Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, August 25, 1845, Image 1

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BAIL! REPUBLICAN. i a i «i :s it VOLUME XLIII. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1845. • r HE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN II P0BLI8MKD daily, tri->vkekly and weekly, LOCKE & DAVIS, VITV AND COUNTY PRINTERS. Daily Papkb,,. Thi-SVkkki.v,.. Weekly,.. NO. 199. i • J2 lo nor innum. a do. .. 3 do. (p* In no cnso will in order for the piper be at* londed to, union accompanied with tho money, or a latiifuotory city reference. Advertiiemonta Inacrtod at the following ratos: - One square or It lines or lew, lit insertion, $0,75 Each continuance 00 For ono month or a longer time, a liberal discount will be mndo. Advertisement* puhllahed every other day, and thoao inserted once or twice a week, aro charged73 eta. por square for ench Inanition. Legal advertiaementa inserted at the usual ratoa, and strict care taken that they bo published according to law. EF All Advertisements sent to this oflico without directions as to the number of insertion!, will ho published daily, until ordered to be discontinued, and charged accordingly. Nxw* and New AbVKltTUEMKNrs appear in both V* All Letters directed to this oflico or the Editors, must be post paid, to ontitle them to attention. I NSURANCE—Capital *375,1)00— The Augiuta Inauranee and thinking Company continue to insvnk aoairst FIRE, aoainst the Dangers of INLAND NAVIGATION and aoainst the Dangers of the 8RAS. The prompt and liberal policy berotoforo pursued by the Oflico in the payment of Lowes, will liu con* tinued. WILLIAM DUNCAN, Agent, nov 70 7EVfNA INSURANCE CO. OF HlA HARTFORD. Connecticut.—The under* signed, Agents for the nbnvo named Company in this city, continue to insitro against loss nr damage by fire on Building* or Stocks of Goods. This is one of the oldest Insurance Companies in the Unit ml States, and it* losses linvo nlwnys been promptly paid. Applications for insurance will be received ly COHEN, NORRIS St CO., Agents, oct 25 H artford fire insurance COMPANY.—This olllco continues to in* sure Buildings, Merclinndiso. Mills, Arc. (ngnln«t loss nr damage by firo) on tho most favorable terms. The undersigned, Agent for this city, is duly au thorised to recuivo applications, effect risks tint! issue policies without delay. WYLLY WOOD BRIDGE, Agent, oct Ifi Oflico in Williamson's Buililingt. 1 71 URN ITU RE.— 1 The Subscriber is now rccoiving, by every nrrivnl from New* York, a rich and splendid assortment of CABIN KT FURNITURE of the latest end most approved pat terns, not surpassed in the Southern country, lie Ins purchased Ills stock to such advantage, that ho can soil at very low price*. Among bis large assortment may be found—Large Serpentine Sofas, do. Divans, do. Ottomans, Plain slid Sofia, do do Divans, Ottomans and Couches, Mahogany Rocking ('hairs, with red mid green plush smting. Mohair, do, Mahogany setting full | and A French Chairs} Curled Maplo. (thick Walnut and Rosewood Chairs, Cano and Wood aest Settees, Side Hoards with Mahogany and Mar* Ido tops, Dressing Humana with Marble Tops, do Mahogany top*, Side Case Bureaus, Writing Table and Book Cases, Cmtugn Bureaus on custom, Scroll and Plain Clumber Bureaus, Wardrobes, Ladies’ Work Tables, Centre nnd Pior Tables with Marble lops, Marblo top Wash Stands, Painted do.. Dress ing Tables, To a Tables. Grecian Clawfoot Dining Tallies, Extension Tables, Card Tables with llarpo sud Ogo Pillars, Mahogany Bedstead*, do French Patterns, Curled Maple Bedsteads, Plain do do. AI.SO, Curled Maple, Black Walnut, and Rosewood Chain with-Cano bottom*, Windsor Chairs, Chil drens’ High do, Counting Room Desks, Revolving Chairs for ('minting Rooms, Counter Stools, Foot Stools, lint Stands, Hollows nnd Brush, Bird Cages, Knifu Trays, Sales, Malmgaaiy anil (.'berry Crib*, Hair Mattrassos, Most do, Fnathrr Beds, Bolsters Mini Pillows, Gronn, Red. Illack, Blue, nnd White (lord, with Tassels to match, Hair Cloth for Sofas and Mahogany Chairs, Willow Wagons, do Cradles. ALsu, A great variety’of Mantle add Pier Glasses, Toilet •nd Dressing Glasses of all of the dilTurcut kinds nnw used. 'f_T* Persons; either in tho city or country, wish ing to purchase any of Uiq above articles, will find San object to call before making their purchases elsewhere. Every nrticlo may lie depended on ns being wlut it is 'represented.' Liberal deductions will nlwavs ho made to tliusu who iiiuko Inrun Pur chases. * J. W. MORRELL. oct 5 rrUIEOLOGICAI. BOOKS.—Hotli- JL '■ eringtnn’s History of the Church of Scotland Chnlttiora’ Sermons, completo In two volumes, oot. Chalmers’ Lectures on tho Rplalle of the Romans, Dick'* Lectures on the Act* Ancient History, a new work from Rollln.ind other authentic sources D’Aublgne’s History of tho Reformation Bishop Hubert’* Apology for the Apostolic Order Mason's Essays on Episcopacy, and the Apology for tho Apostolic Order and its advocates, reviewed Mason’a Essays on the Church of God Fletcher’s Sormona on the four marks ofthe Church Milmnn’s History orChriatianlty Soar*’ Hiatory of tho Bible Brownlee’s Christian Youth'l Book Hunter’s Sacred Biography Sprague’s Lecture* on Revival* Sprague’* Lectures to Young Poopte Smyth on Ecclesiastical Republicanism Whatley’s Kingdom of Christ, Id American Edition Winslow on the Holy Spirit A Walk about Zion, (by Clark) Christ our Law, by Misa Carolino Fry Lifo of Henry Martyn Dr. Olin’a Trav Jls in Egypt, Arabia, Petros, and tho Holy Lam! The Young Disciple, by Clark Hooker on Popular Infidelity Cottcrill’s Family Prayers, Revised by Spear Jay’a Morning and Evening Exorcises Bickcrstcth’a Treatise on T’rnyor White’s Meditations and Addresses on Prayer Pollock’s Tales of the Scottish Covenanters Pollock’s Course nfTime nuchaiian’s Comfort in Affliction Baxter's Cull to the Unconvortcd Pike's Truo Happiness Henry’s Communicant’s Companion Uickersteth, on tbo Lord’s Supper Jay’s Jubilee Memorial}Tributo to an only Daughter Recollections of nn only Daughter Miss Sinclairon the Principles of tho Christian Faith Tho Christian Father at llomo Our Protestant Forefathers; Live while you Live Taylor’* Lifo of H. More; Crook in the Lot Lucitis : or tho Reading of tho Biblo The History of Michael Kemp Cocll nnd Flnvel’s Gift for Mourners Sorrowing, yet Rejoicing ; Tho Sinner’s Friend The Contest and the Armour Tho Bible, with Patrick, Lowth and Whitby’a Com mentary—10 parts received—to bo completed in sixty numbers, nt 23 cents A Sermon delivered in SL Luke's Church, Phila delphia, March 10th, 1814, by Rev. W. W. Spear. Just received and for sale by may 21 T. H. PLANT. > farmers’anil Emigrants’ Hand Hook: being pleto guide—comprising the clearing of for* nd prairie land, gardening, fnrming generally, ■y, cookery, and the prevention and cure of S TABLE ECONOMY—A Trull tiso on tlio management of horses, in relation to stabling, grooming, feeding, watering and work ing, by John Stewart, with notes and additions, adapting it to American food nnd clinuto, by A. B. Allen. The Fnrmera’ and Emigrants’ Hand Botik: being a complete ests nnd farriery, i . disenses, hy Josinli T. Mnralinll. Rural Economy, in it* relations with chemistry, physics nnd meteorology; or chemistry applied to Agriculture, by D. I) Baussingault. The World in a Pocket Book, or Universal Popu lar Statistics. The Book of the Army, comprising a general military history of the United Slates, compiled by John Frost. Tho Farmer’s Treasure, n prntical treatise on the nature nnd valuo of manures, with an account of the most recent discoveries in Agricultural choinistry, hy F. Fnlkner. Tho Fanners’ Manual, hy F. Fnlkner.