Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, September 21, 1846, Image 1

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.1 v©£ Mb'* > ■ r.-J ■■ mi ■ ’• r*cn/.u:>„ SAVA'NNAlt GAV t; MONDAY MQItNlNO* ^EPTEMBBK gj> iMff.' CITY, .V" ‘! ' IrPUBLlillKD J Hti ■ (.Y, TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY, ■ Wiaw weESS’r (Cretin no,dim will knoWer for the paper be at* tended to, unloss accompanied With the money;or e eat|»faetory tDy refcreacc; i ; 1 ’/ Advertisements insortod at tho following rites:. t Ji)fw9uM)J/iJ jpMrtlplt, £01,73 ^ ir a Unger time, a liberal * discount oenu published ovory other day, and tbrae ohhe or.lwico a wook, aro cliargud/73 oh 1 * strict care taken,that they lte,publislied according O’ All Advertisements sent to thla office without and charged accordingly. ^ i . Ndwa and Nnw AnyKRTiiiHuri appear In bo)b l tri tliiaoinfco’or 'thb &Htors, title tllbni to attention. * : ftjAw! (i OO DS. — Hie • Uttdoreigned L "» would inform thiir- customers andlriends, that thejr are receiving; their Spring and Summer Esoh.aontli For'one h..Y>7.»sY .... ■ ^PfSfjRfYSSUUANcl ...PANYj—Thl*titficocontinue* to. in- Building*, Merchandize, .Mills; dt*. (against luei'.or damage by fire) oil the tnost Ihvorablo The undersigned, Agent for title city, {*. duly au- tbariterito recede opplioationa, effect risk* and Issue policies without delay. • WYLLY WOt)DBlUDUB; Agent.' waRlfi-, . ,—-- -, Ei Agent.' > Qtflqo ia.WilHsmson's Building*. « city, continue toinauro against loan or damage by fire on Buildings of Stocks of Good*. Tbit la one of the oldeat Insurance Companies ie the Unit* cd Statea, ood it* loo*e* hnve always been promptly Applldtlona for inaurnnee will, be received . COHEN„NOUKUJ & CO., Agents. larqaSE .KEEPING QUODS.—, J-l COLUNU St BUCKLEY, No. 3 Market* square,.woqhl invito tho attention of purchasers,,]o their new and' extensive aaaortment of .llouso Keeping Articles, received bv late arrivals, all of them «ade of. the .boat material* and in the most substantial manner, and .which,'from their late ad vantageous arrangement*, they are enabled to sell at ^h^foU < owi l ng f aira among tiio articles to bo found ,V SfJS“8l'uLA»s“ANb STONE WaKE—Sul.r and Lard,Lumps, oC the moat approvod patterns} Solar Lamp Heads, Side Lamp*, Hall Lamps and Lift terns, Britannia,G|ass*nd jl'in Lamps, Britannia. Brass and Tin Candlesticks ;. Solar and Astral. CbiMftoys, Paper Lamp Shades, Limp Wick, pf all slsee, Glasses. Tumblers, Stone Jugs, Jars, fee. HAKDWARE ANp., CUTLERY— Iron, I’ota and Kettles, Bake Pun*, Spldeys, Skillets, Tea Ket* ties, Andirons, -Shovels and Tongs, Saqco and Stew Pan*, Soup Digostera, Fry Pans, Furnaces, Wafer and Waffle irons, Coal Hods and Sillers, Skimmer* and Ladles, Flegh Forks, Basting Spoons and Egg Whips, Egg Codies, Chafing Dishes, fancy Teg and. Dinner Uul|s,. Vagntablo Ladles.: Toast Fork*. Sad Iron*, Panto Jnggers,. Firo Carriar*, Wire Dish Covers, Rat aud Mouse Trap*, Steel Snuffer*—together with a. general, assortment of Tablej Scissor* and Pocket Cutlery. -WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE.—Brooms, Buoketa,'Tuba; Selves, Waali Boards, Clothes Horae*, Horse Pails, Neat Boses, Butler Prints. Wooden Spoons and Ladles, Cocoa -and Wood Dipoera.^'BIrd* Cngot. Window Blind*, Lemon Si|uaOatre, Pntatoe Masher*, Faucets, fancy and cnmmop,BoUowa, Aung Sturts. Willow Cradles. Wagon* arid 1 Chair*,- Mkreet-Bitsaoli,Tumbler and Key Basknts, Bottle ‘ Biskote, together with a great variety of Travelling and fancy Baskuts. Also, Ddnr-Mats and Brushet of every description. JAPANNED AND TIN WARE—Rich Cold hnrdnr Ten Trays, Broad uni) Knife-Trays, Slop and Wator Pails, Spittoons. Sponge Baths',* Foot ll illts, Letter Rocks, Cake and'Spice Boms, Plate Covers, Coffee Urns, Meier Moulds, Petty Pans, Cake Cut* tan. Pepper Botes, Nutmog Graters, Muffin H uge, Cullenders, Tin Pans of- all sices, Coffuo Uiggous, natch,Ovens, Ftote iiottors.Soup Turoons, Gravy Slritidatf. 'Alio tt good 1 ossOrtmont of Plated Ind Britahni* Wsrb. * • FANCY 1 AND MISCELLANEOUS ART I GbES’—Cigar' 1, Prays, \V«l Tapers Children’s KhiveS nnd'Forks, Venthdf nmlM’lano Dpstera, Tooth 1 Brushes, Combs, Pins, Dressing Coses, Mils- thd‘»po«tn*, Rsanr Strops, Spool* Stands, 1 «tc; dec. fTpl’lantors and House Koopers, are respectfully tnettcd'M onll. ' V ,M r - ActSI IS7-EBUS &, >IOURBI.L ho>o just •T'f rccelvod'an assortment of Kitchen Common Sense ('ooking Stove*; Vermont Parlor, Colinder Radisterahd Stigab Loaf Stoves; With a supply, of amsags Wsffle lfons, Andlroua, Shovels and Tongs. Grid iroM. Fire Carrier*. Coffeb > Roasters, Crtok’s La dle*,• SpOOal, Flesh Fork**-Knives and Forks,&c.. which, with* variety of other nrticiesin this line, willbe offered, unusually low,at. "i ' -• • O0t7- <d NO. IOS PENDFlELD'S RANOB IVrO'MlSTAKEii-^TIitt Sul.Kcribcr x'l is soHlng fiO por 'con't lower than any, othoY ..- r .llng.oa.Bbr co»i •« ... tlut tbero i« Ni .Iffs/oAe:—Fancy Soaps, frdi 23 cfa'petcnkbi'Firc'nch Perfumes, 12 tt* to vSwIwiM in/Crbfm; 37,w,-^2, anil 73c. porbnx;' Urst ounlify Horn Dressing Combs, ,|2 lo 31 cts.t Fino. Pootli Ivory Comb., & to Me.; Buffalo Dressing do.'30 to 73 cts.', Ipfon'drJ TohoUe Slhell Dressing do.'. JS 00 first rate Tooth Brushes, 14 to 37cts.} Ilair Brushes, 37c. Si ~ ‘ aaHsewBWlWM i is I 00; [f80'^nnt«i r ,’UW,«'notfs. celqbrntod. Kx* tit'pop, foy oriidfc tirng. Dandruff, In quart, ;o|)^} Haywood's Composition, fop tho. ton numorons.. to iiwiitei * " : i rSiilwortOor 1»ui: ,jmt i 'gpRiuml from thn North, and now offers lor g,amaU,but oarqfwllyi elected,.nswfftinpnt! or Br*mLPinV» - Bracelet*, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, TobrCliaint.GoId Pencils, Tfiiinhies and bpoclaclcs. iKlihea, ViuJin** Sl«o| and HdkPurses, Bteel top ami SlraJi Onrab*, Btenl.Paads nnd Btg,Cli.*p*.. Music .foritf|p|«Rinnq„ among whlph are mBny pieces,;f- ordftr—also on extraTargo and beautiful assortuie ■oi;KSf^«.Ac.,d t cV T. T. WILMOT. juno I , *h irii *nr» vT- 'amttfcwa aiwy ■ Willow Oove t'' “Tha Grave of Bonaparte j” id Spring;" ♦•Land Hoy' "Littlo > Heart Betraying;" «Thnro Ws* a im Ynt;”' M.oaii* itnn inspection: ^ ,f? r * b , D fei», Frock .Coat*' Dor do Dress' do Do Cashmerett. Do „ do r rocic fancy Tweed* do Dot do Back Do Croton Coating 1 Crsss Linen Frocktoe* ' Do • do Dress • • - I , .Cheek do do Do do Frock Gingham do Do. Business Fancy Ss* Gothtt - n i Scotch Cheek : - H Linen' do ! Union do ' • l Fancy Marseille*' ;l Do Quilling’. Do light Doe*l Ml t Dot-skin Cass'Paints do do do •do do • 'do ' db do do • do • do ndh-' 1 *' : do — " i 'do ' ‘do Vests **-,'■ do • l : riECfcoWus!!lusht"frl>li.l| A.. Erred, **.d.