Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, October 26, 1840, Image 1

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Sri MAjI me ••Bo just, and four not... —T, ■■ . KDITO TE1 ».«»«»*••».$10 Dully Papor......* Tri-weokly Paper... $5 0TAdvertisements appear in l All Advertisement* published viz: 8oventy.fiyoCents lor tho Iriliiiwick.— same within lotieo. . til, 2fi, 20,27, Ii Km. Ill, 17,18, ,ot* at 93 63 each. 41, Stint 9133. 70.71,72,7:1,75.70,77. 3.i7, r -- wven mid a Imlf for each ofOrdii 103,117,118-10 Lot at $1 Lot No, 74-1 Lot at $4 CO. Town Lots Nob. 120, 130,131.132,137,138, SBSB3B| at 9l imtst be pnblii __ Solos of Negroes by Executor* und ^ trotors must be at pubic nnetinu, on it day of til* month, hntwcon tho usu sale, nt tho place of Publio Snlo* in where tho Letters Testamentary, ofAq * where the Letters ffestameutanr, of lion, or Guardianship may have been u giving sixty days notice thereof in oi public gazettes of this Slate, nml at ‘ tite Court House, where such sales icld. Notice for leavo to sell Negroes, n lished for four months, before any oi ehnll bn made thereupon by tho Sales of Iteai Estate by Exocu tore, and Guardian*, must bn publi DAYS before tlio day of Sola. There bo made nt tho Court House door of in which die nroporty is situate, und Tuesdny of the Mouth .between die hoi dm morning and Anr in tho afternoon. > from day to day IRralhl, unless so oxpi die advertisement. Application* by Executors, Ailininislraii Guardians to tho Court of Ordiuury sell Land, must bo published FOUR , Sides of pereounl property (except u of testate und intestate estates by Execut. Administrators must bo advertised *' DAYS. Applications bv Executors nnd Admin for Letter* D ism Usury, must bo pi MONTHS. . \ 1 Application* ftirforccloiitro of Moi real estate .must ho advertised once a FOUR MONTHS. Orders ofdio CourtofOrdinnry, (i eiiwidi a copy of die bond nf agre. mftko tidos toliuid must be advortisoi Moxths nt lenst. Sheriirssalesnnder execution* rej lourts.niiiHt bo ndvertlsi executioi minty i litre* il, first the 179,180,181,162,211,212,210,217,218, 210—10 Lot., nl SI 13 pacli. No; 183,1 Lot nt *3 75, No.. 223, 83.1,238,238,237. 239, 255, 250, >7,258,259,288,201,282, 203,271), 284, 285, nn ~ 288, 388,318—23 ( LoU nt 85c. each. •10 Lot. ut94 com. pncii. ' 7, 383. 385, 401, 405, 408, 407, 408, 493,410,411,412, 413,414, 410, 417,418,419, 420,441,435,457,458, 480,508, 507,515, 510, 521, 532,533,635,066-33 Lot. nl 70c. each. tiotcf ho Clnilltanta to tho nliovo Lot. n. fur a. htiovvn, iro U. Dart, T. II.King, Colhy &Duvla. W.H. a,:i» t >> ,.i I. >■... . to mt olu Stiles, Jnno Uoinshnrt, P. Houstoun, V. Wool* lay, 8. Dart, J. T.Lnwroncc S. Moody, Jas. loore, (Trustee) B. F. Harris, Ex'oreBlnla A- ips Whiahnod, S. A. Kimberly. E. 8. Rees, R. ; olton, \V‘. B. A C. Davis, R. Hiitcbinson, J. iV. Anderson, estate J. Berrien, S. Chase, R. L. Gamble. Property for ‘wi to MOTIf for cd by dio Courts, tUust bo ad DAYS—under mortgage e DAYS—$ale* of perishable j or perishable property d dcr nf Court, must bo advertised, g DAYS before the day of sale. , All Advertiremontswill bo ptmctunllyi V All Lei Editor, must I tendon.' ore directed to diis Office a postpaid, to eutide them ti < For licit. > Tho Rooms on die 2d and 3d doors oil . .Snvnttnnli Insurance nnd Trust Conn i Duildmr well adapted for Cminting Rni|im Dtnccs, and will befiltedjtp to suit thci It*. I’natcumil ff lt*nt. .... ,1.. V I. LawOl aw unices, ana will be liltedpp to suit tlieo t Doll fcnaway from .... „ f. morning, bis boy'J... swu about die city ns n BrL. ,1 “ The above reward will Ifa " ‘ TLLlft H. F. WILL t an his delivery to oct8 . . Thirty Dollars ReWarsP Will be paid for the apprehension: delivery in any Jail in this Territon.| i State* nf South Carolina miitCofl in the StatesnfSoutli Carolina „ .^tagia, of my,.Negro man PRIMUS. #Bo absrouded on the titii nut.- He is about 3 ‘ ~ x “ ofoge.&feet 10 inrhes, slender make, age, toedi much decayed, nnd has a i look. JOIINL.E, Jacksonville. (E. F.) Sopt. 29,' 184! oo*9 244| . ; ty in the Ncto Taten and adjoining the New and Ohl Toicna. Town Lots Nos. 200.201,202, 203,204,474. 475,47fi. 477,478, 479,460-12 Lots,taxed $5 15 Nos. 740,711,742,749,*>'44, taxed $2 30. Nos. 909,970,071,972,973-5 Lots, taxed $1 40. Nos. 1134.1135,1136,1137,1138,1299,1300, 1301,1302,1303—10 Lots^tuxed $1 88. Nos. 1405.1400,1407, H0S, 16C8,1009.1070, 1071,1072—9 loots, tnxed $1 35. • Nos. 1933,1934,1935,1937,1936,2199,2200, 2201,2202.2203,2204-11 l-ots, taxed $1 25, ' No*. 2-105,2400,2407,2-109—1 Lots, taxed 31c. IBM r.cre« Land below the Old Towu taxed $3?50. Owner T. B.King. Town Lots Nos. 430,431,411,412, 178,179, 160, nnd wharf lots 178,179,160—10 Lots, taxed $4 09. Owjicr P« Lench. Town Lots No*. 