Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 12, 1852, Image 1

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mm is rimLisnBD ■ , DAILY AMD TEI-WKKKLT BY, 3. L, LOCKE & CO, Dl mt y .nd CQHP^ rrlnie,*. - T —amm*. <Sftg»S3U Two 11 11' 1W fiS^ral' 8 Wt 5*•wii, - m«nU°noi' MO SO 00 .00 00 three- ' ,»f , ••••’ s oo ’ Ono Year,,......: ■mHbbIISI nifpsij W H Ili.rrl*, Nicholas Ikrnaii* ■■HilllHHMpilliiit.llAy.wood! Moses Y (lender- sotk 0 H Uaii. R if Hardee, David Barrington, Edwin B Herts, WII Ilauaaman,-NM Harris,Stephen Uatriek,8 A.Hooker, 0 8 Hunter. HR Habersham, Ohss F Uam- Iton, VV H llolmea. 8 PHalsey, Wm W Habersham, i It llaywood. Thoa lioynot, Jno B Habersham, George -8! Harding. Jno Htrrisaon, Nicholas.Hey1e,Fraa Hernan-i dez, Andrew Uarrlsaon, Wm Humphreys, John Ueiry, O Troup Howard, Wm Henderson, D. 8 Henderson, Jas M. Henderson, Thomas Hclry, Claus. Hallman, John H Hull, Levi Hart, Jas Horan, E Ileldl, Maurice Hackctt, Robt Habersham; 8r, JohnHarper, J W Harris, .Thos Holcombe, O H Holcombe, £ 8 Harris, Wm Ileldl, Jos Haregroves, Jos 0 Habersham, John B Holcombe, Hldred Hayden, B J Harden, Jno Hamlet, Oeo Haas, Jno It Hamlet. M Hanllng, Seymour. Uarris, E J) Hoyle, Wm F Holland, II F Holland, James Bines, R H Howell, Thos Harden, W B Harrison, Mllton.Uuinphreys, Jos B Bar- vey,BB Hilton, U WHum, Jno F Herb, Wm Hone, mm John W Ihly, John L Ihly Wm Ihly, Brlon Island. , JasO Jones, Jas M Jones, BOJames, Alexander Johnson, JssT Jones. JD Jesse, Thos Jones,! Edward Jones, Jos Johnston, Peter Jacobs, John It ; Johnson, Christian Jogsteticr, ES Johnson, G; H John- of ready advertisers will be confined; son, Emanuol Joseph, J R Johnson, A E Jones, John *- P'llMfJLSlwbSiliwihand aU otheradvnrtlse- n“jic)WQn, BuUoch JacSso^ Nlcholas Jeffreys, Robt rirldly (OtWffregaw. their retrulw business, as agreed Jackson, Wm A Jnudon, II R Jackson, Claus Jackens, ® “* P uftSrS to tneir reguiw uu»iuo-, * I p 0 yton ft Johusbn; Jdi.W Jackson, GCorge Jaskson. aBHF 8 *". mti ■■ '"“T T0D, . , * 1f j«ti«Mnenta for charitable Institutions and re- Kelly, Danlol Kaln, Hanford Knapp, A J Kam, Edwin ^ IS? & dally, 0 ■ ... . HvoW Kean,-Edwanl 8 Kemnton, John Keegan, Chaa H eorolnrfy*. .. directed to this office, or the Editors, Knapp, Wra F- King, Nicholas Kelleber, Jno J %j^^d,^wlldethe m toaltenUon. Thgifi Krueger,.^’ .. ^ ° • « citation by tbd Court Of Ordinary, that d a L Lataar,Thos B Lloyd, Benj’n WLIoyd, Hugh —. W. nohiuneu > . . (hr Debtor# Logan, Thos Leary, Hugh Larken, Patrick Lonahan, uat bo pub* | Patrick Lee, Daniel Laphan, Thomaa Lvon, Jumoa Lan* aghan, J T Linde, Linda Llndo, Daniel Leaney, Wllllar M Leigh, John Larkin, Henry .Lathrop. D P Landershlm . - . UUUHT-. . L , Andrew Low, C D Leboy, I^ouls Legriel, John Lyons,» Blnlstratorf,^ Three sales must be made Luf burrow, Charles Law, Peter Lee. Robert Leybourn, DAV81 before j thedmro» “ t i n which the prop* uvy Llllenlhal. W W Lincoln II F Lotche, F M Lohotf Tuesday of the month, p aln ' e Lovell, Wm E Long, John N. Lewis, Simoon Lane, my IS HfcSMsormnTn the morning and four In the u L Luf burrow, William Lako,.S A T Lawrence, A K between the hours • . to day Is valid, unless so Lawton Edward Lynch,.Edwani Lovell, John Lares, D ,l^rtlOOIU BO'‘‘j'SJl, 1 Ulan. T.lmhlln J P l.ttwinw J.m.. J Ijimn. Mpreesed in tno a<i udowllior* unwion, £Aiwuru i<yiicn,.£xiwnru uutuii, «unu um*, u N Lane,J»raes L*ugblln, . J F Linder, James J Logan, *' * ■ 1 ' —*- A B Luce, J H Ladd, Jno Lama, Jas e« te iSSSSffimSttoepublished SIX MONTHS. Lockwood, Loors Lehman. Loveless, Peter Lawrence, Michael I.avan, .—- u ,.. v „,..vJtLachllson, James Lachlls6n,Cas- r (except negroes) o» testate ptr Leaser, James Larkin, Timothy Lavau, O A La* yy.^'inrgKSBg'• **» Bxecutom and Administrators, Robt Lunday, John Lawton, A J Lebey, Thos tnd 1 ° tert T?-M!!fjpQfiTY PAYS. ' .. Lewis, WmH Lyons, Antonio Loo venlo, JO Lambrlght, Executors and AdmlnUtrators for Let* Michael Lynch, Pat’k Laughlln, John H Loveless, G W taiffillBSS!mffipublished BIX MOHTHILockwood,LoorsLohman. «?^i^vertUedonce*amonth for^°UR n J' , ^TH8. Abraham Mlnla. Davld^orrls, Jacob Manses, -ouu tt3MBS&SS.?» fa ?l5£u^undafhrder of Court, must bo advertised, gon- . M tmo *{jf T |„n Maher, Thos McAulllT, Jaa □PWCAYS before the day of sale. _ | Nicely, n W Miacally, H W Mercer, O A Magl^Wm >rallT Meredith, E T McGrath Thos McCollum, H Morce, Wm — ' TXat nf Voters, J Mooro, J D Mallard, 0 D Murphy, Jeremiah Mack, N C , » WUs aulXoritu of Os Mills, Jesse Mount, John Murphy, B M Morel, Patrick a^MjShdyBhaaaBg 1 amaF jassftj Millar, T J itoNIsh, John **** J ” h “- Slohonsy. John UcOuMBh, PUrtpk Mutown,John Wallcry. J.mB. J McCoy, Ikioc Mlnl^ Edward McOata, to IIuuy r*.n returns required by the ordl I A* ■ . . B . ■ McKenzie, A F Mordi sy, ThnsR Mills. Domli III * . _ .. Mdngili, local, Jas 8 McDonald, Jos Mnnu. i n a M.. •R Mills.Domingo Martlng.Jos Mnmhy.G AMo- eskey. Annus MoAlpIn, Michael Martin, Peter Maris, A Mode, M B MlUen, Jno McCall, Jas McFcoly,.Wm Met- ......... --- . Mackny, John M“ 1orris,John McC Wm Macks/, John McNish, Vra Morris, John McCollum, Malian, Wm MoLaughlln, .. „ .. ... jj oltm- BualntooffiacOfl. rAUIUMAUKVuHtVAUUinU. AND GENERAI. COMMISSION BUSINESS. No, 108 Bavstrkkt. Savannah, Gkoroia. . Strict persona) attention id Farmers’orders, and quick reluma of Bale# of Produoo. mar 8. : 8WIFT, DEN8LOW It CO, .Dealers In Orocerlejh ProrUloniu FOREIONAND DOMYtTlC LIQUORS. CONNKR BAT AND WUlTAKXK-STaKKTS. . W. r D. FORD, »»aioloNnlo and' IKolull CSrocor*. frydburfi'ByUdfng. Jffferton-tlriu,' Savannah^ Ga^ BufltiUDB ffiarSa. aHectftanbkt. . John o. rooxr. nr*pmnu •XI wijjjon the most fkvorsWe tenn%lhe followingt A fiOh INFOKTKKSand Earthen-Ware, Era J. UABDROUCK fcm, WJIOJ.NSALNWIAl.Sas IN k - T Mking Glance. so hbds. Porto Rico, fidr to choice. M bbds. Prime 8L CJrolx. PHK.1P KEA1T, AND DEADKlFifflt^yrMADR CI.’oTHIJfO, t3T Constantly ou hand,' * .‘choice supply of Family Groceriki. I.*! 4..'