Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, September 08, 1852, Image 1

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■■af? mm i =^ VOLUME L. SAVANNAH, vGA., WEDNESDAY frcdKcnt, Phillip Kcon, D O Kauffa. 0 AL LaraaftTho*ELloj ; .Per Annum, bo attended satisfactory ..19 50 ,;15 00’ , __ lj.SO'00. niin Week.. . . 9 00‘ Otie Year .30 0(j lines, three- fourths of the abovo ratoa will bo charged, 1,0, t °'n?e P privliogaJ B of yeftfiy advertisers will be confined ' riddly to their regular business, and alt other advertise ments, not pertaining to thelrrogular business, as agreed, f °£cariy ad'vortlsers exceeding In tbeJr advertisement* tho arerago number of.Unea agreed for, will bo charged at proportional rates,- • )No AnyaaTU«»taKTS « n ih»*rtsd .oratoi- T< AlVadverUscmonta for chnHtable,Institutions and re- .iWt o.i •w./'Tn tjoj, wiubo charged half prices ulvertlsomonta sent to this office Without dl- ■Bmma as&amtiSKSiURs aghan, J T Linde, Linda Undo, Danlclldjanby, William M Leigh, John Larkin, Honry Lathrop.D PLaiidcrshlno, Andrew Low, 0 D Lebey, Loulsjtegriel, John Lyons, o Luftrartow* Charles Iaw, Peter Lee, Robert Loybourn,- .cvy Llllenthul, \V W Lincoln, II P Letchc. P M Loholl, ?atne LoveJI, Wm E Long, John N. Lewis, Simoon Lane,. Levy LlHenlhal, W W Lint . * —" “’ill E Long, John N Lewis, Simeon Lai tawton, Edward' L^iclu Edward’ LovoU, John Ldrc£ D J N Latie, James LaukhUn, J F -Linder, James J Logan, Nat 8ab£t&iiMt BfOOBt Matthew Lynch, Robt Lachllson, Jnmea Lachllson, Cas par L^tuofi Jtune* Larkin. Abraham Minis, David Morris, Jacob Manses, John Jakln,. Thos McNIchala*, John Mssterson, i Edward itaahan, Jeromlah McCarthy, John McIIue, Wm Morrell, . G Mehrtens, Robt McIntyre, IIC Mohrtcns, Jno D 5!al* lott, Jos Moraecal, Michael McGrall, Thos Murtaugh, l-eander Moore, Mathias H My ety Peter MoGtillllcaddy, Silvester Manning, M Marsh, Jacob Miller, JnoMurchl- Miller, JnoMurchl- -.lAh,, '. U^lMHMh -DtlllllU Ua.lan— ' ifahoney. John MoGui tU.ordorsd^tq.bediJ oon'uwij-. directed to this office, or tho Editors, must be post paid,' toontltlo theta to attention. jy, John Mallory, Luder Mehr* tens, A F Mira, Fabian Myerboffer, U S Miller, John R Martin, WHUaro B Mel^Jamet W Morgan, MlehaolMor- bv Exoculors and Administrators for Dobtora Itwrto-render itn their soocHtBts,,mustbo ; pub* by Executor*. Ad-' i ISBBSwaaa ^nesod in the adverttaonient.Jl|l [i’tlio Court of Ordinary, rorlWP FS^p5»MirKra l ^i«i>i ■ calf, E Mohdoll, A K Moore. V JoaG MeJIs^LBMcOqnii^WraMorrh mlnlatratoraforLet- cop^Ko'boiS’orn^raJWo^Mk"^" 10 1 “‘ ll > ihMp S Chnrles McCann, Bernard Malian, Patrick MoLanmtlon,‘'F l W McCarthy, W. H' JnO McMahon, Jno F Mullcgon, Jos Matthews. JnsNtrago- Icnols, EL , J N - Nlehols, Jt-o B Nichols, L P Nichols. JoeNnglovNevlll Noylo, Jno foil,J G Ncldtllngcr, A ANUngnzer, J R Norton, Jacob fouborgor, Edward Nugent, Sarn’l Nuttman, Job A Norris. O. John W Owens. Goo W Owens, Daniel O’Connor, Tim O’Brion, Owen O’itourkoJolm P O’Bymc, Davld’O’Gon* nor, Owen O’Rlelly, Humphrey O’Leary, G 8 Owens, Dounls O’Connor, Jno O'Connell, Jno II Ohlmoyer, Wm i Olcott, Wm Olrastead, J P O’Neill, D G Olcott, E O’Byrno? MIchaol O’Neill, C E O’Sullivan, II G Oliver, John Oliver, Jonathan Olmsload, M O’Reilly, James Oli ver. W O O’DrlscolL Dan’l O’BUllivan. . - JfOTtag TO roTEnx-AU fcnum en- Registry act, - are hereby notified that the lloglstry Hook will beflnallyand absolutely closod on Uj^l^day of Register of Voters. September next. aug5 hist of Voter8 S EC. 9. JJe it further enacted by the authority of the tame. That from and after tho passago of this act oU persona Shall be qualified to vote dtelectlomt forMayor a^ Aldermen of tho city of Savannah and tho hamlets there of who are citizens of tho Unilod Slates, have resided In tho State of Georgia for one year Immediately preceding the clocUon and within tho corporate limits of Savannah for one month Immediately procodbig tholr registration and coiilliuio so to do lib to Ulotlmo of election, _ who bavo attained tho ago or tweuty-ono years, have pant all city taxes pr havo In tholr own right sufficient real estate to satisfy any tax execution* which may be against'them, who havo made all returns required by the ordlniuices cd tho city, and have been registered according- to the pro visions of thisact.—Extract from theRegietry Law. rahams. Robert Adams, John 8 Achord, Geo . Adolph Abrahams. RoL-...-™..—.. . . • A Ash.P W AvorfuldUG \f AndorsonjMathlns Amorous, O 11 Alh. 'Slowoil Auslln, David Abrahnin, 0 B ArnuM. “ o Alexander, Jno W Andonon, P.W Aluxnndor, Robl Goo Aloxandur, Jno IV Andonon, r.w niexnnoor, «■» Amlin,'Goorgo Arnnlrong, Jamra Andonon, W V N Armstrong, 11P Akin, 1-eler Arnold. Conrad Dycti, Rloliard Borko, Michael Bojlan.EW Dukcr, John llrady, B J mounll Wm M llloimt. PUrtek Drady, Thos Bandy, Wm B Bloont, Dr W G llol och, Anthony Hosier, Haul B Box.Jns 11 Baldwin, I Isnno Brun- no, Belgimond llorg, Honry lloinon, N IClitnnm, Wm T (Iranlloy.-Bobt nfako, Wm niirko. A T Denned, w™ M lllaek, Vellx Buuysson, Gllhort Butler. Thosll, Kugono M Boo, J P llolreolllet, L E Brck, A Bol ;jPjS|jhtbSKneS Wm yLlloeh? Patrlck^nnllej, llenry Bnrl, EH llncon, B P Bell, Wm J Duidy, 111 Byrd,G A BoiilhalM, Jno a IIryan, Thomas 11 _Br Michael Braiiura, Ddvld Bell. Jno Francis Blair Ohiu» Hall, Patrick Hr larrett, , bo/T ABulldef ickliradjr, Thos J JJulli i, ni a uucanor. a AugurtiS Boullnwu! John UurnI Mfoh’ael ijowlev, Uiio Burko, JasO Blanco, J H Bnshlcr W J Blodgot, Jas C Iloweni Jno W Bc^BdmardE. rfee, F S Bartow, Wm JBe ?* i Cfc Allen Cullen. Chas Coopor, JatCleary, Baruanl Constnn- Uue, Thos W Cooper, JohnClancv. John Carstons, f F W Cornwell. Jos H Uarruthens Nlonolas Cruger, Wright Cruger, . . i Corloy, U 51 Chariton. S J Casscis, Richard Colo. Thos CusacK,Jno L Clark, Michael Cusack, 0 H CamhfUdd,' Francis T Colo, John Curry, Thos Clark, John Cunicll, Jos Connolly, Jphn Oarruthora, Frederick Cook. Emanuel Canwaller, Luko Christie, Jas Campbell, FratOampfleldi Jno D Chafllon, JnoG Cooke, Edmund Colter,- hlotilgomury Ourathlng, II E courier, -{o* tv, Michael Caroy, Peter.Cobb, Jno J Cornell. Wm Con-, doui Robt Carr; Fras Champion, A II Champion, Jno W ~ ~ -’L James Cornell, II It Christian, Jno J Conics, Jos "’mCulIeu, And Oordos, Plei Cot non,- HoborTJ: CaWzhy; 8T CUapman,Jolin F Cardeiy Antonio Chlsa, John LCopo,Tho80onnltt Thos Conway, Moses 8 Cohen, D B Comp, OcUyus Cohon, J P Oolfor, Bartow CyrtttaUB, Patrick Clark, Jno.M Cody, Jas Clog. horu-VVinCannon, Charles Clor, Augustus Caunon, Patr rick Clark, Isaoo Cohen. Rlo’d W Dolanoy, Martin Duggan, Jdhn Doyle, Wm 0 flawsou, Michael Dally, Rlo’d Donovan. Sami I’Dibble, Daniel boiiovan, Albert L D’Lorto. Patrick Dowmiy. Isaac D’Lyon, illchoel Donnelly, John Donuellvt Wm » n..Ad-f.. Wm II Davis, Wm Dixon, ji Jos Dawson, d J Dickerson,. _ S Datyon,' G W Doris,!) B Dnnlols, Jno Dnlloy, Wm Dye, II Dudlov, John Davaney, John DoblevIl H Derby, Jns-M DoyiP, Janies Downey; Wm II Dunning Jr, Henry Du- blgnon, Jam os Doyle. Henry Ellis,: Daniel Egan, Richard Ennis. / Einstein,John EvorardTwmElleby, ThosEdi Eden, John J Edy, Charles J Eden. Abraham leu, CW Joseph Felt, John Foley, Thos Ford. Jos 8 Fay, Wm Fefrlll, Bewail H Fisk, James Fountain, Dugsld Ferguson, J E Fulllgnnt, Robert Ferrell, Juo ^G- : Ffllhmnt, Jas Fnr. roll, John Polleard, Andrew Fairv, John Fltigorald, Am drew Ptatley, R B Pell, Michael Finney. Wm.PFoay, E B'Fultom Go Frtofoon, Austin French, Johann D Fisher, Wnf FoHlanl,- Dolnlnlck Hatley. John Flannogan, Pal’k Foloy, Thos Flaherty, Jno D Fl8n,.L M Fallignnt, Owen Foley, L JIB Fairchild, Jas Faunstan^Ml.chao\ Fay, G W shorty, J ...., alrohlld, Jas Faunstan, 1 Fennell, Jno Poster, J R Flshor. G J Fulton, Jacob fenWK^gra^WrilMoni.ln.DJ A F, Mo'rdocnl, Jos S'McDonald^ Jas Manu* Domingo Martlng. Jos MnmHy; G A Mo» iosR Mills. Dohltngo Martlng. Jos Murphy,- G v, Angus McAlpIn, Michael Martin, Peter Mi |^fB~Mlllen,Jno McCall, Jh mfagjyii! Kfc.MIl !