Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 01, 1852, Image 1

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IS rPPLISHEP daby and tbi-weekly nv j; L. LOCKE & GO. nnd. County ITlntor.. C1 — TBEilBi ■ forthopaporbemltonili W. . ... n i mtsa. K^t^^^^^^k^^ta^tvHowe, 08 Hardee, Jlliba Ilazad, J F Hood, Thoa Henderson, W J Ilalley. Hour* IlanioiyJ E Uogg,.W It Harris, Nicholas Hernan- des. Thos ilenerea, Allred Haywood. Moses Y Hender son, 0II. Ilall. R-H Hardee. Darld Harrington, Edwin S I Hertz, W H Houseman, Nil Harris, 8tepben Ilatrick, 8 [A Hooker, 0 8 Hauler, RK Ilnhcraliatn, Chns P Ham- mVH^iloltneaj 81* Halsey, Wm W Habersham, J M ton, W aywood, \°\il *? •"‘goo One Yeay i.. i'ii i .30 6. Hk&Sw '•'"it.::'::':":™"”'* - . Wp -M.k ;. •^Ao.j U . 0 ?SJ5?MmonU Inserted at the usual rates, and ^^fiSntGSthey be published according to law. ^^i^«Siement» from transient Dorsona or itrnnirnr*. yearly wlVi . — it business, and all other advertise; w bo yearly adrertlsera ‘will be confined •‘S&'wS* «SaA ■«*”*. T0 . 0 . , . t lA*«rdsemente for charitable Institutions and re- All adrwj i ^ c b irg od half price. • , lg ioui»o^Ws, wm ou ^ to Uiiaoflloe without dl* conlluglr. directed to this offloe, or the Edlfon. B ^^^toSethem to attention. for Debtor. fM^gSStor In tlielr Recounts, must bo pub- mfvssfi S and 'Satoss, 1 sa Bn orogrovea, Jos 0 Habersham, John D Holcombe, Eldred nyden, E J Harden, Jno Hamlet, Geo Ilaas, Jno It amlet M Harding, Beymour Harris, E D Heyle, Wm P ollnnd, H F Holland, James Hlnes| RII Howoll, ThM arden, W D Harrison, Milton Humphreys, Jos D Har vey, R B Hilton, R W Hunt, Jno F Herb, Wm Hone. John W Hily, John L IblyWm Ihly, Brien Island. George Jones, JasO Jones, Jas M Jones, BO James, . tlexander Johnson, JasT Jones. J D Jesse, Thos Jones Wwnrd Jones, Jos Johnston/Peter Jacobs, John R Johnson, Christian Jogaleltor, 12 8 Johnson, 0 H John son, Emanuel Joseph, J R. Johnson, A E Jones, John R Jackson. Bulloch Jackson, Nicholas Jeffreys, Robt Jackson, Wm A Jnudon, II R Jackson, Claus Jackens, Peyton R Johnson, Jos W Jackson, George Jackson. r K. Fred Krete, Harmon Knhlman, Wm H Kelly, Phillip bib, DedricK Knttenhorn,P M Kollock. Ezra Kent,N U nnpp, Jos King, John Kennedy, Dr N Kohlhouse, James Cerr, Peter Krause, Gefort Kcrk, James Kennedy, John elly, Daniel Kaln, Hanford Knapp, A' J Kara, Edwin Knapp. J F Kirby. Nicholas Keriey, Robert Knox, Fred; eriok Krenson, Peter Krlno, Louis Kempr, A G Kennedy, A L Kent, Louis Koezel,Thos Keaton, Jos Kirkland, Al* frod KenvPbllllp Kean. DO Kauffa, Wm Kino, Ed ward Kean, Edward B Kempton. John Keegan, Chas H ”n»rjh Wm F, Jilpg,NlchoIaa.KeUeberj Jno J Kelley, 1 CAL Lamar,Thos ELloyd, Benj’n WLloyd, Hngh Logan, Jos Llppman, John M u Lovell, B W Leach, B toUirop, Martin Larkin, 8Y Levy, JT Latham, Peter jogan. Thos Leniy. Hugh Larken, Patrick Lcnahart, Patrick Lee, Dunlof Laphan, Thomas Lyon, James Lan- sghan, J T Linde, Linda Linde, Daniel Leahey, William llura ww • —-_ nV I* HwfiSturs of tenia the morning and four in the SBPEfejissss™®! executions regularly grantod by . most bo advertised, gen- y of sale. iCvy Lllleuthnl, W W Lincoln, U F Lotchc, F Bl Lohoff, ’ainoLovcli, WraELong, JohnN * ‘ • - Iho Oourts, must ~XiUtof Voters. o KG, 2. D» It furtktr enaeUd by the authority of tAs Iha Slate of Georgia for one year Iranjodlately procedlng the election and within tho corporate limits of Savannafi foronbmoalh' Immediately preceding their registration wil continue so to do upto tho time or election, who hsrs attained the age or twenty-ono yesrs, Unve paid nil SirUiM orhsvo In tbolr.own right sufficient real estate £ istlsiy sny tax executions wh chmay bo against them, who have tunde aU returns theordlmmccsd lie clty.nmrhavo been registered according to tho pro* villous of this act.—Extroct/rosi tkt Registry Law. Adolnh Abrahams,Robert Adams, JohnS Achord, Geo H W A»crftl\o W And»TO_n,M.lblu Atmirouj, OB Ash, Stewart Austin, David Abraham, O 8 Arnold, Ceo Alexander, Jno W Anderson, P W Alexander, Uobi Austin. George Armstrong, James, Anderson, W V N Armstrong,Ur Akin, Peter Arnold, R D Arnold, Thos Adams, IS 0 Anderson, Richard Abercrombie. J B An* denoo?John Angtuny U G. Wi Alexander, John Allen, James Ahem, IlA AUcu» W^B. Adams. inrsd Dyck, Richard Burke, Michael Boylan, B W dt, John Brady, E J Blount, Wm W Blount, Patrick ft Thos Bandy,-Wm U Blount, Dr W G Bulloch, * hT.i u.t.l a Hav In. II ilalrlurln. tunflft Itrllll. Baker. Brady, Thos Bandy,’ Wm 1 Anthony Hosier, Saul 8 lloi aldwln, irs, N K Hanium, Wm *--. A F liennott, Wm Icy. Robt Blake, Wm Du. — - - — S Felix Uouysson, Gilbert llutlor. Thos Bourke. I Boo,* J P BolfeUiUet, L E Byclt, A Borchert, [, Geo Dnnkmnn, O K Miirrii RPHoker, W II Bunch, Jos ■ \mmmmm mBaftl Mtldwln, Patrick Burke, U L Blount, Jno N Darboe, Jas irown. 0WBruen, Moses Black, H LB Buntz, Thos P Bailey, WH Bullocli, R MBartbelmesa. Heury W BmP I eullett, P A Blots, Henry Brigham, W 8 Brantley,Uju I Bemom MJ Buckner, John Boston, B M B Burros I Els af.racrlliu.eib D H lltltlwln, Win C BsflW I Augustus Boullnean,JobnBurns, Michael Bowloy, Ullck I Burke, Ju G Blancc, J H Bnshler, W J Blodget, Jas C. Bowen, Jno W nite/Barnard E Bee, F 8 Bartow, Wm Bourke. John F Blakely, GOG Brown, Wgi II Banks, B L BimlHncau, J T UueVner, Charles II Bell, Geo Uron* soiTtStall s M1, WII Linidloy,I.S Uciuiott, luBelbo, Wm Dallujf, FII Blob, J U Buckner. Wm II Oayliir, John Cooper, 0 A Clood, PL CoMbin- BM,D..ldCC»b,M ACollfin,RttCoyter, Coo ACoy. teSotomooCoboo, Hugh Colloo, W II Ooopor, Ed.ord Crtbigo, Dorld Cobon, John (ilonry, Jo. V Connonl, Alta Moo, Chu Cooper, JoiCloory. D.niord Conimo- O.MI10. Yl Cooped, JobnCloncy, Joins Corolouit F \V assy ■sa as Jtesari- sac BkbMOolo, Thos CusawtJno L Clark, Michael Cusack, | C U Campflmd, Francis Tlsole, John Curry, Thos Clark, John Cordell, Jas ConneUy, John Carruthers, Frederick CooLEimnuelCsnwaller, Luke Christie. Jas Campbell. Ftmitrapfleld, Jno D Charlton, Jno G Cooke, Edmund Cotter, Montgomery Cummlng, II EOourter.Jos CUg* horu, John Cose, Jno Cunningham, Carl Craft, Wm Car* son,BL iMeTw 0Charlton, 8 J M Cubbego, Moses Cobsra, L P Gook, Henre, Capon. 8 M .Coldlng, Frodor* lek Osrsteas,, WmCox, Wallace Camming, Patrick Crot* I;, Michael Carey, Peter «obb, Jno J Cornell, Wm Con* BtrtuwCjmihus, Patrick Clark, Jno M Cody, Jas Clog- horn, Wm Gannon, Charles Cler, Augustus Ouunon, Pnt* rick Cluk, Isaac Cohen. Wm CromwolL 0 L Cope. Jr., 0 hOope,sr n James AOourvolsor, 8 H Cooper, If A Criw, Wm L Clark, D D Copp, JohnD Colo, Cornelius K Connor, Thomas Cofr, Bryuu Connor, James E Cope, L C Clark, Georgo Clark, Wm P Clark, John A Cham- hoN 117m I ^ ^S....... 11 l* nulls.f. rgo h J^M^CaiTolV GOoiIo’e Congdon, Thomas Colllnijjpcohro, Charles U Connery. Hle*d W Delauoy. Martin Duggan, P*»n,Michael Dolly, Rlo’diDono' P*nlel Dohovan, Albert L D’Lorz John Doyle, Wm 0 mo van, 8aml P Dibble, I i7-,7'Ji *' *d uavls, 8 C Dunning, Patrick Dorvlno, Chna DutrellVss. ■- aded aywood, Thoa Hoynea, Jno B Habersham, George 8 a satlsfuctory Harding. Jno llarrisson, Nicholas Heyle, Fru Hernnn- • ez, Androw llarrisson, Wm Huraphreys, John Heiry, G Troup Howard, Wm Henderson, D 8 Henderson, Jai 1 J. Henderson,Thomas Heiry,-Glaus Hallman, John U lull, Levi Hart, Jos Horan, E Helrit, Maurico Uockett, pbt Ilabcrshanij Br, John Harbor, J W Harris, Tho* - W. D. FORD, I Wholesale and Retd Waliburg't Building, Jeffersou-sti. i rftmi m 11 GA,, MONDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 1. 