Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, July 28, 1818, Image 2

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putt, wni, nbm /ft,; . m tmTX, •if jT5r good conduct in * - '■«%•■:" '' : *J - ie .plague, has broke but at (^rah, and --■•■s’CS with extreme viole-ice on the en virons of that-town and at Algiers^’' The duke of Wellington arrived at es BjrjnLz 111 advjixce tu, f 4 roi'^Tu «7r j UUKC 01 " einngion arrived at ' / Brussels on the 21st of May, andleu it on the 22d, to .inspect' the fortifications Qt Mons and Chatieroy. Madame-de Stael’s posthumous work, of Considerations on the Chief Events if the RtvoliUwn,. had only appeared two'days, when upwards of 46(H) copies were sold.-— mm thought that " ~ "■ f . -Late European Intelligence. Pftm the 37. JC‘CoismeftioUbhxrtiter, 16/Aibtu _ __ •y ««-«ravu last evening of the pack-Tj" * .thatithe «t ship faciBc, captain Williams, in 441 edition ot 10,000 copies would day* from Liverpool, the editor* of the] posed of.- •- •Cwmercipl Adyrtlserfay received their] l The German papers state, while coral Vi II -Mii* J'olueco.-xCargoes are ‘offer- 5os to G5s per cwt.but in the articli Spot thetc has been little.or nothing nor last: prices are nominal!? icsince our last; prices are nominally teal ‘ No Maryland tobacco at market. *T tour.—Considerable sales have been Her *t in-tallow on tli* apoti price of Y. effiet d-io’tallhw on tli* spot-price * ' ,f ,LoH»«t*, May 29 JJOilWWJS} awaaaj MV. A. landers mail arrived yesterday witl dijS^wfbirTa^day. last—The to! lowp- — — ■w*——ice-whirh should belong'fo tuc Peer age as a constituent part ad thelejrialatare —Edinburg Magazine. » / LtlCE. ^ ■The old odage, thgt ‘‘peac^irin g;vw.">vs MOW* MU»V ICCCMCU WICU I J|, __ “A few. da/fa si..„ terloo, from Berlin a pyramid of cast iron surmounted with a cross. This pyramid, which is 26 feet high, will be get up in tin commune of PJancheooit, near the church on the spot opon.which there was a Pros dan battery, which did.pot a little contri ' iteto the success of that memorable day bis monument bears an inscription in t>» Uirinan language', to the follow effect;— ■s Vtg MJtitle .vj »r cuiit^iUM, • A morning paper pu*dislies the follow ing as authentic, (roui tile emperor of Bus French Funds on ihe 23th -Vets—S8fi duke of Wellington, on the (ate a . .«-r 1 — —» ' J attar* upon At* life. ?dWTSr" g H C * m r r ' /oil 2 P«-1 ^Meon,joutparjour a St. BeUhCfa > V " ^ 0ne » *H inclusive,— | rant S mois, ses conversations publiquei el Among thewuraonmapraaenwra in the I privces,etc. Ibis work* which wilftettn-. X°": W'Uiam'EostTS, our] commonly interesting on account ofitsau- late mtrt^er to Holland, and his lady. | thenticity, lias not yet been able to be pub- airman language, to the follow effect.— ft: et»R don Courier of the 29th of May, I ••shed, because the manuscript was detain- >Ti the Prussian heroes,- by their grateful •announce*, that the parliament would bej e d by tlie English. I kirrr and country.’ Every exertion is f ropogued on the 6th, and dissolved on the j Prices of British Stocks oa the SOllt of] made to get the pyramid set Up before tin- t ’ 1 r“ n *? provided nothing should inter-] May—3 percent reduced 78 1-4; S perl l8th\of June next, the 3d anniversary of \bne which shoald render it necessary -to] cent consols 73 3-4 91,8 9; 4 ncr cents I the bittle of Waterloo ” oner that arrangement, | do. 9614 1-814. ' t» coS"a^«2bTi^ a S! e t? rti frt ed l Jnerican Stodcsjon the SOth of ,¥oy—] Duke ofH’Alington. company assembled at the C,ty of London 13 per cents 7I } new 6 per. cents 102 1-2:* * : --- r^„... * Wt t er ? n ? ,ver ** r - v | U - 8- «- shares, 321.10c. vtf Mr. Pitt’i birth-day. Lord Lascelle.sJ ** , „ , , presided, supported by the presence of the] r *? f ? f earl of Liverpool, the lord Chancellor, earl] deferred .tock-aif.aoc. I mVmh, > *1 h,** been -Bathurst, the chancellor of tbe Exchequer,] Arrived at Liverpool, May 23, Ilanto-J fb ‘*1 thr^e.