Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 15, 1852, Image 1

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Herr ::u V pf r /Mxy *” 3S« ts- ' - . volume l. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY MORNING* NOVEMBER 15,1852. NUMBER 273. — 1HE UTOTtU DAILY akd hu-wbskly by J. L. LOCKE & CO. " CI»^md_C.»n«r Prlg««»‘ fgssssS^asss WamBEi Onsl^. r ‘ lon, “'eVoo Two. 44 . 10 00 Tiro “ “Tim Throe 44 HM Ihr* u “ . 180 Hour 15 00 Four a ** i 75 Blx “ 90 00 fits,,, v . 900 OneYear 30 00 OM vVe t^Ui«!menU not exceeding flvo line*, throe* yiirrTi! « i-week...*.*-!*.*-*-*--- .7...’....• 1,50, to* ke. M . iMrnenU Inserted at the usual rates, and jobopaW foMn^Jf^- *dTertUera will be confined The prt.vlJfSLSUbuslnoa^ and all other adrortlao- righUy [°{p^rtah^"g 1° tbelr regular business, as agreed Si 10 V® exeeodlng In thetr advertisements 2SS«SaS?flS WMd tor, .111 b. chrc*.d ^KSmuK"” witL ■■ ■«•••«» mm »«'IS 1 ffitSSKSTE to uif. < ^Ur, unit! ordered •'t'fi letter, directed to ttaU.offlpo, ortho Edltore, to entitle them to toteodon. n. ^aesaeixtsssxsaa^ Sffi P“W^S*3d” AdmtaSSetore tor Dehtore J o£l&to «Sr to the" eccounle, muet bo pub- Sisafihia end ncuroe* hyEreeutore, *d- JSS*«Zglgg$&£ SlBSSnS&f JSSft —<• nnlker, Robt Hutchinson, /as O llines, llenrjr 1 D Harley, Michael Illcker, Timothy Howe. O 8 Isba Hazed, J F Hood, toos Henderson, W / Miry Haroer. J B Hogg, W R Harris, Nicholas I /no , BA Hines, Henry Hunkon, ■**■“"— '’“Hardee, . Halley, R Harris, Nicholas llernnn* Haywood, Moses Y llender* , OII llall, R li Hardee, David Harrington, Edwin B Herts, W 11 Ilanaeman, N M Harris, Stephen Hatrlck, 8 Hooker, 0 8 Hunter, BR Habersham. Ghas F Hara- ,WHHolmes.8PHalsey, Win W Habersham, iM wood, Tboa Hoynes, /no O Habersham, George 8 ding, /no Ilarrissoo, Nicholas Heyle, Fras Heman* Andrew Harrlsson, Wm Humphreys, John Helry, _ roup Howard, Wm Henderson, D 8 Henderson, Jas M. Henderson, Thomas Helry. Glaus Hallman, John 11 Hull, Levi Hart, Jas Horan, B Heldt, Maurice Hackett, Bobt Habersham. Sr, John Harper, J -W Harris, Thos oleombe, G H Holcombe, B S Harris, Wm Heldt, Jos aregrovea, Jos O Habersham. John B Holcombe, Bldred ayden, BJ Harden, Jno Hamlet, Goo Haas, Jno R amlet, 11 Harding, Seymour Harris, B D Heyle, Wm F olland, 11 F Holland, James Hines, R H Howell, Thos arden/W B Harrison. Milton Humphreys, Jos B Har vey, RB Hilton, R W Hunt, Jno F Herb, Wm Hone. | John W Ihly, John L Ihly Wm Ibly, Brlen Island. ‘ George Jones, Jas O Jones, Jas M Jones, B G James, I Alexander Johnson, Jas T Jones, J D Jesse, Thos Jones, ward Jones, Jos Johnston, Peter Jacobs. John R hnson, Christian Jogstetter, EB Johnson, G H John* Emanuel Joseph, J R Johnson, A E Jones, John l Jackson, Bulloeh Jackson, Nlcholu Jeffreys, Robt Jackson, Wm A Jaudon, H R Jackson, Glaus Jackens, Poyton R Johnson, Jos W Jackson, George Jaekson. .i, .AMniHuiwu. — .-m,.. office without dl< u'tolh.number of looertlonz. .M be publlzbed rcllordcred to b«dlzooollnued,zndchzrsedzo- wr ijcatncr, warning, unw, onu rump-avia uuumj ouutif I fcsgaBftattgaSMa ^®t. 0.0.1 M p.ri. Kprr. Veter Krziurc. Gc.rorl Kcrk’ Keen®, John | cured rcrd cerebri workmen. Kelly, Outlet Kuln, llunford Knepp, A J Kzm, Edwin Knapp, J F Kirby, Nicholas Kerioy, Robert Knox, Fred* erick Krcnson, PeterKrlno, Louis Kemnf, AO Kennedy, A L Kent, Louis Koexe1,Thos Keaton, Jaa Kirkland, Al- ‘■ed Kent, Phillip Kean, DO Kauffa, Wm Klne, Ed* ard Kean, Edward 8 Kemnton, John Keegan. Chaa H Knapp, WmP Klng,Nlcholaa KeUeber, Jno / Kelley, Thos II Kreeger. ^ GAL Lamar, Thos B Lloyd, BenJ’n W Lloyd, Hugh jogan, Jos Llppman, John M it Lovett. B W Letch. B Lathron, Martin Larkin, 8 Y Levy, J T Latham, Peter v>gan, Thos Leaiy. Hugh Lnrken, Patrick Lonahan, Patrick Leo, Daniel Laphan, Thomu Lyon, James Ltn* suhan, J T Linde, Linda Linde, Daniel Lenhoy, William M Leigh, John lairkln, Henry Lathrop. D P Landershlne, Andrew Low, 0 D Lcboy, Ixnils Legriel, John Lyons, O iUfburrow, Charles Ijiw, Poler Ijoc. Robert Ley bourn, d L Lurburrow, Wllllau Lnki .awton, Edward Lynch, Edwaru uutch, .uui. um«, u ” Lane, Jamea Laughlin, J F Linder. James J Logan, Is, Simeon Lane. S A^T Lawrence, AR Lovell, John Lares, D _to._ j a . . iSBBSBSSgmmt’* JgTWSbT-Sai^ SStSB Orders oi w> 'to' make tltlos to land, "Mrs, Mlea, DAtt-ui lbs Courts, mu *\ SIXTY DAYS—sales of perish SSS-SSSSBfl®® mu ^ t ^J ulTerU * )d, pyyfew DAYS before the day of sole. rishablo ‘ gen* JLM of Voters. „ , CEO.i b.“^“^X'rtotpii^^oahf.letd foroosmonth lmmoaiawiyv™j~ m “ of electron, who and eonlluue so to fwentr-ono years, have paid all k»vs right aufflclent real estate ?‘ y WSSSSSSm which may be against them. 1M«wy SunSirequlrod by the ordinances ol BffigggSSSaBfea.- f Lane, James Laughlin, J F Linder, Jamea J Logan, Robert A Lewis, A B Luce, J H Udd, Jno l^ima, Jss ,ynch, ID Lallochc, Peter Lawrence, Michael I^van, Mntthew Lynch, Root Lachltson, James Laohllson, Cas par Lentcr, James Larkin, Timothy Lavau, O A La- Roche, Robt Lunday, John Lawton, A J Lobey, Thos jewls Wm H Lyons, Antonin Loevenlo, J G Lambrlghl, illchael Lynch, Pat’k laughlin, John H Loveless, G W Lockwood, Loom Lohman. ITT. Abraham Minis, David Morris, Jacob Manses, John skin, Thos McNlcholas, John Mnstcrson, Edward aahan, Jeremiah McCarthy, John Mcllue, Wm Morrell, G Mehrtens, Robt McIntyre, HO Mehrtens, Jno D Mal- lett, Jos Mordecal, Mlchsol McGrmll, Thos Murtaugh, Leandcr Moore, ftlathlos II Myer, Peter McGulllIcnddy, Silvester Manning, M Marsh. Jacob Miller, Jno Murchi son, Jno Montraollin, Thos Maher, Thos MoAullff, Jas NcFccly, B W Mlscallv, H W Mercer, O A Magill, Wm Meredith, E T McGraln Thos McCollum, 11 Mores, Wm Moore, J D Mallard, U D Murphy, Jeremiah Mack, N G Ills, Jesse Mount, John Murphy, B M Morel, P»irick onra, C O Millar, John McCabe. Harvey Morse, John nUuniotl, J M TtmrauW McArthur, Lo.t B 1 nhonoy, John McOutush, Putlck MuIotou, John ■Itcry. J MoCoy,l«a«o Mlulu Edw.rd MoOaho, Mnrklnn, 8 S Mood,, bonnl. McUutre, t-.*renco Mc Kenna, Noyto Mcltuc, J II Mobrtont, M B M,or, Thom.. McKenna, John Miller, J.coh M.nka, Edward MoUrew, pro visions of this n 1 ?""