Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, May 21, 1818, Image 1

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i the Ifcourkfc of justice. ttlTroVberJr fcftht fcn tc«l States’ l>»uk in 4>herlei*rtm» for which orimc lie now bean a brand, ami owner ous Other ofictlce*,' tm»e remleretl him , notorious ami desperate character; and will jirnbably bo in accordance With i sentiments »f the community, in thin in 'stance, he has not been thought a proper subject of compassion. Since our last publication, Dr. Copeti der, eon «f the gentleman murdered in. .Wayne county, has returned through this flace witli the kidnapper, Jemigan, who jk, los escape after sentence of death. -No, Wnyrtfinonaty gaol. TU it W be- - J Hevetl that the pieient Jvrnisan t (latitat* ff the munfcr’TlI Mr. Copentlcr, •'.eceasrd bis ton, with a spirit never to be too muci commended, determined to ferret him out and bring him to justice, lie has done so: baring, with the assistance of some of the 17. S. soldiers, taken him in East Florida The difficulties he met with can scarcely fee imagined; and we think this young geri tleman deserves the highest honor, for nav fug thus sacredly discharged a duty to hh> fafl. er*s memory and brought to pnnis!i- 'ther.t a notorious offender against the laws 'bftlre state.—Raleigh St nr, 15 th inst. SAVANNAH HI5PUBLICAN. Wednesday Evening, May 20, 1818. r 0J" Subscribers residing to the east of Uu'l street, are requested to sendjbr their j.apcrs, tire carrier being indisposed. Should his illness con tinue, his place will be supplied in a few days. \ Sea-island cotton so'd, in tlLarleston, on th 18th instant, nt 68 a 71 cent ; upland ditto*#) a St rict:. per 100 lb.. 6 dollars a 637]; corn, per bus el, 90 cent.; ami leaf tobacco, 7 a 10. , The JVew-Turk Mercantile Advertin', of tire | f filh instant says, our Boston correspondents hat sent us Halifax papers to the .7lh uit. O-i fit subject of the new navigation law they remar “Tint it amounts to a non-intercourse act, as ia as respects that colony.” Thomas S. Jnsi r, adjutant-general of the North ern division, Iras been appointed by th Preside of the United States, Q tarter-master General o the U. S. army, in place of brigadier-general Wm Cessna, who declined the appointment. It is said that the Thirnos Ayr can ship La Union which left Savannah lliver on the I'lth instant, wilt her prize a Spanish brig, went olf under occuhar circumstances. The Custom.Ilcusc officer on board the prize, informed rise officer commanding the United States'revenue cutter, that a trunk or 4 bnx had been removed from her without his per mission; a boat was immediately despatched o board the La Union, with an officer, to enquir into the particulars; hot no satisfaction « a - oh tained—he, with his boat’s crew, were fore h; put over the side into their boat, and the shi| with her prize, immediately got under way am proceeded to aea.—Chari iron Courier, lHr/i i<,« The circumstances mentioned by the Courier ore fablous as far as regards the conduct of ca p tain Drown, and must have originated in tl.e fan- ciful brains of the editor or Ids informant. Th custom-house officers on board the La Union am her prize were treated with the greatest kindnes' paid, and departed without receiving insuit, or perceiving any desire to infringe the laws of th< country. This much is due to truth.