Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 25, 1852, Image 1

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VOLUME L. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25,1852. NUMBER 282. THE republican. 18 rUDLUHKD daily and tei*weekly «Y J. L. LOCKE & CO. 1 Mir and County Prmmm. , vaa *8. Tri-WMWy $8 Annum. in no cash will all order for the paper l>oattondod Ivj^iocompanled with the monoy, or a saUstaclory & ert0CC * ADVERTISING RATES! . ....riuoinonU Inserted at the following rales:— AdTCfU ^roa one square or ten unm; . .nrilon....W*ci8. One Mouth 80 00 WWr 0 ”. "Si 00 Two “ IIMKI f*° u ... 185 Three“ 13 50 IV* „ j (jo Four 15 00 fo" u .... 175 Six « ...<....30 00 . Fiw. v k 3 00 OneYoar........30 00 u ?.r Siente”"" 1 " "0‘ «vo llnia, llirco- , rSi.ofS.nbovo r.K* wlU bocharged, 1.0, ««”"• u.lwn ” ......................<0 . « one week $1,50, 4ml, 4tc. ,««! idrertlBomonta Inserted at tho usual rates, and Jmmto taken that they bo published according to law. I AU adrertlsoments from transient persons or strangers, W rh n P nriviiegei B oI'advertiser* will bo conflnod jJSlrFo their regular business, and all otlior udvortlso- n 0 t pertaining to tholr regular business, as agreed advertisers exceeding In tholr odverllsemenls jj, "JJjigonuraber of lines agreed for, wIU be charged WILL ■■ 1MBKRTBD QRATU1- TO Ai > i l «drertlsenionta for charitable Institutions and re- .^ Sla. will be charged half price, vir AU advertisement* sent to this offlee without dl* JhTni as to tho number of Insertions, will be published SSlir, until ordered to be discontinued, and charged no* • co , loiters directed to this office, or tho Editors, B nst bo post paid, to entitle them to attention. u n -Each Citation by tho Court of Ordinary, that indication has boon made for Letters of Administration, SC'S&'OTAaKn,-. fo, DcWc JaSmSmnT Ibctr raoimu, inuu b. pub- ■ftSKfewS .5BS nivslSrettiod.,of calc. TbMOmlosmm#be made MSM lloimdoor ortbo county In which the prop. Irtrir iltuele, end on Iho drat Tuocdny of llio nionth, hdwMn the bonn of ten In tho morning utd four In tho JJJSn. No ealo (tom day to da, la rclld, unloaa bo “JSS "b,“S«n'S"Adn.Inl«ndon«}d Onardl m £st bo advertised three months at lwat. .. ,1*® SSW®™t^'lKmS yallr.TEN DAYB before the day of sale. er, B D llendnr, DP Halsey,Patrickllanly,John Illgglns, John llanly, Jno A llenges, Juo Hunter, B II llaupt, Jno toward, Martin Horn, Win Hone, Peter Herman, U A lonlker, ltobt Hutchinson, Jss U lllues, Henry Hunkon. U Harley, Michael Hickey,Timothy llnwe. US Hardee! illslia Hazad, J P Hood, Thos Henderson, W J llalley, lenry Harputj J B llogg, W 11 Harris, Nicholas Hernan dez, Thos Honored. Alfred Haywood, Moses Y llonder* son, OII Hall. R II Hardee. David Harrington, Edwin B Herts, W H Jiaiuoman, NM Harris, Stephen Ilalrlck, B A Hooker, O B Hunter, RR Habersham, Cbas F Ham- ton, W II Holmes. B P Ilalsoy, Wm W Habersham, J M lay wood, Thos lloy»es,Jno II Habersham, Georgo 8 , lardlug. Jno Harrisson, Nicholas Hoylo, Pros Hernan dez, Andrew Harrisson, Wm Humphreys, John Holry, Q Troup Howard, Wm Ilcndoraou, I) 8 Henderson, Jas «• Heudorsoi),ThoinnB.Ilelry. Claus Hallman, John II Hull, Levi Hart, Jas Horan, E lleldl, Maurieo Jlackclt, tobt Habersham. Br, John Harper, J W Harris, Thos lotoombe,UH Holcombe, E 8. Harris, Wm lleldl, Jos InregrovtM, Jos O llnberslmin, John B Holcombe, Blared laydcu,. B J Harden, Jno Hamlet, (leo llaas, Jno It llnmlct, M Harding, Seymour Harris, B D Heyle, Wm P Holland, II F Holland, James Illnes, R II llowell, Thos Harden,'VV B Harrison, Milton Humphreys, Jos It Har vey, It B Hilton, R W Hunt, Jno F Herb, Wm Hone. John W Ihly, John L Ihly Wm Ihly, Orion Island. George Jones, Jns C Jones, Jas M Jones, D G James, Alexander Johnson, Jus T Jones. J D Jesse, Thos Jones, . toward Jones, Jos Johnston,' Peter Jacobs, John It Johnson, Christian Jogstettcr, KB Johnson,O H John son, Erantiuol Joseph, J It Johnson, A B Jones, John R Jackson, Bullocn Jackson, Nicholas Jeffreys, Robt Jackson, Win A Jaudon. 11 R Jackson, Claus Jackena, Peyton R Johnson, Jos W Jackson, Ooorgo Jaeluon. K. Fred Krete, Harmon Kuhlmnn, Wm II Kelly, Phillip Kolb, Dedrick Kattonhorn,P M Kollock, Ezra Kont,N B Knapp, Joa King, John Kennedy, Dr N Kohlhouse, James Kerr, Peter Krauss, (Jofort Kerk, James Kennedy, John Kelly, Daniel Kata, Hanford Knapp, A J Kani, Edwin Knapp, J F Kirby, Nicholas Korloy, Robert Knox, Fred erick Kronson, Peter Krlno, Louis Kotnpf, A G Kennedy, A L Kent, Louis Koczel,Thos Keaton, Jas Kirkland, Al fred Kent, Phillip Kean, 1) O Kauffu, Win Kino, Ed ward Kean, Edward 8 Komnton, John Keegan, Chat II Knapg Wi^F King, Nicholas Kollohor, Jno J Kellejr. hint of Voter8 S EC. 2. Beit further enacted by the authority of tho ,gme. That from and after the pasatgo or this act all persons shall bo quallflod to veto at elections for Mayor and Aldormcn of tho city of Savannah and the hamlow there of who are citizens of the United States, have resided in tho Blnto or Georgia for one year Immediately preceding the eloctlon and within the corporate limits of Savannah foronemoath Immediately preceding their registration and eontinuo so to do up to the time of election, who bsvo attained the ago of twonty-ono years, have paid all the city, and have boen registered according to the pro visions of this acL—Extract from the Registry Law, Adolph Abrahams,Robert Adams, Johns Achord,Geo A Aih,F W Averfoldl,G W Anderson,MothIas Amorous, CBAsh, 8lewart Austin, David Abraham, O S Arnold, Geo Alexander, Jno W Anderson, P VV Alexander, ltobt Austin, George Armstrong, 'James Anderson, VV V N Armstrong, RF Akin, Peter Arnold, R D Arnold, Thos Adams, E 0 Anderson, Richard Abercrombie. J 8 An derson, lohn Anglura, HOW Alexander, John Allen, James Ahern, U A Allen, W D. Adams. B. Conrad Byck, Richard Burke, Michael Iioylan, E W Buker, John Brady, EJ Blount, Win M Mount. Patrick Brady, Thos Bandy, Wm B Blount, Dr W G Bulloch, Anllmny Busier, 8aul 8 Bo: no, Sclgsmond Berg, Henry— , - V Brantley, Robt Blake, Wm Burke, A F Bennett, Wm M Black, Felix llouyggon, Gilbert Butler, Thos Bourke. Eugene M Bee, J P BoiroulUet, L E Uyclc, A Borchort, VVm Basslnger, Patrick Uulkoy, P II Behn, Henry Uettr man, Thos W E Beallo, Win /Bulloch, Patrick flradio; Frauds Blair, Chaa UalL Patrick Brady, Thoi J Hu J M llutlsr, Michael Bryan, Geollnnkman, O E B Jos Jlryss, D L licet, JA Baker, W H Bunch, J UalIough,AVm D Drown, A T Bownc, Jos II Burroughs, Jno Bennett, Louis UareHold, Jos BaucroR, Ttmddeus J Baldwin, Patrick Burke, U L Blount, Jno N Barbee, Jns Brown, G VV llruon, Moses Black, II L 8 Buntz, Thos S Balloy, VV II Bulloch, R M Bartholmess, Henry W B«Bf- eullett, P A Mois, Henry HrigUnin, VV 8 Brnutley, G W Bentou, M J Buckner, John Poston, B M B Bnrruugns, Doiinla lllannorhassett, D II Baldwin, Wm C Barton, Auguatua Uoullneau, John Burns, Michael Itowloy, Ullck gonlua, Frederick Bailey, W D Bdshlnr, Jos W Brown, John 0 Blsnee, Theodore Blols, William Blols, Wm H Bourko, John F Blakely, GOG Brown, Wm H Banks, U I. Ilmilllueau, J T Buckner, Clmrles H Bell, Geo Bron son, P T 8 Boll, WII Bradley, L S Bonuolt, Jas llolbo, Wm OoUey, FII Blols, J U Buckner. Ci Wm II Cuylcr, John Cooper, C A Cloud, P L Constnn- M lavld 0 Cosh, M A Cohen, RR Cuyler, Goo A Cuy- lomouCohon, Hugh Cullen, W H Cooper, Edward Cabbage, David Cohen, John Cleary, Joa V Connorat, Allen Cullon, Cliaa Cooper, Jos Cleary, Barnard Constan- Uae,Tlios VV Cooper, John Clancy, John Cnrstens, F W Cornwell, Jos 8 Carruthcrs, Nicholas Cruger, Wright Culpepper, Thos Corley, R 51 ChorUon, B J Consuls, Ulekard Colo, Thos Cusack,Juo L Clark, Michael Cusack, CII Campnold, Francis T Colo, John Curry, Thos Clark, John Curdell, Jos Connelly, John Carrulhers, Frederick ook, Emanuel Cauwallcr, Luke Christie, Jas Campbell, ras Cnmpfleld, Jno D Charlton, Jno G Cooke ;e, Edmund nery Cummlug, 11 E Courier, Jos Clog- i, Jno Cunulngham, Carl Craft, Wm Car- W O Charlton, 8 J M Cubboge, Moses . Fraa Cumplleld, Jno D Charlton, Celtor, Montgomery Cummli ’ 'born, John Cass, Jr - son, li L Cnl^l^, Coburn, L F Cook, Henry Capon, 8 M Coldiug, Frodor- kk Caratens, Wm Cox, Wallace Cumralng, Patrick Crot- ty, Michael Coroy, Peter Cobb, Jno J