Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, December 28, 1840, Image 3

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Festival of SI. Joint tlio EVlUf ' of9ol . nmon's and Zerubbu- bul’s Lodge#, nru hereby notified «hnf n proee#- nioii will bn fonnfld nt 1° i’oIooIc.At M. from ilinir Inll, Thin Day, the 28i h o '» d to iheUiiitarinii Clitiroh. wlwn after divine snr- ^ jee an address will bodoiiverod by our Rev. brother* J- A. Pew. , Member! of the Fmtarnitjr joffreb "nd nocop t- ad Mesons intend standing with their Lodges,nro invited to join tho nroensslnn. ihe Brethren w ill assemble at the Lodge Room at 0i o clock, ^Theolthteni generally, nre litvltod to attend tlio AdtlrOM. j. MIDDLETON, O. J. H. UjBllLK, JAS. I). MASON, JNO. KELLY. A. F. PRENTICE, G. L. COPE, Jr. Commute orArrungommUi. dec 29 L- - Mow Year PiosciiU. DHAWINO DUE ON THURSDAY, 8i»o,ooo-Sto,ooo. GREENE AND PULASltl MONUMENT LOTTERY. CLASS NO. 6(1, FOR 1840. mills in tfm In.I nlm. of till* Lottery that J. lokoe plum hi 1840—determlimd liy tlio ilrewllif! ortho Virginia Slnlo Lottery, lor tlio bonofllnriltoMorgiiliaJbiiiliiiiiy.Cliie. No. 11, nt Aloniimlrln, (Vn.) on 8uliirrliiy ttoxt, the 20tli litet.nt.iind tho remit knnv.iiline m the '.U»v innt. Among otliore ora tlio following PlircnoloyT. M R. 8. KIRKI1AM, will lncluro on tlio mor al hearing, of Phrenology, proving Hint it. netrmenlo not Imul to fntnli.m, Infidelity, nintii- rialioin. Ac., Till, livening, S8lh Hint. Ill Itnv. ... Rnton'a school room, near tlio Court House, ■t7 o'clock, to ho fnllnivod liy ml examination of lend.. AdiniUunce S5 coni., free to (endian, ,Jilor», clergyman,and jliyalolnn". Mr. K. linn opened hisolfiooutMrs. Johnson *, next door to the Lyceum Hull, Broughton street, where Im will give private examination* and cor rect desorptions ofchnrnctnr.niid talent to those who may favor him will? a cal!. 1 dec 28 31 Oo Iflr. Joseph Risky* Lately from Baltimore, n ESPECTFULLY inform# thd Indies mid LV gentlemen of Suvnnnnh. that ho will Raffle oif his own invetitod splendid Key’d Harp Piano Porte (there being only two of tho kind in the whole world) and duo Piano Forte, for tho sum nf Twelve Hundred Dollars, us soon as Sixty Stances are obtained, nt Twenty Dollars n Whence. The instrument can bo scon at Dr. {och’a Piano Forte, Mtisioniid Teaching Saloon. The Subscription List will be opened at the same The Money U to be paid before the Raff ing lakes place. dec 28 310 e 1 prize of. 1 do „ 1180.000 ........ lo.Ooo 1 do 6.000 1 do 3,140 1 do 3,000 1 do 2.500 1 do 2,000 50 do 1000 20 do 500 20 do 300 123 do 200 120 do 100 See. & o. &o. Tickets $10, Halves $6, Quarters $2 50. Tickets und Shares, oitlior singlo or by the package, for sate by P. D PENDERGAST, Corner Bull-street ai.d Bny Lane, Near IheExclintigc. (CTOrdors from tho town or country promptly attended to dec 28 Aii Ordinance, To compel cortnin persons to tnko out Badges. O EC. 1. Re It ordained by tho Mayor and Al KJ mirnien ofthe dly ofSuvonnalinnd the ham- Ini# thereof, that from mid aftnr the (list day of Juniinry next, and every Jominry thereafter, all colored persons residing in this city mid the ex tended limits thereof, before exposing any Vege tables, grits, Ac. for win in tlio ninrkot, shall tnko out u badge, for which they shall pay tlio same sums a* tender* of suiull wares. Sec. 2. And be it fiuthcr brdninnd,*Thnt raid persons aforesaid having budges nhnll not entitle them to sell uny kindn ofpnnftry, but their hav ing those urtinli}* in possession sbnll he taken as limy have ptirclinsed the same for snlo again, mid it is hereby made the duty ortho Clerk of llm .Market to seize end sell tlm same iib point ed ou t by the market ordinance; and any person violating this ordinance shall be filled nut excspil- iu/J thirty dollars', or Im whipped not exceeding thirty lashes nt the discretion of dm Mayor; and ad ordinances or pints of ordinmices uiilitniiiig against this ordinnnen, lie and tlm Rflmoaro here by repealed. Passed Dec. 17.1840. . R. M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest, M. Mvens, c. c. dec 28 R «. T. TllEtIH ESPECTFULLY announce# to tho Voters of Cbntliam County, that he is a cnmlldnie for the olllcaoi’TnX Collector, in place of Da vid Bell, Esq., declined a re-election, end solicit! tlmir support. dco 25 . W Tax Colloclor. L arc niitliori/.iid to niiiioiiiice JAMES E. HOGG, E*q.,nsn candidate for Tax Colleqtor, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the present incumbent. . dec 25 309 Tax Collector. rp IIP, friends of Mr. John Cnss offer him nsn X candid,ite for the above office, declined hv tho present worthy incumbent, Mr. D. Bell. If elected, wo imlievo be will faithfully serve tlm public. MANY VOTERS, dec 28 307 To tho Voter* of Chatham Co. I AM a Candidate fur tlm office nf Tux Col lector nod solicit your support. Respectfully, JOHN S.ACHORD. For Liverpool. * The tirst clast ship ZENOBIA. Captain ilWftPiitmim, having one-half of her enrgo en gaged, will meet with despatch. For freight, ap ply In ROBT. WATSON, dee 14 299 For Boston. dfeA Tlm brig HAVRE, Cjipf. Carpenter, bns -W* halfImrcargoOigaged nudgoing onboard, For freight of bulancn, or luissnge, apply to tho Captain, or EDW'D PADELFORD. one 23 ' ‘ For Ncw-York—Brig Line. Tlm