Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 13, 1818, Image 1

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;- v No. l$ft. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 43, 1818. *:♦ Far Liverpool The fine bit sailing ship MARY-ANN, captain Stubha, having more than one-fourth of her cargo ready to go on board, win meet with alLposwUc dispatch For freight or postage ap ply. to the captain onboard,-*! •Sntei'a wharf, or to STUBGE3 b BURROUGHS. aeptiH — 184 Ao. 3, Commerce rov. ForNew-York The bne fULwIing achr. HARRIET- ^NEWELL, Burnham, master, intended has a regular packet, will positively sail on Thursday next. The same punctuality * ill be observed in New-York; and in all cases leave the day appointed, (wind and weather permitting )— for freight of passage, hsving superior accommo dation, apply on bawd at Taylor's wharf, or to . ! F- H. Welman, oct 10 ■ 193 Bolton’e central wharf. For Philadelphia The regular packet Brig OLYNTHUS, ••Sharp, master, will be diapatebed on ■ Wednesday, the 7th' instant For freight Pe ^ awrisUj , Who have Jor tale, lending from said brig, Philadelphia superfine Flour Cognac Brandy—Whiskey Beer, in barrels Bale Rope, first quality—Hay Imperial and gunpowder Tea, in smallehesta ' Cotton Bagging -copper Stills—brass Kettles, be KrThr subscriber has removed his office to the north room of the second story of col Shad’s brick (wilding, fronting on Johnston's square. tUCU’O W. HABERSHAM, oct 6—it- 193 attorney at late K7* l'he Subscribers have removed their office to the soutli mom of the second story of Col. Shad’s brick building, fronting on Johns! on’i square. DAVIES b DRYSDALE, oct 6—14—193 attornics at lav To Plantera, Merchants, country Store keepers, and all who deal iii Drugi and Chemicals. JOHN F.POUYAT t omens tvs xxcicAifoz, sivaxxaX, Btu just received by numerous arrivals, THREE HUNDRED PACKAGES • ' ? - ' GK.VUl.XE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Surgical instruments, allop Furniture, Vials as sorted, patent Medicines, of every description; and iu short, every article usually found and dis pensed in • medical store; all of which have been carefully selected by himself, and be confidently recommends them to be genuine —for tale, whole* tale and retail, at his Drug and Chemical store ' at the lowest prices, for cub, town acceptance, or the usual credit to punctual customers. A!] orders will be thankfully received, and put up with neatness and despatch. Medicine Chests, with printed directions, for plantations, vessels and family use, put up with care at the shortest notice, CM feASTB. 50 barrels GlsuberSslts 500 kegs 1st quality white Lead, ground ip oil SO boxes role Brimstone Prussian Blue in do do Venetian Rid in do do Yellow Ochre in do do Verdigrise- Philadelphia Green, in do do in oil Vc.deter Blue and Green Copsi Varnish) paint Brushes Assorted patent Y ellow Spirits Turpentine Vermilion; Lamp Oil, winter strained. Camel's hair Pencils, be. be. sept 22 ’jx—-187 JVotice. All persons indebteu to me will please make payment to Mr. Gard.vsb Terrs, who is consti tuted my agent, during my absence from this city. SAMUEL EVANS June 19 f 1*4 Jbor sale 400,000 best boated SHINGLES Apply to Williamson De Villers. «ep‘ 24 - ■ — 188 Bills on Providence, (R I) For sale by . UEOllt.E GORDON, oct 10——si 195 Cotton Bagging. 100 pieces best quality Internes Co,ton Bagging For sale by W. P. UKEHS b CO. oct 10 195 Coffee tSf Tortoise Shell. 63 hags Collie 160 pounds Tortoise Shell Landing from schooner Martha, from Barmens. And fur sate by M. HERBERT, ocl 10——is—*95 Removal. " v Davis llaows respectfully informs his friends end the public, that be has removed from Mar ket square to the store (formerly occupied by Mr. Robert H. Parker) i' Congress-street, one door east of tvhitsker; where he is r.ow opening A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Shoes and Boots, Suitable fur town and country; which have been principally received by recent Arrival' from the north and wihbesold at whole sale or retail, at a very moderate advance, for cash or approved paper. oct 10 1. 