-' July? E. O’BYRNE, at tavlor’s duildino—manxet.wharf, . Keeps constantly on hand a supply of 'Crockery-Ware, Groceries, A-c. See. Jan 1, ’51 11 ly L. ROBIDER, fraoM faeis] Faslilonnblo Boot and Shoc-HIukor. Importer of Frrnck lMUkor, WIllTAXEE-iTlXET—OFFOI1TK.SKNTS* BUILD1N0. J, L. OfclVER, Fashionable Hoot Manufacturer, . NO.SEVXETEXNBOLMTREKT, NXAR.MORUNENT-sqDARE. Cork-Sole, Watervproor, • HurtUng, Military, Patent Leather, Walking, Dress, and Piunp*8o1e Boots j Shoot ing; Buskins, Bootees, Oxford 8hosa, Pumpe, Slippers, ko^ made to order Ih the neatest-and most fashionable manner, of warranted materials, and-by the most experi enced and careful workmen WYLLY fc MONTMOLLIN, General Agents-and Brokers, For the Sale of RkulEeUitt,Ntproto, ft any deoeription PenonalPropertp, OrrlCE. CORNER SUL-L-ST. AND RAY-LAME. 1 * FEWflELD’S RANOE—N0.96 SRYAN-STREET. 8.8. MILLER k J. D.YERGCSONi' Wheelnrrifrlsts and^ Blacksmiths, ~ i Buildings. -*-■— 1 —*- --- 1 n —manufactured. and G rates, ^for Carriages, Wagons, •Carts an<l Dr Blacksmithlng, including. Ira SS hlids. Pair Cuba. BOO bbls. Stewart’s B, It 0,, 25 bbls. Crushed. 25 boxes Loth COFFEE- SOU bags Bio, fidr to prims. 100 bags Jamaica. 100 pockets OldJava. 'riAGomajFilopE— ' 200 balea Gunny. ' 10 : bales Dundee. 300 colls Hope. TOBACCO— »» boxes, various brands. JBtvcfjantiffr. *• Gibbons* Bnl^lngev —o OFFER FOR SALE-5,000 lbs. Union' White' W i Lear Lssri, pure and No. 1{ ■ '500 do. Blenched Winter BpermOllt S barrels do. . Whale olb do. Train OIL bost quality? 0 do. Winter drained Lard OU; 5 do. Cobum’s Machinery Oil; .10 do., No. 1 Castor Oil| JoSSteShUHe; 10 barrels Lorillard’s Snuff; .80 boxes assorted CUndies; ADAM.SHORT, . Master Builder, FIRST DOOR WKST OWST. ASnaSW’S BALL|' Will take contracts for Building and Work In of every description. W7 R. & J. LACIILISON, E "' , »;ss.Wsr‘’ Canal • Street—Near thei Canal Lock. R. LACULtlON. J.LAOHLISON. A. N. J iglneer ah'A .... IRON AND BRASS I EASTERN WHARf- A. PONCE, , Importer Sc Manufacturer of Began, NO. 13 WHITAKNR-STRERT. hand a well selected stock of Imported Be- lie oflbri o Manufactured Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, and aU tides usually kspt In his line ot business, which i on (he most reasonable terras. nov3 - T. PORTER’S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, ayrtnaliwb aammcc^aaStoWfl. 150 boxes Cream. |MACK“REr ,ED8UlhI>,,r3r * '• 25 barrels No. 1. 99 half barrels No. I. 50 barrels No. 2. 25 half barrels No. 2. 50 barrels No. 3. BACON- 50 casks Sides. 25 casks Shoulders. MOLASSES— 50 tierces Cubs. 50 barrels Cuba. 50 barrels New Orleans. |CANDLES— 50 boxes Adamantine. 100 boxes Star. 25 boxes Pearl 100 boxes Hull Ac Beadel’s. PICKLES— 50 boxes Underwood’s. • . 25 boxes Remington’s. LIQUORS- 100 barrels E. P. Gin. . 50 barrels Connecticut River Gin. 50'barrels N. E.Rum. 25 barrels Extra Choice Old Monon. Whiskey. 50 barrels Baltimore Whiskey. •*-—Wins. 1 100 reams Hi P Together with an extensWWBpBUM^BMi^^^ dnes; Perfumery: Hair. Tooth ana Sharing Brushes} Toi let Boaps; Tuck, Dressing and Side Combs, fcc. kc.; all of which are offered at the lowest prices, either for cash or approved papermmm JUST RECEIVED AT No. 154. OONGRE8S-8TRBJST. rrtliE subscriber has Just opened the folk)wing articles A viz:—Rich Figured Cashmere and DeLalns. Do., do. Foulard Alpacas. Bilk Warp Black do, French Cambrics. English and American Prints. Ginahsms; Black Italian Sllka. . Also—A complete and extensive assortment of noose* keeping Articles.. Together with a full stock of PlanU- I tlon Goods. OTThe undersigned will take great pleasure In exhi biting his Stock, whether sales are effected or not. 1 SPENCER CURRBLL, Agent, 154 Congress and 73 BL Jullen-streets, oct5 Gibbons'Building (ALL AND WINTER DHY OOOD*. pini.Anm.PHrA r.AoE rrtHE Subscriber respcctTully Invites tbo public of ’Sfl- X vannah to test thequallUes of .this fine Beer, front the Brewery of Messrs. Knoel k Wolf, at tho Falrmonnt Water Works, near PhlladelphU: This Beer Is made ex- actlv like the Logtr Bur or Munich, in Bavaria. I shall continue to receive constant supplies or this pure and wholesome beverage, during the autumn, winter, and spring. As In the old country, UvrlU be sold to families and Indlriduals^wbo will thuslncurno risk ofits souring on tbelr hands. Tho use of this Beer la particularly recom mended bf physician* to ladles who are nutring children.: IIEHNY WEIQAN.D ‘ T aROCIIE, BOWNE k CO. have received by recent JLj .arrivals, and offer for ’ 8 U iV^i r Brandy. £,000yards Kersevs, aU qualities; •sssfasaa?* -1 '* bus ? sa»«w».^_ sale -upon most fkvorablo terins,a frill stock of Plantation Goods, to which they in* vlte the sUentlon of Merchants and Planters, vis l rpllfl SUBSCRIBER takes tWs^mrihod^of A.op« thUime . opening THE MOST SPLENDID --— •— jj article, * ils friends and the citizens of Savannah, thst he la now figures, are marked upon each article, and no the subscriber feels confident wUl be appreciated now In store, to wit: GENTS’ CLOTH COATS. Cents. Black Cloth Dree# and.Frcck Coats, Olive do do do . do - Brown do do do do Blue do do do do Black Cloth Sacks and Folka Hacks, Brown do do do do Bluo do do .do do OUvo do do do do do Shad Dress do Black Doe Skin Polka Sacks, Fancy Colored do do , Drab Coalmen Backs and Polka Backs, Black Tweed do do do Green do do do ( . | Brown i do do do Silk and Wool do do K OF CLOTHING ever offered In this city. The prices, In plain deviation, and at me remarkable low prices tbatthe goods are marked, Red by a generous, public. In part are the following Goods 1 have Pipes Otat 5 pipes Holland Gin. 15 quarter casks Madeira Wine. . do COATS. Camblet, Checked Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Plain and Fauey Alpacca, Paris Lustre, Black Morin, Black and Fancy Tweed, Do do Cashmeretla, Brown tud Yellow Linen, Black Drspd’Etcs Grass Linen. unon ana innen uosora amru. Silk, Lamb’s Wool and Merino Shirts and Drawers, Linen, Jeans, and Canton Flannel do SllkVSIcrino, and Cotton Half Hose, lUk, Thread, and Nori Hose, JUk, Thread, w . . Gentlemen’s Dressing Robes, Linen Collars, two and three ply. PANTALOONS. Striped Colton and Linen, Plain do do do Nankeen, Drip d’Etc, Fancy Linen, Blapk. Alpacca, Black Doe Skin Pants, ‘ " as!mere Plain Black Cass!mere