Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 17, 1840, Image 3

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■*? ft A* Jjtq r to DON. or i between ■ton—out- 18 hourt. packet SOUTH- ”, C.’ Waraber* Ilf.hwcotmnaHced rUhliUig regularly between (ho above place*, three time, a week, and will /continue to do no for one months and aftnrwnrds, provided sufficient encouragement iliould hu I given to warrant It. Having an experienced in* / laud pilot »Uo will always bo enabled to tako the I Jnnide pnsinge when the weather la unfavorable. Dave of leaving 8avnnnnh, Tuesday, Thura* 1 1 Saturday, at4 o’clock, l*. M.| Charles- day.Wcdneaday and Friday,at4 o’clock, calculating to laud passengers thn fallow* riling* at each place in tiino for the de. partnre of the Rail Road*. For freight or no*, cage, apply to Capt. Wiltberger at the City llo- tel, or td the Captain on board. nov 17 For ftt, Augnstiuc, via ShMarys, h it? " ir ft The a team packet CHARLES SBKI^B-DOWmNO, Copt. J. P. Dont, will leave for the nbovo place* on Sotnrdoy, Slat’ instant, at— o'clock. For freight or passage, apply on board at Union Ferry wharf, oi to Pl 7 KING & COOMBS. All freight payable by shipper*. AH aiaVo. nnuepgere most be cleared «t the cfoCIlotU. nov 17 Jninifi [ DOZ Ilnur the euro of! Knecit, wall win BALDWIN, At Stile*’Wharf. Pnnaccr celehrnl 50 the euro or Dy«pl^_, . ease*. Just received par brie Jane, and for *a by G. II. HENDRICKSON. nov 10 Bi'ogniiHi k CASES Men's thick Brovin* in ill odo Boy’a do Ileceivod per achr Savannah, nnd for Mile by uovO .L. BALDWIN & CO. Francis Sorrel A Co. O FFER for sale lauding from brig Auguata, from New York, i 70 hoxca Colgate*' Soap, 3 lb bnr* 35 do nnd 10 half do pntont Tallow Candle* 25 do Starch, 35 libl* Rum nov 11 Port Wine. 5 OR cnik* Port Wine, in store, and fbrmlo by T U. MILLS, nov 11 Batter. 1 A KEGS choice Butter, ju«t received and Xtc for sale by nov 11 T. It. MILL8. 43“ ,,a " nov 11 For Black Creek, via Bruns wick, 81. Murysand Jackson- k K**' ft The *tonm packet FLORIDA, jBtiggSuCnpt. Nock, will lenvo for the a* hove place* on SATURDAY, Slat lust, at — o'clock. For freight or pa***go, apply on board, or to It. &W. KING. All freight pnyablo by ahippora. Slave paasongera mu at bo cleared at the Cub* tom House. nov 17 Codfish, dec. QAHA LBS CoJliwh, 2 bid* Sounds and OUUv Tongues, 2do Hallibut Fins, for In by T. It. MILLS Naiad Oil. /!JA Baskets Salad Oil. Just received and for sale by octlO llOSEIl & O’DRISCOLL. To Bent. mWO Houses on Jefl'ereon-atreet. For terms, 1 spply to W. B. THOMA8, At his Office in West Broad-street, nov. 17- 877 Domestic Goods. *f A BALES stout Colton Sheeting ill 7 do do Drills 5 do coarso do Ohnmbrays 1 do fine * do do 2 do blue Cottynsdes 5 do Portland Stripes, landing from barque Oxford. fromPortlaud, and will ho sold low, by nov 10 L. BALDWIN & CO. Savannah Fcmald Seminary. M RS. NOEL and the Misses Kyle, propose to open a permnnet Boarding nnd Day School, for young Ladies, in the city ofSavau* nab, on Monday thn 23d of the present month, in the house lately occupied by — Roberts, Esq. in York-str«flt. They hnvo been educated in Europe, and from tho experience which they have had feel themselves well qualified to itnpnrt a thorough education to the pupils who may be committed to their care. Terms per quarter, payable lialf yearly in ad* ranee. nnd the first sgd niolUSHCB. QAIIIIDS. sweet retailing Molasses, in good OH order. For vale by oct 88 SHAPTKR & WOpDDRIDGE. Orthography, Reading, Writing principles of Geography and Hi»lory, Orthography, Reading, Grammar, Parsing, My Dio logy, History, Sacred, Ancient and Modern Geography, Writing, Arith metic, Natural History,Rhetoric & Com position, 18 00 The above branches with Botany, Astron omy, the use of tho Globes, &c. 15 00 Music. 85 00 French, 12 50 Drawing, 12 50 Dancing, 12 50 Kalisthenics, 10 00 Stationery and Fuel, each. 1 00 Board ana Bedding, payable in advance, 65 00 Day Boarders, 30 00 Washing at the expense of tho boarders. Mr*. Noel ond the Misses Kyle have testimo nials of qualifications from Gen. Swift, Rev. lien). Hale, President ofGnneva College, T.Ir- Vmg, Professor of Modem Languages and Belles Leltres, also of Geneva College, New Y’ork; also from the Rev. Mr. Walker, Dr. T. Fuller, W. filiwtlrW.' Grayson and John Verdier, Esqrs. of Beeulbrt, 8. C —References cau also be made in tbis city to the Rev. E. Neufville.R. Habersham, J. Cmnraing.and 8. H. Fay, Eeqn. As the number of Boarders will be limited, ap plication* should ho mado early, nov 17 877tr Cliuiiiputrne, Gin, Ulder, Ac, AA BASKETS Champagne, Anchor brand Aml\J 85 do do, Bacchus do 4 pipes s'tp’r Holland Gin 15 hlils Cider 10 firkinsTtashcn Butter 70 half nnd qr hhls Buckwheat Juat received nnd for Mile by JOHN B. GAUDRY «fc SONS. nov 7 Neats Foot Oil. O/lfl GALLS pure Neals Foot Oil, just UUU received per brig Excel, nnd for sale by HAZARD, DENSLOW & WEBSTER, nov 4 Brandy nnd Porter. 