Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 26, 1818, Image 2

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SMVdJW'dH REPUBLICAN. FREDERICK. 8. FELL, crrir printsr. wuLt mh«, xiokt poitaaa cotra-rar, six van awstm, r AT AISLE IX ADVANCE, GENERAL ELECTION. CONGRESS. ' On the first Monday in' October next the gene- ’ rtl election for six members to congress, to rep- - resent this state in the national legislature;‘and for reprefentativea to the state legislature, -will take place throughout Georgia, i We have never 'known an, election for congress to excite *p -little interest amongst us, as the approaching one.— The following gimiemen, are, as yet, the only i candidates for the safiragrs of the people—-they • are all, except One, in the present congress; 'JotlX FoAsttu Ttunut W. Coxa Jomr A, Ctrpiss** Josi Ciuwroan ■ . Wnxi«Txs«[i - Jon A bbo*t *■ "theft being no opposition, thepeople will have no choice should they wish it. J'~ STATE LEGISLATURE. The following gentlemen are candidates for the next legislature, to represent this oountj i - Senator: s, !p Aimed Cuthsekt Representatives. -'Enwaxn Hannas TasonuoL 8. Flu ~ Mosaa inzmu Kdwabp K. Tattjuix, There is no opposition for senator and there lean but threerepresentatiresbesent'. Thepeople -will,-therefore, make choice from the »bqye names,' vox TB* SAVAXXSa BSRTBUCJbr. to Captain WILLIAM It. MUST OSH. ■ To harass the. enemy, is the Sparrier’i duty; to revenge an injury. it retal^tion; and - retaliation is justice; justice, virtue; and virtue On emanation from divnuy- consequently, thy dent 1 captain, there is something divine in the following. . For the first time, perhaps, -In your life, your , - indignation was aroused at the Sight of a few ob- servations, relative to^ourself.'in my repKcation to-the charge of A. A. Powell, esq. Asionished —panic struck—amazed—you stood aghast before the envenomed squib, now pondering On the route to the altar of revenge; now shuddering at your incapacity to pursue it, ‘Until ihe geniUe of fatuity had marshaled her host, and sent Shine ’veteran to 'your aid; who, fo rebut the truth,'raised hit sruc- ' lure in air, and -vomited forth a 'rein of raillery, in 1 which display of veracity alas manifested, altoge ther incompatible wfth your nature, without con troverting my aotusatiuni: and for which, ( unite ■With the public in apple “ - yytiu 'Pregnant with ‘self-importance, you <-. “ red a" » belief of the ini- il-iropor 'possibility Of establishing a reputation for courage by dueli ng with a man altogether Unworthy the -nonce of geotUtntnf Tram whence have you de rived this claim to saperi6ri*y? Not from your -intellett.'f’r It is as tenuous as hi acy; not from your valor, for yodr timjdity is proverbial; n-1 Hr- im ymlr birth, far we live in a land of freedom; wot from your fortune, for our constitution pre- ■»enta a harrier to the infernal etTects 'of lucre in (political intrigue; nor from your services to your country for ypnr sword Wss never drawn in its de fence; nor can it Oe fmtn your public honors, for they Jri palffy and Contemptible, ind'tvon with out merit -why will you then taunt and scoff at 'the simplicity of bthera—why continue your ac -eustomed rouad of folly? Son >/ Mart/ thou hast come like Hannibal to the pdrtala of Rome, -big with the recollection of thy past 'triumphs, wager, full of ardor, pressing forward to victory! —at he lacked munitions ana implements of war to, ravage and .immolate the seat of renown, so -uhalt thou discover thine incapacity to subjugate. The spirit of irinocettce shall arouse with wdl en- “ergy from its slumber, replete withindignation at your audacity; .and vindictive at its wrongs, th' Ood of the persecuted shall send forth justice;- your machinations shall result in .abortion —your Alote and political intrigues shall be exposed in 'the race of day,'before a people whoie favors you ‘court. and whqge prosperity ydu disregard—and your vice* and imbecility, which ’have already -shaded the