—Editon Savannah Rrpublcan- CO ttltESP OJYD EJYCK. ■ We arc of opinion, with a ‘•JVew projected Po et, n that his paraphrase of the ••Lake of Zurich” . is inferior to the prosiac translation. Klopstock was too well acquainted with mountain-scenery to speak of "vine chd hills th^t round the osu'e rear tlieir headt ” Indeed every schonl-b-.y know the reverse to be '.he case. Were tliis. however, the only objection to the effusion alluded to. we should have overlooked i'; but its flatness, froth and numerous imperfections are so evident, tha* we cannot grant it admittance into the sale shop of our journeymen rhymers. Still this failure ought not to deter him from another effort to rV. With the bridle of knowledge, crupper of assiduity, and spur of time, he may force hi- long-eared Pegasus some distance up the Partus- ran acclivity, and bray at “the nine!” “Mysicsa” is received and shall have a place COMMERCIAL. Extract of a Utter to a haute in Ila’timorr, dated 4 GinuLTAn, April 2 “Inclosed is a price current to date, which yon n ,y depend on—Indian com g2 52. dull, cottop, sea-island, short 30 a 32. sales; coffee ‘20 a 22; .sperm. candles *2: American fish, S>; white bean* 4] a S per bushel, verv scarce, and not 20 bushels in market; peas 4 a 4] do duty trifling; pork. hi. 18 a 19; rice 7]; brandy, scarce and want- '; white • Slava .a sugar t6 a 1t»j: staves, w. o pipe. 66, dull; ’.tobacco, Ken. gl2} ; Virginia 10; tar 2J; pitch 3; urines, Malaga, sweet 105 c'«;Catalonia red, scarcr ••Few arrivals from the United States ” PriceI at St Lurie Apil It. Pitch pine lumber g 5 per M; shingles 6; flour 35; com 4 per bl; navy brrad7; corn m*al 15, puncheon; rice 8; peas 3 bushel; sugars 9, ■yum 66 cents; molasses 44, gallon. Married, on the :4lh in-tant. at the seat of the late governor Millcdge, Richmond county, ba the reverend Mr. Joyce, Mr John A Dames to Miss Eliza Caroline Speights, all of said county. SHIP NEWS. JligMVater, To-Momo-. 6>. list, o'clock P M. PORT OF SAVANNAH. 4>aiTXD, Steam boat Charleston. Rogers, Charleston, /outside) 20 boom, with twenty passengers. [By her we hare received the City Gaaeite of yesier. Jay morning.] The U. 3. bng Prometheus, sail. <d from Charleston for St. Mary’s in co. with the steam-boati the aloop Delight, ailed for this port same day. CUSSED. Rrig Hyder-Ally, Luce, Havre ale. Grace—J. Bat- ' telle. Schooner Mary BeUona, Merrick. Martinique— 1 C. Maurel. Schooner Patty St Sally, Thomas. Darien—ti e -master. Port of Char’etton, Mag 18. Arrived, achV Sally. Hopkins, Yorirovn (Va ) VS days; Hoop Gereril Washington, Coates, Sr.- sianaah 1 day—saw. asliip off Savannoh bar, witli s.pttt, lfypcarr.1 to !-dv£ later. si-boff; ely K.zi*. Byrne-wood, llerufori, 1 day; aloo^lecilsmc, tOtsjih, Srrran-M, 1 day—on Saturday night b-t, off South Ediatd,\ •rijf frotrfltonleauv L- nnd to Surmnah-, rfoopa Jo eph, Nyc, Sena mill 1 da; i Aliwin, Dijr.kwa er. tLnc-ft. 1 rir.y. Chtvrtc, tch’r Henry, lb vi*. New York; urig Arrow, Gilmore. St Aurf <b*r I)iad*m.r t Cerr, WJminff on, x. c [at Tax irxin-aeaT emaurrov ] Pert tj CfvtrLtfott, Mug 19. Arrived, brig.. tSJfith Ortob" r, 1312,” it.m-a Puri Maria, (Jam ) iSdofN sch’rs Unmet, A.-uh’ ij , Havana 5 days. M-c .n.h, tTnaht. Itai iiu irt 2u days; and 10 from the Cape.-; riydtr Alii, Marshall, Baltimore M days, and 22 t on. on the 14ib’iast. off ".C&pe'Htiisj. she . l iieavy flaw of wind and carnttl «ruw n ianrh i last, about 12 fee: inim, ami waa obliged to | nt into Netf-be to rVfit; c*h r Engle, Conway, i-altimore, 24 daj s, ami in from toe Opes—on theod. inst off Cape Hatteras, m a heavy gale, the E had one cfiier boats and her cambou-c stove, an 1 sprung the head of her rud der; the neat day, during the same ga.e, was ub ugfd to cat away thejintOssve the bowsprit. Or t u .dzy lan, about 41 miles from Charleston bar, lie Eagle was run foul of by the sioop lingli - Plisbus, fm» Oot annah b .uud to New-Y- rk, arid earned away her miin-slir ud, tore her, md stove ir. her q larter sunnehenn* The L lias fxiit-nenced a c ntiiiurition ot gales from a w •o w a. w since the 1st of Mas, and has b.