Cornell, Wm Cou- don, Robt Carr, Pros Champion, A H Champion, Jno W - - - - -vJos Ixignn, ’thos Leary, Hugh I.nrken, Patrick Lennhar^ Patrick Ijee, Daniel Lnphan, Thomas Lyon, James Lan- aghnn, J T Linde, Linda Linde, Dntilel Lenhoy, William M Leigh, John Larkin, Henry Lnlhrop. D I’ Ioindershlne, Andrew Low, 0 D Lobey, Ixmls l^grlcl, John Lyons, O Lufburrow, Charles Imw, Peter Lee. Robert Loybourn, Uvy Llllenthsl, VV VV Lincoln, II FLotche, F »I Ijoholf, Patna Lovell, VVm E Long, John N Lowls, Simoon Lane, M L Lufburrow, Wllllaia Lake, SAT Lawrence, A R Lawton, Edward Lynch, Edward Lovell, John Lares, D N Lane, James Lnughlln, J F Linder, James J Logan, Robert A Lowls, A B Luce, J II Ladd, Jno Lnma, Jas Lynch, ID LaRoehe, Peter Lawrence, Mlchnel Lavnn, Matthew Lynch, Root Lachllsou, James Lachllson, Cas- K nr Lenzer, James Larkin, Timothy Lavau, O A La- oche, ltobt Luudny, John Lawton, A J Lebey, Thos Lewis, Wm II L^ons, Antonio Loevenlo, JG Lnmbrlght, ITT. dlnls. David Morris, Jacob Manses, . i McNIchoIos, John Maaturson, Edward . John Abrahnm Mlnli Maklu, Thos Me. , . Manh&n, Joremlah McCarthy, John Mcllue, Wm Morrell, J G Mehrtens, Robt Mclutyre, 110 Mehrtens, Jno D Mai led, Jot Mordecnl, Michael McGrail. Thos Murlaugh, Leander Moore, Mathias II Slyer, Peior McGullllcuddy, Silvester Manning, M Marsh. Jacob Miller, Juo Murchi son, Juo MonttnoUIn, Thos Maher, Thos MeAullff, Jas NcFeely, II VV Mlscally, II VV Mercer, O A Slagill, VVm Meredith, K T McGrail, Thos McCollum, 11 Morcc, VVm J Moore, J D Mallard, C D Murphy, Jeremiah Mack, N C Mills, Jesso Mount, John Murphy, 11 M Morel, Patrick Monro, C O Millar. John McCabe, Harvey Morse, John McDermott, J M Mlllen, Thomas W McArthur, Levi 8 Myers, Henry Merckhnrdt, Michael Month, Thomas Ma hon, Patrick McGovern, 8 S Mlllnr, T J McNIsh, John Mahoney, John McGunngh, Patrick Maslcrson, John Mallory, James J McCoy, lsano Minis, Edward McCabe, G Murklns, 8 S Moody, Dennis McGuire. Lawrence Mc Kenna, Neylo Mcllue, J II Mehrtens, M ll Myer, Thomas ^ , . McKenna, John Miller, Jacob Manko, Edward McGrow, dtv taxes or have In tholr own right sufficient real estate Bartholomew Mclnarnoy, John Mallory, Luder Mohr- to satisfy nny tax executions which may bo against them, tens, A F Mira, Fabian Myerhotfor, O 8 MIHur, John R ’’■■■ • -* Martin, Wllllnm B Moll, James VV Morgan, MlchnclMor ris, John VV McKoy, 0 F Mills, William E Mongln, D J McKenzie, A F Mordecnl, Jas 8 McDonald, Jas Alanu- sy, Thos R Mills, Domingo Marling, Jos Murphy, O A Mo CIcskoy, Angus McAlptn, Michael Martin, Peter Marls, A G Mode, MB MIUon,Jno McCall, Jas McFooly, VVm Met calf, E Mcndoll, A K Moore. VVm Mackny, John McNIsh, Jas O Molls, h II SlcConn, Win Morris. John McCollum, Charles McCann, Bornard Malian, Win McLaughlin, Patrick McLaughlon, F VV McCarthy, WHO Mills, Jno McMahon, Jno F Mullognn, Jns Matthews, Isaac Marsh, Tlios Madden, John Moran, FA Maddox, 8olomon Mayer,EM McDonnell, Wm Morel,Jno Mahun,JnoR Mayer, Thos G Mooney, 51 0 Morland, Jas McDonald, T 11 Maxwell, N VV McLeod. Alex McHardeo. Jno T Mitch ell, Fredk Mundorf. II K Muntfort, Jns McBride, W J McIntosh, Sami II Morel, Jeremiah McCarthy, VVm Mc Carthy, A N Miller, Thos Mott, II P Miller. 1W Morrell Jas Mclutlro, Diuil McCarthy. M II Mcl-cod, Jus McCann Jus McCanna, Thos Meeks, Edward Mullogan, John Me Auliff, Archibald McAllister. Webster, Robert Waggenaloin, Joe Washburn, D L.WII- KsWK.r'ariM Tlios White, W II Williams. J TVVebb,JM O Watte! John Wleknm, I-emuel Wilson, Wm P Wylly, John Wilder, Ju B Wallhour, Christopher Wllgeu, John Wmfatn Warner 0 w, ^ UnuoD « * leD, J r Williamson, T. Peter Yonson, Jno A Young, Dr E Yongo, W A Yonge, Wm P Yonge, Z. Peter Zarodoekl, Edward 0 Zelrouer, Jacob Zimmer man, Edward Zudemes, Solomon Zelgfor. Tho fbrogolng are the qualifications of voters entitled to vote for Mayor and Aldermen of tho City of Savannah at the ensuing oloctlon in Doceinber next, and a list of porsons Registered for Iho month of Mny. If there are any persons whoso names are Registered, oml who are not entitled to a vote, notlco Is respectfully requested to bo given to the Clerk of Council, tuat they may bo dealt with according to law. IL F. AKIN, sept 14 OIIABLER Mn0K.Lt Architect, Offer*hisaorvleesteUrecitizens of Savannah In fur nltli Designs, Specification* and Estimate* for Public or Private Buildings, and to superintend Uit same during their erection. Designs for the Fronts of Stores, as w«U as their Inter nal Fillings, carefully attended to. Offlee InSorel’a Building, up one flight of Main. sept 28 ly Motes 8 Cohen, D U Camp, Octavus Cohen, J P Colter, Bartow Cynlhut, Patrick Ulsrk, Jno M Cody, Jas Clng- horiu VVm Cannon, Charles Clcr, Augustus Cannon, Pat- r ck Clark, Isaac Cohen. Wm Cromwell. G L Cope,Jr., 0 L Cope,»r^ James A Courvoieor, 8 II Cooper, 11 A Crane, VVm L Clark, DDCopp, John D Colo, Cornelius KConvor, Thomas Corr, Bryan Connor, James ECope, LO Clark, George Clark, VVm P Clark, John AChara- brn, VVm Colter, Laurence Connell, Frederick Gnllon. Johu F Ccrcqpcly, George Causoo, B II Crnndell, F A Cannuet,. Jeremiah Cavanaugh, Martin Conway, D n Ulorann, James Carroll, Goorgo E Congdon, Thomas Colllnr, J P Cohen, Charles II Connery. Dic’d VV Delaney, Martin Duggan, John Doyle, Wm 0 pawiorn Michael Dally, Rio’d Donovan, Sami P Dibble, Daniel Donovan. Albert L > D’Lorzc, Patrick Downtiy, [use D’Lyon, Michael Donnelly, John ponnolly, Wm M Davidson. Morty Dorgan, Wm II Davis, Wm Dixon, •ju Dunu,Chostey Dugger, Jas II Domund, Jos Dawson, • hot Dowell, Jno Downing, J E Davis, HJ Dlckorson, L 8 DeLyon, G VV DavJs,D S Daniels, Jno Dailey, Win • Duncan, John Dillon, Israel Dasher, Levi DelbltL AO Davenport, Isaao Davit, Henry Dannoutelsor, Jno 1) Del- Umioy, W L Davis, 8 C Dunning, Patrick Dorvlno, Chas Ourveo, Burrell Dye, 8 0 Dunning, Jr, F O Dunn, W H Dudley, John Devanoy, John Doblo. R H Darby, Jns M twylc, James Downey. Wm H Dunning Jr, l!ennr Du- Wgnon, James Doyle, Martin Dunnagan, Dudloy Dnron- jwrt. Jncob De La Motta, A M Day, J. J O Davis, Thos E Davit, JsaDoMartln, Henry Dlttmera, Alex Drywlale, D “ Dillon, Fred’kDannersfolser, J B Dasher, R Vv Dasher, M T Dukes, John II. Dows, Samuel L Dowell, John Dry er, FII Demere, W J Donaldson, Thos F Daniels, Michael Duggan, John Dorgan. Henry Ellis, Daniel Egnti/nichard Ennis, Abraham Einstein, John EverardiWin Elloby, Thos Eden, CW End ’ l “"’ A Ford, Jo. s Fny, Win J F Fou ntain, Dugald Ferguson, VVmFomSd D l0 T?’v A F? lltt K. ri i(i D il ,, " ll,1 S k PInt, °y\ John Flanncgan, Pat’k Si’ I h j n » t ,e Wk Jn .° D ,n»i L M Fnlllgnnt, Owen Fnmmii 1 » Fnunsmn, MlchnoV Fay, G VV Fisher, b J Fulton. Jacob Folk™’ 0 Fnrrloa, iohn 0 Forrou, James Itnrt il 5. F 4S otwood » Oeo W Fah n, Leonard Free- • ap.IL? U 10 *AFarries,Wra BVlemmlug, Jas uHl Dnv ld Fltzgorrald, Robert Fisher, D JoremlahFlckllng,Wm Fielding, J D 0a 'lle, Jos T Gannon, Jos Geiger, Sfe Dpugow.aoo A Gordon, Win A blbbons^at! GammMi ron i’ J “ (3 , rnil y. Goo Glen, J F Grovensteln, John GpHaghor, Domingo Galtoo, John Griffin, S,n l0 n°I?V r l/S , “ a “ ! ft®y, L J Gullmartln. Seaborn ThMn2.?« r r Goorgo Gatehouse,! M Griffin, F W Gibbons, Chas Grots, Patrick Gordon, rich.i.^oVh no ^.. G, *PK D y* Fetor Gafney, W WGood- 2& a ?°!»’. i !i D. II. Gatloway, Martin Gortln, O&iH-.‘ft™ 1 ' c ' l »» nnSUI II Olintij, llniry 'Y«> N, Jo» limiter, H N !(nr- »»».'