? KtnJtoBJ KMrlS SSssiS'lwSSSa. USSSS0^B SSsas.fei»feiiS« Uourke, JohnF Ulrckol,, O ° ? mi iJL' i’S BwBa^/riaNiws^gBa Jas Belbo, Wm BsUey, F H^lols, J H Buckner. >cr. Thoi Corle,, tt M Charlton, 8 J caftsou, Cool Fnu Cotter, ftloi horn, John !t k KV«v Peter Cobb/ tSIoSUk r ^ S©Stero:& 0l 'p"Kffl: &Sf?2roi^toCmmS,C 1-^,1. K (Vnivnr Thomas Corr. Bryan Connor, Jamea E Copo, T John F Ceroopaly, UMrga Cauaeo. B H gmndall, F 1 tastissrssrmssssssi Collins, J P Cohen, Charles^ Connery. SSSSSfSSte | ramwg»|* Alex Drysdnlo, D Duggan, John Dorgon. ^ Henry Bills, Daniel Egon,:Richard EnnlSj Abraham Einstein, John Everard/Wra Elleby, Thos Men, 0 W •Eden, John J Ed/, Charles J Edon, Peter Endrles,J A •Epstein, Edwin w Ervin, James Eden. Joseph Fell, John Foley, 1 Thos Ford. Jos S Fay, Wm FerrM. Bewail H Flik, Jades FounUlnJlugald Feiguson, J E Fnlllgant, RobertFerrelLJno G FaU^ran^ Jas Far rell, John Folletrd, Andrew Farry, John FltxBer^ld, An- drew Flatley, R B Fell, Michael Finney. Wm FFeay, E •S Fulton, g4 Frierson^ Austin French, JoluHiuDI'lsbor, , Wm Folllard, Dominick FUUey, John Flannegnn, Pnt’k ' Foley, ThosFloherty, Jno D F(mi,L M Fnlllgant Owen Foley, L J B Fairchild, Jaa Faunstan, Michael Fay. G W 1 Fennell, Jno Foster, J R Fisher. G J Fulton. Jacob -Friend, J O Fathers, O G Fnrrles, John O Ferrell, James Folker. Groen Fleetwood, Geo VV FahmLeonard Free, land, H R Fort, Thos A Farrlcs, Wm ^ Flemming,-!** A Fawns, F Fink, David Fltzgerrsld, Robert Fisher, D • ■® Flckllng, Jacob Frey, Joromlah Flekllng, W{n fielding, Alex Faucett, 0 E Flondors, W G Footo, BeuJ Franklin, Peter Fetb, G W Farrles, Thos M Forman. SAmUEL E. DOWELL, No. 108 Bsv-strkkt, Bavamnah, Ukoroia. Strict personal attention to Fanners* orders, and quick ralumsof Bales of Produce. mar 3 SWIFT, DENBLOW fc CO^ Ikealeru Isa Orocerioo, ProvUlom FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC /./Qf CORNRR BAT AND WUITARRR-STKRRTS. us, UORt W. D. FORD, WholeiBlo and Retail Grocer* Woldburg't Building. Jcffcrion-ttre-.t, Savannah, Gtu, fly Constantly on band, a choice supply of Fawii Groorbirs. July 7 Keeps constantly on hand a supply of Crockery-Ware, Groceries, dec* dec. Jsn 1, *51 1/ L. ROBIDER, Fashionable Root and 8hs (from farm] Tinakcr, J. L. OLIVER, Fashionable Root manufacturer. Mo.SEVENTEEN ROtti-STRERT, REAR RONUMRKT-SQUARR. Cork-Sole, Watcr-Prooi; Hunting, Military, Patent Leather, Walking, Dress, and Pump-Solo Bools jShoot- HARDWICK k COOKE, Factors and commission net No. 199 UaueStruU R. S. HARDWICK. ‘ JOHRO.COOK1. J. HA8BROUCK A CO n IMPORTERS ARD WHOLRRAU SRALRRS IK Eutlton-Ww., French Ohlnnjlookiiig Glum. PHILIP KEAN, Draper-and Tailor, AND DEALER IN READYMADE CLOTHING, PRMPIRbO’R RAKBE—KOi 98 qflTAR^TRRRT. 8.8. MILLER k. I. D. F1ROIJBON, Wheelwrlffhts und UlackHinlths, Comer •/ Broughton and Mbntgom try-ilt. Bsssxt^zsissi^r, Buildings. tuly—o ADAM _— master Builder, nasT door wist or or. akprrw’s hali- Wlll take contracts fbr Building and Work In Masonry of every description. R.fc J.LACHLISON, Engineers and MilIwrllhta, IRON tr BRASS FOUNDERS, OonnUBtreet—Near the Canal Lock. R. LACULUOM. J. LACUMSOX. WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN, General Agents and Brokers, For the Sole of RtalEolate,Ntgrott,i-any description Personal Property. orriCR, CORNRR BULL-ST. AMD BAT-LANE, fob 23 Bavnnnnh, Georgia. ' A. N. MILLED, E n Jr ON AN* Bfi/SJ FO UND El EASTERN WHARP—SAT-ST. A. PONCE, Importer Sc manufacturer of Segars, MO. 13 WHITAKMR-BTRRRT, i on hand a well selected Mock or Imported 8e- AND HOLOOI H AVE RECEIVED by recent arrin isle, on the mod favorable farms, SUGARS— 50 bbds. Porto Rleo, flUr to choice. 95 bbds.PrimeBbOrolx. 35 bhds. Fair Cuba. 900 bbls. Stewart's D. la C. 35 bbls. Crashed. 35 boxes Load COFFEE- 500 bags Rio, fair to prime. 100 bags Jamaica. 100 pockets Old Java. 50 begs Cuba. BAGGING k ROPE— 200 bales Gunny. 10 bales Dundee. 300 colls Rope. TOBACCO— 300 boxes, various brands. CHEESE- 150 boxes Cream. 50 boxes English Dairy. MACKEREL- 35 barrels No. 1. 35 half barrels No. 1. 50 barrels No. 9. 35 half barrels No. 3. 50 barrels No. 3. BACON- 50 casks Bides. 23 casks Shoulders. MOLASSES— 50 Heroes Cuba. 50 barrels Cobs. SO barrels New Orleans. CANDLES— 50 boxes Adamantine. 100 boxes Star. 25 boxes Peart. 100 boxes Hall k Bead el’s. PICKLES— 50 boxes Underwood's. ytUccHawttbt. JKHIUE A HEHDBIOKSOH. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Gibbons. Building*, OFFER FOR SALE-5,000 lbs. Union Wblfa Leaf Lead, pare and No. 1{ 160 boxes Window Gloss; 000 gallons Linseed Oil; 500 do. Bleached Winter Sperm 011| 90 barrels do. Whale Oil? do. Train G . Jo. Wto^MfilJb.., 5 do. Coburn’s Machinery Oil; 10 do. No. 1 Castor Oil; 5 il: SSBSftSrfoSliRuM., 5 casks Saberafis; 5 barrels Refined Saltpetre; 950 ounces Farts’ Sulphate Quinine; 10 barrels Lorillsrd’a Snuff} SO boxes assorted Candies; lores; Together with an extensive sssortmen to? Patent Medt etnas; Perfumery; Hair, Tooth and Bhaviim Brashes; Toi let Soaps; Tuck, Dressing and Bide Oanbo. ke.kC4 sU ofwhlchsre offered at the lowest prioes, eft or approved paper. MOR JUJU niua WHin —* -—I —* l the lowest prioes, either for cash sept 9 D ry goods.— 100 bales Negro Cloth, 35 do. Blankets. - • - Woolsey, Keeps on hand a well selected atoex or imported ao- so boxes underwood’s, gars; alto Manufactured Tobacoo, Snuff, Pipes, and all 25 boxes Remington’s, other articles usually kept In his line of business, which I LIQUORS— he ofibre on the moat reasonable fangs. nov * 1 ,n " ’- ® “ n ‘- T. PORTER’S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPOHlJJM. apvtng mm Summer JFaaStonn. T HE SUBSCRIBER opening THE MOOT takes this method of informing his friends and the eitlxena of Savannah, that he (s now OT SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHING ever offbredln Ibis cit^ .T h «_.P r | oe, 5L Euruurrow, ensnes, rater ijoc. iwoen. wwuni, i Btruroa/sro marked unon each article, and no deviation, and at me remarkable low prices that the goods ore marked, .evy Llllcnthal, W W Lincoln, 11 F Letch& F M Lohoff; iufi^iber feels confident will be appreciated by a generous public. In part are the fallowing Go J ‘ * LO..H, Wto KLong, JoknN lfto.8ta.on U. s no . 1„ More, towlll Gents. Block Cloth Dress and Frock Costs, Blriped Cotton and Linen, Olive do do do do Plain do do do Brown do do do do Blue do do do do Block Cloth Sacks and Polka Bocks, Brown do do do. do Blue do do do do Olive do do do do do Shad Dross do Black Doe Skin Polka Sacks, Fancy Colored do do Drab Cosslmere Backs and Polka Sacks, Black Tweed do do do Green do do do do Brown do do do do SUk and Wool do do do COATS. CambleL Chocked Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Plain and Foucy Alpacca, Paris Lustre, Black Morin, Black and Fancy Twood, Do do Oashmeretts, Brown and Yellow Linen, Black Drop d’Ete, Grass Linen. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Linen Bosom Shirts. Bilk, Lamb’s Wool, and Morlno Shirts and Drawers, Linen, Jeans, and Canton Flannel do Silk, Merino, and Cotton Half Hose, Bilk, Thread, and Nor! Hose, Gentlemen’s Drowing Robes, Linen Collars, two and three ply. do do Nankeen, Drop d’Ete, Fancy Linen, Black Alpacca, Black Doe Skin Pants, Plain Black Cnulmere Pants, Fancy Colored ilo Plain and Ribbed do Black and Colored Satinet Pants, VEST8. Black 8atln Single and Doublo Breasted Vests, Fancy Satin and Silk do do Embossed Fancy 811k do do Black and Fancy Barathea do do do do Einbrol’d Cnftlmere do White and Fancy Satin and Party do Plain Black Silk Velvet, single and double breasted, Fancy Cut de do do Fancy Cashmere do do CLOVES. Black, White, and Colored Kid Gloves, Black and Castor Riding do Cloth, Cashmere and Lined Berlin do Black, White andFancy Silk do CRAVATS. 8uperflne Black Silk and Fancy Cravats, do Fancy do, great variety, White Silk and Satin Party Cravats, Black and Fancy Silk and Satis Scam, do do Opera Ties. Linen Cambric, China Cord and Pongee Pocket Hand- kerchieft. Hats and Caps, of the latest styles. Ladles’ Riding lists. Trunks, Patent and Sole Leather. Valyses, Carpet Dags, Canes, Umbrellas, Ice 100 barrels E. P. Gin. 50 barrels Connecticut River Gin. 50 barrels N. E. Rum. 35 barrels Extra Choice OJd Monon. Whiskey. 50 barrels BslUmnre Whlskry. 95 quarter casks pure Malaga Wine. 33 quarter casks Heignette Brandy. 10 hsirPipesOtardUraudy. 5 pipes Holland Gin. . 15 quarter casks Madeira Wine. | SOAP— 50 boxes Colgate* No. 1. 50 boxes Colgate’s Pale. . 100 boxes Boston No. 1. |TEAS— 35 quarter chests Green. 10 half chests Black. 10 quarter cheats Gunpowder. |FLOUR- 50 half barrels Extra. 50 barrels lllram Smith’s,) 50 barrels pure Geneisoe, >New Wheat. 150 barrels Baltimore, ) STARCH- 50 boxes Pearl. 35 quarter boxes Pearl. RAISINS- 85 boxes Bunch. 35 half boxes Bunch. ALMONDS- 15 thills Jordon. BUCKETS— 100 doxen Pointed. 50 doxen Varnished. oct 1 15 do. LI user Wools* 15 do. Red Flannels, 50 do. Brown Bhlrtings, 10 do. W Sheetings. 50 do. Hcaw Cotton Osnsbnrga. 10 cases Bleached 8hlrtlngs, 40 do. Printed Calicoes, 10 do. Kentucky Jeans, 200 doxen Head Hsndkerchiefa, 500 do. Assorted Hosiery, Together with a most complete stock of Famnr Goods, to which Uiey invite the attention of Country Merchants and others. NEVITT, LATHROP k STEBB1NS, novS 130 Congress-street. GROCERIES. A CHAMPION has In store and Is receiving the (bi llowing articles far city and country trada. which having been purchased fbr cash and selected by himself, enables him to sell on the most favorable terms, vis: 100 bbls. Baltimore and Canal Flour. 50 half do. do^ 50 do. Stuart’s Crashed aud Powdered Sugars; 10 boxes do. Loaf ao; 10 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado do; 50 bbla. Clarified Sugar, various qualities; 35 boxes Cheese; 100 boxes and half do. Soap; 50 do. 8pertn and Adamantine Candles; 100 bags Rio and Java Coffee. 30 boxes and half boxes Hyson and Block Tees; 75 do. and half do. Tobacco; 35 do. Starch; 30 do. Pipes; 35 dozen Brooms and Buckets; 50 bbls. X, Xi s»d kills Mackerel; 20 kilts Salmon; 10,000 lbs. Bacon, Hams, Sides and Shouldors; Smoked Tongues, Dry Beer, Fulton Market BeefLChoco- late, Farina. Sardines, Tatlet Boap, Fig Blue, Pickles, 8wect OH, Almonds, Spices, Mustard, Butter, Currants, Citron, 4t&, Ac. _ AL8Q _ 23 whole. 25 half, 35 quarter boxes New 5 bbls/20 half; 20 quarter and 20 boxes 500 bags Shot; 500 ban Lead; A choice selection of Liquors and wines. J phis— “Fannie,” from Phtlodel- 20 hogsheads choice Porto Rleo Sugar, 15 do. do. 8antaCrux do. 110 bags choice Rio Coffee, 15 barrels Cider Vinegar, 10 hogsheads choice Bacon Shoulders, nov 13 For sale by CRANE k HOLCOMBE. Martin, William i» MeiMiraea aiorgnih micuncimoi rlN John W McKoy, O t' Mill., Wl Itora B Mfnuiii, D J McKenzie, A r Molded, Jo. 8 MoDoneld, J«. Mena, sy, ThnsR Mills, Domingo Marling. Jos Murphy, G A Me- Clcskcy, Angus McAlpin, Michael Martlm Peter Maris, A CHILDREN’S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. G Mode, M T» Milieu, Jno McCall, Jm McFwly, Wm Met- u Department for Children’s Clothing la fitted up In the moat costly style with ever/ convsnlonce far trying on, calf, E Mondell. A K Moore, Wm Muckny, John McNIsh, nttlng* AcTthe stock embraces over)- article In that fine, consisting In port of Coals and Pants or every style, Over* Jos G Mells, L B McConn.Wro Morris, John McCollum, '3’ a OTnde r Garments, Jeuny Lind Sacks, Polka do- Over Sacks.'Vesta, Braided Suits, Plain,8111cVelvet, Vest , _ * Charles McCann, Ber^rt MnllM. Wm McLaughlin, noys*Caps, a large assortment. The Ladles will find it to tliolr interest to call and examine my stock, as ITtLOUIt, 80AP, STARCH, and CANDLES.—Landing ^S'tlSSXV r ZlSSS^l , lSl&£^!l hr^medluplSll.. A..,lee»d l 1 h.l.we.t l toere. No.h. l eme,„frem,h.p,lee.dr., | T 1™ L ANDING, per schooners “Eclipse” and “North State”— 100 boxes Connecticut Cheese, 50 do. Soda, HuUer, Wine and Milk BlacnUs, 50 barrels Butler and Sugar do. 20 do. Pilot Bread, SO boxes assorted Candy. Also, per brigs 44 American” and 44 Excel t” 200 bogs assorted Shot, 5,000 pounds Bor Lead, 25 kegs extra sholce Goshen Butter, 50 boxes Cream Cheese, 95 barrels Mercer Potatoes, 25 do. Yellow Onions, nov 13 For sale by CRANE k HOLCOMBE. DeWITT Sc MORGAN. DEALERS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, ALL attention to their large 8lock of the following ' articles, which they offer al the lowest prices: Rich Printed de Lslnes and Cashmeres, French and English Merinos, Black Bombazines and Alpacas, Linen Cambric and Embroidered Hdkfa, Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes, Irish Linens and Damasks, Linen and Colton Sheetings, Silk, Cbtton and Merino Hosiery, White and Colored Flannels, Cloths and Cassimeres, French, English and American Calicoes, Diapers and Towellngt, Table and Plano Covers, Plain and Figured niack Silks, “ * “ •’ de''” i no nioaianon, .no r niuuo^uu, .u. * ’***.*’• *" •. - ** *— i . i IISS’M mSS5>?°‘w"“5Sor5,Jno , M?h»M»oE I Ey-IWI torg.1 Ih. n.w .loro on »r»l Itoor of 81. Ahdr«»’. 11.11, conur of nroughtoh znj WM. «pr 88 I.-T. * rm.