Pants, Fancy Colored do Plain and Ribbed do Black and Colored Satinet Pants, Black Satin Single and Double Breasted Vesta, Fancy Satin ana Silk do do Embossed Fancy BUk do do Black and Fancy Barathea do do do do Erabrol’d Cafslmere do White and Fancy Satin and Party ' do Plain Black Silk Velvet, single and doable breasted, Fancy Cut d# do do Fancy Cashmere do . do GLOVES. Black, White, and Colored Kid Gloves, Black and Castor Riding do Cloth, Cashmere and L| ned Berlin do Black, White andPoncy Silk do CRAVATS. Superfine Black SUk and Fancy Cravats, do Fancy do, great variety, White Silk and Satin Party Cravats, Black and Fancy Silk and Satin Scarfr, do do Opera Ties. Linen Cambric, China Cord and Pongee Pocket Hand* kcrchlefr. Hats and Capa, of the latest styles. Ladles’ Riding Hals. Trunks, Patent and Sole Leather. Valysea, Carpet Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, Re, . SOAP— 50 boxes Colgates No. 1.* 50 boxes Colgaie's Pale. 100 boxes Boston No. 1. TEAS— 25 quarter cheats Green. 10 half chests Black. 10 quarter chests Gunpowder. FLOUR- 60 half barrels Extra. 50 barrels Hiram 8tnllh’s, 1 • 50. barrels pure Geoeasee, > New -Wheat. 150 barrels Baltimore, ) STARCH— 50 boxes Pearl. 23 quarter boxes Pearl. RAIS INS- 23 boxes Bunch. .23 half boxes Bunch. ALMONDS- 15 frails Jordan. . -* BUCKETS— 100 dozen Painted. 50 dozen Varnished. 10,000 . “ White and Black Washington Jeans; 5,000 u Heavy all wool Plains; ' 3,000 pairs English Dufill-lllankcls; 100 > 104,114 and 124 Whitney Blankets; 100 « “ “ heavy Hath do; 20bales *(, X and44BrOwnSblrtlngs; 20 “ Osnsburgs; togetlier with a general i - iiiblng—-* ' -*- —■ «• sortroent of bouse furnishing and fancy goods, oct 21 >. do.; oct 1 .. sugar; Fair do 300 Rags Rio Coffee; 50 Matts old Government Java do. 100 boxes Soap; 50 « Starch. Just received and for sale by sept 20 1853 M’MAHON k. DOYLE. JgRANDY, GIN, Ac. 10 half Pipes Utard Brandy; 10 “ “ Sclguctt and RoschcUdo, 10 Pipes Hollana Gin; GHOOEHIEB. A CHAMPION has In store and Is receiving the'fol- • lowing articles for eity and country trade, which I having been purchased for cash and selected by hlmsslfr enables him to tell on the most fovorable terms, vis: 100 bbls. Baltimore and Canal Flour. 50 half do. 50 do. Stuart’s Crushed and Powdered 8ugars; 10 boxes do. Loaf ao; 10 bhds. Porto Rico and Mntcovado do; 50 bbls. Clarified 8ugir, various qualities: 25 boxes Cheese; 100 boxes and hairdo. Soap; 50 do. Sperm and Adamantine Candles; 10U bags Rio and Java Oolite. 30 boxes and half boxes Hyson and Black Teas; do. and half do. Tobacco; • do. Starch; 30 do. Pipes; dozen Brooms and Buckets; 50 bbls. X\ Mt and kitta Mackerel; 20 kilts Salmon; 10,000 lbs. Bacon, Hams, Sides and 8hoalders; Smoked Tonguss, Dry Beef, Fulton Market BeafrCboco- late, Farina, Sardines, Tallet Soap, Fig Blue,. Pickles, 8weet Oil, Almonds, 8ptcvs, Mustard, Butter, Currants, I Citron, Ae> Ac. < 1 —ALSO— 25 whole, 23 half, 23 quarter boxes New Ri “• bbliL, a) hoi f, 20 quarter and 50 boxes Bi i bags Shot; 500 bars Lead; . , A choice selection of Llquora and wines. oct 25 CHILDREN’S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. This Department for Children’s Clothing Is fitted up In the most costly style with every convenience for trying fitting, Ac. the stock embraces every article in thst fine, consisting in pnrt or Coals and Pants of every style, Oi conta, and Under Garments, Jenny Lind Saoka, Polka do- Over Sacks. Vesta Braided Suits, Plain, 811k Velvet, V Suits, and Boys’ Caps, a largo assortment. The Ladles will find it to their Interest to call and examine my stock, — they are made, up In the latest stylo and the best manner and at tho lowest prices. No abatement from theprioes first they asked. k X Casks Madeira Wine; *u ” 44 Port do. 30 bbls. old Monongahela Whiskey; 50 44 Domestic Brandy; 50 44 do. Gin; loo > 4 do, Rum; 100 44 do. Whiskey. Just received and for sale by sept 201852 M’MAHON A DOYLE. DelVITT A MORGAN, r A - ■ | DEALERS IN FANCY k STAPLE DRY GOODS, G ALL attention to their large Stock of the following articles, which they offer nt the lowest prices: I Rich Printed do Laiues and Cashmeres, jgtLOUlL SOAP, STARCH, and CANDLE&—Landing J.'iMAhTOB°i l ' l -Si l cii!iv», Adam. I yThoV<j"Moonoy! M O*AloiY.mWna MeDonnid, T B« ... . , - i n p w B Maxwell, N W McLeod, Alex McHardeo, Juo T Mitch- Conrad Byck, Richard Burke, Michael Boylftn.EW Fredk Mundorf, H K Muntfort, Jas McBride, WJ BukenJohn Brady, E J Blount, Wm M BlpunUPatrick M ^ ul08h g^i;; Morel, Jeremiah McCartlijr, Wra Mo- VVm 11 lllounU Dr W n lw , S'“ A - N Miller, Tlio. Moll. IIP Miller, Iw Morrell Sim 8 Bor.Joi ll ll*ltljl?. 1 ““ RflU Molnllro,DanlYloUrttiy. SI H .MoLepJ, JM MeCwin nd Berg, Hennr Berners, N K Barnum, wm McCamia, Thos Meeks, Edward Mullegan, John Mo »&•s»o^,'w&S A ""“ i Arch,s “ M MoA1 "* ,e s, EogenoMBeo, J^BolBMBe^BJB Bjol, A Borohort, 1 Wra Basslnger, Patrick Bidkey, P n Benm uour min, Thos W E Bealls, Wm J Uuiuwn. i axnca^.—-. NeW || ngBr um’l Nelson, lerronce nugenqu a menms, Henry Burt, EH Bacon, SPBeU, WmJ Budy,UjeoB Nichols, LF Nichols. Jos Nag,o. Nevlll Noylo, Jno llyrd/o A Boufoulltet, JnoG BryamThomas II Banett, Ne QNeldtnngorj A ANungazer. J RNorton, Jacob Michael Brannon, David Bell, Jm> B lb«vT A Bnlkloy, Net |j M ^g e . Edward Nugent, Bam’l Nuiuunn, Jaa A Francis Blair, Chss Bali; Patrick Brady, ThosJ Bulloch, Morris, Frederick Noltemen, Jno CNIcoll, Thos M Nor- UuUsr, Alohacl Bryan. GooBankman,CEBurrlg wo ^ 1 ^ 0haaNow Und,JamesNeldtUnger,WmNevo. KhVraDBrewn,AT ^wne, Jos H Burroughs. '• q Ge0 w ow’ons, Daniel gy Don’t forget the now store on first floor of SU Andrew’s Hall, comer of Broughton and Jefferson-sta. apr 28 Webster, Robert Waggensloln, Jos Washburn, D L Wil son, Claudl*' llus O Wilson, Dempsey White, Peter White, .Jno M Williams. Norman Wnllaat Henry VYdgand, Thos White, W, H Williams. J T Webb, Jas G Watts, * ‘ Wlckatn, Lemuel Wilson, John Wlck’am, Lemuel Wilson, VVin P Wylly, John Corner Of Broughton and IVhltaker-sts., Wilder, Jas E WfUlhour, Christopher - WItgen, John SAVANNAH, - - — — .1— ,111111.™. TMIMTI? 1. a.I .1.'. 