Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, September 17, 1849, Image 4

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1849. arpal antes. C UTY Muriml’a HALF. AgrenM, lu / mi Older of OouikmI, I will Offer lot .ole. under the 8ui>erint»riden<-e of the Conktiilium on t'ubde Hnl-s anrl City Lou. I.ot No. 65, Crawford Wurd. Tim »i»| i will Uke pla-e on III i Lol, nt II oYhiCk, A. AL, on Mon- • mu « day, ths 17th Sept., 1849. DAN. II. 8TKIVAHT, r. *. 2lcflal itotfccs. SALE OK HEAL ESTATE, By Order of four! of Ordinary. the first Tuesday in November next, will Vy bn sold in front of Hie Court House In Ihe city of Mivuimah, between the usual hom* of sale, nil Hint tret t or Laml situate in Whitt Hlull' District, county of t.’lrat- ham, niul Mate of Georgia, known as the “Ucl Mont |•lnntnUoll, , ’ contaioiii| eleven hundred acrea, more or less, belonging to the estate of the Into Francis 8.I’nrvh'-r. ^ ... . -—.Sold by te ruil -aion of the Inferior Court of Chatham House hi the t.ity of Savannah, between the legal houra I riuln ty, when wilting lor ordinary proposes, u|kiii the ap- ofaalc, will l, all those two Lota of Uiiul, situate I |,]n n t(on or Jaunel K. I’orchcr, Adui x. C. T. A., for tin- lying and I ml <g hi the county of ClinilMiu, known a* Lot* I t Jt . (lV tU of the heirs and crcdltora ol said t statu, number one (1.) an I two (9.) 1 liunderbolt, with all and R1 , g .44 tlitt miprovemenU, thereunto belonging, levied 1 on aa the projicrty of Henry K. Monlihrt, under and by >inu.-,.r «». «,iwauuior Ih«HMnwu.iihe vmn iJt „„ „„ of toiiimnn Ideas A Oy er ° r Savannah. I „ „| n j. December next, within Ihe legal hour* of-ale, P?»«r «. End. rs va. Henry K. Montlbrt. Properly point- , he ^. al ntnte n f R. H. Renton, deceased. consisting CHATHAM Shoriff’s SALE. \y fir t Tuesday in October n««, hr or •On tho before the Court ed out by plaintiffs attorney eepta' W. \v. OATES, Shift’. 1 tOERTY Sheriff’s SALE.—On ihe ti .Li Tuesday In Bep’Smlwr (text, mil he sold before s first d before the Court House dour in IHnesvflle, Litwity county, between the uaual houra of sale, one certain tract or parcel of Land, situate, lying and being lit Ihe county of Lib A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will l» IX. sold, In lline-ville, Lilietiy county. 011 the Aral nf live separate tracta Tine Land, including llie laic real drnco of .-aid deceased, Sold Ibr the bero fit of lieirsond creditor'.. Terms known on the day. aept Id JOHN SHAW. Adm’r. UEOnuU-LHIRIlTY COUNTY. RULE NISI. Susan Pauuett, ) Mortgage, Ac., April Term, 1849. (General sfebevttsements. iiooli Stiuceuscmcnts. SAVANNAH WIIOkUHALU AND ItlfiTAH. 1 SADDLERY WAREHOUSE; Young's lliilldiiig,Slffn of the Holden Saddle. Opposite Hamilton $• Sj/moM' Clotting Store. W. II. MAY A CO., MauiiRn-iurm or RRIDLKS, SADDLES and HAR NESSES, have on hand a good assortment of Saddles, CUPREMB Court MANUAL—Contolu- LJ lug lire Organic l.nw of tho Court, With notes of the decisions thereon; Ihe Rules of the Court, with note* of tho divisions tin-iron; together with forms and directions for bringing lu Cases; prepared by T. II. It. Cullb, lie- porter, ami approved hy Ihe Court. Price $1. ALo, suotibarPa Equity Reports of South Carolina, vols. I and 9. StmbharPaCommon Law do. ofSoutti-Caroliiia, vols I and B. The Uniled State* Digest; hy Metcalf A Perkins; 3 vols. Supplement to the United Slates Dige-t, 9 vols. Annual Digest Tor 1847; by J. P. Putnam. Anuual Dined for 1818, by do, llarhour’a New-York Report* in the Supreme Court, from Aug. 1847 to July term, 1848, vols. 1st, 9d and 3d, succeeding Dtldo. Harbours New-York Chancery Reports, vols. 1 and B. Comstock’s Reports In the Court of Appeals 1 New- York, vul. 1st—under the new organisation of that Suite. All the new I .aw llooks received as aoon as published, and sold at publishers' prices. augiM W. THORNE WILLIAMS. pJEARTSmid HOMES, orSuci.1 Distino- XX lion i A St.wy; by Mrs. Ellis. Arthur's Six Nights with the Washingtonians. A Second Visit to the United State* of North America; hy Sir Cliaa. Lyell, F. H. S. The Malden Aunt: A Story; by 8. M., reprinted from promissory notes bearing l— . John T. I.Oftcr pnmil-ed on or haPire tho 1st January I Hiraininr'mim \Vn™t.^r\Vcie I *“ A BMINISTHATOR’a SALI3.-U, »ir-1 rJ • ' •«!» J± me Of an order of tho lloumat.le tha InLrl.r Court 2a, after i^ms^ m iiie eanwi dai and «ARNESSEsT-Co» h, Hanmehe, lluggy and Sulky nn*7r of Chatham County, when silting ti.rordlnary purpose*. iffi 1 ‘IfflL'Harmses of all kinds, by U.c .Ingle set. | will be sold at Uie «W House door In the County ol ^^ui nmcs e^uiVd ai .7.l. iv,.^d CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS.—Barouche, Bugay and Aryan, berw-en Hi- usual hoar* of sale, on tlm first Tu--s to[he l Mi.iCPamTuhbTdeid m^rnortease wlerchy ? ulk > 8jpnngsand Axles; Hash Frames; Hobbs andHows, day in January next, olue hundred and pity <U5h) a-res Jih?? I ^‘conlomliuikTCS by the single set; Plated and Hrasa Stump Joints; plain <n»ore or lea.) c-unm «n Wna Land,sl'uate near the waters iiVa“tract of land Ivins on tin-watm of llcard^s '• r,,,h ' r . ’Y°P nn «l ’'urUin do.: broad and of Black Creek In said county; being one third ofanun |f2i.hJ2S ARuualu rives coiltainln. ftm7hulliod flftv nHTWW • variely of |>atlcrii*; Silk and Worsted -5« JSfiy'sWTss-sa'WK.,, ~ - _. r Ilridlcsnmlllamcracs, of which the Pillowing comprise a , “ pan, Spanish Quilte.1, Overlaid and Shnlton Sa.idles; the last English Edition. Planter's large and extra largo Saddles; Mi us’ plain do.; I Story ol a Genlu*; by Lida MonU. K111IDI1 do.; ilovs’ and Race do.; I.ndh's’ Saddles of a | Lady Alice, or the New Una. variety ofPnttcms; Bridles and Martingales; Saddle Hags, Edmond Dante*: A Sequel to L mint Monte 11 Trunks, Ac. | Three Year* Alter i A Sequel to The Mysteries and SADniiEll’S MATERIALS.—Saildle Trees, Skirting Miseries of New-York. HeMlyml by .... .... — * * - ••• 1 • ••••. ■ j, ||, cuhueiiGk, t.ongrens-st.. South side Mnikcl squaio. side or Ul.vck Creak, having about twenty acres to good order for cultivation. Tenure tali, purcli.i'e-r nayiog lor title*. Sold a< the property the« of Andrew Bird, lunr, lata of Chatham County,dceea-ed. June 97 CYlUS BIRD, li'XBCtrroR’a sale--wui 1* »u i>o- A.J fiwe the Court llmt t door in KfAngham county, on beinsa |iart of a h>unty -urvcyeil for Co,. James Jackson conditioned that ff sold John Lester slnmld pn>' ««d dl* charge said note, acconling to Ihe ,••1101 ami «■ fleet ihere- .. , | ol, then the said deed of mortg.ige. and said notes. .Mini r.^ 1 t | um |,| income and be null and void, to all intents and 1 ^HE Liberty of Romo: A History, with an X Historical At count of the Liberty of Ancient Na tion*; hy Samuel Idiot. Hume’s lllMory of England, Vnl. 9. An IILtoiieal tleograpliy of Ihe Bible; hy ole- manjiihi.iraledhyMapafionilhelniestandiiioatauthen- le*. "knowii'sml^distirn I fringes; black' and purpiel'oe.-h llnaiis; Buggy Lamps; I Oe sourras. Ins on ’the NortJHtiie 1 and I C??!?' *"'* ,,nw * L’airiagc Bands; Brass and plated | 'I he Earth an.l Man: Lectures West hue of said land, it WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWK1.11Y, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, the llrst Tuesday in November n-«t, between the usual hours of sale, the pillowing prop -rty. to wit: That large and valuable tract of Land 011 which Ihe late Mg). C. Powers resided, near No. 9, Central Kail Road, containing between live and six thousand acres. Public attention Is earnestly dlrerled ,0 this p,*' ,p "* surrounded by conveniences and recommendations which can be attached to but few place* in the low country: well timbered, well Improved, good wafer and healthy. *1*0 lie convinced, only come and examine. At the same time and place, that very valuable trad of Bay Lands, known as the “Burton Hay,” mile, fiom Savannah, on the Louisville Hoad, containing nboui twenty-four hundred acres, seven or eight hundred or whlfh are cleared, Including rwo hundred acres of llav | VTOTICE.—Four IttOlUhs after this dale ai>- Land, well ditched, tlid under tin- CUltiVlUon. Those Who ...U.m will Im... mle tthe Ju. sc. m diwlre to make a largo quaniitv of Com, Cotton or lUce, I tfwwoinvtH be.made t- the HonoiaMe Judge* ol ... _ , FANCY GOODS. _ purposes. Audit furtlicr aiqieariny, lliat suld note* re- I. M» KASTMAN has made lame additions to his main unpaid,It Is, therefore, that the said John | cr stork of Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware,which he T. Lester do pay into Court hy the flist day of the next | will sell at New York price. Term thereof, the principal, intercut, and costs due 011 I He has aim added to Ills stork an elegant attsorlnieiil of suld notes—(or shew cause |.i lit- contrnn- If any he I TABLE CUTLEItY; SILVER SETH, eousi.iing ofTea has,)-and Inat on fellttre of tin- said John Lester I pot. Sugar bowl,and Creamer. A choice selection of very «o to do, equity of Redemption in Ihe said mortgaged I tine London made, full jewelled LEVER WATCHES, preini-e. In* forever ihcr.