?, 1 n P IlnmlltoDj Usury 11,unt, YA- SJFn'IfliWIWW'HttwB mitlaniion.tlfitn Hill, u ■ nmWPWlH F Hunter,-a W llsttlcniUo, Wm lluitb iscph Neill, ThtmNsylor, Wm Nungoicr, JnsNungc- ior, VV G Norwood, Jno W Nenvltt. DD Nlcnols, EL Nuldllnger, Dan’l Nelson, Terrence Nugent, G N Nichols, Geo 8 Nichols, L F Nichols. Joa Naglei Nevlll Neylo, Jno Nell, J G Noldtlinger. A A Nungozor, J R Norton, Jacob Neuborgcr, Edward Nugent, Sam’l Nuttinan, Jas A Norris, Frederick Nolle men, Jno C Nleotl, Thos M Nor wood, Chas Nowlaud. James Neldtllngor, VVm Novo. o. John W Owens, Goo W Owens, Daniel O’Connor.Tim O’Brien, Owen U’Rourko,John F O’Uyrne, David O'Con nor, Owen O’Rlelly, Humphrey O’Lear;- Dennis O’Gounor, Jno O’Connell, Jno H < , H OlcolL Wm Olmstcad, J F O’Noll!, D G Olcott, K O’Byrue, Michael O’Neill, C E O’Sulllvun. II G Oliver, John Oliver, Jonathan Olmstoad, M O’Reilly, James Oli ver, VV C O’Driscoll, Dan’l O’Sullivan, Timothy O’Con nor, Dauiol O’Sullivan, WVV Oates, John Ogolvlo, M VV O’lJyru, Thos O’Bryan, Gco^Otl, FredlckOtto. Martin Payton, Antonio Ponce, E M Prondorgast, Sam’l N Papot, James Prendergost, O C Parker, Anthony Porter, Jos v Prcntlco. Jno F Posey, N 8 Binder, Sam’l Phllbrlck, Jas M Prontlco, S M Pond, Wm Parris, Pat’k Prunly, Andrew G Pncctty, Edwin Parsons, Elisha Par sons, Jno Poolo, B G Pancost. Owen Peterson, 0 B Patter son, John Perfleld, John Phelan, Jno P Powell, Jas l’ron- dorgoa, Thos Purse, Sam’l Pittman. E J Purse, George Parsons, R D Papot, M Prondorgnst, Edward Pndclford. Sen., Edward Padelford, Jr., Thos Pldgoou, Thos 8 PRt- Jno Postell, Jos W Phillips, James Prunty, J 51 Palin, Murcns M Peck, Patrick Price, O U Pudor,Tlios Pronder, Hast, Chas Perry, II W Poolor, II K Preston, Jos V Pres ton, Wm F Preston, Edward Pursule, D G Phllbrlck. <1. Jos Quantock, John Quinn, Martin Quinn, Wm Quinn, WmQuautock,Jr. ^ P M Russell, Waring RubbuII, David I Rosenband, John Rusaoll, Dennis Ryan, James Russell, Tlios J Ryon, J 11 Ross, John Reedy, A M Ross, Michael Rochford, Christopher Russell, Wm P RobertiL John ltyon, JB Read. Jos VV Robberts, Henry Iloser, Wra Robertson, Patrick Reilly. L S Russell. VVm Roche, Barney Rodon, Pat’k Ryan, VVm Rogers, Jno A Richardson, Jno 0 Rowland, Michael Rooney, Georgo lllltor, Edward Reilly, Daniel Robertson, VVm Rcmshart, J VV Rabuu, Jos Ross, Francis Ryan, J B Ripley, J Vv Romsbart, Robt Rulfurd, 11 W Halford, Mathew Halford, VVm Reilly, J P VV Rood, Jno Rlordon, Fronds Reives, Jefferson Roberts, C 11 lllkcmun, 11 Rogers. J Honnldson, Jeremiah Ryan, B G Reed. Chas E Robinson, Joseph Ross, Henry llobor, Goo Robins, Allen Russell, Wm Roberson, John Rowley, John Rogers, Dan’l Uoddumn, VVm P Rowland, IlughRlelly, Andrew Illolly, A R Ral ston, IIJ Royal, Jno E Rice, James Ryan, Jus L Rosslg, noil, C E llyan, Wm Robkon.O VV Rogers, ThosRonan, Geo Robertson, Tobias Rothleter, F A Itoburo, G S Roux F T Iloff, MJ Reilly, James Russell. M* E A Soullord, Wm Swoll, John A Schaffer, John Scudder, Rlch’d Smyo, Henry Starke. AbrnhamSimpson, Christepher Sshnoluer, John A Staly, Rlch’d Scnnlun, Emanuel Shoflnll, Harman Sillier, R11 Spencer, Morde- cal ShoIUilL Andrew Steafvator, John8avage, J S Solo mons, Frod’k Bchcrff, A A Smets,W R Symons, Thos Sullivan,GooSnatthoff, JnoG Sexton, AJC8haw, Ja cob Shaffer, MEhefflaU, sr^ G J8poncer.8ara’l Solomons, J PScrivcu, John Spellman. D 11 Stewart. John Sullivan, D Sbnffor. Win H Smith, John Stoddurd, Ephrnltn Scud- dor, Sam’l S Slbloy, Anthony Sogur, Jns Shea, Pat’k Scanlau, Jas Skinner, J H Street, Dan’l Sullivan, Jos Skinner, Dr SShoftall. Nicholas Slnot, Martin Sullivan, Lewis Smith, Jucob Schaffer, Thomas Saunders, John Stevenson, G N Staley, Thos Smith, G J Smith, Jno Sul livan, James Sullivan,Walter W Smith, Geo Shultz,!' F Btrubhart. Jas J Rtokos, Goo Shute, Harmon Sangstock, Henry Seltzer, 0 B Bcally, E Soraerall, Francis Sorrel, Jno A Stegln, John Sloan, VVm G Stafford, Jno Screven, Wm Salto, 0 M Stone, J R Snuasy, J M Schley, Francis Shells, P K Shlcls, Adam Short. Jno Y Symons, Jnmos Symons, F R Swoat, Edmund .1 Haunclors, Edwin Stiles, J M Solomons, Augustus Soheldeman, Dennis Sullivan, Daniel Sulllvnn, M J Solomons, M Shehnn, Dennis Sulll- vun, Barney Smith, Henry Sllbbs, Jns 11 Sholmn, Vnlon- tluo Stanton, John Sliorlock, Loyal Scranton, Mariiu Shannon, Joseph Sullivan, Jns F Stokes, Philip Smith, Jos M Shollmnn, James M Stricklnnd, Timothy 8horrcdnn, Thomas 8mlth, Wm 8tarr, Jr, 11II Scranton, Jns Shurde- man, Conrad Soholnelder, Goo Stevonson, Richard Stele, John Shields, Nolson Smith, S S Spolssolzor. W VV Starke, Arp Soamon, Thos F Stevens, J E Stlrk, II W Smith, Wra Starr Jr, Henry Saunders, Peter Smith, J D Btebbins, A A Bolomons, G VV ShnfTur, I) T Scranton, Patrick Skinner, Edward Swift, Sami B Swoat, John D Spann, John E Stllwcll, II Sheppard,F M Btono, Elonzor Solomons, Thos Scully, Win Saunders, Jns 8mlth Sr, Jno Scliungell, Jesseo J Smith, VVm F Shearer, J A Sowell, J 8 Sturtevnnt, VVm Saunders, Julius. Smith, II R Bcfloy, Christopher Smith. ^ Wm II Tarver, John V Tarver, Goo W Titcolmb, Wm II Tyson, John Thompson, Patrick Tydings, Bnrnnrd G Tlldon, Fro’s Trantoll, A FTorlny, P G Thomas, VV F Thompson, Jno F Tucker, ATulblnl, Frns Traulell, J D Tombroko, Jnmos Thurmalt, B T Turner, Wm Thomas. G E ToHt, Edward Townsend, B T Theus, A Tliomas*W PTcm, Marlon Throudoraft, Jno II Thoilo, IIJTIioinns- boii, VV B Tlnsloy, Free Trucnolut, IIV Thomas, Richard son Tombs, VV II Tnlblrd, J K Taylor, John G Thomas, John Truro Her, IK Telit, Jas P Tustin, Thos M Turner, F A Tuppor, CliasThompson, II JTIodemnn, David Thomp son, Jas Tlgho. L C Tebcan, Chas G Tnlblrd, Henry Tow, Jno Tanner, Wm A Thompson, Iloht Todd, F J Timmons, Wm II Tnlblrd Jr, Jno J Theus, J Tcchouor, VVm 8 Tay lor, N P Taylor, J M Thomas, J R Thompson. Christian Uobole, Philip Usler. Antonio Vondlcy, alias Rnmboskl, Chas Van Horn, W IIB Verstlllo, Tristram Verstlllo, David Yonder, Henry YolUteleb, VV 0 Vundonbera, Henry Vonglabn. O A Wopd, Rloil’d Wiiyno,* J L Wlnoburg, Cant W White, Jnmos Whillhan, Seth Woodward, Elisha Wylly, Clmrles Wilson, Goo W Wylly* Augustus VVenzo, James White, L VV Wells, Francis Wilson, J J Waver, A R Wiigh, Edmund Walton, A J Wylly, Jos M Wilson, G M Wnldlrorgh, Wm Thorne Williams, VVm Wilson, VVm Waters, Hiram Waller, John Williamson, Jas White, Ja cob Waller, Gregory White, Michael Woldon,Thomas Weight, VVb Wylly, E G Wilson. VV VV Woodbrldgo, Bryon Wron.R l5 Walker, Jno W vVlIsoo.Thoa J Walsh, H b VVyor, ios VV Wood! Wm WrlghL O BW.IU II F Wllllnk, lame Woldor, VVm VVoscott, Jacob Wnldburgh, J VV Webster, Jnrrard Wubhlemnn, A J White. Cbristp- phor White, Irvin L Wolte, Nicholas, Conrad Wnlsmlth, Isaac P Whll ' ' ~ ” *— WllWj Whltefo^WHleH?Slmon^vffloA W ; H Weefiw,. H K io p Wblteliead.O B'WhitlngVF R VVylly.Enos • A-WH»n, ms *w<B*. 2tuafiu»0 ffiacUn. C. A. L. LAMAR, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, nor 13 Savannah, Georgia. ly T 1BERAL ADVANCES tnado upon shipments of JU Cotton to my frolnds to Liverpool aud New-York. nov 13 3m C. A. L. LAMAR. DENTISTRY. SURGICAL‘and MECHANICAL DENTIST, „ , Ilrouglxton-streot, SoaU Side, near Whitaker, Savannah. nov10 ] y DU. IVILDMAN, Having settled permanently to Savannah, respectfully of fers to Its citizens his services in the general Practlco of Modiclno and Surgery* Residence and OJfee—No. 20 Abercorn, corner of South ■ Bro ad-streets. if enrnsueuuioHi—riuwo mu in AU«d.,A. and from 3 UU 5, P. M. nov 10 MISS D. A. GARDNER, 409 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK, IMPORTER OF FRENCH DONNEfs. „ MISS S. A. CONN, 409 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. DRESS MAKER. Importer of French Patterns. oct 22—3mo GRIFFIN Sc GORDO N, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office to tho socond story of the now Custom House, over tho main entrance. RoaBUTu.oRirriM. [Jy2l—flmo] oko.a.oobdoiv. MOTIIWELL Sc SMITH, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, m , Savannah, Georgia, The undersigned have taken the stand recently occu pied by Holt Sc IIotiiwkll, and have associated them selves as partners, under the name and style of Both- will 4c Smith, for the purpose or transacting a General Commission and Factorage Business. jas. t. both watt. [aug2I—3mo] thos. n. smith. UKNRY a. FORT. T. X. DUNHAM. FORT & DUNHAM, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OCt 7 SAVANNAH, GA. ly „ FLEMING Sc MILLFN. The Undersigned haring united In (he practice of Law, will uttend to any business ontrustod to tholr care. Office “raoT(Bny and Whltakcr-ata^ over Messrs. Swift,' Dens- William B. Flemikq. John M. Millkn. „ .. Ordinary’s Of fico. Corner of Bny and Whltakcr-stroets. Office hoursfirom A. M. to 2 P. M„ and 3tf P. M. to U P. M. Jan 31 U.T.ORKKNWOOD. JOSlAII MORRIS. JOHN J. RIDU WAV. GREENWOOD, MORRIS & RIDGWAY, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 47 CARONDALET-STIIEET, . . . Now-Orleanu. MR. Morris will remain at Montgomery, Alabama, and all orders for tho purchasing of Cotton, or nny other business entrusted to