1. ..nito • ...... I PmnciYBliil^lihMBMU l «1W«BBmw'mA'TUoLni, toHBlBW 1 KToW.ST O’Connor, Tim David O’Con- 8 Owens, Jhhneyor, Wm D O Dice “ EM Prendergast, eulleU, P A Blols, Henry Brigh^ W 8 BranU^ i w h uiotii, 0 , gu ,„ vnn u a OllroT, | k ft&"w?B B tod 8 *?4a.o r,!;mni.wSXn, wwo. ? iyi M w <p»".p M «run a„io,,io m ESS lifts? ThSt Bio WBBam DlolkWm ll Brnn'l N ImU Jum. M Rim'l B1/, J TBucVoer, Chttr^llBcll, Oeo Bron ™B[gMtiMm ' 1>lw | n Ell.lm Pnr. me, P T Broughton.ll S Boll, WII BnidloJ, L 8 Boooou, 1 runtr Anorew u ^ o „ p oleno . <j B Poller- Ju’llolbo, Wm Belle/, P11 Biol* l U Buchner. “MuaSSwi John Phol*n. Jno V Powell, J» Pran. Hue, U.rldOCatb, SI AOoheu, BB-Cuylor, Coo A coy I Pemons. iiu raj ^ -ghoe Plilgoon, Thoe S Pilt- to.aelomonC.ihomBughpiBom^l^por^J 1 ^ jS5'K«M»W PldillpS Jnmee Pnmly, J SI P.lln, Cubbage. David Cohen, John Wt&ry, J os v n unu, -nor p alr]ck o O Puder,Thos Prcndor, Alien Cullen. Chas JaatUeanr, Baruard ConsUm- Marausl"*p^“’Xw Poole?, H K Preston, Jos V Proal * Edward ^ursale, DG^llbrick. Peter Yonson, Jno A Young, Dr E Yongc, W A Yongo, Wm P Yonge. ^ Peter Zarodoakl, Edward GZetrouer. Jacob Zimmer man, Edward Zudomes, Solomon Zolgler. The foregoing are tho qualifications of voters entitled to vote for Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savonuan nt the ensuing election In December next, and a list or persons Registered for the month of Mayt If there are any porsota whose names are Registered, and-who nre not entitled to a vote,,notice Is rcspeclfttlly requested to bo given to the Clerk or Council, that they may be dealt lh according to luw. R. F.' AKIN, with according to luw. I Uue, Thos Jas Quantook. Jo Wm Quantock,Jr. John Quinn, MarUn Quinn, Wm Quinn, P M Russell, Waring Russell, David Rosenblatt. Jacob I FnYiunTnfuM Juo l> Chnrltoti. Jno o uooae, isumunu I Rosenband, John Russell, Dennis Ryan, Wm Rpohesler, 1 »wS HacoCfumraing, Pamck Orot- i^che, Barney Roden, Pal’k Ryajb Wra Rogers, Ino A rewt vjobb, Jno J Cornell, WmCon- R| c htmlton, Jno O Rowland, Michael Rooney, George rai Champion, A H Chatnp]on, Jno W mtter, Edward Reilly, Danlel Robartsorj, Wm ltemsbart. rnell! H RChrlstlan, Jno J Contes Jas j yy Rabun, Jos Ross, Francis Ryan, J B Ripley, J W ,ani Wm Cullen, And Conies. Fierce ne mB hart, Robt Ralford. R W Rairord, Mathew Ralford, lion, W T Chapman, Danlol Clark, Wm Kellly, J P \y Roed, Jno - inyjJriah Cranston, Charles Can- Jofforson ltoberts, O H RIkerai t Rlordon, Francis Reives, I J M &^ I JereS'RymvB' G Repd, Cl’asE ltoblnson, I Antonio Chlst. John LCope, ThosConnlff,Thos Conway, I r 04 « Henry Rober, Goo Robins, Allen Rureell, Wm I lloiei 8 Cohen. D B Camp, Octavus Cohen, J P Ctoilhr, j Roberson,John Rowley, John Rogers, Danq Reddnmn, KwSSSu,Patrick0\ark, Jno M Cody, Jas dag. wTpRowluud, Hugh'ftlolly, Andrew Rlelly, A RRal- KAVmCannon,CharlesCler, Augustus_Oannon,Pat-1 ilotu h JRoyaCjiwBRico, JamreRyan, Ja I rick Clark, f K^H“TSVrrr Connor, James E Cope, 1 L0 ClarityGeorgoClM^Wm P I E A BouUard, Wm Swoll Albert L D’Loi I Bawson, Mlchac I Daniel DbOovU KS &SS Sloafvater, John Savage, A A 8mel#,,W RSymoiia,^ Thos B Ditaman, James Carroll, George E Oongdon, Thomas ^ BhofraU. AndrewJ Collins, J P Cohen, Charles H Connery, mons, Fred'k Seherff, y * >r,.Wi mM s Thos DowelL Jno DowmoBiJ'B HJB.Iokerson, | j^wls Smlth,JMob-» itrlck Dervtno, unas |, pnrv Reltzor. C B ocaity, ® ooiuw«ii, vrnuui. ™ioi, g, Jr, F G Dima, W JnTiljSgln, John Sloan, Wm O.Staflbrf, Jno Screven, ^S&5r?HonrV l Du- shdi^p^Bhiel^Adam Y.^Symoms^meJ ■bhHSsi&I I ThosDowelU Jno I L8DeLr“ I Duncan,* I uXoyJwS! DirtiB I H Uuryee, BurreUDj I DiSmudbIpow^ooy sssi®a?sfe , oaw;ss.S“w; ss'ssssxnt 1B I Edeo.-JohwJ.Ed/, Charles J Eden. Peter Kndrle#,J A 8lark( ^ Arp Wkmen, - Thor FBtovetta, J Ei*Wrij. H W Epst^Edwln v/feryln, James SJep. . I Joseph Felt, John Foley,^toa FOrtLJosB Fay, 1 Wm pj^dc Skinner, B Swja^JohnB I Ferrill,SewallH Fisk, James Fountain,‘llugnld Ferguson, BDnnn , j 0 hn E StHwell, H Sheppanl, F M Stone, Elernwr I J E Falllgant, Robert Ferrell, Jno G Falllkant, Jas Far- Solomons, Thos Scully, Wm Saunders, Jas Smith 8r, Jno I rell, John Folleard, Andrew futpy. John Fitzgerald, An- | h^,„,J,ob1V. lessee J Smith, Wra P Shearer, J.A Bowojl, J Idrew Flatley.RBFell, ' I ggfinumpsashwSi I isap. I Boley,'.m5^1ahoB*'Jno 1 D t ^L ( £M BldBg.ttt,’owoii Wm I! Timor, Jolin VTnrvrr, Gw) w Ttlcolmb Wro 1 h.loy.1,1 B Pilrchlld. JuFounHoo,MlohoolF.y,Off .Tywn, JohnThompMin, Patrick Tyillna* ° 1H JoolS, JR tl.t“‘r,!l J FultoiyVoeob S”, Ki’oTnmielT, A’PTorlny, I»o the .louO O Futon, O O Fonie* John O Fcrroll, Jjmeo Tnom ;,„„, Jno F TJiAor, A T*Lbk?l?™ w,n TKimm -r Rnk, Do»ldHuiJornldjIlolior^Fljbor^D M sSSSS^SfTf nhon. Joa Golger, I Wm H Tnlblrd Jr, Jno J Theua, J TecUcoQr. Wm 8 Tay- _tk«r^ JnoTannOn.u™. r,At wSBarn&sstfBBm ^ ,venstoln. John I 1 ' ,'*■ • H5sHhIE | wiiii.,i.w SKolbtahooio,; Wolon, Hlroin Wnl |er ,JobnWim.mwin, Jo. WJ !I oX, k 'i&.n,i| Wolghl ilgletn, Jn lllam War iVllllsmson, sept: 14 Clerk Connell. XflPCENDlD OPENING OF. FALL GOODS. T HE Subscriber would respectfully call the attention of tho public to his large and well selteled slock of Fall and Winter Staple and Fancy DryGoods. Consisting In part of: Black and colored Bilks, of a great variety; very rich embroidered Sllxa. of all patterns, Mantillas and Crape Shawls: Scotch Woe Mantiflna'and Crape Shawls} Scotch Wool Long do.; and square Plaid Shawls; Cashmeres’, Mouse!jue do Lalnes: Alpaocas, a groat variety; Needle-Work Col- nre and CapesToT all patterns; Cblmlzeltes; Muslin and ILaceUndonSleevest Cambric Handkerehlofs, from 12Jf cents to $5 n piece; frinh Linens; Huckabacks; Diaper; French Towels, from 25 cents to 81 • ■piece;'double Damask Table Llneu; white and brown Napkins, a fine assortment; a very largo assortment of Glovesinnd Ho- ery,of thovetybeH make aud style; English and A- .leriean Long Cloths; unbleached do.: rich Damask Table and Plano Covers; Caaalraereaand Cloths, black and bluo of ever? quality; rich Vest paMcras of Ml styles; 8atlnots; Kentucky Jeans; Kersey a very large assortment; one of the very best selected slock or Blan- kU CARPCT?NG—Brussel™^3-Ply, 2-Ply, All-Wool, a ' ■'; ss— woiyld do well » cU Before purctoulng chowbcre^u GEORGE W. HAHUISABTJ.B, CARRIAGE 200 CONGRESS AND 05 ST. J ULIAN-STREET, Fran k 1 in-Sq uuro. W OULD Return his thinks to hta friends and patrons for past favours, and Inform them; that he Is now ready at the old stand, to execute any work In the above lino, 7 and hopes by his untiring «ertl°n« to please all ffim,ybo^!drewJ;h_.