1862. IL Luf burrow, William Lake, SAT Lawrence, A li mwton, Edward Lynch. Edward LovelL John Lorea, D N Lane, James Laughlln, J F Linder. James J Logan, Robert A Lewis, A B Luce, J H Ladd, Jno Lams, Jas Lynch, IDLaRoche, Peter Lawrence, Bllcboel IAvan, Matthew Lynch, Robt Lachlison, James Laohllson, Cas par Lender, James .Larkin, Timothy. Lavan, O A La- lloche, Robt Lunday, John Lawton, A J Lcbey, Thos Lewi^ Wm H Lyons, Antonio Looveuio, JG I.ambright. Michael Lyucli, Pot’k. Laughlln, John U Loveless, G W Lockwood, Loom Lohman. ITT. Abraham Mints, David Morris, Jacob Manses, John Makin, Thos McNlcliotos, John Mosterson, Edward Manhan, Jeremiah McCarthy, John McHuo, Wm Morrell, J G Mohrtcns, Robt McIntyre, II0 Melirtens, Jno D Mnl- ott, Jos Mordocal, Michael McGrnll, Thos Murtaugh, lender Moore, Mathias H Myor, Peter McGnilllcuday, Silvester Manning, M Marsh. Jacob Miller, Jno Murchi son, Jno Montmolnn, Tims Maher, Thos McAullff, Jas NcFccly, B W Miscall/, H W Mercer, 0 A Maglll, Wm Moredith, E T McGraif, Thos McCollum, H Moree, Wm J Moore, J D Mallard, 0 D Murphy, Jeremiah Mack, N C Mills, Jesse Mount, John Murphy, II M Morel, Patrick Moarn,C 0 Millar. John McCabe, Harvey Morse, John McDermott, J M Mlllen, Thomas W McArthur, Lovl 8 Myens Ilonry Merekhardt, Michael Moath, Thomas Ma ion, Patrick McGovern, 8 8 Millar 1 , TJ McNIsh, John ilahoney. John McGunagh, Patrick Mosterson, John linllcry, James J McCoy, Isaac Minis, Edward McCabe, 3 Blurkins, 8 8 Moody, Denuls McGuire. Lawrenco Mc- !Conna,Ncylo Mclluo, JII Mebrtens, M II Myer, Thomas iIcKouna, John Miller, Jacob Manko, Edward McGrow, Bartholomew Mclnamey, John Mallory, Ludor Mohr- ens, A F Mire, Fabian Myerhoffbr, G 8 Miller, John R Unrtln, William B Mell, James W Morgan, Michael Mor ris, John W McKoy,OF Mills, Wiliam E Mongln, D J McKenzie, A F Mordocal, Jas 8 McDonald, Jas Manu* sy, TirosR Mills. Domingo Martlng. Jos Murphy, G A Me* Cleskoy, Angus McAluIn, Michael Martin, Peter Maris, A G Mode, M B MlUon, Jno McCall, Jas McFccly, Wm Met calf, E MoudeU, A K Moore, Wm M&ckay, John McNUU, Jos G Metis, L B McConn, Wm Morris. John McCollum, Charios McCann, Bernard Malian, Wm McLaughlin, Patrick MoLauglilon, F W McCarthy, W II 0 Mills, Jno McMahon, Jno F Mnllognn, Jas Matthows, Isaac Marsb,Thos Madden, John Moron, F A Maddox,Solomon Mayer, E M BfcDonnoll, Wm Morel, Jno Mahun, Jno R Mayer, Thos G Mooney, M O Morland, Jns BIcDonald, T 11 Maxwell, N W McLeod, Alex Mcllardee, Jno T Mitch ell, K Munlfort, Jos McBride, W J Moliitoah, Sami II ftioroi, Jeremiah BlcCurthy. Wm Mc Carthy, A N Miller, Thos Mott, U P Miller. IW Morrell Jas Blclnllro, Dimi McCarthy, M II McLeod, Jas BlcCann Jas McCanns, Thos Meeks, Edward Mullogun, John Mo -.ulilT, Archibald MoAIUster. Joseph Neill, ThosNaylor, Wm Nnngczer, JasNange- *or, WO Norwood, Jno W NeavUL DD Nlcnols, EL Noldllnger, Dan’l Nelson, Terrence Nugont, G N Nichols, Nlcliols, L F Nichols. Jos Nagle. Nevlli Neyle, Jno G Neldtllnger, A A Nungazer, J R Norton, Jacob ,^OR Constantly on hand, a cholcl Groceriks. ~E. O’BYRNE, I at taylor’s builiuko—marh Keep* constantly bn hand nf Orpekory-lVarc, Grocerr Jan I,.’dl I . . .. L - ROBIDER, Failtlonablo Boot and 8 Importer oj French Let wntTAXia-sTaBZT—orrosiTR an J. L. OLIVER, , Faahlonablo Boot man HO.SEVENTEEN BULL-HTRKET, MRAB M . Cork-Sole, Water-Proof; Hunting j-oatlwr. Walking: Drees, and Pump-f . * Ing Buskins, Boofeea, Oxfbrd 8hoc& tto^ made to order In the neatest and manner, of wurrunted materials, and b enced and careTkil workmen. | ~ WYLLY k. MONTMOLII General Agents and B. „ . For the Sale or \ Real Estate,Mgr nts^i,-any description l\ 1.u omoi i ouaaat bull-st. and iJ fob 83 - , ; aaVRnttBh, Geoigia. FASHIONABL Sflftiri npHE SUBSCRIBER takes this methi JL opening THE MOST SPLENDID £ figures, are marked upon each article, an the subscriber feels confident will be app now in store, to witt GENTS’ CLOTH 00AT6 Gents. Black Cloth Dress and Frock Coats woml^Chaa No w tomb James NeidtUnger/Wm Novo, o, John W Owons,Goo W Owens, Daniel O’Connor,Tim O’Brien, Owen O’Rourkeylohn F O’Byrne, David O’Con nor, Owen O’Rlellv, Humphrey O’Lowy, G 8 Owens, Dennis O’Connor, Jnd O’Connell, Jno II Ohlmeyer, Win II Olcott, Wm Olrastcad, J F O’Nelll, D O 6loott,B O’ByrneV Mlchool O’Neill, 0 E O’Sullivan, H G Oliver, John Oliver. Jonathan Olmstead, M O’Reilly, Jnraospll- ver, \y 0 O’DrlscoU, Dan’l O’Sullivan, Timothv O’Con nor, Daniel O’Sultl van, W W Oates, John Ogulvfe, M W O’ilyrn, Thos O’Bryan, Geo Ott, FredlckOlto. Martin Payton, Antonio Ponce, E M Prendorgast, Snm’l N PapoL James ITendorgast, O C Parker, Anthony Porter, Jos V Prentice, Jno F Posey, N 8 Pindor, Sam’l Phllbrlck, Jns M Prentice, 8 M Pond, Wm Parris, Pal’k Prunty, Androw U Pncelty, Edwin l’nrsons Elisha Par. sons. Jno Poole, 8 G Puncost, Owen Peterson, C B Patter* son, John Perfleld, John Phelan, Jno F Powell, Jas Pren* denrat, Thos Purso, Sam’l Pitlmau, E J Purse, Georgo Parsons R D Pnnot, M Prendorgast, Edward Paileirord, Son- Edward Padolford, Jr^ Thos Pldgoon, Thoa 8 Pitt* Jno Pnstell, Jos W Phillips James Prunty, J M Palin, M arena M Peek, Patrick Price, G O Pudor,Thua Prouder, coat, Chas Perry, R W Pooler, II K Preston, Jos V Prea- lon, Wm F Preston, Edward Pursole, D G Phllbrlck. Q. Jas Qunntock, John Quinn, Martin Quinn, Wm Quinn, Wm Quantock,jr. P M Russell, Waring Rtinoll, David Rosenblatt. Jacob Rosenband, John Russell, Dennis Ryan, Wm Rochester, mP Henry Junes IluifGlI, TbosJ Iljon, J B Uom, John lteody, M Rosa, Michael Rochford, Christopher Russell, Wm Roberts John Rynu, J,B Read. Jos W Robborts, Hen., noser, Wm Robertsbn, Patrick Rollly, L 8 Russell. Wm „ _ Roche, Barnoy Rodou, Pot’k Ryan, Wm Rogers Jno A If, Michael taroy, Peter «obb, Jno J Cornell, Wm Con* R| c hurdson, Jno C Rowland, Michael Rooney, George don, ttobt Carr, Fras Champion, A H Champion, Jno W m lU3r Edward Rollly, Daniel Robertson, Wm Romsliart, IVmdos Asron Champion, W T Chapman, Daniel Clark, l B Cubbege, George OallyAIriah Cranston, Charles Con- Ms Robert J Cawzhy, 8 T Chapman, John F Lardcll, Antonio Cblu, John L Cope, Thos Couniff; Thos Conway, Woia 8 Cohen, D B Camp, Octovus Cohen, J P Golfer, It.ri..— (• It...’, ri-i.l-1. I.l-.l. Tnn M (Inilv. Jil. fllnlf. H W lift , Mathew Halford, m. Jno Rlordon, Francis Halves Rlkemnn, II Rogers. J Ronaldson, ra d Mile Martin, Heury Dl timers Alex Drysdale, D u * n % Fnxl ' lt Donnorsfijlser, J B Dasher, R W Dasher, "»l°lni It. Dews. Samuel L Dowell, John Dry- ^“R*VobalioV 1 Do ““ d * on >TRos FDaniels Michael Eni " lc ' ,J A in Ferrell, Jno. G l-’alllgant, Jas Far* di*w Si 1 !i FoUo,r ‘ , > Andrew Varryj John FlUgorold, An* SlJiiStolPWU* Michael Ffnnoy, Wm FIVay, B \VmP n if. Q i Werwn, AusUnFrench. Johann DFisher, VoS» F Th^. 