-T S3’SjSSSietorS? f0r thrir rw,k gtBltl: Q 2 f th>n<, ^h;U ourl L t ^ca"en did JiLXw ftto i P 2rSa^SjS l: - &rli. ? M *7]ceed, aid {am sincerely rejoice.1 thereat On the SrU» of May, the eociefy for thei r*i ll .-u 1 !| llll . \i. r i p ’ # or8 ^ ’I Your ulitiry ^lory, joined to your elevat commemoration of Burns, dined at ^ e I nesolutioa NnJniir n %t° f r °'M Cl * Sid character, have assoriafpr , Hl8 ro 7 kl h»ghnr« tfcoSlnlffL Norfolk, Sterjmg. I j 00 gQ with -the maintenance of tht. -duke of York in the chair, supported on] * ' | general wdlare, that it -cannot but suffer bis right by Ma Bos Well, member of par- ] Liverpool, May 25, Sirah, | from aiiv circumstance that would tend, to Lament. On his loft was Mr-Rash, t;.e.| Cornish, Canada; Good Return,’ Sahds, J alienate veil from it. This is a testimony -American ambassador. Among the toasts j Baltimore; John Bulkey, West, j’-hiladel-] which lied pleasure in bearing toward Vlrnnkurtt *Mr. flush, the-dlmerican arn-i phi*- j you, and which is independent of fhos SosMitor, and the admirer of Burns in <Ar] COMMERCIAL. * iclaims which you have to my personal re United States. After the Const, 31r. Rush] Extract*/a later dated Aner/*.; May SO. | gard. A coincidence which thegenerosi- **,» ‘•'WfeB highly gratified in being pre-1 Cottons have been in good demand this I *7 of sentiments will not fail to ap- ?** f 00 ***? 1 ’j **p**°*^ d ,B h* v * I week; Bowcds are vather higher; no alfera j P™ciate,\is, that by the authority with mg his name eouplrd witbtb«tofthei11us-| tion in the prioeof New-Orleans, Pernain-]"' ll,ch 7°1 have been invested by the con trious man, whose memonrthey were met | huco.or Bahaie; .Maranhams of goodouali-J Sdence ofthe allies, you have exercised 4o celebrate. Barns addressed himself] tv are liiehon there ha. been \ andyott - * I continue to exercise, a salu .. ., . - -7—-- —--—^ himself] ty are higher; there has been a little in-1 an ^ j 0 ® twB'cb.. - ----- , -directly to tlio heart, and coiiMouenUyrq U i r yf Br 8e a-islands,lmtpricesare nomin-] tar J infflmic-^n the .cwntry, ,nd iu tht indelible. ] a l. The sales by private treaty sre.375ol? er f a P ai ^r ’ ‘ 1 the impressions produced were indelible. | a |. The sales by private P (reaty are 375o] ver J r nialice has directed if Mis works were universally read and ad-J Boweds, a few irSnsrj sold at 20d, fairl im P ater,t <*JKrts against you. Receive, mired in America; and he trusted they] quality brought 20 l-2d:t;ood fair 20 3-4d j m 7 ,0, 5i- tt »e renewed assurance of my nith -would be so, when presentempireswereja 21d, good 21 I4da ci 1-2; 1300 N.O. Aimxw:*” -23 1>2, and 800 sales J We are baipy to announce.that intclli 1 sea-islandS, good th'l 5* nc e has been received ofa favorable na The bHI before parliament foramending!] good.fair 21 1-2 a-.22d,- the regency act, enacts ^that in case par-11-2d, very good 23d a 2 Lament shall he separated, at the period ] y ery fins ut 2s 1-2; 20 1 wftho queen’- * ' * . J 4—. he separated, at the period J