Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 04, 1818, Image 1

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• v M j *" • Confectioner and DittiUer, ox tu »it, «fwmtv utusn, snr.ijrjMir, iJSSMjJ “"** CORDIALS and CONFEC- TIONARY, wholesale and retail* o*dSk CKEAM *** PUNCH « W *T by 10 jtmc 3——ISO ' Notice. Ail ascounts against the Uriti.b ifa; olberwite they will not be paid. * John Speikman ft*Co. jtint S • * 130 Ihtw'i wharf, j a*. .Vofice. , e j nbl ?? ber * CW! *q oe, *e* of hit Oiitite • health, will be Absent from Savannah for •'few •onUw.du.ine Which tine, James Eppinger, es* sill feeds usss jtaJ UepuHican. , Any person who majt have • fejgnttr file of 4r] Savannah.'Republican fer the Uit year; and wish to dispose of it, will be well paid'fur theiuoMi by ap plying at tba office. nay 20 118 . • Grand Lodge. The members of the Grand Lmdge of Georgia, •nd Uw different Lndfia under it* jurisdiction, by' their proper representative*, are summoned to at tend the grand quarterly comntpnicafian on Sa-1 Uirday, the 6th oi June nestj at 11 o'clock. At u. at Brother Cuyler’a Boom. A. Hunter, toy 26-—133, Just received, brig £>cux Treret, from Seven, l«i) Bricks ) Burr Stones^ • 1 box F:eneh Gingham t d». Linen'Bedtick l do. do. Check For sal by J. J- & F. BLANCHARD. juqe 13»-- Boots and Shoes. iCHAilDS, su> lomrpiKV Mtoaca,) per brig,Eliza, fntn -Yew-York. Lady's black and colored mor. Boots with heels Do, do. an or. Egyptian tie walking Shoes do. 'Building 8C Insurance Bank of I «* 0 - do i ?}jp» j, ...... ° V, • " I Bo. do. and colored prunella (or wonted) Slips ■Georgia. / Do. do. and kid • do. The book for Subscriptions to this bank will be I Do. purple do. Slips with beds closed, on Saturday, the 6th June. I Gentleman’s Wellington Boots nay 28 - ■ -125 • I Servants’ and cbUdten’s leather Shoes end Boots . Blasters' Bank. I A genehd assortment of Shoes, suitr.ble for the An election for a KUNNBIt« in tiie room of Mr. I country nurkct{ fof saIc at a urmH adnocc for quire, win net as bia attorney, and will reeeire re-1 tin election tor a KUNNEtt, in the room oi mr, i country market; lot sale turns of taxable property at bis office m Mar- . W,L «» resigned, swill ta held on Wednesday. Jcajj,, or approved taper. ■" **' I f "■ •—s-a-*-. — r r, t-- y r n i ■Jet^quare, until the mat day of Aqgust next, wben I Mth instant. Applicants are to hand their letters, *hs taaesrrr’s digest will be closed, and all defaul- I in v-nich. two securities, to be bound jointly, and feb. 27- -*ters double taxed. Green B. Deice, a. V. x. 3 130 To let : The store at present occupied by Messrs. »• A Butler. Possession given on the 1st No. 'reaber next. Apply to Hall $ Hojt. Storage be had at a low rate during tht summer I B f >ntbs in the stores formerly occupied by James /Wallace, esquire Apply as above, june 3 c* 130 • proposals severally in Lie sum of Fire thomand dollars, must be named, to J. Marshall, cashier. jnne 1-128 Planters' Bank—Dividend No. 12- A dividend of six per cent, for the last nix months, has been declared Ibis day, and will be paid, On and after Thursday next J. Marshall, easftier. june 1—x*—128 J.P. He nr no. 8, coMMxacx sow. Offers for sale,- >n accommodating terms, 8000 bushels Liverpool ground Salt SJ0 pieces 1st quaity cotton Bagging • 1 SO barrels Coffe 20 chests younghyson Tea, late importation april 6— 14—fl John Litie Serins Continue to cany on their manufactory of SAW GINS in e very extensive manner, in Clarkston, where the planters of green seed cotton, and .t-. :_ l. n .:ik o a tu riwc Planter’s Bank. , . _ The directors having r.solved on calling in the | their factors can be supplied with SAW GINS | whole amount due onthe capital stock. j made