Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 17, 1852, Image 1

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f VOLUME L. SAVANNAH. GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 17,1852. * NUMBER 275. DAILY and tei-weekly RV J. L. LOCKE & CO. w -na Countr grlnMf. W nnggj t-yfpmy. W,*r-Iw Annum, ‘forUi'opcpor baatlended w r _ ,«d wlUiUia Donor, or . eciuroelory Ihrco “ **■•* ; l-50 1 ' ' 'Four 15 00 Four *“ -’ ITS Six “ 80 00 Fit® - “ 2 00 One Year........30 00 UB®' Ve Sr.Ui«monU not exceeding five Hues, three* 1 »l 1 J0,kt,kc. i usual rates, and Dridwfotheirregowu -* toward, Martin Horn, Wm Hone, Peter llomnan, U A onlker. Robt Hutchinson, Jas 0 Hines, Henry llunkcn, B llarley, MichaelHickey, 1 TimothyIlowe.OB Hardee, llisha llaaad, J P Hood, Titos HendersonTW J Halley, Uenry Harper, J B Ho«r, W R Harris, Nicholas Henwn* dez, Thoa Heffered, Alfred Haywood, Moses Y Header* son, 011 Hall, RII Hardee, David Harrington, Edwin E Herts, W H Hauseman, N M Harris, Stephen Hatrick, S HAIVUEL L. DOWELL, No. 100 UaT'STaaiT, Savaaaan, Gsoaou. Strict personal attention to Farmers' orders, and quick returns of Sales of Produce. mar 3 A Hooker, O 8 Hunter, RR Habersham, Chas F Ham- Iton, W H Holmes, S P Halsey, Wm W Habersham, J M Haywood, Thos lloyne*, Jno II Habersham, George 8 , Jdjrtiea, Jno "B Habersham, George 8 Harding, Jno Harrisson, Nicholas Heyle, Fras Hernan dez, Andrew Harrisson, Wm Humphrey, John llelry, inp Howard, Wm Henderson, D 8 Henderson, Jas ---• u-i— clans'Hallman, John II "-*■** Maurice Hackett, 8WIFT, DENSLOW fc CO* Dealer* in Groceries, Provisions, FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC LIQUORS. des, A GTtoL- „ M. Henderson, Thomas llelry. Glauz'I Hull, Leri Hart, Jas Horan,® Heidi, L Robt Habersham, Br, John Harper, J VV Harrifc-..-- Holoorabe, G H Holcombe, B8 Harris, Wm Heidi.Joe Haregrovcs, JoS O Habersham. John 0 Holcombe, Etdred W. D. FORD, Crocor, Hayden,‘ E J- Hamlet, M-HI ■trden, Jno l/amiut, Geo Haas,' Jno R Ing, 8eyraour Harris, E D Heyle, Wm P 11-1J I..—. UI.M 1, U Unw.1l Thna CJT Constantly on band, a choice supply of Family Gaocsatas. July? Holland, H F Holland, James Hint*, R H Howell, Thos Harden?W 1 D llorrlson, Milton Humphreys, Jos B Har* Yey, KB Hilton, R W Hunt, Jno F Herb, Wm Hone. John W Ihly, Jphn L ihly Wm Ihly, Brlen Island. George JontaJasO Jones,* Jas M Jones, B O James, Alexander Johnson, Jas T Jones, J D Jesse, Thos Jones. Edward JortesT Jos Johnston, Peter Jacobs. John R Johnson, Christian Jogstetter, E8 Johnson, G H John* son, Emnuuel Joseph, J R Johnson, A E Jones, John R Jackson, Bulloch Jackson, Nlchotas Jeffreys, Robt iKfkPinii. wm A Juudon. H R Jackson. Claus Jackeus, for.tebeP** 1 J&jfi oxoeedlng In their adYertlseraenti iJSSSSSIB for, will b« chum, Wll. «< MM.T.0 O..TUI. "y^’A-.HlKunenl. (br ob.rtt.lil., Imtllulloiu end re- l®“ 1 25 to thf. &»irtlboiitdU S2?KdMLuOTJ! AdmlSSmuSS iSS-w (jWiKiilmmd ^AdralnSnlor. for Dcbloni 5°ffilSr.“ rSr l» «-olr uxounf, mutt b. pub- rrty u “ d 0( °ii h ta iffi moSog «od four In >b, b ?*'^. U,, » n Z;o rroSi d»y lo dwru r«-ld, UbleuM Fred Krete, Harmon Kuhlman, Wm H Kelly, Phillip Kolb, Dodrlck Knltenhorn,P M Kollock, Ezra Kent,N B Knapp, Jaa King, John Kennedy, Dr N Kohlhouse, James Kerr, Peter Kraust, Gefort Kerb, Jamea. Kennedy, John Kelly, Daniel Kaln, Hanford Knapp, A J Karn, Mwln Knapp, J P Kirby, NIcholaa Kerioy, Robert Knox, Fred* eriokKi ~ ,1 —“ *— J. L. OLIVER, FaMtaionable Boot manufacturer, HO.SEVENTEEN BULUSTREKT, NEAR MONUMKNT-SQUARX. Cork-Sole, Watcr-Proor, Hunting, Military, Patent Leather, Walking, Dress, and Pump-Sole Boots: Shoot ing Baskins, Bootees, Oxtbrd Shoes, Pumps, Slippers, tec- made to order In the neatest and most fashionable manner, of warranted materials, and by the most oxperi* enccd and careful workmen. Tb?. P ft O A L Lamar, Thos E Llovd, BenTn W LloTd, Hugh Logan, Jos Llppman. John M B Lovoll, B W Leach. B LaUirop, Martin Lnrklu, 8Y Levy,. JT Latham, Peter Logan, tIios Leary. Hugh I^irken, Patrick Lenahan, Patrick I^e, Daniel Laphan, Thomaa Lyon, James Lnn* auhan, J T Linde, Linda Linde, Daniel Lennoy, William M Leigh, John Larkin, Henry Lalhrop. D P Landershlne, Andrew Low, C D Lebey, Ixiuls t^grlel, John Lyons, O Lufburrow, Charles^ Lew, PelerLce, Robert^Loybourn, ..feagaMiw ApnUcatlonWrorwlMureorMongn^^^ MONTn a7 ff2«S?=SS-' s ded with a tea to land, >nch, IDLnRoche, Peter Lawrence, Michael IJivan, Matthew Lynch, Robt Lachllson, James Lnchllson, Cos* >ar Lenzcr, James Larkin, Timothy Lavau. O A La- Roche, Robt Lunday, John Lawton, A J Lebey, Thos Lewis; Wm H Lyons, AntonioLoevenlo,JO laimbrtght, Michael Lynch, Pat’k Laughlln, John 11 Loveless, G VV Lockwood, Loors Lohman. m. Abraham Minis, David Morris, Jacob Manses, John Makln, Thos McNIcholas, John ^lasterson, Mward Mnahati, Joremlnh McCarthy, John McHue, Wm Morrell, . << «. n.k. il.V.i,wm do \l.kH.n. Jnn T) Mai. Sheriff s san», DAY8—under tho Courts, ra “*A SIXTY DAYS—sales of perishable nor W S oX ofUourt. muit be advertised, gon- £!?i?> n ^fehrDAYB before the day of sale. Silvester Manning, M mursii, .uwu miiht, — wn, Jno Montmolfln, Tbo. ll.hcr, Tho. MoAollItJi NcFoely, !LW A l| scaljy, JI W Mercer^ C A Maglll, Wi List of Voters b ,flm \l !^m d“n<ritovole atelKUonsror Mayor and personsstial^1 beqM® 1 !"®! 1 ^ v . nna hand the hamlets there- yTlderraen_of 8Udes, havo reside In Savannah .glstrutlou _—lion, who lercultn, KT nicurau, iuu. mi^nuiu, •• ...» J Moore, J D Mallard, 0 D Murphy, Jeremiah Mack, N O Mills, Jesse Mount, John Murphy, B M Morel, Patrick -■ - -*«••■•— •-*— Harvey Morse, John Alderraen ...tin. D.vld Abwham, O 8 Arnold, * A.I..V 'V™' ' D .vld Abriham, O 8 Arnold. Com Buker, "*j j ft BtoftpSrt” wV B Ufolbl, Dr VV (1 llullochi Bulloch, phihs U»rd, G A Boufeullletv Jno O Bryam Thomni J M Butler, f Bryan, Geo Bnnkraan, ujs uurrle, i. iioiu J A Baker, W H Bunch, Jos K I pnrooks.Av II Uourdley, VVO ltutler, II8 Bo- - . John F Blakely, G O G Brown, Wm H Banks, •®« ... on “ rotiari«a it Bel. Geo Bron- Jos llolbo, Wm Bailey, F11^lols, J II Buckner, ler, Solomon Cohen, Hugh Cullen, WH l^opor^Lawara sa% &El£!b^HpbS aasssswM&asr rJn« \6m‘irdLarkrDT) Copp, John D Cole, Cornelius Rlc’d W Delaney,----, , Dawwm, Michael Trick Dow Tho. Dowell, Jno Dowmng, J-E_Havls, IIJ D'cRomon, ['Kronsonimor Krlno, Louis Kemp?; A G"Kennody, Kent, liouls Koozel,Thos Kenton, JnsKIrkland, AL Kent, Phillip Kean. DO Knuffa, Wm Klne, Ed* l Kean, Edwnnl 8 Kemnton, John Keognn, Chas 11 pre win F King, Nicholas Kellehor, Jno J Kelley, Kreeger. G Mehrtchs, Robt McIntyre, H O Mehrtens, Jno D Mai* *eU,‘Jos' Mordecal, Michael 'McGrall. Thos Murtaugh, lender Moore, Mathias H Myer, Peter McGulUlcuddy, Silvester Manning, M