|Erigli*h Drap d’E|o, figured Dooskin Csssl* jjfrti Mfrino,L*s«lmore, French Prilling*, figured Quimogs. s ri U ' • i ‘ n iiZ. , . • Suspontlor*, .Glovop; Opprg Tjbi, Neck $0% c'c’TflOMPsbN & CO., " wrn 1 2( . ■ ■ lt» B*y street, i. WINTER, SHRINK ANl) SVMf , v,T . MER CLOTHING.—-The undersigned ie . of 81,111 N0 ond 8UM * MER CLOPlIINn, and a jargo assortment of FANCY ARTICLES attached to the same, which he Will offer nt such prices as he thinks will IndUca thoko In want to'give hint a call and convlnco tlfero. skives of the fact, "he being 'determined hot to be goverrfed by other’s prices, but b* such ns lie can live by and let others live alio. The following I* a part of his assortment: WINTER CLOTHING.—A fiiw Broad Cloth Cloaks, Over*Coats aud Maullos; fine Froneh black and English Broad Cloth Frock and ProM Conts of all qusITtics; fine btuo and Invisible green do dn; fine figured and plain Reaver Frock Coatsi fine French Cussimer and Broad Cloth Panta; llroad Cloth, Coasimer, Volnntin, Mcrliio and Volvot Vesta. N. B. The abovn being ' of Whitkr Article, will be aold at very reduced prices. SPRING AND SUMMER.—Fresh and fsihioria- bid Drap D’Etoand Cambist Frock and OressConts; Tweed Cassimer Flock and Busineak Costa; eh'eck Linen, Gingham and figarod Cotton Frnek and Coatee*; cream colored Gras* Linen and brown do do} Drsp D’Ete, .French Drill. Gombroon, white Linen Drill*, lasting Merino, Tweed - Ctssinier*,- Cotton Joan* aud Camblct Pants; Round Jackets, Of oil kind# and qualjticsi 11 no white and figured Marseilles, Uomb.itinc, flgurod and .black Satin, twilled and fancy Joan Vesta; Merino. Silk and Cot ton-knit Undnr Shirts and Drawer*; Linen. Mutlin, striped and fancy colored Shirts; a groat variety of Silk and' Linon Pocket Handkerchiefs; Cambric, Italldn and colored Crnvat*; figured nnd plain Sntiri Stocks and Neck Ties, a npw nrticlo; black nnd white Rid. black Silk, and brown Linen Gloves; a very Inrge asrortment ofSuapenders; Riding 'and Money Holts, Shoulder Braces, Cravat Stiffonaro, Si|k. Gingham nnd Cotton'Umbrellas; Tnpo Mea sures, Night Caps, half Hose, Linen Collars tud Bosoms, Men and Roys’ (,’lotli Caps, Ac. Ac. TAILORING.—Just received a small but ehoico nMtortinent of French Cloths and Cossiiners, Drop DT.te, and'other piece uonds. which will ho mado up to order by experienced Workmen, nt tho short est notico. and in the latoststylo. Cutting Tor Mon nnd Roys to be made by others, will be attended to with great care and despatch, at tho Old Stand, No. 1 It Hryan-strect, by GEO. S. NICHOLS. mar I9.H . . N lJAV CUOTIIINU .STORE—No. 12 IVhitaktr-Mtrttl.— TUe Subscriber has just received a splendid assortment of SUMMEtl CLOTHING, of latest style snd fashion: consist ing of lino Cloth, Drap il’, Alpaca, Linen;and Gingham -Coals. Vesta, Pnnta, Shirts, Ac. Also, of latest Spring Fashions, Beaver, Molenlush, Pans, mi, Leghorn and Palm*l^af HATS; BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. Persons wishing to purchaso .would do well to call and examine, whore tlioy can be fitted to every arRcleoeinprlsing Oontloinon's.dross. • ^mar44 WILLIAM HF.IDT- WlllItTS! Sllliri d!—Just recelv- 0,nd par .brig Auguitk, * splendid lot. Of Shirts, plain nnd.fancy. Linen Bosoms and Collars, togolher with u variety of. Fancy Articles. Silk end Linen. IVcktit*Huliukerchiefs{ Silk, Cambric, atid Italian (•ravaty; figured and plain Satin Stocks and Nock Tie*,.a new article: white und. black Silk Gloves; brown Linen do; a (urge assortment of Suspenders, Silk,.Gingham, and Cotton Umbrellas For sale low at the New. Clothing Store. Noli Whilaker at. mnr27 WILLIAM I1EIDT. C lARKUGE MOUNTING. — 30 J. satis plated Concave Carriage Bands, 3^ to 44-inches ; ..CO setts Brass Concentric Carriage B'lmls, 34 to 4A inchest 10 sells Brass O. G. Car* none.llsmls,3j to 44 indies; 10-pair* Bras* and Silver plated Globe Lamps: 3 doxon Whin Sockets; 3 doton Curtain- Frames,-Brass and Silver plate; 13 pairs Br.i«s Coach Handles; 3-pair*platad Coach Handles; 12 sett* Dash .Frames; 4-1 • setts Dash Frames, Brass nnd Silver plate; .33 setts lluugy Axles, assorted,14 lo 2 inches;23sells Buggy Axles, with Brass.Nutts, li to 14 inch;'GO pair Eliptic Springs, 1A to 124 inohea.from three to five leaf] 12 soil* Gig'Bows} 200 yards Conali Lace, 24 inches} 200 yards Cone li Loco, 3 inches; -100 yards Seaming La on; 400 yards Binding- Lire;. OOO'ynril* Fringe; IS grosa,Tofik; 23.000 I .ace Tacks; 44 pairs Tassels, assorted colors, 2,000 Carriage Bolts, assorted,2A toG.inohas. For.saloby. ..N. B< A H. WEED. »m*y-l I - r^OTTON GINS—2 Wintliiu & Johnson’s 30 Saw Gins, lor sale by the un dersigned, who-.will furnish (tins of any -re nnirod number ,of Saws, at inanulnctiirars '.prions. Tile abnyc namml Gina hnve been Utrd during the Inst year by enensive plantar*, and. considered equal to any in use. Orders thankfully received and,promptly fil'ed, by • > - m ,2 , DKN8LQW A WEBSTER. i5p>yAfyp^ MAqrqxoTioN JLV For tho cure or Ncryous l|qad*sche..P!eur|- av. t.'roup.Quinsy, Nervous, Tootli*ache, Ear-ache, Kiioumatism, Neuralgia. Ac.. Ac. ; , Mr. J. T Rowand.-fSir—( have recently made usq pf your “Msgic Lntidp". a* proscrihod, fur. Pleurisy nnd found almost instantaneous relief. l..c^p further, add, that I linvo in U»Miy instancqs witnessed with astonishment, tho wonderful effects or.the Lotion” in relipviqg pain jn othors. Your* rcepectfully. F. ,V. .Mathkiis, .. * . 82 S. ElovonOi 8L Philadelphia, Jan. 10th, I84G. *, : Friond Kovirand: I have uacd your '‘Magic Lo- tiun’’successfully iq hendscbo,and cheerfully re- commopd (t to cithers, afflicted in like mnnaor. Us promptness in reipnvina pain renders the uppellu- t.on of‘'Magic Lotion" peculiarly appropriate. Youre truly, T. L. SANDERS, Publisher or “Tho Pledge.” . Philadelphia, Jan 10th. 1810. Mr..Jo*. T. ltnwanri, Sir: .A, f*w weeks, since I ,had peension to test tho.virtuos of your “Magic .LqUap” in a aernro attack of Pleurisy, nnd lam happy to bear testimony to iu Magical effects. It relieved roe almost instantly, and a few applications flOLUETqN -BVTTER&!