of the best materials, greatly improved, and I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE V, j much approved of by the planters and factors of that on all stares, in which sixty dollar, have I Ctarieston, ™ willappearm accmficate below. ** *****'* "T*** ° md S rea ‘- £*£ paid on oS Tu^av'lhelSrh^f 0^ ttay 9 DccemCer^iest, and the remainh^ur^ty dollars, ^ ve pushed a co f^P°^ en “ ““ sr8 ' GEORGIA JUSTICE. guii ft U nsigned tp make this work not only , bep"d, are^cduponm ^onc^H ot ' ^ “h"/* tide for Justices of the Peace, but a kind of Lf the amount due on their Weto^or before a “™P le .‘> fthe *r Gms.s now to be seen at their , die duties I e»ch of the above mentioned days. 2r Cnrooers. Tax-Collectors and I Payments are to be made in specie, or in notes Constables, Kxecutors, Administrators and Guar-1 0 f the banks of this state. > °L 3 ^ ' , '‘ l ^, e *P b,n - J- MARSHAL, eat hi r. W i 11 be » dd *<\ nuny uselul forms, Savannah, May 13iA, 18l8.-rt_ledw-ll2 With direction* for taking interrogatories, for con-1‘ - 9 1 * ye* ing real and personal property, and such other I The Augus.aHerald and Chronicle.and the Mil information as may enable every citizen, ofordina I ledgcville Journal, will publish the above once ry capacity, to transact most of his law-business I evtry two weeks until the 12th February, 1819 Without the assistance of an attorney. I jj— jj j A gentleman of respectable legal attainments is I Union MtoaA Company, now engsged in the compilation, in which he will I The managers cf the Uni p Road Company ed on to the manufacturers, with the jgumber and size of the Gins. Orders from the above gentle men will be promptly attended to and executed with neatness and dispatch. Price of large Gins nine inch saws, g3 SO per saw; hand Gins, £80, II their Gins warranttd good, or the money re urned. We, the subscribers, do certify that we have for some years past been supplied with Saw Gins from the work shop of Joux Liras & Sows; the work & * P rofe ** ion »* character or deservedly I haring declared a dividend of 4 per cent, on ‘raid I ^their a Gins V >o n heequ^to awmade Wgh .landing,. To tare the work as. perfect a. stockfor 4 dollars per d,are. Stockholders may ?ta higl, rw» ciihmiitPH in* mvitinn m—A sm i receive the same on application to 1 * * — William Woodbridge, Treitnrcr Union Road Company. may 6——b| 106 possible, it will be submitted for revision and cor rection, before it is printed, to the Judges of the several Superior courts, and others learned in the laws of the stale. Such a production has been long wanted; and as the publishers will spare no pains nor expense to make it useful, they rely with confidence on be- Georgia Agricultural Society, rS ^•t?T^J , K np r lp *; » *«d«nd of 4 per cent on Urn amount of their v? 1 ‘ n k d stock, upon presentation of ,he,r certificate* to form a Iar^c octavo volume. The price to sub-1 ^ r wnnnninnri? not exceed 5 dolUrsf each. Any 22-+.-120 ^ ‘reaturer. person obtaining twenty signatures, and becoming | responsible tiierefor, shall be entitled to a copy I JPowelton Academy. .* reread J'’ an .d will he | The pubUe examination of the Students in | rtreeL“warranteras go"oVasTiy J ip 1 ')OrteU,°where cst price for cotton cleaned By their Gins in Charleston. Jxo. Whits & Co. Chisolm & Tatloh, North & Webb, Rilet & O’Heab, Fharcjs G. De Liessxuhx, MsIwoob Sc Pattersox, Bxowx Sc Tcxis. feb 14 38 Groat Bread, Better known as Boston Crackers,.manufactured fresh -at the subscriber’s Bakery, in Broughton- PUBLIC S.1LES. Marshal's sale. AUCTION^ To-Morrow, June 4. *Jucre.m-xt ebortm Mr. Samuel CUzief district of Georgia, mil he oildon Monday the 8th intrant. The brig NORBF.RG, tar Tackle. Ap-1 parel and Furniture, a