Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 02, 1852, Image 1

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VOLUME L. SAVANNAH, GA„ TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2. 1852. >8 rtniMatigp DAILY and tbi-weekly by j. L. LOCKE & CO. uliv nud county Printer.. *- THRMbI . yi.n- p,por *8, Tri-WMUj *», Por Annum. lo'tonm»- ADVEU TI8INO RATER, no inWruoRv Two u in ono Two Hireo Four SKW r :*i oo 185- 1 50 1 73 .2 00 , . I 88 00 .10 00 13 50 ........15 00 20 00 Ono Year 30 00 Two. Throe “ Pour K,r SrortiiomVnU not marital llvo linen, Uireo- “ two • one week. ,...81,50, Ac., Ac. Loml advertlaeraonto InsertodjUthe uMUI-rntea, and wBBsgsa Ir advertisers will bo conflned Incss, and all other advortlso- JjgJBJ wt perialSng to their regular business, aa agreed for ^i.riv iulveriiww* exceeding In their advertUementa tho Monumber onine. a^oed for, will bo charged '‘frJSvaariiaSiuTi w|.t f.« jwmrtw oratui- TO vuVadvorUseraente for charitablei Institutions and re- ui uBMclK will bo chargod half price. All advertisements cent to this office without dl l’,ff; ni aa to the number or Insertions, will bo published 3v uffill ordered to be discontinued, and charged ao* * •a[i letters directed to this offleo, ortho Editors, must be post paid, to entitle theto to attonUuu. u n.—Each Citation by tho Court of Ordinary, that inntlcAlloU baa boon mado for Lettera of Administration, mu*t bo publlshod THtart days at least. NoUeelby Exocutors and Administrators for Dobtora ind Crodllofa to render In their accounts, must bo pub- 'neat* Estate and negroes, by Executors. Ad ministrators, and Ouardluns, must bo published FORTY DAYS before the day or sale. Tboso sales must be mado it the Court Uouao door of the county In which the prop- •rtv Is sltunto, and on tho tlrat Tuesday of the month, between tho hours of ton in tho morning and four In tho Znenmon. No aalo from day to day la valid, unlcsaao A.lmlnUnilo'.Wfl a A ....KShnOnurt of Ordinary, for eavo to sell Heal Fetato S »,“^^mSt l»TOblffied TWO MONTHS. MMOfpSwiiJproportr (except liogroc.) ortmlMo ■Swag •rM T fe'w. ^ “ApMaUlimibr Exi»ulot. iind AdmlnljIraUirj ftr Ulr JSS'tSS 10 tarn*. er,K II Uoudry, OP llolaoy,Patrick Uanly, John Higgins, John Ilauly,JnoA Homrcs, Jno Hunter, 8 II Haunt, Jno Howard, Martin Horn, Win Hone, Poior Hornnan, H A Hnnlker, Kobt Hutchinson, Jaa U'lllues, Henry lliinkon, J U Ilarloy, Mlchnol HIckoy, Timothy Howe. OB Hardee, Elisha Ifaxnd, J 1* Hood, Thos Henderson, W J Halley, Hang Harper: J E Hogg, W K Harris, Nicholas Human’ detq Thos Itcrforcd, Alfred Haywood, Moses Y llender- ... f1 TI ff.ll D tr n.Ll.1 VI./ t ..... u i t. .1 •on* OII Hall. R H Hardee, David Harrington, Edwin K .Marta, W II llnusoraan, Nil Harris, Btephou Hatrick; B ’A Hooker, O B Hunter. RU Habersham, Chaa P Ham- lion, W II Holmes, B P Halsey, Win W Habersham, J M Haywood, Thos I toy ucs, Jno B Habersham, Gcorgo 8 Harding, Jno Hnrrisson, Nicholas Heyle, Fras Hernan dez, Andrew Hnrrisson, Wm Humphreys, John Helry, O Troup Howard, Wm Henderson, D 8 Henderson, Jos :fll. Hondorson, Thomas Helry, Clnus Hallman, Johu U i Hull, Lovl Hart, Jos Horan, Elleldt, Maurlco Hacked, iRobt Habersham. Br, John Harper, J W Harris, Tlios Holoombe, U I! Holcombe, E 8 Harris, Wm IleIdt,Jos IlnrcgroTes, Jos O Habersham, John II Holcombe, Eldrcd Hayden, EJ Honlcn, Jno Hamlet, Goo Haas, Jno R Hamlet, M Harding, Seymour Ilnrris, E D Heyle, Wm P Holland, II P Holland, James lllnea, RII Howell, Thos Harden, W B Harrison, Milton Humphreys, Jos II Har vey, R B lllllnn, R W Hunt, Jno F Herb, Wm Ilofio. John \V Ibly, John L Italy Wm Italy, Orion bland. Goorge Jones,-Jas CJonos, Jas M Jones, BG James, Alexander Johnson, JaaT Jones. JD Jesse, Thos Jones, Edwnrd Jones, Jos Johnston,' Peter Jacobs, John R Johnson, Christian Jogslotter, EB Johnson, G H John: son, Emanuel Joseph, J R Johnson, A E Jones, John R Jackson, Bulloch Jackson, Nicholas Jeffreys, Robt Jackson, Wm A Jnudon.Il It Jackson, Claus Jackens, Peyton R Johnson, Jos W Jackson, George Jueksou. Fred Krote, Harmon Kuhlman, Wm II Kelly, Phillip Kolb, Dedrick Kaltonhorn,P M Kollock, Ezra Kent,N ft Knnpp, Jas King, John Kennedy, Dr N Kohl house, James Kerr,Voter Krauss, Gofort Kerk, James Kennedy,‘John Kelly, Daniel Kuln, Hanford Knapp, A J Kara, Edwin Knapp, J P Kirby, Nicholas Korloy, Robert Knox, Fred- erlok-Kronson, Peter Krlne, Louis Keinpf, A G Kennedy, A L Kent, Louis Koezel,Thos Keaton, Jns Kirkland, Al fred Kent, Phillip Kean. D O Kauffa, Wm Klne, Ed ward Kean, Edward B Kempton. John Keegan. Chns II Knapp, Wm P King, Nicholas Kelleher, Jno J Kelley, Thos II Krocger. iphau, Thomas Lyon, Jnn Bghan, J T Linde, Linda Linde, Daniel Loahey, William M Leigh, John Lnrkln, Henry Lnthrop. D P Imidorshlne, Andrew Low, O D Luboy, Louis t^grlel, John Lyons, O Lufburrow, Chnrles Law, Peter Lee, Robert Leybourn, Uvy Llllenthal, W W Lincoln, H FLetclio,F M Loho^ Paine Iiovell, Win E Long, John N Lewis, BImoon Lane, M L Lufburrow, Willlata Lake, SAT Lawrence, A R Lawton, Edwnrd Lynch, Edwnrd Lovell, John Lares, D N Lane, James Laughlm, J F Linder, JmnosJ Logan, Robert A Lewis, A B Luce, J II Lada, Jno Lnina, Jas Lynch, ID Lallochc, Petor Lawronco, Michael Lavan, Matthew Lynch, Root Lacliltson, James Lachllson, Cas par I.ciizcr, James Larkin, Timothy Luvnu, o A La- Rocbo, ltobt Lunday, John Lawton, A J l^bey, Thos I<ewis, Wm H Lyons, Antonio l.oeveul«, J G Lambrlgbt, Mlclmol Lynch, l’al’k Lnughlln, Johu 11 Loveless, G W Lockwood, Loors Lohmun. iSSSSsSisj- uiKlor ordM of Coil A »mt bo rinM, Sou- irollv.MN BAYS before IhoAiur of Mlo. hist of Voters. S RC. 9. Be il further enacted by the autheiHtei of Me *«.<• T“«> from .nil •»/**• gSS. Sf.4. 1 1 Ahiurinen of the city or Savannah and Uio hamlets thorp- or who aro cltlxeus of Uio United States, have resldod in the State of Georgia for ono year Iratneulaloly preceding tint election and within tho corporate limits of Savannah for ono month immediately preceding tholr registration slid*continue so to do up te the time «r election, who have attained the ago of twenty-one years, havo paid all city taxes or havo In tholr own right sufficient real estate to satisfy any tax executions which may bo ugalnat llmm. who havo mtule all returns required by the ordinances ol Ibu city, and have been reglst^ pcconfoig to the pre visions of this act.—Extract from the Registry Law. Adolph AI>rahttms,Ilobort Adams, John 8 Achord, Goo A AsluP W Avorfoult,G W Anderson,Mathlas Amorous, O It Ash, Blowurt Austin, David Abraham.OSArnod, Geo Alexander, Jno W Anderson, P W Alexander, Robt Austin, Goorge Armstrong, James Anderaou, W V N Armstrong, 11F Akin, Peter Arnold, R D Arnold, Thos Adnius, EC Anderson, Richard Aborcromblo.J B An derson, John Anglurn, II G W Alexander, John Allen, James Ahern, R A AUcn, W B. Adams. | Conrad Byck, Richard Burke, Michael Boyko. E W Bukcr, John Brady, E J Blount, Wm M Blount. Patrick Aimiu’iiy'BaJo'rl'aliul *‘.Ba wS M lltack, t’cllx Bouynon, Gilbert UuUer. Thos llourke. Kugouoil Uoo, 4 F Boireulllet, L B Byck, A llorabort, j \Vm Basslnger, Patrick Bulkoy, P H Ilohn, Homy lletto- man, Tlios W fi Ifoalle, Wm J Bulloch, Patrick Braillev, Henry Burt, EH'Bason, 8 P Holt, Wm J Bandy, HL lltrd, Q A Boufoulllot, Jiio O Bryan, Thomas U Banptt, ; Michael Brannon, David Bell, Jno Bilbo, T A Bulkley, Francis Blair, Chta Uall, Patrick Brady, Thos J Bulloch, J M llutlcr, Michael Bryan. Goo Bankmnn, O B IJarrle, Jds Bryau. D L Best, JA Baker, W II Bunch, Jos K Hall«ugh,\VraD Brown, AT llowne, JosII Burroughs Jno llenuett, IjoUIs Uarelleld, Jos Bancroft, Thaddeus J Baldwin, Patrick Uurko, O L Blonnt, Jno N Uarbeo, Jas Brown, GWIlruen, Moses Black, II L 8 Buntz, Thos 8 Halley, WII Bulloch, It M IJurlholmesa, Ilenry W Bmf- eullelt, P A Biota, Henry Brigham, W B Brantley, T W llenton, M J Buckner, John Boston, B M B Burroughs, Dounls- Ulsnnerhsssott, D H Baldwin, Wm O Barton, Augustus lloullncau, John Burns, Michael Bowley, Ullck J Burke, Ju O Blanco, J II Bushier. W J Blodgot, Jas O I Ilftwcu, Jno W Hlze, Barnard B llee, F 3 Bartow, Win I J Wee, J P Brooks, W H Bourdloy, W C Butler, 118 Bo- | gardui, Frederick Balloy, W D llashlor, Jos W Brown. John O lltance, Theodoro Blols, William Biota, yym It Hourko, John F Blakely, GOO Brown, Wm II Banks, B L linulllneau, J T Buckner, Charles 11 Boll, Goo Bran- son, P T Broughton. II8 Boll, W II Brudloy, L B Uonnott, Jos Belbo, Wm llattey, FII Blots, J H Buckner. Wm U Ouylor, John Cooper, C A Cloud, PL Constan- David U Cash, M A Cohen, R R Ouylor, Goo A Uuy- ... .. , ' n..n._ iff II IVnuA* Vilwnnt lino, David w vmoM,..... V...V.., —-- I k*r, Holomon Cohen, Hugh Cullen, W H Cooper, Edwnrd 1 Cubbage, David Cohen, John Cleary, Jos V Connorat, Allen Cullen,Uhas Cooper, JnsCleary, Barnard Constnn- I Allen Cullen, Chas Cooper, JnsCleary, Harnaro uonsmn- I tlac, Thos W Cooper, John Clancy, John Cantons,-F W I Uoruwell, Jos S Curruthers, Nicholas Crugcr. Wright Colo, John Curry, Tlios Clark, . uliHipper, I Itlchara Colo, Thos CusaelcJn I 011 Oampfleld,FranelaT CoL, .... 