Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, May 16, 1818, Image 1

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‘jm- Ifiatl at H nt3ii, on the 2->ih ult. sftci- a abort lllim, Hr. Jaxss Ciiw, one of tlie editors and proprietors of the boaiou Gazelle, in the 45tb year oi' hit age. m SHIP NEWS. ffifh-fVaicr, Te-Morro-n, 3 1 # 28m. c*cUck P.M. POUT OF SAVANNAH. uimi, 'Stetun-Bnat Charleston, Rigers, Charleston, 36 hours (outside)—thirty pasteng: ra. "w- • •: cisivr.u. - • ■' ■ Ship Charles West, Liverpool—B MKinnc li Co Ship Oglethorpe, Jayne, Liverpool—Aturye* U Bwr tight. Ship Vulcan, Reed. do.—Richards U Ham-may. Ship Thorn, Kogersou, do.—Hatcn Kimball Pc! of Charleston, Mag 13. Arrived, brig Georgetown Backet, Hewes, Phi ladelphia. 10 davrj scli’r Sight, Silva, Havana, 6 dayat sen’r May-Flower, Tatquin, ha uiwah, I davj sloops Bxpreaa, Hammett, ioranm.A. 1 da); IK- light. Cooper, Suv innah, 1 day; Adeline, ley, 51 innnlA. 1 day; Ann-Maria, Fowler, *S'u- ■tannah, 1 day: James, Vinctnt, St. Simon’s 3 day* Cleared, ship Portia. Silliman, Bordcauv; bny Hannah. IJailey, Liverpool; ach’r Souib-Carolma Allen, New-York; sloops Staple, Stinson, New- York; Nancv, B m-lall, Wilmington. The steam-boat Charleston, ltogera, started yes terday morning, at 9 o'clock, for Beaufort and Savannah—but in consequence of the current run ning so strong to the northward, and there being a heavy- sea nut side, tint hack. She will start a- gram this mor- ing, at 6 o’clock precisely. The British ship Science, 45 days from Gree- nock and the brig Hero, 6 days from Philadelphia, passed our Bar yesterday afternoon, bound to V Suvarwuh. A brig. 14 days from Trinidad, (Cuba) bound to Savannah, passed the Bar yesterday morning. * Pori of .Vor/.lk. Mag 5. ■ Arrived, ach’r Packet; M-Lallin, 19 .Uvs fr*.n Port-au-Prince, put in in distress, sails much split, rigging damaged, and on Sunday last while at an- clufr in Hampton Roaris, had tier bowsprit carri ed away by the ach’r Venus drif ing down against |jtr. The P. was bound to Newberit, N. C. Port tf PhilvUlfihia, Mnv 5. Arrived, ship Hunter, West, Bi>rSe*u*.-6 days; sloop Prince Maurice, Busby, Charleston, seven days. Cleared- briga Gleaner. Pote, Portugal; Fame, Sawyer, Oporto; Dutch sloop Young Martinus, -Vlriclie, Rotterdam. * Pori tf .Vrm-Tork, Mag S. q Arrived, seh’r Telegraph, Whitmarali. 16 day- from Bavracna; aeli’r Bright Phabus, Smith, 5 days from Srrannak; sloop Packet, , 6 days from Savannah. The ach’r Lrdia & Marv, Jacob*. 21 days from St Pierres, .Martinique- We learn from a passen- err in the L dia tc. May. that the brig tltnrv, Bu- clnnan, of Salem, which sailed from New-York in June last, for the isle of France, put into Bahia, and discharged part of her cargo—thence to Ms- rauham. where she discharged the remaiudtr ift*. ■ eluding 14 liluls. of copper mo..ey. The vessil wasscii-d, anil condemned. Thr captain ran a- wav. anil took passage on board the brig Shrives, for Liverpool. Thr crew, consisting of 7 men, ■were left at Manmlian. entirely destitute, where 5 of them remained Our ir.fjrmant adds, that the brig filmy. Morri", of Boston, from Maranhair, was wrecked in Para River, about 6 weeka aince— targe and crew raved. [t. tow, thip ■ Goiconda, Sittith, 37 days from Havie, with dry goods, 5tc Cleared, ahip Hamilton, Creenough, Liverpool; »hip Rising States. Swirbnrr. Savannah; brig Ve na., Mauran, Havana: brig Woodman, K< bson. Jana’Ca; seh’r Honor k Amy, lngails l’oit-au- rrincc. P.rl t f Botin, M g 3. Arrived, (hip Calen, Tracey, fr London, 32 da ft-, the Isle or-Wight. Capt. T. 1* James, a pas- - aenyer. was matter of the brig Increase, bound fr. Marblehead to Bilboa—hr the Bay of Biscay. 