* 'Pile History of France, hv Michelet, No. 2. Just received by W. THORNE WILLIAMS. S PRING GOODS — Received por Excel—Brown slid green Broadcloth, white Marseilles nnd fancy Vestings, fine, medium and low priced Prints, colored t.nce Muslins and Raisa rines, black and white do, colored Crane do, white checked and striped Cninhricks and Muslins, black Love Veils, wldto. Linen Drilling, brown Linen do, 4-4 brown French Linen; plnid, striped and plain Gatnhronna; York Denims and Stripes; plaid, striped nnd colored t'oitonsdes; Suspenders, black and white Filet Glovea and Mils, fino Scissors, Hair Brushes, blnck, .white nnd assorted Sewing Silk, Purip Twist, Silk and Lasting Gent Buttons, Pearl Shirt Buttons, Worstod Cord. Knitting Pins. Silver and common Thimbles, Cotton Cord, Ate. Ate. All of which will bo sold on the most accommodating terms, by - A. K. MOORE, mar 3 C lavo. HAMMERS' HISTORY—Of the Revolt of tlio American Colonies; 2 vols. Oo Scones in my Native Land. By Mr*. L. II. Si gourney. Flower. Fruit nnd Thorn pieces, or the Married Life, Death, nnd Wedding of tho ndvncnta of the Poor, Firniinn Stanislaus Siebcnkss. By J. P. F. Richter. Translated from tho German, by E. II. Noel. Common and Scriptural Proverbs. Proverbs ex plained. Lays of the Gospel; by tho Rovoroud S. G. Bui- finch.’ Uuruaps. Expository Lectures on the principal pissnges of tho Scriptures which relate to the Doc trine of tho Trinity. Conversations on some of tho old Poets. By J. II. Lowell. Tlio Waif: n collection cf Poems. Voices oflha Night; by 11. W. Longfellow. Tenth edition. Ballads mid other Poems; by II. W. Longfellow. Notes on Cuba; by a Physician. Just received hy apr 23 T. 11. PLANT. W EEDS & MOIlltBI.I. — linvo now open, a full assortment ol tho follow ing articles:— Solar Lamp*, Solar Lard Lamps, Solar Hall Lamps.So| «r Suspending Lamps,Solar Lamp Hoads, Hnlra (trinkets, Solar Side Lamps, Shades, Chim neys, Ate., brass Andirons, Fenders, Shovels and Tongs, Nursery Guards, Blower Stands,Con) Hilda, Ate. URITTANNlX WARE. Tea Setts, complete; Codec Pots, CnfiVe Urns, Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls. Creams, covered Pitcher*, cov'd Cans, Mug*, Tumbler*. Lamps Spittoons, Ate. JAPAN ED WARE. To*'Prays, Broad'Prays, Snufibc Triys, Ewers and Basins, Sugar Boxes, Cake Boxes, Cullen (-mi nisters. Tea Caddies, l)rcr.*iug Cases, Spico Boxes, Heed Boxed, Cash Boxes, Knife Trays. Spoon Tray*. Candle-sticks, Lamp*. Lard Lamps, Plato Warmer*, l’lato llehtera, Nursery Lnupu, Toilet Pails, Cham ber Pails, watar Cans, foot Batin, Plato Bucket*, Match Sales, Loiter Cngos, Spico Boxes, Toast Racks. Lanterns, Tobacco Boxes, Grocers, Can- ltisters. Ate. TIN WARE. Codon Urns, ColIVo Riggins, Cufico Pot*, Tea I’ots, Tea Kettles, Ten Urns. Oyster Dishes, Veni son Dishes, Steak Dishes, Plate Warmers, wntor Boilers, Sauce-pans, Egg Codlers, Melon Moulds, Bin. Moulds, Dutch Ovens, Rakers, Wash Kettles. Pans, Pails, Dish Covers, Plato Covers, S minora, fee.; with ovory description of common Tin Ware. —.11.80 — Willow market BaskeU w Clothea Basket*.French work and travelling Baskets, Codar Tubs, Pails nnd Buckets, painted Pail*, painted Keelers, varnished Pails, wooden Bowls, Trays, Wnali Boards, Bolling Pins, Lndlos nnd Spoons, tabid Cutlery, onamel’d Sauce-pans, Ate., which with nvery variety of Chinn. Glass, Crockery and Stone WARE, will bo offered nt the lowed prices, at wholesale or retail. Coun try merchants, planters nnd ntliers, are invited to call and examine, at No. 102, (’onfield Rmigo. oct 23 jVTO. 8, TH E WANDERING*JEW, lx by M. Eugene Sue. Part f. Mount Sorel, or Tho Heiress of tlio Do Veres, by the author of "The Two Old Mon's Tales.’’ Safin, or The Magic of Count Cagliostro. a Ven etian Tale; translated from the French ol Roger |)e Beauvoir, by I’. F. Christin mid Eugene Lies. No. 20 Harper*’ Illuminated Bible. Coluinlilaii Lady’a nnd Gentleman's Mngtuino, for February and March. Scarlet Feather, nr the Young Chief of the Aban- aquics, a romance of the Wildarucsa ol Mnino, by J. II. Ingraham, Esq.’ Nos. 12 and 13 The Knights of tho Seal, or the Mysteries of the Cities; n romance of Men’s Hearts and Habit*. My Own Story, or the Autobiography of it Child, by Mary HowItL Received by P- G. THOMAS, uinr 17 Successor to Thomas Purse. P IANO FORTES.—The Subscriber has now on hand, nnd in constantly receiving from the celobrntod manufactory of J. (Muckering, Patent Action Rosewood ami Mnlingany PIANO FORTES, made expressly for tills market. Tlio improvements which Mr Chickeriua has made in those instruments cannot fail to plcaso, ns tlioy combine groat power, nnd beauty of tone, ** well as quickrieu, elasticity mid dolicncy -of touch; at the same time It prevents tlio liability to got out of order, and thus overcome* the abjection to tlio action of those now in use. By tilts invention per formers will find the labor of execution greatly ro- duced. For sale by I. W. MORRELL. YUOODRN WARE, —50 ncsto * In Measure*! 30 do Hoies;23dnpaintod Keel- •™i~ drt Horse Pails; 40do Can Pails; 10 dozen bbl Covera; Id do paintod Pails. Just received mid for sale by ANTHONY TURNER. nov 33 Exchange Dock. t'OR GENTLEMEN.—A splendid —• assortment of fino rose wood, msliogany, nnd Russian leather!Dressing Caaea, furnished and plnin. r Ino English Razors, Razor Strops of nil kind* Shaving Creams, Shaving Boxes, do. Brushos, Port.' ablo Glass Mirrors, with Magnifying Glasses. for sale low, by G. R. HENDRICKSON. ’ may 14 F OR THE NURSERY AND TOl- ■ LET.—N. Smith Prentiss’ extra auperfino plain ard Roso Scented Toilet Powder; De Lasnlle and Chsrelin’a superior French a la Rose Toilet Powder; Toilet Boxes and Pud's, of a very neat pat- torn, Just received per brig Philttra nnd for snln by nu 8° 1 A. PARSONS. 