Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, August 23, 1845, Image 1

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4-' * ‘t REPUBLICAN. UME XLIII. the savannah republican IS PUBLISHSD DAILY, tRMVKEKLY AND WEEKLY, SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, 1845; LOCKE & DAYIS, CITY AND COUNTY PRINTERS DAilt PApbKT TrI'Wrbklt, be at- >.510 per annum, ft do. 3 do. S f In no caae will an order Tor tho paper be at- ed to, unleu accompanied with the money, or • aatiafictory city reference. • AdvortiaemenU inaerted at the following rates: .One aquaro of I* llnea or loan, lat Inaortion, Each continuance,.. •..‘.••AHY,* For one month or a looser tlmo, a liberal diacount will be made. Adrertiaementa publlahcd every other day, and thoae ttty other day, _. _ inaerted once 'or twice a week, are charged 73 eta. M iiaro tor encli Inanition. vortiaeinenta inaerted at the naual rates, and alriet care taken that they bo published according to law. . VJT All Advertisements sent to this office without ..^directions as to tho number of Insertions, will be ' published daily, until ordered to be discontinued, and charged accordingly. News and Nkw Auvertiskmkk rs sppoar in both papers, •-•'All Letters directed tothisoffico or the Editors, tnuat be post paid, to entitle them to attention. TNSURANCE—Capital *376,000— A Tht Augtula Ineuranct and Ranking Company onntinuo to irsurb AOAtNsT FIRE, Dangers oflNLAND NAVIGATION and against b Dai ‘ ike Dangers or the SEAS. The by the by tfnued. nov 20 prompt and liberal policy heretofore pursued Office in the payment or Losses, will ne eon- WILLIAM DUNCAN, Agent. 7T1TNA IM2J r INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, Connecticut.—The under signed, Agents for the nbovo named Company in this city, continue tn Insure agalnat loss or damage by fire on Buildings or Stocks of Goods. This is one oftho oldest insnrance Companies in the Unit ed SUtes, end its loeaea have always been promptly C aid. Applications Tor insurance will be received y COHEN, NORRIS & CO., Agenla. oclM npilEOLOGIOAL BOOKS—Hjrth- X orington’s History ortho Church of Scotland Clialmcrm’ Sermons, complete in two volume*, net. Chalmers’ Lectures on tho Epistle of the Romans, Dick’s Lectures on tho Acts Ancient History, a now worl^ IVom Rollin,and othor authentic sources D’Aubigne'a History of the Reformation Uishop lloberl’a Apology for the Apostolic Order Msson’s Essays on Episcopacy, and the Apology for . the Apostolio Order and its advocates, reviewed Mason’s Essnya on the Church of God rietchrr’s Sermons on the four marks oftho Church Milman’s History of Christianity Sears’ History of the Bible lirownleo’s Christian Youth’s Book Hunter’s Snored Biography . Sprague’s Lectures on Revivals Sprague’s Lecturos to Young People Smyth on Ecclesiastical Republicanism Whatley’s Kingdom of Christ, Id American Edition Winslow on the Holy Spirit A Walk about Zion, (by Clark) Christ our Law, by JSlUa Caroline Fry Lire of Henry Martyn Dr.Olin’s Travels in Egypt, Arabia, I’erne a, and the Holy Land Tho Young Disciple, by Clark llookor on Popular Infidelity CotteriU’s Family Prayers, Revised by Spear Jay’s Morning and Evening Exorcise* Bickersteth’s Treatise on Prayer White’s Meditations and Addresses on Prayer Pollock’s Tatoa oftho Scottish Covenanters Pollock’s Course oH'lino Buchanan’s Comlbrt in Affliction Bastor’s Call to the Unconverted Piko’aTruo Happiness Hnnry’s Communicant’s Companion Bickorsteth, on the Lord’s Supper Jay’sJuhUee Memoriat;Tnbute torn only Daughter Recollections of an only Daughter Misa Sinclair on the Principles oftho Christian Faith The Christian Father at Homo Our Prntostanl Forefathers} Live while you Live Taylor’s Life of II. More} Crook in the Lot Lucilla : or the Reading of the Bible Tho Contest and the Armour Tho Bible, with Patrick, Lowlh and Whitby’s Com mentary—10 parts recoived—to be completed in sixty numbers, at Ift rents A Sermon delivered in St. Luke's Church, Phils* H artford fire insurance COMPANY.—This office continues to in sure Buildings, Merchandise, Mills, dec. (sgsin*t loss or damage by flro) on the most ftivorublo lams. The undersigned. Agent for this city, is duly au thorised to receive applications, effect risks and thorised to receiva applications, effec issue policiea without delay. WYLLY WOODBRIDGE. oct 10 b " 1 -’ Agont. u fillings. F urniture.—Tito subscriber is now receiving, bv every arrival from New- York, a riot) and splendid assortment of CABINET FURNITURE of tho latest nnd most approved pat terns, not surpassed in tho Southern country. Ilo has purchased his stock to such advantage, that lie can sell nt very low price*. Among Ids large assortment may bo found—Largo Serpentine Sofas, do. Divnns, do. Ottomans, Plain and Spring-seat Sofas, do do Divans, Ottomans nnd ('ouches, Mahogany Rocking Chairs, with red nod green plush seating. Mohair, do, Mahogany sotting full | and 4 French Chairs} Curled Maple, Black Walnut and Rosewood Chairs, Cano ami Wood seat Settees, Side Boards with Mahogany ami Mar- Lie tops, Dressing lluraaus with Marble Tops, do Mahogany tops. Side Cose Bureaus, Writing Tablo md Book Cases, Cottage Bureaus on castor*, Scroll and Plnln Chamber Bureaus, Wardrobes, Ladies’ Work Tables, Contra nnd Pier Tnlilrs with Mnrblo tops, Mnrblo top Wnsh Stands, Pointed do., Dress- Nig Tablo*, Tea Tables, Grecian Clawfoot Dining Tables, Extension Tallies, Canl Tables with llarpe and Uge Pillars, Mahogany Bedsteads, do French Patterns, Curled Maple Bedstoads, Plain do do. ALSO, Curled Maple, Black Walnut, and Rosewood Chairs with Cane bottom j, Windsor Chairs, Chil drens’High do. Counting Room Desks, Revolving Chairs for Counting. Rooms. Counter Stools, Foot Stools, Hat Stands, Bnllnws nnd Brush, Bird Cnqos, Knife Trays, Safes, Mahogany nnd Cherry ('ribs, Hair Mnttrasses. Moss do, Feather Beds, Bolster* and Pillows, Green, Bed, Black, Blue, and White Cord, with Tassels to match, llair Cloth for Sofas and Mahogany Chairs, Willmv Wagons, do Cradleq. also, - A greafVarloty ofMnnllonnd Piar Glasses, Toilet and Dressing Glasses'll!' all of the 'difforent kinds no'wT 1 ”^*' . TX Persons, either in tho city or country, wish ing to nurchnso any of tho above articles, will find <1 nil ohjoat to ball before making their purchases elsewhere. Every nrticlo may be depended on ns . being whnt it is represented. Liberal deductions ‘ will always be made to thoso who make largo pur chases. 