3d March, after encountering seven? gales, lost her rudder and sprung a Irak, drove down the lbn, and on the Util Match, in sight of the land, tu abandoned, it d the crew takrn off by a Brrm-n ship,and carried to Portsmouth- A' Y n», uh, the aliip Radius. Ualano. from New Tort, after baring been blown <-ut of Margate Roai.-s. A10, schooner, 22 days from Basscttrrc. Goad. Aim. seh’r Favorite, Shaw. 22 days from the BUtfHMtow. Also, Mg Spartan, fanwle*. 59 day* from St. Salvador. Schooner Pentium. Taylor, of New. Yurie, sailed the 5ib March, for Gibraltar; she arrived 13th February, from Gibraltar,-and four day* before Iter arrival, near Boeaa Key, the crew mutinied, sod confined the o Accra below. Cowes, March 97, ruled Robert Edwards, KcUar.l-on, Hailiinurr—Ant- srerp. March 18 arrived Margaret, Robbins, Charleston. Wait* March 17, arrived Psony, tttond, Savannah: Euduri*. Duputniy, Boston. Falmon;b, V6th, arrived Radios, Delano, N. York. Psrhh*/, Jftli, arr.ved Liverpool Tarder, Hama, Savtnnak. Amaierdam, 17lh, arrived Patteraon, Pearce, Batavia. The Elbe, Patterson, from Chsrbaton for Hamburg, arrived off Dover, 2?d. Helmet, 13th, arrived 'rhetia, de Bailannen, Bal- ’imire. Marseilles 101b, arrived Legal Tender, 5-drey, K. Uelcams Deal Mh. 26th, arrived and sailed fur the river, thy Diana, Tay, from Leg horn, ' pnt back by contrary winds; Pl-ee ib, Thompson, for Indiai Julia, for St Kilt‘a The outward bound fleet are preparing to sad. Ports mouth March 36 — wa had a severe gale of re nd all stay from the a w to w w which etui continues; but al ,1 the ahip. in the roads have heretofore rode in safety. trines at legitimacy fatted down the t'hrotlf afour old allies, the French, by foreign bayonets—we behold, not withstanding! the Revolution, that the Wood of Frenchmen baa flowed b vai»;,and he, the dispenser of liberty and the arbitorofkioff', 1 kbalned op this modem Caucasus, with the vuk 7* *" rieepair gaxwing on his entrtit* he, wh. nbarleatoci Vantrosa, AtwcB, Medit- ike wither Pirometlieu*, .would hvrefornKd min’ w^rt.mouth. Mart It i* well kpo -rn that the trade winds blow al mosTinceasantly against St. Helena Host in this enteiprite, the Avro torn tic al S’-C*ty -propo e to Jain the Stcam^his Company. A steam-ship •hail depart, having h her a complete balloon ap paratua in addition tu its nwnou’-Rt; and ahal proceed to the windward of Su Helena; having onjknard genrtal lallemand nr some B uispaniet, taken fro* Tampico, in Meaieo, that the neutrali ty lawaof the Unked Sutes may not be infringed- The general,, or oilier friend, ainll leave the steam-abip hi a light balloon and drop at Long- i wood, enuTOfinieate with Napoleon, who will, of ’course; leap; op with him and be off. A few arm* •ol men may be in the car to defeat the (entrie* round Lntlgwood, and aucoeas is certain. The tbalfoon, when mounted out of ramket-range, will ■drive before the wind, and the steam ahip will be 'V leeward, to receive the eaporor in a manner • ajtohla *o-J>i» lasda,.. Pursuit - mould barala, an Hie part of the Uiitjab onuaern; because die ship will sad as fast as tlisy can do, and with the tsonal propelling power of etram, mutt necessari ly leave thens—while to windward their schooner Can nut be discovered or defeated—for having the- power of going dead to windward, need ho 1 be spoken; and if a vessel is to windward t hey can run twice a* hut to leewardi and it would be bet. ter to lead the whole fltet off in chase to leeward, and run up and take the Emperor off by ateam.