splendor of our comity, shall be the tgateh-word of'the citizen in the "choice of the del- 'egate. Although you rhay Sourish for a tirnr, you cannot long be buoyed up by the spirit of 'faction; tranquility trill agSih pervade this scene of collision; and although t myieif any be a mar. tyr to the presnt strife, the errors cif the mighty William R Nflntosh shall prestHite him With the 'dust When the horn of discord shall cease to sound -when the ramparts qffaction shall be raw ed, and the temple of harmony rear its proud al tan in security—then shall the eye of reason dis cern good from evil—and troth astonish the cap. Wnn Sen of Chivalry! thy feats in arms bath made thee the terror of women, and bug-bear of t the cradle .fey! eloquence -St the bar, and barratrr in court yards, bath outstriped Tally; and filled thy pockets with g*3d. Sparc me, I beseech thee; trit! moderate thy phiDipics, least ray rain n ' too precipitate; oh! Judge my feeSngt by thine (*«; know that popular applause is my mete- nance—hut forbear, 1 beseech you. to presume that I would attark a citizen for refilling to give me his vote, and be thrashed bv him—-Carry thy pistols and thy sword -cane; and if it meets thy will, an eighteen prtunder at thy tail—sound your war trump, and teach mankind that your approach b danger! EuroCtyJon' whistles—my spectacles •hare ftllen from ray nose—and my lamp expires •—adieu, captain Mlntosh. JOHN t. HOPKINS ■Atlntoth county, Sept. 18, 1818. will be publithedpuxi history can hardly present a' j more remjfkibl'iluc ,nwnr. ‘•Wfeii!*’Mill fhev to 1 Z> Fsais AuVust fe. - * .. fmander (agrCtably to his with) could got on I ; n Great-Britain. Quarrels' ate uncom* Jlor L'Hhifiirr. waswrrested yester- boar.., when the ships separated. The Spanish mon , m | hnximr matches unknown in the English minister, «dori not the prosperity, the j terday and' conducted tf *M- Conciergerie, to flag being struck, sent a boat with 18,men to as- t i )es ’ treel , ’rhere are no military to keen glory of your country arise from this constitution, which he has beta sentenced on the first process sist the first boarders and keep possession of the Streets, there are no military to keep some principles of which we demand, when v«.u I of the Grey Man. ,. I ship. Observed the brig making off, backed from the people ill awe. KoblertfS are very are pleased to dispose of us to this pretender. I Amongst the patents ctantedf ut; on the {the ship to bring her to, after bring several guns rear. All these are real advantages; but, balance‘of which we farm one of ine —I 6.V a^**" /• lather she struck her colours. Perreivimr ihcr** I *. ' J * * • - - • weights in your scales!" .“Yes,” they swered, with a sarcastic smile,: "liberty i _ bf England, but it b not suitable'for. other Conn-1 merce Another for a'printing r —-. „ . . . . ... - tries.” The only one among king*, or among men, j both sideii df the paper ran be printed at once. I again; Owing to the'short Ume at sea, proper I of anxiety respecting future success OJ a that ever pul to tbe torture, hotVis enemies, but I -r—August SJ . ■ '- 1 discipline could uot be established, men hardly his friends, has distributed, according to his goug I There has just been published at Amsterdam, Iptew their quarters, one half of them not under- r pleasure, the scaffold, the galleys, and tbe prison I the plan of a society of commerce and navi-1 standing the language of the other, and great ma-1 .vnongcitjzens who havingfought in defence ofthc? r gation, « licence fa which has been granted by I ny bring seasick and totalhy unfiffor sea service, wifc -foa, .ndseaa are Britain's wide domain, Country; under the standard of Engtaml, claimed 1 his msjesty instead ol rendcmie the least assutaace Q"lv U ^ nil lilt s Jftf hut lit ffrufiifniTTsBtfa ~'" —- —■ ■—* v .- - re— ** — c aire.