1. W. MORRELL, oct ft W EEDS St MpitKELL —Hnro now open, a full assortment ol the follow ing articles :— Solar Lamps, Solar Lard Lamps, Solar Hull ru.ii.... i ....... u. Lamps, Snlnr Suspending Lamps, Solar Lamp Heads. Solra Prickets, Solar Side Lamps, Shades, Chim neys, Ate., brass Andirons, Fonder*, Shovels nnd Tongs, Nursery Guards, Blower Stands, Coal Hods, Ate. BIUTTANNIA WARE. Tea Setts, complete} Coffee Pots, Coffee Urns, Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls. Cronins, covered Pitcher*, cov’d Cans, Mugs. Tumblers. Lamps, Spittoons, Ate. JAPAN ED WARE. Tea Trays, Bread Trays, Snuffer Trars, Ewers And Basins, Sugar linxea, Cake Boxos, Coffee Can- Ulster*. Ten ('addins, Dressing Cases, Spice Boxen, Deed Boxes, Cash Boxes, KnlR» Trays, Spoon Tnya, Candle-sticks, Lamps. Lard Lamps. Plato Warmers, Plate Heaters, Nursery l.anpn. Toilet Pails, Cham ber Pailc, water Cans, foot Baths, Plato Buckets, Match Safes, Letter Cages, Spice Boxes, Toast Rack*. Lanterns, Tobacco Uoxos, Grocers, Can- nistors, dtc. TIN WARE. Coffeo Urns, Cnffco Riggins, Coffee Pots, Tea Pots, Tea Kettles, Ten Urns, Oyster Dishes, Veni son Dishes, Steak Dishes, Plato Warmers, tyatcr Boilers, Sauce-pans, Egg Codlors, Melon Moulds, Mm. Moulds. Dutch Ovens, Raker*, Wash Kett'er, Pans, Pails, Dish Covers, Plato Covers, Strainers, fee.; with every description of common Tin Ware. —also— * Willow mnrkot Rnskota, Clothe! Baskets, French work and travelling Rnskota. Codnr Tubs, Puils nnd Backets, painted Pails, painted Keelers, varnished Pails, wooden Bowls, Trays, Wash Boards, Bolling Pina, Ladles nnd' Spoons, tablo Cutlery, ennmel’d Sauce-nans,&c., which with ovory variety of China, Glass, Crockery nnd Stono WARE, will bn offered at the lowest prices, nt wholesale or retail. Coun try merchants, planters and others, arc invited to call sod examino, at No. 10S, Penfield Range. oct 26 P 1 , ANO FORTES.—Tho Subscriber has now on hand, and is constantly receiving manufactory of J. ('bickering. from the calebrated . Patent Action Rosewood and Maiiogany PIANO FORTES, made expressly for this market. Tho improvements which Mr Chlckering has mndo in those instruments ennnot fall tn plonse, ns they combine groat power, and beauty of tone, ns well as quickness, elasticity and dolicacy of touch} at the same tlmo it prevents tho liability to get out of order, and thus overcomes the 'objection to tho action of those now in uso. By this invention per formers will find tho labor of oxocutiun greatly re duced. Far salo by I. W. MORRELL. TXTOODEN WAKE. —BO nests T* Measures; 60 do Boxei}2A do painted Keel er*} 20 do Horse Pails; 40 do Can Pnllsj 10 dozen bbl Covers} 1ft do painted Pnils. Just received nnd for kale by not ANTHONY TURNER. Exchango Dock. F OR GENTLEMEN.^—A splendid nssnrtmont of lino roso wood, mahogany, nnd Russian leather Dressing Cases, furnished nnd plain, Fine English Rsxors, Kaxor Strops of all kinds, Bbavinc Creams, Shaving Boxes, do. Brushes, Port able Glass Mirrors, with Magnifying. OAsses. See. forsnlo low, by O. R, HENDRICKSON, may U TjiORTHE NURSERY AND TOI- X LET.—N. Smith Prentiss’ oxtra superfine plain ard Roso Scented Toilet Powder} Do I.nsnlle ahd LhnrellnV superior Prenoh a in Roso ToUot Powdon Toilet Boxes and Pufl’s, of a vory neat pat- lorn. Just received per brig Philura end for sale by A. PARSONS. TTARNIS HES, OILS. WHITE „Y LEAD AND WINDOW GLASS.-Rost furniture Varnish} do Coach dot Leather do) Japan do} White Lead, assorted brands} Window Gists, assorted sixes. For sale low, by . iug9 Dr. P. MINIS, No. 8 Whitattr^t. •» ui. i. KIIIIIO, mi. n •rims SJCUDDER’S EYE WATER ^ received and for sale by . Ml St I \f -Of TD UPtl . -Just received and for sale by j«ly 24 J. M.-TURNER, Monument square. NO. 198. D RY GOODS.— The Subgcriber having permanently located himself in Sa vannah, and taken possession of tho Store in Gib- bona’Bull,lings,lately occupied by Mr. JAS. A. CLIFFORD, would rcsnectlully invito his (Vionds Cecil History of Michael Kemp I and r lavel’e GiR for Mou Mourners Sorrowing, yot Rejoicing j Tho Sinner’s Friend --•* the Anne dolphin, Mnrch 10th, 1844. by Rov. W. W. Spear. Juit received and for sale by may 21 T. H. PLANT. S TABLE ECONOMY—A Tren- tiie on tho management of horses, in relation to stabling, grooming, feeding, watering nnd work ing, hy John Stewart, with nnlct and addition*, adapting it to American food and climate, by A. B. Allen. Tho Farmers’ and Emigrants’ Hand Book: being n complete guido—comprising the clearing of for est* nnd prairie land, gardening, Binning generally, farriery, cookery, and tho prevontlon snu cure of diseases, by Josiah T. Marshall. Rural Economy, in its relations with chemistry, physics nnd motcorolngy; nr chemistry npplied to Agriculture, by I), il. Baussingnult. The World in a Pocket Book, or Universal Popu- Inr Statistics. The Book of tho Army, comprising a general military history of the United States, compiled by John Frost. Tho Fnrmor’s Treasure, n prnticni treatise on tho nature nnd Valuo of manures, with an account ofthe most recent discoveries in Agricultural chemistry, by F. Falkucr. Tho Farmer*’ Manual, by F. Falknor.y The History of Franco, by Micliolot, No. 2. Just revived by W. THORNE WILLIAMS. C HALMERS’ HISTORY—Of the Revolt oftho American Colonies} 2 vols. Oc tavo. •» Scenes In my Native Land. By Mrs. L. IL Si- gournoy. Flower. Fruit nnd Thorn pieces, or tho Married Life, Death, and Wedding of tho advocate oftho Poor, Firmian Stanislaus Siebcnkss. By J. P. F. Richter. Translated from tho German, by E. II. Noel. Common and Scriptural Proverbs. Proverb* ex plained. Lays of tho Gospel} by tho Reverend S. G. Bui- finch. Hurnaps Expository Lectures on tho principal pillages of tho Scriptures which rotate to tho Doc- trine of tho Trinity. Conversations on some of the old Poets. By J. R. Lowell. The Waif: n collection rf Poems. Voices oftho Night} l>y 11. W. Longfellow. Tonth edition. Ballads and other Poems} by II. W. Longfellow. Notes on Cuba; by a Physician. Just received by apr 25 • ' T. II. PLANT. N O. 8, TIIE WANDERING JEW, by M. K.iigenn Suo. Part I. Mount Snrel, or.Tho Heiress of tho Do Veres, by tho author of “Tho Two Old Men’s Talcs.’’ Sails, or The Mnglo of Count CngUoytro, n Ven etian Tnlot translated from tho French ol Itogor Do Beauvoir, by p. F. Clirislin nnd Eugene Lies. No.‘JO Harpers’’Illuminated Bibln. Columbian Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine, for February nnd March. ScnrlotFeathor, or the Young Chief oftho Abnn- nqiiics, s romanco of tho Wilderness ol Maino, by J. II. Ingraham, Esq. No*. 12 and 1.1 Tho Knights of the Sen), nr the Mysteries of tho Cities; a romaiico of Men’s Hearts nnd Habits. My Own Story, or tho Autobiography of a Child} l»y Mary IlnwltL Received by P-G. THOMAS, mar 17 Successor to Thomas Purse. rjMIE REGENT’S DAUGHTER— Translated from tho French of Alexandre Dumns. by Charles H. Town. The Maid of Honour, nr tho Massacre of St. Bar tholomew—A tale offlm sixteenth century. Ml** Maitineau’s Letter* on Mesmerism. Thlrlwnll’s History ofGrooco—No. 7. Corse Do Leon,ortho Brigand: hy G. P. R.James. A (.’ Introduction to the History of tiie Church, being n new inquiry into tho Birth and Dentil of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By tho Rov. Samuel Farmer Jarvis. Principles of Medical Jurisprudence, with so much of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology nnd the Practice n| Medicine and Surgery a* are essential to he known by Lawyers, Coroners, Magistrates, Offi. cor* of tho Army and Navy, Ate , dec. By William Guy, M, B. First American edition, oditod hy C. A. Loo, M. D. Essay on our Lord’s Discourse at Capernaum, re corded in the 6th chapter of John. By Samuel II Turner, D. D. Just received by marI2 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. T HE INVALIDE—Or Pictures of the French Revolution} a Romance, by C. Spindler. The Gndnlphin Arabian, or tho History or a Thorough-Bred, by Eugeno Sue. Tho Forluno Huntor, or tho Adventures ofn Man About Town, a Novel, by (Mrs. Anna Cora Mnwett. Viola, Tho Redeemed} a Domestic Tale, by Pro- feasor Ashby. Fourteen Cclobrnted Marches, for 20 cents. No. I Monro’s Melodies, «* 20 “ Part 1 Selections from Fry’s Opera “Leonora,” for tft cents. Received by nug 0 PETER O. THOMAS, Successor to Thomas Purse. TyroFFAT’S LIFE PILLS AND , X PHCENIX BITTERS.—The high and on- vied celebrity which these pre-eminent Medicines acquired for their invariable efficacy In all the dis eases which they profess to cure, has rendered tho usual prnctico of puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy of them. They ore known hy their fruits, their good works testify for thorn, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. A supply just received and for sale by nug 1 A. PARSONS, Gibbons’ Rango. TfRBNCH, GERMAN AND ENG- X LISH PERFUMERY.—A supply of very superior Perfumery, as Fine Extracts, Cologne, Horids and Lavender Water} Honey Water,Sbnving Cream) highly perfumed Toilot Soap) Bandoline, ror the llilr, Ate. dtc. from tho celebrated houses oi Farina, Gucrlain, Mnnpelaa, Johnson & Co., and others. Just received by Dr. P. MINIS. J»1 X 23 No. 8 Whitaker street. D AVID’S COMPOUND KREO- 80TB TOOTH WAS H-An agreeable Vegetable Preparation for oleansing, whitening and preserving the tooth, restoring spongy and diseased gums to a natural and henlthy atato, purifies tho mouth, nnd swnotens the breath} provontivo for and cure of tho taoth-ncho, ennkar-soronoss, nnd tho various affections oftho moutn’and throat, whether occasioned by me:curiala,*or otherwise. A few dozen Just received and for sale by ' ' ‘ f Gibbi july 30 A. PARSONS, ibons’ Range. epAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, X Aupplyius (received. For sale by july 24 J. M. TURNER, Monumeot«quar*. ' Ml" stock bFocRiDs.” fro has just received from New York, by brigs Excel and Alacon— I piece super London bluo Cloth I “ •« wonl-dynd blk do I “ «« Frencli wool-dyed black Cloth I “ “ auperier do do Cassimere Black Satin, Silk and Maraeiilos Vestings White, brown and fancy Linen Drills Cotton Drills, a great variety) Kentucky Jeans Colored Cotton Cambrics Blnok and colored Papar Crmbrics Apron Check*. Furniture Prints Ginghams, Muslins, French, English and American Prints, new style) Furniture Muslina, Mosquito Nettings Gents’ black and colored Italian Cravats “ Cliamelion do Ladies’ black and fancy Cravats, do Chamolion do " black and white Silk Hoso “ white, lead, black and mixed Cotton Hosiery Brown, white, black and mixed Cotton half Hose Gonta’nnd Ladies’Gloves, of every vsrioty Ladies’ Fillette Mitt* A lull asiortmeut of Jackoneta and Cambrics Swiss, Book and Mull Muslins Striped and plaid Swiss do Plaid and corded Cambrics, Bishop Lawns Long Lnwns, hem stitched nnd cordod bordered L. C. Handkerchiefs,Table Napkins Embossed Table Covers, Genta’ Silk Pocket Hdkfs Sun Shades, black and fancy Silk Points Green Barege)' a handsome assortment of Lace Edgings and Cap Lnco ColoredTaffeta and Satin Ribbons, bound do Shirting and Pillow Case Linens 10-4 and lt-4 Linen Shootings Drown and bleachod Cotton Shirtings and Sheet ings, a vory largo assortment,and *t unusually low prior*. tr It is the intention ofthe Subscriber to keep constantly on hand, as cnmpletn an assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS as can bo pur- chased for cash in the Northern markets, and ho wishes to call public nttnntion particularly tn (ho Ikct that hn will aoll thorn ot an unusually low profit, lie Invites a comparison of his price* with thoso of any other Merchant in the place, lie will sell for cash only, nnd fbr tiie cash ho is determined to furnish such bargains a* have never been aold in tills city. V. R. ROSS, maru S PRING GOODS —Received per Excel—Brown and green Broadcloth, white Marseilles and fancy Vestings, fine, medium and low priced Prints, colored Lnco Muslina and Bnlxa rino*. black nnd white do, colored Crnpo do, white checked nnd striped Camhricks and Muslina, Idack Loro Veils, white Linen Drilling, brown Linen do, 4-4 brown French Linen) plaid, striped and plain Gnmbrnons) York Denims and Stripos) plaid, atriprd nnd colored Coltonades} Suspnndurs, black and white Filet Gloves and Mits, fino Scissors, Hair Brushes, black, white and assorted Sewing Silk, Purse Twist, Silk and Lasting Coat Buttons, Pearl Shirt Button*. Worsted (bird. Knitting Pins, Silver nnd common Thimbles, Colton Cord, Ate. Ate. All of which will he sold on tho most accommodating terms, hy A. K. MOORE, mar ft CPRING DRY GOODS. —HNI- DER, LATUROP At NEVITT are now opon- ing n largo nnd well selected assortment of rich, fancy and staple Dry Goods,consisting in part of— Rich printed Lawns and Muslins, do do Onltarincs “ “ Cambrics and Jnconots American Print*, nil qualities Rich Bonnet nnd Cap Hibhnna, spring styles •* Silk Cravats and Shawls, Barngo Scarfs White Jackonrts and Cnmlmrs “ Swiss, Mull nnd Naniook Muslin “ Book Muslin and Bishop Lawn* “ striped nnd chocked Cambrics nnd Muslins Blnek and colored Cnmhrics.Silecias, Ate. Cottnnndcs nnd Summer Stuffs Pongee Silk and Cotton Handkerchiefs Yellow Georgia Nankeena Mosquito Netting, ussorlnd kinda Whito, buff nnd figured Marseilles Vesting . Iloscry nnd Glove*, in all their varieties Marseilles Quilts and Counterpiinea Cotton anil Linen Bed Tick. Malting and Oil Cloth Cotton ami Flis Osnalmrg*} Factory Yarn, all Nos. mar 10 C l IEA P CASH S T O R E —M. PRBNDERGAST offers for sale the follow- ing Good*, very low for cash: fi-4, 10-1 anil 12-4 fino blenched Sheeting (M, 10-4 nnd 12*4 ilo Linen do D-fl Pillow Case Linen 4-4 brown Colton Sheeting; 3-4 do do Shirting Bleached Shirting*, all ounlitics Linen table Diaper nnd Damask Irish nnd French Linen Napkins Fino nnd common Towel* Dowiiis*, Huckaback. Russia nnd Irish Diaper Long Lawn*; tape bordered Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Ilnm-stich Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Thread Edging; Colton I'.dging Muslin inserting nnd Scollop Trimming Ladles'dirk and light colored Kid Gloves Gent's black Kid Glove*} do Silk Pocket ildkfs. Do Cotton Hose nnd half Hoso Shirting Stripe; blno Jem} Check*) Ticking Twilled brown Joan, Id’ll, nad bro. Cnnton Flannel Fancy Prints; common do} Furniture do Hoad llilkfa.