very fine at 2s 1-2; 20 sea-islandt, good t»« S« nce ha* betn received ofa favorable n.i \ 9 * tlctnwHs, a proclamation isl ^ nc 4d and 5s 6d; 1D50 Pernambuco, I^ ure , r ? in . communicuUng tli hs forthwith issued calling it together | inferior to fine 2s Id a 2s 2 lw4fl$ #00 Ba-1 ^owclusibti of a treaty with Holksr, an iin sixty days. If thereabould be no] haiaat 2s a 2s4-2d; 1000 Meranham at’2r,| th**“«e«sfol prosecution of tne opera iamertt at the occurrence of each an] » few at 2* 14d, and 56 fine at 2s l,2d; ]*8f5 ! ', 6 t the Pindarees—Courier. it* aod -in case it should happen before! 50 Demerara, good at 2s a 2s id; SO'Su-1 Pari$ P n P fr * °f Tuesday and Wed - lift* nf maatlnw wwnAlwi.J L ...-la ruto. (rnmt In fino lfl 1.0 .O/ll XV ~t\ U I I nCSUaT Kst ISVe ftrritPlI. fin fill* fnrn to be forthwith 'Within silt parliameiit ^vent*and in case it should happen before! aw uemerara, goon at 2s a 2s Id; SO'Su-1 rnr ‘*p»pvr* <>■ *ue»u „ the day of meeting appointed by Writ oil r »ts, good to fine181-2, afiOlJf 70 Bengal ] n e8d *y ***t nave arrived. On the former of summons, -a proclamation shall be issH-]<itJl i*2d-a 12 1-4 per Jb. .Ysietday there] ^ a Y’J 4 * e I'vneralobiequicsof tne prince de ed for the meeting either on the day ap»] were sold by-public auction 530 bales ot j Cotute were.performed with all tlie pomp pointed, br wethin sixty days. If tlie event | Oemerara cotton,'the quality was fair to j am ] »oi«nwii,(y.due to his rook, Ins virtues, shall happen on or after the day appointed J fi" e i and went from 22 3-4d a 2s-4 3-4d,i a,l ”. tlia 0 '( a *'op- . •by such writ, then a proclamation is-to bc i -■ vet age 2s 7-8d; there .were also sold 7801 Tuwards the latter end «f last month, n issued in like manner for the parliament to ] bales of .Bengal,-.the ■quality fair to good, jflwrel.arbsebctween some Spanish and meet within sijfydays. The last clausef Ptwi brought 40 S-4d a 12 3-4, average 11 -Hortuguese solliers, on the frontiers of the enacts that nothing iri-the present bill isj 5 *4d per-lb; these make the total sales oH kia 5 (,otn I^«n, apd some individuals 4o affect the provisions taf- any -other actl 'be week 9600 packages. . ./were killed ot-both sides. This event* providing fur the meeting of parliament.”'] In tobacco the transactions are ve'ryun- j ,ias at first n ^ nifie< * into a commence-- A Mtrr firJk-st.AS.A n fru. ~>J. i» 1 in, P orta '>L *»eiiig merely fer the supplies of] ,nen f ufhwtilifies between the two govern- c! I!: a-- _ r __ ^1*7 ’ 1 trade,-in which oar quotations are-] , ? e, ' t »» , >ut , t,Tasmerclyaprivatemisun- !." *5f*Z?* saja^" e jtmrely supported. Some public sales of] < l. er *> t '>nding. It appears, however, that l *“ c 'l American tar were mild at ifia. h«in^ . --I violent animosities recii>rocallv exist on . thaV’peac^Lrin^i plen ty” seems Verffien, foTts fuiLextent by the abundant supplies of every Ijescrip tt»: i of grain anil wheat .floor which have arrived (or suae mouths past, .and cpntin W daily tp iucrease. Their effect in ame liorating tfi* condition of the poor, and lowering the price of the principal articles of foot!' to tho community at large, afford a cheering prrfspect. Kor cat u: view as tne lenti important of our supplies, the ve ry considerable import nf rice, which the opening of tlie trade to India has produc ed. When the cheapness and large por tion of wholesale nourishment this article yields are considered, we feel confident its good qualities only require to be