Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 04, 1852, Image 1

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VOLUME L. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4. 1852. NUMBER 264. IS PUBLISHED pAXLY AND TRI*WEEKLY' t>y ,T. L. LOOKE & CO. our and comUr Prlnlon. TKRM8I fldlv Paper Tri-Wwkly $0, Vatomim, In no case Will an order for thopaperboxttonded HgjptWl. with mo mono;, or • mUdkcloljr felironce.. a1) vEUTISING RATES! AdTOrll „„ ;fr i,»r«oU ot ^Uo«- i ...iinn ..GOeta. Ono Month 06 00 OnoInsertion... Two- “ ..10 00. Two “ “ l=S Throo “ 19 60 ft™ « *vT60i Pour ...15 00 £ oUr a '.. .V l » Six “ 90 00 .... 9 00 One Year 30 00 un i?..^vertUsments not exceeding - Or® lhro ®* r,iwd SlvertlMmonU Inserted nt’uio usual’ro^iuid SSa*»S%C.- - ,or i“ w SSwrtliS eicecdln* In Ihelr ttemlrwi number or line, ngtsod for, will bo charged “ff&slrtleruVr. who » muetio "yflf Jdrertlaemenl. for charitable Inatltatloni and re- tordbiglr- r, directed to thla office, ortho Editor,, mail bepoet paid,’ 10 onUUolhom to ntlonllon. v n —Each Citation by the Court of Ordinary, that ..StailoSiSmrtlcV Letter, or’mloa, Isss&i “ s SSiS5VrSss» a a?sE5i, U!M?eSj»mo>t bopnbBed TWO MONTHS. Si,WW«d>fc_ P AVS, MONTHS. Beal Estate, MONTHS? erllaed three months at least. , .. er, E D Hendry, D P Halsey,Patrick Hanly, John Higgins, John Han!/, Jim A lleuraa, Jno Hunter, S B Haupl, Jno Howard, Martin Horn, Wm Hone, Prior Herman, R A Honlker, Robt llutehinson, Jns O Hines, llenry lionken, J B Harley, Michael Hickey, Timothy Howe. O 8 Hardee, E (she flasad, J P Hood, Thos Henderson, vV J Halley, Hen nr Haraor, J B Hogg, \V U Harris, Nicholas Hernan* ■**" Alfred Haywood, Moses Y Header* Hardee, David Harrington, EdwinB ,- - nan,NilHarris,Stephen Halrick,B Hooker, O 8 Hunter, RR Habersham, Chas F llara- ton, w ll Holmes, s P Halsey, Wm W Habortham, J M ay wood. Thos Hoynca, Jno B Habersham, George ft, ! ardlng, Jno-Harriseon, Nicholas Hoyle, Frits Hernan* des, Andrew Harrisson, Wm Humphreys, John Uolry, Troup Howard, Wm Henderson, D 8 Henderson, Jss. .Henderson, Ttenut Helry, Claus Hallman, John H nil, Levl Hart, Jaa iloran, E Heldt, Maurice Haekett, obt Habersham, Sr, John Harper, J W Harris, Thos ploombe, O H Holcombe, E8 Harris, Wm Heldt, Jos aregroves, Jos O Habersham, John B Holcombe, Eldred ayden, E J Harden, Jno Hamlet, Geo Haaa, Jno R ntnleL M Harding, Seymour Harris, E D Ileyle, Wm P ollnnd, H P Holland, James Hines; R H Howell, Thoe ardon, W B Harrison, Stilton Humphreys, Jos B Har vey, R B Hilton, R W Hunt, Jno P Herb, Wm Hone. John W Italy, John L Ihly Wm Ibly, Brlon Island. GeorgeJonee, JasGJonos, Jas MJones, BGJames, lexander Johnson, Jas T Jones. J D Jesse, Thos Jones, Sdward Jones, Jos Johnston,'Peter Jacobs, John H Johnson, Christian Jogstetter, E8 Johnson, G H John* id, Emanuel Joseph, J R Johnson, A E Jones, John Jackson, Bulloch Jackson, Nicholas Jeffreys, Robt Jackson, Wm A Jaudon, H R Jackson, Clous Jackens, Peyton R Johnson, Jos W Jackson, George Jackson, i Si K. FVod Krete, Hamon Kublman, Wm n Kelly, Phillip drick KaUqnhnrn,F M Kollock, Ezra Kcnt,N B bib, Dedricx Kriltcnhnrn,l' M Kollock. Ezra Kent,N B I nappy Jas King, John Kennedy, Dr N Kohlhouse, James Kerr, Peter Krausa, Gefort Kcrk, James Kennedy, John Celly, Daniel Kaln, Hanford Knapp, A J Korn, Edwin — J P Kirby, Nicholas Kerioy,Robert Knox, Fred* 4 Peter Krlnc, Louis Kerapf, A G Kennedy, uU Roezet,Thos Keaton, JasKIrklhnd, At* ”!ean. D O Rauffa, Wm Klne, Ed* ,S Kempton; John Keegan, Chas II ^Nicholas Kolleber, Jno J Kolley, I,. '• \ O A L Lamar, Thos E Lloyd,. Ben^n W Lloyd, Hugh Logan, Jo« Lipprann, John;MB Lovell. B W Leach. B iathrop, Martin Larkin, SY Levy, JT Latham, Peter *>gan, Thos Leaiy, Hugh Larken, Patrick Lenahan, Patrick Lee, Daniel Laphan, Thomas Lyon, James Lan- 1*0,1 - asban, J T Linde, Linda Linde, Daniel MLeighyJr"- * —■*“ " ' -* L — Lyon, James — iXeaney, William 6f Leigh, John Larkin, Henry Lathrop. D P Landershlno, Andrew Low, O D Lobey, Isouls Legriel, John Lyons, O Lurburrow, Charles I«w, Peter Lee, Robert Leybourn, ary Ltllcnthal, W W Lincoln, II F Lctcho, P M LohoO, ’nine Lovell, Wm ELong, John N Lewis, Simeon Lane, 1L Lufburrow, William Lake, SAT Lawrence, A R .awlon, Edward Lynch, Edward Lovell, John Lares, D N Lane, James Laughlln, J F Linder, James J Logan, Robert A Lewis, A U Luce, J H Ladd, Jno Lama, Jas copy’* of the . _ , . mfii?fix DAYS srfore IhudiroHM.. Ust of Voters. rtrtno Ri TTfZrtktr tMtUd bw the authority of tko Ills, Jeosa Mount, John Murphy, B M Morel, QE0.9. Btttjuruornac »' 0 f t ^f a M tail Meara,0 OMillar.John McCabe, H Mnons shall be qualifled to vote at elections for Mayorand IcUemiott, J 61 Gillen, ThomasW 5ddermenof the city of Savannaliand the hamlets there* of who are citizens of tho Unltod States, have resided In the Btato of Georgia for one year Immediately preceding the election and within tho corporate limits of Savannuu ffofe mdnth immediately priding their reglstrath end continue so to do up to thetlmo of election, wl * frfiW ' ' star iby tho ordinanceso! the city, audhavo been registered Mcordiug to the pro vision! of thlsecL—Extract from thtllefittry Lam. Adolph Abrahams, Robert Adams, John B Achord,Geo A A»h,V W AverfeldUG W Anderson,Mathlas Amorous, C B Ash, 8tewart Austin, David Abm|wm,,01J AraoM. Geo Alexander, Jno W Anderson, P W Alexander, Robt Austin, George Armstrong, Jamee Anderson, VV V N Armstrong, uF Akin, Peter Arnold, RD Arnold, Thos Adams, B O Anderson, Richard Abercrombie. J B An* denoMobn Angluro, H G W Alexander, John Allen, James Ahern, R A AUen, W B. Adams. ueuxer, duinea uarKin, iimomy uavau, u a im* •wvue, Robt Luntfay, John Lawton, A J Lobey, Thos Lewis, Wm H Lyons, Antonio Loevenlo, JG Larabrlgbt, dichnel Lynch, Pat’k Imitghlln, John 1! Loveless, Q Vv Lockwood, Loors Lohman. m. Abraham Minis. David Morris, Jacob Manses, John 6 akin, Thos McNlcholas, John Masterson, Edward Maohan, Jeremiah McCarthy, John Mcllue, Wm Morrell, J G Mohrtens, Robt McIntyre, HO Mehrlens, Jno D Mnl- lett, Jos Mordecal, Michael McGrail, Thos Murtaugh, Leander Moore, Mathias II Myer, Peter McGullHcuday, Silvester Manning, M Mnrsb, Jacob Miller, JnoMurchl* 2, Jno Moatiaoilfa, Tbos Maher, Thos -MoAullff, Jas Fecly, R VV Mlscnlly, 11 W Mercer, O A Maglll, Wm lercdilh, E T McGruil, Thos McCollum, H Morce, Wm Moore, J D Mallard, U D Murphy, Jeremiah Mack, N O .. Ills, Jeosa Mount, John Murphy, B M Morel, Patrick 6 ears, O O Millar. John McCabe, Harvey Morse, John McDermott, J 61 61Ulen, Thomas W McArthur, Lovl 8 dyers, Henry Merckhardt, Michael Meath, Thomas 6!a ion, Patrick McGovern, S 8 Millar, Y J McNlsh, John Mahoney. John 61cGunogh, Patrick Masterson, John Mallery, James J MoCoy, Isaoo 61lnls, Edward McCabe, G Murklns, S B Moody, Dennis 6lcGulro. Lawrence Mc Kenna, Neyle Mcllue, J H Mehrlens, 61 B Myer, Thomas McKenna,. John Miller, Jacob ManUe, Edward MoUraw, Mot jinke, .. .. ...... John Malleiy, Luder Mehr* tens, A F Sllro, Fabian Mjerhoffer,G 8 61lller,Jnhn R Martin, William U Moll, James W Morgan, Michael Mor ris, John VV McKoy, O P Mills, William E Mongim D J McKenzie, A F Mordccul, Jns S McDonald, Jus Monu* Conrad Byck, Richard Burke, Michael Boylan, E W Buker, John Brady, E J Blount, Wm 61 Blounk.Patrick sjssfewEwas^h^?