Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 22, 1852, Image 1

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VOLUME L. the republican. daht aud tri-weekxt by J. L. LOCKE & CO. _ n. Irt.WMkly M, Per Annum. ouo wlU »n order for tt. p»por to .Uandod CJUlSSpud*! "tom " * -““-T rtMe" 01 ’ . nVBBTIBINO RATH81 . ItuortoJ it tto following rate.:— Adtorl'“ , "~ 0 „ or t«« ueu, no cU. One Monin 00 00 0001^°"—‘Sioo Xwo u moo Two “ * . ta* Three“ 18 50 Throe " 150 Four 15 00 FoW , ** 175 Six “ SO 00 8 00 One Yew 30 00 One » ve r*‘‘rtiMinenU uot exceeding flve lines, throe- i«JJ’gSSiiMto from Iruuloul prom or .Irnngen, 3v .mN DAYa before tto day of Btdo. hint of Voters. RKM^'S^irrSSSS O ! B«u and wlfoln tho corporate HmlU of Savannah J ‘‘^Inonih Immediately preceding tholr registration Mi oTup W tho lime of election, who ,Kitho ago of twonty-ono years,have paid nil h » v ® have tn tholr own right sufflclont real estate Bartholomew Mclnarney, may bo against thorn, tens, A FMin, Fabian.Mj •hh hare mado all returns required by tho ordinances oi Th« dt? and have been registered according to the pro- Ittfi of tola acL-£xtr«ct/«ia the Registry La*. siSS Autiin. George Armstrong, James Anderson, \V V N A,m.k»n£ttT AWo, Peter Arnold, It D Arnold, Thos a r um.2fyt Anderson, lllchard Abercrombie. J a An- jSiS vS'Tfer 1 "’% Alto “, J sines Ahem, R A Allen, W B. Adams. ^rf.srijSf.WBSS >‘K«5S? Wm B BfounU IlrW Ullulloch, s “' 8 ■^asflwsisi^t Uurko, A F llennolt, Win Uutler, Thosllourke. er, B Dlleodnr, DP IIsissy,PatrickIlanlr,John Illgglns, John Hardy, Jno A lioness, Jno Hunter, B D Haunt, Jno Howard, Mania Horn, wtn Hone, Peter I Ism nan, R A llonlker, Uobt Hutchinson, Jaa v Illnes, Henry Hunken, IB llariey,i Michael Hickey, Timothy IJowe. O 8 Hardee, WUhaHazsd.JP Hood, fto* Henderson, W J Halley! Henry Han>cr, J JS How, W U Harris, Nicholas Ueman- dez, Thus Hollered, Allred Haywood, Moses Y Ueoder- son, OII Hall. RII Hardee, David Harrington, Edwin E Harts, W II Houseman, Nil Harris, Stephen Hatrick, 8 A Hooker, 0 8 Hunter. HR llnbersliam, Ubaa F Ham— Iton, W 11 Holmes. 8 P llalsey, Wra W Habersham, J M Haywood. Thos Hoyues, Jno. II Habersham, Georgo 8 Harding. Jno Ilarriseon, Nicholas lleylo, Fras Hernan dez, Audrow llarrluon, Wm Humphreys, John Helry, G Troup Howard, Win Henderson, D H Henderson, Jas M. Henderson, Tiiomna Helry, Claus liallinan, John II Hull, Lovi Hart, Jas Horan, E Hcldt, Mnurieo lluckott, Hobt Habersham, Br, John Harper, J W Harris, Thos llolcombo, G 11 Holcombe, K 8 Harris, Wm Heidi, Jos Ilarcgrovea, Joe U Habersham, John II Holcombe, Eldred .Hayden, EJ Harden, Jno llamlet, Geo Haas, Jno It Hamlet, M Harding, Soymour Harris, KI) Hoyle, Wra F Holland, II F Holland, Jamos Ulnoe, R II Howell, Thos Ifardou, W U Harrison, Milton Humphreys, Jos II Har vey, It 11 UllUm, U W Hunt, Jno F Herb, Win Hone. John W Ihly, John I. Ihly Wm Ihly, Brlen Island. Goorge Jones, Jas O Jones, Jas M Jones, BO James, Alexander Johnson, Jus T Jones. J D Jesse, Thos Jones, Edward Janes, Jos Johnston,' Peter Jacobs, John It Johnson, Christian Jogslettor, KB Johnson,G II John son, Emanuel Joseph, J It Johnson, A K Jones, John R Jackson, Bulloch Jackson, Nicholas Jeffreys, Uobt Jackson, WraA Jaudon. II R Jackson, Claus Jackens, Peyton R Johnson, Joa W Jackson, Georgo Jackson. Frod Krote, Harmon Kuhlman, Wra II Kelly, Phillip Kolb, Dodrlck Kattouhorn,!' M Koltock, Kara Kent,N B Knapp, Jas King, John Kennedy, Dr N Kohlhouso, James Korr, Peter Krauas, Golbrt Kerk, James Kennedy, John Kelly, Daniel Haiti, Hanford Knapp, A J Kara, Edwin Knnpn, J F Kirby, Nicholas Korloy, Robert Knox, Fred erick Kronaon, Polcr Krlno, Louis Kemnf, A G Kennedy, A L Kent, 1.ou1b Koozel,Thos Keaton, Jus Klrklnnd, Al- frod Kent, Phillip Kean. D O Kauffa, Wm Kino, Ed ward Kean, Kdward 8 Keinplon, John Keegan, Chas H Knapp, Wm F King, Nicholas Kellehor, Jno J Kolley, Thos II Krocger. ^ CAL Lamar, Thos E Lloyd, BenJ’n W Lloyd, Hugh Logan, Joa Llppman, John al u Lovell, B W Leach, B Lalhrop, Martlu Larkin, 8Y Levy, JT Latham, Peter Iwognii, Thos Leary. Hugh Larkeu, Patrick Lonahan, Patrick Leo, Daniel Laphan, Thnmas Lyon, James Lon- ... ip.D PL „ Androw Ixiw, 0 D Loboy, W>uls l^griol, John Lyons, O Lufburrow, Charles Law, Peler Lee, Itobert Loyboum, Iwovy Lillemhal, W W Lincoln, H F Lddie, F M Lohof^ Paine Lovell, Wm E Long, John N Lewis, Simoon Lane, 51 L Luf burrow, William Lake, SAT Lawrence, A R Lawton, Edward Lynch. Edward Lovell, John Lares, D N Lane, James Laughlin, J F Linder. James J Logan, Robert A Lewis, A B Luce, J II Ladd, Jno Lama, Joa Lynch, ID LaRoche, Peter Lawrence, Michael La van, Matthew Lynch, Robt Luchliann, James Ladilison, Cas par Lenzor, James Larkin, Timothy Lavau, O A La Roche, Robt Luuday, John Imwlou, A J Lubey, Thos I^swls, Wiu H Lyons, Antonio Loovenln, J G Lambrlght, Michael Lynch, Pal’k Laughlin, Joint U Loveless, G W I^ckwood, Lours Lohman. HI. Abraham Minis. David Morris, Jacob Manses, John Maklu, Thos McNtchotns, John Mastersou, FMwnrd Maahan, Jeremiah McCarthy, John Mcllue, Wm Morrell, J G Mehrtens, Robt McIntyre, HU Mobrteiis, Jno D Mai- lelt, Jos Morducal, Michael McGrull, Thos Murtaugh, (zander Moore, Mathias II Slyer, Peter McGutltlciiduy, Silvester Manning, M Marsh. Jacob Miller, Jno Murchi son, Jno Montmollln, Thos Rlahor, Thos MoAullff, Jas NcFeoly, It W Mlscally, II W Mercer, O A Magill, Wm Sleredlth, E T McGmll, Tims McCollum, II Morce, Wm J Moore, J D Mallard, O D Murphy, Jeremiah Mack, N C Mills, Jesse Mount, John Murphy, H M Morel, Patrick Monro, C OMlIInr.John McCabe. Harvey Morse, John McDermott, J M Sullen, Thomas W McArthur, LovI 8 Myers, Henry Morckhardt, Michael Meath, Thomas Sin hon, Patrick McGovern, 8 8 Millar, T J McNIsli, John Mahoney, John McGunagb, Patrick Mnstorson, John Mallery, James J McCoy, Isaac Minis, Edward SlcCabo, G Slurklns, 8 8 Moody, Dennis SIcGulre. Lawrence Mc Kenna, Noylo Mcllue, J H Mehrtens, M ll Slyer, Thomas McKenna, John Miller, Jacob Mnnke, Edward SlcUraw, " **-’ •-*— Luder Mohr- |o bo yearly advertisers will be conflnod TM St'Kral.rbu.Wss.nd .11 otter .dv.rtl«- rigidly wjplXg to Ihelr regular business, as agrood for. W be cxcco ji n( , | n tholr advertisements SSbEJBS f«f, »bi i» cittwd ‘'ffKrSwl*-” 1 "* Will. •« OR.TD1. ,-rtlKimmli tor rturlttbl. iMtlttUooi u«i re- IHS“jS'i!Sinl«m5nur!mS to ll.V. omojrwUl.oul dl- “r™ toller, directed to ttle olBoe, ortto Edlton, P-lPi» 10 S S5?“^‘ T ^“ 1 W-SSL. tor Debtor. ^h.n,JTf.tode,l.lnde l.liide,Itonlclf.cnbcy, WIBIam ?ES&ss*i , a»9*3^ mlulstrstors, 1 an Thoao sales must bo mado Baker. I) rally, Al Black, rcilx Buurieoe, Ollborl Butler. Tho.llourke, ■’E rt. E 11 Bacon. 8 P Bell, Wnt J Bandy, 11 ] andy, Thomas 11 IlHrrett, T A Bulkloy, hot J Bulloch, Henry' Blurt,* E H Bacon, 8 P Belt, •lyrd/o A Boufculllet, Jno O Bryan, Thom jflchael Brannon, David Boll. Jno Bilbo, FraurJ* Blair, tJhss Ball, Patrick Brady, Tl . J M Uutler, Michael Bryan, Geo Bankman, O E llarrl^ Jos Bryan, D L Boat, JA Baker, W H Bunch, Jos K ltullough, Win D Brown, A T Bowne, Jos 11 Biirroughs. Jno Beiinott, Louis Baretleld, Jos BancroIL •niaddous J Baldwin, Paul " * « »«»•««- j- Umwn, 0W euHetL^ ' A^BIols, Henry Brigham, wiTlirnntley TW Itcntoo, MJ Buckner, John Boston, B fcI ** U i‘ r [? u r f' l 1 “’ Dennis Blannerhassett, D II Btldvrln, Wm C ilar on, Augustus Boullneau, John Burns, iUchael Bowley, Ullck Burke, JmO Bluuce, J II Bushier. W J lllodget, Jaa O Ilowen, Jno W BDe. Barnard E lice, F 8 Bartow, IVm J llee J P Brooks, W II Bourdloy, W O BuUer, » 8 Bo- gsrdus, Frederick Bailey, W D BasWor, Jos W Brown. John 0 Ulance, Theodore Hlols, William Blols, Wm H Bourke, John F Blakely. O 0(1 Drown. Win II Banks, "Boullincau, J T Buckner, Charlea 11 Boll, Loo Bran- in,it, P T Broughton. 118 Bell, W II Bradley, 48 Uennolt, Ju llelbo, Wm Balloy, PH Blols, J II Uucknor. Wm U Cuyler, John Cooper, C A Cloud, P L Constan* no, David 0 Cash, M A Oolieu, RR Cuyler, Goo A Luy- icr. Solomon Cohon, Hugh Cullen, W II Ldward Cubbago, David Cohen, John Oleary, Jot VOonnerat, Allen (Sullen. Chas Cooner, Jos Cleary. Barnaul Conslan- Duo, Thos W Cooper, John Clancy, John Larsteus, r W Cornwell, Jos 8 Carruthers, Nicholas Cruger. Wright Cuhieppor, Thos Corley, R M cjiarlton. 