-nPer barred nod foreclosed; I with heavy flue gold hunting eases; logelher with a f n-nl and it I* Pirthrr ordered that this rule be published In om | vatlety of oilier ailk-le., among which may be found , -'“W Savannah Gasette*once a mnnth for four rntmih., Wait-lies, Clocks, Watch Trimmings, Breastpins, Finger | ewived liv eopv thereof served o« the said John Lester, or lit- I Kings, Bmcrfeis, F^r-Kinga, Gold Pens ami Pencils, Medal- I hi Comparative Phy the History of Man kind! hy Arnold Guyot; lion slated Rom the French hy C. C. Felton. Story of a Genius,nr Cola Monll. Also new supplies of Music Portfolios. Lycll's Second VMt to (he United State*. Etiquette for Gentlemen; hy nn American. The Ball Room, and Evening Parties. Courtship and Marriage. Convetsallon and Table Talk. The Tdllelte, Dress and Fashion. Etiquette for Ladies; by a Lady. Crotch*! t with entirely new Patterns. Whlsi; containing Rules for playing all kluds of W hist. Hand-Book Ibr Newly Martb-d Couple. Game* for the Amusement of Evening Parlies. R JOHN M. COOPER. A (rue extinct from (lie miuut-s la«t t-in of said Court. W. S. NORMAN, Atl’y IU Mortgagee, July 31 JOHN E. PHASER, o. c. u c. win do well to look to this place. At the same time nmlplucc: one thousand acre* of well timbered Pine Laml, near No. 3«$, Central Ratl-Knnd. Also one one hundred and Ally sere tract, on Ogeechee River, below Jenckcs’ bridge. Also one lot in the village of Springfield. At the sain* time and place, the place where Zara. Powers formerly resi led, on tin Central Rail-Road, one mile below No. *J, containing fourteen ot flltccn hundred acres of well timbered I’ine Land. Any of the above Lands may Im purchased at private sole, or any Information hail respecting them, by apply ing to Win. Cooper, No. 9, or ,M. II. Powers, No. 3Jj(, Central Kail-Road; or Virgil Powers, Macon. plication will be mode t<> the Honorable Judges i the Inferior Court of Chatham county, while sitting ft* ordinary purposes, for leave to sell n tract of Land known | ns Bethel, Glynn county, containing seven hundred acres, I more or less. Al-o one other tract or parcel of Land in I — v —.» Henry county, containing two hundred two and a half I :W0 bagsKiot'offec; Wlags l.a^uiradu. ions, inn vases, rum ris-nci v uiicry, ralley umri, Speetneles, t'anes. Silver Ware. Plau-d Ware, Mallie- uiaiieal liislrumenis, ('hina and Gla-s Wares, Musical Instruments, Military Goods, Fancy Goods in gicat va le Vi fce. Jan 99 GROCERIES.—Tho Subscriber | lias received bv recent arrivals j 5fl Midi. Porto |||.-o Sugar •JO do. St. Croix do 100 packages Stewart's Sutiat—Loaf, Crash t-d and Retin -d;‘43 W Is. Coff e Sugar rfHE SOUVENIR GALLERY; nn X liistratud tilfl Book. Friendship's Offering, for 1M0. Rosary of Illustrations, fur IMO. The Garland, for 1B50. Christmas Rose* for 1330. Gmley’s Lady’s Book Tor September. Graham’s Magaxiue Ibr Scplemhi-r. Snrtain’s Magaxiue for Seidendier. Received hy ''IPt Wclifval SUAjci-u.'jcmcnts. aug97 JOHN M. COOPER. a-res, and a lot of W acres in theUnld Region, Pherokee, luting part of the real estate of Isaac Norton, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heir* of t-nid estate. F. F.. TKBEAC, Guardian ol 'nia-ld n* Norton. JOHN H. NORTON. Savannah, June 30,1649. July 3 sept 7 ran ruwrra, niacon. M. H. POWERS, j VIRGIL POWERS, > Ex'rs. WM. COOPER. I t.'omt of the County of Efiinaham, wlwn sitting ns n Couit I of Onlinary. for leave to -ell all Ihe Lands and Negroes | bcloniing to Hie estate of Jas. S. Crum, late of raid f a EORGIA — Chatham County— Tu all I ' JJ; " cAioinv VT whom It may concern: I -——— SO htu* nn*l pn kets Javn Coffee 100 paekagvs Tobw-co, various brands 100 M»|s. common Gin; 50 do. Phelps ,h> 100 hbls. New Euglaud lium;5 pipes Holland Gilt 50 hhls. West- rn Whiskey; 5 half pipes t Hard Brandy 50 quarter and 1 ishth casks Ma-aga Wine 1 pun- h on SI. Croix Rum 90 quart-r and eighth casks Madeira Wine 10 bids, super old Monoagnltela Whiskey 100 pieces Dundee Hogging; IS bale* Gunny do 75 casks Hacon Sides; 93 boxes Purl Starch 300 canvassed Hams; very choice 100 barrel* and half bids. Canal Flour SO bids. Baltimore Flour; 900 Imt* assorted Shot -JO hbls. and 10 halfpipes Cider vinegar TYTfYrir’I.’ It’.nr n..,nik<, _i-, _ I so bbl. No- 3 Maekcrel; 100kegs llaxonl’s Powder j\| ILL.—Pour months alter date, nppll- | mo boxes Soap, various brand* XN cation will he made to Urn Honorable the Court of | go bag* Pepper, IOdo.8ptce;85lK>xes Raisins —Adams "*- * N OTICE.—Four months after date, appli-1 rntl.ui will I* made lo the Judges «>f the Inferior | r I'HE Magic of Kindness; or, the Won- i droits Story ol thu Good lluati t hy ihe Brothers I May hew. 1 I848 , ^ nn '* ,,f ll>e NBlion “* Assembly, from May, Wlinldy's Logie—new edition. , IlL-toryof Pendeitnlst hy Thiiekerny-wlih numerous | ilUistratiou*—No. I,price‘45cents. | Sir Charles Lycll's -4d VWt bi IJ. S., (new supply.) I Just received by W. THORNE WILLIAMS. J Ailtn'rs. Wh'-re ts. Mary Williams, Admini-tratrix of the Pa>tife of Rtchard P. Widiains, hath applied (a the HoaoraMe the Inferior Court of saitl county, when stitiug for ordina ry purports, Tor a elution to Issue and be putdl-bed ac cording to Jaw for Letters DDmi-sory. These are lit -r-ffore to cite and admonDb ull concerned to file their obleetioos (if any they have) to the applicant In the Clerk's office of said Court, on or lie fore the third day of January next; otharwlse letters dLuilssory will be Witness, the Honorable Elina Reed, one oftlie Ju-tices of said Cinirt, this 3J day of July, 1619. July 3 SEABORN QpQDALL.c. /7J.EORGIA — Chatham County.—To all V* whom It may concern t Whereas, Robert Watkins Flournoy, Administrator of Robert Willi# Flournoy, deceased, hath mode applica tion In the Honorable tlw Inferior Court of snbl county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for a citation to issue I county, drv-eased, for the benefit nt the h.-tr* and creditors. - * * ** - * ' -* 1 ‘ *“ STEPHEN M. TIMMONS, Adm r. — ..... — Honorable •rdlnnry of Liberty County for h-ave to sell Hie real estate of II, II. Benton, deceased, late of said County, of which all cone* rtfed will ttke due notice. .June91 JOHN SIIAW, Administrator. TYfOTICE,—Four months after date anpli- lt cation will be made to the Inferior Court of Bryan I county, while sitting a* a Court of Ordinary, for h ave to I sell all Ihe Real E-Life of the late Harriet Sapp, of said county, deceased, for the heneflt of the Itelrs anil cred itors. WM. J. CLARK, Adnt. sept 19 SO boxes Adamantine Candles; 10 frails Aluinuds 50 htlds. Culm Mohrs*.-#; 50 boxes Pipes 50 barrels New Orleans Mol antes 95 cask* Pori- r. pitiU ami quart* 90 quarter chest* Hyson Tea; !!5 boxes Cheese p0 31. Spanish Cigars, various brands sept 14 II. A. CRANE. GROCERIES.—20 hhds. Porto Rico Sugnr*;‘J0do. Muscovado do. 900 hag* Rio Coffee; 100 bbl*. N. O. Whiskey 43 Wds. l'hc|p*sGin;50dn. N. Y. Brandy ) 50 do. New England Bum N O. 1, the History.of Pendonnis: l»y W. M. Thackeray. I History of the National Constituent Assembly, from I May, HM8: by J. F. Corkran, E«q. The Magic of K indue**; or, the Wondrous Story of the I Good Human: by the Brothers Mayhew. I Element* of Logic, comprising the Sub>tuncc of the I Article in the Ktwyclnpmllit Mi lrapollmiila, he. kc.: by I Kicti’d. Whatclcy, D. D, Recelvi d by 1 aug-40 JOHN 3!. COOPER. r^DINBimO REVIEW for July—Con- Jj mining a review of Macaulay’s England, and of the article In the Loudon Quarterly, hy Cioker. Single num bers for sale. Eclectic 3!agiu.lnc, for August. I’anllcu on do., tran-lnted hy SantU'-l L. Bigelow. Cooper's Virgil, Virgil l)c-lphiiie, Anthon’* Virgil, Gould’s Virgil, SchmiU ana Zumpt's Virgil lie., fee. Ilooiier's Medh-al Dictionary, attg 14 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. U1SGJASK STOPPED IN ITS MAUCIIt CHOLERA PREVENTED. A Medloino furAU Complaints of tho Blood, Nervous Attacks, nr Bilious Aflertiutis. INVALIDS READ! Antoni tho remedies of the day, wlmt mcdh-lnc la tho best? Tilts question has been answered by the unsolicited tcstimoulalsnf more than TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND PEKSUNSI who have been restored to health and lisu- ulncss hy the use of BRISTOL’S SAHSAJ’AJIJLLA I- l cures because It removes the add humors from Ihe body, and by purifying the blood makes tho system imper vious tu disease. THE CHOLERA need produce no fear to thosu who make a free use of HltlSTOL’S SARSAPARILLA. Pure blood I* a pow erful bulwark against the encroachment* of disease, and ' 1 pestilence which is again apruudini Ummghout the lms HtSLWa’W. Dysentery, Costivuttess, Hummer Coinplalnt, Cholic, ship Fever, Pains in tha Bock, Side and lleatlj Canker, Ulcerated Throat, Bronchitis, Conker of Stom ach, Fever and Ague, Bilious Fever, Typhus and another Fevere.Small Pox, Measles, Scarlet Fever, Rheumatism, Cu taneous Eruption*, Liver Com plaint, Jaundice, Coughs, Colds, and CONSUMPTION. These cnmptalnts are all oecnsimtinl hy Impure blond, nd permanently cured hy Ihe u-e of BRISTOL’S SAR SAPARILLA. •THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE Is alike the language or the Scripture, and the language of reason. From tin) blood is built up, particle hy par ticle, the entire human body. Ha bones, and muscles, and delicate the tires, are all the results of Uie gradual do- potflis of uilnutu particles, which are taken up by the various organs throughout tho system. A* the weed of tho tree grow s, year by year, from tho dcposlte nf I igneous substance from the sap which circulates through It* ca- pilliary ve-sels, so dues the organUcd living human body gruw, and supply its natural waste from the material* furiil.