} Paper Cambric, all colors, fcb'27 C 'AMHROUNS, DRILL'S &c 8* Plaid and mixed Gnmbrnons) fancy colored Llnon Drills, plain, white nnd brown Drillai 3-4 nnd t-4 dark Frencli Linens; brown Hollands; Plaid Tweeds} plain and fancy Cottnnndcs) ivhita and fancy Marsaillcs Vestings; heavy Duck Drills; Dowlas Lung Lawns; Irish.Linens; Damask Nankins; Apron Chocks;-3-4 Bird Eye Diaper; Drap do Kte; 13-4 Counterpanes. Recoived por brig Excel. I por brig i HENRY LATUROP. C l A S11M B R ES, Do L AIN ES, &c.— 1 Tho subscriber offers ids assortment or the nbovo named articles, at reduced prices) comprising tho richost nnd most ihsldniinbln styles of tiie season. Ricli Cashmere DeKcnsso, Cashmere Do Rops, Mouslin DeLnins, Chusans and Tisans, rich Cash- mere Teheran, Thibet and plaid Shawls, Iris Cloths, black and colored Lustres, block and blue- blnek Bombazines. For sale by ’J,’ W M. YOUNG, jin 9 No. 2 Shad’s Building. S wiss muslins, cambrics, &c.—2ft pieces plain Swiss Muslins A do Stripod do 20 do Jacconet Cambric 20 do C-4 whito Cambrics 20 doz Linen Cambric Hdk’fs ft do Fancy Silk Cravats AO pieces Lisle and I’latt Laces. For snlo by HENRY LATUROP, fob 4 Gibbon’s Rango. 1NEN GOODS.—Linen Sheet • inn*, 5-4 to 114) Pillow Gate Linen*, 44 to 9-8; Russia Diapers,common anil bestquality) Huck- shuck Diapers, Bird's Eyo do, Scotcli Diaper and iiiiuuk wiapera, mm s r.yo uii, nuuicii mapor nnu Dowlass; brown and blenched Linen Goods, Drills, &c.) white nnd cream colored Linen Ducks, best quality Shirting Linens, Table Damasks and Dia pers, Tablo Nnpkius and Cloths, just received by urig Excel. mar 4 BNIDF.R, LATllROP & NEVITT. C l HEAP GASH STOKE.-—Nmv J Goods per brig Savannah, just arrived, and for salo very low for cash by M. PHENDERGAST, Br Canton Flannel} blenched do do York Shirting Stripes; York Ticks York blue Denims; blue Drills A fqw bales 34 Tromont brown Shirtings I bale Cotton Ratting; I do white Wadding I do blnok Wadding . Apron Chocks; Ashburton Denims Bant Mill bleachod Sheetings Slate colored Cambric. Nos. 30,3ft, 40,60 and 60 Marshall’s PstentThresd fob Ift L inens, damasks. & 0 .—Un dressed heavy Irish Linens 84,94 and 10-4 Linen Damasks 8-4 to 124 Linen Damask Table Cloths Irish and Scotch Bird Eye Diaper Dnmosk Nnpkins nnd Dnglia 104,114 and 124 Linen Sheetings 9-8 Pillow Case Linen* Roceivcd from brigs Sterling nnd Madison, and for sale low by HENRY LATHROP. fcb4 H A ARIUSON’S SPECIFIC oint ment—For tho cure of Whito Swellings. Scrofulous nnd otherTumoura, Ulcers, Soro-legs, old nnd I'roah Wounds, Sprains nnd Bruises. Swell ings nnd Inflamtngtion, Scald Head, Women’s Snrn Breasts, llheumatio Pains, Tottors, Eruptions. Chilblains, Whitlows. Biles, Corns, and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superior to any medicine heretofore discovered for the cbnfod backs and limbs of Horsosjfbr Ring Worms, Chapped Lips, nnd in short, for every external bod ily evil, that may fail to ths lot of msn or besst. Just rscsived fresh, and for salo by aug 12 A. PARSONS, Gibbons' Rang*. M. S. BALL A CO*H DAILY EXPRESS AND GENERAL FOR. WARDING If COMMISSION HOUSE. THE Central Rail Read Company of Georgia having grantod to tho Subscribers tho privilege or running an EXPRESS over their Road during tho present year, with the privilngo of an apartment un der their own Lock, they offer superior advantages for the prompt and ssfb conveyance or valuable Ar ticles, Specie, Aco. Arc.) end are in hopes of being able to make an arrangement with tho Post Office Department, by which they will be allowed to carry a Mail Bag. They ere prepared to rrrrirsand/onoard GOODS ol all descriptions, to sod from Savannah and Macon and intermediate placet, and between Savannah and Charleston, with tho greatest safety and depatch) and will also pay particular attontlon to the pur chase of Goods, collection snd payment of Drafts. Notes and Bills, and trsnnctlng all kinds of busi ness in the abovo places. They have also extended their arrangements to run their Express hy the Southorn Boats to Pico- lain, in Florida, and iotormediato places on that route. Macon—Office si the Washington Hall. •VarannaA—Office at No. I A3 Bay atreet. Do. S. Phiibrick, Agent, lor receiving nnd forwarding floods nnd Merchandise. Charleston, S. C'.—Amos Head, Agent, office No. 9ft East Bay. M. S. BALL & CO. june 6 SPAING AM) SUMfllEIt FASHIONS. Gout’s Piuinmn, Leghorn and Palm Leaf HATS, of varioua styles and oualitics. ' A lino assortment ol youths’ Leghorn Hats Infants’Round Crowned do do Fash, black Nutria, Moleskin and Brush do Fash. Pearl. Cniaimere and Drab Brush do Together with a very extenaivo stock of HATS AND CAPS, designed for the wholesale Iride, which nro offered to city snd country dealers on liberal terms, at Now York prices, by apr 12 J. IVES, No. 187 Bay-sl FINK JEWELRY, WATCH ES, CLOCKS. &c.—Tho undersigned is .now opening bin Fall supply of tho abovo articles, nnd. ns the order oftho day is ehtapntst, he assures his old customers that lie has on hand a well •ducted variety of all articles, in his line, usually r.111 n/t nt ■ ..J L*. n ..> found at a Watch and Fancy Jewelry establishment; : ho is determined not to bo undersold in and that he is determined not to bo undersold in prices and qunlity by any store South of the Po- tomac. His assortment cnmiits of every description of Fancy Articles anil Watches—the Utter from two dollars to two hundred. Breast Pins from six cents to four hundred dollars, and every other nrticlo in pro portion. Ilia stock of Fancy Goods, Perfumery,&c., is very good, as also that in the Military, nmhracing from drum and fifo to tho epaulctto of the com- mandnnt. Prices being of no object in those times, he trusts such n* may require nny nrtieloa in hi* lino will give him ncnll before thuypurchaso else whom. Particular attention will bn given to repairing of Watchos, Clocks, and Jnweiry, and from his long experience in the business, ho trusts to give.satis faction. ’ D. B. NICHOLS, Corner of Whitaker nnd Bryon-strcots, first Store West of Pulaski House. nov 12 _ GOLD AND SILVER W ATC IIES.