-ei tiu it limes round UapeHatteras during her paa -age to this port; tlo p Alias,, Sxiannu. I day. [nr tiu “26th octobes, 1812 ”] K.ngttoo f Jam J .iprii _4 Aimed, srhooner OelHflu. I rott, re, 21 days, wirli flutir. Vealcrday evening, hit majeitt'» pack 11 ■ • tuche: cap:, Pccoox, anchored ai 1' d It yal at 6 o'clock, wdii the Marco mail; she saileu from Fairueu * in tlie 13tli ult. arr.ved at Barbados • n the i ion. quitted it'the lollowing day, and touched Si Lucie and Martinique. Oil -he latter i-lani t;.t saw a small squadron of Spannli vtaseis of uar, ano. soon alter spoke a sloop (r in Uermuda, whicii neritiuned that slie lad fallen in witli two intic pendent brigs, cue corvette, and two schooners, cnti-ing its majesty’s ship E,k, captain Lennnck, from Vera Cruz, arrived at Port lb. yal yesterday. Port of .Alexandria, Mag II. Arrived, sch'r General Brown, Welden, ,6day from itlaekbeard’s Island, (Ga ) witli live oak for the uaiyyyard. Port of Balimore, Mag 12. Arrived, ship Stag, Adam.-, ,1. uayatroni Can ill, tea, -ilk, nanketiw, &c; Itritisli bng Henriet ta, D .iigl-iHs, from London, 41 days from isod end; Cur’s t.oou-l i.- ut Fi c. , 25 days from A' (ia)es, coff.r; Spry, Reardon, 1J days from St, rnomas, mm a-.d colice—I lie ncu’r Limiy,, t and from Suvanrah. sliipped a crew oT oil • 1(1 men, and sailed 7 nays previous, destination ut k .own; tlie tell r Commerce, of Sav.ii.nrA, saiiiia n co. with the Emily. Oo the 24 li April a or government schooner look a pirate oti the har- lor, a sch’r of j(i tons, and earned tier in- - tie aptam and crew were put in pn-nn. April >vas boarded by tlie brig American Libre, capt d orris under Mexican colorsand treated pohtel Schr’s Charles, Smith, lb days I'rnm Salem; M. ry-Aim, from New-Viirki* Chared, brig James Monroe, Clock-r, baih, (Maine); scli’r Rebecca, Reed, Mew-York. Port of Phil ad dp 1 da. May 11. Arrived, ships Jane, Bancroft, 40 days from Li .■rpinil, witii d.y goods. Sic; Enterprise, Coffin, 8 day* from Havana, molasses and sugar; itiu*-' schf N.pliiii--, Hay wood, 2!^days from lieimud. nolas-es, specie, S;C; sch’r Millenium Clark, 1 lays from .Newbtrn, with ua-al stores. Clearci. .1,, London Trader, Shead, Canton; brig Ko-c P.rklc, Madeira; sch’rs Country’s IVnmlur, Crpc nd. Cape Henry; Look Sharp, T..ylor, St. ill- nas. Below, a hip and a brig, naui. s unknown Port of eV 07- York, Mug 9 Arrived, sch’r New.l’atkit.Crosby,4tlavsfrun Wiliniiigton, x c; sloop Eagle, ftngln, 9 day rom Alexandria Cleared, ships Wd.lam-Carle , Carleton, Savannuhi James Monroe, Watkir.. i, Liverpool; Cruitenucii,Turner, Boston; bug .speedy Peace, Fosdick, Savannah; sch'rs Oilv t trancli, F s’ler, Curracor; Revenge. It ilhns,Sout America; Frank. Cult, Madeira; Rambler, Ilia’ anl, boston; Avon, While, Corunna; Andrew lacksim, Udlett, Bermuda. May 11. Arrived, sch’r E izabeth, Crosbv, 17 days from Xew.Orlesns. and 16 from the Hafiz-:; sloops Har mony, Wing, Sav-mnud, 5 days; Antelope, cns. do. 7 days, via New.London, t he sloop Gen. Swift, from Georgetown, (s e.) as cast away on blur Point, on Wednesday aorning last about 2 t> clo :k - the crew and pas •ngf rs were aii landed sale Cieared, ship Henry, Edgar, Charleston: schr lurora. White, Comma; sloops h' ona, Knapp •harlestoi;-, AnluintUe, Sn w, Bermu.ia. nirn'ty. 6u»’ , bre»ad :«OT<lrfl, aod-6J. it>m-ay ; ,tjeml>ic-*; moll, j»ro-je?.ynd cam byte Moefibs * 1 T Ghisliair’. Lotg^t-lhijis,Cotton.Slartisga :alifori,T, a:h ChicCtsawd stripes *.tar=cilt * Q lilts and Coontierpritus Whiteandeolored jrar*ille« cndCofdtd-Vesth-ga Idneps and- Plstips-, - - drown Iannis WMk Jeon-, Vigonix"i jlripfd do and GraDdtmg ■ ' kalian 4 4Crsp«. .whiu-,-black and all colon 'ilk A'elvet*. Millingt, furni'trg Trimn.ii-g Csmbnr. and muslin Trimnwig and Prosrcrs S ochews, Sa’snets, silk III d k’s Gl-'ves, "..eo’a and women's leather and silk 1 iu>, ililed fl jor Cloih end i ded Raize L dies and gentlemen’s Ifrrtsio;' Cs es fin elegant Woik-Boxes, port.