3 HALF pipes'Otard, Dupoy & Co’s' Bran dy, 10 ca*k* brown stout Porter, pints; land ing from brig Augusta, for sale by LADD, TUPPER A SISTARE- nov 13 . Notice. T HE annual meeting of tho Commissioners of Public Roads of Chatham County, will be held at the Court House in tho city of Savan nah, on the first Monday, being tho 7th day De cember, 1840, at eleven o'clock,A. M. A return of all handi subject to road duty should be made to the Secretary of the Board by tho Commis sioners of the several districts, at least a week be- fore the meeting, in obedience to a resolution of the Board passed at its last annual meeting. W. W. WASH, Sec’y a. c. p. n. c. c, nov 17 277(Geor) Cask.Clothing Store, Comer of Champion't Uuildingt, Mari , T HE subscribers have on hand every descrip. tion of Clothing, consisting in port of Beav er and Pilot Overcouts, and Hunting Coats; sup. black and blue Cloth and Cassiniere Pants, aud Vesta,In great uarietyffiluc Cloth Jackets,Youths’ Clothing, Childrens’ Suits, nnd Negro Clothing; line Cotton and Linen Shirts, fancy Calico do, heavy striped do, fino Linen Bosoms ar.d Col lars, fine white nnd red Flannel Shirts. Canton Flannel do. Lambs Wool do, Stocks, Silk Cra vats, Suspenders, dtc. Country Mcrchunts sup plied on liberal terms. JOHN SOUTHWELL A CO. nov 17 277ca New Eslnblishstcnt. The subscribers nro [now opening, CMI on Bny-strcct. next door to Messrs. Wimberly A Jones, an extensive as- sortment of HATS and CAPS,com- prising every variety nnd stylo ex tant, manufactured by themselves expressly for tbis market, which thoy offer nt wholesale or re tail on liberal terms. As we design confining ourselves exclusively, to the sale of lint* A Caps our stock In point of qunlity ond fushion will hi. equal to any over-offored to the citizens of Sa- vaiinoh. By the weekly arrivals from New York, weahall be furnished with the latest fashions di rect from our manufactory. Country Merchants, Planters and the Public generally, are respectful ly solicited to give us a cull. M „ J- IVES A CO. N. B.—Bay-street, uoxtdoorto Messrs. Wim berly A Jones, nov 17 277 Segura. nisn Si egars. in store, and for T. R. MILLS. nov 5 IXTJ ^ t.OTTEH 88 B. FOI of this Cl 14th ii ___ Lottery. ‘ maut in the District 1840, to tsko plarn nl will do well to “ Hosing of the are the followim TS KUMENT decided on . drawing of ternnl Improve- ilumhiu, Class U, fur xomlria. Adventurers Hire a chance before the Saturday. Among othera HKfn PRIZES; 1 prise of... 1 do ••••• .. 800,000 30.000 1 do 15,000 1 do 10,000 1 do • ««'«« 8.000 1 do • • • •• 7.000 1 do ,,,,, 0,000 1 do. 4,,,, 6,000 1 do 1 ,,,,, 4,000 1 do ..... 8.600 1 do 8.311 4 do • •••• 8.000 5 do 1750 10 do ,,,,, 1500 10 do ....... ,,,,, 1250 50 do 1000 50 do ,,,,, 500 50 do 400 100 do 300 100 do ....... ,,,, ..... 250 170 do 200 124 do 150 124 do 100 Ac. &o. Ac. Tickets $20, Halves $10, Quarters $5. Tickets and Shares, cillier siuglo or by the package, fat mlc Uy P. B PRN0ERGAHT, Corner Bull-etreet and Bay Lane, Near theExchnnge. 07Onlors from the town or country promptly attended to nov 10 '•cl ftnm ingod in Made Clothing . himmir Hint his it lie surpassed by any flslnbliriiiuerit kind in Savannah, as It consists of nil tlir latest imported and most fashionable articles in his line. His ftiends and the public gi-ncrallv, are respectfully invited to givo him n call. His stock I* composed of tho following, vizi Superior blue, black, brown, great) and invisible green Dress Coats; do do do do Frock Coats Cadet, Beaver, Sattinet. Petersham, Kentucky Joan and Blolcskin Hunting Costs. Moiaikin,Sattinet and blue Cloth Round Jackets Graun nnd mix'd Cloth nnd Sattinet Conteea. Moleskin, Kentucky Jean,fancy and mixed Cat- simere Pantaloons. Vesta offig'd nnd plain Velvets, blue and black Cloth, Merino, Bombesin, fif'd and plain Sat in, &c. FANCY ARTICLES. Merino, Utickskiu nnd Royal (HI Rands; wool Under Shirts and Drawers; linen, cotton, stripo and fnnoy Ginglmm Shirts; silk und linen Il.lkfr, Gloves, Suspenders. F.nds, Stocks. Cravat*, Cravat Stitniers,Riding Belts,Money Belts,Tspn .Measures. Night Caps, Jfnsn end half Hose, In serting,frill and plain Bosoms nud Collars, Peath- or Brushes, silk and cotton Umbrellas, Uuir Brushes. All oftlie above nrticlesnre ready for inspec tion, nt low prices for cash or approved city nc- centance. G. 8, NICHOLS. N. B.—G.S. N. will iiiunufscitiro to order any garments entrusted to his care at short untie** and in tlio most upproved style. Cutting a> be made out, dona with care nud despatch, nnd fils warranted if uiado by experienced workmen, net 7 Alarket-Sqnaro. nov 16 270—1m f Music and In- , Organ, Span- i, (sacred nml lur.ks in tlio a for tlio lifmr- •r since hi* In- Situation of the s long export- plislitneuts for glvu general , trotigtajilm.— 'ill ho observed as regards time, style and teste in execution. OTenns of tuition 1 For Llvcrr It Tho coppnffi ship rwC Capt. J.G. Luwton.v having a pnrl of her cargo engaged, apply to PADELFORD.FAY.tCO. mg tliia day, IibvI For freight, net 27 vnrpdoi.. * “p MONTICELLO, wiUcmtnnunco load- oftiiitidji nf Msreridc eirciimshincas ofovei* wilt bn fiiidn known nl street, opposite the A< nov lL 2721. B At»E8' Boh del is hour irt operation at • thn Methodist 8abhath School-rnoui. on South Broad-st., between Abercnrnand Lincoln. Instmctiou is given ill all tlio branches usually taught in tlin’High Schools or Academics of our country. Term* made known by application to the Teacher nt thn rexidencu of 8. Gnodall. The Teacher will fry to do his duty and to satisfy his tloyers. .’ho Night Schooloconpiesfnitr nights of each week, cotiiiii'.iicing at hall past 6. ami continuing two hour* nnd a half. In this School, particular attention is given to Fraud), Book-keeping nnd the higher Mntheinatics. nov 10 276 Clmmpauitc aud Porter. 