our care, at that place, will meet with prompt attention. nov 2—tf GREENWOOD. MORRIS & RIDG’.VA M2IIN St FOSTER, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH, G A. * P. H. Bkhn, John Foster, of Savannah. from Hancock county Inly 23 wfrn—ly 7 • MUNKER ^ OGDEN, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, s«pt4 No. 80 llay-Nt., Savannah* DR. CHARLES W. WEST Oners his professional services to the citizens of Savan nah and its vicinity. Resldonco—corner or Gougresa and Bull-streets, over the Drugstore of W. W. Lincoln, fob 3 ly HENRY K. WASIIIIURN, Ag»l, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, July 21 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ROWLAND Sc CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah—No. 172 ltay-stroct. JOHN T. ROWLAND. [allg 21] JOHN T. ROWLAND, JR. CIUAIIDE1 * PAIIKEU, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ilrond-Mtreot, AngUMta, Ga, References:—II. 11. Cumming. Esq., Mosers. J. C- Carmichncl, linker 4c Wilcox, Baker 4c Hart, Hand, Williams 4c Co, G. T. Jackson, Scranton, Stark 4c Davis, Hopkins, Kolb 4c Co» Augusta; A. II. Abrnhams,Chnrlc«- ton, S. C\; Brigham, Kelly 4c Co., John Lama, Savannah nov 29 ly COOK Sc MONTFOKT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office at Oglethorpe, Ga* Will practlco In tho Counties of Macon, Marlon, Craw ford, Sumter, Houston, Dooly, and Lee. References:—Messrs. Roberts, Foote 4c Marshall, Sa vannah: Winahip 4c Sons, Macon. ly Jan 29 JNO. F. HAMILTON, (8UCCB880R TO HAMILTON 4c IIARDXMAN.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 83 Uay-Mt., Nu van null, Ga. Tho services of Mr. C. F. Hamilton, (long known (o the public as seller of Cotton and country Produce— pnrehaser of Groceries, family supplies, 4cc^) have been socurcd. Prompt nnd strict attention will be given to any business confided to tho care of tho ahovo House. •«* Tho Mlllodgevllle Recorder and Macon Journal 4c Mcssonger, will please insert 4 months, and send bills to this offleo. 4mo aug31 CALVIN FAY, Architect. Respectfully tenders his services tn tho citizens of Savan nah. He will at all limes be ready to furnish PLANS and DRAWINGS for all descriptions or Buildings, nnd superintend tholr construction. Offlee opposite Pulaski House, over Hoywood’s shop. ly sept 11 WM. W. GARRARD, FACTOR & COMMISSION MERCHANT, 88 Huy-Strcet, feb5—ly SAVANNAH, GA GAS FITTING, TINS- COPPER PLATE WORK, fo. U. CRANSTON, AT NO. 91 BBVAN-STBMT, NBAS TUB PULASKI HOUSE, Will perform with promptness and In the best mnnner, all work relating to Gas Fittings, Brazings; work to Tlu, Iron, aud Copper Plate. ly aug 25 D. L. COHEN, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, No. 5 Joncs-Ntrcet, (two doors bast or dravton-strbbt,] Is prepared to contract for all kinds of Building and Rep firing. Also—To conduct Water through tho various partsot Houses. oct 13 C. 8. HARRIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlee No. 99 Bay-street—Savannah, Ga. ly fob 20 T1ION. T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR GENERAL E. D. Officoovor tho store of A. Stevens, Jr., Wliitokur-strocL mar 20 ly G. BUTLER, ftfASTEIi BUILDER, Dealer In While Fine Lumber, vobk-strbbt, oolbtiiorpb-squarb. N. B.—Hu Is prepared to put In Iron Fronts to Stores, 4cc. Is apr 29 ROOK AND JOR PRINTING Executed with neatness nnd dlspntch, and on accommo dating terms, by GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owbiii’ Building, opp. Pulaski House. D3T* Orders from tho country, wltli the cash enclosed, willbe attended to promptly. jnn 12 W. P. YONGE, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 04 Bay-nt., Savannah. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. G. A. HOLCOMBE. GASTON-STREKT, (NEAR THE PARK,) sept 27 savannah, obo. Nl—3tawGmo WILLIAM C. PERKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cuthbert, Randolph County, Ga. His term of office as Solicitor General of tho South western Circuit having expired, he will give his Individ ual and undivided attention to all business of a profes sional and legal character entrusted to hts care to the Counlloa of Randolph, Stowart, )<oe, Baker and Early. January 9lh, 1852. ly Jan 15 JOHN J. IIYRD, AUCTION AND COMSIISSION MERCHANT, Augunta, Georgia. RBPBRBNCKS: 8avannah—Anthony Porter, Pres’t. State Bank, Chas. II. Cnmpflcd, Esq-11. J. Gilbert. Oiiarlbston—Chas. Edmondaton. Pres’t Insur ance Office, Burckmayor 4t Moffett, O. W. Williams, Esq Nbw Yorx—Haggerty, Green Sc Co, 120 West st. Auousta—Dr. «. M. Nowton, Pres’t Br. Bank, II. W. Rlstoy, Force, Conley Sc Co., John C. Carmichael. J. R. Bulkley. dly July 12 COWDERY Si WELLS. FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANT& No. 04 1-8 Uay-Nt., Savannah, Ga. a.W.COWDBRY. [fob 7] L. W. WBLLS. STONE, STARR Sc CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DBY GOODS* NO. 41 BROAD WAY, NE W- YORK. Levi P. Stone,' ) ill, Lanodon Butler, Eldert Starr, v J Jona J. Broom. Henry 11. Stoteidurv,) ly July 24 WI10LEaAu' , DK l AL S Klta l IN , f)RV GOODS, oppojitr «t, Andrew’s hall, . Bro ugh ton-street, luno 14 SAVANNAH. GA. J. UA8IIROUUK Sc GO., IMfORTXRS AND WIIULSIALK DKiLKSB IN Earthen-Ware, French China, Looking Glaaes. Jlroughton~atreet. ~ ~ J. L. OLIVER* ' “ FoNhlonablo Hoot fflimiifucturcr* KO.SK VENTS BN BULb-STtaET, NEAR M WU'MENT-SQUARB. Cork-Sole, VVator^Proof, Hnntltif.j Military, Patent f* ca 4l er ’. Walking, Dress, and PumfrSslo Hoots; Shoot ing Buskins, Bootees, Oxford 8hoes,Jfumpa, Sllpimrs, olc^ made to order In the hoatoat andnost fashionable manner, of warranted mate rials, and by tie most oxperi- enced and careful workmen. Duotneofl earns. ilARDWiCk lc COOKE, lion ni< Factor, and (Joinmlsilon JVu. 193 Bag-Street. R. S. 1IARDWICX. orchantHf JOIN O. COOKE. WYLLY fc MONTMOLLIN, General Agents and Brokers, For the Sale of , RealEotateySregroeo,^ any deocriptionlereonalProperty, , . M OrnCE, CORNER BUIX-aT, ANDiAT-LANE, 00 Savannah, Georgia. 1 fob 23 8. 8. MILLER Sc. J. D. FERGUS ON, WheeUvriirht. and UlacIcHmith^ Comer of Broughton and Montgoncryote. n ' ... aArANNAn,oA. n , Ca ^ r,a ?^ l i VVagons. Carta and Drayi nanufkctnred. Blacksmlthmg, Including Iron Railing anl Grates, for Buildings.tuly—o ADAM SHORT,. nnnr ^rni^wtrr**)f\t! Andrew’s bail. Will take contracts for Building and. Work I. Mas of every description. R. & J. LACHL180N, Engineers and millwright.* IRON d* BRASS FOUNDKRS, * Canal-Street—Near the Canal Lock. R. LACULISON. J, LACUUSON. A. N. MILLED, Engineer and iriillwright* IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER. EASTERN WHARr—BAT-ST. A. PONCE, Importer & manufacturer of Sc gars* NO. 13 WHITAKBR4TREBT, Koops on hand a well selected slock of Imported So- gars; also Manufactured Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, and all other articles usually kept In his lino or business, which lie often on tho most reasonable terms. nov 3 (Gcuccal &tttj?rtfaements. A SPLENDID OPENING Of PAGE GOODS. rrtlIE Subscriber would respectfully call ths attention JL or tho public to his large nud well seloctod stock of Fall and Winter Staple and Fancy DryGoods. Consisting In port of: Black and colored Silks, of a great variety; very rich embroidered Silks, of all patterns; Mantillas and Crape Shawls; Scotch Wool Long do.; and square Plaid Shawls; Cashmeres; Msusollne do Imlnca: Alpnccas, a great variety; Ncodlo-VV'ork Col- lan and Capes, of all patterns; Ghlmlzettes; Muslin and Lace Under-Sleeves; Cambric Handkerchief, from 12)f cents to 83 a piece; Irish Linens; Huckabacks; Diaper; French Towels, from 25 cents to 81 n pitce; double Dumusk Tablo Linen; white mid brown Nasklns, a llue nssortment; a very largo assortment of Glores and Ho siery, of tho veiy best mako and style; EiulishondA- merlcan Long Cloths; unbleached do.; rah Damask Table and Plano Coven: Cosslineres and Cloths, black aud bluo or every quality; rich Vest patterns or all styles; Satinets; Kentucky Jeans; Kerseys,a very Inrge assortment; one of the very best selected stock of Blan kets evor brought to this market. CARPETING—Brussels, 3-Ply, 3-Ply, All-Wool, a va riety or patterns; and, nlto, Cotton Carpeting. N. II.