Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 11, 1818, Image 1

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m m urimi nmtiui. Messrs. Earn as—Hiring noticed in your list evening's paper a piece under the sigfisdnrr at m M*dicus, n I an eon’talnvd, ,at the soSdtation •r nty friend^ to alter the title of roy piodetfon* that may hereafter appear. By inserting ibis your useful paper you will oblige GEOLOGIST oiiot MEDICU5. 4th OF JULY, 1818. Th*43d Ansshaeroary.—At a meeting of the eit. •ena of Savannah at the Eschar ge, on Thursday, tbs 4th inst. for the purpose of making arrange* menu for (lie Celt bra’, ion of tho fourth July, the 43d anniversary of our independence—maj.SnsLB Wsrra was unsnimouvly call'd to the chair, and B. M. Bose, e.-q. appointed secretary. Resolved, that a committee be appointed tv make arrangement! for the days that the committee con (lit of air; and that J. B. Rian, Ws. Snat, sen Tnonas Normas, Wsr. C. Usmiu, jrsen M Bonn, and dams S. Bcitora, be that committee Resolved, that the committee be authorixed to wall upon a citizen to deliver an oration on that -day, appropriate to the memorable occasion. Re'tlvtd fn'thcr, that the amount of the sub* weription to the dinner be five dollars. Resoh-ed, that the tltanks of this meeting be gi Wen o the chairman and secretary. Resolved, that these proceedings be published. ’ - f. Stskls Wuitb, chairman. S. M. Roan, secretary. try Subscription lists are in the hands of each number of the cnmtniUee; at the book-store of W. T. Williams; at the office of the Republicans and bar of the Exchange. Prices Current, Charleiten, June 8. Cotton, mi island, lb 71 a75; upland do prime, 31 a >3; Sour, I’hila bl'glGj do Camden, (Carter's brand) 10 j; do Bichmond and Baltimore, 10}, dull* rice, prime, per 100 Ibi 5} a 6}; tobacco, per 100 Ilia. Carolina and Georgia, 7 a 10; com per bu.bel Si a 87 ▼ conn esp oa’hexce. "Gsoluoikt alias Manteca” is received and shall have a place. “Jcanca” shall be attended to. }i2£> SHIP NEWS. High- H ater, ToaMorrs-a. 2h 23m. o’clock P.M PORT OF SAVANNAH. Ship Shamrock, M'Kown. Liverpool, 52 days— wills an assorted cargo—to William Gaston, cos- ftt£oet*i U Jlichardson St C*. John M*Nuh, Alex- 'under Bertram, and B Malone & Co. Schooner Betsey, Kimball, Charleston, 1 day— villi coffi.e and iron—to II. Tupper, the master, and to order. Sloop Volant, M‘I.e*n, Charleston, 1 day—as- aortrd cariT»—to Isaac. Cohen, conaigneet G. F.b. O Palmes, Claries Maurrl, Josepli Carnitlters, B. King, Williford & Maker, *n<J A- Tardy. Pa* tenr-rs—Mr. Tardy, ladv anil daughter; Mr and daughter, eapt It. IKrby. Mtaara. Maynan, Verjon, Schultz, and Thompson. ctaaaao. Brig Lvdia. Nichols, Bordeaux . Schooner Rising-Sun, Vickery, Philadelphia Port of Charleiten, Ju re ft Arrived, ship Ceres. Webber, Liverpool, 56 ds- —on the 3d nut. lat S3 Ion 78..poke ship Uenja- min Kush, two days from Snami.h; British sch r Trio, FuM'ord. Nas-su, 4 dusch'r- Leader, Weick- Trinity, Mart II day-; Lovcl\ K zia, BjthewooJ Beaufort, 1 dav;' boa; Maiy-Ann, from Columbia, 8 davt. sloop G.n. Washington, Coales, Suvaniuih, 1 day; llr brig Highlander, Donald, Dundee, 70 days; Swedish ketch Laura, V 'lger , Strariund, 60 daj s alo»|> Frolic. Bateson, St Au gustine, 30 hours blow laat evening U S brig Prometheus, and sch’r Lynx, from St Mary’s. Cleared, ship Ores, Callender, Liver.ainl; brir I)- - ver, Esdall. N York and Providence; sch’rs Unio. Swaine. New-Orlea' S; Washington, Stinson do; Louha, Thorp, X York; loop* Ann-Maria. Fow ler, Newport and Pro; idcnce; Isabella, Donnelly Philadelphia; Sally, Heed, Norfolk and Baltimore Reneaga, with 96 Aft-wart*, which were letti there bvithe collector of the Caicos. Theme peo tde were landed at Henewga, from a Catshagenian eraser, which had captured them in a Spanish slave vesorl, and put them on shore until U>e pri