quantity of Log. .wood which is ou board, and one box .white Havana Sugars John H. Morel, marshal. june 1 128 Marshal'8 sale, continued. ' On the first T uesday in July next, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Sa- ] vannah between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, Those two lots and improvements in the town of Sunbury, levied on the property of John Mo loch, at die suit of Lewis A. Bouncke, surviving copartner. JOHN H. MOB£L, marshal. june 3 1 130 *Marshal's sales. On the fret Tueeduy in July neve. Will be Mid at Darien between the hours of ten j and three o’clock, Two Wharf Lots, No. 3 and 4, with their im- provements, in the town of Dar.en, levied on as the property of James Hamilton, at the suit of Benjamin B. Rogers & Co. vs James Hamilton. JOHN H. MOREL, marshal- june 1—128 Marshal’s sale. On the Jir*> Tuesday in July next. Will be soltl at Savannah, between the hours of I Itfand 3 o’clock, ; The Distillery at Springhill, with the appurte nances thereto belonging, levied on as the prop erty of John E. Hartndge, at the suit of the United | States, vs Samuel and fsaac Russell and John E. H irtridge. JOHN H. MOREL, marshal june 1—128 City Sheriff’s sales. On the pint Tuesday in July next. Will be sold in front of tbe court-house, between the usual hours, Four bales white Plains three casks Hardware, at 10 v'cloth racers icv, A quantity, of Household and Kitchen FURNI TURE. Terms, cash. M. Herbert, MtlV. june 3—130 To-Morrow, June 4, fFrff be told at Boleon'o central witof, fir aceoaM of sdmem< About 24 birds. Muscovado SUGAR* damaged on the voyage from New-York. Terms, cash. Sale to ccmiraer at II sYbcfc. 31. HER'JERT, rwctV. . june 3 130 On Monday next, the 8th instant, By Older of tire honorable the court of ordinary for Chatham county, Will be sold at the store re cently orai-pied by John B Mars, deceased, at Telfair’s wharf, *he STOCK in said store* cassis-rise or Groceries & ready made Clothing. Terms, cash By order of the administrators. Sale to commence o'cloct. M. HERBERT, ouef’r. jnne 2—129 On' MONDAY, 29th June, inu be told on the premises, jaaA The HOUS^ and Oul-houxet in Biy- jjTjf lane, (at present occupied by Joseph [■■■I tauTvnce.) belonging to the estate of Su- bJsussannalr Miller, deceased. *8old by order of luc executor. Terms, cash. Sale prepieh. at II o’clock. WILLIFORD & BAKER, oscfiw. 19— + 117 : Administrator's sale.- On Wednesday, 15th July next, f plantaiioOtf the late Rebert in favor of Solomon Shad and Stebbms & Mason, | A „ ^ „ o^“„r C.M ? TLE ^ds'imEPi and . f0r AEo; 8 sund^ articles of household and kitchen I "OVSBHOLD FURNITURE. Furniture, levied on as the property of estate of 1 John E. Hartridge to satisfy an execution in lavor of Jolin Carnochan, for house rent. Also, one house, on lot No. 10, Hicks. Percival ward, fronting the lane, levied on as the property of John Clark, to satisly an execution in lavor of John & Edward Hughes. Terms, cash Sale te commence or 11 o'clock M. HERBERT, oact’r. june 3— —'130 Administrator'8 sales. Onthe first TUESDAY in August next, Also, fourteen silver Spoons, one silver Ladle, | Will be sold before the court-house in this city and two pair sugar Tongs, levied on as the pro-1 between the usual hours, perty of James MLish, to satisly an execution in j The following six NEGROES: George, a car- iavorot George Myers, for bouse rent; property I penter, Silvia, Venus London, Harriet and her pointed out by the defendant. Ixaae D‘Lyon, s. c. s may 29 126 Tax Collector’s sales. On the first Tuesday in July next. Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Sa vannah, between the hours of 111 and 3 o’clock, The following property, or so much thereof, as will satisfy tire taxes and costs, viz:— The western half of wharf lot No. 2, in Yama- I child, William. Sold as tbe personal proper- j ty of Mrs. Mary Flemming. /ly order of the administrator. Terms, cash. M. HERBERT, rwct’r. may 15 114 j jrnuhed, on application, to those wf,o will be ac- Po'wdto^^^mTl commcnTe on Monday, £?%ZES«’co'n&K live in circulating them. The work will be put the 1st June next, and be continued on Tuesday! pUbUC Lo.f Bresd CO “ tanlly - to press as soon m compiled, provided a thousand I and the'tvrm will close with’a publTc’eihrhHmn subscribers shall have been obtained. A list nf the I on Wednesday, the 3d. The p ar ,ns of (lie In- wncs of these *ho patronize it, will be added, j jtiiution, and tlie public in ereueral. are catpect* Inthe above enterpnxe, we solicit the aid of I fully invited to attend, every public spirited individual. v 1 S. F. Granfiaml. MiKrdgeviUe, Mny 15. 1818. 130 Georgia—Liberty county. By Elijah i.aker, clerk of tue court of ordina ry of the county and stats aforesaid. ing term will open on Monday, tlie 22d June, under the rectorship of Mr. Smith, a. x. (late of M:dd: Coil:) who is expected to con tinue in that station for n series of years. Miss Stebbins will continue at the head of the female department; Miss S. stebbins is her assistant* Tne Rev Mr. Swift, a. m. is engaged as an as- Whereas, John M’Gowen applies for letters of sistant teacher of languages; and Mr. S. H. Miller, administration, (with the nuncupative will annex- I English teacher. Loaf Bread Crackers Butter Buiscuit Rusk ' . Swrar r d—i £u every day as usual. N. B. Wanted, one or two Apprentices to the Baking Business. ' \ P. BRASCH, feb 18-41 Notice. The copartnerahb of Mastehs & Ihgersou, was dissolved by mu'ual consent on the 15th inst ■jlll persons indebted to (he late firm are request TT > Apprentic ed) on the estate and effects of James Girardeau, j The Board of Trust, notices with pleasure, the I ^tomake immediate*payment and thosehaving lateol said county, deceased. . t I rising respec' ability of the Institution under their I cUiras to pre . e nt to the subscriber for adjust These, are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all I care, and are fully persuaded that the young la-1 men t.- C. S. MASTERS. and singular, the kin tred and creditors of the »aid I die* and gentlemen engaged for conducting its I may 25 tl 122 deceased, to nle their objections, (if any they I different departments, merit the confidence of the I J — — have^ in my office, on or i>efore the first Mon-1 public. I JYotV'e• day m July next, otherwise, letters of adminisira- I The branches of useful and polite education I All persons are cautioned against trusting.*ny ;ion will be granted the said applicant. I usually taught in this and similir Institution* will I person whatsoever oa my account, without my Given under my hand and seal of office, a* I he continued; and tlie rates of tuition will remain I particular order. PETER EVEN. Riceborough, this 28th Mav, 1818, and in the 42d as they have been. I Tuttaallcounty, June 2,1818. [m*—129] year of American independence I Two good Pianoes will be at the service of the I - - ■ ■—;— (L. 8 J E. BAKER, c. c. o. I school, and a competent teacher of musick is ex-1 J\otlC6 _j une 3- 130 I pected to give lessons. The bUls of tuition are to I All demands against Wutux Mkiw, esquire t IC7*Brought to S aol in Savannah, Al.y P“ d in advance to S. Duggar, Esq. [ or either of the subscribers are requested to be 30 d ih 1 ! 8 ’^ Si sr ° m ffu ha “}'* hi ’7 me i9 . B “ te B olid can be procured in respectable families * Xat ** immedlate W m ™}. jnd *tat be belongs M Jime, Stewart, formerly of on modente terms cJ^Sfsnd'five feci fiv^incheriiiglL^out forei | k , ?