1 BASKETS choico‘Anchor’Champagne itl 10 casks best Brown Stout Porter 10 do Porter, in pints. For snlo by nov 4 LADD, TUPPER & SISTARE. Butter. OQ KEGS superior family Butter, landing from brig Augusts? for solo low, hy L. BALDWIN & CO. Price tt Vender, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, H AVE received hy late arrivals, an addition al supply of READY MADE CLOTH ING, suitable for tho season; also, a*complete as sortment of fancy articles, viz; Gloves, Suspen ders, Meriuo, Silk and Mohair Scarfs aud Cm- valr,8tack«,Cnp«.8hnulder-Braccs,Riding Belt*. Ac.,which they offer for cash or city acceptance, nov 9 270t Bendy ltlndc Clothing. T HE subscriber* hnvo on hand nnd are con stantly receiving from their Northern Man ufactory. a complete nraorlmcnt of ready made CLOTHING, suitable for tlm coining season— consisting in part of hlnck, blue and invisible green Cloth Dress Coats nnd Frocks; also, wool dyed black and blue Beaver Cloth Frocks; also, black mix’d, brown, drab and green Cloth Sur- touts; Beaver Cloth und Pilot Cloth Stirtottw: which nre offered for solo for cash, or city appro ved notes, hy HAMILTON & HOUSTON, nov 4 2G6ca Hamilton & Houston, M anufacturers nnd Dealer* in Ready Made Clothing, hnvo on baud a complete assortment of Gentlemen's black and blue Cloth Cloak*, ii fiiNhioimblu nnd superior nrticlo; also, black Gnats Hair CainMctdo, blue Camblet do, heavy; also, a superior assortment of Ludies* Cloth Cloaks, fig’d Victoria do, twilled Crape Camblet do,&.plain Merino do,low priccd;w|iicb aro offered forsalo for cash or city accepted uotes. nov 4 266c a Old Whiskey, *1 a BBLS old ■AioovngabMi • Whiskey,-Ibr lO sale by LADD, TUPPER & SISTARE. nov 13 Blcli and Splendid Jewellery. T HE subscriber has jit«l arrived in the city from Now York, with an assortment of splendid JEWELLERY, consisting in part of Gold and Silver Lever and L’Epine Watche*; Gold Chains, Gold Thimbles, Gold Toothpicks, Gold Pencils, Gold Spectacles, Diamond Rings and Breastpins, Mosaic, Cameo nnd Jet do: to gether with mnny other useful and ornamental articles of Jewellery, which will be sold very low. Ladies and Gentlemen nre respectfully requested to call und examine the articles, at the store oc cupied hy Samuel Goldsmith, Marshall's Build ings, Market-Square. W. D. GOLDSMITH nov 12 273t» Madeira Wine. 1 HIID choice old London Particular Wine, 2 qr cask* do, just received via Charleston, aud for sale by T. K. MILLS. Java Collee. 1 /IQ BAGS prime Juvn Coffee, landing AvJO from ship Emily, for snlo by a 8 UOSER & O’DRISCOLL. Buckwheat. OAT EIGHTH Mils fresh Buckwheat,in store Jd%3 and forsalo by nov 10 T. R. MILLS. On Hand, *1 HARM'S Pilot Broad AUU 100 doNnvy do 150 do Fine Navy do Crackers of every description. For sale hy nov 16 276m (Geor) R. D. FOX. • -Bry Goods. T HE*subscriber linsiiowon hand, nnd will continue to keen a very general assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Perfumery.&c., which is offered'lor snlo low, under Ibe manage ment of William G. Foote, south side Market- Squuro. Planters nnd families will be supplied at very low price*, by nov 12 273 H. ROBERTS. Dry Goods. T HE subscriber has received per brig Wil son Fuller and offers for vale low, 3 caoes wool filled Kerseys 40 dozen Scotch Caps 4 cases 3-4 and 7-8 bluo Plaids . 1 halo White Flannel 2 cases Furniture Prints 1 do I^mdon Pin*, low priced 50 packs fine Patent do HIRAM ROBERTS, nov 12 No. 3 A14 Gibbons’ Building. Holland Gin. 6 PIPES IIoHuiid Gin, W'eerp, Crown nnd Stag brands, warranted pure. For sale by nov 9 GEORGE H. MAY. Phelps* Gin. | AA BBLS Phelps* Giu, landing from LUU sloop Stranger, for sale by LADD, TUPPER. & SISTARE Lauding from brigs WIImou Ful ler and Augusta, QA BBLS Treadwell's Crackers, assorted 30 casks No. 1 Cheese 50 boxes do do 25 do Roy’s Lemon Syrup 50 baskets Great Western Cliampago GO hhls Canal Flour 25 half do do do 10 Midi choice St Croix Sugar 50 baes Ilio Coffee 10 hhls Newark Cider. For sale low, by HUNTINGTON & HOLCOMBE: nov 14 275p Nctv Orlcautt Molasses, TN hhls, suitable for retailing, for sain by Anov 12 8. D. CORBITT. Hnmx nnd Gin. Q A A NEW Hams, Bultimoro cured 0\J\J 25 hhls Flack’s Gin Landing from brig Jane, from Baltimore, nnd for sale by FRANCIS SORREL & CO. nov 10 B ltewVnEiTJEc. LACK Gro de Soic, black Ital’n Lutestring Blue blk Gro de 8oie,blue blk Gro de Afric ■Black Sinchcw 8ilk, Love Handkerchiefs Black nud blue black Bombasina Blue blk nnd blk 0-4 Damask Thibet wool Shawls Do do 4-4 plain do do Black and blue block Merinoea |«ncy colored do rioted (block ground) Snxony Cloth -messuperdark Horseskin Glove* black and white do IlMes Hotseikin Gloves Udie* Beavor Gloves B Fritofow;'b; b,eMkdcm,onHo ‘« JJEORGE IV. DEHN. Plain, ana Blnnlcoi. l||® W Fo"l?M OEn * ll,h, B i£liZ GBOHGE W, DEUN. rcceivca p«r Iiria Auuustn' A LARGE .ilpnly of jvliito puRiniwl Soap’ superior artiolfi. I oranlo hr LONG & 1-ATTERSON, E,change Dock No. I. „Blllk Salt. QQQ HUSHECam'lrote, nri.l Ibr inlo I nor 17 ’ FADELFORO, FAY & CO, Sherry Winci ff'U® “DuirGordonV-BrownShcr- feylor.^Fw m!o iy’* por,|,ris .$*• I nov. 17 FRANCIS SORREL & CO. Beef ana Pork. 11 S DDLS Mes* Pork 85 jjfl Prime Pork •J 30 dn MawRoef, 40 do Primfl Bouf landing and fur snlo by j „ SHAPTf" 7 Itiov 17 - WOODBRIDGE. -Flout*, Pork nnd Beef. O A BBLS. fresh Canal Flour OdA 25 do Prime Beef 16 do do Pork Lnnding from schr Emmn, from Now Y’ork, nnd for sale hy L. BALDWIN & CO. nov 10 Nulls. 