3 assorted sizos. For sain low, by ’ nug 9 Dr. P. MINIS, No. 8 Whitaker-st. CCUDDEIl'S EYRW^TteR—J U ,, received nnd for sale by j'tly 24 J. M. TURNER, Monutnont aquoVe. * I’M IE REGENT’S DAUGHTER— I- Translated from tho French of AlezanJro Damns, by Charles II.Town. Tlio Mnid of Honour, nr tlio Mnssncro of St. Bar tholomew—A tnln of tho sixteenth century. Mis* Martini-mi’s Letters oil Mesmerism. Tliirlwiill’s History of Greeco—No. 7. Corse De Leon, or tho Brigand: hy (1. P. R. James. A Chronological Introduction to tho History of the Church, being n new inquiry into the Birth and Death of our Lord nnd Saviour Jesus Christ. By tho Rov. Samuel Farmer Jarvis. Principles of Medical Jurisprudence, with so much of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology mid the I'ractico ol Mediciuo and Surgery as wo essential to be known hy Lawyers, Coroners, Mngiptrntes, Offi cers of the Army nnd Navy, Arc , Are. By William Guy, M. U. First American edition, edite'd hy C. A. Lee. M. I). Essay on our Lord's Discourse st Capernaum, re corded in tho Gth chapter of John. By Samuel II Turuar, D. D. Just received by mar 12 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. T HE INVALIDS—Or Pictures of the French Revolution; a Romance, by C. Spindlcr. Tho Gndolphin Arabian, or the History of a Thorough-Bred, by Eugene Sue. The Fortune Hunter, or the Adventures ofa Man About Town, a Novel, hy(Mrs. Anna Cora Mnwett. Viola, Tho Rcdeanted; a Domestic Tale, by Pro fessor Ashby. Fourteen Celebrated Marches, for 23 cents. No. I Monro’s Melodic*. 11 23 " . Part I Selections from Fry's Opera "Leonora,” for 23 cents. Recoivod hy PETER G. THOMAS, s nug 3 Successor to Thomas Purse. M OFFAT’S LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTERS.—Tho high nnd on vied colohrity which thoso pro-aininent Medicine* acquired forthoir Invariable efficacy in nil the dh- eases which they profoss to cure, has rendered the usual practice or puffing not only uhnocesaary, but unworthy of thorn. They nro known by their fruit*, their good work* testify for them, nnd they thrive not by tlio faith of tho credulous. A supply just received and for sale by nug I A. PARSONS, Gibbons’ Range. F rench, german and Eng lish PERFUMERY.—A supply of vory superior Perfumery, na Fino Extracts, Cnlngno, Florida nnd Lnvondor Wator; llonoy Water,Shaving Cream; highly perfumed Toilet Soap; Bandoline, for the Hair, Arc. Arc. from tlio celebrated houses of Farina, Guerlain, Monpclns, Johnson At Co;, and other*. Just recoivod by Dr. P. MINIS. J»ly *3 No. 8 Whitaker street. D RY GOODS.—Tlio Subscriber having permanently locatod himself in Sa vannah, and taken poaaeiilon of tlio Store in Gib bons’ Buildings,lately occupied by Mr. JAS. A. CLIFFORD, would respectfully invite hie friends tho nublio generally, to call and examine Ida STOCK OF GOODS. Ho ha* just received fr*m New York, by brine Excel and Macon— I piece super London bluo Cloth 1 " " wool-dyed blk do J " '• French wool-dyed black (’loth I. " ■uporier do do Castlmore Black Satin, Silk and Marseilles Vestings White, brown and ftney Linen Drill* Cotton Drills, a great variety; Kentucky Jeans Colored Cotton Cambrics Black and colored Paper Crmbrics Apron Cheeks, Furniture Prints Ginghams, Muslins, French, English nnd American Prints, new style; Furniture Muslins, Mosquito Nettings Gents’ black and colored Italian Cravata ** Chamellnn do Ladies’ black and fancy Cravata, do Chamollon do " black nnd white Silk Hose " white, lend, black ami mixed Cotton Hosiery Brown, white, black and mixed Cotton half Hoso Gents’ and Ladies' Glovea, of ovory variety Ladies’ Fillette Mitts \ A lull assortment of Jacknnets and Cambrics Swiss, Bonk and Mull Muslins Striped nlaid Swiss do l’laid and corded Cambrics, Bishop Lawns Long I.awna, hem stitched and cordod bordered L. C. Handkerchiefs,Table Napkins Embossed Table Covors.Gonts’Silk Tocket Hdkfs Sun Similes, black nnd fancy Silk Points Green Barege; a handsome assortment of Lace Edgings and Can Lncn Colored Taflbta and Satin Ribbons, bound do Shirting and Pillow Cnsn Linens 10-4 nnd 12-4 Linen Shootings Brown and Idenchad Cotton Shirting* and Sheet ings, n vory largo assortment,and at unusually low prices. the intention ofthe Subscriber to keep constantly on hand, ns complete an assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS ns can bnpnr- chared for cash in tho Northern markets, and ho wishes to cnll public attention particularly to tlio Tact that he will aoll them at an unusually low profit. He invites n comparison of his prices with those ofany other Merchant in tho plnco. He will sell for cash only, and for tho cash ho is determined to furnish such bargains as have nover been sold in this city. V. R. ROSS, nr u S PRING DRY GOODS.—8NI- DF.Il, I.ATIIROP At NEVITT arc now open- ing a large and well relucted assortment of rich, fancy nnd staple Dry Goods,consisting in part of— Rich printed Lawns nnd Muslins, do do Balzarinc* " " ''ambries and Jaconets American Print*, nil qualities Rich Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, spring styles " Silk Cravat* nnd Slmwls, Bnrnge Scarfs White Jncknnet* and Cambrics " Swiss, Mull and Nnnsonk Muslin " Rook Muslin and Rislinp Lawns " striped and cheeked Cambrics and Muslins Black and colored Cambrics. Silccias, Ate. Cottonndes mid Summer Stuffs Pongee Silk nnd Cotton Handkerchiefs Yellow Georgia Nankeens Mosquito Netting, assorted kinds White, hufTand figured Marseilles Vesting flnserv and Gloves, in nil their varieties Mnr*cl||es Quilt* nnd Cminterpnlnee Cotton nnd l.lnnn Bed Tick. Matting nnd Oil Cloth Cotton and Flax Osnahurg*; Factory Yum, nil Nos. mar 10 rnreAP cash store— m. vJ PRF.NDERGAST offers for sain the follow ing Goods, vory low for cunIi : fi. t, l>)-4 and l2-4 fino blenched Sheeting tf-l, 10 4 nnd 12-4 do Linen do 2-8 Pillow Case Linen 4-1 brown Cotton Sheeting; 3-1 do do Shirting Bleached Shirtings, nil nnnlltios Linen table Diaper and Damask lri»h nnd French Linen Napkins Fine nnd common Towels Dowlas*, Huckaback. Bu**ia and Irish Diaper Long Lawn*: tape herd, red Linen Cambric Hdkfs. Hem-atich Linen Cambric Hdkla. Thread Edging; Cotton Edging Muslin Inserting nnd Scollop 'Primming l.nilies’ dark and light colored Kid Gloves Gent’* blnck Kid Glovea; do Silk Pocket Hdkfs. Do Cotton 11 nan nnd hq|f lloio Shirting Stripe; blue Jo in; Check*; Ticking Twilled brown Je m, Id’d. and hr». Canton Flantiol Fancy Print*; common do; Furniture do Head’ lldkf*.; Paper Cambric, nil colors. feb ?7 \AMBROONS, DRILL,8 &c.