195 gy- Respectable and genteel ac commodations may be huu in a pi.asae. and I,. :«l thy part of the city for young ladies, children, or married ladies. Every attention will be paid to their comtort or convenience, and the morals of children particularly attended to Please upj.l; at 'Iii office. O’ ■ .0 M 195 Strayed or stolen, From the U«uim n at favaunafa a Horse, abou fifteen hands Ingli. twelve yesr* old, and low in fle-li, of a mixed color, betaei n a sorrel and roan, bat a tn< aly face and legs, and a small white spot on each side of his neck, about six inches from his head A liberal reward will be paid for deliver ing him to HUGH M*CALL ocl 10 r ——195 Strayed or Stolen. On Friday last Odi mat. a Bay Hor,e, about 6 years old. between 14 and 15 liamis high—with a white spot on his nose, hind f- et, whitt and a black stresk on his back A Uberal reward will $e given for saiil hot se by dt lit ering him to Wm.Guvrineau. oct 10 !»’ 195 * PILOTS Authorised to set for the Bar and River of Sa .Vanuatu BRANCH PILOTS. .Stephen Timmons William Jloyston .ft. B. Bisson r, Anderson B. Broughton John Dixon Jesse Fitrois John Cleary John Low John Dennis Henry Craig Thomas Nuttage William M all Andrew Guard CERTIFICATE PILOTS. Stephen fa- Timmoas I Henry Baker John Hole I J » me * Ef ? rd ' Rs order of the Board. JOHN G. HOLCOMBE, ree’ry eomosinionero ofpOotag jriIS9—100 Savannah Poor House 8£ Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE vom October aud November. VassrssSM S. KM* and Jox*tbsx Rituui. Joseph Cumming, secretary. oct € 193 : Cotton Bagging. 500 pieces Cotton Bagg ., 6 , fur sale by > R. -j J. Habersham, sept 29 o 190 New-England Bum, In barrels—landing from » Thomas—r for sale by WILLIFOllD & BAKER, oct 8 194 Goshen Butter A9D FLY-MJMICET BEEF. A few fii kins Goshe.i Bu'ter, at retail 5 half barrels Ply market Beef, for family use. Just received and for sale by Brant & Fox. oct 8 w—194 Mackerel, SCc. 125 bis Nu l £»i AJacktrei 60 half barrels do 32 casks parent Hoes 100 barrel* Menhaden Fish 60 casks cut Nails 60 bags ’ a fiee 30 krgs Hogs Lard 30 doz American made Spades For sale by GARDNER TUFTS, oct 6 r 193 Corn afloat. 1500 bushels'supttior »m.c Flint Corn 100 barr L superfine Fldur On board sloop Bridgeport, for sale by Hall Hoyt. oct 8 K 194 Received, Per brig Oiy.unnt frvn Philadelphia, Rye Whiskey, in hogsheads and barrels (’hilanelphia Gin, in barrels test May yellow Butter Yellow Soap, in wh le and half boxes Flour, Vinegar and white Starch By Charles Maurel. Who has also best Cognac Brandy, warranted genuine oct 3—r—• 192 Irish Linens and Sheetings. I cast-s A*s*»rud Iron L.neiis, some very tine, and l case wheeling*, very low charged For sale by W. P BEERS & CO oct 3 192 For sale 200 pieces first quality Dundee Cotton Bagging . Richards Sf Hauutvay. ang 29——177 Sugar, Gin, 8£c. hhds prim, muscovado Sugar do northern Gin . 17 barrels Philadelphia Whiskey 30 do N. E. Rum For sale by M. Pettingill, aug SO 173 Market-square Cheese, §*c. 10!' casks best GoNben Uhcesc 16 quarter cask* -weet Malaga Wine 4 barr. Is navy Bread 3u bundles Hay 5 K) pieces cotton Bagging With a variety of fancy and ornamental Chairs For salt* by REA & BUTLER, oct 6 ■ —l—193 Soap. A fresh supply of L Baldwin R Co’s. No. 1 OAP. in whole and half boxes, of a superior qua- .y for sale by WILLIFORD & BAKER „ c , 8 794 Laborers wanted. Between thirty and lony Laborets are wanted by the middle of October next, for whom liberal wages will be given, on application to GILBERT CARK, sept‘26 -189 agent for Crave Si Baker. Fire-Wood wanted Notice. All persons hsving demands against the estate u Maas, deceased, will vender them to »he subscriber duly attested, and those indebted will please make immediate payment to * A. Howe, aim’r. -191 oct 1 Notice. All persons hsving demands against the estate .fWWM M Kat late of the c unty of M‘In- tofo. deceased, are req eated to.rendev them in mroperiy attested, and those indebted to said esr tatewiil make payment to therubsenbers. Henrv Gigiiilliat, adm'or. Rebecca I, M‘K.ay. adm'rx. mipt S -+*•— 18 - ’. O.x TllE IPESTEH.X IF.ITERS. The steam-boat Company are desirous of con- trading for s rsgular supply ofWOOD, to be or dered for the use of the steam-boats the ensuing season, at convenient landing places on Oeooce and Altam-.ha rivers. The Wood must be of pitch pine, cut from the bodies of Urge trees, of high • |Und growth, and well seasoned.