—The subscriber has on _t*g| hand n large stock of gold nnd silver Watch es, which ho oilers for salo at low prices—Gold pa tent lovers, with gold dials, fbll jewelled, from to $100; silver do. do. full jawelled, from 530 to 54ft; gold anil silver do. do. without extra jewels, at proportionate prices: with a variety of Gold and Silver Duplexed Lcpcino nnd Vertical Watches, warranted good tlmo Keepers. T. T. WILMOT, Successor to O. J. H. Pibble, No. I Market Square, jnn 9 2 WATCHES JEWELRY tV. FANCY GOODS—AT COST I—\n con- ^_f-fia***qucn-e of a contemplated change in my buvincs*. I will sell my entire stock of GOODS, for cash,*t the eotl pricta (Silver Ware alone excepted, which will ho sold at a very >1)1311 advance ) A largo pm tioii oftliis merchandize has been purchased thn past season, at thelotneal cash prten, and my as. sorlineol ii.i» no tor been complete than at the present time. Among iIn: numerous articles now offered, may bo found— JEWELRY. Diamond Bracelets) Rings nnd Pins; Stono, Mo saic, Cameo ami Enamel Breastpins: Iteal and Im itation Stone. Sealed. Chased and Plain Finger Rings, Rrareltd* and Bracelet Clnsps; Medallions, Mininturo Settings, Viuogarots and Lockets; rich fancy Combs, Hair Pins, I lend. Ornaments, Gold, Silver and Gilt WATCHES AND WAtCII TRIMMINGS. 75 Gold Watches, of every Dcscription.firom 25 ot 5100} 100 Silver Wntches.of every doscripton, from 4 to jjflO; Gold Fob. Guard and Vest Chains; Seals, Keys, Hook*, nnd Watch Trimming*. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Silvor Fork*, Spoons, fish Knives, Cups, Sy- phona, Ac; Plaited Waiters, Cake Baskets, Candle sticks, (?n.stors, Toast Racks, Communion Setts, Ac. LAMPS. Chandeliers, Girando'es, Mechanical, Solar. As tral. Mantle. Students, llall. Suspending, and Hand Lamps, in (.rest variety. BRITANNIA WARE. Urittnnnia Communion Setts, Urns, Tea and Cof- fee Pots, Sugars and Creams, Ac. MI SC ELLA N F.OUS A KTICLES. Rronxn Inkstands, Card Racks, Vases, Ac. Ac- cordians, Flutes, Violins. Guitars, Music Boxes, Ac; Backgammon Boards, Billiard Balls, Dice. Domi nos, Chesmen, Ac t Pocket Rooks, Purses, Wallets, Ac.; Lillies’ Work Boxes, furnished and plain. Gold. Silver and Stool Spertacles, to suit all eyes; Eye Glasses, Telescope*, Microscopes, Opera Glasses. Ac.; Surveyors’ Compasses. Mathematical Instru ments, Ac.; Canos, Ac.; Swords, Epaulets. But tons, Sashes, Ac.t Brown’s Gold Pens, in Gold and Silver Cases, Gold and Silver-Pencils, Pillar and Brass Clocks: Andirons, Fenders, Shovel nod Tongs, Ac : Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors: Ra zor Strops, Ac.; Gentlemen’s Dressing Cases, dec. With a great varioty of articles, too ntiniornus to mention in an advertisement. Parsons in want of any or the nbovo Goods can rely on purchasing them at cost priett, and many of them at evtnltu, as the sub scriber means what he says. Such an opportunity therefore, to purchase goods at reasonable rates should not ho neglocted. M. EASTMAN. N. B.—Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry repaired in the most careful mauner, by experienced work men, and warranted. nov 1 P IIELPS’ COMPOUND TOMA TO PILLS—are highly recommended as a family medicine; they are considered an excellent substitute for Calomel, and .invaluablo as a proven tive of Bilious, Epidemic, qnd miasmatic diseases, Fever nnd Ague, Ac., in propnring tho system to meet the changes of tho season, of diet. Ae. For sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, aug 18 Gibbona* Buildings. D R. JAYNE’S SANATIVE PILLS.—For Liver Complaints, Jnundico, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Norvousness, Impurity of the Blood, Inflammations, Costiveness, Pains in the Head, Breast, Side, Back and Limbs, Female Dis eases, Ac. Ac., and whenever an Aperient, Altera tive, or Purgative Medicine may be required j pre pared by Dr. Jayne. For sale by july 24 A. PARSONS, Gibbons' Rango. R ectified wood naphtha —This is warranted to be the article so high ly recomirionded by Dr. Haating’s (Physician to the Blonheim-atreet tree Dianensary, London,) in his statement published in the London Lancet, ass remedy for Tuberculous Consumption. It has been used by many eminent phyaiclsns, both in this country nnd in Europe, witi^great success. A fresh M}?/rilKNOlMCKSONlGIbbon.' BulMIngi. mar 13 UININE, CASTOR OIL, Stc— vst* 200 ounces Qninine, 10 bbls. Castor Oil, 4 do. Spirits Turpentine, 4 carboys Oil Vitriol, 2 flasks Quicksilver, 4 kego sup. Curb. Soda, Carbonate Magnesia. Landing Rom brigs Philura and Madison, and for sola bj O. R. nug 8 NDRICKSON, ibbon’s Buildings. F resh congress water— Just received direct, and for sale low by aug 11 J. M. TURNER, Monumsnt-sq. READY MADE CLOTHING— XV Jfl|ll4 Bryan Strut.—The Subscriber has recJItly returned Rom the North with a Fall snd Winter supply of CLOTHING AND FANCY ARTICLES, which he will sell at such prices *s will warrant tho public in giving him their patron age. His stock will be kept up by weekly arrivals from New York, in the following articles, viz: Cloth CLOAKS and MANTELS Fine Goat’s hair and common cambist Cloaks Black invisible nnd mixed cloth Over-costs Lyon skin Pea Costa Plain and fig’d Beaver Frock Costa Tweed Caasimare Frock and Sack Coats Sattinet, Mole-skin, and Kentucky Jean Frocktess Blue-cloth and mixed Sattinet Round Jackets Superior black French Frock and Dress Coats “ blue and invisible green Frock and Dress Costs Pants of sup. French Canimere, blue snd black cloth, fancy stripe, plaid, rib Cssslmeer, blue, fancy .snd plain sattinet, Tweed cassimere, mole- akin and Kentucky Jeans entucky Jeans Vesta of blue and black cloth, French and English satin, bombasin, silk, cashmere, merino, plain and figured velvets; also, a few of light colored satin, a superior article for weddings and balls Cotton net, merino, lambs’ wool. Shakers’ flannel, buckskin and raw silk Under-Shirts; also, so ex tra fine article for Ladies’ wear Merino, cotton net, Canton flannel, twilled cotton and lambs’ wool Drawers Always on hand, a large supply of Judson’s Shirts, ofthe latost fashion, not equalled by any in tho U. States. FANCY ARTICLES. Silk, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas Stocks, Scarfs, Ties, silk and linsn Pocket Hdkfs Merino, silk and cotton Half Hose Ulsck kid French Castor, white kid, silk and Berlin Gloves; silk and gum elastio Suspenders Cravat Stiffeners, doth, tooth snd hair Brashes CcatLinks, Money Belts. Leather Fronts, Ac. Ac. Having taken much pains in selecting the shove articles, he feels confident they will please both in price and quality. The citUbns, planters, and mer chants, are respectfully invited to call ana examine for themselves, at the Old Stand, Market square. GEO. S. NICHOLS. ■FASHIONABLE CLOTHING.— X HAMILTON 4- SYMONS. 17 Whits- * tl/lflllUl Of 0J II IT III I m kkR-Strkkt, would inform the publie that thsy are now receiving from their own Manufactory at thn North n full supply of Roady-Mado CLOTH ING, suitable for tho Fall and Winter aenson, which cannot bo surpassed for style nnd durability of work manship. oct 23 ( 1LOTIHNG, AT No. 9S BRYAN J STREET.