^l,, t AUI^o^gartoj NEW FALL AND WINTEU GOODS!! J. H. & M. SHEAHAN. m 100 bbls Canal Flour 50 boxes Colgate’s Pearl Starch 50 Iwxes Georgia Caudles 100 boxes Soap. For sale by [sept 23] SWIFT Jc CO. lOMESTIU LIQUORS— 100 bbls. E. Pbelp’s Gin; 50 do P. It H. Gin, Conn. Riven 100 do N.O. Whiskey; . TER GOODS, comprising: 50 do Baltimore Whiskey; 100 do N.E.Rnm: 50 do Domestic Brandy. Landing, and fur sale by [sept 25] SWIFT It CO. Lalnes, English De Lalnes, Blade Silk, Colored tVeckiveI)hJStarrlrVili Win “ D * —(quo,. English, French and American Calicoes. embroideries—loinen cambric, Cambric Hunt- kerchieft, Plain and Embroidered Hahdkerchleft, Boblnot Lnces, Bobiuot Edgings, Collars and Cuffs, Hablta Under-Sleeves, Black Lace Veils, Bik HOSIERY Sr UNENS-K large and welHeleded stock of Gloves, Irish Llnons, Linen Diapers and , . . , Rid.’ nels, 104 and 11-4 Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Plllow-Csso Linens, and Qullta Country Merchants, Plnntere. and others, will consult their Interests by examining our slock before purchasing. 1ST All we ask Is a visit from those desiring to pur chase, We feel confldeht that the quality and prices ol our Goods will command sales upon our terms: Coatas and no Second Price, oct 10 (Ml FALL OF 1808. IT AVING completed our arrangements for the season, XL wo are now prepared to offor to tbo public the larg est and best assortment of GOOD AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING, and are determined to sustain ourreputatlou by selling Goods at fair prices. We Invte our friends and the pub lic to call and examine our Fall and Winter Stock, which, for quality, style and quantity far exceeds any previous season, and from which a complete outfit can be selected at the very lowest pRtcss. Our Goods are selected wllb ^rest care—being cut In tba latest Fashion, and manufactured In such a manner as:. •-ipUafcof-- 25 boxes doubto refined Loaf 240 bags Rio Coffee, some or them prime; 45 do. Java do: 50 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars; 270 boxes Tobacco, 8V, 5’a and l’s Lumps; 45 packages superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Diadem, Nectar, vlrglnlus, fee. 100 boxes best Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; 114 half chests Black Teas, some of it very superior; 148 packages Hyson do., I nX,V*ndtf chests; 150 boxes Tallow Candles, 8V and 0’s: 100 do. Star and Adamantine Candles; 150 do. Pipes; 75 do. Mustard; 50do.grou’dPepperk.Allspice; 70 bbls. Sugar, Butter and Soda Crackers; 275 do. Domestic Gin, Rum, Brandy and Whiskey; 40 do. Old Mononga’a Whiskey,tome very choice; 15 half pipes Otard, Dupuy k Co.’s Brandy; 25 quarter and eighth casks various kinds choice French Brandy; 5 pipes Holland Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica and 8L Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira and TeneriOb Wines; 20 do. suporiorold Madeira and Sherry Wines; 100 baskols Champagne, Ueidaeck, Hungarian, Llon,&Cre &c. 100 kegs and halves FFFG. Powder; 400 bogs Buck and Drop Shot; 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 25 dci. No. 2 do; 20 do. No. 1 do; SO casks Codfish and Haddock] 30 half bbls. 1 k 2 Mackerel; 50 boxes Codfish; 40 kills No. 1 Mackerel; With a frill supply of everything else in the grocery [Cashmeres, French and English Merinos,.. Black Bombazines and Alpacas, Linen Cambric aud Embroidered HdkfiL, Marseilles Quills and Counterpanes, Irish Linens and Damasks, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Silk, Ctotton and Merino Hosiery, White and Colored Flannels, Cloths and Cnselmercs, French, English and American Calicoes, Diapers and Toweling#, Table and Plano Covers, Plain and Figured Black 8Uks, Black 8ntin de Chene, Plain Changeable Silks, Paris Mantillas and Talmas, Bonnet and Plain Ribbons, Brocbe and Plaid Shawls. French and English Crapes, Ladles’and Gentlemen’s Kid Gloves,. Swiss and Cambric Trimmings, French Needle-worked and Lace Collars,’ Blankets, Plains and Kerseys, Mnslin Curtains, Brocbe and Figured Silks, Domestic Goods or all descriptions, of the best manufac ture. oct 28 (Sentcal aroticvttoemcnta. !L WEIGA a neat and co Kitchen and C. rFjSTaur Afv/r. He has an excellent Cook, from Strasbourg, who will ilt German. American and French tastes. OYSTERS. FISH, ME/fts—every thing that this market affonta,can be had to allltyJte, on short notice. • Ynuito Clerks, and others, who have rooms in town, are Invited-to’ try the European mode of breakfasting and dining at tbe ltestanrant. . Philadelphia .LAGER BEER, 8WI8S CHEESE and LINDHURGER CHEESE, kopt always on hand for tho uso.of families. oct 5 • “OUR HOUSE,” BS^No, 16§^S8 filled and re-opened his RESTAURANT.^ He hi fitted up a Room In. connection with the OyitCT Bf for Ihe accommodation of Bcyvak Pa* During the "past summer, he hu / adi||m||Mtt|j made arrangements at home and at the North, througti the facilities afforded by our ateamships, to have hta BATING 8ALOON amply supplied with , GAME, Fife, and all the Choice Delicacies id .their season, ’ nd that with the aid ofentperiebeed and attenllve man gers, cooks, waiters, kc* he I# prepared to eptertajn his agers, cooks, customers In i ment or the kl keep a Public House that s— Itablo to himself and the city. Oth the public to Judge. ‘ • 1 Y. Herald, Phil .Courier will please copy the; weeks, and send bill to this i Bland, Iti s F foUMringwditaMe'1 FYTa-otb respect ci __ jss lie leaves A. B. LUCE, and Charleston week for three m oct11 * daring the months of O next, viz: to Bale, and December . WETUMPKA HAMHOCK, situated about,leu miles North of Ocala, (the county Seat br Marion county,) con taining 3,000 acres, about one-balf of which It h^ unsurpassed by any 1u the