-hed hy ihe blood alone, for (he blood contains all the material.* necessary to thu reparation nud growth of the 0f !Ks it Is llio only means by which the great (Unctions of nutrition is accompll.-hed. so nho I* this nil important vital fluid, the source or all Ihe humors of the body. Thu saliva, tears, bile, urine, perspiration and all other secre tions, ate taken solely Rom the blood. How IndLpunsi- ble Uiuii, is II, that this FOUNTAIN OF LIFE he in a pure and healthy "talc. BRISTOL’S SARSAPARILLA I* Ihe greatest purifier of tint blood known In (lie Materia Medica. INVALIDS REMEMBER I That BRISTOL’S is the only pure Extract of Sarsapa rilla prepared In this country, one Itottle of which Is worth ten of thu kind offered hy many or the unprincipled quacks throughout the Untied elutes. THE CASE OF JAMES WYOKOFP lias no equal, it stands out alone! Bristol’s Sarsaparilla has achieved In till* cure a reputation and a lainu that never i nn lie « on by any other medicine. A synopsis of the ease, and a quotation extracted from the most liittucntlnl and reqiectuble press. 1* all that call lie liven til tills sheet. The history or (lie young man hn* keen primed and Is til the hands of agent*. IF IN THE DAYS OF THE APOSTLES, among tho ninny who sought miraculous relh-f nt their hands, there had been brought to tln-m the remnant of a human being, d< af, dumb, and urn Hally blind, with leg* and one aim cuien off by tile, ration, hi* tors, and palate, too, eomplefel) destroyed by the ravage* oi the teirible disease, whose work of destruction was sure ly and swiftly going on—would It not have been deemed n sinking Illustration of miraculous power. Imd the cruel malady been at oneo *t lycd-lta horrible ulcers lion* at once healed—and Ihe mutilated body or the suf- feier relieved from rneking pains—hi* appetite restored— hi-sleepagain rend red sound and refreshing—his flesh, t-pirti*, animation um-e more retiirnrd-ln short, a com- plcte restoration to general liealllt effec ted. Such would Indeed have been deemed A MIRACLE— yet such a wonderful ivnik has been wrought hy BRIS TOL’S SARSAPARILLA. James Wvcxorr, now 91 year* old, and tho son of Pe terW; ‘ When flve years old, being attacked hy Meascls, he had pieparalinn of Mercury administered to him, and for eleven long yeara of waUtbj pain, and frightful mutila tion, were its pernicious effect* at work. Awful beyond description were the sufferings of that poor boy during the Intcival, us detailed in on tint-resting history of Ills extra ordinary cure, published in 1848 at iTulTiilo, lol Ills benefit, and wltlrb can be hnd of Bristol’s Agents. Six year* have now.elapscd since till* modem miracle was wrought, and the person yet lives to testily—though jVJOTICE. Futir months after date, amilica-j -no boxes manui'n- tured Toimcco I A 8ECOND VISIT to the United States; nun^ whS .Kllra Sr USSmlmmSPSt -is 1ml r '-bjl-. N o. 1 M«tk«rcl A. by Sir Churls. Lyell, P. R. H., aiillior of IITr.,«li iCSmS; S. WHS I ^ ^ ^ | lo Ainrrti-a,” Ac. r Letters Di -ml# I June 15 and be published according to law '7t,U are tberefore to cite andodniouUli all ronerrned, to flle their objections (If any they have) to the applicant til the Clerk’s Office nf said Court, on or before the third day of January next; utberwi-e Letters DistuUsory be granted. VTOTICE.—Four months after date anpli-1 ll cation will he mode to the Honorable the Inferioi J Court mi Chatham county, when sitting a* a Cram of Or- I dinaiy, for leave to divide Ihe Lands and Ncxrocs lK-l»nx- I , g - , Int to the Estate of Franklin Fox, laic of said county, I Wltnera,the Honorable W. Thorne Wtltianfe, one of | deceased. CYRUS BIRD, 1 the Justices of said C July3 aid Court, this 3d day of July, 1819. I June 37 SEABORN GOODALL, c. v. o. c. c. j * - _ Adm’r de bonis non. (GEORGIA—Chatham County.—To all VJ whom It may concern: Whereas, Matth-iw Luf burrow. Administrator of the E-tatc of Ann Askew, deceased, hath aiqdicd to the Hon — orable tlie Inferior Court of said county, sitting for onli I county jdeceasetl, imrjrpurpi«es,for a elution to Issue and be published, | June 97 according to law, for Letters DDuilseory. These are tiler-fore 11 cite and admonish, nil concerned, to file their objections (If any they have) to Ihe applicant ill the Clerk’s office ol said Court, on or before the twelfth day of September u .xt; otherwise Lettei* Di*mis-or> will b« granted. WitnesH, the fl.uinralde W. Thorne Willinnia, . « Justices of said l.'n-iit, till* tw. lAh day of March, 1849. n niia SEABORN GOODALL, c. c. o. c. c. TYT OTICE.—Four months after dale applica- ll lion will tie made to the llonnrabfe the Inferior | Court of Chatham county, when sitting ns a Court of Or dlnary, for leave In sell all the Lands and Negroes be longing to the EMate of Andrew Bird, Jr., bile of sold 80 hid*. N. •». Syrup; 40hltd«. Culm Mola-n-c* !<0 tierces Cuba .Mo)o.ocs; 50 boxes Sperm Candles 10 qr. cask* 3tndilra Win*-; 35 do. do. 3lolaga do. 95 bid*. Uaralnria Bum; 50lioxe*scaled Herring 50 do. Sugar, Blitter and Soda Bi-i-uits 75 matt* Ca-.-ia; 10 hlul*. Bacon Side* 80 quarter che~t* II)>on Tea, '45 eighth do. do. 90 chest* Black Tea; 10 tuu< I’eimer; 5 Img* Pimento 10 keg*Go<h n Butter; 20 bid*. Monongah< la Whl.-key 19 half pipes Olard, Dupuy k Co.’s Brandy 4 do. do. Swan Gins 50 lioxestTn-ese 5 hhd*. Kentucky LeafToboccO; 30 taixe* Pearl Starch 300 Demijohns, various sixes 73 hsL-ket* ChamtKigne, of rhojee brand*, in store and for «nle hy J. V. CONNERAT. Jan 1 in America," Ac. Hildreth’s History of the United State*, vo|. 9. Southey’s Common Place Hook, Part 9, Tho History or the Amertcnii Bible Society, from lu gnnitntlon to the pre.omt lltue; by W. I’. Strickland, embellished with a llki-ues* of the lion. Elios Boudinot, L. L. D., flr*t President of the Society. Adventure* of a Student; by Robert Douglass, Surg -oii Royal Navy. Also further supplies of Lady Allcei a new edition—price 37.^c. Anil Eighteen Hundred and Twelve, or Napoleon'* In va-lon of Huesia. Received by augO JOHN M. COOPER. CYRUS BIRD, Administrator. Sugars; 100In - 80 bid* Crashed, Powdered and Rt-flned Sugars 10 hhds Molasses, and 10 bbl* Syrup IOO bbl* and half bbl* Canal and Georgia Flour. /^EORGIA.—Effingham County.—To all VT whom It may concern: rpo tho PODLia.—UURNS & SCALDS. X I (-hnM.nn tha —...Id to imiv., Ih.t SI ? wS.l. . V U lI.LKV N JIAtilt AI. FAI«I BXTHACTOK. | S .“. .11“™ fc! 1 That D to say, the original and only genuine article, (not the roonterfell and imitation Eatr.irtor,) lum ever failed, innny one single in-tance, from it* first iiitr<Nlu-ti<m by me in Ic-*I9, up totiiis period,) to cuaa the woist Burns and Scalds. To Mothrn of Fumlllrs. I would say, many a- cideufe, su- h as linnu, Scald*, Cuu, Wounds oiul Uruisc*,are i*f frequent occuirciice to elul-Jn n, and th y are moreover subject to manv other Wh ‘reas,J<din P. Kesler, Administrator 0^ the Estate of ■ riiiiun n, nun in.-y are unnwwr suuje Cl IO ■IIRII) Ittltci Valentine Kesler,deceased, hath aiiplie'l to the llouoralde I complaiiits. sm-h a« Sore and Inflamed Eyes, Uiieiimn- the Inferior Court of said county, sluing for ordinary pur | tism, Crop ions, Swellings, Sprain*, and Inflammation*, pose#, for a citation t-i 1* U-* and bo published, acco.diiig I DALI.E3 M EXTRACTOR Isa certain, qukk, safe and to law, Tor LcUcrs DDuilamry. I ut-v r failing Remedy, in any and all of ilic above enu- Tliese are tlier.-furc to cite and admonish, all concern I meiati d ca.ualtl<-s and di-easea. ed, to flle their o'ljectlops (If any they have) to the npp'i | Tlx* True Tret cant In the Clerk’s office of said Court, on or before tin* I *, that the genuine HALLEY’S EXTRACTOR, in 10th day of January uext; otherwise Letter* Dismi**ory I wor-t Burn* and Scalds, draws o#il Die lire and p-uu will be granb-d- I few miniife*; and from the uioun lit of it* app'feation ti Wltaese, the Honorable P. C. Pendleton, one of the I relicv-s, subdues tlie pain, and prrnlnce* a cooling and Justices of raid Court, Pit* 10th da^ of July 1849. | WKitiiiux effect, and wliai is of vast inqioruinee, it heal* 50 box' * Sperm. 95 do Adamantine, and 30 do Hull Candles; 100 boxes and half Imxe* Soap _ casks W inleraud Fall Sperm Oil 10 hbls. 31 ess pork; 10 half bid*. F. 31. Beef 30 packages llwkwheat in hid*, halfqr. eiglilh and hag* 95 packageselrnh-e Teas; 90,000 superior llnvana Sugars 75 boxi-s half and qr. Raisins; 10 boxes Layer do. 90 casks and 80 lioxes rlmice Wine 1 pipe Brandy, vintage of 18-19 I qr. ra k Queen’’* Port Wine Holland Gin and Domrslie Liquors 900 boxes and half Imxcs Tobacco, various brand* Mustard, Pepper. Ginger, Allspice, Clove*, Ms«e, Al- musiaru, repper. uingcr, nusince, i. iovc*, mace, ai- nioiuls, Currant*, Sweet Oil, Sardines, Nutmegs, Starch, Wine and Cider Vinegar. Codfish, Potatoes, kc. kc. N. B.