vateer coul l procure proviaionv for them. The collector of the Caicoa hating heard of (he cir cumstance, eam'down to Heneags and took them onboard the Fairy. One white man, belonging to the privateer, was left in charge of them and has accompanied than to ibis port. , -*f«J 37. Arrived, h-.g Juno, Milter, Philadelphia, flour, com, bread, meal and staves. |C7* Will be ran TO-MORfWV. r , at twelve o’clock, over the Savannah Course. a SWEEPSTAKE—mile best*, three in five—by the best Hones in the state, as supposed. Kates of toll as mu-ol. T MB'PROPRIETOR, june 10 135 Savannah /fitter Navigation Company. A meeting of the atockh'-lii. rs of the company wilt be held at the Glob* Tavern, in A ug-iaia, at. 10 o’clock, a. x. on Wednesday, the' 22d July next; forthd purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of reducing the salary of the presi dent, amt for other purposes. By order. A. BRUX, president. As it win be necessary, under forfeiture of stock, for tin- sub ? cribrrs to sigo the articles of association, cither personally or b;. attorney, on or before the firrt Monday in Jul» ; powers of attorney for that purpose are left for signature for the accommo dation of subscribers in Savmnab, at the office of Lloyd & Morrison enquires; at which plyee the subscribers in bavannah arc requested to call and subscribe accordingly. june 8—1—1—134 Union Road Company. The managers of the Union lioad Company haring declin'd a dividend of 4 per cent, on said slock, or 4 dollars per share, Stockholders may receive the same on application to . \V tlliam Woodbridge, Treasurer Union Hoad Company. may 6 sf 106 Georgia .agricultural Society. The subscriber *s now ready to pay over to stockholders in the Georgia Agricultural Society, a dividend of 4 per cent on the amount of their 3t<jpk, upon presentation of their certificate* to Wx. \VOODBRIDGK, treasurer, mxy 22-fi-0* Spermaceti Candles. 10 boats lir-n quat.iy, jus received and fer sale by George r. $ Oliver Palmes june 9 * 135 Notice. All persons having unsettled accounts with the subscriber are requested to attend to the san-e this week. Messrs. Meigs & Reed will act as attornies for me during roy absence fr m the city. SAMUEL B. PAKKMAN. june 10 136 Notice. All persons indebted to the late firm of CHAM BERLAIN U BUBNET, are required to make im mediate payment to the subscribers, and those having chums against said hrm to present them i LLOYD tc MORRISON, june 10—136 Port of J\‘orfo'k, June 1 Arrived, sch’ry Emily, Hill, 15day* from Aux Caves Essex. Barber. 4 days from YirennnaA — Jn Hampton Hoads, brig Pallas, Troant, of Ho-ton, ? m.A.mel laiolr- • SoliHpiih. -ftom Havana, in distress, very leaky; sch’r Gene ral J4»c»mib, Wright, from Charlr. ton, 52 hour -to thr Capes. Cleared, sch’rs Lanene, Coo dv, to thr Capes. . . West-IndicS; Experiment, Pcrctval Madeira; Pack et, Appleby, West-Indies. , Port of Balimore, June I Arrived. British selt’r Sarah, lit tty. 10 ds from Nassau; sch’rs Lapwing, Grigs, from Port-iu- Pnnrr; General Macomb, W right, 9j hours from Charleston; brig Fox. Poucard, 19 days from St. Pierres, Mart. Cleared, bng George P. Ste- venson, Clark. Batavia; schooner Serpent, An drews. St rbor-as. June 2. Arrived, sch’r Clicvcs. Stark, from Turks-Island, vis Plymouth, s c. with salt. Cleared, brigs Nanev, Lumg, Honduras; Eagle, Isley, W. Indies; sch’r'Good-Intent, Davis, S; Croix. Port of Philiiihlphin, June 1. Aarivcd. ship Out.’, Toby, NVw-Orleans, 16ds. 'Below, brig Hibernia, Brown, from fovcrpool; al so, » slop and brig. Cleared, ships Jar.e, Ban croft, Liverpool; Hebe, Jerv is, Charleston. Port ef .Vers- York, .May 30. Arrived, ship Manchester Packet, Burke, 34 davs from Havre.—This vessel, at 6 o’clock cm Thursday evening, grounded on tbe tail of the - West Bank, where she remained until yesterday afternoon. Capl. Burke was bel-.iw at the time, confined by dines*, occasioned by 4 days anxiety and exposure among the ice on the hanks—this morning she anchored wiiliin the Narrow*.