1 ^ 0m,Dlc,t PiMIe/, John Fliuiuegnn, Pul’k Fbffi’ Flaherty, Jno D Fish, L M FnlllKont, Owon Pens’ll Fairchild, Ju Faunstan, Mlchaol Fay, G W PCTi p p»ter7'I-RiFisher, G. J.Fultpn. Jooob Folk*p n 0 Q Farrles John O Ferrell, James Und fl Fleotwood, Geo W Fahn l Loonnrd tree* ’JPgr-Thoa A Farrles B Flemming, Jas Brffi.% FlhAcj David Fltzgorrold, Robert Flsiier, D Affaf^bFrey, Jeromhih Flckllng,Wra Fielding, iC&aEH'ndefS'WOFoote,B«hJ Franklin, Pet^ tf W Farrles Thos M Forman. J W itabun, . Romsliart, Robt Ralford, 11 W Wm Reilly, J P W Reed, Jno JeffereoU Roberta 0 H Rlkeman, n uogers. j noniuusoii, Jeremiah Rynu, B G Root, ChasE Robinson, Joseph RoM, Henry Robor, Geo Robins Allen Russell, Wm Roberson, John llowley, John Rogers Dan’l Roddaran, Wm P Rowland, Hugh Rlelly, Andrew Rlolly, A R Ral ston. H J Royal, Jno E Rlcs James Ryan, Jos L Rosslg, noli, 0 E Ryan, Wm Robken,0 W Rogers ThosRonau, Geo Robertson, Tobias Rolhleler, F A Hobcre, G 8 Roux F T Ilolf, M J Reilly, James Russell. E A Soullnrd, Wm 8wolt, John A Bchnffer, John Soudder, Rlch’d 8inye,Ilonry Btorke.AbmbamHlmpson, Christopher Schneider, John A Slaty, Rlch’d sicaulau, Emanuel ShofUili, Jlarman 8llber, R H 8pencor, Mordo cal Bhoffall. Androw Bteufvater, JohnSnvngo, J 8 Solo mons Frod’k SclierfT,. A A Braols W R Symons Thus Sullivan, Geo Spalthoff, JnoG Hoxlon, A JO Shaw, Ja cob 8haffer, M BbelRall, sr n G J Spencer,Snin’i Solomons J P Scriven. John Spellman. D II 8tow«rUohn8ulllr— D Shaffer, Win II Bmlth, John Btoddurd, Ephraim 8i dor. Hutn'l 8 Sibley, Anthony Bogur, Job Shea, P Scanlnu, 1 Jns Skinner. J H 8troes Dan’l Bnlllvan. Bklnnor, Dr 8 SUeflall.NIcholns Slnof, Martin Bullivuu, Irowls Smith, Jacob Schnffor, Thomas 8aundors John Stovonson, G N Btuloy, Thoa Smith, G J Smith, Jno Sul- S.U, Aim.BullingWter W Smlll,, OooBbulti.FP Stroblinrt, Jas J Stokes Goo 8hule, Harmon flongstock, Ilonry Seltzer, 0 B Scally, E SomeralL Fronds Sorrel, Jno A Stegln, John Sloan, Wm G BUBbrd, Jno Bam, Wra Balls 0 M Stan's J R Snussy, J M Schley, Francis Shells P KShieU, Adatu Short, Jno Y Byrnons Jumes Symons P R Sweat, Edmund J Baitndere, Edwin Stiles J 7 M Smomons Augustus Scholdemnn, Dennis Sullivan, Daniel Sullivan, M J Solomons M Shehah, Dennis Sulll- "m iulW Bmllh, Ilonry SIlBb^ Ju II ihoh.», Vnloii- tluo Btanton, John Bherloek, Loyal Borantoin Martin Bhanuon, Joseph Sullivnn, Jns F Stokes Philip Smith, Jos M Shell man, James M Strickland, Ti mothy Shwredan, aqflttttaaigdctig. HARDWICK Sc COOKE,' torn and ComniWalon Merchant*, AV. 103 Datv8lrieL' ja. i. HAaDwiox. - John o. rooxE. J. IIASBROUCK k. 00 M IMPOtTEEN AND WnOLNBALN PEALEEl IN PENPIELD’a RANOE—NO. 96 latAN-STNEET. . 8. 8. MILLER fc j, Di FERGtlSON, ^ WlsoolavrifflatD and. lll*»ck#mith», . Corner nf Broughton nnd Montgomeryete. L irriagea, Wagons Carts and Draya manufactured. kamUhing, including Iron Rolling and Grates for dings. luly—o ' tiovfi ADAM SHORT, Blaster linildory Dooa.wati or *t» andsew’! hall, Mil tnko contracts for Building and Wor|it In Masonry very description. .... R. Jc J, LACHLISON, l nglncers andHflllwrlghtii IRONS, BRASS FOUNDERS? Canal-Street—Near the Canal Lpck. LAOULISON. . J. LACULHON. A. N. MILLER, Ineer and IKUlwrlfhti HON AND DRA8S FOUNDER. EASTERN W1IAKP—IAT-ST. i A. PONCE, ’ ! porter & manufaetnier oiScsart, HO. 13 WUtTAXKaH(TItBRT. r . jps on hand a well selected stock or Imported Se al so Manufactured Tobacco, Snuff; Pipes >°d all JarfldosffsunUykeptln his Ilne'brbjuMess which oreon the mot reasonable terns. :■/ v nov3 SR’S ING EMPORIUM. OUve do do do do Brown do do do . do Blue do do do do Block Cloth Sacks and Polka 1 Brown do .do 'do do Blue do do do do Olive do do do do do Shod Dross do Blnck Doe Skin Polka Sacks Fancy Colored do do , Drab CoMlmere Backs and Polka 8ad Block Tweed Green do Brown do Bilk and Wool do do d COATS. CambleL Checker! Ginghams Linen Lustre, Plain and Fancy Alpncco, Paris Lustre, Blnck Morin, Block and Fancy Tweed, Do do Caahmerolts Brown aud Yellow Llncu, Black Drop d’Eto, Grass Linen. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Linen Bosom 8hlrls. . Bilk, Lamb’s Wool, and Merino Shirts ni. Llnon, Jeans and Canton Flannol Silk, Merino, and Cotton Half Rose, Silk, Thread, and Norl Hose, Gentlemen’s Dressing Robes Linen Collars two and threo ply. CHILDREN’^ This Department for Children’s Clothing Is fll fitting, &o_ tho stock embraces every' article in; coats and Under Garments Jenny Lind Sacks.’rj Suits and Boys’ Caps n large assortment. Thit^ they are made up Id the latest stylo and the b asked. , gy Don’t forget the new store on first floor tj Webster, Robert Woggensleln, Jos Washburn,I son, Claudius 0 Wilson, Dempsey White, Pet Jno M Williams. Norman Wallace, Henr- TbosWhlts W H Williams J TWebb,Ji John Wickom, Lemuel Wilson, Wm P 1 Wilder, Jas E Wollhour, Christopher W H ‘ lom, Jno W O Williamson, Henry itn Warner. Y. g Peter Yonson, Jno A Young, Dr E Yonge, W.. Wm P Youge. Z. Peter Znrodoakl, Edward G Zctrouer, Jacob,.' main Edward Zudomes Solomon Zoigler. Tho roregolng are tho qualifications or vote to vote for Mayor and.Aldermen of the City or 8; at the ensuing election in December next, and persons Registered for tho month or May. If tl any persons whoso names ore Registered, and •: not entltlod to a voto, notice is rospectfolly requ bo givon to the Clerk of Council, that they may I, with according to law. R. V. AKI^ sept 14 Clerk C A~SPL'ENDID~“ OPENING OF FALL GOO T HE Subscriber would respectfully call tho i of the public to bis large and well selected i Fall and Winter Staple and Fo> DryGoods. Consisting In part oft Blnek and colored Bilks, of variety; very rich embroidered Bilks of all pa Mantillas and Crape Shawls: Scotch Wool Long] and square Plaid Shawls; Cash mores; Mousellr Lalncs: Alpaccas, a groat variety; Neodlo-Workj lore and Capos, of all patterns; Chlmlzettea I Musi Loco Under-Sleeves: Cambric Handkerchiefs, frni cents to ffi n piece; Irish Linens; Huckabacks; Dll Preiich Towels, from 35 cents to |l » piece; d* Damnsk Table Linen; white and brown Napkins, i assortment; a very largo assortment of Gloves andi Bicry, of the veiy best make and style; English morlcon Long Cloths; unbleached do.: rich Di Table nnd Plano Covers: Casslmeres and Cloths, aud bluo of over/ quality t rich Vest patterns styles; Satinets; Kentucky Jeans; Kereovs,a very assortment; oue of tho very best selected stock or I,-1 kets evor brought to this market. CARPETING—Brussels, 3-Ply, 3-Ply, All-Wool, rloty of patterns; and, also, Cotton Carpeting., N. B.