— Aa to the profits of this part of the plan, they an incalculable; and the whole company would at least be made Princes or Dukes. One thing ia Certain, that Savannah would liave the glory of Mfj& a feat, Which would delight and astonish all mankind The length of titc voyage is nothing; fora tiean^ip or balloon will go twice aa fast any other vessel. The Books of the JEronaulical Society will be • immediately opened under the uirectiun of three eutnmisiionera, who will enter more fully into the details of the plan. An Earnest of 20 per cent cash, will be rtqoired from sub«cribcrs. By Ilia toeielg. LUNARDI, tte'ry Savannah, May U, 1818. For Greenock AS The fine copper bottomed"ahip HOMER, J .me’ t ell, muster. Ins two-thirds of.Iter cargb engaged. For freight of 2 to 30Ob;d,a Cation, a; pawage, apply to the master on board at Fraser's wharf or to JOHN SPEAEMAN & Ot>. may 15—114 . For Havre , The remarkably flue, new brig WHITE .OAK, captain Helts, built in New-York nails very fast. She ia liauriy eapec -.d and laving two-!liirils of tier cargo engaged, a il meet witli immediate dispatch. For height or passage, apply to STURCE3 k BURROCGH3, may 15—a—114 ,Va. 3, Corrmerce-rom. For New-Fork The schooner ANTtLOPE, captain Path, will sail for New-York on Sunday morning next. For freight on deck of about buy bales of cotton, or passage, apply i board at Bolton’s wlarf, or to I. MINIS, may 15— a—114 J)r. Dyott, [SURGEON D N1I3T FltoM CHARLESTON,, Respectfully it,forint the ladies and gentlemen of .Savannah, that lie has arrived.ouid will stay r short time in Ihn city, to practice in. hia profes- •ion. Tboso . who wish hia services, will please make early application to liim at colonel Shelman’i Boarding House. may 15—>«•—tl4 For Charleston The Steam-boat CH Altl.E - I’uN, captain Rogers, to start To MORBOWMOlUt tAG, av 9 o’clock One trip w-iil be nude by the boat next week, at- ter which the will atop tunning for the season. Charles Howard, may 15 ■ -c 114 YOUNG & MAUOMBER. To rent, For one or more ) ears, a commodious HOUSE in We„t Broiut-xtreet, containing seven rooms, a covenient yanLan.i necessary out buildings, wich , stable for ten or twelve horses. Inquire at this office. may 15—rr—114 Just received 140 barrels Pork 100 do Beaf 15,000 lb. Bacon 100 barrels Flour 50 do Whiskey 20 hogsheads N E Rnm 40 do Sugar 25 barrels loaf do 150 do Bread 50 bolts No 1, Russia Canvass For sale oy Nichols, Dobson U h 20 43 Building and Insurance Bank. At a meeting of tfje sub-cr-bers to the Hinlilirg and Insuranre Bank of Georgia,, q. wa- called to the chair— Resolved, that five c-mmissioners be appointed to do all things that are needful, to carry the a- bove into operation. The full- wing persons were appointed:—Ww. 5cabbhi>ioh. J S. Bellocu, B. Ul'BJtOCGHS, UoilEST ISAAC, iullS P. IlEXHT. Iletolvid, that on all subscriptions already made, hai tlie payment <-f tw o dollars nr, each share shall be paid wi-.liin ten days from this date; and in case of n in compliance to do the same, such sub- scriptiona shall be deemed forfeited, ami such iames be stricken off; and that in all future sub- criptions, the said sum of two dollars shall be paid down at the time of subscribing. (vy Notice is hereby given in conformity to the above proceedings, that the book of subscription for Savannah will be opened at the Marine an,! Fire Insurance office every day—(the office is open) from the hours of 12 to 1 o’cl >ak. Win. Scarbrough, J. S. Bulloch, ]!. Burroughs, Hubert Isaac, J. P. Henry. may it 110 Newark Cider, tipple Brandy, Bacon, bye. SO barrels 1st quality C der 5 do. 3d do. do. 8 do. 1st and 5lh proof apple Brandy 1500 lbs. Grorris Bacon 1200 lbs. 1st quality Goshen Cheese, which will keep through the summer Imperial, by son, you-g hyson and byson akin l ea*, of the 1st quality Hi. fined I oat Sugar, lump Sugar Mu-C'ivado do. P pp r. Alvp-ce, Ginger race and ground 5 kegs No 1 Richmond sweet settled Tobacco 3000 1st quality Spanish Cigars Casin g’. Hardware, bar Iron A -mail lot of domestic G-ods, tc. For sale by the subscriber in Gdden’s buildings, one door from Jefferson street J MUIR. ALSO, 1 Urge, elegant LOOKING GLASS»price[{JlOO 5 J bags Irish Potatoes—for sale as abate arril 14 rf f8 H_y».v nan led iu a counting bouse for a young man, who is acquainted with bouk-kt-eptug and c-nvenunt w4th commercial transactions Satisfactory reference will be gtv Apply at tl is office. may U-s-113 APPRENTICES wanted.