Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 08, 1852, Image 1

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0,f|»1UMI IIIAMs* rtti»*sI»ii.frjfofrfr* iiOT mt SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1852. NUMBER 267. er, B D Hood/*, D FHalsey,Patrick Wanly, John Higgins, John llanly, Jno A Honan, Jno Hunter, S U Ilaupt, Jno Howard, Martin Horn, Wm Hone, Peter llerrman, R A 18 FUPUatlKP , , UAILYAND tei-weekly B y ,T. L. LOOICE & 00. " —..1 Countr Printer,. f F.iutal ; „ p. M - *j,Trf-W»kly til Per Annum. mnoc2«'5» *8 » rf “ lor the piperbe ettended Jaefe&SwW?* ' ,lu ‘ lh ° m ° Mh * “ U * ,lo ‘ orJ re’lbrence. . ny ERTIBINO R ATE8t Two “ •••*.*! S Three** Three. * J50 Four ...1500 Pour £ "" 175 ' SIX “ 20 00 S > r “ •**. 900‘ . One Year 5000 -y ^^.'rttaemontt nol exceeding five lines, threo- * , “r d ‘ dSliSSSHrS'SH tobaP^fJuj^^f^iSriy advertisers will be confined • Th.x E, itii^roaular business, and all other advertise- {JgjJJ StpertBgto their regular business, as agreed »^Kl d JSS: exceeding In their advertisements son, O H Hall. R H Hardee. David Harrington, Edwin E Uertx, W II Hausoman, N M Harris, Stephen IIatrlck,8 A Hooker, O 8 Hunter, RR Habersham. Obns F Ham- ton, VV II Holmes, 8 P Halsey, Wnt W Habersham, J M ay wood, Thos Hoyues,Jno B Habersham, George 8 1 larding. Jno Harriaeon, Nicholas Ueylc, Fras Hernan dez, Andrew Uarrlsson, Wm Humphreys, John Holry. G Troup Howard, Wm Henderson, D 8 Henderson, Jas M. Henderson, Thnna* Heiry, Claus Hallman, John H Hull, Levi Hart, Jas Horan, EHeldt, Mnurico Hackett, Robt Habersham. 8r, John Harper, J W Harris, Thos oleombe, G II Holcombe, E 8 Harris, Wm Heldt,Jos laregroves, Jos O,Habersham, John B Holcombe, Eldred nydon, EJ Harden, Jno Hamlet, Goo Hans, Jno R timleL 51 Hording, Seymour Harris, E D Hoyle, Wm F llano, H F Holland, -Jamos Hines, R H llowcll, Thos “len,W B Harrison, Milton Humphreys, Jos B Har- R B Hilton, R W Hunt, Jno F Herb, Wm Hone. John W Ihly, John L Ihly Wm Ihly, Brion Island. George Jones, Jas O Jones, Jas M Jones, DO James, Vdvertlsers exceeding In their advertisements itSJreW olfUnos ^eed, for, wUl bo charged ‘'rtmSmSXw. will. •• IW..T.P ...Tin- ... , son, < son, Emanuel Joseph, J R Johnson, A E Jones, John R Jackson, Bulloch- Jackson, Nicholas Jeffreys, Robt Jackson, Wm A Jaudon, H R Jackson, Clans Jackens, Peyton U Johnson, Jos W Jackson, George Jackson. ”" , i t JA I ^l ira ionU for chwlWrte ImUlulloni end ro- CTfe whhooun. u w tbT»uXrof InicrlloM, will bo publljhod ordmd to bo dl*»nllouod, tnd cborgod to- letter, dlrootod to tbl. offloo,'or tbo Editor., owl peld, to eolttlo tbom to .tlmuloo. „ n —Each catalion by-the Oonrt of Ordinary, that udfilwr* to roodor IntbobroccounW.iiuulbo pub- DAvabStbodoTofMlo. Tbeooioloomurtbomodo Biprossedln the *^ rert l?® , ^ en hi_, an< j Guardi Fred Krete, Harmon Ktihlman, Wm H KeBjr, Phillip Kolb, Dedrick Kattenhoro,P M Kollock. Ezra Kent,N fi Cnapn, Jas King, John Kennedy, Dr N Kohlhouso, Jamos Cerr, Peter Krauss, Uefort Kerk, James Kennedy, John L Kont, Louis Koexoi,Tfios Keaton, Jas Kirkland, „ Bed Kent, Phillip Kean. DO Kauffa, Wm KIims Ed ward Kean, Edward 8 Kempton,John Keegan, Chat II Knapp, Wm F King, Nicholas Kolloher, Jno J Kelley, Thos H Krecgcr. . _ W Lloyd, Hugh veil, BW Leach, B - a - - Tin, Peter 8Y Levy, J T Latham, l, r thos Leanr. Hugh Larken, Patrick Leiuhan, k Lee, Daniel Laphan, Thomas Lyon, James Lan- , J T Linde, Linda Linde, Daniel Leahey, William j, theCourt o f Ordinary, for leave to selllteal Estate SySTmoil bo pobllird TWO MONT IS. “MJto^^uww^AAdmlobiWtor.tar Lot- r^ssss?ar °anl«or toeOourt or O-dlnory (accompanied with a eowonhe bond of agreement) to moke UUoa to laud, ^w^uSroTiSttwirmbwdb, iboSfflS bo advertised THIRTY DAYS-undcr must bo iadvertised, gen- K&TOyb before the day of sole. O A L Lamar, Thos E Lloyd, Benj’n Logan, Jos Llppman, John Bf u Lovell ^athrop, Martin Larkin, ^ogan, Thr * ’ sghan, J T*Llnde, Linda Llndo, DanlefLeahey, M Leigh, John Larkin, Henry LaUirop. D P Landershlne, Andrew Low, O D Lebey, Ioouis Legrieh John Lyons, O Lufburrow, Charles Law, Peter Lee: Robert Leybourn, Levy LlUenlhal, W W Lincoln, H F Letche, F M Lohoff; Paine Lovell, Wm E Long, John N Lewis, Simoon Lane, d L Lufburrow, William Lak& BAT Lawrence, A R jawton, Edward Lynch, Edward Lovell. John Lares, D N Lane, James Laughlfn, J F Linder. James J Logan, Robert A Lewis, A B Luce, J H Ladd, Jno Lama, Jas Lynch, IDLaRoche, Peter Lawrence, Michael Laran, 'latthew Lynch, Root Lachllson, James Laehllsote, Css- tar Lenzer, James Larkin, Timothy Lavau, O A La- uenzer, sanies uriiD) huiuuij ajstsu, u a ui* ic, Robt I.unday, John Lawton, A J Lebey, Thos Lewis, Wm H Lyons, Antonio Loevenlo, J G Lambrlght, Michael Lynch, PnPk Laughlln, John H Loveless, G W Lockwood, Loors Lohtnan. ITT. Abraham Minis. David Biorris, Jacob Manses, John tlakln, Thos McNlcholas, John Mastereon, Edward Moahan, Jeremiah McCarthy, John McHue, Wm Morrell, G Mchrtcns, Robt Blclntyre, 11C Mebrtens, Jno D Mai- ett,' Jos^Mon‘-- 1 * *■*-*—• m ‘~ *•--—■-*■ Leander Mooi Silvester ** Jits* of Voters. S on g. Baft furtherenoetei by Us authority ef Us That from and aftet tho passage of this act aU iassballbe quallfled to vote alelocUonsfor Mayor and ftdsrmenof the city of Savannah and the hamlets there- ebj u“ei or boro li tholr own right «o®rt«rtre»l t.uto d ^b.<« bSn rogl.Srrf oecooUrw to tho pro- rlalons of thti acL-Etlnut/nm thi lU/Mr) Ltu. Ailolnh Abrtb.mi, Robert Ailoni!, JohnS Acbord,Boo A Ailor’ IV AvorfoIubO IV Andor»on.MBthlB8 Amorous n nA»ii Stewart Austin, David Abraham, O 8 Arnold, Om AteiX, Jb? W>U.r~n. V W AI«.odcr, Itobt Anaitn. Geam Armstrong, James Anderson, W V N arm.trnnff RjP Akin. Peter Arnold, R D Arnold, Thos- aSL e'c AotoVoio Rlobonl AborerBinblo. J a An- M Black, rellx Bouysson, Gilbert guUer, Thos Bourke. ■Jugone M Beo, J P BoireuUlet, L E Byck, A Borchert, - 8 - ■ p'Patrick Bulkoy, P H Behn,Henry Bette- sjfflraarntSffl iK JA itiikor, W It It; Bob, Jo. K I) brown. A T Uowno, Jot H Borreoglik Jo. IhuineU, Looli UareOcld, Jo> Uoncroll, rhoddeua J Dnldwln. Potrick Rurko, o A-Blonnu Jno ISDkrboo,Jm brown, Q W Ilmen, Morel ninck, 11 LS Bonlj, Thos a Holler, WII Ilolloob, R M BnrtholmMB. Ilonrr W B»f- enltetl,V A Blols, Hentr Brlghltn, tva Dm'itler, T1V Benton, M J Buckner, John Boston, B M B Bnrroughs, Bsnuls Blsonerbossott, U II Bsldwln, Wm O b.noii, Augustus Boullneao, John Burns, Mlohsel Bowloy, Ullek Burke, JsoO Bl.nco,J II llashlor.W J Ulodgot,J«nO Bowon, Jno W lllzo, Boraord E Bo?, V a I srtow, Wm J Beo, J P Brook., tV II Bourdlor, W O BuUcr, H 8bo- cordu. Frodorlof Bollor, W D llnsblor, Jos W Brown, Johu O Blsnoo, Thoodoro Blolk Wllllom Blolk Wm H Bourko, John E 1)1,keif, O O 3 Brown, Win ft Bonks, B1, Ooulllneoo, J T Buckner, chsrteo II Boll, Oco Bron son, P T Broughton. H B Boll, WII Brndlcy, L 8 BonnoU, Ju Ilolbo, Wm Bnllef, FII Blols, JHBuel - Ita H Curler, John Cooper, O'A Cloud, P L Oondno- K lorld 0 Cosh, M A Cohen, It It Cujler, CeoACur- lotnon Cohen, Hugh Cullen. W H lA»per.