better known to bring it into more general use. It is siiperiortn American rice in all itf --r, ... B — essential proprieties, as-well as more jjeart globing with humanjly and patriojt agreeable to tlie taste; and two ounces of ism- India, when baked, will weigh 11 to 12] ^ Ther$can be no possible reason di ounces, whereas the sime quantity-of Ca rhlina rice (requiring more sugar] only weighs 9 ounces; and while the latter now sell*, in our retail shops, at about 6d per pound, the best qualities of the former of fer in abundance at the very moderate rate ofSi|. We think we owe it to the public at large thus to call their attention to this rttr*|Fa'nd nutritious food, which also well deserves the notice of committees for the management of the parish poor and all charitable institutions.—Bore's Liverpool Advertiser, May 21 JIESISTAXCE of BEAT. In London, lately, Mr.-Chabert, a na tive of Russia, exhibited to a numerous company, a specimen of his extraordinary faculty of resisting the force of beat, dis playing more of the proprieties of the sala mander than we thought belonged to any but that fabulous animal. lie began bis operations by rubbing a red hot shovel on his arms without bunting them, and on his hair without singing it. lie swallowed some spoonfuls of boiling oil out of a small vessel, and washed his hands in the re mainder. He went through the fiery 01 deal of dancing on a red not bar of iron, and then bathed his feet in melted load.— He dropped melted wax on his tongue in such quantity as to allow the impression ofa seal tone taken of it. He concluded his performances by eating a greater quan tity ofa lighted torch than the company were willing to allow him; aud although he did not jnhale the vapors of arsenic, or sulphuric-acid, according to the iast arti cle in his.bill ut wonders, yet, from what lie did in execution of his engagement, we augur well of his ability to perform the re mainder- ’One of our greatest chemists we are told, tried the experiment of re maiding tor several minutes in an oven heated to such ■’’degree as to prepare < beef steak; but Mr. Chabert, vye are as -ured, has performed .a greater Jete, en tering the lists with a leg of mutton, and astonishing the Parisian philosophers, by allowing himsel f to be shut up with it till it was .completely baked.—London paper $ j-lead t,—r ■— .^puffair may be terminated ty ^ voluntary cession oftheYWidas o»our part, on — •«eiyin* a pecuniary indemnity from ■■United State*. It is asserted that a ne^.. ciaiion is opened with reference .to this •question.” > , An article from ‘Vienna, el-the 18th -May, mention*,'that intelligence had been "received from Pesaro* stating that the priii' cestfUf Wales was-serioasly indisposed. Voung Napoleon ha* received the duke depression 01 is to 2s peri =■ • 7 - — wt; 1000 bbl*. Wilmington of fair quali-] twcen (hetwo countries’have tended to (y soldat lSsSil percwt. Ashes.continu-1 *gg ra vate. j . - j ed quite neglected until yesterday, when ]. Jaeis May 9. 7~ TVOVVIUUT) VVIla.ll inquiry appeared for states’pearls, . , . , , id some small parcels were sold at 55..;] , fl>e coyalc a:ademy of Sciencc,-in th it holders are now demanding 56s to 57s ] f ,ttin S °fthe-2Jth of April, has heard, w per cwt. which have notyet been obtained, j l,v s!y infere8.t,edetail made ,by Mr.-Ri Pots are dull at our currency " • • I buind. nf • uumii.