— Two or three boys, from 13 to 16 ;ears old s wanted, at the office of tl.e &ma»i Rebut, dean, aa apprt dicta to the crinting business.— unis from the country wauU be preferred, monthly notices. •Vr, i, Notice,^ Nine month* afterdate, appltcarion .will be mad, to the justices of tM .rfri'>rtourt of Glynn codn ty for leave to sell thw’real estate oft Crew Dabt uecroaed, nr the btteSt of the heirs and rr. ditorJ of Said estate. .[) ANN DARI’, jtofllt PUBLIC S&tKS^ -o5-r«. Notice* Nioe months after date eppliestion will he made to the-fcororable the Juaticea of the Inferior Court of Chatham eotiAy. for leava to sell one undivided ft-urlh part of all that K ' roe or parcel of ground, situate, lying and ing, iu the city of fltvauoah, in Jf w Leeds, Oglethorpe ward, containing fifty two and a half feet front on West B;oa<l street, and one hundrad and eig ity feel deep more or.less; part of the estate of L. Cope, deceased; being tbe properly of Miss Mary Gardner, a minor. Adam Cope, guardian. may 15 {->—114 Georgia—Superior Court, Bffinghutn county, 17th .ip< il, 1817. Upon the prtition of Ebetiexer Jenks, staling, that he was possets- d of a certain dead of co< veysnee, dated the 12t]>*day of January, 1812, from Curtis Loper, Asa. Lo p<*r, Abel G. Loper, and Ara .Loper, to the aaid ”Ebenexer Jenks.-of a tract of land: in the county of Effingham, ’ containing fifty acres, mere or less, to which petition a copy of the origioal deed i* annexed. It is ordered, that the ssid Chrtis Loper, Asa Lo per, Abel G. Loper, jutd Ara Loper, do shew cteia on or before the fiist day of the next term why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted: And. it i- r further ordered, that tnis rule be published in one of life gazettes of this slate once a month until tne next term of thia court: And, it is further ordered, that this peti tion, and the documents annexed, be filed of record in this court. J. Neidlinger, may 27 61 clerk Superior Court—Chatham county January Term, 1818. John Tanner, 1 . . vt ‘ . (petition for foreclosure The heir, and repre- j.* RuU ^ trnia-irei of Da-I niel Nunes. J Upon the petition of John Tanner, essig nee of Thomas Netherclift, praying the foreclosure of the following premises, inort gaged by D.-niel Nunes, to the said Tho ntas Nelherciift, hit bens and assigns tp sc secure lo the said 'i homas Nelherciift, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, the payment of seven bundled and eigliiy nine pounds, three shillings and four pence lawful money of the province of Georgia, interest from the dale ofsivid rporl gage, due on u certain bond or obligation bearing date the fifteenth day of Junes one thousand seven hundred and eighty one, lo wit, all those two lots of land, situate in t'> e town (now city) of Savannah, known by the plan of said tow-i by the numbers four and fi»e» Digby tything, Decker ward, bounding to the north on the Bay, and to the south on a small street dr lane, containing each sixty feet in front, and ninety feel in Notice The subscribers being about to leave Savtnnab, request ail ttiosc indebted to them by note or bonkucc -unt to call and settle the same without dciaji and those who have uiuettled accounts tu pri-scnt them fur pairaent. Having disposed ol the principal part of their stock, at private sale, they offer the remainder - , , cheap fur cash, before Monday, May 27lh—on bepth, and the appurtenances, and also mil wlucn asy, thc retidue wni Ue vSIdAt auction The eirxir; ttgwr»Ms2iplw*grWlil TruslV possession, benefit, property, profit, inherit ance, claim tnd demand whatsoever, of him. the said Daniel Nunes, of, in and to the same; and on motion of Myers & Nichoil, attor ■lies for the petitioner, it is ordered that the principal, interest and costa, due upon the said mortgaged premise-, be psid into conrt .vilhin twelve months from this date, and unless the same be so paid, the equity of re demption shall be thenceforth foreclosed, and other proceedings lake place pursuant to the act of assembly in such case made and provided; and it is further, -that thia rule be published in one of the gazettes of Ibis state at least once a month, unt.I the time appointed for payment as afore said, or served on the heirs or other repre sentatives of the mortgager, nr their apeclal agent six months prerious thereto. Extract from the minates. Job T. Bolles, clerk. j,n 07— { CA 22 Georgia—Chatham county. By the honorable the court of ordinary- for the county of Chatham. l o til whom it invy concern. Whereas Patrick Duffy, executor of Lev- Rigon, applies for letters dismissory from said administration. Now, therefore, these are to cite and ad monish all-and singular the kindred and cr- ditors of the said Livin Rig n, dec. to file their objections' (if any they have) in the clerk's office on or be ore the first Monday i July next, otherwise letters dismissory ill 9e granted the applicant. Witn.-se, the hcn-irahle John P. William- son, this second bay of Janaary, eighteen hundred and eighteen. T5. M. BOND, [L. S.1 *4i. 5 c c. o. Georgia—Chatham connty. By the honorable the court of ordinary of said county. To mil whom it may concern. Woereas John Waters and Jonathan Ngr- ton. administrators of the estate of 3 homas Norton, deceased, have have applied to the said court for letters dismissory from tbe said administration. Now, therefore, these era, to cite and ad monish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any theybave) in the office of the clerk of this epurt, on or before the first Monday in July next, otherwise letters dis missory will be Granted to the applicants. Witness, the honorable John P. William son,' this second day of January, eighteen hundred and eig teen. IL. S-l SAMUEL M. BOND, c. c o 1*n 7 jt* 5 Marshal’s sales. On WED.NESDAY, the 20th inst '•* AT 1H O’CLOCK. Will be sold at St. Mary’s, by content of the par- ■ui % ' ties initreateda. ' • V * - - The ship. .V.a jro &nVn <S» BtBn, hex. J&lLtitkle; sppvrc!, and. ftmaiturc, acU it ASOMfacargo found on board. ’ The brig Ctajhnte eh Bin at jtfcrai- JjFvdr, her tackle; apparel ami furniture. affilC Coud tiotia, cash. John JJoo_r, deputy marshal. may S 1-JJj *' Marshal’s sate, continued. On ike Jirss ' 1‘Mtdag in Jv-'.e next, . Wilt be sold at the epurt-bouse ia tlie city of Sa. vannab between tlie hourr of 10 and 3 o’clock. Those two Iota and improvements in the town of So a bury, levied en the property of Joliu Mo- loco, at tlie suit of Lewis A. Bouncke, surv ving copartner. JOHN H. MOUEL, mu-shul. may 13—J—112 Marshal’s sales. VLSrroxxa. On she first Tuctuag in June next. Will be sold at the Mark-t-h^ese in St. Mary’* tbe following tracts cf land, levied on as the property of the late James Seagruvc, esquire deceased, at the suit of Qover m Taylor, and of Alexander Dover ami others, to wm aa00 acres adjoining Point Pctie, on the St Mary’s river, 8900 adjoining the town of St. Ma ry a, called tlie Dark Entry, 964o acres about eight miles from tlie town, in different tracts; 5500acre, in different tracts in the said river, from thirty to fifty miles from the town aloresaid; 300 acres on crooked liver; 293 on said creek and 1220 on Djyer Creek, and opposite the sea & St. Andrew' sound. JOHN H. MOREL; marshal. ma\5 1 —105 Marshal’s sales. On-tht first J uesday in June next, Will be told at the court-house, in the city of Sa vannab, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, Four hundred acres of Land, on Sapelo Island in tlie county of M’lntoslt; levied un as the pro perty of