Mursh, Jacob Miller, JnoMurchl* Merodlfli 1 E'TMcGm\*^ , 'rii08Ni<^lfu’ra,HMorceJVVin blears, O OMIltar.John McCabe. Harvey Morse, John McDermott, J M Mlllen, Thomaa W McArthur, LovlB Myers, Henry MerckhardL ilieheel Meath, Thomas Ma hon, Patrick McGovern, 8 8 Milter. T J McNIsh, John Mahoney. John McGunngh, Patrick Maslerson, John Mallery. James J McCoy. Isaac Minis, Edwnrd McCabe, G Murklns, 8 8 Moody, Dennis McGuire. Lawrence Mc Kenna, Noylo McHue, J H Mehrtens, M B Myer. Thomas McKenna, John Miller, Jacob Manke, Edward McGraw, Bartholomew Mclnarnev, John Mnjlery, Luder Mehr tens, AFMira,Fabian Myerhoffer.O 8 Miller,John R Martin, William U Me .James VV Morgan, MichaelMor- "“3,. W McKoy, U t MIIK Wllll.m E Mo win, D J McKenzie, AF Mordecal, Jas 8 McDonald, Jna Manu. sy, ThosII Mills. Domingo » trtlng. Jos Mnrohy, G A Me* Cleakcy. Angus McAlpln, Mlchnel Martin, Peter Maria, A G Mode, M B Millen, Jno MMtell, Jos Merely, Wm»7et* calf, E MendelU A K Moore, Wm Mackav, John McNIsb, Jas U Metis, L B McConn, VVm Morris. John McCollum, Bernard Malian, VVm^McLaujjhHn, Charles MwJann, L«.—• -— - _ ■ Patrick McLaughlon, F W McCarthy, W 11 C Mills, Jno McMahon, Jno F Mullegan, Jas Matthews, Isaac Marsh,Thos Madden, John Moran, FA Maddox, 8olomon Mayor, E M McDonnell, Wm Morel Jno Mahun, Jno R Mayer, Thos G Mooney, M O Morlnnd, Jas McDonald, T It Maxwell N W Method, Alex McIIardee, Jno T Mlteh- ell Fredk Mundorf, H K Muntfort, Jos McBride, VV J MclLtSXB^I H Morer, Jereinlah^McCarthy, Wm Me- Cnrlhy, A N Miller, Thos Moll. II P Miller. 1 W Morrell Jas Mointlre, Danl McCarthy. M H McLeod, Jas McCann ’ is McCnnna, Thos Meeks, Edward Mullegan, John Ma ullil Archibald McAllister. Joseph Neill, ThosNaylor, Wm Nungezer, Jos Nung jr, VV G Norwood, Jno W Neavlli. D D Nlwtols, L eldllnger, Dan’l Nelson, Terrance Nugent, t. N Nichol eo 8 Nichols, L F Nichols, Jos Nagle, Neril ■ Neyle,, Jr oil, J G Neldtllnger, A A Nunguer. JR Norton, Jacob euterger, Edward Nugent, Snm’l Nuttman, Jaa A Morris, Frederick Noltemen, Jno C NIcoll, Thos M Nor- John W Owei jus, Geo W Owens, Daniel O’Connor,Tim O’Brien, Owen iFhourke^John P O’Byrne, David O Con nor, Owen O’RlclIy, Humphrey pLoary, OS Owens, tennis O’Oounor, Jno CLonnell Jno II oblmeyer, VVn 1 Olcott. VVm 6lmstead, J F O’Neill, D G Olcott, E O’Byrno, Mlchnel O’Neill C E O’Sullivan. H G Oliver, John Oliver, Jonathan Olmstead, M O Reilly, James Oli ver VV O O^Drlscoll Dan’l U*8ulllvan. Timothy O Con* 2Slo"“« w w OatM, Jntn Ogornk « O’liyru, Thos O’Bryan, Geo Olt, Fredlck Otto. duiu John Pcrfleld, John Phelan, Jno F Powell, Jas Prcn- dorgas, Thos Purse, Snm’l Pittman. E J I urse, Geo^o Parsons, R D Papal M Prendergnst, Edwnrd Pnrleirord, Rpn*°Edward Pmlolford, Jr^ Thos Pldgeon, Thos 8 Pitt* S5*KrtelSi w PWfllpi James Prunty, J M Palin, MihiiiM Peck. Patrick Price,G OPuder,Thos Prender, m.i° niisa P«ry. RW Pooler! II K Preston, Jos V Pres! K’wm F pSton. Ed ward ^ursale, D G Phllbrlck. Jas Qusnloek. John Quinn, Marlin Quinn, Wm Quinn, VVm QuuntorJCjjr. Roberta.JohnHyan, JBRead, Jos W Robberta, lleijry Rose^vVm Robertson, PabdM Reilly. L 8 Russell VVin K^ uirney Roden, PM’k Ry nn, \Vm Rogers, Jno A Richardson,Juo O.Rowland, Michael Rooney, George Ritter, Edward Reilly, Daniel Robertson, J VV Rabun, Jos Ross, Francis Rynn, J U IUploy, J W RemsharL Robt Halford, II W Rairoro, Mathew Halford, Wm nelily, J P W Ewi, J»» .BW**. .5*KS Dunfntan CJnrsn. PAOTOBAO% POKWABDIKO, AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS. Suointao earns. jtttctkanttfii. HABDWIOK k CQpKE, Factor, and uan.mU.isn n.rcbnnt^ JO. 1M U.rSlrttl. | bUOABB^ K. I. nSBDWICK. ions a. cooks. J. IIA8BROUCK k CO„ IMfOKTRM AND WHOLESALE PEALEKS IN arttm-Wur., ^JO^ooldcg0! GltUMS. . COKNER SAY AND WUtTAUR-eTRIITA. E. O’BYRNE, at taylok’s buildino—market whakf, Keeps eonstautly on hand a supply of Crockery-Ware, Groceries) dec. dee. Jan 1,’51 ly L. ROBIDER, rrxoN farm] Fashionable Boot and Shoe-maker. Importer •/ French Leather, WniTAKER-STREET—OPPOSITE BMRTs’ BUILDINO. PHILIP KEAN, , Draper ‘and- Tal lor, AND DEALEIlIN READY MADE CLOTHING, riNFIELD’s RANOK—NP, 08 BRTSH-STBEET. 8.8. MILLER k J. D. FERGUSON, —■■—kainlths, nerjr-sU. SAVANNAH,OA.• S ea, Wagons, .Oarti thing, lnclualng lr i. ^ali manufactured, and Grates, for ROY# 50 hbds. Porto Rico, fkir to choice. 25 bbds. Prime BL Croix. 35 bbite. Fair Cuba. 800 bbls. Stewart’s B. k. C. 95 bbls. Crushed. 35 boxes Loaf. COPFEE- 500 begs Rio, fair to prime. 100 bags Jamaica. 100 pockets old Java. 90 bags Cuba.' BAGGING It ROPE— 200 bales Gunny. 10 bales Dundee. 300 eolls Rope. TOBACCO— 300 boxes, various brands. ADAM SHORT) muster Builder, Will take contracta fbr Bi of.every description. R.fc J.LACHU60N, 1 rniKlwri Engineers and IHilinrrlfhts, • IRONS-BRA88 FOUNDERS, Canal-Street—Near tho Canal Lock. R. LACULtlOH. ;,*• Ji tACUUSON. Enflneor hnd nSlwrlrht, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER. EASTERN WHARF—SAY-ST. WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN. General Agents and Broker*) For the Solo of RealEt lair,Negrott,If any description Personal Property. OFFICE, CORNER BULL-ST. AND RAY'LANR, 33 8avannah, Georgia. A. PONCE, Importer Sc manufacturer of Segars) NO. 13 WNlTARER-eTREET, Keeps on hand a well selected block or Imported Be gan: also Manufactured Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, and all other articles usually kept In his line of business, which he often on the most reasonable terms. nov3 T. PORTER’S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Spring ana Summer jfaatitonn. 150 boxes Cream. 50 boxes English Dairy. MACKEREL- 35 barrels No. 1. 35 half barrels No. 1. 50 barrels No. 8. 85 half barrels No. 3. 50 barrels No. 3. BACON— 50 casks Sides. 25 casks 8boulden. MOLASSES— 50 tierces Cuba. 50 barrels Cuba. 50 barrels New Orleans. CANDLES— 50 boxes Adamantine, loo boxes star. 25 boxes Pearl 100 boxes Hull lc Beadel’a. PICKLES— 50 boxes Underwood’s. 25 boxes Remington’s. LIQUORS— 100 barrels E. P. Gin. 50 barrels Connecticut River Gin. 50 barrels N. K. Rum. 25 barrels Extra Choice Old Monon. Whiskey. 50 barrels Baltimore Whiskey. r - Wine. . jMtcriianinft. Gcntcal sratjcrifflcmtnta. STS. Union WMW W E OimiEII S tf 0 Gibbons. Buildings, —■/» OFFER FOR SALE-5,000 lbs. Ul IV Leaf Lead, pure and No. 1{ IB# boxes Window Glass; ®35C“B l iSiwUrB pm nOl l| SO birrels do. Whale Oil; 10 do. Train OU, best quality; , 6 . do. Winter strained Lara Oil} 5 do. Coburn’s Machinery Oil; 10 do, No. 1 Castor Oil; S t. 5 casks Babanins; 5 barmUReflMd Saltpetre; f , 350 ounces Farts’ 8olphate Quinine; 10 barrels Lorillard’aSnttff; 30 boxes aaaorted Candles; 50 boxes Rey’a Lemon Syrup; 100 reams Letter and WM" Together with an extensive a* cine*; Perfumery; Hair, Tooth and ou»*u« »ru. let Soaps; Tuck, Dressing and Side Combi. fcc. kc.; all of whlchare offered at the lowaif prices, either for cash or approved paper. " ■* ’ lu,i ' GENTLEMEN'S • ' t BESTORATION. lager beeb, . H. VVEIGAND baa opened, under the Planters’ Hotel. iandCookL„—. be iSTjC'irlit"A!q : T• ■Hehu anexceUent Cook, teom Strasbourg,wbowlll auItGennan, American andFraoMi.Uitu'. oysters, FISH* MB Ats-revery. thing that this market affords, eta sianil. 