—In consequence of its j stood in the way, and caused confusion, so that I .. y r- impossible to work the ship, to lay her! It appeark the “wooden walls of OM ... . le of the enemy as I wished, and on elo»; I En gland” are once more, in fbll employ* jlliiiely sOpport the Americans of J plication was msde' on the 8th of August to the | ing the second time tbe bowsprit could only be | w k,< . re |u nhiects which Ylexai. and Pen? whose love for independence court of chancery in London, by a great majority brought, ove.r. the poop'- cf the Esmeralda, the ,TA,,!r,i„„ „r t h! hP 1 -nP, nf must hare increased when tliey have seen the tor I tf the proprietors of that theatre to grant an in-1 surviving men having lost jtbeir leader in ihe I now engross tne attention Ot tne^heroes Ot ture and Jhe inquisition restored it Madrid. Well. I junction [owing to the embarrassed'state of the | death of the brave 0*|Jrien, and having expended | the Nile and lrafalgarr Are they 8Um- what fears the congress of the north in succor-1 fundal to restrain the sub-committee from going I their ammunition I got her support, as having, by the gent rous tv . . „ .— , „ . tion I got them on board. It being I mooing their energies, notwithstanding the uig its brethren of the south, tbe alliance of Eng on. The chancellor granted the prayer of the pe-1 my intention to fire a broadside before boarding eventa „f t j, e | at0 war to substantiate their lMtf with Spain.—In all directions, the influence titionervand. ordered notice to be served on th. I a second Ume; for that purpose kept a constant | - . . = j> -j. j-v ot the English government isdreaded precisely m other side without delsN. Tbe theatre is conse I and raking fire with our low guns, which must I * *'!“ lo naval superioruyr UO iney in *• contrary sense to the support which the op-1 qiiently shut agajn. I have killed a great many of her men, es we had I * e ntt to prove, that upon equal terms they pressed have a, right to hope from it” . j . vp jutajv njlT/T ’ I knocked her three aftermost pons, on the Ur-j can yet drive every power from the ocean; The same inimitable writer thus describes the 1 ' „ F . I board side, completely into one-made her stem and retain for their trident' all its former _ , , . ..„ f The following is a curious specimen of the la-1 „ perfect wreck, and set her upper cabin on fire. I i, nnn --a p,. f„_ Tn.f.-.l n f cliaracter of the Emperor oj Butita. Iconic manner in winch state business was dis-1 During this time, finding that the brig bad again I ,onor j .“f. , m if' “ITiave had the honor of conversing severs I patched amongst the Spartans, (translated fron. | i 10 ' ls ted her colours ifi.d was malting for our boat, I en»aged in this (to Englishmen) laudable times with the emperor Alexander at St. Fetcrs I‘he Latin.) “We that are ssgqod «yo U ,docen-1 :lnd npt w i 3 hirlg to sacrifice so many fine fellows, | object, they are spending their valuable burg' and at Paris, at the time of his reverse., I “ituteyou our king, and if you defend our hbtr-1 j treked the topsails until the boat came up. 11 time, and Wearing and tearing the shipfi as at tlie time of bis triumph. Equally unaf-1 Ueswe will defend you; if not, not-’ —Lond.p^ip. I tlseta made all sail after the enemy, keeping up a I u f t t. e roua / now in the nurntiit nvrl rani f.cted, equally calm in either situation, his I . —• t , - . 1 c onstant fire with cur bow chasers, until o,,-. n fi, n „L mind penetrating, judicious and wise, has,ever I “ Naw-Yosx. Sentember 17 - * | enemy’s superior sailing enabled her to get out of I tur f °J American corf and mackerel boats, been consistent. His conversation is wholly On | ‘ . I the range of our shot We, notwithstanding, con-1 andother Small jishiugXraftl~- Tell it not like what is commonly called an official conversa-1 f _V*' K y£s " I tinued the chise with, all possible sail, tlndl. find-1 in Europe, Asia, Africa, or America—lest tion. No insignificant question, no mutual, em T August mail, hot does I ,ng we had no chance of coming up, we shorten-1 those who have suffered bvthe arronance barrasmeni, condtmns those whotappreach h.m ™ * f ~ m En K