— Cleared, ship Magnet. Ogden, Liverpool; brig* Bacchus, Hodgson, do; Hope, Lawrence, N Or leans; Savannah Packet, Brown, do; sch’r Henry. Williams, Cape Henry; sloops Linnet, Jones, Da rien, Geo; Cagle, Stinson, Charleston. [bt Tire am. sca’n trio, abb. at cHaaiiaTOX.] Pert of AliJicu, f -V. P.J -ffoy 13. The Ameican sch’r lle'sey, Grafton, from Ha vana bound to Khode-island, has been wrecked oh the Florida Beef—part of the cargo, consisting of molasses, has been saved and brought to port. The sch’r James la C'.isriotte, of this tmrt, on hcrwayhiiher from the yrcck of the b.-ig King George, with a part of that brig's cargo, stnftk up on a reef at Gun Key Cai, and has rone to pieces; p art of her loading has been saved and brought The sloop Goan*, of this port, on her wav to Andros Island, on Monday evening, grounded on North’s Key Bar, and bilged. •If it- 23. On Thursday the mail boat 8ir Billy Cur is, cap- •va'in Piniler, retum^l from Crook-d I-land, having onboard ibe Mirch mol iron E-giiryi, landed from the llladier Parket, eapt. I* c ick. There •wivspo htltt bag fr m Jamaica b> the Pack , t — •On hia passage upAcapt P wa. tvu pr vaiecr- ly ing a' •■•chtiz off die soot'.' end oi L og .Island v i) a Thursday, the (loop Fairy arrived bare lrom Valuable Property for sale, IN TltENiU.v, iiv. J ) I wish to sell the propei ty on wli ch 1 now lire, beautifully situated at the upper end of the city cl Trenton, between the two turnpike roads trading from Trenton tq PriiicvUm aim New Brunswick The buildings are all new, and built of the best materials, and in the best manner, well calculated to accommodate a large or small l.imiiy. This place has an abundant supply of excellent water, a fine yi ung beating orchard of die best of fruit and is allowed b, ju g.s to equal any in point ol health, situation and convenience, and cau be had with a small or large quantity of land, as may best suit tbe purchaser. Any person wishing to purchase said property will please apply at this omce, or by letter to tbe subscriber, on ihe premises. ltlClIAKD IMLAY. Trenton (n j ) june lf> r 16 Highly important To those who desire to lyeud a tew months pleasantly, in the country. A gentleman speaking me French and Spanirii Languages, or, the French Lan^ua^e only, will meet with a liberal offer lor his services, by applying at the office of the Sa- vannuho Jicpublican. June 10——cx——136 Flew from a cage, On the b.ii instant, a little yLiluw CANARY BIRD, leaving bis companion, aiid three young ones, will: four eggs in the nest. If any person should find Uie little- runaway, they shaii receive a reward of nrx dollads, or a rain of vooao vm s, on deliverihg the Utile truant lo the printers june 10— “ -135 lit ought to gaol, in Savanntth, Juitr 6, id 18, a negro man who says his name is Jacob ami that lie belongs t» George W. Allen, ol An gusts. He is about 22 years of age, and 5 ieet 4 inches high. H. M'CALL, e c c june 10——136 t m 9 Brought to gaol, in Savannah. June 6, 1818, a negro man who say a his name is Jtr- rxav, and dial lie belongs to \V'm. Hranch, ntai l^feensborough. He is about i'6 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, yellow complexion. 11. M'Call, e. c. c. june 10—136 • Brought to gaol, in Savannah, June 6, 1818, a negro woman, who savs her name is Uktsei, and that she belongs to Joseph Melheny. of Burke county. She is about 20 years of age, and 4 feet U inches high. She lias a female child about one year old, named Filhs. H. M’Call, G. c. c. june 10 — 7 36 Brought to gaol, in Savannah, June 9. 1818, a negro woman, who says her name is Fiuts, aiid that she belongs to G. G. Jedon, lllack Swamp, (s. c.) She is about 2d ytars (1 age, and 5 feet 4 incue* high. H. M’Call, g. c. c. june 10 -—136 IfIT’BriWg.'iC to gaol in Savannah, May 30, 1818, a Negro inan who says his name is Bsv ami that be belongs t.