8 J tassels, UicnsrdCulo, Thos CusacxJno LClark, Michael Cusack, CII Campflold, Francis T Cole, John Curry, Thostlark, . John Cordell, Jas Connelly, John Carruthers, Frederick Cook, Emanuel CanwaUor, Luke Chri#tl%Ja« Campbell, sCumnllcId, Juo D Charlton, Jno O Cooke, Edmund ler, Montgomery Cummlng, II n, John Cass, Jno CunnIngnam,Carl CraB, Wm Car* , ?U L OdeTw O Charlton, 8 J M Cuhbego, Moses Coburn, L F Cook, Henry Capon, 8 M toldlng, ^ rodor- IckCarstens, Wm Cox, Wallace Cummlng, Patrick Crol- tv, Michael Corey, Peter Cobb, Jno J Cornell. Wm Con^ ' 1II Cshboge, George CallyLUrlnh Cranston, Charios Can non, Robert J Cawi' Antonio Chlsa, John Mow. 8 Cohen, D II Camp, octavus uonen, - rumr, Widow Cynthus, Patrick Clnrk, Jno M Cody, Jas Clng- horn, Win Cannon,Charles Cler, Augustus Cannon, Pat- riekCli - Qeorge Cally.Urlnh Cranston, unarm tan- I Cawsliy, B T Chapman, John F turdoll, , John L Copo, ThosConnlff, Thos Conway, L D II Camp, Octavus Colien, J P Coffor, os, Patrick Clnrk, Jno M Cody, Jas Clng «.«, „ iu vuimon, Charles Cler, Augustus Cannon, Pal ckClsrk, Isaac Oohon, Wra Cromwell, GI L Cope.Jr I. Coiio,sr, Jatnos A Courvoleor, 8 II Cooper, IU Cane, Wra LClark, DDCopp, JohnD Cole,.Cornelius 1 KConvor, Thomas Corr, Bryan Connor, James E Cope, LC Clark, George Clart, Wm P Clark, John A Charn- I bers, Wm Colter, Laureuco Connell, Frederick Cullon, I John V Ccrcopely, George Cuuseo, B H Crandoll, F I A CannuoL Jeremiah Cavanaugh,[Martini Conway, D A Oannuot, Joremlah Cavanaugh, ------- - .. BColommu Jamoa Carroll, Goorge E Cougdon, Thomas I Collins, J P Co lieu, Charles II Connery. • —n, John Doyle, Wm C , Band P Dibble, . jvan. Albert L D’liorso, Patrick Downuy, Isaac D'Lyun, Suchael Donnelly, John Donnelly, Wm M Davfdsou, Morty Oorgan, WmH Davis, Wm Dixon, I Rlc’d W Delaney, Martin D uggnn, I Dawion,Sllchael Dally, Rlc’d Donovan, - I Daniel Donovan, Albert L D’Lorto. Patrick Downo), ' •Lyon, Michael Donnelly, John Donnelly, Wm son, Morty Oorgan, Wm II Davis, Wm Dixon, i, Cliesloy Dugger, Jaa II Demund, Jos Dawson, well, Jno Dowulng.J B Davis, IIJ Dickerson, iLyon, G W Davis, D B Danlols, Jno Dal ley, Win n,John Dllloa, lanolDasher, Lovi Do.lbllt, AO | Jl Davidson. Morty I Dunn,Cli I Thos Dowell, I J* 8 DeLyon, G W Davis, - - v . n I lhiiican,John Dllloa, IsraolDasher, Lovi DoIbUL AC I pavonporLIsaaoDavts,Henry Dannenfolsor, JnoDDel- I Unuoy.WL Davis, B 0 Dunning, Patrick Derv no, Chas 1 Duryeo, BurreU Dye, 8 0 Dunning, Jr, F O Dana, W | II Dudley, John Dovaney. John Doblo. R II Darby, Jus M j Doyle, James Dunning Jr, Henry Du- I hluuon, James Doyle, Martin Dunnagan, Dudley Daven- I P«d, Jacob Do La Motto, A M Day, J. J O Davis, Thos E 1 JJavla, Ju DoMartln, Hoary Dlltmors, Alex Drysdalo, D I 1, Frml’k Dannersfclsor, J B_ Dasher, R W Dasher, I M T Dukes, John II. Dews, Bamud L Dowell, John Dry- I «r, P || Demere, W J Donaldson, Thos F Daniels, Michael I Duggan, John Dorgon. I E B Fell, Michael Finney, WmPFony, E I Frierson. Austin French, Johann D Fisher, I p , Foulard. Dominick Flalloy, John Flunncgnn, Pat’k I 7 h , oa n t ,i aher ‘} r « D Fun, L M Folllgant, Owen I Fairchild, Jas Faututan. Mlchaor Fay, G W I b me J>* Jno Foster, J R Fisher, G J Fulton, Jucob I SSf - * Fathers, G o Farrles, John 0 Ferrell, James 11„ , , r J , , . !r ?? n Fleetwood, Geo W Falm, I^onard Frpo- I A R ForL Thos A Farrles, Wm iTVlemmlng, Jas 1 F Fink. DavidFltzgorrald,RobertFlshur, D I Ail. s Jacob Frey, Jeremiah Flckllng, Wra Fielding, I 0 E Flanders, W G Foote, BouJ Franklin, I Deter Peth, G W Forrhu, %o. M Forman. - John Gerdts, Francis Grimball, J F Gullmsrtln, nonj I »„ voly ’ Joihu » Griffith, 0 L Gilbert, Jos George, «r n I V„;V.Gwm n ny,- J B Gallic, Jos T Gannon, Jos Golger, IrhSn G^gow,Geo A Gordon, Wm A Gibbons, PaL I uSrnmMf 0 ^ G.rody, Geo Glon, J F Grovonsloln, John 1 Jos . Gallagher, Domingo Galleo, JohnGriffin, TSJTlA? « Godfrey, hi Gullmart n. Seaborn Ith™ n ’ Davl J 1 G Gnann, George Gatehouse, J M Griffin, Ipw*Dreen, J WGibbons,Chas Gross,Patrick Gordon, I JS V ree M n ° F Glallgny, Pelor Gafliey, W WGood- 18&W 5? ar i Wm P Goodwin, John Glllcland, Joseph IPT n5 e Gaitahl, John Gallagher, 0 A Grelnor, I hrn & J Good Win, L 8 Goodwin, Garaten Gerdts, Is^KG^dry, JuliusBGaudry,R II Griffin,Roborl Goorte Jn D. 1L GaHoWay, Martin Gortln, ISH"“. 0l “gd, John A Gray, H J Gilbert, Mnlthow Galla- I dinf* n,Gartioy, Wm Ganvauglilr, John • M Gue^ I W„iW 1 9 <x ’ r Ro, R D Guorrard, Philip Gelblehouto, I GaUsahor, James Gaulledet, W .E Geffhkon, Joa Ghss Grant, J II Gimby, Henry I a » , P.. Groon > D M G u gel, Wm H Gogol, John I M "Wonl,Tlmf firumlilo, W lKillo^ ASMMfieA.vinMO' Irli! j V n*"P t ’ Wm N Ilaborslmm, Jos llunior, 8 tens, A F MIra, Fabian Myerhoffer, G 8 Sillier, John . Martin, William B Moll, James W Morgan, Michael Mor ris, John W McKoy, C F Mills, William li Mongln, D J McKenzie, AF Morducal, Jus 8 McDonald, Jus Mam.. sy, Thoalt Mills. Domingo Martlng. Jos Murphy, O A Mo- Cleskey, Angus McAlpIn, Michael Mnrlln, Peter Maris, A G .Mode, M B Mlllon, Jno McCall, Jas McFoely, Wm Met calf, E Mondoll, A K Moore, Wm Mnckay, John McNIsli, Jas G Mells, L B McConn, Wm Morris John McCollum, Charles McCann, Bernard Mallun, Wm McLaughlin, Patrick MoLaughlon, F W McCarthy, IV 11 C Mills, Jno McMahon, Jno r Mullegan, Jos Mntthowa, Isaac Marsh,Thos Madden, John Moran, FA Maddox,Solomon Mayer, E SI McDonnell, Wm Morel, Jno Mnhun, Jno U Mayer, Thos G Mooney, M 0 Norland, Jos McDonald, T II SloxwelL N W McLeod, Alex Mcllardeo, Jno T Mltclv- ell, K Rluntfort, Jas McBride, WJ McIntosh, Sami H Morel, Jeremiah McCarthy. Win Mc Carthy, A N Miller. Thos Motl.ll P Sllllor, IW Morrell Jas SIclutiro, Danl McCarthy. SI 11 McLeod, Jas McCann Jus SlcCnunu, Tims Mocks, Edwurd Mullegan, John Me Aullff, Archibald MoAlllstor. Josoph Neill, TliosNaylor, Wm Nungozor, JoaNungo- zor, WO Norwood, Jno W NoavitL DD Nlcnols, EL Neldllnger, Dau’l Nelson, Terronco Nugent,G N Nichols, Geo 8 Nichols, L F Nichols, Jos Naglo, Novlll Neyle, Jno Noll, J G Noldtllnger, A A Nungozor, JR Norton, Jacob Nouhcrger, Edward Nugent, Sntn’l Nutlinan, Jos A Norris Frederick Nolle men, Jno C Nlcoll, Thos M Nor wood, Chas Nowlund. James Noldtllnger, Wm Neva, o. John VV Owens, Goo W Owens, Daniel O’Connor,Tim O’llrlon, Owen O’HnurUorJoUn F n’Jtym*, David O'Con nor, Owen O'ntetly, Humphrey p’Loary, G 8 oweua, Dennis O’Connor, Jno O’Connell, Jno II Ohlmeyer, Win II Olcott, Wm 6lmslead, J F O’Neill, D G Otcotl, E O’llyrne, Michael O’Neill, C E O’Sullivan, II G Oliver, John Oli ver, Jonathan OJrastend, M O’Reilly, James Oli ver, W C O’Driscoll, Dnn’l O’Sullivan, Timothy O’Con nor! Daniel O’Sullivan, W W Oates, John tlgolvfo, M W O’llyn^ Thos O’Bryan, Geo Oil, IrodlckOtto. Martin Payton, Antonio Ponce, E M Prondcrgast, am’l N Papot, James Prendergnst, O C Parker, Anthony Porter, Jos V Prentice, Jno F Posey, N 8 I’lnder, Sam’l Phllbrick, Jas M Prentlco, 8 M Pond, Win Parris, I’at’k Pruniy, Androw C Pncetty, Edwin Pursons, Elisha Par sons, Jno Poole, B O Puncost, Owon Peterson, U 11 Patter son, John Perfluld, John Phclnn, Jno F Powell, Jns Pron- dergas,Thos PurB0,8nm’l Plttiunn, EJ Purse, Goorge Parsons, U D Papot, M Prendergnst, Edward Pndolford, Sen., Edward Padoirord, Jr^ Thos Pldgoo^ Thos 8 Pitt- Jim 1’ostelL Jos W Phillips, James Prunty, J M Palin, Marcos M l’ock, Patrick Price, U U Puder, Thos Premier, gash Chas Perry, R W Pooler, II K Preston, Jos V Pres ton,Wm F Preston, Edward Pursalo, D G Phllbrick. 