^Edward Cubboge, David Cohen, John Oleary, Jos V Unnerat, Allen Cullen. Ohas Cooper, Jos Cleary, Banian! Constan- tluo, Thos W Cooper, John CIancy,JohnC«nsten^FVV Cornwell, Jos 8 Carrulhcrs, Nldjolas CruMr, Wright Culpepper, Thos Corley. R M Charlton. H J CasseU, SlenaraCo'le. Thos CuaackJno LCterkuMIchael Cnsack, 0 H Campttdd, Francis T Oolft, John Curry, ThosCtark, John Oariell, Jas ConneUy, John Corruthers, Frederick sou,B L OntoTW O CbsrlUm, bT M OubbegO.MIoroe J s°ft SK^w Cornell,'. James Cornell, HR c ^ ri »tlan, Jno J Jos Cox. Jno T Campagnac, Wm Cullen, And Cordes, Pierce Cowloo, Aaron Champion, W T Chapman, Danld Clark, J B Cafibege, George Oallr.Uriah Cranston, Charles Can non, Robert J i Cttwzhy, 8T Chspmnn, Jo in F Cardell, Antonio Chlsa, John L Cope, Thos Conn Iff, Tlios Conway, Moses S Cohen, D B Camp, Octavus Cohen, J P Coirer, Bsrtew Cynthus, Patrick Clark, Jno M Cody, Jas Clag- horn, Wm Cannon, Charles Cler, Augustus Cannon, Pat rick Clark, Isaac Cohen. Wm Cromwell, GL Cope. Jr ? O L Oope,sr, James A Oourvolser, 8 H Cooper, H A Crane, Wm L CUrk, D D Copp, John D Cole, Cornelias KConvor, Thomas Oorr. Brjran Connor, James ECopo, L 0 Clark, George Clark* Wm P Clark, John A Cham bers, Wm Colter" Laurence Counell, Frederick Cullen, John ¥ Ccreopely, George Cause©, B H Crandell, F A Csnnuot, Jeremiah Cavanaugh, Martin Conway, D B Cotoman?James Carroll, George E Congdon, Thomas Collins, J P Cohen, Charles H Connery. Rlc’d W Delaney, Martin Duggan, Dawson, Michael Dally, Rlo’d pono' Daniel bonovsn. Albert L D’Lorze. Pntrlclt Downoy, Isaac D’Lyoiw Michael Donnelly, John Donnelly, Wm M Davidson, Morty Dorgnn, Wra H Davis, Wra Dixon, Jss Dunn, Uheeiar Dugger, Jas U Demand, Jos Dawson, Thos Dowell, Jno Downing, J B DaVIs, IIJ Dickerson, L 8 DoLyon, G W Davis,!) B Daniels, Jno Dailey, Wm Duncan, John Dillon. Israel Dasher, Levi Delbltt, A O Davenport, Isaac Davis, Henry Dannonfelsor, Jno D Del- Unnoy, W L Davis, SO Dunning, Patrick Define, Chss H Durveo, Burrell Dye, 8 C Dunning, Jr, F O Dnna, W 11 Dudley, John Devanor, John Doblo. UII Darby, Jns M Itoyle, James Downey. Wm H Dunning Jr, Henry Du- Davis, Jas DoMartln, Henry DlUmora, Alex Dresdsle, D R Dillon, Fred’k Dannerstelser, J B Dnshor, R W Dasher, M T Dnkes, John H. Dews, Samuel L Dowe l, John Dry- fcr, F I! Demcre, W J DonaJdson, Thos F Danhils, Michael Duggan, John Dorgatu Ei ‘ Hoary Elite, Daniel Egtn, Einstein, John Everard, Wm Elleby, Thos Eden, O W Eden, John J Edyi Charles J Edeu, Peter Endries,J A Epstein, Edwin W Ervin* James Eden. „ Joseph Felt, John Foley, Thos Ford, Jos 1 8 Fay, Wm —111 B.“-ii it —i—. il.»_i.i» Dugald Ferguson, ‘alllKant, Ju Far- in Fitzgerald. An- riBuojr, n n roll, Michael Fftmoy, Wm F Fony, E 5,Eulten, 08 Frierson, Austin French, Johann D Fisher, Win Folllard. Dominick FlaUey, John Flannognn, Pnt’k Fotoy, pros Flaherty, Jno D Ffsh, L M Fnlllgant, Owen Foley, L J B Fairchild, Ju Faunstnn. MIchselFay, G W FonneJLJno FosterrJ. R' Fisher, 0 J Fulton. Jacob Friend, J O Fathom* 0 G Fnrrlea, John 0 Ferrell, Jnraes '‘ Fswus, F Fink, David FlUgerrald, Robert r wuer,- u B ]Pickling, Jacob Frey, Jeremiah Flokling, Wm F leldlng* Alex Faucett, 0EFJandore, W.O Foote?BepJ Franklin, Peter Foth,,a ,W Farries, Tho« M-Forman. _ JolmGerdlz, Francis Grlmhall, J F GuIlmartln, BenJ Geonovoiy, JoshuaGrlfflUH 0 L Ullbort, Jos Goorgo, sr n "“■“'•liv.? jutd ogymMLc^j^wiaiwvB&afjviiM. w SAJIUBIi L. DOWELL, No. 108 BiY-araiKT, BsvsxNAtr, Gzoaou. . Btric| personal attention to Farmers’ orders, and quick returns of Bales of Produce. mar 8 J. L. OLIVER, Fashionable Boot manufacturer, MO.SKVKNTKBM SULL-8TRKXT, MZAR MOHDMKHT-SgUAKZ. Cork-Sole, Water-Proo^ Hunting, Military, Patent Leather, Walking, Dress, and Pump-Solo Boots: Shoot ing Buskins, Bootees, Oxford .Shoes, Pumps, Slippers, made to order In the neatest and most fashionable manner, or warranted materials, and by the most experi enced and careful workmen. Jos Blordecol, Michael AIcGrall. Tlios Murlaugh, ider Moore, Mathias II Myer, Peter MoGullUcuddy, llvestor Manning, M Marsh. Jacob Miller, JnoMurcbl- jil, Juo Montmolllii, Thos Alaher, Thos McAullff, Jas NcFoely, n W Mlscnlly, H W Mercer, 0 A Alaglll, Wm Aleredlth, E T McGralf, Thos McCollum, II Alorce, Wm J Moore, J D Mallard, U D Murphy, Jeremiah Mack, N 0 Mills, Jesse Mount, John Murphy, B M Morel, Patrick Aleara, C C Millar. John McCabe. Harvey Morse, John McDermott, J M Allllen, Thomas VV McArthur, Lovl 8 Myers, Henry Aforckhardt, Allchnel Jloalh, Thomas Afa hon, Patrick AlcGovem, 8 8 Allllar, T J McNIsh, John Alnhoney, John McGunagh, Patrick Alasterson, John Alallery, James J AlcCoy.lsaao Allnls, Edward AlcCube, G Murklns, 8 8 Moody, Dennis McGuire, Lawrence Atc- Kennn, Neylo AIcHue, J II Mebrtens, M B Myer, Thomas McKonna, John Miller, Jacob Manko, Edward AlcGraw, Bartholomew Mclnaniey, John Mallery, Luder Alehr- tons, A F Mira, Fabian Atyerhoffer, G 8 Allller.John R Martin, William B Melt, James W Morgan, Allchael Mor ris, John W McKoy, C F Mills, William E Mongln, D J AIcKonzIe, A F Alonlecal, Ju 8 McDonald, Jas Alanu- sy, Thos R Mills, Domingo Marling. Jos Murphy, G A Mc- Cleskey, Angus McAlpln, Allchael Martin, Peter Alnrls, A G Model M B Allllen, Jno McCnll, Jas AIcFoely, Wm Mol- cair, E Aleudoll, A K Atoore, Wm Afackuy, John AloNiab, Jas U Molls, L B McConn, Wra Morris. John McCollum, Charles McCann, Bemanl Alallau, Wm AIcLaughlln, Patrick McLaughlon, F W McCarthy, WHO Mills, Jno AloMabon, Jno F Mullcgan, Jas Alatthows, Isaac Marsh,Thos Madden,John Alomn, FA Maddox,Solomon Alayer, E AI AIcDonnall, Wm Morel, Jno Alahun, Jno R Afaver, Thos O Mooney, M O Moriand, Jos McDonald, T B Maxwell, N W MclJeod, Alox McHardee, JnoT Alitch- ell, Fredk Alundorf, II K Aiuntfort, Jas AIcBride, W J McIntosh. Sami 11 Morel, Jeremiah McCarthy, Wra Ale- Carthy, A N Miller, Tlios Mott, II P Miller. IW Morrell Jas Alclntlre, Dnnl AlcCnrthy. M II AlcUod, J as McCann Jas McCanna, Tlios Alecks, Edward Mullegan, John Mo Aullffi Archibald McAllister. Joseph NollL ThosNaylor, Wm Nungetcr, JasNunge- zer, WG Norwood, Jno VV NeavltL D D Nlcnols, E L Noidllnger, Dan’l Nelson, Torrence Nugent,O N Nichols, Geo 8 Nichols, L F Nld *'* »— NelL J G Noldtllngor, A o»wif..™.... wood, Chas Nowland. Jamos NeldUlngcr, Wm Neva, o. _ Owens. Geo W Owens, Daniel O’Connor, O’Brien, Owen O’ltourko^ohn F O’Byrne, David O’Con nor, Owen O’Rlelly, Humphrey O’Loary, G 8 Owens, Dennis O’Connor, Jno O’Connell, Jno H Ohlmeyer, Wm IlOlSlt Wm 6lm««d, J V>K.