State; and tho remainder wbito A TRACT, well known as the “Fort Drane Planta tion,” containing 3,000 acres or Land, principally first quality hammock, between four-and five hundred acres of which la thoroughly cleared,and, at present,In culti vation. This place for several years averaged two. hogs heads of Sugar to the acre, and every year that It- hah been cultivated has produced fine crops of .com and cotton. „ . ‘ v These* Tracts could readily be divided Into two or threep*—* “ *-■- s TWO TRACTS, of --- --- prairie. The greater part of both hammock. —ALBO- cach. near ihe Xiacliua oth there tracts is rich 5,000 ACRES on Indian River. Any one wishing to lltiyate sugar cane would do well to examine this land, as being remarkably fertile, and lying south of the region of frost. It Is asarella^eptad to that culture as spy la tho 12,000 ACRES, geuerany known as the “ Bayard tract,” situated on the 8LJohn’s river, opposite Plcolata. There lany small, hammocks and TWango groves on this but It la prindpaUy valuable for Its pine timber. It are man; WM?. has a river front of seven or eight miles. 1,000 ACRES.on Ijake George, and several small tracts on and near the 8U John’s river, weU situated for, tann ing, the rearing of orange groves, ko. > *7 log, the rearing of orango gr — » his position at that tlme,Jits unusually great, and It to bo*, d tond as can ho found In, tbo. esibilityfrom Charleston and wnah, they offer great Inducements to planters in Ca ts or Georgia wishing to remove- le titles are clear and Indisputable. • ,, „ u , IIOIJSE-KKEPING DRY GOODS. N EV1TT, LATHROP k STEBBINB offor for sal White and Colored Counlerpones. Bath and Whitney Blankets. Ltnen and Cotton Sheeting. Linen and Cotton Pillow-casing. Ituckabnck and Bird’s Eye Diaper. Damask and Spotted Nankins and Cloths. Snow-drop ana Damask Table Diapers. Unbleached Diaper and Cloths. - ' White, 8carlet and Yellow Flannels. Super Irish Linens and Long Lawns. oct 3 Gon.Clinch, Immediately after the accession of. to the United Slates. From bis position at that tl facilities for Selection were unur- lleved they include as good Ir" Stale. ■' •• On account of their accessibility from Charleston and rollnaoi The titles are clear a_^ — Terms—Cash, or payable*! 0 or before the 1st of January next. - ,; /« , B7*Any further Information on the subject can obtained by addressing the subscriber, at Orange 8prt Marlon county, Florida. * J. 11. ALGLINCH, -> oct 16 Uan > Executor. • The Tri-weekly Chrooldo fc Sentinel, at Augusta, and the Journal Sc Messenger ahd the Telegraph, at Ma- oon, are requested to publish Iho above tlll first of Janu- uary, and tenJ their bills to thlgf»lBoe. , - ■ • CMfrODtill ilA£i»a ' Ota BLACK SILKS. > Paris Printed Do twines. Mode and Hlxh-Udlored De Lalnes. Plaid Raw 8ifks. French, English and American Prints. Rich French and English Flirt Chlutz. Embroidered Chemisette and Collars. Bordered Lawn and Linen Cambrto Hdkta. Rich Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Plain and Embroidered Canton Crape Shawls. Long and Square Brocbe Shawls. Do. do. Plaid do. Bonnet and Neck Ribbons. For sale low by nevitt, i ; LATHROP fc 8TEBB1N8. give entire satisfaction.^ _ 8Tof , K | wun a nui supply or everyimng eise in :m or Randy-made OLcrfiimo,orn’metog nil Um T.H00. IU S 1 f 3 r “ l ""‘"“'”'““ 1 *j l 'V°a)(lSERAT k. OO Btyln*qualities,etc.,Inpnttufollow.: J. V. COHWERAT fc CO. COATS: CARPETS! CABFETSII CAIIFETSltf Black Cloth, Frock and Dross, Plaid and Clouded. Fancy WE have This Day opened for sale, a aptendid as* Business Coats In great variety. Tweeds cut lutoPeltor’a vv sortmentofCarr "" '”*“■* " Half Socks, etc-etc. ..iJi-.,"’ PANTALOONS, . made from Fine Black Doeskin, and the various Fall ••vies of Harris' Clouded and Mottled Casslmercs, Black aud F-ncy Satinets. DRUGS! DRUGS!! 2 AAA LBS. EPSOM 8ALT8. •UUv 5,000 lbs. Copperas. I l.CT" " 1 - **•' 1.000 lbs. Glauber Balts. 500 boxes Window Glass. 7,000 White Lead. s White Silk and In the aSove business done with the utmost neatness "vC&wrlght nod Dl.nk.mnh work, and nil Wheels,Wagons, Drays, Carts, tac., made on lho . Bho ^ rt notice and on most liberal terms. J apg0 . Black and Figured Satl^GeniJ Figured Marseilles. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. We Invite tbo attention of Country Mercbanls to our 8tock, which is varied and complete, and manufactured expressly lor their trade. VVo also have a genteel as sortment or YOUTH’S CLOTHING, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Black and Fancy Bilk . WHOLES AM, PAINT AND OIL .STORE, SAVANNAH, OA. • No. 11 WtaKokcr-atrcet. _ 17" EEP8 constantly for sale—WHITE LEAD, Pure Nos. IX 1 and 3 English do. GROUND PAINTS: Black, Yellow, Brown, Chrome Green, Paris Green, and PnunlnnBlue. DRY PAIWTS: “lFuSSJo/Starn'doiNeatsfodt db-nnd SPIRITS OP TUEPmJtInE WhluPWash BRUSHES, PalnUyar- njsh. Graining, and Artists’ do., Window and Picture LASa, or air -"-’"'"- fw ’ m fthvB * n 32hv4Bl 01 Cravats. Stocks, Plain and Figured Bilk and Satin' Neck Ties, Prince Alberts, of Plain, Watered and Ribbed 811k. ofnIlktad*,Pd ^nr^The above articles will be sold on reasonable terms. Done llouao. Sign and Staip Palntlngr j in a workman*Uke manner, ami at reasonable prices. COPPERSMITH AND PLUMBING. M1E Subscriber having fitted up, In connecUon with npHF. Subscriber having mied un, in cc A his Fouudiy and Machine WorkB,a,Shon above business, and engaged the sorvjces oFsuj workmen, la prepared uFSo^^r deswlplion of work ■Yrir 1 "- H A -^wS«. MARINE BAIEWA*. T ilt! undersigned raqwctfrtBy^l^ofe*. ”ho^r n *** 1 1V “* “ ““ “”* n “ Tnnum”. j » pj-^^^sttgaasg ^p - s;s l &«/.S' h » r r .