• Wm Mackay, John McNish, is, Jqhn McCollum, Wm MbLauahlln, ■“ IT 0 MiUs, vef, W O O’Driscoll, DanT O’SulUvam .—Payton, Sam’IN Papot, Jai. ?orlor. Jos VPrenl Porlor, Jos V Prentice, Jno F Posey, N SPlmlor, Snin’l Phllbnck, Jos At Prentice, 8 M Pond, Wm Parris, Pal’k Prunly,'Andrew O.Pacotty, Edwin Parsons, Elisha Par- sons, Jno Poole, S G PnucosLOwen Potoison, C B Pallor. eon, John Pcrfleld; John Phelan, Jno F Powoll, Jas Proib dorgas, Thos-Puree, Snm’l Plltman, EJ Puree, Goorgo Parsons, R D Papot, M Prondorgast, Edward Padelford, Sen., Edward Padelrord, Jr., Thos Pldgoon, Thos S PIU, Jno PostelLJoa W Phillips, James l’ruuty, J M Palin, Marcus M Peck. Jas Quantock, John Qulnu, Martin Quinn, Wm Qalnn, . P M Russell, Waring Russell, David Rosenblatt. Jacob Rosenband, John Russell, Dennis Ryan, Wm Rochester, James Russell, ThosJ Ryon, J B lloss, John Roody, * M Ross, Michael ltochford, Christopher Kussell, Wm "iborts, John Ryan, JB Road. Jos W Robborts, Henry ..jser, Wm Robertson, Patrick Reilly. L B RussolL Wm Roche, Bamoy Rodon, Pat’k Ryan, Wm Rogors, Jno A 4 >v liauim, dim ana* r nintiS ltynil, J - .. Remshori, Robt Raiford, 11 W Ralforu, Mathew Halford, Wm Reilly, J P W Rood, Jno Ulordon, Frauds Reives, Jelforson Roberts, CII Rlkoman, 11 Rogers, J Ronaldsou, Jeremiah Ryan, B G-Roed, Chas E Robinson, Joseph Rosa, Henry Robor, Goo Robins, Allen Russell, Wm ltoberson, John Itowley, John Rogers, Dan’l Iteddamn, Wm P Rowland, UugbRiolly, Andrew RleUy, A B ”-* ston, H J Royal. E A SonUnrd, Wm Swoll, John A Schaffer, John Seudder, Rlch’d Smye, Henry Starke,' Abmham Simpson, a - u -oluor, John A Btnlv, Rldi’d Scanlon, Chrlstophor Schneider, John A Btnlv, , Em mmol Shoflall, Harman Sllbor,' RII Sponcor, Monlo cal ShefialL Andrew Stealvalor, John Savage, JSSoIo- -* *-«—*- **' no Thos Ja- inonSj Fred’kSdierff, A A -8mels,W RBymons, T Sullivan, Geo Spalthoff, Jno G Soxlon, A J O 8haw, __ cob Shalfer, AI ShofflaU, sr^ G J Sponcor. Snm’l Solomons, J P Scrlvon, John 8pcllinan. D II StewarUJohn Sullivan, D Shaffor. Wm H Smith, John Stoddard, Enhralin Send- dcr, Bam'l S Sibley, Anthony Sogur, Jas Slieo, Pat’k Scanlon, Jns Skinner, J II Stroee, Dan’l Sullivan. Jas Skinner, Dr 8 Sheflnll.Nlcholns Slnot, Martin BnUlvnn, Imwls Smith, Jacob Schnfibr, Thomas Saunders, John Stevenson, G N Staloy, Thos Smith, G J Smith, Jno Sul livan, James SiUUvan, Walter W Smith, Goo Slmltx, F F StmhbajrL Jae J stokes, G^o Shuto, Harmon Sanwiock, ‘ jury Seltzer, 0 B ScMly, " M Butler. Mldiael Bryan, Geo Bnnkman, 0 E Hurrlo, Hour/ Seltzer, u B Bcaliy, K Bomerau, Francis eorroi, ji-lKw® J X lWor, W- H Buuch, Jos 2 JnoJ[ Stegln,.John L Sloan A Wm Q.Bia^noBereven, Bnllough.Svm D Brown, A T Bowno, Joii II Burroughs. Jno-Bennett, Louis Uaufiold, Jos Bancroft Thaddeas J "urke, G L Blount, Jno N Barbop, Jas jiii, tfunn oiunn, v» in « • , , Wm Salto, O M Stone, J R Baussy, J M Schley, Francis Shells, P K Shlels, Adam Short, Jno Y Symons, James « ^ Sweat, Edmund J Saunders, Edwin Stiles, SymonB, F R SwenVEdmund J Saunders, Edwin' Stiles, J-M8olc , SEPTEMBER 8, 1852. FACTORAGE, AUCTION, AND Gonoral Oommisilon Iluiluois. SMiTH & FORT, |J « . **Y-8TR«rr, BAVAXH*n, OA. , B.—Liberal advances on Produce,^and: strict per tonal attonUou to purchase or JJuiyS ' OROnOIJ. SMITU. IIKNRY R. FORT. SWIFT, DEN8LQW & CO., . poT^J} CQRHtjt BAT AJip WnfTAKIR-STRKgT*- , W. D. FORD, Wholoanlo and ILotaU nrocor* fPaldburg'e Building. Jtfferion-elrtit, Savannah, Oa^ Constantly op hand, a choice, supply of Family ribs. 1 .. July 7 Grocrrirs. E. O’BYRNE, t AT taylor’s nyunwo—market wdarVi Keeps constantly on hand a supply of Crockcry-IVarc, GroiierMst dec* dec* Jan 1, ’51 iy L. ROBIDER, T^om faris] Foalalonablo Hoot tuid Shoe-Maker, Importer of French Leather, WHITAKERf TRRBT—0PF0SITR SMRTS’ BU1LDIH0. J. L. OLIVER, Fashionable Hoot Manufacturer* KO.SEVRNTERK BULL-STRUT, REAR MONUMKMT-SQUARS. Cork-Solo, Wator-Proor, Hunting,' Military, Patont Leather, Walking, Dress, and Pump-Solo Bools j Shoot ing Buskins, Bootees, Oxford Shoes, Pump*, Slippers, made to order In the neatest and most foshlonablo .manner, of warranted materials, and by the most experi enced and carofUlworkmon. HARDWICK fr COOKl R. 8. HARDWICK. j. hAsbrouck k co n , IMPORTERS A HU wtlOLESALE VIA Earthon-Woro, French China, Look " ' ., .1 .PHILIP KEAN, •i AMD ’ PRgWRLB’s RAypE—Xb,98 RRY/ 1- ADAM SHORT, MasterDnllde FIRST DOOR WEST Of ST. AMDREI Will take contracts for Building ' ’ of every description. R. & J. LACII LIS ON, Enginoors and Millwrights, IRON d-BRASS J-OUJ/DEfCS, Canal-Streok-Near the- Oanal /jOck. ULikOr, > . I R. LACULIION. A. N. MILLER, ? ;lnoor and Mil. ROITAjm BRASS FOOi.—-. EASTERN WIlARr—-HAY-ST.i.'c'i WYLLY tc M0NTM0LL1N. General Agents and Broken* For tho Sale or r ’ : ' • RealEetateJCegroet,Sfany dceeription Personal Property. orncE, corner boll^st. and bay-lane, fob 93 Savannah, Goorgla. Importer de Manufacturer oil Scgars* . NO. 13 WHITAKER^TREET. . .; , ” epe on hind a well sol octed stock of Imported So- also Manufactured Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, ahd alt ■ artlclos usually kept in his line of .btulnoee, which otherartldos ususlly kept In blsVne of’buslnoee, he offors on tho most reasonable terms. » nov T. PORTER’S : FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Snrtnfl ana anwtutr jfnnfjCown. r HE SUBSCRIBER takes tills method of Informing hlsTVlends and tbo citizens of Savannah, that he iaitow opening TUB MOST SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHING over offered in this city. The prices, in plain tho subscriber fools confident will bo appreciated by a generous public. In part are the following Goods I have now ih store, to wit: OENTS’ CLOTH COATS. Gents. Black Cloth Dress and Frock Cools, Olivo do - do do do Brown do ,do do do Blue do do do do . Black Cloth Sacks and Polka Socks, Brown do do do do Blue do do do do Olivo do do do do do Shad Dress do Black Doe Skin Polka Sacks, Fancy Colored do do Drab Casslmcro Sacks and Polka Bncks, Black Tweed do do do Green do do . do • do Brown - do do do do Silk -and Wool do do do COATS. CambleL Cheeked Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Plain and Fancy Alpacco, Paris Lustre, Black Afcirin, Black and Fancy Twood, Do do CushinorolU, Brown aud Yellow Linen, Bluck Drop d’Eto, Grass Linen. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Linen Bosom.Shlrts. Bilk, Lamb’s Wool, and Merino Shirts and Drawers, 'Linen, Joans, and Canton Flannol do - Silk, Merino, and Cotton Half lioee, Bilk, Thread, and Nnrl Hose, Gentlemen’s Dressing Robes, Linen Collars, two uud three ply. PANTALOON8. Blrlpod Cotton and Lluon, Plain do' do do Nankocn, Drop d’Eto, Fancy Linen, Black Alpacco, Black Doo Skin Pants, Plain Black Casslmcro Pants, Fancy Colored do Plain and Ribbed do Black and Colored Satinet Pants, VESTS. ; Black Satin Btnglo and Doublo Breasted Vests, Fancy Satin and Silk do do Embossed Fancy Silk do do Block and Fancy Barathea do do do do Embrol'd Caftlmoro do While and Fancy Satin and Party do Plain Black SUk Velvet, singlo and doablo breasted, Fancy Cut do do do Fancy Cashmere do do GLOVES, Black, White, and Colored Kid Gloves, Black and Castor Riding do Cloth, Cushmoro ami Lined Berlin do Black, Whlto andFoncy Silk do CRAVATS. Buporflno Block Silk and Fancy Cravats, do Fancy do, groat variety, . Whlto Silk and Snlln Party Cravats, Black and Faucy81lk and Satin Scar ft, do do Opera Ties, Linen Cambric, China Coni and Pongee Pocket Hand* kerchieft. Hats and Caps, of the latest styles. I Julies' Riding Hats. Trunks, Patent and Solo Leather. Valyses, Carpet Bogs,.Canes, Umbrellas, 5ml, Ac. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT* This Department for Children’s Clothing Is filled up lu tho most costly stylo with every convenience for trying on, filling, &c- tho stock omtiracesovery nrtlclo In that Hno, consisting In part of Coals and Pants or every stylo, Over coats, and Under Garments, Jenny Lind Sacks, Polka do- Ovor Sucks. Vests, Braided Suita, Plain, silk Velvet, Vest Suits, aud Boys’ Caps, a huge assortment. The Ladlos will find It to tholr Interest to call and oxamlno my stock, as they ura .madu up In tho latent style and tho best manner and at tho lowest prices. No abatement from tboprices first ggrpont forget the now store on first floor of St, Andrew’s Hall, comer of Broughton and Joffereon-sts. apr 28 GEORGE W. IIARDCASTLE, CARRIAGE MAKER* 200 CONGRESS AND 05 ST. JULIAN-STREET, Franklin-Square. "fTTOULD Return his thanks to his friends ami patrons VV for past favours, and Inform them, that ho Is now. ready at tho old stand, to execute any work In the above line, and hopes by hfs untiring exertions to plcuse all who may honor him with a call. All kinds of repairing In the abovo business done with tho utmost neatness ana Wheels,Wagons, Drays, Carta, made on the shortest notice and on most liberal terms.Jan 20 lomons, Augustus Soheldeinan, Counts Sullivan, AlJSo- * - "— - “*“ Daniel Bulllvan, AIJ Solomons, M Shelmn, Dennis Sulli van, Barney Smith, Henry Stlbbs, Jos II Shehan, Vnlon- c--r~.- r—. o Martin tino 81anlon, John Sherlock, Loyal 8cmnton, Shannon, Joseph Sullivan, Jns F Stokes, Philip Smith, Jos 51 Shelltnon, Jumos M Strickland, Timothy Sherrodan, Thomas 8mlth, Wm Starr, Jr, H II Scranton. Jos Sherde- inan, Courad SchClneldiir, Goo Stovenson, Richard Stole, John Shields, Nojion SmlUi, 8 S Spolsselzor, W W Starke. T* Wm II Tarver, John V Tarver, Geo W Tllcolmb, Wm II Tyson, John Thompson, Patrick tmlngs, Barnard G Ttldon, Pro’s Tmntoll. A FTorlay, P G Thomas, W F Thompson, Jno F, Tucker, A Tathird, Fras Trautclt, J D Tembroko, James Thurmnlt, U T Turner, Wm Tliorar- aETeffWEdwilrd " m ""‘ s ThurmalL U T Turner, Wm Thomas, J TowusemL B TThous, A Thomas, W ’hroadcran, Jiio II Thodo, IIJ Tbnmos- PTetn, MnrlonThroadcrnlL Jno II Thodo, IIJ W B Tinsley, FrasTrueh 1 *-* ” " "*• son, W B Tlitsley, Fras TrucholuL R V Thomas, IUchard- Bon Tombs, W H Talblrd, J E Taylor, John G Thomas, John Trumtler, IK Teflt, Jas PTustln, Thos M Turner, F A Tuppcr, Charles Thompson. Christian Uebole, Philip Usler. Antonio Vendley, alias Ramboskl, .Chas Van Horn, W H S Vorelillo, Tristram VeretlUo, David Yonder, Ueury Veitatoiulh ,0 A Wood, .Rlch’d Wayne, JL Wtnebnre, CantW Wlilto, James VVhlllhon, £wth Woodward, Elisha Wylly, Charles Wilson, Geo'W Wylly, Augustus Wcnzo, James to, LW Wells, Francis Wilson, J J Waver, 1 A R ih, Edmund Wallen, A J. Wylly, Jos M Wilson. G 'nldburgh, Wm Thorno Williams, Win WUson, Wiu Drs, Iltrnm Waller, John Williamson, Jas White, Ja- Walter, Gregory White. Michael Weldon,Thomas ..oodjV — Wllllnk, Issao Welder, Wm Woscolt, Jacob Wnldburgh, J W Wobster, Jnrrard Wubbleman, A J White, Christo pher Whlto, Irvin L Wolfe, Nicholas, Conrad Vvalsmlth, Isaac P Whitehead, C.E Whiting, T R Wylly. Enos Wlthlngton, Benjamin Whitehead, Thomas Workman, Dr. S Warner, J W Watts, Jno Williams,S P Whitehead, Thos A Wilson. Thos 8 Way no, .G VV West, Jos VV White, G M WitloU, Simon Wnllor. W1! Woekos, II K Washburn, II F Warring, J R Wilder, Honry Williams, S B Williams, Geo WlUIx^lI F Wllllnk,. Potor Yonson, Jno A Young, DrE Yongo, WA Yongo. ■ Potor Zarodoski, Edward G Zotrouor, Jacob Zlmmor- man, Edward Zudomes. Tho foregoing are tho qualifications of voters entltlod forhlayor and Aldormon of tho City of Snvnnnah at tho ensuing election In. December next, nmlaltstof persons Registered for tho month or May. If there are any persons whoso - names are Registered, and who are not entltlod to a voto, notlco Is respectfully requested to bo glron to tho Clerk of Council, that thoy may bo dealt with according to law. R. F. AKIN, aug 13 ’ Clork Council. Frlbrid, J Folker. " A Fawiu| R Fink*, David FUzgorraid. 0 Jo^Gorf^FranclsJIrlm^all^J ; F^Gullmartln, BenJ GW ^ck Garroli, jns' r 6rady/Goo Glen, J F Grovonstuin,’Joiin John (Jlohovely, S*oidSoy,l-J Gullmartln, Seaborn Goodnll, David IIGnann, Goorgo Gatohouso, J M Gnffln, Thbs Green, J W Gibbons, Chas Gfosi, Patrick Gordon, F M Green, JnoF Glntlghy, Peter : Gafoey,‘W WGood- rich, Israel Goar, Wm F Goodwin, John GllloIandrJosoph DGametU.Charles Oanalili John Ghllaghor, 0 A Grelnor, EL One, R M Goodwin, L S Goodwin, Carston Gerdts, James k Gaudry, Julius B Gnudry, It II Grlfiln, Robert S prayi Jo* George Jr, D. II. Galloway- N L iIarris, PD Ileilzhclm, John nnnpUSr^ 0 S Hen ry, Christopher Jlusaoy, J D liilgbes, OS Jiarrls, Marlin lloullhnn, Donnls Ifonly, Dennis Holland, L S HnrL Ml- chaol Horan, John Hughes,, David Ilarmqn, AiOIjenld, Wm LHaupt, WmNHabersham, 'JosUuntoMBN Har ris, JE Hernandez, 8 P Hamilton, Henry Ilaupt, Ed- wni'd IfeObron, Patrick Halt'Wm Hauinn, Jonathan Hill, L F Harris, Wm P Hunfor, G W Hnrdcnstlo, Wm Hunt, nr - ? Odlendry, D F Halsoy,Patrick IInnly,John Hlgghis, IIorrmaiij-R A W’BUHendry, DF Hnlsoy,Patrickllnnly,! John IJnnly, Jno A Ilengcs, Jno IlunttV, 8J wd,Martin Horn, Wm Hone,.PeterJlPHI , .... ga@$pssfss?e Honry HanfonJE'Hogg,iW-nilarris, NicholasHernan- dM J«Alrrod Haywood, Moics Y-Hondor- U, ! , k1 l R “ H hrdei David JlaVrlngloo, Edwin E Nil Harris, Stopfon Uulrtek<B A Hooker, OB Hunter* RR Habersham, Chas F Ilam- W* VniR HaborshAra, J M Haywood. Thol Hoy nos, Jno n Habersham, George S w Ilulhnnif, John I "il^vm ihir, Jirlon Zviund. in-Kuhlman, Wnvll.Kolly, Phillip iboru,P M Kollock, Ezra Kunt, N-.r juiinvuuiiHi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FAINT AND Oil STOSE, .