regnlnr pocket brig MADISON, diately. For freight accommodation*, 0| upper wharf, or to dee 22 LEWIS A WILDER. dec 24 1(08 The Augusta Mirror. BY J. \V. THOMPSON. O NE of the Chief charm* of Literature it its nationally—its local interest. It was the blending of national feeling aiidsoiifunent with the production* of genius- Urn close alliance Qf litera ture with patriotism that enabled t'm totlioraof an tiquity to reach tlm heart* of lhupoo|>lo,aiid to ex eit such powerful influence.upon the age and country in which they lived. The literature of olden Greece wus hut the breathing forth of* tho national spirit and fueling. It was purely local, and bears tlm stamp and impress of thu age and people unless than of tUegutimsof those great authors uud poets whose fame will endure forever. —What knowledge have we of the nations that huvo preceded us but that which wo have obtain ed through the medium nf tlmir national litera ture—orwhat better evidence do wo desire of tlm mental imbecility and barbarism of uny peo ple, modern or ancient, than their destitution in this regard/ Indued all nationality that survives n nation is it* literature. With our peculiar in stitution then, what political or tun interest can present stronger claims to the peopm of the South ihuu that of her domestic literature? Certainly none—for it must Im admitted liy nil, that none other is so decidedly calculated to promote the intelligence, patriotism, morality, ami consequent security and happiness of her people! The Minium ha* now been in existence about two years, during which time, though no very strenuous efforts have been nv.ule, the literary re source* of tho immediate south have been snffl. ciemly developed to warrant tho belief that our own section of country is us capable of un ex alted literature as any other portion of there- An Ordinance rpo amend an ordinance entitled nn ordinance X for defining what shall be considered puli- He nuisance*, and for the prevention, punish ment and removal oftlm same. Soc. 1. Bo it ordained liy the Mayor and Al dermen of the city of Savannah and hamlets thereof, that from and lifter Urn first day of Janua ry next, no family or person shall he allowed to keep within their, Ids or her enclosure or within tlm limits of the city of Savannah, more tlinn two Milch Cows, and for a violation of this section. bn,>bu nr they shall be finr.d for each offence and each cow beyond the said number, in a sum not exceeding five dollars, which film may he repeat ed every twenty-four hours until llm nuisance is abated.' Sec. 2. Bo it further ordained, That all ordi nances and parts of the ordinance* militating against this ordinance be and the same uro here by repented. Fussed in Council 17lh Dec. 1840. R. M. CHARLTON, Mayor. Attest, M; Mvitns, c, c. dec 28 A Urand Iiwtrnim'Mtnl and Vo cal Concert. A T the willoititlloii of.uvornlgenllepion, Mr. A. F Cook, colebrutoct Violin JWj Guitar Pluyar, late nf.Nnw York, wills'* 1 ! " cemenrt, aravided there are one hundred subscribers ob- ,i«« J. Mr. C. will lie nmlnUid by to two prill pint.I Procurators oCHovamiah, Dr. Loch nliH Mr. Soeitz—whttli will bo per# med .Songs Over- ires, Solos mid Concertos, on the Piano Forte, Violin. Guitar, Flute and French Horn. • . ,, ... Mr. Joseph Hi-ky lias kindly oin.rc.1 hi. own public. Why then should we remain in depend nveil ted splendid keym! Harp Piano Forte, enco upon the North! Why ^should thousands or this occasion. A subscription list is open at Dr. Koch s Piano ortft. Music and Teaching School. (EPTickot* one dollar, children half price, dec 23- 310m To the Voters of Chatham Co.« [ TAKE this opportunity ofnppriziugynii that I am acandidate for tho oflico of Tax Codec- or. and if elected, will endeavor to give general aiisfaction. EDWARD BOURQUIN. . 123 310 To the Electors of Chatham Co. F ellow-citizens—i am u candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election, ind solicit your suffrages. Respectfully, your ohd’t servant, dec 28 310 JACOB SHAFFER. Notice. 4 LL Person* huving demands against Messrs. A. White & Bartels, are requested lo render leui to the subscriber. HOMES TUPPER, dec 28 310l Attorney and Assignee. W Georgia—Eflin^liain County. To uli whom it may concern: HEREAS Jesse Hurst bus applied to the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Etfiug- lain County, for Letters .of Administration un io ostate and effects of Win. Hurst, late of aid comity deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish nil sad siiiguhir, the kindred and creditor* of the uid deceased, to file their objections (if any they liave) to the granting of the administration to the ipphcnnt in the Clerk’s Cilice* of the said Court, jii or before the 23lh day of January next; oth erwise letters of administration will bo granted. Witness, tho Hqn. C. Powers, one of the Jus- ice* ofthe said Court, tlm 28th day of Dec., A D. 1840. JOHN CHARLTON, dec28 ' Clerk c.o. k.c Just Received P ER brig June, a now assortment ofsplendid grand square Pi-mo Fortes, made by the celebrated Joteph Hisky, of Baltimore. Also, two European nano l ories, made by the cele brated E. F. ilosenkrnnz of Dresden, m Snxony Also, an assortment of the newest music, at Doc tor Koch's Piano Forte, Mimic ami Teaching b’aloon, Broughton st., next to Mr.J. Dixson's store. dec 23 310m Hair Brushes, A.c. A SPLENDID assortment of Hair, Cloth, Nail. Tooth and Whisker Brushes. Just received and for sale by dec 23 - A. PARSONS. 