|H, DO Olcoll, £ O’Byme? Allchael O’Neill, OE O’Sullivan, H O Ollrer, John Oliver. Jonathan Olmstead, M O’Reilly, James Oil- ver, W O O’Driscoll, Dan’l O’Sullivan, Timothy O’Con nor, Daniel O’Sullivan, W W Oates, John Ogolvie, AIW O’iiyrn, Thoa O’Bryan, Geo Otl, FredlckOtlo. Porter. Jos V Prontlco, Jno v rosey, n o i-inaer, oanvi Philbrlck, Jas AI Prenrtce, 8 Al Pond, Wm Parris, Pst’k Prunty, Andrew C PaccUy, Edwin Parsons, Elisha Par sons, Jno Poolo, 8 G Pancoat, Owen Polerson, 0 B Patter- aon, John Perflcld, John Phelan, Jno F Powell, Jas Pren- dergas, Thos Purse, Sam’l Pittman, E J Puree, Gjsorao Pareons, R D Papot, M Prondergaal, Edward Padolford, Son., Inward Padolford, Jr M Thos Pldgeon, Thos 8 Pltt- Jno I’ostelL Jos W Phillips, James Prunty, J AI Palin, Alarcns M Peck, Patrick Price, G U Puder.Thos Prender, Q. Jas Qmtntock. John Quinn, Martin Qninn, Wm Quinn, Wm Quantock, jr. ^ . M RnssolL Waring Russell, David Rosenblatt. Jaco Roaeubacd, John Russell, Dennis Ryan, Wm Rochoslc Jamea Russell, TboaJ Ryon, J B Rom, John Reedy, A M Boss. Michael Rochford, Christopher Russo 11, Wm P Roberts!, John Ryan, J B Iload, Jos W Robborts, Henry RoserVWm Robertson, Pal riojt Reilly, LSRusselL Wm Roche, Barney Roden, Pal’k Ryan, Wm Rogers, Jno A nl-L I 1 HA #1 Dnwlulul Ml ml • — n ford, . „ j Ryan, - ... Romshart, Robt Ralford, H VV Ralford, Alalhew Wm Reilly, J P W Rood. Jno Jefferson Roberts, O H Rtkema Jeremiah Ryau, B G Real, Chas E Robinson, Joseph Rosa, Henry Rober, Goo Robins, Alien Russell, Wm Roberson, John RoVrley, John Rogers, Dan’l Reddamn, Wm P Rowland, Hugh Rlelly, Andrew " “ ■ton, IIJ Royal, Jno E Rice, James Ry , _ — nollVc E Ryan, Wm Robken,0 WRogers, ThosRonau, Geo Robertson, Tobias Rotbleler, F A Robcre, G 8 Roux F T Hoff, M J Reilly, James Russell. E A Boullard, Wm ’Swoll, John A Schaffer, John 8cudder. Rlch’d Smyo, Henry Btarko. Abraliam8lmpson, Christopher Bshnolder, Johu A Slalv, Rleh’d Scoulan, Emanuel 8hoftall, Harman Btlbcr, RII Spencer, Monte- cal BhelteU. Andrew SteafVatcr, John Savfgo? J 8 Solo mons, Fred’k Scherff, A A Smefs, W R Symons, Thos Sullivan, Goo Snalthoff, Jno G Sexton, AJO Shaw, Ja- cob Sim Iter, M Blicfftnll, sr^ G J 8pencor.Snm’l Solomons, J P ScrlvenjJohn ~ * D Shaffor, Wm II uiumt, «»•••• «»»- dor, Sam’l 8 81bloy, Anthony Sogur, Jas8hea, Pal’k Scaulau, Jas Skinner, J H Blroes, Dan’l Sullivan, Jos Skinner, Dr 8 SbertoJ). Nicholas Slnot, Martin Sullivan, Lewis Smith, Jacob Schatfor, Thomas ^imdore, John 8tevonson,G N Staley, Thos Smith, G J Bmlth, Jno Sul livan, Jamos SulUva»,\Volter W Smith, Geo Shulls, F F Strobhart, JasJ Stakes. Goo Shute, Harmon Bongstack, Henry Seltzer, 0 B Sadly, E Somerall, Francis Sorrel, Jno A Btcgln, John Sloan, Wm G 8teffoid, Jno Screven, Wm 8alte,0 M Stone, J R BauMy, J M Schley, Francis Shells, P K Shlels, Adam Short, Jno Y Symons, James 8ymons, F R Sweat, Edmund J Snundom, Mwln Stiles, J Al Solomons, Augustus Scheldeman, Dennis Sullivan, Daniel SulUvnn, Al 18olomons,Al, Dennis Sulli van, Barney Smith, Henry Stlhbs, Jas II Shohan, Valen tino Stanton, John Sherlock, Loyal Scranton, Martin Shannon, Joseph Sullivan, Jos F Stakes, I hUlp Smith, Jos Al Shellman, James M Strickland, Timothy Bhorrodan, Patrick Skinner, Edwurd^wlfl, Band BSwoat, Jnhn_ d 8pann,. Bolomot , SSttutoJanOVra Saumiors,Julius.SmlUi,H R Belio’y, Christopher Smith. II Tyson, Tildon, Fra'a i nuuoii. T» h mbffiiSm»Thufm.bjnTTurocr, WmT|,om a O E Torn, Edward Townsond. U T Thous, A Thomas, W PTcffl, AlarionThreadcrafl,Jno 11 Tliodo, I1JThomas- •oh, W B Tinsley, Fras Truohelut, R V Thomas. Richard son Tombs, WIITalblrd, J 15 Taylor, John OThomua. ChrlillBi. Uobelo, rhlllp met. Antonio Vondtoy, nllu ftninbofttl, Choj Vnn ftoin, W It aVonlUlo, Trlstrnin Vcr.110, Dovld Vendor, llcnry Vellntolcb, W 0 Vnodonbom, Henry Vonslnhn. ■ Mntlhow tSnlla-1 lly, John M Gner- HHHdllii Gclbteliouso, OauUodct, W -B Geffekcn, Jas H Grant. J U Gunby, Henry I Gugcl. Wm'll Gugel, John fSSi,” H?nry Gilbert, John 8 Green, Wm Gklphlh,'Jr, Johti mv obo NL lIarriS,‘PD Hcllihelm!John Hau - * " " ate ... Patrick llnll, * iVmP Hi hS 1 VvJe7, M i“sW'W'«^ WmWrigM, Wllllnk, Issao Woldsr.Wi Sri' Mitrtln Wondelken, Henry WIK , N Wlnklor, Jno B wnrd, Jo^ SustnesB fflarna. SWIFT. DENSLOW tc CO, Dcalnm In tirocorlen« Provinlonn* rORJUQJf AMD DOMESTIC LIQUORS. COMER BAT AMD WUtTAKMR-STRMMTS. W. D. FORD, ^d^l5»Jj. , !»3SSite3, . IT Constantly on hand, r choice supply of Farict Grocrrirs. y. July 7 E. O’DYRNE, AT tatlor’s IDltmnO—marrrt wbarv, Keeps constantly on hand a supply of jCrockery-Wtur 0 , Groccrleo, Ac, Ae^ L. ROBIDER, frROK Paris] Fashionable Boot and Shoe-Maker. ‘Importer of French Leather, WUITAKER-STRRET—OPPOSITE SMETS’ RUILDtNO. WYLLY At. MONTAIOLLIN, General Agenfs and Brokers* For the Sale or RealEatateJfegroeo,banp deacription PenonalProperty, . OmCE, CORKER BDLL-ST. AHD RAY-LAMR, feb23 Savannah, Georgia. Uuntncon fltartra. chants* JVV, IW Ban-Strut. R. a. iurdwick. Jonao.rooxi. J. IIA8BROUCK fc 00., IMPORTERS AHD WHOLRSAkR HEALERS IN Eu^hea-Wsre, French^iiiR^Looking Glasses. PHILIP KEAN, , Draper-and-Tnllor* amd Dealer imreadtal PEHPlELn’S RAKOE—RO.98 R 8.8. A1ILLER & J. D. FKRGU80N, lVheelwriffhts and .Blaeksmlths* Cvriur of Broughton and Meatgomerj^aU, Oarrisges. Wagons."*Ootta «mI°Dvay« manufactured. Dlacksmltbing, including Iron Railing and Grates, for Buildings, tut)^~o nor 6 ADAM SHOUL Master Builder* TIRST DOOR WEST OP ST. ARDRRW’f HALL, Win take contracts for Building RRd Work In Masonry of every description. R. fc J. LAI. Engineers and hts* nears and Iffillwrlg IROM* BRA8S FOUNDERS, . Canal-Street—Near Uio Canal Lock. bACBLtSOR, E ng ineo rnndtiiiii lwrlght* IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER. EASTERN WHAgr—1AT1T. aTponI, Importer Sc ltlanufokturer of Sorars* KO, 13 WHtTAXEl-STRBET, Keeps on hand a well selected stock or Imported Be- gars; also Manufactured Tobacco, Bnaff, Pipes, and all other articles usually kept In hlalins of btulneea, which he often on the most reasonable terms. nov 3 T. PORTER’S ~Y, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. SpvfnB ana awmmcc jraafitona. npHE SUBSCRIBER takes this method or informing his friends and the citizens of Savannah, that hs know JL opening THE MOST SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHING ever offered in this city. The prices, In plain figures, ore marked upon each article, and no deviation, and at toe remarkable low prices that the goods are marked, the subscriber fools confident will be appreciated by a generous public. In part are the following Goods I have now In store, to wit: GENTS* CLOTH COATS. Gents. Black Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, Olivo do do do do Brown do do do do Blue do do do do Black Cloth Backs and Polka Bocks, Brown do do do do Blue do do do do Olive do do do do do BhadDreie do Black Doe Skin Polka Bocks, Fancy Colored do do Drab Caseimere Backs and Polka 8acks, Black Tweed do do do Green do do do do Brown do do do do Silk and Wool do do do COATS. Camblet, Checked Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Plain and Fancy Alpacca, Paris Lustre, Black Morin, Black and Fancy Tweed, Do do Coshmerette, Brown and Yollnw Linen, Black Drop d’Ete, Grass Linen. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Linen Bosom Shirts. Bilk, Lamb’s Wool, and Merino Shirts and Drawers, Linen, Jeans, and Canton Flannel do Bilk, Merino, and Cotton Half Hoee, Bilk, Thread, and Nori Hose, Gentlemen’s Dressing Robes, Linen Collars, two and threo ply. „ , PANTALOONS. Striped Cotton and Linen, Plsfn do do do Nankeen, Drap d’Ete, Fancy Linen, Black Alpaeoo, Black Doe Skin Pants, Plain Black Caulmere Pants, Fancy Colored do Plain and Ribbed do Black and Colored Satinet Pants, Black 8atln 81ngle and Double Breasted Vests, Fancy Satin and 811k do do Embossed Fancy Silk do do Black and Fancy Barathea do do do do Embrol’d Cafklmere do White and Fancy Satin and Party do Plain Black Silk Velvet, single and double breasted, Fancy Cut de do do Fancy Cashmere do do GLOVE8. Black, White, and Colored Kid Gloves, Black and Castor Riding do Cloth, Cashmere and Lined neritn do Black, White andFoncy Silk ds CRAVATS. Superfine Black 8111c and Fancy Carats, do Fancy do, great variety, White Silk and Satin Party Cravats. Black and Fancy 811k and Satin Scsrfs, do do Opera Ties. Linen Cambric, China Cord and Pongee Pocket Iland- kercldeft. Hats and Caps, of the latest styles. Ladies’ Riding Hals. Trunks, Patent and Sole Leather. Volyscs, Carpet Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, Ice, , CHILDREN’S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Bulls, and Boya* Caps, a large assortment. The Ladles will find It to their interest to call and exanlno my stock, as they are mado up in the latest stylo and the best manner and at the lowest prices. No abatement ftom tho prices first asked. gy Don’t forget the new store on first floor of 8L Andrew’s Hall, comer of Broughton and Jeffcrsoo-sta. apr28 Webster, Robert Waggousleln, Jos Washburn, D L Wil son, Claudius 0 Wilson, Dempsov While, Peter White, Jno M Williams, Norman Wnllacc, Henry Welgond, Thos White, W H WIIUams,J TYVebb,Jaa G Watta, John Wlckam, Lemuel Wilson, Wra P Wylly, John Wilder, Jas E Walthour, Christopher Wltgen, John Welglera, Jno W 0 Williamson, Henry WlUltunson, William Warner. ^ Peter Yonson, Jno A Young, Dr E Yonge, W A Yonge, Wm P Yonge. Z* Peter Zarodoskl, Edward GZetrouer, Jacob Zlmraep- man, Edward Zudemes, Solomon Zelgler. Tho foregoing are the qualifications of voters entitled to vote for Mayor and Aldermen of tho City of Savannah at the ensuing election In December next, and a list of persons Registered for the month of May. If there aro any persons whose names are Registered, aud who are not entitled to a vole, notice Is respectfully requested to bo given to the Clerk or Council, that they may bo dealt with according to law. R, F. AKIN, sept 14 Clerk Council. ATSPLENDID OPENING OF FALL GOODS. T HE Subscriber would respectfully call the attention or tho public to his large and well selected stock of Fall and. Winter Staple and Fancy DryGoods. Consisting in part of: Black and colored Bilks, of a great variety 5 very rich embroidered Silks, of all patterns; Mantillas and Crnpo Shawls: Scotch Wool Long do.; and square Plaid Shawls; Cashmeres; Mousolfne de I .nines; Alpaccas, a great variety; Needle-Work Col- lara and Capes, or nil patterns; Chlmlzettes; Muslin and Lace Under-Sleeves: Cambric Handkerchiefs, from 18)f cents to $5 a piece; Irish Linens; Huckabacks; Diaper; French Towels, from 25 cents to SI a piece; double Damask Table Linen; white nnd brown Napkins, a fine assortment; a very large assortment of Gloves nnd Ho siery, of the vety best make and style; English and A- merlcau Long Clolhs; unbleached do.: ricn Damask Table and Piano Covers; Csselmores and Cloths, black and blue of every quality t rich Vest patterns of all styles; Satinet*; Kentucky Jeans; Kerseys,a very large assortment; one of the very best selected stock of Blan kets ever brought to this market. , CARPETING—Brussels, 3-Ply, 8-Ply, All-Wool, a va riety of patterns; and,at»o, Cotton Cameling. N. B.—Clothing at wholesale only. Country merchants would do well to call boforo purchasing elsewhere, as tho goods shall be sold low u»don theLra?, 8 ^ ting terms. [oct2] JOSEPH L1PPMAN, GEORGE W. HARDCASTLE, CARRIAGE MAKER, omi 200 CONGRESS AND 05 ST. JULIAN-STREET, Franklin-Square. W OULD Return his thanks to his friends and patrons for past fovours, and Inform them, that he la now ready at tho old stand, to exocule any work in the above line, nud hopes by his untiring exertions to please all who may honor him with a call. All kinds of repairing In the above business done with the utmost neatness and dl, $h6ol’wright and Blacksmith work, and all kinds ol WhecU,Wagons, Dreys, Carte, fct^, mode on the shortest notice and on most liberal terms.JmSo NEW FAU AND WINTER GOODS!! J. H. & M. SHEAHAN, Corner or Broughton and tVhltakor-ata., _ SAVANNAH, TNV1TE attention to their new stock dFALL A WIN- A TER GOODS, comprising: DRESS GOODS—French Cashmeres, French De Lilnea, English Do Lalnes, Black Bilk, Colored Silk, Black Alpacas, Colored Alpacas, Bomba zines, Damask Antique, English, French and American Calicoes. EMBROIDERIES—Linen Cambric, Cambric Hand- kerchlefs, Plain and Embroidered Handkerchief*, Bobinet Laces, Bobluet Edgings, Collars and Cuffs, Hablte and Uuder-Sleures, Block Loco Veils, Blk Crape, Colored Crape, HOSIERY Sr LINENS—A large and well-selected stock of Glores, Irish Llncus, Linen Diapers and. Damasks. nets, 10-4 aud 11-4 Brown and Bleached Sheetluga, Pillow-Case Linens, aud Quilts. Country Merchants, Planters, and others, will consult their Interests by examining our stock before purchasing. , X3TAU »e ask is a visit from those desiring to pur chase. We feel confident that the quality and prices ol our Goods will commaud aides upon our terms: Gash* and no Second Price, oct 10 tMl JtttrtKawhffr. Jvila, aMl offer for Mta* or tbo most favorable terms, the following: SUGARS— 50 bbds. Porto Rico, Mr to choke. 25 hhda.PrimeSLCrolx. 25 hbds. Fair Cuba. 200 bbls.Stewart’sB. AC. 25 bbls. Crushed. coml!™’ 1 ” 1 500 bags Rio, fair to prime. 100 bags Jamaica. 100 pocketa Old Java. „ Ml Mgs Oqba. BAGGING Jl ROPE— 200 boles Gunny. 10 bales Dundee. 300 colls Rope. TOBACCO- „„„ M)0 boxes, various brands. CHEESE- 150 boxes Cream. 25 barrels No. 1. 25 half barrels No. 1. 50 barrels No. 2. 25 half barrels No. 2. • 50 barrels No. 3. BACON— CO casks Sides. 25 casks 8bouldera. MOLASSES— 50 Heroes Cuba. 50 barrels Cuba. SO barrels New Orleans. CANDLES- 50 boxes Adamantine. 100 boxes Star. 25 boxes Peart. 100 boxes Hull A Bcsdel’s. PICKLES— 50 boxes Underwood’s. . 25 boxss Remington’s. LIQUORS- 100 barrels E. P. Gin. 50 barrels Connecticut River Gin. 50 barrels N.E. Rum. 25 barrels Extra Choice Old Monoo. Whiskey. 50 bsnels Baltimore Whiskey. 25 quarter casks pure Malaga Wine. 95 quarter casks Selgnclte Brandy. 10 hair Pipes Otard Brandy. 5 pipes Holland Gin. 15 quarter casks Madeira Wine. SOAP- 50 boxes Colgate* No. 1. .50 boxes Colgate’a Pale. _ 100 boxes Boston No. 1. TEAS— 25 quarter chests Green. 