•AVANMAn, «».. ■ No* 11 VVhltalter-strect. K EEPS constantly for sale—WHITE LEAD, Pure Nos. 1 and 9 English do. GROUND PArNTS: Black, Yellow, Browu, Clirotne Green, Paris Green, and Prussian Blue. DRY PAINTS! Venetian Red, Spnnlsh Brown, Lampblack, Yellow Ochre, Red Lend, Litharge, Paris and Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, Chrome Yellow, Umber, Terra de Sienna, Drop Bluck, and A VARIETY OP FANCY COLORS. LlnsepdOIl Linseed OIL, Sperm do- Ncatsfoot do-and SPIRIT8 OF TURPENTINE, White-Wash BRUSHES, Paint. Var- nlsli. Graining, and Artists’ do., Window and Picture all Borders. E3T Tho abovo articles will be sold on reasonable ilonfeo* Slffn and Ship Fainting: .. Done In a workm an-llke manner, and at reasonable prices. Jan 20 TIME 18 MONEY. DISPATCH IS A RECOMMENDATION, Which it Highly Important to Contractor and Builders. T HE Subscriber Is now prepared, with a sufficient forco of workmen, to do fourtlmos thonmouutof TIN ROOFING of any otlior cstobllsliment In tho City of Savannnh, In tho sarao space or time, and can glvo reference to numerous rooft laid by him. which the pub lic are at lllterty to Inspect. I can coyer a medium shod Dwelling Uotiso, and put up Gutters and Conductors, complete,. In tho spacoof ten hours. All Rooft war- rantod in point ot workmanship, aud prices as low os prudence dictates. -I am also fitting up Water Works In Houses, which In polntofstylo and workmanship has never been practiced In this clly* All work done under my own Immediate Inspection. I rcspoctfolly ask a continuance ortho patronage which has beon so liberally bestowed on mo since iny com mencement of business, and will endeavor to racrlta con tinuance of tho same. JOHN J. MAURICE, may 39 10 and 19 Bnmard-streoL English and French Illustrated Standard* Scientific Medical Books. A PRACTICAL TREATISE on the ate of tho Micro! scope: by John Quokctt. Illustrated. Lectures on Histology, dollvcred at the Royal Collcgo of Surgeons of England: by John QuokelL Illustrated with 159 outs. Chemical Technology, orChetnlslnr applied to tho Arts and Manufactures: by Drs. Knapp, Ronalds, and Rich- on! son. Principles of Physics, and Meteorology: bjr J. Muller, Professor of Physics, at the University ofFrclberg. Illus trated with 530 engravings on wood. Tho Anatomy or the External Forma of Mon: by.J, Fan, M. D., and Robert Knox, M. B. The Microscopic Anatomy or llto Human Body In Health and Disease: by Arthur Illll Hoaaalh'M. V. The Nnturnl History of Man: by James Cowles Prich ard, M.D., etc-etc. Third edition, with 50 colored plates. euveic.- -xniro cumon, with 50 colored plates. Elements or General and Minuto Anatomy of Alan and Mamnlia: by Fr. Gerbor. A Practical Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry, wllh Qualitative and Quanlitajire Analysis: byDugall Camp- boll. flimtjawBfie. T- ARD, HAMS, HIDES AND SIIOULDERS^- Ju ls.cnakafineBolojontaHams*; . 200 Reynold's best Sugar cured Hamn ' SO bbds. prime Bacon Side*: ‘ . v • 17 do. • ,do.- - dor Shoulders; ;.» »■ 40 bbls.prlmo No. J Leaf Lard:for sale by July 13 J. V. CONNER AT A. CO. "LAllD.' J- 40 do. T: di. Bides: — 'do.iShoaIden;| i *•' • *P auks superior Sugar Cured Haras; JQObbls. and 200 kegs prime Leaf Laid. jmrP . SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Sc CO. OARANDMOLAI . . so do, .ndr Mascovado do;; <1°. n. Md O. a.rlOol do. •July 8 • SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A C XHXLFLbtJfa, lOQbbta. Hiram lOO bbta. Hiram Smith’s and pure Gencsco Flour; 40 balf do. do. do do. do4 M Mrik' Bnttor, Sugar and Soda Biscuit; 50 boxesTreadwell’s do. do. 100 boxes Scaled Herrings t 300 - 'doNo.!. Pale and Family Soap: 50 do. Colgate’s Pearl Starch; 30 half chests Y and X fo papers Block Tea} 70 boxes 0 pounds each, superior do. do.; CO packages assorted Green do.; /WI*EB, SUGAR, BACON, V 1^)00 bags Rio Coffee] CO. 100 bhda. Muscovado Sogar; 100 do. Cardenas Molasses; 95 do choice Bacon Sides; 25 do. choice Bacon Shotudere: 150 bales Gunny Bagging. In store and for sale by Juno 23 PADELFORD, FAY & CO. B RANDY AND GIN, IN BOND- “ — 10 pipes Swan Gin: L..Snipes Imperial Eagle Gin: . . ' Brandy; 2 do. do. palo do. « f do. ‘ do. do.* 15 half and quarter pipes Rochelle Brandy. All under Custom Houso loot. For salo by W.M. DAVID8QN. _June 24 T IQUOR8, 8EGAR8, &i JU t 5 qr. casks Otard, Dupuy fc Co.’* Brandy - uiaro, uupuy ec uo.’ 15 do. Pico Madeira Wine 3 half pipes do. do. 3 do.- Sherry do. 50 boxes Claret, quarts and pints 10 baskets Champagne, do. 50 M Began, of direct Importation, and from tho most celebrated manufacturer*; together with a supply of Cordiais.andSwoeimeata. Just received by June 23 AI. J. SOLOMON8. H AY! HAY 11—50 bales prime Northern llay, In store and for sale by July 10 WILLIS Sc BRUNPAQE. TJAY.—200 bales primo North River Hay; landing 11 from brig Excel, and for sale by • July 10 WASHBURN, .WILDER tc CO. jpBAOH BRANDY, FLOUR'and CORNj—io Darrels _ Peach Brandy, 50 bbla. Flour, and 200 bags Com; andlng from sebr. H. N. Gambrlll, and for sale by July 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY tc CO. P EACH BRANDY.—25 bbln. Peach Brandy, landing from Bchr. U. N. Gambrlll, and for sale by July 10 WILLIS Jc BRUNDAOE, /■^iKItMAN COLOGNE!—In quart and pint willow cov- vT cred bottles, also In smaller sized bol" _ - bottles, also In amnller sized bottles, and war ranted to bo the genuine Farina. Just received and for sale by WM. W. LINCOLN, July 12 Monnnienl-sqnaro. OII1IIT8.—G. 8. NICHOLS hnsjnst received from Now O York, a foil r—*“ -* - ... supply of Judson’s superior Shirts.— Those In want of n good artlclo can Store. Quly 9] ton’s superior Shirts.— an got It at tho Clothing GlBnONB’ RANGE. 30WDBR BOXES AND PUFFS.-Clilna and Gilt P ' ... Paper Boxes, some very elegant styles, this day re- col ved, and for sale by ’. LINCOLN, Monnment-aquare. B utter andcheese- 20 ttrktus selected Goshen Butter, 20 tubs “ “ “ 50 boxes Choeao—landing from steamer and for sale by [Jy7] 8CRANTON, JOHNSTON fc CO. araumtoemrntg. Mrs. Eastmajv-wlth Engravings, « Great Salt Lake, or Utah—i jnwt,.. ^ rous Plates. By CaptT Btansburj The Mormons of tho Great 8 Afaps JiT;EnL._,... Lake. ByLlouLGnn- McGown’s Treatise on Diseases ortho South. Banking’s Half-Yearly Abstractor Medical Science. Byrne on Adulterations of Food and Drink. National Portrait Gallera, Nos, 1 to 4-25 cents each. Harper's Maintain* for September. , The Discarded Daughter; Clifford Family. Up Country Letters ( Heirs of Randolph Abbey. Book of Snobs. By Thackeray. Lotus Eating.' By Curtis. . Tho UkstefOplIder. Hy U B,AI aug80~ r W.THORNE WILLIAA18. I/M, Abbott. RECEIVED BY JOHN M. COOPER fc CO., ■ V Wednesday, SepClyU . • " S UMMER TIME IN THECOUNTkY: by Bar. H. A. W ill molt—being a continuation of Appleton’s Popular Library. Tho Ltfo and Public Services of Henry Clay, down to 1848: by Epea Sargent—wilted-and Completed at'Mr., lay’* death, by Horace Greeley. „. The Quoradon Hounds, ora Virginian at Milton Mow bray; bjHennr William Herbert, author of “Frank For rester’s Flffid Sports.” . Heads and Hearts; or, Hy Brother, tho Colonel: a novel by tho author of “Cousin Cuctt,”'&6 ■" The Life of Gen. Franklin Plerpet by ; D, ,W, Bart- lott. septl RECEIVED BY JOHN M t -Xhursdag. August 9015. Bleak House; by Cbarlra Dickea^Noffo The Book of Bnobs; by W. AI. Thackery—Appleton’s Popular Libranr. itry Lettei -, National Up^ountry Letters; edited by Prof. B- Obeervatory. Shades of Character, or The Infimt Pilgrim; by Anne Woodroofic. author of “ Michael Kemp,” Icc. Lydia: .“A Woman’s Book”; by Airs. N. Crossland. Homo ahd Social Philosophy, second series: by Chas, Dickens—Putnam’s semi-monthly Library. : The Clifford Family, or a Tale of the ,Old Doi by ono of her Daughters. - ^ . The Child at Home, or The Principles of Filial Duty, Illustrated} by John C. Abbott. Lotus-Eating: a Summer Book; by G. W.Curtis. Pictorial Field Book—No. 20. Dominion; A Lstln-Engllsh and Engllih-Lntln Dictionary; by Charles Aiithou, for the use or Schools.' The Men of tbo Time, or Sketches of Living Notables. The Master Builder, or Lite at a Trado; by Day KeL *ne Nineteenth Century, or Tho Now Dispensation! being a brief examination of tho claims and assertions of Emanuel Swendenborg. j Banking's Half-Yearly Abstract—No. 15, January to ^Alemolr of Ellon Mary Woodward; by Rov. Geo. Boswell's Journal of a Tonr to tho Hebrides with Samuel Johnson. L, L. D.