- nn<r.ii» urfim. Rec Grain is a ! t ' era °d) ?f.» siigul-ir operation (lerformcd shade lower in price; still there has lieen a] tlvat wrgeon. This operation fsirdemand for aU discript ions of foreisn] ,n whl ^' ‘hehesrtand lungs have been un lid* brings 9s £d a 12s 6d nor I cavere “» b 7 Waging the re-section of twi .AnSiSen/iL ,s e* ■ I rihfL -RDltlhv Pllffintr ohmif nin-hf inrhoi yooiig iVapoieon has received the duke-1 wmcu wa S 8 ** W i lJSs Od per f •* ^ -dom ol Reichstadt, in Bohemia, which' ti- buahe| ' About 2500barrels superfine sweet P™* , '“Ring abou t eight inches -tie, with the anDellation of is American flour were forced off on Tues-1 8 l , !. re .° r “* pevn* which had become -tie, with the appellation of highness, he is | A' ncrican were forced off on Tues- | ‘ be which had become s hereafter to bear. ' |day at 43a to 43s 6d; owing to tliis sale the I ®7 e Jert w,tbclll ? :er ’ 19 new ,n tl,e b,9tor J Indian Libn, mutinied, cut her cables and On the 20th of Mar th Th u ♦ J article became very much depressed, which | . K *.“ r 6 e . r J r » reaches the bouuds of pos- put to sea, having first set the .officers' Hereafter t*. hear. I ua 7 at uoaio-sos ou; owing to tins sale the^I "T ,u u,c *h» on*h *1^- a. ol . - ] article became very much depressed, which 1 0 \.?“ r S e . r 7* a ^ ‘ eathes the bounds of pns- . 9* SSJP" of *f a 7v tbe Charlestown,] attracted the attention of simulators andl gbb,t J r ,r ‘ ‘il fe *P ecieB o{ "Pwation. No Wt considerable parcels were P Srcha^d ra)‘ loobt Mr-Rteberand wills ,,ngive tothq in Cornwall, full ol passengers, ’for Ame-1 Wednesday ami Thurgriavfat 42s4o as*’! wori ‘ l the memoir in which lie ha*detailed • 1 Wednesday and 'Fhursday at 42s4o 43*1 «»«oir *n which lie has detailed. I per barrel; bat holders are nw. demanding 1 the P art ^ u,a i^ of told and successful; • I an advance of 2a to Sr nnr h»™*i I undertaking. , The queen of-England had nearly re*] an advance of2a to3s per barrel on those 1 0,, i*5 r i akin K' avered from her l*te imf iarwicifinn :| nrir*. I... . 1 v ’--' an advance of2s to£s per barrel on those ] u,, i,j K,D 5o .. , . prices, which has again suspended sales.— I.. Mada,oe Fauld, wde of.tlie .banquer of | About 200 tierces good Carolina rice in 1 , name » haslatcly died, and the poor I ixin.l islH •* vs. .mi enn J.-.L _ -11 of the nciglibsrhood have great occasion IA III Ant ho/- IfS'.U r I’hlH (o<fu ] oonJ sold at S6s, and 300 cask* duty paidi, . . = TI 0 —- —— I at 45s per cwt; 500 bags Brazil rice sold I to,anie « th er lies. This lady, who profess I for export at 19s per cwt. | e ^ the Jewish-religion, distributed aim: I East India .produce is rather of heavy 1 ‘P *’ 1 <lett W ni «» t ! 0D » with profusion. Air | sale; 2097 bags good Patna rice were offer-1‘l 161100 *'#f the bify. followed her funeral to I ...I 4*—— l_* _aA . « .... I trim rnmnlorv nf Pawn /. f'lin!■>.. - — w. Miipiuuu iiau covered front her .lata indisposition. _ The academy of Dijon haa^iropoaedn historical eulogy of the deceased prince -Grade, as a subject for tbe annual prize .1819. Am^riL ’ the West.Indies.orJo.g, .^d at'j»s sSTo^!^ c“,?’ |^6 inconsolable fS^bi, loss^ade hia. children „ » U 1 salt petre offered aud ufcen in at 19»-1 9,¥ear *° fo ' ,ow * le « a «nple of their moth- Mr. Hunt,'the SpafielJ** champion, has! 1000 bags middling twbits Bensal *n.«rl er .' never to leave the. unfortunate announced himself a Candidate for West-] told at 50s to 52a per cwt. 6 .a without suppurt. This religious and -minster. -ieA I We are, respectfully.tair.your hotable:] #ffe<i,in S sc f nRW ? a profoundly felt by ail The coronation ..of Charles .tHf took| 9ervant9 ' Dorr, Vj^dlay A Co. -l pr f^ nt '. . . •„ bIm* at Stockholm on the 11th of Anril I . . . „ ’I they hrve. msjle iu v,efina tbe first ex- • hreat reioirings ^T oZce on ,heX.: l .