500 CASKS Cut Nnil* nnd Brads, for nor lit *° l ° N. 11. & H. WEED. Elmlor Dance.. /CONTAINING tho Cracorienue,La Mazur- ka, La Gitann, La Tnrentulo, LnSylphide, La LituunuundThe Cacliuaka. Just received by nov 9 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. Whiskey, Gin and Soap. F IFTY l)b|* first quality Whiskey 14 do " Double Pino Apple” Gin 10 bbls 11 Gowdy’s” do 10 bnxo* Colgate’s No 1 Sonp I Atuliug from brig Clinton, nnd for sale by oct 2-1 LADD, TUPPER & SISTARE, Beef, Pork, Butter nml Soap, O NE hundred boxes wliilo scented Soap 25 bbls mess Beef. 25 do prime Pork 10 firkins fresh Goshen Buttor 10 bbls Cider, lauding from schr Excel, aud Ibr solo hy SHAPTEll & WOODBRIDGE. nov 5 ^Pohacco, Cheese and Ground U Coffee. BOXES Tobacco, 18 cask* Choose, 7 bulfbbls Ground Cufieo. Just received nnd lor solo by nov2 SHAPTER & WOODBRIDGE. _ Winter nnd OA BBLS. hloauhcd Winter Oil. . Jp : _ 30 do ,|o Spring do. Juat rocoived and for sain low liy KING & COOMBS, ®ct88 Union Ferry wharf. R FuabloimblUllttli ECEIYED per brig wiuqif Fuller, a few dozen tuperiorjinc Mole'ilm HATH; also, a few dozen heavy knit wnnteu Shirts and Drawers. For sale by PRICE A VEADER. nov 14 275m Broad, Biscuit 4k Cracker Bake ry. R P. FOX avails himself nTthi* opportunity • of informing hi* friends nud the public, Hint ho lids rereivmJ one of Henderson’s (Balti more? Pntont Machines, for manufuctnring Pilot nud Navy Bread nnd Crackers of ever)* descrip tion. By the «irf of tho above machine, he will he enabled to mnimfiietiira ,0n na fiivornlde' terms and quality ns can ho imported. Dealers will find it to thefr advantage to fatromzc the ahovo con cern, ns they ran depend on tho Bread bciug fresh bu Ited a nd o f good tpmlily. nov 10 (Geor.) 27C»t Selling off nt Cost. fpiIF. stihycriher offers Ids present assortment JL of Dry Goods, Ilnrdwnro, Crockery, Sad dles and Bridles, at cost for rash nr short credit, lie will also receive a good assortment of Groce ries about the 10th iu*t. which be will sell very low for Cask, Hides, IVuz or Tallme, until Janua ry next, at which time he will close business at this pike. S. A. HOOKER. Bethel, Nov. 5th, 1840. nov 11 2721* OSCAR SCE1TZ, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. I NSTRUCTOR on tho Piano Furte, Guitar, Harp, Flute, and French Horn. Musical Saloon over the Drug Store of W. II. Turner. Residence at Mrs. Hardee’s, Brough ton-strert. ID* Piano Fortes tuned, nov 14 *J75 Received per brig Excel. 8 AND 10-4 Table Damask, Russia 9 Diaper, bordered Diaper Towels, sup’r Scotch Dia per. Marseilles Quilt*, Birds Eye Diaper, blue Plaid*, Linens. Long Lawn*, undrersed Cotton Shirting. For sula cheap forrnsh, hy nov 6 GEORGE W. BEIIN- Negro Woolens. E NGLISH Olid domestic Plains, domestic Kerseys, plaid Linscy*, heavy Suttinets, filuukets, &c. Just received by tbe subscribers, nnd will be sold low for cash nr city nrcepinuces. AVERY & JOHNSON, nov 6 South side Mnnimienl-mpiare. Linen Goods. I RISH Linens, Bird Eye Diaper* Table Damask, linen Sheeting, Toweling Long Lawn, &c. AV ERY & JOHN SON. oct28 Smith side Mnnminwt,square, U. 878t. K I, 1 lligli. School. WE8' School I* now irt c For New-York—Rrirr Llae. The regular packet brig EXCEL. Cnpt. jLedew, having a portion of her cargo on Immd, Will ho despatched immudialoly. For Iml- mice of freight or passage, having splendid (*lnto room) accommodation*, apply oil board nt Mon- natter ML Tenn*l* in,i "PP®** wharf, or to LEWIS A WILDER. For Plillndeliililii—A'r>/f/r Line. jCU 'fhe coppered nnd copper fastened brig JEftNIAV IIANOVRR, Cant. Carty. bnviug port of lie- cargo engaged, will inset with quick despatch. For balance affreight nr passage, ap ply to PHILBRICK.& CO. Who offer for sate laudiu? from said brig, 84 half bids siiperfin* Flour 300 lings Shot, assorted 50 roils Bale Rnpo 1000 Ihs Bagging Twine 20 casks broken nnd screened Lehigli Coal 1 rase Ticking and 2 hales Llnsdya nov 5 . v. 'lived t»> meet tlie. slnlilu porsnn, mid lencc,South Broad E E. ULMO. Notice. T HE subscriber invite* all persons holding hi* Bills, to present them lo him. for pay. mont.nt the store recently occupied hy him.South side Market-Square. W. 11. LLOYD, nov 16 27th. nov 12 For Freight or Charter. The coppered and copper fattened irque GAZELLE. Apply lo L. D. CO flAM'l . CORBITT. To Rent. M A convenient Houre in Columhia Ward, JUL suitable forn small family, with n gnc*J pump in tlio yurd. Possession given on tho Aral of November. Apply to ■ netgH II. F. WILLINK. Mi To Rent. Thr Office on tlie Bay, o«uu<rcupi*d liv ,Mr.*€. Macs nl el I ns ihn ‘•Telegraph'’ Frinling Ofiico. rossessinil to he given mi 1st January, 1841. Apply to FRANCIS TRUC11ELUT. nov 11 272j|u Notice. A MEETING nl the Stockholders of tlio Bunk of Brunswick, will beheld nt their Agency'In the city of Augusta, on Monday, the 25th day of January next, for tho purpose of electing n llonrd of Directors, and for tlio trans action ofnny other liusiiiess that may then come before litem. I. C. PLANT, Cashier. Brunswick, Nov. 11,1840. nov 12 272|25J Notice. A LL persons indebted to thn subscriber, nr whoso notes, due bills, or book accounts, hare stood open for an unreasonable period, nre informed that unless settled by the 1st of January next, their accounts will be, indiscrimiiiatelv.put in suit. S. PIIILURICK &. C(). nov 7 Notice. T IIE copartiimhin huretoforn existing in tlie citv of Savannah under the firm of Clng- horn vV Wood, was dissolved on the 24th Octo ber. by tin* death of the former. O. A. Weed, sun-wing partner, will continue the business un der the nnmo mill style nf the old firm for the joint benefit of himself und the heirs oftlie deoenFed. O, A. WOOD. All persons indebted to the late firm of Clsg- horn A Wood, will make payment to nov 10 O. A. WOOD, Survivor. AUCTION HALES; , UryUo, 1 d, 1 H,|,,C. P ,.8hi*.,Ac: , 10,ii Flninll, 8 ri<i nM i^iiw-an ii M .n iiiikiu r illf lBilk, I | Hniin», Ho Ui 2o do coimnoit nml moitriiing Prints, Fl |» sup r article; 12 dotm Negro flats,5 ta cans. 1 case uiehs’ lined Jack.:, l rfi\T r 5 , l ,,e V!'