—The almve stock of Goods have all I*ecn selected T YELL’S 2d VISIT.—A Second VW» to JL-J the United Stales; by SlrCliuifes Lyell—9 vols. — hq. '* Common Plate Book, complete—one vul. ■5. Ill-toiyrof the United Stales—vul. 9.1, p. IHsto#y of ihe Amerh-an Ulble Soch-ty; by VV. P Strickland—1 vol—.51 50. * Ktlmnnd Dilutes: A Sequel to the Count of Monti- Cristo— 50 cents. Mr* Ellis’ llenrtJ and Homes, or Sot Ini Dhllncllon— 50 cent*. The 3t:iiJi-u Aunt: A Story; from the la*t London edition—80 cents. t 'bis* Hook of Zoology; by Profes-or Jaeger. An Easy Introduction to Spanish Conversation*; by Velaxqili-x de In Cudeiia. a Hrory uf n Genius; by Cela Mnnli. Downing’s Landscape! Gardeuing and Ituinl Archiiec- liin-—Ith edition, many plafes. Also—The Annual Digest, for 1847 nnd 1848, of Decis ions in the vnriotis Untied Stale* Courts. Just received by W. THORNE WILLIAMS. July 19 JA3IE8 RAIIN. c. v. o. a. c. SR'IlllUt 1 <1 *<>« ul ISO IIU|WIIRU< 0, I. HOW the wound* without *«;*a! No family ought thee fore to he wiflmut it for a single day, for it frequently is the eansot pieservioglife its. ll ! and iww, 3IAI1K THE DIFFERENCE. Th.- c.Hiiilerfeit and iiniwtioii Extractor* imitj r# and IMcaKASE TUP. VAIN ! Captain* sail Clerks nf Steamboats ought never to be w ithout a good supply of the genuine llalley on 1*0*1 rd **f their vessel*. Kx|iio»iima mid r-oll.ips lug ol boiler# do frequently occur, and dreadful suffering, and—not unfrequentijr—lo-s of life I* the consequence! It Is therefore positively criminal, to neglect the acquisi tion of such an invaluable Reim-dy. Rend Ihe following: Awful Cane of Braidt WiikaT Fiki-D, Nuoaaa Co. N. V., Feh.28, 1848. Mr. Dailey-— Dear Sir: While my sou, flflecu years old, «« nt work in tho shingle manufactory of L. P. Rose he had the misfortune to slip and fill into a large vnl, used of Lewi, Lanier, lu. VMM Ul III. HMdtWiX. I..I. f™ *• *[• unyPW “rji.yHTg*’..-’.*?*** rior Court or nad L'o-inly, wlrlt. .mins ... a SSurt " r ".’,..1* . .V, TbrnmllwrelUr. to nnd aH p-i-on. I loU'-a.lly mod il«',oil'-i U-'U.'lr; Tlu Ka'd. wt-ln ... Litereilcd, lo die their ol.Je. liooi /If nny thry hn.., In I nnnnnud lif Ihnl mo.1 of the fl.njl enme ofl •i... iH«Li. nsLn. ~r ,r... n-—. '..r 7.I.II—L. r— Lu I with his garments, an<f hi* life was despaired of by both *2 phyuieiaus and friend*. Dallev’s Pain Extractor was procured a* soon n« po#*l Ide (which was lu oboutsixhours) andaf *' ' * *'’ ‘ T ADY ALICE, or The New Una. ... , -LJ Tlie LifunfMaxImillen Robespierre, with extracts with much care for cash, at the unprecedented low prices | from 111* unpublished < nrrrspondence; by u. II. Lewi-g. * —*"* • *— 1 -'“-t| ca | History from Ihe foartli edilfe GEORGIA — Liberty County. — Tu all VX whom It may concern: Whereas, Sarah Howard applies to *nc for Letters Dls- tulssory on the estate of Christine Howard, late of said county, deceased. Thcso are therefore in cite and admonish ail concerned, lo flle their objections (if any they have) within tlie time prescribed by law, in iny office, or said letters will be granted. Witness, tlie lion. W. E. W. Quarv-rman, one of the Justices or slid Court, this 5tli day of 3farcli, 1849. mar 7 J. H. RRADWELL, o. c. o. i„ n. /^.EORGIA —Bryan County.—To all whom I it may concern: I Whereas, James Sherman, AdiniuMrator of tic estate I the Clerk’s Uffice of tlie Court of Ordinary for said County within ihe time prescribed by law, otherwise Letters Dl*mis*ory will be xr oiled (lie applicant. Witness, Uie Honorable John P. Mines, one of the Ju»- of Groceries, and great inducement will lie given to those who purchase for cash or city acccptiuH-i-*. nnv 1 GROCERIES.—Give us a call!— The Hulwcrilier* have received from New- York, a choice and well selected Mock ol FAMILV GROCERIES, selected hy one of Ihe firm ex- pre*rly for tills market, cnn-i-llng or HI. Croix, Porto llh o and Mu*< ova<lo Sugar ; Loaf, Crashed, Powdered and Clarified Sugars; Pale nnd white Soap; Sperm and Tallow Caudles; Hyson, Black, imperial and Gunpowder Tea*; J Hive Oil; Sardine*; Herring* and No. 1 Mackerel; Almond*, llahin«, Currant* and Prunes; Flour, Coffee Brooms, I’ail*, Hrui-hes, and all oilier article# ii-uallr kept in a Family Grocery Store. Also keep alway* on hand of the lic»t quality, choice Go#hen Butler, Leaf Lard, Fulton 3!arket Beef, Smoked Tongue*, llain#, kc. For sale on accommodating term*, by DAVID O’CONNER, od 34 Corner or Broughton and Drayton »t*. C 1 HINA, Glass and Earthen WARE—Re- / reived, hy recent arrivals: Fine China Tea Beit*, various pattern*, splendid variety of single Cups ami Haucerr; Dinner Sells; gilt and plain Pfbriier*; Can dlesticks, high and low, China Vase* and other mantle . ,. I1U1CIU , n r „„„ u „„ m ornaments; Have All*; Toilet Bottles; Card Trim Mugs. Charles Richardson, M. D. Price 19« cent*. f:r " nll '* 1• The Old Judge, or Life in n Colony; by Judge llalibur Gii-selcr's Keel viastical History from Ihe fourth edition, revised and amended; translated from the German by Samuel Davidson, L. L. I). The Woodman: A romance of the times of Hichan ill; by G. P. H. James, E#q. America and Uie Americans; by the late Aclitlle Mural, translated from the French. 'i lia Carpenter nf Rouen; hy J. S. Jones, M. D. 'I'he fllysteries of tiio Court of London; by G. W. Rey nolds, Part I. 3lngdelan nfid Marcia, or (lie Rectory Guest; by Mrs. Grey. Old London Bridge,nr llie Days of llenry VIII. Edmond Dantes, a Sequel to the Court ol 3loute-Chris- to; by Alexander Humus. Persuasive* to Early Piety, interspersed with suitable Prayer*; by Rev. J. G. Pike, Dei by, England. "loss Book of Zoology; by Prut. B. Ja-g-r. Received by July 17 JOHN 31. COOPER. rI aruiiio i m nn.i whii-'li I f* 1 * and eniborecd, various sixes; Granite Dinner, Tea ami otwioaa, uan iiuuuiwne sinin r. nines,one ui uirjuv | *'7;'.. , i.i.ii nai_ I 'Foilet Setts, Lustre Bowls; together wltii a general as Uees orsaid Court of Ordhmiy, this twenty-first day of 1 “‘f 1 . ,”? I L?| I i,,“.iht^ I ■wtnwnt of Granite-Warei _Decanter*. new patterns June, one thousand eight hundred and •’nrtynlne. swelling, and in » Tew day seruninem-edln-nling Ins sorea. I .... . - iune 97 J. SMITH, o. o.n.e. r. l There eppenn-d a general improvement, so much so I J J, a -. III time weeks he was removed to his faiher’s house, l^TLW-YORK Court of Appeals.—Reports -L i of Cases decided from September 1847, to Decein- *r 1848; hy Geo. VV. Cainstock—vol. I*t. English Chancery Reports, vol 90; containing Vounge k Collyer, vnl. I. Wharton’* American Crfmiiml Law. Also, the Cholera, it* Cause. Prevention and Cure; by 9 that | - — , r ... rns; I I Pin her*; Gobleu; Wine Tumblers, rut nnd pressed; I Water and Wine Uoltlcs; Astral, Solar, nnd Globe Lamp*; .. ,„,i„ „„a - I Candlesticks, plain nnd colored; Finger Basins; Fruit -at about oue IjMr. m .. , 11P f . I Baskets; Dlslics; Bowl*; Halt Cellars, various patiems; _f it may concern: When ns Saulul 31. Burnett, Ex I ,,^,,(1,, and wa believe it wits (lie means, under Provi- I JJall Lanlernr, Bohemian Glass Toilet BotUes. Vases, ecutor of the last will nnd testaincnt of C«d. John Burnett. T““ ,, ^Vti,*M* ife. an^ewwkUhieXRyret-om. ^-1 Oliver, rit and bronxed GrandMc* andI Robueks; .m—..-ll hall, anniui i., tha 11........1.1. ,hm i.if-rii.r I'mirt I V’■ safeamlinvaliiM.lcirm# plaited Fruit Baskets; Castors; 31 us lard Top*; Tea, Hes- /2JEORGIA—Glynn County.—To all whom YJ it may concern i When ns Samul 31- Burnett, Ex I lint Spring-Street Milliner's Apprentice, nr Life New-York. 95 cent*. Eller’s Housekeeping Made Easy. 19Jf rents. Old London Bridge, or tlie Days of llenry cenls. June 96 W. TIIORNE WILLIAMS. «*S9"#iJpl* *PP“*# " I- Infcriw Court „ ln ,n .dahr u a nf. and innliuM. nine- of Sni County, wtm .IIUii, fnrillnay punio..., for d . w i Ul nM „ r rep.,., I Hr. yotu 4 and be puC-U.heU nccordtny to law Cm j okul.-u and lluulil. MtunL ApL.a Cut., Sunarkah Clark. «d, to file Uielr objections (if any they have) to the appli cant, in the Clerk's Office of **M Court, on or liefore tlie aocond Monday of January next, otherwise Leiti-rs DIs- ini**ory will be granted. Wil-ie**, tlie Honorable John M. Tison.oneof the Jus. | n_." \v,n 'Kraus K Clurl «fU» MM Con.;, lli.lW.dn, of Jnn., A. U., IW8. | gC A.«,’ E. Clash. We tlie iimfernigucd being personally acquainted with the ea*eof3lr. (.’lark’s son, believe the above statement sulwtantially correct. 31. Dewey, Louisa Dewci , . Tops; Tea, ert and Table Spoons; Forks; Candlesticks; Decanter I Stoppers; Ten Strainer*; llrltannla Coffee Mains, Urns and I'ots; Rent’s Patent Coffee Drawers; Tea Pot#,Choc- olnte do.; Lamps, v - Pltchers, Castors, , oei9l Hinet*’new Building, Ilrouglitnn-street. Brunswi. bdORGIA—Liberty County.