*® Moboel Brannon,'David Ball, JnJSlIMtT A DnUlor, Ptuoli Blair, Obu Bull, mitlck Bw«rl Tho. J Bulloch, IM BuB.r, Michael Urjcn, «co BKlkmcn, O E Ilcrrlo, Jo, Bryu. D L Bel, JA B«kor, IV II Bunch, Jos K BttlloughTWln D Brown, A T Bourue, Jo. II Burroughs, Jno Ilounotl, Louis Burcilold, Jos BuncrolL Tbuadous J Bsklrln, Pslrtek Burke, o L IBonnl, Jno it Bnrhor •Brown, OIV Bruon, Moses lllsek, H LB Bums, S nsllsr, W H Bulloch,« M Bnrtliclioosj llonrv W Biuf- solloth? A Bids, Henry Brlglism, wl llraiitlor, T W Bonlou, M J Bucknsr, John Boston, B M B Durnu«hs, Bonnls Blsuuorhusooll, D II Btldwlu, Win O Bnnou Augustus Boullncnu, John Burns, Mlchnol Bowley, Ullok HAo, JuO Blso ■ Bowen. Jno W HU J Bee, J P Brooks, ... ^ Bsrdui, Frederick Balloy, W John 0 Blanco, Theodore Blols, liV — A „ —, Bourko, John F Blakely. G O G Brown, Wm H Bunks, B L BmUllnoau, J T Buckner, Char ea H Bell, Leo Bron son, P T Broughton. H S Boll. WII Bradley, L 8 Ucnnott, JasBelbOj Wm Bailey, PH Blots, J U Buckner. Wm H Ottvler, John Cooper, O A Cloud, PL Constan tino, David 0 Quh, M A Cohen, RB Carter* Goo A Cuy* ler, Solomon Cohen, Hugh Cullen. W H Cooper, Edward Cuubage, David CohoiH John Cleary, Jos V Uonnerat, Alien Cullen. Ohaz CooperJas Cleary, Bernard Const,- - line, Thos W Cooper, John Clancy, John Cantona, P Cornwell, Jos 8 Carruthers, Nicholas Cruger, Wright Culpepper,' Thos Corley, R 61 Chariton. 8 J Cassels, Richard Cole, Thos CusackJno Li Clark, Michael Cusack, C H Campfleld, FrancU T Cole, John Curry, ThosClark, John Cornell, Jaa Connelly, John Carruthers, Frodorick Onok, Biuanuul Can waller, Luko Cbrlslle, Jss Cntjifiboll, FrssUsmpttold, Jno D Ohsrllon, JnoO Cooke, Edmund Conor, Monlgomory Cummlng, II ECpurtur.Jos Clsg- horn, John Cuss, Jno cunnlnghnm. Curt CraB, Wm Car- son, B L OiluTw O Charllon, » J M Cubbego, Moses Cohum, L P Cook, Ilcury Oapon, S M Coldlng, Prodert fck Csrsluns, Wm Con, Wnllsco Camming, I’alrtck Crol- lr, JKehsel Csror, PalerCobh, Jno J Comsll, Wm C don, RObt Carr, Fras Champion, A H Champion, Jno Cornell, James Cornell, HR Christian, Jno J Contes. Cox, JnoT Garapagnac, Wm Cullen, And Cordes, Pierco Condon, Aaron Champion, W T Chapman, Daniel Clark, J B Cubbego, Georgo UallyJTrlah Cranston, Ctmrlos Can- nou, Robert J Cnwzhy,8T Chapman, John F Cardell, Antonio Chiuu John LCope, ThosConnlff, Thos Conway, Moses 8 Cohen, D 11 Camp, Octavus Cohen, J P Collbr, Bartow Cynthus, Patrick Clark, Jno 61 C<idy, Jas Clag- horn.’VVm Cannon, Charles Cler, Augustus Cannon, Pat rick Clark, Isaao Cohen. Wm Cromwell. GL Copo. Ir ? O'L Cope,sr--James A Courvoleor, 8 H Cooper,’H A Crane, WmL Claris DDCopp, John D Cole, Cornelius cair, E Mendell, A K Moore, Wm 6Iackay, Jas G Metis, L U McConn, Wm Morris. John McCollum, Charles McCann, Bernard Malian, Wm McLaughlin, Patrick 6!cLnughlon, F W McCarthy, WHO Mills, Jno McMahon, Jno F 6Iullogan, Jas Matthews, Isaoo Marsh,Thos Madden, John Moran, FA Maddox, Solomon Ifnyer, E 61 McDonnell, Wm Store!, Jno Mohtm, Jno R Buyer, Thos G Mooney, 61 O Morlaml, Jas McDonald, T U MuxwelL N W McLeod, Alex 61cIInrdee, Jno T Mitch ell, Fredk SlundorA H K Rluntfort, Jns 6loUride, W J McIntosh, Baud U Moral, Jeremiah 6!cCarthy, Wm Mc Carthy, A N Miller, Thos Mott. II P Miller. IW Morrell Jas 6lolntire,Danl McCarthy. 61 H Mcl-eod, Jos McConn Jns McCauim, Thos Sfcoks, Edward Mullegan, John Sic AulllT, Archibald MoAlUster. Joseph Neill, ThosNaylor, Wm Nungozer, JasNunge- *er, VvG Norwood, Jno VV NoavilL DD Nlcnols, EL Nuidllnger, Don’t Nolson,Tcrionco Nugent,G N Nichols, Geo 8 Nichols, L F Nichols, Jos Nagle, Novlll Neyle, Jno NolL J G Nefdllingor, A A Nungazer. JR Norton, Jacob Netiborgor, Edward Nugent, Sain’l Nultraan, Jas A Norris, Frederick Noltemen,Jno O Nlcoll, Thos M Nor wood, Chas Nowland. James Noidtliugor, Wm Neva. ilyH t+ tug ii & ss ra UlS )4 f* ►rthl* sa JUS di«r < dji W\' Crane, Wm L Clark, D D Copp, , K Convor, Thomas Corr, Bryan Connor, James EI Cope, L O Clark, George Clark, Wm P Clark, John A Cham bers, Wm Colter, Laurence Connell, Frederick Cullen, John P Ocroopoly, George Causee, D H Crandelt, F A Cnnnuet, Joremtah Cavanaugh, MartlqOonway, D BColomnm James Carroll, Georgo E Congdon, Thomas Collins, J P Cohen, Charles H Connery. M Davldsonlhlnrty Dorgun. WmUD.rD, Wm jilxuu, Jos Dunn,Cnestey Dugger, Jas II Demund, Jos Dawson, rt.o. U DSSSS y DowTng, J B Davis, H J D dtamn, L 8 DeLyon, G W Davis, D 8 Daniels, Jno Dailey, Win Duupan, Jphn Dillon. Israel Dasher,I*yl DolbltL AO Davenport, Isaao Davis, Honry Dannenfolser, Jno D Del- Unnoy' wL Davis, 8 O Dunning, Patrick Dorvlne, Clins I Durvce, BurrellDye, 8 O Dunning, Jr, P O Dana, W M T Dnkes, John II. Dews, Samuel L Dowell, John Dry er, FII Demere, W J Donaldson, Thos F Daniels, Michael Duggan, John Dorgan. ^ lloury EUIa, Daniel Egan,*Richard Ennta Abrabnm Einstein, John Everardi ' WmElleby, Thos Eden, C VV Eden, Jobu J Edy,. Chariot J Eden, Peter Endrles,J A Ep»lem,‘ Edwin W Ervin, James Eden. • •ft*. • ^Joseph Felt, John Foleyi Thos Ford, Jns 8 Fay, Wra Perrill, Bewail H Fisk, James Fountain, Dugald Ferguson, J E Falllgant, Robert FerrelL Jno G FaUhnuit, Jas Far rell, John Folloard, Andrew Farry, John Fitzgerald, An drew Hatley, R B Fell, 611chaol Finney, Wm F Feny, E 8 Fulton, G a Frlorson, Austin French, Johann D Fisher, Wm Folltord, Dominick Flatley. John Flonnegon, Pat’k Fojpy, Thos Flaherty, Jno D Fish, L M Fattlgant, Owen Foley, L J B PaJrchud, Jas Faunstan, 61lchael Fay, G W Fennell, Jno Foster, J R Flshor. G J Fnlton, Jacob Friend, J O Fathers, G G Fnrrlos, John O Ferrell, Jnmca Folker, Green Fleetwood, Goo VVFahtuLeonardFroo- land, HR Fort. Thoa A Farrlca, Wra R Flemming, Jas AP4Wna,.F Fink, David Fltzgerrald, Robert Fisher, D B Flckllng, Jacob rroy, Jorcmlah Ftckllng, Wra 1 leldfng, Alex FaueetL O E Flanders, W G Foolo, DonJ Franklin, Peter Felb* GW Farries, Thos M Format. John Gdrdtx, Francis Grimball.J F Gullmartln, DenJ S^novoty, J M hua Gritnth, O L Gilbert, Jos George, sr., O W GSrm&ny, J B Gallle, Jos T Gannon, Jos Golgcr, ^haeIG!aSo^G^lSwdnt^W^^GIbtonM*n rick Garron, Jas Grady, Geo Glen, J F Grovensleln, Joh GatninelL^Jos GaIlagner, Domlngo Galleo, Johu Griffli Jl\nh IHAnnv.lJ V.a A llllith.u V I n.illmn.lli. flankn. ion, Jos uelgoi A Gibbons, Pat Johni GloTiovely, JssTbaodftoy, L J Gullmartln. Seaborn GoodaJA DsridifGnnnn, George Gatehouse, J M GrltBn, ^oa Green, J W Gibbons, Chas Gross, Patrick Gordon, F M Green, Jno P Glatlgny, Peier Gafney, W VV Good* Ism^Gpar^WmF Goodwin.John UlUelnnd, Joseph I Ganahl,'John Gallagher, O A Greiner, ndl.ln I. O fluulirtlss . n^lus thvusss - F L 9no, R M Gdodwln, Ii 8 OoodwinT Csrston Gcrdl Jsraos BGaudry, Julius B Gaudry, R H GrltBn, Robei ? .Qborge Jr, D.U. Galloway, 6Iartln Gertln, A - * Qnb ^ 1 ?’*?» whe !t Oalla- rud/fB JoMpv Gowen, Jo« iinrisnd, Chas Grant.'i GaunhVMtKltf ’’-Grtem’D' M ’ Gugel ... .... H GrahturE W'MGIBbrdvThot Grumblo.W R GIlea, Henry Gilbert, John'8 Green, Wm Galphln, Jr, John Gowan; Wm Godfrey, WmGalphln, sr, Joe Ganahl, Geo , — Gunby,. Henry . D- M' Gugel, Wra H Gugul, John JiffD a w SAjnCtmid Ii. DOWELL, No. 198 Usv-STRBKT, 8AVANHAB, GlOaaiA. Strict personal attention to Farmers’ oidera, and quick returns of Sales of Produce. mar 9 SWIFT, DENSLOW k. CO n fo nJioV }fifD r DOjSih r/c/5/<f”c?R s. CORKER BAY AMD WBtTAKKR-STRlRTS. W. D. FORD, ^Wholesale and Rolall Grocer, Woldburg't Building. Jtfftrton-ttreU, Savannah, Qtu, fiy Constantly on hind, a choice supply of Family Groceries. July 7 J. L. OLIVER, Fashionable Boot manufacturer. XO.SEVENTEEN BULL-STREET, NEAR MONUMENT-SQUARE. Cork-Sole, Water-Proot; Hunting, 6Illltary, 'Patent Mather, Walking, Dress, and Pamp~Sole Boots: Bhoot* ng Buskins, Bootees, Oxford Shoes, Pumps, Slippers, Jt&,mad* to order In tho neatest and most fashionable manner, of warranted materials, and by the most experi enced and careful workmen. • WYLLY Is BIOHTMOLLIN, General Agents and Brokers* For the Sole of RndK»UU,Mgrou t 4rany description PertonalPropcrty. owes,corner bdll-st. and say-lamb, fob 93 Savannah, Goorgta. T. PORTER’S . FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, aqrtwfl anb aurnmer jranjitowa. T HE 8UR80RTBER takes this method of informing his friends and the citizens of 8avannab, that he is now opening THE 610ST SPLENDID BTOCK OF CLOTHING ever offered In this city. Tho prices, In plain figures, are marked