Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 19, 1852, Image 1

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VOLUME L. SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19,1852. NUMBER 277. TIE ,. •** is fuouoibp daily ahd TRI-WEEKLY nv J. Li LOCKE & CO. D ciiT mid County Prill tat*. CJ “ffiSpSd™ manor, .7. .alWtalorjr ^fereuco. A n vBUTISING IIATES1 <**@i#* ■ fr T—'Is two “ * 1515 Three “ 18 SO fin . *• ••“ soo OnoYew 30 00 OS.^'&iiiii'.nU not oxcooillug: Ovo llnM, tbno- « „tj. Mo.fcc* fcc. “. ^.rt^raente Inserted at theXuauid rates end published according to law. ,l A C uSrc«?<Sno nU from transient pcraoM or strangers, to JiiezM advertisers will be confined The business,' and all other advertise- •i.lillv to tneir . ,K«u .nmiliir huilneM. aa aimed p Dllondnr, OF Halsey,Patrick Hanly,John Higgins, b Hanly, /no A llcnge*, Jno Hunter, H 11 Haunt. Jno [ard, Martin Horn, Wm Hone, Peter llorrninn, 11A TOfflker, Robt Hutchinson, Jaa O Hines, Henry 11 unken, J Harley. Michael Hickey,Timothy Hnwc. 08 Hardee. lalia Ilazad, J P Hood, Thoa Henderson, W J Halley! I nry Hnrpcn J B Hogg, ,W U Harris, Nicholas Heroao- dez,Thnsflelbred, Allied Haywood,. Moses Y iterator- B Hri, OII Hall, It II Hardee, David Harrington, EdwInB Hertz, W U Hausoman, N il 11 orris, Btephcn llatrick, 8 |A Hooker* O8 Hunter. 11Rllnboraham,Chaa F Ham- ton. W II Holmca, 8 P Halsey, Wm .W Habersham, J M ay wood, Thoa Iloynea, Jno II Ilaberaham, George 8 1 lardlpg, Jno Harrlaeon. Nicholas Hoyle, Fraa Hernnn- des, Andrew Harriuon, Win Humphreys, John Helry, l Troup Howard, Wm Ilendenon, D 8 Henderson, Jas I. Henderson, Thomua Helry, Claua Hallman, John H lull, Levi Hart, Jaa Horan, H Heldt, Maurice Ilackett, Robt Ilaberabam. 8r,' John Harpor, J W Harris, Thoa oloombe, G H Holcombe, B 8 Harris, Wm Heldt, Joa JInrcg roves, Joe O Ilaberabam, John D Holcombe, Eld rod Hayden, BJ Harden, Jno Hamlet, .Geo Haas, Jno R ninlct, 51 Harding, Seymour Harrla,.B D Hoyle, Wm F I ollnnd, H F Holland, James Illnea,.R H Howell, Thoa atden, W B Harrison, Milton HnmyjaBiiiinJMiHi W.Uier, Robert WnggutBldn, Jo. Wjuhbum,D L WU- hi Whlte,'WiI Williams, J .TWabb, Jaa .0 AVatta! n Wlckam, Lemuel WlUon, Wm.P. W.ylly, John Idor, Jaa B Walthour, Christopher Wllgen, John ilttmWwner^ ° ^• ar J Williamson, Vs'""* i** ^PcterYonaon, Jno A Young, Dr B Yongo, W A Yongo, ' *-■ *** 9i» . .. Ion, W B Harrlaou, Milton Humphreys, vey, R B Hilton, R W Hunt, Jno F Herb, Win owoii, i now , Joa B Har- m Hone. . . Peter Zarodoskl, Edward o Zctroucr, Jacob Zimmer* man, Edward Zudemes, Solomon Zeigler. Tho' foregoing are the qualifications or voters entitled to vole Ihr Mayor and Aktormenof tho City ofBaVannah at; tho onaulngolectlon In Deoomber next, andlilfttoT rarsorts Roglatored for the month of -May. any persons whoso‘names aro Roglf— not entitled to a vote, notice la rospe Iven to the Clerk of Council, the. according to law.' R. F. A* Clergy not entitle* M given t with accor fept i« John W Ihly, John LIhly Wm Ihly, Brlen Island. ’J*' Qooi , exai ward Joni h nson, Ghr.~. m—zT—, --in, Emnnuol Joseph, J R Johnson, A Jackaor irge Jones, Jas O Jones, Jaa M Jones, B G James, indor Johnson, JasT Jones. JD Jesse, Thos Jones, ’ones, Jos Johtiatonv.Peter Jacobs, John U Ibrlstlan Jogaletter, E 8 Johnson, G H . - a •-*- * E J« — .John* , Tones, John on. Bulloch Jackson, Nicholas Jeffreys, Robt aoksoDj Wm A Jnndon A H R Jackson, Claus Jackena, ms to their regular business, as agreed Jackson, Wm A Jnudon, H R Jackson, Claus Jack f extra. • PejhmRJohnson,JobWJackson,GeorgeJackson. for, to b® p 5««Siiers exceeding In their advertUomenta W«»>:Ibriurnb.obu^d O.ATOI- SgMSgstfiKW X** Suam MdMmlnl.milor. tor n.bioi. mu.l l« put- mlnlstrators, imd Gumu bom, Thcao ml|8t ^ mil( i 0 ^SwwiBBBes ?S|§SiS»SSS “"^®ffirorie ibcto of Fred Krete, Harmon Kuhlman, Wm II Kelly, Phillip olb, Hedrick Knttcnhorn,P M Kolloek. Earn Kcnt.N B napp, Jaa King, John Konnedy, Dr N Kohlhouso, James Kerr, Peter Krauss, Gerort Kerlc, James Konnedy, John telly, Daniel Kaln, Hanford Knapp, A JKarn, Edwin Knnpn, J F Kirby, Nicholas Kerloy, Robert Knox, Fred* erlck Krenson, Peter Krlne, Louis Kempf, A G Kennedy, A L Kept, Louis Koexel, Thos Keaton, Jas Kirkland,' Al* fred Kent, Phillip Kean. D P Kauffo, Wm Kino, Ed ward Kean, Edward 8 Kempton, John Keegan, Chas II napm Wm F King, Nicholas Kelleber, Jno J Kelley, hos H Krueger^ • E Lloyd, BenJVW Lloyd, Hugh Johii M B Lovell, B W Leach?B 8 Y LeVy, J T Latham, y>gan,*Thos Loan. Hugh Lnrken, Patrick Let Patrick Loe, Daniel Laphan, Thomas Lvou, James Lan* aghan, J T Llude, Linda Lindo, Daniel Leahcy, William 51 Leigh, John Larkin, Henry Lathrop. D P Laudershlne, Andrew Low, C D Lebey, Louis l*cgrlel, John Lyons, O Lufburrow, Charles Ijiw, Peter Lee, Robert ’ —* iiui uuiruw, uuutm i An, rowr «*. tuiuoi, LoyboUrt), Levy Llllenlhsl, W W Lincoln, 11 F Letcbo, F M Lobotf, •aino Lovell, Wm E Long, John N Lewis, 81m * —' U T .(.••rkMMi.w WIIII.M R A T T .Wi ll L Lufburrow, Wllllatu Lake, 8 A T Lawrence, A .nwton, Edward Lynch, Edward- Lovell, John Lares, u ILnne,James Laughlln, J F Linder, JnmesJ Logan, 1 tobert A Lewis, A B Luce, J H L<uld, Jno Lama, Jos . • - JHI88 ». A. CONN, 409 BROAD WA Y. .JWJBW- YORK. DRESSMAKER. importer of Fronds Patterns* oct23—3mo UUIFJFIN * IIOBDON, ' jtTTututF.ra jit Mir. OOlco In the socond story ofthe new Custom House, over - , the main entrance. t A Lewis, t , , . — Lynch, ID LaUoche, Peter Lawronco, Stlcbael La von, dntthow Lynch, Robt Ltchllson, James Lachllson, Cos* Oinunew UJIICII, ivuu, uacmisuii, .uiuim uHiunnju, kiw par Lenter, Jsmea Larkin, Timothy Lavati, O A La« Roche, Robt Lunday, John Lawton,-A J Lebey. Thos Lewis, Wm II Lyous, Antonio lxievenlo, J O Idwnbright, Michael Lynch, I’nt’k Laughlln, John H Loveless, G W Lockwood, Loors Lohman. Minis, David Morris, Jacob 5Ianses, . akin, Thos McNJchomsT John ^Mastcrson, Edi aahan, Jeremiah McCarthy, John 5lclIuo, Win Morrell, G Mehrtens, Robt MoIutyre,HC Mohrtens, Jno D Mai* .. ... ■ m.i.i—.l ll.n H ll rpi.n. Silvester Manning, M Marsh. Jacob Miller, Jno Murchi son, Jno MonltnoUIn, Thos Maher, Thos JlcAullfT, Jos NcFcoly, II W Miscally, H W Mercer, 0 A Maglll, Wm hist of Voters. am ’L% P i*w»,Thstfro voteateloctlonsfor Mayor and the hamlets there* the State of Ooowa ror one J , or feavuunah Mallory. Jamos J McCoy, Isaac Minis, 0 MuSIm, aa Mood/j bemi|, Moou PnBiSiSI- ^wafsaas^fyasfsisnr nsinwartAustln,David Abraham,O BArnold. S " t ilS’jM W A’ndiVn, p w Al«mto, gobl pwmsapglsajFffiM r«Sw«i> : w-i>s ! /tU u V...PJ i Mn M: n n