Und 83 we iece ‘- d ed sail and lay to. tp repair tUSiages. I can^ptl^* .SSJT'J ““XulJ^iofeTI^S to those Chinese pbrasea, if we qtay so expressl ty Edward Byam. J help here observing the cowardly manner in which I 01 lne Hr,t ' 81 ' nav X> Should rejoice ttt »t» ourselves, which sre more like bows than worda I LATE FjtO.V GIBRALTAR. Mdft Wh^the d^treofTi^ing tte’Tra/ renu- eve ™ n S ^ ”r^ ‘f loom! 5F mentaof othere, and of treating, Sith those wh ml Kose - heii in 30 days from Gibraltar. Pa he dunks worthy nf the discusi.on, on the great P e « »nd prices current to the 14th ult. have boe o . . # . D , . „ _ . v»ew® winch may be conducive to the progrets of I re ^ , J r ™ Coffee oi) to 33j nct 7j floirt* 11 to l., I W ], om were Dr. Rafkel Baltrara and D. Pedro I ernor of St. Lucia, on the 28th iocial order Qn his first entrance into Paris, he f tc **diul; abort runktens 06; Joi.g do 115; tobac I Nicholas Chupetea; lately merchants of Santiago, I opening th? port of Castries for the im- discoursed will* Frenchmen of different opinions, I V,r 8' nia , °® J 41 ' 11 I and D. Matiaa .Aras, lieutenant-colonel and aid* I nortation of American nroduce for sir like a man who can venture to enter tbtlists of J “ u " ^ lo « P!f es 3, and no takers; riecamp to Onoro They bring informa- E, 11 ' converaiUon without reserve. 1 dollars 6 to advance, The United States sloop I tton T , ( ^uano .which the governor of ,n0 " th8 - The articles allowral to be im- i “In war, bis conduct is equally courageous and I °f . WAr Spark, Nicholson, »as at Leghorn, under- I v a ip ant i5 0 will more fully communicate to you. | Parted are—Rice, Corn, • Meal, * Flour, humane; and of all lives, it i only hL own that I ? Jln * “P*™ ^ ** of^e squadron were uj> I i afp, &c. J. A. TwwMjfri# I Pulse, Liv? Stock, Horse, .Mules, Lumber, he exposes without reflection. Wears ju -.ified **“ *“*"Of KjMaffi, of the FranUm 74, wa ^ land all kinds of Provisions. The tonnaee in expectmg from him,ThafUrwill be eager to di. j 1 Buaxos Anas, June 18. ilutv is fixed at one dollar Vessels arri niz country all the good which the state of his 1 1 > 08 l nt81 h > J established for the sick ot the I ,, xbls government hat witffin a few days re I 18 .“ Xed . at on ® tfoIlar - Vessels am knowledge admits. Although he keeps on foot I American squadron. T he bug Exporter, An + : ; u cc<l the duty on imports from ninety, to about I Vtng at the above port are permitted to re- a great armed force, we thould do wrong to con* I W ere ..«° m Washington previous I fifty per cent with a view to-prevent smuggling I ceive cargoes of Ruto and Molasses, sub- siderhhn in buropeasan ambitions monarch. Hisltne-yUi with provisions for the squadron. I At present trade is dull, but as-soon as the pro- I ject to a colonial duty of two dollars per opinions have more sway with him than, hu nas-1 . GibraUttr. July 25.1818; l finceofPeru istree, whichis daily ‘ expected, I p acb puncheon ofRum.apd one dollar per 8ions, and it it not, so far ps I can judge, at con-1 ThefoHowing is the substance of th" intorms I trade will revive.’-—Private letter. I - .... ’— - - • - qde*t that he aims A representative government/1 tion we collect by ^tbe return Pacjfico Quarantine 1 i navjr, should rejoice I self-humiliation.—Boston Patriot. I help here observing the cowardly n [the ship and the brig' ran away, orry that our ship was so inferior in sailing. At | 5 r. x. fell in with' and captured tbe brig San Miguel, bound for Cbiloe to Lima from Talea- ■ . . . .. huano, having on board 40 passengers, among I A proclamation was issued by the gOV« S--..V-- e.a _ .b|„ ro. v.._:. -ii. a o.L / ttly Iagt> religious toleration, the improvement of mankind | schooner which was despatched, on the 31st hist by liberty and the Christian religion, are no chi-1 fo Tangier Ray. The deaths fr- m the Urhtothe meras in his eyes tf be accomplish bis designs, J 22d ifist inclusive, amounted to 35 The sickness Jostejity will award him all the hsnqrs of gemus; I