-Fo t vision that they wllldra ffluMd n safe and invnrelgn remedy for Dy*peps:a. They havo bean triumph* antly tested nut only by soma of Ihe most reipct-s* ble families in the Mate, who have fiirelalmU ample testimony ns to their decided excellence, 1 but also by tho pre— 1 -*— ~ L - * * JjANtt WASH BALLS. — RiibbH ftqm Chapping.) For kale by - ■ r.n . - proving injurious 6y continued 1 hey contain not a single deleterious ingre dient, ind, a* soon l>om tho directions which ac company oach1 bottle, may be giveti with untire “ftv. l0 ‘ * n inftn < l»' Ibo moiith.', , ■ If the Golletanila taken regularly end peri etc R Ingly. (Which is highly lAipnrtant in stubborn cases,I Umy will soon alter the uso of n lew boitlds', bo found to sot on tho system like n ohhrm-**impnrting vigor to the stotnaoli, bracing the nerves, oiunnsing the Uvcr, promqting digestien, incrqs*tng.tlMria> potito, strengthening tho chest and voice, relieving prins, cramps and atit'chef in this breut. They .are also most excellent for cholera morbus, habitus' constipation, seA sickness, musqa, prnceeifmg ftotu whatever cause. In ense* of general debllity. U has proved one or the host remedies, and IA Uicrefnrd highly-recommended to elderly people, literary aeiitlcineu.stud6ntr.iind othors or sedentary habit si i aken in amall doaoi frequently- through the day. thuyhave checked, the mo*t violent diarrheas, end likewiao boon ailininistcrod with the happiest effect III cholera infantUm. In all the foregoing complaints,these Hitters will bo fouud effectual if persDtpd In,' and taken accord ing to the directions which iicr.nropsn'y each bottle, And'although It' has ; been testified by ■overal- that they aro excellent in many others, yet in none other than those above enumerated, is the proprie- tor willing to vouch fur their efficacy. They were primarily nnd solely Intended *o.cure Dyspepsin. ’A|io Colleton Bitters havo'bcqit cjglit years be- forfitho public; and in cpntqquouca qf tho inereta* ing demand for this valuable medicine, the proprie tor naa entered largely Into the. husinessr-ooulea are procured having "Colleton Bitters” moulded in them—they are nlsn numbered, sealed and stamp- pod with an appropriate motto. Price SI perbottle. References made to tho following highly respect able gentlemen, acquainted with the proprietor, be ing a Tow or many who haVe cither used this medi- cine themselvea, witnessed its effeata upon othors or srn now using it In their fnmilios: . Rtftrtncee. — John’s Island. —Rev. Thomas J. L’urtls, M. D., Wm. Sams, Esq. Mtato Island.—Hon. Whitumarsb B. beabropk, Jo*. R. Seabrook, Esq. . v Blufftoi).—Rev. A. Woodwaht, lion. Wni. Pppb! Hon. IF F. Scott. Hon. J Fickltng. M. D., JaWcs Pope, Sen.. Cnpt. George Allen, Wjlliam'H. Wlgg. Esq., Paul Pritchard, M. D.. James 31. Pone, M* D. St, Paul’s.—Gopt. Wm. Wilkinsuo, Bcol.^siley. E*q. ' “ ' Wadmataw.—Edwd.D. Bailey, Edw'd. M. Hack- cl, M. D. - 1 i«*i 11 ‘»(51 ! St. Hulons.—Charles G. Capors; Esq.,Cspt. Jno. Fripp. , (.herayv.—Charles Minott,Evq. Charleston.—Edw’d, W. North, M.R., Col. Fran cis Lance. ’ 1 .'For agio by J. M. TURNER, Monutiic*nt*sq.. fob 9 H kaltii and long life— Are Within the Ktach of All — WM. A. CARSWELL, of tho late firm of Smith A Cars- wku., is tho solo Agent for the sale iff MOAT?S MORRISON PILLS, the Hygeian Vegotahle Uni- venal Medicines, which daring twelve year*' expe rience In ihe United State* have gained the approba tion and recommendation qf ten* uf tliutuund*. to ha have tried them benrficiultuin nearly every variety qf diieaie ‘'Jleih it heir loft . These celebrated faiplly medicine* yvere Intro, duccd by H. Shepard Moat into this rhtitttry iri’Hdp- triiibcr, 1830, when they nt once took n high posi- tion in tho estimation of tho community. Testi monials of tho moat flattering description, hnve, unsolicited, been offered fur publication and though numbere of them liar* been collected in the various Ilygcian publications, thnir.distemination through tho medium oflho public press has been generally nyoided, ns presenting an appearauco of ncciliug the nid of such adventitious puffery. It bacomes imperative on the port of tho afflict-' ml, desirous of availing themselves of .this health- imparting boon, that they exercise oho caution, whc«c and of whom they purchase The Proprie tor has dovisnd Cho acheme which appear* to him most offlencious to give security to the public, it re*t* with that public to support him in carrying it oui,thua: , . Every Agent has a printed certificate of appoint- men!, signed II. S’hephcard Mo*t. Each purchaser is requested tovco that the signa ture of tno seller is written on what hariiuyc, apd, that it correspond* with tho certificate. July 21) II. Ml HP HEARD MOAT. (VTiJSIC.—Tho Sutiicrihor Ima ju«t jlWL rccci^oU pgr, hriSL Mynnnah. Um following “Thu Carrier Dnvo “Thu Haunted 9pi NalhW.'Whst Heart Betraying 'nmn'd’-rtTnll Him-‘l Love- H11 viltd MaVbhi” "Flow Gently Sweet Apton;”“'My Heart ahd Luto;” "Ferlh A Hail’* Duett*;” thrno WaltxM Ih imitation of "Musical SnuffBoxy’ ‘‘Gib- raltar Grand Walts f “LI«Mo the Convent Bell*;” '•Tho Vnicd of Her i Loret” "Tho Dream is Past}” "Tho Silver L»k*$”-"l’m Raddest Whan I Slnff;” " Wa.Hdvo baim Frisnds Together‘'Gcn’L'Pay. MW W , wUI8flW' fWiftraS ih ’ 1 s* *" r 99 ‘•A< Life in tho Wood* ;” "When Ni&ht “ Wo H*v« baim Friends Together;’ lor’s tirand.March /‘Rio Or “AwWytb’thu Mountain H«n.-, . .. ,. Home;". “A’ Life in tho Waodet” "When Ni4l»( t’omdsb’er the-Plalhj” ‘'Aurora Waltsee'}”’"Do I Not Pfovo’Thee,” (forguitar);” • "Ah List Not 1 tn -JieUrimen'n Bird “Sleeping P Dreamed, 1 Lbtro.” "■•HMk By Moonlight;” "Thou Art Gfmi;” "Tbti Jessamino Waltxos*,” "Glonmary WaltxM, M "Th4 Blind BoyAt; Ac. T. T. WILMOT. SUtft rj- i 4 1/ -, u -r. -, hr-. ■ • I »• ■ ~ t! HAMPOO — Eqr oltdnting the Hair Manufactured, prepared, snd*o|d. in quart b»lllwJ«Hd.p,rbdttle.V ' ' ! I “ , j''M.'HAVWOOp,.Monui)(,nt.-q., i-taflV M g6nilt>mAiTwhddoBfr0a In hnvo id ^erinct itattf of clo-tnllnee, ought to ,_JqjrlL_ ...... .._ by IlhttimaiUrH, was cured by a few applications of tho "Magic Lotion,”, and able to resume hi* busi- nor* in lass than twenty-four hour*. Mr, Jacob W. Sunder; 330 Market-street; wn* re lieved of s painlul Rheumatic affoclion in hi* head by a aingle-npplinaiinn of tho "Lotion.” Hi* wa* a vary aovora caso, affecting hi* goneral health, nnd verynmeh impairing hi* sight. Whon tho "-Lotion” was first npplled, ha was suffering lotanso pain and from it* long continuance, several weeks, the whole scalp w#f su ,*or* that ho could acsrcely bear the slightest prossuro upon it. In loss than three min- ute* ho Itarf * ' ' f two day* from tho first application a tries ho liad .no painf Th« *orooon iia*. sine* grndunlly yielded to tho "Lotion,” nnd he ie now, at Uin end pf lipq dayi lrom tho fir woll man. Philadelphia, Jqh, |7th, (M6. Forsnie by, J. M. TURNER. June Iff , . ' 1 ' Monufnont-sqnaro. Snd dnsti-nys • ‘ me dlsftgroonblo smell natural ... ....