1 John Cnrdoll, Jas Connelly, John Carruthors, Frederick 1 Cook, Emanuel Canwntlcr, Luko Christie, Jos Campbell, Kras CiiinpUeld, Jiio D Charlton, Jno G Cooke, Edmund Pul In. ll.,nlmin.iiM. Pumiiilllir 11 K .OR Llnff* Cottar, Montgomery Cummlng, II B Courier, Jos Clog- horn, John Cass, Jno Cunningham, Lari Craft, Wm Car ton, IIL UoleTw O Charlton, 8 J M Cubbego, Monos Coburn, L F Cook, llonry Capon. 8 M Golding, Freder ick Csrstens, Win Cox, Walluco Cuminlng, Patrick Crot- ty, Michael Carey, Peter Cobb, Jno J Cbmolk Win Cou- aou, Robt Coir, Eras Champion, AII Champion, Juo W O.nielli James Cornell,' II R Christian, Jno J Coates. Jos Cox, JnoT Campaguac, Wm Cullen, And Conies, Pierce Condon, Aaron Champion, W T Chapman, Daniel Clurk, JII Cuhbego, Georgo Cally, Urluh Crnualon, Charlos Can non, Robert J Onwahy, 8 T Chapman, John FCurdell, Antonio Chlsa, John LCopo, ThosCouulff, Thos Conway, Moses 8 Cohen, D B Curnp, Octovus Cohen, J P Colfor, Rartow Cynthus, Patrick Clark, Jno M Cody, Jas Clng- horn, Wm Cannon,Charles Clur, Augustus Cannon, Pat rick Clark, Isaao Cohen.Wm Cromwell, G LCopo.Jr- 0 1, Copo,sr^ James A Courvolior, 8 II Cooper, If A Crane, Wm L Clark, D D Copp, John D Cole, Cornelius K Convor, Thomas Uorr, Bryan Connor, James E Cope, L O Clark, Goorgo Clark, Wm P Clark, John A Cham- 1 II. f ......... X....... rill CMilii.Il.lf Cllll Ini. I bent, _ , Wm Colter, Laurence Connell, Frederick Cultori, | John F Cercopely, Goorgo Causee, H II Crondoll, F mot, - Jeremiah Cavanaugh, Martin Codway, D I A Cannuot, w - I HCnloraan, James-Carroll, George E Oongdon, Thomas I Collins, J P Cohen, Charles U Connery. _. , .In Ditggan, John Doyle, Win O I Dawson, Michael dally, lUc’d Donovau. Sami P DIbblo, 1 Daniel bonovan. Albert L D’Lorzo, Patrick Downey, I Dune IPLyotu MIchael Donnelly, John Donnolly, Win |M Davidson, Morty Morgan, Wm II Davis, Win Dixon, ■ - ni i...n ... - r._ 11 Tin*., n it il Inu Hhwhiim Israol Dasher, Levi Delbltt, A O Daunonfelsor, Jno D Dol- ■ ;iuucan, John Dillon, Israol D ■ Davenport, Isaac Davis, llonry —, ■isimof, W L Davis, 8 O Dunning, Patrick Dorvlno, Clius I I Durvee, UurrellDye, 8 O Dunning, Jr, F G Dana, VV ID Dudley, John DeVanoy, John Doblo. RII Darby, Jns M I Doyle, James Downey. Wm II Dunning Jr, llonry Du- Plgnon, James Doyle, Martin Dummuan, Dudloy Davon- ■l»rL Jacob Da La Motto, A M Day, J. J U Dnvts, Tims E ■ »av s, Jaa DoMartln, Henry plltmors, Alox Drvsdato, D |lt Dillon, Frcd’kDannorslblsor, J B Dasher, U Vy Dasher, |»1 T Bukos, John It. Dows, Bnuiuol L Dowo I, Johu pry- Pr. F It Demoro, W J Donaldson, Tlios F Dunlota, Mlclmol ^Duggan, John Morgan. S3* Henry Ellis, Dnulol Egan, Richard Ennis, Abraham Sustain, John Kvcrnrd, wm Elloby, Thoa Eden, G W ■“ton, John J Edy, Charles J Eden, Peter Endrloa,J A utoln, Edwin W Ei * * ”‘ “ Epstein, Edwin W fcrvln, James Eden. J Joseph' Felt, Johu Foley, Thos Ford. Jos 8Fny,Win fwin.SowallH Fisk, James Fountain pnr M “— ......I,Bewail It Fisk, Jtui Id Ferguson, H K Pnlllgunt, Robert FjirrolL Juo G FnlllKunt, Jus Fur- yt Furry, John Fitzgoi ■“Hi John Folloard, Andrew furry, Jonn riugornia, aii- Wrew Ftatloy, R B Foil, Mlohnol Ftnnoy, Win F Feny, E P lullniL 08 Frierson, Austin French, Jolmnn D Fishor, (Win Poniard, Dominick Flallby, John Fliumcgnn, Pat’k K° oXt Jhos Flaherty, Jno D Fish, L M' Fnlllgant, Owen (Foley, p ji B Fairchild, Jns Faumtan. Mlclmol Fay, G W PeuneU, Jno Foster, J R.Fisher. G J Fulton, Jacob M;rlend, J C Fathers, O G Farrios, John 0 Ferrell, James U'"lker, Green Fleetwood, Goo W Fahn, Loonanl Iroo* l. an ' I i H U ForL Thos A Fnrrlcs, Wra B Flemming, Jas U Fawns, F Fink. David,Fltzgorrald, Robert Fisher, D Tii 1, ,c u lln *' ,acob Frey, Jeremiah Flowing, Wm Fielding, |Alox Faucolt, 0 E Flnndors, W G Foote, HenJ Franklin, P otor Petlij G WFnrrles, Tnos BI Forman. ii' uausuner, uonnugo uauoo, nunuunuiB, f;»hn ulonovoly, Jas H Godfrey, L J Gulltnartln. Seaborn iTii^n ' M Gnnnn, Goorge Gatehouse, J M Griffin, ■v i. , n reoQ , J W Gibbons, Olms Gross, Patrick Gordon, ■r AiUrooinJiioF.-C 1 -* 1 — «-*— 1; Gnuin, B »■ Harris, P D Hellshelm; John Haupt.8n, 0 B Han* p '»rUtonher Hussey, JD IIItghM,0 8.llarrta, Mart i Meaty,TMnnlsHpHaitd h ;B Hart ? -Ml Horan, Jotm IIogAes, David Hannon. M p IfeMd 'VmL Haupt, WmN Habersham, Jot Hunter, BN Hal 5*, JK llernotMloik 8 P Hamilton,' Henry llnupt, Kd- f"'«d llefforonjtatrlckllall, WmllaUhui.JMuUhnn lllll, I 1 F Harris, WmV Hunter,*G W HardcasUe, Wm Uunb Abraham Minis. David Morris, Jacob Manses, John Makln, Thos McNlcholas, John Mnsterson, Edward Maahan, Joremlah McCarthy, John McIIue, Wm Morrell, J G Mohrlvns, ltobt McIntyre, 110 Mohrtens, Jnn D Mal lei!,■ Jns Alordocal, Michael McGrall, Thos Murlaugh, Imander Moore, Mathias II Myer, Poler McGullllcuddy, Rllvester Manning, M Mnrsh. Jacob Miller, Jno Murchi son, Jno Monlmollln, Thos Maher, Thos MoAulIff, Jos NcFocly, B W Miscally, 11 W Mercer, 0 A MagllLWm Meredith, E T McGrall, Tlios McCollum, Il Morco, Wm J Moore, J D Mallard, C D Murphy, Jeremiah Muck, N C Mills, Jesse Mount, John Murphy, B M Morel, Patrick Meara,0 OMillur. John McUube, Harvoy Morse, John MoDormott, J M Allllen, Thomas W McArthur, Lovl 8 Myers, llonry Mcrckhurdt, Mlclmol Meath, Thomas Ma hon, Patrick MuGovern.S 8 Millar, T J McNIsh, John Mahoney, John McGunngh, Patrick Mastcrson, John Mallory. James J McCoy, Isano Minis, Edwnrd McCnbo, U Murkins, 8 S Moody, Dennis McGuire. Lawronco Mc Kenna, Noylo McIIue, J II Mohrtens, M II Myor.Thomns McKenna, John Miller, Jacob Munke, Erlwnnl McGraw, Bartholomew Melnarney, John Mattery, I.uder Mohr- tons, A F Mira, Fabian Myerhoffor, G 8 Milter, John R Mnrtln, William B Moll, James W Morgan, Michncl Mor ris John W MoKoy, C F Mills, William E Mongln, D J McKenzie, A F Mordecat, Jns 8 McDonald, Jns Maim- ... •» «—'■—— *— Murphy,G A Mo- iJuntntna ffiafBn. FACTORAGE, FORWARDING, AND GENERAL COMMISSION BU8INE88. SAJTIUEIi L. DOWELL, No. 108 Day-strut, Savannah, Gkorou. ■ Strict personal ntlonllon lo Farmers* orders, and quick returns of Sales of Produce. • —*-» • SWIFT. DEN8LOW Ac 0O„ Dealon in Orocerina. l'rovialona. n iieaiwi| in urocerins. Provisions, FOREIGN.AND DOMESTIC LIQUO R 8, OORHMR BAY AH» WUITAKBR-STRKRTS. ' . W. D. FORD, wi™ o »r° an ? u ° ,ni1 * j Building. Jefferson-streU, .Savannah^ Ga n Constantly on hand, a cholco supply of Family Grookriks. .■ . July? E. O'BYRNE, at tavlor'b buildimo->markrt wharf, Keeps constantly on hand a supply or Orp«ko r y-W ttro , Grocorio«t Ac, Ac, Jnn 1, '5t ly • . ’ L. ROBIDER, Ti'HOM fARts] ■Foshlonablo Hoot anil Shoc-ftlalccr. Importer of French Leather. WniTAKRR-STRRRT—OPPOSITE SMKTS’ OUILDIKO. , J. L. OLIVEn, Faahlonatale Boot ftlnimfncturcr, HO.BKVKRTKRN BDLL-STRKRT, NEAR MONOMRHT-SqnARK, DUliliqiltHl, SHU NOnUMCnT-BljOARK. T ^k-Solo, Waterproof, Hunting, Blllltaiy, Patent Leather j Walking, Dress, and Pump-Solo Boots i Shoot ing Buskins, Bootees, Oxford Bhocs, Pumps, slippers, Acc^ made to order In tho noatest and most fashionable on,., iimui' iu oruor in mo noaicsi ana most rusniomiule manner, of warranted materials, and by tho most experi enced and careful workmen. WYftLY l .. . Ac MONTAIOLL1N, General Agents anil Brokers, For the Sale or Real EstaleyNegroeSytc any description Personal Property. OrriCE} CORNER ntILL-HT. AND IAY-LAHR, fob 23 • Savannah, Georgia. HARDWICK Ac COOKE, Factora anil (Jommi»«ilon Blorctaants, No. 1U3 Van-Street. R. S. IURDW1CK. JOHN a. COOKE, J. HA8BR0U0K Ac CO., IMPORTERS AMD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Earthen-Ware, French China, Looking Glasses. Rroughtsn-Street. PHILIP KEAN, Drapormnd Tall D DEALER IN READ VMADE CLOTHING^ lor, PENPIRLD's RANOK—NO. 08 BRYAN-STRRIT. 