—The Subscribers rcspoctflilly In form their customers nnd those who hitherto may not litvo patronized them, that having received from their manufactory at New York a well assorted and fashionable supply of CLOTHING adapted to the present season,! Iiey are prepared to serve them at theircustomary low cash prices. As they desire that ovory purchaser should be satisfied, they would ob serve. that should there be any subsequent cause of complaint, as will sometimes unavoidably occur, an equitable adjustment of such complaiut would bo made. Thoy tako this opportunity of thanking their friends for past favors, and soliciting a continuance ofthoir patronage. JOHN SOUTHWELL A CO., oct 28 98 Bryan-street. H A M 1 L T ON & SYMONS, 17 Whittaker-stroet, opposite Wm. II. May A Co’s Saddlery Ware-House, are now receiving por Excel, from New-York, a superior assortment of HEADY MADE CLOTHING, consisting in part, of tho following articles: Cloth and Cambist gnul’s Cloaks Cloth and Alpaca ladies* do Waved and plain Beaver Surtoutaand Frocks Pilot and Tweed do do Blsck, blue, and invisible Breen Dress Coals Olive and London brown Frocks Black, blue, and invisible green Frocks Tweed and plaid Pelto Frocks Blnek, mixea, and blue Salinelt Frocks Cadet and do do Black, bluo and fancy Cassimere Pants Black.bluo ir.d fancy Sattinet do French clast c and Tweed Caaaimcre do IRack nnd b.uo Cloth’and Cassimere Vests B'ack and fancy Silkvelvet do Black and fancy Satin and Silk do Wool velvet Clinlly nnd Cashmere do Kentucky Jean Frocks nnd Pants Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Shirts, Suspenders Gloves, merino and cotton half Hose lied Flannel snd striped Shirts.nov 11 P ULASKI lIAIlt DRESSING SA LOON.—J. M. HAYWOOD, thsnkfbl for the past patronage extended to him, solicits a continu ance. Havingevery thing for comfort and conve nience in his Saloon, he sake a fair test, nnd his customers nnd the public will acknowledge his Sa loon ns one of tho most superior nnd fashionable in lira United States. J. M. il. would inform the public thnt his prices are in accordancn with the times, being sucli as to merit tho approbation of those who patronize him, and as low as any similar Saloon in tho United States. The scale of prices are: Shaving daily, per month.... 51 1ft do. 6 or G times n week, ptr month.... 160 do. 2 or 3 times a week, per month, Sixteen tickets given for shaving, Single shave llair Cutting Outdoor Shaving, within half a mile... do. Hair Cutting, do. do. ..... Parents and guardians may send their children, assuring them every care and attention will be paid to hair trimming and cutting, suitable to their ago. oct 10 J.M. HAYWOOD. I 00 1 00 ioj 24 S7j rpO THOSE GENTLEMEN .1 WHO SHAVE THEMSKLVKS.-Klej.iil roso wood and mahogany Dressing Cases Russia Leather with straps and furnished Dressing Cases; Pricktog’s silver stool Razors Elliott's brass back do Wade A Butcher’s steel back do Rogers’ old English . do Saunders’, Stout’s, Chapman’s, Emerson’s, and London Razor Strops, assorted sizes Portable Mirrors, on Stands, n very neat article Do Magnilying Mirrors, assorted sizes Ivory, rose wood, and bor.e handle Shaving Brushes, in great variety and new stile* Guerlain’s. Phafen’s, Montpelier, Taylor’s and Al mond Shaving Creams Compound, Naples A Soh’s London Shaving Cakes and Military Shaving Squares Toilet washing Soaps, ofthe finest quality Do do do, low priced llair, Cloth, Tooth, Nall, Whisker and Comb Brushes, every stylo and quality Shell, Ivory, Gorman Silver end Horn Dressing and Pocket Combs Cologne, Lavender, Rose, Hungary and Florida Waters, all qualities Oils, Pomatums, Cosmetics, Ac. Ac. Received per late arrivals, and for sale wholesale or retail, at tho lowest prices, by dec 16 G. R. HENDRICKSON. jVTEW TRENCHING PLOUGH— 111 dos new pattern and Improved Rice Trench ing Ploughs; 40 now psttorn ono h»rfe Ploughs, for lionS soil: 12 Harrows. Just received, and for sale by HAZARD, DENSLOW A WEBSTER, mar 18 S UNDRIES—1.000 gnllti. blenched Winter Sperm Oil 700 galls bleached Winter Refined Whale Oil 500 *• unbleached do do do do 2ft bbls Spirits Turpentine • 3 " first quality Copal Varnish 2 “ fine Conch Varnish) 3 bbls Japan do 200 canisters Verdigris, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow. Prussian Blue, Drop Black, Umber, Ac., ground in Oil 200 boxes 1st and 2d quality 8X10 Glass 100 “ 1st quality I0M It do 7ft “ 1st quality 10X14, 11X Ift, 12X14, 12X16 and l2XI8Glass Received by late arrivals, and for sale b; mar 11 HAZARD, ivals, and rorsale by , DENSLOW A WF.BSTER. S TEEL PENS, PAPER, CARDS, Ac.—Just rocoivnd, new supplies of the fol lowing: Steel Pens of various kinds and. superior quality) flno enamelled Visiting Cards; Whatman’s Drawing Paper, all aises; superfine English gilt edge Letter and Note Paper, fine French Letter Papon Bonnet, Binders’nnd Bristol Boards, Scarlet Wafers, Copying and Indellible Inks, Writing Inks of all kinds, manufactures and aises, always on hand) Rogers’superior Pen snd Erasing Knives, Bills of Exchange, Lignomvit* Rulers, India Rub- her, Pencils, Leads, Ac. Ao. For sale by mar 24 PETER G. THOMAS. P RINTING PAPER AND INK.— 2C0 reams 24X36 Printing Paper,good quality 60 reams 22 X 32 Printing Paper, good quality AO do *21X274,-do do do do 100 Ah Foolscap Paper, assorted kinds 120 do' ruled Letter Paper 40 do . Comtnereisl Post do 500 lbs J rift I dos Writing do. For sals by , DENSLOW A WEBSTER. /~1ANESi—An nMortmont of Gold \y Silver, Ivory Mounted and Crook Caiies; re ceived by the brig Savannah, and for sale by fsbJO T. T. WILMOT. A GRICULTURAL IMPLE- ,7* MENTS.—Having made large additinna to their fnfmer assortment of Agricultural Implements, Uio subscribers now offer to planters and merchants, a better stock than ever before offered in the South era country, consisting in part, ofthe following ar ticles, vis: PLOUGHS. Yankee Cast Iron, Nos. 10,11. It snd 20. Dagon, or Connecticut Wrought Iron, I, f, 3 and 4, Allen pattern. Haggles, Norse A Mason’s Improved, vis: Eagle, heavy 2 horse or os • Do. witii wheel and cutter No 2 B, a largo 2 horse Do. with wheel and cutter No A 3, medium 2 horse “ A 2, light 2 horse * 6 inch light 1 horse turning ' 17 do do medium 1 horse turning IS do do new pattern 1 do do forlight soil 1. light I mule or garden ‘ich light 1 Ii do new patter A 1, side bill tMfse O, do do 1 do ' s “b soil, s heavy 2 horse or os Do. No 1, a medium 2 hors* Do. O, 1 do Double Mould Broad or Furrowing, 1 horse Cotton Trenching, 1 hors* do, new pattern, with gusge wheel. 1 he above'Ploughs with and without stocks— estra stocks for the improved Ploughs Mouldboards, heels and points for ths Ploughs, . , HOES. Lyndon’s extra bltck Carolina, 0,1,2 Sc 3, crown Do. bright do, 0,1,2 A3, do Do. Rice, No 2 and 3 do Do. New groned, PP and PPP do Do. Oval Eye Grubbing, Nos. 2 and 3 dm, Do. Round Eye do_ No*. 