-^ n f°?:* arkei$ ' Ma *—The cottor> | periment of a machine to mow grass.— «ion: 11,000 soldiers lined the streets *, 1 market still continues duil, yet holders] Ihis ingenious, machine is hsrnessed to On the arth of at.* * ’ | ? our * a9t t ) a °tatitms; a j two horses, and in the space of ten hours, ^'‘-'haacellof dtJsaleof4o5baguDemeraraand Berhice cot-j will cutAve Austrian arpenetaof grass, the exchequer, stated in tbe house ofeon*I ton went off wslh spirit at la 10 5-8 a 2s Sd l which i* 600 square fathoms «ach. ^ -er * the ooaptxi I being |«f per lb higher than was expected , MarsbM ^illeman.dukeof Valmy,aged -t! vl 10 *!i. e dull state of th* cotton | M 7W»> i» about marrying a lady of 45 waa.»|»roriiigatthe.«fe of lOO^OoLpe^lmarket. The East Jndia company havelj«»rs. J Wedt * . rf declared 10,800 BengalsJbr sale 5n Fri- Despatches from Yhe Aor/A Pole eteni-1 the 26th Jane,the quantity will most I a Momteur contains an ordinance for ditton, dated •ff-Shethland, May S, have I P robaW 7 be farther increase^ and mav I rf 8d!tt ,D gthe Peerage ofPrance,Withres- been received. The officers aud cre»l a *’ ftant in ^ ’’hole to 25,000. Bengal*, IP?**.*2? properties and the •wereall welt * . ' - ’^^l^^ -SuratSj with eome .BBerbon*. ^rhe i ' of titles. No person, eclesi- - The irut of Eavtsnd iaioeof the wetkare, lOOb'tgsPcmaruba-1 astIC ® excepted, can,» future acquire a |cos,-good«a^^Ojd; 150 Bah^good 2?-. 301 * F * tJa the upper chamber, unless be be 1 Dettfcfarq apd Bertoce, good I* 40] 9®**!“'“ of an hereditary estate, amount- ^ P*^pe-t j middling IQjdf total 8t^^ . .. . . (sold. ^ r . 6 ] U. 3 . 3 "' i^ogtipC^ M«rquis or count, to ;) *nd%f u baron or • Arthur Tbistlewood Was brought cjrthe ,J«t day of term, to receive sentence for tending « challenge to Jord * •The ccurt sentenced him to th *-■ m '* r ‘ ’tom: rywR. jbsi'ijjMw ** GimHna hict^—A parcel has been so'd I and’^f a baron or tins week at 46s .,ercwt,H wmnd f, T,scount « 10,00 francs (4501) These ^H^wmpany’ssaledfEast Indtarice, jw^tae^tle^! £ ‘tRt declined Ml £»{&- cwt. fruui I n. « .u. pctuity in the mate line, cw ^ ,ro “‘ I by. Older of pnm.ienitqre, and will, the.e- lore, seeme thrirrspgcubili^ nd j B &.. j % saluftheWtii ultimo. fwr ms FROM S0 UTJI-rAMERICA. We have just been favored, (says the Democratic Press) with .-the .perusal ofa letter from an officer on board the United States’ship Hnmet, from-which we make the following extracts- The letter is dat ed “Puerto del Norte, island of Margarit- ■ta, in :South America, June 17, 1818,” and was brought to Savannah July 6, by an independent Vcnezuelian schooner: «‘.Ther,p is, says the writer, a noble spi rit of patriotism diffused through this isl and. Admiral Brion is here with his squadron, which consists of the Victoria, SO guns; a brig of 14 guns, called the Oro noko, and two schooners. . Generals Aris meodnza, and Gomez, are algo here. A most distressing occurrence happened this morning to the patriots. A fine'man of war brig, mounting .10 guns, called the mortal, and was answer^ |»I xrh gof.i Tfarrerj nert were immediately-,dispatcl for surgical »id,afnla nunjbef»#f tbefji tv.were on tb**pl)t in atew minutf*. citizen* rushed to tMcamp in *nch nu bers that the posts of tfip centinels wc