8iu»,v-7VTB.j.iuiun "|i. —i— ■ be had In all styles, on anonnotlM. Youno Cleeks, and others, who have rooms In-town, are Invited to try’ tho.European mode of breakfasting Philadelphia LAG: LINDBURQBRoH use of families. PHILADELPHIA LAGER ] T HE Subscriber respectfully invites t ' vannah to tost the quill ties of tl JJRY GOODS.— sept 9 100 balee Negro aotb, 35 do. Ulanketa. 15 do. Llnsejr Vvoolsey, 15 do. Red Flannels, and wholesome beverage, during the autumn, wint spring. As in the old conntir, It will bo sola toil— and indlridualawho will thus iocurno risk; DfUstouilpg .on tbelr bands. The use of this Beer Is particularly recom mended by physicians lo ladles who aro nursing ohUdieu. Sold at the Planters’ Hotel by : ‘ H’-J iept7 Myl UERKY WEiaANJl 50 do. Brown Bhirtlngs, 10 do. 4-4 Sheetings. 50 do. Heaw Cotton Osoabnrgs. 10 cases Blenched Shirtings, 40 do. Printed Calicoes, 10 do. Kentucky Jeans, 200 dozen Head Handkerchief, 500 do. Assorted Hosiery, . FLORIDA LANDS FOB HAEE. it *>«• The following valuable T R A O T 8 OF.j* I MILANO; lying In Marion and AlachtufPBw ■■"■counties, will be offered at Private Sale,*"** during the months or October, November end December next, viz: WETUMPKA HAMMOCK, situated about ten miles I North of Ocala, (the county seat of tainlng 3,000 acres, about one-half of which ls bsmraock. f Marion county,) con* Together with a mo*t complete stock of Fancy Goods, unsurpassed by any In the State; and the remainder, white to which they Invite tho attention of_0>nnl£ Merchant* 0>k g fShlckory land. and others., . NEVITT, LAT11ROP A 8TEBB1N8, A TRACT, well known as the u Fort Drane Plants* nov8 •vjri . 1. I A iHAUi, weu anowi. 13D Congress-street u onj »> containing ;^W0 acres of Land,, principally first <;itOL'i:itir.!H. quality hammock, between four and flvo hundred acres I A CHAMPION has In store and Is receiving the Ibl- of which Is thoroughly cleared* and at 7 present In cUhl- A-o lowing articles for city and country trade, which vatlon. This place for several yeara averaged two hogs- T HB SUBSCRIBER takes thla method of Informing hla friends and the citizens*. , opening THE MOST SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHING ever offered In thla city. Tho prices, in plain a : i i l .^U1. awl mi d.vlnllnn and al tm MmapIraKIn Inw nata, # — 1 1 figures, are marked upon each article, and no deviation, — .. .....— — the subscriber reels confident wlU be approdaled by a generous public. In part are the folloi now In store, to wltt are marked, fng Goods 1 have GENTS’ CLOTH COATS. Gents. Black Cloth Dreee and Frock Coats, Olive do do do do Brown do do do do Blue do do do do Black Cloth Sacks and Polka Racks, Brown do do do do Blue do do do do Olive do do do do do Shad Dress do Block Doo Bkln Polka Sacks, Fancy Colored do do Drab Casslmere Socks and Polka Sacks, Black Tweed do do do Green do do do Brown do do do Bilk and Wool .do do do do do COATS. Camblel Checked Ginghams, Linen Lustre, Plain and Fancy Alpacca, Paris Lustre, Black Morin, Black and Fancy Tweed, Do do Coshmeretta, Brown and Yellow Linen, Block Drop d'Ete, Grass Linen. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Linen Bosom Shirts. Silk, Lamb’s Wool, and Merino Shirt* and Drawers, LUien, Jeans, and Canton Flannel do Silk, Merino, and Cotton Half Hose, Silk, Thread, and Nori llose, Gentlemen’s Dressing Robes, Llnoa Collars, two and three ply. PANTALOONS. Striped Cotton and Linen, Plain do do do Nankeen, Drop d’Ete, Fancy Linen, Black Alpacca, Black Doe Skin Pauls, Plain Black Casslmere Pants, Fancy Colored do Plain and Ribbed do Black and Colored Satinet Pants, VESTS. Black 8atln Single and Doable Breasted Vesta, Fancy Satin and Silk do do Embossed Fancy Silk do do Black and FRncy Barathea do do J ' Embrol’d Cafslmero do White and Fancy Satin and Party Plain Black Bilk Velvet, single and do Velvel single and double breasted, Fancy Cut do do do Fancy Cashmere do do GLOVES. Black, White, and Colored Kid Gloves, Black and Castor Riding do Cloth, Cashmere and Lined Berlin do Black, White and Fancy Silk do CRAVAT8. Superflno Black 811k and Fancy Orerata, 25 quarter cuks pure Malaga Wine. 25 quarter casks Belgnette Brandy. 10 halfpipes Otard Brandy. 5 pipes Holland Gin. 15 quarter casks Aladelra Wine. SOAP— 50 boxes Colgate* No. 1. 50 boxes Colgate’s Pale. 100 boxes Boston No. 1. |TEAS— 25 quarter cherts Green. 10 lialf cheats Black. 10 quarter chests Gunpowder. FLOUR- 50 half barrels Extra. 50 barrels Hiram Smith’s,) 50 barrels pure Genesaee, >New Wheat. 150 barrels Baltimore, J | STARCU— 50 boxes Pearl. 23 quarter boxes Pearl. RAIS INS- 25 boxes Bunch. 25 half boxes Bunch. I ALMONDS- 15 frails Jordan. | BUCKETS— 100 dozen Painted. 50 dozen Varnished. i I J\_o lowing articles for city and oountry trade, which vatlon. Thla place for i having been purchased for cosh and selected by nlmseir, heads of 8ugar to the acre, and^overy, year that lt hns enables him to iell on tho most favorable terms vlx: been cultivated ha* p\ 1 ** — * BOWf*- 1 "**““ lllmoreand Canal Flonr. 50 balfdo. do^ isrt’a Crushed and Powdered Sugars; lo. Loaf do; 100 bbla. Baltimore and Canal F 50 do. 8tuart’a 10 boxes do, - . 10 hbds. Porto Rico and Muscovado do; 50 bbls. Clarified Sugar, various qualities: 25 boxes Cheese; 100 boxes and hairdo. Soap j 50 do. 8perm and Adamantine Candler, 100 b”'— produced' flno crops of eoim.ahd . These Tracts oould readily be divided into two or threo plantations each, being well watered end surround ed by high rolling pine land. ‘ ' A TRACT of 1,000 acres on Orange Luke, consisting,of 100 bags Rio and Java CoBfee. 30 boxes and half boxes Hyson and Black Teas; 75 do. and half do. Tobacco; 25 do. Starch; 30 do. Pipes; 25 dozen Brooms and Buckets; 50 bbls. and kilts Mackerel; 20 kitts Salmon; 10,000 lbs. Bacon, Hams, Skies and 8houlders; ■ — A LB O — Brooked Tongues, Dry Beef, Fulton Aterket Beer, Choco late, Partus, Sardines, Tallet Soap, Fig Blue, Pickles, 8weet Oil, Almonds, Spices, Mustard, Butler, Currants* j Citron,tc^&c. _ ALg0 _ 25 whole, 25 half, 25 quarter boxes New Raisins: 5 bbte, 20 half, 20 quarter and 20 boxes Buckwheat; 500 bags Shot; 500 bar* Lead; A choice selection of Llquora and wince. octS5 A Tract or l.Gtfo acres on Orange Luke,consisting,of hammock, orongo grove, and well umbered pine land. TWOTkACTS, of 1,000 acres each, near the Alachua prairie. The greater part of both ithese tracts la rich hammock. . u - —AL80— 5,000 ACRE8 on Indian Rlvor. Any one wishing-to cultivate sugar catie would do well to examine this land, aa being remarkably fertile, and bring south of the region or frost, it Is as well adapted to that culture ar ‘ “ United States. * ’ : aa any In the united Duties. 