> James Stewart, formerly of Liberty county. He is about twenty-seven ' ears of age, and five feet five inches hi.h. stout form and oow legged H. M’C ALL, o. c. c. june 3 130 ip* .Brought to gaol, in S»fanuah, May 6, IdlS,» very lig .tc l rcdmula’to woman, who s»ys her name is Naxct l*iss. and that she belong' to Thomas Irwin, of Aug is.a, who lately br..ugiit her from kichmui.d, Virginia. She :s about twenty years of age, and five teet six inclies high. H. M'CALL, u. c. c. may 13-112 City Taxes. TtiC’Subscr.htr is now prepared to receive city- laxes for the present year. The digest will be cloved on the idt i next month and executions is sued against ali defiulters immediately thereafter, ijiimmissiou nurcliants are also required to settle their tax «n Sale* made fin comm.ssion to 1st in- •tant. None but bills of the banks of the city, or •-pecie, will be received in osvment. JOHN 1 ROBERTS, c. T. City Treasurer’* Ofice, Savannah, .Way 18—116 MONTHLY NOTICES. •jt Nine moHths after jaje, I shall make application lo tb« boncr»We Inferior court of Tattnall county,, wlka »iUi*j*f«>r ordinary purpose*, for leave <® foil ‘tie real estate ofCoraly Wbi*rh«ad. decoated. John Santis, adm\. oov 5 —to ’141 Notice !." It hereby give", that after the expiration of cine months from this date, application Will be made to the court, for liberty ,lp sell the &aal-eatate.sf flamsoT Witlitm*, deceas ed, for the h inelil o- the heir* and creditor* of the said deceased. JOHN WILLIAMS, adm’or. Bullot-h county, Nov. .13—jo*—154 Notice. Nine months after date application will be made to the honorable Ihe Justices of the Inferior Cnort of the county of Chatham, for leave to sell two tracts of Land; one lying in the county of Chatham, on Little Oge- chee, containing 250 acres; the other in lhe< county of Wilkes, (Georgia) containing 240 acres, belonging to the estate of JohnBut- ler. deceased—sold for the benefit of the heirs. JAMES ARMSTONG, adm'or. in right ofthe adm'rx. dee 5- o$———167 '■ Notice. Application will be nude to the court of ordin ary, of Glynn county, after nine months from the • 7th January, 1818, for leave to sell the real es tate of Jakes Hoilaxd, deceased, late of Glynn county, for the benefit of the. heirs and creditors. James C. Mangham,/or John Hendrix, jan 21 17 admixistator. Notice. Application will be made to the hononble the Inferior court of Camden county, afier nine months from this date, • or leave to sell the real estate of late Francis Leroy, of Cumbe.'land isl and, in the county of Camden, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors and heirs of saiddeeeased; die estate consisting of a tract of land on Cum berland island, and three Negroes. Paul P. ThouissBon, jan 29 to 24 adm’or Notice. Nine months after date, application will be made to the court of ordinary of Scriven county, lor leave to sell one hundred acres of land in Scri ven comity, lour hundred do. in Glynn, two hun dred and two and a half (No. 153) in the 22d dis trict of W’ilkiuson. and two hundred two and a half (No. 289) in do. do. for the benefit ofthe heirs of Jusiah Sowell, deceased. William Sowell, adm'r. fob 10 o§* 34 Notice. Nine months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Chatham county for leave lo sell lot No. (9) nine, Wilmington tything, Darby Ward, wilhthe improvements, belonging to tbe es tate of 13, Sliatfer, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. Frederick Shaffer,? » . Jacob Shaffer, t tX M ’ april 3—=—} —85 On the froi Tuesday in July ntxt, Will be sold at Savannah, between the hours of f 0 and 3 o’clock. The Distillery at Springhill, with the appurtc nances thereto belonging, levied on as the prop erty of John E. Uartridge, at the suit ofthe United States, vs Samuel