— loall whom VJ it may Aoncern: Whcr -a*, Efizabelli H. L. Jon-s applies for Letter* Dismlssory up hi Ihe Estate uf Jnsepli Jones, late of said county, duceamd. These are therefore to cite nnJ admonish all and singu lar thu kindred aud cn-ditoi* of said estnle, to file their objection* (if any tliey have) in my office, in t -rius of the law; otlicrwisc Letters of Disiuisson will be granted said applicant at tlie November term of sold Court of ordinary of the present year. Witness, the Honorable John A. Hendry, this 7th May, 1849. may 9 J. S. IIRAD WELL, c. c. o. i.. c. •r j s Keisev Henry b A 1H TIGHT STOVES—Large 8i7^S, fur M'-’Aift Al “” * CMn ‘ , a- „iy printed p.mrddrU for . WAli.H AND TtN.-PW k^i Nrtl., ™l SO ho... Tin many important testimonial* of cure* performed, and for 1 1 ,Viri«!r -in .im.i.u i»rrci „„i„« thu truth or wiiirhsUieiueuU, Htold m^w-lf re*;ion*jblej | p r ;^ N8—J0 u e Lwre Percussion Guns, assorted “ i ' 1 ?o u 'i ws .k, iSr‘ tl " k fun”. S a /^.EORGIA—Libcrty Counly.— To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Joseph Qusrtenuao applies for Letters Di* ml*sory upon the estate of William LeCnute, late of said County, deceased: These are therefore to cite nnd admoui»li nil concerned to file their objections (if nnv they have) within tlie time prescribed bylaw, in my office, or said Letter* will be * r \Vitiif-s*, the Honorable Charlton IHiies, one of the Justices of said Court, till* 98th day of July, 1849. JOHN B. FRAHEIt, n. r. c. o. I.. UUjtf Whereas, Joseph S. Fay, Administrator of tho Estate of Francis Winter, decrnned, hnth applied lo the Honor able tha Inferior Court of s lid county, when sitting foi ordinary purp«ise*. for tr citation to Issueaud be published according to Inw Mr Letters l)ismi*Bory. These nru therefore to ctiq and ndinonish nil concerned to flle Uielr objection* (if nny they have) to the applicant in the Clerk’s office of raid Court, nn nr beforq the fourth day of March next; otherwise Letters DismlsMiry will he grained. Witness, the Honorable R. T. Gibson, one of the Jus tice* of raid Court, till* 4th September, 1849. sept I SEABORN GOODALL, c. c. o. c. N OTICE.—Four months after date applica tion will bo mode to the Honorable Trustees of tho 1 nferior ('miit of Eflinghnin County, when sitting for Or dinary purposes, (brlenvo to soli the Real Estate of John llincly, IlUfl of Eflinghnin County, deceased; consisting of three tracts of Land: otto lying in tho said County of Effingham, one tract in Cherokee, nnd nnotherin Appling County. ISRAEL IIINELY, County, sept 6 Administrator. I'ih-s. Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scald Head, Carbuncle, Fever Sores, Cuts of the severest kind, Bruises, Swellings, Punctures, Sore Nipples, Broken Breast, Chapped Handsend Lips,Sprains and Inflamma tions, where Ihe parts affected can be reached and the Extractor applied, yield to it* pain subduing, curative and I ' healing properties! Rut I distinctly declare, that I will I y not hold myself responsible for the effect* of nny Exlrne- — E UROPEAN Life and Manners in familiar Letters to Friend*; by Henry Column. win. IM4MI unirm, ... .nu.cno.--, I* Vnp the .ullioi of Old Jn|. *.„.0-n.wB«lldl„.. Hfon.lilnn.ilr.,.. I fcSSKtaA »,0.0,1., of ihe French Governriienl: translated from tne originai. Wild Western Scenes: A Narrative of Adventures in the Western Wilderness, the nearest and best California; by Luke Hliorlfield, Illustrated. Banning's Common-Sense—being a rational treatise condensed from his course of popular lectures on Chronic IR#ea*es—a new edition. ;ely, yet most eloquently—to the curative properties of ..JSTOl.’ri SARSAPARILLA! ' CASE OF INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. Hartford, Conn-,Sept. 99,1819. Tills may certify that 1 have been a subject of Inflam matory Rheumatism for the lost eighteen year*, and often confined lo my bed for four or six week* by each attack. I have tiled every possible remedy that the most celebra ted of tlie New-York mrdk-al mculty could prescribe, besides any quantity of quack medicine*, but did not obtain permanent relief. Soon after resuming my residence in Hartford, I hnd the most severe attack I ever had. 1 wo* confined to my room two months, and wtn-n I left I was scarcely aide ta walk, and not without the mo#t severe pain. My lam eness la#ted from la#t October to the June following. llav mg hu-inessln New-Yorklast February, I was there introduced to a gentleman hy the name ul Thomas llognu, Who highly recommended Bristol’s 8arsapaiulla. lie told me that ho had lieen confined to his Imd eight months willi Rheumatism and Scrofula, and Ills physi cian* Imd given him up. as post recovery, lie used fifteen liuttles nr naisiro.'s Sarsaparilla and It was to ft’ medicine alone that lie attributed his present existence. I concluded to defer the trial’uiitll I returned to Hart ford and ognin consulted my physician, whose prescrip lion I fbllowed until May, without relief. I then bought BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA of you, and continued inking It according lo direction*. I then visited New York again, and wa* there introduced to Mr. Bristol, who ml vised me hy all means to persevere. I called an tweu ly different Individual# of the flr.t respectability, who hnd been cured of all the ills that flesh i* heir to, who nil nl- iributo their restoration to health entirely to this Invalun- hie medicine. With nil tills testimony, I continued till I had taken sixteen bottles which has restored inc to per fect health. I shall be happy at any time to give any one all the informai/on flint I mil possessed of, In regard! till* invaluable medicine, nnd roufldenlly recommend In nil who am nttlicted with the diseases for which it recnmiiieiidud. ttespectfrilly yours. 8. L. MOORE. REMEMBER That Bristol’s Sarsaparilla is (lie only OrlRliialMfillrliie, And (lint all the various Sanmparlllns that have sprung . in tlie lust few years are mere imitations. Bristol's was fesUbllshert In isasi. In 1818 the proprietor, ntan Immensemcrlfice,enlarged Ihe bottles to a full quart, thus offering to the afflicted a Larues quahtity and a purer article for Die money thnn was ever before offered. Those who buy Sar*a|mrilla should Ins sure they are buying the genuine article. Ask for BRISTOL'S ORIGI NAL SARSAPARILLA. For sale by G. It. HENDRICKSON k CO., June 30 siow 18—*0 Gibbons' Building, Savannah; ittrtftal sWtocvtfscmcnts IB? 1T0WS3T! OFFICE MANUFACTORY Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND’S l OMl'OUNI. EXTOACT OF SARSAPARILLA, The most Womlcrful Medicine of Ihe Age, 1,500,000 BOTTLES MANUFACTURED YEARLY. Title Medicine >■ l»it up In Qiuu-t Unities, mill Iim cured more tlimi 100.000 Oasei of Ohronlo Disease, Within the tut Ten YemNL-^oneM Oonnlne unless signed by B. 1*« TOWNSEND. EXPOSE. BY READING THE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT -the rubUo will learn th* origin, or rather where the reelps Ibr miking the stuff they coll Old Dr. Jacob Townssnd’s 8anaparilla, cama from—and will be able to judga which Is tha gsnulna and original, and of tha honesty of tha man who an employed in tailing it M tha original Dr. Townsand'f Sarsaparilla. Dr. 8. F. Townsend was tha original proprietor and inventor of Dr. Townsend’s SamrnrilU, and hi* medicine has K ilned a reputation that no other remedy aver rained. a menu factured over one million of bottles last year, and Is manufacturing at present 6,000 botUsa par day. Wa use more Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock In our establishment each day, than all tha other Sarsaparilla Manufaoturen In tha world. Principal Office 130 Fulton-st. . . _ ....... READ THE AFFIDAVIT. City and Ctunly sj Nno-Ysrk, is. i Armstrong, of tha said City, balng duly ith depose and say that he u a practical 2Hrtfcnl StiUimtscmeuts. TTUSBAND'S GENUINE CALCINED X J. 3IAGNI8IA—Husband’s Calcined Magnlsin is en tirely deprived of Carbonic Acid, free from unpleasant tn#le, smell, or other disagreeable property, and without roughne* or gittincss lo touch or palate. One ten spoon ful of it is equal fn strength to three or four tea spoonful* oftlie Common Calcined Mognisiv. Having mode trial of tho Cnlclned Magnlsin prepared by Thomas J. Ilu-lmnd, I have found it a superior article, and can rpeotnmond it a* being equal to Henry’s. Ciublks Evans, 31. D. Philadelphia, 1814. I Imve used’Husband’s Calcined MagnUm,” much lo my satisfru-tion, and have no hesltatotioii In recommend ing ll as a superior article. Philadelphia. 1844. N. Shoemaker, M. D. 1 have examined a bottle of the Calrfned Magnlsin pre pared by Thomas J. Husband, and regard it os an excel lent artiele. It. M. IIostok, M. D., Prof. Afateria Medica in Jeff. Afed. College. Philadelphia, 1814. I have mode trial of Ihe Calcined Alagtiesla prepared hy Air. Thomas J. Iliisbaud, and consider it quite.cqusl to thatofMr. llenry of Manchester. Frahcis O. Smith. AT. D. Having had some experience in tlie use of Husband’s Mngnerla. with my patients, I feel confident that It Is frilly equal to Henry’s English Magnesia, and I think one tea- ■iioonfull equal to four tea-spoonilull of thu common Cal cined Magnesia of the shops. CiiarlkS Noblk, M. D. Philadelphia, 1845. I have frequently used Husband’s Afagnesla in my fnm ily nnd practice, aud consider it equal to Henry’s. Philadelphia,IMS. T. II. Yakolkt, Af. D. Price 50 cents. For sale by TURNER k ODEN, dec 4 Atoiiumeut-square. Carriage Ways and Locks for folding doon. i AXES—100 boxes Hunt’s superior Axes. Just received. £ Silo fom.e ti- TWINE—-Baaing, Hall and Seine Twine. 