12,000 ACRES, generally known asthO “ Bayard tract,” situated on the Rt. John’s rivor, opposite Pioolata. There are many small hammocks and orange grovea on this situated ot ; , are many small hammocks and orange groves ot tract, but it Is principally valuable Tor Its pine Umber. It has a river front of seven or eight miles. 1,000 ACRES on IiOke George, and several small tracts on aud near the 8U John’s river 1 , well situated for term ing. the rearingof orango groves, Isc. The above tracts of land were purchased by the late 11 L ANDING, per schooner “Fannie," from Phlladel- phla— 20 hogsheads choice Porto Rico Sugar, 15 do. do. Santa Crux do. 110 bags choice Rio Coffee, 13 barrels Cider Vinegar, 10 hogsheads choice Bncon Shoulders, nor 13 For solo by CRANE A HOLCOMBE. C A ,a do Fancy do, great variety, White Silk and Sntfn Party Cravats, Black and Fancy Silk and Satin Saute, do do Opera Ties. LIuen Cambric, China Cord and Pongee Pocket Hand kerchiefs. Hats and Caps, of tho latest styles. Ladles’ Riding Hats. Trunks, Patent and 8ole Leather. Vnlysc*, Car;>et Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, tee, . . ...... . North Stato"- 100 boxes Connecticut Cheese, 50 do. 8odo, Butler. Wine and Milk Biscuits, 50 barrels Uutter and Sugar do. 20 do. Pilot Bread, 50 boxes assorted Candy, ir brigs “ American" and “Excel:" ) bags assorted Shot, 5.000 pounds Bar Lead, 25 kegs extra sholeo Goshen Balter, 50 boxes Cream Cheese, 25 barrels Mercer Potatoes, 25 .do. Yellow Onions. eoatiTand Under 0.rm«nl«, Jenny Lind Sack., Polkn da. Orer Snctn Vesu, Ilruldod Sulla, Plain, silk Velvet, Veel I _ nl,T “ * MOLCOMBE. Suits, and Boys’ Caps, a large assortment. The Ladles will find It to their Interest to call and examine my stock, as TTYLOUR, 80AP, STARCH, and CANDLES.—Landing they are made up In the latest style aud the best manner and at the lowest prices. No abatement from the price* first J? 100 bbls Canal Flour 1 50 boxes Colgate’s Pearl 8tarch 50 boxes Georgia Caudles 100 boxes Soap. For sale by [sept 25]SWIFT te CO, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. KF’Don’t forget the new store on first floor of 8t. Andrew’s Hall, comer of Broughton and Jefferson-sts. npr 28 Dew ITT Oc nuHUAn. niinnii DEALERS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, YALI. attention to their large Stock of the following article*, which they offer at the lowest prices: Rich Printed de Ulnes and Cashmeres, French and EnglUh Merinos, Black Bombazine* and Alpacas, Linen Cambric and Embroidered Hdkte, Alsrseiltes Quilts and Counterpanes, Irish Lluena and Damasks, Linen and Cotton Bhcetlngs, Bilk, Cotton and Merino Hoslory, White and Colored Flannel*, Cloths and Casslmere*, French, English and American Calicoes, Diapers and Towellngs, Table and Piano Cover*, Plnln and Figured Black Silks, Black 8atlndeChene, Plain Changeable Silks, Paris Alantlilasand Talmas, Bonnet and Plain Ribbons, Broche and Plaid Shawls. French and English Crape*, Ladle*’and Gentlemen’s Kid Glover, Swiss and Cambric Trimmings, French Needle-worked aud Lace Collars, Blankets, Plains and Kerseys, Aluslln Curtnlna, • Broche and Figured Silks, .lloved they include as good land aa can be found In the un account oi tueir acceesiomiy irora unaricston ana Savannah, they otter great Inducements to planters in Ca* rollna or Georgia wishing to remove. The title* are clear and. Indisputable. Terms—Cash, or payable al Charleston or Savannah,On or before tho 1st of January noxL fly Any further. Information on the subject can bo obtained by addressing the subscriber, at Orange Springs, | Marion county, Florida. J. H. M. CLINCH, u r countv.' F octlO Uan Executor. • • The Tri-weekly Chronlclq te Sentinel, at Augusta, and the Journal & Messenger and the Telegraph, at Ma con, are requested to publish the above UU first of Janu. u«ry, and soud tbelr bills to this office. Webster, Robert Wnggenslein, Jos Washburn, D L Wil son, Claudius C Wilaon, Dempsey White, Peter White, Jno M William*. Nnrmnn Wallace, Henry Welgand, Thos White, W II Williams, J TjVebb,Jis G Watts, John Wlckam; Lemuel Wilson, Wm P. Wylly, John Wilder, Jaa E Wallhour, ChrUlopher Wilgen, John Weiglera, Jno W O WlUlamson, Uenry WUllarason, WUIlam Warner. Peter Yonson, Jno A Young, Dr E Yongc, W A Yonge, Wm P Yongo. Peter Zarodoakl, Edward G Zetrouor. Jacob Zimmer man, Edward Zudomes, Solomon Zeigler. The foregoing are the qualifications of voters entitled to veto for Mayor and Aldermen or the City of Savannah at the ensuing election in December next, and a list of persons Registered for the month of May. If there are any persons whose names are Registered, and who are not entitled to a rote, notice Is respectniUy requested to be given to the Clerk of Council, that4hoy may be dealt with according to law. R- P- AKIN, |4 Clerk Council. “ASPLENDID OPENING OF FALL GOODS* T HE Subscriber would respectfully call the attenUon or the public to his large and well selected stock of Fall and Winter Staple and Fancy DryGoods. Consisting in part of: Dlnek and colored 8llks, of a great varloty; very rich embroidered Silk*, of all patterns; Muutlllas and Crape 8hawla; Scotch Wool Loug do.j and square Plaid Shawls; C« ll . rae ^ 8 L l ‘S L r„i I.nines: Alpaccts, a great var >'W 5 ?2h lars and Capes, or all patterns; Uhlnilzettos ; M uslin wid Lace Under-Sleeves; Cambric Handkorchlefs, from 12>4 cents to $5 a piece; frlsh Linens; Huckabacks, Diaper; French Towels, from 25 cents lo #1 a piecei} double Damask Table Linen; whlto and brown Napkln*, * {Urn assortment; averv| H rgo MsortmentofGloveeand Ho- stery.ol theveiybwt make nnd stylo, . L "« 1 > sh n “! A | A. merican Long Cloths; unbleached do.: rich Damaak Table and Piano Covers; Casslmeres and Cloths, biacx and blue of evenr quality} rich Vest P“ l “ r “' °/' ~ •* ' Kentucky Joans; Korsevs,a very large selected stock of D'— styles; Satinets; —. - ----. assortment; one of the very beat • . L Li .. .LI. ... CARPETING—Bruwvls, 3-Ply, 3-Ply, All-Wool, * va- oty or patterns; and, also, Colton Carpeting. N. B.