• 10 nl1 "^'1Eng: Iverm is, 2 do Moddef PrmU,2dt> Cochrco do,6 bales ,L4 pl.iin Luiseys, ] do Ticktun iUfanpv cases Shoes^i cases Colton Cord^ i(o Silk Unis lOdozGiiornsey Cap*, 2 ca.;Cs Cotiho Thriind' !#Sf. !lan|? W ^ HU,C i^ rlll " nt " nl l t ‘ fitly 17 ' . A.lmintaitt.Mlr‘ii 8#»*; • . Hr 8.1-hllbrlctt ft ta. On Rmurday, tlie 2d day of Juimnrv next, hi 1 o chick, in frmil of store, sundry arllbles, ?|gi Gun*, Clocks, Did Iron, drti., beltmghig to (he i'^tnte nf James H. B. Foster, deceased ,uiid sold by pmrmssion of Court and per brder fir the Ad-’ luinistrntnr. 'J’eruis cash, (city mfiiifcy) before jtelivwy. ' 7'iiv 1J Cenmil Stock crlv.lo Sulk. mi o, Il > ?• **hli«»rlck ft CD. 60 ShaiA. Central mil Bond Btmt In lota til mil imrrlime,.. ,3 Warc-lioiitic. M TO RENT, that large nnd commodious Ware-house, near th« Rail Road Depot, erec.tod by Mr. F. M. Slone, on the corner .of Liberty and Moutgomery-strecU. Possession given immediately. , It is well located for a person who would wish to commence a Waro-liQUMi business in this city, 011 thq plan adopted in Augusta. Blncon, *Vc Apply to Richard B. White, Aucnsta. or to net22 254 J. P. STUART. Planter's’AM//, OA. M This establishment is now open, /rL for the reception of both steady uudiuJL mid-trntisieut Boarder«, under the management of tho subscriber, who pledges himself, that noth ing on his pnrl shall he wanting. This house has been fitted with new furniture of the neatest style, and tho bedding equalled hy nono ill the citv. Families can tie accommodated with private rooms, surpassed by none, for comfort—price* moderate, nnd the test die market* can afford, will bn procured. Tins house is on the Bay, near tho market, and convenient to nllkinds of business. No bar will lx) kept open in the house, to an noy those who may be pleased to atop with tbe sulwcrihnr. The best ofsurvmit* will he in attendance- J. SLATER. EFThn Southern Advocate, Georgia Journal, Federal Union, and Southern Whig, will please publish the above six months, and forward their account*lo the subscriber for settlement. J. S. oct 15 848—6m By 8. Plillhrlck 4c Cto. At Private Sale. Landing from brig Wilson Fuller, from N. York; 60 boxes Soap. 0 casks Oil ID qr nud 101-ftih bids fredi BtaMrivherit Landing from »lup Cinniimnti, fromN4w York 7rrpieces CtilUTlI Bngglfig ' By sT PhTibWlf jh SET At Privnlo Snlo. 4 cast** Gcrmnfi nml English Tumhleni. hW received from Charleston. ' Also, a few thousand »ory superior SnaoisR • Megnrs. just received iu sthre. f, oV fi By 8. Pliilbrick A Co; > t At Private Sale; froni •Wp Newark, from NmV York: in bbls Potatoes, 3 do Onions, 2 dft Cnuilitnie* Id qr nnd 71 bids fresh Buckwheat. ftfiy 6 By 8. Pbllbflck4kCoT“ At Private Sole. Lauding from ship Gen. Purkliill, ah addition.' nl assortment nf J.« Q Delano’s fire proof Chest* and Book Safes. nfiVfi Hosiery. S ILK, cotton,worsted, merino, lamb’* wool raw silk, &c. Hosiery. AVERY & JOHNSON, oot28 South sido Monument square- •. Cotton BntttG ' 1 BALE Cotton Batts, received hy nov 5 AVERY & JOUKSON- . Hosiery I Hosier jtJ I ; Received per brif Excel. T ADIES plain and ribbed blaek Etglishsilk* J J Hose, do do do white do do do, <h do black nnd wliito French do, do blnrk raw silkdo. gents black nnd^ white ribbed silk 4 Hose, dido plain do do, ladies Mohnir ond worsted Hosd db slate, white nud black cotton do. Misse* w hie, mixed nnd black cotton do, do black worsted d), Boys’ white nud mixed cotton, and Merino 4 Hose, Gents Merino, Lntnhs wool mid cottnri 4 Hose, Infant’s Boots nud Hose, servant’s Hosiery. For sale low for cash,by GEORGE W- BERN, nov 6 No. 2 Shad’s Building*. Notice. T HE subscriber having purchased from Win. II. Lloyd his entire stock of Dry Goods, A c., will continue the business nl the snme place, nnder the direction nf Mr. W. G. Foote, nov 10 271 H. ROBERTS. French nnd English Prints. H ARTMAN’S super Prints,ju«t received by AVERY A JOHNSON, nov 5 South side Monument-square. Scotch Ginghams 6)0 PCS super Scotch Ginghams, received jU O and for sale low.hy AVERY & JOHNSON, nov 5 South side Mouument-squarc. New Dry Goods, At Cash Pricks. T IIEsubscrihcr tins received per shipsNuwark nnd Gen. Pnrkhill. and brigs Madison mid Philiira, mi additional supply of Dry Goods, which ho will sell low for cash nr city acceptance. nov3 GEO. W. BEIIN. Notice. A LL persons having demands against tlie Es- tatu oftlie Intn Lewis Hines, of Bryan Co., nre requested to hand them in within the time prescribed by law; and those indebted to said Estate, will make immediate payment to nov 11 272,T. C. HINES, Ex’or, —- TTSf-iFc: F OUR month* after date, application will be made to the llonornlde Inferior Court of Chatham County, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell nil those tract* of Land, with tho improvements thereon; consisting nf dwelling house, atore houses, negro linuaes, sta