John Mohtallet, deceased, at the suit ct John S. Trubcrt vs. F. Hopkins, executor of John MuntaUet. JOHN H. MOREL, raorvAol. may 1 1 102 Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in June uexi. Will be sold at tlie court-house, in tlie city ot Sa vannah, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, A prime Negro Man; levied upon aa the pro perty of Thomas Smith, deceased, at the suit <1 William Dixon Sc Co vs. administratrix and admi nistrator of Thomas Smith, surv. Johu H. Morel, marshal. may 1 1 103 Estray Cattle On Tuesday the 2d day of June ensuing, Will be sold before tlie court-iiouse in Savannah, between tlie usual hours, The following estray cattle, 'toiled before jus tice Duke, by John Smith living on the Louisville road, above Cherekee-liiU, un the 23d May, I8J7. to-wit:—one brindle Cow, crop and under nick in one car and upper cut and under nick in the other, with a two year old and a younger call; one yellow-red Cow, marked awakow fork ai d under cut in each ear, branded with a large heart with a calf; one.Heifer, withalarge caif, unmark ed; making seven head of cattle ut all, witli tlie -ncrcase since, supposed now to be ten head— Those cattle are now at the plantation of tb* ...a jvu PuiittL-.ttliCJC i;» r -~w«r will receive them, as they cannot be drove to the place ot sale. Terms, ext h before delivery. G. H. Duke,;. p. Job T. Duties, elk. G. L. Cope, a. o, o. may 12 a 111 Executor’s sale. On the fit st Tneulug in July next, Will be sold at the court-house in tbe city of Sa vannah, The following three NEGROES, Ned, Rose and Nancy, belonging to the estate of Stephei Millen deceased, in pursuance order of the inferior court of Chatham county. John C. Gugel, may 7- -107 Quulified Executor. feminist rotor’s sale. On the ji^ti Tueni-y in July utxt, Will be spld at tbe court-bouie in tbe citj cf Sa vannah, The following two NEGROES, Lo non and Flora, belonging to tlie estate of .Mrs. S*»rab Millen, deceased, for ihe benefit of the heirs of the »aid deceased, nndcr an order of the honorable the Inferior court of Chatham county. John Millen, adm’or. may 7 107 * Administrator*s sale. On the 24th dug tf June next, Will be sold at tne store of Moses Herbert, Sundry articles belong-,, r to the estate of Thom- .s Mendenhall, esquire, deceased, vix. 1 Cluck, Watches, Madeira Wine, Books, Pamphlets, Re. JOHN LATHItOP,? . . GEORGE HALL, 5" may 14 113 Georgia—Chatham county Py Samuel M Bond, clerk of the court of or dinary of the count > and Kate aforesaid. (Jj - To all whom it may concern. U hereas, Jonathan Kahn, a ’m-nistratnr of the estate and effects of Jonathan Rihn, jun. deceased, lias applied to th said court for letters of dismis. sory from the said a-huiniseration. Now, therefore, these, are to cite and admonish, all an.-l sin. ular, tlie kindred and creditors of the said Jonathan Italin, jun. deceased, to file tlieir objections; (if any they have) in my office, on or b- fire the first Monday in October next, other wise letters of dismissoiy will be granted tu the ipplirant. Witness, the honorable John P W lfiamson, es quire, one of tbe jo ’ices of tlie said court, this first day of April, 1818. ru s.l samuel„m. bond, e e. o. April 1 L$v —77 Blank Bills of Sale. For «klc at thin office; Tax Collector’s sales. On Ihe frit Tuesday in July next. Will be aold at the court-house, in the city of Sa- vannah, between the hour* of 10 and S o’clock, The following properly, or so mush thereof, aa will satisfy the taxes and costs, viz:— The western half of wharf lot No. 2, Th Yama- craw, with the improvements thereon; levied on to satisfy the direct tsx of estate of William Lew- den for 1815 and 1816 Amount f,13 67. 