—Ught-wood would be preferred. Persona willing to contract, for the delivery at one or more landings, will send theii proposals, specifying the rste per cord and the name of the landing, its estimated distance from Darien, Milledgeville, or some public place. The proposals to be addressed either to Josxra HcTcantsox, treasurer, at Augusta; or Riciuxn Waxxx, Suxatnch. Samuel Howard. trj The editors of the Milledgeville papers are requested to insert the foregoing for 3 mouths. aug 4 166 Blank Indentures PAMleai this office. To Carpenters. The subscriber will ixeehrr proposals until the 15th October for repairing Hills Bridge on Ogee- ehee river in s sabatahtiab manner with good cy press timber the,contractor to find necessary ma terials, particulars as to the extent of. the repairs ma# be known on application to John Hunter. sep29 190 HBffB Whole No. 3147. Goods, rc-i.ed by Ui ship Ogle- ot'. alia FALL GOOD5-, ... 4 *UPP»7 Woollen^ Cottons, " r g n T*f*ai*f l,l,aoUcg> niravne, uiucr/i Crockery ware, Glass*,*e, fce. Which Ue. offers for sale on accommpdatiog terms. ELIAS W AUJ1N, sept 26—189 Solomon S- Shad aas jest sreuvss. to g xsw-roxa, The following GOOD:* which, in addition to his former stock, Ue offers fbr sale low, at the atore formerly occupied by HnsNU Stoutenburg k Thorn, and opposite Mr W. 3. GUlet— 44 Irish Linens V Brown do l 'i* 'v Dimities Furniture Calicoes Plad and fanev Calcof s Flag Handkerchief , Bombazets Flannels Blankets .. Plains Cloths and CassiMeres OS BA-X0 1 case elegant English made Coats, Vests snd pantaloons oct 6—-r 193 William T. Williams BAS JUST BECEIVSU, New Tales of My Landlord—second series Sinclair’s Code of Agriculture Heberden’s Commentaries— £3 Captain Hall’s account of the great Loo-Choo Islands gl 50 • ' Buckminster’s Scrmtns, with a memoir of his life 2 25 Blair’s letters on Rhrtorie, abridged—75 Ditto Universal FreiJeptor—87J Mrs. Opies New Tats. 2 vols 2 50 Franklin’s Works, 6 vols gl8 Anmlectic Magazine, for September An assortment «1 German Flutes and Clarinctts sept.29.-r——190 The subscriber BAS JUST mcizvsp, Jtnd offeri for oate, on accommodating tarns, . 50 pipes pure Holland Gin 150 hhds prime Jamaica and St. Croix Sugars 100 barrels ditto 70 bags prime green Coffee 20 hhds rye Whiskey 200 kegs white Lead 300 kegs Gunpowder (Neter Hall Mills) 2 casks Linseed Oil 2000 busli'ls Liveipool ground Salt, in barrels and bulk 100 tin catty boxrs Young Hyson Tea 200 pieces first quality Inverness Cotton Bagging , I. Mints, oct 8 -194 Bolton's range. SawrMill Cranks and Gudgeons. A constant suppU always on hand, direct from the manufactory, to be bad of S. C. Dunning, aug 8—168 Ao. 2, Commerce /tow. Just received, rsB SUIT OCXITUSXM, SO tons Iron 500 kegs wmte Lead 10 tierces Loudondl B Stout - 11 casks Carolina floes For sale by Stnrges & Burroughs, sept 19 186 M 3, Commerce Bowl, • - Plains, Blankets, $c. $c. The coble, iberi havereemed, by the Oglethorpe from Laverpool, and trerai other late arrivals, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PACKAGES Just received 12 hhds old 4tli proof Jamaica Rum 35 quarter casks L P Teaeriff Wine 20 boxes Spermeceti Candles luO boxes tallow do 20 barrels Musrovado Sugar 2 hogsheads do 25 barrels New-England Rum 10 hogsheads do do 10 ditto Gin Si boxes Soap Basket Skit—stnokdd Tongues Gaudi)' & Dufaure. oct 8 m 194 *„* The subscribers having entered in to copartnership under the firm of Daxt 8s Put xam, as Lumber i'tctore and Comndooion Mer chants, tender their services to t‘ eir friends anti the public in the above line of bnsiness, and hope that by their punctuality and attention to business to merit their confidence. They intend keeping a good supply of Fire WOOD, or which they now have a quantity, and offer it at a moderate price Daniel Daly, Gen. F. Putnam. sept 22—- 187 John C. Holcombe Having taken the ware-house lately occupied by Fleweilin 8s Dickinson, offers his services in the FACTOBAGE ii COMMISSION LINE. His store houses are now undergoing a - thorough repair for the reception of produce, merchandize, 8sc.