bles, &c., belonging to the estate of Isnnc Nor ton. deceased, situated in Glynn County and call ed Bethel, for the benefit of the heir* of said es tate. S. A. HOOKER, Adin’or. nov 11 Silks, Bombazines, Ac, B LACK and blue hlnck Gro de Swtys Black and blue black Gro de Paris Black Poult de Soie Ced’d Poult do Soie Black and blun black Bombazines Monslinde Laities French and English Prints 3-4 and 4-4 Scotch Ginghams, for sale low hy HENRY LATHROP, oct 21 254 7aud 10, Gibbons* Bni|dings. Clmilys, Miauls, Ac, R ICH Satin striped Challys j Do 64 heavy Silk Shawls 8-4 heavy Pluid Shawls , Fancy Iidklk, Muslin Collnrs Rich English Prints Just received per brig Clinton, nud for salo low,by HENRY LATHROP, Nos 7 ami 10. Gibbon’s DuiljJiiige. oct 23 250 910 REWARD. A BSCONDED from Mrs. Metzger’s Board ing House, in this city,yesterday nfternoon, n man by the name of Norton, said to be recently from Charleston. He is n tall slim man, of about 23 years or age, nnd lias the appearance of having recently recovered from nn attack oftlie fever ana ague. He wear* nil old camlet wrapper, nnd before leaving, changed an old suit of clothe* for a new black dress coat, light drab pantaloon*, nnd si satin figured vest, belonging to boarders in tho bouse. Tbe above reward will bo paid for his apprehension. nov 5 207 Jnst Received, / Bv brig G B ]*nmur. nud for sale rcry low, R ICH French Prints Do l^udon Furniture Prints Rich Foulard Do Lanes Rich Broclie Shawls 8-4, black ground Rich heavy Dmunsk Silk Shawls, various colours Do Broclie Mnntilla*. entire new article Do Cloth emboss’d Piano Covers Do do printed do do J. A. CLIFFORD, oct 30 Gibbon’* Building. Kerseys* SuUlucts A Sheetings* AI.SO, NEGRO MENS’ BROGANS, BOYS’ DO. A LARGE assortment of the ahovo Goods re ceived by late arrivals, nnd for sale on fa vorable terms, by O. JOHNSON & CO. net6 241 Salt* Sugar, Whiskey» Ac. /TAA SACKS Salt lOldidsStCroix Sugar 20 do Porto Rico do 50 bbls superior Rye Whiskey' 40 do Holland Gin 6 .4 do Otard Uniudy 3 4 pip 0 " do • 2 pipes Holland Gin 20 libl* Peuch Brandy 10 do Monongaholn Whiskey 60 hags Rio Coffeo 30 do White Lnguuym Coffeo 30 kegs Nails, assorted 30 do Tobacco, solect brands Just received mid ibr sale hy FORT, CLOPTON & MALONE. Wantod to purchase, up country Monoy at fair discount. 260 nov 4 For -Sale. A LIKELY mulatto hoy, 17years old. Also, n first rate woman cook, washer nnd iron- cr. Apply to LONG & PATTERSON. nov 10 . Exchange on Plillniiclphlu. RAFTS on Philadelphia at GO days sight, for sale hy nov 12 GEORGE H. MAY. Rock Spriug Giu. Oil BBLS Rock SpringXiin. for salo low to Jd\3 close a consignment, nov 13 GEORGE H. MAY. Segnrts und Wliittkey. OH M Spanish Segnr*.21 bbls Whiskey, Inn- &\3 ding Irotii brig Jane from Baltimore, for sale low from thn wliarfby nov 10 WHITE & BARTELS. twv4 Sperm Oil ~ lerm Oil,jnstrecoiv and for sale hy WEBSTER. /^AA GAL IS pure 8nerm ( °d per brig Sterling, ni HAZARD, DENSLOW & New Store. H ENRY’ LATHROP is now npenlsg nt thn store recently occupied hy Messrs; Snider & Nichols. Nos. 7 and 10. Gibbon’s Hdildings, mi entire fresh assortment of Stnple and Fancy Dry Goods, which nre offered at wholesale or retnil, low for cash or approved credit. Among which may be foil ml 2 hales Red Flannels 3 do White do Putent Welsh do Plaid Linxeys Pluin dp • Bud Ticks v ttcnscs Washington Jeans 40 pieces Satinets 15 do Kentucky Jeans 5 do Saxony Cossiinoroa Irish Linen* Uucn Sheetings Linen Diapers Huckaback 8-4 04 nnd 10-4 Pnm*tsl(s 34 mid 44 brown Sheetings and Shirtings oct 21 254 do 1 do 1 do 3 do 50 do 10 do 20 do 10 do 5 do Domestics. 1 BALE Plaid Limeys 2 bales Negro Kerseys, 1 halo twill’d Cottons 1 bale Cotton Flannel, 4 Laics Domestic Shirtings 1 case assorted Sattinet*, 2 do bleached Colton* Just received and for snlo low. hy AVERY &, JOHNSON, oct 31 South side Monument-square. ftfoiisliu De Luincs, Laces, Ac. Per brig Excel. S UPER nil wool Alnuslin Do Laities Thread Lacr.s aud Edgings Muslin Edgings nml Inserting* Fig’d Silks, silk Scarfs 84 rich silk Shawls French nud English Prints BicachudJ’autou Flannels, this day received and for sale cheap bv HENRY LATHROP, nov 7 2G9 7 St 10 Gibbons’ Bniidinfri. Iron 1 H TONS Swedes Iron, assorted JL\/ 2 do Hoop Iron, a 5 do Sheet do, 2 ton* Uoiler Iron. Foriulo by . nov 12 N. B. & II. WEED. Gig Hountiilgt* 6 SETT 3 and 4 leaf Gig Spring* 6 pair Axles, with pipe boxes 6 do Gig Batidsi 3DiihIi Frames, forsalo hy nov 12 N. B. &. H. WEED. Suvuuimli l»ooi’ House & lies- piltU—Novrmber 1,1840. •yiSITING COMMITTEE ft* November v mid December—A. B. Fannin and Wit). Diincmt. Physicians—Dr*. Arnold nml Bulloch All i.pplicaiious for admission to bo in In to the Visiting Conunittee. except in case* ofiirgoir cy. when any inomber of tho Board may admit nov 8 One Hmulrcd Dollurs Reward, Will he given for the apprehension and delivery to mo, nr at the Savannah Jail, my negro man HILLIARD. He is a- bout 25 year* of nge. black, large mouth, with prominent lips, stout made, with loss of a joint, ench from the fore nml middle fingers of one of hi* bunds. R. W. FLOURNOY. Bnunbelle, Nov. 5,1840. nov 9 270lr Ten Dollars Howard. Runnwav from the subscriber about a month since, his hoy DAVID, well known about the city ns a Bricklayer by trade. He has recently been seen on the Ogeechec. The above rewurd will be given .ox In* itolivofr to H. -Fr WTLLUvK. nov 10 •’ ft *9 * i liy N. l-lifllirick ft co. At Private Sale. » hhd* Bacon, as-orted; 15,000 lh* ShbiiMer*: :5000 lbs bagged Hnmi.