Arnold. Thoa «fl!fi3a5iAsSNs laldwln, IsnacUrun. ” K Baroum, Wm F Bennett, Wm icrcailll, r. I nicuruil, i IIUO miAAmuiu, uiuuiw, mil J Moore, J D Mullard, 01) Murphy, Jeremiah 5Iack, N O dills, Jesse 5!ounL John Murphy, B 51 Morel, Patrick ilonrn, O C Millar. John 5tcCabe, Harvey 5Iorso,John doDermott, J 51 Mlllen, Thomas W McArthur, Lovl 8 Myers. Ilenry 5Iorckhardt, Mlclinel Meath. Thomas Ma ion, PatrickMcGovern, 8 8 Millar, TJ McNIsh, John t.u_ -*• Patrick 5Iasterson, John ]51luls, Edward McCabe, u Mursms, o o Moody,* be mils 51cGulro. Lawrence Mo- Konna, Neylo 5!cHne, JII 5(ehrtens, 5! B Myer.Thomiu, McKenna, John Miller, Jaoob Mnnko, Edward McGraw, Bartholomew Molnarney, Johh Mallory, Luder Moh^ lens, AFMira, Fabian Mferhoffer.G 8 Mil or, John R Marlin, William B MelL James W Morgan, Michael Mor* ris, John W McKoy,CP Mills, WUIlnm E Monglu,D J McKenzie, A F Morducul, Jas S McDonald, Jas Alanu- -7, ThosR Mills. Domingo Marling,Jos Mumhy,G, A 5Ic- leekoy, Angus AlcAlpIn, Michael Martin, I’otur Maris, A „ Mode! MB Mlllen, Jno McCall, Jaa 5IoFooly, Wm MoL calf, B Mendcll, A K Moore, Wm 5lackay, John McNIsh, Jas G Molls, L B McConn, Wm Morris. John McCollum, Charles BlcCann, Bornard Malian, Wm McLaughlin, pSlrlck 51clAua,lon,FW McCarthy, W II C W Jno MoMabon, Jno F Blullogon, Jos Matthews, Isaac Marsh,Thos Bladdon,John Moran, F A Moddox,Solomon Mayor, E 51 McDonnell, Wm Morel, Jno Mahun, Jno R Mayer, Thos G Mooney, 51 C Morlaml, Jos McDonald, T B Maxwell, N W McLeod, Alex McUardoc, Jno T Mitch ell, Fredk*Mundorf, H K hluntfort, Jas McBrido, W J McIntosh, Sami II Blorel, Jeremiah McCarthy. Wm Mc Carthy, A N Miller, Thos Molt, II P Miller. IW Morrell as 5tcIntlre,Danl McCarthy, M II McLeod, Jaa McCann Jos McCanns, Thos Meeks, Edward Blullegan, John Mo Aulia; Archibald BfcAillstor. Joseph Neill, ThoaNaylor, Wm Nungozer, Jaa Nuture- tor, W G Norwood, Jno W Nearit^ D D Nloio^ JBL 1 ™ptei Don’t Nelson, Torrence Nugent, G N Ntchota, ' Nichols. Jos Nagle, Novlll Noyle, Jno ir, A A Nungozer, J R Norton, Jacob 1 Nugent, BaraT Nilitirtau, ’ Jas A }"nVL«7i ’nT/llesL J-A Baker, W II Bunch,' Jos ms.® Nouber^i^Edwwl^j Nugent,^ - N Thoa’ M No^ GwS'&lcfiols, L F Noll. J U Noldillngor, A Neuber wood^CbaTNowlaud. James Neidttl ouer.' VVmNn Va. Jm Mbo, Wm Oollej, t II Blolk J II lluoluior. S8Sfi8Sffi,BJ5StSSBii w HtXK.MrnMjud SCTtofld Abo™ John A«»r»,asXflBffiSi 0 8 Owens, ‘ icyer,Wm _ _ i-Olcot^-E J’Bvrne? BHcUaei'b’NellllC.E O’Sullivan, II G Oliver, John Oliver, Jonathan Olmstead, M O’Reilly, Jnines Oli ver, W O O^Driscoll, Dan’l O’Sullivan, Timothy O Con- nor Daniel O’Sultl van, WWOaUMohnOgolvIo, MW O’ilyrn, Thos O'Bryan, Geo OU, FredlckOtto. Payton,- Antonio Ponce, EM ProndeJgask 'apot, James Prendorgast, O O Parker, Anthony is V Prentice, Jno F Posey, N S Plnder, 8amT 'Barnard Constan- F W tht Use, Thos ■■■ %. Connelly. John'an**". Mnrtln Payton, Sam'lNPappLJai PhllbrlcMas M^rerdlcc, 811 PonS, Wm Parris, Pat’k tun, John I-erQcltl, John 1-lfol.n, Jno K I'owoll, Jn. l'ren- SormiTho. ru™,B.m’l PMmnii, E J Vane, Gcom. Pnraonm R D Ponoh M Promlergnit, Edwurd Pwlolford, sS^KnlPnCord, Jr, Tho. Pldnoon, Tho. Split. Jnnl-oslellt Jo. W Phlhlnk J.mci Prtinlv J M P. ln, irmmM I’cck. Patrick Price, U UPuder,Thoe Prendor, H K Preston, Jos V iW SfwmFSn, Edward ^ursale, DG^hUbrlck. - Jas Qunntock, John Quinn, Martin Quinn, Wm Quinn, WmQuantofikJr. Carl Craft, Wm Car- j M Oubbego, Moses 8 M Coldlng, Freder* 'a li KKlftSw I aoa.^BflWl’j Oswzhy, sV Chapman, John F Csrdell, 1 PtobSSu jnbnBmn, JBItend, Jos W Robberts, Ilenry toserttVm Robertson, Potri^: Reilly. LB RussolL Wm Roche, Barney Roden, Pat’k Rynn, Win Rogers, Jno A Rlohanlson, Jno O Rowland, Michael Rnoitov, George RlttortEdward Reilly, Daniel Robertson, Wm Itomslmru J W itabun, Jos Ross, Francis Rysii, J B Ripley, J V llemshart, Robt Ralford, H WHalford, Mathew Halford, Wm Reilly, J P W Hcixl, Jno Rlor Jclfoiiton Roberts, G H rfkora"" » Jeremiah Ryan,. D O Edod. Riordon, Francis Roive^ M? lC°0ihS“ Wi O r .oll, G L ton(?\?m“' , cl*rt!fD^topJ, ? J0hnD Golo, Borocllo. SR'SSfci, 1 '® ® Ka<£5 hiTvtcSff liSSc. (Sunoll, ITclcrlot oollon, l35’PlSSSvTSS-l* °*T%,JZo?n»S» D A Csnnuet, Jererolab Cavanaugh, Blarlln_C»nway,D II Coleman?Jnines Carroll, George E Oongdon, Thomas Oolllns, J P Coheu, Charles II Counory. OUARLES 8IIOI.V.. Architect, Hmntcs for Public or ?rivaUrBuUdlngs, and to. sUf^rintcnd tho same during i forthe FroiiUof^Blores, wi well as their Inter* untce luHorci’a iiulMing^ up onoilght of stairs. ’. If there‘are d, nnd who nro liy requested!* it Ihby may be dealt Sunfarus ©iictm. WA. I.. LAiiCAn, B ... OBNERJl COMMISSION WBRCIIANT, novl3 Savdnnah, Cporgia, ljr Tj IRERAL ADVANCES made npou shipments of ±J Cotton to myfreindsln Liverpool and New-York. v 13 3m O. A. L. LAMAR. dentistky. NO.IKVKKTKKN .IU.MT.EKT, .... HO.V.R.T*.qU.K.. Cork-Solo, W.W Lowlier, Wilklno, 8DRUICAL'AND* MEOIIMICAb MNTIST, " It novlO , WUDMANr Having settled permanently In Savannah, respect fully of fers to its eltlsens his servtccsln tho general ' Practice of Mediciad and Surcorr* Residence and OJJUo—No. 20 Abcrcorn, corner of Boulh J Broad-streola. Hours of Consultation—From 8. till 10 o’clock, A. 51- andfrom3UUa,P.M. novlO I JiA UAUUflJSH, aoBsaTn.QRirrtH. [Jy21—omb] ozo.juqorpox. no rinVELL A SMITH, FACTORS AHD COMMISSION MERCHANTS. I . Snvnnnnh, Goorffla* The undersigned have taken the stand recently occu pied by Holt & Both wmll, and Itave associated them* solves as partners, under thonamn and style or Both* wrll & Smith, for tho purposo of transacting a General Commission and Factorage Business. JAS, T. BOTUWKLL. [aUgOl—3mo] THOS. a. SMITH. USHRY R. FORT. T. X. DURHAM. FORT A DUNHAM, FACTORS AND COMMISSION flIERCHANTS. Oct 7 SAVANNAH, GA. ly ‘ FLEMING Sc MILLEN. The Undersigned having united In the practice of Law, will attend to any business entrusted to the! r care. Offlco *■— —j VVhl'’ * j— ** —• ■— - corner Bay and Whltoker-ehk, over Messrs. Swift, Dens- Ordinary*« Office* Corner of Bay and WhitakeMtreets. Office 1. 51. to 2 P. M„ and 3M P. 51. to.O P..5L John 51. Millrn. hours from Jan 31 H.T.ORKKHWOOD, JOSIAU MORRIS. JOHN J.RIDOWAT. GHEENWOOD, MORRIS & RIDEWAY, COTTON FACTORS AND CONIMI8SION MEUOIIANT8, No. 47 OARONDALET-STOEET, ,, Nciv-Orlcann, Bin. BIorrib will remain at Blontgomery, Alabama, and all orders for tho purchsslng of Cotton, or any other business ontrusled to our care, at that place, will meet with prompt attention. GREENWOOD, MORRIS ft RIDG’.VA FACTORS P. II. Bink, of Savannah. |uly23 John Foster, from. Hancock county wfm—ly ' BUNKER A OGDEN, SHIPPING JIND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, sept 4 No. 80 Bay»»l.