—and strict attention will be paid to all busi ness committed to his care Augusta, (~Ga JJuly 1, 1818.——f 156 The subscriber Having leased the wharf and dock, next but one below that occupied by Messrs Bnowx, Gbeess 8s Co. announces to his friends and the public, that he will, on the fimt of November next, commence the /. UMBER FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS on said wharf. George VV. Collins aept 10 f 182 Lumber Factorage. . COMMISSION BUSINESS. The subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he continues to transact bnsi ness in theaboveline, on Mr. John Hunter’s low er wharf, next above colonel James Johnston’s. He has every convenience for the reception of lumber, of every description also t commodious store for t«e storage of eotttn, Ac, 1 Thomas Jones. oct 3 193 FALL and WINTER GOODS; Comprising a v. ry general assortment of Staple and Fancy Articles; Which they offer for sale, at a moderate ad vance, for cash, cotton, or approved paper, at the corner stand formerly occupied by Messrs. Gau- dry 8t Dupon. c. KELSEY A CO. -194 Brokerage. Thesubscriber having established himself on the ?y. over the store of raessrs W & A Weyman k Co tender- his services to his friends snd the pub lic in general in the above line of business, and hopes by strict attention to merh.a share of pat ronage . ROBERT RA1FORD. aept 1 178- ^ FALL and WINTER GOODS. By the ship9 : Oglethorpe, Pallas and Mary-Ann, just arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have received an EXTENSIVE SUPPLT of DRY GOODS; Comprising a complete assortment of Woollen, WorstedCotton, Linen and Silk GOODS,- which have been carefully selected by one of the firm— and will be sold, by the piece or package, at a moderate advance, for cash, cotton or approved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. sept 17 185 Fall Goods. The subscribers have received by thv ship Ogle thorpe. a large proportion of their fall supply, consisting of Woollens, Cottons, Linens and Silk Goods; Hardware, Cuttlery, Crockeryware, 8ic. which they offer for sale, either by the piece or package, on accommodating terms. James Dickson & Co. sept 24—ah—188 Removal. The subscribers beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have removed from their former establishment, to the western tenement of those commodious brick stores recently erected on the church lot, opposite to Gibbons* range, where they are now opening a very general assort ment of HARD WARE, CUTLERY, and other articles in their bne, just received by the late ar rivals from England, which they offer for sals on accommodating terms. Low, Wallace & Co AISO, SO casks best London Porter, in good condition, sept 39 ct 190 Mrs. Guerineau Begs leave to acquaint her friends and the public generally, that she has again opened her SCHOOL, for the instruction of young ladies— and, with the assistance of Mr Adahs, she intends teaching on the Laneasterian plan—and hop< s for a continuance uf the liberal patronage she has hi therto received; and trusts, by a -trict attent;oii to her pupils, to give general satisfaction. She will take young ladies as constant boarders, and also ladies from the country can be comlortabl) accommodated at her house. P. S. Young ladies wishing to go to other schools will be taken in as boarders, oct 8 k* 191 Jacob Fuerth, SURGEON DENTIST, j Idtudyfrom Hamburg, Offers his services to the public in the various brandies of jus profession. He will be found at the bouse oFDr. L. H. Fuerth, south of the rev. > A io.y • Dr. -Kotlock. Dr. Kreeger, Having returned to Savannah, tenders his pro fessional services to his friends and the public.