upon each article, and no deviation, and at me remarkable low prices that tho goods are marked, the subscriber feels confident will be appreciated by a generous public, la part ore the following Goods I hare . fools ( cow In store, to wit: GENTS’ CLOTH COATS. Gents. Dlock Cloth Dreae and Frock Coats, Olivo do do do do Brown do do do do Blue do do do do Black Cloth Sacks and Polks Sacks, Drown do do do do Blue do do do do Olivo do do do do do Shod Dress do Black Doe Skin Polka Sacks, Fancy Colored do do John W Owens, Geo VV Owens, Daniel 1 Q’Drion, Owen O’Rourke/ohn F O’llyrue, David O’Con nor, Owen O’Rtelly, Humphrey O'Leary, G 8 Owens, Dennis O’Counor, Jno O’Connell, Jno H Ohlmeyer, Wr II Olcolk Wm (SlmsteiuL J V 0’N.Ul, 110 Olcott, L O’Byrne, Michael O’Neill, C E O’Sulllvun.H O Oliver, John Oliver, Jonathon Olmsload, 61 O’Reilly, James Oli ver, VV O O’Drlscoll, Dan’l O'Sullivan, Timothy O'Con nor, Daniel O’SiUllvan, W W Oates, John Ogolvle, M W O’Byrn, Tbos O’Bryan, Geo Ott, FredlckOtto. Martin Payton, Antonio Ponce, E M Prondergast, Sain’l N Papot, James Prondergast, O C Parker, Anthony Porter, Jos V Prentice, Jno F Posey, N 8 Pindor, Batn’l I’lillbrick, Jos 61 Prentice, 8 M Pond, Wm Purris, Pat’k Prunty, Andrew O Pncetty, Edwin Parsons, Elisha Par sons, Jno Poole, 8 O Pancost, Owon Peterson, O B Patter- sou, John Perfletd, John Pholan, Jno F Powell, Jas Pron- dorgas, Thos Purse, Bnra’l Pittman, E J Purse, Georgo Parsons, R D Papot, 61 Prondergast, Edward Pndelford, 8cn., Euward Puuelford, Jr n Thoa Pldgeon, Thos 8 Pltt- JuoPostelLJoa VV Phillips, James Prnnty, J M Palin, Marcus 61 Pock, Patrick Price, G O Puder,Tlios Prendor, gast, Chas Perry, R W Pooler, IIK Preston, Jos V Prea- ou, Wra F Preston, Edward Pursale, D G Philbrlck. <1* Jas Quantock, John Quinn, 6Iortln Quinn, Wm Quinn, Wm Quanlof,k,Jr. ^ P 61 Russel!, Waring Russell, David Rosenblatt, Jacob RoSenband, John Russell, Dennis Rynn, Wm Roctieslor, James Russell, TIiosJ Ryan, J B Ross, John Reedy, A 61 Ross, Michael Rochford, Christopher Russell, Wm P Roberts, John Ryan, J B Head. Jos W Robberta, Henry Roscr. VVm Robertson, Patrick Reilly. L 8 Russell, Wm Knche, Harney ltodon, Pat’k Ryan, Wm Rogers, Jno A „ ... ... :yan, J D Ripley, Rcmshart, Robt Rnlford. 11 W Halford, Mathew Halford, Wm Reilly, J P VV Reed, Jno Rlordon, Francis Reives, Jefferson Roberts, O H Itlkoraan, I! Rogers. J Donaldson, Jeremiah Ryan, B G Reed, Chas E Robinson, Joseph Rosa, Henry Rober, Geo Itoblna, Allen Russell, Wm lloberaou, John Rowley, John Rogers, Dan’l Roddnran, Wra P Rowland, Hugh Rlelly, Andrew Rlelly, A R Ral ston, H J Royal, Jno E Rice, James Ryan, Jas L Rosalg, noil, O E Ryan, Wm Robkon.C VV Rogers, ThosRonnu, Geo Robertson, Tobias Rothleter, F A Ilobere, G 8 Roux F T Roff, 61J RelUy, James ltusseU. E A Snullnrd, Wm Swoll, John A Bchaffor, John Bcudder, Rlch’d Smye, Henry Starke. AbrabnmSImpson, Christopher Schneider, John A Stahr, Rlch’d SciuiUn, Emanuel Sheftoll, Harman Sllber, R11. Spencer, Morde* cal Sholtall. Andrew Btoafvater, John Savage, J 8 Solo mons, Frod’k Scherff, A A Bmets, W R Symons, Thoa Sullivan, Geo Spnltlioff, JnoGSextou, A JO Shaw, Ja cob Shaffer, M Shofftall, sr n O J Spencer,8am1 Solomons, Hcaniou, jasoKinnor, . *» oiroea, uau i ouiiivbii, hm Bklnuer, Dr 8 Bheftali, Nicholas 8iuot, Martin Sullivan, Lewis Smith, Jacob Schaffer, Thomas ftiuudora, John Stevenson, G N Staley, Thoa Smith, G J Smith, Jno Sub llvan, James Sulllran, Waller W Smith, Geo 8hullz. FF Strobhart, JasJ Stokes, Gw Shute, Harmon Hungstock, Henry Beltzer, O D Scally, E Somerall. Francis Sorrel, Jno A Stegln, John Sloan, Wm G Staffoid, Jno 8creven, Wm Salte, O M 8tone, J R Saussy, J M Bobloy, Francis Shoiis, P K Shieis, Adam Short, Jno Y Symons, James Symons. F R Sweat, Edmund J Saunders, Win Btlles, J 61 Solomons, Augustus 8choldeman, Dennis Sullivan, Daniel Sullivan, M J 8olomons, M Shehnn, Dennis Sulll- John Shields, Nolson omitn. b o opcweiier. vy vr Starke, Arp ioomen, Thoa F Stevens, J E Mrkj H W - “•— »- Saunders, I’eter Smith, J D ham —ifi BmlthVWm Btarr Jr, Henry & Btebblns, A A Solomons, G V Patrick Skinner, Edward Bwif „ W Shaffer, DT Bcrautoi Palrlck Skinner, EJnnid S.lft, Snml B SijmI, Jol>n . Spann, John E SUlwoll, II Shsppnrd, t M Slone, Llomor Solomons. Thos Scully, Wm Saunders, Jas Smith Sr, Jno ffnnffi JeueoJ Smith, Wm P Shearer, J A Sowell, J SSturtovant, Wm Saunders, Jallus. Smith, II R SeQuy, Christopher Smith. Wm II Tarver, John V Tarver, Geo W Tlicolmb, Wm Torabroke, Jamos ThurmalL B T Tumor, VVm Thomas. O E Totn, Edward Townsend, B T Theus, A Thomas, VV P Tom, Marlon Threadcrnft, Jno II Thode, H J Thomns- aon. VV B Tinsley, Pros Trucholuf, R V Thomas Richard- son Tombs, W H Tnlbird, J K Taylor, John d Thomas. John Trumfler, I KTefft, JasPTuntln, Thos 61 Turner, F A Tunnor, Cbas Thompson, IIJ Tledeman, David Thomp- gon, Job Tlgho, L O Tebonu, Chas G Talblrd. Honry Tow, Jno Tanner. Wra A Thompson, Robt Todd, F J Timmons, VVm II Talblrd Jr, Jno J Theus, J Tcchonor, Wm S Tay lor, N P Taylor, J M Thomas, J R Thompson. Christian Uebble, Philip Ualor. Antonio Vondloy, alias Ramboskl, Chas Van Horn, VV 11 8 Vcrstlllo, Tristram VeratIUe, David Voader, Henry Vellstelcb, Vy O Vunduuberg, Henry Vonglahn, O A Wood, Rlch’d WnyneJ J H Wlnehurg,'Cant W White, James Whlllhan, tdoth Woodward, Ellslia Wylly,’ Charles Wilson. ” 1 !S wnilinan. OOU) <*«uunuiu, ciiBtia iijiij, ion, Goo W Wylly, Augustus Wenze, Jamos Wells, Frnpcts Wilson,--J J Waver, AH asiwaass WO Wylly, E.O Wilson. W VV Woodbrldgo, roruU D walker, Jno W Wilson,Thoa J Walsh, sr, Jos W Wood, VVm Wright, V» 8 Walt, H F. Waters, cob Walter^ Gi iWelsht *" ‘ Bryan V HOW; UUBtnwfl ©nttm. E. O’BYRNE, AT TAYLOR’S DUILDINO—-MARKET WItARr, ' Keep* constantly on hand a supply of Crockery-Ware, Groceries, Ac. Ac. —*° ’i ‘ I \ ; ''' L. RODIDER. rraoM yaris] Fashionable Boot and Shoe-Maker. Importer of French Leather, WmTAKRR-iTRBRT—OFFOSITS SMETS’ RUtLDINO. J3untncnfl dtavua. yatccftanxitt. HARDWICK k. COOKE. ' ‘ tffli Factors and Commission JW, 199 Dun-Strut, R. >. IIARDWtCX. 'erchantsy JOHN a. COOKS. J. HASBROUGK k CO., IMFORTIR, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Earthen-Ware, ^renjh^CMna.^Looking Olaracz. PHILIP KEAN, Draner-and Tailor, AND DEALER IN READ Y MADE CLOTHING. YBNYlELB’s RAKSB—NO. 96 BRYAN-STRRRT. 8.8. MILLER k J. D. FERGUSON, WhcolwrimM* and /Blacksmiths, . Cornsr of Broughton and Moutgomerytto. SAVANNAH,OA. Carriages, Wagons,' Carta and Drays manufactured/ Blackamlthlng, including Iron Railing and Grates, fori Buildings. Inly—o novfl ADAM SHORT, . . Master Builder, FIRST DOOR WRIT Of ST. ANDREW’S HALL, Wlll take contracts for Building and Work In Masonry of every description. R. At J. LACHLISON, Engineers and Millwrights, IRON dr BHAS8 FOUNDERS, Canal-Street—Near the Canal Ix>ck. R. LACUL1ION. v , j, LACHLISON. A. N. 6HLLER, Engineer and Millwright, Iron and brass founder. A. PONCE, Importer Sc Manufacturer of Began, ] NO. 13 WHtTAXRR-aTRRRT, Keeps on hand s well selected stock of Imported Bo- gars; also Manufocturcd Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, and all other articles usuaUy kept la his lino of business, which i he offers on tho most reasonable terms. hoy 3 Black Tweed do do Green do do do Brown do do do Bilk and Wool do do COATS. do do Checked Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Plain and Fancy Alpacca, Paris Lustre, Black 61orln, Black and Fancy Tweed, Do do Uashmeretta, Drown and Yellow Ltnen, Black Drap d’Ete, Grasg Linen. FURNI8H1NG GOODS. Linen and Linen Bosom Shirts. Bilk, Lamb’s Wool, and Merino Shirts and Drawers, Linen, Jeans, and Canton Flannel do Silk, Merino, and Cotton Half lloso, Silk Thread, and Nori Hose, Gentlemen’s Dressing Robes, ■ Linen Collars, two and three ply. „ , PANTALOONS. Striped Cotton