—English edition, illustrated. Tho Illustrated London Cookery Book, containing 1500 receipts; by Frederick Bishop, ffienrral anrtircttamrentfl; SAVAHKAB AKD. A UGUSTA. wm „_ r DAVID L. ADAMS. CHATHAAWIronf- THOS; 8. METOAI TENNESSEE,,. W4 Which, with facilities for trnmpoi "‘ZgMi Tho Ol«gM(Lra-. with the steamsfilM freight by them Jn 5 d Freight (nosy taken, . td tho Interior of and Alabama, lu D. L. Adams will connect —ja and Alabama, landing ifromNpwYorkto ‘ * _ Sd free of commission. GST In order to ftertint detention or mitt of lading should be nddressed to G.- II. JC frmfl e A l »??XR5* h * MtfrStoaW from the I JOHN A. MOORE, AgentTAtiguata^ , ■' .DlRECTdRS. Savannaii.—Geo. If. Johnston, Andrew Lo,w,Edwk»d' t XjmusTArJ.R, Bulkier,T.S.Metcair, James JHop SAVAMWAH AHM AllOHSTA mOJI 'STEABIBOAT COMPANY OP 0E0B01A.' nms OOMPANV,will cohll|molo trahip<irt Produce' Wld .otlwr Merehcndl^on’lira SaTumali rller,t»: andjhjm / JOHN R LAMARj, r , _ ‘ • — AND ALSO BY TDI'iTBAtatE^Tn r,T ?it' _ _ GOfSTS. Idlngsj - , OFFER FOR SALE—5,000'lbs:'Union White m&teSsffsst.* 0 ’*-:, ■coo NEW HOOKS. -pvETECTION or Fraud and Protection Hcalthl; a XJ trentlso on tho adulteration of Food and Drink, with plain and slmnlo directions for detecting them, and |nfi uence 0 f on u, 0 Human f or the deleterious Influence or Lead on the Humon'Bys- tem, means of preventing its Influence, treatment of Lead Affections, and of the process for detecting .Lead when ever present; with an appendix, giving nearly ono hund red receipts for making Tooth Powders and Washes, Hair Dlls, Hair Dyes, Pomades, Skin Powders, Perfomo, Soaps, Confcctloms Essences, Syrups, Tinctures, fcc.: by AI. L. Bym, AI. D., graduate of the University of the ' New-"--’* P ATENT BARLEY—Recommended by the faculty as a imtritlous cooling food for infanta, also forma- king custards, puddings, fc(L, jnst received’ ami for sain [July 9] MOORE & HENDRICKSON. B ACON.—75 hhds prime Bides and Shoulders, In store, and for salo (Juno 71 A, MINIS. B ACON SHOULDERS.—31 hhds. primo Cincinnati, landing from ship Hartford; for salo by July5 COIIEN fc FOSDIOK. B ACON 8IDES AND SHOULDERS—75 hhds. pnme Bacon Sides, Cincinnati; 50 do do do Shoulders do; in store and for salo by July 9 TTAMB, SHOULDERS AND MIDDHNG8—50 casks 11 vory cholco Hams, the following brands: Du (field, Stag St Way, Hchonley & Hnugh; 200 —„ _ .. ay, Hchonley & Hnugh; Sides ; _25 do. do. Sbduldtrs; for salo by casks Cincinnati CRANE & nOLCOMBB. City of New-York. Alemolr of Ellen May Woodward: by tbe Rev. Goo. D. Miles, A. M—second edition. A Practical Treatlse^n Business, or how to Get,8ave, Spend,Give, Lend and Bequeath Alnncy,with an Inquiry Into the chances of Bueoese, and cause of Failure In Busi ness. Also, Prize Essays, Statistics, Miscellanies, and numerous Private Letters from successful and distin guished Business Alen: by Edwin T. Freedly—second edition. No. 15, of tho Half Yearly Abstract of tho ModJcal Science: Edited by W. H. Ranking. M. D. History of the Mormons in ibo VaJJcy of tbo Groat Balt hake, derived from personal observation during a resldcnco among them: by Lieut. J. W. Gunnison, ofthe Topographical v — Vols. 3*and 4 of Abbotsford’s edition of the Waveriy Novels, bound In cloth. Rccelred by aug 24 J.B. I. CUBBEDGE. QUGAR.—5U hhds. New-Orloans Sugar, 25 do Port Rico Loardo: 25 do do B. Glorified do; In store and for sale by July a swift; fc oo. YSOMESnG LIQUORS.—50 bbls N. O. Whiskey; 25 I, ■ . — — — — —.——.—. —— — — ... —..»......ov; S5 JL/ do N. E. Rum; 25 do P. fc II. Gin; 95 do E.' P. Gin; 25 do Domestic Brandy; 10 do Peach Brandy; for salo by *•*“" SVVfFTfc CO. Wy a Physlologlo Pathologiqno: par H. I/obort. Tho Phliosophy of Muniage: by Allchael Ryan, M. D. tel Ryan,. Mitchell. L.F. Caemtz. JJAM8^ Plcklod and Smoked Tongues, Fulton Market inti in * Manual of Practical Assaying: by John All A Complete Course of Meteorology: brl Encyclopodle Anatomlquc: par J. lleulo. Received by Juno 10 JOHN AI. COOPER fc CO. 17RE8H CRACKERS.—10 bbls. frosh Soda, Butter, X 1 Sugar, Lemon, Boston, and Cream Biscuit; just re ceived by [July 10] J. A. BROWN. GOME AT LAST! T HE SUBSCRIBER bos Just received a select assort ment of Ladies’ light colored Linen Gaiters; also, Ladles’ Black and White Kid and Satin Slippers, which ho respectfully Invites tho public to coll and examine, at Gibbons’Buildings, sign or tbo largo Boot. July, 10 WILLIAM REIDT. READY*1HADE CLOTHING ^ AT WHOLESALE ONLY; S UCH Has becu the demand in this Market for Clothing at wholeealo by Country Merchants, wo havo boon In- ducal to fit up ana fill ono of our Lofta with .READY MADE CLOTHING and GENTLEMEN’S FURNISU1NG GOODS, which wo uow offer at WHOLESALE ONLY. Dealers will at once see the advantage of selecting from n LARGE 8TOCK r where llio sizes ore not broken by constantly retailing from It. We do not conflno ourselves to any one particular market In getting our CLOTHING, but take advantage ofsoveral of tho Northern markets, llatu and Caps* We shall contlnuo as heretofore, tho Wholesale Hat and Cap Business, and by connecting tho two branches, fool confident cau give better bargains In ellher branch than were before offered In this city. Our slock IS now complete, to which wo most roapectfolly Invite an exami nation before purchasing, at Nos. 155 Congress and 75 8L Jullan-atrueta, Gibbons’ Block, Savannah, Gn. Jan 20 LYON fc REED. CHEAP CA8H 8TQRE, CORNER WHITAKER AND CONORESS-STS. JgLEACHED and Brown SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS. t Tho Subscribers have Just recolvod per brig WUson New-York Mills do do James’ Steam Mills do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowoll LONG.CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 Londsdnlo and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Boa Island Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 4-4 7-8,8,9,10, II, and 12-4 Allendale Bro. Shooting 7-8, fi, 9,10,11, and 12-4 do Bloached do 7-8,8,0,10,11, and 12-4 Hamilton do do For sale by AI. PRENDERQ AST fc CO. CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRESS-STS. ... ... . .. -jyjiflkinor Alabama, rpMlE Subscribers havo received poi JL a cholco selection of SUMMER GOODS,, consisting FEVER AND AGUE, HILL FEVER, Dumb Aguo, Intermittent and Ro- \J mlttcnt Fevers and alltho various forms of bilious diseases, speedily and thoroughly cured by DR. OS GOOD’S INDIA CHULAGOGUE,the weU known romo dy for Fever and Aguo. That old favorite with tho public, requires no Clap Trap to glvo It curreucy with tho pcoplo. It is loft to tell Its own story—to rest on Its own Intrinsic merits. Ask tho candid man who has given It a fair trial, ann ho will tell yon what It will accomplish. \ It Is ontiroly a vegetable preparation, and may bo taken by any ono. will: ported safoty to the most dollcnto con stitution. In repented instances It has been administered to intents less than a month old, suffering from attacks of Fever and Ague, and always with entire success- In nnmborlosa Instances constitutions grontly Impaired, and apparently nilnod* by a long residence In a bilious cll- ninto, have been entirely restored by Its continual and ef ficient uso. For sale at wholesnlo or retail, by WM. W. LINCOLN, Alonumontrsquaro. July 29 Sole Agent for this City. in part as follows»—Bareges or overa description, Tissues, Foulard Silks, Grenadines, Printed Jaconeta, Organdies and Cambrics, “ , ~ ,,t and Llnon I'oi sleeves, Choral-™ ,—— r Net Gloves and Alltta—all of which thoy will dispose of at their usual low prices for cash, or city acceptances, may 20 M. PRENDEUOABT fc OO. n URLAIN^SEAU LUSTRALE.