—Clothing at wholesale only. Country merchants oulddo well to call before purchasing elsewhere, as would do well to call before purcbaaing _ the goods shall bo sold low and on the most accemtnwla. ting terms. [oct 8] JOSEPH L1PPMAN. GEORGE W. HARDCASTLE, 200 CONG^SS^ND^WTJl^MN-^TREET, NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS 11 FALL te WINTER GOODS I . T HE SUBSCRIBERS take pleasure In announcing tn the citizens of Savannah, and the public generally that, by various arrivals or steamers and sail vessels, they have received n large and splendid 8tock of Goods,, suit. able for Fall and Winter trade—such as: ALPACAS, CASHMERES,, i MUSLIN DE LAINES, BOMBAZINES,: FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, BHAWL8, iirocue ana nsureo d.ius, i BILK AND VELVET MANTELS, > Domestic Goods or all descriptions, of tb* best minute©- of all colors and of the latost and most approved patterns, oc t *S» teC., teCn etc. ture * I They also have received a large stock of SILKS, which J.H. &M. SHEAHAN. Comer of Broughton and Whitakor-sts. SAVANNAH, I NVITE attention to tholr now slock of FALL te WIN* TER GOODS, comprising: DRESS GOODS—French Cashmeres, French De Lalue& English De Lulnes, Black 811k, Colored 8llk, lilnck Alpacas, Colored Alpacas, Bomba zines, Damask Antique, English, French and American Calicoes. EMBROIDERIES—Utiea Cambric, Cambric Hand- kerchlete, Plain and Embroidered Uandkerchlete, Bobinet Lace*, Boblnet Edgings, Collars ond Cuffs, Habits and Under-Sleeves, Black Laco Veils, Blk Crape, Colored (Jrune. HOSIERY 4- LINENS-A large and well-selected stock of Gloves, Irish Linens, LIuen Diapers and Dnmnsks. D OMEBTIC LIQUORS— 100 bbl*. E. Pbelp’s Gin; 50 do P. te U. Gin, Conn. River; 100 do N. O. Whiskey; 50 do Baltimore Wblake] ikey; 50do Domestic L ... Landing, and for sale by [sept 25] SWIFT fc CO. GROCERIES, LIQUORS Sc WINES. T> ECE1VED by recent arrivals; JLv 120 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Clarified Bonn; 23 boxes double refined Loaf 240 bags Rio Coffee, some or them prime; 45 do. Java do: 50 hhds. Porto Rico ond Muscovado Sugars; 270 boxes Tobacco, ^s, 5’s and l’s Lumps; 43 package* superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Diadem, WOOLENS—Rtgro Blankets, Kerseys, Llnseys,Cloths, Casslmere* and Vestings, Satinets, Tweeds te Ken tucky Jeans, Red, While, Blue and Yollow Flan- ^?dll-4 1 .bar, »iniiuiua, au 100 boxes beat Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; 114 half chests Block Teas,some of It very superior; HOUSE-KEEPING DRY GOODS., N EV1TT, LATHROP & 8TEBBINS offer for sal White and Colored Counterpanes. Batli and Whitney Blankets. Linen and Cotton Sheeilng. Linen and Cotton Pillow-casing. Hnckabuck and Bird’s Eye Diaper. Damask and Spotted Nankins and Cloths. Pnow-drnp ana Damask Table Diapers. Unbleached Diaper and Cloths. White, 8cariet and Yellow Flannels. Super Irish Linens and Long Lawns. oct i FANCY DRY GflODS. R ich colored a black bilks. Paris Printed Do I.nines. Mode and High-Colored De Laine*. Plaid Raw 81lks. French, English and American Prints. Rich French and English Flirt Chintz.. Embroidered Chemisette and Collars. surpass any other ever brought to this place, aa well }n the quality and patterns** in the prices; a neat assort ment of WHITE te EMBROIDERED GOODS, such as I Collar*, Cuffiu Capes, Caps. Handkerchiefs, Sleeve*, and Chemisette; together with all other articles usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. They call the attention of the public especially to Ihqlr I assortment of i assortment or > , Housc-kecplngr Goode* ' ‘ Consisting of Shirtings, Sheeting*, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, Pillow-Case Linen, eto^ etc.; andalaq to their extensive variety of Flannel*. Blankets, Kerseys, Satinets, I Tweeds and Catslmerea i and invite all who wish to pur* I chase lo come and examine their Stock, which will be •old at the lowest rotes. EINSTEIN te EOKMAN, 151 Congress-street nets, KM and 11-4 Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Pillow-Case Linens, and Quilts. Country Merchants, Plnutera. nnd others, will consult tbelr Interests by examining our stock before purchasing. ETAll we ask Is a visit from those desiring to pur chase. We feel confident that the quality and prices ol | our Goods will command sales upon our terms: Gaels* and no Second Price, oct 19 tMl 148 packages Hyson do., ln#,K_and >< cherts; 150 boxes Tallow Candles, 8*a and (Ps: 100 do. Star aud Adamantine Candles; 0 do. Pipes; .. , 5 do. Mustard; 50do.grou’d Pepper te Allspice; 0 bbls. Sugar, Uutter and Soda Crackers: '5 do. Domestic Gin, Rum, Brandy and Whiskey; I Bordered Lawn and Linen Cambric Hdkft. Rich Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Plnln and Embroidered Canton Crape Shawls. Long and Square Broche Shawls. Do" do. Plaid do. Bonnet and Neck Ribbons. For sale low by NEVITT, NEGRO BROGANSI NEGROBBOG,—_ - rpHE subscriber reapeetfuUy calls the attentionof Fso- X tors and Planters to hte very extensive' Mock of N*- grn Brogans and Women’s Leather Bools. There goods have been selected expressly for this market and are warranted tho best stock and workmanship...Hd i. Old Monongu’a Whiskey,some venr choice; I 0 AAA LBS? EPSOM' 8ALTS. If pipes Otard, Dupuy at Co.’s Brandy; AUUU 5,000 tbs. Copperas, oner aud eighth casks various kinds choice ] “ i~“» «» FALL OF 1802i TTAV1NG completed our arrangements for the season, XI we are now prepared to offorto the public the larg est and best assortment or GOOD AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING, and are determined to suelalu our reputation by selling Goods at fulr prices. We Invte our friends and the pub lic to call and examine our Fai.l nnd YVister Stock, which, for quality, style and quantity ter exceeds any previous season, and from which a complete outfit can bo selected at tbo very lowest prices. Our Goods are selected with great care—being cut In the latest Fashion, and mauutectured in such a manner ail give entire satlstectlon. 850,000 STOCK 275 _ 40 do. 25 quarter aud eighth French Brandy; 5 pities Hollnnd Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica nnd SL Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira nnd Teneriffo Wines; 20 do. superior old Madelraand Sherry Wines; 100 bnskels Champagne, Ueldseck, flungariai Lion, tec., tec. 100 kegs and halves FFFG. Powder, 400 bags Buck and Drop Shot; 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 25 dn. No. 2 do; 20 do. No. 1 do; 20 casks Codfish and Haddock; 30 balfbbte. 1 te 3 Mackerel; 50 boxes Codfish; 40 kills No. 1 Mackerel; . . With a full supply of everything else In the grocery oct 29 , LATHROP te BTEBB1N8. DRUGS I DRUGS II fldent that a fair trial of bis stock will Insure • and a continued patronage. Uls good* an alt J terms/fli'r. W. IL_ Gibon’s Building, formerly occupied by Meosra. £. F. I WredteCo. . Oct3; _ 000 lbs. Glauber Salts. 