and Linen, Plain do do do Nankeen, Drop d’Ete. Fancy Linen, Black Alpacca, Black Doe Skin Pants, Plain Block Casslmere Pants. Fancy Colored do Plain and Ribbed do Black and Colored Satinet Pants, Black Satin Single and Double Breasted Vesta, Fancy Satin and 811k do do Embossed Fancy 811k do do Black and Fancy Barathea do do do do Embrot’d Cn film ere do White and Fancy 8atln and Party do Plain Black Silk Velvet, single and double breasted. Fancy Cut do do <fo . Fancy Cashmere do do GLOVES. Black, White, and Colored Kid Gloves, Black and Castor Riding do Cloth, Cashmere and Lined Berlin do Black, White andFancy Silk do CRAVAT8. Buperflno Black Bilk and Fancy Cravats, wSU.siifsyA’KSx’gSiK Black and Fancy Silk and Satin Beam, do do Opera Ties. Linen Cambric, China Cord and Pongee Pocket Hand kerchiefs. Hats and Caps, of the latest styles. Ladles’ Riding Hals. Trunks, Patent and Bole Leather. Valyses, Carpet Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, fc<L, Ice CKIIIiDREN’S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. This Department for Children’s Clothing Is OUed up In tho most costly style with overy convenience for trvlna on. fitting, Ac., tho stock embraces every article In that line, consisting In part of Coats and Pants of every style. Over- conts, and under Garments, Jouny Lind Sacks, Polka do- Ovor Sacks, Veits, Braided 8ults, Plain, 8111c Velvet Vest Suits, and Boys’ Caps, a largo assortment. Tho Ladles will find It to their Interest to call and examine my stock, os theyaro mado up in the latest style and the best monnor and at tho lowest prices. No abatement from the pricesfirst Cy*Don’t forget tho new store on first floor of St. Andrew’s Hall, corner of Broughton and Jofferaon-stq. aprS8 Webster, Robert Waggenslein, Jos Washburn, D L Wil son, Claudius O Wilson, Dempsey While, Peter White, Jno 61 William*. Norman Wallace, Henry VVeigand, Thos White, VV H Williams, J T Webb. Jas G Watts, John Wlckam, Lemuel Wilson, Wm P Wylly, John Wlldor, Jas E Waltlioiir, Christopher WJIgcn, John Welgtem, Jno W O Williamson, Henry WUliarason, William Warner. Peter Yonson, Jno A Yonng, Dr E Yonge, W A Yongo, Wm P Yotige. Z« Peter Zarodoskl, Edward O Zetrouer. Jacob Zimmer man , Edward Zudoracs, Solomon Zelgfer. The foregoing are the qualifications of voters entltlod to vole for Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah at tho ensuing electlun lu December uexi, and n list of persons Registered for tho month of May. If there are ~ny persons whose names ore Registered, and who are ..jt entitled to a vote, notice is respectfully requested to bo given to the Clerk or Council, that they may bo dealt with according to law. R. F. AKIN, sept 14 Clerk Council. ASPUENDID OPENING OF FALL GOODS. T HE Subscriber would respectfully call Hie altentlon of tho public to bis large and well selecled slock of Fuli and Winter Staple and Fancy DryOoodn. Consisting In part oft Black and colored Bilks, of a great variety; very rich embroidered Silks, of all patterns; Mantillas and Crnpo Shawls; Scotch Wool Long do.; and square Plaid Shawls; Cashmeres; Mouselme de Lalnes: Alpaccas, a great variety; Neodlo-Work Col lars and Capes, of all patterns; Cmmizeltes; Muslin nnd Lace Under-Sleevosj Cambric Handkerchiefs, from 19# cents to 83 a piece; Irish Llucns; Huckabacks; Diaper; French Towels, from 25 cents to 81 R piece; double Damask Table Linen; white and brown Napkin*, a fine assortment; a very largo assortment of Gloves and Ho siery, ol tho very best make and style; English and A- murlcan Long Cloths; unbleached do.; rich Damask Table and Plano Covers: Casslmeres and Cloths, black and blue of every quality; rich Vest patterns of all styles; Satinets; Kentucky Jeans; Kcrsevs,a very large assortment; one of the very best solocted stock or Blam kots ever brought to this market. . ... . CARPETING—Brussels, 3-Ply, 3-Ply, All-Wool, a Vit aly of patterns; and, also, Cotton Carpeting. N. B.—Clothing at wholesnlo only, tfountry merchants would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere, as tho goods shall bo sold low and on the most nccomraoda- l)ng terms. [oct 2] JOSEPH L1PP61AN. NEW FAIL AND WINTER GOODS!! J. H. & H. SHEAHAN. Cornor of Broughton and WMtakor-sti., SAVANNAH, I NVITE attention to their now slock of FALL k WIN TER GOODS, comprising t DRESS GOODS— French Cashmeres, French Do La nes. English Do Lalnes, Ulack Silk, Colored Silk, Black Alpacas Colored Alpacas, Bomba zines, Damask Antique, English, French and American Calicoes. EMBROIDERIES—Linen Cambric, Cambric Hand kerchief, Plain and Embroidered Handkerchief, Roblnet Laces, Dobinet Edgings, Collars and Cuffs, Habits and Under-BiocYes, stank Lmjd Votu. Hilt Crape, Colored Crape. HOSIER Y Sr LINENS-A large and well-solectod stock of Gloves, Irish Linens, Lluen Diapers and Damasks. fYOO LENS-1 nels, 10-4 and 11-4 Brown nnd Bleached Sheetings, Pillow-Case Linens, and Quilts. Country Merchants, Planters, and others, will consult tbelr interests by examining our stock before purchasing. ljTAll we ask Is a visit from those deslrlug to pur chase. We feel confident that tho quality and prices ol our Goods will command sales upon our terms: Canity and no Second Price, oct 19 tMl GEORGE W. HARDCASTLE, CARRIAGE MAKER* 200 CONGRESS AND 95 ST. JULIAN-STREET, Franklin-Square. W OULD Return his thanks to his friends and patrons for past favours, and Inform them, that he Is now ready at the old stand, to execute any work in tho above lino, and hopes by his untiring exertions to please all who may honor him with a call. AU kinds of repairing In the above business done with the utmost neatness and ^Wheelwright and Blacksmith work, and all kinds of Wheels,Wagons, Dreys, Carts, Ac., mado on the shortest notlco and on most liberal terms.Jan 96 FALL OF 1852. H AVING completed our arrangements for tho season, we ore now prepared to offor to the public the larg est and best assortment of GOOD AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING, and uro determined to sustain our reputation by selling Goods at Ihir prices. Wo Invte our friends and tho pub lic to call and examine our Fall nnd Wintbr Btock, which, for quality, style and quantity for exceeds nny previous season, and from which a complete outfit can be selecled at the very lowest prices. Our Goods are selected with groat care—being cut In th® latest Fashion, and manufactured In such a manner oil give entire sulisfoctlon. 850.000 STOCK of Ready-made CLOTHING, embracing all tho various styles, qualities, cUl, In gort as follows: Black Cloth, Frock and Dress, Plaid and Clouded. Fancy Business Conta In great variety. Tweeds cut Into Peltors Half Sacks, etc- etc. PANTALOONS, mado from Fino Black Doeskin’, and the various Fah styles of Harris’ Clouded and Mottled Casslmeres, OUck and Fancy Satinets. VESTS: Black nnd Figured Satin, Gentlemen’s White Silk and Figured Marseilles. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. Wo Invito tho attention or Country 6!crchanla to onr Stock, which Is varied and complete, and manufactured expressly lor their tmdo. Wo also have n genteel as sortment of YOUTH’S CLOTHING, Gentlemen’s Famishing Goods, Ulack and Fancy SUL H . CRANE AND HOLCOMBE AVE RECEIVED by rooont arrival!, and offer for U»e most favorable terms, the foliowli?: 50 bhds. Porto Rico, folr to choice. 95 hhds. Prime St. Croix. 95 hhds. Fair Cuba. 900 bbls. Stewart’s B. Jc C. 95 bbls. Crashed, boxes Loot COFFEE— 500 bags Rio, fair to prime. 100 bags Jamaica. 100 pockets Old Java. „ 50 bags Cuba. BAGGING A ROPE- 200 bales Gunny. 10 bales Dundee. 300 colls Rope. TOBACCO- _„ »» boxes, various brands. CHEESE— 150 boxes Cream. 50 boxes English Dairy. MACKEREL- 25 barrels No. 1. 95 half barrels No. 1. 50 barrels No. 2. 25 half barrels No. 9. 50 barrels No. 3. BACON- 50 casks Sides. 