was chiefly confined to that part of the towi, >ut if the circumstances by which he is surround-1 where it first appeared. The Moors are of opin ed, if the difficulty of finding instruments to se-1 ion that the disease is the plague, but of a mild sond him, do not permit ofbis realizing his wishes, | kind. The-Jews deny its existence, tn casts,- ~ those who shall have known him will ai least be I terminating fatally, tbe disease passed through iu | 'roops frumPotosi. Cbarcas, la Paz, and Coeha apprised that be had conceived die most elevated ! stsges in 36 hoars. In favorable cases, patients | *° ^ Uesaguadtro, die former frontier ol . »»• I J c- -• th ii a. .,..L ' • ' 1 I*n Plata: blit f»n Pnnrlitinn Frnm tKn nctrinfs nnl LATEST FROM BUENOS AYRES. By the patriot privateer Invincible, letter! have been received in thia city, under the date of the 6th of July, from that place, mentioning that the »>ce.roy of Peru has proposed an armistice for year, with, the offer ' —*— ■' each cask ot Molasses.—Charleston South ern Patriot*IlSd in»t. *, , .. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. . The following article is copied into tlie rf^d^foTra^ B » 8 t» n Advertiser from Ute Hatn- larcas, la Paz, and Cocha burg Correspondenten:— »:x:« FOREIGN EXTRACTS. not to exceed, three in one hundred attacked. LoAdox, Atigust 12. | AH parties agree in stating, that there is a grea Secret Expedition—The expedition about to I dfc ** sickness in Tangier. The small pox si.d ■ail on board tbe royal Yachts,-in a profound I musics are still asserted to prevail, but amongst teaee, is, of course, become a matter of great pdb- [ riiildren only. The vessel which b, ought the |il- ic curiosity. V/e have been favoured by a cor-1 jjriuisfrom Alexandria-to Larache, lias dis ‘ 1 — ly " ' - - 1 — 1 •*--—.-i— a short „ — — .. .. , _ . . . , Notice of a new periodical publication about 5 or 8 days, buboes are again as- | ^ plata ' ^ ut on condition from the patriots not | to be commenced at Hamburg tinder the title of serted to have appeared in several recent instan | die ro f a '‘ ats > are y a ‘ ln “ ,e province | America represented by itself! The deaths were stated, for one qusrter, I "^Ta^Icaguana in Chih General San Martin wasj. ■ . ; i r , , - -- -- - . at Buenos Ayres. The cause of his being absent I The meterials for thin work will nohbe for so long a time from the army was not known, | drawn either from French or English although It was rumored that he will succeer I Sburces, but will be derived immediately TM^uel Belgrano was busily employed in I from the countrj to which it is devoted, iP-ht the mi- I A ucigraiiu wu UU81JY cmpioyeu in i ,a . • r ; disembark I * msnifestp in defence of the atrocious J P ar *v i>v meai^s oF written commumca respondent ■with a statement of some parts ofthe I ^ ^em at tlie latter pbee, after a short quaran-1 murder of tlie Caubebas, committed I tions,«ann partly from the newspapers and equipment. . • | tme. The clothes of persons who had £ed in I ? un 5 eo ?^ ?} M ® ndo2a s He ha* received J other journals published there. The whole of the forces embarked are foreign I Tau S‘ cr » wcre * o| d, and in some instances had | hundred dollars from the treasury of Pueyr-1 Both the editors* one of whom resides and most of them furnished by our pood ally, die I ***** ^« rn w *di impunity, in others, had appa- I l ^ don that service. It appears that Uiat go-1 - ^ United States of America and fhft king of Fronee, in return, i% f. supSSa, f«i He *««y conveyed the infection. The reports is to yemment, as has been tiie case under tyrannies, •„ * services he has derived fa-om our tnSps Detach-1 !he tht existence of the plague at Tetnan, were, I the secret of doing- as it pleases, to co-1 other in Germany, Will receive the aSBlS- m. n «.