103.158,159,374,375, wharf lot No. 103—0 Lots, taxed $2 82. Owner L. A. Bond. Town Lots Noa. 100.101,026,529, 530,531, 0 Lots, taxed $2 81. . Owuors P. Lenclr and J. D. Gardner. Nos. 439,440—2 Lots, taxed 94 peats. Own* cr C. J. Shelton. Town Lots Nos. 496,497—2 Lots, taxed 94c. Owner J. McDcrmid. House uud Lot taxed $188. Owners Wilson nnd Sanborn. House and 2 Lots, taxed $225. Owner Jos. Bancroft. 3 notes Land, tnxed 42 cents. Owner H. Dart. 127 acres l mid oast of tho city, taxed $17 85; 25 do do do, do 47 cents. Owner U. Dart. ,700 ilcres Land, taxed $75. Owners Bruns wick aim Florida R11 C«. . .5 acres Land, taxed 94 ats;2 Lots, Nos 145 and 440. tuxed 94 cents. OwnerT.'W. Goode. Store House, taxed $281; House, &c. and- acre* bind, taxed $5 02, and 8 Slave* taxed $ Owner Geo Dupree. . 3 Ldts, House, Ao.’tnx $8 25; 10 Slaves taxed $6 03. Owner Mrs. C. Lnmb. Store nnd Lot, taxed $4 09. Owner Joseph Lyman. 'Store and Lot, tnxed $188; stock in trado tax* od ®4 41. Owner J. Franklin. I!oilsonnd2 Lots, taxed $503; 13 lots nnd Building taxed Q1S 33*ltK»r+* Lois taxe(H$?81, 4 Slaw** employrd, taxed 25. Owners Bruns wick Lumber Co. Store. House and Lot. taxed $1 50; 1 Slave taxed 94c. Owner B L Harris. Ac..J«.my'Building, tax 94c, stock in trade, tax $1 67; 4 Slaves, tax $2 25. Owner Janies Moore. Personal property, tax $1 25; 3 Slaves em ployed, tax $2 111. Owner B. Talbot Capital Stock, tax $2 50. Owner tho Bank of Brunswick. For Sale. n Horse, 1i A Northern Homo, hel recommended iw a gentle F the harness. I non ire at J sion House Stable, act 10 ircStnck in tr^do, fix 34c. Owner'll. Hniiignn. Stock in trade, tax 94c; 2 Sla\ es For Saliv j||M, The siibreriber oilers tor Place called Parnassus, in County, pleasantly situated *, J . Salts, and opponito the town bury. Tho tract Contains, ill of300 acre*, 150 o?which »ro cleared .and a good fence. lU t:oidignity to the salt] renders the convenience for tho two i for manuring of cnHV access, and for heal sarpa.vud by uuy oilier wUtmion i» *ii<r*L_ try. This Plantation is in n hi?!* state®! pro vouieut. consisting of a comfortable -m* e’.l with six rooms, witliull necessary out bfilla such as kitchen, store room, snnko house, < nnd cotton houses, together With coif' frame houses for the naeommodation Negroes. There is also a 6uo orchard of) «i health; on extensive For terms, Savannah, or on tlio premises to it. p. dejiem: out 3 230Jp . in. iiiviu laiiiu uiimsiirwioiu ui k y trees, consisting of punch nnd nunv w h eiwive arbourolgrnpes of the choicest ki d. terms, apply to Col. Joint J, Maxiv. II in — VJiicurrcnt Bank Mom. A UGUSTA Banks, Columlius Biuilt*- Monroe Rail Road Ocmulgco Bank, “ io. Rail Rond, Ac. &i >tntc Bunk’Brai:'h *. Ifawkii ank Hav|ldiwti!l Geo. Rail Road, Ac. Ac. «Sic. Purchnsed at tho lowest rates, und tltq high st premium given for specie,bv WM. ROBERTSON, Brdkor, Corner Bull-street nml Biy Lain- For sale, a few shares ofMariuo Bfuk Stm march 3 60 CnutiOM. . rjTIIE high rcpututlon which Francis Kidder« IiidolTbie Ink has sustained for. 15 or years, has caused reveral imitation* dtglio attiabi to bo olfered for sale as "Kidder’s Indelible Ii $1 13, estulo J R Unv.znrdt Stock in trudo, tax$187h Owner J W At- will. Stock in trado, tax 50c. Owner B Duffy. 3 Slaves, tax $1 C9. Cwnur J S|mldiug. 2 SktVes, tax $2 81, Owner J B Harris. 1 Sluvo employed, tax 94c. OwnorAScrnutoa 5 Slaves employed, tax $2 81; personal pro perty, tax $167. Owner A L King. 1 Slavn employed, tnx $113. Owner C Davis. 1 $lavc employed, tax 75c. Owner J D Mil* lor; • 2 Slaves employed,'tax $113. Owner Mrs. Aimt. . 1 Slave employed, tnx $187; one Stallion, tax $113. Owner Willium P. Wilson. 4 ainves, tnx $225. Owner E S Ashcraft. 4 Slnvcs employed, tnx $1 50. Clurk owner. Petyonnl property of J M Kunze, taxed $187. nk.' They resemble tlio genuine ink in their oxtenor pennmeo, mid as some of tliombonr* tho tijmo ftlMtiv*. appearance, nnu os some ot tuomuimr* m of Kidder, the public Imvo boeu grossly vil. To giinrd ogaiust this deception, ptU will plenso bo pnrtioulnr to ask for Frau dor’s Ink, uud observe that bis name is on end ftontoftlinbox. This ink cannot bo effaced; but Is warranted In ic top remain perfectly inijciiblc for ugos, if tho direc tions mo followed in using it. A stipj nml for i sopt 18 ii using I’wlo I!™ 10 “ r A. h iiiKSONtE received, Pereounl property of II A Breed, taxed $1 87. Personal property ofJM Stiirtivant, taxed §1 oct 19 SAVANNAH,0 — To I'm A PEW elicit, cltolco Itn,.. S\. Ponoliimir Tom, selected just received nml for sale bj oct 20 G ysnn and it care, I N kegs from 121 lbs to 5( qualities, for sale low, by forssL . , T. M. A J. M. Tl_. Moimmeiil i.ossortcd WBlio Loml, f 100 — ■ tl ^ nsll<h ' v ! ,il •end _ _ 300 do American do' do, No 1 and 2 20 boxes Baltimore Croine Yellow 20 do do Br- -iW ‘Green ou diiz Paint Uriwhe(fmid^a*l) Tools, ns. sorted sizes, just received per ship Cnlin mid for salob)^ G. It. HENDRICKSON. oct 10 Vcibeim Cream.' A FRESH siipplyofCha*. Ring’s Verbena Shaving Cream, just received nnd for win by oct o . gr it. iifiNDiucKsm Cards. ? ' OO ^ROCEsnperlinn Linen Playing Cards, wi'li fine enameled surfaces; 10 groce Visiting Cards, assorted sizes Just received and for sale by ( octr O.