95 casks Shoulders. MOLASSES— 50 tierces Cuba. 50 barrel! Cuba. 50 barrels New Orleans. CANDLES— 50 boxea Adamantine. 100 boxes Star. 95 boxes Pearl. „ 100 boxea Hull A Beadel’a. PICKLES— 50 boxea Underwood’s, tJSl"** RemlngW*. LIQUORS— 100 barrels E. P. Gin. 50 barrels Connecticut River Gin. 50 barrels N. E. Rnm. 1 25 barrels Extra Choice Old Monon. Whisker. 50 barrels Ualllmore Whiskey. 95 quarter casks pure Malaga Wine. 95 quarter casks Belgnette Brandy. 10 halfpipes Otnrd Brandy. 5 pipes Holland Gin. „ 15 quarter casks Madeira Wine. 80 AP— 50 boxes Colgate* No. 1. 50 boxes Colgate’s Pale. 100 boxes Boston No. 1. TEAS— 95 quarter chests Green. 10 half chests Black. 10 quarter chests Gunpowder. FLOUR— SO half barrels Extra. 50 barrels Hiram Smith’s,) 50 barrels pure Geneasce, VNew Wheat 150 barrels Ualllmore, ) STARCH— 50 boxes Pearl. 95 quarter boxes Pearl. RAISINS- 95 boxes Bunch. 95 hnir boxes Bunch. ALMONDS- 15 frails Jordan. BUCKETS- 100 dozen Painted. 50 dozen Varnished. oct 1 fTMIH SUBloMBifa51!£7™reS»fn»'ln Mi ^JL generaUasorlmcnt of the above articles, In c ^'ptle tml Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine; Cherry A Raspberry Brandy, Port -*- Scotch Whiskey, Topaz Mhtland Gin, Brown' etongfaton Bitters, Tlntllla do. “Crown’*and 1 *Start*brands Cbampegae. fiT lhe “Tinttlla” Sherry Is highly recommended for Inriulds—U causing no acidity. For isle by > oct 97 BUNKER A OGDEN, 80 Bay at | T> UTTER, CHEESE. RAISINS, A<v- X) 30 kegs selected Goshen Butter. 156 boxes do. white and colored Cheese. 50 boxes new Raisins. 75 half and quarter boxea Raisins. 100 boxes new Scaled Herrings. ■ Beoelred per rteamerand for sole by oct98 .SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. C ANAL FLOUR, !—. 50 bbls IIlram8mUb’s Flour. 30 hlf bbls Fulton Market Beef. 90 casks pints, 19 do quarts, best London Porter. 30 bbls prime Cream Ale. 6 pipes superior Holland Gin. 30 boxes and 95 half do Raisins. 30 hair bbls Sugar, Soda and Butter Bloouita. 50 boxes new Herrings. 30 bbls Sugar House Mol 50 boxes Star Candles. 50 do Composite do. 50 do Tallow do. 50 do Wtnsor.Toiletand sharing Boapjnst received' 1 for sale by [oct 96] McMAgON A DOYLE. • EK)R£/GN LIQUORS.—20 half and 10 quarter pipes < A Dark and and Pale Otard, Dupny A Co. Brandy, of our own Importation. Vintages 1840,’49 and *50. 6 pipes Holland Gin, Meder Swan Brand. 1 puncheon old Scotch Whiskey. 9 do. do.JamaleaRum. I . do. do. St. Croix do. Scheldam Gin. JOHNSTON k OO. 100 barrels Baltimore Floor. 50 hi do. do. 50 barre’s Hiram 8mlth Float. 60' hi do. pure Genessee do. 50 kogs Buck wheat. 100 whole, half and quarter boxes new I 5 barrels Son 8hefl Almonds. Landing and for sale by oct 97 CPU BN A TARVER. YTTINES.—30 quarter casks Burgundy Port. TV 15 do. Brown Sherry. 5 do. pide do. 10 do. 6luscaL 50 baskets Grape Champagne. In store and for we by oct 23 W.M. DAVIDSON. S UGAR. COFFEE, SOAP AND CANDLES. 20 hhds. choice P. R. Sugar; 50 “ Fair do 300 Bags Rio Coffee; 50 Malta old Government Java do. 100 boxes Soap; 50 «* Starch. Just received and for Wo by __septj» 1859_ 6PMAHONA DOYLE. B randy, gin, Ac. 10 hair Pipes Otard Brandy; Belunett and Roschcll do. * Selgnett at Pipes Holland Gin; t A Casks Madeira Wine; lOPJp 20*6 .. 20 “ “Port do. 30 bbts. old 6!onongnhela Whiskey; 50 “ Ifomestio Brandy; 50 “ do. Gin; 100 do. Rum; 100 “ do. Whiskey. Just received and for sale by sept 20 1852 M’MAHON A DOYLE. 100 bbls.Canal Flour 50 boxes Colgate’s Pearl Starch 50 Imxes Georgia Candles 100 boxes Soap. For sale by [sept 25] SWIFT A CO. D OMESTIC L1QUOR8- 100 bbls. E. Phelp’s Gin; *» •-" * II. Gin, 50 do P. AII. Gfn, Conn. IUver; 100 do N.O. Whiskey; 50 do Baltimore Whiskey 100 do N. E. Rum; ikeyj iuu uo n. c. xvwin; 50 do Domestic Brandy. Landing, and for sale by [sept 23] SWIFT A CO. JOHN POOLE* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT AND Oil ST0BE, SAVANNAH. OA. No. 11 WliUaker-atreet. K EEPS constantly for salo-WHITE LEAD, Pure Nos. land3English do. GROUND PAINTS: Block, Yellow, Brown, Chrome Green, Paris Green, and Prussian Blue. ^ DRY PAINTS!, Venetian Red, S| Ochre, Red Lead, . Prussian Blue, Chrome DRY paints t Ipanlsh Brown, Lampblack, 1 Litharge, Paris and Chrome < me Yeilow, Umber. Terra de S or Tho above articles will be sold on reasonable terrai llouBOy Sign and Skip Painting Done In a workmon-liko manner, and at reasonable prices.J^ 20 COPPERSMITH AND PLCMBINGc T HE Subscriber having fitted nn, In connection with his Foundry nnd Mnchlno Worlw,a Shop for the above business, and enraged the services of superior workmon, is prepared to do any description of work that shortest notlco. July 13 tf MARINE RAILWAY . T HE undersigned respectfully Informs all who mny need hlssorvicoa,thalhe has charge of the MARINE. RAILWAY, which Is twvr In successful operation. Jle W therefore, prepared to take up vessels of anv size usually visiting our port, and to do the work of repairing, Ac^ on bottoms of their vessels can also be accomodsted on the Railway upon reasonable terms. He w also prepared to contract for building vessels of any claw or description, and to carry on tho business of Ship Carpentering, Spar Making, and Caulking, In nil Its various branches, at the eastern extremity of loo city. a bmp aUy «>»« i’^v, LI , WK , J .. SAVANNAH DBY BOOK. tlon, and R is calculated to take In ships of any ctass from 1TO to 1500 tons burthen. ItisffW feet!touBand Mfeo wide, and corapleto in every tarUculw. A targo gang of workmen Is employed and a large supply of materiata U on hand, so that vosaels can be repaired » to aa much dosnalch as in any other port. Pump and Block kinking and Smith’s woric dono on the prendsos, andevery etort madotpeMureooonomy^and fidelity to thosowho may A^nt "andSuperintendeht, Lata of klarah’s Pock, Charleston. 83 50 fob 94 . ; ~ 1 WOOL' HA^S< | 100a jo*en black and drab, at * t,0 » , iso dozen Mateloo IUta (for planter’s use) in article ientirely new, for Wo at tho now wholesale Hat store, corner of Broughton and Oarnard-sts. octO BELDEN A CO. rccolvod. Also, a choloo assortment of black, plain 1 WR “ dkwl Cravuts, Stocks, Plain and Figured Silk aud Satin Neck Tics, Prince Alberts, or Plain, Watered and IUbbed Silk. SHIRTS, White and Fancy, wnrranUsd to fit, Gloves, Under Gnr- meuta. Suspenders, Collars, Handkerchief!), Socks, etc. J3 We oak a continuance of tho patronage which has always been so generously extended to us. sept7 PIERSON, HKIDT A CO. GROCERIES* LIQUORS Sc WINES. "DECEIVED by rccont arrivals; Xti 120 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Clarified Snran; 23 boxes double refined Loaf do; 240 bags Rio Coffee, some or them prime; 45 do. Java do; 50 hhds, Porto Ufoo and Muscovado 8agars; 270 boxes Tobacco, 8*$, 5’a and l’s Lumps; 45 packages superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Diadem, Nectar, virginiua, Ac. 100 boxes best Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; 114 half chests Black Teas, some of it very superior; 148 packages Hyson do., In and £ chests; 150 boxes Tallow Candles, B’s and 0’s; 100 do. 8lor and Adamantine Candles; 150 do. Pipes; 75 do. 70 bbls. 975 do. . 40 do. Old Monongn’a Whiskey,some very choice; 15 half pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co.’s Brandy; 25 quarter and eighth casks various kinds choice French Drendy; 5 pipes Holland Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica and St. Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira and Tcnorilfo Wines; 20 do. superiorold Madeira and Sherry Wines; 10U baskets Champogue, Heldseck, Hungarlai Lion, Ac., Ac. 100 kegs and halves FFFG. Powder; 400 bags Ruck and Drop Shot; 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 25 do. No. 9 do; 20 do. No. 1 do; 20 casks Codfish and Hnddock; New Flsb. 30 half bbls. 1 A 2 Mackerel; SO boxes Codfish; 40 kilts So. 1 Mackerel; With a foil supply of everything else In tho grocery line, for sale on accommodating term), by oct 4 J. V. CONNERAT A CO. CAltPETM CAUPEXSI1 CAHFEtSTT! W E have This Dny opened for salo, a splendid as sortment of C'arpoiH* Oil Clotlt>* Mats* Rugs* Window Curtains, dec. —CONSISTING IN VAST OF— 20 pieces Three-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 do. Brussels do. 40 do. Two-Ply Curpcta 30 do. Floor Oil Cloth 10 do. Druggot 5 do. Fell Carpet 5 do. Dutch uo. 50 Velvet and Chenelllo Rugs 100 common Rugs and klata 100 pair of beautiful style Window Shades. All of the above Goods are offered at the lowest market prices. For salo by [sept 29] A1K1N A BURNS. IN STORE FOR THE GENTLEMEN. J OHN W. KELLY, having returned from the north with a handsome assortment of CLOTHS, CAHS1- MERES and VESTINGS, takes pleasure in Informing his friends, those especially who admire a finely fitting gar ment, to his saloon, So. 4, opposite the Pulaski House, where they will find him ready at all times to salt his pa trons In the most approved and feshlouablo manner, and he ventures to assert, that those who will confide in bis soloctlon as to color, fabric, style or finish of a covering for the human form, shall go away satisfied. Furnishing Goods—Shirts, white and colored, with and without collars; Undershirts; Merino, oo (ton and lisle thread Drawers; Hosiery, Cravats, 8carfa, Stocks, neck m :os. Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, silk and cotton do. Also, a large lot of men’s and boys’ Caps, of the latest patterns. Also, a fino lot of beautifol Readymade Clothing, which 1 selected with great care. Gentlemen in want of any of !ho above articles will ploaso give me a call, as 1 am determined to sell at a small profit. [sept 25] JOHN W. KELLY. 8 A M*L 1IOYT, Late orthe firm ofSam'llloyt&Co, Savannah, Ga. W OULD announce to his friends that he has remov ed to Charleston, 8. C- No. 149 East Bay, where ho Is prepared to do a general Commission business, and furnish to order, at all times, any articles from tho North or South that may bo wanted, for tho usual commission, os well as receive and sell thosamo. And I pledge my self that all business onlrustod to my care shall reoelvo such attention as will insure similar manifestation or their good will, not doubling that mv acquaintance with Northern and Southern markets will enable me to do as well ns any, and bolter thau many. ^ Also Dealer In Butter, Cheeeee, Plaster, Marble Dust, Cement, Lime and Hair. And Agent for sundry 6Inchlne Manufactories, North and South, as well as Sflua C. Herrings’ Flro Proof Safes, Georgia and French Durr Mill Stanos; all of which will ' j fornlshod on short notice,and at manufacturers prices. Cash paid at nil Hines for Wool, Green, Salted and Dry Hides, Deer and Sheep Skins, ShinpUig Purs. Beeswax, Rags, Rone Cuttings, Sea Island Cotton 8eed and Flor ida Moss. Also, Southern Tanned Leather In the Rough, Tortus cash Invariably. Refers to tho citizens or Savan nah generally. tf sept 4 CARPET WARE HOUSE. T HE Subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Savannah and the public generally, that the 8loro formerly occupied by ilestra. Snider. Laihrop A Nevlu, (which Is uow being enlarged and lmprovodA will be opened on or about the 9fahlnst^ with an entirely new and complete slock of Foreign and Domestic CARPET. 1NG8, OIL CLOTHS, Ac. Ac. Having secured the Agency of several of the principal manufactories of Europe, purchasers will bo enabled to make selections from tho most complete assortment 1 or Royal Patent VolveUTupo*try,Bmsseta,lngraht and Vone- !!ju> UnrpcUngs.Rugs. Oil Cloths.Maltlng.Table and Plano Covers, Curtains nnd Curtain Stuffs Shades, Cornices, Ac~ oyer offered in this city; all ofwhlch will bo eold at wholesale or retail,on too most^acta^^b^ CHURCH AND PARLOR ORGANS.< 'HE Subscribers, agents for Mr. II. Kxkurr, Organ builder, are prepared to fomlsb ,ftny description of rch or Parlor Organs. As a specimen of his lnstru. meats, reference Is made to the organ reoebUy erected by him lu the Lutheran Church of this olty. Parties desiring Information on the subject can ascertain all neoessery pattleidanon application to F. ZOGDAUM A CO., |uly 13 Whltaker-eU, one door east of Bijyifirttl'' 25 t K 8u ‘“ Uo “* ROBERTS Sc FOOTE, Brovghton-street, (up stain) opposite the St. Andrews Hall, H AVE now on hand a very targe and well-selected Slock of DRY GOODS, which they offer for sale, by tho piece or package to the trade—consisting, in part, of Colored and Duffell Blankets. Red aud White Flannel. Plains and Kerseys, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Jeans. Fancy and Tweed Caul meres. Striped and Plain Cotton Oenaburgs. Blenched and brown Shirtings and Sheetings. English and American Prints. Cashmeres and Printed Do Lalnes. Blank nnd Colored Alpacas. Black and Colored Coburgs. With an additional general varioty or Goods usnally kept In Dry Goods Stores, which are offered for salo at the usual accommodating terms. sept 18 CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRESS-STS. DLEACIIED and Brown SHEETINGS A SHIRTINGS. JJ The Subscribers have just received per brig Wilson Fuller, from Now-York: Water Twist bleached SHEETING New-York Mills do do James’ Steam MIUs do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 Londsdale and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Sea lalnnd Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 4-4 7-8, 8, 9,10,11, and 13-4 Allendale Bro. Sheeting 7-8,8, 9,10,11, aud 19-4 do Bleached do 7-8,8, 9,10,11, nnd 12-4 Hamilton do do For sale by 61. PRENDERQABT A CO. jWcccfjantUjE- SO demijohns, 5 gallons each, 8ch Landing and for sale by oct 26 , SCRANTON. 10 hhds. 9tierces and 50 bbls. W.L Molasses. 50 bbls. choice New-Orieans . do. 50 bbls. Rectified do. Whiskey. 30 hhds. prime do. Sugar. 90 hhds. do. and 20 hhds, choice P. IL Sugar. 100 bbts. Stuart’s Crushed, Pow’d A Clarified Sugar. 20 boxes do. Ixiaf Sugar. Just received and for sale by QCt 97 SCRANTON, JOHN8T9N A OO. IXTOODEN WARE, BROOMS, A.-0U dozen painted W Polls; 20 nests Tubs, assorted; WeU Buckets, Iron found; Brooms, Brushes and Wisps; Covered Buckets; S, 10 and 15 gallon Ken; Sugar Boxes; half bushel Mea* sure.*, (band). For sale by oct 27 KIBDEE A RODGERS. TJUCKWHEAT FLOUR in half and quarter kegs and JD begs; for sale by oct 27 KIRBEE A RODGERS. T)UTTER A CHEESE.—We have made arrangements 13 for a regular supply of these articles, and intend to fomlsb the trade at very small advance—for cask only— any one who doubts tbo fact, please call on oct 27 KIRBEE A RODGERS, Bay-street. rpo PLANTERS.—The subscribers are prepared to X Show a complete Block or PLANTATION GOODa, which they offer for sate on accommodating terms, oct 27 NEVITT, LATHROP ASTEBBINS. "VTEW White Deans, 8 Barrels, Just landing from J.1 steamer, and for sale by oct 27 J. A. BROWN. fTtiVK barrels new Buckwheat, Just Iaqdlng from l 1 steamer, and for salo by oct 27 J. A. BROWN. /'"VUINCES, Pears and Cranberries, Just landing from W. steamer, and for sale by Set 27 J. A. DROWN. LMFTY bbls selected Apples, Just landing from steam- X 1 er, and for sole by oct 27 J. A. BROWN. PAN AT. FLOUR—100 whole nnd half bbls., part extras Vj also, 10 bbls. 6Iolasses, landing and for isle by oct28 CRANE A HOLCOMBE. "VTEGRO BROGANS, Gentlemen’s Flue Boots A8boes, JJN Indies’ and Children’s do. For sale low by oct 28 W. HEIDT. N,r ARKING INK.—A supply of Marking Ink, at 95 eta. ItJL perGallonat retail, and 15 cents per Gallon by the Barrel. Received by oct 27 JOHN 6!. COOPER A CO. TTARPER’8 MAGAZINE FOR NOVEMBER—Re* XX celved by [oct 28] JOHN 61. COOPER A CO. r A DIES’ Patent Merino VESTS. J[nst received and for Xj sale by arcNCEU uijrrki.i^ Agent, No. 154 Congress and 73 St. Jnlfan-st reels, oct 97 Gibbon's Qnlldlng. T OAF A CRUSHED 8UGAR.