1 BRISTLES FOR GINS—50 lb*, just received, and for MOCLESKEY fc NORTi Shorpey and Quoin’s Anatomy: edited hy Joseph Lcidz, M. D—first American from flfih London edition, with ifselfrespom. . uir, excepting what lms been procured at my ...... nud from my authorised Agents, being ct^uizani nf the dangerous tendency of Uie counterfeits. II. DALLEY, 415 Broadwav, New-York, and 935 Chestnut-strert, Philadelphia. A. A JBOLOMON8, Agent fur Savannah. ll. II. PLUMB k CO., Agent*, Augusts,• II. CAItTEIt, Agent, Columbus, Ga, KNOTT k BROWN, Agents, Griffin, Ga. Friends in Council; A series of Rcndings and Discourse thereon. Instruction for Field Artillery, Horse and Foot. Parker’s Compendium of Natural and Experimental Philosophy, with n description of Steam and Locomotive Euiines. Weld's Latin Lessons and Reader. A Treatise on Algebra; hy S. Chase. Received hy June 83 JOHN M. COOPER. jii31 Florida—-I am the authorized Age — , chase of the ”CA3IELINA 8ATIVA” or GOLD OF PLEASURE SEED, a native of Sib#-ria. I am rendy to fill all orders for the Seed, and being nit thorized by Ihe Company to purchase the snmo, I will pay Ihe highest market price for all that may be shipped to me in Savannah. W. HUMPHREYS, Jr., /GEORGIA—Chatham County.—To all may a Agcntfor Uie Company of New-York. VT whom It may concern: nCndilUft' RROWN’S Essenro of Jamaica GINGER, J!; 1 !?. 1 ’ 1 1J Prepared and Sold at Frederick Brown’s Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. comer of Chestnut nnd Fifth Hreets, PHILADELPHIA. Tim primary effect# of tins valuable preparation are experienced lit itsgenllcstimu- lative influence in the stomach, and from Uienee diffu-1 s-'rrTafn’Ki Piurr a wn u.-„ ring itself through the whole system. It is excellent in all IJ UMlvH History of JilNULAlNU.—HlS- nous and hypoehondriacal afT.-ctious, some of the most | X-I-toryoi England from the Invasion of Julius Cmnnr evident of which are nn oppression or genre of weight, I to the Abdication of James Uie Second, by David Hume; and flatulency,succeeded by-nervous headache, giddiness I nnd coulimicd from that period to the present time; by .|kf- These it removes hy m-titig on the stomach a* a | T. HnldnglnnMncnulay. Ilurne will be comprised in aix rpo the PLANTERS and FAHMKRSof I gentle stimulus, a mild and cordial warmth,grad-1 volumes, wltTHi will be issued separately, at Intervul* of X South Carolina, Georgia, Alabamn, Tennessee aud ually axhillrating Uie nerves and giving tone to the diges- I about a month. Two volume* of the eoniinuntion of I am lire authorized Agent for tlie sale anil pur- | five organs. It is also useful In chronic rheumatism. Macaulay having been puldlshed. lhe bnlnnce will be ■ —■-• i lumbago, fce.iu an external applieniion to the parts afe I issued, In uniform style. Immediately on tlieirappeoiance fecled. When applied should be mixed with I in l<ondon. The whole, when complete, will form the i equal nmmtily of brandy or spirit*. I rhenprA and most readable edition of the two authors now In flatulency or want of (one in Die stomach, half a I extant, ten spoon-full may lx: taken twice or three limes a day, I Hearts nnd Home*, nr Social Hestlnotinn: a Story, hy before meal*, In sugar and water, and when the stomach *'“ ‘ “"** ' **' ' * - feels oppre 'sed after eating, or distended hy flatufeney, nhoiit90or30dro|»*of the es*cucc in a wine glass ' water or wine, invigorates and assists digestion. Ills . cellent in sen sickness, in restoring tlie tone of the stem- P AUL DE VERB &. CO.’S CELEBRA TED FLAVOURING EXTRACTS—For itnpart- ins to Pies, Puddings. Jellies, Blanc Mange. 8cc., their delicious flavour*, without the slightest trouble or pre- K on. We annex a few opinions of the press respect ive superior preparations i Decidedly tho finest flavors arc to bo obtained from these Extract#—Era. These useful arslclesno doubt will find their way into every home; nnd to persons residing abroad must really he invaluable.—London Mercantile Journal. We were much gratified by a novelty for culinary use called De Veru’s Extracts, and advise all our friends to try them—Times- Having used the above Extract# in our family, we cheer- frilly concur with Uie London Times, etc., in lu recoin- mendnUon.—Fnrnlly Circle, N. Y. The decided economy In the use of these useful nrtl- rlesover tlie old style I* seen by a single trial.—Evening Mirror. Manufactory,Dnlston, Middlesex. Office, 99 Ahcliurch Lane. London. Agent# for Savannah, Jnn 5 J. A. LxIIOCIlE, Corner Dull and Bay-sis. sworn, doth depose end aey that he la a practical Druggist and Chemist That some time ln the latter pert of Mey, or flret of June. 1848, a men by the name of Jecob Townsend, who at that time was a book and pamphlet peddler, celled upon deponent, at the house of Mr. Thompeon, No. 49 lludson-itreet, where depo nent boarded, end requested deponent to write him a recipe by which to make e Syrup of BarsaperiUe. Deponent fhrther says, that he became acquainted with said Townsend at the office of Theodore Foster. Esq., Book Publisher, with whom said Townsand dealt That said Townsend had had frequent conversa tions with deponent respecting the menufketure or an artiele of Sarsaparilla to be aou under the name of Dr. Jacob Townsend. .... That sold Townsend atated he was an old man, and poor, and was not fit for hard labor—and wished to make some msney, In order to live easy in hU old day a, and that, If Sarsaparilla under the name of Town* ■end cold eo well, and eo much money wu made by it, he could see no reason why he might not make something out of it too. (hi* name being Townsend,) If he could get a capable peraon to prepare a recipe, end manufacture It tor him. Deponent In one of the conversations asked said Tf wnsend If ha was related to Dr. ». P. Townsend, to which he replied, that he knew Dr. 8. P. Townsend would be down on him after he should commsnce. But that he did not care for him. as he had formed e co-partnership with nan who could furnish th* requisite amount of capital—tad waa wall prepared to defend himself against any attack that might be made on him. Deponent ftirther says, that pursuant to th* request of said Jacob Townsend, he wrote a recipe for th* manufacture of a Syrup of Sarsaparilla, end gave it to him. Said Townsend observed that he wanted to make a specimen to .exhibit to his partners for thsir approval, as he wished to gratify them In every thing, as thsy furnished all th* cenitel-eaid Townsend also told deponent that the bottles they were to us* were to be of th* eame size and shape aa Dr. 8. P. Town- sand’s, and dsponent. at the request of said Jacob Townsend, went to th* office of Dr. 8. P. Townsend, end procured one of his labels. And deponent ftirther rays, that he has been inform, ed, end verily believe* th* Syrup of Serseparille, sold as Old Jacob Townsend’s, is made after the recipe ftm nlshed by deponent, to Jecob Townsend, as aforesaid And further deponent saith not. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG. Sworn to before me, this -J4th day of Mey, 1849. C. 6. WOODI1ULL, Mayor of th* City of New York PROOFII PROOF!II Here is proof conclusive that Dr. S. P. Townssnd’s Sarsaparilla is the original. Th*.following is from some of the most respeutebl* papers in this State. FROM THE Albany Evtidng Journal. Sr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla. There probably never has been so popular* remedy, or pMtont medicine, as Dr. Townsends’* Sarsaparilla, which was originally, and continues lo be manufac tured in this city, st Ant by the Doctor hlmseli; end afterwards for savors! year* end to the present time, by Clapp k Townsend, the present proprietors. Since the partnonhiii was formed, the Doctor has resided in New York, where he keep* a store, and ettsnds to the buslnass that accumulates at (hit point The menu- factory is in this city, and it conducted by the junior partner, Mr. Clapp—hero si) Ihe medicine is manufac tured. Few or our citizens liavo any Idea of the amount of this medicine that is manufactured and sold. Bctldsi Ihs sties In this country, it is shipped to the Canadas, West Indie Islands, South America, end even to Eu* rope, in considerable quantities. At the manufhetory they employ a steam engine, besides a large number of men, women and girls, in tb* i>re|i*ral|on of th* medicine, making boxes, printing, Aa, end turn out, ready for shipment, over 400 dozen per day, or nearly 6000 bottles. This Is air enormous quantity. The great sale the medicine bus acquired, has in* duct’d a number of men lo get up imitations, end there is el the present time, other medicines for sale, that aro railed " Dr. Towiuend’s Sarsaparilla.” One In par* ticulnr started a short lime ago In New York, is called •• Old Doctor Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaperllla,” end ap- pareully with a view, by dint of advertising, and the uaual remedies resorted to in snch efforts, to appropri ate the name of Dr. H. P. Townsend’s great remedy, and thus gain all the advantages resulting from the popularity of the name which lie has acquired for it, by years of patient and expensive labors. Dr. 8. P. Townsend, formerly of this city, rs Is well known here, is Ihe inventor nud original proprietor of the medicine known as “ Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla," and we think llmse persons who are attempting toaell their article as the genuine, should be exposed. FROM THE New York Dolly Tribune. 