-b e vridng D: k P rt F dios. C-idis, Trays, To 1 Cot its •t q-untity of plated, convisiing nf Complete Heroes* Furni’ure l _ , hirrnps, bridle id's, Spurs ) n “ ,ig top joints, Uomn.oils, ilanuics Steps, &c. . s X3D. A few butts and hlids of superior London Porter may 2t rj—.—118 Savannah Republican. Any permit; uhomav have * file of th*. n annah U pnM can f*'r th" I:»*t y e-r; w««.h t« lisiose of it. vill be well pa <1 for tliesamby ap. pl inp: at this office. mv '0 118 Apollinian Society. A concert will bo given T 0-\iOHR0W the 1st instant, nt 8 oVIock, P. M—Men.bers will jjet their tickets by calling on the snh criber. . P. 13LOIS, tec'ry. mav ro ■ ■ — 1»6 For NetC-Forfe The last sailing schooner H AL, Davis Lmts^i. will ir.t et with immediate d«s *■!» For freight or passage apply on board, at M K line’s wharf, or to Rea <5* Bntlcr. mav 20 * H8 Fa.r Charleston. The Steam beat CHARLESTON’, capt Rodgers will start on Friday morning next, precisely a. o’clock, for Charle-ton, (SC) P -r pas»ag- nly, apply to the captain on board or to Charles Howard, U ts.rd't wharf (ryAU persons having demands against th- s’eam-boat Charleston are requested to present hem to the captain on board immediately • may 20 118 .4 situation wanted By the «nb-«'iber, in a D*y <; . »<• stove, inihe city of Savannah. For furtl*crp-rticnl»r*. inquire da* office. LOVEL MOORP. mov 20 - • 118 Wanted to purchase A ftwlik iy ytwnis NK-.RUBS fur whom cash will be given’ Apply stt'e house of Me. R G. Taylor, near the conn-house, to G. MORRIS. may 20— x*- -■ 118 Fop sale. The subscriber wi ning to. leave the eitv during lie summer, offers for sale that elegant stand, for ounlrv business and town custom There ar, three ten -menta on »lie lot. two of which are now a rent to good tenants. The stock is but small. & ill be -sold with the stand; spy person desirou- of purchasing will meet with a great bargain by innlyinr soon t° the subscriber on the premises Oliver j[l Lillibrifige. ir ay 20———t——118 :&p?ir.g Cao&s, $6. ^ ; ’ J. Ek WHITE Sf CO. * Itiffljit* receive-}, and are dew opeTJnje, A PRETTY GEN’r-RAL ASSURTltFA'T (5? Cottbn and other (HOODS, . atnTxsts ir»« T-nd rnxsurr.msoer; . AMJSfb WHICH ARK. : PUBLIC SALES. Marshal's sale, continued. On tMe frot tuetdag in Jan*, next. Will be- soli at. tbe court-house in the city of Sa- vaanah bgtwe'cn the hoars of 10 and 3 o’clock. ■ Those two IpH and improvements in the town cf Stflibusy, Icrtsyl oo tbe property ofjoiiu Mo loch. at th. suit of Le wis A. Honncke, surv vinr ,copartner. JOHN II. MOREL, mankoL mjy ij | !12 MirshaPs salys. Cut Nails and Brads. 70 cs-k-.i-s r.cU.-iz , am n Kuril, f <r salt y ■■■-“.• Jx 118 antiii-.g jrrtim ship Ben J. BATTk’LLE. Just Tpceioad, Pg tiee g!dp-#cie .ie, J In til s$uw The following GOOOr, which will be sold very- low tor cash or pn duce—vi* 12 b >xes Ih vrics and union Stripes 1 do linen 1 hreids 4 bales colored do 2 trunks c- t on Hose 1 box Diap rs 2 do. brown Linens 1 trunk Muslin consisting of Sewed Trim.iungs Florences, Robes. &c. 1 bale linen licdlick 80 kegs Bailey For srlf by YVILLUM Taylor. •> av 20- —c.v 113 Notice. The credi ors o Ue«j a Martin arc requested m* e; at R L. Ouhain.l’s counting room, Moiiuat, ..5tu iiistatiV a, 5 o’clock—when r. stale u n ol the affairs of He-e; lit Martin will be la.a leiore • lie-in. there being a surplus in the liaiute t the assignees of the said Heey £c Mar-ju fhii.-e wiio hare not rendered in a statement ul c amount due them, arc requeued to doit b.for may 20 h- il8 ICE. The sale is cniruii-ucca at'* wharf, where it is intended x constant *.j|f^iy shell be kejft up a long as the demand stall be continued. ALSO, The POIiFABLE lCe.