— ."J Plaid anil mixed-Gombroon*; fancy colored Linen Drill*, plain, white and brown Drills; 3-4 nnd 1-4 dark French Linen*; brown Hollands; I'lald Tweeds; plain and fancy Cottonndes; white and fancy Martaillvs Vestings; heavy Duck Drills; Dowlas L'-ng Lawns; Irish Linen*; Dnnmsk Nnnkina;Apron (.'hecks; 3-4 Bird Eye diaper; Drnn do Etc; 13-4 Counterpanes. Received per brig Excel, mar4 HENRY LATHHOP. C l ASI1MERES, DcLAINHS, &c. > Tlio sulwcribor offers hi* nssortinom of the nbovo named articles, at reduced prices; comprising tlio richostmid most Itshiouable styles of tho season. Rich Cashmere DeEcosse, Cashmere Do Reps, Mouslin pul.ains. Chusnn* ami Tisnns, rich Cash mere Teheran, Thibet nnd plaid Shawls, Iris Cloths, bl n k and colored Luulrus, black und blue- black Bombazine*. For sale by jan 9 W M. YOUNG, No. 2 Shad’s Building. ^WhSS MUSLINS, CAMBRICS, O Arc.—23 piece* plain Swiss Muslins 3 do Striped do •20 do JacconctCnmbric 20 do fi-4 wliile Cambrics 20 doz Linen Cambric Hdk'fs 3 do Fanoy Silk Cravats 30 pioccs Lisle and Platt Laces. For sale hy HENRY LATHKOP, fab 4 Gibbon’s Range. r 1NEN GOODS.—Linon Shoct- JLJ ipgs, 5-4 to 124; Pillow Cnso Linens, 4-4 to 9 8; Russia Diapers,common nnd hevtounlity; liuck- ahuck Dinners, Bird’s Eye do, Scotch Diaper and Dnwin**; brown nnd bleached Linen Goods, Drills, &c.; white nnd cream colored Linen Ducks, best qunlitv Shirting Linens, 'Pablo Damasks nnd Din- E er*. Table Napkins and Cloths, just recoivod hy rig Excel. mar4 SNIDER, LATHROP At NEVITT. M. 8. BALL dr CO'S DAILY EXPRESS AND GENERAL FOR. WARDING tp COMMISSION HOUSE. THE Central Rail Rond Company of Georgia having granted to the Subscribers tne privilege of running an EXPRESS over their Road during tho present year, with the privilege of an apartment un der their own Lock, they offer superior advantages for the prompt anil aafb conveyance of valuable Ar ticles, Specie, Ate. Ate.) and aro in hopes of being able to make an nrrangament with the Post Office Department, by which they will be allowed to carry a Mail Rag. They ere prepared torrcrlee and,forward GOODS ol all descriptions, to and from Savannah and Macon and intormediato places, and between Savannah and Charleston, will; tho greatest safety and depatch; and will also pay particular attention to the pur chase of Goods, collection and payment of Drafts, Notes and Bills, and transacting all kinds of busi ness in the Above places. They have also extended their arrangements to run their Express by the Southern Boats to Pico- lata, in Florida, and intermediate places on that routo. Alucon—Office at the Washington Hall. Savannah—Office at No. 133 Bay street. Do. S. Pkilbrick, Agent, for receiving nnd forwarding Goods and Merchandise. Chnrlnton, R. C’.—Amos Head, Agent, office No. 93 East Bay. M. S. BALL At CO. juneC Gout’s l’liiinma, Leghorn nnd Palm Leaf 11 ATS, of various style* and qualities. A fine assortment oi youths’ Leghorn Hats Infants’ Round Crowned do do Fash, black Nutria, Moleskin and Brush do Knsh. I’enrl, Cnssiinero and Drab Brush do Together with n very extensive stock of HATS AND CAPS, designed for the wholesale trade, which are offered to city aid country dealers on liberal terms, at New York pdees. bv apr 12 J. IVES, No. 187 Bay-street. ASIIIONABLK CLOTHING.— A. HAMILTON Sp SYMONS. 17 WniTa- KKit-STRKKT, would inform the public that they aro now receiving from their own Manufactory at the North a full supply of Ready-Made CLOTH ING, suitable for tho rail and Winter season, which cannot be surpassed for style and durability of work manship. oct 23 FINE JEWELRY, WATCH- ES, CLOCKS. Ate.—The undersigned is wuw now opening his Fall supply of tho above articles, and. as tho order oftlia day is chtapnru, lie assures his old customers that Ife has on hand a well selected vnrioty of all nrticlosl in his lino, usually found nt a Watch and Fancy Jewelry establishment; and that ho is determined not to be undersold in prices ond quality by any store South of the P3- ‘ mac. His assortment consists of etorv description of Fancy Articles nnd Watches—t|o latter from two dollars to two hundred. Breast lln* from six cents to four hundred dollars, and every kilter article in pro portion. His stock of Fancy Cowls, Perfumery, Arc., is very good, a* also thnt in the {Military, embracing front drum and fife to the cpiulctto nftho com mandant. Prices being of no ol^oct in those times, he trusts inch ns may require any articles in his line will give him a call before they pirchaso elsewhere. Particular attention will ho given to repairing of Wntchc*. Clncki, and Jewelry,amt ftoui his long nxpericnco in tho business, ho tmsts in give satis faction. D. B. NICHOLS, Corner of Whitaker and Bryan-streets, first Store West of Pulaski House. nov 12 C 'lLOTIIING, AT No. 98 BRYAN J STREET.—The Subscribers respectfully in form their customers and those who hitherto may not have patronised them, that having received from their manufactory at New York a well assorted and fashionable supply of CLOTHING adapted to tlio proaentaouion.tlioy are prepared to serve thorn at theircustomary low cash prices. As they desire that every purchaser should he satisfied, thoy would ob serve, that should there be any subsequent cause of complaint, as will sometimes unavoidably occur, nn equitable adjustment of such complaint would bo made. They take this opportunity of thanking their friends for past favors, and soliciting a continuance of their patronage. JOHN SOUTHWELL At CO., oct 20 98 Brynn-strcot. L GOLD AND SILVER {% WATCHES.—The aubscrlbcr has on isB hand a large stock of gold and silver Watch es, which he odors forsalo at low prices—Gold pa tent levers, with gold dials, fall jewelled, from if30 to 5100} silver do. do. full jewelled, from 530 to 545; gold nnd silver do. do. without extra jowels. at proportionate prices: with a vnrioty of Gold ami Silver Duplexed Lepelne and Vertical Watches, warranted good time keepers. T. T. W1LMOT, Successor to O. J. H. Dibble, No. I Market Square, jan 9 WATCHES JEWELRY . FANCY GOODS—ATCOBTt— In con- tequen-'o of a contemplated change in toy hu*ino»B. I will soil my entire stock of GOODS, for cash, at tlio cot( pricei (Silver Warn alone excepted, which will ho sold nt a very small advance ) A largo portion of this merchandize has been purchased Ilia past season, nt the lownt eath price*, nnd my ns> 'snrtmeut lias nuver been more completo than at the proi-cni time. Among tho numerous articles now offered, tnny bo found— JEWELRY. Diamond Bracelets; Bings and I'inss Stone, Mo saic, Cntnno nnd Ennmcl Breastpins: Itenl nnd Im itation Stnno, Sented, Chased nnd l*lnln Finger Bings. Bracelet* nnd Bracelet Clnsps; Medallions, Miniature Settings, Vinegnrets and Lockets; rich fancy Combs, Hair I’int, Head Ornaments, Gold, Silver nnd Gilt. WATCHES AND WATCH TRIMMINGS, 75 Gold Wntchos, of every description,from 25 ot f lUO; 100 Silver Watches, of every descrinton, from to 5A0{ (»old Fob. Guard nnd Vent Chains; Seals, Keys, Hooks, nnd Watch Trimming*. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Silvor Forks, Spoons, Fish Knives, Cups, Sy- phnna, Are; Plaited Wuitors, Cako Baskets, Candle- slicks, Castor*, Toast Rack*, Communion Sotts, dec. LAMPS. Chandeliers, Girandoles. Mechanic il. Solar, As tral, Mnntlo. Students, Hall, Suspending, und Hand Lamp*, in great variety. BRITANNIA WARE. Rrittannia Communion Setts, Urns, Tea nnd Cof fee Pots, Sugar* nnd Cream*, Are. . MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Brouzn Inkstnnds, Card Racks, Vases, Acc. Ac- eordians, Flutes, Violins.Guitars. Muxic Boxes, Ace; Backgammon Boards, Billiard Balls, Dice. Domi no*, Cliesmen, Atc.i Pocket Books, Purses, Wallets, Are.; Ladies' Work Uoxci, furnished ami plain, Gold. Silver and Stool Spectacle*, to suit all eyes; Eye Glasses,Telescopes, Microscopes, Opera Glasses, Ate.; Surveyors' Coiuo.i*«*i*. .Mathor.vatical Instru ments, Are.; Canes, Arc.; Swords, Epaulets, But tons, Sodics, Arc.; Brown’s Gold Pens, in Gold and Silver Cases, Gobi nnd Silver Pencils, Pillar nnd Brass Clocks; Andirons, Fonder*, Shovel nnd Tongs, Arc ; Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors; Ra zor Strops, Arc.;(ientlenien’s Dressing Cases. Ate. With a groat variety of nrlic'es, too numerous to mention in nn advertisement. Persons in want of any ofthe nhove Goods can rely on purchasing them nt cotipricta, nnd many of them ot rent less, ns tli > sub scriber means what he says. Such nn opportunity therefore, to purchase goods at rcasonnrile rates should not be neglected. M. EASTMAN. N. II.—'Watches, (flocks, nnd Jewelry repaired in tho most careful manner, by experienced work men, nnd warranted. nov ' C l II E A1* CASH STORE.—New J Goods por brig Savannah, just arrived, nnd lor snle very low for cash by M. PREN DERG AST. Br Cnnton Flannel; bleached do do York Shirting Stripes; York Tick* York bluo Denims; bluo Drills A few bales 34 Tremont brown Shirtings I bale Cotton Batting; 1 do wliito Wadding I do black Wadding Apron Chocks; Ashburton Denims Bant Mill bleached Sheetings Slnto colored Cambric Nos. 30,33,40,50 and CO Marshall’s PnlcnlThrcnd fob 13 D AVID’S COMPOUND KREO- SOTE TOOTH WAS H -An agreeable vegetable Preparation lor cleansing, whitening and prosnrvlng tho tenth, restoring spongy and dlsoased gums to a natural nnd hoalthy state, purifies the mouth, nnd sweetens the breath; preventive for and cure of tho tooth-ache, canker-soreness, anil the various affection* ofthe moutn'nnd throat, whether occasioned hy mercurials, or otherwise. A few dmnn jn»t received nnd for anla by July 30 A. PARSONS, Gibbons’ Range. T^AHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, , TURNER, Monument-square. T ININ’S, DAMASKS. &c.—Un- dressed honvy Irish Linous 8- 4,94 nnd 104 Linen Dninaska 84 to 124 Linen Dainnsk Table Cloths Irish nnd Scotch Bird Eye Diaper Damask Napkins and Daglia 10-4,114 nnd 124 Linen Sheetings 9- 8 Pillow Cnso Linona Received from brigs Sterling nnd Madison, and ror snlo low by HENRY LATHROP. feb 4 H ARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINT MENT—For tho cure of White Swellings, Scroftllous mid other Tumours, Ulcers, Sore-legs, old and IVeah Wounds, Sprains nnd Bruises. Swell ings nnd Inflammation, Scald Head, Women’s Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetters, Eruptions, Chilblains, Whitlowi. Biles, Corns, nnd External Diseases generally. It is likowiso grcntly suporlor to nny medicine heretofore discovered for the chnfeu hacks nnd limba of Horsea;fnr Bing Worms, Chapped Lips, and in short, for every external bod ily evil, that may fall to thp lot of man or benst. Just recoivod fresh, and for anle hy nug 12 A. PARSONS, Gibbon*’ Range. P HELPS’ COMPOUND TOMA TO PILLS—are highly recommended «aa family medicinu; they *re considered nn excellent substitute for Calomel, nnd invaluable ns a proven tive of Hilimt*, Epidemic, and miasmatic disease*. Fever nnd Ague, Are., in preparing tho system to meet the changes ofthe season, of diet. Arc. For sale hy G. R. HENDRICKSON, nug'lfl Gibbons’ Buildings. D R. JAYNE’S SANATIVE PILLS.—For Liver Complaints, Jaundico. Dyspepsia, Fevers. Nervousness, Impurity of the Blood, Inflammation*, Costivcncss, Pains in the (lead, Breast, Side, Back nnd Limbs, Kemnln Dis eases, Arc. Ate., nnd whonovor nn Aperient, Altera tive, nr I'urgntive Medicino may bo required ; pre pared by Dr., Jayne. For sale by July £-1 A. PARSONS, Gibbons' Range. R ectified wood naphtha —This is warranted to bo the article so high ly recommended by Dr. Ilaating’a (Physician to tho Blenheim-street tree Dispensary, London.) in his statement published in tho London Lancet, ns a remedy for Tuberculous Consumption.' It ha* been used by many eminont physicians, both in this country and in Europe, with great success. A fresh supply just received and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON,Gibbons' Buildings, mar 13 a UINlNE, CASTOR OIL, &c 200 ounces Qninine, 10 bbls. Castor Oil, 4 do. Spirits Turpentine, 4 carboys Oil Vitriol, 2 flasks Quicksilver, 4 kega sup. Curb. Soda, I ca*o Cnrhnmito Magnesia. Landing from brigs Philura and MndUon, and for *nlo by O. H. HENDHICKSON, aug 8 Gibbon’s Buildings. F resh congress water- Jmt received direct, and,for snle low by ati£ 11 J. {M. TURNER, Monument-stj. R EADY MADE OLOTHING- 1 No. 114 Dryan Slrttl. — The Subscriber has recently returned from the North with a Fall and Winter supply of CLOTHING AND FANCY ARTICLES, which he will sell at such prices as will warraet tho public in giving him their patron age. Hia stock will be kept up by weekly arrivals from Now York, in tho following articles, vlx: Cloth CLOAKS and MANTELS Fine Gnat’s hair and common camblet Cloaks Black invisible and mixed cloth Over-coats Lyon akin Pea Coats Plain and fig’d Beaver Frock Coats Tweed Cnssitnere Frock and hack Coats Sattinet, Mole-akin, and Kentucky Jean Frockteea Blue-cloth and mixed Sattinet Round Jackets Superior black French Frock and Dress Coats " blue and invisible green Frock and Dress Coats Pants of sup. French Casstmere, bluo and blank cloth, fancy stripo, plaid, rib Cassimeer, bluo, fancy and plain sattinet, Tweed casilmere, mole skin and Kentucky Jeana Vesta of blue and black cloth, French and English satin, bninbasin, silk, cashmere, morino, plain and figured vAlvcts; also, a few of light colored satin, a superior article for weddings and balls Cotton net, merino, lambs’ wool, Shaken’ flannel, buckskin and raw aiik Under-Shirts; also, an ex tra fino article for Ladies’ wear Merino, cotton net. Canton flannel, twillod cotton and lambs' wool Drawers Always on hand,* large supply of Judson’a Shirts, ofthe latest fashion, not equalled by any in the U. State*. FANCY ARTICLES. Silk, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas Stocks, Scarfs, Ties,aiik and linen Pocket Ildklk Menno. silk and cotton Half Hose Black kid French Castor, white kid, silk and Berlin Gloves; silk and gum elastio Suspenders