0(7- We published en advertisement inadvertently some time since that did injurtice to Dr. 8. P. Town send, who is Ihe original proprietor of the preparation of Sarsaparilla known as Dr. Townsend’s. Other parties have within the pa«t few months engaged or cnnnccteff themselves willi a man by the name of Tow mend who nut up a medicine and calls it hy ths same name This medicine was advertised In Tftf Tribune as the original, Ac. This advertisement also contained metier (IcrogHtory lo Ihe character of Dr. S. P. Townsend and that nf his medicine. W* regret it appeared, and in juslic* lo lbs Dr. make this ex planxtion FROM THE New York Unity Sun. Da.'s extraordinary udveitisemert,which cuptes an entile pugeol the Hen, will not escape U.itice. Dr. 8 P. Townsend, who is ths original pro- K ilt-tor of Dr. Townsend’s Mai«a|«rilla, and whoa* of- ce is next door to nuts, where he has been for sever* al y ears, is driving un imtuuuse business. He receives no less than four hundred dozen of Sarsaparilla per day, end even this enormous quautlty does not supply the demand. No medicine ever gained to great a popularity as his preparation of the^ Sarsaparilla. His edition ul Almanacs for in49 cost f 21,000, and he has paid (be New York Ml-n for advertising, in th* lest four yeais, over, and he acknowledges that it la the cheapest advertising he has had dona. This medicine Is *X|#>rtcd to tho Canadas, West In- dies, Bouth America and Europe, in considerable quantities, sml is coming into general use in those countries, os well ss hero. Swindler*. Druggists aud others that sell Sarsaparilla for the .genuine aud original Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, tint Is not signeduy 8. P. Townsend, commit* a fraud, and swindles the customers. Men that would be guilty of such an act, would commit any other fraud —and no Druggist of common intelligence but knows Unt ours is the only genuine. Old Jacob Townsend. Some people who tie not well informed, and her* not read the papers, and not seen our advertisements, I.V QUAllT HOTTLEN. mu tiii: ui.muv.m. and permanentcitreof ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZ: Scrofula, or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples, or Pustules on the Fact, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sure Eyes, Bing IVorm or 'I\ttrr, Scald Head, Enlarge- mini and Pain qf the Bones and Joints, Stub born Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbago, and Diseases arising from an injudi cious ust qf Mercury; Ascites, or Dropsy, Ex posure or Imprudence in Lift. Also, Chronic Constitulionul Disorders xoilt In removed by this Reparation. The value of till* preparation Is now widely known, and every day the field of Its usefulness la extending. It is approved nnd highly recommended by Physicians, and Is admitted to be tho most powerful and searching prepara tion from Me root Ihe! has over been employed in medical' practice. Tlie unfortunate victim of hereditary disease; with swollen glands, contracted sinews and bone* hair carious, has been restored to health and rigor. The ecrof- ulous patient, covered with ulcere, loathsome to himself and to his attendants, has been made whole. Hundreds' ofpursons,wholiad groaned hopelessly for years under cutaneous ami glandular disorders, chronic rheumatism, and many other complaint* springing from a derangement of the accretive organa and the circulation, have been ralacd ns It were from Uie rack of diseaae, and now, with regenerated constitution*, gladly testify to the efficacy of this inestimable preparation. The following certificate from Col. Samuel O. Taylor,a S ntleimin of high standing and extensive acquaintance rough tlie Southern States, and lately appointed Comal to New Granada, commend# itself to ihe attention of all. Nenv-Vork, January 7,1848. Mcsars. A. 11. k D. Saudi: Gentlemen—Haring used, and witnessed tho Hftcte or your excellent preparation or Harsnpnrilla on different person* In various ports of the Southern country, via:—^Virginia, Louisiana,Texas and Mexico, I foci much pleasure In staling th* high opinion entertained or lu great medicltml value. In my own cue It acted almost like a clmrm, removing apcedlly the enervated state of the system, and exciting Intb* most agreeable manner, a tonic and invigorating Influence. Your Sarsaparilla Is highly approved and extensively used by the United Slates army in Mexico, and my cousin Gen. Zachary Taylor, has for the past flve years been In tite habit or using it, nnd recommend* Ihe same; he and myself adopted the article at the same time, and it is now considered an almost Indispensable requisite in the Army. In conclusion I would say, that the better It is known the more highly It will be priced, nnd I trust that lu health restoring virtues will make It generally known, through- out tha length and breadth iffourwldelyextended country. Yours very respectfully, B. G. TAYLOR, U. 8. Consul to New Granada. The following Interesting cue Is presented, and the render Invited to its careful ;»erusnl. Comment on mich evidence I* unnecessary. Naw-Y oaK, April 90,1847. i. Sands : Gentlemen—Having long been afflicted with general debility, weakness, loss of appetite, kc.. re- eelring no benefit from tlie various remedies prescribed, 1 concluded aliout three mnulha since to make use of your Sarsaparilla. 1 now have Ihe pleasure or Informing you that its elfecta have been attended with the happiest results in restoring my health, and I am Induced to add my testimony to the many others you already poses**, and to those desiring ftirther information, I will personally give the particulars of my case, and the effect* of thla In valuable medicine, hy calling at9M Bowerr.New.York. Yours respectfully. JANET MoINTOSlI. Tills certifies that fills* Janet McIntosh Is known to me a member oftlie Church, In good standing. *hd; worthy of confidence. J,B. EPIiNCEU, Pastor of Second Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, spared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. B. k D, SANDS, New-York. Bold also by DnutgUl* generally throughout the United States and Canadas. Trice ft per Bottle; six Bottles for #5. _ '■, Agents In Savannah, Ga., A. A. Solomons, G. R. Hen drlckson A Co., Turner A Oden, and Tho*. fit. 1 umrr ' Co. In Macon t Bruno and Virgin*. 3mo July 9 MAGNETIC POWDER—For JJ.I- struclion of Cockroaches, (fed Bug#, M< tho do* ... P-,—Moths, Ant#, h He*, b len#, Hnd Insects on plants. It is free from any substance which is injurious, and Isxvholly devoid of any disagreeable odor. It* efficacy has been certified by emineRt Physician* of New-York, nnd also by the Pro- B ietorsof the following llou-ls: Irving House, American ofol, Astor House, Ac. A supply of the above Powder Just received and for salnji^ July 3 COLLINS A BULKLF.Y,100 Bryan-st. O AK ORCHARD Acid Spring Water.- Tho Waters of these celebrated Medicinal Spring* have been very extensively used by Physician* for a great variety of diseases; for diseases or Uie skin of every kind, they nre regarded os a certain remedy; in case* of deblll- ty.foss of appetite, weakness of tlie breast and bnck, the Waters are n safe and pleasant remedy, and also for Dys- pcpslannd Chronic Dinrrhrrn. The proprietors rely particularly on the oplnlonsof Phy sicians, who have tested ilia Water* to substantiate the truth of the above assertions, ft is pill up in quart hot. tire, at 50 cents per bnlUe—dose, n wine glass lull. For sale by G. ft. HENDRICKSON k CO Mumi.niiii iiiiiur., hi u.n iiii n nuuji u, Mr*. Ellis, author of’’Thu Women of England," Ac. Ac. The Maiden Aunt: a Story; by 8. M. en. EUqii Etiquette for ItlqiieUe for Ladies. One gror# received from the proprietor bv a a ur., '-••ONHi’Acr Godey’s Ladies’ Book for August. Graham’s Magazine for August. Also new supplies of The Kipeditltinn to tlie Dead Sea nnd the Jordan; hy W. F. Lynch, IJ. S. N. European Life and Manners; liy Henry Coleman. A History of Wonderful Inventions. Received by July 31 JOHN iA. COOPER. p RANDJEAN’S Compound,for IheHAIR VT Grandjenn’s Composition* are now prepared In six different mode#, nnd classified from No. 1 to No. fl. i rx A liMir r ' No. 1.—A simple Tonic, to keep the Hair in a healthy l-f A IlIUSON’SUolumbian INK—In rpmrt, state—warranted, XX pints, Box., 4 oz. am" in small stniul#, in boxes ( No. 9—Warranted lorurotho most Invcforafodnndmff. one dozen nr by retail. No, 3—Warranted to ship the hair from fulling off, and to make itxrow again in IU primitive henuiy. No.4—Till# preparation Is of the most efficacious na ture to erne lmldness. No. 5.