„. ri kinnmu' 1 XI n Mnrlnmt. Jns McDonald. T llaver! Thos G Mooney, M 0 Moriand, Jaa McDonald, T t MaxwelLN W McLeod, Alex Mcllnrdee,JuoT Mlteli- Wobrter.Robert t^SSa^SSSStiSXHMi I feWilSSnl Jas McCanna, Thos Meeks, Edward Mullegon, John Mo Wnggonslein, Jos Washburn, D L Wll- Wilson, Dempsov White, Peter White, no M Williams. Norman Wallace. Henry Welgand, rhos White, W H WllllomSjJ TWr " i'ohn “fllMItorreli I llho. WhYc^'w'Tl 'wiiii«mz j fWebMu O Wblto McCann 'ohn Wlcknm, Lemuel Wilson, Wm P, Wylly, John Amur, MoAliUtm. Jorcph Neill, Tbo.N»jlor, Wm Nnamaer, JiuNumm I zer, W U Norwood, Jno W Noarlll, D D NIcnolB, B L | Noidllngor, Dzn’l Noleon, Tcrronco Nugiml, O N Nichole Geo B Nlcbol., L F NlchotoJo. Nimliz Norlll Noylc, Jcio Noll, J U Neldlllogcr, A A Nunguor, J1R. Norton, Jacob wood, Chaa Nowland. James NoldUlnger, V\ m Novo. John Oliver, Jonathan Olmstead, M O Reilly, James t vor, W O O^Drlscoll, Dnn’l O’Sullivan, Timothy O Con nor! Daniel O’Sulllvin, W W Oates, John Ogoivfe, MW | O'lfyru, Thos O’Bryan, GeoOtt, irodlckOtto. i Payton. Antonio Ponce, E M Prenderaast, Pnpot, James Prondorgnst, O C Parker, Anthony Pnrinr Joa V Prentice. Jno F Posey, N 8 PI odor, Snm’l •hllbrlck, Jas M Prentice, 8 M Poiwl, Wm Purris, l’ot k Aodrcw u “^"n’SrZ. O U Pni;": I'onn WICKBin, Ltuiun , . 'wilder, Jas E Walthour, Christopher Wltaen, John iVelglcm, Jno W C Williamson, Henry WlUlamson, iVelglom. Jno w iVllllam Warner. Peter Yonson, Jno A Young, Dr E Yonge, WA Yonge, Wm P Yonge. Z* ! poter Zorodoskl, Edward G Zetrouer, Jacob Zimmer- ynan, Wwnrd Zudemes, Solomon Zelgler. The foregoing are the qualifications of voters entitled to vote for Sfayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah at tho ensulug election In December next, and a list of nsrsons Regtsterad for the month of May. If there are my persons whose names are Registered, and who are lot entitled to a vote, notice is respectfully requested to Do given to tho Clerk of Council, that they may be dealt .IlL.oojrdlns to tow. \SrfSoU. A SPLENDID^ OPENING OF FALL GOODS. T HE Subscriber would respectfully call tho attention of tho public to his large and well selected stock or Fall and Winter Staple and Fancjr DryGoods. Consisting In part of: Black and colored B'fas, of * great variety; very rich embroidered Bilks, of all patterns, Mantillas and Crapo Shawls; Scotch Wool Long do, .nit unttnrn Plaid Shnwis: Cashmeres; Mouseirne_d . Mantillas ana urnpo ontwis; ocoiou mwi sonsl ino PooTei S G Pancost,Owen Petorson, O B Palter-1 nnd square Ptald Shawls; Cftfhraoress Mouscll soli/John Porfleld, John Phelan, Jno F Powell, Jos Pren- i^ines; Alpaccas, n groat varloty; N^fWtirk Col- derios,Thos Purse, Sam’l Pittman, BJ Purse, Oeorge fars and Capes, or all patterns; Cblmlzcttos, Muslin and Parsons, R D Papot, M Prendergust,Edward Podolford, i^ce Under-SIcoves: CambricHandkerchtefa.from118Jg Sen Edward Paaolfard. Jr^ Thos Pidgeon, Thos S Pitt- contsto $5a piece; Irish Linens; Huckabacks, Diaper, Jnol’ostelL Jos W PWlllpN James Prunty,J M Palin, French Towels, ffam 25 cente to 81 • Blec«. t;double Marcus M Pock, Patrick Price, G O Pudor,Thos Prender, Damask Table Linen; while nnd brown Napkins, n fine i> er 7y R W Pooler, II K Prestou, Jos V Pres- assorltnont; a very largo assortment of Gloves and Ho- K’lVto" &«, Edwnrd I'urmto, D G ^hilbriclz. KJ'oTUto rc,y Srct muk. z»d «yl. I BngllM.i and A- wo * Q. merlcan Long Cloths; unbleached do.; rich Damask Jss Quantock, JohnQuln^ Martin Quinn, Wm Quinn, I Table nnd Plano Covers; Cassimeres and Wm QuantorJt,Jr. M Russell, Waring Russell, David RosonblatL Jacob Rosenbond, John Russell, Dennis Ryan, Win Rochosler, James IlUMcll, ThosJ Ryon, J U Rom, John Reedy, A M Ro»s, Michael Roohfori, Christopher RusseU, Wm Roberta. John Ryan, JB Rond, Jos W Robberts, llei| Roser, Wm Robertaon, PaU Rlch'imlsan"juo O °Rowlnnd, ’Michael Rooney, RUturEdwsrd Reilly, Daniel Robertson, Wm Uom.I.Drt. J W ftabun, Jos Ross, Francis Ryan, / B Ripley, J W Remshart, Robt Halford, 11 W Ralfard, Mathew Ralfard, Wm Reilly, J P W Rood, Jno Rlordon, Francis Reives, JefiSrwn Roberts, 0 H Rlkcmnn, H Rogers. J Ronoldson, Jereratoh K,b«% o Bo..;, on.. B tob r „, do„ f b f«bi. nnd"pii5w"doV«iI CozBlmoro. and Ulotbj bto.k aud bluo of overy quality: rich Vest patterns of all styles; Satinets; Kentucky Jeans; bnvM very Inige assortment; one of the very best seleclcd stock or Blnn kets ever brought to this market. .. . CARPETING—Bruascls, 3-Ply, 2-Ply, All-Wool,a x»- r Russell, WmP riet/or patterns; and. also, CoUon Carpeting. UniS John Ryaib'j B Rond. JosW Robberts, Henry N. B.-Clothlng nt wholesale only. Gountry merchants tarWraffiii, Patrlcft Reilly, LSRusselLWm would do well to rail befare purehoslng elsewhero, M KiBurnwnodc ; .,P.Ptll.. | .i, H 1 * S ,^,‘“ilm W NEW FAIL AMI WINTER GOODS!! 50 boxes Colgate’s Pearl Starch 50 boxes Georgia Candles 100 boxes Soap. For sale by [sept 25] SWIFT k CO. Bonnet and Plain Ribbons, Broche and Plaid 8hawlt. French and English Crapes, Ladles’and Gentlemen’s Kid Gloves, Swiss and Cambric Trimmings, French Needle-worked nnd Lace Collars, Blanketa Plains and Kerseys, Muslin Curtains, Broche aud Figured Silks, Domestic Goods of all descriptions, of the best manufac ture. oct 38 J. H. & M. SHEAHAN. Corner of Broughton and Whitakor-sts,. SAVANNAH, I NVITE nltontlon to tholr new slock of FALL 5c WIN TER GOODS, comprising: DRESS GOODS—French Cashmeres, French De lollies, English De Lutnes, Black Silk, Colored k, Bine 1 **- *’ “ ~ D OMEBTJU LIQUORS— 100 bbls. E. Phelp’s Gin; 50 do P. ft. H. Gin, Conn. River; 100 do N. O. Whiskey; 50 do Baltimore Whiskey; 100 do N. E. Hum; 50 do Domestic Brand/. Landing, and for sale by [sept 25] 8WIFT ft CO. N Bilk, Dlnck Alpaca. Colored, llorabz. tjeo£«,,!.'r?.S” US * W ’" 1 " zlnw, Unmnsk Ainlqnc, Bngltob, French and R |ao bblz. Cruabod, Fowdcrcd .nd GtarUM Btorcnt A„,i,ri„„ i.nii.m,, I 23boze.doublo rcllnwl Lo.l do| 340 bags Rio Coffee, some or them prime; 45 do. Java do: 50 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado 8agars; American Calicoes. EMBROIDERIES—Linen Cambric, Cambric Hand- kerchiefa, Plain nnd Embroidered llandkerchlefa, Boblnct Laces, llobluot Edgings, Collars and Cuffs, Habits and uudor-Sleeves, Blaek Lace Veils, Blk Crane, Colored Crapo. HOSIER Y &■ LINENS—A large and well-solected stock of Gloves, Irish Line:*, Liuen Diapers and Damasks. JTOOLENS—Negro Blnnkots, Kerseys, Llnseys,Cloths, Cusalim-rea and Vestlugs, Satinets, Twoods ft Ken tucky Joans, Rod. While, Blue aud Yellow Flan nels, 10-4 and 11-4 Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Pillow-Case Linens, and QuUta Country Merchants, Planters, usd others, will consult their Interests byexamlnlugour stock before purchasing. fldTAIl we ask Is a visit from those desiring to pur chase. Wo feel confident that the quality and prioes of our Goods will command sales upon our terms: 370 boxes Tobacco, S*a, 5’s and l’s Lumps; 45 packages superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Diadem, Nectar, Vlrglnlus, ftc. 