and Isaac Russell and John E. llartridge. *JOHN H. june 1—128 Notice. Nine months from the date hereof, appli cation will be made to the honorable Jus tices of the Inferior Court of the connty of Chatham, for leave to sell 2300 acres of land in Glynn county, being part of the real estate of William Limbert. deceased. CATHARINE P. LIMBERT, april 29 —100 executrix. Notice Nine months from this date* 1 shall apply to the honorable the justices of the inferior court of Chatham county* for leave to a.ell two hundred two and a half acres of Land, in the 25th district of Wilkinson, No. 169, now Twigg’s county,) for the benefit of tbe minor, who drew it Moses Sheftall, guardian, may 2 o§ 129 Notice.; Nine months after the date hereof, appli cation will be made to the Inferior court of Chatham county, for leave to aell all that racl of land called pine Bluff, in Chatham ounty, containing about 840 acres* bound ed south east by estate William Elliott’s land, southwest by Ogechee river, north west by G. W. M’AHister’s land, and north east by lands of Hugh Rose, being part of tbe real estate of Ralph E. Elliott, deceased, and sold to make a division among tha heirs of the estate. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, may 7 107 surviving ex’or. nidniinistrator8 > notice. Nine .months after date, application will be made to the justices of the inferior court of Chatham county, for leave to sell the following properly:—one tract of Land, in Chatham county, about seven miles from Savannah, lying and being in the district of White Bluff, containing seven hund red and fifty acres, more or less; two lots* with the improvements thereon, in the vil lage of Vernonburgh, and one five-acre lot, two miles from the city of Savannah; being the real estate of captain Thomas Rice, late of Savannah, deceased—to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said deceased, Ebenczer S. Rees, } Thomas W.Rice,$ flimors ' may 14 o{ 113 Georgia—Bulloch county. By Ely Kennedy, clerk ofthe court of ordinary of said county. JWlierras, Daviil Williams of said county applies for letters of dismission from the administration the estate of Elizabeth By all, dec. These are therefore to cite and admonish *11 singular the kindred and creditors ofthe said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office, within the time prescribed by law, aoth-rwise letters of dismission will be granted tli ppheant. [L. S.] ELY KENNEDY, c.c. o. jan I?—t— f t Georgia—Liberty county. By Elijah Baker, clerk ofthe court ol ordinary for said county. Whereas, Joim E.-Fra<er, esq. applies to be dis missed from his administration on the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of William Sullivan, late of -aid county, deceased. Now, therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office, at Biceborcugh, within the time precrihrd by bpr, otherwise dismisscry let ters will be granted. Given under my hand and-seal, tnis second day of March, in the year of our Lord ODe thousand eight hundred and eighteen, and in the forty-se cond year of American independence. [L S.j E. BAKER, c. c. o. a c. march 4—53 • 3fc‘ ft- • PUBLIC SJILES. Notice. The subscriber being desirous to change hi pres: nt residence, in order more fully to prose cute hia mercantile views, often to depose of his PLJtJtTATlOJf, in the lower edge vfBurki county, at public sale, on SATURDAY, the Stti day of June mat. on the premises, unless previ Odsly disposed of at private sale. - TT e tract con tains five hundred and eighty acres of n ixt land, suitable to the culture ol corn and cotton; about one hundred and six y acres of which is cleared, and the' greater part m cultivation at this time.