4* Jas Qunnlock, John Quinn, Martin Quinn, Wm Quinn, Wm Quailtorjc,Jr. ^ P M Russell, Waring Russell, David Rosenblatt. Jacob Rosenband, John Russell, DonnlsRyun, Wm Itochcsl, James Ruseoll, TliosJ Uyon, J B Rom, John Reody, M Ross, Michael llochford, Christopher Russell, Wm Roberts, John Ryan, J B Rend. Jos W Robborts, Henry Kosor, Wm Robertson, Patrick Reilly, LSRuueJL Wm Roche, Barnoy Rodon, PnPk ltyan, VVm Rogers, Jno A Richardson, Juo 0 Rowland, Mlchaul Roouey, Goorge Ritter, Edward Reilly, Donlol Robortson, Win RumshurL J W Rabuii, Jos Ross, Francis Rvan, J II Ripley, J W RcinshurL Robt Ralford, H W Ralford, Mnthow Rnirord, Wm Reilly, J P W Rood, Jno Rlordon, Francis Reives, Jefferson Roberts, G H Rlkoman, 11 Rogors. J ltonaldson, Jeremiah Ryan, D G Rood, Chas E Robinson, Joseph on Russell, Win Dnn’l Koddumn, Riolly, A R Ral- „ an, JusLRossIg, G E Ryan,’'Win Robkon,C W Rogers, Thosltonnu, Geo Robertson, Tobias Uolhletcr, F A Hobero, G S Roux F T Rolf, M J Reilly, Janies Russell. S. E A Soullnrd, Wm Bwoll, John A Bchaffor, John Scuddor, Rlch’d 8myo, Henry Htnrko, Abraham Simpson, ClirlBlophor BalmeUler, John A Bluly, Rlch’d Scmilan, Emanuel 8hoBall, Hurmnii Sllbcr, R ll 8j)onccr, Mordo- cal Bhoffall, Androw Stoafvnler, JohnSuvngo, J 8 Solo mons, Fred’k 8cherff, A A Stnels W II Bymons Thos Sullivan, Geo Spnlthoff, JnoG Bexlon, A J C Shaw, Ja cob Shaffer, M Bhefftnll, sr^ G J Spencer, Sam’l Solomons, J P Bcrlven. John Spellman. D H Btewnrt, John Sullivan, 1) Shaffer, Win II Smith, John Stoddard, Ephmim Scud- dor, Sam'l B 8lbloy, Anthony Sogur, Jas8hen, Put’k Scanlnu, Jaa Skinner, J II Stroca, Dan’i Sullivan, Jas 8kiiiner,Dr8ShoftulI.NIcholus Slnot, Martin Sullivan, Lewis Smith, Jacob Schnffur, Thomus Saunders, John Stovonson, G N Btaley, Thoa Sinllb, G J Smith, Jno Sul livan, Jamos Sullivan, Waller W Smith, Goo Shultz, F F Strobhart, Jos J Stokes, Goo Shute, Ifnrmon Sangstock, Hour “ " Jno. Shril^p'Tc'shlel?' A’dam Short,* Jno Y 8ymoils, James Symons, F It Sweat, Edmund J Snundors, >klwln Stllos, J M Solomons, Augustus Sohoidomon, Dennis Sullivan, Daniel Sullivan, MJ Solomons, M Sholian.Donnls Sulli van. Barnoy 8mllh, Henry Stlbbs, Jns II Shohan, Vnlon- tl do Stanton, John Sherlock, Loyal Scranton, MnrUn Shannon, Joseph Sullivan, Jus F Stokes, Philip Smith, Jos M Shell man, Jamos M Strickland, Timothy Sherrodan, Thomas 8mith, Wm Starr, Jr, H II Scranton, Jas Sherde- man, Conrad Scholnolder, Goo Stevenson. Richard Stole. John Shields, Nolson Smith, 8 8 SpeiMolzer, W W Stnrko, Arp Seamen, Thos F8tovons, JL Stlrk. H W Smith? Wm Starr Jr, lleury Saundors, Peter 8mlth, J D Btehblns, A A Solomons, O W Shaffer, D T Scranton, Patrick Skinner, Edward SwID, Sami B Sweat, John 1) Spann, John E Stllwoll, H Sheppard,! M Stono, Eloazor Solomons, Thos Scully, Win Saunders, Jns Smith Sr, Jno SchungolV, Josseo J Smith, Wm F Sheurer, J A Sowell, J 8 Sturtovnnt, Wm Suundors, Julius. Bmlth, II It Selley, Christopher Bmlth. ^ Wm H Tarver, John V Tarver, Geo W TUcotmb, Wm II Tyson. John Thompson, Patrick Tydliigs, Bnnmrd G Tildon, Vra’s Trantoll. A FTorlny, P « TI|omns, W F Thompson, Jno F Tucker, ATalhlnl,Frns Trnutell, J D Tembroke, Jamos Thurmnlt, B T Turner, Wm Thomas, 0 E Teffl, Edward Townsoud, II T Thoim, A Thomas, W P Tem, Marlon ThrondcrnB. Jno II Thodo, II J Thomns- son, W B Tlnsloy, Fras Trucliolut, R V Thomas, Richard son Tombs, W II Tnlblrd, J E Tuylor, John G Thomas, 'r-.-nilor, IK Teffl, Jus PTustln, Thos M Turner, F Chas Thompson, H J Tledoman, David Thotnp* . . ^ "’-beau, (JhnsG Tnlblrd, Henry Tow, mipson, ltnbt Todd, F J Timmons, J Thous, J Techenor, WmS Tny- TTosmilj.W (I WJUIambJ Twebb,Jas O lQ John Wlckaro, I-emuel Wilson, Wm P Wylly, John Wilder, Jas K Walthour, Cbrlslopher WIlgciL John WUltim'Vvarner' ° w Dllam»on, Henry Williamson, .-Peter Yonson, Jno A Young, Dr E Yonge, W A Yonge, Win P Yonge. Z. PelerZarodoskl, Edward (J Zetrouer, Jacob Zlmmer- fuan. Edward Zudoincs, Soloinou Zelglor. Tho fhroffolng are the qualifications of voters entltlod |o veto for Mayor anil Aldermen of the CUy of Savannah !it tho ensuing election In December next, and a list of •orsons Registered for tho monlh of Slay. If there are ny iiersous whoso names are Registered, and who are . ot entlUod to a vote, notice Is respectfully requested lo > o given to the Clerk of Council, tliat thoy may bo dealt 1 ritn according to law. R. F. AKIN, sept 14 Clerk Council. SAVANNAH. GA., MONDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 22.1852. Duotncno <Sacsn. NUMBER 279. Wm II Talblrd Jr, Jno lor, N P Taylor, J M Thomas, J 11 Thompson. Christian Uobolo, Philip Us'tor, Antonin Vondloy, alias Ramboskt, Chns Von Ilora, W II 8 Vorstlllo, Trlstnun Vcrallllo, Dnvld Vooder, Honry Vollstelch, W 0 Vandonberg^ Henry Vouglubn. O A Wood, Rlch’d Wayno, J L Wlnoburo, Cnpl White, Jamos Whlllhan, Seth Woodwnnl, Elisha Wj ., Oharloa Wilson, Geo W Wvllv, Augustus VVenzo, James White. L W VVells, Francis Wilson, J J Wnypr, A ll Wugh! Edmund Wnllon, A J VVylly, Jos M Wilson. G M Wuldburgh, Wm TUorno Williams, Wm Wilson, Wm Waters, Hiram Waller, John Williamson, Jaa While, Ja cob Walter, Gregory Whlto, Michael Woldon,Thomas Weight,W6Wylly, EG Wilson,WW Woodbrldgo, lirwtevfe Thos A Wilson, Thos 8 Wayne, O VV West, Jusi W While, O M Willett, Blmon Walter, W H Wockes, II K Washburn, II F Warring, J R Wilder, Henry W 8 B Williams Geo Wllllx, H F Will nk, Peter Will ger, Wm II Wlltborger, Martin Wondelken.Henry WII- ,aou,ZDWlukler, Z N Winkler, Juo E Ward, Joa 0 Huatacna fflacBB. C. A. L. LAMAR, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, mrl3 Savannah, Georgia. ly r IBERAL ADVANCE8 mado upon shipments of L/ Cotton to my frotnds In Liverpool and New-York. nov 13 3m C. A. L. LAMAR. DENTISTRY. soroical'and mechanical dentist, _ . Ilrouffliton-atroot, South Side, near Whitaker, Savannah. nov10 ly DR. WILDMAN. 'laving Milled permanently In Savannah, respoctfolly of fers to lit citizens his services In Ihe general Practice of Medlclno and Surgery. Residence and Offico—No, 20 Abcrcorn, corner of South Broad-streets. Hours of Consultation—From 8 till 10 o’clock, A. M- and from 3 till 5, P. M. nov 10 ... J»IS» ». A. OA1IDKER, „<»» «*OA» y, JVE IV- YORK, IMPORTER OF FRENCH BONNE’1'8. A A n n n ^ A. CONN, 409 B ROAD WAY, NEW-YORK. DRESSMAKER. Importer of Fronds Patterns* oct 29—3mo GRIFFIN de GORDON, . .. ATTORNEYS AT HAW. I lffico In tho socoud story ofthe now Custom House, over tho main entrance. sobert u. oairrtK. [Jy21-flmo] oxo. a.Gordon. D.Am n » 1,0 .?. HW,3LLd ' SMITH, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Georgia. The umlenlgned have taken too stand recently occu pied by Hour fe Botiiwkm., aud havo associated thom- elveaas partners, under thonamo and stylo or Born- vkul 4c Smith, for foe purpose or transacting a Genoral -ommlsslon and tactorago Business. •as. t. nuTiiwzLL. [aug2l—3mo] TIIOS.B. SMITH. iiBNav a. fort. T , *. dunuam. FORT 6c DUNHAM, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, oct 7 SAVANNAH, GA. ly FLEMING 6c MILLEN. Tbe Undersigned having united In tho practice of Law, will attend to any business entrusted to tholrcaro. Office orner lay and Whitaker^ over Messrs. SwlIL Dens- low 4c Oo. ” William B. Flkmino. John M. Millkm. o Ordinary’s Office* Corner of Bay and Wliltuker-stroets. Office hoorsfrom A. M. lo 2 P. and Utf P. M. to 0 P. M. Jan 31 -I.T.IHIKBNWOOU. JOSUII MORRIS. JOHN J.IUDOWAY. GREENWOOD, MORRIS & RIDGWAY, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 47 OAllONDALET-STREET, „ „ New-OrloanH. Mr. Morris will remain at Montgomery, Alabama, •nd all orders for tho purchasing or Cotton, or any other nusiness entrusted to our care, at that place, will tuoet with prompt attention. nov 2—tf GREENWOOD. MORRIS 4c R1DGWA IIEHN A FOSTER* FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . SAVANNAH,GA. ’ P, 11. Bxhn, John Foster, . . Savannah. from Hancock county July 23 wftn-ly . HUNKER 6c OGDEN, 8HIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, sept 4 No. 80 Hay-at., Savannah. DR. CHARLES W. WEST Offers his professional services to tho citizens of Savan nah and its vicinity. Residence—corner of Congress and BuU-stroeta, over the Drugstore of W. W, Ltnooln. feb 3 ly 811*i mN u'aND* c'oinu” fuN E Aa I^N^. July 21 SA FANNAII, GEO It OIA. ROWLAND 6c CO.