* Savannah. DR. CHARLES W. WEST . Offers his professional services to the citizens of Savan nah and its vicinity. Iloshlonce—corner of Congress and Bull-streets, over the Drugstore of W. W. Lincoln, feb 3 ly HENRY K. WASHBURN, Ag’S. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, July 21 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ROWLAND Sc CO.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah—No. 178 Bay-ntrect. JOHIt T. ROWLAND. [aUg21] JOUHT. ROWLAND, JR .■■iiAnuui a- PAHKER, AUCTION AND OOMMrooiON Mnacir ANTS, Broad-street, Augusta, ca. References:—II. Ii. Cummlng. Esq M Messrs. J. C- Carmichael, Baker A Wilcox, Baker A Hart, Hand, Williams A Co, G. T. Jackson, Scranton, Stark A Davis, Hopkins, Kolb A Co- Augusta; A. II. Abrahatns,Charles- ton,S. O: Brigham, Holly A Co., John Lama, Savannah nov2J) ’ ly IRNEYS AT LAW, Office at Oglethorpe, Gd. Will practice In the Counties or Blacon, Marion,'Craw ford, Sumter, Houston, Dooly, aud Loe. ReferencesMessrs. Roberts, Foote A Blarshat! vannah: Wtnahlp A Sons, Macon. ly Jan JNO. F. HAMILION* (■rCGKKBOR TO HAMILTON A HARDKMAN.) FACTOR. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 83 Bay-st., Savannah, Ga. The services of Mr. C. F. Hamilton, Oong known to the public as seller or Cotton and country Produce- purchaser of Groceries, family supplies. Ail,) have been secured. Prompt and strlcv attention will be given to any business confided to the care or tho above House. • • Tho Mltlodgevlllo Recorder and Blacon Journal A Messenger, wUl please insert 4 months, and send bills to this office. 4mo aug31 Uuninttio ffiacUB. sept 28 HARDWICK SS Factors and Gommlssioi merchants, tisnion R N^An Borfitr^U IMI-ORTXRS AND WHOLtSAI Earthen-WaW,T ' ' ■ J. Li OLIVER; hlOrl Fashionable Hoot Manufacturer, WYLLY A MONTMOLLIN, "■Brokers, General Agents^ OnttI, CORNER ROLL* feb 23 Savannah, C 8.8. MILLER A J. D.’FBROUSON, Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths, Conor of Rrougktonand Montgomsrg-sts. „ ... SAVARNAH, aa. Carriage Wagons. Carts and - Drays manufoctured. Blacksmithlug, including Iron Uniting and Grates, for Buildings. tuly-r-o: novfl ADAM G ^ Blaster BUil< .j-..rtMT noon west or st.-aiu . Will tako contracts for Building id df every description. 1 ^ ‘ i . r- R. A J. LACIIL1SON. ^ Ri 98aff-IIBi>9i»ASSllF kta * Canal.Street—Near the Canal Lock. R. LACHLISON. J.LACHLISON. EASTERN PREMIUM COOK STOVE. npHE! subscriber baa now received his Fall 8tock of 8TOVE8, and respectfully solicits a call at his Establishment,- where a large and varied assortment of Stoves for Cooking, Parlor and Offlco purposes can be viewed, from the best manufactories, whlchare 6n sale at reasonable terms. Also—Hollow-ware, Pots, Ovens, Splder% Sauce- pans, Gut Iron Pnmpjs Beer Pnrapn Css, Iron Charcoal Bnmers, Lace Irons, Revolving and Long-handled Waffle c ” uerr ’ ^ s™, b«« A cboleo KleOlo. of PLANISHED WAttEi-ColM Biggins, TcPota, Egg Boilers, Oj.lsr Dishes, Ch.Mng Dishes, Isnco unit .mtll, OutorLlce. BRlTANNIA_WAn^i_B.e_teKm Ploehon, Ljmor Mlreri, Segw Umps, .ml • Ytrlels of BrlUnnU Fluid JAtlNNED A p',AIN I TIn’w tosh Boxes, Pttcber^Mo^aes Pots, Nursery Lamps, Giaso-Dralners, KnUe Step ladders, Tabs, Palls, Rulers, Meuures, Flour A. N. MILLER, Engineer and RliltwPlght, IRON AND BRASS FO UNDER. XASTERN WHAtr—BAY-ST. A. PONCE, importer Sc manufacturer of Scgare, RO. 13 WUITAXRR-STRRRT, nu. hi nuiiABBMIllllT. Keeps on hand a well selecled stock of Imported Be* gars; also ManufkctUrtid Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, and all othor articles usually kept in' his line of business, which he offora on the most reasonable terms. — ** rpHE subscriber takes pleasure In announcing to the cltlsena of Bavamwb and tbe pnblic generally, of the largest Winter CLOTHING ever offered in the Southern States. In tills establishment can be found •lx aBrtttcral STObcrtCflcmcntja. A SPLENDID OPENING OF FALL GOODS. rpHE-Subscriber would respectfully caU the aUentlon A of tho public to bis large and well selected stock of Fail and Winter Staple and Fancy DryGoods. Consisting In part of: Black and colored 8llka, of a great variety; very rich embroidered Silks, of all patterns; Mantillas and Crapo Shawls: Scotch wool Lor - * ...I ....... n i l*t Department. Contains Frock and Dress Coats of every qualltv, from 87to 830. Frock and Dress Coats, Olive, Blue, Brown and Green, from 87 to 828. 8had Peltoea awl Business Coats, a great variety, from 83 to 812. 1,000 O vcr-Coata, double and single breasted, and double Ove;>CoiUs, from 83 to 830. mammon mm vjiajrn oiiuwisi ocuicu wool A.unx do.; and square Plaid Shawls; Cashmeres; Mousellne do latinos: Alpaccas, a great variety; Noedlo-Work Col. lars and Capos, of all patterns; Chlmlzettes; Muslin and from 818 to 830. 2,000 pair or Pants, of every quality and color, from 75 cents to 810. 1,000 Vests, of every kind. 2d Department. - loods * Lnco Under-Sleeves: Cambric Ilandkerchlofs, from 13J4 cents to 85 a piece; Irish Linens; Huckabacks; Diaper; French Towels, from 25 cents to 81 apleco; double Dainask Table Linen; white and brown Napkins, a fine assortment; a very large assortment of Gloves nnd Ho sier)’, of tho veiy best make and style; English and A- mcrlcan Long Cloths; unbleached do.: rich Damask Tnblo and Pinno Covers: Casslmeres and Cloths, black and blue or evonr quality: rich Vest patterns of all styles; Satinets; Kentucky Jeans; Kerseys, a very largo assortment; one of tho very best selocted stock of Blan kets ovor bror - *-* ** “•* *“* Contains Furnishing Goods of overy description for Gen tlemen’s wear—consisting of Scarfs, Cravats, Water ford Ties, Prince Albert Ties. Spring Stocks, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Cotton do., Suspenders, Half Hose, Gloves of all kinds, best quality Jones’ Patent Yoke Shirts, a lino assortment, Ac. 3d Department* Contains 800 snlts of Negro Clothing for house or planta tion use, Hickory Shirts, Rod Flannel do., Overalls, Canton FInnnel Undershirts and Drawers. Price of Bta ovor brought to this market. CARPETING—Brussels, 3-Ply, 2-Ply, All-WooL _ riety of patterns; ami, also, Cotton Cameling. N. B.