8. BfAIILLEU Ac J. D. FERGUSON,. ! WtacclwrightR and BluckNinltha, Comer of Broughton and Montgomery-sts. SAVANNAH, OA. Carrisgcs, Wagons, Carta and Drays fnanufhctured. Blackiunitiling, Including Iron Railing aud Grates, for’ iBulldlngs. tuly—o novO ADA At SHORT, ITlaatdr Builder, msT door wist or st. Andrew’s iull, Will tako contracts for Building and Work In Mu of every description. R. Ac J. LAOIILISON, EngtHoeri and HClllwrlgtata, IRON Sc BRASS FOUNDERS, , Canal-Street—Near tho Canal Lock. : R.'LACIIL|ION. J. LAOIILISON. A. N. MILLER, Engineer and millwright, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER, EASTERN WUARP—BAY-ST. A. PONCE, Importer A Manufacturer of Segars, NO. 13 WUITAEEB.STaRET, Keeps on hand a well selected stock of Imported 80- gars; also Manufactured Tobacco, Snuff, Pltms, and oil other articles usunlly kept iu his lino of business, which IDjofij **•“—» ‘ ho otters on the most reasonable terms. nov 3 T. PORTER’S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Siiriufl anti aummte jFamtjtowa. T HE SUBSCRIBER takes this method or Interrolug his friends nnd the citizens or Savannah, that ho Is now opening THE A1UST SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHING over ottered In this city. The prices, In plain figures, ore mnricod upon ench article, and no deviation, and at »r«o romnrknblo low prices that tho goods aro marked, llie subscriber feels confident will bo appreciated by a generous public. In part ore tho followliig Goods I have now In store, to wit t PANTAIAJON8, sy, Thos It Alills. Doinlngo Alartlng. Jos All . Closkoy, Angus McAlpln, Michael Martin, Peter Maris, A G Mode, At B Allllen, Jno McUnll, Jns AlcF 1 in nr 1111, i-uitsr niiirm, rv , Jns Aloreely, Wm Mot- Win Aiackny, John AteNIsh, cnir, E Mendel!, A K Moore. Win Aiackny, JnsG Molls, L B AIcConn, Wm Morris, John McCollum, Charles McCann, Bernard Malian, Wm McLaughlin, Patrick Alcliaughlon, F W McCarthy, W II O Mills, Juo AlcMahon, Juo F Mullcgati, Jas Matthews, Isaao Mnrsh,Tlios A!nddon,JohnMoran,FA Maddox,Solotnon Mayor, E A! McDonnell, Wm Morel, Jno AInhun, Jno It Mayer, Tlios G Moonoy, M C Alorlaml, Jiui McDonald, T U Maxwell, N W McLeod, Alex Mcllimleo, Jno T Mitch ell, Fredk Mundorf, II K Aluntfert, Jas Mcllrhto, W J McIntosh, Sami H Aloret, Joremlah AIcCartliy, Wm Mc Carthy, A N Miller, Thos Molt. I! P Aliltor. I W Morrell Jos Afclnllre, Dnnl McCarthy. M H McLeod, Jas AlcCunn Jas AtcCnnno, Thos Meeks, Edward Mullogau, Johu Ale Aullff, Archibald McAllister. N. JosophNellL ThosNaylor, Wm Nungozer, Jaa Nungo- xor, W G Norworn!, Jno W Neavltt, Dl) Nlcnots, EL Noldilni Neidllnger, Don't Nelson, Torrence Nugent, G N Nichols, Geo 8 Nichols, L F Nichols, Jos Nagle, Nevlll Neylu, Jno Noll. J G Noldtllngor, A A Nungozer. J R Norton, Jacob Neuliorger, Edward Nugent, Snin’l Nutlinnn; Jus A Norris, Frederick Noltemen, Jno C Nlcoll, Thos A1 Nor wood, Chas Now land. Jumes Neidllinger, Wm Nevo. John W Owens, Geo W Owens, Dnntel O’Connor,Tim O’Brten, Owen - O’Rourke,John F O’Byrue, David O Con nor, Owen O’Rlolly, Humphrey O’Loary, G 8 Owens, Dennis O’Connor, Jno' O’Connell, Jno II Uhlineyer, Win H OlcotL Win Olinstoad, J F O’Neill, D O OIcoW, E O’Hyrno, Michael O’Neill, O K O’Sullivan, II G Oliver, Johu Ollvor, Jonathan Olmstond, At O’lteltly, James Oli ver, W C O’Driscoll, Dan’l O’Sullivan, Timothy O’Con nor, Daniel O’Sullivan, W W Oates, John Ogelvfe, M W O’iJyrn, Thus O’Bryan, Geo Ott, FrodtckOtlo. Alnrlln Payton, Antonio Ponce, E M Prcndergast, Sam’l N Papot, James Prendorgnst, O C Parker, Anthony Porter, Jos V Prentice. Jno F Posey, N 8 Piuder, Sam’l Phllbrlck, Jas AI Prontlcc, 8 At Pond, Wm Parris, l’al’k Prunty, Andrew O Pncotty, Edwin Parsons, Ellslm Par sons, Jno Poole, 8 G Puucost, Owen Paterson, C B Patter- son, John Perlleld, John Phelan, Juo F Powell, Jos Pron- dorgas,Thos Purse,Snm’l I’ittmnn, EJ Purse, George Parsons, R D Papot, M Prondergast, Edwnrd Pndollbrd, Sen- Edward Padolford, Jr M Thos Pldgeon, Thos S Pitt Jno Postell, Jos W Phillips, James Prunty, J M Palin, Marcus At l’ock, Patrick Price, l> C Puder,Thos Prouder, gast, Chaa Perry, R W Pooler, II K Preston, Jos V Pres ton, Wm F Preston, Edwnrd Pursolo, D U Phllbrlck. Jos Qunntook, John Quinu, Martin Quinn, Wm Quinn, Ym Quautock,Jr. P AI Russell, Waring RnssoU, David Rosenblatt. Jacob Roteuband, John Russell, Dennis Ryan, Wm Rochester, James Russoll, Tlios J Uyon, J B ltoss, John Reedy, A At Ross, Mtchaul Kochford, Christopher Itussoll, Win P Roberts, John Ryan, J B Road, Jos W Robborts, llonry Roberts, John Rynn, J B Read, Jos VV Robborts, Ho Roscr, Wm Robertson, Patrick Rullly. L 8 Russell. V Roche, Barney Roden, Pat’k Ryan, Win Rogers, Jtu Richardson, Juo U Rowland, Aliohacl Rooney, Goorgi ' ' n "«—‘— lteinslmrl Ritter, Edward Reilly, Daniel Robertson, Wm J W Rabun, Jos Ross, Francis Ryan, J B Ripley, J V Reinsburt, Robt Ralfonl, II W Ralford, Mnthew Ruiford, VVmRellly,J P W Rood. Jno Riordon, Francis Reives, Jefferson Roberts, C II Illkomnn, 11 Rogers. J Roualdson, Jeremiah llyau, R G Reed, Clias E Robinson, Joseph Jeremiah llyau, B G Rood, Chaa E Robinson, Josoph n - Ilcuy ( Robor, ( Goo ltobhis, Allen Russell^ Win Roberson, John Rowley, John Rogers, Dan’l Roddnmn, Wm P Rowland, Hugh Rlolty, Andrew Riolly, A R Ral ston, Il J Royal, Jno E Rice, James llyau, noil, C E Rynn, Win Robkon, C W Rogers, Thos Itonnu, Geo Robertson, Tobias ltothtetcr, F A Robor" ” “ ”— F T Rolf, AI J Reilly, James Russell. tore, G 8 Roux 8. E A Soullard, Wm Bwoll, John A Schaffer, John Sonddcr, Rlclt'd Smyo, Henry Starko, Abraham Simpson, Christopher Sohnolder, John A Stnly, Rich’d Scanlan, ShoftnlU Andrew Steafvatcr, JohnSavngo, J 8 Solo- ... ns, Fred'k ScheriT, A A Binds, W R Symons, Thos 8ulllvan, GeuSnaUhoff, Jno G Sexton, A J CSImw, Ja cob Shader, AI Shofftell, sr- G J Spencer. Sam’l Solomons, J PScrlvon, John SiHjlImniuD Iff” 1 ’ ' ** P 8crlvon, John Spellman. D It Stownrl. John Sullivan, D Shatter, Win II Smith, John Stoddnrd, Ephraim Scud- dor, Sam’l 8 Sibley, Anthony Sogur, Jns8hoa, Pat’k Scnnlnti, Jas Skinner, J IJ Si roes, Dnn’l Sullivan. Jus Sklnnor, Dr SSheflall, Nicholas 8inot, Alortln Sullivan, Lowls Smith, Jacob Schaffer, Thomas Saunders, John Stevenson, G N Staloy, Thos Smith, U J Smith, Jno Sul livan, James Sullivan, Waller VV Smith, Geo Shultz, F F Strobhart, Jas J Stokes, Goo Shute, Harmon Rnngstock, llonry Seltzer, O B Scully, E Somorall, Francis Sorrel, Jno A Steglii, John Blonn, Wm G Stafford, JnoBcrevon, Wm Sattc, 0 At Stone, J R Saussy, J M Schley, Francis Shells, P K Shlels, Adam Short, Jno Y Symons, James Symons, F R Sweat, Edmund J Saunders, Edwin Stiles, J At Solomons, Augustus Soboldemnn, Dennis Sulllvnn, Dnulol Sulllvnn, AI J Solomons, M Sholmn, Dennis Sulll vnn, llnrnoy Smith, Uonry Btlbbs, Jas II Shohau, Valen tino Stanton, John Shorteck, Loyal' Scranton, Martin Shnniton, Josoph Sulllvati.Jaa F8tokc8, Philip Smith, Jos AI Sholhnan. James M Strickland, Timothy 8herro*!an, Thomas Smltli, Win Starr, Jr, IIII Scranton, Jas Slierdo- inan, Conrad Soholneldorv Geo Stevenson. Richard Stoll moilieiuur, ucu DiuYuiimin, tviuiiniu owl#. JoWj siiidil., Nol.011 Smltli, a 8 S|ielB.!«or, VV W - • ■ i Beamon, Thos F Slovens, J E Sllrk. ILW, Starko, Arp — - •—■.