Cravat Stiffeners, cloth, tooth and nair Brushes CoatLinka, Money Bolts. Leather Fronts, Ate. Ate. Having taken much pains in aelecting (he above articles, he feels confident they will ploase both in price and quality. The citisena, planters, and mer chant!, are respectfully invited to call and examine for theniselvea, at tho Old Stand, Market square, oct 2ii GKO. S. NICHOLS. H amilton & symons, 17 Whittaker-street, opposite Wm. 11. May At C.’o'a Saddlery Ware-House, nro now receiving por Excel, from New-Vork, n superior nssortmnnt of READY MADE CLOTHING, consisting in part, of tho following articles: Cloth and Camblet gent’s Cloaks Cloth and Alpaca ladies' do Waved and plain Beaver Surtoutaand Frocks Pilot nnd Twcoa do do Black, blue, and invisible green Dreia Coats Olivo and Iam.lon brown Frocks Black, blue, and invisible green Frocks Tweed and plaid Pelto Frocks Illack, mixcc, and blue Satinett Frocks Cadet and fmey do do Black, bluo nnd fancy Cassimero Pant* Black, blue -and fancy Sattinet do French Hast c and Tweed Cassimero do Black and b.ue Cloth jnml Cassimero Vesta Black nnd fancy Silkvelvut do Black and fancy Satin and Silk do Wool velvet Chally and Coshmoro do Kentucky Joan Frocks and Pants Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Shirts, Suspenders Gloves, merino and cotton half Hoso Red Flannel nnd striped Shirts.nov II A GniCULTtRAI, IMPLE- MENT8.—Having mado large additions to ilieir former assortment of Agricultural Implements, tile subscribers now offer to planters and merchants, a better stock than ever before offered in the South era country, consisting In part, ofthe following ar- ticloa, vis: „ . PLOUGHS. Yankee Cut Iron, Nos. 10, J). 12 and SO. Dagun, or Connecticut Wrought Iron, 1,2,3 and 4, Allen pattern. Buggies, Norse Sc Mason’a Improved, vix: Eagle, hoavr 2 horse or ox Do. with wheel and cutter No 2 B, a large 2 horse Do. with wheel and cutter No A 3, medium 2 hors* " A 2, light 2 horse “ A I, light I mule or garden " 6 inch light 1 horse turning " 17 do do medium 1 hors* turning " 15 do do new pattern 1 do do forlight soil “ A I, side hill 2 hors* " O, do do I do s “ b Mil. * lienvy 2 herse or ox Do. No I, a medium 2 hors* Do. O, l do Double Mould Broad or Furrowing, 1 horse Cotton Trenching, I horse do, new pattern, with guage wheel. Tho above Ploughs with and without atocka— extra stocks for the improved Pjougha Mouldboards, heels and points for the Ploughs. HOES. Lyndon’s extra black Carolina, 0,1,2 Sc 3, crown Do. bright do, 0,1,2 At 3, do Do. Bice, No 2 and 3 do De. New gronnd, PP and PPP do Do. Oval Eye Grubbing, Non. 2 and 3 do Do. Round Eye do Noe. 2 and 3 do Lyndon At co’a Anchor, 00,0.1 and 2 do Brade’a Patent, 0,1,2,3, and 4 do Light Yankee Do. do, with handle*. AXES. Collins At Co’s / t, , .. r Root’s Bond’s { Varlou. patterns. J gjJJ,; SHOVELS. Handled Sir dei, Socket Spades, . CULtlVATORS, HARROWS,Ate. Improved Cultivators, *' “* with gauge wheel Cultivator Plough, or Horse line Common Harrows Folding do Corn and Cobb Crush- ors, a hand mill Do. do. for horse pow- C'orn Shelters Fan mills, two sixes Patent Chnrna l’lanU’n Wheelbarrows Common Straw Cnttera Patent do do Swingletree* Grain Cradles, new pat tern Rice do. do. SCYTHES, IOOKS. Ate. .Flails, Ax Helves Dirt Scrapors, for public roads Pruning Shears Garden Bakes Ditching Knives Transplanting Trowols and Forks Garden Reels, Do. Lines Eng. Patent Scythes American Grass do. Grass PJntt do. Scythe bnaiths Briar and Bush do. Do. Hooks Corn Cutters, Post Spoons Ox Yokes and Ox Bows With a variety of implements not mentioned. For sale hy HAZARD, DENSLOW At WEBSTER, jan 3 P ULASKI HAIR DRESSING SA- LOON.—J. M. HAYWOOD, thankful for tho past patronage extended to him, solicits a continu ance. Having every thing for comfort and conve nience in Ilia Saloon, ho ask* a fair tost, nnd his customers nnd the publio will acknowledge Ilia Sa loon at ono ofthe most superior and fashionable in tho United States. J. M. 11. would inform tho public that his prices are in accordance with the times, being such as to merit the approbation of those who patronize him, nndnn low as nny similar Saloon in Uie United Slate*. Tho scale of prices are: Shaving daily, per mouth 51 13 do. 5 or 6 timet a week, ptr month.... 150 do. 2 or 3 times a week, per month.... 100 Sixteen tickets given for shaving 1 00 Single «... fil Hair Cutting..... 18) Out door Shaving, within half a mile 23 do. Hair Cutting, do. do 37£ Parents and guardians may send their children, assuring them every care and attention will ho paid to hair trimming and cutting, suilablo to their age. oct 10 J. M. HAYWOOD. rno THOSE GENTLEMEN X WHO SHAVE THEMSELVES.—Elogant rnso wood nnd mnhognny Dressing Cases Russia Leather with Straps and iurnished Dressing Cases; Priekleg’s silvrr steel Razors Elliott's brass back do Wade St Butcher’s steel back do Rogers’ old English do Saundors’, Stout’s, Chapman’s, Emerson’s, and Loudon Razor Strops, assorted sizes Portable Mirrors, on Stands,* very neat article Do Magnilying Mirrors, assorted sizes Ivory, rose wood, and bor.e handle Shaving Brushes, in grant variety nnd new stiles GucrTain'a, Phnlen’s, Montpelier, Taylor’s and Al mond Shaving Creams Compound, Naples St Son’s London Shaving Cakes nnd Military Shaving Squares Toilet washing Soaps, ofthe fiueatqunlity Do do do, low priced Hair, Cloth, Tooth, Nail, Whisker and Comb Brushes, every style and quality Shell, Ivory. German Silver and Horn Dressing and Pocket Combs Cologne, Lnvender, Rose, Hungary and Florida Waters, all qualities Oils, Pomatums, Cosmetics, Atc. Ate. Received per late arrival*, and for tale wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices, by dec id G. II. HENDRICKSON. r H. PLAN 1—Keeps constant- •ly on hand, a fine stock of BOOKS, STA TIONERY. Fancy Article*, Ate. The following comprise a part :— Blank Books, tlio various kinds of all aizesand shapes Cap, Letter, Note, Enveloping, Wrapping Drawing and other Paper* Paper Hangings, Borders, Fire-board Printa Picture Frames, assorted sizes, gilt and black Pocket Books, Port Folios, Purses, Ate. Steel Pens, a great variety, in boseaand on cards Musical Instruments Music for the Piano, Guitar, Violin, Flute, Ate. Bristol Board, coloured Tissue Paper, fancy Paper Perforated Paper, a beautiful article for fancy work Music Paper, Envelopes, Albums Visting, Blank and otner Cards Mapa, of various kinds Check Booka on the Banks in thia city Law Blanks fot city and county Courts Copying, red, blue and black Ink Red, black and fancy Wafers Red, black and fancy Sealiug Was Slates and Pencils, Pencil Caiea and Crayons Quilla, black Sand, Black Lines Inkstands, band Boies, Pounce and Pounce Boies Red Tape; prepared India Rubber (■loth, Hat, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes Indcllihlc Ink, Carmine Saucers Globes, Writing Desks Rasora and Razor Strops Pen-knivca, Scissors, Needles Needle Cnses, Card Cases Shell Combs, Thermometers, Ear Trumpets Gold, silver, steel and cut glass Beads Screw Cushions, Fancy Boxes Twine, Paper Folder* Letter Clip*, Paper Files Toys, n good variety Puzzles and Games, of various kinds Graces, Battledoors, Skipping Ropes, Ate. Perfumery, a good assortment Gold and silver Shells, Court Plaster, Motto Seals Money Belts. Segar Cases, Tea Belts Key Rings, Taveezors, Matches, Tapers Strings Tor Violin, Guitar, Ate., Bridges and Reeds Manifold Letter Writera Copying Presses,with letter booka, oiled paper, Ate, Backgammon Boards, Chess-men With many other articles usually called for in a Bookstore—to which constant additions are being made. New Publications received by the earliest con veyance, and sold at Northern prices. N EW TRENCHING PLOUGH.