—Clothing at wlioloanle only. Country merchants ould do well to call before purchasing cuowherc, os NEW FALL AM) WINTER UUODS!! • ) ECE1VED by recent arrivals; 120 bbls. Crushed,T * J. H. & M. SHEAHAN. Corner of Broughton and Whitaker-stsn SAVANNAH, P IVITE attention to their new stock of FALL A WIN TER GOODS, comprising: DRESS GOODS—French jornni JS—French Cnshmercs, French De Lnincs, English Do Laincs, Black Silk, Colored Bilk, Black Alpacas, Colored Alpacas, Bomba- zlnee. Damask Antique, English, French and zlnee. Damask Antique, English^ French and American Calicoes. EMBROIDERIES—Linen Cambric, Cambric Hand- kerchieft, Plain and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Boblnot Uncos, Bo billet Edgings, Collars and Cutft, Habits and umler-Sleeves, Black , - . Powdered and Ularifled Sugars; 25 boxes doubto refined Loaf do; 240 bags Rio Coffee, some of them prime; 45 do. Java do: 50 bhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado 8ngara; 370 boxes Tobacco, 8’e, 5’s and l’s Lumps; 45 packages superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Diadom, Nectar, Vlrglnlus, Ac. 100 boxes best Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; li4 half chests Black Teas, some of It very superior; .. Bn d % chests; —. Lace Veils, Blk Crape, Colored Crape. H08IER Y Sr UNENS-A large and well selected stock of Gloves, Irish Linens- i-tnen Diapers and Dsmasks. WOOLENS- ky Joans, Rod. White, Blue and Yellow Flan- tucky Joans,'— ... ... —., ncls, 10-4 nnd 11-4 Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Pillow-Case Linens, aud Quills. Country Merchants, Planters, nnd others, will consult their lutorests b! —*- L *-“ byoxamlnlng our stock bofore purchasing. Hr All we ask ft a visit from those dealring to pur- i will command sales upou our terms: Cash, and no Socond Price, oct 10 tMl CALVIN FAY4 Arcliltcc*. _ Respectfully tenders hie services to tho citizens of Savan nah. He will at all times be ready to furnish PLAN8 and DRAWINGS for all descriptions of Buildings, and ■uporlntend their construction. Office opposite Pulaski House, over Heywood'a sept 11 Wflfi W. GARUAllD. FACTOR & COMMISSION MERCHANT, fob 5—ly 82 Day-Street. SAVANNAH, GA luncD’Lyon, 5»chiiel Donnelly, John ponnouy Ai wm Roddamn, , A R Ral ston. IIJ Royal, Jno B nice,- James uyau, *sa L llosalg, not??CERyun,WmRobken,0 WRogers, ThosUonnu, Gao Robertson, TobiasRothleter, F A Robere, G 8 Roux FTRoff,MJ Reilly,JaHMteUussoll. E A Sonllnrd. Wm SwolL John-A Bcbaffcr, John ocudder, Rlch’d 6myo, Henry Starico. Abraham Simpson, Christopher Sohnelder, John A Stajy, Rlohd Scanlan, Emanuel Sheftall, Ilarmnn Sllbor, 11H ^Sponoer, Morde- col Sholtall, Andrew Stearvater, John Savage, J 8 Solo- moM. Fred)k Scharff,’ A A BmeU, W U Symons, Thos SullWan, Geo Snalthoff, Jno G Sexton, A JO Shaw, Ja-- cob Bhatftr, 51 Bhefftall, sr^ G J Spencer,8am 1 Solomons, J P Scrlvon, Roetlman. D H Stowart. John Sullivan. • GAS FITTINGS' TIN Sf COPPER PLATE WORK^Sre. Vt C II AN S T O N9 AT NO. 01 BRVAN-STRaRT, NRAR THR PULASKI HOUSE, Will perform wlthpromptnoss and In tho best manner, all work relating to Gas Fittings, Brazings; work in Tin, Iron, and Copper Plate. ly ■ aug25 FALL OF 1852. TTA VINO completed our arrangements for the season, XX wo are now prepared to offor to the public tho larg est and beat assortment or GOOD AND WELL-51 ADE CLOTHING, and are determined to sustain our reputatlou by aclltng Goods at fulr prices. We invte our friends aud the pub lic to call and examine our Fall mid Winter Stock, which, for quality, style and qoantitt far oxceods any previous season, and from which a complete outfit can bo selected at tho vert lowest prices. Our Goods are seloctod with great core—being cut in tho latest Fnshlon. and manufoctured in such a manner as v give entire satlsfocUon. 850.000 STOCK CLOTUIN- ‘ • l)i Mjt vllHEn, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, No. 5 Jonos-strooty |two oooaa east op drattoh-steIet.] Is prepared to contract for all kinds of Bulldmg Rep dring. Also—To conduct Water through the various partsot Houses. od 13 I and of Ready-made CLOTHING, embmclug all the various styles, qualities, etc., In gart as follows; Black Cloth, Frock and Dross, Plaid and Clouded, Fancy Business Coats In great variety. Tweeds cut Into Peltoni Half Backs, etc. etc. PANTALOONS, mado from Fino BInck Doeskin, and tho varions Fall styles of IIorris’ Clouded and Mottled Cassimercs, Black and Fancy Satinets. VEaTa . Black and Figured 8atin, Gentlemen's White Silk and Figured Marseilles. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. Wo invito the attention or Country Merchants to our Stock, which ft varied and complete, and manufoctured expressly lor tholr trade. We also have a genteel oa- sortmentof YOUTH’S CLOTU1NG, Genllemou's Furnishing Goods, Dftck .and Fancy 811k Cravats, Stocks, Plain and Figured Silk aud Satin Nock Ties, Prince Alberts, or Plain, Watered and Ribbed Silk. SHIRTS, , White and Fancy, warranted to fit, Gloves, Under Gar- Suspenders, Collars, Ilandkerchlofs, Socks, etc. Wo ask a continuance of tho patrouago which ted tor* has always been to gonerousl^m^BndecUoM^ ^ ^ 51 shefftall, sr« G J Spencer,Sam’l Solomons, iOTSSSSWS*® LrteW Skinner! Dr B Sheflnll, Nicholas Slnot, M nr tln Sullivan, Lew ft Smith, Jacob Schaffer, Thotnos plunders, John sSvinS!, o''N Siloy. Tho, Lin 13,0 j 8mUh: Jno s u 3 ATTORNEY ... omce No. 00 Bay-street—Savannah, Ga. ly fob 28 KKDannonfolser, JnoDDol- Kff ja. J Stok’os, GooShute,HarmonB.uigslock, B2}fwY.DSteStlMug, PatrickDorvlno,Chas R HUS. 1. LUNI>, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR GENERAL. E. D. Offlcoover tho store of A. Stevens, Jr* Wbltakor-street. mar 20 as WSTO »;d.i,., W iharL Jos J Stok y Seltzer, 0 BP _ Geo Shute, II Svmons. F R Sweat, Edmund J Saunders, Ld win Stiles, j .M gniomons, Augustus Scholdcmnn, Dennis Sullivan, Daniel Sullivan, 51 J8olomons, M Bhohan, Dennis SuUl- vmi. Barney Smith, Henry Stlbbs, Jas U Shohan, Valon- * Rimiion John Sherlock, Loyal Scranton, Martin nnm Josouh Sullivan, Jaa F Stokes,Philip Smith, Jos mbSKa K» 5' Srl*l»nil, TlmoUij sli.rral.n, Thnmn.smlUi Wm Starr, Jr, H II Scranton. JasSherdo- m^^nrodE^^lneldertGooStovcnsonjRichard^tel]^ John Bhlolds, Nolwn SmUn, S 8 Spmsselzer. vy w ■rrel, R Bill Duggan, John Dorgsn. Usury Bills* Daulol 1 Hi, JSffl 5™rari?Qi EI°S Eden, John J Edy, Charles J Eden, Potor Endries,J A Epftwn, Edwin WErvli^James Eden. Joseph Felt, John Foley,‘ Thos Ford. Jos 8 Fay, Wm Ferrill, SewallU Flak, James Fountain, Dugatd Ferguson, ’— n - L -- p ’^ JnsFoiv G. BUTLER, n MASTER BUILDER, Dealer In White Pine Lumber, YOEK-STEEET, OOLETHORPE-SQUARB. N. B.