—■ n . , n » Smith,Wm Starr Jr, Henry Saunders, Peter Smith, J D Stebbms, A A Solomons, O W Shnlter, D Stebblus, A A Solomons, i* v» onnuer, u i ntninum, Patrick Sklnnor, Edwnrd Swift, Buml B Sweat, Joint 1) Spann, John E Stllwcll, II Sheppard, F AI Stone, Eloazor Solomons, Thos Scully, Win Saumlors, Jns Smith Sr, Jno Bcliuiigell, Jesseo J Smith, Win F Shearer, J A Sowell, J B Siuriovnnt, Wm Saunders, Julius. Smith, Il U Scfioy, Christopher Smith. ^ Wm II Tarver, John V Tarver, Goo W Titcolmb, VVm wm ii inmir, huuii » .. , t II Tyson, John Thompson, Patrick ’rydlngs, Barnaro G Tllden, Pro’s Trantofl. A Tllilon, rra s immun. AFToriny, f 1) Thomas, W K Thompson, Jno F Tucker, A Tulblrd, Fras Trautoll, J D Tombrokc, James Thurinoll, B T Tumor, Wm Thomas. O E Toffl, Edwnrd Townsond, BTThous, A Thomas, W ike, Jr rn.Ed' U Hi 1UUI, buwum iuwihviiu. P Toffl, Marlon Throadcrnft. Jno IlThodo, HJlTiotnas- sou, VV H Tlnslopr, FrasTrucholut,R V Thomag IUchnrd- boh, VV H Tinsley, — . son Tombs, W ft Tnlblrd, J E Taylor, John G Thomas, John Trumlter, IK Toffl, Jn8PTnstln,Thos At Turner, F A Tunpor, OhasTtiompson, IIJ Tiodoman, David Thomp- i, Jaa Tlgho, L O Teuoau, Chaa (l Tatblrdj, Henry Tow, bo n,J 0.1111110,1. U Teboait, Ghoa G Tnlblrd^ Henry Tow, Jno Tanner. VVm A Thompson, Robt Todd, F J Timmons, VVpt II Tnlblrd Jr, Jno J i*|iuus, J Tdcholior, Wm H Tay lor, N P Taylor, J M Thomas, J II Thompsou. Christian Uobelo, Philip Uslor. Antonin Vondloy, alias Ramhoskl, ClmsVait Horn, W H S Vcrstlllo, Tristram Vorstlllo, David Vendor, llonry Veltatulcb, VV 0 Vnltdonborj Ilenry Vonglnlm. U I, winpliiirx^ Cyil W O A Wood, RIoh’d Wayne, L \.. . White, Jntncs VVhlllhnn,f4th Woodwool, Elisha Wylly, Charlos Wilson, Goo W Wylly, Augustus Wcnio, James White, L VV Wells, Francis Wilson, J J Waver, A R II O Wyer, Jos W -Wood, Wm Wrigl^ o B Wall,« r Wlthlngton/Bentamln tWhitehead. Thomas Workman, GENTS’ CLOTH COATS. Gents. Black Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, Olivo do do do do Brown do do do do Uluo do do do do Black Cloth Backs and Polka Backs, Brown do do do do Blue do do do do Olivo do do do do do Shad Dross do Bluck Doo Skin Polka Sncks, Fancy Colored do do Drab Onsslmcro Sacks nud Polka Sacks, Black Tweed do do do Greon do Brown do Silk and Wool do do do do do do COATS. Cnmblet, Checked Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Plain and Fancy Alpacco, Paris Lustre, Black Morin, Bluck aiid Fancy Tweed, l)o do CuHlnnurclta, Brown aud Yellow Llueti, Black Drun cPEtn. Silk, Lamb’s VVooL and Merino Shirts and Drawers, Ltneit, Jeans, iuhI Canton Flannel do Silk, Merino, nnd Cotton Half lioso, Bilk, Thread, nnd Nori Hose, Goutlcmen’s Dressing Robes, Linen Collars, two and three ply. Stripod Cotton and Linen, Plain do do do Nnukoon, Drop d’Etc, Fancy Llnon, Black Alpaecn, Block Doo Skin Pants, Plain Black Casslinero Pnnts, Pnncy Colored do Plain and Ribbed do Black and Colored Bntlnel Pants, Black 8atln Single nnd Double Breasted Vests, Fancy Satin nnd Silk do do Embossed Fancy Silk do do Bluck aud Fnucy Barathea ilo do .do Embrol’d Cufsimoro do White and Fancy Satin and Party do Plain Block Silk Velvet, slnglo and double breasted, Fancy Cut do do «|o Fancy Cashmere do do GLOVES. Blnck, White, and Colored Kid Gloves, Bluck nud Castor Riding do Cloth, Cashmere mid Lined Berlin do Block, White aiidFoncy Silk do CRAVATS. Supcrflno Black Silk nnd Fancy Cravats, do Fancy do, great variety, Whlto Silk and Satin Party Cravats, Black and Fancy Bilk and Batin Scarfs, do do Opera Ties. Linen Cnmbric, China Cord and Pongoe Pocket Hand kerchiefs. Itats and Cups, of tho latest stylos. Indies’ Riding 11018." Trunks, Patent and Solo Leather. Valysea, Carpet Ungs, Canes, Umbrellas, &«l, Ate. CHILDREN’S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. This Dopartmont for Children’s Clothing Is fitted up In tho most costly style with orery convenience for Irvine on filtlng, &c- tho stock embraces orery article la that lino, consisting In pnrt or Coats ami Pnnts of ovorv stvlk (ivorl coals, nnd Under Garments, Jenny Lind Sacks, Polka do- Over Hacks, Vests, Braided Suits, Plain, Silk Velvet. Vest Suits, nnd Boys’ Cups, a lurgo assortment. The Ladles yflll find It to tholr interest to call and oxainlne ntv stock ns they uro mado up In the latest stylo and tho best manner nnd at tho lowest prices. No abatement from tho prices lira l asked. aatoon tho most favorable terms,Uie following! SUGARS— 50 hhds. Porto Rico, fnlr to choice. 23 hbds. Primo 8t Croix. 23 hlids. Fair Cubs. SIX) bbls. Stewart’s fl. Ac 0. 23 bbls. Crushed, boxes Loaf. COIFEL— 500 bags Rio, fair to prime. 100 bags Jamaica. 100 pockets Old Java. 50 bags Cuba. BAGGING Al ROPE- 200 bales Gunny. 10 bates Dundee. 300 colls Rope. TOBACCO— l>0 * es !▼''rio u, brands. UHEEch— 150 boxes Cream. W boxes English Dairy, MACKEREL- 25 barrels No. 1. 23 half barrels No. 1. 60 barrels No. 2. 25 half barrels No. 2. SO barrels No. 3. BACON- 50 casks Sides. 23 casks Shoulders. MOLASSES— 50 lleroet Cuba. 50 barrels Cuba. .... 50 barrels Now Orleans. UANDLES— 50 boxes Adamantine. 100 boxes Star. 25 boxes Pearl. 100 boxes Hull Ac Headers. PICKLES— 50 boxes Underwood’s. UQUO ! ii£ X “ ltCmln “ l0, '’ , ■ 100 barrels E. P. Gin, 50 barrel* Connecticut River Gin. 50 barrels N, E. Hum. 23 barrels Extra Choice Old Monon. Whiskey. 50 barrels KslllniorQ Whiskey. 25 qunrier casks pure AJnlnga Wine. 25 quarter casks Sclgnelte Brandy. 10 half Pines Otard Brandy. 5 pipes Holland Glm 15 quarter casks Alsdelra Wine. SOAP— 50 boxes Colgate* No. 1. 50 boxes Colgate’s Pale, 100 boxes Boston No. I. 23 qunrier chests Green. 10 half chests Black. 10 quarter chests Gunpowder. FLOUR- 50 half barrels Extra. 50 barrels lltrain Smith’s,) 50 barrels pure Genesseu, >Ncw Wheat. 150 barrels Baltimore, ) STARCH- 50 boxes Pearl. 25 quarter boxes Pearl. RAI8IN8— 25 boxes Bunch. 25 half boxes Bunch. ALMONDS- 13 frails Jordan. BUCKETS— 100 dozen Painted. 50 dozen Varnished. S UGAR.COFFEE, BOAP AND CANDLES. 20 hints, choice P. IL Sag Sujur; 50 “ Fair 300 Bags Rio Coffee; 50 Matts old Government Java do. 100 boxes Soap; 50 “ Starch. Just received nnd for sale by sept 20 1852 M’MAHON Ac DOYLE. B randy, gin, aic. Ill half Pipes Otard Brandy; 10 “ Beignott uud Rosdiell do. 10 Pipes Holland Gin; 20a Sc % Casks Madeira Wine; 20 “ “ Port do. 30 bbls. old Mouougahcln Whiskey; 50 ** Domestic Brandy; 50 « do. Gin; 100 •• do. Rum; 100 “ do. Whiskey. Just received nnd for solo by __sept 20185'. M’MAHON Ac DOYLE. JJlLOUIL SOAP, STARCH, nnd CANDLES. By Don’t forget tho new store on first floor of St. Andrew’s Ilall, corner of Broughton nnd Jefferson-sts. opr 28 Webster, Robert Woggensloln, Jos Washburn, l) L Wil son, Claudius C Wllwn, Dempsey While, Pelcr White, Jno M Williams. Normnn Wallace, Ilenry Wolgand, Tlios White, W II Williams J T Webb, Jns G Wntls John Wickam, Lemuel Wilson, Win P Wylly, John Wilder, Jas E Wnlthour, Christopher Wltgon, John Wdulcin. Jno W O Williamson, Henry WUIIamson, William War - ■ I’oter Yonson, Jno A Young, Dr E Yonge, W A Yonge, VVm P Youge. Pe|or Znrodoskl, Edward G Zetrouer, Jacob Zimmer man,' Edward Zudemes, Solomon Zvlgler. Tho foregoing are the qualifications of voters entIUod to vote for Mayor nnd Aldermen of tho City of Savannah at tho ensuing election in December next, and a list of persons Registered for tho month of May. If there are uuy parsons whoso numes are Registered, and who are not cutitled to a voto, notice Is respectfully requested to bo given to the Clerk of CouuciL that Uiuy may be dealt •lli according to law. IL F. AKIN, sept 14 Clerk Council. ASPCENDID . OPENING OF FALL GOODS. T HE Subscriber would respectfully call tho attention of tho public to tils largo and well selected stock of Full and Winter Stuple aud Fancy DryOoods. Constating In part of: Blnek and colored Bilks, of a grant variety; very rich embroidered Silks, of all patients; Manlillus aud Crape Shawls; Scotch Wool Long do.; nnd square Plaid Shawls; Cashmeres; Me >elme do Lollies: Alpaccas, a great variety; Neudlo-Work Col lars ami Capes, of all patterns; Chlmlzcttes 5 Muslin and Lace Undur-SIcovos: Cambric Handkerchiefs, from 12# cents to 85 n piece; Irish l.tnens; Hucknbucks; Diaper; French Towels, from 25 cents to 81 a pieco; double Damask Tsblo Linen; white uud brown Napkins, a fine assortment; u very largo assortment of Gloves and lio* story,of llio veiy best make and stylo; English and A- merlcan Long Cloths; unbleached do.: rich Damask Tablo nnd Plano Covers: Cosalmorcs und Cloths, black uud blue of ovory quality; rich Vest patterns of nil styles; Satluota; Kentucky Jeans; Kerseys, a very large assortment; ono of the very best selected stock or Blan kets evor brought to this markeL CARPETING-Brussels, 3-Ply, 2-PIy, All-Wool, a va riety of patterns; and, also, Cotton Carpeting. N. It.—Clothing at whotosnlo only. Country merchants would do well lo call before purchasing elsewhere, ns the goods shall bo sold low aud on Uio most nccomtnoda- tlng terms.