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah—No. 178 Uay-Mtreet. JOHN T. ROWLAND. [«Ug 21] JOHN T. ROWLAND, JR. GIRAHDEY 6c PARKER, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Carmichael, llaker 4c Wilcox, Baker 4c Hart, Hand, Williams 4c Co, G. T. Jackson, Scranton, Stark 4c Davis, Hopkins, Kolb 4c Co-Augusta; A. H. Abrohams,Charles- Urn, S. C.; Brigham, Kelly 4c Co- John Lama, Savannah nov 29 ly COOK A: MONTFORT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office at Oglethorpe, Ga. Will practice in Uio Counties of Macou, Marion, Craw ford, Sumter, Houston, Dooly, and Lee. ReferencesMessrs. Roberta, Footo4c Marshall, Sa vannah: Winshlp 4c Sons, Macon. ly Jan 29 JNO. F. HAMILTON. (SDCCBSSOR TO HAMILTON 4c HARDEMAN.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 83 Bay-Mi., Savannah, Ga* Tho services of Mr. C. F. Hamilton, (long known lo tho public as seller of Colton and country Produce— irarchascr of Groceries, family supplies, 4tc^) lravo been secured. Prompt and stria attention will be given to any uuslucss confided lo tho care of tho above Houso. *.* The Mllledgovllle Recorder and Maoon Journal 4c Messenger, will please Insert 4 months, and send bills i othls office. 4mo aug31 CALVIN FAY, Architect. Icspoctfully tenders his services lo Ihe citizens of Savin- ■ah. Ho will at all times be ready to fonilsh PLANS aid DRAWINGS for all descriptions of Buildings, and • iiperinlcnd their construction. Office opposite Pulnskl House, over Hey wood’s shop. ly sept 11 „\ V ‘ GARRARD. FACTOR & COMMISSION MERCHANT, , , r , 88 Day-Street* fob 5—ly SAVANNAH, GA GAS FITTING, TIN Jr COPPER PLATE WORK,tre. U* CRANSTON, AT NO. 91 BRTAN-STREBT, NEAR THE PULASXI ROUSE, Will perform with nromiiluess and In the best manner, nil work relating lo Gas Fittings, Brazings; work In Tin, Iron, and Copper Plate. ly aug 25 D. L. COHEN. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, No. 6 Joncs-stroot, [two doors east or orayton-street,] >s prepared to contract for all kiuds of Building and Rep firing. Also—To conduct Water through the various parts ol Houses. oct 13 C. 8. HARRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office No. 09 Itay-etreet—Savannah, Ga. ly feb 20 THOS. T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR GKNERAI~ E. D. i lffico over Ibo store of A. Slovens, Jr H Wnltakor-slrect. inar 20 ly G. UUTLER* MASTER BUILDER, Dealer In lVhitoPiufr Lumber, TORK-STRKET, OOLETHORFE-SQUARE. N. B.—lie Is prepared lo put In Iron Fronts to Stores, rce. Is apr 29 HOOK AND JOB PRINTING Executed with nearness and dispatch, and on accommo dating terms, by GEORGE N. NlOHOLB, *>wonts’ lliiilriing-, opp. PulitNki House. fTST Orders from the country, with the cash euclosod, .rillbe attended to promptly. Jau 12 W. P. YONGE, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT^ CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. G. A. IIOLCOM1IE. G ASTON-8TREET, (NEAR THE PARK,) sept 27 savannah. oKo. Nl—3luw0mo WILLIAM C. PERKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cuthbert* Randolph County, Ga. His term of offico as Solicitor General of the South- •vestem Circuit having expired, ho will give his Individ- ml aud undlvldod attention to all business of a profes- ional and logal character entrusted to his care In the • kmnllea of Randolph, Stewart, Lee, Baker and Early. Jauuury Oth, 1852. ly Jan 15 JOHN J. BYRD. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AuffUNta, Georgia. references: SAVANNAn—Anthony Porter, Proe’t. Stale Bank, Chas. • 1. Compiled, Esq- II. Jr Gilbert. ' Charleston—Olios. Edinondslon, Pros’t Insur ance Office, Burckmayer4tMoffoU,G. W. Williams, Esq New York—Haggerty, Green 4t Co- 120 West st. Augusta—Dr. O. M, Newton, Pres't Br. Bonk, II. W. •Haley, Forco, Conley 4c Co., John C. Carmichael, J. R, ilulkley. dly July 12 COWDEHY At WELLS. FACTORS &. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 04 1-8 llay-Mt., Savannah, Ga. g.w.cowdrry, [fob 7] l.w. wells. STONE, STARR 6c CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IK DRY GOODS: NO. 41 BROAD WAY, NEW-YORK. Levi P. Stone, ) t ll. Langdon Butler, •'.ldert Stark, v 1 JonaJ. Broom. . Henry II. Stotesburt,) ly July 24 WHOLESALb’dSuTbRs'SPdrV GOODS, OPPOSITE ST. ANDREW’S HALL, Broug htbn-Mtroet, Juno 14 SAVANNAH. GA. Offer* his service* t?the cJSsSuTof Savannah lo fb^ nlsh Designs, SpedOaiHons and Estiinales for Public or Private Buildings, and to superintend tbs same during tbelr erection. Designs for tho Fronu of Stores, as well as their Inter- nil Fitting*, carefully attended In Borel’a Uulldlug, up STOVE DEPOT & TINWARE MANUFACTORY, JVb8. lo, 13 & 14, Barnaril-slSavannah. Office ll aeptaa ug^up one flight of stairs. HAltnWlOK Jz COOKET Factors and UontnUsilon fflcrclinnta. Afo. 103 DafStrut. U. S. lURDWICX. JOHN 0. COOXB. J. HA8BROUCK At CO M IMroRTKRS AND WIIUl.KSALK DKALKNS IN Earthen-Ware, Trench China, Looking Olaoee. DronghUm-Street. J. L. OLIVER, Fashionable Boot manufacturer, NO.BKVKNTKKN BULL-STBKKT, NEAR NONUMKNT-SqUARX. Cork-Solo, Water-Proof, HunUng. Military, Patent Leather, Walking, Dress, and Piunp-Solo Boon; Shoot ing Buskins, Bootees, Oxford 81uks, Pumps, Slippers, &c n made to order In tho neatest and most fashionable manner, or warranted materials, and by the most experi enced and careful workmen. WYLLY fc MONTMOLLIN, General Agents and Broken, n . .. For the Sale of Real E$tate,Ktgroet,b any description Per tonal Proper to, orncs, CORNBR DULL-8T. AND BAY-LANK, feb 23 Savannah, Georgia. 8. 8. SIILLER It J. D. FERGUSON, Wheelwriffhta and BluekBmlths, Corner of Brongktonand Mtntgenerf-itt, _ , SAVANlAIl, oa. Cnrriagwu Wagon*. Carta and Drays manufactured, lacksndthlng, lucludlng^Irot RalUng and Grates, for BlucksmL. Buildings. ok Railing a ADAM SHORT, Planter Bttildor, , Iri .,VtB« T DOOB WNST or ST?»NnB*W’s HALL, Will take oontroots fbr Building and Work In Masonry of every description. R. Il J. LACHLISON, Enginoori and millwrights, JROUtf BRASS FOUNDERS, Canal-Street—Near the Canal Lock. B. LACHLISON. LACHLISON. A. N. MILLER, Engineer and millwright, IRON ANI) BRASS FOUNDER. EASTERN WHARF—BAY-ET. EA8TEBN PREmiFm COOK STOVE. rpnE subscriber has now received his Fall Slock of STOVES, and respectfully aollclta a call at his Establishment, . wh . ero »v«1ed assortment or Blovea for Cooking, Parlor and Offico purposes can be viewed, from the best mamitkctories, which are on sale at reasonable term*. Also-Hollow-ware, Pots, Ovens, Solden, Awe©- pans, CastJron Pumps, Beer Pumps. Cast Iron Charcoal Burners, Lace Irons, Revolving and Long-handled Waffle lkhw!! 0 lluge 8 and t «naH f &urto N, ac. ED WAn ‘ Bs “ Gofr ° e B| tE ,DS i Tea Pots, Egg Boilers, Oyster Dlahc*, Chaffing BRITANNIA \V AR.e’!—n»r\oom Pltchen, Liquor Mixers, Begtr Lamps, and a rarioty of Britannia FIntd ^?R s l£?r. t , l S T .* b ]. e . I f nn, P s * Lamps, oil Lamps, Brass and Whlto Metal Candlesticks. JAPANNED 4c PLAIN TIN WARE:—Chamber Palla?Tollot Palls, Wine Coolers, Toilet Cases, Cash Boxes, guareand Round Boxes, 8picff Boxes, Basins sod Pitchers, Molasses Pots, Nursery Lamps, Gias^DnUoen, Knlfo Trn)r * to 28 Inchca, 8plttoons, Foot Baths, kc. De ™’ WOODEN WARE t—Stalls, Wood Horses, Clothes Horses, Step Ladders, Tubs, Palls, Rnlen, Measures, Floor Boxw, Willow Wagons,Children’s WlllowChalr^Brashea,Brooms,kc. ’ ^ ? ^ r x a .. F -! ro - alld - V Y atcr ' proof MINERAL PAINTS constantly kept on hand; also, Camphene and Spirit Gas. riTAll kinds orTln and Sheet Iron Work executed with despatch. ^ v 1 tw Printed Catalogues may bo bad on application, and forwarded post-free. 17 Q , „ „ „ JOHN J. MAURICE. noT 17 8«le* Rooms, Nos. 10,13 and 14 Bamard-elreet, and 184 BayatreeL A. PONOE, I Importer & manufacturer'of Began, NO. 13 WUITAKKIUSTREKr, ‘ Keens on hand a well selected stock 4r Imported 8e- gars} also Mnmifaclured Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, and all other articles usually kept In his line of ^business, which .