—Clothing at wholesaloonly. Countiy merchants would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere, as the goods shall bo sold low and on tho most tccommnda- Ung terms. foct 2] JOSEPH JJPPMAN. NEW FALL AND WINTER (JliODS!! J. H.&M. SHEAHAN. Corner of Broughton and Whitaker-sts., 8AVANNAII, I NVITE attention to their now stock of FALL Sc WIN TER GOODS, comprising s DRESS GOODS—French Cashmeres, French Do Lalnos, English Do Lulncs, Black Silk, Colored Silk, Blnck Alpacas, Colored Alpacas, Bomba sines, Damask Antique, English, French and American Calicoes. EMBROIDERIES—Linen Cambric, Cnmbric Iland- korchloft, Plain and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Boblnet Laces, llobluet Edgings, Collars and Cuffs, Ilublts and Under-SIouves, Black Lace Veils, Blk Crape, Colored Crape. HOSIER Y 4- LINENS- A largo anil well-selected stock of Gloves, Irish Linens, Liuon Diapers and Damasks. WOOLKjrn—nCgro niankets, Kersey", /.Incnys.Cloths, Casslmeres and VcstlnfM, untlnets, Tweeds & Ken tucky Joans, Rod, White, Blue and Yellow Flan nels, 10-4 and 11-4 Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Plllow-Cuso Linens, and Quills. Country Merchants, Plunters, and others, will consult their Interests by examining our stock before purchasing. E3TA11 wo ask Is a visit from those desiring to pur chase. We feel confident that the quality and prices ol our Goods will command sales upon our terms: Cask* and no Second Price* oct 19 tMl . GEORGE J. SIIUXII, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ” AND GENERAL AQENT,' 108 nay-.troet* Savannah, Goo* . „W1I| also attend to CollecUng. of Rente, Servants’Wages, Ac, Rrpbrto— Hon. John W. Anderson, Hon. Francis 8. Bartow, William II.‘Tison, Esq^'Horace Smith, Esq» Messrs. Washburn, Wilder Sc Co., Brigham, Kelly fc.Co. nov 2 . . \ FALL OF 1852. H AVING completed our arrangements for the season, wo nro now prepared to offor to the public the larg est and best assortment of GOOD AND WELL-MADE CLOTHING, and are determined to sustain our reputaUou by selUng Goods at fair prices. Wo Invto our friends and the pub lic to call and examine our Fall and Winter Stock, which, for quality, style and quantity far exceeds any previous seuson, aud from which a complete outfit can bo selected at the very lowest prices. Our Goods are selected with grout care—being cut In tho latest Fashion, and manufactured in such a manner us v give entire satisfaction. •50.000 STOCK of Ready-mado CLOTHING, embracing all tho various 8lyles,-qualilles, etc., in part ns follows! Blnck Cloth, Frock and Dress, Plaid and Clouded, Fancy Business Coats in groat variety. Tweeds cut into Pellor’s Half Socks, etc-etc. PANTALOONS, made from Flno Blnck Doeskin, and tho various Fall styles of Harris’ Clouded and Mottled Cosslineres, Black aud Fancy Satinets. VESTS: Black and Figured Satin, Gentlemen’s White Silk and Figured Marseilles. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. We Invite the attention or Country Merchants to our Stock, which Is varied and complete, and manufactured expressly lor their irado. Wo also have a genteel as sortment of YOUTH’S CLOTHING, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Black and Fancy Bilk Cravats, Stocks, Plain and Figured Silk and Satin Neck Ties, Prince Alberts, of Plain, Watered and Ribbed Silk. SHIRTS, White and Fancy, warranted to fit, Gloves, Under Gar ments, 8uspenders, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Socks, etc. lyWo ask a continuance of the pntronugo which has always been so generously extended to us. sept7 PIERSON, HEIDT Sc CO. J.pHflT J. RAVRIOE’S STOVE DEPOT & TINWARE MANUFACTORY, JYl>s. IO, 19 & 14, JBqrnard-st., Savannah. EASTERN PREMIUM COOK STOVE. TwhSMSI ha i no ^I? c ® ,T ®i hl8 Fa, J oJSTOVES, and respectfully solicits a call at his Establishment, tha V " I . C 1 aMortment of Stoves for Cooking, Parlor and Office purposes can be viewed, from ios n hlch „ nre on “ k) f al reasonable terms. Also-Hollow-ware, Pots, Ovens,Spldors,^aoce- I Ca84 Burners. Laco Irons, Revolving and Long-handled Waffle DUhS“l«S. , SS H .™.”| r (Ut™*!i l!D 01 raln«, Te.PoU, Egg Dollers, 0,.t«r UUli«, Chining tvn,»sw/ScsaiSiLK. rwld J SPANNED Sc PLAIN tIN WARE:-Chamber Palis, Toilet Palls, Wine Coolers, Toilet Cases, Cash Boxes, Square and Round Boxes, Spice Boxes, Butns and Pilchers, Molasses Pots, Nursery Lamps, Glass-Drainers, Knife and Spoon Boxes. Trays 12 to 28 Inches, Spittoons, Foot Baths, &e. WOODEN WARE:—Malls, Wood Horses, Clothes Horses. Step Ladders, Tubs, Palls, Rulers, Measures, Flour Boxes, Willow Wagons, Children’s Willow Chairs, Brushes, Brooms, <tc. Silver’s Fire and Water-proof MINEUA L PAINTS constantly kept on hand; alto, Camphcno and Spirit Got. FT* AU kinds of Tin ana Sheet Iron Work executed with despatch, ty Printed Catalogues may bo bad on application, and forwarded post-free. john j. Maurice. nov 17 Sales Rooms, Nos. 10,12 and 14 Barnard-elrcet, and 184 Bay-street. PORTER’S EXTENSIVE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. T HE subscriber takes pleasure In announcing to the citizens of Savannah and tho public generally, of the largest arrival of Fall and Winter CLOTHING ever offored In the Southern Stales. In this establishment can bo found every quality and style of Clothing to please the taste of the must fastidious. Tills establishment Is divided Into six different Departments, each ono containing a rich end full assortment in their line. IN STORE FOR THE GENTLEMEN. J OHN VV. KELLY, having returned from tho north with n handsome assortment of CLOTHS, CA8SI- MERESond VESTINGS, takos pleasure in Informing his friends, those especially who admire a finely flttiiyr gar ment, to his saloou, No. 4, opposite the Pulaski House, where they will And him ready at all times to suit his pa trons iu tho ;nost approved and fUshlonablo manner, and ho ventures to assert, that those who will conllde in his selection as to color, fabric, stylo or finish of a covering for the human form, shall go away satlstlod. Furnishing Goods—Shirts, white and colored, with and without collars; UndcrShlrts; Merino, cotton and llslr thread Drawers; Hosiery, Cravats, Scurfs, Stocks, neck Ties, Gloves, 8uspondors, Umbrellas, silk and cotton do. Also, a large lot of men's and boys’ Caps, of tho latest patterns. Also, a flno lot of beautiful Ready-made Clothing, which 1 selected with great Caro. Gentlemen in want of any of tho nbovo articles will pleaso glvo me a call, as 1 am determined to sell at a small proilt. [sept 85] JOHN VV. KELLY. CSrenecal attbertwementoi UBNTLEMBN’S a MkBESTOEATIOJ 12LSL LAGER BEER. ASBMk tt. WEIOAND has opened, under tho Planters’ Hotel, a neat and comfortable Eating Room, with an excellent Kitchen and Rjuigo^mlJaccnUaa a He has an excel!ent"*bookyfrom^^tmbourg, who will suit German. American and French tastes. OYOTBR8. FISH, MEATS—every thing that this market affords,can bo had in all styles, on short notice. Youno Clkrks, and others, who have room* In town, are invited to trjr tho. European mode .of breakfasting and dining at tho Restaurant. Philadelphia LAGER BEER. SWISS CHEE8E and LINDDURGER CHEESE, kept always on band for'tho use of families. 1 oct 5 T PHIL ARE LPIIIAL ACER.REER. HL Subscriber respectfully invite* the public of Sa vannah to test the qualities of this flue Beer, from the Brewery or Messrs. Enokl Sc Wolv, at the Falrmount Water Works, noar Philadelphia. This Beertemadoex- actlr llko tho Lager Beer of Mnnlcb, In Bavaria. I j « ,n . llnu ®‘o receive constant supplies of this pUr« and wholesome beverage, during theautumn. wlnler.and "firing- As In the old country, ft will be sold to fhmUles and Indlyldunls^ho will thuslncurno risk oflte sourin on their hands. The useof this Beer Is particularly reooto ^ld aUhe Aantera’ n ilotel ldle * * hnaro nureln 8 chlldrtR sept7 ° My! 7 HERNY WE1QANJ) „ „ lat Department. Contains Frock and Dress Coats of every quality, from 87 to 830. Frock and Dress Coats, Olive, Blue, Brown and Green, from 87 to 820. Shad Pelloes and Business Coats, a great variety, from 83to8l2. 1,000 OverCoats, double and single breasted, and double Over-Coals, from 83 to 830. Over-Coats, o splendid assortment, embracing Kossuth, from 818 to 830. 2,000 pair or Pants, of every quality and color, from 75 cents to 810. 