-Ic, IIEN0RICK8ON. Winter Sperm Oil, Ac. /?£ Casks superior Winter Sperm Oil, blenched,Bbaje* superior Lamp Wick, 3U0 1,2,3,5, A 10, gnlloiiTiu CannUters. Just received and for salo by sept 25 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Broadcloths and Cassimercs. A FJNEnwortmom of English Broadcloths and Cnssimercs, blue Beaver Cloths, invis- I. black do, drab do, brown, cadet sttinn Cassimere, black do,President render do. Ju*t received per brig d will bo sold on the most reasonable JAMES A. CLIFFORD. v Nos. 4 A13 Gibbons* Range. nnd Cl ible green dc mixed. Eqnft do. fancy Ip) Madison’, am terms, by \ sept 17 Panacea, Ac. Swaini'ficvivuratod Panacea tJU 20 do Houck's do do 5 do Potter's Vegetable Cathnlicon, highly rceoniuietidedns a spiing mid (all purifier. A fresh supply of the above valuable inedicincH just received and for sale by oct 5 ANSON PARSONS. Cocoa. G. R. HENDRICKSON. ^14 I^orillnrd’s SmilEnna Tobncco. A SUPPi.Y of Lorillnrd'ri best Maocahoy, Rappee mid Scotch Snuff, in jars, bladders and bottles; also,cut Tobacco. _For sale by , T. M. &, J. M. TURNER, Monument Square. Pearl Ash, Sal Soda, Ac. Ac. 6 BBL3 Pearl Ash, G do Sal Soda 3 do Snlajralus, do Salt Petra Do Flax .Seed, 1 keg ground do 10 bags Pimento, 5 do Black Peppor 1 case Cloves, 1 hbl Nutmegs h bbl fresh Chamomile Flowers i do suu’r fine Arrow Root 1 case do Tapioca, 1 do Pearl Sago Just received and for sale by ANSON PARSONS. oct 20 Haynes Vegetable J UST received aud for sale by sept. 21 THOS. 1 . RYERSON. Unit’s Soap. QA Boxes Hull’s variegated Soap inborennd Ovr cakes, highly perfumed. 30 do superior yellow Soap, for families. Just received and for sale by G. II.-Herr oct 14 Fine Linen Cards. QA GROCE Thos. Crehorc’s Linen Cards, O" just received and for sale by ANSON PARSONS, sept 16 No. S Gihlioiiw* Range. Pepper, Gingt 3014^*•* 1 * ,,c K * >e pp°f r do Race Ginger, 10 do Pitnoulo '"fNu 1 bag Cloves, 1 bbl Nutmegs Just received aud for sale bv G. R. HENDRICKSON. sopt29 Raxor Straps. C 1IIA PM AN'S Patent Metalic Razor Straps / Saunders’ do do do Emerson's Elastic do * Just received and for wil« by sept.21 THOS, RYERSON. Draps, Medicines A Perfumery. I HE s' T il E subscribers have constantly on band a fullsur ' ipply of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, nnd fancy articles, of tlio best quality, which they offer on reasonable terms, wholesale or retail. T. M. & J. M. TURNER, net 19 Monument-Square. 87, __ . jm . Also, the following property taxed forthoyeor eighteen hundred nml thirty-eight: Academy Building, taxed $3 75. Owner Jas Monro. Personal property of J R Hazzard, tax $3 75. Also; on the following property, for tho year eighteen hundred nnd thirty-nine: t ‘ “ uso and ^7 acres of Lund, tux$0; 8 Slaves, tax$0. Owner Gee Dupree. j Academy Building, tax 94c; 3 Slaves, tnx $2 25. ' Owner James Moore. House and Lot, tax $2 25. Owner Thomas Fincgnn. \ t Stuck in trado of Spalding aud Stoclcwcll, tax ed 165c. r . Stock in trade ofJ R Hazzard. tax $2 81. 3 Slaves, taxed $1 06J. Owner J Spalding. 1 Sluvo, taxed $1 31. Ownqj J B Harris. 1 Slavo, taxed $1. Owner B L Harris. 1 Slav?, taxed $1. Owner J A D Lrtwmnce. 1 Sluvo aud ono Stallion, taxed $3 75. Owuer Witllatn P Wilson. ..—.i <m oi QwnorC Parsons’ Vcircfable Autl-Bilious Pills. A SAFE nn 4 certain euro for nil bilious com plaints und abstractions of the bowels. If administered in time, thoy will effectually removo tho bile from the stemncli, nnd counteract tho cuiibcs which so generally produco beudnebe, in digestion, fever and ague, ur intermittent, remit- tout, bilious, inllamumiory, and yellow fovers, jaundice, bilious cholic, dysentery, worms, rheu matism, pleurisy, bilious vomiting, foul stomach, costiveuess, sore throats, colds, coughs uud astli- % ’l Slavo employed, taxed ^1 31. U “, V ' i '‘ WILLIAM I\ WILSON, Mayor. Kj*Tho Millodgovillo Journal is requested to publish the above-once a week for six weeks, mig 25 205t». Eviiita’' Cliamomlic Pills, P REPARED from a pure extract oftlio floiv- ar,'n very wholesome inodicine, mild in op eration and pleasant in offoot, tho most certain preserver ofhenlth, a safe and effectual cure of Indigestion mid ull stomach complaints; nndnsa . ,1... I.lnn.l ritirl of Uie Mood nnd tlio nervous Rosa Ointment, F OR Totter, Ringworms, Pimples oh Vaco, and other entanonqs ornptmns. '• ;tewj Ringworms, and herpetic eruptions ally,are amoug the most tedious ami dis nHuofions to which tlio human frmuo Situated as it wore, on tho verge of vitnlil, almost impossible to much them by Imvurd dies, lloiico the innlllcncy of undergoing a rot of medicine, orsubjoetiug ourselves to the comfortable system of strict dint! such menu.