—m., * • ' • nov3 PORTER’S EXTENSIVE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. T HE subscriber tokes nleiuure in announcing to the dtltens of Savannah and the public generally, of the largest arrival of Fall and Winter CLOTHING ever offered In tho Southern State*. In this establishment can be found cvenr quality and stylo of Clothing to please the taste or the most fastidious. This establishment Is divided into six different Departments, end) ono containing a rich and full assortment In their line. (General SUnjertScirtcntB. A SPLENDID OPENING OF FALL GOODS. T HE Subscriber would respectfully call tho attention of tho public lo bis large and well selected stack of Full and Winter Staple and Faucy DryOoods. Consisting In part of: Iltaek and colored Bilks, of a great yariotr; very rich embroidered Bilks, or all saUemss Mantillas and Crapo Shawls; Scotch Wool L«ug do.; and square Plaid Shawls; Cashmeres; Moufcllne do Italncs: Alpnccas, a great variety; Ncedlo-Wbrk Col- lam and C»|tcs, or all patterns; Chlinlsettes; Miislln and Laco Undur-Sleovea; Cambric llandkerchlor*, from 19)4 conts to g5 n pioco; Irisli Linens; Huckabacks; Diaper; French Towels. Rom 35 cents to 81 a pleci; double DumnskTabto Linen; whlto nnd brown Napkins, n fine nssortinont; a very Urge assortment or Glovei nnd Ho siery, of tho vety best make aud stylo; Englbh and A- nierlcan Loug Cloths; unblendied do.t ricb Damask Table and Plnno Covers: Casslmcres and Cloths, black and blue of ovory quality; rich Vest patterns of all styles; Satinols; Kentucky Jeans; Kerseys, a very lnrge assortment; one or tho very boat selected stosk or Blan kets ever brought to this market. CARPETING—Brussel*, 3-Ply, 2-Ply, All-Wool, a yb- rioty or patterns; nnd, also, Cotton Carpeting. N. II.—Clothing at wholesnloonly. Country morebants would do well to call before purchasing efaowhere, as the goods shall be sold low and on tho most aecommoda- tlng terms. [oct2] JOSEPH LIPPMAN. NEW MLL AN1) WJNTEit UUODS!! „ J. H. & H. SHE AH AN. Corner of Broughton and VVhltaker-8t8i, SAVANNAH, I NVITE attention to tholr now stock of FALL k WIN TER GOODS, comprising: DRESS GOODS—French Cashmeres, French Do Lnlnes, English Do Lulncs, Black Silk, Colored Bilk, Black Alpacas Colored Alpacas, Bomba sines, Damask Antique, English, French and American Calicoes. EMBROIDERIES-Llncti Cambric, Cambric Hand- korchlofc, Plain and Embroidered Hnndkcrchlelk, llobluet Laces, Bnbinct Edgings, Collars and Cuffs, Habits nnd Uudur-Sloevea, Black Lace Veils, Blk Crape, Colored Crapo. HOSIER Y <$• UNENS-A lnrge nnd well-selected stock or Gloves, Irish Linens, Linen Diapers and DnmnRks. WOOLENS—Negro Blankets, Korsoys, Llnseys, Cloths, Casslmeres and Vestings, Satinets, Tweeds k Ken- tnolcy Juuiia, Il«l, Whlto, Hluo mwl YolloW Flan nels, 1(W nnd 11-4 Brown nnd Bleached Sheetiugs, Pillow-Case Linens, and Quilts. Country Merchants, PJnntors. nnd others, will consult tholr Interests by oxamlnlugour stock before purchasing. ty All wo ask Is a visit from those desiring to pur chase. Wu feel confident that the quality and prices of our Goods will command sales upou our terms: easily and. no Second Price, oct 10 tMl FALL OF 1802. IT A VING completed our arrangements for theseason, XI we are now prepared to offor to tho public the larg est and best assortment of GOOD AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING, and are determined lo sustain our reputation by selling Goods at fair pricoa. We luvto our friends and tho pub lic to call and examine our Fam. and Wintkr Stork, which, for quality, stylk aud quantity far exceeds any previous season, and from which a complete outfit can bo selected at tho vkry lowkst rRtcss. Our Goods aro seloctod with great care—being cut In the latest Fnshion. and manufactured In such a manner ast give enUro satisfaction. •60,000 STOCK of Ready-msdo CLOTHING, embracing all the various styles, qualltlos, etc., In part as follows t COATS: Black Cloth, Frock and Dress, Plaid nnd Clouded, Fancy Business Coals in great variety. Twoeda cut Into Pcltor’s Half Sacks, etc. etc. PANTALOONS, made (him Flno Block Doeakiu, and tho various Fall styles of Harris’ Clouded and Slottlod Casslmeros, Black aud Fancy Batlnols. VESTS: Black and Figured Batin, Gentlemen’s White Silk and Figured Marseilles. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. We invito tho attention of Country Merchants to our Stock, which is varied and complete, and manulheturod expressly (or their trade. Wo also have a genteel as sortment of YOUTH’S CLOTHING, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Black und Fancy Sill: Cravats, Stocks, Plain and Figured Silk aud Satin Neck Ties, l’rinco Alberts, of Plain, Watered and Ribbed SUk. SHIRTS, Whlto nnd Fancy, warranted to fit. Gloves, Under Gar ments, Suspenders, Collars, Ilamlkerchleb, Socks, etc. OfWc ask a continuance of the patronage which has always boon so generously oxlcndou to us. sept 7 PIERSON, HEIDT 4c CO. IN STORE FOR THE GENTJLE1TIEN. J OHN W. KELLY, having relumed from the north with a handsome assortment of CLOTHS, CASSl- MERES and VESTINGS, lakes pleasure In Informing hla friends, those especially who admire a flnoly fitting gar ment, to bis saloot^ No. 4, opposite tho Pulaski lit House, GEORGE J. SltllTIIy AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT, 108 Jloy-iitrcct. Savannah, Geo. Will also attend to Collecting of Rents, Scrvnnts’ Wages, 4tc, • RartaTo—Hon. John W. Anderson, Hon. Francis8. Bartow, William II. Tison, Esq., Horace Smith, Esq* Messrs. Washburn, Wilder 4c Co* Brigham, Kelly te Co. uov 9 where thoy will find him ready nt all times to suit his pa trons lu tho most approved and fiuhlonablo mannor, nnd he ventures to assort, that those who will confide in his selection us to color, fabric, style or finish of a covering for tho human form, sbnll go away aatUfiod. Furnishing Goods—Shirts, whlto and colored, with nnd without collars; Under Shirts; Merino, cotton nnd lisle thread Drawers; Iloalory, Cravats, Scarfe, Stocks, neck Ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, silk and cotton do. Also, a large lot of mou’a aud l>oya’ Caps, of tho latest patterns. Also, a lino lot of beautiful Ready-made Clothing, which I selected with groat care. Gentlemen lu want of any of the above articles will ploaso give me a cull, ns I am determined, to sell at a small profit. [sept 25] JOHN W. KELLY. jromv J. MAURICE’S gtntcnl gabtctlflirotRts. . „ . l»t Department. Contains Frock and Dross Coals of overy quality, from Free? and Dross Coats, Olive, Blue, Brown and Green, from 57 to 520. Shad Poltoes and Business Coats, a groat variety, from 53to5I2. 1,000 Overcoats, double and slnglobreasted, and double OverCoats, from $3 lo 530. Over-Coat*, a splendid assortment, embracing Kossuth, from 518 to 530. 2,000 pnlr of Pauls, of overy quality and color, from 75 cents to 510. 1,000 Vests, of every kind. 2d Department. Contains Furnishing Goods of overy description for Gen tlemen’s wear—consisting of Scarfs, Cravnts, Water ford Ties, Prince Albert Ties, Spring 8tocks, Slerino Shirt* and Drawers, Colton do., Suspenders, Half IIo*e, Gloves of all kinds, best quality Jones’ Patent Yoke Shirts, a fine assortment, 4cc. 3d Department* Contains 860 suits of Negro Clothing tor house or plnnta- • tion use. Hickory Sliirt*, Red Flannel do., Overalls, Cunton Flannel undershirts and Drawers. Prlco or full suits from 53,25 to 54,50. 4th Department. Contains a large and well-sclcctod stock of India Rubber Goods—consisting In part of Sack Coats, Whlto and Black Frock Costa of two colors, Leggings, Slips, Cloaks, Firemen’s Coats, warranted lo stand 280 de grees of heat, Riding and Driving Gloves, Horse Co vers, etc. „ . 6th Department. Contains Hats and Caps, fine Mole-kin, a large assort} ment and latest styles. Oth Department. THE BAZAAR. This splendid establishment, on the left wing of the main Department, 00 feet deep. Is fitted up, at a great ex- pense, expnsaly tor Ladles accompanied by their Children. Here will Ira found every quality and style of Children’s Clothing, and of the latest Paris fashions, consisting or Infants’ Robes, Christening splendid Embroidered Gaps, Suits, connected .