necessarily doubled to Refresh air ,-leceased. Ha eapmsed a wish tobe wii his family, and was carried to his deuce, No. 155, SoittJlaftft street; tinels were immediately imstml i house to prevent the g.n»iv4 ; from the free circulation.of- air- He *»' little after he arrived at, uve house, a perieqeed the agonies of death, whilst surgeons, at bis ^rquest, were undreaei him. He breathed faintly . for many nutes after, appaientijfreefrompain, expired without fstruggle, or visible coni volsion ot body or wildness of mind. He], immortal soul flitted to the mansion of resfO and left in its now mouldering dust, tl* index of a mind alive to every amiable auf ** ling of human nature, and i for prompting the roonater- to so foul,^ murder, but the satiating of a fiend malig nity. We are infofmed. iy lieuteoatff 7 Scott, that Hamilton is of a rffractoiy, • quarrelsome dUppsitioa,* with’an un*o- I vernable temper. He ,was seized, ho,undl"* and in the guard-house .in lets than * ini ute after firing, and kept till, formally 4 mantled oflieutenant Scott by the civil - thoritv. While in the. guard-house,^ put his head out of the window and said “I have done what I have been wanting"' de tor a long time,.” He devised a pl.„ for effecting his'purpose secretly, by de-, coy ing the major out of sight, but failed it, this, and bent-upon hit black hearted de sign. -the hardened wretch came boldly tV the work of death. A few days previous to the lamented catastrophe, the deeper* do mysteriously accosted file major wM “Major, / mill tell you something thai will make you open your eyes.” The eol-' die'rs say he has frequently hinted of hit intention, but -they believed it impossible fur-him tobeeerious. He procured pow der and hall for the express purpose. Ma jor Birdsall had .ever been peculiarly in dulgent to tliis blood-thirsty wretch, and ondeavored to .conciliate and soften his savage ferocity-by -mild persuasion and gentle reproof. He formed a hatred for one of the recruits, and frequently threat ened tokillhim Our deceased friend is taken from th* —from the liveliest affections of his -com panions in arms—from a large circle of warm mends, and from the service of a country who appreciated his worth, and will realize his loss. Frank, sincere, aod ingenuous in all h.'s relations with mar kind, he was endeared to all, and all mouru. at his untimely fate. We knew him, knew" him well, and -we know too, {hat his «- - panded soul was the seat of every secidl, $ every generous, and .every Honorable sen timent ..whicJi.frail man can be endowed The Albany papers, received this mor ning, contain the particulars of the murder of major Birdsall. The,wretch who shot, him, has not.made way With himself,«a was reported. He has been delivered over i to the military authority by the sheriffef I > Albany.—JVew-Vork Evening Post, I7t3s * inst- ashore. Thia event causes much nineasi ness, as a strong-Spanish squadron is be, tore Cutnapa, which ia only fifteen miles' from this. “Cumana is closely besieged by the pat riots, and it is confidently hoped will sur render before .many days. 1 am sorry to’ ■del say that this place is.very.{>ailly flefen three or four gu;i* are all they can muster^ as to.their navy, it is withoutdiscipline.—I All the officers here are.Irish, English and Scotch. They are very discontented and very poor. They say they have never re ceived a cent in the service, ond their clothing is almost.worn -thread-bare.