[oct2] JOSEPH LIPPMAN. GEORGE W. HARDCASTLE, CARRIAGE MAKER, niiiii 200 CONGRESS AND 03 ST. JUL1AN-8TREET, Franklin-Square. W OULD Roturn his thanks to his friends nnd patrons for past favours, and inform them, that lie Is now ready at Uio old stand, to execute any work In tho abovo lino, and hopes by his untiring exertion* to please nil who inny honor him with a call. All kinds of repairing In the above business done with the utmost uenluess and VphoelYvrlRht and Blacksmith work, nnd all kinds of Wheels,Wagons, Drays, Carts, Ate., mado on tho shortest notice and on most liberal terms.Jan £0 NKW FALL AND WINTER CHOUS!! J.H. &M.SHEAHAN. Corner of BrougHton nnd Whltakor-oto., SAVANNAH, TNVITE attention lo Uioir now slock of FALL At WIN- X TER GOODS,comprising: DRESS GOODS—French Cashmeres, French Do LatooV English Do Lnlnos, Black Silk, Colored Silk, Black Alpncas, Colored Alpi “ * , . -r r-.—7 — Alpacas, Bomlm- zincs. Damask Antique, English,. French nnd American Calicoes. EMBROIDERIES—Linen Cambric, Cambric Hand- kerchloft, Plain and Embroldoreil llnndkorchlcfs, ltebinel loMOk Itobluet Edging, Collars nnd Cuffs; Habits nnd Under-Sleeves, Black Loco Veils, ink Crape, Colored Crape. HOSIER Y A- LINENS—A targe nnd well-seicctod stock of Gloves, Irish Linens, Linen Diapers uud Damasks. WOOLENS—Negro Blankets, Kerseys, I.lnscys, Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Satinets, Tweeds At Ken tucky Jenus, Rod. While, Dluo nnd Yellow Flan nels, 10-4 and 11-4 Urown nml Bleached Shootings, Pillow-Case Linens, and Quills. Country Merchants, Planters, nnd others, will consult their Inlorosts by exninlulng our stock before purchasing. ttdp All WO usk Is a visit from those desiring to pur chase. Wo feel confident Umt tho qnullty and prices ol our Goods will command sales upou our terms: Cash} and no Second Price, oct 10 tMl FALL OF 1832. H AVING completed our nrrnngomunta for tho season, wo oronowjmipnred to offorto the public tho larg- Washburn,'ll'F Warring, J R Wilder,. Ilenry ’ «ISmbswk3E2% SVU,Z D Win* R * '*■• „ Ilenry ’ W0- N vyinklwy Jno E Ward, Jos O JOHN rOUIiijx WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT AND OIL ST0BE, SAVANNAH, OA. No. 11 Wliitakcr-Ntrcct. TrEEPS constantly for sale—WHITE LEAD, Pare Nos. Xk 1 and 2 English do. GROUND PAINTS: Black, Yellow, Brown, Chromo Green, Paris Green, and Prussian Bluo. DRY PAINTS: Venetian Rod, Spanish Brown, Lampblack, Yellow Ochre, Red Lead, LiUiarao, Paris and Chromo Green, Prussian Bluo,Chromo Yellow, Umber. ItamUo Sienna, Drop Black, and A VARIETY OF FANCY COLORS. Linseed Oil., Sperm do., Nealsfoot do„ nnd SPIRITS OFTUIU’ENTINK, WdtfrWaah URU8IIE8,1'nlntj Var- glXbs, tUKl'KNTINK, wmie-wnsn »ur- . Graining, nnd Artists’ do., Window and Picture tSS, of all qualities, from ObyS to 32liy40: Copal, Jn- a Llghtnnd Dark Conch VARNISH, MIXED PAINTS kinds, PAPER HANGINGS, Flro-Uoard l’rluts nud Horde.-. The abovo articles will bo sold on raasonablo tUrm IIouho, RIffn und Ship Palntlntr Dono In a workmau-llko manner, and at reasonable prices. Jnn 20 COPPERSMITH AND PLUMBING. . rrMIE Subscriber having fitted up, In connection wlUi X Ids Foundry and Mactdno Works, a Shop for tho abovo business, nnd engaged Uio services of superior workmen, Is prepared to do any description of work that may otter. All work dono in tho vory best manner and nt the Shortest notice. A. N. MILLER, July 12 If Eastern Wharf. MARINE RAILWAY. t T HE undersigned respectfully Informs all who may need his services, that ho has charge of tho MARINE RAILWAY, which Is now tn successful operation. Hols therefore, prepared to tako up vessels or any size usually visiting out port, nud to do tho work of repairing, fte n on reasonnblo terms. Those who wish to cteau or paint tho bottoms or tholr vessels can also be accomodated on tho Railway upon reasonnblo' terms. He Is also prepared to contract for building vessels of any diuw or description, .. of Sfilj " J and lo carry on the business of Nlilp Car|MUloring, Spar Making, uud Caulking, in all. Its various branches, at the eastern extremity of the city. A giKKl Ship SmltMs on U» Jr . SAVANNAH DRV DOCK. To Ship Owners) Wasters and Consignees of Vessels T UB SUBcribor rcapoctftilly Informs thorn Uiat tho SA VANNAH DRY'DOCK is now In succcssftd opera tion, nnd It U calculated to tako In shlpsof any etass’from RK) to 1500 tons burthen. It is 230 foet long nnd 05 foot- wide, and complete In ovory particular. A lurgo gang oli workmen 1s employed and u largo supply of materials Is on hand, so that vessels can be repaired with as much *nuicb ns In any other port. Pump mid Block Making d Smith’s work, dono on Uio promises, and every effort uio to on*ure ooonomy and fktdlty to thoeo who may mado.toe,. , , ,— fovor tho Dock with thotr business. ^ D, P, LANDERSIHNB, Agent and Buperlnlendent, Late of Marsh’s Dock, Charlestoni fob 24 WOOLHAfsT -* A A dozen black and drab, at 83 30 **. i *« m ’*» 4 50 > ' , ALSO, 50 dozen Mnloloe Hals. (for planter*# use) nn artldo entirely new, for sate st tho now whoteaalo Hat' Store, Corner of Broughton and Unmard-iU.^ ^^ oct B; 1 ; . DEEPEN. fcCQr if Ale:;- CRAVATS AND TIES.—A lupply ol , * J Kld Gfovos Jnst ler’s black, oolowxt, and White' , ^j. 'Also, a choloo assortment ^f blwk, plain and - >AIID.-In barrels and kegs; lauding, nml for wfo by J sept 83 GOOD AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING, nnd uro determined to sustain our reputation by selling Goods at fair prices. Wo luvto our friends and the pub lic to call nml examlno our Fall and Winter Stock, Which, for QUALITY, STYLE Qtl(t QUANTITY for exceeds any provions seimon, and from which a complete outfit can be selected at tho vkrv lowest trices. Our Goods are selected with groat care—being cut in the latest Fashlou, und mnnufoclured In such a munner as t give entire salisfoctloti. 860.000 STOCK of Ready-made CLOTHING, omtiraciug all Uie various styles, qualities, etc., In pnrt os follows: COATS: Blnck Cloth, Frock nnd Dress, Plaid and Clouded, Funcv Business Coats In great variety. TwoeUs cut Into Peltors Huff Sacks, etc- eta PANTALOONS, mado from Flno ninck Doeskin, nnd tho various Faff styles of Harris’ Clouded aud Mottled Casslmurcs, Black and Fancy Satinets. VESTS: Black and Figured Satin, GcuUcmen’s Whlto Silk and Figured Marseilles. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. Wo Invito the attention of Country Merchants to onr Stock, which Is varied and complete, aiid manufactured expressly tor their Undo. Wo also havo a genteel as sortment or YOUTH’S CLOTHING, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Black aud Fancy Silk Cravats. Slocks, Plain und Figured Silk and 8uiln Neck Ties, Prince Alberts, of Plain, Watered nnd Ribbed Silk. SHIRTS, Whlto nnd Fnncj, warranted to fit, Gloves, Under Gar ments, Suspenders, Collars, Handkerchiefs,Socks, etc. t3^We ask a continuanco of Uio patrnnngo which ‘ » always been so generously extended to us. sept 7 PIERSON, I1KIDT Sc CO. IN NTOKE FOR TI1E GENTLEMEN. J OHN W. KELLY, having returned from tho north with a handsome assortment or CLOTHS, CA8SI- MERES and VESTINGS, takes pleasure In informing Ids friends, those es|icclnlly who admire n finely fitting gar ment, lo his saloon, No. 4, opposite tho Puiuskl House, where they will find him ready at all Hines to suit bis pa trons In tho must approved nml foshlonablo manner, and lio ventures to assert, that those who will confide In his selection ns to color, fabric, stylo or finish of a covering for tho human form, shall go uwny satisfied. Furnishing Goods—Shirts, white and colored, with and without collar*; UnderShlrts; Morlun, cotton and llslr thread Drawers; Hosiery, Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks, neck Tie*, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, silk and cotton do. Also, a large lot of men’s and boys’ Caps, of tho latest patterns. . Also, a flno lot or boanliftil Rcady-mado Clothing, which I selected wlUi groat care. Gentlemen in wnnt or any or the abovo nrtlcles will plonso give mo a call, ns 1 am determined to sell nt a small profit, [sept 85] JOHN W. KELLY. SAM’L HOYT, Lato of tho firm of Sam’l Hoyt &Co, Savannah) Ga> WPULD announce to his friends thnt he has rcinov- VV od to Charleston, 8. C-No. HO East nay, where he Is prepared lo do a general Commission business, and furnish to order, nt alt times, nny articles from tho North or South thatmny be wuiiUkI, for tho usual commission, ns well ns recolvo nnd sell the sumo. And I pledge my self that nil business eutruslcd to my care ahull recolvo suchuttoiUlou us will Insure similar manifestation of tholr good will, not doubting that my acquaintance with Northern and Snuthorn markets will ouablo roo to do as well aa any, nnd belter than many. Also Dealer in Butter, Chceose, Plaster, Marblo Dust, ComeuL Liino and Hair. And Agent for sundry Machtno Manufactories, North nnd South, ns well ns Sflus C. Herrings’Ftro Proof Sates, Georgia aud French Burr Mill Slones; all of which will ida^osa.