- Jenny LImT “ “ Cnns,*i and separate, tor ovory age, Jenny Linds, Polka Sacks, Frocks, Ovor-Couta with and without Capes; and many other Goods, loo numeions to mention In this advertisement. Parents and Guardians are re spectfully solicited to call, as great palna have been taken lo add to the comfort and convenience of pur chasers. fOTLAND, lying In Slarion and AlachnapB# —*-counUos, will bo offered at Private Sale,-J£, during tho months of October, November and December next, vis t WETUMPKA HAMMOCK, situated about ten mllee North of Ocala, (the county scat or Marion county,) con taining 3,000 acres, about one-hair of which is hammock; unsurpassed by any in the State; and the remainder white oak and hickory land. A TRACT, well known aa the “Fort Drane Planta tion,’* containing 3,000 screa of Land, principally first quality hammock, between four and five hundred acres of which I* thoroughly cleared, and at present to culti vation. This place Ibr several years averaged two hogs- heads of Sugar to the acre, and every year that U has boon cultivated has produced flno crop* .of com and cotton. These Tracis could readily be divided.Into two. or A TRACT or 1,000 acres on Orange Lake, consisting of hammock, orange grove, and well umbered pine land. TWO TRACTS, of 1,000 acre* each, near toe Alachua E rie. The greater part of both these tracts U rich mock, —ALSO— * 5,000 ACRES on Indian River. Any one wishing to cultivate sugar cane wontd do well to examine this land, aa being remarkably fertile, and lying south of the region ?, r u 08 . 1 ’! 1 ’* u wel ‘ "kptod to that culture as any In the United States. 12,000 ACRES, generally known as the M Bayard tract,*! situated on the 8L John’* river, opposite Plootata. There are many small hammocks and orange groves on tota tract, but it is principally valuable tor its pine Umber. It has a river front of seven or eight miles. 1,(00 ACRES on Lake George, and several small tracts on and near the 8U John’s river, well situated for form* ‘ng, the rearing of orange groves, kc. The nbove tracts of land were purchased by the lota Gen. Clinch, immediately after toe accession of Florida ‘.»?. Un J ,ed a . ,al ^' From hlB P°*Won al that time, his foclllljea tor selection were unusually great, and It la be- State 11 l iey nclude M K ood ,and us can be found In the On account of tholr accessibility from Charleston ai)d Savannah, they offer great inducements to planters In Ca rolina or Georgia wishing to remove. The titles are clear nnd indisputable. Terms—Cash, or payable at charleston or Savannah, on or before the 1st of January next. nov 17 Cy*No abatement from prices first naked.jlPfl ST. ANDREW’S HALL, BROUGHT4SN-STREET. JttcccflanDfje. 8AVANNAH, Oa. GROCERIES, LIQUORS & WINES. T) ECEIVED by recent arrivals; X\ 180 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Clarified Sugars; 25 boxes dou ble refined Loaf do; 240 bags Rio Coffee, some of them prime; 45 do. Java do: 50 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars; 270 boxes Tobaoco, 8’s, 5’s and l’s Lumps; 45 packages superior Tobacco, EIDorado, Diadem, Nectar, Virginlus, kc. 100 boxes best Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; 114 half chests Black Tcas,somo of It very superior; 148 packnges Hyson do., In nnd}( cheats; 150 boxes Tallow Candles, 8’s and (Ts; 100 do. Star anil Adamantine Candles; 150 do. Pipes; 75 do. Mustard; 50do.grou’d Pepper4t Allspice; 70 bbls. Sugar, Butter nnd 8oda Crackers; 275 do. Domestic Gin, Rum, Brandy aud Whiskey; 40 do. Old Mononga’a Whiskey,some very choice; 15 half pipes Otard, Dupuy at Co.’s Brandy; 25 quarter and eighth casks various kiuds choice French Brandy; 5 pipes Holland Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica and St. Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira and Tcucrlflb Wines; 20 do. superiorold Mndelraand Sherry Wines; 100 baskets Cbompagno, Heidseck, Hungarian, Llon,4tc ? kc. 100 kegs and halves FFFG. Powder; 400 bogs Duck nnd Drop Shot: 50 bbls. No. Mackerel; ] 25 do. No. 2 do; 20 do. No. 1 do; 20 casks Codfish nnd Haddock; > New Flab. 30 half bbls. 1 St il Mackerel; [ 60 boxes Codfish; 40 kilts No. 1 Mackerel; J With a full supply of everything else In the grocery line, for saloon accommodating terms, by oct 4 J. V. CONNERAT 4t CO. CARPETS X CARPETS 11 CARPETS XXX W E haro This Day opened tor sole, a splendid as sortment or Carpets* Oil Cloths, Mats, Rugs, Window Curtain*, Ac. —CONSISTING IN PART OP- 20 pieces Three-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 - “ 40 30 do. Floor 10 do. Drugget 5 do. Felt Carpet 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Velvet and Cheneille Rugs 110 common Rugs and Mats 100 pair of beautiful style Window Bhades.* All of the above Goode are offered at too lowest markc* prices. For sale by [eeptSO] AIKIN k BURNS. „ WINES* IBRANDIES* Ac. T HE SUBSCRIBERS aro now receiving In store u general assortment of the above articles, in cases, consisting of: Palo and Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, Cherry 4c Raspberry Brandy, Port do. Scotch Whiskey, Topaz 8herry Wine, Holland Gin, Brown do. Stoughton Bitters. Tlntllla do. “Crown” nnd “Star”brands Champagne. EFTho “Tlntllla” Sherry is highly recommended for invalids—It causing no acidity. For sale by 27 BUNKER 4c OGDEN, 60 Bay sL ROBERTS A FOOTE, Broughton-street, {up stairs) opposite the St. Andrew's Hall, H AVE now on hand a very large and well-selected Stock or DRY GOODS, which they offer tor sale, by tho piece or package to the trade—consisting, In part, of Colored and Duffell Blankets. Red aud White Flannel. Plains and Korsoys, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Jeans. Fancy and Tweed Casairaeres. Striped and Plain Cotton Osnaburgs. lllenchod and brown Shirtings and Sheetings. English nad American Prints. Cashmeres and Printed DoLaincs. Black and Colored Alpacas. Black and Colored Coburgs. ...... an additional general variety of Goods usually kept In Dry Goods Stores, wtatch ore offered for sale at tho usual accommodating terms. sept 18 Wllhai SAM’L HOYT* Late or the firm or Sam’l Hoyt& Co, Savannah, Oa. W OULD announce to hla friends that ho has remov ed to Charleston, S. C- No. 140 East Bay, where he Is prepared to do a geuoral Commission business, and furnish to order, nt all times, any articles from the North or South that may bo wanted, for the usual commission, as well as rocelvo and sell tho saino. And I pledge tny- aeir that all business entrusted to my care shall recoivo such attention as will Insure similar manifestation or their good will, not doubting that my acquaintance with Northern and Southern markets will enable mo to do as well as any, and belter than many. Also Denier in Butter, Cheoese, Plaster, Marble Dust, Cemont, Llino and Hair. And Agent tor sundry Machine Manufoctorles, North and South, as well as Sflus C. Herrings’ Fire Proor Safes, Goorgia and French Burr Mill Stones; all of which will he .tarnished on short notice, and nt raanutUcturers prices. Cash paid at alt times tor Wool, Green, Salted and Dry Hides, Deer and Sheep 8klns, Shipping Furs, Beeswax, » .Rope Cuttings, Sea Island Cotton 8ced and Flor- oss. Also, Souihorn Tanned leather In the Rough. Terms cash Invariably. Refers to tho cltlzeus of 8nvun- nah generally. tf»opI4 ROBINSON A CAMP, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, AND DBALKRSIN Fine Ready Made ClotUInff* A RE NOW receiving tbelr Slock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting In part of; Blue, black aud fancy colored English and French Cloths; Over-Coat, lags ol black, blue aud foucy colored Beavers; blue, blnck and drab Pilot Cloths; English, French and A- merlcun Coalmen, of block nnd fimey colore; Votings or Silk, Satin, Cashmeres, ombroldors and rich Cut Vel- vot. Alt of which will bo tnado up at Ihe shortestnotlco and In tho best stylo of workmanship. Our READY MADE CLOTHING Is manufactured at the well known house of W. T. Jonnlngs 4t Co~ No. 231 Broadway, New-York, nnd la equal to any in tho city.