—For washing, cloans- VT lug nna bcauUfylng tho Ilalr, mid provontlni _. Ing„„ -..jUiying tho Ilalr, mid provontlng lta Just received, and for sale hy. MOORE fc IIENDRT0K80N. C ORN and OAT8.—2,000 bushels prime White Corn; 2,000 do do Winter Oats: landing and for salo by July 13' CLAQHORN fc CUNNINGHAM. L EAD.—0,000 lb. Whlto Lend, pure, extra and No. 1; for salo by [July 23] Al.MlNIB, cILK and G1NGI1AA1 SUN UMBRELLAS and PAR- luffa' 8 ’- “ 1 ° V “' y0h “6!!fclTr fc MOItOAM. _ 1" Unl>M]- TpASTERNHAY.—200balo*prime Eastern-Ilavjfor .Ci sale by,- [July,31] E. W. BUKEu. TTiLOUR.—100 wholo and. 30. lialf barrels Baltimore JD Flour; 40 bbls. Iloyvard-at. and priuio Genesee dod landing, and forBalo by. July 20: " OLAGHORN fc CUNNINGHAM. H/fATFING CLASPS—For testenlng matting tho to - IVI floors of Halls; Parlors, &e; ' For sale tor ' Jnlyl • ' - ^ COLLINS fc BULKLEY. ■TJAY. —150 baloe primoNorlhomllsy; for salo by ;xl July at- HUNTER fc GAMMELL. July 9L Wnldbnrg’s Buildings, Joffcrson-st. -A fresh R OSE - WATER.—A fresh supnlwi of French' Boso ^r-i^^&'rAiiniqlaos.' ORDINARY’S 1I1.ANK8. A LL tho dlfforont forms of Blanks, according to the Into law, for tho Court of Ordinary, printed and for salo by [inar 20] JOIIN M. COOPER fc CO. NOTICE. M Y BTOCK OF JEWELRY Is now largo and very select: DIAMOND WORK or PINS, BARINGS, FINGER RINGS, &c^ Is now more extensive than usual, having n flno lot of Extra Size, sot to order. Among (he variety Is a CLUSTER RING, (seven Diamonds,) value, fSOtf-whlch will bo a real gratltlcatlou to Bhow m- frlonds as belug rare, and of beautifol workmmislilp; 1. Is also fitted for n PIN, In a very good and substantial form. ladies’ PINS, BROOCHES, EARRINGS. BOX- .PINS, for Ilalr or DagnerroolypoModallons; for do. do- ' Bracelets, Cuff and SHAWL PINS and TRINKETS, In the greatest variety. All will bo sold at prices to please those who may call at G. M. GRIFFEN’S, ‘ mar 31 Lato M. Eastman’s. To tho Ladlon. pARKER*S FURNITURE GLOSS,„fpr cloansl] vlvlug, and beautifying Cabinet Furniture, Ing, n>- Chairs, fc^j glvi^ a rich, flossy jipponmnco, 8Ui>orim' to_var- subscribers havo boon appointed Agonta for tho sale of the abovo excellent artlclo. Direc tion* accompany oacli bottle. No housokeoper should bo without it. Price 25 conto. For salo by tho dozen or single'bottle. A llboral dlsconut to those who wish to self attain. COLLINS &J1ULKLEY, 100 Bryan-etreeL WASHING COM y free from any sub* stanco that Will Injure Its color of texture or finest fabric, apd Is therefore particularly adapted to tho washing of ten'ey nrtlcles. • It ta'an excellent artlclo for tho Toilet aud Is tho only Soap usodon board tbo steamer Florida. Just received and for salo by • JupoR .k ,<■. V WM. W. LINCQLN, Monument-sq. In extensive use for soveral yours, for which tho high- 111111 ■■ENDRIOKtiON. IJtJ IE B f,rr RED ALE ROMANCE: by Nathaniel Haw A Journoy to Katmandu: by Lawrence Ollphant. Class-Book of Poetry, for, School* or Private Instruo- Uorii by-RHxaRobblns;" 4 i ' Bloak House-^No. 5i" • A Journal kept doringa Summer Tour: by Miss Sowell NBWJIIDSIO. S ONGS: Ask mo not what I am thinking, Lilly Dale, This, tills Is Iho hour, My clilldhood’s home. When thou my ohorishod love wertby, Til think of thee in men- .... . . -oftllght, , girl’s carol. Pilgrim land forever, Lay ofthe sylph. Wake upawoet melody, Coma and see mo Mary Ann, My own pretty Rose, Dying oxilo, One follhfol friend, Ago of gold, Oh were I but n moonbeam bright, Thus meet thou and I, I wish she was here, Strike t strike for your fatherland, I, I wish alio was here. Strike t strike for your fatherland Trumpet of Liberty, Oh l mother hero’s the very top 01 Joy uud grior, Smiling faces, Mary Leo, fcc- &<%, for sail by [may 3] F. ZOQBAUM te CO. Iroivn’sEisoncoof Jamaica. Ginger. rpillS Artlclo Is elaborately prepared from carefully st X locted articles of tho beat quality; it possesses fr ._._j r „ /■ irtles of tho concentrated form all the valuablo properties of tho Ja maica Ginger, and is warranted to bo free from all irri tating or other properties of an injurious tendency. It Is beneficially used in a variety of circumstances where a warm cordial and grateful atlmntautta required, particularly in cssos where there is a sonso of exhaus tion arising from excosslvo fatiguo orheat, a few drops lu hair a tumbler or water with a Uttlo sugar, will be found on effectual and most pleasant restorative, which makes this essence a highly useful addition to tho travel ler’s portmanteau, os well ns to tho family collection of remedies. lore nausea , carriage, or from tho motion of a vessel at sea, tho Essence of Gin ger, If given according to tho directions w>U almost in- ,or, 11 given owurui . uriably give relief. In ordinary dlnrrhma. Incipient cholera. In short. In all cases or prostration or thodigcatlvo functions, whether from Indulgence or disease It Is of ineilltuablo vnluo, During the summer months nud In Southern climates. It Is Invaluable, particularly during tho prevalence of opldomlo Cholera; no traveller or family should bo will •out It. Just rocolvtjd norstentner, and for sale by Juno 24 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument-square. n store aud C ORN.—1,500 sacks or Chattanooga Corn, in 1 for salo low, to closo consignment, by July 17 A. 0. TOMS, 120 Bay-street. TTMNGER BOWLS.—A vartoty of colors and patterns Sfer" ^V COLLINS fc BULKLEY. G RUSHED SUGAR, fcc.—25 bbls. Crushed Sugar, for Preserves, at 10* lbs. for II; Lost; Clarified, and Brown do; Almonds, Raisins, Prunes, Figs, Citron, Cur rants, fca; Just received andtor sale by July 17 *M. J. SOLOMONS. July 10 , and Pork; J nst received by Standing collars.—a largo suj 0 Linen Collars, for sale by July a WM. U.SYMON8, 17 Whltaker-aL _ . Imoked do« ^51- O ton Market Beer, Pig Pork, No. 1 Mackerel (large); for sale by [July 7] _W. D. FORIP B ACON.—25 hhds. primo Bacon Sides; 10 do do do Shoulders; for solo by } Jntj 5 COHENS fc HERTZ. /CHOICE LIQUORS IN GLASS.—30 DomfioKHrveTT \J cholco Old Brandy, 1815; 50 do. Jamaica Rnm; 50 do. St, Croix do.; 25 do. N. O. WhUkey; 50 doz. Mad. Wine; for sale by July 5 CRANE fc HOLCOMBE. B UTTER.—5 firkins choice Goshen Butter, Just re ceived by LJuly 10] J. A BROWN. I VORY HANDLE TABLE CUTTLERV—for sale by by F. W. CORNWELL, July 5 102, Bryan street. H AY.—100 bundles prime Northern Hay, landing this day from the schr. F. Battorlee; for solo by July 5 W, P. TEFFT. A damantine fc tallow candles.-3oo boxes vnrions brands, for sale by July 5 CRANE fc HOLCOMBE. W EST INDIA AND N. O. MOLASSE8.-50 hhds^ 75 tierces and 50 bbls. W. I. Molasses, 50 barrels^ forsaloby July 5 CRANE fc HOLCOMBE. . . cheap, by July g r sale GEO, 8. NICHOLS, . Gibbons’ Range. _ colls Kentucky Bolo Rope: for sale by July S 8VVIFT fc CO. W HITE DRILL PANTS.—A new and boautiful lot just received per steamer Floridn, ond for sale at SAUL8BURY fc CO.’S, July 7 Marshall Houso. M OCKINO BIRD CAGES.