- reducing the system merely palliate the symph while lhoy are in praotico, to recur ns violon or more so, when a generous diet is returned And tlio generality of external applinitioimh no nlhur effect limn tlio disease in one place, w to show itself In tho sumo orunntlmr part. W ull those moans have lulled, and in tunny sen [w cases, u purservniica for aikort time, iu tho m the Koso Ointment luis proved etl'ccUul. TJ is no trouble in using (applying it every nit A (Vesli supply Just received; and for sale 1 uug 21 ' * G.R. HENDUICKHOJ jiuiurnl poitsequeuco, a purifier of tl Ii iwentnor ol tho whole system, to und debilitated. • The powers of Evans’ Chamomile Pills arc such, that tho pulpitalmg heart, tbo tremulous hand, the''dizzy ovo.nnd ihofluttering tniml van ish before their olVncts like noxious vapors before the benign inilocnco of the morning sun. JCh» Ionia medicine is far various diseases, gonoralde* ‘ ility, indigestion ami its consequences; ns waul ifnpiictite, nn nppnreut distohsiou of tho stout* ill, Lolling, illlliU in tlio sloiimclt, noiillty, tut- —* taste Tit tiu> month, rumbling nolso in • :uidltc: Innsaut tusto „• « - ohowoll, MorvotM.yiO|»tolil.,languid w lien 10 mind Itocomoslrnul.lo, do»|nituling, ftotlgll- il, tnclonclioly oml doicclod, liy(ioohondnnti»in, iw spirits,consiiniptiui» f palpitutioiiHot tlio heart, Brvnus irritability, night mare,rheumatism,spas- iodic nfll'Ctions, dimnoss of bight, delirium, und 11 other non ntts syiuptoini, these 1’ills will pro- ANSON PAID No.8 Gibbons’ Range. oug 4 Prepared and sold by ANSON PARSONS. Starch, &e, BOXES Colgate’s superior Starch Ot/ 6 do English Fig Bluo, 2 cerooiw Span ish Indigo. Just received and for sale by oct 8 G. R. H ENDRICICSON. Garden Seeds. T HE subscriber lias just received by brig Sa vannah, a full supply, of Fresh Garden Seeds, warranted of tlio best quality, aud of the Crop of 1840, viz: Asparagus, largo Beans, dun colored,rob roynnd limn polo Beets, long blood, tur nip blood, mangle wurtzel, und while scurcity . Brocnli, purplo capo Cahhago, i early york, drumhead, hattorsea, f trenn glazed, sugar unf, and red dutch Cunlitlowcr. early Cucumber, long green and early frame Carrot, long orango and early horn Celery, white solid Luttnce, cabbage bond & groan eons Melon, citron, pine ap ple. (Util netted Mustard, white Parsleys curled octlG Parsnip, large whito Peas, early Inline, dwarf marrowfat, dwnrf blae imperial, early churl- ton nud early Washing ton Popper, lou;j red aud sweet Spanish Squash, early bush and mirgan’a striped Radish, cherry turnip, short top scarlet, (long scarlet, uud hlk winter Salsify or vegetable oys ter Spinach, largo Tomatoes Turnip, early dutch, ear ly spring, red top, ru tabaga uud huge ilat globo Clover, white nnd rad , Lticurno Grass, Ac &c For sale by A. IV ARSONS. nnd Fancy Ell ships Celin, Tituolcoi lor aud Angn*ta. 50 bales 3-4 brown Sliirtii 25 do 4-4 do do 20 cases 3-4.4-4 & 5-4 blew and Shirtings |:Y* 20 bulcn Red Flannel*. *om«t\ died do red nnd plaid Liiuwy . 100 scarlet nnd black thibet 8na' j* 200 Highluud plaid Shawls, vsf 1I9 sizes 500 do cotton do - do 200 pieces endet mixed, steel ml ed, blue, green olid brown SatUneu f 100 dozen bine Romnllldkf* . .10 CUCsAiitaricim Ptimn. ml \ mimes ■ * .rtC 200 dozen men’s woolen 4IIu«* sunwlowinio'd 100 white and blenched linen 'I Ue Clotli* 2 dozen 4-4 black thibet Sbav s if 2 do 6-4 do do do J 100 pelces low priced apron Cl» sks-. 50 do. blue Plaids 50 do white Flannels.assort super genuine whin *" »•« JIVU'I UU 3 do jnper Whitney Blankets 1 rase Cotton Fringes - 50 lb* TnH<c\^rcd Va . . . arn 10 pieces hlk Bombasiu . '10 do hlk Listing 100 lbs mix’d Pins - ifO pieces bUT^ - 2 do 4UI>C r U dozgouO A /%A 1W'» lurnrncM mid Dundee Bag- jSO U King, 42 nnd 44 inch wide 400 lbs 3 strand Bagging Twine J lilt revived end for sale by JAMES ANDERSON & CO, net 15 No 3 and 10 Waring*» Building. bll m BilkCn 15 do ltr do 50 do 50 do 50 do „ iwinte’ do do Rogers huckaback nnd Scotch Itiisia Diaper , do Crn»li Blanks colored Silks, super Mnslde L-tine* and French Prints, fancy 8liiiwls, , &ncy silk Cravat*, fancy silk Bags, fancy silk\nnd last ing coat Buttons, gilt do, pearl, btnc and silvered Buttons, 300 lb* patent flax Thread, 500 dozen assorted spool Thread. &(L Ac. For salo nt wholesale mid retail by \ SNIDER, LATHROP A NEVItT. ffTD’liolesole Room, up stairs froutingl grass street. octy3 0 do Bristol Brick 4 do Flax Seed New Goods. READY MADE CLOTHING. T HE subscriber has lately returned from the North, where he has born engaged in ta- lecting nnd manufacturing Ready Made Clotliiftr for two months past, nnd flatters himself that lit stock cannot bo surpassed hy my establishment of the kind in Snvannah, ns it <on*i*ls of nil tho latest imported nnd most fashionable articles in his line. His friends nnd the public generally, uro respectAilly invited to give him n call. His stock is composed oftlio following, viz: Superior blue, (dark, brown, green nnd invisible green Dress Coats; do do do dq Frock Coat* Cadet, Beaver, Snttinet. Petersham, Kentucky Jean and Moleskin Hunting pants. Moleskin,Snttinet nnd blun Cloth Round Jackets. Green end mix’d Cloth nnd Saniunt Coatees. Moleskin, Kentucky Jean, fanty nud mixed Cos- . simern Pantaloon*. Vests of flg'd uud plain Velvois, bluo and black Cloth, Merino, Bombasiu, fig'd and plain Sat in, Ac. FANCY ARTICLES. Moreno, Buckskin nnd Royal llil Bands; wool Under Shirts and Drawers; linen, cotton.