* be j Vdb ® e k 5 : n i oyS ^J. mid bow legged. II. M’CALL, o. c. c. may 27- A LEX. MEIN, ROBERT SCOTT. -124 june 3—-130 I the place is eminently moral; too small indeed I for frequent scenes of riot and dissipation, but ■ e. -L 1 sufficiently extensive for the improvement of the I vannah: BrOUgUl 10 glOlj ID oavannab, | y 0U ^, of sexes, who resort here for the pur- I PILOTS Authorised to act for the Bar and River of Sa May 6, 1318, a very lig ,t c'>l**red mulatto woman, I pose of education. I Stephen Timmons who says her name it Naxct Paoa, and that ahe I Ry order of the Board of Trust. I William Royston belongs to Tlromas Irwin, of Augusta, who lately I S. WES I'ON, Secretary, j \f. b. Sisson brought her from hichmond, Virginia. She ill p. S.—Mr. Smith has the pleasure of informing IH. Anderson about twenty years of age, and five feet six inches I the public that, M. Kouatt, of Augusta, will give I R. Broughton high. H-* M’CALL, o. c. c. I lessons in Music during the succeeding term; and I John Dixon may 13—112 I that M. Le IJure, from Lyons, wilt instruct in the I Jesse Furnis |C?*Brought to gaol in Savannah, May I Fl ^„j ^ 24:h, 18t8. a Negro man who saya his name is I — 1 jtx, and that he belongs to Abioiem Zansey, I Executive Department, Georgia, Augusta He is about twenty years of age, and | «»_•£_•». «... , i.,,? five feet si s inches high. Says he formerly belong ed to Obediah Paris of Granville, tr BRANCH PILOTS. mav 25 122 MiUedgeviUe, 14:5 .tpr.l, ldtS. In pursuance of a resolution of the Legislature H ,. „ n i of this state, passed the 3(Jtb of December last, in . Al'Lall, G. O. C. | the following words, to wit: “ I’he committee ap- I pointed to enquire mto the expediency of selling • M the claim of the states to confiscated property. John Cleary John Low John Dennis Henry Craig Thomas Nottage William Wall Andrew Guard CERTIFICATE PILOTS. Stephen H. TimmoHS I Henry Baker John Hale | James Elford. By order of the Board. JOHN G. HOLCOMBE, april 29—100 scc’ry commissioners of pilotage. For sale or rent That pleasantly situated and well known SUM- in Savannah Anri' I inc cuuin m u,c | MER RESIDENCE at White Bluff, belonging to I » 1110 ° a °! * n I with leave to report by bill or otherwise, beg I r. p. Williams. The house is two story, con- ^4, lolH,a Negro man, who says ms name ls *? >L t I leave to submit the following report, to wit; That I tains five good rooms, is well finished and has »i:t, and that he belongs to Burnham Russell, Oj I ^j^hig into view the situation in which the state ] every necessary convenience. Morgan county, lie is alxuit t wenty-five years ° J j, pUced with regard to the fund arising from the I also. xp' * nd Sve • eet *? ven inches high; Iras on a blue I sl | c3 0 f confiscated property, the duficulty of ob- I A two story new HOUSE, without, about two .cloth Jackcokt, white cotton shirt amlyetlow pan-1 nining die necessary testimony to establish her I hundred yards of the above, belonging to the es- taloons. H, M’CALL, o. c. c. I ; u6 t rights, and the length of time that may elapse |tate of Thomas F. Williams, deceased. This april 29 ■■ lQu j before she may reduce the whole of her claims on | house is also pleasantly situated, and deniable as tr-7>Rmu<rht h, iranl in Savannah Anril I confiscated property into actual possession, they a summer residence. i nintin 08 ?,-! tg jphrv -h-Lva ‘ re induced to believe, that if the whole claim The above property will be sold on actommo- 19th, 1818. a negro man *™ f d JERRY, who say I cou j ( i be disposed of for a reasonable snm, that it I dating terms, and possession given immediately— he belongs to George Gibbs on Cumbee, South- I w . ol ,u be the interest of the state to