— Wo keep constantly ou hand tho largost assortment ol FANCY GOODS orwiy house in the trade, such as while and fancy coloro«f Shirts; Silk, Llslo Thread and Gauze Merino Under-Garmeutst Shakor Flannel and Lambswool do.; Thread, Colton, Merino and Larabawool Hosiery; Silk nnd Cotton Umbrellas: black, white and colored Kid Gloves, (of Aloxamlor’s tnako); 8tocks, Scarfo, Crnvataand Collars: and,In foot, everything no cossary to a Gentleman’s Wardrobe. For sale on os ao oommodating terms aa can be had In tho clty, at GAUDRY*8 BUILDINGS, J0pt9l_ /-'Cloves, cravats and ties.-a supply of Alex* lJT audoris black,colored,and white KtoGlovoa Jnst received. Also, n choice assortment of black, plain and emhroideredCravats and Ties. For tale by soptlH WM. U. 8YMON8,17 Whltakor-sL CHEAP CASH STORE. CORNER WHITAKER AND CONORESS-STS. B LEACHED nnd Brown SHEETINGS 4t8HlRTINGS. The Subscribers have Just received per brig Wilson Fuller, from New-York: Water Twist bleached SHEETING New-York Affffs do do James’ 8tcam Mills do 7-8 and 44 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 nnd 4-4 Londsdnlo and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Sea Island Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 4^ 7-8, 8,9,10,11, and 12-4 Allondalo Bro. Sheeting 7-8,8,9,10,11, and 12-4 do Bleochod do 7-8,8,0,10,11, and 12-4 Hamilton do do For sale by M. PRENDERGA8T 4c CO. L ANDING, per schooner “Faunlo,” from Philadel phia— 20 hogsheads choice Porto Rloo Sugar, 15 do. do. Santa Cruz do. 110 bags choice Rio Coffee, 15 barrels Cider Vinegar, 10 hogsheads choice Ilucon Shoulders, nov 13 For sale by CRANE te HOLCOMBE. L ANDING, per schooners “Eclipse” and “North State”- 100 boxes Connecticut Chccso, 50 do. 8odn, Butter, Wine and Milk Blscnlts, 50 barrels BuUer and Sugar do. 20 do. Pilot Bread, 50 boxes assorted Candy. Also, per brigs “ American” and “ Excel 200 bags assorted Shot, 5.000 pounds Bar Lead, 25 kegs extra choice Goshen Duller, SO boxes Cream Cheese, 25 barrels Mercer Potatoee, 25 do. Yellow Oulons. . _ nov 13 For sale by CRANE Sc HOLCOMBE. 10 quarter pipes idyjof 170REIGN LIQUORS.—20 hair . I? Dark and and Pale Otard, Dupuy 4c Co. Brant our own importation. Vintages 1840. ’49 aud *50. 6 pipes Holland Gin, Medor Swan Brand. 1 puncheon old Scotch Whiskey. 2 do. do. Jamaica Rum. i fin. do. St, Croix do. “ “ ' Scholdam Gin. 20 demijohns, 5 gallons each, Sch Landing and tor sale by oct 20 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4c CO. B agging, bale rope, 4cc<- 08 bales Gunny Cloth, 500 coils Kentucky Rope, 200 coils Dillon’s Rope, 12,000 Gunny Bags. For sale by nov 0 COI1EN 4c FOSDICK. VUIIG5I lMIUCaSf IX 2 DHA Lns * EPSOM SALTS. •UUU 5,000 lbs. Copperas. 1.000 lbs. Glauber 8alts. 2,000 lbs. Putty. 500 boxes Window Glass. 7,000 Whlto Lead. All of too above Just received and for sale by JAMES H. CARTER. oct 29 Opposite SL Andrew’s Hall. D ry goods.— 100 bales Negro Cloth, 35 do. Blankets. 15 do. I.lusey VVoolsoy, 15 do. Red Flannels, 50 do. nrown Shirtings, 10 do. 4-4 Sheetings. 50 do. Heavy Cotton Osnaburgs. 10 cases Bleochod Shirtings, 40 do. Printed Calicoes, 10 do. Kentucky Jeans, 200 dozen Head Handkerchiefs, 500 do. Assorted Hosiery, Together with a most complete stock of Fanny Goods, to which they Invito the nttentton or Countiy Merchants and others. NEVITT, LATHROP 4c STEBB1N8, nov 8 139 Congreaxtrect. GROCERIES* A CHAMPION has In store and Is receiving the fol- • lowing articles tor city and country trade, which having been purchased for cash and selected by himself, enables him to sell on the most favorable terrai viz: 100 bbls. Baltimore and Canal Flour. 50 half do. do.; 50 do. Stuart’s Crushed and Powdered Sugars; 10 boxes do. Loaf do; 10 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado do; 50 bbls. Clarified Sugar, various qualities: 25 boxes Cheese; 100 boxes and half do. Soap;] 50 do. Sperm and Adamantine Caudles; 100 bags Rio oud Java Coffee. 30 boxes and half boxes Hyson and Black Teas; 75 do. and half do. Tobacco; 25 do. Starch; 30 do. Pipes; 25 dozen Brooms and Buckets; 50 bbls. X, X, and kills Mackerel; 20 kilts Salmon; 10,000 lbs. Bacon, Hams, Sides and Shoulders; —ALSO— 8moked Tongues, Dry Beei; Fulton Markot Beef Choco late, Farina, Sardines, Tnilot Soap, Fig Blue, Pickles, Sweet Oil, Almonds, Spices, Mustard, Butter, Currents, Citron, SuL &c. —ALSO— 25 whole, 25 half, 25 quarter boxes New Raisins: 5 bbls^ 20 half, 20 quarter and 20 boxes Buckwheat; 500 bags Shot; 500 bars Lead; A choice selection of Liquors and wines. oct 25 BoWITT 6c MORGAN, DEALERS IN FANCY A STAPLE DRY GOODS, C ALL attention lo tbelr large Stock of tbe following articles, which they offer at the lowest prices: Rich Printed do Lalucs and Cashmeres, French and English Merinos, Black Bombazines and Alpacas, Linen Cambric and Embroidered IldkfA, Marseille* Quills and Counterpanes, , Irish Linens and Damasks, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Silk, Cbtton nnd Merino Hosiery, White and Colored Flannels, Cloths and Caw I in ores, French, English and American Calicoes, Diapers and Towellngs, Table and Piano Covers, Plain and Figured Black Silks, Block Satin ae Chcnc, Plain Changeable Silks, Paris Mantillas and Talmas, Bonnet and rinln Ribbons, Brocbe and Plaid Shawls, French and English Crapes, Ladles’and Gentlemen’s Kid Gloves, Swiss and Cambrio Trimmings, French Needle-worked nnd Lace Collars, ntankets, Plains and Kerseys, Muslin Curtains, Broche and Figured Silks, Domestic Goods of all descriptions, of toe best manufac ture.oct 28 _ _ UBNVLGUBN'S « Wfo E E S T 0TI ON. .tSm., —JLX. iiAOEn BE«n. sBBmt B WBIOAHU ilM under tto Ptentm* notal. REMTAVUANT, He has an excellent Cook, from Strasbourg, who will suit German, American and French tastes. OV8TKR8, F18II, MEATS—every thing that this market affords,can be hod In all styles, on short notice. Youno Clerks, and others, who have rooms in town; are Invited to try the European mode of breakfostlng and dining at tbe Restaurant. , Philadelphia LAGER BEER, 8WIS8 CHEESE and LINUHUuGKR CHEESE, kept alwaja on hand Ibr tho use of families. oct 5 PHIEADEIiPHlTliAOER BEER. VV ater Works, near Philadelphia. This Beer Is made.ex* actly like tho I^xger Rtcr of Munich, in Bavaria. I strall continue to receive constant supplies of tola pure and wholesome beverage, during the autumn, winter, and ■litiuK. Aa In too old country, ft will bo, sold to fomlllct and Indlvlduahtwho will thuslncurno risk of Its sourin on their hand*. Tho use orthls Boer lsparticularlyrocoro mcnd«lby^)hyslclans to ladles who aro nursing children* sep^to 0 lante gj jr 1 1 lolclb y hekny VVE1QANJ) * oct 10 V The Tri-weekly and the Journal te. Messei con, aro requested lo pub uary, aud aenJ their bills to this nfltae. ikly Chronicle 4c Sentinel, at Augusta,- Messenger and tbe Telegraph, at Ma to publish the above till first of Janu- FALL 6c WINTER GOOJteNX rpilE SUBSCRIBERS take pleasure In announcing tnl. A the citizens of Savannah, and the public generally! that, by various arrivals or steamers and «al 1 vc**el», they have received a largo and spleudld Stock of Goods, sulL able for Fall and Winter trade—such as: ALPACAS, OA8HMERES, MUSLIN DE LAINES, BOMBAZINES, FRENCH AND ENOlJSH, MERINOS, J J SILK AND VELVET*BIANTELS, of all colors and of toe latest and moat approved patterns. kc_ Ac. They also have received a large stock or 8ILK8, which surpass any other ever brought to this place, as well in Collar*, Cuffe, Capet, Cape, Handkerchiefs, Sleeves, and Chemise Us; together with all other articles usually kept In a Dry Goods Store. r They call ihe attention of the public eepeelaUy to tbelr assortment of „ , Houie-keeplng Goods, Consisting of Shirtings, Sheetings, Table Linen, Napkins, Towels, Pillow-Case Linen, etoi, etc.; and also to their extensive variety of Flannels, Blankets, Kerseys, SaUnets, Tweeds and Cosslmerea: and Invito all who wish to pur chase lo como nnd examine tholr Stock, which will be sold at the lowest rates. , EINSTEIN 4c EOKMAN, 113 151 CongresfrstreeL NEGRO BROGANSX NEGRORROGANS X havo been selected expressly