-, L Li NKi Jt _ SAVANNAH HR* DODA; m,„, U,. Hnnh wnn , WOOt HATS* black anddrab,-at 50 dozen Motel oe Data (^planter’s use) an article entirely new, for solo, at the; new wholesale Hat 8tore, jjprnajof Brpughton andBarpard-sta,^ i for sale by GILBERT. SHIRTS, White and.Fancy, warranted to fit, Gloves, Under Gon -enta Suspenders, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Socks, etc; GrWe oak a continuance of Uie patronage which vs always been so geuorously extended to us. PIF - sept 7 P1ER80N, HEIDT fc CO. IN STORE FOR THE GENTLEMEN. JOHN Ww KELLY, having returned^ from th^ north I with a handsome assortment of 'CLOTHS^ OABS1* MERES and VEST1NG8, takes pleasure In Informing his friends, those especially who admire a finely fllUtyr gar* mont, to his saloon. No. 4, opposite the Pulaski I muni, to his saloon. No. 4, opposite the Pulaski House, where they will find him ready at all times to suit his pa* reus In the most approved and fashiooablo manner, and he ventures to assert, that those who will confide In his soleetlon as to color, fabric, style or’ finish or a covering for the human form, shall go away satisfied. VV sortmeni of Carpets* OU Clsttas, Rags* Window Curtains, dec. —COKSIIT1NO IN rAkT.or— 20 pieces Thrco-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 do. Brussels do. 40 do. Two-Ply Carpels 3d do. Floor Oil Cloth 10 do. Drugget 5 do. Felt Carpet, 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Velvet and Cheneille Rugs 100 common Rugs and Mata 100 pair or beautiful style Window Shades. All or the above Goods are offered at the lowest market prices. For sale by [sept 29] A IK IN fc BURN8. ROBERTS A: FOOTE, , o Broughton-street, (up Blairs) opposite the St. Andrew’s Hall, H AVE now or. hand a very large and welMetactea Stock or DRY GOODS, which they offer for sale, by the piece or package to the trade—consisting, In part, ol Colored and Duffell Blankets. Red aud While Flannel. Plains and Kerseys, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Jeans. Fancy and Tweod Cassl meres. Striped and Plain Colton Osnabnrgs. Bleached and brown 8hlrtlngs and Sheetings. English and American Prints. Cashmeresand Printed Do Lalnes. Blank and Colored Alpacas. iburgs. All of the above just reeclv^andforsale^n- oct 29 Opposite St. Andrew'* u: WINES. BRANDIES. Ac. rplIE SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving In a X general assortment of the aboie articles, In insisting of: Palo and Dark Brand; articles, t Madeira Wine, [IHE SUBSCRIBERS take pleasure In announcing ^- bare received a lorco and splendld8tock of Goods,-suit- ALPACAS, . MUSLIN DE LAINES, BOMBAZINES,,:. { - FRENCH AND ENGUSH MERINOS,, .. i SHAWLS, SILK AND VELVET MANTELS, of all colors and of the latest and most approved patterns, They also have reeefre3 ajargestock of BILKS, which surpass any other ever brought to this place, as weU la quality and patterns as In the prices; a great assort- it of WHITE fc EMBROIDERED GOODS, such a* Collars, Cuffs, Capes, Caps. Hsndkerchleft, Sleeves, and ChemiseUx; together with alt other articles usually kgpt In a Dry Goods 8lore. They call the attention of the public especially to tbelr assortment of Tweeds and Casslmeresi —— ... chase to come and examine tbelr Block, Which will sold at the lowest rates. EINSTEIN fc EOKMAN, oct 13 .151 Congress-street. - ROBINSON Ac CAMP, DRAPERS AND TAILORS* ANDOKXLXaStN AND DBALXXS1N Fine; Ready Mads Olothingi j 1 JJ^RE NOW receiving their - 8lo«l< ; of -; FALL AND Palo and Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, Cherry fc Raspberry Brandy, Port do. ^ Scotch Whiskey, Topaz 8bem Wine, Holland Gta, Brown do. WINTER GOODe,eoi and fancy colored English anil Fn Inga ol black, bind and fancy t. black and drab Pilot Cloths; Enhusu, »nju.u-«m ^- inericau Casalmers, of black and fancy colon; VeaUng* of Bilk, Satin, Cashmeres, embroiders and rich Cut Vel- vet. All or which will be made up atthe shortest notlco I and In the best style of workmandilp. . ; 1 Our READY MADE CLOTHING Is manufactured at the well known bouse of W. T.'Jennings fc Co, No. 231 Stoughton Bitters, TlnUlla do. “Crown” and 44 8tari* brands Champagne. oct 27 “Tlntllla” Bherry is highly recommeoded for ■' Forsaleby fc OGDEN, 80 Day sL Invalids—?lcausing no acldlty._ ForwUebj TOOUftrSURCH, SOAP, CANDLES, fcc.- J* 100 bbls. Bsltlmore Iloward-street Flour. 50 bbls. Pure Genessee do. 25 bbls. Hiram Smith’s . do, 100 boxes Colgate’s Pearl Starch. 50 boxes oo. Pale Soap. 50 boxes New-York No. 1 do. ■■■ . 50 boxes C. W. Smith’s Family Soap. ’ - , 100-boxes Mould Candles. , 40 boxes Adamantine Candles. 50 boxes Lemon Syrup. 10U boxes Herrings. 50 boxes Candy. 50 dozen Buckets. 50 dozen Brooms. In store and for sale by nor 2 SWIFT fc CO. Furnishing Goods—Shirts, white and colored, with and without collars; UnderShlrts;. Merino,' option and lisle thread Drawers; Hosiery, Cravats, Scarft, Stocks, neck Ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, silk and cotton do. > Also, a largo lot of men’s and boya’Capi, of the latest patterns. .... Also, a flno lot of beautiful Ready-made Clothing, which 1 selected with groat care. . Gentlemen In want ot any of the abovo articles will ploaae give me a call, as 1 am determined to sell at a small profit, [sept 25] JOHN W. KELLY. Black and Colored Coburg#. . tyUTTER, CHEESE, RAISINS, fcc.— With an additional general variety of Goods usually kept r>30 kegs selected Goshen Butter. in Dry Goods Storre, which are offorcd for sale at Uie I boxes do. white and colored Cheese. . 50 boxes new Raisins. — . . • ^-r 75 half and quarter boxes Raisins. CHEAP CASH STORE, ___ I CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRESS-8T8. T> LEACHED and Brown 8HEET!NGSfc8HlRTING8. Jt>r ■ “ ‘ — 8AJIDL UOYV, Late of the firm of Sam’l Hoyt & Co, Savannah, Ga. TXTOULD announce to bis friends that ho baa remov- W ed to Charleston, 8.0, No. 149 East " - - joriL-aum, o. u, nvi .