— A tolerable good; null-seat belongs to the same; sad an eligible situation for ■ Cm and Distillery, detached'from Uie miU-aeat On the premises are i tolerable comfortable dwelling-lx-use, store house, ware-house, and gin-house, with all other neces sary out buildings, suitable to the aceommodatior either <-f the planter or mercliant. Two well, ol good water, together with several springs, are»t- of the former is situated within a few tached; one yards ofthe dwelling. The situation is as healh. as any in the county. Possession will be given the firat of stnuary next —Terms made know u on ap plication to the subscriber, on the premises, or on the day of public sale. Also at the same time and place will be disposed of, a fuy prime C.iTTLE, most of which are milcli cows. Thomas Scarbrough. Burke county, f Geo J May 25——126 Administrators sale. On the 24th day of June next. Will be sold at tne store of Moses Herbert, Sundry articles belonging to tbeestate of Thom- Mendenhall, esquire, deceased, viz. 1 Clock Watches, Madeira Wine, Books Pamphlets, tic JOHN LATHKOP, J . , GEORGE HALL, 1 may 14 113 Marshal’s sale, continued. On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Sa vannah between the hours of It) and 3 o’clock. Those two lots and improvements in the town ofSunbury, levied on Uie property of John Mo loch, at Uie suit of Lewis A. Bouncke, surviving copartner. Also, four Negroes, viz. Chatles, William, Ma ria and Louisa, levied on as the property of John Moloch, at the suit of Lewis Aonnike, vs. John Molich. JOHN II. MOREL, marshal. june 3 1 130 Marshal’s sales. On the Jirst Tuesday i-i July next, Will be sold at JJarien between the hours of ten and U'ree o’clock, Two Wharf Lots, No. 3 and 4, with their ic« provements, in the town of Darien, levied on as the property of James Hamilton, at the suit ol Benjamin B. Rogers (J Co. vs James Hamilton JOHN H. MOREL, marshal. june 1—128 •Marshal’s sale. . MOllEL, marshal. Tax Collector’s sales. On the first Tunday in July next. Will be sold at the court-house in tbe city of Sa vannah, The following two NEGROES, Lonon and Flora, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Sarah Millen, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of the said deceased, under an order of the honorable the Inferior court of Chatham county. John Millen* adin’or. may 7 107 On the first Tuesday in July next. Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Sa vannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, Thf following property, or so much Uiereof, ar will satisfy the taxes and costs, viz:— The western half of wharf lot No. 2, in Yama- cranr, with the improvements thereon; levied on to satisfy the direct tax of estate of WUliam Lew- den for 1815 and 1816. Amount gl3 67. Lot No. 34 in Columbia ward,‘subject to ground rent to the city, with the improvements thereon; (levied on to satisfy the taxes oi the estate of Dr. George V. Proctor, deceased, viz: direct tax for 4815; state, county and direct tax for 1816; and state and county tax for 1817. Amount g74 50. All Uiat five acre lot in Clutham connty, known by the number 16, bounded on the east by lot No. 7, south by lot No. 15, and north by lot No. 14; levied on to satisfy the direct tax of estate of Michael Germain for 1815 and 1816. Amount 5519 12. All that 45 acre lot iivCbatham county, known by number 4, about three miles from Savannah, adjoining Camp Covington, and lands of Bilbo, Turnbull and Vallotton; also, ail that five acre lot, known by No. 6, In Chatham county, in the vicin ity of bavannah, levied on as the property of the estate of Isaac Laroach to satisfy the direct tax for 1815 and 1816, and state and county tax for 1817. Amount 5J2 98. A tract of land in Bryan county, containing 220 icres, more or less, bounded on the east by land of Mary Maxwell, on the south by land of Stephen J Maxwell, and G. M. Waters, on the west and north by lands of Simons Maxwell and Ann Fos ter and the commons of Hardwick; levied on as the property of James W. Ward to satisfy his di rect