-stripe nud fancy Gingham ShirhqSilksnd Linen lldkfs, Gloves, Suspenders, Ends, Stocks. Cravats,Cra vat Stiffners, Riding Belts, Mousy Belts, Tape Measures; NightCaps, Hose nud naif Hoso, in serting, Frill and plain Boso'n* uikI Collars, Feather Brushes, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas! Hair Brushes. All of the above articles are reu dy for inspection, nt low price* foreash orappre ved city acceptation. G. S. NICHOLS. id city , N. B.—G. S. N. will mnnufamine to ordorany, garments entrusted to bis care nt short notice nnd in the most approved style. Cnttiug to bn insde oat, done with earn and despatch, and fits war routed if made by experienced workmen, out? Market-Square. Negro Cloths, Blankets audBag- glng. /Kf \ Kerseys, the mnstupproved kind 6 hales sutler white Wehii Plain* - - 10 do English mix'd Plains,5 d« Cordova do 25 do Loudon diitiil and Bristol BUnhets, vari ous qualities and sizes, eery heavy New York, nnd for sale on tire lu*t terms l*v SNIDER, LATHROP A N'EVitT. oct 12 Log Cabin Cass I meres dc Cloths, llB-i * J CABIN Sauinctsanvvvandservicimblw article; Log Cabin silk IJjlkfs.; do Buttons. Jn st received aud for sale hj oct 12 I \ CLIFFORD. 50 do do Limbs Wool do do 10 do gent’s Lamb* Wool and Angela Hose 10 do brown and mix’d Cotton do 25 pieces handsome Furniture Chintz 10 do asixirted color* Broad Cloths 50 do white Cambrics GO do Jackonei Miwliiw, Book, Swiss and Mull da Super hlk nud blun blk Silks . Plain clinngenble do Mous de Laiiios nnd striped Clmlys SNIDER, LATHROP &NEVIT oct 21 New Dry Rood. Store, 300 Bundles superior i Hey, on apply to •P* 1 __ bo«d ship Solon, for Capt. Bucknnm, or to SHAPTER A WOODBRIDGE. oct 15 lloward-strcct Flour. Barrel*. Now landing from rehr Fred. ATupper,nnd for sale by oct 13 . GEO II MAY. 10 greeo .Mnyrmrd nnd Rogers’ blk Ink 20 jnrs do nnd Rn Received by Into arrivals, accommodating terms, oct 21 ** * HTT. Upon the Ctuh A T tlio store lately occupied by J. A E. In- persoll, West side Montuncnt-Sqinre, is now opening a very extensive nnd splendid ns- sortiucnt of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS: entirely fresh, embracing every article usually found in a drygoods store—which liave been selected with great care in the New York nnd Boston markets mid bought upon cadi terms, (many of them nt auction) and uro offered for sale wholesale nnd retail, at a small advance, for cash or city acccptanco. Also, A verv large assortment of common, fino, *u perfina Three Ply nml Venetian CARPETINGS of new nnd very rich patteru*;n)so.Rugs, Mulling, Oil Cloths, printed Floor Baize, Carpet Binding, Thrend, &c.. at much less prices than ever before oflered in this market. Bed Ash Coalc IHIDS Red Schuylkill Coal, broken nnd O screened, innding from 'schr. Roauokc from Plitladelphianud for salo by octO ’ WHITE A BARTELS. G.ILj IIJSDI1ICK8QN. it Fowiicrs. Hams. ~t A K Ham* of prime quality, landing from A AO schr FA Topper, oct 12 F ’ SORREL & CO. St. Croix Mugar. Feast T HESE Powders are an admirable nnbytit for Yeast in mn” “ and have the ndvont king the batter pormtly ! king the instant they are other cakes when made leu likely to disagree w mode with yeast, mid n« it requires minutes to prepare for baking, the i« having them sour is entirely avoided. The good effect of mixing cake and biscuit roach than tl "V- . ilitftr . bisciVit ; A -| IIbd* St. Croix Sugar. Landing from wit h these powders, has been approved by many O A ship John Camming, nnd for saloby of the inert eminent physicians and surgeons i» oct 14 GEO II MAY. country; they ore also highly reeqmmmetfd' St. Croix Sugar. 1 ft Hhd* prime St. Croix Sugar. Landing XvF from ship John Camming from New York, ond for sale by WHITE & BARTELS Persons in tho city nnd country wishing to purchase, are respectfully invited to call and ex amine for themselves, oct 7 243—3w Silk Shins, Ac. Ac. S ILK Shirts and Drawers, Merino do do Cotton Shirts. Silk Hhdkfs Collars, Stock* nnd elastic Suspenders Fancy col’d nud black Bilk Cravats Merino, Lmub’s Wool, Silk nnd Cotton £ Hose, Merino, Imckskiu and Silk Gloves Received per brig L Baldwin, and for sale by oct 20 GEORGE W. BEHN. Steamboat ulankcts and Coun terpanes. TUST received at the store lately occupied by J. A E. IugorsolK 1 bale super Berth Blnnkets 50 super Berth Counterpanes Also, J0-412-4 nud 14-4 white and col’d dnilts, which will be sold very low. 253Ql oct20 Flannels. A T tho store recently occupied by J. A E. In- gnrioll, may be found supnriur real Welch Flannels, a great variety of qualities, (some