^Atao, Southern Tanned I<cnthorln tho Rough. Tonus cast) invariably. Refers lo the citizens of Savon-' uab generally. tf sept 4 CARPET WAHE1IOU8E;. T HE Subscriber would resnoctfliUy inform tho citizens of Savannah and the public gouoraUy. that Uio Store formerly occupied by Messrs. Snider. Laibrop Sc Novllt, (which Is now being onlarged and improved,) will bo opouod on or about tho 2Uih InsL, with nu cuUruly now nml complete stock of Foreign and Domestic CARPET- 1NUS, OIL CLOTHS, tee.*0. Royal Patent VdveLTnpostry,Uru«seta,lugraln and Vene tian CarpeUnga,Rugs, Oil Clotlis,MaUliig,Table nnd Plano Covers, Curtains aud Curtain Stuffs, siiadi Stc- over offered In this city; all ofwhlch will bn sold at wholesale «ir retail,on lho most satisfactory terms, by sept 4 tf VV. H. UUtON, Agcut. OIIUUOH AND FAUEOR'ORGANN. 1 »TMIB Subscribers, ngonts for'Mr. U. Knauff, Organ X builder, are prepared to ftirntab any description ot Church or Parlor Organs. As a specimen or his Inslru- munts,rcterence Is mado tn tho organ reoently erected by him iu the Lutheran Churchof this city. Parties desiring Information on tho subject can ascertain all< tmeessary i pariicutarson application to -F. ZOGUAUM heOO- ||qiyl3..,' .Whltakyr-aU) one door east of BryameU;: v ^ B1ILH. Sugar Uouse Molasses, In store t-for ante by CO oct 23 conen & Carver. . -l<andlng 100 bbls Cnnnl Flour 60 boxes Colgate’s Pearl Starch 50 boxes Georgia Candles 100 boxes Soap. For sale by [sept 25] BWIFT Sc CO. D omestic liquors— 100 bbls. E. Phelp’s Gin; 50 do P. Sc II. Gin, Conn. River; 100 do N. O. Whiskey; 50 do Baltimore Whiskey; 100 do N. E. Rum; 50 do Domestic Brandy. Land I ng, nnd for aalo by [sept 25] SWIFT Sc CO, GROCERIES, LIQUORS &. WINES# •DECEIVED by recent arrivals; Xl> 120 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Clarlfiod Sognrs; . — * doji 25 boxes double refined Lonf 240 bags Rio Co fib c, somo or thorn prime; 45 do. Java do; 50 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars; 270 boxes Tobacco, ffs, 5’s and l’s Lumps; 45 pneksges superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Diadem, Nectar, vlrginlus, Ac. 100 boxes best Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; 114 half chests Black Teas, some of It very superior; 148 packages Hyson do., in#,# and #chests; 150 boxes Tallow Candles, 8’a aud 0’s: 100 do. Star and Adamantine Candles; 150 do. Pipes; JKegCDanfrC#. WINESVIIRANDIES. Ac. iUBSCRIBBRS are now receiving In storea T UB SUBSCRIBERS are now Kcnoral assortment of tho abovo artlclos, In constating or: Pale and Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, Cherry A Raspberry Brandy, Port do. y ’ Tops* Sherry Wine, Holland Gin, Brown ao. Stoughton Bitters, Tlntllla do. “Crown” and ‘‘Star’* brands Champagne. . “Tlnttlln” Shorry Is highly recommended for Invalids—It cansing no acidity. For solo by oct 27 BUNKER A OGDEN, 80 Day st 75 hair and qunrier boxes Raisins. 100 boxes now Boiled Herrings. Received per steamer anti for n r steamer and for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. ytANAL FLOUR, Ac.— 50 bbls Hiram Smith’s Floor. 30 hlfbbls Fulton Market Beef. 20 casks pints, 12 do quarts, best London Porter. 30 bbts primo Cream Ala 0 pipes superior Holland Gin. 30 Wes ami 23 half do Raisins. 30 half bbls Sugar, Soda and Butter Biscuits. 50 boxes new Herrings.. 30 bbls Sugar House Molasses. 50 boxes 8tar Candles. 50 do Composite do. 50 do Tallow 50 do Wlnsor.Toilctand shaving Sonpjnst received nnd for salo by [octal] McMAHON A DOYLE. I jVlltEIGN LIQUORS.—20 half and 10 quarter ptpea Dork and nnd Palo Otard, Dupuy A Co. Brandy, of miPnwn in.. lain'lin ■ .... - 1 0U '‘ (> wn Importation. Vintages RMff'MO and’30. ’ Holland Gin, Medor Swan lira ‘ 0 pipes Holland Gin, Meder Swonllrand. 1 puncheon old Scotch Wliiskoy. 2 do. do. Jamaica Ram. 1 do. do. 8L Croix do. 20 derate • - -- demijohns, S gallons each, Scheidam Gin. Landing and for sale by *20 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. iUUA MOLASSES, Ac.— J • il . l V 1, -? U . er “‘ n,ld 50 bb, »« W. I. Molasses. 50 bbls. cholco New-Orloans do. 50 bbls. Recttfleu do. Whiskey. 30 hiuta. primo do. Sugar. 20 hhds. do. and 20 hhds, choice P. It Sugar. 100 bbls. Sturt's Crushed, Pow’d A Clarified 8ugar. 20 boxes do. Ixiaf Sugar. Just received and for sate by oct27 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. n nocEKiEs,— “ \JT 100 barrels Baltimore Flour. 50 hL do. do. 50 barre's Hiram Smith Flour. 50 hr. do. pure Gene race do. 50 kegs Buckwheat. 100 whole, half and quarter boxes now IUtains. 5 barrels Soft Sholl Almonds, landing aud for sale by oct 27 COIIEN A TARVER. \KJ INES.—30 quarter casks Burgundy Port, vv 15 do. Brown Sherry. 5 do. Pnle do. do. Muscat. oct 23 50 baskets Gripe Champagna In store and forkltle by Vii. DAVIDSON. W°. OODEN WARE, BROOMS, A.-OUdozeapsinted . Palls; 20 nests Tubs, assorted; Well Buckets, Iron bound; Brooms, Brushes and Wisps; Covered Buckets; a, 10 nnd 15 gallon Kogs; Sugar Boxes; half bushel Mea sures, (band j. For salo by oct 27 KIBBEE A RODGERS. B UCKWHEAT FLOUR In half and quarter kegs and bigs; for salo by oct 27 KIBBEE A RODGERS. B UTTER A CHEESE.—Wo hare made arrangements for n regular supply of Uieso articles, and Intend to formal* tho trade nt very small advance—for cash only— any ono who doubts the fact, please call - T4EAROD(~ KIBBEE A RODGERS, Bsyetrcet. r r° PLANTERS.—The subscribers am prepared to X show a complete Slock or PLANTATION GOODo, which they offer for sale on accommodating terms, ~* tQ7 NEVITT. LATHROP A8TEBBIN8. N EW Whlto Beans, 8 Barrels, Just landlug from steamer, and for solo by oct 27 3. A. BROWN. 1 7MVB barrels new Buckwheat, Just landing from 7 steamer, and for salo by oct 27 J. A. BROWN. 9: iUINCES, Pears nnd Cranberries, Just landing from steamer, and for solo by * 27 J. A. BROWN. F IFTY bbls selected Apples, Just landing from steam er, and for salo by — J. A. BROWN. C ANAL FLOUR—100 whole nnd half bbls., part extra; nlsn, 10 bbls. Molasses, landing and for salo by oct28' CRANE A HOLCOMBE. N EGRO BROGANS, Gentlemen’s Fine Boots AShoos, Ladles’ und Children’s do. For salo low by 128 W. HEIDT. M ARKING INK.—a supply or Marking Ink, 0t25 eta. perGallouat retail, and 15 cents per Gallon by the Barrel. Received by oct 27 JOHN M. COOPER A CO. H ARPER’S MAGAZINE FOR NOVEMBER—Re- celved by [oct 28] JOHN M. COOPER A CO. f ADIES’ Patent Merino VESTS, Just received and for JU sale by SPENCER CURRELL, Agent, ju11*“ “*—* j No. 154 Congress and 73 Si. Julfon-iuWus oct 27 Gibbon’s Building. L OAF A CRUSHED 8UGAR.-20 boxes 8taart’s Loal Sugar; 50 barrels Bute Sc Collins’Crushed Sugar. Landing and for sole by oct Qfl CRANE A HOLCOMBE. 70 40 do. Old Mouongn’a Whiskey,some vory choice; 15 half pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co.’s Brandy; 25 quarter and eighth casks various kinds choice French Brandy; 5 pipes Holland Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica and 8t. Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira nndTenerlffo Wines; 20 do. supcrlorotd Madoirannd Sherry Wines; 100 baskets Champagne, UeUUock, Hungarian, Lion, Ac., Ac. JUO kegs and halves FFFG. Powder; 400 tings Buck uud Drop Shot; 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 25 do. No. 3 do; 2ft do. No. 1 do; 20 casks Codfish nnd Haddock; 30 hair bbls. 1 A 2 Mackerel; 50 boxes Codfish; 40 kills No. 1 Mackerel; With a full supply or everything else In ihe grocery line, for Bale on accommodating terms, by oct 4 J. V. CONNERAT A CO. CARPETS! C All PETS I! CAIIPETNltt New Fish. havo This Day opunod fo^snlo. a^sploitalil s . . sortwcut of CnrpotHf Oil Clotti** Mutu* Rug*) Window Cti rtaiiiN, Ac# —CONSISTING IN FART Of— 20 pieces Three-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 do. Brussels do. do. Two-Ply Carpets do. Floor (ill Cloth do. Drugget 5 do. Felt Carpet 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Velvot nnd Cheucllle Rugs 100 common llugs and Mats 100 pair of beautiful stylo Window Shades. All of Uio nbnve Goods are offered at tho lowest market prices. For sale by [sept 29] AIK1N A BURNS. 