—He is prepared to put In Iron Fronts to Stores, ■- * * '- spr20 BOOK AND JOn PRINTING Executed with neatness and dispatch, and on accommo dating terms, by GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owens’ Building, opi». Pulaski Won** IT Orders from tho country, with tho cash eucloscd, wlllbo! o attended to promptly. Jan 12 IN STORE FOR TUG GENTLEMEN. J OHN W. KELLY, having returned from tho north with a handsome assortment of CLOTHS, CABS!- MERES and VESTINGS, takes pleasure in Informing his friends, those especially who admire a finely fitting gar ment, to hfo saloon. No. 4, opposite tho Pulaski House, where they will find him ready at oil times to suit his pa rens in the most approved and foshtonablo manner, and io ventures to assert, that thoso who will confide In lift selection as to color, fabric, style or finish of a covering for the human form, ahall go away satisfied. FumlsliIng.Goods—Shirts, whlto and colored, with and without collars; Undor Shirts; 5Iorino, cotton aud llslr thread Drawers; Hosiery, Cravats, Scarfs, Stocks, neck Ties, Cloves, Suspendors, Umbrellas, silk nud cotton do. Also, a largo lot of mou’s and boys’ Caps, of tho latest patterns. Also, a lino lot of beautiful Ready-raado Clothing, which I selected with great caro,_ Gentlemen In want of any of the above articles will please give me a call, ns I am determined to sell at a small profit. [sept 85] JOHN W. KELLY. nt, .Jas L _ rgorald, Am ■■•ton. Wfo Foulard, Dominick n Thoa FlalaH| moy, WmFFoay,B ich, Johann D Ffthi Smith? Wm Starr Jr, Henry Bmindcra, Pete Rnlnn JohnKStUwcll, II Sheppard,F M Stone,Elen Solomons, Tlios 8cully, Wm Saunders, Jas 8mlth8r, SSft Jessco J Smith, WmFShearer,JA n°Rni Foley, Thoa Flaherty,ii 7, L J B Palrchf“ . John Flannogan, Pat’k Sweat, John D •...— Eloazor 8r, Jno A Sowell, J Wm Saunders, Julius. Smith, H R Bofley, kills. »uioy, n . ii raircnuu, Jas raunsian, miwmoi» Fennell, Jno Foster, J R Fisher. 0 J Fulton. Jacob Friend, J o Fathore, G U Farrlcs, John O Ferrell, James ffm B Ftemml , .QWBfi ForiM^^ . . . ^ Tliuon, rra's itwiioiu O E Toffl, Edward Townsend, B T Thous, A Thomas, W PTctn, Morion Throadcrafr. Jno H Tliodo, H JThoraas- aomW B Tinsley, Fros Truchelut, R V Thomas. Richard- “n Tombs, W H Talb1rd, J B Jay or, John U Thomas John Trurofior, IKTcffi, ■J John Cord t*,Frsncft Gritnball, J F GullmarUn, BonJ Oepnovoly, Jdihua Qrifdth,‘0 L Gilbert, Job Goorge,*^ DVV Garmany, J B Qalll^. Joa T Gannon,- Jo» Gelgor, , Michael Glasgow, Geo A Gordon, Wm A. 1 Gibbons, Pat rick Oarron, Ju Grady, Geo Glen, J FGrovonstoln. John I Qamraeli, Jos :.GalftghW Domingo Gallw. John Grlfflh; HnGlonovoly. Jos EGmlftoy,' L 4 Gullmiirtln. Seaborn Xhtm il G riann, GeorgeGatohouse, J - M Griffin, umlwlii, Jotm nillcluml. Jn-oph Icnimhl, John ilnllngli.r, O A (Iroliior, Hwj»M!Mloirf*ln, 0»r»li|n lor, N P Hylor, J M Thomm, J R Tlioin|i»io. Clirlitlnn Uebole, Philip n«*or. H a V.riullo, Tri.irnra ymllllo, i«Jfr, U.or, w o VnndonbeWjHeury Vonglahn, Oliorle. Wllmn,<!oo w\v»IW, Aosoilin Wi-tuo, Jnmc; gaaiSiriSs WuRh. Edmund Wallen, / nsimiiWtotSi rin, r ii neuznuini, jonii iiiiuii »hcr Hussey, J D Hltahes, O S )qnnUHoaly,Dennisllollnnd, ^ ---iv-vj; -•—---.•vl-j-ii r-«.- - l M mllton, Henry llaupt,.lid- 8 11 Williams. Geo WUlIx, \V , I*. V II IN - FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No.e4 llayvt.iSavannah. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. G. A. HOLCOMBE. G A8TON-STREET, (NEAR THE PARK,) sent 27 savannau. oeo. Nl—3taw0mo WILLIAM C. PERKINS) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cutlibert. Randolph County. Ga. Ills term or offlco as Solicitor General of ttao Bouth- western Circuit having expired, ho will give his Individ ual and undlvldod attention to all business of a profos- atonal and legal character entrusted to hlswre In the Comities of Randolph, Stewart, Lee, Baker and Early. January Oth, 1852. ly JanJ5 AUCTION AND COMMISSION 5?ERCI1ANT, AnguMta, Georgia. rrferkhceb: Savakkah—Anthonv Porler, Proe’t, 8tate Bank, Chas. U (Sarte«o^2lhas. Edmomistoru ProsH —— ^nsn^ anco Offlco, Burckmayoric Motfott,G. W. Williams, Esq New York—Haggerty, Green 4c Co-120 West si. SS^SS&iS^gsabgiS; July 18 BiUkf’ f ' oro0 ’ Con,e J & ^Jiy 01 factors'Sc'ommTssion merchants. SXONE, HTAItU *», I, IMrORTERS AKD WHOLESALE DIAIBES III D RY GOOD S r vn _ „ NO. 41 BROAD WA Y. NE W- YORK. LevtP. stoke, ) III. LaHodowButler, Elbert 8vARn, V | Joha J. Broom, *— A --nt»i'V““' Uewrv H. Btotesburv; July 84 GOODS; L F Harris, Wm P Hunter^ wiiolesale'ceAxe] oi-r°.ra»;x, .xTO.w’. n»m liana 14, OEOROEJr.SMITE •AND GENERALAGENT,. WlUUMUilMVU.AU6niv- - i !n, ri ,v ;”nova UMstltG Lato oftho Arm orSam’l Hoyt & Co, Savannah, 0a. W OULD announce to hit friends that ha has reraov- V AN DING, per schooners ’•Eclipse’’ and odtoChBrle^,_^0 ? N^M^^t K BaLj ! rh«5 LS-’ ^ wl to Charleston, 8.C-N0. 149 East Bay, where prepared to do a geuoral Commission business, nnd sh to order, at all times, any articles from tho North ho Is prepared . furnish to order, at all times, i . or South that may bo wanted, for too usual commission, as woll ns rocolve and sell tho same. Aud 1 pledge my iolf that all busluoss entrusted to my enro shall receivo filch attention as will Insure similar mnutfostation or heir good will, not doubling that my acquaintance with Northern and Southern markets will enable ‘ - W Afto Dealer^1n K Butter, n cheeMe! Plaster, Marble Dust, ^Andigentfermndry Machine Manufoctories, North Ah»,rah.rn T.,mrf L»lh.rl» U» Bough. TcnnB oA.h lnv.ri.bly. Hrfor. lo th. clllicns ot Sovjo- o.hgoiienrily. ■■ • UI1INSON * OAlUjP^^ AND OB..... IX DRAPERS AND TAU S, morlcanCasslmors, of black and foncy colore; Votings of Silk. Batin. Cashmeres, embroiders and rich Cut VeL «rAU of ShlSSre ophl lb. riiotto.1 ootlw •oirnE^i'SADkoLOTFuNcri.oi.iioniMorod. the Wall known homo of W.’T. 'Jortrtln’irt tt Co^ No. St ond licgoJllo »„yl» Iho cuy.— Wo keep constantly on haiwl tbo'lwahj* «4WW4«» of FANCY* GOODS of any houso In InaMljUe, such at ' rltlte and foncy tcolored Shirts; 811 k, LftteTnr<»d and - --^Mbnno^Uuder-GannenU ‘. ShSltar r root dou Thread, Colton, Mdrlno and , : Silk and Cotton Umbrellast blaok, whlto and . ‘-KM-GIotbe (of Alexindera make); Stocks, OravstaRndOoltant snd,tn fact,everything no toRGendeman’s Wardrobe. Foreale on m -* ""SSfi”D h u7««k, Next door to PutasklHoose. Ai*o, a , JOHN J. MAURICE’S Nos. IO, 12 & 14, Barnnrd-st., Savannah. ' Waaonf, Children’s Willow CnairejHrutoe*, Brooms, fcc. ^ toKli rr All kinds o STPrintcd Catalogues may be had on application, and forwarded post-free. ,a ,o a ,. n John j. Maurice. Sales Rooms, Nos. 10,12 and 14 Damard-street, and 184 Bay-strect. PORTER’S EXTENSIVE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. arrival of Fall and Winter ^ .