— His residence is at Hr. Hoses Cleland’s, Market- squire. sept 17—a f—185 Valuable Land Sf Negroes far sale. The subscriber offers for sale, his PLANTA TION, consisting of six hundred and sixty acres of land, situate wn the road -s vling from Louis ville to Augusta, distant about three miles from the former place. It is well unproved; and there is rather more inan two hundred acres or Cleared land, all fresh, and under excellent fences. With the plantation would be sold forty-five prim- Slaves. Possession of the property may be had about the middle of January next. Noble W. Jones. june 6 133 A handsome saddle Horse for sale Inquire at this office. oct 3 192 For sale A handsome well broke gig and saddle Horse— sold for no fault, the owner having no use for him Apply at this office. * oct 3 192 For sale. That pleasently situated DWELLING HOUSE on the Bay, lately the residence of Mr. Wm.Mein, with the lot and improvements ad joining, consist ing of stable, coach- house, wine cellars, kc. The house has lat ljr undergone a thorough repair; it consists of two elegant setting rooms, four bed rooms above, with closets ana other convenien ces, the out buildings consisting of kitchen, ser vants, houses and servant’s rooms, pantry, etc are all lately put up and in good repair, com plete cellers under the house, the whole may be viewed during the forenoon, and the vervanu will be instructed accordingly. Terms one third cash -the remainder in one and two years without in terest. Apply to JOHN M'NISH. sip 29——190- To rent, From the 23d inst, three commodious ROOMS in a three story brick tenement, suitable for bach elors. Apply at No 8, Gibbons’ Range, ret 8 194 To rent A large and commodious House, not far from the centre of the city. Possession will be given on the first of November. Please apply at this office. sept 17—— i85 To Rent The whole of the eastern tenement of the new STORES of A. S. Bulloch, esq. near the Exchange. Apply at the Custom-House, or at the counting- room of WILLIAM GASTON oct 3——192 To Rent Three Rooms, and cellar Kitchen in Gibbons building. Apply at No. 9. sept 22 187 To Rent Two Dwelling Houses, fronting Oglethorpe- square—a pleasant and healthy situation. • I U 1 DCU sept 19 f 186 J. MARSHALL. • - To Let, *" 1 ' ~ From the first of November next, the TWO STORES on the Bay. at present occupied by Messrs. J. Depass & L. Hart. For terms, apply to HALL & HOYT, sept 12 183 To Let, One half of the stare at present occupied by Tefft k Perkins. Inquire at the store, sept 24—f—188 Store to rent. That spacious new'fire-proof STORE, recently occupied by Messrs. Gsudry k Dupon. Apply, at the ccuntmg-house of JAM ES S. BULLOCH, sept 22——187 Fire Proof Store. The subscriber offer* to rent a Store and Count ing uoorn, situated in the upper part of the large stone building, lately erected on bis wharf Ap ply to WILLIAM TAYLOR, sept 26—-es—189 University =5S=t OF THE STATE OF NKW-YORK. The College of Physician* andS"T""!! of ^*1*® University of the state -e««KYork, will com mence the in -i — 1 -course of Lectures, for the en suing winter, on the fiat Monday of November next, at the College, ip Barclay-street. Dr. Hosack, on the Theory and Practice of Physic, and on Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women and Children. Dr. Post, on Anatomy, Physiology, and 8urge- *7- Dr. Macvxvu, on Chemistry and the Materia Medica. Dr. Mixcxtu, on Natural History, including Botany, Mineralogy, and Zoology. Dr. HaWbbsux, on the Clinical Practice of Sur gery. Dr. Motr, on the Principles and Practice of Surgery. Dr. Fniircis, on the Institutes of Medicines, and on Medical Jurisprudence. ' Dr. Oz Witt, on Natural Philosophy. By order, , Samuel Bard, m. d. president. John W. Francis, m. d. register. Neso-Tork. September, 1818- |-195 Bank State of Georgia, SAVaXXAJl, 21st AI’UUSX, ana. Resolved, That twenty per cent of the capital stock of this bank, be and the same is hereby rc- 3 uired to be paid in, on or before the first Mop, ay in November next, by the stockholders there of—the same to be paid in specie, or bills of ei ther of the banks of Georgia By order of the Board. ANTHONY PORTER, cashier. Xotx-—Stockholders may pay their 20 dolls, per share, at the principal bank ■■ Savannah, or at ei ther of the branches in Milledgeville, Washington or Augusta, and obtain a receipt from the casniep on the back of their scrip certificate for the pay ment thereof. sept 1- Notice. Augusta, August 25,1818. Savannqh River Navigation Company. An instalment of 5 per cent