30 ROBERTS A* FOOTE, Sroughton-etreet, (up stairs) opposite the St. Andrew's Halit H AVE now on hand a vory Inrgo nnd well-selected Slock, of DRY GOODS, which they offer tor side, by the plocu or package to the trade—consisting, In port, ot Colored and Duffel! Blankets. Red nud While Flannel. Plains nnd Kerseys, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Jeans. Fancy amt Tweed Cassimeres. Striped and Plain Colton Osnaburgs. Bleached nnd brown Shirtings nnd Sheetings. English und Atncrican Prints. Cushmurcannd Printed DoLalucs. Blank nnd Colored Alpacas. Black nnd Colored Coburgs. With nn additional general variety or Goods usunlly kept In Dry Goods Stores, which are offored for solo at the usual accommodating terms. sept 18 CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRESS-STS. B LEACHED and Brown SHEETINGS A SHIRTINGS. Tho Subscribers have Just received per brig Wilson Fuller,from New-York: Water Twist bleached SHEETING Ncw-York Mills do do James’ Steam Mills do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 Ijomlsdnlo and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Sea Island Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 4-4 7-8,8, t>, 1(1, II, nnd 12-4 Allendalo Bro. Sheeting 7-8,8, 9,10,11, nnd 12-4 do Blonched do 7-8,8,9,10,11, nnd 12-4 Hamilton do do For sale by M. PREN DERG AST A CO. OAA BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kiwis ZUU 70 hhds. Fair nnd Choice Porto Rico 8ugar. 40 do. Cuba nud Now-Orleaua do. 100 bbta. Refined do. 75 do. Criuhed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 30ft bags Itln Coffee. 20(1 do. Porto IUco and 8L Domingo Coffeo, 75 do. Java m do. 150 # nnd # chests Hyson Tea. 40 # do. Black do. 13ft boxes Soap. ..... 10ft do. Mustard, Popper, Allspice and Ginger. 80 bbls. Biuler, Soda, and Sugar Biscuit. 3ft # do. do. do, , . do. do. 120 M Segnrs, assorted kinds, 20 bags Black Pepper. . ' 250 bbu. New-Orleaiw Whiskey. RK) do. Whlto do. 50 do. Moimngnhelado." 20 do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E,,Phelps’ Gin. Oft do. Best P. A H. yyo Gin. 0 pipes Holland do.^ 50 # casks Shorry, Madeira, A Tonerltfo Wine. ICO basketsChtuujiagno do. 40 bbls. Aniortcan Brandy. 25 # casks • do. 10 # do. Cognac Brandy. 1 In Custom Hqum 20 # pipes do. j Store, 150 kegs Gun and Rifle Powder. 500 bngs Drop nud Buck Shot. . With a compete assortment of Groceries. • 4"'° ”" t "V“'*’ J l° ‘"“IvfinsTER k PAI.MR9. I TSAOIIN, MIGAD, COBKBP-te—. B'iTiS-»«*”8roik* siouklon. ’ lo hhds. Porto ltlco Spgar. r 50 bngs Rio Coffee." f 10 kegs Butter. 20 boxes Choose. 50 boxes Honing*. oct“ lgbT COHEN ftiTABVEgi' 123] ,CQUE|N, ee, landing Y|SR. T EA 8.—50 packnges soloctod’Teas, In assorted pack ages: for sale at KIBBEE A HODGE ICS. rpOBACCO A CIGARS.—Now In store and arriving: A a variety of goods in tho above tine, which are the thing for tills market, nnd will be cold very low, first chance. Colton KIBBEE A RODGERS, oct 27 Bay-street. P IG PORK and FULTON MARKET BEEF—In half bbls- landing and for sate by oct 27 ll. J. GILBERT, West side 0 Market-sq. ■pAINTS, 0113 A GLASS.—10 by 12,12 by 10,12 by L 18. Glass; White Lead, Red Lead, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Prussian Bine, Ac.; Linseed Oil; Putty, Acn Lamp Otis, (all kinds) for sate at oct27 KIBBEE A RODGERS, Day-street. JD 12 do . do. Shoulucrs; Just landed and for salo by KIBBEE A RODGERS, Bny-slreet, oct 27 Next door to Messrs. Cohens A Herts. S UGAR A COFFEE.—3»0 bngs Rto Coffee: 25do. Old Government Javn do; 50 do. Maracaibo do; 50 blnU. Porto ltlco und Muscovado Sugars; 100 bbta. Refined 8u- K s; 50 packages Crushed, Powdered and Loaf do; now (lore and for sale low by KIBBEE A RODGERS, Bay-street, oct 27 Next door to Messrs. Cohens A Hertz. I T'LOUK.—25 bbts. Irving Mills’ premium Flour; 23 do 7 H. D. Slone's extra Family do; 50 Metropolitan do; 100 do. Baltimore do; for solo at oct 27 KIBBEE A RODGERS. 1 70UR bbta Sweet Cider, Just landing from steamer, for 7 sate by [oct 27]J. A. DROWN. lng, and for sale by [oct 27] J. A. BROWN. S EVENTY-FIVE bbta or Potatoes and Unions, for tale by [oct 27] J. A. DROWN, No. 17 Whltakcr-sU A PPLES.—50 barrels. Landing from the steamer, In store, awl for sale by II. J. GILBERT, ' oct 27 West sldo Market Square. r sale by II. J. GILBERT. H.j; GILBERT. pHILDREN’8 CLOTHING—A largo varioYy received Kj per steamer Florida. Call and see. 8AULSBURY A CO., oct 27 Marshall House Building. | ."'LOUR.—100 barrels super Baltimore Flour. Land- 1/ lng and for sale by [oct 25] A. MINIS. I JEEP.—20 bbls. Mess Itoof. landing nnd for salo by oct 23 A. G. HENRY, Exchange Dock. S ILKS.—Plain and Brocade Dross Silks. Plain nnd Fig ured Black Silks. Murccliues and Florences. Just received and for sole by oct 25 Da WITT A MORGAN. N EW PHILADELPHIA CIDBR.-A few BarrelsJust arrived per steamer Stale of Georgia, for salo by oct 18 WILLIS A BRUNDAGE. l )ORK.—50 barrels Mess and Prime Pork. Landing X nud for salo by ct 19 CLAGIIUIIN A CUNNINAIIAM. L ime.—1200 bbls. Lime, cargo nt brig Prlnclpo daily expected; forsalo,tonrrive, by oct 19 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. R ICH TOILET SETTS.—Tho subscribers have Just oponod somo of Uie finest patterns of Toilet VVs _ _ oponod some of the finest patterns of Toilet ever exhibited in this city. Those wishing to furnish handsomo Toilet Stands would do well to call. COLLINS A BULKLEY, 100 Bryan-st. A PPLES.—78 bbls. selected Apples, lundlug from steamer uud sundry vessels nud for sate b^ oct 19 J. A. BROWN. TJACON, HAMS, FULTON MARKET BEEF, PIG XjPORK, Ac.—10 libels. Bacon Shoulders; 15 tierces Hams; 10 Iwff bbls. Fulton mnrket Iteer, 10 do. do. Pig Pork: 3 bbls. Smoked Beet; 2 do. do. Tongues, instore and for sate by od 20 J.E.OADYACO. gEGARS.—50,000 Hoff Spanish Segars^tor,8^0 by Oct 23 Exchango Dock W illow and wooden ware—uroit kinds, for solo at MORSE A NICHOLS, 155 BroughloturtreeU s: 11 IO COFFEE—Prime Green, new crop. Landing from brig ImtnunucL direct from Rio do Janeiro for sale by [oct 20] PADELFORD, FAY A CO. ECBIVED by the-G. J. Jones—20 quarter casks'' Malaga Wtno. [oct 20] R. MAYER. XU miuaKa umv. n.niAZJCO*. TJEOKIVEDby tho ship Itudson—A flno lot of very Xli old Cognac, In quarter aud eighth casks, or my own UnportsUon. [oct 20] IL MAYER. tho facilities afforded bv our steamship! EATING 8 A LOON amply supplied with OAAIfi) flstt, OYSTBBS)' r and all the Cholco Delicacies io their season, and that with tho aid of experienced.andattentive man*, agors, cooks, wsl tors, Ac^ belt prepared to entertain his 1 customers In a stylo Interior to that of no other establish*: ment of tho kind In tho country. His determination Is toi keep a Pnbllo House that shall bo tn every respect cred*. Itabic lo himself and the city. Of hfa iucooss he‘ Mates' the public to Judge. A. B. LUCE.' 7 V N. Y. Herald, Philadelphia Lodger, and Char Mon. Courier will please copy the abovo twice a week for threo wocks, and send bill to this office. 1m . . oct 11. 1 (Beiurat gBbrottBtmtiita. EESTOllATXOK. LAGER PEER. I t •Room, \ mu II. WEIGAND b a nent and comfort , Kitchen and Cooking Range * He has an excdlont Cook, fromY suit German, American and French tastes. OYSTERS, FISH, MEATO—ovsry-Uilng.Uiat this market affords,can be had In all stylre, on short notice, m , , - • / • , Youno Clkski, and oUiertt'wboliave rooms In town, are Invited to try tho European mode of broaklhatlng and dining at the Rostanrant. - “ " ' sTphla LAGER BEER, 8W188 CHEESE nnd kept always on band for tho ■ • oct 5 ;• rXj Philadelphia LAG! LINDBURGER OHBJ uso of families. PHIf.ABEl.lP_, fTMIESubscriber respectfully.....