— wholesale only. Country merch;\ would do well to cMIHOIffto,purchasing elsowhei tho goods shall bo sold low and on.Ibojnoflt acco — ting terms. [oct 3] JOSEI’U'dl GEORGE W. HARDCASTLE, CARRIAGE! BAKEIti 200 CONGRESS AND 05 ST. JULIAN-oTREE Franklln-Squaro. , _ W OULD Return Ms thanks to his Wends and patr, for past fhvoiuv, and Inform them, that he is ir ready at the old stand, to execute any work in the ah’ lino, and hopes by his untiring exertions to plonse who may honor him with a call. All kiuds of repairs in tho above business done with the utmost neatness ^ j ^Wheelwright and Blacksmith work, and all kinds Wheels,Wagons, Drays, Carts, fee., made on tho short;'; notice nnd on most liberal terms. Jons’-* plffo^^Twalb^sIcSs^w^Swcl^bnlonJ iaBl p ” *7 A Groliier, B n Genii-, ^■u, Robert JF, II. II. I.nnowny, Mnrtln Cert In, W Gray, Ii J Gilbert, Matthew Gnlln- fi Win Gnf.vniighly, John M Giicr- ^ Ii Gucrrard, Philip Gelblohouso, ” ” el, Win II Gogol, John John Shields, Nelsoii Smith, 8 8 Spolssolzor. W W Blarke, Arpooamon, Thos FStevens, JE SllrV.llW Smltlu WtnStari Jr, Henry Saunders, I’etcrJBmlth, J D Sk a A Solomons, 0 W fihnffer, D T Scrmilon, Patrick Skinner,EdwnrdBwift, Baral B Sweat, John D Spuing John E dlllweU.11 Sheppard, F M Ston^EloMor Solomons, Thos Scully, Wm Saunders, Jas Smith 8r, Jno Bchungull) Jceseo J Smith, Wiu F Shearer, J A Sowell, J 8 Bturlovnnt, Wm Snundore, Julius. Smith, II R Sofloy, Christopher Bmlth. ^ Wm II Tarvor, John V Tarver, Goo W Tltcolmb, Wm H Tyson, John Thompson, Patrick TytUngs, Barpord G Tllden, Vra’s Tran tell. A F Torlny, P G Thomno, ‘ W F Thompson, Jno F Tucker, ATulblrd,Fras Trautoll, J D Tombroko, James Thurmalt, U T Turnpr, Wm Thomas, 0 E Telit, Edward Townsend. B T Thous, A Thomas, W PTein, Marlon Throtdcran, Jno H Thode, II JThomus- «on. W B Tinsley, Fras Truoholut, R V Thomas, Richard son Tombs, W H l’olblrd, J E Taylor, John G Thomas, John Trumffer, lKTefft, Jus PTuatln, Thoa M Turner, F A Tunndr, Chas Thompson, II JTIodeman, David Thomp son, Jos Tlghe. L 0 Toboau, Chas O Tolblrd, Henry Tow, Jno Tannor. Wm A Thompson, Robt Todd, F J Timmons, Wm It Talblrd Jr, Jno J thous, J Techonor, Wm S Tay lor, N P Tayfor, J M Thomas, J R Thompson. Christian Uebolo, Philip Ustor. Antonio Vendley, alias Rnmboskl, ChoaVon Hora, W IIS VorelUle, Tristram Veretllle, David Vouder, Heury Vellstolch, W 0 Vandonborg^ Hqnry Vongialm. O A Wood, Rleh’d Wayne, J L^WInpburg, Copt W M\?.UUmt8li, Will TlmnuiWillliim^WmWl Waters, Illram Wnllor,Johu Williamson, Jaa 1 cob^Wnlter, Gregory>_hlto,MIch.d.Vfreldoi B^^^S,Thoiuos limn. U W Woodbridgo, Jno W Wilson,Thot J Walsh. [Wm, Wright,. G 8 Walt, IU Wald bus JOHN POOLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL _ PAINT AND OIL STORE, . SAVANNAH. OA. , No. 11 Whltukor-Hlroe*. K EEPS constantly for sole—WHITE LEAD, Pure No-. I and 3 English do. GROUND PAINTS: , Black, Yellow, Brown, Clirotne Green, Paris Green, an> Prussian Bluo. DRY PAINTS: M Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Lampblack, Yollo’ Ochre, Red Load, Litharge, Paris and Ohromo Oroeil Prussian Blue, Chrome Yellow, Umber. Terat do Slenni SkS, uid A VARIETV’OF FAjlOY OOLOIM. Linseod OIL, Sperm do- Neatsfoot do-and SPIIllTlJ OFTURI’ENtIne, Whito-Wosh BRUSHES, Paint, Varj nhb, Graining, nnd Artists’ dp, Window and PIctunL OI.Xbs, or .11 qunlllles, rKun ObjBlo abHHConUJH pan, Light und Dark Conch VARNISH, MIXED PAINTt^ ofall kinds, PAPER HANGINGS, Flro-Board Prints und v, ^C^Th 0 above articles will be sold on reasonable: t° rm ’itou*c» Sign and Ship Pointing H Dono In a workman-llke manner, and at reasonable, pricoe. : - : J^ 80 COPPERSMITH AN1> PLUMBING. rrMIE Subscriber having fitted up, In connection with JL his Foundry and Machine Works, a Shop for the above buslnees, and engaged the services or superior workmen, Is prepared to uo any description of work that m j^U°wotk doue In the very beat manner and at the shortest notice. A. N, MILLER, July 13 tf Eastern Wharf. MARINE RAILWAY. u rrpHE undersigned respectfully informs all who may i need his services, that ho has chargo of the MARINE RAILWAY, which Is now In successful operation. Ho Is therefore, prepared to tako up vessels of any slzo usually visiting our port, and to do tho work orrepnlring, &o,on reasonable terms. Those who wish to clean or |>nlnl ho bottoms of their vessels can also be accomodated on the Railway upon reasonable terms. He Is also prepared to contract for building vessels of any class or description, and to carry.on the business of Ship Carpentering, Spar Making, and Caulking, In all lta various branches, at the oastern extremity of the city. A |K xl 8W „ ^nl.M. Ob lb. j., SAVANNAH D»V BOOK.. To Ship Owners. Hosiers and Consignees of Vessels rpHE Suscrlber respectfolly Informs them that tho SA JI V ANN A^l DRY DOCK t« uow In tupoessfUl opera- tlon, and it ia calculated to toko in shlpsof any etosafrom 100 to 1500 tons burtiien. R Is 830 feet tong and 05 feet Wide, and complete In every particular. A largo rang ol workmen ia employed and a large supply or materials U on hand; so that vessels can be repaired with oa^ much despatch as in any oilier port. Rump and Block Making aha Smith’s work done on trie premises, and every effort mado to. ensqro economy and fidelity to those who may n l r 0 rU..Do*w l U.MrW ; ,« Xi)DEBS11INE) Agent aud Superintendent, Late of Marsh’s Dock. Charleston. ■wminVTssiift'W«f«inr, Wm WesootC Ja'cob Waldburgh. fcn5'^utS'in < WhlffiAi,Tg»-[JorUMl mm SffwiUWi,fleo Wlllfx, IIF■jyiUtafePiSttWUHwh ger, WmH Wlllborgor. Martin Womlolken, Henry WlJ- KP Winkler, ^ N Wlokkf, Jm> EVVanl,. Jo» Oi . WOOL HATS. 100- 1 °i° nd « b ’ 1 ALSO, ■ 50 dozen Mateloe Hate (for planter’s use) an article entirely now, for salu at the new wholesale Hat Store, corner of Broughton and Bamanl-»ts. • ' oetO BELDKN St CO. , ^ anderis black, colored, HPtJM WM.R,8YMC cjFacf)(ong. i and the citizens of Savannah, that he Is now lever offered In this city. Tlio prices, In.plain fe remarkable low prices that the goods are marked, P'ubllc. In part are the following Goods l have PANTALOONS. | Striped Cotton and LJnen, I Plain do do do l Nankeen, Drop d’Eto, Fancy Linen, I Black Alpacen, I Block Doe Skin Pants, I Plain Black Cosslmere Pants, I Fancy Colored do I Plain and Ribbed do I Black and Colored Satinet Pouts, 1 , VESTS. Ick Satin 8ingle and Doublo Breasted Vests, |cy 8atin nnd 811k do do Ibossod Faucy. Silk do do ek and Fancy Barathea do do |i do F.tnbrol’d Cofilmere do kite and Fancy 8atln and Party do “i Block 811k Velvet, single and doublo breasted, *yCut do do do y Cashmere do da . GLOVES, pc, White, and Colored Kid Gloves, k and Castor Riding do i,Cnshinereand Llnod Berlin do (, Wldta andFancy Silk do CRAVATS. rflno Black 8llk and Fancy Cravats, Fancy do. great variety, o 81 Ik aud Satin Party Cravats, c and Fancy Silk and Satin Scarfs, do Opera Ties. mbric, China Cord and Pongeo Pocket Hand- ilcfo. Caps, of the latest styles. Iding Hals. Intent and Sole Leather. larpet Bogs, Canes, Umbrellas, fee., Sec. jPARTMENT, illy style with every convenience for trying on, >j part of Coals and Panto or overy atyfe, Over- V Vests, Braided Suits, Plain, 811k Velvet, Vest polr interest to call and examine my stock, as jrest prices. No abatement from tbo prioea first mer of Broughton nnd Jefferson-sto. apr 38 f FALL AMU WINTER 0001)81! . . H. &M. SHEAHAN. If Broughton and IV lit tako r-s In., 1 BAVANNAU, Mention to their new stock orFALL Sc WIN- ■ODS, comprising: ■700/jS—French Cashmeres, French De ■s. English Do Lolnos, Black Silk, Colored ■Black Alpacas. Colored Alpacas, Bomba* I Damask Antique, Engllsb, French and icon Calicoes. l-fiit/ES—Llnon Cambric, Cambric Hand- left, Plain and EmbroMered Handkerehlefs, ■A f-accs, Boblnet Edgings, Collars and Cuffs, ■ and Under-Sleeves, Black Lace Veils, Blk 1 Colored Crape. I Sr LINENS—A. largo and wcll-eelocfod 8>f Gloves, Irish Linens, Linen Diapers aud jftgrcfianfrffg. H AVE received by recent arrivals, and offer for sale, on tbo most favorable terms, the following: SUGARS— fiO hhds. Porto Rico, ftlr to choice. 