-li .USFa for using ice to I vantage: with one of these, water, wine and butter, i;.ay be kept constantly cold, the u»e f from ;hree t*» six pounds' of ice daily. Tiu. operation of the cold is continued in the*: tiling-*, a >d give purmanem ^ffict tu me ice; wherta.., wiJiout them it is transitory jr'resh provisions u milk may be preserved iu them with a trilling addition of *ce Price if m b to )0 dollar* Fire I ;B IJ .G VN l’EUS of a particular con- true*ion, calculated for cooling wine advanta ;c<*u»l) -price gi the pair 1 lie ICE GtU&A.vf FU8S, with directions f«. mkiug me creams* complete, at 5$4 ea^h. In ad ition are a fen cabks of a part icular con' .ruction for bar-keeperr: with- one of ihe&e, wa- cr or lemonade ii.ay be made excess ively cold, *ith die u»c of six pounds ot ice to four gallons fl q nd. a* 55^ e. : Cb. Siiouiil the inhabitants of Savannah give sufB 'iient enc urag mcnt to this undertaking, it may ad to ;he erection of a permanent Ice-t.ouse on •e West India construction, so perfect in its ope- ation at Cnarlestou. The price of ice is ten cents the pound for any quantity to a dollar and upwards: for any amount bv.iow that, twelve and a hair ecu's. * •« iO •* 113 HE ID THIS. Whereas 1 unic!... ed,aciinsiilerabletime since om J ilin Smitli, ot the town ot Washington certain Ln's. One kooo-n in the plan of said wn. by Nt* 7. ai:d -lie.back lots adjoining i:. uppostil to contain 5 acres, and have paid. him r tbe same, and hold his obligation for titles on hich a suit is now p uiling in ibis county, and ;li ell lots 1 have been pill in poss-ssion o! by the ikl Smith and have tenaats bn the same Ami •vl'ertas I have received information that the said m;th has frcuduh-iitly offered the said property >r sale—all persons are th refore notified not to ratle for 'he said lots, as 1 am determined never ive up possession to any person to whom the said famuli may sell. James Towns. (T/’The Augusta rhroniele, Georgia J urnal and Savannah Re jublican, will give the ab v two iweruoiis, and forward their accounts to the News” Olfi e for payment . 19- a— ; 17 Notice. Persons ' a'ing on in s. with me. will nleas. apply to Mesir*. Cauxochav & Mitcbeo. during mv absence. IMJ .ERT M1TCHEL. mar 18 a——116 Law Office removed. The nil scr ber a. .t n a r -otr. on die Bav, in he building occupied by the editors of the Muae- n St Gaz: He. ELIAS FORT m ,v 9—* 117 & The Office of Tax-Collector rauoveu to ti,i> eon-er »f Markc 1 * q’lsrv, in th»r offi-c occupied by major I>ok^.~- Thu Iters are requested to call and icttie their mav 19 - n 117 100 Dollars? reward Will be pant for the diacov.'ry an 1 apprehtn- ion of those vd-ians, who bri jte open tile Thea tre last evening; and the ab ve -en-ard will also oe pa:d for tne detection of any individual or in- dividual, who may h reafter commit the same depredation. - James Bilbo, ~1 ^ James Morrison, j g Alex. Telfair, >]» Jonathan Kattelie, J > William (iaston J*. mav 18 116 Twenty Dollars' Reward. Wat taken from the plantation of the subscriber, Scriven county, on the night of the 6th iusl by Negro, that belonged to an Augusta boat, called Misoo, mi two Negroes AFPY, and herdaugh- u r AMPLY, who lave born seen in Savannah.— \ttt is a yellow wotriart, ab-.ut 27 tears ot age: and her daughter Axsir, is a mulatto girl, about 10 years of age. An, person delivering said fie, groet to Mr. J«»!in Womack, in Savannah, or de liverir.gtlom in the gaol of .