*..»» cry quality and style of Clothing to plense the taste of the most fastidious. This establishment la divided Into kollmrMitr * L mw >t Departments, each ono containing a rich and full assortment In their line. full suits from 83,25 to $4,50. _ 4th Department. Contains r large and well-selected stock of India Robber Goods—consisting In part of 8«ck Coats, While and Black Frock Coats of two onion, Leggings, slips, Cloaks, Firemen’s Coats, warranted to stand 880 de grees of heat, Riding and Driving Gloves, Hone Co vers, etc. 5th Department. Contains Hate and Caps, linn Moleskin;a large asaortt ment and latest styles. Oth Department. THE BAZAAR. This splendid establishment, on the left wing of the main „ . . .. # grot ex- ‘ ’ * tbelr Department, CO feet deep, ft fitted up, reuse, expressly for I Julies accompanied by 1 Children. Here will be found every quality style of Children’s Clothing, and of the latest 1 fashions, consisting of Infonta’ Robes, Christening Cans, splendid Embroidered Caps, Suita, connected and separate, for every age, Jenny Linda, Polka Paris leparate, for every tgc, Jenny Linda, Polka Backs, Frocks, Ovor-Coata wllh and without Capes; and many other Goods, too numerous to mention In this advertisement. Parents and Guardians are re spectfully solicited to call, as great paint have been taken to odd to the comfort and convenience of pur chasers. S3TNo abatement from prices first asked, ST. ANDREW’S HALL, OROUGHTON-STREET* Jgmflawttfie. SAVANNATt. C»- JHcccDautitjr. uullurill BBTOI 2 AAA LBS. EPSOM BALT8. }UUU 5,000 lbs. Copperas- n Glass. LOGO lbs. Glauber Salts. 2,000 lbs. Putty. 500 boxes Window G 7,000 White Lead. All of the above Just received and for sale by JAMES U. CARTER, ~ w’sHat oct 20 150 do. Pipes; 75 do. Mustard; 50do.grou’d Pepper & Allspice; 70 bbls. Sugar, Butter ana Soda Crackers; 875 do. Domestlo Gin, Rum, Brandy and Whiskey; 40 do. Old 5louonga’a Whiskey,some very choice; 15 half pipes otard, Dupuy u. Co.’s Brandy:. . ■nmelpBraad ” ium1 elgllll> ctslu ’“rioua ii*** xholce 5 pipes 1«-m—-. ... 4 puncheons Jamaica and St. croix uum; 30 casks Madeira and Tenerlffe Wines; 20 do. superlorold Madeira and Shorry Wines; 100 baskets Champagne, Uoldseok, Hungarian, ^"’luo kegsand halves FFFG. Powder; 400 bags Buck and Drop Shot; 50 bbta No. 3 Mackerel; 25 do. No. 3 do; 20 do. No. I do; 20 casks Codfish and Haddock; 30 half bbfti 1 & 3 Mackerel; 50 boxes Codfish; 40 kilts No. 1 Mackerel; . With a frill supply or everything else in tho grocery W“" ,0 “ —A co. CARPETS! CARPETS 11 CAIlPETSlIi Ing of: Palo and Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, Cherry & Raspberry Brandy, Port do. Scotch Whiskey, lbimx Sherry Wine, Holland Gin, B.own - do. Stoughton lllltere, .. TtiiUlta do. “Crown” and brands Champagne, g-^ruo “Tinulla” Sherry ft highly recommended for invalids—tt causing no acidity. For talo oct 27 BUNKER A 15 do. Linsey Wortisej, 15 do. Red Flannels, 50 do. Brown Shirtings, 10 do. 4-4 Sheetings. 50 do. Heavy Cotton Osnaburgs. 10 coses B’cachod Shirtings, 40 do. Printed Calicoes, 10 do. Kentucky Jeans, 200 dozen Head Handkcrchleft, 500 do. Assorted Hosiery, Together with a most complete stock of Fancy Goods, * which they Invite the attention of Country Merchants d others. NEVITT, LATHROP ft 8TEBB1NS, 130 Congress street. ' ^E have This Day opened jbr^sMe, a^splendld as- A.,! sortment or CarpetRy Oil GlotbRy Mats, Rags, Window Curtains, Ac. —CONSISTIHO IK BART Of— 20 pieces Three-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvot Tfopestry 10 do. Brussels do. 40 do. Two-Ply Carpets 30 do. Floor Oil Cloth 10 do. Drugget .1 do. Felt Carpet 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Velvet and Chenellle Rags . 100 common Rugs and 51 aft 100 pair or beautiful style Window Shades. All of tiie above Goods are offered at the lowest market prices. For sale by [sept 20] A1K1N ft BUUN8. GROCERIES. •; t CHAMPION has In store and is receiving the fob lowing articles for city and country trade, which having been purchased for cash and selected by hlmrelf, enables him to sell on the most fovorable terms, via: 100 bbls. Baltimore and Canal Flour, 50 half do. do4 50 do. Stuart’s Crushed and Powdered 8u<»rs; 10 boxes do. Loaf . do; 10 hhds. Porto Rico and 5Inscovado do; 50 bbls. Clarified Sugar, various qualities: 25 boxes Cheese; 100 boxes and hairdo, soapj 50 do. Sperm and Adamantine Candles; 100 bags Rio and Java Coffee. 30 boxes and half boxes Hyson and Black Teas; 75 do. and half do. Tobacco; 25 do. Starch; 30 do. Pipes; 25 dozen Brooms and Buckets; _, „ . 50 bbls. X, X, and kltta Mackerel; 20 kitts Salmon; 10,000 lbs. Bacou, Hams, Sides and Shoulders; ROBERTS Sc FOOTER , „ Eroughton-street, ^ up J, t 8 ai g^ pponte the St ’ JAVE now on hand a very largo and well-selocted 1 8took of DRY GOODS, which they otter for sale, by the piece or pneknge to the trade—consisting, In part, ot v Coloredand Duffell Blankets. Rod aud White Flannel. Plains and Kerseys, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Jeaus. Fancy and Tweod Cassimercs. Striped and Plain Colton Oanabui Bleached and brown Shirtings an English and American Prints. Cashmeres and Prl nt cd Do Lain os. Black and Colored Alpacas. Black and Colored Coburgs. With an additional general variety of Goods usually kept In Dry Goods Stores, which are offered for salo at the usual accommodating terms. topt 18 —ALSO— ir, 25 quarter boxes New Raisins: a uuufc, au uwi, 20 quarter and 20 boxes Buckwheat; 500 bags Shot; 500 bars Lead; . A choice selection of Llquora and wines. oct 25 C A a CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRESS-STS. B LEACHED and Brown 8HEETING8 ft SU1RTING8. The Subscribers havo just received per brig Wilson Fuller, from New-York:' , ,, Water Twist bleached SHEETING New-York 5111ft do do James’ Steam Mills do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 Londsdale and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Son Island Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 44 7-8.8,0,10,11, and 12-4 AUendalo Bro. Sheeting 7-8,8,0,10,11, aud 12-4 do Blenchod do 7-8,8,0,10,11, and 12-4qiamllton do do For sale by M. PRKNDERQA8T ft CO. L ANDING, per schooner phlr ‘Fannie," from PbUadol- 20 hogshoadscholco Porto Rico Sugar, 15 do. do. 8antaCrus do. 110 bags choice ltlo Coffee, 15 barrels Cldor Vinegar, 10 bogshcads cholco Uucon Shouldors. nov 13 For sale by CRANE & HOLCQ51BE. 100 boxes Connecticut Chooso, 50 do. 8oda, Uulter, Wine and MUk Biscuits, 50 barrels Uutter and Sugar do. 20 do. Pilot Broad, 50 boxes assorted Candy. Also, per brigs “American” and “Excel:” 200 bogs assorted Shot, 5,000 pounds Bar Lead, WO pounds Har Lead, 25 kegs extra shotce Goshen Butler, 50 boxes Cream Cheese, 25 barrels Stercor Potatoes, 25 do. Yellow Onions, nov 13 For sale by CRANE ft HOLCOMBE. jxOREIGN LIQUORS.