4-4 Ginghams. A LARGE assortment of Imnutifnl pattern* and superinrauiility. imported expressly for our retail trade. Kimentiy opened and fnr’sale by SNIDER, LATHROP Ac NEVITT. dee 23 Carpeting. 1 O -PIECES of Carpeting, fine and super- L O fine, newest stylo patterns. Just received uud lor sale low by dcc‘22 . * JAS. A. CLIFFORD, To the Electors of Chatham Co. G ENTLRM i;N—I nfl’er for rw-olection to tlio ofliec nf Receiver of Tux Returns, and so licit your votes in January next, dec 15 300} B. LATHROP. To the Electors ol'Chutlinni Co. F ELLOW-CITIZENS-I offer myself os a Candidate for Magistrate in the Second Beat, and respertAiliy solicit your suffrages at tho election on the Aral Hatiirdav in January next. VVM. A. PITTMAN, doc 18 803t'i*i Election. J M. JONES is n candidate for a Justice of • tlm Pence, to tnko pluco on the 2d Janua ry, 1841, in the 3rd Beal. ■ dee 22 3(|flr* To the Voters ofthe 3d Beat. G ENTLEMEN—I oiler for re-election in the oflipe of Justice ofthe Pcnog jnyinir Beat, and respectfully solicit your suffrage* nn Satur day,2d January next; nml if elected, pledge my self to discharge tho duties of the same to tlm best ofmv ability. T. VERSTL.LE. dec 25' 309 A. Whitehead, Surgeon Demist, Bull street, above Congress, Savannah, W ILL iiiNorl Teeth from one In a whole set; will fill detective Teeth with gold nr ce ment, nr destroy the nerve* of decayed Teeth by ii’process entirely new, without the lenst pain to the patient. N. B.—Satisfactory testimonials will be shown by calling as above. 307 dec 2«^ Silk for Mniitilln Shawls. G RO do A fringe silk - for Shawls. Just recei ved by AVERY & JOHNSON, dec 22 South side Monument square. Silk uud Cotton Umbrellas, W ITH and without figured borders, a com plete assortment. For sale by HAMILTON & HOUSTON, dec 23 310b Merino Under Garments, F OR Ladies and Geut’oinen, an assortment just recived and for sale hy HAMILTON to HOUSTON, dec 23 310b Cloth Cloaks. L ADIES and Gentlemen’s, of the latest style and fashion, received per brig Sterling, by HAMILTON & HOUSTON, dec 28 31 Ub Heck Stocks. A FULLandvery handsomenssortmentjalso, CSl. Gloves of almost c\cry variety, just open- id and for sale hy HAMILTON & HOUSTON. dec28 310b Clothing. T HE subscribers have just received per brig Sterling and other recent arrivals, a large •apply of Fashionable Ready Made Clothing, directfrom their own Manufactory, which are of fered uncommonly low, H»r cash or approved credit, hy HAMILTON & HOUSTON, dec 28 310b. More New Goods, Received by Excel. W IDE black and blue blank velvet Cuffllib- buns, 24 groce super check Bed Lace, 00 I’d Silicias, 4-4 fine bluck Cambric, super Gauze Flannel, Ladies black raw silk Gloves, Carpet Binding, &c. For snlo low, hy dec28 ' J. A- CLIFFORD. Huntington a Holcombe Have received by recent arrivals, 100 BAGS nctccrop Cuba Coffee,a choice 10 hhds hew crop N O Sugar 10 do Muscovndo do 50 bbls N O Syrup 30 do Butter, Siigar and Sdda Biscuit# 50 do Canal Flour 50 half dq do do 2ft do crushed Sugar 20,000 lbs Bacon, assorted 50 kegs choice Goshen Butter 50 casks do do Cheese 50 boxes do - do do , 55 bbls H S Flour dec 28 31 Op ' nf dollars be annually drained from tlm South to pay for a literature, which comes tons divested of all its local interest,and nut iinfrequently coup led with insult uud upbraiding? There is no good rensAn why .‘inch astute of things should longer continue to exist. Behold the West!—al ready has a vigorous liternturo sprung up almost to maturity, in thut section of our country, which within our recollection was hut an idle wilder ness; and even now the genius ami talent of her writers is beginning to equalize the literary coin- uiercebetween the north utidtlie west, while it i* called into existence and ably sustains several literary periodicals of transcendent ineiit. Are not we ofthe Booth equally competent to think and write for ourselves? Have we not tin equal degree of talent and patriotism? Most as* mredly wo have! And yet we may not boast in all our borders one flourishing domestic literary journal—while the patronage of our people is liberally bestowed to support foreign journals and foreign writers. We do not, dv.aiva to ex cite sectional prejudice against the literary per iodicnls of the north—there uro many excellent magazine* and journals which wo would lie glad tosee extensively pa ronized.and which we nev er Ihil to commend t > tho guulhern public. Nev ertheless wo cunnol hut feel mortified nt our present absolute literary dependence. We de sire to see the literature of the south placed up on nil equulitywiih that of o.her sections of our country. The north, the oast, and the west have their local literature—why shall not the south? If our sectional pride will not prompt us to the devolopeineiil of our own i('source*, there are strong practicalreusons which should urge us to foster and promote this most efficient means of disseminating healthy sentiment, moral and political among tho people. If uvertho pe culiar institutions of a country demanded such an influence—if ever the political posiiiun of u peoplu rendered it