—AVWOOD’S : VEOETAflLR <- OMl. ? 3mpN ro.u,,„ | jut, 16 r\II.S AND PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR.—Jayno’a Hair Tonic, Grandjnan’a Hair. Composition, Eiu Luslrnio of Guorlain’s, drt Jo of Rpussoif,. Mnc||e do Ueouf. Balm of Coldqjbin, genlilno Mnccassar Oil. Row- nn’s Amoricnp Mncpassnr, Dctberer's Magio Hair Oil, Pjillocoipe, Bonrs Gronso, Jfenr* Oil, Indian .Hair Oil, Low’d Pommadea, Pulverino for Dyeing tho Hair/L’F. fflilte for do do; Alexincle^a Trico- b.phs. J.TM/TUKNER, - juno IG , , Mpnumpnt xqmu'o. € OLQKED MARKING INK;—60 boxes assorted colors. For sslo juno 11 SNIDER, LATHROP A NEV1TT- B uchans Hungarian bai. SAM l)F LIFE—Tho Innst- cifiobrntod ahd infallibra English remedy for Colds, Goughs, Asth ma, nnd every lurm of Pulmonary Consumption, is. the Hungarian Balsam of Life, discovered by tho eminent McdicXl Chemist, Dr. Buchan, of.Loudon, Eiiglfnd. and oxtoosivoly known no, the, ;;Grpal English Rcm6t|y*” J.t has both testpd for upwards of seven yeark it: Great Britain and on tho Conti nent of Europe, where it is universally considered Ihft great ami only remedy fur this awful mstady, snritv now introduced into the United States under' the immediate superintendence of tlto - inventor. Within threo lins licen-distributed from Maine to Florida, snd from .Canada to Wisconsin, and its effoetsare every .where alikeasloaisbiog add triumphant! ' As a preventive ipcdicino, and ah antidote against tho Cnnsum|itlvn tendencies of tha^ climate, It Is invaluable. As n remedy for sovero aud .obstinate Coughs, Infi un'nation pf tho Lungs, LVnu'p, Ac., it is unrivaled. ' But the American Agent is so confi dent of the merit of this groat Remedy, in tho W orst forma orConsumption, that ha prefer* to have it used hy tho d/ing invalid; rather than by persons afflicted with simple and leasdarigerourfiliinrdera of the Throat'and Lung*. This may seem strong language; bat it is tho result of experience in thous ands of'case*, sustained by the most intelligent and unimpeachable testimony. Wo do not pronounce iti an infallible remedy in all enket,'but it i* tho most infallible remedy known. to tho civilited world. It is the host preventive of hereditary Con sumption; it is tho host defender against the influ ences of climate; it ie tho best rqinady for incipient CoMumptinu; und it ia> the groat and'only remedy for that fearful softening of the" Lungs.. Inflamma tion of the: Membrane, and Tuberculous Decay, whicn ore tho last effuata of fhst awful scourge; and which arc erroneously supposed to ha beyond the roach of medical' nid TI10 Agout or Propriolors of othermedicines, dare not claim -for. their prepar ations a power like this. Thor know that in no coso linve.suoh elTqct* been produced. The grand object 'and purpose: of llm common‘remedies’is simply, lb give' relief—not to. cure." >TliW is easily done, by nny^ intelligent Physician or druggist—blit while dallying with tlieao delusivo compounds, tho patient rapidly doa'inos, and every day places him farther nnd farther beyond the roach df hope I Such is not the cate with the Hungarian Balsam. It is always salutary in its rffdctw-xnever injurious; ( Opiate—it is not a Tonic—It J*-not e mero Expectorant. Tt is not intended to:luR tho invalid into a fata) iccurity. It ie a greet remedy— -a grand hoaling. anficurativq compound; |he^roat nnd only remfed/ wh|ch medical eclenco nnd skill has yet produced for the trontmeut of this hitherto unooiiquered malady. It ib, in fact, the best romo- dy in tno world! And no person, afflicted with this dread National Disease, will bo just to himself and his friends, if ho go down to the gravo without-test ing its virtues. A'single bottle, in most cases, will product) a favorable cnnngo in tho condition of any pntienthowever low; though there aro onset, we admit, boyond ito power to auro. The American Agent of the Grent English Rem edy having full confidence in ita extraordinary effi cacy in tho worst forms of Pdlntonnry disease, boldly solicits for treatment, not the common and' ordinary casas nfsimpla Golds or Inflammation, but what arc considered the most appalling case*-of confirmed and incurable Tuboroulous Disease S If there is.n remedy in tho is to bo found in Dr. Buchan’s Hiingnrlnn, Bnlsnnt. It has cured case* supposed to bo past all. hopo. It Im* rpjvqd invalid*, ae : it were from the very grave. It‘ha* cured nlternil other bystems, medicines and moth ods of treatment have failed, Itisfuu'M) to lftn\ nil ihooiroqts of Medic,tied Bath#, Inl;*fs,- ilon, rhango'pfcliinato!fir nny of tho thousand,ex-. f ierimniits that weal tli and ingenuity have ever at- empted. It stands alone and unrivstled as the greatest uni) ^Ost of all remedies. - The ohklncics which oven the wcllTfoonacd lo- crcdulity of mankind has opposed lo tho sacees* ol tho Huuanrisii’llnlsam, are now fast disappearing, ns its triumphs become moru' widely spread ovor tho land; *nd is rapidly reaching tho cnviablo posi tion of a Standard- Medicine, which may be found in nil mpeclnblo Medlcino Store* nnd Apothecary Simp* in thn country —rq-jomm*ndod by Pitybicinn*. whore their own trnatmontafkiU—and kept In nu- inorou* rospectnhlo fnmUiea, n* a preventive medi cine, to he uurd -upon Hie first sppesranco of the Fenrful DOstrbyer.' Forsnie by «I - July 17- J. M, TURNER, otNtment- •jvl’AEUSTER’S nprlO. Opposite tho Markqt.. |\OGT.: JEUB’8 CELEURAT13D RHEUMATIC LINLMENT—A Iro.h up- ply, ju.t recolv.J,and far h|. by ••|A M A. MRFdNs: , VU.CHAN’3 HUNGAUIAN UAL- } - SAM—For Coughs, Colds, (Consumption, &c. For sslo by : , .W ILLIAM H. TURNER; . s«pU ,i.. i. Opposite tho Market.,. 'flJ U M DROPS AND JUJUBE PASTE.*—1 ! ditto H&nrlon’a superior'-Gum Props; 1 ckso Henrion’s superior Jujube Paste. For**lebfi ,h m * .WILLIAM II.TURNER, , septa.' ■;» .i.ilts^s yu; Opposite tho Market;^ •■fl • L'raam,. ap«.,lho Anti-Scorbutic Elixir, for tho preservation,nnd cleaning of.the Teeth. Fo^ * v ., 0..R, JJENDIUCKpON, • IT'INUUSU. DALIIY N CARMIN- M-I AT1VE—A supply ofi the gonaine article; just received f nd for tale by- Mpt?, M. TURNERj Monmnent-squaro . iqfENilY’S MAGNESIA—Ju.t re- •«pts -'ll A. PARSONS. rjiRENCI!, WHITE WINE VIN- mJ? EG AH—3 barrels Bordeaui,' landing from ship Hartford. F'orsaloby G. R, HENDRICKSON, ■opt 14 Gibbons’ Buildings. 17eEcTRTCAI. HAIR GLOVES d and Ueit Frictors—Warranted or th* bdst quality] just received and fnr.