«r»k.r.n—: * . H 11 I .g .' V vents wants with the venal praises of mercen— ,4 ** f **"“* The Censor of Buenos A) res, in one < particulars, it must be recollected, are ‘ gathered I mtipbera, is greatly offended with the Patriot of\ j n s Ur . el j, a n ifth fil a tost riTthl fin. v, nUl'Lr- aT from persons who, though in the highis- degre- I ‘*alt,more, for the mseruon of an article on theli I l " S . Ur f“’ a ““ U1 f. ,ate8 *. ‘ntelllgehce tecel- revpec table, have not the advantage of profession-1 !>crt y °f tlie press. The Ceiisor, we are sorry to | ve< *> a8 ev f r y. S "*P WiMCn sails from the al experience to guide them. The European co:- I sa f> ar ! 3Wera in general with nonsense to the oh- j new world, either to England, Holland or *uls still confine then selves closely to theirhouses, I serva ^i°ns of that article; but the most extraordin* j Germany* will be made use of* to forward and are, dependent, f«r tiie information they ob I u 7■ he affirms, that in the Unit-1 this correspondent. tam, either oh Jews attached to their several mis [?£**g± P ubhc wr,ter3 are deemed m ^ utmost I This Journal is intended to give an idea, ments of tiie following corps are on board the Rcy- I * n one histancc, positive, stating, that the death al Soverelgiy or shortly will be to;— - I amounted from 10 to 15 daily. The preceding I Royal regiment of Burgundy. 2 * ’* * Royal regiment of Champaigne. Regiment of Bord-ahx (large detachment.) Light infantry of the Mossclle. Corps of Veterans raised on the Rhine. A small corps from the Cape. Body, guard, raised in Curacoa. LORO CAStLEREAGS. ' ' Uadame Da §?aas,in her considerations on the French Revolution, draws the following portrait of the character of the anted Casruuusa, and the perfidiouuies* of British policy;—[Ed. Sanaa- nah Republican. “The English ministry had already bad tbe mis fortune to be represented at tfaeeongren of Vi enna by a nun whose private virtue* are highly worthy of esteem, but who has done more harm to the eau-e of nations, than any diplomatist of the continent An Englishman who reviles liber, tar it s false friend, more dangerous than Stranger*, mince h--teems to .peak nt what be knows and to do the honors oThtut he possesses. The speeches of l-ird IJatilereagh, in pariumeaL kre stamped wuh a kind of 'rcei-ng ironry, singularly perni- eiou*. /hen applied to all that Is tonified in this worl l—for, moat of those who defend gener ous sentiments are easily discouraged, when a m>« i >ter in power trea s their wishes at chimeri- e». —when he m*kes a mockery of liberty, as of ' pi-rftqt love, and puts on' the appearance of an indulgent air. towards those who cherish it hr Iro.i u ng to th*o n 'thing bat an innocent foliy •far deputies of several countries of Europe, at prea-nt weak, b’tt formerly independent,came to solicit some right, some secitritiey, fro.*; (he re- prrse.iutive -if the power, which they adore as free. They returned witii an anguished heart, not to rating whether Bonapsrte, or tire most re- -csajjaar’as'xa^sa; health o^’those on board” an*da detachment of tile I pulation, hare been taken ill 'in the chiTrse'ofEi I tk® itante of Elisa Galvan was sent by Pueyrre ] The materials which we have already corps of royal cuppers and some dismounted Lan-j da l' s: « degree of sickness truly aUrming, and, if | don province of Con-ientes, to procure in it j in our hande, commence with December- cegs form part of the expedition The French onl f confineo to a portion of the town, wholly * r a ebe i^" 8 &* ,ntt * e °[.K*”*" 1 ArtU 1817, and continue from that time. Any troops and those from the Rhine are funu«hed unaccountable We are, however, inclined j This msn w.s successtul m his commence- , - nrpv - us , . An J r With lee by a new arrangement, to preserve the.r j !hl “L *•>»'. M we the means of scientific inves-1 m f nt ' and , hl . 