—Just received per ship Southport, and (or sale by July 2 COLLINS fc BULKLEY, 100 Brynn-st. _ do Canal do; 50 do Sugar. Soda, aud Butter Biscuit; 30 half do do do do do; for sale by " WEBSTJ July 2 iTERfc PALMES. 1 1'QREION LIQUORS.—15 half pipes Otard, Dupuy fc 1 Co.’s Brandy; 10 do J. J. Dtipuy’s do; lOpipea Mead or’s Swan Gin; iustore and for solo by July9 bwift fc co. L ARD,—In kens and bbls n for sale by . July 1 If. J. GIT/BERT. S COTCH PIG IRON.—40 tons No. 1 “Glongnrnoch,” landing from ship Adrian from Liverpool; for rato by Jnly 8 A. 5IINIS. H AIR BRUSH Ea—a boautifta nasortment of Hair, Nall, Tooth, and Comb Brushes, composed of PearL Satin-wood, Ivory, Buffalo, and 8hc!( bacts. Also hurd and sort English, French, and American manufacture.- Jiist received and for salo by July 9 MOORE fc HENDRI0K8QN. July » f, aionument-sqnaro. largo and elegant assortment of Ilalr, Nall,“ WJ *■—*• ‘ A *- J Tooth, Cloth, NaTl, and Comb Brashes, this day re ceived nor steamer Florida, and for salo by July 8 VV. W. LINCOLN, Monument-sqtiare. H AY, BRICKS, WHITE PINE LUMBEI LATI1S.—100 bales Eastern liny, 50,000 Paving Bricks, 20,000 ft White lino Boards, and 100,000 seasoned Whlto Pino Laths, enrgo of brig Harriet, dally ~ jgg- F ‘ ,r “" , ’ IO " ,r aG'«AM, KELLY fc CO. NEW IIOOKS. RECEIVED BY JOHN M. COOPER fc CO. Thursday, August 12f&. ■piERRE, or the Ambiguities: by Herman Melville, Jl author of “Typee,” “Omoo,” etc. Mysteries, or Glimpses of tho Supematorali .by Charles Wylly* Elliott. Tho Mother at Home, or the Principles of Maternal Duty : by. John 8. C. Abbott, with numerous engravings. Mnrco Paul's Voyages and Travels In Vermont and Maine: - by Jacob Abbott. The History of tho United States t by Richard Hild reth—vol. 6. Pictorial Field Book ofthe Revolution—Nos. 94 and 25. London Labor, and the London Poor—parts 20 and 91. Stray Leaves from an' Artie Journal, or Eighteen Months in the Polar Region In search of - Sir John Franklin 1 by Llent. S. Osborn. anuTI Scenes and Thoughts In Europe, t by George H. Cal- Tho Laws of LHb, with special reference to tbe Phys ical Education of Girls: by Elizabeth Blackwell, M. D. The Napoleon Dynnsty, or tho History of the Bona- jinrto Family—an entirely new work t by tbe Berkely aug 13 NEW HOOKS RECEIVED BY JOHN M. COOPER fc CO, Friday, Aug.VRh. A UNT PHILLIS’ CABIN, or Southern Life as ft is: by Mrs. Mary II. Eastman. Godey’s Lady’s Book for September. Tho Adventures of a Gentleman In Search of Miss Smith: by Eliza A. Dupuy. Graham’s Magazlno ror September. Mervyn Clltherve: by W. Harrison Ainsworth, author of “Windsor Castle,’’ etc, etc. NEW LAW HOOKS. T HE Jurisdiction and Powers or the United States Courts and Rules of Practice in the Supremo Court, and of tho Circuit and and District Courts in Equity and Admiralty; by Step. D. Law. Medical Jurisprudence; byP.R.Beck, M. D. and L. L. D,—a now edition, In 9 vote. Reports In tho Superior Court, City of New-York; by tho lion. L. Il.Snndl-ord, vol. 3. Comstock’s Reports in the Court of Appeals, New* York—4 vols. The Jurisdiction, Law and Practice in tho Courts of tbo United States in Admirollly and Morallme Causes; br A. Conkling.Judge U.&for Now York.2 vols. Tho Principles of Circumstantial Evldonoe; by Willis. Trcallao on tho Law of Covenants for Title; by Win. R. Rondo. The Law of Evldcnco In Criminal Cases; by Roacoe— 4th American edition, by Shsrtwood. July 7 VV. THORNE WILLIAMS. NEW LAW BOOKS. J URISDICTION and Powers of the U. B. Courts, and the Rules or Practice: by 8. D. Law. Beck’s Medical Jurisprudence—3d edition, 9 vols. Tbe Jurisdiction and Practlco of the Courts of tho United State* In Admiralty and Maritime Cases: by A. Conkling. District Judge D. 6. for N. Y.—2 vols. 3d Sanford’s Reoorta. Supreme Court Now-York Clly.* 3d and 4th Comstock’s Reports, Court or Errors New- York. The Princeton Pulpit: Edited by J. T. Dufflold. Tho Wide, Wido World, and Qucechy: by Elizabeth fetborelL VV. THORNE WILLIAMS. U NCLE TOM’S CABIN AS IT~IS, or Llfa In tbo South—being scenes jn tho real life of the lowly: A Journal of Summer Time in tbo Country: by Rov. R. A. Wlllmot. Illustrated New Testament, with upwards of 120 Illus trations—London.j Hue’s Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, with nu merous Illustrations—London, 2 vols. th 0French Revolution . in 1815—London Library edition In 14 vols, 8vo ; with portraits, and a quarto volume of upwards of 100 maps and plans or battles. Tho Book of Snobs: byThackarny. Edinburgh Review for July, sept 1 W.* THORNE WILLIAMS. M YSTERIES, OR GLIMPSES OF THE SUPER NATURAL: NATURAL: by Elliott. Herman Melrillo’s new work^“Pierre.’’ The Laws of Life In tho Physical Education of Girls: by Eliz. Blackwell. 25 cents. Calvert’s Scenes and Thoughts In Europo—2d edition. »hy—T 500 do. Bleached Winter 8pe 20 barrels _ dp. Whale Oil; . 10. do. Train OIL best quality; 0 do. Winter strained Lard Oil; 5 do. Coburn’s Machinery Oil; 10 do. No. 1 Castor OH; s & 5 casks 8a&ratns: 5 barrels Refined Saltpetre; 250 ounces Paris’ Sulphate Quinine; 10 barrels Lprlllard’s 8nuff; 90 boxes assorted Candles;. . 50 boxes Ray’s Lemon syrup;. I IHl Together with an extensive assortment of Patent Afefli* clncs; Perfumery; Hair, Tooth and BhavinhBritahtttTOI* let Soaps; Tuck, Dressing and Bldo Combs, fcc. £04 all of which are ottered at. tho lowest prices, either foicash ‘ naner. . C* Juji'y '■ or approved paper. O THE Subscriber has on ‘ hand, and fa bon* 7X stantly receiving frpmtho boftand most re- - Va. ■Pect^mMufactorer* in -tho country.RIch i«ldB DIAMOND, RUBY, PEARL ’and other JEW- ELRY, and Sterling SILVER WARE: such as Table, T «» Spoons and Forks} Silver Plates trad Walters, Tot Setts, Castors, Cup* and BaOcers, Goblets, Tumblers, Pap Boats, Soup and Sauce Ladles; Pie. Ico M BttSvSSwpM!!^WiSJ 1 sS^jSJ^ FraJ® K o'*“. iml Sllrer Ptalod on Steel, Table and Desert Knives. Flno Twenty-one Day Marble Mantle Clocks, and com* ion Brass Clocks, of every description. Seals and Keys, Gold nnd811ver Thimbles, Gold and' Silver Spectacles, Rogers’ fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors and Razor Strops, Card Owes. Port Monaleju fcc! * - ‘ Particutar aftontlon will bo given uTRopalriny or fetches, Clocks and Jewelry. * From his long experience and extensive , fadlltiop, ho “ Yi®g.WlLMOT, No.l Market-sqnare. REMOVAL. HI CON8EQUENCE or oxtcnslvo alterations to be made in their store, the undersignod have removed to the promises formerly occnplcd hy Jn«Bg> F. ZOGBAUM fc CO. TBAVELiBR!8 '.TRUNK DEPOT. n'jSU.Tft’O. - RANGE. /r\ GEORGE 8. NIOHOL8 TTA8, In connectton with bis CLOTHINff BUSINESS. JUl fitted up hta second story for TR A Y BELT NO THUNK8, VALY3K3 AND OAWKT 11 AGS.imaIn- tends to keep np a complete assortment of such articles. - respectfully Ihvitea travellers and all others in want, jail and examine hls stock. Ufa price, will be marked 1°*’ “J 1 WH •» 50 to each, made up and; flushed In tnehest stylo, and for convenience. Each' will bo muked with the lowest tolling prioe, and no abatement from IL [mar 35] , QEO. B. NICI1QL8. TRUNKS! TUENK8I1 TBUNKSIlf BBHfc A very targe assortment of .Hno and> I common Traj-clIingTrunks, among which :dlca’ Trunks, and Hat Boxes, Just. apr97 1 O. JOUN8QN fc CO, 108 Bryaitral, 1 mentof Travelling and Packlng.Trunks. relectlon orCaqietlliigsi'For June 28 1 PIERSON fc HEIDT. TIN-WAKE AND STOVE DEPOT. ' : r RflTnnvnr. ■ Removal, f%8g££5St&2t. beautifol Iron Trout Store* In BroUgh- • ton-street, neirly opposite L W. Mdrrelf fc Co.’s store. i w npM made to please. 