10 half chests Black. FLOUR— qU * rtW Che#U Gun J )0Wder * 50 half barrels Extra. 50 barrels Hiram Bmllh’s,) 50 barrels pure Oenessee, >New Wheat 150 barrels Baltimore, J STARCH- 50 boxes Pearl. S3 quarter boxes Pearl. RAISINS— 25 boxes Bunch. 25 half boxes Bunch. ALMONDS- 15 frails Jordan. BUCKETS— 100 dozen Painted. 50 dozen Varnished. oct 1 uo nuwriiDiievuttuuriiR and for sale by (oct 20] MoMAR QUGAR. COFFEE, SOAP AND CANDLES. U 20 hhds. choice P. R. Sugar; 50 “ Fair do 300 Bags Rio Coffee; So Matts old Government Java do. loo boxes Soap; 50 “ Starch. Just received and for sale by _scpt 20 1852 M’MAIION A DOYLE. B randy, gin, a& 10 half Pipes Otard Brandy; 10 “ ** Selgnelt and Roschcll do. 10 Pipes Holland Gin; 20* A X Casks Madeira Wine; 20 “ “Port do. 30 bbls. old Monongnhela Whiskey; 50 “ Domestic Brandy; 50 “ do. Gin; 100 •* do. Rum; 100 “ do. Whiskey. Just received and for sale by sept 201852- • M’MAIION A DOYLE. TTtLOUn, SOAP, STARCH, and CANDLES,—Landing JP 100 bbls Canal Flour 50 boxes Colgate’s Pearl Starch 50 boxes Georgia Candles 100 boxes Soap. For sale by [oept 23]SWIFT A CO, TkOMESTIU LIQUORS— U 100 bbls. E. Phelp’s Gin; SO do P. AII. Gin, Conn. River; 100 do N. O. Whiskey; 50 do Baltimore Whiskey; 100 do N. E. Rum; 50 do Domestic Brandy. Landing, and for solo by [sept 25] SWIFT A CO. GBOGEKIJBS, LIQUOUS Sc WUIE8, T) ECElVED by recent arrivals; ii 120 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Clarified Bonn; 25 boxes double refined loaf do; 240 bags Rio Coffee, some or them prime; 45 do. Java dot 50 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars; 270 boxes Tobacco, S’s, 5’s and I’s Lumps; • 45 packages superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Diadem, Nectar. Vlrglnlua, Ac. 100 boxes best Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; 114 hslfcheste Black Teas, some of It very superior; 148packages Hyson do., In*,*and*chests; 150 boxes Tallow Candles, 8’a and fl’a: 100 do. Star and Adamantine Candles; 150 do. Pipes; WHOLESALE AND — PAIHT ASD OIL STORE, SAVANNAH, OA. No. 11 WMtakeMlw«|, T2 r EEPS constantly for sale—WHITE LEAD, Pure Noe. JV. 1 and 2 English do. . GROUND PAINTS: Black, Yellow, Brown, Chrome Green, Parle Green, and PniMlnn Blue. mY pA|NTa Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Lampblack, Yellow Ochre, Red Load, LUhnrgo, Parle and Chrome Green, o^II&nTw^ nleh. Graining, and Artiste’ do- 'y ind< ? w ,£ n p ofull ktuda, PAPER UANGINGB, Fjre-Board Prints and D °n£TTho „{!,.]„ w m bo eold on reasonable t ° rm House* Sign nnd Ship Fainting Done in a workman-llke manner, aud at reasonable prices. SO FAIiI< OF 1858. H AVING completed our arrangements for the season, we ere now prepared to offer to the public the larg est and beat assortment of GOOD AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING, and arc determined to sustain our reputation by selling Goods at folr prices. We Invte our friends and the pub lic to call and examine our Fall and Wiktze Stock, which, for quality, style and quahtitv fir exceeds any previous season, and Rom which a complete outfit con be selected at the vxav lowest pricks. Our Goods are selected with great care—being cut in tba latest Fashion, and manufactured In such a manner oat give entire satisthctlon. 200,000 STOCK of Ready-made CLOTHING, embracing til the various styles, qualities, etc., In part as follows: COATS: Black Cloth, Frock and Dress, Plaid and Clouded, Fancy Business Coats In great variety. Tweeds cut into Pellor’s Half 8acks, etc- etc. PANTALOONS, made from Flno Black Doeskin, and the various FaR styles of llnrrls* Clouded and MotUod Cosaimercs, Black and Fancy Satinets. VESTS: Black and Figured Satin. Gentlemen’s White Silk and Figured Marseilles. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. We Invito the attention of Country filerchsnls to our 8tock, which U varied and oomplete, and manufactured expressly lor their trade. We also have a genteel as sortment of YOUTH’S CLOTHING, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Black and Fancy Silk Cravat^ Stocks, Ploln and Figured Silk and Satin Neck Ties, Prince Alberto, of Plain, Watered and Ribbed Silk, iSHIRTS, White and Fancy, warranted to fit, Gloves, Under Gar ments, Suspenders, Collars, Handkerehlefo, Socks, etc. Sjf VVe ask a continuance of the patronage which has always been so generously extended to us. sept 7 PIERSON, HKIDT A CO. Old Mononga’a Whiskey,some very choice; 15 half pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co.’s Brandy; 25 quarter and eighth casks various kinds choice French Brandy; 5 pipes Holland Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica and 8L Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira and Teneriflb Wines; 20 do. superiorold Madeira and Sherry Wines; 100 baskeit Champagne, Ueldacck, Hungarian, Lion, Ac^ Ac. 100 kegs and halves FFFG. Powder, 400 bags Ruck and Drop Shot; 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 25 do. No. 2 do; 20 do. No. 1 do; 20 casks Codfish and Haddock; New Fish. 30 half bbls. 1A2 Mackerel; 50 boxes Codfish; 40 kills No. I Mackerel; With a full eupply or every thing else in the grocery line, for sale on accoramodaUu^tonnj^b^^^ ^ ^ (LDirCTii CAHI'U'SI! CAHPDTSIH W E have This Day opoued for sale, a splendid as sortment of Carpet** Oil Cloth** Slats* Bug** Window curtain*, Ac. ■—CONIIBTINU IN PART Of— COPPERSMITH AND PEUMBINOi T HE Subscriber having fitted un, in connection with hla Foundry and Machine Works, a Shop for the above business, and engaged the services pfsuperior workmen, is prepared to do any description of work that “Sftlwork done In the rery best manner and at the shortest notlco. A. N. MILLER,. July ja tf Eastern Whnrl. IN.STORE FOB THE UENTEEMENw J OHN W. KELLY, having returned bom the north with a handsome assortment of CLOTU8, CABSI- MEKES and VESTINGS, takes pleasure in informing hla friend*, those especially who admire a finely fining gar ment, to his saloon. No. 4, opposite the Pulaski Houso, where they will find him ready nt all tlm»s to suit his pa trons in the most approved and fashionable manner, and ,he ventures to assort, that those who will confide In bte selection os to color, fabric, style or finish of a covering for the human form, shall go away satisfied. Furuishlug Goods—Shirts, white and colored, with and without collars; Under Shirts; Merino, cotton and lisle thread Drawers; Hosiery, Cravats, Scurfs, Stocks, neck Ties, Gloves, Huspondors, Umbrellas, silk and cotton do. Also, a largo lot of men’a and boya’ Caps, of the latest patterns. Also, a flno lot of beautiful Ready-made Clothing, which I selected with great core. Gentlemen Jn want or any or tho above articles will ploase give me a call, as I am determined to sell at a smaU profit. [sept 25] JOHN W. KELLY. MARINE RAILWAI. T HE undersigned roepoctfnlly Informs all