&O YVestplialia Hams, 10' • “is and 1ft qr casks domestic Brandy, 15 q/ 4 sup. Ton. Wine, 5 pipes Holland Gin, / ■ nml 8 half pipe* dom. Gill. 20 lifilt India . Gin,60 do N K Rum,10do Mouon’a Whis key, 30 dn BuUimorn Whiskey.30 do do Gin, 43 qr casks nml 5 (th casks sweet Malaga Wina, 1ft halfpipes White Wine Vinegar. 100 hexes Hon ey Dew Tobacco* 250 do niaimfnctiired do, 60 cod* sup’r Bale Rope, 200 do common do, 1000 lbs best 3 thread Bagging Twine, 40 kegs grofiud Ginger,20 Imxenground Pepper,25 do Mustard; 10 cask* W S Sperm Oil, 15 hhls refined Whalft do, 80 Img* Coffee, 30 crate* Crockery, 25 rfozati • old Sherry Wine, 30 do old Port,50 boxes Ctafi el. GO basket* Champagne, 2600bndielsOnu, (irt hulk) 50 dozen Buckets,CM nests Tubs.SOflOGuif- ny Bags, 700 Suit Sacks, 60 M Spanish Scgarsi 200 M half Spanish do, 100 M Alexandria do,200 reams Wrapping Paper. 10 dozen Alicnnt Mats, 300 bUl* BnltimoTA Flour, 10 coses Shoe* and Brogans, 5 dn Letter Paper, 1 hole English Her* Liverpool do, 20 dozen old Scntch Whiskey. 2 hnlf pine* old Port, 3 puncheon* Jam. Rum,Vtfc. For sale on nccomiminating terms. uov 5 Oil. By S. PliilhricU A Co. landing from schr Edward Franklin frnffi Nitv Bedford. 10 casks winter mid spring strained Oil; whirl) will he sold low. fifiC28 For 8a|c. Tlio subscriber offer* for sale hi* JEBBgP Plantation in Bryan County, silua- ted on the Midway Kirer,containing P 650 acres nflaiid, of which 200 acres - are ch ared aud under fence. Tliero are on the place all buildings necessary (dwelling house excepted) iu good repair. Ho also offer* his stock, consisting of about 40 head Cuttlonnd Hogs, Provisions, nlautntion utensils, &c. Ap ply to W. B. Fleming. Esq. Savannah, or to the subscriber ou the premises. J. 8. MAXWELL. nov10 27101m Just Received J PEASE & SONS clarified Essence of • lJotirhoiind.Cnndy, compounded from 25 different ingredient. Ibr tho euro of coughs,colds', irritation of the throat, croup, palpitation oftlie heart, asthma, whooping cough, difficulty or pro fuse expectoration. Ac.—with n number oftesti- mnuinl* from physicians,clergymen nnd members oftlie bar and others, from vvliich wo select tlio following: I have used your medical Candy, and have found itnn invaluable article for the’purpose for which it ia intended. J. Lindsey, Pastor Methodist Church, Halsy-st., N. Jersey. I made trial of the parcel oflloiirhound Candy which you sent me, uml nothing I have taken ha* afforded any degree of the rcliefthal l have de rived from your excellent remedy. N. Pastor Methodist Church, No. 5,Millet-st. Forsalo iu small nncknges, hy WEEDS & MORRELL, oct 30 262 No 1, Penfield’g Range. Geuuiuc Eau tic Cologne. T il E Subscriber lias just received direct from \Lq importer, wwawti gcuu'um Cologne, a superior article. THUS. UYERSON. dCHTIKICATK. The undersigned. Jemi Marie Farina, opposite the Market Place nt Cologne, (Rhine) the most nncimn dLtillmr of gnimbie Cologne Water, nml by Letter* Patent, Purveyor to their Majesties the Queen of Prussia, tlie Queen of Great Bri tain, tlie King aud Queen of France, tho Queen of Spain, tho Queen of Portugal, tlio Empress of Brest, the Crown Prince of France, the Princes* Frederick of Premia, tlio Princess Adelaide of France, .tc. declare* that he ha* this day sent to Mr. Thomas Rveraou, of Savannah,one box con taining twenty-five dozen Husk* Cologne Water, (Enn do Cologne) first quality, from my fabrica tion. JEAN MARIE FARINA. Cologne, July SOUi. 1840. nov 9 Farm Tor Mile. That desirable Farm, containing eleven and u half acres, situated on the Thunderbolt Road, one mid u quarter miles from I ha city, with the improvement* thereon, consisting of dwelling house, kitchen, stables, &c., well cal culated far a public house nud store. Also, A good family Horse and Barouche, with four seats, silver mounted. The Horse warranted sound and gentle. For particulars, spply lo A. V. DE8NOYER, Corner of Bull and Brynn-street*. nov 10 271 , Horse for Sale. The suh-crilier Ira* for snle, n large bay Horse, seven year* old, well conditioned, and well broke, hnih to the saddle mid harness; nod likewise trained to stand wherever lie is left without a groom. War ranted sound—and will be disposed of on accom modating terms. WILLIAM A. CARUTHERS, Broughton st. 3d door from Bull-st. nov 10 271 llowttnl Insurance Company or Ncw-Yorli, I NSURES House* nnd other Buildings, Ves sels in port and their Carguc*. Merchandize, mid other personal properly, against loss or dam- ago by fire. Also insures Vessel*, Colton mid Merchandize against tlie hazard ofiulnnd naviga tion, nr transportation to and from Mncon, or Milledgevillc.ornny ofihe intermediate landings; also, between this place mid Charleston, S. C. DUNNING, Agcut. nov 12 273 Ftn'ui for Sale. T HAT beautiful Farm of lOOucroa nnd Im provements, situated 44 miles from thn city of Savannah, tho Central Rail Road ruuning through it. Good planting laud, a first rate stand for a store mid public house, perfectly Itealtliy. A brick yard could ho established to advantage. Possession given on the 1st day of.March m xt. 6 R. MLLIBRIDGC. oct 10 245 Press for Suit*. B EING de*iiou* ofembarkmg in another bu siness, I now offer tho establishment of tho Wll.MINOTON AllVKIlf i*Wtfor sale. . Ido not know of a more eligiblojunation for persons desirous of embarking in the printing business, than Wilmington, North Carolina. 