—90 half ir and 10 quarter pipes Dupuy & Co. II randy, of 1810, ’49 and ’50. F^Dari and and Palo Otanl, Dm our own Importation. Vintages 18 - — 0 pipes Holland Gin, Meder 8wnn Brand. 1 puncheon old Scotch WhUkoy. 8 do. do. Jamaica Riun. 1 do. do. 8L Croix do. 20 demllobns, 5gallons each. Scheldam Gin. JOHNSTON ft OO. AGOING, BALE ROPE, fte.— i C8 bales Gunny Cloth, 500-collsKentucky Ropo, 200 oolls Dillon’s Rope, n^nom^ibg. tor ’^coSen A novO ’Ti^.^R^pri^LbnfLaiSi 23boxoaGoshen Cheese; 50 bait do. Ualtlinbre do;. .. ' 10 bhds. cholco Porto Rico 8ugarr, • 100 gross Matches, and a geuoral aseortraept or Grin For sale by [nov 10]. G ^ bbftHtoim^mUhft Flour. . 3U hlf bbls Fulton Market Beef. , . : • 20 casks pints, 12 do quarts, best London Porter. , 30 bbls prims Crejun. . 0 pipes 1 superior Holland Gin, • , SOboxes aiJdi» half do Raisins. ; 30halfbbla Sugar, Soda apd But MbowanoW' 30 bbls Sugar 1 .50 boxes Bur d. 00 do .OompoalUMtoc «: do.Tallow ^ do.' • . «>•.,jm a Sugar, Sods apd. Buttor Blaculta. >•- > 1 ■ l|>) Opposite 8t Andrew’s HtB. WINES, RRANDIES. ftc. rpllB SUBSCRIBERS are now-receiving In store R JQODS.— •s”Kr Wofla#), t OGDEN, 80 Bay «t (Scwccatgtabtrttncwtwta. UENTLEMEN’S REST0EATI0K. LAGER BEER. . II. WEIG AND haa opened, under tho Planters’ Hotel, meat and comfortablo Eating Room, with an excellent tltchen and Cooking Range adjacent, a* a a neat and c Kitchen nnd Cooking Range ndjnccnt, aa It E S T A U R A N T'. Ho has an excellent Cook, from Etraabourg, who will suit Gcrmnn, American ami French tastes. OYSTERS, FISH, 5IEATS—overy thing that this market affords,can bo had In aU styles, on short nr*’ Youko Clerks, and olhora, who have rooms In town, re invited to try the European mode of breakfasting Wolf,at tho Fulrmorot the Brewery orMcsera. n \\ atcr Works, near Philadelphia. This Boer Is made ex actly like the Lager Beer or Munich, In Bavaria. I shall continue to receivo constant supplies of this pure and wholesomo beverage,during the autumn, winter,‘and, spring. As In the old country, It will be sold to families ■ nil IiuU.Mii.I. ..-.III J.k .#11. ....I. 1 Indiyldualvwho will thuslnt . their hands. The use or thft Beer ft particularly recow rosndedby^^slcftnstoftdtcs who are nursing children. ...ii? * Isntcrs Hotel by sept? My I * • HERNY WEIOANJ) FLORIDA LANDS FOR SABB. KJUUUIUA UJUUIS 'rUH BACti. >. 17ie following valuable TRACTS o F > FL AND, lying In Marion and AlachuaM|. x—*cbnntteS, will be offered at Private Sale,—*— * during the months or October, November and December ““vctUJII'KA DAUIIOOK, .llusled about ten mile North of Ocala, (the county seat or Marion county,) con- ' talning 3,000 acres, about ono-hnlf of which is hammock, unaurpassodby any in tho 8tate; and tbo remainder white A TRACT, well known aa.Uie “Fort Diane Planta tion,” containing 3,000 acres or Land, principally first quality hammock, between four and five hundred acres of ifrhloh Is thoroughly cleared, and at present Io cultl- vation. This placo for ieveral years averaged two hogs heads of 8ugar to .the aero, and overy year that it has been cultivated has produced fluo crops of com and These Tracts could readily bo divided into two or three plantations each, being well watered and aurround- d by high rolling pine land. ' A TRACT of 1,000 acres pfl Orango Lnko, consisting of hammock, orange grove, and well Umbered pine land. TWO TRACTS, of 1,000 acrea each, near the Alachua , gralrie^The greater part'of both these tracts Is rich . •; 5JM0 ACRES on Indian Illvor. Any ono wishing to ■■■ cultivate sugar cano would do well to examlno this land. • being remarkably fertile, and lying south of the region frost. It la as well Adapted to that culture as any In the nUmt StalM. . . ^ .ard tract,” . data. There on this of frost, It la S- .. United 8tatos. : 12,000 AC R ES, generally k no wi situated on tho St. John's river, op are many small 1 a tho SL John's river, opposite PI colab ■mall hammocks and orange :grove It ft principally valuable for Us piuo ti r front of seven or elkht miles. timber. It tract, built _ r bta ariver front of seven or eli,... 1,000 ACRES on Lake George, and several small tracts on and near the 8L John’s river, well situated for form- -.ko., lug, the rearing of orango groves, fte.' The above tracts or land were purchased by the lato Gen. qtnch, Immediately after the accession of Florida-: to the Untied States. From hla position at that Uuw, his. foclllttca for selection were unusually great; and U is be-; lleved they Include as good land is cad be found la-tba • On account of tholr accessibility from Charleston i — — * J ‘ o planters In Ca- i nah, they offor great inducements to planter ..._or Georgia wishing to remove.. , The titles are clear and indisputable,. Terms—Caah, or payable at Charleston or Savtnn&lL on ‘ or before the 1st of January next. ' . tT'Any further Information on the subject can be obtained by addressing the subscriber, at Orango Springs, Marion county, Florida. : J. If. M. CLINCH, - oct 10 tfan , Executor. *,* The Tri-weekly Chronicle ft Sentinel, at Augusta, and the Journal ft Messenger and tbe Telegraph, at Ma-. con, are requested to publish tho above till Irat of -JAmi. uary, and sen J their bills to this office. , PALL * WINTER.GOODS! . fpHE SUBSCRIBERS take pleaaure In announcing tcv > X the citizens of Savannah, and the'public' generally1 ' that, by various arrivals of steamers and ni l vessels, they - ALPAOA8 l -'* ,, . 1 -* l,, .r'-'. CASH „ . MUSLIN DE LAINEA, BOMBAZINES. - FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, .# SILK AND VELVOTMANTEL8, i of all color* and of the latest and most appro ved patterns They also have received a hugostock of BILKS, which surpass any other ever brought to, this place, aa well In; • the quality andpotternsas In the prices; a great assort- . moot of WHITE ft EMBROIDERED GOODS, such as Collars, CufflL Capes, Caps, Handkerchiefs, 8leeves, and SaDa^^ore. U,aaUy * epl M* Thsy call the attention oftho public especially to tholr assortment or • - i Consisting of 8hlrtlngs,*8hwulng/fTaMe^?incn, Napkins, - Toweft, Pillow-Case Linen, etc^ etc.; and afto to tbelr . extensive variety or Flannels, Blanketa,Kaheys, 8atlnet a, Ywsods and Casslmeres: and Invite all who wfth to pur- . chase toeome and-examlii«i-th*i»-o.