*sle by 1 sept 14 A- PARSONS, Gibbons’ Ifsnge. CODA AND CONGUK8S . WA- TER—May bo found well lead at' . ■. • i - WM. n^TyRnCIt’S, Waring’* Buildings, ' »0g24 Opposite the Maritet.' CEIdMTZ AND SODA I’OW- I>eK8—Very euperlor, frcSli and wjfnntat Aj!1 weight; for sale by •opt 13 . .A- PARSONS,Gibb0n*’iRs*ige. pKKNTISS’ TOILKT POW- •IT n DKR.—it gross Prenliaa’, Toilet Powder, just received by WILLIAM II. TURNER, sept 1 Opposite the Market. r| AU.EV’S M AGJCA b PAIN EX- 0--F TRACTOR-A few dozen boxes, just re- cilvetl n#»d for sale by ' A. PARSONS. •ept 16 . i, • ' .. 1 YiriSTAR’S BAI,SAM OF WILD v v CHERRY—\ fresh supply just received andfor sale by- G: R. HENDRICKSON, sept 14 Gibbons’Building# [1 otyi.AND'S ICALYOOR—l'ur -I-V improving and beautifying tho complexion; for «a!e by • A. PARSONS, sept 15 1 EMN K ITUIMiBY 8PONOB. — A X lot of very superior Turkey Sponge, just re ceived and for sale by nugjy G. R. HENDRICKSON. jpoa imONCIHTIS, ito.— Tim I- Postil Ice Dc.Paris,n celebrated remedy for Brnchitis, Hoarseness; and other diseases of tha Throat; for sale by - ’« A. PARSONS, aug 28 fNDlA OHOLAGOOUB—Trij* tho I- euro of Fever nnd Ague: just received per Exact. WM. II. TURN Eli, \Varing’s Buildings, align /"' Opposite the Market. XXAIIIMSON’S SPECIFIC OINT- -XX ME NT.4-A fresh simply of this invnluablo medi -ino, just received anil tor silo by oug 28 .A. PARSONS. O It E S TO N ’ 9 EXTRACT UP X. LEMON.r-A fresh supply, just for Sale hy O. R. HENDRICKSON- nng 17 ^ \VA1 APS, PAN A C E A .—A fu rther O Supply of this celebrated modlcine. just rb- poivcd. and for sale by 1.1 . A. PARSONS. SCpt,7 ; -i STAR'S B^L^AM OF WILD TY , CllEP.UY—Just received s .fresh supply, Fitriatb by , ' . J, M, TURNER, sept 2 ■ ' ' 1 Monumont-sqtlura. X-M All K.O W.- -Ui?ae_v & Fiver's vr‘ Mocllo de Uoeuf. Just received, and for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON- , jun«tJ3..i--,/j ,•*,. ; IXOSE AND ORANGE PliOWER LV WATERS—A few cases Triple Distilled Rose aud Orange Flowpr Waters. For sale low. by the,dozen or sfpg(o bottio, by A. PARSONS. | A RGB SWEDISFI LEECH ES. M-J A fresh supply just'receivcd per brig I. Bald- wiri. For sale by . . J. M. TURNER, nugM • • 11 -. . Monument-sqaare. KiRESII .l.(>N'DON,.MIJSTA IUK- X Sbnjtes genuine London Mustard, in Atlb. and 1 lb. bottles. Received nerbrig Etccl, and for sale by A. PARSONS. ’v?. 1 ..' ,. ...... A NT. POl'SON.u-Ei.r extormiim- jTm. ting Black; White, nnd Red Ants, prepared by Dr. Fuuchtwanger, nnd for sale bv G. It; HENDRICKSON; pug 14 , yu i>; (iibbnn’i Buildings-' 1 1VET 'i'vyiNE.^a bSBs superior J.T. cotton Net Twine, assorted C.!), 12, (6 and 2I'Tlirend6, in hanks; nlso Gill Net Twine, atsorted ' nug22 ;’ . A. PARSONS, Gibhoris’Rango. tr'ItBsiI CONGRESS AIND PA- X VI LLlONyWATEHS.-Just receiveil.a fresh ’supply of Congress and Pavillion Water, perbHg Mnijisoa. For sale (ty. ... J. M. TURNER, nug 0 . . .. . , , . ,, ,Momimont-squuro, T KA VI T T,' 8 EXTRACT. OF Jt_4 ROSE, fitc.—fi doxon Leavitt’s Concentrated Extract of Rose; fi'tlo Tilden’s t.’oncentntoU Ex^ tract of Lemon, Tor flavoring Snucos, Jcllie*, Cus tard*, Pastry. &a; Aim, a lew'boxes superior French Distilled .Huso and Orange Flower Water. For sslo, by- .• ' A. PARSONS. ■*pt7 ■p.F.IlFORATED CARD BOAfilp. X 7’ho subscriber lias for sale an assortment. of Perfijratisd Card'Boards, both coarse jnd lino holcs^ Junri S : T. T. \yiLMOT., (VTET TWINE.-—Six, nine, twelve 1 I. and sixteen Thread, for sale hy ' G. It. HENDRICKSON, June 20 . Gibbons’ Building*. (SHlKTtf.—Just recoiyed, anuther ,int qf superior Shirts, of various qualities. and pnterns. For solo by apr2 C.C.THOMPSON.JtCO.,.ltJ„B(ty-tt. UHOWGK BATHS,made by L. Y. Bsdger, of- Boston. Fnr sale by apr 2J . 1.' W. MORRELL: POLISHING I> O W D E ll—l'ur X polishing Brass, Brittinnia and all other Met- nl*. To hmise-Keepcrs it is invaluable,at by rubbing ita low.times over tho Metal it restore* 4 to.its or- igiiiil bVljrlitriofcB, Tho diroctiops.ivcqotnpopy.oach paper. Jtisl received and for »»ld by 1 ‘ COLLINS St BULKLEY, - mnrl3 Waring’* Buildings. 13 ARA30LS, SUN-SHADES AND X UMBRELLAS.—22 iuoh black snd greon la- dies’ Uin’irullns, 30 and 02 inch black boiled Silk do; 28,30 nod 32 inch do Giugham do; Cotton Par- sols; pi.tin black. br»wn and green, Silk IVoaols; Scpllopotl. and Plaid Si)k Parasols, supqi 1 . French Fringbd’dn t|oj plain, Scolloped and Fringed l?uni Slianes; FrlrigeaParasoleits. F’or.oaloby. mar (D HENRY H. STOTF^BURY. D , OX GOODS AND Gim; i\T}TT T\ylNE.—jW).hale*3,4 Brown Shirting; 10 do 7 0 do tloj 16 halos X4 Brou n Shirtings; ID'oases *ncy Prints, assorted style* nnd'qualitlqsj, 1. qltgo Blue Drill*} 2 bales tw'lled Shirting Stripes; fl bales blue striped Qotton Oanaliurgss 60 piece* low priced Summer Pantaloon Stuffs; 50 nieces l’ongce Hdkf«:, niedium site nnd.equaros;200 lbs blne^nnd >V. B. PatertlThroad, a portion suitable ftjr Gill; Netting; 1 bale best* throe Thread grey Gill.Nett Twine. Just received, sod for sale by < ' - ■ , ... ' may 2t» IIIR/VM ROBi-RTS. T h e VXot the ta-.qiwp j w,M 'in ^ii.iaMi'Wi'i-gwififi" RUSSIAN GOftMETIC^ L' - For the growth; preservation, beautifying and 3tc. from the .scalp, sqd IVotn Ito *olk -per qualiUe^giyeta^'O^tai'.n.raost, beautiful, li and,bril|lnnt appearance. Though but recently t fared to tho pnblta, it Inti already' redhivod the u Cnhen , r, ecurf,- m the.scalp, and (Vom Ita soft ■penetrating * "lively of- __ .. W; qualified approbation of liuntlreda;and testimonials in its favor, unsolicited.,have been received from* largo number o| ladies' and gentlemen. Such men is Jbdge Parsons, Jol„, S. Du Solle, A. \V. Black* burnn. VVrn. F. Getx.pnd II, p. Rees, TUqs. of I’hllr sdolphia; Rev.,Mr. Maher, Dr, C.fjeller, D.D.Uoas, K«i, IS. MUfb, Wm. CnMW iwl R. VV. HRttr, Esqs., of Hs»ri*burgf4)*u. J<. ll.Moorhead,of Pitta- tefj!l L ' 01 . "• U,,r..-i4,lU,. l j j’. llud.iiivol W illlamsport, and many other* equally os respecta ble and well knowif.'Hnvo tefcleil tVo Virtues or thd HuaiUnCosincUc. nod living allowed their names to be,used,In o-iuiutitdii.g U to the, public. 'I'he ladles, too, fG«kl blcta them,) have never railed to appfovoorthe Cosmetic after a trial, and wkmi -it once finds ita way to a Iqdy’e toilet,it v»>n become* si mdianensslde as soap or water. For aalo by * • ‘ ! WILLIAM^H. TURNER, Bnle Ag’t. 115 .Opposite the Market. Plouthk, (large) CiilCWntorefCurii ShcMa^nnJ Straw .CuljtewJ esnht,., .»,», ,x>. tj,y f «»».f... • . ' toTTob..All) GKUItQIA DOHr.STICS. Per one hundred, poumltt, f Aji.f Corn. OatS. Peai, Benh»t'Whett/Rye, Grbdrni Nuta and Gres* Seed, in lacks, per bushel, it-,i.»ri,itM.,A«ri<«<ri-)« .. • . - . .. ‘’""b* nv MKASOKCMKNT. , V j r. . Boxes bf flats. Bonnet*, Furniture, Shoes, Saddler), Dry Good* ami other ineaniramentGoods, except Crockery! per cubic ft, Crockery Ware, )OODI UV WKIOIIT. Fiyit (fled* — Botee «r UInis, Pitfntr, Dnigs end CoofYclibhoVy. perlOO lb*.......,,i.a. Second ({lau —Sugar, Coffee, Rope. Butter, Cheese, l-srd. To bacco. Leather, Tlhlee. Copper/Tln. Sheet Ifon, Uice,'Ho|. )oW.