—20 boxea 8tUart’« Loaf JU Sugar; 5U barrels Bute A Coffins’Crushed Sugar. Landing and for sale by oct 29 CRANE A HOLCOMBE. rpEAS.—50 packages selected Teas, in assorted pack* X ages: for sole at KIB1IEE A RODGERS. t'pOBACCO A CIGARS.—Now in store and arriving t X a variety or goods In Ibe above line, which are the thing for this market, and will be sold very low, first chance. Gallon KIBDEE A RODGERS, oct 97 Bay-strecL "PIG PORK and FULTON MARKET BEEF—In half X bbls., landing and for sale by oct 27 11. J.GILBF.RT, West sido Market-sq. PAINTS, OILS A GLASS.-10 by 12,12 by 16,12 by L IB, Gloss; Wbllo Lead. Red Lead, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Prussian Blue, Ac.; Linseed Oil; Putty, A<v, Lamp Oils, (all kinds) for sale at oct 27 KIRBEE A RODGERS, Bay-street. pACON.—50hhds. prime 8ldes; 15 casks choice Hams; jl3 IS do. da, Shouiaers; just lauded and for sale by KIBDEE A RODGERS, Ray-streeq oct 27 Next door to Messrs. Cohens A llertz. OUGAR A COFFEE.—300 bags Rio Coffee: 25 do. Old O Government Java do; 50 do. Maracaibo ao; 50 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars; 100 bbls. Refined Su gars; 50 packages Crushed, Powdered and Loaf do; now in store and for sale low by K1BIIER A RODGERS, Bay-street, oct 27 Next door to Messrs. Cobcns A Hertz. pLOUR.—25 bbls. Irving Mills’ premium Flour; 25 do I 1 H. D. Stone’s extra Family do; 50 bletropolUan do; 100 do. Baltimore do; for sale at oct 97 KIBDEE A RODGERS. poUK bbls Sweet Cider, just landing from steamer, for i' salo by [oct 27] J. A. BROWN. npEN boxes Lemons; 20 boxes new Raisins, Just land* JL ing, and for sale by L°cl27] J. A. BROWN. OEVENTY-FIVE bbls of Potatoes and Qulons, for sale O by [oct 27] J. A. BROWN, No. 17 Whitaker-st, A PPLES.—50 barrets. Landing from the steamer, In J\. store, and for sale by H. J. GILBERT, oct 27 West side Market 8quare. fMlEESE.—100 boxes Cheese. For sale by L/ oct 27 H.J. GILBERT. /CODFISH, MACKEREL A HERRING.—For sale by O oct 27 H.J.GILBERT. /CRANBERRIES.—For sale by L; oct 27 H.J. GILBERT. /CHILDREN’S CLOTHING—A largo variety received O per steamer Florida. Call and see. 8AULSBURY A CO, oct 27 Marshall House Building. pLOUR.—100 barrels super Baltimore Flour. Lnnd* X* Ing and for sale by [oct 25] A. MINIS. GENTLEMEN'S 0EATI0K. . -:>jx®«i1ER DEER. • 1 H. WEIG AND has opened, under U10 Planters’ Hotel, a neat and comfortable Eating Room, with an excellent Kltcheii and Oookinf Rangd aqlace&t os a •' ; R-’BS T A'BBA'JI'T.' .4-*>*-- He has an excellent Cook, from Strasbourg, who will suit German, American and French tastes. OYSTERS, FISH, SlEATS—every thing that this market affords, can be had in all styJAu'dn short ndBeA' Ynuno CLcaxs/abd others, wtHfhavo rooms In town, are invited tortrrtoe European raodo of breakfasting and dining at the Restaurant. Philadelphia LAGER BEER, 8WISS CHEESE and LINDBUKOER,CHEESE, kept always on hand' for the use of families. oct 5 the analluaeoflthis fine Beer, , frotn the Brewery ofMesen. Enobi. A tbe Fail-mount Water Works, near Philadelphia. This Beer Is made ex actly like the Lagor Bur of .Munich. In Bararia. I shall continue to receive constant supplies, of' this pure and wholesome beverage,during thoautumn, winter, nnd •Pring. As In the old country, It will be sold ta families and I mil vldunls, who will thaslncnrno rilkDritoioodfig on their hands. The use of this Beer Is particularly rocom mended by physicians to ladles *ttohre mining children. Sold at the Planters’. Hotel by MPt7 Myl HEBKVWtalQAN,P -S, “0UB HOUSE." 8S||b» ts^No. 165-ea ^Lv 1 !SS»6*S^S 1 Bw ra: merous friends, and the public generally, that ho hka re- fitted and're-opened his RESTAURANT. -He has also fitted up a Room in connection with the Oyster Saloon, for the accommodation of Dinhbb or Soma PirBai. Daring the past summer, he has added a third story to his estabUshmont, whldv la flUed np in good style with n the pubWtiutJbebBS made arrangements at homd and at the'North, through the facilities affordod bv'onr steamships, to hava his EATING SALOON amply toppHed witfr , 0AS1B, RlSHt vOYHTBMt' and all the Choice Delicacies In 'tbelr season, and that with the aid of experienced and attentive man agers, cooks, waiters, Ac^ he Is prepared toentertaln his customers in a style inferior to'that or no other establish ment 6f the kind In tbeoountnr. ills determination Is to keep a Public Ilonse that shall be In every rospect.cred- Itablo to himself and the city.' Of his success he leaves the public to Judge. A. B. LUCE. . *•* N. Y. Herald, Philadelphia Ledger, and Charleston Courier will please copy the above twice n week for three weeks, and send bill to this offee. 1m oct 11 ; (LOltlDi LANDS FOIL 8AEJG. , The following valuable TRACTS •OWL LAND, lying In 6farion and AlacbnalMB •counties, wfiLbe offered at Private Bale; during tho months of October, November and Docemtter next, viz: WETUMPKA HAMMOCK, altuated about tan mllbs North or Ocalt, (the county Mat of Marion county.) con taining 3,000 acres, about one-bairof which 1# hammock, unsurpassed by any In the State; and the remainder White oak and hickory land. A TRACT, weU known as the “Fort Drano Planta tion.” containing 3,000 acrea of Land, principally Brat quality hammock, between four and five hundred acre# of which ta thoroughly cleared, and at present 1n culti- yation. This place for several years avenged two hogs heads of 8ugar to the acre, and every year that it has been cultivated has produced fine crops of com and cotton. . .vP 0- ? T . r ?.f W cou ^ d,Tlde ? Into two or tbreo plantations each, being weU watered and surround* eu b^hlgh rollln^jlne land. ■■ , 3 each, near tbe'Alaqhna oth these tracta Is rich TWO TIL ,, prairie. The greater part of both t hammock. —ALSO- 5,000 ACRES on Indian .River. Any one wishing to are many small hammocks aud orange; groves on'this tract, but It is principally valuable for Its pine timber. It has ariver front of seven or eight miles. 1,000 ACRES on Lake George, and several small tracts on and near the St. John’s river, well situated for farm ing, the rearing of orango groves, Ac. The above tracts of land were purchased by.the .lata Gen. Clinch, immediately after the accession of Florida to ibe United Slates. From his position at that time, his 'acilltlca for selection were unusoally great, and It is be lieved they include as good land as cati be found in lbs Stat**. On 1; jount of their accessibility from Charleston and Savannah, they offer great Inducements to planters in Ca rolina or Georgia wishing to remove. The titles are clear and Indispuia ble. Terms—Cash, or payabloat Charleston or Savannah, on or before the lrt of January next. ESTAny further Information on (he subject can be oct 16 Uan . Executor. *,* The Tri-weekly .Chronicle A Sentinel, at Augusta, and the Journal A Messenger and the Telegraph, at Ma- mui, are requested to publish the above till first of Janu- uury, and aenj their bills to Utla office. B EEF.—90 bbls.Mess Beef, landing nnd for sale by oct 23 A. G. HENRY, Exchange Dock. Iks, Mi received and for sale by oct 25 DaWITT A 6IORGAN. N EW PHILADELPHIA CIDER.