2,000 lbs. Putty. 500 boxes Vvlndow Glass. 7,000 White Lead. AH oflh. ,bo«e ju.l oct 29 Opposite SU Andrew’s Hal | CHURCH AND PARLOR ORGANS*! ^ rpHE Subscribers, agents for Mr. H. KNAurr, Organ X builder, are prepared to fornlsb- any description of Church or Parlor Organ*. A*a specimen of his Instru ments, reference Is made to the organ recently ereqted b/ blm in the Lutheran Church or thla city. Partle* desiring information on the subject con ascertain all necessary I partlcularaon application to F. ZOGDAUM teCO^ ' w |uly 13 WhltakeiHitn one door east of Bryan-th-. WINES. BRANDIES* tec. Fj SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving In stores enoral assortment of the above articles, In cases, New Fish. F T Roll; M J Itollly, JamesJtusseU. 3 S Roux E A Soullnrd, Wm Swoll, J[ohn A Schalfor, John Scuddcr, Rlch’d Smyo, Henry Starke. Abraham 81mpson, Christopher Sclmelaer, J6lmA Stajy,Rlohd Sconlan, Emanuel Sheflall, Hannan Sllber, Rll Spcncor.Mordo- Thos Dowell, Jno L 8 DeLyon, G ’* Wfck-sasM llllom Israel DMher, Leri DefoUU A O K Burning K®M8alUv.n,\vffl|rW SmIUi, G» ShulU,F P 5KCS“m“‘SoVm. 0» slmlc. Ilunson S.»8«oct, St»r,'0 DScfty.E Soraeran, Fr.i,d. lorr.1, Jnn 7 sfeStf’John Sloan! Wm G Stafford, JnoBcreveu, WmMt&On Stone, J Asauuy. J M Schley, Francis 1 sas- sXffl Duggan, John Dorgan. ^ Henry Ellis, Daniel Egan,*Rlchard EnniteAhrahara Einstein, John Evorord, Wm Elleby, Thos Eden, C W Eden, John J Edy,Oharle*J Eden, Peter Endrie*,J A Epstein, Edwin W Ervin, James Eden. YVm Bnlle.0 M Stone, J lianutsy, * m oemuj, rjam.n. Augustus Schelderann, Dennis Snlllvnn, MJ Solomons, M Shohnn, DonnlsSulll- Sllbbs, Jas H Shohau, Vnlen- Daniel Sullivan, nl«Hm\th Wm Starr, Jr, II11 Scrnuton, JnsSherdc- Joseph Felt, John Foley, T Thos Ford, Joa s Fay, Wm fell, JoimFolicarc draw Malloy, R B Fell, Michael Finney, Wm FFony, E 8 Fulton, G 4 Frierson, Austin French. JobannD Fisher, Wm Foulard. Dominick Flalley. John Flunnegan, Pat K Foley, Tho* Flaherty, Jno D FUn. L M Fol 1 >^ w Foley, L J B Fairchild, Jo* Faunston. Mlchaor Fay, G W Fennell, Jno Foster, J R Fisher. iJ-i fulton. Jncob Friend,\o Fathers, O G.Farriea, John 0 Vrloud, J O Fathers, G G Parries, Ji Folker. Green Meetwood, Geo W * «. land,HR Fort,ThosAFarrie*,Wm “ri A Fawns, F Fink, David FlUgetrald, Robert Flih®r,-fl B Fickllng, Jacob Prey, Jeremiah Elokllng, Wm Fielding, Alex Fanoett, 0 E Manders, W Q Foote, BenJ Franklin, M* Thi ir.-EtaatiL#* Peter Fethi.Q W Farrier TioiM Formim. lohnOirdu, Fraud. Orl5fe»«i.r F Bard OaoMrilV, jaStiroWlii, C I, tjllbart. Jaa Om» Wj O W Ourmany, J B Oallld Joa T Michael Glasgow, Geo A Gordon* Wm A Gibbons, rat* rtek Barron, fat Andy, Boo olen, J F GaramslL' Jos Gallagher, Domingo Golleo, John Griffin, JohnGlonovely.JasEGodfrey, L J^.GuHmnrtlnjSwtboro Good dll, David II Gnann, George GalqhouM, J M.Griffin, Thos 0rsen, J. W Gibbons, Chas .Oro**, Pnlrtck Ooropn) P M Green, Jno F Glatlany. Pour Gofney, W W Good* rich, Israel Gear, Wm F Goodwin! John Glllelnnd, Josoph D Garnett, Charles Ganahl, JohnOMIagher, 0 A GJ«*her, ir . jtraes fi’anu'dry, Julius B Gaiiiiry, R H Griffin, Roberl 8 Gray, Jos Gcorgo Jr! D.H. Galloway, Martin Oarthi* James Gugel, John A dray, H J GllborL Matthew Galla- ■ fiber, James 1 Gnrboy, Wm Ganvaughlj, John; M .Guer* \ {jHjPhxJgf Ganahl! Martin’-'oreen.D^M Gugel Wm'II Gugel, John « Gronn. E W M Gifford, Tho* Grumble, W B Giles, ■t.. • — — «»- "alphln, Jr, John c Grnnn, 1 Henry Gilbert, John 8 Green, >wm uaipnin, Jf. nonn 8 Gray’ Wm a<Ml ^ ro J* Wm dolphin, sr, Jos Ganahl, Geo ris*J B Hernkndox, S P Hamilton. Henry .. . jnttnd llefferen, PatrioknaUT Wm JlauUn, JonaUmn Hill. L P Harris, Wm P Huuter^G W Hardcasllo, Wm Hunlt ry Haupt, Ed* FranUIIn-Squnroc W OULD Return bis thanks to his friends and patrons for post tevours, and Inform them, that be Is now ready at the old stand, to execute any work in the above line, and hopes by his untiring exertions to please all whn may honor him with a ^h-j^H^Wnds of^repMrinj •oujuuo STUoiY with a Tull supply or everything else in mi of Ready-made CLOTHING, embmelug all tbo various line, for sale on accommodating term*, by styles, qualities, et<L, in part ns follows: 0^4 J. V. CONNERAT fc CO. Black Cloth, Frock and Drose, Plaid and Clouded, Faocv CARPETS ICAIlPETSlICAlfiPETsTn SSa!r , "'“'' Tweed, cut into PeltoF. | W' E «5S'.n™* $&$%£ OlicioaS,^ PANTALOONS, madeJhim Fine Black Doeskin, and the various Fall Vrr — ... • — PIANO FORTE DEPOT. _ The undersigned re»>ecUliUy Inform the gS citizens or Savannah,Georgia, and Florida, “Jl that they havo on hand more than fifty F>* Madeira Wine, 1,1 *- *- t * • Port do. Topaz 8hernr Wine, Brown do. I diei te Newton, Edwards te Fisher, all well known to lbp Stoughton Bitters, Tlnlllla do. love „ Q f Music, have place In their lane .assortment. “Crown" and “Star" brand* Champagne. These Planoa are of rich tone, and beantlfoUy flntened in fryTho “Tlnlllla” Sherry Is highly recommended for rqso Wood, Block Walnut, and Mahogany, with, ivaKds—It causing no acidity. For sale by frames made In tho most substantial BUNKER fc OGDEN, 80 Bay-st. Pale and Dark Brandy, Cherry & Raspberry Brandy, Scotch Whlskoy, Holland Gin, In the above business done with the utmost neatness Wheel*,Wagons, Dray*, Carta, tec., mado on the shortest notice and on most liberal terms. J* 112 ” sty loafer Harris’ Clouded and Mottled Cuaalmeres, Black aud Fanoy Satinets. VESTS: Black and Figured Satin, Gentlemen’s White Silk aud Figured Marseilles. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. We Invite the atteuliou of Couutry Merchants to onr Stock, which is varied nnd complete, and manufactured expressly for their trade. We also havo a genteel as sortment of YOUTH'S CLOTHING, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Black and Fancy Silk 20 pieces Three-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry JOHN PQOLE* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL _ FAIRY AHD OIL ST0BE, V HITE LEAD, Pure Nos. bavannai- — . No* 11 AVhltaKerttreeti T7-EEP8 constantly for solo— T p 4r iV 1 and 8 English do. GROUND PAINTS: Black, Yellow, Browu, Chrome Green, Paris Green, nnd Pmulau Blue. DRY pAIOTS uenuomens rurnisning ooous, uiaox ana ranoy oi»w 1 ... v.J Cravats. Stocks, Plain aud Figured 811k and Satin Neck _AUof the Ties, Priuce Alberta, of Plain, Watered aud Ribbed Bilk, prices. F01 SHIRTS, nn.ii. w “ a “y, warranted to fit, Gloves, Under Gar- 1 ” - lj ire, Collars, Handkereniete, Socks, etc. a continuance or the patronage which . so generously extended to us. PIERSON, IIE1DT & CO. -■hiks^KsSbgs^is; IN STORE FOR THE OENTLEDKEN; J OHN VV. KELLY, having returned from the north with a handsome assortment of CLOTH8, CARSI- MERES and VESTINGS, takes pleasure In luformlng his friends, those especially who admire a finely fitting gar- t, to his saloon, No. 4, opposite tho Pulaski lla *- and SPIRITS “ Paint, Var- Barney Smith, Henry Silt Stanton, John Sherlock, Loyal Scranton, Marlin DT Scranton. PalrlcK aiwcii II Sheppard, F M Stone, Eloazor PS!"