—- Some of them will soon leave the service if they are not better r pruvided for. “News.has this morning arrived that Mori) lo has died of bis wounds. “Accounts have just been received from Bolivar—ne is before-Uarraccas, and do ing, well. The bones et tlie Spaniards are lying-in-heaps our beach, “Wesail In three or four days tor Co penhagen.” Frost tie Aliarry Hegittcr, July 14. We iiave been politely furnished a .r>'ith tlie fallowing particular* relative tfl the death ofjnajor Birdsall, by lieut. Scott: Maj.Birdsall was sitting in conversation with liewt. Scott, at the cantonement, be tween this cityandtlieseatofgeneralSte phen Van Rensselaer—the company was coming on parade—Hamiltonjcaiue within a few yards, took deliberate arm and fired. On ^presenting- bis peace they rose, and .when the major Was falling lie grasped the lieutenant’s- Hand, shook itwarmly, and said, “Scott, I am gone, take charge of the men,’’ and directly after exclaimed “My Got), what can ail triis meatir” Air. Scott enquired if he wo*.-to .much paiii,- he an swered (-Lam in great pasu^—the lieuten ant expressed tTyope fa is wound was uot JVAVAL. The Guerriere frigate has been ready for sea for moreAhan a fortnight, and will sail as soon as Mr. Campbell pleases, after his arrival here, which was expected yes terday. We believe she will be found «ue of the most effective ships of her class that ever entered the Baltic; carrying 58 gun*. 24 pounders anil 42 pound csrronades, with a fulLand complete cieiv; with uunwon*. officers, and cemmandetf by- capt.-Maod* nough, on whose-fatne and skill fiis cooler 1 delights to dwell; she will exhibit a supe rior equipment tor war; as.well as a most admirable specimen of naval architecture. •She was prorislooeddbr a two years cruise, fully repaired and manned in so short p time, as to rellectxredit upon all branches of the naval service. > Thu destination of the frigate Maced*, man, captain Downes, we believe is ygt * mailer iooncertainty. ^lie is not required lo be ready before Apgust, and will pro. ceep to the Pacific Ocean; where the bene-> ficial effects of the occasional vigils of me ships of war were lately shown in tlie pro- tection of nearly one million of America* property in the port of Valparaiso, a!Sid ed by the Ontario, captain Biddle—Dos- ton Intelligencer. ' ■ Bait: jiojie, July. 1-7. Captain.Beard, of.tlie revenue colter Active, arrived in port yesterday Jron* * cruise ofeigi^dsys, having, in charge tie Venezuelan brig of war Indian Libci which he found talking in the bay. Site was suspected of piracy, and when she was.first boarded by the pilot*, .txaacimr roanded by tlie boatswairt. She has visit, ed several harbors in the.bay, where hrr crew. left her at pleasure, taking withglieeK whatever they were aide to bear am nr. ' Tlie mystery of this vessel is full v de- l,4K a ‘ ' ■ totter from an officer ra veloped.. Wlliwr board the Uoited States’ ship Hornet, dat ed at Xfargaretta, the 17U. nit. which ~ “A line man of war brig, mounting. guns, called the Indian Libri, mutinied^ cut lifer cables,.and put to sea, havitic'6mt put tlw officers ashore Mr.Bx.NjAMis O.Tvxra his inteiition of soon pobli'shihg*facsin copy of the, first cimmission given by. gross to graeval WASHinoTox^-alio, tie articles of confederation of tbe*ildrt«vt* United States, aod the constitution .of the United States, wifh Rb siinilies »i tb««W natures’of all tliot signed those infltrw-.' menu, with several other national r "" - tions.—liultimote Patriot, Kt/n Ajj 1 ,,.- : .y. v‘. < v r ... 'I* .