1,000 Vests, of every kind. 2«l Department. Contains Furnishing Goods nr every description for Gen tlemen’s wear—consisting of Scarfs, Cravats, Water ford Ties, Prlnco Albert Tlos, Spring Stocks, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Colton do., Suspenders, llnlf Hose, Gloves or all kinds, best quality Jones’ Patent Yoke Shirts, a fine assortment, tc. 3d Department* Contains 860 suits of Negro Clothing for house or planta tion use. Hickory Shirts, Rod Flannel do., Overalls, Canton Flannel Undershirts and Drawers. Price of full suits from 83,25 to 84,50. 4tlt Department. Contains a large and well-selected stock or India Rubber Goods—consisting In part of Sack Coals, White and Black Frock Cost* nr two colors, Leggings, Slips, Cloaks, Firemen's Coala. warranted to stand 280 de grees of heat, Riding and Driving Gloves, Horse Co vers, etc. fith Department. Contains Hats and Caps, flan Moleskin, a large assort: tnenl and latest styles. Oth Department. TUB BAZAAR. This splendid establishment, on the left wing of the main Department, 00 feel deep. Is fitted up, at a great ex pense, expressly for Ladles accompanied by their Children. Hero will bo found every quality and style of Children’s Clothing, and of tho latest Paris fashions, consisting of Infants’ Robes, Christening Cups, splendid Embroidered Caps, Suita, connected and separate, for erory age. Jenny Linds Polka Sacks, Frocks, Uvcr-Conts with mid without Capes; and many other Goods, loo numerous to mention In this advertisement. Parents and Guurdlans are re spectfully solicited to call, as groat pains have boen taken to add to the comfort and convenience of pui^ chasers. By No abatement from prices first asked. ,/Tff ST. ANDREW’S HALL* BROUGHTON-STREET* jR*ercl)auW*e. GROCERIES, LIQUORS A: WINES. T> ECEIVED by recent arrivals; XV 120 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Clarified Sugars; 25 boxes double refined Loaf do; 240 bags Rio Coffco, some of them prime; 45 do. Jnva do: 50 bbds. Porto Rico and Muscovado 8ugars; 270 boxes Tobacco, 8’s, 5’s and l's Lumps; 45 packages superior Tobacco, EIDorudo, Diadem, Nectar, vlrginius, fee. 100 boxes boat Family Soap; ISO do. do, No. 1 do; 114 half chests Black Teas, some of It very superior; 148 packages Hyson do., in and X chests; 150 boxes Tallow Candles, 8's and fl’s: 100 do. Star and Admnautlno Caudles; 150 do, Pipes; 75 do. Mustard; 50 do. grou’d Popper Sc Allspice; 70 bbls. Sugar, Butter anu Soda Crackers; 275 do. Domestic Gin, Rum, Brandy and Whiskey; 40 do. Old Mononga’a Whiskey,some very choice; 15 half pl|>es Otard, Dupuy et Co.’s Brandy; 25 quarter and eighth casks various kinds choice French Broody; •i n®iiomi Gin: 4 punchoons Jamaica and St. Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira and Tcnorlffo Wines; 20 do. supcrlnrold Madeira and Sherry Wines; 100 baskets Chainpaguc, Heidseck, Hungarian, Llon,&c^ &c. 100 kegs and halves FFFG. Powder, 400 bags Buck and Drop Shot; 50 bins. No. 3 Mackerel; 25 do. No. 2 do; 20 do. No, 1 do; 20 casks Codfish and Haddock; 30 half bbls. 1 & 2 Mackerel; 50 boxes Codfish; 40 kilts No, 1 Mackerel; With a full supply or everything else In the grocery line, for sale on accommodating term*, by oct 4 J. V. CONNER AT Sc CO. CAItl'ETS! CARPETSII C'Altl’ETSlit W E liavo Tills Day opened for sale, a splendid as sortment of Carpctu* Oil Clotlut* Mata* Rugs, Window Curtains, Ac. —CONSISTING IN FART OF— 20 pieces Throe-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 do. Brussels do. 40 do. Two-Ply Curpota 30 do. Floor Oil Cloth 10 do. Drugget 5 do. FeltCurpot 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Volvot and Cheneillo Rugs 100 common Rugs and Mata 100 pair of beautiful stylo Window Shades. AU of Iho above Goods are offered at the lowest market prices. For sale by [sept 29] A1KIN Sc BURNS. SAVANNAH, Ga. jHcrct)qnUC?c. DRUGS - ! drugs!! LBS. EI’SOM SALTS. •UuU 5,000 lbs. Copperas. 7 1.000 lbs. Glauber Salts. 2,000 lbs. Putty. 500 boxes Window Glass. 7,000 White Lead. All of the above Just received and for sale by JAMES II. CARTER, oct 29 Opposite St. Andrew’s Hall. WINES, BRANDIES. See. T HU SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving In store a general assortment of tho above articles, to cases, consisting of: Palo and Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, Cherry & Raspberry Brandy, Port do. Scotch Whiskey, Topaz Sherry Wine, Holland Gin, Brown do. Stoughton Bitters, Tlntllla do. “Crown’’and “Star’*brands Champagne. EJPTho “Tintllla” Bhorry Is highly recommended for Invalids—It causing no acidity. For sale by oct 27 BUNKER Sc OGDEN, 80 Bay st Now Fish. D ry goods.— 100 bales Negro Gotb, 35 do. Blankets, 15 do. Linsey Woolscy, 15 do. Red Flannels, 50 do. Brown Shirtings, 10 do. 4-4 Sheetings. 50 do. Heavv Cotton Osnaburgs. 10 cases Bleached Shirtings, 40 do. Printed Calicoes, 10 do. Kentucky Jeans, 200 dozen Hoad Ifandkerchleh, 500 do. Assorted Hosiery, Together with a most complete stock of Fancy Goods, to which they Invite the attention of Country Merchants and others. NEVITT, LATIlROl* Sc KfEUBlNS, nov 8 139 Congrea»stroct. ROBERTS Sc FOOTE, Broughton-atrect, (up stairs) opposite the St. Andrew's Hall, H AVE now on hand a very largo and well-selected 8tock of DRY GOODS, which they offer for sale, by the piece or packogo to tho trado—consisting, to part, ol Colored and Duffel! Blankets. Red aud White Flannel. Plains and Korsoys, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Jeans. Fancy and Tweed Casslmeres. Striped and Plain Cotton Osnaburgs. Blenched and brown Shirtings aud Sheetings. English and American Prints. Cash meres and Prl nted De I-nines. Black and Colored Alpacas. Black and Colored Coburgs. With an additional general variety of Goods usually kept In Dry Goods 8torcs, whtch are offered for salo at the usual accommodating terms. GROCERIES. A CHAMPION has In store and it receiving the fol- • lowing articles for city and country trado, which having been purchased for cash and selected by himself, enables htin to sell on tho most favorable terras, viz: 100 bbls. Baltimore and Canal Flour, 50 half do. dog 50 do. Stuart's Crushed aud Powdered Sugars; 10 boxes do. Loaf do; 10 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado do; 50 bbls. Clarified Sugar, various qualities: 25 boxes Cheese; 100 boxes and halfdo. t loapj SO do. Bperm and Adamantine Caudlee; 100 bags Rio and Jnva Coffee. 30 boxes and half boxes Hyson and Black Teas; 75 do. and half do. Tobacco; 25 do. Starch; 3U do. Pipes; 25 dozen Brooms and Buckets; 50 bbls. X, K, and kltts Mackerel; 20 kltts Salmon; 10,000 lbs. Bacon, (lams, Sides and Shoulders; — A L S O — Smoked Tongues, Dry Beef, Fulton Market BcofiChoco- late, Farina, Sardines, Tnilot Sonp, Fig Blue, Pickles, Sweet Oil, Almonds, Spices, Mustard^Uutler, Currants, Citron, ice., &c. —ALSO— 25 whole, 25 half, 25 quarter boxes Now Raisins: 5 bbls. 20 half, 20 quarter and 20 boxes Buckwheat; 500 bags Shot; 500 bars Lead; A chotco selection of Liquors and wines. oct 25 SAM’L HOYT, Lato of tho firm ofSum’l Hoyt&Co, Savannah, Ga. W OULD announce to his friends that he has remov ed to Charleston, S. C_ No. 149 East Bay, where he is prepared to do a general Commission business, and furnish to order, at all times, any articles from the North or South that mny bo wanted, for tho usual commission, ns well ns rccelvo and sell tho same. And I pledge my self that nil business ontrustod to my care shall receive such ntlcutlon os will Insure similar manifestation of thefr good wllf, not doubting (hat my acquaintance with Northern and Southern markets will enable me to do as well os any, and bettor than many. Also Dealer in Butler, Chooese, Plaster, Marble Dust, Cement. Lime and ilnlr. And Ageut for sundry Mnchlno Manufactories, North and South, as well as Sllua C. Herrings’ Fire Proof Safes, Georgia and French Burr Mill Slones; all of which will ho fomlshed on short notice, and at manufacturers prices. Cash paid at ull limes for Wool. Greeu, Salted aud Dry Hides, Deer and Sheep Skins, Shipping Furs. Beeswax, Rags,.Rope Cuttings, Sea Island Colton 8©ed aud Flop-. ida Moss. Also,Southern Tanned Leather In tho Rough. Terms cash Invariably. Refers to the citizens or Savnn- nnh generally. tf sopt4 ROBINSON Sc CAMP, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, AND DEAMCnS IN Flno Ready Ratio Clothing, A RE NOW receiving tholr 8tock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting In part or: Blue, black and fancy colored English and French Cloths; Over-Coat, togs ol black, bluo and fiuicy colored Beavera; bluo, black and drab Pilot Cloths; English, French andA- nierlcau Casalmers, of black nud fiuicy colors; Vestings of Silk, Satin, Cuahmerea, embroiders and rich Cut Vel vet. All of which will be rondo up at tho shortest notice and in tho boat style of workmanship. Our READY MADE CLOTHING Is manufactured at tho well known houso of W. T. Jennings Sc Co., No. 231 Broadway, Now-York, and Is equal to any In tho city.