!Li*A5. S«u,id.n, J«* Smith Sr, Jno S»r»in!rwm ^» «,“Wf. Christopher Smith. _ B °IOr Th« .bur. mlluh- »B! h« r..u>u*M. “™”Home, slpn mnil Ship Polnllnif Done In a worlumm-Uko manlier, nnd nl ranmi prices. reasonable Jan 20 ~COPPEHSiniTH AND PLUBIRINO. rarMlP Subscriber having fitted up, in connection with T hUIWnlnd Wncldn. Wdrlrv. Shop tor the and e, • " F mont, (0 his saloon, No. 4, opposite the Puuu>ki House, where they will find hlui ready at all times to suit hte pa trons in the most approved and fashionable manner, ami ho Ventures' to assert, that thpse who will confido lu his selection as to color, fabric, style or finish of a covering for the human form, shall go away satisfied. Furnishing Goods—Shirts, white nnd colored, with and without collars; UnderShirts; Merino, cotton and llslr thread Drawers; Hosiery, Cravats, Scurfs Stocks, neck Tics, Gloves, Suspouders, Umbrollas, silk and cotton do. Alai I, a laigo »o» of uaou** aud buy*’ Oujia, of lira LUoat patterns. Also, a flno lot or boautlfol Readymade Clothing, which 1 selected with great care. Gontlomeu in want or nuyor the abovo articles will dIooso cl vo mo a calk as I am determined to sell at a small profit. [sept 25] JOHN W. KELLY... J1lliimoriUbmiTVmmp5t,n,H D»*!dThomp* iu fflufithitL O Tebcii, BhuOTmiilrd.lImlrf Tow, Sm'tSS?.Wm A Thomnwin, Bobl Todd, F JTlminoiu, lor, j'm Thumu, J R Thomp«m. Christian UoMlo, Philip «<l«r. v.w!a“;fqvKh«ffin^uim; 118 <• “J or ™ ““SifJlrt dona inthever, bo.t nuinnor and »t the shortest notice. July 13 MARINE RAILWAY, visiting our port, aud to do the work of repairing, tec n on reasonable forms. Those who wish to dean or paint he Sms of their, vessels can alsojm accomodated on tho Railway upon reasonable terras. He is also prepared to imliptirt for building vessels or any doss or description, ifiKSSra of S^ aupoffteringrspar and to carry on tho business 010 oMTornoxTraiiiTly offfio clly. A good 8hlp SmHh Is on the pna^iM^ rlous branches, at the aug 3 II. F. WILUNK, Ja. X "”ectof Vessels iem. that the 8 A- vv.lohL wb VVyBy, F.O Wllimn.WW Woodhrldlto, irnssss'^fcaij workmen la employed and - t . on hand, so that vessels can be ro| de»pntcK as In any other port. ' and Binlth’a work d6pe on the made |o. ensure oeouomjr nnd_ , Martin wonnetKen.noniy •»»11- I Winkler, Jno E Ward, 1 Joe Q f.,0, U»UMk wm. Agent nnd SuperintendenL fob 24 Late of Marsh’s Dock. Charleston. drab, at •s A A dozen black lUUso “ “ SOdoren i Bi'hh«?r!p%lt«r’. Ii») entirely new, for sale at the pew wholosalo Hat 8tore, eornororBrooghlonud LOVES, CRAVATS ANDTIES^-Asuppiy or Atex- VT andera black, colored,and white KltfUfoves Jo*. WM.R-8YMON8,1 Mr . _jpestrjr iu do. Brussels do. 40 do. Two-Ply Carpets 30 do. Floor Oil Cloth 10 do. Drugget 5 do. Felt Carnet 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Volvot and ChenelUe Ruga 100 common Rugs nnd Mate; 100 pair of beautiful style Window Shades. 1 .... flnAd. UM llffumS *t thn InU'Mtl Invi oct 97 splendid Y* I T7LOUR, STARCH, SOAP, CANDLES, fcc*- iTnatih r 100 bbls. Baltimore Howard-atreel Flour. 1 50 bbls. Pure Genessco do. 95 bbls. lllram Smith’s do. 100 boxes Colgate’s Peart Starch. 50 boxes do. Pale 8oap. 50 boxes New-York No. 1 do. 50 boxes C. W. Smith’s Family Soap. ICO boxesMould Candles. 40 boxes Adamantine Candles. 50 boxes Lemon Syrup. 100 boxes Herrings. 50 boxes Candy. 50 dozen Buckets. 50 dozen Brooms. In store and for sale by „ ov 3 SWIFT te CO. 'mammr? U AhK> 1 theJusUy celebrated .^ollMiPiano^Forte, which, for their sweetness and tone, have not beeu equal ed. All these instrument* have metallo frames, which render them peculiarly suited for this climate, preventing ^Theut^enUtnedareagentafor IlenriHerz’scelebrafod Grand Pianos, made InParis. For power and beauty '“*,‘ h, ’“SKwWalssi This beautiful toned wind Instrument, for Tillage pur* 1 m^tzs^***^** they have alao for sale. gasweet and powerpil tone, I from #175 to #1000. J»ng° I. W. MORRELL fc CO. ROBERTS #c-FOOTE* „ Broughton-strcet, (up ttairs) opposite the St. Andre to 1 # Hall, t H ave now on hand a very large and well-selected Stock of DRY GOODS, which they offer for sale, by the piece or package to the trade—consisting, In part, ol Colored and Duffell Blankets. Red aud White Flannel. . Plains and Kersoya, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Jeans. Fancy and Tweed Caul meres. Btri ped and Plain Cotton Omaburgs. Blenched and brown Shirtings and Sheeting*. a teh nnd American Prints. mere* and Printed Do Laine*. Black nnd Colored Alpacas. Black and Colored Coburgs. With an additional goneral variety of Good* usually kept in Dry Goods Stores, whtch are offered for sale at the usual accommodating terms. ^P 1 AGOING, BALE ROPE* 68 bales Gunny Cloth, 500 colls Kontucky Rope, 200 colls Dillon’s Rope, 12,000 Gunny Bi|s. T»'»'» 0 ^ EN4 for A.Sto- “’s’PWn'o PIANO FORTJ j Tho Subscribers, sole A Hdart aud Oo.’s and J.B. , .. ^ . JfFttrtes, are - I sortmont of these favorite — .—.~z.-zrr.~-~r _ . . For'durability, they^enn always supplied, with an as- lese favorite and justly celebrated lnstru- T> UTTER, CHEESE, RAISINS, tec.— JD 30 kegs selected Goshen Butter. 156 boxes do. whlto and colored Cheese. 50 boxes new Raisins. 75 half nnd quarter boxes Raisins. 100 boxes new Scaled Herrings. i B ”‘" dp,r jffiS r i^,%lnfjg)K* C0 . oct 28 ments. For durability, they can De ruuy wnrranieo, whilst their superiority of tone and touch Is evident and acknowledged by the most casual observer, as woll aa the critical connoisseur/ The Ladle* are respectfully in vited to view these instrument*; and an arrangement having been effected with one of our most eminent Pi anist* for the purpose, thoy can also be enabled to Judge of the tone. fIzogbAUM* fc CO-’Mtrket-equare. B3T Second hand Plano* taken in f” mwl and roDalred. ' nned and repaired. C ANAL FLOUR,tec.- 50 bbls Hiram Smith’s Flour. — . ... .... rv.1. I1..I.M IIaaV Xih.' Lato oftlio ann’orSam’l Uoj?kCof^avahnah, Ba. ■yy OULD announco to hte friends^tbat be has remoy- Wax*. B LEACHED and Brown SHEETINGS te8HJRTING8. Tho Subscriber* have Just received per brig Wilson b[w»chod SHEETING New-York Mills do do James’Steam Mills do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTH8,7-8 and 4-4 Londsdnle and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 30 hlf bbls Fulton Market Boer. 20 casks pints, 12 do qunrts, best London Porter. 