2 snd 3 do Lyndon A co’s Anchor, 00,0.1 and 2 Brsda’s Patent, 0,1,2,3, and 4 L^ht Yankee do do/ do. with handles. AXES. Collins A Co’s ~ Bond’s j Vsrious patterns, j „ M , SHOVELS. Handled Sjv.des. Socket Spades, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS,Ae. Improved Cultivators, with gauge wheel Cultivator Plough, or Horse Hoe Common Harrows Folding do Corn and Cobb Crash ers. a hand mill Do. do. for horse pow- SCYTHES, Eng. Patent Scythes American Grass do. Grass Platt do. Scytho Snniths Bnsr snd Bush do. Do. Hooks Corn Cutters, Post Spoons Ox Yokes and Ox Bows Corn Shelters Fan mills, two aises Patent Churns Planta’n Wheelbarrows Common Straw Cntters Patent do do Swingletrees Grain Cradles, new pat tern Rice do. do. Hooks. Ac. * Flail*. Ax Helves Dirt Scrapers, for public roads Pruning Shears Garden Hoes, do. Rakes Ditching Knives Transplanting Trowsls and Forks Garden Reels, Do. Lines With a variety of implements not mentioned. For sale hy HAZARD, jsn 3 , DENSLOW A WEBSTER. T il. PLANT—Keeps constant •ly on hand, a fino stock of ROOKS, STA TIONERY, Fancy Articles, Ac. The following comprise a part:— Blank Books,the various kinds of all sizesand shapes Cap, Letter, Note, Enveloping, Wrapping Drawing and other Papers Paper Hangings, Borders, Fire-board Prints Picture Frames, assorted sixes, gilt and black Pocket Books, Port Folios, Purses, Ac. Steel Pens, a great variety, in (rases and on cards Musical Instruments Music for the Piano, Guitar, Violin, Flute, Ac. Bristol Board, coloured Tissue Paper, fsnay Paper Perforated Paper, a beautiful article for fancy work Music Paper, Envelopes, Albums Visting, Blank and other Card* Maps, of various kinds Check Books on the Banks in this city Law Blanks fot city and county Courts Copying, red, blue snd black Ink Bed, black and fancy Wafers Red, black and fancy Sealing Wax Slates and Pencils, Pencil Cases and Crayons Quills, black Sand, Black Lines Inkstands, hand Boxes, Pounce and Pounca Boxes Red Tape; prepared India Rubber Cloth, llat, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes Indelliblo Ink, Carmine Saucers Globes, Writing Desks Razors and Razor Stropx Pen-knives,Scissors, Needles Needle Cases, Card Cases Shell Combs, Thermometers, Ear Trumpets Gold, silver, steel and cut glass Beads Screw Cushions, Fancy Boxes Twine, Paper Folders Letter Clips, Pa;rar Files Toys, a good variety Pussies and Games, of various kinds Graces, Uatiledoors, Skipping Ropes, Ac. Perfumery, n good assortment Gold and ailver Shells, Court Plaster, Motto Seals Money Belts. Segtr Cases, Tea Bells Key Kings, Tweezers, Matches, Tapers Strings Tor Violin, Guitar, Ac., Bridges and Recdr Manifold Letter Writers Copying Presses,with letter books, oiled paper, Ac. Backgammon Boards, Chess-men Witlynany other articles usually called for in a Bookstore—tn which constant additions arc being New Publications received by the earliest con veyance. and sold at Northern prices. JtiBt received per L. ISnldtvin :— Ruts Bags, Flat Dutch and Red Top Turnips, large Drumhead, large York, early Sugar Loaf and Flat Dutch Cabbage, nil fresh and warranted. For sale hy nug 20 J.M. TURNER, Mnnuinent-*quaie. C l ACHOUS AROMAT1QUE—For J removing the taste and amell caused by nau seous medicines, smoking, Ac., and diffusing an agreeable flavor to the mouth. For sale by •ug 9 Dr. P. MINIS, 8 Wbiukcr-street. D U. BRANDETH’S VEGETA BLE UNIVERSAL PILLS —Warranted genuine. Just received and forsale by aug 9 A. PARSONS, No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. jy SMITH PRENTISS’TOILET ■ POWDER.- lor sale by aug II R.—10 cross, just received, and M. TURNER, Monument-sq. [NFANT BRUSHES—Just recetv- . ed ty G. R. HENDRICKSON. sug it STEPHENS’ MATCHES.—60 gross Stephens' Friction Matches, the beat ar ticle in use Just received, and forsale by aug II J. M. TURNER, Monument-sq. S UPERIOR FRESH CASTOR OIL—Just received, an article suitable for In fanta. Forsale by J. M. TURNER, sugC-Monument-square. fflRUSSES.—A full supply of Hull’s “ ‘ “ agio Truss -L patent Double and Single Trasses; do com, (non do, for Negroes; Hull’s Utero Abdominal Sup- P"rtara. for ft mates ; do Childrens’ Belt Truss, Ac. For salo by A. PARSONS, sug 6 Gibbons' Range. CEIDLITZ AND SODA POW- O DERS.—2 gross Myynard A Noyes’ Seidlits; 4 do Sods Powders. For sale by sug 11 J. M. TURNER, Monument-sq. IJ'ELL’S EXTRA CHOCOLATE, A Just received perschr. Leader, and forsale by sug 6 J. M. TURNER, Monument-square. S NUFF AND TOBACCO.—A fur- ther supply of Mrs. G. B. Miller’s fine cut Chewing Tobacco; do Maccaboy, Scotch, Rappee and Irish High Toast Snuff, in bulk and in bottles; American Gentleman Snufl, in bottles. Just re ceived and for sale by A. PARSONS, sug ft ■ No. 8 Gibbons’ Range. JJECTIFIED WOOD NAPTHA. mnareec London ass remedy for Tuberculous Consumption, and very favorable and happy effects having result ed from it, has induced many eminent physicians to use it in their practice, and with decided suc cess. A supply of the pure genuine article, just received and for tale by A. PARSONS, July 24 Gibbons’ Range. G EO. R. HENDRICKSON — In t Gibbon*’ Buildingi, near the Market— liar now on hand tho most extensive assortment orheau- tifuland choice articles for TIIE TOILET TABLE,TIIE DRESSING ROOM AND THE BOUDOIR, to be found in the city, consisting of Perfbmery ol jre every kind) Scented Soaps of all varieties; Oils anft-V Preparations for the Hair; Powders end Preparations for rendering tho Skin soil, smooth and blooming; Dentifrices for ths Tectli; Brushes of all kinds; Combs, and every article necessary forth* use of the lady and gentleman, or ramillts, whether travelling or at home. It hae heretofore been tho case, in purchasing ifiost of the articles enumerated below, that those 'who wished to buy have been unable to find all of them for tale at one placet HENDRICKSON, provides for those who favor him with their patron age every article that ladies and gentlemen may rn J uire for the toilet, the dressing table and the bou- oir, of the first quality, and at as reasonable prices as they can be fornished in the United States. Most ofthrse articles have been expressly imparted, at a great expense in time and money in makiug the se lections. Strangers visiting the city are respectful Invited to call nnd obsorve the grent variety ol ar- ties he has for sale. FANCY TOILET AND SHAVING SOAPS. Of Soaps, the following constitutes a portion : For the Toilet.—Genur- 4I —■--•* *“ . line Almond Sospjvory “fintf* Old Brown Windsor Soam” superior Transparent Soap, in balls and cakes; Floating Soap, for baths; Soap Balls: English Toilet Soaps ofall kindsjGuer- lain’s, Lubin’s and Fiver’s Sotpa,in every variety of Purfume, imported direct. For Shaving.—Almond Cream, Lubin’s Pate d’Amande: Ambrosial Cream of Guerlsin’*: Ambro sial Shaving Cakes: Verbena Cream;'Tuberuse Cream; genuine old Naples Soap; Naval end ‘Milits- tf Sup.) P.tej'. Tr.n.p.renl Sn.p.*c.