Ro- f or’*.) Also, Schofield’* Patent White Flannels, warranted not to shrink,) English Cotton Flan nels, Ainoricun ditto, and Scarlet Flannels of all qualities, which are offered unusually cheap, net 20 8533 l Silks. A GREAT variety of plain, fig’d and striped black, bluo black nnd col’cl Silks, of very sn- New Fall and Winter Goods. r-r— ‘N, Vm ‘ ‘ A VEKY A JOHNSON, gave received and are receiving n general supply nf Fall nml Winter Goods, which will be coll a* low nn nt any other store in town for canker good paper, oct 14 South side Mcnmuieut Square. Ilich Shawl' 4 ,4 A 7-> new style rich sll; Shawls, 7-4 "tc A8-4 Ucochado, 44 i- 8-4 Rob Roy dy, CliaIIv Muslin Do Lmiodii, i(ot worsted do*, at AVERY & JOHNSON’S low for cash, oct 14 Muslin de L«i|cSi A Large uud well selected lasiortment can bo J\. found nt AVERY A JOjl.VSON’S, allow prices for cash. South side M|>niinieui square. black, bluo hind ^ JPIP , imrior and rich styles, for salo cheap, at the store lately occupied by J. A E. Ingersoll, west side Monument square. 253|jt oct 20 BroaSclotUs, i, Cassimercs, Ac, J UST opened nt tho store lately occupied by J. A E. very splendid assortment of Broad Cloths, Cassimercs and Vestings. Also, Asphaltum Cloth, (n new mid superior nrticln fnr t £Rntleuicn*s winter fYnck nnd over coats,) mid Satinets of ill) colors nnd qualities, which wdlbe sold cheap for cosh or city acceptance, net 20 253]| l Woolens and Baggiiig. is. British « and Do A Large stock of Blnnko ta, nipstic Negro Cloths and Bagging ofvur oil*qualities. For sale by oct 13 247Ir. RAW KING! Cotton OsuabiirRS and Varus. OTTON 0*nnburg*,from tho Athens factory; and Yarns, No 5,0.8,10. nnd 15 from tho Roswell factory. For sale b^ Gloves and Ubiet y. *fl £A l)ozun ladies cold KidiGloves ■ IF 5 do do blk din 4 do Gents blk and cold lid do Gents cashmere do, children's do Ladies blk Ingrain silk jlasu Do do rib’dcashuifredo Do plain do do do, do c^l'd do do Just received and for salo law for cash by oct 13 AVERY & JOHNSON. New Goods. QA PCS Prints 20 do Moitsoliuc do patterns 5 do black mid blk aud slutq do 0 do whito Flnnuols 1 2 do Saxony Cassimercs* for boys clothing 12 do blk mix’d Snltinut 3 do grey mix’d do 8-10 brown table Clotli 12 dozen plaid lldkfs 1 , 100 do Rnworth’s spool Cotton C pcs Canton Flannel Victoria Skirts, corded do 5-4 Hamilton Sheetings 0 dozen shell twist Combs 8 do do side do 0 do linen cmnbrick lldkfs 4 ’do hemsticlicd do ds 34 inch hlk apron Bilks Ladies silk aprons with borders Just received und for sale low by oct13 AVERY & JOHNSON. PcrhimorV. *, Oi SPRIT DE ROSE, Homly, Cologne nud Lavender Water, Toilet powder, Mncas- snr and Boars Oil, Chlorine nud Cnrbunic l)en- trilice, fino Sonps, shaving Soaps. Received per brig Augusta and for sale by GEORGE W. BF.IIN, ect 2 No. 2 Shad’s Building, Now Books. T il E difficulties of Romanism, by Geo Stanly Faber. Strive nnd Thrive, n tale hy Mary Ilowitt Hone on! Imneievcr, or the boyhood nf Felix Law, by Mary Ilowitt. Spark’s Life ofWnrhlngton. abridged. The history of Virgil A. Stewart, nnd bis ad venture in capturing and exposing tlio great "Western Land Pirate” mid bis gang in conuox* inn with evidence, uImi of llm trials, confessions, nnd oxccutiou ofn numberofMurrcIl’snssoiiates in the state of Mississippi. France, il* King, Court, nnd Government, by Governor Cuss. A few more copies of tho Madison Paper*. A collection of Music, for the Flute, Violin, Ac.* Just received by Til' oct id W THORNE WILLIAMS. Dry Goods T IIE subscriber is new opening nn assort ment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, received from New York, per brigs Mndison, Sterling and Clinton. Ho will continue to rccuivo suitable Goods for tlio fall nnd winter, which will he sold nt moder ate prices. GEORGE W. BEHN, sopt22 No. 2, Shad’s Building. Blnukcts, Kerseys A Flmmcls. 4 BALES Diitiil Blnnkets 80 pair Whitney do, 15 do Roan do 9 cases wool ami cotton twilled Jeans 5 bales Red Flannel, low prhv Received nor brij Augusta nnd for sale by GEORGE W. BEHN, act 5 • No. 2 Blind's Building. riaitis. Blankets* Ac. T HE subscriber* will receive per ship Rmwcll daily expected (Voni Liverpool, their usual extensive supply of English ami Welsh PI: London Diitiil Bluukcts, and other Plnntn Dry Goods, w(iich, togotlier with 11 general assort incut ofNcgro Cloths of Domestic jiisnufacturc. lutely received are oflered for salp onliburni to rum. JAMES ANDERSON & CO. oct 15 No 3 A 10 Waring’* Building. 