—A few Barrels just arrived per steamer Stale of Georgia, for sale by ,ct!8 WILLlSk mVNDAGE. FALL & WINTER 11000*1 have received a largo and splendid Stock of Goods, able for Fait and Winter trade—such as: ALPACAS, CASHMERES, 61USLIN DE LAINE8. BOMBAZINES, FRENCH AND ENGldSH MERINOS, SHAWLS, ^ SILK AND VELVET MANTELS. . of all colors and of the latest and moat approved patterns, Ac.. Ac^ Ac. They also have received a largo stock of 8ILK8. vrhlch surpass any other ever brought to this place, as well lit tho quality and patterns aa in the prices; a great assort* ment of WHITE A EMBROIDERED GOODS, such a* Collars, CulB, Capes, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Sleeve*, and Chemisette; together with all other articles usually kept In a Dry Goods 8tnre. Thoy call the attention of the public especially to thefe assortment or Honao-kceplnar Goods* Consisting of Shirtings, Sheetings, Table Linen, Napkins; Towels, Pillow-Case Linen, eto^-eta,; and also to Uielr sold at the lowest rates. Stock* Wbkh. will EINSTEIN A EQKMAN, 131 Congress-street. . DRA n r^raSr?ffi'bR S , AND DKALKRS IK Fine Ready Hade Olothftnff* -t A RE NOW receiving their 8tock or FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting In part or: Bine, black and fancy colored English and French Cloths; Over-Cost; tags oi black, blue and fancy colored Beavers ;.btuo, black and drab Pilot Cloths; English, Freuch and A- merican Casslmere, of black and fancy colors; Vestings of Silk, Satin, Cashmeres, embroiders and rich Cat VeL vet. AU of which will be made up nttbe shortest notlco and In the best style of workmanship.' Our READY MADE CLOTHISG Is manufactured at the well known house of VV. T. Jennings A Co, No. 231 Broadway, New-York, and Is equal to any In the city.— We keep constantly on band the largest assortment of FANCY GOODS of any house in the trade, .such:as white and fancy colored Shirts; Silk, Ltslo Thread and Gauze Merino Undor-Garments: Shaker Flannel and Lambswooi do.; Thread, Cotton, Merino and Lotnbswool Hosiery; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas: black, white-and colored Kid Gloves, (of Alexander's make); Stocks, Scarfo, Cravats and Collaret and, in tact, everything no* cessary to a Gentleman’s Wardrobe. For sale on as ac commodating terms as can be bad In the city, at UAUDRY’S BUILDINGS,- sept 21 Next door Ip Pulaski House. PIANO FORTE DEPOl’. -1 YORK.—50 barrels Mess and Prime Pork. X and ft . Landing for sole by ct 19 CLAQI1URN A CUNNINAHAM. I6IEv—1200 bbta Lime, cargo of brig Principe dally expected; for sale, to arrive, by od 19 BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. R ICH TOILET BETTS.—Tho subscribers hare lust opened some of the finest patterns or Toilet Ware aver exhibited In this city. Those wishing to furnish handsomo Toilet Stands would do well to call. ' oct 20 COLLINS A DULKLEY, 100 Dryan-sU OAA BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kinds Ji\j\j 70 hhds. Fair and Choice Porto IUco Sugar. 40 do. Cuba nnd Now-Orleana do. 100 bbls. Refined . do. 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 300 bags Rio Coffee, 200 do. Porto Rico and SL Domingo Coffee. 75 do. Java , _ do. 150 )d and )( chest* Hyson Tea. 40 £ do. Black, do. 130 boxes Soap. 100 do. Mustard, Pepper, Allspice and Ginger. 80 bbls. Rutter, Soda, and Sugar Biscuit. 30 X do. do. do. do. do. 120 M Segare. assorted kinds. 20 bags Ulack Pepper. 250 bbls. New-Orieans Whiskey. 100 do. While do. 50 do. Monongaholado. 20 do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E. Phelps’ Gin. bO do. Best P. A H. yjye Gin. 6 pipe# Holland do. 50 x casks Sherry, hladelra, A Teneriflb Wine. • ICO basketsCluunpague do. 40 bbls. American fioandy. 25 x casks do. 10 x do. Cognac Brandy. 1 In Custom House 20 x pita* do. 1 Store. 150 kegs O un and Rifle Powder. 500 bags Drop and Buck Shot With a compete assortment or Groceries. F„, „a« „„ t.vomb,. ^ pALMra A. steamer and sundry vesselsai oct 19 .. -Me by J. A. BROWN. B acon, hams, fulton market beef, pig PORK, Ac.—10 bhds. Bacon Shoulders; 15 tierces Hams; 10 half bbls. Fulton market Beef, 10 do. d6. Pig Pork: 3 bbls. Smoked Beet) 2 do. do. Tougues, instore and for sole by . n „. . «« oaaO J. E. CADY A CO. gEGARS.-50.000 Hair Spanish Segw^^or^rale by Oct 22 Exchange bock W illow and wooden ware—oraii kinds, for sale at ***'"“" ** MORSE A NICHOLS, 155 Broughton^treet. R IO COFFEE—Prime Green, new crop. Landing from brig Immanuel, direct from IUo do Janeiro and for salo by [oct 20] PADELFORD, FAY A CO. R ECEIVED by the G. J. Jones—20 quarter casks Malaga Wine. [oct 26] ^ anos, the largest stock ever on sale In this dty.i by the most celebrated manufacturers In the Unit Nunn’s A Clark’s, J. Cblclterlng, Roardman 6 chet A Newton, Edwards A Fisher, all well k lovers of Music, have place In their li These Pianos are of rich tone, and beam— Rose Wood, Black Walnut, and Mahogany, with' lr _ frames made in the most substantial and workmanliko manner. Also the Justly celebrated iEoltan Piano Fortas, which, for their sweetness and tone,liave not bfcenemiaL ed. All these Instrumenta have metaUo IWmes, which render them peculiarly suited for this climate, preventing the necessity of tuning for years. The undersigned are agents for Henri Hera's celebrated Grand Pianos, made in Paris.. For power and beauty of tone, they stand preeminent; Catlicart’g fflolodconi. This beautiful toned wind Instrument, for village, pwj OSes, Lodges, Serenading Parties, and the private prao* of Organists, poseeealng a sweet and powerful tone, they have also for sale. AU ofthese Instruments will be dlspoeodoforithh'tttdkl jcommodatlng terms. Tho prices of tho Pianos ranging from 8175 to 81000. ■ ■ ■ ? . . Jan 20 I. W. MORRELL fcCO. PIANOFORTE., Tho Subscribers) sole Agents for'A. Sto- art and Oo.’a and J. B. finnhamTe Fbvqo , a , ..Fortes,.are_alwaya..«nppH*»d »«»» mu. sort meat of there favorite r~* ments. For durahlBty, the, whilst their superiority pr tone and touch la acknowledged by, the most casual obaei the critical connoisseur. The Ladled *aM vited to vlow these instruments; and 1 an i having been effected with one of onr, i anista for the purpose, fhe/ can alio be of the tone. F. ZOGBAUM A OO4 Mi B3T Secpnd band Pianos taken in, 0 ined and repaired., ., •QECEIVEDby the ship Hudson—A fine lot or very Xx old Cognac, In quarter and eighth casks, of my own fni,* mi ’ R. MAYER. importation. C OFFEE—Rio and Old Java, a prime article, for sale by[oct 20] W. D. FORD. B acon, sugar, coefeb, Ac.- , 5 hhds. chotoe new Smoked Shoulder*. 10 hhds. Porto Rico Sugar. 50 bag# Rio Oolfoe. ,10 kegs Butter. 20 boxes Ghipese. 60 boxea Herrings., , -i-' oct la U ° < “ n , ^ tr obHCT ^TAItVro :50SV%SS ] , “ dl * [oct 20] Ac.—10 boxes Lemons; 15 do. Raisins; jnst per steamer and for sale by J. A; BROWN. OUR AND PORK.—100 bbls or Howatd-et. Flour, best Baker’s quality, and 25 bbls of Mess Pork, re ceived per sebr. Anderaor -* * *- from wnari, by . toct 19^ TfaUTTEB. A CHEESE—Just received a fresh supply of Butter and'Cheese per steamer Alabama, and for ■ale at the Emporium by octttl SEABORN QOODALL. DUCKWllEAT.—A, few quarter barrels and boxes ol XJ Duckwheat; just received and for sale by. oct 91 SEABORN QQODALU , Mild AT.— LandlcgTfrom the a and for sale by AT TRAPS.—Patent Sclf-wuii For mIo by 0 u GENERAL ADVERTISING AND OFFICE mar 14 No«10Stai 8. M. Pettkmoill * Savannah Republican; and arc authorized to rccelvo Ad* vertUementa and Subscriptions at the same rates as are required at this offlee. Their .receipts are regarded aa payments. ., ... NEGH Us the attention of I. extensive stock of 1 0 urogans and women’.# Leatber Bools. There goods ive been selected, expressly for this market and are warranted the beat stock and workmanship. He 1a con fident that a fair trial or his stock will Insure satisfaction and a continued patronage. His goods nre alt fresh and terms/air, • , , ... . ; . , W. III’ll»T. taGlftotfi Building, formerly occupied by. Me wra. E. P. VvodACo. MU; . > oct2 ■JUiJ;. GILBERT. ■selling Wire Rat Traps; HACKNllY COAC1I. onbscriber respectfully Inform* tho •d strangers in ;town, that lie1 has ,.,.a„v nfimi-* , ESr.?sasy» s&us 'aa regards accommodation, safety. Aa Ho will always .a fine pair of Horses attached, and ready for Inline- (service;' Orderashould be left nt Gas’s Livery 8tn- , at tho bead of Hrouglitou-street-WsmertaoM stand. OCV4 tf . JOSEPH KIRKLAND.