30 bbls primo Cream Ale. 6 pipes suporior Holland Gin. 30 boxes nnd 25 half do Raisins. 30 half bbls Sugar,Soda and Butter Biscuits. 50 boxes now Horrinre. 30 bbla Sugar House Molasses. 50 boxes Star Candles. 50 do Composite do. 50 do Tallow do. HACKNEY COACH. ' The subscriber. respectfolly Informs the public, nnd strangers in town, thst he has ■ fust received an elegant new Hack, called the “LADY HENTZ,” which la. on entirely newprinclplo, as regards accommodation, safety, tec. He^wlll always keeps flno pair of Horses ntteched, and ready for Imme diate sorvico. Orders should be taft at Gns s Llyery Sfo- b ^,.„ tola aJ or r u.-o»F»ww^oldg g d. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION BETWEEN AMERICA AND EUROPE. J OHN HUNTER* Agent in England of tbo New-York Associated Press, respectfully beg* to announce to I the mercantile and business community that TELE- , lllu __ •'community...—- TTMDREIGN LIQUOR8.-20 half aud 10 quarter pipes GRAPHIC DISPATCHES, to and from anypirtbCGrtO JH Dark and and Pale Otard, Dupuy te Co. Brandy, or Britain, or the Continent of Europe, will bo punctually our own Importatjon. VJntages lB^S^’^and 50. - . .. * “ ed to Charleston, S.C_No. 149 East Bay, where 1 prepared lo do a general Commission business; and Ish lo order, at all times, any articles from the North outh that may bo wanted, for the usual commission, a* well a# receive aud sell tho same. Aud I pledge my- selr that all business entrusted to my care shall receivo such attention as will insure similar manifestation of 7-B, P, U, IU, II, iuu i«-» uu 7A a! 0! lo! 11, and 12-4 Hamilton do do For sate by ^ = ' M. PRENDERGA8T fc CO. mr own Importation. Vintages iwu, « anu 6 pipes Holland Gin, Meder Swan Brand. 1 puncheon old 8cotch Whiskey. " do. do. Jamaica Rum. . do. do. St. Croix do. 20 demijohns, 5 gallons each, Scheldam Gin. Landing and for saleby oct 26 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON te CO. thelrgood will, liot doubting that my ac9u*lntauoe with *’ rnd Southeru raarkete wlflr— Northern and Southeru markets will enable me to do as well aa any, and better than many. . Alao Dealer lu BuUor, Ohoocae, Plaster, Marble Dust, Cement, Lime and Hair. . And Agent for sundry Machine Manufactories,^ North and South, aa well a* Sllus O. Uorring*’ Fire Proof Safes, Georgia and French Burr Mill Stonos; all of which wlU he tarnished on short notice, and at manufocturers prices. Cash paid at all times for Wool Green, Salted and Dry Hldos, Deer and Sheep Skins, Shipping Furs. Beeswax, Rag* Rope Cuttings, Sea island tfotton 8eod and Flor* SsM6**. P Also, Southern Tanned Leather In tbo Rough. Term* cash luvariably. Refers to the citizens or Sayan- nah generally. * ”P t4 C”“ A *K»*&?dMbbi. w.r. HoIusm. 50 bbls. choice NewJJrteana do. 50 bbls. Reottfleu do. Whiskey. 30 hhds. prime do. Sugar. 90 hhds. do. and 2ft hhd^ choice P.R.8UMT. 100 bbls, Stuart’s Crushed, Pow’d te Clarified 8qgaf. 20 boxes do. Loot Sugar. oct 27 Just received and for salo by . SCRANTON, JOHNSTON te CO. dux . . AND DKXLZaS IK A°‘ Kil* 1 ’'“1?5. “b 1 .” w!"5’ui, inerican Casslmera, or black and ftmey colors; Vestings tfisrassiss “ouf mS'SaDF.’cStIIINiF'i* rajnuXctured.1 keen oonatanlly on hand U10 largest assortment ol - We keep oonstanlly on hand tho Invest assortmeni FANCY GOODS of any house in the trade, such white and foncy, oolorod Bhifte; Bilk, Lisle Thread 1 OAA B0XE8 TOBACCO, assorted kinds • zUU 70 hhds. Fair and Choice Porto Rico Sugar. 40 do. Cubu aud New-Orleans do. IOO bbls. Refined . . S 0, 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do, 300 bags Rio Coffoo. ■_ •- ; 200 do. Porto IUco and 8L Domingo Ooflbe. 75 do. Java _ do. 150 X and H chert# Hyson Tea. . 40 V do. Black do.n-. 13ft boxes Soap. , ... 100 do. Mustard, Pepper, AUsplaj and Ginger. 80 bbl*. Butter, Soda, and Bugar BlroulL st tsaaw 100 do. VVblle do. 50 do. Monongahelado. 20 do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E. PhelM’Gin. 60 do. Best P. te H. ay® ° ln - 6 pipes Holland do. .. . 50 if casks Sherry, Madeira, teTeneriflb Wine. ttttines.—30 quarter caska.Burgundy.Port. I#0 basket*Chaippague do.» VY 15 . do. ' BrownSlforry. 40 bbls. American Brandy. . I 5 do. Palo do. ' 25 if casks ' do. - 1 *** J ~ u "—* 10 If do. Cognac Brandy. 1 In Custom House 20 if pipe* .i®; _ ] " 8u> ro. 150 keg* Gun and Rifle Powder. 500 bags Drop and Buck Shot With n compel0 assortment of Groceries. Forfl.on C».n.b., pA , ^ forwatded, If confided to his care.^ • • : ‘ Dlspatcl>es should be forwarded in envelope, unsealed, and addressed “ Telegraphic.” Agents* »«' In Liverpool.—3. Hunter, 2 Paradlee-slreet. In Halifax.—It- Nugent, Editor of the Bun. :; nol In Boston.—W. O. Blanchard, office of the MalL In Nno-York.—D. H. Craig; office^of the Associated press, 3Hanover-*lreet, un stain. • „ ... ... .. hy Philadetpkifyr-?tf. W. Fnlton, Ledgetr BaUdjng. k G roceries,— . 100 barrels Baltimore Fldur. 50 ht do. do. 50 barre ■ Hiram 8mllh Flout. 50 hf. do. pure Genessee do. 50 kegs BuckwbeaL- ',, 100 whole, half and quarter boxes new Raisins. 5 barrels Soft Shell Almonds. Landing and for sale by " oct 27 COHEN te,TARVER. . In ZxiKiSBiite^-J. W.Clarke, C Jn Cincinnati*—R. 8ralth, Ilcrt;uAm*. In Bufalo.—A. D. Levlun, Commercial office. Conwondenta Jn Europe should, to Insure prompt ness In the delivery and transmlulon of dlspatebes, for- ward thelf communication*, for the UnP^ vrara Utelr oommnmcauona.Nrurauui tbo Agency at Liverpool. doln I will be transmitted over tho wlwjn* 50> baskets Grape Champagne. In store and for sale by i S3 W* M. DAVIDSON. sept 4 B ACON, BUGAR, COEFEE, tec.- 5 “ " -hUo’»i,d fancy col,ircl Bhirut Sllfc,LlclcTHrc«l «nd I feaEjeaBasaMBa I » Sags Rip CofiSs. Hoelf— “ aaBsanMfus colored Kid Gloves, (or Aioxanaer a roawtj t oiocas, Scarfs, Crayate and Collar* t and, In fata everything ne oeaMry to a Gentleman's Wardrobe, For sale on os so 10 kegs Botleri 20 t “ —* J) boxes Cheese. 50 boxes Herring*. • Lauding and for *ele by nnwr; w iuwimnuw. - 1 oct 18 ' COHEN fc-TARVER. comraC«Ui«lwm.MC"JJ» llY , 8 uulL J;,f B9i y-r, I)m£.[,iUM WMlodl.SloIrnM,l.irflno.miro. | •opt 21 Next door to Pulaakl House. 1 JoU-salobT [oa83] OOHEN te TASVER. I 50 barrel*Cincinnati Whiskey, 15 hogsheads Porto Rico Sugar, 50 bags Rio Co flee, 50 boxesNo.l Soap, 1W bwtalicilF»»™r>“»& 50 barrel* Howard-street Flour, 50 half barrels do. - do. * 1 Java Oofibe, £ I private communications, on thoarrlv* SiSSSSr b'^DKTB 3 Pnradl*e-strei_ . 1 and General Agent In Englwid for the L._. between Ilallfax, N. S n and New-York. To theiCiuwP»:®< 1 j,nesaentrqstedto.hucare will be promptly attended to. | All cnmmulJdlo.uswblcUm be rcg«d«f M .IricUy ^ Al KXANr'lEROARKOLL, Courier olta, Ctarioloo, 8. C. I Rrillon KtilM Ibe rtoTo-.----