who may need lils services, that ho has cbnrgo of tho MARINE RAILWAY, which is now iu successful operation. lie Is therefore, prepared fo take up reesols ofanv size usually visiting our port, and to do tho work of repairing, Ac., on reasonable terms. Those who wish lo clean or paint tho bottoms of their voaeels con also be accomodated on the Railway upon reaaonnblo terms. He Is also prepared to contract for building veesels of any class or JescripUon, and to carry on tho business of Ship Carpentering, Spar Making, ami Caulking, In all lte various branches, at the SAVANNAH DItY DOCK. To Ship Owners, Masters and Consignees or Vessels nnHE Buscriber respectfully Informs them that the 8A- JL VANNAH DRYDOCK Is now In suoceaslUl opera? lion, and it Is calculated to take in shlpsof any ctossfronj 100 lo 1500 tons burthen. It Is 230 foot long and 65 foot wide, and complete In every particular. A largo gang o| workmen la-employed and a largo supply of materials is on hand, so that vessels can bo repaired with aa much dospntch as In any other port. Pump and Jllock Making and Smith's grorkdone onthefreinlsoe, and every offbrt nude to ensure economy and' fidelity to those who may „,o, )L. DOC With -wr b™l. rXmI!n9IIINEi *' ■, ‘ .", . 'Agent and Superintendent, . ,! fob 84 1 Late of Marsh’s Dock. Charleston. 1 00 s a»««‘ b, !f k •S ,,, >€3*1.! 50 dozen Matoloo Hate !(fo ^planter's uie>' »n!- wdlcli entirely new, for sate at the new. wholesale Hat 8lore, comer of Broughton and Darnard-sts, . . oct6 ; BEIdPEN AGO. ‘".f pl * l “ sept 24 WM. R, SYMONS, 17'Whltaker-sU ’ 20 pieces Three-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 do. Brussels do. 40 do. Two-Ply Carpets- 30 do. Floor Oil Cloth 10 do. Drugget 5 do. Felt Caroet 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Velvet and Chenellle Rugs 100 common Rugs and Mato 100 pair of beautiful style Window Shades. AUof Uie above Goods are offered at the loweslm prices. For sale by [sept 29] A1K1N A BURNS. jnrctfmnufje. npun SUHSUmTn£lLS 1 w^nMf , ro«Uln?‘ln .lore. JL pneral assortment of the above articles,' In cases: entU pale and Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, Cherry A Raspberry Brandy, Port do. _ Scotch Whiskey, Topaz Sherry Wine, Holland Gin, Brown do. Stoughton Bitters, TlnUlla do. “Crown*’and “BUr**brands Champagne. IJTThe “TlnUlla’’ Sherry Is highly recommended for Invalids—it causing no acldllv. For sale by oct 27 ; BUNKER A OGDEN, 80 Bay st. 30 kegs selected Goshen Rutter. 156 boxes;' do. white and colored Cheese. 50. boxes new Raisins. 73 half and quarter boxes Raisins. 100 boxes new Scaled Herrings. Received per steamer and for aalo^bjr^ oct 28 ANAL FLOUR,I 50 bbls Hiram 8i SCRANTON, JOHNS! A CO. 50 bbls Hiram smith's Flour. 3U hlf bbls Fulton Market Beet 20 casks pinto, 12 do quarto, heat London Porter. 30 bbls prime Cream Ale. 6 pipes.superior Holland Gin. 30 Wes and 25 half do Raisins. 30 halfbbls Sugar, Sods and Butter Blsonlto. 50 boxes new' Herrings., 30 bbls Sugar House Molassec, 50 boxes Star Candles. 50 do Composite do. SO do Tkilow do. 50 do Wlnsor,Toilet and sharing SoapJust received * ‘ “ "ABON A DOYLE. Dark and and Pale Otard, Dupny A Co. Brandy, of our own importation. Vintages 1840, *40 awl ’50* 6 pipes Holland Gin, Meder 8wan Brand. 1 puncheon old Scotch Whiskey. 2 do. do. Jamaica Rom. 1 do. do. 8b Croix do. 20 doniljohns, 5gallons each. Scheldam Gin.' Landing and for sale by oct 26 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. ' 10 hhds. Offerees and SO hbU. W. I. Sfoliuses. 50 bbls. choice Naw^Means do. 50 bbls. Rectified do. Whiskey. 30 hhds. prime do. Sugar. 90 hhds. do. and 20 hbds, choice P. R. 8ugnr. 100 bbls. Stoart’s Crushed, Pow’d A Clarified Sugar. 20 boxes do. Loaf Sugar. Just received and for sale by oct 27 8CRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. GROCERIES,— VJi 100 barrels Baltimore Flour. 50 hC do. do. 50 barn's Hiram Bmlth Flour. 50 hr. do. pure Genesee* do. 50 k^s BuckwheaL 100 whole, half and quarter boxes new Raisins. 5 barrels Soft Shell Almonds. Landing and for sale by oct 27 COHEN A TARVER. “0TTB HOUSE.” - ESHfo. 165-^8 Mk _ Bay-street, Savannnli, Qeo. Tna UNDxasiuHzn would respectfully Inform his nn. mcrous friends, and the public generally, that ho has re fitted and -re-opened, bis RESTAURANT. He has also fitted up s-Room In- connection with the Oyster Saloon.' or the aocommodatlon of. Dim a a or. Sunza. Pasties. During tba past summer, he has.added a third story to —-* -*yi c wltlt jfhehaa made arrangements at borne and .at the North, through he facilities afforded bv oar steamships* to Intro hla EATING 8 A LOON amply supplied .wllN . OAMBj JM8H, OYSTERS, r^ . and aQ the Choice Delicaciei.lh.!(hoirfie&aon* , ; and that with the aid of experienced and attentive man* agera, cooks, waiters, ArL, he la entertain hit’ customers In a style Ulterior to thst other establish* ment of tha kind in thocountnr. - Hla determination la to teep a Public House that ahall be In every respect cred ible tohimself and the city-- Of hla success ho leaves ““-.“•r V.ltt; Phn,u. e lphl.Led«cr, Courier will please copy the above twice a week for threw weoka, and send bill to this office. Im octll TXT INES.—30 quarter casks Burgundy Port. TT 15 do. Brown Sherry. 5 do. Pale do. 10 do. Muscat 50 baskets Grape Champagne. In store and for sale by 123 W. M. DAVIDSON. VXTOODEN WARE, BROOMS, A.-6U dozen painted V V Palls; 20 nests Tubs, assorted; Well Buckets, Iron bound; Brooms, Brushes and Wlspc Covered Buckets; 5,10 and 15 gallon Kegs; Sugar Boxes; half bushel Mea- aurc\ (band). For sale by oct27 KIBBEE A RODGERS. B UCKWHEAT FLOUR In half and quarter kegs and hyp; for sole by KIBBEE A RODGERS. T)UTTER A CHEESE,—Wo hare made arrangement* U for a regular supply or these articles, and Intend to furnish the trade at very small advance—for task only— any one who doubts the Tact, please call on oct 27 KIBBEE A RODGERS, Bay-street. * prepared to , show n romplcle Stock of PLANTATION GOODS, *-. —*.*■* —-wm—«J n g terms, NEvrrr. lathrop astkbbins. N EW White Beans, 8 Barrels, Just landing from steamer, and for sale by J. A. BROWN. T7UVE barrels new Buckwheat, Just landing from 1 steamer, and for sole by oct 27 J. A. BROWN. ■\UINCE8, Pears and Cram berries, just landing from / steamer, and for sale by l 87 J. A. BROWN. F IFTY bbls selected Apples, Just landing from cr, and for sole by J. A. BROWN. C ANAL FLOUR—100 whole and hair bbla^ port extra; also, 10 bbls. Molasses, Isndiog and for sale by oct 28 CRANE A HOLCOMBE. N EGRO BROU ANS, Gentlemen’s Fine Boots A Shoes, Ladies’ and Cbildron’s do. For solo low by oct 28 W. UEIDT. jl MARKING INK.—A supply of Marking Ink, at 25 cto. IU pcrGnllonat retail, mid 15 contsper Gallon by the Barrel. Received by oct 27 JOHN M. COOPER A CO. L celved by [oct 28] JOHN M. COOPER A CO. L ADIES’ Patent Meriuo VESTS, lust received and for sole by SPENCER CURRELL, Agent, No. 154 Congress and 73 St. Jullsn-etreels, "* Gibbon’s Building. L OAF a CRUSHED 8UGAR.