1'crma accommodating. Application imistbo postpaid. F. C. HILL. _ nov W 270 Ritcoit. (YAAA LBS prime Bacon Sides, forsalo aflUUU low.hy FORT, CLOPTON & MALONE, nov4 266 Potuioos siusl Odious* 1 A/h BBLS Potatoes, 50 doOnlfin*. I XU” landing from ship Susan Drew, and for sale by WHITE & BARTELS, nov13 .V' Hartford Fire Insurance Co. I NSURES against loss und damage by Fire, on dwelling houses, stores, merchandize, furni ture, mill*, manufactories, and other property on terms a* favorable ns other institution* in this city. Tlie reputation, this company hn* obtained in a business of uinre than 25 years, for liberality in adjusting and promptness in paying loise*. just ly entitles it to a share of public patronage. The und&mgnud agent lot dm City of Savan nah. is duly authorized to receive applications, and issue policies ofinsiiranc°. renewals, See. oct 13 W WOODBRIDGE. Agent. The Subscriber W ISHING repurchase nlargcr body ofland. offers for sale his Farm. o?w tnd a hnlf miles from the city, on the Thunderbolt Ruud, containing 200 acres ofland, one half cleared aud tinder fuller, tho balance wood Inml. On tho premise* aro a comfortable dwelling house.' a barn, corn house, und good out building* aiitlici- cut tor the comfortable accommodation of twenty negroes. A sii.nll stock of cattle accustomed to tlio place, will, if desired, he sold with It. Per sons wishing to purchase, are requested to coll and exmuiui) for themselves, previous to the first day nf December next. W AV. WASH. oct 21 2541m Sheriff’s Salt*. "YX7"ILL he sold on the first Tuesda^ ra T T . oo«iiW»**vbwtm?wnlirniBUf ftMt snlo’, before tho Court House i|i UiucsviHo, ertr Count)*, the following property, viz: - Oiw tract of Land containing three haw nod fnrty-fonr ncres. ho the sjuiib more or lei hounded as follows: South hy the Alutamai, River, West hy John Dickson’s Lands, North fj. ., Fox’s Ivinds; levied on n* tin* property nf rti’tf Estate of E. Cnrimro, to satisfy an execution'll-' gainst said Estate in favor oftlie Tax Collects orLiberty County. Also, another tract belonging lb said Estate^, containing two hundred acre*, lying mi the Vta^ saut Swamp; levied on and to be sold oft the first Tuesday in December next,to satisfy tlie demand or taxes mid cost against said Estate. nov 6 S. 8. MOODY, n;«. t. b. Guardi sin's Notice. I N pursuance of an order Ilf the Inferior Cntirl qf Chatham Comity, while sitting (hr ordina ry purpose*, will bo sold ou tho first Tuesday ill January next, One unci of Land in Walker County, lot No; 3S7,2(f district. 4 th section, mid two tract* in Ir win County. No.300, l2Ui district, and No. 88; 8dtdistrict; also, one jractiu Lee Cftunty, No: 372,2?tli district, 1st section. All at the Court House oftlie respective Counties in which said. lauds nro situated. To he sold for tho benefit of tlio heirs and crcd- itors of John B. Gilbert. ADELA GILBERT. Guardian, oct SW / Administrator's Sale. XTCTILL be sold on tho first Tuesday in Jami- ▼ T ary, 1841, before the Court House doof in Effingham County, between the urea! hours of sale, one tract of Land coutainiug 575 acton, belonging to the estate of thn lata Mntthow Ef- glc, deceased. Sold for tho benefit of the hbirit aud creditors. JUtlN &L ElGU Per Jambs Palin, Attorney, nov 10 271” Executor’s ■TT71LL be sold before fit f» the city of Brunswic on tho first Tuesday in Jann the usual lion re of sale, from 2 Negroes, belonging to tho Ei F. Cuter, nm) sold for the benefit oftlie huirsiii/ii crecitore of said estate. Term* nt sale. MARGT. K. CATER. Ex’ix. HUGH FRASER GRANT, Ex’or. nov 3 205 (Geor) W . _ nnv 4— Up Country ifioiivy •ANTED by ROWLAND & BARSTOAV.„ 266ca ' Suv’li. Ins. ft Trust Co’s Stork* T A SHARKS fnrnlalir 1.U nova ROUT. RAIKOItD. •. I Wniitod. -J rt AAA ROUNDS gnnd dry Cow. liiRcs, iorwliich l, ,v,l! pny liio highoit umrkRt price ii. yo OK ER. Bethel, Nov. 6th, 1640- nov 11 2721m Excbnngt*. O N New-YucU, from 5 lo 30 day* right, (hi . solo hy S. D. CORBITT.' _ oct 26 Nitimtiou'YVnutca, ..>• r* A S an Ovoraeer of n Colton or Corn' Pfnnta- • XjL tntion, by n person well acquainted with the Imsincra, nml would bo willing to deiefte his whole time to the interest of hi* employer. F6r further information apply to Al. Myore, Esq. • nov 12 2731m « ‘fl • A Situation Is Wante* A S nmdoor Clerk or Book-Keepcf, by art individual well - acquainted in the fitly—-thef latter employment would bo preferred. TVp- ply at tliisofiice. nov To ENOISZKK’sOvrWK, Snvaunnli P ROPOSALS will ficribor, for gradipg of this rotid, Irani tlie eut to tlie Ocmtilgoe.-RivHr, about 48niila*; Tho work^l Storage. C OTTON and Merchandize wanted on Stor- good fire proof rtore* on the wharf, by h ROWLAND & UAR3TOW. nov 4 266c\ ExchmiRO.' JO liny*, on NdwYork. ^ § Baltimore, for sale in slim* to bitit pitrchnsers, by octM 0.1'lllLDUICK&CO.- B ILLS nt right and 60 liny*, t Philadelphia, and IJaltiinon sections of .convenient length—the bridges to bn included. The qiiufitiq tion nnd embankment, is nearly two mi ynrrls. ♦ ,Tha Proposal* will bo opened nl Millodgevillo. on the 5th Dec.< •Tho teritw of paynioiiLand *1 tion on tlie subject, will he made plication lo tlio Engineer, at Savartunh, ledgeville, three day* previous to 3i0 1 No portion of the work ” “ *' whole can bd put under coni Pro]<o£i>" n ill he roceivtvl for Masonry sepa rately, If ofibred. .. . _ . L. O. REYNOLDS ChiafEni’r. oct 28 ' MmrM l rfc*-:* . aft