85 hhdf. Primo SL Croix. S3 bbds. Fair Cuba; 800 bbla. Stewart’s B.fcO. 85 bbls. Crushed. 85 boxes Loaf. COFFEE- 500 bags Rio, fair to prime. 100 bag. Jamaica. 100 pocketi Old Java. A0 bags Cuba. BAGGING AROpE- 300 bales Gunny. 10 bales Dundee. 300 colls Rope. TOBACCO- 300 boxes, various brands. CHEESE- 150 boxes Cream, so boxes English Dairy. MACKEREL- 50 barrels No. 3. 85 half barrels No. 3. 50 barrels No. 3. BACON— 50 casks Sides. 35 casks Shoulders. MOLA88E8-; 50 tierces Gnba. 50 barrels Cubs. 50 barrels New Orleans. CANDLES— 50 boxes Adamantine. 100 boxes Star. 85 boxes Pearl. 100 boxes Hull Jc Benders. PICKLES-r . 50 boxes Underwood’s. .; 35 . boxes Remington’s. LIQUORS- . lilO barrels E. P, Gin. 50 barrels Connecticut River Gin. 50 barrels N. E. Ram. 85 barrels Extra Choice Old Monon. Whiskey. 50 barrels Baltimore Whiskey. 85 quarter casks pure Malaga Wine. 85 quarter casks Beignetle Brandy. 10 halfpipes Otord Brandy. 5 pipes Holland Gin. 15 quarter casks Madeira Wine. SOAP— 50 boxes Colgate* No. 1. 50 boxes Colgate’s Pale. - 100 boxes Boston No. 1. TEAS- 35 quarter chests Green. 10 hatrehesis Black. 10 quarter chests Gunpowdor. FLOUR— 50 half barrels Extra. 50 bsrrels Hiram Smith’s,) 50 barrels pure Geaeeaee, >New Wheat ISO barrels Baltimore, ) STARCH— 50 boxes Pearl. 35 quarter boxes Pearl. RAISINS— 35 boxes Bunch. 35 half boxes Bunch. ALMONDS— 15 frails Jordan. BUCKETS- 100 dozen Palntod. 50 dozen Varnished. oct 1 S UGAR, COFFEE, SOAP AND C 30 lihds. choice P. R. Sugar; 60 “ Fair do AND CANDLES. 300 Bags Rio Coffee; 50 Matts old Government Java do. 100 boxes Soap; 50 “ Suircb. Just received and for sale by sept 30 1853 5PMAHON Sc DOYLE. B ~ RANDY, GIN, Sec. 10 half Pipes Otord Brandy; 10 u “ Bclgnett and Uoschcll do. 10 Pipes Holland Gin; 20* Sc H Casks Madeira Wine; SO “ “ Port do. 30 bbls. old filouongnhela Whiskey: 50 M Domestic Brandy; 50 M do. Gin; 100 •* do. Rum; 100 “ do. Whiskey. Just received end for sale by sept 301853 M’MAHON k. DOYLE. TrvLOUR, SOAP, STARCH, and CANDLES.—Landing D 1 lures; leans, „ - v „»„ r 1-4 and iH Brown and Bleached Sheetings, (Case Linens, and Quilts, brehanto, PJauters, and others, will consult I by examining our stock before purchasing, d ask Is a visit from those desiring to pur- el confident that the quality nnd prices ol 1 command sales upon our terms: GROOEHIE8, LIQUOHS Sc WINES. ■ RECEIVED by recent arrivals; . At 130 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Clarified Sugars; 35 boxes double reflnod Loaf do; 840 bags Rio Coffee, some of them prime; 45 do. Java do: 50 hhds. Porto Rico and Ifnscovado 8ugars; 370 boxos Tobacco, S’*, 5’s and l’s Lamps; ' 45 packages superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Diadem*. Nector, Vlrginius, Ac. 100 boxos best Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; 114 half chests Black Teas, some of It very zuperior; 148 packages Hyson do M In*,* and * chests; ISO.boxea Tallow Candlea,8’s and (Ps: . . > 100 do. 8tar aud Adamantine Candles; 150 do. Pipes; FALL OF 1858. impletod our arrangements for the season, iw prepared to offer to the public the larg- sortment of AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING, Inerfto sustain our reputation by selling •Ices. Wolnvtoourfrleudsand tbo pub- xnmlno our Fall aud Wintkk Stock, MTV, 8TVLK Olid QUANTITY far OXCCOds ason, and foorn which a complete outfit d at the vkrv lowest tricks. Our wtod with great care—being cut In lb#' ‘nd manufactured In such a manner ast fhctlon. 800,000 STOCK CLOTillNG, embracing all tho various eta, in part as follows: COATS: >ck and Dress, PJaid and Cloudod. Fancy groat variety. Tweeds cut Into Peltoris 'etc. PANTALOONS, o Block Doeskin, and tbo vnrious-Foli Clouded and Mottlod Casslmeres, Black VESTS: ired Satin, Gentlemen’s White SlUc and i iLESALE DEPARTMENT, atlcntion of Country Merchants to our arled and complete, and manufactured sir trade. Wo also have a genteel as- YOUTH’S CLOTHING, nlsblng Goods, Black nnd Fancy SUL "lulu nnd Figured Bilk and' Batin Nock rto, or Plain, Watered and Ribbed Silk. SHIRTS, , warranted to fit, Gloves, Under Gar- s, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Socks, etc. . continuance of the pntrounge which o generously extended to us. PIERSON, HEIDT Sc CO. 40 do. Old Mnnong&’a Whiskey,some very choices 15 half plpos Otord, Dupuy Sc Co.’s Brandy; 35 quarter and eighth casks various kinds choice French Brandy: 5 pipes Holland Gin; 4 puncheons Jamalcannd St. Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira and Tenerlffo Wines; 20 do. superiorokl Mndelraand Sherry Wines; 100 baskets Champagne, Heldaeck, Hungarian, Lion, Ail, Ac. 1U0 kegs nnd hntves FFFG. Powder; 400 bags Buck and Drop Shot; 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 35 do. No. 2 do; Sfl do. No. 1 do; 30 casks Codfish and Haddock; New Fish. 30 half bbls. 1 A 2 Mackerel; 50 boxos Codfish; 40 kilts No. 1 Mackerel; With a fuU supply of everything else In Uio grocery “SEr “ co. OARPETSI CAltPJETS 1! OAEPET5Hi W E bavo This Day opened for sale, a splendid as sortment or C’arpotui Oil Clotluif Matsy Rugs, Window curtains, Ac. —CONSISTINU IN TART 01— 20 plocos Threo-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 do. Brussels do. 40 do. Two-Ply Carpets 30 do. Floor Oil Cloth 10 do. Drugget 5 do. Felt Carpet 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Velvet and Chenellle Rugs 100 common Rugs and 5!ato 100 pair of beautiful style Window Shades. All of the above Goods are offered at tho lowest market prices. For sale by [sept 29] A1KIN A BURNS. EfSR&& • 17 Whltoker-rt. FOB THE UENTLEDIEN. .LY, having returned from the north .mo assortment of CLOTHS, OARSI- riNGS, takes pleasure in informing his. dally who admire a finely fitting gar- 1, No. 4, opposite tho Puhukl House, id him ready at all times to suit hla pa- pproved aud ftshlonablo manner, and erk that those whu will couflde In hla r, fabric, stylo or finish of a covering n, shall go awny mitlsflod. Is—Shirts, white and colored, with and ndor Shirts; Morluo, cotton and lisle loslery, Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks, neck udors, Umbrellas, silk and cotton do. of men’s and boys’ Caps, of tho latest of beautiful Ready-made Clothing, lli great care. ant of any or the above articles will mlL as 1 am determined to sell at a sept 35] JOHN W. KELLY. M»L HOYT, if Sam’l