintuih. Belle eavage Russell. L-verpoiil; Fan- I j an d funti'ure, and the cargo laden on ny. Forman. Greenock; llur.tress, Mather. Canton; her „ Uie , ;irf of her .eiauir, and hbell i'origs Mary. \nn, C.ark, St Domingo, HhlCner. See- Iv, Halifax; Orleans, Smith, Madeira; Commerce. Daggett, New-Orleans. Pari af /’.wnV-' ee. .tp-il 23. rd as afor< said, to be and appear at the time and place aforesaid: and also to attend upon every session and seasons to be held there and from I thence until a definitive sentence shall be read and Entered, brig Governor llopkins, P-rr. Sanaa. I promulgated in the said business inclusively, if naA," sloop Betsey. Hcdley, do. Clearrd, brie I any of them shall think it their duty so to do. to General Jackson, Pearce, Savannah.- sloop Good- Intent. Mar.h, Charleston. For Havre-de- Grace j hear, abide by am* perform all and singular, such judicial acts a* ar; necessary, and by law requir ed to be done and expedited in the premi'e*; and further to do and receive what unto law and jus tice shall appertain, under the part ol the law and , I lire snau appcr*ain, unucr uic pan ui iuc iaw »nr» ".°.n | contempt thereof, the absence and contumacy o> -loading at Bolton’s central wha-f. wdl i neet with dispatch, having three-fourths of her cargo positively engaged. For freight or qiassage, apply to the master o'i board, or to J. BA1TELLB. tnsv 13-| 112 * $ For New-York The schooner Mary, captain Liha. >has oxe half of her frt ight engagrsl will ■ sal on Monday next For the residue, ■or passage apply 'o ' IIAI.L k HOYf, in, afer far ,a t. S000 bu'hris supenor Flint Corn, aSnat. may 13 -w n» For New-York. • Tltc br.g ALU.\Zti.c.ii>tsin Green, wil -Salt for N' > York on Sunday next A Rev passeogera can be lundaomrlv ac. cum.r.odated—apply to tlieca tain on board, a Smith's wharf. may 12 s 111 Blank Bills of Sale. Cm '' For at tins u3we. ih-m an*l .very of them, in aay wise notwithstand ing And whatsoever vnu shall do in the premi ses, you ahall duly certify to the court af re.-aid. at the time and place aforesaid, together with these presents. Witnass, the honorable William Stephens, esq judge <>r the sa d cmirt, this 12:h day of May, in the y ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. W. DVVIE9, district attorney. All parsons interested in the fort going moni- •ion will take due novice; JOAN H MOREL, marshal. may 12 112 Notice, A|l p!'r*r»ns hxvir g dcr.r,* d* *r*in»t the estate of .he Jute 1 luma' Me*ioeiih*il, c>qu»reo »rc re- I qMested lo present tb* rowithin the time pru^enb- v.i by End *11 those indebted are requested u mate immediate payment o the Mibtxnbers. s^isri- may 8 if iM Just received^ 4kn elegant ass rtmeiu of Black r erfine It.ayer H.Vl o, of tbe newest fashion and hrat quality. J. H. Walter. may 8 /—108 Just received 140 barrels Pork 100 do Beef 15,000 lb. Bacon i 100 barrels Flour 50 do Whiskey 29 hogsheads N E Rum 40 do Sugar 25 barrels loaf do J50 do Bread 50 bolts No 1, Uussia Canvass For talc by Nichuls, Dobson <$* Hills. r, b P0 4.S Corn, In bags and bulk, just received by tbe brig Hay maker, and for sal? hv C’ RNOGHAN & M1TCHEL. mav 9 1> 9 To rent, From »he 1st of June to aNoreiJiber, the larpr *nd comfortable dwelling house, at pr rsent occu pied b•• the *ub%criber, si’uate *t the corner of Jefferson and South Broad-2 tree ts. r v U. M'LEOp. tmv 15—1—112 , A Bargain, For sale, the foHo»n« tr»e» of LAND, to wit: 6 0 acres of L*ind on th*i Alum* river, within one and half amilt-* of CUr.4*s bluff, Glynn county, a jjrfit pan nf which is provision and cotton land. And well timbered wif/i *hi r r oak and pitch pine, witliin a fear miles of Darien—survey ed in the • ear 1765 i» . 