tax for 1816, and state and county taxes for 1817. Amount j$3 44. JAMES EPP1NGER, I, c. c. mav 7 107 Tax-Collector’s sales. On the fit t Tuesday in August uext, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Sa. vannah, between the hours ef 10 and 3 o’clock, the following property, or ao much thereof as Will satisfy the taxes and costs— All that tract of Land on the Alatamaha, con taining 1461 acres, more or less, about 900 acres of which is tide swamp; levied on as the property of the heirs of James Gunn, to satisfy thdr direct lax for 1815—amount £41 33. All ‘hat tract 'of Land in Chatham county, about five miles from Savannah, containing 200 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Mathew M-Allis ter, James Marshall, estate of John Butler, and the township line of the forty-tive acre lots; levied on . the property of Robert Greer and others, to tisfy their direct tax for 1815 and 1816, and stale and county tax for 1817—amount gJO 65 All that tract of Land in Tatnall county, be tween Ohopee and Dead rivers, at their junction with the Alatamaha, containing 1150 acres, more or less, part of which is lew land and reputed to he excellent, granted in tracts 28”j acres each to J. Kilts, Michael Costello, John Chandler, ai d David Holliman; levied on as the property of John It. Carlisle, to satisfy his direct tax for 1815: and the direct tax fur 1816, and state and coumy tax for 18 »7, cf Carlile & Pabodie—amount S55 63 Lot No 9, in Warren ward, subject to ground rent to the city; levied on as the property of Al exander Hunter, to satisfy his direct tax for 1815 1816, and state and county tax fur 1817—amount g38 82 Lot No 22, Trustees’ gardens, situated on east broad street; levied on as the property of the es tate of Isabella and Lydia Eliza Hunter, to satis*y the direct tax for 1815—amount gl 52 All that Lot or parcel of Land, near White bluff road, about one mile from Savannah, containing 50 acres, more or less, adjoining land belonging to the estate of Edward White; levied on as the pro perty of the estate of Charles Price, to satisfy his direct tax for 1815 and 1816, slid state and county tax for 1817—amount g20 71 All that tract of Land in M*ln(oih county, on South New-port river; containing 4034 acres, more or less; levied on as tbe proptrty of Eben- ezer Stark, deceased, to aalisfy his direct tax for 1815—amount gl9 54.. James Eppinger, t. c. c, c. june 3 139 1 Cards, Blanks. .Sfc. Printed at this office. AUCTIONS. To-Morrow, 11th instadt* tfitt he sold at auction, on the premier*. The HOUSE sjvI LOT. No. 30, Colem* him ward, lately owih»\ ai d in the cceu- • I* .nation of major Bourke; the lot is in fee _Jal>'niple. and the house quite m ». beirf «rt ii arranged and very convenient for a <r»ll fo mily, haring a Kitchen and Stable den cb<-d fro; the house. The premises can be arm by at the h ue, being the corner opposite the res* dct.ce of Wm. M. Evans, esq. Conditions, ca*h only. Sme t* commer.ce at 10 o’clock. M. Herbert, auet’r. june 6 133 To-Morrow, the lltli inatant, ITill he sold on I fa lien's -wharf, 3000 bushels Corn To be sold in lots to suit puitliascfa. Terms, cash. Suit to conmence at 12 o’clock. M. Herbert, auct'r. june 10 136 On Saturday next, I3th instant, ’ill held at the store, lately xccupiod by John R. Burke If Co f .Mar krt-syiuue J THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, coxsistI'o or • Dry Goods and Groceries. Term* made known at time of k le Stic to commence at 11 o'click M. HERBERT, atcCr. june 9——135 Administrator’s sale. On Wednesday, 15th July next* IFill be cold at Ihe p' mta lon the late Robert /hits ton, cry litre, deceased. All the Stuck of CA I TLB and SHEEP: and • fow article* of IIGl'sElteLD FURNITURE. Terms, cash Sale to commence at 11 o’clock. M. HERBERT, auct’r. june 3—130 Administrator’s sales. On the first TUKSBA i in August next, Will