3 ‘numph was to be celebrated with | tl J ,D S P v,ous ’ do ** not com ® witfim oor coolness and freshness in the passage down the I tigatxjn,, some of these apparent inconsistencies |- ral “ te **n d r i n png ofbellsat Buenos. Ayres; but| P>an—we go upon the supposition that it channel. Our ancient ally, the king^of Portugal, I W0 P w reconciled. In the mean time, we must I w® aa "“W: "‘rewards obliged to fly fromthespot; 1 is already known; vet if we find it neces- V.ilunteered any number of his troops; but it :s I ftcI hidebted to those yemlemen resident [ ‘ n consequence of the adherence of that people to | , ary , we shall give explanatory notices J '7 1 “ head^uartera with ‘he difficulties which ob- | Ar *^ ^ land the two first numbers whll disdain. __ With a. due and proper respect to the I scure-truth, (jandidly detailed every circumstance I constitution, the foreign troops ate placed under I which comevjto tiieir knowledge towards -its elu- I the command, for the.presept, of an English oA- .1 We.-.lean*; by the same ehauneL ‘hat I a EE£^! n ?l k J& Spanish trigate Venmnza, ini cer, (the earl of Cork,) under sealetl orf ere, to be I the enipiror of Morocco had sent a Spanish sur- [ „„ e . humbled and withdrew.— I n American Statesman, opened at seat when it is conjectured the noble'J ff eon (resident *t Fez) to Tangier, to ascertain the [ ““ Patriot, I7ih snst. I Am-rica shall appear in no other liaht ‘"The^Mr.’m^i^poi-ted Chaplain fejiSEj ^ «'"***«> received in but as it actually exists. The represe^ta! to the forces, and a birffi has been provided for I cificl > ailed, was preparing the necessary dress I *f"* ® , ^J r ^ rom Buenos- Ayres, state that I tton shall be made With Simplicity—Praise him under the table. •- I to enable him to visit the infected without risk. I the Portuguese troops are making copsid-1 shall be divested of party declamation, Th. nhiM n r>h..—■* FROM rrrrr T [erable progress against the forces of gen I blame of hatred, aild both of the prejudices A mercantile friend has communicated the two ln th ? Ban, '' 0 , rie ? fale ’ and . have ° f forei S n governments, following leilo-s.—JV. York Even Poet J taken possession of Coloma, opposite to [ Extract of a letter Jrorn Chid, dated May 23. IS** 0 ?*!?**.** 1 - jg** Purification, | TeendyouM The object of the expedition remains aprofoujul secret. —Statesman. A letter from Constantinople, dated the 4tb of June, published at Genoa, states, that a Turkish lady, a young window, named ZeUda-Almedia, daughter of the bee Ibrahim Asaid, being over come with enrol, it Trecisonde, to which she bad ANECDOTE OF FRANKLIN. cZu .Zi.Z r s - t h 'S her °P the river ’ where Artigas had his dijvisvuu lIS retired, was desirnu* nf i a T" I ner ’ firet l ‘® at « nal, t of the Lautaro,"which will 1 3eat .°*'S ov ® rnmen f- The Portuguese, we I . When Franklin came to England pre- nelMConstontinapk ST e y °u th *P lrticu l«* °f >hat ship’s first essay. h , ad l)efore heard » have a powerful force in vtous to the breaking out of. the American intended to make a tiu?1t. EhropJ? tikingwhh tara"?£?° n , b J uird 11,6 J 4 ®: I ‘bat country: and it is now said, that, hav- v,ar ’t> e went to Mr. Hett’s printing office) her all her wealth. Her confidents^ this project I ed Aon«fde ^ conunu-1 ing been so successful against Artigas, they IJJ* Wild Court, Wild Street Lincoln’s Inn. W ^5*irr e C *d* *b*riff H aasan, the Bostangis Achmet I * d a b >n E 8lde » “* e c °uld not have escaped- j even threaten Bunos-Ayres.-.Vat. W| Fields, and entering the press-room, ho ana minovan. and hpp thw# fnmmia. _n I and Elinovau, and her three favourite shvea; all I . May 30. 118th inst. of whom, on its being discovered, unfortunately I „ This morning arrived the United States’ ship j Intf fhfiv hjnJ. *TL. I.1 so . - I flntaviA. nuinfo.^ n:J Jl - ««k'J e* • • — 8 I ntering the press-room, ho went up to a particular press, and thus ad- lost their heads The lady hn^If j pntario;xaptain Biddle, 28'days from~UmI She ] —-raritt** I dressed the two men who were work ed to imprisonment for lite The Italian colonel, ]5* d ' , .JP a ^ 8 E e ‘° M®» ? d»J» and remained 9 ] aTAPt? M? A W/turna 1 ,B -f: C . 