do so, and I or will be rented for the summer- Applyto Carolina. He is about 25 years of age and 5 feet b le , ve to recommend the following resolution, 1 ~ A 6inches high. j 0 “ lt: H. M’Call, G. c. c. I Resolved, That his Excellency the Governorbe april 23 96 | and he is hereby authorised, to rtceive sealed pro- ~Z I posals for tlie whole, or any part of the claim of Jforty dollars’ regard. I the state to confiscated property, until the first may 25—l 1- Williford & J -122 Valuable Deal Estate. FOR SALE. Ranaway from tire subscriber’s*'plantation, on | Monday in November next, arid that his Excellen- I . e subscritar wishing to remove from En tire night of the 18th instant, four NEGRO MEN, | cy advertise tbe -ame, once a mouth for 6 months, I ta ,d dutnet. South Carolina, will dispo* of hu by the names of ** j .vll l _ -e_ , i , s e O I Plantations, about 15 mues from Aumuta-fGs.’ Dublin is large, . .... auick and distinct when he is spoken to: Sam is | to lsy the said proposal, (if any) —— — ........ ... . . . . ... . about S feet 8 or 10 inches high, alow when soo- I General Assembly of this state.” I containing six hundred forty-nine acres.- ken to, has a down look, and is somewhat hump I NOTICE is hereby given, that sealed proposals I ° n the f orn, c r “ ..‘K 0 ”J;**’ bouse* and all .shouldered; Ben is about 5 feet 10 incites high, a I will be received at this department until 12 o’clock I '”^^*'7 out buddings, gmt mill, cotton machine little yellowish complected and speaks pert when I at noon of Monday the 2d November next. I . dlitl . k ry ’, qP“ xb°ut300 acres under eultira- fae isipoben to. am! ba. a white^peck in one of E. WOOD. Secretary. “ on i on .,» he Utt «' tr » e 5 “ »» eligible site bis eyre. pUy. tohrah’.y* well on tbe violin; Elijah | Fetors of the Georgia Journal and Sa-1 tta ^wti^f" cotton or^hraL WCU * - —« — *'** •* With the Lands will also be sold, 40 or 50 about 24years of age, about 5 feet 7inches high, I vaniiah Republican, will publish the above month* stout and well made, born and .■aned in Savannah, , for >ix ^.. nnth , ipri | 27_ l§ _ 98 ■ formerly the property of Dr. Recklqr- 1 r It is rather snppo-cd that they will make to- •ardsFlori la. Ten dolbrs for each of the above .described negroes, with all reasonable expenses, will be paid for placing them in any gaol in 'his •State, nr in South-Carolina, to that the Owners msy get them, or delivering them to the subscri bers, at their plantations on the fifteen mile creek, in Bulloch county. Joshua Everitt, Joseph Tillman. toy* fr-Hf City Taxes. The stibreriber is now prepared to receive ci*y luo fur the present year. The digest will be closed on the IStli next month, and executions is sued against all dcfioiUervimmediately thereafter. Commis iii n merchants are also required to settle their tax on sates made on commission to 1st in stant. None but b.lla of the banka of the city, cr specie, will by received in payment JOHN 1. ROBERTS, c. T. City Treasurer’s Ofice, Savannah, May 18—Jf6 NEGROES, gtod field hands; and the stock, «Inch is considerable, together with the season’s crop, if required. Terms, one-third down, the reminder at one and two year*,credit, with approved endorsers and mortgage. Application to be made on the premises to the .ubsenber, or to U C. CantfInw xnct Wnttan M'Hary. Augusta, Ga JOHN ORMOE. april 21—cAf-94. Blank Indentures far pale at this ofl&cq. . Notice. The subscriber being desirous to change bis . ,*,u . . . present residence, in order more fully toprose- craw, with the improvements thereon; levied on | cute b is mercantile views, ofiers to dispose of hi* to satisfy the titreettax of esute ofWtlbam Lew- TLAXTJITIOjr, in the lower edge of Burke de " *Vl T 18 i^ 