important that they -should gourd .with jealous enre tlio sources of opinion, truly our position—which is daily becoming more uud more opposed by powerful sectionaljn- ternsts, ns well as the inflamed uud misguided public opinion of other states, nt home and ahroud —demands that we should not surrender the em pire of tho mind to the sceptre of those who are alien* to our interests and enemies to our rights If it be true (nnd all history attests the fact) tint the literature of u country exerts moie or less influence upon the public sentiment, would it* not be better tlmt our own writers should give the tone ami impulse to that sentiment among us? Would it not be better thut tho young, whose minds are easiest lured and moulded by the charms of literature, should imbibe the principles 4fc sentiments of southern writers than of those who, if their published sentiments nre not in imical to our own on a cerium important sub ject, tire at least, strangers to our iuteicsls uud our feelings? Entertaining these views, the editor is deter mined to devote all the energy of which he is capable to the furtherance of flu* truly commend able object, und lie trust* that in such a cause, he will not bo permitted to uppeal in vniu to the intelligence and patriotism of the south for en- courugcuientand support. Oun LiTKnAR? Resources.—Willi a view nf placing the Mirror in competition with its north ern contemporaries hero at home, we have re ceully made great exertion to enlist in its sup port nqich ofthe talent of the south; and from the cordinl ussnrunces which we have received from writers of eminence, of their friendship and aid we have no hesitancy in informing the friends of our domestic literature that the Mirror will iii future be ably sustained hy southern writers. To the Ladies ok thi: South.—Since the commencement ofthe Mirror, it has been the constnmuim ofits editor to give to it* pagesn high moral tone, and though devoted to the broad field of Southern Literature, and consequently unbracing the lighter with tho more elevated branches of literary composition, it never has nor shall descend to become the medium of licentiousness nr ol ability. And though ti.e work is spt-cinly dedicated to the ladies, who have heretofore, and wo hope will continue to he its most liberal patrons, we take thisoccnsiun to reassure them that while it will ever be oiir study to render our Mirror an ngreouble and in teresting companion to the ludy of taste, it* pages shall never ho marred by a singe sentiment or expression which would enuse the slightest blush upon the cheek of the most fastidiously modest. Terms—The Mirror is issued semi-monthly in quarto form on guod paper and fair type, and Lowell Cottons. 6V/"i BALES No 1 Bro Cotton*, suitable for Jad\J negro clothing. For sale liy dec 22 3061. llALSF.Y & HARDING. More New Goods. J AS. A. CLIFFORD has rec4iived hy barque La Grangii. Super heavy aimS^np fringe changeable 8-4 Silk Shawls Do do do Xo Damask do Do do do do Black Damask do Blue black Gro Do Lyons Silk Ladies Cravats, Plaid Shawl* Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs Do do do. col'd borders Merino Drawers, children* Beaver Glnvce.gcnts do, dark Cassimere, Inserting*, Trimmings, &c. dec 9 Just Hccoivcd, A LOT of white Marseilles Counterpanes and col'd Quilts. For sale low, hy dec Iff JAS. A. CLIFFORD. New Goods. R ECEIVED per Celin and for snle low, n grent vnriety of Urochn Shawls, fawn and black grounds; imilution do do do. While Marseilles Counterpanes, heavy Sup’r black and blue black Silks Coi'ri, plain and flg'd do With n variety of other Goods, dec 1 J. A. CLIFFORD. ColorndQ Scffaru. jHft VEI * V ’ H UNT1NGTON iVtfJLCO.MBF. tlrnt 88 3)0p Johnston’s Uny. /ISA BUNDLES'tiiHnnor qimlny, <ra hoard .hip Stirling limn Wucnnot, for.,lo by r E. PADELFORD. dec 28 1 _,por Coughg.und Colds. CASE G«m Drops 1 do French Jujube 1 do Gum Hnlls Fresh supply for sale by . oo WM. II. TURNER, Q oc 48 Opposite tho Mansion House. Dry Goods. T HE subscriber ha* now on hand, and will continue lo keep a \ery general assortment of-Fnneynnd Staple Dry Good*, Perfumery.&c., which is offered for sale low, under the manage ment of William G. Foote, south side Market. Square. Planters mid families will be supplied at very low prices, hy nov 12 273 II. ROBERTS. Silks, &c. B LUE black Rep Silk Black ami blue black Gro de Swiss Poult do Soie, flg’d mid col'd Silks Rich French and English Print* Also, Wool, black Cloths and Cnssimercs For sale low,by HENRY LATHROP, dec 17 7 & 10 Gibbous’ Buildings. New Establishment.. The subscribers are now opening, nn Bny-strcet, next door to .Messrs. Wimberly & Jones, an extensive as sortment of HATS and CAPS,com prising every variety and style ex tant, manufactured by themselves expressly for this mm hot, which they offer nt wholesale or re tail on liberal terms. As wo design confining ourselves exclusively to the sale of Hutft Sc Caps, our stock in point of quality mid fashion will he equal to any ever offered in the citizens of.Sa vannah By the. weekly arrivals from New York, we shall he furnished with the latest fashions di rect from our nnitmfiiclory. Country Merchants, Plainer* and the Public generally, are respectful ly solicited to give us a cull.- J. IVES Sc CO. N. B.