0, ? e » m J fronds we well drink to- a ‘ *be date of the letter, had not. arrived at Con-J <I W ~e^cy C*ptaih Biddle and judge Prevost j - STATE OF AMERICA. Igether; it forty years since I work- *troun<.ple. butorderebad been icued for h;s ar- ^^^“ 1 ^ m K “ ch „ re8I>ec i by^eviceore; Mr. Cooper, (says a Ute London paper) who ed > llke ‘bis a journeyman ««. m raseonu, nufang hi, appearance there. | made ro be^eve the | ha. recentiy emigrated to America from Mwchw. I printer.» On this lie sent for a nallonc^ W8 *u ‘b* heat at Southampton on | “fws Iff the battle on .the plains of Maipu. A mi- | ter,together with his family, has written to a friend I of nnrter and tli»„ d-. n L- c ® *«•> or Wednesday last, that a carpet, lying under a She-1 n S? CT b 8ent ™ ^ Ontario, don Felix Blanco, the following letter. a menu or porter, and tliey drank “Success to tVh -r ladtnnrf nf rh. JI—„r .k. : , put ,»u„ii. S iuict, Pbtvtttb » KV/...IIV : Sgkt, in a store-room, of a cabinet m.t-— n p »>,-> I adjunct of the director of the Phillinpine comna-1 ujiri,.* « is. t- , fo“™. ™ nearly burnt before it wradUrorend. 15?’ to tre *‘ resproring the exchange of pnsonere I ar ^ *fl® 8 eneral inducements, it We lately noticed the circomstance of ihe Lei-1 prison in Lima, seven in nutn Jniay be asked* the people to quit Great- cesterpacket havinr on her passage from Waiter-1 ? cr * ^^T* 1 **** Came »n the Ontario. The I Britain for the United States of America• f 0 !^,,. 10 “‘Word, between the Salleea and the !?J ; * ,e , V r 8an ?‘ * rri I ed at . CaUao before The first and principal inducement to » | Prin-tito.”—Franklin Memoirs. FROH AS ENGLISH PAPEE- The Orphat?.—Epitaph, much defaced, ' r-;- J quimboi Bntrah bng Theodosia, do; British shin T" UIB P r,BC, Pfo or practice, mere are I -«<*»«.» tie i.yinga oaicheior'sj.ife, one momentabout twenty feet above "wrter and I Intrepid ’ U>ndon * The brig Columbus, of New- | few ‘aiestopay, and those are of acknowl-] he came, to an untimely Abel’s Deathat the next furiously lashing the waves—apparently York, arrived in 49 days Grom Buenos-Ayres.” j ed necessity, And moderate pn amount.— ] the *S e of 26 years, in his Carriage— ??“^^ , / oecuw,ed brthe before mention-1 j There are nn animosities about religion, I bonest of hig wonl, well resepected and b«- and it is a subject about which few ques-1 ,oved °fall- Elizabeth, the Daughter of tiuDS are asked; there; ' I v~i ii.n w-<- * a ed concussion. ^T cu,7V ^f i ^~Arcw day, aj ' **'y» wiiifa rotoennniiQL a native stock to the amount c (corr.) SUp Lautaro, off Valparaiso, \ , April 3Gth, 1818. ) -rjjsj*k devolves on me as com* rof^«ffiSs P b»S miS I *Wtmn,and the discordant st f te of aoc£ j are few respecting J J°bn Hall. tiie Mother and .Mourner forso present irritation of men’s mids in Great 8 rea ‘ and incomparable a Loss of sojdear H lamented yoaprerndtr, captrin Georg* O’Brien, ‘Y on political accounts, is not know here, j memory—she hath erected this monn- age to her native ‘be enemies of Chili, on [There are no tythes nor game laws, and | men ‘» w ith expectation of meeting in the peopleof the hoose to recommend rome ro-nw excise fairs upon spirits only, and similar I Res ,rrection ° { Soul*-—Anno Domini, - — . ^SS 31 " 8 ' ^ ou see no where the disgusting I was protected by their father, and lived in . -. . . »» W.uv® the money to her, |iwkyAn S w;v'’.Krw i “ u "./ ,,adem * nde 4 "bat an< » me,anc bofo cuntra8L so common in (his house. JUr. Otway happening to be *“V“ m8d h “ *PP«r*ncc and Ush and^oSd ^^^i fl Slruck ,he Eur0 P. e ’ M v, « e a [> d .«««» and rags, and on a vi*H in the neighbourhood soon after h” C TSr ,,n * t,,e ,1Ei S hbor - ‘he onfortunate affafr took place, learned he had absconded with the wTde J hen, rotem- Jumea by our starboard bow gSn, clowd^pon mo f t want ® n extravagance, l the particulars, and made them (he ground havibg'sold the slock on the day appointed^ I 0D i.^ quirter. Only j antlt^emost useless and luxurious parade; j work of the Story of bis admirable tragedy v j about 25 boarders headtd by our gallant com- j nor ‘be common people so depraved as | 2%e Orphan. <» I . <- 4 - <