*»afe, Bagging nbU other heavy articles taot enumerated mrw 'w WSBSKtemo 77»4 Subscriber has been Tor many ye»m the most extensive practical tieedtman in Ameriom; deriving hie supplies from gtounds cultivated under bis strict erstmtl inspection, 'and not by importation* from iurope (except to-a ralight extent,) dr the 'still morn uncortniii niid qututionrblo source, chance purchaiet cri' home, the "odds end ondi”, of ntsny Those whoso ex|>*riencn has made them strata of the (iiiportanco of Seeds of undoubted worth, Csh rcndily'estimate tho advantage which the aub- •criber potuessax' in this particular, and the.'fsr greater ppportanify which it presents ofdeteotlng error; and as a consequence, tecurity to purchattr*. The subscriber does not) however, claim exemp tion from error, but desires to impress on the minds of a)l w|io may have, occasion to purchase Seeds, llio 'important fWt th»t the method he pursues tn obtain supplies, offer* th* greatest Immunity—in deed. that by ooao other can th* purchaser* ol Gar. den Seed* bo assured thoy are getting the article repfresehted: Inasmuch ns neithtr texture nor com plexion ie an index* qf age or qttelil}/. The inutility*of cultivating iulorior varieties «if vegetables is toui apparent to need remark'; yet many such are still perpetuated, Snd it mit antra- queully luppons that the same (or c*scutmlly : the aarpe) article is enumerated in tho catalogues of wltoleraln seedsmen, glider sovcraJ, ilislinc( names, thus confounding purdhssers'ant) extending error. The variety berA nnuninratiUl ie edfhpariiively tini- ited;—it is nevorlheless tnoro than sufficient lor - ART1CHOK E-Large Olobo. - ASJ’AKAvjUS-r-Large.UreenHurple Top, BEANS'—(EngUth,)—Early Maxigan, S 1 ong Pod. Broad Windsor. (Iin*h. or i Long Short* )• Sword (littih, or Snap Y bit Weeks, Red.bpcr.kled Valem .. rtoJ-rlwnrly S— v .„. lino, IJfown Speckled- Valentine, Red French, Cranberry Bush,' Royal 1 Dwarf; Early ydllow six weeks, China IU*d Eyo.'(Poll or Runners)— Large. Lima. Candins So wee; or bal», .Scarlgt Run ner, Rod Cranberry, Wbi-e C.'ranberry, .White Dutch, "Wreh’s Egg «<r HorliculluruL BEET— Early Turnin-rootcd; red,- Lnttg Blond- red, Swiss (.'hard, Silesian or Sugar, Mangel Wurt- tel. BOUF<'OLE—Dwarf “German Greens or Ksle, Scotch Kale. . . 1 j-i BROCCOLI—Purple Capo,. Large Early White, Sdlphur. ' ' " '' " ' '< ' ' - BRUSSELS. SPROUTS. .CABBAGE—Kafiy York, Ox Heart, Landrclh’s Largo York, Early Su;ir Loaf, Early Battersea, Green Curlod Savoy; Largo Drumhoad’.Savrty, Red Dutch,.1 fof pickling,) Large Late Drumhead,, Flat Dutch, Uorgnn. , CAkDOON—Large Solid Stalked. 1 ' CARROT—Long Orange, Early Horn, Altriug- ham or Field, Largo While or Field. cXVlTFLQWKR—Early Asiatic, I-alo Dutch. CELERY—^White S'ffld; Rod Sriliti, Co!«riae or Turuio-rooted. CHERVIL. CORN—(Indian)—StVect or Sugar, Enrty Can ada, Early. York or ''Adams'-- Katlv, Whifo Flint, Early and,Latu, Cooper'* Prolific,Tusqarora,White CUlJUMbEft—Early Frame or Table, ’ Long Green or Torkrir; Oheikin. (for picklinff.) CRESS or PEl’PEU GRASS. CORN SALAD o r VETTIKOST. EGG PLA NT hr MELONGF.N A—Largo Purple. ENDIVEr-Curh'd, Hroad-leavud. ; KALE—Scotch Curled,fSco lio/ecole,) Sea. I.EEK—Largo London. % LETPUCE— Early XJurletl: 'or Cut Salad. Early Cabbage, Drown Dutch, 1 Royal Cabbage; Philadel phia Cahhigd, Curled Intfiai while Cos, urcdq,Co«. MELON—Nutmog, Citron, Spanish Water; Car olina Water. Mountain Sprout Wator. MUSHROOM SPAWN-Kept on *ahr In the form of blncke. or brick*. -■ MUSTARD—While.,Urown. NASTURTIUM or INDIAN CRBSS-i - .1 OKRA. - 1 ONION—Silver Skinned'or Wjiiie', Lirtfo Yffi- low Stra*sburg; Largn'Riid: W’ethersficld: " , PARSLEY—Curled or Doufilo, I'Mh'dt*SlAgle. PARSjN IP—Shfiarl' t ... t PEAS-T.<ndrfcir,’s EJtlri rEirlyl 'Eftriy Frame, Early'Cltrfr1toh , ,'Ur«1ibji> Dwarf I'rolifid.' t/wiif Blue Imperial,' Rljti;Dw.irr.fllnrroW|iiJ,' t*M4"W^lie,Pferifvikh'.niac^-bj'o hlarrbdrfdf;KWght's Dwarf Marrowftt,* KrilglitV I MnrrMVfst,Match- Ipsa Marrowfat, Blue Prussian, Dwarf Sugar or Eat- dod,Toll Sugar or E«l-pod.. • PEI’PER—Large Sweet beK-shapcd, Tomato or Flat.'Cnynnnedr Long. . PUMPKIN—k'oshqw, Comjnun Field.or. C.hocae, Miimmuth. .. . , RADISH—Lfmg Starlet Short-fop. Long Salmon, White Turnip-rooted^Rod. Turnip-rooted, Yeilow Turuip-rooted. Summer White. While Snaniah, Blanx Spanish. • RHUBARB or PIE PLANT. .SALSAFY or,OYSTER PLANT-. SCURVYGRASS- KIJJNACH—Round Savoyilcaved. Prickly Seed. SQUASH—Early liudbor Patty Pan, Early Apple Bush or Egg. Long Green Crook-neck, jCocoa Nut. TOMATO or LOVE APPLE—Largo Rod, Large Yellow, Poor Shaped. ' ' ' 1 ’ ' ■ TURNIP—Early Flat Dutch, (,) Red-topped, (Str.ip-ltm*d,) hUrly. Stojiq, Large. Norfolk;-LsrgO'Globe; Yellow Aberdeen, Dale’s Hybrid. KuU Riga orSwedish. FRUIT TREES, of ..are',quality, atuLORNAr jirktaltLants. For aalo in quantities to soil porch isera,’ fit liber al discount mado tn wholesale purchasers,) by ; j«n2l ,^J. M-TyRNER..M?nu)p»{1t-sqw»to- • i-rtTlie Siib»onb?rn Uavo re- jived, nnd havo made nrcaogoiuonta wjtli a Gardener and Seedsman of high reputation, to he hereafter *u(i;flidd with 'a choice selection of Gar den Seed*, a* good a* any to bo found in this coun try, among which, era thp following kinds: , Glant'Aspnragus * Groort'Citron Melon Early yel'w G.wOek Bean* 3 Early ye! Dn China, Dwarf Do Afohawk Royal Dwarf Largo, Limn .. • Scarlet Runners. White Dutch do do do do do do do riy.Polo do Early Bl«]?d Turnip. Beet .Long do do Early White Brocoli Largo Purplo Capedn Early Large YorkCabbagc Green Globe Sav’y do. Early York • do • Do Sugar Loaf do Do Drum Hoad do Largo Lata do do Do dn Battersea ddi Early liofn Carrot . Long Ornngo do Early Cauliflower Lato -do • White Solid Celery Broad Leaf Cr6ss Curled • do Early Frame Cucumber ' Do' Cluster do, Do Short Groan'dn • Long Groatt'''' do • Purple Bfig Plant Green Curl'd Scotch K*U Purplo d»* ; do Largo Sqotch Leak , . London . do t’urled Silesia Lettuce Long Green Head do 1 lmpurial.Oubbago du , White do do , Drum Head ■ •* do ; Prickley Bpinago Round do do fin , Whit* Flat do Largp Eng Nurfolk. d«» PurleTop Ruta Bagndo F.iriyi ClftSdian'Corn, : Sweat or Sugar, do Tuscarora , do Whito’Eriglith Mustard Brawn ' do' i Sogi*.Sccd-_• - Sweat Marj rum "Also, SeM Wheat, "do. gr;i du. 0»l., ; Tltnolhy, in.rtrt. . Red l op apd Cloyorsccd- For sale at wholesale or retail on rqaannsble terms. ' 1 An aosortmont of valuable works on Agrieulturq, Horticulture, Gardening, Rai*io« of Hpraos, Cattle, Sheri) Poultry.'Ate. will be kept constantly o~ br>S, withthe most popular work* Isiukd. ^ ' , jw,lf» 7 DENSLO.W, & WEBSTf-R. bclqw.pec 10(1 tp»,..4. M ;i., rr . Third L'U**.