100 boxes best Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; 114 half chests Block Teas, some of It very superior, 148 packages Hyson do., Intf.lfand jfcbesU; 150 boxesTallowCandtea, S’* andG’s: 100 do. Star and AdamanUne Candles; 150 do. Pipes; Uug terms. [oct 2] JOSEPH L1PPMAN. GEORGE W. HARDCASTLE, CARRIAGE MAKER* 900 CONGRESS AND 05 OT. JULIAN-OTREET, Franklin-Square* W OULD Return his thnnks to his friends and pntrons for past favours,^ and lnfbnn_ttaenj, i that ho^lIs^ojv tnc J Jeremiah Ryau, B G Roe<J. Chu E }tobln«on.J.nseph yy for p08l ^oura, and Inform them, that ho Is now Rosa, Heury Rober, Goo Robins, Allen Russel , Wm ^ the old stand, to execute any work In tho above Roberson, John Rowley, John Rogers, Dan I Reddamn, jjj® ■» #nd hopca by his untiring exertions to please all Wm P Rowland, Hugh K elly, Andrew Rlolly, A R Rnl- w ]^ mn y honor him with a call. All kinds of repairing ■ton. H J Royal, Jno R Rice, J«nji«Ryw>i tn the nbovo business done with the utmost neatness and noil, C E Ryan, Wm Ilobken,0 W Rogers, ThosRonau, Geo Robertson, TobiasRothleter, F A llobero, G S Roux F T Roff, M J RelUy, JamesJtussoU. Wm 8woli, John A Schnffer, John In tho above business done with the utmost neatness ant ^Wheelwright nnd Blacksmith work, and all kinds of Wheels,Wagons, Dreys, Carts, ftc., mode on tho shortest notice and on most liberal terms. J >naa JOHN POOLE* WHOLESALE AND RCTA1L PAINT AND OIL STORE, SAVANNAH, OA. No. 11 Wlxltakex itreet* »«aw"Pi=’*'tor7J.b | . SMkje, J 8 Soto- Btock, Yellow, tow%ChroinoGr©Bn, Paris Green, «id ‘ Pnizzian Bluo. DBY pA|Nra! Nlcholu. 8lnol, M.nto Snlllv.n, Vonotlzn E«l, 8piuil.b Oro-ii, Lanipbluik, Yellow jltoltor, Thorana Baundon, John ochre. Bod Lead, Llthnxgo, Pirts nnd Lbrcmo B««n» The. Jtoltb,,OJ Bmllh, Jno Sub | D too, Bbrcroo Y^, Urcbor^Torrcdo BloM, FALL OF 1858. 1TAVING complelod our arrangements for the season, 1 1 wo afp now prepared to offer to the publio the larg est and best assortment or GOOD AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING, and are determlued to sustain our reputation by selling Goods at fair prices. Wo Invte our friends and the pub lic to call and examine our Fall and Winter Stock, which, for quality, stylr and quantity far exceeds any previous season, and from which a complete outfit can be selected at tho very lowest prices. Our Goods are selected with great care—being cut in the latest Fashion, and manufactured In such a manner ast give entire satisfaction. •50.000 STOCK of Beady-made CLOTUING, embracing all the various styles, qualities, etc., In j»rt as^follows: Black Cloth, Frock and Dress, Business Coals In great variety, Half Sacks, etc. etc. PANTALOONS, made from Fine Black Doeskin, and the virions Fall styles of Harris’ Clouded and Moltlod Cassimeres, Black aud Fancy Satinets. VESTS: Hack and Figured 8alln, Genltemen’a White Silk and Figured Marseilles. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. We Invite the attention of Country Mercbaits to our Stock, which Is varied and eomplole, and manufactured expressly lor their trado. We also have a genteel as sortment of YOUTH’S CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Black and Fancy Silk Cravats, Stocks, Plain and Figured 8flk aud Satin Neck Tics, Prince Alberts, of Plain, Watered and Ribbed Bilk. SHIRTS, Will to and Fancj, warranted to fit, Glovei, Under Gar- ~enta Bnspendera, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Socks, etc. flj^We ask a continuance of tho patronago which has always been so generously extended to us. sept 7 40 do. Old Mononga’n Whiskey,some very choice; 15 half pipes Otord, Dupuy ft Co.’s Brandy; 25 quarter and eighth casks various kinds choice FrtDCh 5 R pTpoi’l.ollnnd Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica and 8L Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira nnd Tenerllfo Wines; 20 do. superiorold Madelraand Sherry Wines; 100 boskets Champagne, Heldseck, Uangariai Lion, ftc., ftc. , 100 kegs and halves FFFO. Powder; 400 bags Buck and Drop 8hot; 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 25 do. No. 2 do; 20 do. No. 1 do; . 20 casks Codfish and Haddock; > Now Fish, 30 half bbls. 1 ft 3 Mackerel; 50 boxes Codfish; i 40 kills No. 1 Mackerel; J... With a fall supply of everything eUe In Ihe grocery Itojtorrci... .e^mmod.ll.^gv ^ pjzld.ndChaded,Fancv CAIll-HTM! CAKPETNI! CAUPETreU! " t.tod.cui,„»PM,oK I D Shaffer, wm n omun,<*«im ■ der.Sam'l B 8lbley, Anthony Sogur, Jaa8hea, Pa R^IinlNii Jns Skinner, J H Blroos, Dan’l Bullivan. J Skinner,DrABheRallNlcholnk Slnot, MartinSufilvi Lewis Smith, Jacob T ’ ,nmB ‘ r Ilenrv Seltzer. G B Beatty, » OF TUR] Wm^ditfo’M SIod^TA 8*»>zy, j M Schloy, Frcnclt oLhXMyoKfauStta'rroTiSdgto jflpTbe above articles will bo sold on reasonable ^ Crm IIouro* Slim and Sltlp Painting Dono In a workmon-llko manner, and nt reasonable prices. mRh"Siman lameaM^Strickland, Timothy Shoraodan, Thomas Smith, Wm Starr, Jr, I COPPERSMITH AND PLUMBING, man. Conrad Schelneldor, Geo Stovenson. lllchnrd stole. nrxilR Subscriber having fitted up, Inoonuectlon with Jo’hn Bhleldis N.Uon Srallh, 8 8 8p.lrc.lzer, Wjffitoto. WSrkz,» Shop tor th. StorkoT ArpSonmaii' Tho. FStovom, J E Sllrk, II W enmcdlh. rcrvlM. ofioperior Smith*WmStorr f'W h ^ipjHk2 imkmmhI.prcpzrcdtodoSSpdrcctlpUonorworltIbu SSSSWTtfv Seunderz, JulluB. Smith, H R M«. | who gay 1 need bis services, that he bos chance of the MARINE RAILWAY, which Is now In succcMfUl operation. He Is therefore, prepnred to take up vesrels of any size ustudly visiting our port, and to do the work of repairing, Aa, on reasonable terms. Those who wish to dean or paint the bottoms of their vessels con also bo accomodated on the Rallwny upon rensonablo terms. He Is also prepared to ,ct far building vessels of «n/_ cIms or JescripUon, JAM Olonovely,j„ ... Gooddl, David h Gnsnn, George Gatehouse, J • M Grtffln, Owen. J W Gibbons, Ohas Gross, PMriolt Gordon, rie^RraeKStav8ffiwffjo®%eUnd.Jo»eph D Gwnett, C^»riosGanahl, John Gallagher, 0 A Greiner, -uray. raa ueorgo ar, u. h. uailoway, , • /amca Gugel, John A dray, H J Gilbert, MaUhew Galla- t— •-■7, John M Gttor- WmUGugo1,John W .B Giles, John; G Grann. E W M^ffford, Thoa dramble. W..B G Henry Gilbert, John B Green, Wm. Galphtn, Jr, J j , § , Wra Godfrey.' WmGalpWn, ar, /oa GanMIt 1 NL Hsrria, P D HeUxb^n! John Haupt. Sr-C S Hen- * 1 / p Hltghes, O 8 Hams, Martin imh^SSsk .. flaberaham,. Joa Hamer, B N Har. ’ 8 P Hamilton. Henry HouilhanVDennli seam Tombrokm Jitmto TTturcimh IITTurner, WmThomm O E TcffL Edward Townaonu, B T Thous, A Thomas, W PTein, Mnrlon ThreodcrnfL ino HThode, 11 JThomas- aon. vV B Tinsley, Fras Trucliolut, R V Thomas, Rlchard- wnTombs,WflTatbIrd.J E T«yor^John GTl.oraas, John Trurafler, IK TefR, Jns PTustln, Thos M Tamer, F A Tunner, ChnsThompson, H J TlwJwnaiL David Thomp son Jns 'nghdL O Tebeau, Ohas G Talblrd, Henry Tow, “SCn. rS. A Thomp.’m., Itoto^MJ,F J bm Wm H Talblrd Jr, Jno J Theus, J Tcchouor, Wm S Tay- lor^N P Taylor, J M Thomas, J R Thompson. Christian Uobele, Philip Urtor. Antonio Vondley, alias Ramboik!, Chaa Van Horn, W j?. mwiitoh, - contract far building vessels or any dssa or description, and to carry on tho business of Snip Carpentering, Spar MaklngTnml Caulking,In all Its various branches, at the .