on the capital stock of the company is required to be paip in to the treasurer on or before 2d of November next By order of the board, J. W. L. Simmons, sec’ru. The Editor of the Savannah Republican u re quested to publish the above untiltbetime ex pires, and forward bis account to the Company’s. Office for payment, sept 1- 178 Notice. Augusta, August 25, 1818. Savannah River Navigation Company. At a meeting of the stockholders ot this com pany on July 22d last, it was resolved by the mem bers present, that a meeting of the stockholders is requested to take place at the Globe Tavern, in the city of Augusta, on Monday, the 26th of October, at tax o'clock a The meeting being called for important purposes, punctual attendance is required. J. W. L. Simmons, sec'ry. The Editor of the Savannah Republican is re quested to publish the above until the. expiration of the time mentioned, and forward his account' to the Company’- Office for payment. ‘ sept 1 178 —. —f JVotice. ’ ' . seated proposals wilt be received, oy uir sub scriber, until the 15th day of October next, for ■inking two public welb in the town ofuarien— to be from twenty to twenty-five deep; to be six fiat diameter at the bottom and four feet at the top; the brick work to be one foot hi inches .•hove the level of the streed and to be paved with brick six feet from the top of the well, with a gradual descent to carry off the water; the edges of the brick to be secured with square logs of um ber, and secure covering for the wills and pumps. By order of council, * James Burnett, treasurer fur the town of Darien. Darien t Sept 26, *818~-^—l— tftl * Aotice. ' " '' “ In consequence of Joav Musi’s retiring to Beaufort, the copartnership of Gillxtt & Must is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Thosfe indebted to the above firm are requested to make payment thereof to William $. GiFitt, who is here by authorised to receive the satfie: sod also, to settle all claims against the said firm. trT The Business in Beaufort will be Conducted by Jons Milks, and that in Savannah by WiluaS S. Gillett, hereafter on individual account. William 8. Gillctt, John Milne. march 18—65 Notipe. The goods and effects, stock in trade, books of account, Sic. of Joazva Kitchix. of Savannah, Sad ler, having been assigned to the subscribers, for the purpose of making a ratable distribution of the money which may arise .from a sale of the same among bis creditors, notice is hereby given of the said assignment, to the creditors of the said Joseph Kitchen, that they may present their de mands, and to those indebted that they make pay ment, tb Jeuuuau Cents, attorney for the as signees. John Lohra, "j Abraham Carlile, lassignees. Edmund Kinsey, J aug *■ - •'166 Nptice. •■■■■■■ The estate and effects of Atraaxw Earns, A. Euwnr, Gxoci & Co.'and Earns & Co having been assigned to tbe subscribers for the payment of certain debts in tbe first instance, and after wards for tbe benefit of all tbecreditoraof the said concerns, notice is hereby given to those interested, of the said assignment. AD persons indebted to the said Andrew Erwin, Erwin, Groce & Co. or Erwin U Co. are notified to pay the amount of their debts to the subscribers only, and a spee dy payment will be required, in order to enable the subscribers to make a settlement' Of the affaiya of the said firms. All those having claims against the said parties are requested to exhibit them to the subscribers, duly attested ‘ GEORGE HARGREAVES,*) JOHN MtiCINNE, ,( BARNA M*K1NNB, fottlgnces. WILLIAM SIMS, 1 march 31 76 Noticei All persons having demands against the estate orthc late Robsrr James Houston, deceased, are hereby requested to present, without delay, their accounts duly attested to Me era. R. & J. Habersham; and those indented to nlake immedi ate payment to them, or to #e subscriber • • PATRICK HOUSTON, april 8—.33 ' administrator Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of Jopn E- Haxtbjms, late of the city of Savan- ttah, merchant, deceased, will present their ac counts within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted will make immediate payment to . * S. C. Dunning, adm’r. .