—Flour, Bacon in casks or boxes, Liquor, Pork, Beef,Fluff,TYllbw', Ueeswat; Mill Gearing, Pig and Bar Iron, Grind and Mill Stones, Nails and Spikes, perT(X) lbs,i • .. -| ■ . 1/tVB- STOCK. Sihglu Cow, H«rio, Mule or Ox,each,..,* Two •• •* •-■'•• •»."! " •..«(.;v«. Three ", " " ", Four *' " •• Sheep,'Lamb,-Costs, Kids ahd PIjil,''i’.'.t7*• llogf and thrived.*.M«.«Mi..'M... tvt7t.JJlf..' Duck# ami Fowls, in coup*, per doton, Gecsb and Turkios. " .a.-.-i-W MISCXLLAN1:<>U9 SKTIOf.V.S. Barouche*, dose Carriage* and Stage Colettes, «sch,........* Buggies,Gigs, Rockayvay*. and CarryalD. Common Jersey Wrigdn*,without coVcrs/Zulkies r nd HorscCsrty, Barrel* of Beets, Bread; Crackers and Potatoes, Fruit, Oysters, Onions, Ice, and all light barrels, each.. Barrels of Liinc *n«l Piaster, under IObb(s.each,.,,M««*M--- Barrels'of Lime nnd Plaster, over 10' bbl*. each,;...• Brooms and Siltara per doxon,. Buckets ood Tubs, por doxoo... Hollow*. Smith’s small sire.....................'..,.......... do. 'do. large and medhm*ite,..;..MMt..<4* Chairs, Mahogany,perdoxen,... t ..».Vtvr. do. _ Other kiodf, " “ do, ' * Hocking, c'ich, • Carboys of Vitral, &o. ...» Collar* per ^oten, Demijohns ant^J^gs of Liquor, ovet^galls.^.... ^. .. •••*.....| Eggs, per dozen, Gunpowderrprnlutg 011 3ft IbjU. gw V.'t'.l ♦». Kogs of Liquor init etq«ci|in;{ 10 gxllcns,. ..'I. " *• .‘r-,/ : 5 r •* Oil and MuIsssqi, per: libpshrad,/smaller casks in proportion.) Salt per sack uid, vxcoing V bnslwls f**3* Specie, 4 of I por cent; Nos/n^tapnckajo under 23 cento, 17*. SorcfalConifaet* " 3 r 3 2 30 4 00 26 GS .76 3 00 4 do .3.00, 38 50 38 90 : 36 1 00 1 13 2 00 1 30 25 .1 0C 33 '50 : *“38 I ‘1*6 33 - 26 3 00 ,31 lT/tiimliTe wiili the Superintendent ofTransporUonRwItho f , I. a ■ BH.a ■ Bit . A ll.A .■'.llllal. h.l BBIBB II ■ A . fn,lowing - article*, when in large quantities, without regard to lh« established rale*, vizli Mules nnd Cattle t Iron in Bir* or Pigs. Machinery. Mill Geqiing, &c.i Sawed Lumbef k Grindstones, Msrbla or other articles of Stone ; Salt, Firewood, Staves, Shingles ;,Jlay Barrels 'Par, Pitch, Turpentine or Ice. (LX Freight at the above Rates, nt- by special contract t< claim for damages on arliciea transported by this,Company, 1 fied in the presence of an officer of the Company.before the countable fnr tho leakage of Liquors,’ Oil or Molitstti, breakage of Glass nr Crockei^.Vr««. »„• Bagging, Carriages. Choirs or Furniture. Not accountable for breakage of llnllow.wxre.' No4 irnu.ry. not clonrly perceptible on the outsidp.of the, package, Will be allowed lor, units* 'establish' have incurred 011 hoard Uie’Car. Not accountable for the deeny of perishable urtibletf; Not nccmiutar> , ble fnr Live Stock or feeding thereof; nnd no liability for Goods evidently shipped in bad or«|er^vOr-Ttf.-i cooperage of casks or packages. ' It/• Cotton received in good order at the Depots and afterward* torn while in possession of UtopglQfti pany, will be mended at tnoir expense. All other damage dohe to Cotton fn traiuriuwill be prompUir^ settled at (Savannah.. It if understood that this Company will not hold themselves ncciiuplnbleTor pit* Inge, or damage by tho weather or otherwise, on any freight after being landed ot tho grace of oqllvenr. tF The Company will'not be accountable Tor Pssscn^rs’ Baggage unless put in the Uaggafie ytrifi: charge of tho Conductor. : ' ' . '■ ’ T ”-*‘r. cwt ID' The Company will hnvo Agents nt Station* 8,9, 10,11,12, IS, IJ, 15,16,17, *nd at Macao, tt tend to the delivery snd forwarding of Goods., AH merchandise not to be forwanled will be retalna the respective Depots ohe week, free of expense, lifter which storage will bo charge* 1 m * ,l ** rates. Good* destined for points beyond Macon, will be forwarded by the Macon « Road and by Wagons by the Company’* Agent, free of- Commissions. Freight on Goon* : to cm»« ed by Wagons, from \yay Station*, payable in envannab.- Freight on Gopds to bo forwarded by tlj from Msenn. nr to be delivered in Macbri. payable tlieroi. Tho Company has an Agent in Sxvanni receives and forward*, free t>fCommis( ion. .... ■ , .... ........,, ... tM • Mil TllO.Nl AS PU.R'E, GoA'eral Supcriniet.dentTran»(i3rUttpn.. JJ7!, Savanhxii, Aunutt 1st, 1016. -> HAT’S AND CAFSl, UAl’S AND CAFSll Xlio Sultacribcrs uro miw *prepared to furnish ,tl.e former patron* of the concern and tKe pubtlc generally, with an ixtenslro shd Well selected stock’"of Iia;* and'(.’np*'on bettor terms thnn uver bqfvto ofTcted, having every advantage **• hlcli any manulactory can poetess, aug 12 ' ' ■ IVES, IIORSEY & (*0. \\ A T.C l| K SJ, JE WfiLUY, SILVER 4N;D PL.Vffpp WARE, Ac.— Tho'Subscriber h'is recontly returned from' thu North, with a rich adiohmentbf articles in his line. .He. haq solpctcd .jiw s)qck. with, grest carq ami with ah eyo'to thoAvaiit* and tnxto of the citl- xens ofthisuity and vldliiiiy.! Nbt h this nil—lie has geuoMl|y.iiiadAhi*,puroln4u*i with cas/i, and is determined to sell at n email advance on cnit. Strangers vlsiliifg the city, ami tho public generally, are roxpeotfhlly invited to c dl anil examine his stuck nnJpricns, as they might go further and faro Worse. ; . , •. j ! Arn’nng ms‘liMoruneht Will be found n,splendid raricty oTGold and Silver WATCH KS;byWtnoat iffproved makers, wjiich will be suld much cheaper ban eter bcfi»re offered . Under the htsad of JEWELRY, Vllfb* fouhd everything, of* usefal as well) ns. ornamental na ture. The variety is top «y morons innurJicnlnrixo, Ills assortment of SILVER AND I’LATl’.D WARE is also extensive. He has also n lino assortment of choice CUT LERY, together with MILITARY GOODS of all. kinds; Morifcal Instruments, Walking Ciines. Card Case*.'I’Ursos, aud a large variety of FANCY AU- TlCLE^.toofimnoreu* to niontion. !tF Watches. Time I’icccs and ail other repair ing tn his tide faithfully attended to as ui'ual. Per son* from a.tiistaucoHcuding Watches to bit repair ed mpy do|ioml oh having tlieuipr»>|i>|»tly and faith- folly niton Jed