-aid county, shall re- erive the above reward; or ten dollars additional, -deliveredto THUS. GOLDING, Scnren county, near Hudton’o Feng. may 12 U*—111 Blank Indentures For safe at this office. r srenxxa. Or the Ji-tt 'pKtday in June next, Will' bt^wlii at tlie «[.trktl-hntt*c in 8t. Wary’a Lie f.Rtdwuig tract, of iuii, Kvied oa «a the - property; of lir^tate Jamoa StwgTove, esquire, AKicanost. at the suit of lldvef 4t Taylor, and of Alexand'r uaver and o hers, to wit: \~ UJ .icrt-s adjoir.ii g Point Pttre, on the St -larv A nv.r, b'J/O acj ,ming the town of St. Ma ry s called lilt Dark Entry, 964.»acres about tight mucs from tin- town, in different tracts; 55xjacre» n mlferen. tracts in the said river, fn>m thirty fifty mdes from the town ^taiesaid; 3U0 acres crooked river; 293 on said creek and 1220 IK-ver Greek. «»u opposite the sea U St. Andrew sound. JuHN 11. MOREL, mjrtiud. may 5 1 105 Marshal's sales. On the Jirst i uesday in June next, WiU be sold ut tlie cuurt-hnuse, in die cut of Sa- tannah, b.tween the h mrs ol lu and 2 ..’clock. Four hundred acres of Land, on Sapetu Island in the county o! M-lntositt levied on as the pro pt rty of J >hn Montahct, ueecased, at tlie suit o! John S Trubert vs. F tlopkue-, executor of Joht Montallet. JUHN H. MOREL, ra-.Lt may 1 1 lod Marshal's sales. On the flr»c t uesday m June next. Will be sold at the court-house, m tlie city of Sa vannah. between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, A prime Negro Man; levied upon as the pro perty of 1 litmus Smith, deceased, st ii«e suit of \\ ilium lhxou £k Co vF.^dminisirstrix and admi nistrator of Thomas Smith, surv. John li. Morel, marshal. may 1 J 102 Executor's sale. On the Ji. "J' in July next, \ViH be sold at the court house in the city of Sa vannaii. The following t’.irte NEGROES, Ned, Rose •md Nancy, belonging to t ie estate of Stephen Millen deceased, ;n pursuance of an order of the Inferior court ot Chatham county. John C. Gugnl, may 7 -107 Qualified Executor. Administrator's sale. On I'J. Ji-t. Tile d:!/ in J,.lg next, Will be sold M the court-house in tlie city of Sa vannali, The following two NEGROES, Lonon and Flora, bdonging to the estate of Mrs. S.rub Millen deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of tlie said deceased, under an order of the honorable the Inferior court of Chatham county. John Milieu, cdm’or. may 7 107 Tax Collector's sales. On the frit Tueoday »« July next. Will be said at the court-house, in tlie city of Sa vannali, between the hours of lu and 3 o’clock, Tne following property, or so much thereof, as Will satisfy the taxes and costs, viz:— Tbe western half of wharf lot No. 2, in Yama- craw, witli the improvements thereon; levied on :o satisfy the direct tax of estate of William Lew- den for 1815 and 18.6 Amount £13 67. Lot No 34 in Columbia ward,’subject to ground rent to tlie city, with ihe improvements thereon; levied on to satisfy the taxes o» tlie estate of Dr George V. Proctor, deceased, viz; direct tax for 1815; state, county and direct tax for 1816; and state and county tax for 1817. Amount $74 50. All that five acre lot in Chatham connty, known by the number 16 bounded on the east by lot Nn. 7, south by lot No. 15, and north by lot No 14; levied on to satisfy the direct tax of estate of Michael Germain for 1815 and 1816 Ampunt $9 12. All that 45 acre lot in Chatham county, known by number 4, about three miles from Savannah adjoining Camp Covington, and lands of Bilbo Turnbull and Vallotton; also, all that five acre lot, known by No 0 m Chatham county, in the vicin ity of Savannah, levied on as the property of th< estate of Isaac Laroach to satisfy tlie direct tax for 1815 and 1816. and state and county tax for 8.7 Am ur.t $2 98. A tract of lanu in tlryan county, containing 2.0 •cres. more or less, bounded on the east by Un f Mary Maxwell, oo the tooth by land ol Stepbc; Maxwell, and G. M Waters, on the west an- north by lands ol Simons Maxwell and Atm Pa ter and the commons of Hardwick; levied on a- the property of James VV. Ward to saii-fy his tlj rect tax for 1816. and state and county taxea lor 18'7. Amount $3 44 JAMES EHPIXGER, T. c. c, mav 7 107 in Council, May 18, 1818 Retnivd, That the City Marshal do proceed ti sell, at pu -lie out-cry, before the court house, ii this city, on 'luemiay, tbe 2d day o> June next Lot No. .4, Columbia ward, which lias been rc ntered. Ertruct from the Minu'eo R tt. CUYLER, c. e. irT In conformity to‘the above resolution o Cou .ell, 1 shall proceed, op T uesday, the 2d day >f June. jnfr< nt cf the eou’t-hnuse, between the usual h< urs. to sell all that Lot No. 24 Columbia wa-d. containing 6.