500 acres on tljfhead or the Buffalo swamp, Giyon connly. p r (me cotton, cane and provision land, within 8- y.-q, of , * a ter carriage—surveyed in the year 17 g,, 40J acre* a; pine Barren, on Conochie L.bertv county 4*-5 acre 4 in tne coun'y cf Wilkinson, quality not known n 11* pi „ and grants may be teen, and the term* known, »y apnlv>ng t 9 J. WHITE. ®*> 1 at—JU Marshal's sales. On the first Tuesday in June next, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Sa vannah, between the hours of 19 and 2 o’clock, Four hundred acres of Land, on Sapelo Island, it tbe county of M’lntosh; levied on as the pro- pety of John Montallet, deceased, at the suit ol Join 3. Trubert va F. Hopkins, executor of Jobu Mottidlet. JOHN U. MOREL, ma-shaL ■ay 1—1 102 Marshal’s sales. Oii the first ’Tuesday in June next, Will be sold at tbe court-houae, in the city of 8a- vannali, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, A prifiie Negro Alan; levied upon as the pro- perl) 1 efThcmaa Smith, deceased, at the suit «1 William’ Dixon & Co va administratrix and admi niilrator, of Tb» ,naa 9n*nn, vtrrv. ; lohn ,H. iiorel, marshal. nbliy Vi".<09 |C7“A sitnation is tvanted in a counting house for a young man, who is acquainted with bosk-keeping and conversant with commercial iraiuactionfi. Satisfactory reference will be giv- Apply at this office. may 13-X-112 jrjT’l annouuce to my Iricnds anti thr public, that my House is now open and ready for tile reception of all who may be pleated to favor me with their visits, at the seal of health known as tbe Mautispn Springe. All exertions will he made to render visitors comfortable My encour agement the last season, which was the first, was such as to anriiorue me to oiler my grateful ac- knowledgruem s for the patronage I received, and hope from my vxertions to merit a continuance of the same. JAMES ALEXANDER, april 29 -fo—100 Brought to gaol, in Savannah, May 6, 181S. a very liglt'etrh-red mulatto woman, who way kar nasaain Kanos Pin, and that alif belongs to Thomas Irwin, of Augusta, who late* brought her fro* hiehmond, Virginia.- Sheds about twenty yean of age, and five feet six inde. high. H. M'CALL, o. e. « ma*' 13—112 - To-Morrow, 14Ui inst;,*, Bill ie avid au the tiara af Mr. Vaniat C-afitr, Marlni.sqtuira, The remaining Stock of a retail More. Sale Is o-mmtrea otltvetoA. ■ WILLIFORD Is, end’:#. may 13 112 Lands for sale. Pursuant to an o.der ami uecree of the honora ble the inferior court ef the county of Chatham, •t the present term, wdl be act up for safe, at the court-house in the city of Savannah on the first Tuesday in Juae next, the following rral j roper- <y. belonging to the estate of the late John Peter Ward, esq. dec. for tbe benefit of tbe heir*, and to obtain a division ol the paid estate, to wit: 202 acres of tide strump, first quality, ors- Hutchinson’s Island, opposite the city. 659 acres of land on Great Satdb liver, SUt poa- ed fresh marsh and pine. 630 acres of tide swamp, on Lewis’ creek, in .M'Intosh county, originally purchased an confis cated property. 900 acres on Cumberland Island, ia the county of Camden, about 300 acres of which is planting land: on the premises there is a good dwelling house, Sic. 500 acres in Liberty county, northaide of South New-Port, in Uulltown swamp, originally granted to tbe late general Lachlan M’Intoah. 250 acres of Land on Huuiteun’s swamp, ia M'Intosh county, at the crossing at Turkey Camp. 200 acres of tide swamp, in M’Intoah county. Cat Head creek, opposite Clapboard Bluff, and ad joining the land of wgor Jacob Wood. 150 acre, of pine land, opposite to the above. ' 650 acres cfTrfsk marsh land in M*lntovh coun ty, near the upper end of M’Keythar’s Island. 