9n< i, 1 ? ,d *.. Amount gl3 67. I county, at public sale, on SATiUtlDAY, the 20th LotNo_ 34 in eolumbu ward,.subject to pound I ^ of Jun« next, onthe premises, unless bMvi- nt to the city, with the improvements thereon; I ous [y disposed of at private sale. The tract con- levied on to satisfy the .taxes oi the estate of Dr. uins five hundred ami eighty acres of nuat-Jand, y* Proctor, deceased, viz: direct to for I suitable to the cultureror com arid cotton; about 1815; state, county and direct tax for Tone liundred and six^T acres of which is cleared, * U i1i^n d . C c m * ,y **? 35.^: Amount g74 SO. I an( j (he greater part in cultivation at this time — All that five acre lot in Chatham connty, known J \ tolerable good mill-seat belongs to the same; by the number 16. bounded on the east by loti and an eligible situation for atSin and Distillery, No. 7, south by lot No. 15, and north by lot No | detached from the mill-seat. On the premises are a 14; levied on to satisfy tlie direct to of estate of I tolerable comfortable dwelling-house, store house, Michael Germain for 1815 and 1816. Amount | ware-house, and gin*bouse, with all other neces- S l j* J 2 * . I sary out buildings, suitable to the accommodation All that 45 acre lot in Chatham county, known I either of the planter or merchant. Two wells of by^ number 4, about three miles from Savannah, I good water, together with several springs, are at- adjoining Camp Covingtoti, and lands of Bilbo, I tached; one of the former is situateo within a few Turnbull and Vallotton; also, all that five acre lot, j yards of the dwelling. The situation is as healthy known by No. 6, in Chatham county, in the vicin- I as any in the county.. Possession will be given the ity-of bavamub, levied on as the property of the | first of January next.—Terms made known on ap- estate of Isaac Laroach to satisfy the direct tax | plication to the subscriber, on the premises, or on for 1815 and 1816, and state and county to for I the day of public sale. Also at the same time and 1817. Amount g2 98. I place will be disposed of, a few prime CATTLE, A tract of land in liryan county, containing 220 I most of which are milch cows, acres, more or less, bounded on the east by land I Thomas Scarbrough. ’ of Mary Maxwelhon the south by land of Stephen | Burke countyt ( Gn j Muy 25 1S6 ° Administrator’s sale. On the 24/A day of June next, 'Will be sold at tne store of Moses Herbert, Sundry articles belonging to the estate of Thom- i Mendenhall, esquire, deceased, viz. 1 Cluck. Watches, Madeira Wine, Books,Pamphlets, fee. JOHN LATHROP.J , . GEORGE HALL, J"™ 0 "’ may 14 —113 Maxwell, and G. M. Waters, on the west and north by lands of Simons Maxwell and Ann Fos ter and the commons of Hardwick; levied on as the property of James W. Ward to satisfy bis di rect to for 1816, and state and county toes for 1817. Amount g3 44 JAMES EPPINGER, t. c. c. mav 7 107 Tax-Collector’s sales. On the firt Tuesday in August uext, Will be sold at the court-house in the city rf Sa vannah, between the hours ef 10 and 3 o’clock, the following property, or so much thereof as will satisfy the toes and costs— All that tract of Land on the Alatamaha, con- Administrator’s sale. On the first Tuesday in July uext, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Sa vannah, taming 1461 acres, more or less, about 900 «cres two NEGROM.Loyw^d of which is tide swamp; levied on as the property I ^ ora * beloppJJ&tothcestateof Mrs. Sarah Mines, of the heirs of James Gunn, to satisfy their (Erect decf *« d ’ ford>e benefit of theta.