7 Lot No 34 in Columbia ward,[subject to ground rent to tlie city, with the improvements thereon; levied on to satisfy the taxes oi the estate of Dr. George V. Proctor, deceased, viz: direct tsx for 1815; state, county and dir-ct tax f< r 1816; an-t state and county tax for 1817. Amount $74 50. All that five acre lot in Chatham connty, known by the number 16, bounded on the east by lot No. 7. south by lot No. 15, and north by lot No 14; levied on to satisfy the direct tax of estate of Michael Germain for 1815 and 1816. Amount S-9 12. All that 45 acre lot in Chatham county, known by number 4.about three miles from Savannah, a (joining Camp Covington, and lands of Bilbo, Turnbull and Vallotton; also, all tlut five acre lot, known by No. 6, in Chatham county, in tlie vicin ity of Savannah, levied on ws the property of the estate of Isaac Laroach to satisfy the direct tax for 1815 xnd 1816, and state and county tax for 1817. Amount S2 93. A tract of land in Bryan coanty, containing 220 acres, more or less, bounded on the east by land of Mary Maxwell, on the south by land of Stephen J Maxwell, and C. M. Waters, on the west and n or:|i by lands of Simons Maxwell xnd Ann en ter ini the commons of Hardwick; levied on aa the property of James W. Ward to aatijy bis di rect tax for 1816, and state and county taxes fur 1817. Amount &3 44. JAMES EPPINGER, t. e. c. mar 7 107 Notice. ■ All persons having demands against the estate of John Anderson, and Andrew Uhy, will pre- sent them-immediately, duly attested to; and al ndebtrd to said persons and their estates will make ay ment without delay to 15. D. LE3KY. dee 26 j—:V> Oflkr- AUCTIONS. To-Motrota,-iCth ioataut» - -- J nil be e.ld Ml mg litre '•Groceries and Dry Goods. Suit it ttmtumce at 11 t’el^k. M •}• A iiowe, auct’r. mar n .Trt-—— v Lunds for sale. Pursuant to an Older and uecree of the honor*’ ble tbe inferior court of th* couttty’of Chatham, at the preseot term, will be act up for sale, at the coure-fcouae in the city cf Savannah on the first Tuesday in Job* next, the following real proper* ty, bvjungutr to tlie estate of tbe late John Pe er Ward, eaq. dec. for the benefit of the heirs, ar.d to obtain a division of the said estate, to wit: 20*. acre* of tide smatpp, first quality, .on Hutchioaoa’a lilaad, opposite tbe city. 658 acres of land on Great Satilla liver, suppo*. ed fresh numb and pine. 630 acres of tide swamp, on Lewis’ creek, .in M-Iatosh county, originally purchased aa cuufia* cated property. 900 acres ou Cuinberlaad Island, in the county <>f Camden, about 300 acres of which is planting -and; on the premises there is a good dwelling house, Ac. , t 500 acres in Liberty county, northside of South New-Port, in Uulitown swamp, originally granted to the late general. Lacbba M’Intoah. - » 350 acres of Land on Houvtoun’a swamp, ia M-lutoih county,-ait the crossing at TiiHry CaBip; 200 acres «f tide swamp,. ia Jd-tntoah county. Cat Head creek, opposite Clapboard Bluff, and a» joining the land of major'Jacob Wood: 158 acres of pine land, opposite to the above. 650 acres of fresh marsh land in M’lntosb coun ty. near the upper end of M-Keythar’s Island. 35 acres of land, adjoining the east end of the city ol Savannah, part tide land and high land. A Lot and Buildings in the city of Savannah, Franklin ward, now occupied by the reverend Mr. Carles. Conditions of sale made known at the tim* if liaposing of 'he said real estate. By order of the administrators. M. IlF.ltBKRT, uurt’r. march 39 75 Administrator’s sales. On the first TUESDAY in August next, Will be aold before the c»nrf-hMue in this city, between tlie utual hours, \ ' Tbe fo'lou ing seven NIK;HOES: Geoygr, a ear* penter; Silvia, Venus London, Hannah and hep child; ami William. Sold os the personal proper ty of Mrs. Mary Flcmmipg. By trilcr ’/ the odminieliwltr. Teima, cash. M. HERBERT, auct’r. may 15 124 Lot for sale. > Pursuant to aw order from the honorable the judges of the Inferior court of Chatham county, will