7 ‘ • _ - Jpnd 80 BLAKE’S PATENT . ! ' X . der, then mixed with Linseed Oil to thi. ebnslstehey then mixed with Linseed Oil to UikVebittisteMy ...... paint, imd applied with a brush, And after an exv, posuro of a few months to tho atmosphere, this coating becomes a perfect slate or coot of mall, protecting what ever is covered from the action of the wpatfaef pnd from. _ There Is nothing equal to it for steamboat and car decks, for all kinds of Iron, as it' forms a coating nearly as bard as the Iron I tseir, and never cleaves off.'- In some places, a spurious article bos been sold as tbe genuine, therefore purchasers should be earelUl to buy of authorized Agents. PAL WP rcry Barrel Is marked BLAKE'S FIRE-PRO OB 'NT. The above Point tafor sale In Savannah by ■ p 18 Q A. L. LAMAR. , STpNBj ■i or which Is already dressed for running, - and' of supcrior quality. All tho necessary irons furnished with the Stono when wanted. - - •« If.relnr. n .nmiullnhl (n.II,rl.liml 1 n ilnna. Bn .l St. Illll ' T HE Undersigned has on hand an nasoi Btotte, from 18 inches to 4X lbet'dtai.„.,._ of which is already dressed for running, - and' ofh miu: Stones, Uio artlclo con bo delivered at all. Umes to suit, orders, and on liberal terms. C, 11. CAMPFIELD. - L emons—For sale by. ...V, i,-. July 91 W, D. FORD, Wcldburg’a Bnlldlnga. Homo and Social Philosophy—2d scries. Osborn’s Arctic Journal In Search or Franklin. Waveriy Novels, 3d and 4th vols.: Abbotsford edition. Tho Illustrated New Testament, 120 Illustrations. Tho Mormons, with 40 engravings. Hue’s Travels In Thibet and Chinn; 50 engravings. Tho Ruined Chios of the East, Nluevoh, &ca plates. M’dmePfleffer’s Journey Round the World—pistes. The Illustrated London Spelling Book, Reading Book, and Instructor. aug 20 W, THORNE WILLIAMS. QUGARS, COFFEE, TOBACCO, fcc.—10 hhds. 8L 0 .CroixSugar,25do.JPortoRjcodo,^100bbls. Stuart’s I EMBROIDERED MARSEILLES VESTS.—A beantt* yr—- r-. ... 41 ful assortment Just received nud for sale at •July 17 SAULSBURYfc CO.’S, Mnrahall House, A LE and PORTER.—10 casks India AJo, In quarts and ptOSMElTO VINEGAR—For tho toilotjust rooolved JuIySl lbr8 * l0 ' by MOORE fc UERDR1CKBON. TJACON.-GO lihds. vei X>, landing' ;wr steamer phla, nnd for salo by J«nygo inr cholco Sides and Shoulders; 1 Slate of Gporgla, frpm Phltadel- PADELFORD, FAY fc CO. H AY.—100 bales primo Northern Hay, landlnh 1 aud for wlo hy. nntmiAM. kkt.t.v k no. July is r .' - BRIGHAM, KELLY fc CO. | jlLob^rlllO libU. 060100 Winll, pll|ir, r6k ani) URASS WIHK, .I— iwm HIPIBltS- 'Forsaloby . F.)W»OORNWRLL, Jidy 19 y Kagryau-sreet. QODFI8H and- H BURIN G-J ustreoelred^ fo^rale^by Jnly SO JOHN/M. COOPER.fc CO ■ •tore,tut! for salo .by t Sogers, of .various breads. .MrM.MIUN .V. !TbUTnilR^A lttl|i.tipplr of B»l» •»1 S>oe— re; TTBSTS.—A'flpo assortment of Wblto xmJn? blar* do. U.fc Ore50 do. Crashed do-20do. Powdered do., 40 boxes Lonr do.; 200 bags Rio Coffee, 75 do. Lag. do^ 25 do. Java dore 10 do. Mocbo do.; 250 boxes Tobacco, va rious brands; 50,000 very superior Spanish Began} 100,- 000 Hnlf-Spanlsh and American do.: for salo by Jnly 5 1 ' nitANHfenni/rtMRR. fjjliiME ALMONDS, Filberts, English Walnuts, Brazil X Nuts, fresh Sardines, best Brands; In store, and for salo by_ [July 7] W. D. FORD. do.; Tor salo by July. 5 omestlo Brandy, 20 qr. casks Muscat Wine; 10 do. Teneriffe CRANE fc HOLCOMBE. TJUTTF.R, CHEESE, fcc.—20tubs cholco Goshen But- 13 ter; 30 boxes English Dairy Cheeso; “ UAMPAGNE.—35 bnSkota^^Inta^aud qusrta, of: Uio ^RGEAT and . RASPBERRY SYRUPS, warranted fresh. Just received per Phllndelnhla stcanicr, and (tfrubby W. W. LINCOLN; Ji»y g? Monnment-sqnkre, /^OMBS.—A large assortment or ShelLlyory,.- Buffalo \J. and Bnudlllan Dressing, Tuck, Film Teofh, and — - —* if the latest patterns; Just re- Children’s Long Combs, or the latest patterns; Ju^t-- celved per steamer, and for sate by July IT MOORE fc HENDRICKSON. ’ ' “ TL^ugar, & do N. O. d< QUGARS.-—25 hhds. prime P. R. Sugar: 95 do N. O. do:. 0 85 bbls Smart’s crushed do; 25 do do best clarified lo; 25 boxea refined Loaf do; for sale by Juljt9T: ■■■• , 1-- ■ SWIFT fc OO. X Tbo Upper Ten Thousand, Sketches or Amoric&n Society; by Arthur Brlstod. Precaution: a Novel; by Fennimore Cooper, contain ing Bryan’s Oration on bis Life, fcc. Fielding’s Amelia and Joseph Andrews. Roderick Random; bySmolloL Tredgold on the Steam Engine—No. 21, publishing In London at 75 cents each number, with numerous engrav ings. A single copy on hand. Pereiras Materia Medico, vol. 1, now edition. The Westminister Review, for July. London Lancet, for August. Roughing it In tbo Bush, Dollars and Cents, Mdme. Pfloffer’aIceland,BuckeyoAbroad 1 Hun ling the Romantic, Tefll’s Hungary and Kossutb, fco^ fcc. aug 19 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. IFE ATTHE SOUTH, or “ UNCLE 1*0111*8 CABIN” _ Corn, Mhdingfrom sqhr.,. leans, and for sale by Juno 30 rime White : aiay,-trom Nqw-Cr-. C URRY COMBS, Uorso Brushes and Horse Oombs salo by • F. W. CORNWELL, Juno 18 109 Bryan^treeL H° OSIERY.—100 dozens Ladles’ White Cotton IIos.. 30 dozens do . Unbleached do -do ■ 25 do do Black do : do ■ 25 do do Mixed do. do 50 do Misses’ White, Colored and Fancy Hose. 75 do Boys’White, Brown andMlxed Sock*. , ' Also:—Ladles’ Black and White Silk HOefeforsalo’ low, by NEV1TT, LATHROP fc BTElJBINB. 1 June 14 \. BROWN. HITE SIURTS,—A fresh supj Florida; .for sale low by . July 8 - T’l-j ±J AS IT 18: being Narratives, 8conea and Incidents n Heal “ Ufa of tho Lowlv’f: bv VV. L. G. Smith. 4 . Tho object of tho author is to represent the condi tion of thoslnvo In hls rude but comfortable Cabin, his., dolly occupations and pastimes, the rotations between master and slave, the mistaken impulses and'miscon ceived views ortho Northern Philanthropist, fcc- fcc- and to represent tho passions and sentiment* -in' their natural forms, a* tho saute are display tid In' the humblest lol ln human society, thus.showing that^ in tbe case of; the stavo at leant, contentment bestows more happiness.: Ibon froodqm} and at the same timp to represent, a* 1 IT 1 is, nclass of people, viz: tho Planter, to whom Justice has seldom been done, and whoso character, ns exhibited ln.prerj.dMr life U >ell oilonlutod to win too nmlubli Judgment or the world; Received, and for sale hjr r QUO Alt.—25 bbls. Crashed Sugar, 20 hairbOxe* LoaT 01 do n 50 bbls. Gtarlflod do4 landing from ship Uartfotd, r _^dOp,W bbls. Clarified do$ lauding from shlj ^July s” ° T CLAQHORN fc CUNNINGHAM. ! 7nijl3 * . ^SlljpBB fc.HIMpBiiMiiitfeC A^&^sssjsi-dmf" lng this day- from 1 bariy Ale Depot. ■ JOHN «*’ COOPER fc CO. —ALSO—.. ' ' 1 Sir John Franklin |nd the Arctic RotIoos: Jjy p. L. ' ® AGGING, BALE ROPE, fccre &C.—200 bales Gunny .Cloth; 500coUaRopo; J,000 lbs. Twine; 10 ttata* Dundee Bagging; for aalo by JtUy5_ •!BI CRANE fc noIdCQMBB. Iffoo, lust rac’d and for sale by 'ButterSo; landlhgatM ■- 1 OOYJ^E. i 1 ,JulyS3• |7TcT>i“: CX 'pANAL FLOUR.-440, half.bbls. 1 Lr.l^'nsp./CU^gn^. H oward street FLOUR<f-lo6 1 Wntly reoelvW.‘^pr.Mte - * July 98 V CRANE fc HOLCOMBE. *pyA MB.—1 oo Reynold’s .best Hams,Jusi r^celVFga^d . July 0 13" ° y McMAHON fc DOYLE. , Jnly l3 TIME andLA'. XJ landing per j - 'Jniy i2M - Jnly 29<-/‘i^M ? CLAgI . ' -./J