—Bay-street, next door to Messrs. Wim berly Sc Jones, nov 17 277 For Baltimore. The coppered ami copper f«*tened sclu HENRIETTA, Captain Parker, having most of her cargo oiignged, will meet with de< patch. For balance of freight, apply to . « HICK & dec 23 . 8. PIHLBRI : CO. For BllHimorc—Rtynlar Line. jpA, The Cfnipereil mid copper fustennd S&JANE, Cnpt. Fitzgerald, having mi her cargo engaged, will have immediate de*< patch. For balance nffreight or passage, nppl to 3. PHILBRICK Sc CO. Who offer for snle lauding from said brig, 2000 bushel* prime white Corn 50 kegs new Leaf Lard 30 bbls Pilot Bread 200 Hnm*, Baltimore cured dec 21 For Havana. k The superior copper fas *pered schooner VVM. A. CALDWE upper wharf, or to ' LADD, TUPPER Sc 8ISTARE. Who have for sale landing from said vessel, 2I00_ bushels heavy Oats 2100 do prime while Corn 200 hhl* best Hownrd-strcet Flour 200 superior Bacon Hntns 100 kegs Baltimore No. 1 Lard dec 14 For Freight or Charter. JgA The sclir ST. LEON, Cnpt. McG SSwtwill be ready to receive cargo in n few Apply to ' S. PHILBRICK & C(L 8HOUSE & MASON, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY ASD MANU FACTORY, Savannah, (Ga.)am! Lawton,(Pa) rrUIE Public is informed, font n good assort- X ment if COACHES, BAROUCHES, BUGGIES, GIGS, SULKEYS, fyc., are con- Bluntly kept for sale at the above Establishuieiits- ol our own manufacture, which are offered on the most reasonable terms. A continuance of favors from our old custom ers and the public generally, is respectfully soli cited. Repository in Savannah, corner of Bull and Broughton-street, near Monument Square. oct 23 25811 For freight or Cliart2r. board, at Bolton’* wharf, dec 23—r. For Sale. O NE family of Negroes, consisting of seven; also, one Negro Boy. Tlio family consist* of a mail and a woman, prime workers, raised on a cotton plantation; one boy 12 year* old, one of 8, one girloCG years, one of2,aod un infant boy G weeks old. The above property will be sold low, ami onncRoiiimodaling term*. For further particulars, apply to the *oli«cniber. nov24 HIRAM ROBERTS. Family Grocery antl~Provision Store. T HE nndersisued lespeetfiillv. informs hi* friends and tlm public, that he ha* taken the store at the corner of Brmighion mid Whitaker- streets, where he is opening n general assortment of Family Groceries, consisting in part of Lard, Butler. Mackerel Nosl and 2, Sugar. Hy son and Black Tea, Loaf Sugar. Sperm nnd Tal low Caudles,Cheese, Butler and Soda Crockers. Raisins. Soap, Starch, prime Pork, Chocolate, Cordiuls, assorted; Pickles in small jars, Brandy, Gin,Madeiraaud Port Wine. Also, A quantity nf West India Fruit, consisting of Oranges, Butinim* and Plantain*, nil in good or der. JOHN F. BERTH BLOT, dec 25 309m Core# and Flour. /JA BBLS Iresdi IJoward-slreet Flour, 6600 OvJ bushels prime Maryland Corn, cargo of sclir Martha Elizabeth. For sale low from the vessel. dec24 LADD. TUPPER & SISTARE. Haiti Sugar, Whiskey, «Ac. Kf\f\ SACKS Salt 10 hhds St Croix Sugar 20 do Porto Rico do 50 hblssuperior Rye Whiskey 40 do Holland Gin 6 j 4?n Otard Brandy 3 4 pipes do 2 pipes Holland Gin 2(1 KbU Peach Brandy 10 do Mouoiigaiielit Whiskey GO hags Rio Coffee 30 do White Laguayra Coffee 30 kegs Neils, assorted 30 do Tobacco, select brands Just received aud for sale by FORT, CLOPTON Sc MALONE, nov 4 266 H U i Broadcloths and Uassimercs, I N great variety. Among which ore, extra quality West of England, and black, hluo and invisible green Broadcloths; fine nnd medium qualities, black, brown, blue, olive, green, iuvis. green, cadet and steel mix'd Brondcloihsj sir)*or black and fanev Cassimere* and Doeskins. For sulo by .SNlbER, LATHROP Sc NEVITT. dec 23 Iron Store. UNTINGTON,WRIGHT <t CO.offerlor sale on accommodating terms, a good mid full assortment of IRON, STEEL, &c. consist ing of, viz: % , 40 tons Sweeds Iron 25 do English do 30 do American do • 2 do Sheet do 2 do Boiler do 40 tnnidle* Hoop do 40 do Band do 30 do Nail Rods 20 do Shapes 5 do America!) Steel 2 do Gcrmun do G do Spring do 1 case of Cast do. 500 keg* Nails Carl ami Wagow Boxes, nov 23 286 Rifles, Guns aud Pistols, IT - EPT constantly on hand and made lo order, l\. by the subscriber at No. 2 Waring’* Block, near Market-Square; also Powder, Shot. Lend, Cups, mu) till kind* of sporting apparatus. Re pairing of ull kinds douo with neatness uud de spatch. N. B.—All Rifles sold warranted to shoot well. E. 11. ROGERS. dee 22 30G Johnston’s Hay. BUNDLES of this superior Enstern ^5 VF V Hny, on heard ship Tamerlane from Wiscasset, for sale in Ioir to suit purchaser* by HALSEY & HARDING, dec 23 3GRi. pipes'Otard, Dupny Sc Co,’ J. J; Dupuy, mid ‘A. SwIttueUuV Biuiuly. lu store,for sale hy dec24 LADD, TUPPER & SISTARE. ... v Gin ami Brandy. nenveloped with"iTprintedcovercontainingfon^ "d O PIPES Holland Gin, of vnriens well pages of inlerestHig mutter, nt$3 per annum, lu knhwnnnd approved^hrmuls; 10 half iiivnriubly in advance. The bock.number* of ui»e*'0 ’ ~ ” the pmevff vohwno will he supplied \o ullmsw • ibscriliers. ,KP Post-Masters and oilier# w!