- by 9ufoet, bounded no th by iTAsident-strtet, west by Lineoln-str*et, south by York street, and east by lot Nr,. 23, re-entered a* lie propei ty oi Ju*c:.U Bacon. F. M, Stone, c. a may 19—117 Building and Insurance Bank. At a meeting of the- suo-crihers to the Building and Insuranc e Bank of Georgia, Larva M'Kissz req. va called to the chair— Uet'.lved, that (ive commissioners be appointed to do all things that are needful, to carry tlie a., bove into op-ration. The follo w ing persons wer- appoiiiteil:—Wx -canauae-Gii. J S. 'tcrtuca, B. BrmtocGBS, Kobzrt Isaac. Johx P. Hxxrt. Jtciolv-d, that on ail auoscriptionaalready made, tha the payment of two dollar* on each share shall be paid within ten days from this elate; and in case of mm-compliance to do the same, such sub scriptions shall be deemed forfeited, and such names be stricken off; and that in all future aub- -criptiona, the said sum of two dollars si,all be paid down at the time of subscribing. fry Notim-is hereby given in conformity to the bove proceeding*, mat the book of subscription for -Savannah wilt be opened at the .Marine and Fire Insurance office every day—(tbe office is open! from the hours of 12 to 1 o’cl >ak. Wm. fscarbrofcgh, tfX J- S. Bulloch, B. Burroughs* Robert Isaac* J. P. Henry. may H- -110 For sale A neat light 'CARHLAGF., hot more than tw< month- jnuse; andapairof well broken HURSES They will be sold separate or together. Williford <k Baker, may 70 n——Tl» AUCTION , i ynx-ri To-Morrow, 2’Iat ib»te$t* JFitt (* refit, at the sM-tlM of,Mr. J. A. UihTk thaw, on Cte Bag, and next Asr is Sun Wailcn, etjuire, mthout reiti rc, A valuable assortment of the most eleJjaJtl attil fjshiOMibie FURNITUREj coxsisrrxn o» thahorany Slutboai da. Bureaus Sets dining Tables, dressing Tablet Wash Stand#, csudle Standi v ' Bedsteads, portable Desks V Window Blunts, Cornices Sic. &c; All of eramuted workr>anship. 1 warranted. Term* cash iefrt*, dtfivery., &it*. Is ctmmcHct at. 11 o'clock. , . M. HERBERT, entfr. may 2^—1'ff ■ t it.y tu Fresh Imperial Tea, Imported at Miiladrlpida, April 16, l8lF. * On FRIDAY suit, May 22* ITil! be told before mg tton'inlttt tortai pb'chltier*/ 212 cutty# of Imperial TEA, lS Iba. each; Persona wishing to purchase can be aceommor' dated in the mean time at private sole. Terms made known at lime of kale; Sate to commence at 11 o'clock. M. HERBERT, axet'r: 19 117 Oa Saturday next, 23tl iust. Will be told btftrt the dire of .Main. KxteS. c< Carmel, Boltin't central wharf{ ' ' "" To coosx coxsicxarxTS, 200 boxes Smoked Herrings 45 barrels Urackere 200 kegs do 1 barrel Raisins 1 trunk .loutsand Shoe* 4 hlids Tin Ware, assorted 25 bags Potatoes 1 case Saddles 20 kegs Salmon So resins writing Paper 1 case Canes and w alking Stick* With a variety of other articles. Terms, ca»h before delivery. * Sale to commence at II o clock may 19 117 M. HERBERT, onrfV.