— We keep constantly on hand tho largest assortment ol FANCY GOODS of any houso In tho trade, such as white and foncy colored Shirts; Silk, I-iilo Thread and Gauze Monno Undor-Ganuenta; Shaker Flannel and Lntnbswool do.; Thread, Colton, Merino and Lambswool Hosiery; Silk and Cotton Umbrellas: black, white and colored Kid Glovos, (or Alexander’s mako); Stocks, Bcarft, Cravata and Collars t nud, to tact, everything no ooasary to a Gontloroan’s Wardrobe. For sale on as ao commodating terms m can be had to tho city, at GAUDRY’S BUILDINGS, sept 21 Noxt door to Pulaski House. r1 LOVES,CRAVATS AND TIES.—A supply ofAlex- VJT andar’s black, colored, and white Kid Gloves Just received. Also, a choice assortraout of black, plain' and Embroidered Cravats nnd Ties. For sale by sept21 ,WM.R. SYMONS, 17 WhUaker-et, CHEAP CASH STORE. CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRF.SS-STS. B LEACHED and Brown SHEETINGS & SHIRTINGS. Tho Subscribers have Just received per brig Wilson Fuller.from Now-York: Water Twist bleached SHEETING New-York Mills do do James’ Steam Mills do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 I-ondsdale and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Sea Island Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 4-4 7-8,8,9,10, 11, and 124 Allendale Bro. Sheeting 7-8,8,9,10,11, and 12-4 do Bleached do 7-8,8, 9,10,11, and 124 Hamilton do do For sale by M. PRKNDERGAST Sc CO. L ANDING, per ecbooner “Faunlo,” from Philadel phia— 20 hogsheads choice Porto Rico Sugar, 15 do. do. Santo Cruz do. llo bugs choice Ttto Coffee, 15 barrels Cider Vinegar, 10 hogsheads choice Bacon Bhoulders. nov 13 For salo by CRANK Sc HOLCOMBE, L ANDING, per schooners “Eclipse” and “North Stato”- 100 boxes Connecticut Cheese, 50 do. Soda, Butter, Wine and Milk Biscuits, 50 barrels Butter and Sugar do. 20 do. Pilot Broad, 50 boxes assorted Candy. Also, per brigs “American” and “Excel:” 200 bags assorted 8hot, .5.000 pounds Bar I-ead, 25 kegs extra choice Goshen Butter, 50 boxes Cream Cheese, 25 barrels Mercer Potatoes, 25 do. Yollow Onions, nov 13 For sale by CRANE Sc HOLCOMBE. F lOREIGN LIQUORS.—20 half nnd 10 quarter pipes Dark and nnd Palo Otard, Dupuy & Co. Brandy, of our own Importation. Vintages 1840, ’49 nnd ’50. 6 pipes Holland Gin, Medor Swan Brand. 1 puncheon old Scotch Whiskey. 2 do. do. Jamaica Rum. 1 do. do. St. Croix do. 20 demijohns, 5 gnllons each, Schoidam Gin. Landing nnd for salo by oct 20 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fc CO. B agging, bale rope, &c.— 08 bales Gunny Cloth, 500 coils Kentucky Rope, 200 colls Dillon’s Rope, L ARD, CHEESE, FLOUR, &C.— „ , 50 kegs prime Leaf Lard; 25 boxos Goshen Choose; 100 bbls. Baltimore Flour; 100 do. pure Gencaco do; 30do. Hiram Smith do; 50 hairdo.Cunnl do; 50 half do. Baltimore do; 10 hhds. choice Porto Rico Sugars; 100 gross Matches, and a gonoral assortment or Gro ceries, Foreign aud Domestic WqumjiWIiw* wid Teas. For salo by [nov 10] CU11EN fc TARVER. /~tANAL FLOUR-Ac.— Iv 50 bbls Illram Smith’s Flour. 30 hlfbhls Fulton Market Hoof. 20 casks pints, 12 do quarts, best London Porter. 30 bbls prime Cream Ale. 6 pipes superior Holland Gin. 90 mixes and 25 half do Raisins. 9(1 half bbls 8ugar,Soda and Butter Biscnlta. 50 boxos mw Herrings. 30 bbls Sugar House Molasses. 50 boxes Star Candles. 50 do Composite do. 50 ,do Tallow do. . 50 do Wlnsor.Tollct nnd shavingBoapdust received raid for ealo by [oct20] MoMAHON £ DOYLi DeW ITT Sc IDORUAN* DEALERS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, C ALL attention to their large Slock of the following articles, which they offer at the lowest prices: Rich Printed de Lalnos and Cashmeres, French and English Merinos, Black Bombazines and Alpacas, Linen Cambric aud Embroidered Hdkfs^ Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes, Irish Linens and Damasks, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Silk, Cotton and Merino Hosiery, White nnd Colored Flannels, Cloths and Casslmeres, French, English and American Calicoes, Dinners nnd Toweling*, Tnble and Piano Covers, Plain and Figured Black Silks, Black Satin de Chone, Plain Changeable Silks, Purls Mantillas and Talmas, Bonnet and Plain Ribbons, Brocho nnd Plaid Shawls, French and English Crajies, Ladies’and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, Swiss nnd Cambric Trimmings, French Needle-worked and Laco Collars, Blankets, Plains and Kerseys, Muslin Curtains, Hrocho and Figured Silks Domestic Goods oruil descriptions of tho best manufac ture. oct 28 .SUNDRIES. Ofm BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kinds. 70 hhds. Fair nud Choice Porto Rico Sugar. 40 do. Cuba and Now-Orleana do. 100 bbls. Refined do. 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 300 bags Rio Coffee. 200 do. Porto Rico and SL Domingo Coffee. 75 do. Java do. 150 te and if chests Hyson Tea. 40 if do. Black do. 130 boxes Soap. 100 do. Mustard, Popper, Allspice and Ginger. 80 bbls. Butter, Soda, and Sugar Biscuit. 30 V do. do. do. do. do. 120 M Scgars. assorted kinds. 20 bags Black Popper. 250 bbTs. New-Orleans Whiskey. 100 do. White do. 50 do. Monongaheln do. 20 do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E. Pholpa’ Gin. 60 do. Best P. Sc !!. ny° G,n - fi pines llollnnd do. 50 casks 8horry, Madeira, Sc Tonoriffe Wlno. 60 baskots Chnmpngno do. 40 bbls. American Brandy. 25 X casks do. 10 if do. Cognno Brandy. \ In Custom House 20 if pipes do. \ Store. 150 kegs Gun and Ride Powder. 500 hags Drop and Buck Shot. With a compete assortment ol Groceries. For sale on favorable terms by sept 4 WEBSTER & PALME8. TT7TNE8.—30 quarter casks Burgundy Port. YY 15 do. Brown Shorry. 5 do. Pale do. 10 do. Muscat. 50 baskets Grape Champagne. In store and for sale by oct 23 W. M. DAVIDSON. Gr UOCERIES, &c.— 50 boxes Cheese, 50 boxes Star Candles, 50 barrels Cincinnati Whiskey, 15 hogshead* P01 to Rico Sugar, 50 bogs lUo Coffee, 50 boxes No. 1 Soap, 50 boxes Palo Boap, 100 barrels Baltimore Flour, SO barrels Ho ward-street Floor, SO half barrels do. do. 50 bags Java Colfoe, 100 boxes .Tobacco, assorted. n » ¥ „ . TARVER, FEOHIDA LAUDS FOR NAEEc The following valuable TRACT BOF M LAND, lying to Marion and AlachuaJmsB counties, will be offered at Private Sale,-*-, daring tho months of October, November and December next,vlsi « WKTUMPKA HAMMOCK, situated about ten miles North of Ocala, (tho county seat or Marion county,) con- ' tainlng 3,000 acres, about one-balf of which'It hammock, unsurpassed by any to the Slate] and the remainder white “•XMCAWl'Wt/nrtjown as uro tlon,” containing 3,000 acres of Land, prlndpaffjHL 1<l - quality hammock, between four and five honared oorei>. or w.hfch Is thoroughly cleared, and at, present IncultL ‘ vallon. This place for several years averaged two'hogs heads of Sugar to the acre, and every year that it.has been cultivated has produced fine.crops of corn and cotton. Theso Tracts could readily, be divided Into two or three plantations each, belngwell wotorpd and surround* A ^TRALT of l.odo ncreson Orange Lake, consisting of hammock, orange grove, and well Umbered pine land. TWO TRACTS, of 1,000 acres each, near the Alachua prairie. The greater part of both these tracts Is rich hammock. —ALSO— 5,000 ACRES on Indian River. Any one wishing to cultivate sugar cane would do well to examine this land, os being remarkably fertile, and lying south of the region or frost, It Is as well adapted to that culture as any to tho United States. 