** mm. Bay, Where he Is prepared to do a geueral Commission business, and furnish to order, at all times, any articles from tho North or South that may bo wanted, for the usual commission* as well aa receive and sell the same. Aud I pledge my self that all business entrusted to my care shall recelvo such attention aa will Insure similar manifoslalion or iy acquaintance with ill.f—* Tho Subscribers have just received per brig Wilson Fial ' r \v3!or t“»1U b&ihad SHEKT1NQ New-York Mills do do James’ Steam MlUs do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 44 Londsdale and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Sea Island Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 44 7*8,8,9,10,11, and 12-4 Allendale Bro. Sheeting 7-8,8,9,10,11, aud 12-4 do Bleached do r SVrlWWBfflr. A 100 boxes new Scaled Herrings. Received per steamerand for sale by oct28 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fc CO. G ANAL FLOUR,/ 50 bbls Hiram 8i Forsaleby tbelr gdod will, not doubting! Northern and Southern markets will enable -me to do as well ns any, and bettor than many. Also Dealer in Butter, Choeese, Plaster, Marblo Dust, Cemenk Lime and Hair. .. „ ... j And Agent for sundry Machine Manufactories, North and South, aa well ns Sllus O. Herrlugs’ Fire Proof Safes. Georgia and French Burr Mill Stonos; all of which will he/—- i ftirnlshod on •hortnotloe.and at manufaetnrers priosa. Cash paid at all times for Wool. Green, Salted and Dry Hides, Door and Sheep Skims Shipping Fura.Boe.wux, Raffs/llono Guttings, Sea Island Colton Seed and.Flor- SaMbss. P Also,8oulhern Tanned Leather In the Rough, Terms cash Invurlably. Rcfors to tho citizens of Savan- nab generally. tf sept4 “CAJIPET WARE HOUSE. Subscriber would resr' ‘ SUNDRIES. ■ , OA A BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kinds- Z{)\J 70 hhds. Fair and Choice Porto RlooSuxar. 40 do. Cuba and New.-Qrleana do. 100 bbls. Refined ... d°. 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 300 bags RIoOoffte. • 200 do. Porto Rloo and SU Domingo CoOte. 75 do. Java .. _ do, 100 do” Mustard, Pepper, AlUploe and Ginger. 80 bbtaJ Butter, 8oda, and Sugar BtacnlU ‘ ’ do. do. ■ do. do. do. . assorted kinds. - 50 bbls Hiram Smith’s Flour. 30 hlf bbls Fulton Market Beef. 20 casks pints, 12 do quarts, best London Porter. 30 bbls primo Cream Ale. 6 pipes superior Holland Gin. 30 ooxes ami 25 half do Raisins. 30 half bbls 8ugar,8oda and flutter Bisoults. 50 boxes new Herring*- 30 bbls Sugar House Molasses. 50 boxes Star Candles. 50 do Composite do. 50 do Tallow do. . FOREIGN UQUOR8.-20 half and 10 quarter pipe# J? Dark and and Pale Otard, Dupuy fc Co. Brandy, of mr own Importation. Vlntagra ls5w/’49 and’SOT'* 6 pipes Holland Gin, Meder Swan Brand. 1 puncheon old 8cotcb Whiskey. “ do. do. Jamaica Rum. • do. do. Bk Croix do. 20 dentUohns, 5gallons each. Scheldam Gin. Landing and fo* sale by , oct 26 SCRANTON, JOHNSTOl JOHNSTON fcOO. 1 u»hi Tor enHujikl onenod on or about tho SUlhlnik, with an CDUro ipectfriUy Inform the citizens mile geuerally, that the Store Nevitt, will be opened onorabout'tho *hSuuL ‘wM Aa inOrety yto?t and oomytatestoek of [Foreign and Domestic oAftPET* — , \J 10 bbds. 9 tierces and 50 bbls. W. I. Molai 50 bbls. cholte New-Orlsans do. 50 bbls. Rectified do. Whiskey. •. •: ■ 30 hhds. primo do.. ; Sugar. 20- hhds. do. q%,’«0 hhds, choice P.U.& 100 .bbls. Stusrt’axlrushed, Pow’d fc Clarlfl 20 boxes do,, Losf8ugi;r. . Just received and forsaleby ! ; OCt 27 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fc OO. of FANCY GOODS or ahy- house in the trade, such aa white and taney colored Shirts ;8llt Idsle Tbread and Gauze Merino Undor-Garmenta:. Shaker Flannel and cominodating terms as can be had in thed GAUDRY’S UU" sept 31 Next door Ip. r PIANO COnTE DEPOT. RTho undersigned rc.^H . I cltlzousof Savannah,Georgia, and FI , , . j that they havo on hand more than fifty PI- PKwgest stock ever on saleliMhls cltu|da|g|^ by tho most celebrated manufacturers In the q Nunu’s & Clark’s, J. Chlckcri^Hi M words fc 1- ffl! anos, the largest toven or°Mu3o, hiSJfice. W Theee Pianos are of rich tone* and beautlfriUy fli Rom Wood, Black Walnuk and Mab< frames made Iff the most substantial , at render them peculiarly suited for this climate, pro: the necessity of tuning for years. 1 The undersigned are agents for Henri Hen’s celebrated •— J i:ln Paris, v Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For power and beauty This beautiful toned wind instrument, for village pur- 8^^ Oi^trt^^^fngasYvcetaxid’powerfltitouej they havo also for sale.. v- ' j , AU of there instruments w|U bo dlspoaodofonlhompst , accommodating terms. The prices ofthe Pianos ranging from 9175 tdtlOOO. Jan 20 L W.MQRRELLfcCO. r PIANO FOR* Tbe.Subecrih art and Oo.*t fortes,wmalwaya iortment bnhe#e; tayo-*‘ J *" menu. For diuablUti. , whilst tbelr superiority oftoive‘ andtouchlsevtdfctPi., acknowledged by the most casual observer, as weU as the critic contaflssmfr^TIltirLedlre am respe4tl!iril|)ln- anlata for Urn purpose, they, can alaoJie enabled to; of the tone.,; ■ F,. ^OQB^y HJk .jam. - AWsuiaonirabs ings,o1i,ulotiis,ao.ilc. make selection* from the mo»t complete'asaortmont of KwaMmS. nl Oaruln^Jq A*, over offered I:: Chi. cllj 1 >11 olwhlch will b. »ld .1 - - - 4 rfHffgTOgg£ 100 do. White do. 50 do. Monongahela do. 20 do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E»Phelpa’Gin.- bd do. Best P. fc II, HJO Glm Svm A ?’ d«. I BISawSaSfaii 10 ^ do. Oognae Brandy.» In aojiplpea.r.f.dp.: [ S 0B», OENEEAL, ADVERT131NI marl. Wd.lO sta.ti-.tre Bouton, INn... 8. U. P.ttk.ocll A Co, Newspaper ddrenuinff Agents, No. 10 Stele Mreeh Doelom ere Age,He lor tire Savaanah Republican, and are authorized to recelvo Ad- vertiaementa and Bqbacriptlpue at tire same ratoa as are "4*ki— 4 ~‘a are regarded *• Custom House I wholesale o; . sept j , , monts, reference Is made to the oi^an recuntly erectcd by ' For solo sept 4 500, bags prep’^nluc^—- ^ With a competeJtsaortmbnVoI Groceries. 1o 6n tav«~ M * ” 4 « T “ »** ‘ * 50 barre’s Hiram 8mlth‘ Flour. 50. bf. do.i pure Geneisee do. 50 kegs Buckwheat.. 100 whold, half and quarter boxed new Raisins. “* ‘ Boft8beUfi etumlianof 1 ten tod plantar* lo hi. ver.' exlcnelve doclt of Np, warranted, ti ACON, SUGAR, COEF1 mtagstaecbolco ne^feB B'rtsaafiSiWs-™,. 10 hhds. Porto Rico Bugar: 50' bag* RloCoffep. - - • 10. kegs Butters > • 20 boxes Ctreese. fiOboxes"— | ^loganUor.nob, mm ^ TAmmu IUCTEH . PALMK8, | TipntB._30 qnole,-enH d patronage. His goods ' < Brown oct'23 aifi. I p 5;,: do.. 10. do.., SO basketa Grape Champagne. 1 to.mreanlfoga'gii^ M pAvn)30S- Ws bave made arrangements formerly occupied by 1 COACH. respectfully Informs tire jsfflasasSD!. - - which Is on entirely new p imndatlou, ssfoty, fcc. He wll pair of HOKii Mtacbed, and ready f< •fcrjce. Orders should be left - *