^ X vannah lo test the qualllles of this fl the Brewery or Messrs. Enact, A Wonr, at Wrier'Yorks, near PhlladelpblB. This Beer Jsmade ex- actly like the Lagtr Beer of Munich, in Bavaria. I shall contlnuo to receive coostant supplies of this pure and wholesome beverage,during the autumn, winter, nml ■l'ring. As In tho old country, ft Will be sold Id families, and Indlvlduatewho will thuslncurno risk of Its sduriifg 1 on their hands. The uso of this Iteer Is piutiealarlyreeom ^ chlk!rrt -' wpt7 Myl HERNY VVEIGAN.D . “0UB HOUSE," t^"No. 165-fiS iUy inform hta nu^ rnerqus friends, andt^pu^^^wimi^Uiaihehasm fitted and re-opened fata RE8TAURANT,. He baa also, fitted up a Room tn connection with tho Oyster 8stoon, for the accommodation of Dinnkk or Sorraa Partis*. During the past summer, ho haa added • third story tn his establishmout, which Is fitted up tnjj—- J FJLOBIDA LANDS FOB EASE*' - WS,. Ihe following valuabto TRACTS OF*-, LAND, lying In Marion and Alachua —^-counties, will bo offered at Private Salej#-JkL> during tho monllis of October, November and December t next, viz: „ WETUMPKA HAMMOCK, sltnatod about ten mild 1 North of Ocala, (tho county seat of Marina county.) ton-1 talning 3,000 acres, about ono-hnlf of which Is hammock, unsurpassed by any in tho State; and the remainder wMto ’ oak and hickory land. A TRACT, well known u tho “Port Drone Plants* tton.” containing 3,000 scrca of Land, principally first quafily hammock, between four and fire honored acres' of which ta thoroughly deaml.and at present in cultWt ynllon. Tills place for several years averaged two hogs-., hoods of Sugar to the sere, and every year that U has' These Tracts could readily be divided Into two or’ three plantations each, being well watered and surround* cu by high rolling plno land. A TRACT ot 1,000 acres on Orange Lako, consisting of, hnnuiinrlr. nratiirn irrnvn nnd Well limbered pluO talld. lock, orango grove, and well Umbered pine land. TWO TRACTS, of 1,000 acres each, near the Alachua > prairie. The greater part or both theso tracts Is rich ■ hammock. —ALSO— 5,000 ACRES on Indlnn Rlvor. Any one wishing to! cultivate sugar cono would do well to examlno this land, os being remarkably fertile, and lying south of the region ' of frost, it 1s as well adapted to that culture as any iu Uio . United g*-*“ nro many small hammocks and orango groves on this ■ tract, but U if principally valuable for Us pine timber. U has a river Trout of seven or eight miles. 1,000 ACRES on lodte Georgo, and several small tracts,' on and near Uie 8L John's river, well situated for form* lng, the rearing of orango groves, Ac. Thonbovo tracts-of land were purchased by the'lato ' Gen. Clinch, immediately after the accession of Florida' to the United States. From hta position at that Unto, bis facilities for selection were unusually great, and It is be- * Roved they include os good land as can be found In .the;. State. On account of tholr accessibility from Charleston and* Savannah, they offer great Inducements to planters In OSJ • rolina or Georgia wishing to remove. ; Tho titles are dear and Indisputable. Terms—Cosh, or pay ablo al Ctiartoston or Savannah, On 1 • or before Ihe 1st of January noxt. tty*Any further Information on tho sutyect can Jio obtained by addressing the subscriber, at Orange Springs,’-' Marlon county, Florida. J. H, M. CLINCH,: oct 16 Exequjqf.. V The Tri-weckly Chronicle A Sentinel, at Augusta, and the Journal A Messenger and the Tetegrnph, nt Ma con, are requested to publish the above Ull Jrst of Janu- > ollls to tt ‘ eon, are requested unry, and scnJ their HIE luBSraUBERSUk*ta5n™ifUSiiclw to ii a large 1 ablo for Fall and Winter trade—such aat ALPACAS, CASHMERES, MUSLIN DE LAINES, BOMBAZIN®, FRENCH AND ENGLI8H MERINOS, ' ' . SHAWLS, SILK AND VELVET BIANTELS, of all colors and of thorniest and most approved patterns, • They also have received alargo'stock of SILKS, which surpass any other oror brought to this place, os well In ’ ment of WHITE A EMBROIDERED Collars,CuffitCapes, Calls, Handkerchiefs, Sleovcs, and" Cheinisotta; together with all other articles usually kept'' in a Dry Goods Store. Honao-keeplngr Goods, Consisting of Shirtings, Sheetings, Table Llnep, Napkins, % Towels, Plllow-Caso Linen, ot&, etc.; and also to their extensive varlrty of Flannels. Blankets, Kerseys, 8aUnetS,<t Twueds and Cassimeres: and invite all who wish to pur- . chose to come and examlno Uieir Stock, which will Ira sold at tho lowest rates. ' 1 EINSTEIN A ECKMAN* i J, 151 Congress-street., . ROBINSON A CAMP, ' “’EIlS AND TAILOR nary . -r. L AND. : DRAPERS' AND ,' AND OBAtilRS IN Fine Ready Made Clotlilnc 4 RE NOW recolvlng tholr Stock or FALLA VVINTERGOODS. consisting tn part or: Blue, black ' and fancy colored English and French Cloths; Over-Coot,' 1 lugs ol black, blue and fancy colored Beavers; blue, black and drab Pilot Cloths; English; French and, A* ' merlcan Casslmers, of black nnd fancy colors; Vestings - or Silk, Satin, Cashmeres, embroiders and rich Cut .Vel vet. All of which will bo made up at tbe shortest notlco and In the best style of workmanship. Our READY MADE CLOTHING Is manufactured at the welt known bouso of W. T. Jennings A Co., No. 231.v Broadway, New-York, nnd 1s equal to nny In the city.— We keep constantly on band tne largest assortment of ; FANCY GUODS of any house In the trade, aud; as. .. while nnd fancy colored Shirts; Silk, Lisle Thread and . Gauze 3lerino Under-Garments: Shaker Flannel and - Lombswool do.; Thread, Cotton, Merino and LambswooP ‘ Hosiery; Silk nnd Cotton Umbrellas: black, white and. colored Kid Gloves, (of Alexanders make) ; Stocks,' Scarta, Cravats and Collars: and, In fact, everything no- - oessary to a Gentleman’s Wardrobe. For sale onaa ao- coinmodallng terms os con be had In tho dly, at GAUDRY’8 BUILDINGS, - Next door to Pulaski Horise.-;; /; sept 21 Tho underslguod royiedfUtly Inform tho ■S&5«fcil3cltizcnaor8avannnb,Georgia, nnd Florida, I! # ! I»thnt thoy have on I wnd more than filly Pi anos, (be largest stock ever on salo In this dty. and made •, by tho mtwtcolebruied mnnufadurerslntho Uiuted States. Nunn’s A Clark’s. J. Chtckering, Boardmnn A Gray, Lut-- chot A Newton, Edwards A Fisher, all wdl known to tho - lovers or Music, have ploco In tneir largo assortment. Theso Pianos are or rich tone; and benutlfUllyflntaned'itt ' 1 Rose Wood, Blade :Walnut. and Mahogany, with Iron > frames mado in tho most substantial aua .workmanlike manner. Also the Jnstly celebrated AZOllan Piano Fortes, which, for their sweetness and tone, have Dot been equal- - cd. Alt these Instruments havo metallc frames, which, .; render them peculiarly suited for this climate, pro venting tho necessity of tuning for years. The umlerslgued are admits for Ilenri lien’s celebrated Grand Pianos, mado In Paris. For power and beauty of n tone, they stand pre-eminent. I'nthcart’s ffloloRcom. - This beautiful tonod wMi Instrument, for vtllago purr,;, poses, Lodges, ScretuuJIngTartics, and the private prao- ticoor Organists, poteeseuig a sweet and poworfolUme,^ thoy have also for solo. . .' siiU'iil Alt of theso tnstriunents will bo disposed of on the most accommodating termB. Tlio prices orthe Planes hinging■ y from 8175 to 81000. 1, Jan 20 I. W. MORRELL A CO.. _ dart n lEortes, aro always; supplted -wlth an aa- of these favorite and r justly celebrated inslru- abrtinento. menta. For durability, they can/ pe folly warranted, whilst their superiority or tone nnd touch Is evid— — J acknowledged by tho most casual observer, ! the critical connoisseur. The Ladles are res vlled to view theso instruments;, jL having been effected with ono or our, most* anlsts for the purpose, thoy can also be enabled of the tone. F7ZOGUAUM A CO., Market- By-Second hand Pianos taken-in e iined and repaired.' 8.'ltr. PETTENGL GENERAL ADVERTISING AND*;’81 G OFFEE—Rio aud Old Java, a primo article, for • sal by [oct 20] W. D. FORD. T EMONS, Ac.—10 boxes Lemons; 15 do. Ralsias;ju8t X-i landing per steamer and for salo by “ 1 ’ •• octlff ii .!/ / J. A. BROWN. ' may 14 Noi 10 Sfatn-»t.# ! B. M.. ParrsNaim.t A Co n Newspapo Ageata, No. 10 State street, Boston) are. t 8avaimah Republican, and are nuthorlz-* vertlsementa and Subscriptions si tbfe st required at this offleo. TUoIr . rpccJpta an ■ re pnymenta. • ' from wbari, by--; J toct lO]' A. O.TOM3,'l20 Bay-rt. SPrEii' A cuEESE^Jua‘rocel”ed a fre»b supply: of BoUer and Cheeab per steamer Alabama, and for s^te at the Emporiuu: by ' ’■ SEABORN GOOD ALL; UUKWHfaAT.—A few quarter barrels and boxes oi Buckwheat, just received and for sale by octal ,i 8E ABOItK GOOD A I.Ii. -\rj5W DUOKWUEAT-UliillCl Inim UlO i XN Alabhina and for aalo by • 11. J. r.iunp.itf. T>AT TKAPd.J-rittciU BcIf-MUII ptuitttj,•nu..; ~ " ifil. ... Iryan-otreet. wm