— 1 doz new pattern and improved Rice Trench- iug Ploughs; 40 new pattorn one horse Ploughs, for light soil; 12 Harrows. Just received, and f»r sale by HAZARD, DENSLOW At WEBSTER, mar 18 S undries.— gnii*. blenched Winter Sperm Oil 700 galls bleached Winter Refined Whale Oil 300 " unbloached do do do do 23 bbls Spirits Turpcntino 3 " first qunlity (.'opal Varnish 2 " fino Coach Varnish; 3 bbls Japan do 200 canisters Verdigris, Chrome Green, Chromo Yellow, Prussian Blue, Drop Black, Umber, Stc, ground in Oil 200 boxes 1st and 2d quality 8M 10 Glass 100 " 1st quality 10X12 do 73 " 1st quality 10X14, 11X15, 12X14, 12X Id nnd |2X 18Glass Received by late arrivals, and forsalo by mnr 11 HAZARD, DENSLOW At WEBSTER. S TEEL PENS, PAPER, CARDS, Ate.—Just recoivod, new supplies of the fol lowing: Stool Pens of various kinds and superior J unlity;fino enamelled Visiting Cards; Whatman’s 'rawing Paper, nil sites; auperfino English gilt edgo Letter nnd Note Paper, fine French Letter Pnper; Bonnet, Binders’nnd Bristol Boards, Scarlet Wafer*, Copying and Indellibto Inks, Writing Inks of all kinds, manufacture* and sizes, alwnya on linnd; Roger*’superior Pon and Erasing Knives, Rills of Exchange, Lignomvita) Rulers, India Rub ber. l’oncils, Leads, Vc- Ate. For sale by mar 24 PETER G. THOMAS. P RINTING PAPER AND INK,— 200 reams 24 X36 Printing Paper, good quality GO reams 22 X 32 Printing Pnper, good qunlity 50 do 21X27^ do do do do 100 do Foolscap Paper, aaaorted kind* 120 do plain and ruled Letter Paper 40 do Commercial Post do 500 lb* News Ink; 30 doz Writing do. For salo hy mnr 15 HAZARD, DENSLOW At WEBSTER. fJECy. R. HENDRICKSON— VX In QibbonP Buildinge, mar the Market—Un■■ now on hind the most extensive assortment of be»u- tiftil and choice articles for THE TOILET TABLE.TIIE DRESSING ROOM AND THE! BOUDOIR, to be found in the city, consisting of Perfbmery ol every kind; Scented Soaps of ail varieties;Oils and Preparation* for the Hair; Powders and Preparations ior rendering the Skin soft, smooth and blooming; Dentifrices for ths Teeth; Brushes of all kinds; Comb#, and every article necessary furtbo uaeofthe lady and gentloman, or famlHsa, whether travelling or at home. . ■ It haa heretofore been the case, in purchasing most or the articles enumerated below, that those who wished to buy have been unable to find all of them for sale at one placet but G. tt. HENDRICKSON,- provides for those who favor hitn with their patron age every article that ladiea and gentlemen may re 3 uire for the toilet, the dressing table and thebou. nir, of the first quality, and st ns reasonable price* as they can be ftirniahed in the United SUtea. Meat oftheae articlec have been expressly imported, if f ;reat in time and money in making these- actions. Strangers visiting the city are respectftil ly invited to call and observe the great variety ol ar ticles he has for sale. FANCY TOILET AND SHAVING SOAPS. OfSoapa, the following constitutes a portion : Forlht Toilet.—Genuine Almond Soap; very "fine* Old Brown Windsor Soam” superior Transparent Soap, in balls and cakes;'Floating Soap, for betha: Soap Ballst English Toilet Soap* of all kinda;Gu«r- lain’*, Lubln’a and Piver’n Soaps, In every variety of Purlbme, imported direct. For Shaving.—Almond Cream, Lubln’a Pete d’Amande: Ambrosial Cream of Guerlain’at Ambro sial Shaving Cakes; Verbena Cream; Tubereae Cream; genuine old Naples Soap; Naval and Millta- ry Soaps; Patey’s Transparent Soap, Ate. Sic. These are all very choice and fine, and selected with great care. TO IMPART A HEALTHY FRESHNESSAND BLOOM TO THE COMPLEXION. Gowland’s Lotion, Rowland’s Kalydor, Micheaux’ Freckle Wash, Liquido Pate d’Amande, Poudre d’Amande. Blanc deNiege. Ferine de Noisette, Ci tromane, Blanc de Perle, Blanc d’Elspagne, Eaa de Beaute, Ate. See. These destroy tan, sun-burn freckles, Ace., and effectually preserve the skin from the injurious effects of exposure to bleak winds, eun burn and damp atmosphere. No lady’s toilet should be without some restorative of the kind. Eu de Toilette. Lubin’s. Guerlain’a and Chardin’s Prepare tions, Esprit de Cedrat. Ate. These last are ver* [ ileasantand grateful additions to water for bath- ng. OILS AND PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR Eau Lnstrale of Guerlain. Macassar Oil, Moelle de Boref, Graiase d'Ours, Fhilocome, Antique Oil Bandoline. Jaynes’ Hair Tonic, Balm of Columbia!. Cream of Lillies. Perles d’Orient, Pommsdo Ton- ique, Pomatum in glass jars; Blnck. Brown and Au burn Pomatum, in stickat superior highly perfttmed Beat’s Oil; Atkinson’* Depilatory, for removing sn- C rfluou* hair from the face, arms and neck; Row- id’a Essence or Tyre, for coloring the hslr a black' or bropn; also the celebrated Italian Dyo, which colors the hair without staining tho akin; ana every variety of Pastes and Liquids for beautifying the hair or restoring it when lost. PERFUMED WATERS FOR TOILET USE OR THE HEADACHE. Genuine old West India Bay Water; Farina’s genuine Eau de Cologne; Cologne Water of our own manufacture very fine, English Lavcqdei Wa ter; l.ubin’acelebrated Amber Lavender; superior Orange Flower Water; Rose Water, Ate. Ate. DENTIFRICES, Ate. FOR THE TEETH. Pelletier’s Odontine and F.lixir, a very anporior preparation for the teeth and gums, made by the most celebrated cbetniat in the world; Orris Tooth Paste; Roso Paste; Chlorine Dentrifice ; Orris Tooth Wash, Ate. Ate. Tooth Powders in great va riety, to please ell minds. Also, the celebrated Odontalgia Balsam, a safe, positive and lasting cure: for the tootharhe. FXTRACTS OF FLOWERS St PERFUMERY FOR THK TOtl.KT AMD lt*MDKKRCIIIIcr. l.ubin’a and Guerlain’a Extra eta.