—20 boxes Stuart’s Loaf Sugar; 50 barrela Bute A Collins’Crushed Sugar. CRANE A HOLCOMBE. ages; for sale at rpOBACCO A CIGARS.—flow In store and arriving: JL a variety of goods In the above line, which are the thing for this market, and will be sold very low, first chance. Gallon KIBBEE A RODGERS, oct 27 Bay-street. P IG PORK and FULTON MARKET BEEF—In half bbls- landing and for sale by oct 27 H. J. GILBERT,- Weal sldo Market-sq. Ac- Lamp Otis, (oil kinds) for sale at oct 27 KIBBEE A RODGERS, Bay-street. 12 do. do. Shoulders; just landed and for safe by KIBBEE A RODGERS, Bay-street, oct 27. 25 do. Old kj uuvunnucui vara uu; au u». niaracaiuu uo; 50 hbds. Porto HIoo and Muscovado Sugars; 100 bbls. Refined Su gars; 50 packages Crushed, Powdered and Loaf do; now In store and for sale low by KIBBEE A RODGERS, Bay-street, oct 27 Next door to Mrssrs. Cohens A Hertz. _ H. D. Stone's extra Family do; 50 Metropolitan do; 100 do. Baltimore do; for sale at oct 27 KIBBEE A RODGERS. TBOUR bbls Sweet Cider, just landing from steamer, for I 1 sale by [oct S»]J. A. BROWN. X Ing, and for sale by [oct 27] J. A. BHOWN. S EVENTY-FIVE bbls or Potatoes and Onions, for sale by [oct 27] J. A. BROWN, No. 17 Whltakerwt 1 A PPLE8.—SO barrels. Landing from the steamer, In ii. store, and for sole by H.J. GILBERT, — “ West side Market Square. ROUEUTS Sc FOOTE* Broughton-etrcet, (up ataire) opponte the St. Andrew’« Hall, m Red aud White Flannel. Plains and Kerseys, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Joans. Fancy irad Twood Caul meres. Striped nud Plain Colton Oanaburgs. Blenched and brown Shirtings and Sheetings. English aad American Prints. Cashmeres and Printed DoLainea. Black and Colored Alpacas. Black and Colored Coburgs. 4 *“-* f Goods usually ke bred for safe al t sept 18 SAM’l HOYT* Late orthe firm or Sam’l HoytfcCo, Savannah, Ga. OULD announce to his friends that be has romov- . . od to Charleston, 8.0-No. 140 East Bay, where he la prepared to do a gonoral Commission business, and rurolsh to order, at all times, any urtictea from the North or South that may bo wanted, for the usual commission, as well as roceivo and sell tho sumo. • And I pledge my self that all business entrusted to my care shall receive such attention os will Insure similar maulfostotlon or tbelr good will, not doubting that my acquaintance with Northern and Southern markcla will enable me to do as well us any, and better than many. Also Dealer iu Butter, Ghueeso, Plaster, Marble Dust, Cement. Lime and Hnlr. ^ ' And Agent for sundry Machine Mnnulhctories, North and South, as well os Sites C. Herrlugs’ Fire Proof Sates, Georgia and French Burr Mill Slones; *11 of which will S^c^/^ATKbSouiheru T unnod Leather In the Rough. Terms cash invariably. Retera to tho citlzena of 8avon- nab generally. aept* CARPET WAltE MOUSE* T HE Subscriber would rcspoctnilly Inform the citizens of 8avanunh and the public generaUy. that the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. Suteer. Lathrop A Nevltt* (which Is now 1 bolng enlsmed and ImprovodL) will bo opened on or about tho 20th In^wllh tut entirely ivbw and oompleto stock of Foreign and Domestic CARPET INGS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac. Ac. „ , ‘ ■ * '• . Having secured the Agency of aevoraf of tho priuefoal ^.erre^on ^g^TSSOntL OnUROH AND FAHEOR orqann.* rnHE Suucribeit, agenu for Mr. U. KHxorr, Organ X builder, are prepared to furnlsN any. description,of Church or Parlor Organs. At a specimen of hla Instru ments, reforenee Is madetho organ recently orectod-by blm in the Lutheran Church of this city. Parties desiring nnn' door ant nr Rnin^L' Tuiy 13 ’ Wbltakcr-su, one door east of Bryan-sU 1 CORNER WHITAKER AND CONOR ESS-8 TJLEACHED and Brown SUEETINGS A8HIRTIN AJ The Subscribers have Just received per brig W1I Fuller, from New-York: Water Twist bleached SHEETING New-York Mills do do James’ Steam Mills do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 Londadale and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Sea Island Brown Shirting. 7-8 and A4 7-8,8, U, 10,11, and 124 Allendale Bro. Sheeting 7-8,6,0,10,11, and 12-4 do Bleached do 7-8,8,9,10, If, and 124 Hamilton do do Forsoteby ' M. PRENDERGA8T A CO. HENDRIES. OAA BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kinds. J\j\j 70 hbds. Fair and Choice Porto Rico Sugar. 40 do. Cuba nnd Now-Orleans do. 100 bbls. Rollncd . do. 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 300 bogs Rio Coffee. 200 do. Porto Rico and St. Domingo Coffeo. 75 do. Java .. _ do. 150 * and * chests Hyson Tea. 40 * do. Black do. 130 boxes 100 do. Mustard, Popper, Allspice and Ginger. 80 bbls. Duller, Soda, and Sugar Biscuit. 30 * do. do. do. ■ do. do. 120 At Scgara, assorted kinds. 20 bogs Black Peppef. 250 bbls. New-Orfoans Whiskey. 100 do. White do. 50 do. Monongohelado. 90 do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E. Phelps’Gin. to) do. Ucst P. A H. m o Gin. 6 pipes Holland do. 50 * casks Sherry, Madeira, A Teneriflb Wine. 160 boskets Champagne do. 40 bbls. American Brandy. 25* casks do. ■ . „ m ■/ -a. ri—mn II—*1— , Tn Pn.tnm ITnn 150 itafftSunandTtifie Powi l\-nn —nil llli.lp ftVtn vder. Store. 500 bags Drop and Buck Shot WUh a compote assbrtment of Groove*. sept 4 B acon, sugar, corfee, ac.- 5' hhds. choice new Smoked Shoulder*. 10 hhds. Porto RIoo Sugar. 60 bags Rio Coffee. • 10 kegs Butter. 90 boxes Cheese. • ,, 50.,boxo*HorrinM. . Landing and for sale by . • 'net 18. CScnccgtaai)crt(gemcntn. I— UENTIEBIEM'S H. WEIGANU has opened, under tho l a neat and comfortablo Eating Room, with an e In all aty)ea, o Ynowr Clksks, and others,- who have rooms in town, are invited to .try the European mode of breakfasting and dining at tbo I Philadelphia LA ^ T LINDBUHGER CHEESE; kept alvay* on hand for the use of families. IfA4 V| PIIILADELPinA EAGER BEER. ' rpilE Subscriber respectfnlly Invites tho public of 8a* X vannah to test tho qualities of this fine Beer, from the Brewery of Messrs. Ehokl A Wolf, at tho Falrmount I w to«[Works, near Philadelphia. This Beer Is mode ex actly like ibo-Xqi'n* Beer, of Munich, In Bavaria. I shall continue to receive constant supplies of .this pure and wholesome beverage, during the autumn, winter, and spring. As in the old country, it will be sold, to families and Indlyidualvwho will thus Incur no risk of Its souring on their hands. Tho use or this Beer Is particularly reoon-. ’ h0 *“ »ept7 Alyl . HERNYWEIGAlfj),-: of 1,000 acres each, near tbo Alachu* 1 ter, part of both these tracts Is rich during the months or October, Novembt next, viz: . v .. . WETUMPKA HAMMOCK, situated about leu miles .A TRACT, well known astbe“ Fort Drane Planta- lion,’’ containing 3,000 acres or Land, principally flrat: Wh7iV n ’?v f * K ’fe l , we ? n f0 “ r five hund^lacrea r ,7iL d> 45:i th< l rou ?! h,y cleared, afid St present In cultl- for several yean averaged two faoga^ These Tracts could readily'be divided*! three plantations each, being well—‘— * ed by high rolling ptno Una. A TRACT of LWOacrea on Orm hammock, orara TWOTRAOI prairie. The gi hammock. —AL80-? 