- Lands for sale4 Pursuant to an order and dee see of the bontifea bic tlie inferior court of tlie couuty of Chatham; at the present term, will be act up for sale, at the court-house in the city of Savannah on the firqt Tuesday in June next, thq following real prof et- ty, bi longing to the estate of tlie late John Peter Ward, esq.'dec. for the benefit of the heir*, and 10 obtain a division ot the said estate, to wit: 202 acres nf tide snulmp, first quality, od Hutchinson’s Island, opposite the city; 6S0 acres of land on Great Satilh liver, ritppot-- ed fresh marsh afid pine. 630 acres of tide swamp, on Lewii’ creek, irt M’Intosh county, originally purchased as cunfis-- cated property, 900 acres on Cumberland Island, in the county of Camden, about 300 acres of which is planting ;and; on the premises there is a good dwelling house, &c. 500 acres in Liberty county, fiorthxide of South New-Port, in l-ulltown swamp, originally granted to the late general Lachlan M’Intosh. 250 acres of Laud on Houstoun’s swamp, in M’Intosh cou.-y, at the- crossing at Turkey Camp. 200 acres of tide swamp, in M’Intosh county. Cat Head creek, opposite Clapboard Bluff, and ad joining the land or major Jacob Wood. 150 acres of pine land, opposite to the above. 650 acre* of fresh marsh land in MTiitofftcoun. ty, near the upper end of M’Keythar’s Island. 35 acres of land, adjoining the east end of the city ot Savannah, part Ode bnd and high lard. A Lot and Buildings in the city of Savannah, Franklin ward, now occupied by the reverend Mr. Carles. Conditions of sale made known at the time of disposing of the said real estate. By order of the administrator*. M. HERBERT, oartV. march 30——79 Cj*The high land above, advertised for sale, oii the eastern end ol the city, and rice land adjoin ing, are hud out in lota, and will be sold as such— also, part of the land on Hutchinson’s island, and fronting on Savannah river, is laid out in wharf- Iota, and will be sold as such. Accurate plans of tbe above may be seen, by applying to Mr. Joe# M Kn«»••*, <>r Mr. Hirbxht. inn, 19- 117 Lot for sale. Pursuant to an older from tlie honorable the juilpesof tbe Inferior court of Chatham county* w ill be aokl before the court-house, in the city of Savannah, On Tuesday, the 2d day of June next, nxTwxxx mr. usual nouns, All that Lot, ur pares 1 of grctrr.d, containing •bout five acres, beiny the greater part of the gor- :en lot, known by No 1, (number ore) west* bounded northwardly by Liberty-street, west * wardly by the garden lot No. ID, (cumber ’em) sotilhwaroly by lot formerly laid off by Mes-rs. Currie and Hogg, on the garden lot No. 2* (number two.) bring the property of the late George' Richardson, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Bh Older of John Carniclaneadminiitta'nr. WILLIFORD & BAKER, auefrt. atari! 2 | 78“ Take notice. All person are forbid from purchasing a Lot of ground in aliatliam connty, coataing five acres, being the gre ter part of lot knbwn by <he num- 1 (one) bounded northwardly by Liberty- street, westwardly by the garden lot No. 10 (ten) and .-outhwardly by lot formerly laid off by Merer* Currie and Hog;; and advertised for rale on the .<1 day of Jun next, by David Williford, auction- er. by the order of John Camochan, adrainistra- or of the late George Richardson, deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of tlie helm of the said estate; as tlie said property is legally vested in us* we deem it proper to give this public caution. "William Wilson* Dorothy Goodall Wilsons John Davies, april 29 -10O Administrator'8 sales. On the first TUESDAY in August ficxO Will be sold before the court hodse in this city - between the csaal hours, The fo’lowing seven NCGROE5: George, a far* penter; Silvia, Venus London, Hannah and ht# child; and William Sold as tire penonaPpropcr* of Mrs. Mary Flemming Jig order of the adminhlratoe. Terms, cash. i. M. HERBERT, asudr, mav J5—-114' . ' ' Administrator's sale. ' On the 24th dag of Jimenexi) Will fee sold at tne stnrfe of biases flPsuti Sundry article*belonging tolheextaWnf Thbffi* - -- Mendtnhall. esquire, dt-ceastd, viz. I'Chafes Watcher, Madeira Wine. Booko.t’itrphleita, reff" * . JOHN L AT HU OP, > GEORGE HAU-, 1^' flit) 16 ' —113