*c. T&t, are all very choice and fine, and seletted with great TO IMPART A HEALTHY FRESHNESS AND BLOOM TO THE COMPLEXION: Gowhod’s Lotion, Rowland's Kalydor, Micheaux’ Freckle Waih, Liquid* Pate d’Amande, Poudre d’Amnnde, Blanc dnNicge. Fsrine de Noisette, Cl tromsne, Blsnc do Perle, Blanc d’Espsgne, Esu do Besute, &c. Ate. These destroy tan, sun-burn freckles, &c.,and effectually preserve the skin fron> the injurious effects ofexposure to bleak winds, sun burn and damp atmosphere. No lady’s toilet should be without snmo restorative of the kind. Eu d* Toilette, Lubin’s. Guerlain’s and Chbrdin’a Prepare tions, Esprit de CedrSt. he. These last are very: r ileasantand grateful addition! to water for bath-, ng- OILS AND PREPARATIONS FOR TIlF, HAIR Esu Lustralo of Gucrlain. Macsssnr Oil, Moelle de Basur, Graisse d’Ours, Pbllocome, Antique Oil, Bandoline, Jaynes’ Hair Tonic, Balm or Columbia, Cream of Lillies. Perles d’Orient, Pomtnade Ton- ique, Pomatum In glass jars; Black, Brown and Au burn Pomatum, in sticks; superior highly perfumed Bear» Oil; Atkinsoft’s Depilatory, for removing ■“ G rfluous hair from the face, arms and neck; Bow- id’s Fssenc* of Tyre, for coloring the hair a black or brown; also the celebrated Italian DyC which colors the hair without staining the skin; and every variety or Pastes nnd Liquids for beautifying the hair or restoring it when lost. PERFUMED WATERS FOR TOILET USCTORI THE HEADACHE. Genuine old West India n a y Water; Farina’*.» genuine Eau de Cologne; Cologne Wafer of obp’v own manufacture very fine, English Lavender Wa« H * ter; Lubin’s celebrated Amber Lavender; superior Orange Flower Water; Rovo Water, 4cc. &c. . -• DENTIFRICES, &c. FOR THE TEETH. *’* Pelletier’s Oilontine and Elixir, a very preparation fur tho toeth and gums, madeH most celebrated chemist in the world; OrrT Pasto; Rose Paste; Chlorine Dentrifioi Tooth Wash, dec. dec. Tooth Powders iqj riaty, to please*all'minds. AI«o, the cc.-„».. M Odontalgia Ralsstn, a safe, positive and laaling cur* for tho toothache. FXTIJACTS OF FLOWERS &. PERFUMERY » on Tlllt TOII.KT AKD IIAKDCSRCIIIKT. I.ubii'sand GutrlaMe Extracts.—Amarillys Am broisie. Horgamotto, Cassia, Jasmin. Tubereuse, Fleur de Orange, Jonqulle, Violete, (Eillet, Reseda. Pois de Senteur, Vervicne, Amarillys, Chevre Feu •II®, Seringa. Muouet, Vetivcrt, Marechsle, Snvve rains. Danaidcs, Pres Flcuris, I’srfumdn Montpelier Duchease. E.audo Lubln. P.nnlanlln* L’nn .u ’ Diichesse. Eau do Lubin, Englnntino. Eau de Flore. Daphnce. Bouquet do L’lmperatrice, Aubcpine, Cnprice de la Mode, Eau d’Adalaido, Franalpano, Orange de Portugal. Bouquet de Virtoriu, Ccdrat Pot Pouri, Quatre Fleurs, Flours d’ltalie, Bouqttef •r* de la Riene, Mille Fleurs. Suave, Sultanes, Ilelio trope, C'hypro, Muse, Bouquet »fcs Dames, Mielt MIel iFAng*’*— **•-- • Ainbro, Mousseline, Miehl’Angoltcrre, Lilas; Am bro, Vanille, Bouquet d’Eaterhnzy, do du Prin. temns. do des Rios, do de Chantilly, do de Mignon •*" do Caroline, do de Fontainbleau, Patchouly? Rde’s Extract Sweet Pea, Sweet Briar, Kgh n tine. Spring Flowers, Verbena, dtc. I’aley's C’it ronnella Rosie, Verbena Muak, Ilovcnia, Eau de Portugal, dec. dec. TOILET AND OTHER BRUSHES. Ofthe greatest variety, imported and of home man ufacture, ofall patterns, makes and assortments; suchasHar,Tootii.NaU and Shaving-Brushes of nL k t d, r%M’ ,,a ! and „ C ?**! Brushes—Hair Brushes for Children, dec. G. R. H. would partic- oiarly call the attention of ladies and gentlemen to tldsbrancli of hi* busmess, confident that his stock o Hair and Tooth Brushes will bo fBund very com plete in every variety. TOILET AND POCKET DRESSING COMBS, rortoice Shell, Ivory and Buffalo DressingC'tfrohs W .? 0 2 c . d,, ?. b, ®. , '* 8 * D ' 1 ■ h "P«- Tortoise Shell and Buffalo Pocket Combs, Puekot Com hi ami Mirrors comb.ned, Ivory Fino Combs, Whisket Combs, dec. dee. SUNDRY ARTICLES FOR EVERY BODY’S. USE. Lin Salve, Cold Cream, Pastilles, Liquid and Powder Rouge, Pearl Ponder, Rouge, Preston Salts, splendid cut tr ass Cologno Rottles, Spirits of Vinegar, Aromatic Vinegar,Otto of Roses, PerAimed Sachets. Marking Ink, Salts Lemon, Diamond Ce» ment, Powder Boxes nnd Puffs, Toilet Powder. Piste Powder, Traveling Toilet Mirrors, Mouth Mirrors, d:c. Also, Nail Files, Toothpicks, Twee xors. Tongue Scrapers. Corn Rubbers, and all oilier articles necessary for the toilet, or personal comfort si > omn nr traveling. nov 9ii J^AOG Eirs PATE N T «T ENJJ- LBSS FLOOR HORSE roWER.-TImiin. dersigned having accepted an agency for the sale ol this unrivalled l’owei, ire prepared to furnish Ms .chines nt exceedingly low prices. Persons wishing to purchase this Power, ar* re quested to cnli nnd satisfy themselves of the ease nnd facility with which it performs its work. One of theso Machines has been placed on wheels and will be sent to any part of the city to cot Fire Wood into such lengths as may be required, a* on* half tho price ordinarily charged by Wood-Sawyers, nnd in ono twentieth part oftho time. For forthor information, inquire at the Audios Store of 1'IIILBRICK, BELL dt CO. fob Ift rpilE FAMILY PHYSICIAN—Or -ft- tho reformed system of Medicine, on Vegeta table or Botanical principles. Beings cnmpendl urn of tho “American Practico,” designed for all' classes. This work embraces the character, causes, symptoms and treatment of the Diseases of men, woman and children of nil climates By W. Bssch, id. D. Fifth edition complete in one volume. II- ustrated with nearly two hundred engravings. Just rcceivod by nur 20 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. C ILARKE'S COMMENTARY on ■s the Old and New Teitnment. English «di. tion, 8 volt, i a, 8 vols, quarto, *with numerous maps, tables, dtc. Designed ns a help to the better understand ing of tho Sacred Writings. A sett of the above standard work is offered nt about one-half the o'rig- inal cost, by T. H. PLANT. “ mar 2ft - T he married state — it* Obligation* and Do fie?..-I th hints on the Ed ucation ofn Family ; by James Foster, I). D. Persia: containing n Description of the Country, with an account of ita Government,Laws, Religion dec.; by l-redonek Shoberl, illustrated. The Niton. History or Birds, Fishes, Reptiles and Insects; by John Biglond. ,r * n ji rrl *i a L ^, ruiMp l b 7«n Offleer of the U. S. Navy, edited by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Tales; by Edgar. A. Poe. Letters ffoqi Italy; by J.T. Headlsv. Lecture* on the Dramatic Literature of tiie Ageol Elizabeth ; by William Hnzlitt. The Two Husbands, and other Tales ; by T. S, - Arthur. Walton : or the Bandit’s Daughter. The Lover’s Chase! From the French of Eu gene Sue. Isabella: or the Pride of Palermo; a Romance. ds&mt* c,pui01 b ' R«e«l.,d bjr PETER U. THOMAS. J“>y 16 Successor to Thomas Purse. [yriTCHELL'S Series of Outline V* Maps, for the use of Schools.' For til* ehwap.. T. II. PLANT.'