be sold before the court bouse in this city between the usual hours, The fo'lowing six NEGROES: George, a car penter; Silvia, Venus London, Harriet and her child, William. Sold as the personal proper ly of Mrs. Mary Flemming By order cf the administrator. Terms, cash. M. HERBERT, auct’r. } may 15 114 Administrator’s sale Executor’s sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Sa vannah, The following three NEGROES, Ned, Rose and Nancy, belonging to the estate of Stephen Alilien deceased, in pursuance of an order of the Inferior court of Chatham county. John C, Gugel, may 7- -107 Qualified Executor In Council, June 8, 1818. Resolved, That the city u||^sh*l do proceed to sell at public uutcry before the court-house, in this city, on the first Tuesday in August next, Lot No. 24, Columbia ward, » hich has been re-entered. Extract from the minutes. K. R. CUTLER, c. c. In conformity to the above resolution of coun cil, I shall proceed on Tuesday, the 4th August, in front of the court-house, between the hours of 10, a. a. and 2, r. u. to sell all that lot No. 24, Co lumbia ward, 63 by 90 feet, bounded north by Pre sident-street, west by Lincoln-street, south by Yors-street, and east by lot No. 23, re-entered as the property of Joseph Bacon F. M. STONE, c. a. june 9 - ■■ 135 < in Council, June 9* 1818. Resolved, that the Marshal do proceed to sell . (giving ten days notice) the Timber and Buildings on the Fort, called Augusta. _ Extract from the minutes.' R. II. CUYLER, c.c. |C7* In conformity to the above reso lution of Council, 1 shall proceed on FRIDAY, thy 19th iost. to sell all that Building and the Tim ber at fort Augusta, consisting oi 50 or 60 pieces of three inch Joise, and 20 or 30 pieces of Tim ber—the building was built for a barrack. F. M. STONE, c. a. june 9 135 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in July next. Will be sold at the court-house in tbe city of Sa vannah, between the usual hours of 10 and S' o’clock. The following seven Negroes, to wit: Ten&h and her four children, Abraham and Sarah, levied on as the property of William Stephens to satisfy mortgage ol the Chatham Academy assignees. Also, the following seven Negroes, to wit: Agrippa, Jacob, Molly, Venture, George, Cato and little Afiy, levied on as the property of the same to satisfy a mortgage of It. & J. Bolton, as- igneea of Chatham academy: Also, the following Negroes to wit: Simon, Bet ty, Svm, Patience, Clarissa, August and tha Chil dren of Clarissa, to wit: Billy, August, j'in. and others, Anne, big Alfy and Nanny, levied on as thn property of the same to satiety a mortgage of Richard Riohardson. George L. Cope, s. c, c. mav 6 -W> Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in July next, H’iil be sold at the court-house in Savannah, be* tween the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock— Twelve Negroes, viz: Mingo, Ned, a carpenter. Rose, Sally, Simon, Eltazer, )oung Eleazer, Jack, Claudia, Charles, Lydia, and Sarah—also, all that tract or parcel of Land, called Ephrata, containing 600 acres, more or less, first quality cotton land, 300 of w hich are in prime order and uniter culti vation, situate in White-bluff district, 7 miles from Savannah, and known by the name of the Orphan- house plantation; levied on as the property of William Stephen-, esq- to satisfy executions in fa vor of Andrew Low & Co. and others. Also, four (4) Negroes; levied on as the pro perty of John Levett, dec, to satisfy an execution in favor of David Lenox, obtained by hint against tbe executors of John Levett. Also, all that tract or parcel of Land on Liher- Isl.iud, called Pine Hand, containing 30 —- acres, adjoining George Herb, and other sides by marsh; levied on as the property of Jacob Resit ick, die. and sold to uuif) an execution in faro* of Robert Colton. George L. Cose: s. c. c. .33 . - yl ' june 6 -