—it- ihe city. ^A*goaf » on y the premlsM^ If. F. WILLINK, Jr. WuSl Edmund Wnllon, A J Wylly, Jos M Wlison. u M wnidhnrgh, Wm Thorne Williams, Wra W teou, Wm STOSDiWwlSfi Wm WHjhu o8W.ltip ,.Iminir im.o Wfitiinr. Wm Weacott, Jacob Waldburgh, SAVANNAH DRY ROC*.. To Ship Owners, Masters andl Con?Jgneet1 of Vessels milE Buscrlber resnoctfiilly Informs them that the SA- T VANN AH DRY DOCK Is now In suceessfal opera- on hand, so that vessels can bore paired * th as much made to ensure economy aud fidelity to those who may favor the DockSlth *elr bu.lnoM^^^ fab 34 Agent and Superintendent, Late of Marsh’a Dock. Charleaton. WOOL HATS. 100m°“° bl “ k , “ 1 d “ ^ *' 50 doxen Mateloe Uate Xft>V!pUnter , B use) an article entirely now, far aalu at the now wholoaalo Hat Store, eoriwr or Broughton »od »—«**“ bEI . DB N to CO. afessaffissaiSf ffi rcmM WM. B.8YMON8, IT WkllllMr-L [ ARD^-to t«rrcli .»akMN " 1 lj npm irtment of Carpels, Oil Clotl , Window Curtains, See. —CONSISTtNO IN PORT Of— 20 pieces Three-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 do. Brussels do. 40 do. Two-Ply Carpets 30 do. Floor Oil Cloth 10 do. Drugget 5 do. Felt Carpet 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Velvet nnd Chenellle Ruga 100 common Rugs and Mats 100 pair or beautiful style Window Shades. All of tho above Goods are offered at the lowest market prices/ For sole by [sept 20} A1K1N ft BURNS. IN STORE FOR THE GENTLEMEN - “OHN W. KELLY, havlug returned from the north „ with a handsome assortment of CLOTHS, OAR3I- ; ilERESnnd VESTINGS, lakes pleasure In Informing his friends, those especially who admire a find/ HttlcR gar ment, to his saloon. No. 4, opposite the Puhuki (louse, where they will find him ready at all times to suit bis pa rens In the most approved ana fashionable manner, and ie ventures to assert, that those who will confide In his selection as to oolor, fabric, style or finish of a covering ROBERTS Ac FOOTE, Broughton-otrcct, (up tlatrt) opposite the St. Andrew's Hall, .... H AVE now on hand a very large and well-selectea Stock or DRY GOODS, which they offer for sale, by the piece or package to the tfado—consisting. In pari, of * Colored and Duffell Blankets. Rod aud White Flannel. Plains and Kerseys, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Jeans. Fancy and Tweed Cassimeres. Striped and Plain Cotton Osnaburga. Bleached and brown 8hlrtlngs and Sheetings. English nnd American Prints. Cashmeres nnd Printed DeLalnes. Black and Colored Alpacas. Black and Colored Coburgs. -P..8 Ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, silk and cotton do. Also, a largo lot or men’s aud boys’ Caps, of the latest patterns. Also, a lino lot or boautifal Ready-made Clothing, whloh I selected with groat care. Gentlemen in wont or any of the above articles will ploase give me a call, as 1 am determined to sell at a small profit. [sept 25j JOHN W. KELLY. SAM’L HU* X, Late ortho firm or Sam’l Hoyt & Co, Savannah, 0a, TXTOULD announce to bis friends that he has remov- W od to Charleston, 8. C, No. 140 East Bay, where he is prepared to do a general Commluton business, and furnish to order, at all times, any artlcUs from tho North or South that may be wanted, far the usual commission, as well as recelvo and sell tho samo. Aud 1 plodge my self that alt business entrusted to my core shall receive such attention as will iusure similar manlfastaUon of their good will, not doubting that my acquaintance wllh Northern and Southern markots will enable me to do as well as any, and better than many. Also Dealer In Butter, Cheecse, Plaster, Marble Dust, Cement,-Lime and Hair. And Agent for sundry Machine Manufactories, North and South, os well as Sllus C. Herrings’ Fire Proor Safes, Georgia and French Burr Mill Stones; all of which will he furnished on short notice, and at^manufacturers prices. Cash paid at all times far Wool. Green, Salted and Dry Hides, Deer and Sheep Skins, Shinning -Furs, Beeswax, Ram, Ropo Cuttings, Sea Island Cotton Seed and Flop- SaMo». Also, Smd hern Tanned Leather In Um Rough. Terms cash Invariably. Refers to the ellixeus of Savon- pah generally. ir ‘“P 14 " CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRE8S-STS. B LEACHED and Brown SHEETINGS ft SHIRTINGS. The Subscribers have Just received per brig Wilson Fuller,from New-York: Water Twist bleached SHEETING New-York Mills do do B James’8tcam Mills do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 Londsdale and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Sea Island Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 44 7-8,8,9,10,11, and 124 Allendale Bro. Sheeting 7^8, S 9, iff 11, and 134 do Bteoehed do 7-8, ff 9! 10,11, and 134 Hamilton do do Forsdeoy ^ M. PRENDERQA8T ft CO. (General auDccttacnunts. UENTLEMEN'S Mbk EEBT0BATI0N, . t.AOEn BEER. I H. WGIOAND hu opened, unde, tho Flznter.’ Hotel. —- 1 * Room, with on oxceUent a neat and comfortable Eatinf Kitchen and Cooking Range RESTAURANT. . He hu an excellent Cook, from Strasbourg, who will suit GermamAmerican nnd French tastes. OY8TER8, FISH, MEATS—overy thing that this market affords,can be bad tn all styles, on short notice. rc v ?