\o will act as ngeiits for tho Mirror, will, by forwarding mfivo or inoro advanced subscriptions of new subscri ber* he entitled to a copy nf the work. JET Those editors with whom wo exchange will confer a fiivor hy publishing the above pros pectus, nnd calling attention to the work. DU" All letters on the business of the office must be nddrc*«ed to the editor. Post paid. DCP Subscribers may remit money through the hand# of a post-muster, free of postago. dec 28 200 fdecBH Potatoes. BuLS on bourdship Stirling. (Orsule hy E. PADELFORD. Fov the Hail*. H UILEPIIILOCOME, Regenerateur Dns Cheveux, a new nnd superior urticlu,high' |y recommended for restoring the hair. Just ro' con* d nnd for snlo hy dec 28 A. PARSONS. Flour, JLard nnd ilnins. s 'p’r Hnwnrd-streot Flour, 175 lJU kegs No 1 Lea I'Lard. 250 Baltimore cur ed Hams, received per brig Jane mid schr W A Caldwell,.from Baltimore, nnd for sals by dec 23 F. SORREL Sc CO. Rcflntid Sugar. ■j ££ BOXES very snout mr double refined li/ Lnuf Sugar, siiitublo for retailing, land ing from brig Excel. dec23 LADD, TUPPER & SISTARE. For Sale, A N entire gang, consisting of sixty nine NE GROES, principally in large families.— Those Negroes have most of them been born qiid raised on a healthy Sea Island plniilntion, and consist of valuable house servants, ploughmen, boatmen and field hands. The wholn are war ranted ns well 'behaved and orderly. They will ho sold together or in families, to suitpnrchuser*. R. & W. KING, dec 17 302(1 . Tl»c Macon Steamboat Co. K?** ft Offers the following Steomlioi ^Wi«5E5ifc-i for snle, viz: J. Slone. Chiafl.ii J. Goddard, nnd Superior. The J. Stone i. side wheel boat, low picssure engines, olid ci rie* 750 hales cotton. The Chiefuiin is a si wh«<>l hoot, high pressure engines, nnd carri 500 hale*cotton. The J. Goddurd i* a ste wheel boat, high pressure engines, and nem now. The Superior i* a stern wheel boat, w high pressure enables. Ail Ihe above Bunts are now in complete < der and ready for running. Also ten Pole Boa eight of which are now in order for running, n will cai ry 600 bales cotton each. Two Light! :- „4* Ol....... P.mSnnz I’mm Pm public sale. Snvuunuh. dec 18 L. BALDWIN & CO. Rcut Reduced. able terms, if application is soon made, dec 16 A. PARS and HARNESS, first rate order. dec 7 Tcriiis-lihnml. ALEX’R MACRAE, Gen’l Ag’t W. & It. R- R. Co. 293—1J Farm for sale. ciliated for a public house nnd store. Also, A gnml family Ilnrsemiti Barouche, vmhfi seats, silver mounted. The Horse warran sound and gentle. For particulars, apply lo A. V. DESNOYER, Corner of Bull uud Brymi-streets. nov 10 271 A Card. DR. ROBERT H. A. KOCH, mOFESROtt OF MUSIC, R e ( Confectionary store. FOR SALE, Just received, tho netrot mas six cents per page. A Piano Forte always will be the piece* of music. made by the celebrated Joseph Hiskey, Beef, Pork, Ac. BBLS Prime Beef t#v7 25doMess do 25 blits Prime Fork 20 do Cracker* 100 do Navy and Pilot Bread 100 do Potatoes, landing nnd for snle by disc 23 C LAG UO HNS & WOO D. Eastern Hay. BUNDLES prime Eastern Hny,land JUxJ' iug from brig Planet fut Portsmouth, N. II.. nnd for sulo by dec 21 GEO. II. MAY. Gtins. 3 CASES double Pereiisdon Gun*, received per ship Indefatigable from Liverpool. For sale by N. B. Sc li. WEED, dec 25 Soap, Shovels anti Pnpcr. fA/Ti BOXES Soap, lOdoz Iron Shovels X v/’Lf 100 renin* Wrapping Paper,received per sclir Eagle. For sale by dec 25 LADD, TUPPER & SISTARE. Sack .Salt. 4V-fl S' SACKS Salt. h\ Una order, Y\ov Jd J. landing. . For sale by dec 25 LADD, TUPPER & SISTARE. J. Pease 9c Son’s C LARIFIED Essence of fionrhmind Candy, just received ami for snlo in small pnekugus, at WEEDS & MORRELL’S, dec 10 296 No. 1 Peufieid’s Range. Bcavhon’s Patent Balauces, mO weigh from 500 to 2000 lbs. some of them X with long head pieces expresslv for weighing cotton. For sale by HALSEY & HARDING, dec 22 30uca Superior Brandy. 5 HALF nnd 1 qr pipe superior old Brandy, 4 P. Goddard’s’ brand, vintage ofl820; land ing from brig Excel and lor sale by dec 23 t. SORREL Sc CO. New crop Cuba Coflee & Sugar. ()A "t BAGS prime green now crop Coft'ee ^U1 8 bhdr Muscovado Sugar, binding A , om Red Rover, for snlo by dec23 . KDW’D. PADELFORD. Guitar and Violin Strings. Also, a second hniid 1 Forte. nnd tuned. Dr. K. Ims an man engaged in that line. week, nt his Teaching Saloon. with great success. pply to his Music Submit, dec 16 301 . Card. cuived und promptly executed, dec 8 294 High School. B t • t country. employers. two hour# end n half. In attention is given to Frei the higher Muthemulics. nov 16 276 AUCTION*SALES. ” • " By ffolicti A Fomllrk, On the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House in lhi*eily, will be sold nt pub- * lie auction, by order nf tlm Marine &, Fire In- „i n snrniicn Bunk of thit' State of Georgia, 14 Share* of the Capital Stock ofthe Central j Rail Road & Bunking Company, pledged by C. bo'i U. Catt« fortUa yvwttwMofbtamfft ovmtalWt- r . v ■and dollars. , Alio, 32 Share* of Slock nf tho Central Rail 1 - m nnnkln/g Company, pledged by Robert r. Webb for the pnymniit of Ins note for twenty seven hundred dollar*. ’ By order of the Board of Directors. 1 , „ B JAS. SMITH, Cashier. n’c dec 3 290(1 go Navninmli Frtunlo Asylum. 