—Contains n mosi powerful ingredient that do. Maynard A Noye’# Black Ink. in quarts and pints. Hogan A Thompson’# Steel Pen Ink, In quari#, pint#, 8 oz.. 4 oz. and 9 ox., by the dozen nr retail, link-hide Ink, for writing nn Linen. Copying Ink, Arnold's host English, in pint and half "— * *- ** *• Ntr-’- J - composes the substance# hy which the hnirls rendered pint stone Jugs; do. Maynard A Nnyc’s do. white. I Copying Paper, hy the ream—best English; do. do. In No. 6.—Specially prepar.n| for the diseases of Die skin 1 Books, or one ream and of half ream, of the head, to cure ring*orm, pustules, humor*, Ac. I Copying Presses. The above preparation. for sale by | Manifold Letter Writer#, Jns| received by feb 9 W. II ,Jr. I «pr9! ..................A, W.TJIOKNE WILLIAMS. T?ALLIGANT\S RHEUMATIC LINI- 1? MBNT, OR PAIN KILLER^IInvIngfor n num lier of years pnst made nnd sold my Liniment, and used tho same on my own person, I feel perfectly secure in offering it to the public, as a safe and certain remedy for Itlieiiumtisin, Pains in the Limbs, Joints, and Swell ing or Enlargement* of the Rones. Testimonials—Wo append tlie following Testimonials of persons well known fn Snvannah:. Ha vann aii, May Otli, 1817. Mr. W.G. Fnlligant—Sir: Tills Is to certify that I woe severely attacked wltii Rheumatism In my feet, so as to prevent me from attending to my business. Having been recommended to try your Rheumatic Llnlmcnl, or J’ain Killer, I did so amLwo* freed from ail pain in a short time. I am now perfectly well and have not foil any pain since, and would cheerfully recommend it to my follow-citizen#, Ezra Kkrt. SoRivrN County, May 19th, 1848. I have been troubled with very severe pains In ray limbs, Hnd particularly in my bnck, so much so as not to be Hide to attend to tny planting Interests, nnd having beou recommended to use Falllgnnt’u Rheumatic Liniment, or Pain Kilter,! thought! would do so, nnd I found it to give mu almost Immudiato relief) and what Is most singular, my wife having enlargement and stiffness of joints of her hands, hy applying tho remedy to my affected part#, received great ralioflierself. I would recommend It to every person afflicted, ns being asovereitn cure and n very chenp one. Jno. Lucas. Porsale, wholesale and retail, at the store ol .... N ' falmoant. West "Ide Market square, Savannah, On. None nregenuino unless bearing Uie signature or tin: proprietor oflii# own hand writing on the label. , . .... W. O. FALLIOANT. Savannah, Oct. 93,1848. octSM must, of course, be the original. It Is less than one year since they commenced to make their medicine (Hire has been in the market over tan yean. Till* Old Jacob Towneend. They are endeavoring to palm ofl* on tha public M an old Physician, Ac. lie Is not e regular educated Physician, and never attempted lo manufacture a med icine, until these men hired him for the use or his name. They say they do not wish th* people to be Have that their Sarsaparilla is ours, or th* seme—but the better to deceive the public, they at the same time snert thst their’s is the Old Dr. Townsend’s, and th* original; and endaavor to make the people believe that the stuffthey manufacture,!* the Dr.Townsend’e Ssrsspsrtils, thst has performed so many wonderful cures for the past ten yesrs, and which has gained ■ reputation which no other mediclue evor enjoyed— which la e base, villtlnous, unprincipled folsenood. We have commenced auits against these men for damage*. We wish It to he understood, that the old men is no relation to Dr. Townsend whatever. In IbeJr ad- vertlsementa and circulars, thsypubllsh a number of groes falsehoods respecting Dr. Townsend, which we will not notice. False Report*. Our opponents have published In Ihe papers, that Dr. B. P.Townsend was daad. This they sand to their ogents about th* country, who report that we hare ( Tven up business, Ac. Ac. Tbs public should ha on nelr guard, and not be deceived by these unprinci- pled men. Nolies of Rimooal.—Alter the first of September, 1849, Dr. S. P. Townsend’s New York Office will be In the South Baptist Church, No. 89 Nassau street which is now undergoing a thorough change, and will be fitted for the better accommodation of the pro- prietors and the public. Talks particular Notice.—No Sarsaparilla 1*. th* K enulne and original Dr. Townsend’s Ssrsapsrills, un. is* signed by S. P. Townsend. Aoknts.—Redding A Co., No. 8 State-street, and Mr*. E. Kidder, No. 100 Court-street, Boston: Samuel Kidder, Jr., Lowell; Henry Trett, Salem ; James B Green, Worcester; Allison A Gault, Concord i J. Batch A Bon, Providence; and by Druggists and Mere chants generally throughout the United Slates, Wes* Indies and the Canadas. s Sole Agents for Savannah. THOMAS M. TURNER A CO., augio 181 Day-rirceb F )R tho Removal and Permanent Cure of ALL NERVOUS DUMAHEtl, and or those com plaint* which are caused by nn Impuired, weakened ami unhealthy condition of tho Nervous Syab m. Thla beau tiful and convenient application at the myattrlou* powers of Galvanism and Magnetism, Iim been pronounced by distinguished physicians both in Europe and the United Stales, to bo tho most vnlunhlo medicinal discovery ortin ago. Dr. Christii:’* Ualvahio Hklt and Magnetic Pl.uiD, Is used with tho moat perfect and certain success in all cases of General Debility, strengthening the w«ik- cned body, giving tone to the various organs, and invito Pains In the Hide and Chest, Liver Cornwall... , Complaint, and Curvature of the Spine, Hip Complaint. Hlsenses or the Kidneys, Deficiency of Nepi 0 “ , * nd •hysical Energy, and all Nervous Diseases, which com plaint* arise from ono simpleJcause, namely, a Derange ment ortho Nervous System. ...... , CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS from the most respectable sources could be given, sufficient to till every column in this paper. VV« make a few selection". The first is nn extraordinary cose, and conchndvelyprovi-s Hint “truth l* stranger than fiction.” , . The following letter, narrating one of the moil remar* able event* lit the annals of Medical Science, « from the Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman of New Jersey, of dis tinguished attainments and exalted reputation i Sidnkv, New Jersey, July 19,1848. Da. A. II. CuaisTix—Dear Sir: You wish fo know of me what ha* been tho result in my own ewe, of Ihe appli cation of the Galvanic BRUTANDNiORLACt. filyrepff *" For nbmrt twenty years I had been suffering from Dy»] pepsin. Every year the symptoms become worse, nor could I obtain permanent relief from any course of med j cal treatment whatever. My physicians were rtflwi and excellent men; hut here their prescriptions rsiiea. About fourteen years since, In consequence of frequeni sometime* afforded me grent relief; but lliU Irelief was °n ly temporary. Farther: in the winter of ’45 MdMflDJ consequence of preaching a great deal In my own xna various other churches In tills region, I was •tttCMdb/ the Bronchitis, which soon became so revere astorequns an Immediate suspension of mv pastoral labors. Afo voos system teas now thoroughly prostrated, end at my Bronehltisbecamo worse, so also did my Dyspepsia »na Rheumatic affectlon-thu* evincing that those disorder! were connected with each other through tho medium 01 Butnaamringfrom effect ,0 . c ^ ul ^ , f J r c e 0 "ny U hof>e h couW Nervous System muat be reached, before •nyhopecou bo Indulged or my obtaining rel ief flier* treasing maladies. In the whole pliarmacopcwa tn«« scemcif to be no remedial agent wltich could ^ b ^ recuperate my Nervous System; ovenr thing UiM * tried for tills purpose hod cnnipletclyfalled. Atlast t * led hy my friends to examine ywtamtjmaiUa tuu>£ with no very sanguine hopes of . l M r of the termined to try tho effect °V **>° ®PPj S? 1 * in, fee GALVANIC BELT ANDi NECKLACE, wiw « MAGNETIC FLUID.- This WM In-June, w® To my grent astonishment. In two day* niyujr had gone; In eight days I wa* enabled to riiumo my fl P« n torn) labor*, nor have I since omiltcd ®Zfcclion account of the Bronchitis; nnd my Bbeumntif coU | rt also ceased to trouble me. IT time permitted, ^ ^ fill a sheet of paper with the cfetnll* or pwo,^ lure, lint I can now only furnish this brier *Mtrw )f# My Dyspcpsinhas never returned; u ewily in n whllu visits me, but never severely, *na l« u __ arrested, nnd is manifestly belngdriyenfromiun 0 ^^ on my system,nnd my D ronchliti nlfecUonl*»iffir«» w I have recommended the BELT and FLUID who have been likewise suffering from imum'P c tlon*. They have tried them, with happy Hove in every cue. ROBER1 w-“a , 0 f Tho Galvanic article* can bo refely rent to any P» Dio country, nud nro accompanied by full and piw« " li0n *RtcR« U or ns. cituiiTis'e oalvaniocujutivm- The Galvanic Belt,. Three The Galvanic Necklace, Two Do Mrs For inic.» Savannnli In Augusta, by Haviland, Rislkv ACo.i R>^, 9 by Qrohos Pavnk. FLUID^-The TJULL’S & CHASE’S TRUSSES.—Just XX received it large supply of Hull’s A Chase's double and single Trusses,assorted patterns nnd size*; also com mon Trusses, suitable Ibr plantation use; for sain by sept 6 TURNER A ODEN, Monument *q. foul smells from sick chamber*, sink*, vrewere. » h||W; ing altogether colourless and wjtijqul odori R n0 w in Htntes Navy, pnnHcnpcr siu|*<,'""Ti. uroi prisons,hospitals, nlnm-housca, Ac.,nnd Mnro commended hy respectable pliyslelnns oftn *■ couiltriei. Fc,l U C