—Amarillya Am brnisie. (It-rgamotte, Caasia, Jasmin, Tubereuse,. Fleur do Orange, Jonnuilo, Violate, (EHlet, Reseda,! Pois do Senteur, Verviene, Amarillys, Chevre Feu file, Seringa, Muguct, Vetivert, Mareclinle, Souve rains, Dsnnidns, Pres Fleuris, Pnrfumdo Montpelier,. Duchesse, I'.au de Lubln, Knglnntine, Eau de Flore,. Dapbnee. Bouquet de L’lmperatrice, Aubepine Caprice de Is Mode. Eau d’Adelaido, Fraucipane, Orange de Portugal, Bonqnetde Victoria, Cedrat, Pot I’ouri, Qustre Hours, Fleura d’ltalie, Bouquet de In Rinne, Mille Fleurs, Suave, Sultnnes, Helio trope, Chvpre, Muse. Bouquet des Dames, Alie), Arnbre, Mousseline, Miel d'Angelterra, Lilas, Am bre, Vnnille, Bouquet d’Esterhaxy, do du Brin tenuis, do des Rios, do de Chantilly, do de Mignon do do Caroline, do de Fontainbleau, Patchouly" Edo’s Extract Sweet Pea, Sweet Urinr, Eglan tine. Spring Flowers, Verbena, Arc. Patey’a CJH ronnella Rosa, Verbena Mask, lloveoia, Eau de- Portugal, Arc. Arc. TOILET AND OTHER BRUSHES. Ofthe greatest variety, imported and or homo man ufacture. of all patterns, makes and nasortments :: such as Hair, Tooth, Nail and Shaving-Brushes of all-kinds—Velvet, lint and Cloth Brushes—Hair Brushes for Children, Arc. G. R. H. would partic ularly call the attention oflndies and gentlemen to this branch of his business, confident that hia stock ol Hair and Tooth Brushes will be found very com~ plete in every variety. TOILET AND POCKET DRESSING COMBS- Tortoire Shell, Ivory and Buffalo Dressing Combs ot every conceivable sito and shape. Tnrtoiss Shell and Buffalo Pocket Combs, Pocket Comtn ■nd Mirrors comb.ned, Ivory Fine Combs, Wbisksi Combs, Arc. Arc. SUNDRY ARTICLES FOR EVERY BODY’S USE. Lip Salve. Cold Cream, Pastilles, Liquid and • Powder Rouge, Pearl Powder, Rouge, Preston Salts, splendid cut glass Cologne Bottles, Spirits of Vinegar, Aromatic Vinegar,Otto of Rotes, Perfttmed Sachets. Marking Ink, baits Lemon, Diamond Ce. ment, Powder Boxes and Puflh, Toilet Powder, Piute Powder, Traveling Toilet Mirrors, Mouth Mirrors, Arc. Also, Nail Files, Toothpicks, Twee sera. Tongue Scrapera. Corn Rubbers, and all other articles necessary for the toilet, nr personal comftirt nov 23 Just received per L. Baldwin:— Ruta Rags, Flat Dutch sud Red Top Turnips, largo Drumhead, large York, early Sugar Loaf and Fist Dutch Cabbage, nil fresh and warranted. For sale by aug 20 J. M. TURNER, Monumcnt-squnre. C 1ACIIOUS AllOMATIQlIE—For f removing the taste and smell caused by nau seous medicines, smoking, Arc., and diffusing an agreeable flavor to the innuth. ror sale by nug 9 Dr. P. MINIS, 8 Whitaker-street. D R. BRANDETH’S VEGETA BLE UNIVERSAL PILLS —Warranted genuino. Just received and for sale by nug 9 A. PARSONS, No. 8 Gibbons’ Range, jy SMITH PRENTISS'TOILET lor sale by ■ug 11 POWDER.—10 gross, just received, and ". TURNER, " , Monuraont-sq. I NFANT BRUSHES—Just receiv ed by G. R. HENDRICKSON, aug If S TEPHENS’ MATCHES.—50 gross Stephens’ Friction Matches, the best ar ticle in use. Just received, and forsalo by nug II J. M. TURNER, Monument-sq. S UPERIOR FUESIl CASTOR OIL—Just received, an article suitable for In fants. Forsalo by J. M. TURNER, nug 6 Monument-square. r|Ul(J8SE8.—A full supply of Hull’s I supply patent Double and Single Trusses; do com mon do, for Negroes; Hull's IJtero Abdominal Sup porters, for foinales ; do Childrens’ Belt Tiuss. Ate. For sale by A. PARSONS, aug 3 Gibbons' Range. S K1DL1TZ AND SODA POW DERS.—2 gross Maynard St Noyes’ Seidlits; 4 do Soda Powdera. For sale by aug 11 J. M. TURNER. Monunient-sq. F ELL’S EXTRA CHOCOLATE, Ju«» received persehr. Leader,andfor>sinby • * ”, TURNf" aug 3 J. M.' NCR, Monument-square. S NUFF AND TOBACCO—A fur tlier supply of Mrs. G. B. Miller’s'fine cut Chewing Tobacco; do Maccaboy, Scotch, Rappee and Irish High Toast Snuff, in bulk and in bottle*; American Gontlomnn Snuff, in bnttio*. Just re ceived nnd for sale by A. PARSONS, aug 5 No. 8 Gibbons'Range. G ANES.—An assortment of Gold Silver, Ivory Mounted and Crook Canes; re ceived by the brig Savannah, and ftjr a«Wby^__ feb 20 T. T, WILMOT. R ECTIFIED WOOD NAPTHA < This artiole having recently como into use in London nan romody for Tuberculous Consumption, nnd very favorable and happy effects having result ed from it, has induced many eminent physicians to use it in their practice, and with decided suc cess. A supply or the pure genuine nrticle, juat received and for sale by p A. PARSONS, July *♦ ■ » Gibbons' Range. nt 1 oino or traveling. B ADGER’S PATENT END LESS FLOOR HORSE POWER.—The un dersigned having accepted an agency for the sale ol thia unrivalled Powei, are prepared to furnish Ms chines at exceedingly low prices. Persons wishing to purchase this Power, ar* re quested to call nnd satisfy themselves of the earn and facility with which it performs ita work. One of these Machines has been placed on wheels and will be sent to any part of tho city to cut Fire Wood into such lengths ns may bo required, at nn* half the price ordinarily charged by Wond-Sawyera, and in ono twentieth part ofthe time. For farther information, inquire at the Auction Store of PHILBRICK, BELL St CO. feb Id T he family physician—o the reformed system of Medicine, ou Veget table or Botanical principles. Being a cumpend urn ofthe "American Practice," designed for a classes. This work embraces tho character, cause symptom* and treatment of the Diseases of mei women and children of all climates By W. Betel M. D. Fifth .edition complete in one volume. I ustrated with nearly two hundred engravings. Just received by mar 20 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. C l LARUE'S COMMENTARY on J the Old and New Testament English edi tion, 8 vols, quarto, with numerous mapa, tables, Sto. Designed ts a help to the better understand- ingof tho Sacred Writings. A sett of the above standard work is offereJ al about one-half the orig inal cost, by T. H. PLANT, mar 25 T HE MARRIED STATE — Its Obligations and Dutiea, with hints on the Ed ucation ofa Family ; by James Foster, D. D. Persia: containing a Descripti on of the Country, with an account of its Government,Laws, Ruligion, Stc.; by Frederick Shoberl, illustrated. The Natural lliitory of Birds, Fishes, Reptiles and Insects; by John Bigland. Journal of an African Cruiser; by an Officer of the U. S. Navy, edited by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Tales; by Edgar A. IV>e. Letter; from Italy; hy J.T. Headley. Lecture* on the Dramatic Literature ofthe Age ol Elisabeth ; by William lln*lilt. The Two Husbands, and other Tales ; bv T. S. Arthur. Walton : or the Bandit's Daughter. The Lover’s Chase! From the French of Eu« gene Sue. Isabella : or the Prido of Palermo; a Romance. Fanny Campbell, the Female Pirate Captain; by Lieutenant Murray. Norman: orThe Privateersman’s Bride, a sequel to Freemantle; by J. H. Ingraham, Esq. Received Oy PETER G. THOMAS, July 1G Successor to Thomas Purse. IVTITCHELL’S Series of Outline 1AX Maps, Tor the uie of School*. For salo choap, by T. H. PLANT,