25 A N election for Matron ofthis Institutinn.wilt jTX bo held on the 1st Tluirsduy in Juuunry ere next. Applicants will coll oil — , . MKS> S * C( >»EN, dec 15 Sec y 8. F> Asylum, State-street,' Dividend No.’ 7. ,,'c Savannah Insurance Sc Trust Co. ? Fi 3rd December, 1840. \ dii • rpilE Boprd of Director* having this da)* de- lor X clnred a Dividend of five percent, from the Si profit* of the Inst six month*, the same will he th paid ou niiditfW Monday next, the 7th instant, cr SAMUEL C. HOUSE, Secretary, 'ey dec4 29/ J — Central II. R. a<o Bankino Co. ofGa. ) Savannah, Dec. 1.1840. ( Dividend Ko. S» ffUIE Board of Director* have this day declnr- IV X ed p dividend of Two Dollar* per share oil C the Capital Stock of this Institution, pnyuble lo & " the stockholder* or their legal representatives, on ce ‘ and after the 15th instant. n * Stockholder* ui or in tlm vicinity of Macon, can h receive tlieirdirideudsnt the Brunch. ( c It. R. CUYLER, Cashier, dec 2 289 'Planters’ Bank. A N Election will lie held on ihe first Monday, < in January next.nt the Banking House, in r thi*city, for Eight Director# of this.Bnnk, on the Vi pari ofthe StocNholder*. Tho poll will be open- j ed at 9 o’clock, A. M. and close at 2 o'clock, P. !■ - .«• J. MARSHALL, Cashier. , den 3 200 ’ Central Hail Rond A Banking Co. of Georgia. Savannah, USth Nov. 1640. _ nnHE annual election for Nina Director# to X manage the ufiiiir# of thi# institution, will be E r held at the Banking House in this city on the first Monday in January next, between the hour* j of 10, A. M.nnd2.P.M. * By order ofthe Board. nov 26 R. R. CUYLER, Cashier. w OSCAR SCEITZ, v r _ PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. 2 TNSTRUCTOH on the Pinno Forte, Guitar, ' X Harp, Flute, and French Horn. • “ fm Musical Saloon over liic Drug Store of W.H. " n Turner. Residence nt Mrs. Hardee’s, Brough- j H ton-sirept. ’ .. Kj* Piano Fortes tubed. “ “ nov 14 2*5 f b Pianos. milE subscriber ha# just received and is now '• i opening PIANOS, from the most celebra- i *• ted maker# in the United States, viz: Chickering n d St Co. of Boston, nnd Nunns St Clark of New c r * York. Jl'heso Instrument* arc offered at the s l * same prices at which they could he purchased nt a ) thh Manufactories; nnd the arrangement# which the suhscriber has entered into with the makers, B - will always enable hiui to supply tiie public, at «. first co#t. I. W. MORRELL. • nl dec 10 296—Ini “ Election Notice. a- A N wleefioti for one Representative in Con- iX gress, from the Slate of Georgia, vice Hon. Xm T. Colquitt, resigned; for five Justice# of tho In- * ferior Court, u Tax Collector, nnd Receiver of Returns of taxable property, of the Cuimty of Chatham,will ha held at the Conn Homo in the — city of Savannah, nn Mondny the fourth day nf Juimary, 1841. The Justices of the Pence of the in County of Chatham, nre requested to attend and jr* preside at said election. The Sheriff of the County of Chnthnm iJ hereby required lo attend, and open the noli* nt the hour prescribed by law, — and with the County Constable#, preserve order nt said elccfion. By order. i« EDWARD G. WILSON, of dec 12 Deputy Clerk t. £. c. c. 7 Election Notice. J Tjl LECTIONS for Justices of the Peace for XL# the County ofClinthnm, nre hereby order- ed lo Iib held in the several Company districts of raid County, nil tho first Saturday in January next, being the 2d day of said month, in the mail- tier and form, nnd under tho superintendence prescribed hy the act of the General Assembly ofthe Stale of Georgia, passed on 21st Deceui- it her, 1819, vide P. D. 181. By order ofthe Jus ,, tines. ROBERT W. POOLER, Clerk. n dec 22 306m 10 Notice. J S FT!HE undersigned will receive Proposals for al- i erecting a Fence mound the N'pgro Ceme- • tnry.' The Proposal* will state the expense of furnishing all tho material* nnd executing the NJ work, which must be finished in a specified time by tlie contractor. WM. H. CUYLER, \ Cemetery m. ii. McAllister, j c«urte«. dec 22 Notice. A MEETING ol the Stockliolder* of the IX Bunk of Brunswick, will be hgjd nt their Agency in the city of Augusta, on Monday, the 25th day of Jnnnnry next, for the purpose of r. electing n Board of Director*, und for the Iron#- 1 nctioti of any other business that uiay then come before them. I. C. PLANT, Cashier, r; Brunswick, Nov. 11,1840. nov 12 273J25J s i.iiw Notirp. fTlHF. undersigtind having connected their X professional interest in the counties of Lull- nt rens,Pulaski,Telfair.Twiggs. Dooly, Macon, Houston, Marion, Sumpter, Crnwlord, Bibb, g Monroe aud Talbot, will punctually intend lu tiie collection uud adjustment of nil claims entrusted id to their enre in said counties, or in any of the ad- nil jaccnt counties, if they should bn favored with n s, call. Address Polbill & Strong, Suvnnnah, Ga. 10 THOS. II. POLHILL, Savannah, s, SAM’L. M. STRONG, Macon. p> — I take this opportunity nf saying that in nddi- io lion to the different counties of the Enstern Dis trict, I will attend regularly the Courts of Burke, in Jefferson, Scriven and Washington ofthe Middle ed Circuit. All business in those counties puuntii- e- ally intended to by THOS. H. POLHILL. xt dec 21 305|| Pi Notice. V* ITUIE Copnrtnershijr heretofore existing he- 118 X tween llm sithscriher* under tlie firm ofPad- elford, Fay Sc Co. is this day dissolved hy iniitii- al consent. Edward Padellord is cliarged with c " tlie liquidation and settlement of the nffair* of the concern, empowered to use its name for that pur pose, und will continue tlie business in