35 acres of land, adjoining the east end of the city el Savannah, part tide land and high land. A Lot and Buildings ia the city of Savannah, Franklin ward, now occupied by the reverend Mr. Carles. Conditions of sale made known at the time of disposing cf the said real estate. By order of the administrators. -? M. HERBERT, mmV. Inarch 30 75 Lot for sale. Pursuant to an order from the honorable the . judges uf the Inferior court of Chatham county, will be sold before the court-house,'in the city of Savannah, Oa Tuesday, the 2d day of June next, aZTWXXH TUI VSViL novas, All that Lot, or parcel of ground, containing about five acres, being the greater part of tbe gar den lot, known by No 1, (nun her one) west, bounded northwardly by Liberty-street, wesL wanily by the garden lot No. 10, (number ten,) and southwaruly by lot formerly laid off by Messrs. Currie and Hogg, on tbe garden lot No. 2, (number two.) being the property of the lit# George Richardson, deceased, sold lor the benefit of the heirs of said estate. By aider of CarnoctAn, administrator. , WILLIFORD k BAKER, eirt’r*. aoril 2 1 78; IC'’™Brought to gaol in bavaunalt, April 30, 1818. a Negtio man named NED, tbe proper ty of William Peebles, of Rocky Comfort, near Louisville. He answers to the description given in an advertisement by the owner. II. M‘Call, & may 2 108 (£7*Brought to. gaol in Savannah, Aprt 24, 1818, a Negro man, who says k>* name is Gil- bvt, and that he belongs to Burnham Russell, til Morgan county. He is about /wenty-five years of age and five feet seven inches high; has on a blue cloth Jackcoat, white cotton shirt and veilow paa taloons. H. M’CALL, o. *. c. april 29 100 jC7*Brought to gaol in Savannah, April 23. 1818, a Negro man who says his name it Jss.v and that be belongs to Dr. John Hall of Charles- ton, S. C. He is about 45 years of age. and five feet seven inches high; he says he formerly belong ed to John Dawson. • II. M'Call, a. e. c april 23 96 „ Kj“Ilrought to gaol in Savannah, April |9th, 1818, a negro man named JERRY, who say* lie belongs to Georgs Gibbs, on Cumbee, South- Carolina. He is about 25 years of age and 5 feet inches high. H. M‘Call, a. e. e. april 23—95 ICT-Brouglit to gaol in Savannah, AprjI 1st, 1818. two Negro men named Stephen and Reazer, the property of Gab'l Capers, of Wadma- law, S. C. Stephen is ahout forty-five year, of age, and five feet four inches high country bom. Ceazer iv about five feet s.x inches high, and twenty-five years of age, African born. H. M'CALL, o. e. april 6—-81 Thirty Dollars’ reward, ^JFor apprehending and lodging in any gaol in t -is state, a negrn man bv the name ofFzaaraar, 39 years of age, ah. ut 5 feet 7 inches high, re markably strait built, black complexion, one or two of of his upper fore-teeth out; he is an artful and cunning fellow.- most probably he has got on board some of the Angusta fists. The above re- ward with all reasonable expences, will be paid f i any person delivering said negro to the subsori- ber, living in Effingham county, Tuckaseking; or securing him i* any gaol in he state, so tliat I get Jum. JOSEPH a TREUTLEN. m*v 13—112 For sale Four tract* of LAND, all adjoining; the whole containing 959 acres, in Borke county, on Briar creek. This land is very valuable; it is. adapted lo the culturo of com and cotton, and a great deal of as good land as the county affords; on the land there i, * tottrable comfortable dwelling house, and about 150 acres of open land Under good fence., Also, two good Mill Seats, Dams ready made. AUp. two other tracts lying cn the road, leading from Savannah to Wavresborougfi, where I now *eside; both tracts adjoining ana contain 700 acres; H is well improved with a comfortable dwelling house, and all other out housM that n necessary to have, witn 30 or 40 acres of cleared land, with a toleraule peach and apple orctard.