„Ttod CL r, , 4' iff rcX.rSS; ml dining at the Restaurant, Philadelphia L L1NDBUKOERC use of families. rrMli*8iK^8fS^rc”fr?IIM*^ : to» I ?oWto”"8rc A vannah to test the quslltlea of this fine Beer, from the Brewery or Messrs. Enorl ft Wolf, nt the Falnnount Water Works, near Philadelphia. This Beer fa made ex actly like the Lager Beer at Munich, in Bavaria. I •hall continue to receive constant supplies of this pure and wholesome beverage,dnrlnff tbenutumn. winter, and spring. As In the old country, U will bo sold to families and Indlvlduatawho will thus Incur no risk of Its souring on their hands. The use of this Beer Is particularly reconis mended by physicians to Isdlee who are nuralng cUilaren. Sold at the Planters’ Hotel by ■ 1 sept7 Myl HERNY WE10ANJ> FLORIDA LANDS FOR SAEE. , am lb* fallowing valuable TRAOTfl OF* MLAND, 1/lug In Marion and AUchua|T -JC-connUea, will be offered at Private 8afa - during the months of October, November and D next, vlx: WETUMPKA HAMMOCK, •itnated about ten mitre North of Ocala, (the county seat of Marion county,) coo* talning 3,000 acres, about one-half of whldi fa hammock, unsnrpassod by any In the State; and the remainder white oak and hickory land. .» , : A TRACT, well known as the “Fort 1 tlon,” containing 3,000. acres of Land, y‘ quality hammock, between four and*fire of which Is thoroughly cleared, and at .present fa eulti. been cultivated has produead flue crops of com and fa divided Into two or 11 watered and sunound- These Tracts could readily be t three plantation* each, being well W ed by nigh rolling pine land. A TRACT or 1,000 acres on Orange Lake,consisting of hammock,orange grove; and well umbered pine land. TWO TRACTS, or 1,000 acres each, near tho Alachua prairie. The greater part of both thoso tracts fa rich hammock. -ALSO— 5,000 ACRES on Indian River. Any one vrlahlng:t<» cultivate sugar cane would do well to examine UiU land* as being remarkably fertile, and lying south of the region or frost. It Is os well adapted to that culture as any In the United States. > 19.000 ACRES, RenerallT known ..Ih. “H.Jrcd (net;- situated on the SU John’s rlrer, opposite Plcolsta.Tb#re are many small hammocks and orange groves on this tract, but It fa principally valuable far Us pine Umber. It hu a river front of seven or eight miles. 1,000 ACRES on liske George, and several small tract* on and near tho 8u John’s river, well situated far farm ing, the rearing of orango groves, ftc. The above tracts or tend were purchased by the fata Gon. Clinch, Immediately after the accession of Florida to the United States, From bfa position at that tints, hu facilities far selection were unusually great, and It fa be lieved they include as good land as can be faund In the —JUS. it On account of their accessibility from Charleston'and Savannah, they otfer great Inducements to plan ten In Oa- rollna or Georgia wishing to remove. The UUee are deer and Indisputable. Terms—Cosh, or payable*! Charleston or Savannah, on r before the 1st of January next • fly Any farther InformaUou on the subject can bo Gained by addressing thesube~ ,K — «• to by addressing the subscriber, at On Marion county, Florida. _ J. H.M.G HOUSE-KEEPING DRY GOODS. EVITT, LATHROP ft OTEBB1N8 offer far sale— White and Colored Counterpanes. Bath and Whitney Blanketa Linen and Colton Sheeting. Linen and Cotton Pittow-coslng. llnckabuck and Bird’s Eye Diaper. _ Damask and Spotted Nankins and Cloths, Snow-drop and Damask Table Diapers. Unbleached Diaper and Cloths. While, Bcariet and Yellow Flannels, srlrish * ‘ Super Ii t> Linens and Long Lawns. oct 30 FANCY DRY GOODS. 1ICH COLORED ft BLACK BILKS. j Paris Printed De Mines. Mode and Hfah-Colored DeLalnes. Plaid Raw 8llks. French, English and American Print*. Rich French and English Flirt Cblutx. Embroidered Chemlsetts and Collars. • Bordered Lawn and Linen Cambric Hdkft. Rich Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Plain and Embroidered Canton Crape Shawls. Long and Square Brocho Shawls. . Do. do. Plaid do. Bonnet and Neck Ribbons. For sale low by NEVITT, 1 •, LATHROP ft 8TEBB1N8. 2,0005: DRUGS I DRUGS II LBS. EPSOM 8ALTS. 5,000 lbs. Copperas. 1.000 lbs. Glauber Salta 2,000 lbs. Putty. 500 boxes window Gloss. 7,000 White Lend. AD of the above Just received and for sale by JAMES II. GARTER, oct 20 Opposite 8U Andrew’s Hall. oct 10 %• The Tri-weekly 1 Won . Aly Chronicle ft Sentinel, at Aagtuta, and the Journal ft Messenger and Ufa Telegraph, at Ma con, are requested to publish the above UU first of Jamu unry, aud aenJ their bllla to Uiia offlee. FALL Sc WINTER GOODS! L\ T HE SUBSCRIBERS take pleasure In.announclog bv the citizens or Savannah, tod tho publle generally that, by various arrivals or steamers and sail vessels, they have received a largo and splendid Bto^ of Goods, su(L able far Fall and Winter trade—such as: ALPAOAB, CASHMERES, MUSLIN DE LA1NE8. BOMBAZINES, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, SHAWLS, BILK AND VELVET MANTELS, of all colors and of the latest and most approyedpatterns, . ftc., h Ci, ftc. They also have received a largestoek of SILKS, which surpass any other over brought to this place, as well. In the quality and patterns as In the prices ; * great assort-, ment of WHITE ft EMBROIDERED GOODS, rach as Collars, Cufib, Capes, Capa, Handkerchief*, Sleeves, and Chemisette; together with all other articles usually kept tn a Dry Goods Store. ‘ They call the attention ortho public eapeclaBy to tholr assortment of , ,. Conslstlnj Towels, Pillow-Case Linen, eta, eta; and also to Ufajr extenai ve variety or Flannels, Blankets, Kerseys, 8atlnets» Tweeds and Caul meres: and Invite all who wish to pur chase tocorao and examine thelr Stock, whlch wlll bo Hid..Uietovutnlrc. t „ mim< oct 13 151 Oongrese-street. NEGRO 0ROGANSI NEGRO BROGANS I rpHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of Fao- JL tors and Planters to bfa very extensive stock of Ne*' gro Brogans and Women’s Leamer^Boota Thoso goods tovo boon selected expressly — warranted the beat stock and .workmanship'. He fa c< fldent that a fair trial of his stock wlU Insure sat' '" *' and a continued patronage. Hfa goods siths/f ^ Glbon’s Building, formerly occupied by Messrs. F- F. WjodfcCo. 0Ct3 CHURCH AND PARLOR ORGANS. tmie Subscribers, agents for Mr. H. Knauff, Organ _ builder, are prepared to fUrntsh any descripUon of Church or Parlor Organa. Asa spodmen of. bis Instru ments, reference fa made to the organ recency erected by. him in the Lutheran Church of ibis city. Parties desiring nformntlon on the subject can ascertain all necessary partlcufarson application to F. ZOGBAUM ft CO n • july 13 Whltaker-sU, one door east of Brysn-aL WINES* BRANDIES* dec. T HE SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving In stores general assortment of the above articles, In cases* insisting of: Pale and Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, Cherry ft Raspberry Brandy, Port do. Scotch Whiskey, Topaz Bherrr Wine, Holland Gin, Brown do. Stoughton Bitters, Tlnlllfa do. “Crown” nnd “Star” brand* Champagne, irgmio “Tlntilln" 8herry fa highly recommended for ivaJlds—It causing no acidity. For sole by oct 37 BUNKER ft OGDEN, 80 Bay-aU jriHB. anos, the large* T5LOUR, STARCH, SOAP, CANDLES, ktu— JD 100 bbls. Bsltlmore Hownrd-slreet Flour. 