hi* own m ‘ name for hi* own account. ,s » Signed EDIV’D. PADELFORD, SAM’L. II. FAY, JOS. S. FAY. • Savannah, Dec. 1,1840. es Notice, ly milE subscriber having purchased from Wnv. Im i II. Lloyd iiis entire stock of Dry Goods, ic, &c., will continue the business at tho same place, i’s under tho direction of Mr. W. G. Foote, re- nov 10 271 H. ROBERTS. Notice. TTNOUR months after date, application will bo X made to’tbe Honorable the Court of Ordi- nary ol Glynn County, for leave to sell a tractof . Laud in suid County, belonging to Ann Webster, and containing two hundred aero*, dec 23 JOH N M. TISON, Adm’or. Ily it’lfty Negroes for Hire. ur tho first Tuesday in Jr.rmary tioxt, will be to hired to the highest bidder,before the Conrt he House in Brunswick, between tlio hours of 10 his and 4 o’clock, 50 Negroes, belonging to the Es- 1 .te nf the late John G. Bell, Esq, The Negroes neb «ro accustomed to the cultivation of Rice, aiyl ug will be hired for onn ynnr. lu? JOHN F. GREEN, \ Fx ,_ r . nd HUGH F. GRANT, } Cxor> ' dee 16 301 By S. l’liilhrfck ft Co.. THIS DAY,mil u'dmk,|iiJVmi|ulT*rf«’» l„rr«, 0,i ihe lilufi; fur uccounl of CmletwrUon ml nil rniiRnriifxl. ) COTTON, domuged on No. 3. in coming down iht i Rooit, ami #o1a under in- creditors of*aid estate. ■y) before delivery. Administrator’* Snle. By S. Philbrick & Co. mtn . In belonging to the estate of 8. Godfrey, de- dec 11 Administrator’* Sale.' By s. Philbrick & Co. On Saturday, the 2d day of January next,.at in of Court and tier order of ihe Ad- Terms cash, (city money) before nov 11 Corn—Afloat. By fc. Yliiibiick ft lo. At Private Snle. 2500 bushel* prime Corn, cargo of schr Pam- on. For salo in lots to suit purr hesers. '.V dec24 • Watches. Jewelery, See. Ht privnie Sale. By S. Philbrick A Co. An invoice of Wntclie*. J«welery.&c.. among Also, an invoice of rendv made Clothing, a- long whjcliHre Boston Wrappers, hove and ij-'O 23 By 8. Philbrick A Co. At Private dale. One bale (50 pair) super fancy end Bath UInti- She iff’8 Sale. i Court House in on a* the property of 8. M. Burnett, - to satisfy an execution issued out ofthe Inferior Court of Glynn County under the foreclosure nf a mort gage in favor of Gabriel Dick* v#. Samuel M- Burnett. Property pointed out by defendant. dec2 E. S. ASHCRAFT, Sheriffo.c Exchange on New-York. dec 25 ROSER & O’DRISCOLL. Exchange. B ILLS nil Baltimore, and Bank Checks n New York at sight & hi five day a,for sola dec23 H. PHILBRICK* CO. Exchange. dec 17 ■Zg iEWIS & WILDER. Exchange on Boston. D RAFTS nt short sight, for sale by • SHAPTER& WOODBRIDGE dec 8 AVmUetV utthc Savannah Fe male Asylum, A MALE Teacher to instruct the children from the hour of nine until twelve o’clock very morning, in the useful branches of a plain ducjttion. Also wanted—A white woman ns cook and dccll MRS. S. COHEN, Scc’y S. F. Asylum, State-atreet. 297 Boy Wanted. inTED by the year, u Boy 15 f age, to wait about the ho Enquire.nt thi* office. M Ulld (JO~ nov 18 • Wanted. GOOD Cook, Washer and Ironer is want- . ed m a family by the year, commencing on ht January next. Wages j. jd monthly or rterly. Enquire nt this office. . dec. 18 New-York, igs, Ves* ... Abo insures Vessels, Cotton nnd Merchandize against the hazard ofinland naviga tion, nr transportation to and from Macon, qr Milledgeville.o'r nny ofthe intermediate landing*; also, between this place and Charleston. - S. C. DUNNING, Agent. ., nov 12 !73 Elsslei’JBuUoiis. % A GROCE gilt Sc silvered Elssler Buttons, lU just received by dec25. JAS. A. CLIFFORD. rpilEsiibscribar h.iHjnst^ceived by brig (J B X Lunar, n small fiiesh supply of Teas—Im perial, old Hyann, young'Hyson, and PAwchoiig or Blqck Tea. For sale by retail- dec 16 A. PARSONS. Hartford Fire Insurance Go. u-.iumi.niu.uii.uiii It-U.MO, ill.ll,#ll. IU 1111. vllY. The reputation, this company has obtained Ui nlmsinoss of more than 25‘voars, for liberality in ’ adjusting and promptness mi paying losses, jiist- |y entitles it to a share of public patronage. The undersigned agent for the City of Savan nah. is duly authorized to receive application*, and issue policies ofinsnraiicn. renewals, &c.\ : net 13 W WOODBRIDGE. Agent*. Savannah Ins. A Trust Co. 18tli December, 1840. T HIS Company continues to take risks of ov- ery description on favorable terms. Hav- * iug no agencies to insure against fire that pnrtof'’ its business is nonfilled to this city, and umbra'.'• - ces Insurance on every class of buildings, furni ture, merchandize,or vessels and foeir cargoes in • port. Aff losses promptly pnirt. It also buy* ' and sells Exchanges uud Checks ou the Northern • cities. •, : i • President—J P. Henry. CannnittceoH Finance. The President, G. B. Ciminiing, J. H. iiurrniiglis, E Padeifqrdj *» F. Sorrel. \ The Committees mept everyday a? 10o'clock, A. M : SAMUEL C. HOUSE, 8ccy.- dec 18 • . .’/.v Committee on jRauraucei . The President, . < oi G B. Cn mini tie, ft W. T. Williams, • ' IG. B. Lamar. JLost* I N this oity on Wednesday last, a pair of Golil SPECTACLES, in a rod case. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving thehv jfrij Cnpt. Cauuit’s. near the Magazine. . ' " , ,Q .,n V *i L * UAM L> WOFFifAN. dec 19 304U* Boar’s OU* rpHE genuine Bears Oil. from Canada, is just X received and for sale by due 05 A. PAR80NS.