12,000 ACRES, generally known as the “ Bayard tract,” situated on the St, John’s river, opposite Picolata. Thera are many small hammocks and orango groves on this tract, but it is principally valuable for iu pine timber. 1 It bos a river front of seven or eight miles. 1,000 ACRES on 1 take Georgo, and several small tracts on aud near llie Su John's river, well situated for form ing, the rearing of orangu groves, Sec. The above tracts of land were purchased by the late Gen. Clinch, Immediately after tho accession of Florida to the United States. From his position at that tlme,'hia facilities for selection were unusually great, and It is be lieved they include as good land os can bo found In tha State. On account of their accessibility from Charleston and Savannah, (hey offer great Inducements to planters to Ca rolina or Georgia wishing to remove. The titles are clear and Indisputable. Terms—Cash, or payable at LWlestonor Savannah, on or before the 1st of January next. tJan Executor. - %• The Tri-weekly Chronicle Sc Sentinel, at Augusta, and the Journal tc Messenger and the Telegraph, at Mn- requested to publish tho above till first of Jsnu- FALL Sc WINTER GOODS! T HE SUBSCRIBERS take pleasure to announcing to the citizens or Savannah, nnd the public generally! that, by various arrivals of steamers and sail vessels, they hove received n largo and splendid 8lock or Goods, suite ablo for Fall and VVlntor trado—such as: ALPACAS, CASHMERES, MUSLIN DE LAINE8, BOMBAZINES, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, • SHAWLS, BILK AND VELVET MANTELS, of all colons and of the latest and most approved patterns Ate.. A Stc. They also have received a largo stock or S1LK8, which surpass any other over brought to tills place, as well In the quality and patterns as in (be prices; a great assort ment of WHITE 4c EMBROIDERED GOODS, such us Collars, Cuffs, Cape*, Cans. Handkerchiefs, Sleeves, add Chemisette; together with all other articles usually kept to a Dry UoodsStore. Bssomnem or „ , , House-keeping Goods, Consisting of Shirtings, Sheetings, Tablo Linen, Napkins, Towels, Pillow-Case Linen. ctc n etc.; and also to their extensive variety of Flannols. Blankets, Kcrsojs, Satinets, Tweeds and Casslmeres: and invite all who wish to pur chase to come and examine their Stock, which will be ■old at tha lowest rates. , EINSTEIN 4c ECKMAN, 13 151 Congress-street. NEGRO RROGANS! NEGRO BROGANS I npHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of Fao- JL tors and Planters to his very extensive stock of Ne gro Brogans and Women’s Leather Boots. Tlioso goods have been selocted expressly for this market and are warranted the best stock and workmanship. n« is con fident that a fair trial of his stock will Insure satisfaction and a continued patronago. ills goods are alt fresh and terms/air. W. HEIDT.' Gibon’s Building, formerly occupied by Messrs. E. F. WkkI&Co. oct 2 CHURCH AND PARLOR ORGANS. r piIL Subscribers, agents for Mr. H. Knzurr, Organ A builder, are prepared to furnish any description of Church or Parlor Organs. As a specimen of his Instru ments, reference Is mode to the organ recently erected by him to the Lutheran Churchof this city. Parties desiring information on tho subject can ascertain all necessary particulars on application to F. ZOGUAUM 4tCO- luly 13 Whltaker-aL, one door east of Bryan-aL PIANO FORTE DEPOT. Tho undersigned respectfully inform tho citizens of Savannah,Georgia, and Florida, . _ that they have on hand more than fifty Pi anos, tho largest stock ever on sale In this city, and made by Uic most celebrated manulhcturera In the United States. Nunn’s Sc Clark’s, J. Chlckering, Boordman Sc Gray. Lut- chet Sc Newton, Edwards 4t Fisher, all well known, to tha lovers of Music, have placo to their large assortment. These Pianos are of rich tone, and beautifully flnisued in Rose Wood, Blnck Walnut, and Mahogany, with Iron frames made In the most substantial and workmnnUko manner. Also tho J ustly cclobratod zEolinn Plano Fortes, which, for their sweetuesaond tone, have not been equal ed. All these Instruments have metnllo frames, which render them peculiarly suited for this climate, preventing the necessity of tuning for years. The undersigned are agents for Henri Horz’a celebrated Grand Pianos, made In Paris. For power and beauty tone, they stand pre-eminent. CatUcart’n fflelodcons. This beautiful toned wind Instrument, for village pur poses, Lodges, Serenading Parties, and the private prac tice or Organists, possessing a sweet and powerful tone, they have also for sale. AU ofthese ir- * accommodaUm from 8175 to 8- Jan 20 ■ L W. MORRELL Sc CO. a also ior saie. huso Instruments will bo dlsposod of on the moat bating terms. The prices of the Pianos ranging PIANO FORTES. The Subscribers, sole Agents for A. Sto- Jart aud Co.’s and J. B. Dunham’s Piano i • x . .-Fortes, are always supplied with an as sortment of theso favorite aud justly celebrated Instru ments. For durability, they can bo folly warranted, whilst their superiority of tone and touch Is evident and acknowledged by the most casual observer, as weU as tho critical connoisseur. The Ladies are respcctfoHy In vited to view theso Instruments; and an arrangement having been effected with one or our most eminent Pi anists for tho purpose, they cau also be euabled t9 Judge of the tone. F. ZOGUAUM Sc CO., Market-square. gy Second band Pianos taken to exchange—also lined and repaired. Jan 20T HACKNEY COACH. Tho subscriber respectfully informs .the public, and strangers to town, that he has [ust received an elegant now Hack, called the “LADY I1ENTZ,” which Is on entirely new principle, as regards accommodation, safety. Sic. Ho will always keep a flno pair or Horses attached, and ready for imme diate service. Orders should be left at Gas’s Livery Rta- blc, at the head of Broughton-street—WarnoFa old stand, oct 4 tf JOSEPH KIRKLAND. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION BETWEEN AMERICA AND EUROPE^ J OHN HUNTER, Agent to England of the New-Yorfc Associated Press, respectfully begs to announco to the mercantile and business community that TELE GRAPHIC DISPATCHES, to and from any part of Great Britain, or tho Coutinent of Europe, will be pupeUpdly forwatdod, lfconflded to bis care. Dispatches should be forwarded In envelope, unsealed, and addressed “ Telegraphic.” Agouti. In Liverpool.—3. Hunter, 2 Paradise-street. 7n Halifax.—TL Nugent, Editor of the Bun. 1 In Uoeion.—W. O. Blanchard, office of the Malt In New-York.—D. H. Craig, offlee of the Associated Press, 3 HanoveMlreet, up stair*. n Ik Philadelphia.—W. W. Fulton, Ledger Buljdtog. In Baltimore.—O. C. Fulton, Run Bullying. ' ' * Fhr Charleston, S. Augusta, Savannah, fo.—A.* Carrot), Courier office. Charleston, B. <3, In New-Orleans.—E. Fuller, Merchants’ Exchange., In Louisville.—J. W. Clarke, Courier office. In Cincinnati.—R-Smllh, Merchants’ Exchange. In Buffalo.—A. D. Levlen, Commercial office. Correspondents In Europe should, to Inzwe prompt ness to the delivery and transmission of dispatches; for ward tholr communications forthe United States through' tho Agency at Liverpool. By ao doing, tlpJr dlspatdlee, will be transmlUedover the wires In advance ofall other K rlvute communications, on tho arrival of the stcomerit at lallfax, Boston, or New-York. nessin the transmission ofdlapt ,... _ moue, wm b. « bHTERjTelegnij , Wo 2 Paradise-street,‘Liverpool, England, and General Agent In England for the Line of Telegraph between Halifax, N. B^anfi New-York. To tho Citlseena of Sbuth«GiuroUlUl« Georgia and Alabama. The nnderalgnou, having been appointed, c Agents, under, tho above arrangement, begs respectfully to tender hi* services In forwarding message of Groat Britain or tho Continent of Buropi neaa entrusted to bis care, promptly attended to., Where tho parties are unknown, * reference, to'somo mercantile house to this diy will be Invariably required; All wromutilMtlon* —blew wlU:b« re8uil#M:t*rtair- nmuwtlbl, sbo.uM. bo OAnnoLL, , :Courier office, Charleston,. upon ©Very disposition being evinced to re toy or* should BteT. rW'l»ro aflyhud In Liverpool or inis city. Charleston, 8.0, November 0th, 1