for this market anS°are warranted the best stock and workmanship. He Is con fident thnt a fair trial of his stock will insure saUsfoctlon and a conUnued patronage. His goods are all fruk nnd. terms/oir. w. HEIDT. Gibon’a Building, formerly occupied by Messrs. E. F. Wtod & Co. oct2 CHURCH AND PARLOR ORGANS. rpRE Subscribers, agents for Mr. II. Knauff, Organ A builder, are prepared to furnish any description of Church or Parlor Organs. As a specimen of his Instru-, ments, reference is mndo tn too organ recently erected by him tn tho Lutheran Church of this city. Parties desiring Information on the subject can ascertain all necessary particulars on application to F. ZOGBAUM 4cCO_ July >3 Whltaker-et^ ono door cast of Bryan-sL ’ PIANO FORTE DEPOT. The undersigned respectfully inform too citizens of Savannah,Georgia, and Florida,'. ,, ,, ..thatlhey have on hand more than AHy Pi anos, the largest stock ever on sale in this city, and made) by the most celebrated manufacturers In the United States. Nunn’s 4c Clark’s. J. Chlckering, Boardman 4c Gray, Lntr chet 4c Newton, Edwards 4c Fisher, all well known to the lovers of Music, have place in their large assortment. These Pianos are of rich tone, and beautifully flnlmied In Rose Wood, Block Walnut, and Mahogany, with iron . frames mode In the most substantial and workmanlUto* manner. Also the Justly celebrated jEoUan Plano Fortes, which, for their sweetness and tone, have not been equal ed. All these instruments have metalto frames, which- render Ihera peculiarly suited for this climate, preventing the necessity of tuning for years. The undersigned ore agents tor Henri Herz’s celebrated Grand Pianos, mado in Paris. For power and beauty tone, they stand pro-eminent. Catbcart’s Mclodeon*. This beautiful tonodwlnd instrument, for village pur poses. Lodges, Serenading Parties, and the private prac tice of Organists, possessing a aweet and powerful tone, they havo also for sale. All of these Instruments will be dlsposod of on the most- accommodating terms. The prices of the Piano* ranging from gl75 to f1000. Jan 20 I. W. MORRELL 4cCO. ARD, CHEESE, FLOUR, 4ic.— j 50 kegs prlmo Loaf Lnnl; 25 boxes Goshen Cheese; 100 bbls. Baltimore Flour; 100 do. pure Genesee do; 30 do. Hiram Smith do; 50 half do. Canal do; 50 half do. Baltimore do; 10 hhds.chnlco Porto Rico Sugars; 100 gross Matches, and a general assortment of Gro ceries, Foreign and Domestic Liquors. Wines and Teas. For sale by [nor 10] cbllEN 4c TARVER. SUNDRIES. OA A BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kinds. 4UU 70 hhds. Fair and Choice Porto Rloo Sugar. 40 do. Cuba and New-Orleans do. 100 bbls. Refined do. 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 300 bags Rio Coffee. 200 do. Porto Rico and SL Domingo Coffee. 75 do. Java do. 150 X and X chests Hyson Tea. 40 X do. Black do. 130 boxes Soap. 100 do. Mustard, Pepper, Allspice and Ginger. 80 bbls. Butter, 8oda, and Sugar Biscuit. 30 X do. do. do. do. do. 120 M Segars. assorted kinds. 20 bags Black Pepper. 250 bbls. New-Orleans Wlilskoy. 100 do. Whlto do. 50 do. Monongahelado. 20 do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E. Phelps’ Gin. 00 do. Best P. 4c II. uyo Gin. 0 pipes Holland do. 50 X casks Sherry, Madeira, 4c Tcuoriffe Wino. |f>0 bnskets Champagne do.. 40 bbls. American Brandy. ^ 25 X casks do. 10 x do. Cognac Brandy, i In Custom House 20 X pipes do. t Store. 150 kegs Gun and Rifle Powder. 500 bags Drop and Buck Shot With a compete assortment of Groceries. * For sale on favorable terms by sept 4 WEBSTER 4c PALMES. PIANOFORTES. Tho Subscribers, solo Agents for A. Sto- lart and Co.’s ana J. B. Dunham’s Plano, , , . . . jFortcs, are always supplied with an as sortment of these favorite and Justly celebrated Instru ments. For durability, they can be folly warranted, whilst their superiority of tone and touch is evident ana acknowledged by the most casual observer, as well.os the critical connoisseur. Tho Ladies are respectfully in vited to view these Instruments; and on arrangement having been effected with one of our most eminent Pi anists for the purpose, they can also be onabled to judge of the tone. F. ZOGBAUM 4c GO., Marketrsqnare. esr Second hand Pianos taken In. exchange—also,, lined and repaired. Jan 20T HACKNEY COACH. Tho subscriber respectfully informs the public, and strangers in town, that he boa Just received an elegant new Hack, called the “LADY HENTZ,” which Is on entirely new principle, as regards accommodation, safety. 4cc. He will always ■ keep a fine pair or Horses attached, and ready for Imme diate service. Orders should be left, at Caa’s Livery Sta ble, ot tbe bead or Broughton-street—'Warner’s old stand, oct 4 tf JOSEPH KIRKLAND. ; YTTINES.—30 quarter casks Burgundy Port. W 15 do. Brown Sherry. 5 , do. Pale do. 10 do. Muscat. 50 baskets Grape Champagne. In store and for sole ny oct 23 W.M. DAVIDSON. G AN A L FLOUR, 4ce.— 50 bbls Hiram Smith’s Flour. 30 hir bbls Fulton Markot Beef. 20 casks pints, 12 do quaits, best London Porter. 30 bbls prlmo Cream Ale. 0 pipes superior Holland Gin. 90 boxes and 25 half do Raisins. SI) half bbls Sugar, 8oda and Butter Blsoulta. 50 boxes new Herrings. 30 bbls Sugar Uouse Molasses. 50 boxes Star Candle*. 50 do Composite do. 50 do Tallow do. 50 do Wlnsor.Tollot and shaving Boapjust received and for sole by [oct80] McMAHCN <c DOYLE. QUOCEmES,.**- boxes Cheese, 50 boxes Star Candles, , 50 barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, 15 hogsheads Porto Rico Sugar, 50 bags RIo Coffee, 50 boxes No, 1 Soap, 50 boxes Pale 8oap, 100 barrels Baltimore Flour, 50 barrels Howard-street Flour, 60 hair barrels do. do. 50 bags Java Cofibe, 100 boxes Tobacco, assorted. no.U Landing and ft' t TA n V EB, TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION BETWEEN AMERICA AND EUROPE. J OHN HUNTER, Agent In England of the Nsw-Yorkf. Associated Press, respectfully begs to announce to the mercantile and business community that TELE-' GRAPHIC DISPATCHES, to and from any part of Great Britain, or Uio Continent of Europe, will be punctually, forwarded, Hconflded to his care. r J Dlspatchos should be forwarded in envelope, unsealed, * and addressed “ Telegropkie Agents. Jn Liverpool.—J. Hunter, 2 Puradlso-streeL In Halifax.—R. Nugent, Editor of the Sun. In Boston.—W. O. Blanchard, office .of Bip MalL In Neto-York.—D. H. Craig, office of the Associated Press, 3 UnnoveiHitroet, up stairs. In Philadelphia.—W. W. Fulton, Ledger .Building. In Baltimore.—C. O. Fulton, Hurt Building. For Charleston, S. Avgnsta, Savannak, &c.—A, Carroll, Courier office. Charleston, 8.a ■« In Neto-Orleans.—E. Fuller, Merchants' Exchange. In Louisville.—J. W. Clarke, Courier office. In Cincinnati.—R. Bmlth, Merchants’ Exchange. In Buffalo.—A. D. Levlvn, Commercial office. Correspondents In Europe should, to Insure • ness in the delivery and transmission of dlspatc ward tholr communications for the United States the Agency at Liverpool. By so doing, tbelr dtt. _. r will bo transmitted over the wires in advaneelofuVottter • private communications, on tho arrival of .the steamers at - - Halifax, Boston, or New-York. Charges moderate, and accuracy and reasonable prompt-- - jess in toe transmission of dispatches guaranteed, or the mouoy will be refunded. J. HUNTER, Telegrapble Agent,. : 3 Paradise-street, Liverpool, England, , and General Agent In England for tbe Line of Telegraph botwoen Halifax, N.8 n aud (New-York. To tlie Citlwma of South-Carolfina* 1 L Georgia aud Alabama. t The undersigned, having been appointed one of the Agents under tbeabqte arraogemeW,begajv«n*-ufoiiv to tender his services In forwarding pie***“' of Great Britain or the Continent or Euro ness entrusted to his care will bo. prompt Where tho.parties.are unknown, a ran mercantile house in this city will be invar All communications, which will berega. confidential, should h® ALEXANDER OAR Courier offie B3TAny Editors giving the i fowlnsertfons,and luylf' **“ upon every dlspoalUonb. . , fovon, should they require any bi ,0 SS?^.’®mbc,»tt. ie5 =.