™ of the said to for 1815—amount,g4l 33. * honorable the All ’hat tract of Land in Chatham county, about I Inferior court of Chatham county, five miles from Savannah, containing 200 acres, I John Alillerij Cam or. more or less, adjoining lands of Mathew M’Allis-1 m *y 7—107 ter, James Marshall, estate of John Butler, and the J *■■-—■- - , township line of the forty-five acre lots; levied On | JttXeCUXOr S Sale. as the property of Robert Greer and others, to I On the first Tuesday in July next, satisfy their direct tax for 1815 and 1816. and state I Will be sold at tbe court-house in the city of Sa- and county to for 1817—amount £30 65 I vannah. All that tract of Land in Tatnall county, be-1 Tbe following three NEGROES, Ned, Rose tween Ohopee and Dead rivers, at their junction I and Nancy, belonging to the estate cf Stephen with the Alatamaha, containing 1150 acres, more or | Millen deceased, in pursuance of an order of the less, part of which is low land and reputed to be I Inferior court of Chatham county. excellent, granted in tracts 287j acres each to J. Kitts, Michael Castello, John Chandler, and David Holliman; levied on as the property of John R. Carlisle, to satisfy bis direct tax for 1815: and the direct to for 1816. and state and county tax for 1817, of Carlile & Pabodie—amount g55 63 Lot No 9, in Warren ward, subject to ground rent to the city; levied on as the property of Al exander Hunter, to satisfy bis direct tax for 1815 may 7 107 John C. Gugel, Qualified Executo^ Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in July next, , Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Sa vannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, state ird count, Ue ftt, IS.r-cooet JSSSgtSrJSCtlrA *3 S33 82 Lot No 22, Trustees’ gardens, situated on east on as the property ef William Stephens to sathfy broad street; levied on Zs tbe property of the es- * »««•*••» ** tate of Isabella and I-ydia Eliza Hunter, to satisfy I . ^ ls0 ’ , . h * following seven Negroe^to it- the direct to for 1815-amount gl 52 A ^ , 1 PP’’ All that Let or Darnel of Land, near White blnff I lnd U,Ue A ;^’ a m^rtgage^R fc^Boflon, < All that Let or parcel of Land, near White bluff I . road, about one mile from Savannah, containing I “ me to ***” - -, 50 acres, more or less, adjoining land belonging to I u S^tet qt Chatham academy: the estate of Edward White; letied on as the pro- A, “’ *{* ul^t perty of the estate ofCharles Prieto Mti^hu j d y^ n of darigaa, to will BiHy, August, jun-and 1«| f 7 amfuM ^20 7^ d J others, Anne, big Affy and Nanny? levied AU that (rac^of Land in M’Intosh county, on ttoi prepgy ofthc same to satisl^ a mortgage of South Newport river; containing 4034 acres, Retard Riotardson. more or less; levied on as the property of Eben- Also, one Negro woman named Phil- ezer Stark, deceased, to satisfy his direct to for I!«, levied on as the property of Wdtam Grew, I to satisfy William Craig, and sold under forcclo- | sure »f mortgage. George L. Cope, s. may 6 ■ —-06 . ., Notice, A|1 persons having demanda against the ertsto I of the late Thomas Mendenhall, esqnire, are re- lots, in Savannah, known I quested to present them within the time. prescrilH by tne nuraoer. 34 and 35, we.t of Fabm- b>Jaw ; and all those indebted « street, which, in the soperior couit. of Chat- »»be unmedute payment to thewbscnbm. ham county, in the terra of May last, were . J° hn L ^°P»2 adn’ors. found to belong to John Smith, an altsn, who I George Ha11> y' intestate and without heirs. I may 8 *+—-*°8 . . * ... 1815—amount gl9 54. James Eppinger, T. c. c. e. jnne 3 130 Escheators sales. On the first Tuesday in September next. Will be sold at tbs court-house, in tbe city of Savannaha All those two by the numbers found„ died intestate and without heirs. d,e SAMUEL M. BOND, ric.Vctor of Chatham county march 3 —lA—52 , ■ - Blank Manifests For aale at this office.