50 bbls. Pure Genessee do. 25 bbls. Hiram Smith’s do. 100 boxes Colgate’s Pearl Starch. 50 boxes do. Pale Soap. 50 boxes New-York No. Ido. S boxes C. W. Smith’s Family Soap. boxes Mould Candles. 40 boxes Adamantine Candles. 50 boxes Lemon Syrup. 10U boxes Herrings. 50 boxes Candy. 50 dozen Buckets. 50 dozen Brooms. In store and far sale by ioy 2 SWIFT ft CO. , , _ , on trowl more thin fitly PV* SKriiatts manner. Also the Justly celebrated ASolfan Pfano Fortes, render them peculiarly suited far this climate, preventing the necessity of tuning for years. . The undersigned are agents for .Henri Den’s celebrated rand Pianos, modo in Paris. For power and beauty to„Mhey. , .^P^n,l«uO n o loa(io „ i [ice of Organist*, possessing a sweet and, powertbl tone, ^AUofthSe Instrument* will be dlipoeod of on the most iccommodntlng terms. The prices of tho Pianos ranging — W to Bum. I.W.MQimELLIZ(Xj.' JAGGING, BALE ROPE, & B 08 bales Guuny Cloth, 500 coils Kentucky Rope, 200 colls Dillon’s Rope, 12,000 Gunny Bag. Forrafab^^ O UTTER, CHEESE, RAISINS, ftc.—. X>3» kegs selected Goshen Butter. 150 boxes do. white and colored Cheese. 50 boxes now Raisins. 75 half and quarter boxes Raisins. 100 boxes now Scaled Herrings. G« bbls Hlratn^mllh’s Flour. 30 hlfbbls Fulton Market Beefi 20 casks pints, 18 do quarts, best London Porter. 30 bbls prime .Cream Alo. 0 pipes superior Holland Gin. 30 boxes nnd 25 hair do Rnlsliis. 30 half bbls Sugar,Soda and Butter Biscuits. 50 boxes new Herrings. 30 bbls Sugar Uouao Molasses. 50 boxes Star Candles. 50 do Composite do. 50 do Tallow do. ■ 50 do Wlnaor.Tollel and shaving SoajvJnst reoelved and for sate by [oct 20] McMAHON ft F ROBINSON & OA1BP, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, AMD DRALKRBIN wasM&z&wgm merlcan Cosslmers, of black and fancy colors; Veatln -- . tings “our aSFtViS&gmlk “'““fzctiired.l lh« well known hourc or w. T. Jonntag. to un, Nn. 9J1 llroiulway, N.w.York, rcidl.Mu.l to .nytath.clly.- Wo kceti *cou.tanlly on hrcid lh. lrcso.1 Utomnontol FANCY coons or «ny houH In tho urclo, .uch while and fancy colored Shirts; 81% Llslc Thread SUNDRIES. OAA BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kinds- Zl)[) 70 hhds. Fair and Choice Porto Rico Sugar. 40 do. Cuba and New-Orleana do. 100 bbls. Refined J “«>• 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Lo*r do. 300 bags Rio Coffee. 200 do. Porto Rico and SU Domingo Coffee. 75 do. Java do - loo Ao? Musfnrd, Pepper, Allspice and Ginger. 60 bbls. Butter, 8odo, and Sugar BfaculL 30 X do. do. do. do. do. 120 M 8emrs. assorted kinds. ^»aw.y. 100 do. White do. 50 do. Monongahelado. 20 do. Old Bourbon do. do! lh'uyo ^in. 50 5Pauks°Sberry, Madeir^ ft TenerUfo Wine. 160 bMkefa Champagne do. 40 bbls. American Brandy. 35 V casks do. 10 3 do- Cognac Brandy. I In - Custom House jKuftU Bl °~ 500 bag* Drop and Buck Shot • With a compete assortment of Groceries. For solo un favorable terms by •ept 4 . VVEBOTER ft PALMES. 17OREIGN LIQUORS.—20 1mlf F Dark and and Pale Otard, T our own Importation. Vintage* 6 pipes Holland Gin, Meder 8w«m 1 puncheon old 8colch Whiskey. 8 do. do. Jamaica Rum. 1 do. do.SU Croix do. 20 domljojms, 5 gallons each. Scheldam Gin. Landing and far saleby oct 20 SCRANTON, Italf nnd 10 quarter pipes I, Dupuy ft Co. Brandy, of es 1840. ’49 and ’50. JOHNSTON ft CO. C UBA MOLASSES, Ac.— ' 10 hhds. 9 tierces and 50 bbls. W.I. Molasses. 50 bbls. choice New-Orieans do. 50 bbls. Rectified do. Whiskey. 30 hhds. prime do. Sugar. 80 hhds. do. and 20 hhd*, choice P. R. Sugar. 100 bbls. Stuart’s Crushed, Pow’d ft Clarified Sugoi 20 boxes Ao. Loaf Sugar. nfiw Ju.trc...yrc. A r j wrctob i , HNBroi)fcc<i PIANOFORTES. The Subscribers, sole Agents far ‘A * Co.’s and J. B, Dunham’s 1 its far A. Bto- lbam’s Pfauo jFortes, ore "always supplied with, sortnTent'of 'these favorite and Justly celebrited*®fo ments. For durability, they' can, be' fully 1 warranted,' whilst their superiority of tope and touch fa evident optf acknowledged by the most casual observer, as welj aa the critical connoisseur. The Ladles are respectfully In- “■ThS^hlcrKrcr Sp^Uy^toKnhi tb. .mbllc, .nd .iromorc to towi^ Urol h.. hu “LADY as regards sccommodsllon, safety, ftc. die will JOSEPH KIRKLAND. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION BETWEEN AMERICA AND Ep^- ^ " BETWEEN AMERICA AND EUROPE^n^ J OHN HUNTER, Agent In England of the New-Xprk Associated Press, respectfully begs to annoufiee to the mercantile GRAPHIC DISPATCHES, to and ftpmM/part Of Qre« Britain, or tho Continent or Europe, will be punctually' forwaidod, If confided to bis care. • Dispatches should be forty wdedlnenTel 9 pe,up»erted, and addressed “ Telegraphic!' . {f ai.—J.HuniwfsparadUb^treeU • ■ - ‘xiv-u rk.—D. H. Craig, oBce of the Associated Q.ROCEUIES,— 100 barrels Baltimore Flour. 50 ht do. do. 50 btrre s Hiram 8mlth Flour. 50 bf. do. pure Genessee do. 50 kegs Buckwheat. 100 whole, half and quarter boxes new Raisins. 5 barrels Soft Shell Almonds. K y 8 rcwlto„ 00 „ ENfcTARVK , t , whit, uid fiuioy colored BhlrUi Blit LltoL G.uzo Monno Uodor*u.rmeoU i Stukor Flrcmcl ond Lambowool do,] Thrcul, OoUoo, Morlno and Umb.wool lloalcryi Bllkrcnl Ootton UmbrelU.1bUok, whlto ud colored Kid Glowo, (of AloxuidoFo nrekrt i Stocko, 8001ft,Drewt.«HlColton: uto,In lkrt,oyorelhln« no to a Gentleman’s Wardrobe. For sale on aa *0 or-et. commodatlng terms ascahbehadln tho city, at ■SJCSf TOBUnwMwn * wu “ 0AUDRY*8 BUILDINGS, BBT? 7 sept 91 Next door to Putaskl.Jlqqre. B acon, sugar, coepee, fco.- 5 hhds. choice new 8mokod Shoulders. 10 hhds. Porto Rloo Sugar. SO bags Rio Coffee. 10 kegs Bntter. • 90 boxes Cheese. 50 boxes Herrings. ^^Undlcrc^lorHlehy^i^fc^yi^ 150 Ky^oSS^WCTfiSu" 15 S 10 50 boskets ' do. d°. do. jriltOCERlE8. a \JT 50 boxes Chi ikels Grape Ctiampagne. In store and for sale by . Burgundy Port. Brown Sherry. Pole do. Muscat M. DAVIDSON. 50 barrels Cincinnati whiskey, 15 hogsheads Porto Rico Sugar, 50 bags RIo Coffee, SO boxes No; 1 Soap, -mi In /.oxfi J. W. Clarke, Courier office. /» CindnsofL-rR. 8mlth, MerphanW’-Excho^-. .. . In Bufaloe—A.O, Levlvn, ,(k>mmerolal pfflce. . t ness In the transmtselpn of dispatches ntoMy Wdl b. reftijW.^^ SSUSSS: To IDO CKIMHI ol So; Th. ,iini Asenu, .... S»fifiSSSS^d5HKSarTS nets entrusted to his car© wlU bo pron —pnknown, a .i nov 11 i * u*m* J one of the ,„i respectfully ages to any part will be 1 addressed to ALEXANDER CARROLL, , Courier office, Charleston, B. C. CP"Any Edltore giving Urn above advertisement a