Hoyt &Co, Savannah, 6a, ice to his Mends that he bos remov- O-No. 149 East Bay, where a general Commission .business, and ‘1 times, any articles from tho North wanted, for the usual commission, 1 sell tho sumo. Aud I pledge my- entrusted to my care shall receive ill Insure similar manifestation or loubtlng that my acquaintance with irn markets will enablo me to do as than many. er, Chceese, Plaster, Marblo Dust, jlnir. dry Machine Mnnufhctoriee, North . Sllus O. Herrings’ Fire Proof Safes, llturr Mill Stones; all of which wlU nollco. and ul raanuftoturors prices, les for Wool. Green, 8altodnnd Dry ip Skins, Shipping Furs. Beeswax, , Sea Island Cotton Seed aud Flor- lieni Tunued Leather lu tho Rough. r. Refers to the citizens of Savon- tf sept 4 WARE llOtSE. _Jd rospectfolly Inform the citizens the public generally, tbattbo Store Messrs. Snider. Lalhrop A Nevltt, ‘enlarged and Improved,) will be > SOdilnst, with an entirely new Foreign aud Domestic CARPET- lAc. Ac.. Agency oreevcral of the principal ipo, purchasers will bo enabled to ihe most complete assortment of 'ry,Urusee!a,Ingrein and Veno- olhs.MnUuif,Table and Piano Curtain Stuffs Shade*. Cornices, Is elty; aU ofwblch will be sold at it nllsfoetory terms, by W. H. UUIQN, Agent. 1* Alt LOU ORGANS. ' ,.j»u for Mr. H. Knautf, Organ' iradto furnish any description o is. Asa specimen of his Instru- le to tho organ recently erected by. mrah of this city. Parties dealring loci can ascertain all necessary ’ A,to F. ZOQBAUM AOO; rat, ono door oast of Uryan-sU • Molasses, hr store: for sale by ; COtlEN la TARVER, 100 bbls Canal Flour 50 boxes Colgate’s Pearl Starch 50 boxes Georgia Candles 100 boxes Soap. For sale by [sept 35] 8W1FT Sc CO. .OMESTIU LIQUORS— 1 100 bbls. E. Pbclp’s Gin; 50 do P. A H. Gin, Conn. River; 100 do N. O. Whiskey; 50 do Baltimore Whiskey; 100 do N. E. Hum: 50 do Domestic Brandy. Landing, and for sale by [sept 35] SWIFT A CO. GSrenerai mttoertCflemnttfl? 9^ GENTLEMEN’S a E S T 0EA 10 N. ~*iL3L laoebTbeeb, mSMc .11, WEIGamu has opened, under the Planters’ Hotel, ttl »d comtorublo Eating Room, wltb an exeolleni Kltclien and Cooking Range adlacentTasa It K NT A U It A N T. He haa an excellent Cook, from Strasbourg, who will S||OMnubVHMMaui rnd French tastes. OYSTERS, FISH, MEAlB—every thing that this market aflbrds,can be bad In all styles, on short notice. Youno Clerks, and others, who have rooms In town, are Invited to iry the European modo of breakfasting und dlnibg at tbe Restaurant. Philadelphia LAGER BEER, SWISS CHEE8E and L1NDBUKGER CHEESE, kept always on band for the tuo of families. , oct 5 rpilE Subscriber respectfully Invites the public or Sa- X vannah to lest the quail ilea of this fine Beer, foom the Brewery offileMrs. Exoil Sc WoLr.attheFalrmount Wafer Work*, near Philadelphia. This Boer is made ex actly like the Lhger Bter of Munich, In Bavaria. I ■hall continue to receive constant supplies of this pure and wholesome bovemge, during the autumn, winter, and spring. As In the old country, ft will be sola to fkmlllea and ludlvldualsiwho will thualncur no risk of Its souring on their hands. The use of this Beer to particularly recom SSdaUhebanters’H 10 b'** Wh °*” nuri,n8ch,Idreu - sept7 - 1C Myl 7 HEBNY WEIOAN.D “OtfB HOUSE,” Thk uNDKiuroR^^ou^rupectfuily^nform bis qn« merous friends, aud tiro public generally, that be has re fitted and re-opened hla RESTAURANT. He has also fitted up a Room In connection with tho Oyster Salooti, for Ihe accommodation or DntHaa or 8urrKR Partikb. During tbe past summer, he hoa added a third atory to hla eatabllshment, which la fitted up in good style with VTVR mWMfiE RTT.T.TArtn T?AWt'^K Ho tokea thla occasion to tnfonn the public ifiat ho baa mado RrrangemenU at hopie and at, the North, through the fkcilltiea afforded bv our ateamahlpsi to have hla EATING SALOON amply supplied witli GAME, FISH, OYSTERS, and all the Choice Delicacies in their season, and that with the Bid of experienced nnd attentive man agers, cooks, waiters, Ail, he la prepared to entertain hla customers in a stylo luforior to that or no other establish ment of the kind in the country. His determination U to keep a Public House that shall be In every respect cred-; liable to himself and the city. Of hla success be leaves the public to Judge. A. B. LUCE, j •«* N. Y. Herald, Philadelphia Ledger, and Charleston Courier will please copy the above twice a week for three week*, and send hill to this office. 1m oct II FLORIDA LAN IIS FOR BARE. - The following valuablo TRACTS OF LAND, lying In Marion and Alachua counties, will be offered at Private Sale,«JCL during the months of October, November and December next,vix:. . WETUMPKA HAMMOCK, situated about ten miles North of Ocida, (the county seat of Marion county,) con- lalning 3,000 acres, about one-balf of which Is hammock, unBurpawod by any In tbe State; and tbe remainder white oak mid hickory land. A TRACT, well known as the “Fort Drane Planto- tlon.” containing 3,000 seres or Land, principally first quality hammock, between four and fire hundred acres of which ft thoroughly cleared, and at present incultl- ynllon. Tills place for several years areniged two hogs heads of Sugar to tho acre, and overy year that It has been cultivated has produced flno crops of corn and cotton. These Tracto could readily be divided Into two or three plantations each, being well watered and surround- ct» by high rolling pine land. A TRACT of 1,000 acres on Orange Lake,consisting of we |l umbered pine land. TWO TRACTS, of 1,000 acres caclu near tbe Alachua prairie. The greater port of both these tracto is rich hammock. —ALSO— 5,000 ACRES on Indian River. Any one wishing to cultivate sugar cane would do well to examine thla land, as being remarkably fertile, nnd lying south of the region of foost, It 1* as well adapted to that culture as any In the United States. 18,000 ACRES, generally known as the “ Bayard tract,” situated on tho St. John’s river, opposite Picolata.' There are many small hammocks ana orango groves on this tract, but it is principally valuable for lta pine timber. R has a river front of seven or eight miles. 