be aold before tbe court-house, ia the of Savannah, f Ou Tuesday, the 2d day of June nexts BXTWXIlf TUX CSSAL LOCUS, All that Lot, or pare’ 1 of grouad, containing about five acres, being the greater pert of the gar den lot, known by No I, (number one) west, bounded northwardly by Liberty-street, wesV wardly by the garden lot No. -18, (number ten.) and southwardly by bit formerly laid off Ire Messrs. Currie and Hogg, on the garden lot Nc 2, (number two.) being the property of the 1st* fteorge Richardson, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. By order tf Jthn CumtcfjMamdmhuifndttri. WILLIFORD fc BAKER, aatl’n. april 2 1 -78., Take notice. All person are forbid from purchasing a Lot of ground inabatham county, enntaingfive acn% being the gre ter part of lot knbwn by the nuts- tier 1 (one) bounded northwardly by Liberty, street, weatwardly by the garden lot No. 10 (ten) and southwardly by lot formerly laid off by Messis Currie and Hogg; and advertised for sale on the 2d day of Jun next, by David Williford, auction eer, by the order of John Carnochan, administra tor of the late Ceo;ge Richardson, deceased, and to be aold for the benefit of the heirs of tbe said estate; «> the said property is legally vested in ua, we deem it proper to give this public caution. William Wilson, Dorothy Goods)! Wilaon, John Davies. anril 29 10<! The subscriber expecting to * xb^eni fr* -ra tUu Stale tor tome hat appointed Jam*# S. Bcligih, esq. hit attorney. Win. M. Evans. may 15 m 114 Notice. Many persona en the main, being in tlie habit of hunting on the «ubscriber*a part of the Island of St. Catherine’s, setting fire to the woodj, acd com* miting other trespasses—notice is hereby gtv. en, that actions will be brought against all persona hunting on the south end of the bland, without permission from tbe manager on tbe plantation. James Johnston. may 15 ca 114 Twenty Dollars’ Reward. Was taken from the plantation ot tire subscriber, Scriren county, on the night of the 6tli inst by Negro that belonged to an Augusta boat, called Mistoo. my two Negroes AFPT, and her daugh ter JAWf, who have been seen in 8avannah.— Am is a yellow woman, about 27 < ears' of age; and her daughter Ann, ia a mulatto girl, about 10 years of age. Any person delivering said Ne groes to Mr. John Womack, in Savannah, or de* iiveri»tr them in the gaol of said cccntv, shall re ceive the above reward; or ten <lol,a a additional, " delivered to THO-v GOLFING, Scriren c uotg near Budson’t Perry. mtv 13 l|*—Ill Georgia—Liberty county. By Elijah t-aker, clerk of uie court of ordinary of the county and state aforesaid. Whereas, Mrs Elizabeth Shumatt, applies for letters of administration on die estate and effects of William Shumatt, late of said county, deceased, next of kin- •- These, are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin polar, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to tile their objections (if any they have) in my office, at Kleeborough, on or hefore thc first Monday in'July- next, otherwise letters of ad ministration will be granted the said applicant. Given under my hand and teal this second day •f April, 1818, and 42d year of American inde pendence. [L. S J E. DAK7.R. c. c. p. t. c Georgia—Liberty county.. By E.ijah Baker, clerk of the court of ordinary for the county and state aforesaid. Whereas, william Roberts, esquire, applies for letter* of administration on tbe estate and effects of Dr. Thomas M. Kxllender, deceased. These, are, therefore, to cite and adjaoassh, all and singular, the kindred and creditor*.of the said deceased, to file their obj ecrions. (If any they have) in my office, on nr before the first Monday in July-next, otherwise letters of administntiaa will be'granted the said applicant. Given under my hand and, seal /at office rid* 1st .yay, 1818. E. Baker, may "