to, nnd ns choap as any other c^tah- lish'mdntin the city. ■ m He would call particular etlenlioii to the stock «l LAMPS, among which will he fuqiid .nil tjin ap proved patterns, such a*;' Suspending, H'.ill, ^ido..I l-iud and patent Larti Lamps.. (13^ Masters ol vvssejs are informed that they m ttnVe their Chronometer* timed and rated by a superior transit instrument. M. EASTMAN’. SAVaN’H PAMUOirAlllfflTAILORING establishment; No. 117 liny*,street. (fifexl door to the Savannah Republican Office.) Nutinei Largo A ,, Yellow Dutch Onion Curled Parsley Largo Dutch Parsnip Gurnsqy, do,. Kitr d'blb bios* fr'me Pea Do 1 Washington do Do Warwick ; do Dwarf M.irrofat do Matchless do do Cayeiino Popper • i , Boll .dp. Long Scarlet Radish Do Salmon ‘ do ScaViot. Turnip .I do * * J,do : White Fall do ; Black do do . Salsify Early Sunt'r Biish Squash Do 1do Crook Neck do Winter , do do Vegetable Marlow do L*rge Red-’IVinhto ■ Early whitePutchTurnip addition to their proseht largo supply' notteJ .-rip Jo MAUKCI-OTHINO, li.ey hi.,, pin 'Do Gnrden Stone do " * • “ W !I E K E rimy be found, ot nil times, s 'choico and well selected nixort- ment of the.mnst fasliiounblo ENGLISH. FRENCH and GERMAN CLOTHS CASS1 MERES, AND VESTINGS, Wl^ich wil| b* ,mado up ie the most Afodern ylr^ and tp pomt.of. Workmanship; not to be cx- (iUTFITTINCi ANp FANCY,KSi All sodh ns are useful or necessary for a gentle man’s wardrobe 1 with a goneral assortment of— HEADY MADE CLOTHING, All of which, tcitl b«- articles nan bo bought ’ M Y AIADE CLpTHINO. ..... •ill bo sold, as cheap as almilar iiidlit fti tho city, by PRIOR iV VRADER. • CHEAP C A 8II T A 11.0 It I N ii ESTABLISHMENT. . Noi 17 VVhltnker'StreeL 8avarinnh f . {Opposite IF. H. Maij if- Ca's SrtdiUefy sUre.) H ASULTON At. SVMOfis wouid Inform their friends and tho public,, that In ■ u. largo supply'or ready purchased, ahd nro now opening, n largo nnd ulegnnt assortment uf the very best oualitv of— ENGLISH AND FRENCH CLOTHS, CASH MERES. VESTINGS, And ( FANCY- ARTICLES, suitable To,,gopR$* irton's wciir; All of which they are prepared to ntako to order in tltn mnttolcgant aitd shlonablo stylo ,nud.f\the;s|iqr]e|t pqU$Ii i I heir stock is qotirely iraw. nnd being connected with the flrm^of-J.C. Boot'it & Co., 187 Broad way, Nuw. Y.otk. they, will Tie/urnished v tvirit ' “ nst Fashionable ■'Artfcles, 61 ihey ofri/?/1» Mn S. r A. OLDS, Jjale Foreman Jot Price , tadcr, nnd well known ns a .superior Cutter, will have'Charge of this department of hualne**,*« that' tmr cuitomors mayrtly upon getting the very beet fits « - 1 . . v»irti rJ. * w ' promptly, and no deviation, jn nrice, IVffd to approach as nosrly as ppsst- t rates. « TERMS :CASH. . - „ ns we'tre reaol Me to-Northern GALVANIC IllNGS AND J vX NETIC FLUID.—'Iritis remarkable d ry, wltich has attracted so much attention In-Kart and recently in the Northern -States, is now ir* duced.-fwr the first time, to Uto eUixens of Sr mb. It comprise* sn entirely iafe and einiol plication of the mysterious poWOrnf tiale^ ' a remedial agent. The GALVANIC F oonneotion with theM AG NETIC FL. boon used with the most perfect success L of RHEUMATISM, scuta or. chronic, f" tho head, fare or limb*: Gqut.Tic-Ddldrt ache, Bronchitis, Vertigo, Nervous or, l ache.. Indigestion. 1’aralysl*, Poftjr,’ F.plU. Cramps.’ Palpitation <if th'o Hoart, AnobU ne*s of Joint*. 1 Spinal Complaint*,'iLOL. Neuralgia, Nervous Tremor*. Ditxlnesa bf t _ Head, 1 sins Id the Chest and Side, General Debill*.; ty. Deficiency of Nervous and Physical Knorj ‘ nil Nervous' disorders. It; ca*o* of- Uysj which is simply a nervous derangement of I ccssiul. ,.. undoofell 1^, , r . tenia, and can be worn Bytl.. without the slightest inconvcnicnco. . -SWUN TIib CACVAiNIC IIL'.I.TS, UANRS, BRACE LETS, Ac:, nre modifications of the luVehttM ore more chrnnin eases of die where tho Rings do nut possess sufficient into or power. Thor aro. adopted to the .ivaiet, arm wrist, nncli-s, chest, or any part of the bodyj w|) perfect emc. Any Galvauic power Utal is require may thus be obtained, and no complaint which U mysterious agent of Galvanism' can effect.,will fi to be permanently re1jo'*«dJ ClllUSTlE’S MAG _ mnecUon with the U This composition has bijep. prouounced by th French C hem tits tu be one oi,tbo most vuluib) discoveries of modern sclcOqp. It is believed j possess tbc romarknblo-pow'or of rendering, qer.ire* sensitive to Galvanic nctioti.'liy this means enuring a concentration of the influence at-the e«at:Vif ate- case, and thus giving rapid snd permanent relief.ii-ic! GIIUISITE'S GALVANIC" STRKNUTHEN^ ING PLAtiTEUa.—7’hoso nriiole* focm-an iinpqfrr,:: tint addition to the Galvanic Rings, acting upor» . .{h«aamoprinqiplu,hut having thn advant al appllpagup *" local appllpation, A* an effectual. ng the system when dobllitol ease or other citusei ;,’a* a certain aid it itrengthcnh Su wenkhnss J ns a prevohtivVfor cnfd^" and If all ttflbciions of 1 the chest generally; tho Gkliraiile Strengthening Planters will bo found of great afld permanent advantage. * ft ID*Nmni!roua cortificatcs and testinloniola from Winy‘distinguished 1‘iiysicisns and othera of th* Northern State* hnve been recoivmlby (lie Proprie tor. Them nro nil from persons of tho highest re- pcctalulity; and- may bo seen on appiicatiori Agent! " Ah . [Z inr Tho public, nio r ware of spurinus imitili CltltlSTIK hn* bht OUli city of tho 1 Union. 1 • , A largo supply or tliese celebrated article*! iait. 1 : received, per brig Sterling, and fotaal* at the New. York prices by R. HENDRICKSON,! pu n: mxr 28. • ^ Snlo^Aspnt Tor tMe.fljty.; 7/ Km .lilyiu \t7 HITE I,F.AO.—IO.OO6 .Vila , T * Atlsutic, White I.ead, warranted pure] A,0Q0. . English dn. do.; 5,000 No.,1 Union JEpr.. n , .. , jno. g. rAflipAWV.,::, The fnildwing warranty dcconqisn|*s escb:p|twt* , age of rhe Atlantic White Load:- "Tub Atlastic Wihtk Lesd Compapt h*rai' ' bv Inform the Painters and' othe>'BilltlllllWjW'!’ White Lead, that, in accordance with s : resolution « ■ passed bV thoir Board nr<TrmM«m they nisW turo'but nnn quality of .White Lead. vl*:f>d *tr pure article,md hsve resolved to confine th, to the msiiurAcfuringof .Pura Lead only, of a vety tuperior yua/,/y-making none er qualities or adulterated Lewd, such as wnrkii, nnd purchasers may xlway* Ing supplied with a uniMrci srtlcl, T ~~*0 ALli WHUM.JT. ' OERN.—Those (persons.-.b*tfi with the Subscriber for ; rrpnlr*. call and pay for them and toko f 1 will bo *old tn pay For repairs, a counts were duo. last . Jpnuaty T3APER HANGING! JL .Bgl5 JNO. C