1,000 ACRES on Iaike George, and several small tracts on and near Uie 8U John’s river, well situated for form ing, the rearing of orango groves, Ac. Theabovo tracts of Und were purchased by the lata Gen. Clinch, Immediately after the accession of Florida to the United Slates. From his position at that time, hla facilities for selection were unusually great, and It is ber llevcd they Include os good land as can bo found In tbe Stole. On account of tholr accessibility from Charleston and Savannah, they offer great inducements to planters in Ca rolina or Georgia wishing to remove. The titles nre clear and indisputable. Terms—Cosh, or pnyableot Charleston or Savannah,on or before the 1st of January next. fidF-Any Amber Information on tbe subject con be obtolnod by addressing tho subscriber, at Omigo Springs, Marion county, Florida. J. H. M. CLINCH, oct 10 tJan Executor. V The Tri-woekly Chrontcle Jc Sentinel, at Auguito, and the Journal Jc Mes-cnger and the Telegraph, at Ma con, are requested to publish the abovo till first or Jouu- unry, nnd seud their bills to this ofilre. From Baltlmoro iftiT SO.' To Philadelphia il9, a%$-UKNcw-York Wy. ' THE GREAT MAIL 'ROUTE FROM CIL BO. OA. ton,N. C’t from which point two dally trains ore dis patched at 8 A. JU. anddp. M.; the 8 o'clotk onto con- and both traimi connecting at Weldoni with tho lines to ! sffisassapsw** 1 ' • that thi v ROBERTS Sc FOOTE, Broughton-street, (up stairs) opposite the St. Andrew’s Hall, H AVE now on hand a very largo nnd well-eelected Stock or DRY GOODS, which they offer for sole, by the pleco or package to tho trade—consisting, In port, of Colored and Duffell Blankets. Red nud White Flannel. Plains and Kersoys, assorted quality. Satinets nud Kentucky Jeans. Fancy and Tweod Casslmeres. Striped and Plain Colton Osnnbures. ' Bleached aud brown Shirtings aud Sheetings. English and American Prints. Cashmeres and Printed DeLalnos. Black and Colored Alpacas. Black and Colored Coburgs. . , With an additional general variety of Goods usually kept in Dry Goods Stores, whtch are offered for sale at tne usual accommodating terms. sept „ „ ROBINSON Ac OAOTP, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, AND OKALKM IN Fine Ready Blade Clotlilnir, A RE NOW receiving their 8tock or FALL AND A WINTER GOODS, consisting In part of: Blue, black and fancy colored EnglUb nnd Freuch Cloths; Over-Coat, Ings ol black, blue and fnney colored Beavera; blue, black and drab Pilot Cloths; English, French and A- merlcan Casslmera, of black and foncy colors; Vextings of Silk, Satin, Cashmeres, embroiders and rich Cut Vel vet. AU of which will be made up at tbe shortest notice and in tho best style or workmanship; Our READY MADE CLOTHING Is manufactured at the well known houao of W. T. Jennings Jc Co., No. 331 Broadway, Now-York, and Is equal to any in the city.— We keen constantly on hand the largest assortment of FANCY GOODS of any house In the trade, such as white aud fancy colored Shirts; Silk, Lisle Thread and Gauze Merino Uudor-GannenU: Shaker Flannel and Lambswool do.; Thread, Colton, Merino and Lombswool "--ilenr; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas: black, whito and ired Kid Glove*, (of Alexanders make); Stocks, Scarfo, Cravats and Collars: and,in fhef,everything ne cessary to a Gentleman’s Wardrobe. For sale on os ac commodating terms as can be had in the city, at GAUDRyS BUILDINGS, sept 31 Next door to Pulaski House, and are navigated by well known and manders: the Rail Roada are In fine on on and Weldon, as well as tho Seaboard* and' J having recently been retold with heavy Trail) securing both safety and despatch. By these routes t aengersavalling themselves of the find train may reach' Balt more in 40 hours, Philadelphia In 45 hours, and New* ! Through tlcketscan alone bo bad from E. WINSLOW.) Agent of the Wilmington and.Raleigh Rail Rood Com-, pony, at the office'or the Compdny, foot orLaurens street. Charleston, 8.CX, to whom please apply. mart” ■ ’ U at CHEAP CA8M STORE, ■■CORNER WHITAKER AND CONORESS-8TS. ,T) LEACHED and Brown SHEETINGS Sc SHIRTINGS. JD Tho Subscribers have Just received per brig Wilson Fuller.from Now-York: \Vutor Twist bleached SHEETING New-York Mills do do Jumes’ Steam Mills do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG OLOTH8,7-8 and 4-4 Londtdale and Washington Long Clothe, 4-4 Sea Island Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 4-4 7-8,8,0,10,11, and 12-4 Allendale Bro. Sheeting 7-8,8,0. 10,11, and 13-4 do Bleached do 7-8,8,9,10,11. and 12-4 Hamilton do do For sale by M. PRENDEROA8T Sc CO. 200 70 hhds. Fair and Choice Porto Rico 8ugar. 40 do. Cuba and New-Orleana do. 100 bbls. Refined do. 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 300 bags Rio Coffeo. 200 do. Porto Itico and 8t. Domingo Coffee. 75 do. Java do. 150 * and * cheats Hyson Toa. 40 * do. Black do. 130 boxes 8oap. 100 do. Mustard, Peppor, Allspice and Ginger. 80 bbls. Buitor, Soda, and 8ugar Biscuit. 30 * do. do. do. do. do. 120 M Begara. assorted kinds. 80 bags Black Pepper. 350 bbls. Now-Orioana Whiskey. 100 do. White do. 50 do. Monungaholado. SO do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E. Phelps’Gin. 60 do. Best P. & II. xao Gin. 0 pipes Holland do. 50 * casks Sherry, Madeira, A Tenerlffo Wine. ICO basketsClinmpaguo do. 40 bbls. Amoricau Brandy. 35 * casks do. 10 * do. Cognac Brandy.»In Custom House 20 * pines do. \ 8tore. 150 kegs Gun and Rifle Powder. 500 bags Drop and Duck Shot. With a compcto assortment of Groceries. For enlo on fororablo terms by aept4 WKB8TER A PALMES. TJACON, SUGAR, COBFEEt Ao.— Jj 5 hhds. choice new Smoked Bhoqkloriu 10 hhds. Porto Rico Sugaf. 50 bags RloCoffoe. • 10 kegs Butter. 20 boxes Cbeeee. fiOboxes Herrings, Landing and for eale by • - oct 18, ■ COHEN A TARVER. 50SS.W® , “ U ’SS 55Sf’£¥/3v^ F PIANO FORTH DEPOT. Tlie undersigned respectfully Inform tbo citizens of Savannah,Georgia, and Florida, .. that they Imvo on hand more than Arty Pi na largest stock ever on sale In this city, and made .... most celebrated manufacturers In the United Btotcs. . unn’s A Clark’s, J. Chlckering, Boardmon A Gray, Lut- diet A Newton, Edwards A Fisher, alt well known to the lovers of Music, have place In tnelr largo assortment. These Pianos ore of rich tone, and beautifully flulsned In Koso Wood, Block Walnut, and Mahogany, with Iron frumps made In the most substantial and workmanllko manner. Also the J ustly celebrated iEolion Piano Fortes, which, for their sweetness and tone, have not been equal ed. All these instruments hnvo motallc frames, which render them peculiarly suited for this dimate, preventing the necessity of tuning for years. 17io undersigned are ageuta for Ilcnri Uerz’s celebrated Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For power and beauty of tono, they stand pre-eminent. Cfttlicart’s DIclodcon*. Tills beautiful toned wind Instrument, for village pur poses, Lodges, Serenading Parties, nnd Ihe private prao- Uce of Organists, possessing a sweet and powerful tone, they have also for sale. AU of these Instruments will bo disposed of on the most nccommodaUng terms. Tbe prices of tbo Pianos ranging from 8175 to 81000. Jan 20 I. W. MORRELL A CO. oct 10 FALL 8c WINTER GOODSI -FTtHE SUBSCRIBERS tako pleasure In announcing to X 4he.c]tIrens or Savannah, and the public genr ” that, by vafiouietrlvnlsof steamers aua sill ’ have received n lane aud splendid Stock of able for Fall and Winter trnlo—such as:—-■ ALPACAS, * CA8HMERL MUSLIN DB LAINES. BOMBAZ1NJ FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS. 8HAWL8, SILK AND VELVET MANTELS, of all colors and of tbe latest and-most approved patterns, Ac~ A&, Ac. They also hnvo received a large stock of 8ILK8, which surpass any other ever brought to tills place, as well In the quality andpatierns ns In tbe prices; a groat assort ment or WHITE A EMBROIDERED GOODS, such as Collars, Cuffo. Capes, Cope, Handkerchiefs, Sleeves, and Chcmlsetts; together with all other articles usually kept In n Dry Goods Store. They call the attention of the public especially to their assortment of Gonslstln) Towels, 1 extensive variety or Flannels, Blankets, Kerseys, Satinets, Twoeds and Casslmeres: and Invito all who wish to pur chase to como and examine their 8tock, which wilt be sold at the lowest rates. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, . . oct 13 151 Congress-street. NBW-rORKfci ' j*sh> • •• ’ ThoNew a.. FLORIDA,.,., ALABAMA,... tVANNAH STEJM-SB ^WEEKLY. ” ■lofidiA 8tcam-H] 1 ....Captain Lvox, Captain Ltox, that tho Marion arm mouiikrrkr IeaVol^ rive In Now-York as soon as, or before the-m.,.- nn hoard| * SAMUEL L. MITCHILI Jsn 28 104 Front-street, Now-Y l’hUadelphla I isa*ann'ah , sSnra'”v1gallon CM The new and splendid sldc-whccl steam* ship STATE OF GEORGIA, or 1300 font register, Capt, John E. Walton,has commenced bor regu- lar trips and wlU leave Savannah 6n- Wkdrrsday, Him 8th day or September, and-every alternate Wkdnrsdav tlierexflei; ray on the 82d SepL, flth and 80th Oct^ and 3d and 17lh November, and so on. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia..:.'...iHv,..• -825 00 , Through Tldteto to New York .7 25 00 Steerage. 8 00 ^s. .Thto ship baa been butlt with entire regard to safely, comfort and deapateh. and offcri new and admlrablo ta cl Hties to business aim travel. For freight or passage ap ply. to PADELFORD, FAY A CO^ Agents In Savannah. HERON A MART— Agcnlslp \ SAVANNAH, AUGUSTA 6c 1 Tbe Union Steam Boat Company of Gcor- jgla and South Carolina having thoroughly ... ^ssstisusthsga^ ready to transport freight of all deacripttons. bo- 1 Savannah, - Augusta and Hamburg; Vritii as much, ir not more dispatch, than any other boats on the river. The steamers aro commanded by experienced and ac commodating Captains. All freight consigned to their agerits will be forwarded free of commissions. 1 ' The accommodations Tor passengers are equal, if nbt superior to any boats on tho river. . HENRY HARPER, President, Savannah. E. F. KINCHLEY A CO, Agents •* sept31 JAMES HARPER, AgenVAuguato. jf: MVAmUUAim AOOOSXA.: .. r TENNESSEE, i.Capt. Which, with tow-boats and lighten, afford .mugagf/sd facilities for transportation of freight to the Interior of Georgia. South Carolina, Tenncssco and Alabama, In connection with Railroads. The elegant steam-packet D. L. Adams will connect ed free if cevtudeeien. In order to prevent detention or miscarriag ling should'be iiddrt«etf to a. H. JOHN; President, Savannah. Merchandize, from the interior, ti JOHN A, MOORE, Agent,Augusta. DIRECTORS. ■ , ; ; i - < .—Geo. H. Johnston, Andrew Low, Edward V.C. O’DrlscoU, Charles Green.'Joseph ,8. uhburn. -t: • r Bavarkar.—Geo. Padelford, W. O. C Fay, Jos. Washburn. - vc Auousta^-J. R. Dulkloy, T. 8. Motcqir, Junes. Hop L. Hopkins, E. Sherman. G.fil. Newton. 8avonnah,June34,1853. v «' 1 i •*•• - : f-v TO TBAVELLEU8 COIiYG IVOUXirT 7 SaTsmiah A nhirlmtnri U. S. MA^ STEAM-PACKETS- , T EAVB Savannah kvkRT Morkiro at Four Ju o’clock, after.the arrival of tho NV ‘ “ * Central Rail-Rood, and ARRIVE ja ' atTwklvk o’clock M.saxb rAr.coniiucw„ ton,with tho Wilmington 1 Btoam-Iwcoii,'. «L1cR aeon on,Tuesday jet with the splendL,-.- W “ k SK -u^m.hlp FareftwnChari^on to NeW-Yoric; j»y land route. .820 00 IRON STEAMBOAT 00MPANY OP GEORGIA. npms COMPANYwlllconUnue tot ranlport Prod nco X and other Merchandise, on tho Savannah river, to and from Angusto, by theirTron Steamers ’■ JOHN RANDOUB,;,,. .....CnpUPuiLroT.t • : AMORY SIBLEY,..',,...-v w A’.'.Capt.' lie The latter Steamer being of less draught than any other on the IUver, insures unprecedented despatch la ™i« uio luicr, insures all stages ortho water. The ■-- rT . 1 , v ,. with (Uleen Tow-BoaU aud two Lighters. , r A . u ^ PfjO*® gorapany, of Its Agents, wUl be received and missions. A,8IBLBY,L T. R. MILIjS, . W.M.BOWEAl THROUGH FARIT -_.e public lire* ihe steamers of these llnca, are li Phlladol-; Informed condition, — 1 com-. CHANGE QF. SC « nnHI8 ROAD Is now open' for tho tr X Freight and Passenger* to Waynesboro’.' Af ti point U connects with a splendid line of Four-Hone Pu„. Coaches, forming a perfect dally connection between An- . ■* “‘UedgovlUo. ' 1 On and after Mona*., ui run Dally, as foUows: Leave Savannah at “ Macon at........ MiUedgevlUeat.. jtf trains wUL I ....7.00 « A. ft... ..4.30 « A.M.J 1 ..0.40 “ • P. M.l at Savannah 0.00 p. Mi at Maconat 8.45 <• p.M. at MiUedgevlUeat * « p. M. Faro between Savannah and Augusta.85.50_ ] •* •* Miiiodgoviiiojcc“ MACPhS^ON B. MILLEN, Gen’l Hup’t. . i Savannah, May 5th, 1852. may 5 SOUTH-iVESTEnW."--- A DAILY TRAIN ror Passcngefs iX Macon at 6* A. »I^ arrives at ; t IA. leaves Oglethorpe at 11* A. Mu ■ at 3* P. M_ connecting each way-wlu: Macon and Western Rail Rood .Trains. _ hassee, Eufoulu und Columbus Mall Stage 1, l tho TaUar, Passengers dine at Fort Valley nt f.15 P.M; ■ ,u 83 , GEaw -dt'te i ga.i. ■■hAUNDEN’S EXPRESS, A— , Vi. t , And oil .the Towns, Califomia t 1 ! “H. Oglethorpe, C > He. ifo. Also, Ma-I ypjjjmstnau, PIANO FORTES. Tho Subscribers, solo Agents for A. Sto- lart and Co.’s and J. B. Dunham’s Plano . . * . . /Fortes, are always supplied with an as sortment of these favorite aud justly celebrated Instru ments. For durability,, they can bo frilly warranted, whilst their superiority of tono and touch Is evident and acknowledged by the most casual ebserver, os well as tho critical connoisseur. The Ladles are respectfUBy In vited to view theso Instruments; and an arrangement having been effected with one of our most eminent Pi anists for the purpose, they can also be enabled tojudge of the tone. F. ZOGBAUM Jc CO., Market-square. t3T Second band Pianos token In exchange—also nned and repaired, Jan2tq. g^BBmBrar description. This Express has been extended to n * ‘ tiSW liAJ -r J. DkM'ARTIN, As 153 Bay-atn 3 doors East of the C!ly_ _ Oryijoas.—No. 74 Broadway; New^or 1 ^"’' OrFxoas.—No. 74 Broadway, New-Yorkt NoiB street, Boston; No.43 South 3d street,Philadelphia. N. B.—Please mark all goods, care Hamden’s Ex July 17 fim S. M. PETTENGILL. GENERAL ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION OFFICE. mar 14 No. 10 State>st.. Boston, Hass., 8. M. P*tt*r«ll Jc OovNewspaper Advertising Agents, No. 10 State street, Boston, are Agents for the: Savannah Republican, and are authorized to recelvo Ad vertisements and Subscriptions at the same rates as are required at this office. Their receipts are regarded as iub PJDA«XATION GOODS. J ’ . / ! X designed for_ Schley’s Georgia “ ' ' s snd qualities, English '■ . Bristol dova American and Mnckcnaw do-superior -Whitney B Blankets si 11 ’ rv.itn.—a.-, d.-—■ m.u ▼ ■ — and Blqt White, i NEGRO BROGANS! NEGpO BROGANS! ripHE subscriber rospectfolly calls tbe attention of Fae- X tors and PUntore to hla very extcnslvo stock of Ne gro Brogans and Women’s Leather Boot*. Theso goods have been selected expressly for thla market and are 4 warranted the best stock and workmanship. He Is cot* < fldenl that a fair trial of his stock will Insure satisfaction