- *nv nerson waiving to purchase will call and look for themselves; as I am anxious to sell. 1 will give ' i- at Bargain. Also, stock of all kind* on the premises, rod I will give possession as soon mil can get the present crop off. ^ Mpni no——vi*—bs Take notice. All person arc turbid from purchasing a Lot of ground in ahathan-. county, conning five acrei, being the gre ter part of lot knbwn by the num ber 1 (one) bounded northwardly by Liberty- street, w.stwardly by the garden lot N -. 10 (ten) and loulhwardly by lot formerly laidoffby Messrs Currie and Hogg; and advertised for tale on the ‘2dday of Jun next, by David Williford, auction eer. by the order of Jobn Carnuchan, administra te of the late George Richardson, deceased, and to be soifKor the benefit of the heir* of the (aid estate; a* .laid property is legally vested in «•> we deem it proper to give this public caution. William JsVstoow^ Dorothy Gootfall vYDso^,. Jobn Davie*, april 29 100 Betray Cattle * On Tuesday the id day of June ensuing, Will be sold belote the court-iuiuse in 8avannah, between the usual hours, The following estray cattle, tolled before jus tice Duke, by John Smith living on the Louisvtil* road, above Cherekee-bill, on the 23d May, 18i7, to-wit:—one brindle (jow^prop and under nick in one ear; and upper cut and under nick in the other, with a twu year old and a younger call* one yellow-red Cow, marked swallow fork and under cut in each ear, branded with a large heart, with a calf; one Heiter, with a large caif, unmark ed; making seven head of cattle in all, with the increase since, supposed now to be ten head— Those cattle are now at tbe plantation of the said John Smith, where the purchaser will receive them, as they cannot be drove to the place of sale. Terms, cash before delivery. G. K. Duke, j. r. Job T. fiolles, elk. G. L. Cope, *. «. e. may 12 ■■ a 111 Executor's sale. On the first Tuesday sa Jetty next, Will be sold st the court-house in the city of So- ' vannah, Tbe following three NEGROES, Ned. Rosa and Nancy, belonging to die estate of Stephen Villen deceased, in pursuance of an order of the Inferior court of Chatham county. Juhn C. Gugel, mr.jr f -107 Qualified Executor. Administrator's sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at tbe court-house in the city of Sa vannah, * The following two NEGROES, Loaon and deceased, for the benefit of tbe heirs of the said deceased, under an order of the honorable the Inferior court of Chatham county. John -Millen, adia’or. may 7 107 Sheriff's sales. Oa the first Tuesday in June next. Will be aold at the courthouse, in the city of Sa vannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, 20 Negroes, viz: Mingo, Welcber, Peg- -y and ber four children; William. Mary and her ive children; Ned, Rose. Sally, Simon, Eleazer, and young Eleazer, levied on as the property of William Stephen# to satisfy executions ra favor of Andrew Low it Go. and omen . Alto, oae Negro girl named Silyia, le vied on as the property of Thbtnat J. Prescott, deceased, to satisfy a judgment m favor of L. 6. D’Lyon; tbe said Negro returned by a constable. Also, the fullowiog eleven Negroes: Quaaba, Mira- Chament, Molly, Joe, Louisa, Ja cob, Hannah, Moggy; Dublin, aad Moggy, levied on as the property of major Thomas King, to rat ify an execution in favor of Robert and John Bad- ton. ' - , • Also, Hill’s Bridge, with tho etklnsive right together with the lease and improwmcntn on eight acres, belonging to the county of Chat ham, levied on as the property of Joseph Hill, do. ceased, -to .satisfy execution* in favor of Jobs l-erees, et ah George L. Cope, s. •. «. mar t -163 Blank Indentures For sale at this o*M-