5,000 ACRES on Indian River. Any c cultivalo sugar cane would,do well (o exa: os being remarkably fertile, and lying aomlTorthe regiim of Abet, It Is as well adapted to toot culture as any in the united state*. 12,000 ACRES, generally known as tbo “ Bayard tract,** ■Itnated on tho St. John’s river, opposite Plcolata. There has a rlrer front of seven or eight mites; < ■- r.t the rearing of orango groves, Ae. . - t . - k heabove trapto.of land were purchased by the late Gen. Ctlnch, Immediately after the accession of Florida to the United Slates. From hla poriUoo at that time, hla **««« for aeleetion were unusually great, and It iadtO- ”tate? hey ncIu,l0 “ 809d ^ bo found In tbo On account of tholr accessibility from Charleston and The title* are dear aud Indisputable. . - Tera»--Cash, or payabloat Charleston or Savannah, on 'before the 1st of January next. • . ,* The Tri-weekly C „ the Journal A Messenger and the ,1,. con, are requested to publish the above tf uary, and aendthelr bill* to thlsofflne. that, by various arrivals of steamers and sail veSnO^tbey ALPACAS, CASHMERES.. > M U8LIN DEJL AINES, BOMBAZINES, FRENCH.AND ENGLISH MERINOS, SHAWLS, T > , SILK AND VELVET MANTELS, of all colon and of the latest and rooet approved patterns, * They also have recelve3 htargestock of SILKS, which surpass any other over brought to tbia place, as well-in» Collare Culft, Capes, Cap*, Handkerchiefs, Sleeves and demisetU; together with all other articles usually kept a Dry Goods Store. , They call the attention of the public especially to tbelr ■SlgMi ilr, Pillow-Case Linen, eto, etc:; and also to'tl Consisting Towels, Pillow-Case - Linen, etc^ ctc.t"s extensive variety of Flannoli, Blankets, Kerseys, Satinets. Tweeds and Cosslmeres: ahd invite an who wtoh to pur chase to come and examine their Stock, which will bo > •old at the lowest rates. .. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN; oct 13 . . 15lOoBgws»street*: » /CHEESE.—100 boxes Cheese. For sale by KJ oct27 H.J.GILBERT. ( /^ODFl8H, MACKEREL A HERRING.—For sale by V) oct 27 H.J.GILBERT. J /-IRANUERRIES.—Forsalo by Vj oct27 H.J.GILBERT. /CHILDREN’S CLOTHING—A largo variety received VJ per steamer Florida. Coll and sco. 8AUL8BURY A CO, oct 27 Marshall House Building. If'LOUR.—100barrels supor llalilmoroFlour. Land- A’ Ing and for sale by [oct 25] A. MINIS. 1)EEF.—20 bbls. Mess Beer, landing and for sale by X) oct 22 A. G. HENRY, Exchange Dock. QIiiKS.—Plain nnd Brocade Drees Silks, Plain and Fig- O urod Black 81iks, Marccllncs and Florences. Just received and for sale uy 1 oct 25 DzWITT A MORGAN. XTEW PHILADELPHIA CIDER.-A few Barrels just .1.U arrived per steamer Stato of Georgia, for sale by i ct 18 WILLIS &.BRUNDAQE. I )ORK.—50 burrols Mess and Prime Pork. Landing X and for sole by ct 10 CLAGHURNAOUNNINAHAM. t T 1MB.—1200 bbls. Llmo, cargo of brig Principe dolly Jj expected; for sale, to arrive, by oct 10 BB1GHAM, KELLY A CO. T> ICII TOILET SETTS.—Tho subscribers have Just Jti opened some of tbo finest patlerna of Toilet Ware everoxhibited In this city. Those wishing to funtloh j handsome Toilet Stands would do well to call, oct 20 COLLINS A BULKLEY, 100 Bryon-eL A PPLE8.—78 bbls. selected Apples, landing from XX steamer and sundry vessels and tor sale by oct 10 J. A. BROWN. TJACON. HAMS, FULTON MARKET BEEP, PIG X) PORK, Ac.—10 hhds. Bacon Shoulders; 15tlercos Hams; 10 half bbls. Fulton market Beer, 10 do. do. Pig Pork:3bbls.SmokedBoeQ 2do. do. Tongues, Instore and for sale by oct 20 J. E. CADY A CO. O EGARS.—50,000 Half Spanish Bcgars^for jSale by Ocl 22 * Exchnnge flock [ TT71LLOW AND WOODEN WARE—Of aU kiudo, YV for sale at MORSE A NICHOLS, oct 23 155 BroughtenmtreeL 7)IO COFFEE—Prime Green, now crop. Landing Xii from brig Immanuel, direct from Rio de Janoiro and for sale by toct 20] PADELFORD, FAY A CO. 7) ECElVED by tho G.. J. Jones—20 quarter caska Jtt Malaga Wine. [oct 26] K. MAYER. 7) ECElVED by tho ship Hudson—A flno lot of very Xi old Cognac, in quarter and eighth casks, of my onto Importation. [oct20] t - ILMAYER* ; ptOFFEB—Rio and Old Java, a prime article, for sale YJ by [oct 20] W. D.^QRp.y T EMQNS, Ac.—10 boxes Lemons; 15 do; RsJslna; just po ' b l: -B mows. T^LOUR AND PORk.—100 bbK or Ho«ud-U. Fkinr, 11 boat Baker’s quality, and 25 bbls of Men Pork, re ceived per sebr. .Anderson, from Baltimore, and for sale from wb.trt, by. [oct 19] A. O. TQMS, 128 Bay-sL TjutTEti. A CHEESE?—Just received afrbsh supply JD .-of Butter. *nd Cheere per steamer Alabama, ana for W E ” P ° ,1U,U b * ' SEABORN OOODALL. DUCKWHEAT.—A few quarter barrels and boxesol BBuckwlw«l,]u.l received Md tor «*> ‘(^ D ' ALL> - foetal H. ^GILBERT. TJ AT .TRAiU-FMOM' SeiSMUlIW Wirt R.t; Tr*l>«. Mtw r “'° b)r ;** 'wi.tonMna. AND DZALMS W - . *^"N 0 o^ 0 ^^,?.a^ , /iLS5VD: WINTER GOODS, consisting In part of: Bluo, black and fancy colored English and French Cloths: Over-Coat, Inga ot bUck, blue and tfahey colored Beaters black and drab Pilot Clotha; English, French andtA-^i jmorican Caseimere, of black and fancy colors; Vestingu of Silk, Satin, Cashmeres, embroiders and rich Cut Vel vet. AU of which will be made up at the shortest notice. and In tho best styfo or workmanship. , . V j Our READY MADE CLOTHING Umanufectureif at tho well known house of W. T. Jennings A Co- No. 231. Broadway, New-York, and it equal to snyin the city.—. We keep constantly on hand the largest assortment of 1 ■'GOODS of any house In the lmte.-«uch.;a d fency colored Shirts; Silk, Lisle ienno Under-Garments: Shaker F Larabswool do.; Thread, Colton,Jlerino and 1 GAUDRY’S BUfl Next door, to Pulaski PIANO FOKl'E DEPOT. Tlio undersigned respectfully Inform, tho,- citizens of Savannah,Georgia, and Florida, that they have on hand more than fifty PH the most celebrated that they have on hand more than fifty pi MtHjhBMMMSln In this city, and xnadT [rcralri Uio United States. Gray. Lut- m’s A. Clark’s, Jr Cblckertng, Boardman A Gi t A Newton, Edwards A Flsni _id; preeminent?L GatiicarPi Melodeonii „ y have also for sole. I. W, MORRELL A CO. PIANO FORUDESi' -: [Fortes, are always supplied with an as- ity of tone and todeh li ring b< stsfor been- effected with one cf our inoai oi Ml gents, No. 10 State street, Boston, are Agents for the Htam ana are authorliod to reeelvo Ad* bscripUons at tho sumo rates ns are e. Their receipts are regarded as ;jittU««rt ti,nu I'icxrtf MfjQft:r.(U ’’HE subscriber respectfully call. . tor* and Plantere to his very extensive stock of No- »Brogans and Women’s Leather Boots. These goods 1 beetuaeteptod,expressly-for this market and are —.-••■ii.- *•—* -‘uck and workmanship. He Is con- of his slock wUl Insure satisfaction