247*1. It A W KING. Lliiens.Lineii Cambric Hdfefs.Ac 8U I K ' r Linen Sheet 7- 8 and 4-4 uncrossed Linen Shirtiugs 9-8 Pillow Case, Linen 60 dozen Linen Cambric lldkfs 20 pieces Long Lawns, Scotch Linen Bed 10 do common and super Huckaback Diaper 20 do do do Bird’s I'jyo nnd Scotch do 10 dozen bordered Linen Towels 20 do Silesia Napkins 8- 4,8-10 nnd 10-12 Damask Table Cloths 8-4 Brown do do do 7-4, 8-4 nud 10-4 Linen Damask 20 do Russia Diaper Received Bytast arrivals and for snlo very client) tlio store lately occupied by J. A E. Ingersoli West side Monument Square, oct 20 253111. Cheese. T WENTY cask* ciieesn, a very superior ar ticle, now binding from brig Wm Taylor, and for sale by GEO II MAY. oct 12 30 sloxen rich fancy Sliuwls, A MONG which ore 3-4 uud 54 rich Damask Silk 4-4 changeable and plaid do 84 cnib'd Thibet Wool, very rich 84 Urochn mid Blanket Together with a largo assortment of Scarfs and small dress Hbdfs; all of which will besohlnln small udvunco from cost, for cash, or good paper, AVERY & JOHNSON, oct 19 South side Monument Square. Cravats. t BOX rich and fashionable Down Cravats, rccuivud l>y AVERY & JOHNSON, oct 19 I,ook at This. F RESH Goods Just received: Rich French mid English Prints Rioh Muslin De Loines Do Silks;also plaid Worsteds, fordrosses. For salo low for cash, nt oct 22 AVERY A JOHNSON’S. uuKcrcmviHi vapsi Y i , DOZEN Indigo bluo plaid Udkfii AC. 50 COdo fancy plaid Hdfks,(Gingham plus) 35 doz Wool Caps, low priced SaUiuuU 55 pcs plnhl Liniey 30 do indigo bluo plaid Homespun UcceiveilporbrtgLBjldwio, fw »1» oct 20 (iKORGL W. BEHN. nSittinketSi Ac. 2 RALES saddle Blnnkets, 200 blankets ouch 1 halo largo size col’d horso do 5 bales 8-land 94' Dtiffil do G coses wool filled Kerseys 2 do low priced gnttinoU Landing from brig Clinton, uud for snlo by b HIRAM ROBERTS, oct 20 No 3 nml 14 Gibbon’s Building. Tiiuhcr nml Lumber. ■< AAA PIECES Pitch i'maTimbor 500 Lialitwood Qnla 150 M. Sn'-ved Lnllis * 500 Live Oak und Cypress Knees, well sea. toned. For sate by JOSEPH. IL BALDWIN, aug23 At 8tiles' Wharf. Snprnr, Ten, Flour nntl Bnlsl “ffb Bbl* crushed Sugar, xariousqutlitie U 50 13 lb boxes Hyson Tea .30 half bblscnunl Pjrtytj.Snbbfcprinii Po»» * 10 bbtsme8*Poriu20dn No 1 Beef 20 boxes Starch; 130 reams wrapping Paper 50 do Soap, J D A YTLee’s brand 100 coils Bate Rope Lauding per 8olon, nnd for saloby oct 12 SHAPTER & WOODBRIDGE; country; they are also highly reCnimmnemG ed by many of the first families in diis city amF allmr places. A supply of the above valuable article, jwt re* ceivcd per brig Clinton, nml for sale by ANSON PARSOf ' sept 21 No 8, gibbons 1 ~ " T „ iinrry Lorreqticr, IIE Coiififssinns or Harry Lorreqiwr, Whf# | numerous illnBinttioii* by F.hii, l *cl. S75*. S Continnatiou of Memoirs oirthe Comrt of Ertg^ land, dnring tho reign of the Stuarts, indAdiug lbs Protectorate, hy Jno. l!oiteageJess,m2tohi. containing Memoirs of C/oinwell, Gen. Monfcy Prince Rupert, the DukeoTBuckinghmir, Dnlw . New Flour. *| AA Bbls and 30 half do of first quality and XUU favorite Baker’s brands, in store mid ftir salo by. LADD, TUPPER A SISTARE, oct 13 Curtis A €0’* and Pliclps’ Gin. w iYA Bbls Cnrtis A Co’s mperor old n 7 en T ha ST m ^ ! •? b J. lhe of ^ OU ing from brig Savannah. Also,instore, Diary ofarhvrosmn, 2tols. ■ d - * 200 bbl* Phelps’ Gin. For sale by Atkins’ British Poets, from Johnson to Beattie, of Monmouth,, Dutchess of Richmond, of Buck- inghara, of Cleveland, of Portsmouth, ftflfaftt* * rinc,and of Richmond. Jermyn. tlw Earl AfJtoe‘ “ ester,’Count nml Countess of Gfnmmcmt, Ni Gwymi, &c. Ac. The young Prbno Donna, a Reman** of tho- Opera, by Mi “ . - - " 2 vols. lira Gray, author of" Tim Duke,” it* ’Helps’ Giu~ For sale by LADD. TUPPER A SISTARE. •*> j lvol. Apples, Potatoes, Ac, Bbl* Apples in fine order, 30do Potatoes iJvf 1000 bunches Onions. Landing ond for sale by CLAGHORN & WOOD, oct13 , . C« Sugar, t *~DS p ' joffee, Ac. HIIDS prime St. Croix Sugar. 1'26 do Porte lliro - - do bass prime green St Jago Coffee 100 coils Halo Rope 30 hhdsCuba Molasses, suitable fnrrotaH’g 200 bundles Eastern and New York Hay, for sale on accommodating terms, hy oct 7 SHAPTER A WOODBRIDGE. Frost’s do, from Falconer to Walter Scott. Boccncio’s Decameron, 2 vole, 8vo, Sir Walter Scott’a Works, complete In fO vcls, 8vo., bound iu calf. ' oenMAet 2,-3 add 4^ . Charles O. Malloy, Iho Irish Dragoon, author of" Harry Lorrequor, Nos, 1,2,-i with humorous illustrations. (wi rto, hi .Master Humphrey's Clock, Tho Araerlimir Almanac for 1840, Georgia and South-Carolina AFmanaCi. iff wholesale and retail. Just received. W, THORNE WILLIAMS. oct 22 New Canal Flour, Soap and Can dies. Bbls nnd)50 half do Canal Flour, 100 boxes No 1 soap. 40 do sperm Caudles Lauding from brig Savannah, nnd for sale by 13 CLAGHORN A WOOD. T>E1 £l« nf En oct 13 Lime—Adont. /JAA CASKS first quality Thomaston UUU Lime, onboard brig Lime Rock, from Thomaston. For sale by WHITE oct 13 2 A BARTELS. Butter, Cheese, and Flour. Kegs best gonh*?n Batter, SOboxes Choose Jml\j 50 whole ami 50 half bids canal FLur, new wheat Just received trod for «>!e by oct 10 J B GAUDltY & HONS. Brand)’. A Pipes and 10 halfpipes Utard, Dnnny A Co TC Brandy, imported direct from Havre, via New York, and fur snlo bv oct 10 J B GAUDRY A SONS. GEO II M Whiskey. \ BBLS Whiskey. Landing from sliip So- tJ vl Ion, nnd for sale on the wharf. oct 12 LADD, TUPPER & SISTARE. Buckwheat Flour. A Fresh article in 4 and I bbls. Just received hy BOSTON A RANDLE, oct 12 29 St..CroU 8ttaur. 