—«a* w«i ^ ■oU U Ih. lo«e«l EmsrE ,^ ^ EOKBIAN, ( ' -~*ia J^S^SSSSiSSaS^ssmeA'isi X ton and Planters to hft very extensive stock of No- Brogans and Women's Leather Booh ‘ -i expressly for thfa' r stock and wi warranted the best Mode and workmanship. Ho ft p fldent that a fair trial of his stock wUl Insure satisfaction and a continued patronage. His goods are alt fresh and termofair. * W. HEIDT. Glbon’a Building, formerly occuplod by Messrs. E. F. WwdfcCo. w oct2 rpiHE Subscribers, agents for 51r.U. Knaurr, Organ X builder, are prepared to furnish any description ot X bulkier, are prepared to furnish any description ot Church or Parlor Organs. As a specimen or hft Instru ments, reference Is mado to the'organ recently erected by ilm in the LuthernnCliurchof this city. Parties desiring ' nformntlon on the suhjoct can ascertain all.necessary particularson application to F. ZOGUAUM fcCO n ' july 13 WhltakersL, ono door east of Bryan-*L' . PIANO FORTE DEPOT. * The undersigned respectfrtily lnfonn thQ ■citizens or Santo ' II that they have o ■nos, tbe largest stock ever on sale b by tbe mostcelebntfedni igned respectfully Inform tho ,vannab,Goorgia, and Florida, re on hand more than fifty Pi- on sale In this city, and made Newton^Sdw^Sft&^^wSf tamlo the lovers of Music, have place: In ‘■their Targe assortment. K^Wood, Black Walnut, and Mahogany, with Iron frames made tn the most substantial , and workmanlike manner. Afto the Justly celebrated Atollan Plano Fortes, which, for tholr sweetness and tone, have not been equal, ed. All those Instruments have motaUo frames, which render them peculiarly suited for this climate, preventing the necessity of tuning for yoare. . The undersigned are agents for Henri Hen’s celebrated Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For power and beauty tone, they stand preemlMnL . Cat It cart’* Melodeona. BeiYITx * DBilERS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, ALL attention to tholr Urge Slock or the following articles, which they offer ot tbe lowest prices: Rich Printed de Lalues and Cashmeres, French and English Merinos, Black Bombazines and Alpiuas, 7 Linen Cambric aud Embroidered Hdklk, Marseilles Quills and Counterpanes, Irish Linens aud Damasks, Linen and Cotton 8beeUugs, Silk, Cbtton and Merino Hosiery, Whlto nnd Colored Flannels, Cloths and Casslmeres, French, English and American Calicoes, Diapers and Towellngs, Table and Plano Covers, Plain and Figured Black Silks, Black Satin de Cbone, Plain Changeable Silks Paris Mantillas nnd Talmas, Bound and Plain Ribbons, Brocho and Ptatd Shawls. French and English Crupoa, Ladles’and Gonllcmcn’s Kid Olovo*, Swiss and Cambric Trimmings, French Needle-worked and Lace Collars, Blankets, Plains nud Kerseys, Bluslln Curtains, Broche and Figured Silks, Domestic Goods of all descriptions, of the bestmannfoo- ture. oct 28 do. do. do. SUNDRIES. OAA BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kinds. ZUU 70 hhds. Fair and Choice Porto Rico 40 do. Cuba aud New-Orleans 100 bbls. Refined 75 do. Crushed and Powdered 25 boxes Loaf 300 bags IUo Co (Too. 200 do. Porto Rico nnd St. Domingo Coffee. 75 do. Java _ do. 150 and % chests Hyson Tea. 40 V do. Black do. 130 boxes 8oap. . „ . 100 do. Mustard, Pepper, Allspice and Ginger. 80 bbls. Butter, Soda, and Sugar Biscuit. 30 }S do. do. do. do. do. 120 51 Begnre. assorted kinds. 20 bags Black Pepper. 250 bbls. New-Orleans Whftkoy. 100 do. White do. 50 do. Monongahclado. 20 do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E. Phelpa’ Gin. CHURCH ‘t 3 This beautiful t 1 instrament, for village pur- poses? Lodges, Serenading Parties, and the private prao- tlceof Organists, posseuing a sweet and powerftti tone, th^rhaye also fbrsale. oftheso Instruments will be disposed of on the most nmodating terms. Tho prices of the Pianos ranging $175 to $1000. . ... from $175 to $1 Jang) L W. MORRELL ft CO.: PIANO FORTES.' Tho Subscribers,sole Age Eort^are'olways suppltedfwi^'atfa .ese fltvorito and Justly cdebrated Inktru- ments. For durabUlty, they foUy .warranted*. , whilst their superior!^ of tone and touch hr evident .and acknowledged by the most casual observer,' arM! 'as - the critical connoftseor. The Ladles are respoctfotly ln-; vited to view these Instnunonta : and an arrangement having been effected with ono or ow most emtawit Pi anists for the purpose; they can alsojm enabled: to Jndgo of the touo. F. ZOOB AU51 ft OOn 5l^yket-sqiiare. Second hand Pianos taken In cxchango—also lined and repaired, ««nor . ;NEY COACH; 1 .:v|. , 'The eubacriber reapoctfrilly Infohni tho public, and strangers In town,thatJie htu«; Just recelvixl on elegant now Hack, called the ■LADY HENTZ,” wbloh is on entirely now principle, h H | ‘■■■mimsm as regards accommodation, aafMy,;5t “S,;V h " tttgjBggMgMttg; L B^WBEN^5tERlCA^ND EUROPE. _ TOIIN HUNTER, Agent In England of the Now-York « • fj Associated PrtMs, respectfully beg* .to nnnoujice to • the mercantile and busiuess community that TELE- GRAPfllO DISPATCHES, to and from any part of Great Britain, or Uio Continent of Europe, w.Ul bo punctually forwatuod, if confided to his care. t ;.. Dispatches should be forwarded In envelope, unsealed, and addressed “ Telegraphic." ' Agent*. In Liverpool.—!. Hunter, 2 "— In Halifax.—R; Nugent, ” i, offlco of tho Mall. , office of tbo Aesoclaled 140 do. E. Phelps’ Gin. ft) do. Best P. ft H* aye Gin. 50 5^Ssk8°8horry, Madeira, ft Teneriflb Wine.' 500 baskets Ctuuupague . do. 40 bbls. American Brandy. 25 v casks do. 10 x do. Cognac Brandy. 7 111 Custom Hous 20 X pipes do. \ Store. 150 kegs Gun and Rlflo Powder. 500 bags Drop and Buck Shot. With a compete assortment of Grooerie* 1 - )•*;• In Boston.—VI. G. Hla - In Note-York.—D, U, Ci Press, 3 Hanovcr-slrect, ur. lTrkUndelpkia.-mJf „ • In BfUtimortj—Q. C. Fulton, pun Building. ^ • , Jbr Charleston, 8. C., Augusta, Savannah, fre.—-A. Carroll,Courier office,Charleston,8.0. Ii, *•' In Cincinnati.—U. Smith, SlercbanU’ Exchanges ' ?,r P Sci;^r:. > ! j STt.ll/wl Kt.t#.. DimiiFH • 3? r mudonU In E«rope : ward their oommunlcatlona for tho Unltod^tatoa through private communications, on tho arrival of tho steamers at .. 1 Palo . Si ,dfc 10 do. Muscat,. 50 boskets Grape Champagne. In store and foraaleby oct 23 . . VV.M, DAVIDSON. llfox, Boston, or Now-Voi barges moderate, and aocm .ness In tbe transmission of du, money will be 2 Paradlsc-slreeti Liverpool,' Eng To tbe Cttlaen* ol Houtl The Undi Audits Und