1 ‘ r Iron oct 12 landing Irom ship 8olon. {£;■*** For sale by GEO. H. MAY. Georgia Nankeen. IVs superior Georgia Nankeen. Po act!4 “.APD. TUPPER A SISTARE. Lamp Oil. GALLS. Winter Sperm Oil Qvlvf COO do common Lnmp Oil, at $1 per gsllou, just received pership John Cumming.nnd for sale by ANSON PARSONS, oct 19 Specie Bottles. ! CASKS, suitable for Grocer*, for sale by T. M. & J. M. TURNER, foptS Monument-Square. 100 oct 3 EiiNtm n May. 1 ’r"" 0 s°'a r coaBm\i" Accoi'illnus. I Cn.n film AccnnliaiM, nuoiled paUorn,, beautifully Inlaid, pearl keys nud superior toned. Just received nnd for salo by oct 17 G. It. HBNPRICK8QN. i.lliup wm -g A Casks Blenched Lamp Oil, low priced, X!f just received and for sulc bv oct 13 G R HENDRICKSON. 'Sititir and Tobacco. /j | Bbls Lorillnrd'* Macolmy and Scotch O I- Snuff, 00 do fine cut Tobacco, 20 jars cuuro French Rappee Suufi*. Just recnivodnnd for sale by G R HENDRICKSON, oct 13 - Bvnns 1 Camomile Fills. TUST received and far sale bv J sopt. 21 THOS. I THOS. RYERSON. Brandy. Gin and Gluret* HALF pipe* Soiguctte * Brandy 10 pipe* llollund Gill, of sup’r quality 1(H) case* Bordeaux Claret, receivetlfrum the ‘‘rr^'nodBljto-nimcou. Applet aud Oranges. 1BLS Ateil BBLS Apples, iu goodorder 10,000 Havana Oranges ,rf ind forwloliy GKO. D. CORNWELL.'’ In Aon:, Duller and SngafcCrackcrs Gorilen Butter. Chcrse, Flour. Sugar , Coffee Bacon, &e; ulso, 5000 uthntt Bogs, oct 20 255m.. ? Rice’s Reports, EPORTS of cases nt Law, argaed nrrd (ft' > icnuitied in the CourtOf Appealiaml Court m Error* of South Cnrolinoy from D^eenitter' 1838 to May 1830, both inclusive, by Wm Kite, State Rnporter. Reports ofcares in Chancery, argued add de termined in tho Coart of Append* and Court, frf* Errors of South Carolitm.lrtin December J888 1 to May 1839, both inclusive, hy Wm Rice. A Digest of the case® decided fn the Superior Courts of Law.ofthe State of South CSrotihtf, from the earliest peridd, to the year 1836 iue.te-' sive, by WinRieo. Also, the life, adventures nnd opinions <5f fratid Then. Hines of South Carolinn, Master nr Artn, und souistimns Dr. ofMedicme, alws Dr HuurH- ton, Col iramiftoD. DrHayno, Col Hlyite, Dr Porclior, Col Singleton, Rev Mr Betnarr, .Rev Crd Alhton, Major Furker; ChlBen- . Dr Baker, CidAlfston, Afa/or Piwker, Chit... ton, Mnjor .Middleton, Lieut Pringle, Cant Ilftt- Icdge, Qo| Pinckney, Dr Brandreth, Afqj MooTe, Ac. iu a series friends, writtefrby hiiusoif. Also, the Georgia and Carolina Almauae, for Grier. Just received hy SSLl 1841, by Robert G oct I? W THOHKIi wa Tho'BfiiaaBt O R Henry de Cerons; a romance, by G: Pi R. James, author of Daniley Do L’Oiuuf/ ClmrlcsTynell, Ilcuiy of Guise, &e. • »- The element* of Geology for popular taiuingn description of the Guolosicnl formations and mineral resources of tho United States, by Charles A. Lee, M. D. Tbo Fanners Instructor, c<mtitring of Essays, practical directions and hiuts, for the management oftlio Farm nnd the Garden; origifislly pnWitliedl iu the Cultivate*, selected anu revise ’ r Bticl, Esq. Just received hr NE sept 10 l revised by J- • THORNE WII.UAM8. Dnlby’s "urininUivo, H IGHLY recommeuded ns a most snfii, ere fecUiul, nnd often immediate remedy fof die tv hid, die watery and dry gripes, convulsions, mid ull those fatal disorders in the bowels of ifre fonts, which carry off such a number of die hu- 8urgi<!iil Instruments; Ac. A MPUTATING, Trepanning, Obstetrical/ pAlltfll n l.fl n t-ri f h—l m—■ UihuIj *• Dontal and Cupping (nstrmncuu; Evan’s Jjinccta, Gum Lancets, silver spring Bntton Lancet*, Gcrmnu spring Laiicots, German andl SehrificuU ' fine American Scarificators,Pearl afid Steel Loire cet Cases, Stonioch Pumps, Stethewropes, I very. Gum Elastic niHl8ilter Pessaries; Womb Syrin- -es, Breast Glasses with pump, 8^^^“’“** apparatus,‘ and a complete assortment or byrm-. ges of every description. Just received per brig- New Hanover and for sale by sept 3 T. 31. & J. Af. TURNER. Lots in Hiuesvllle I T HREE Lots hi Ilincsvillo V meats thereon; also, the i hand. Inte the property of Air, used. Said Lota are udvn HinmrinO, whicli is q plon luge, containing the site of the good school now in operation, o r inducements too tedious to mention, provenumts on tho frout Lot are a nutate it commodious S tore, having a piazzaJon two aid and two adjoining rooms in the rear, on and other necessary oppeudoges, a commodious Dwclliagllonse, two sb having six rooms, unfinished hut h ‘' second lot contains Stables, G other Lot which is largo, is u used for agricultural purpose: Tim above Lot* nud stock of' sold on tbo pram ires at publio sale to tl bidder mt the firs*. Tficwuy in Jauuary n lossdispored nf before tliattlme. Terms—Long or short credit, to t sets, with good securities., ‘ ■ For further parficula npplyto if »pl IS ■ FINE asKortinent ._ es.jnslracetrw sept 11 isjm. •'