Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 27, 1852, Image 1

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MHfMMNiSWII VOLUME L. ii - SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY HORNING, NOVEMBER 27.1852. rrtf iTFfr NUMBER 283. IS PUBLISHED daily and tbi-wekkly . by J- L. LOCKE & CO. miv and County Frlutors. TERMS! 7" p.«er SB, Tri-Weekly SB, Per Annum. • In no esse will an ordor for tlio paper bo attended lo5uu&> accompanied with tho money, or a aatlsftctorjr ft*"®** ADV KRTI8IN0 RATES! j iHrertlMinenls Inserted at the following rates*— , A “ Ten rna OHS tWJM Of TEH LUtaS^ . ^ “ Ma £Sn roa one aquAaa or OD«ln«rtlon....JOcta. ’7V85 S. Four Two • “ ,.,10;' Three 8bf f «00 O110 Year ...310 00 ^iL^TUeWFofjcSSiy adrertlieri wilt b# oonflned jJmwu, theirregularbnilnes8,aml all other advert!*©- gJJJ not pertaining to tbeir regular business, as agreed adrertlMrs exceeding In-Utehr advertisements IhaaTcmge numbor of llnee agreod fofj Will bo charged “ff^Saarirs^RTs wnt 1* ixisetsd oratdi* ggffigE -ylUjqntdlr S^'untllordered 1 to bo dlsoontfil, and charged so- • • n ?tfl lettersdlrectodto this office, or tho Editor^ ■nn«t be post paid, to entitle them to attention. - v n—Each Citation bythe.Court ofOrdlnary, that n ffi P b» JBxeeidors and AdmlnUtrators tbr Debtors uKwUtor* t» render lu.tholr accounts, must be pub* Sro^ffiho.niofuo'to lb. n»raU,^^._ _. T SSKClIo ule trn bjb <UyU nlid, imlMl .0 H^uftttrt£o r «*ta l ^S*?^* ecu * or * ,u * < ^ Admlnlatn SSttwSM SSptlSu... _eii, E ft,Harden, Jno. Hamlet, Geo John W Ibly, John LXhiyWm Ihly, Brien III and. < George Jones, JaaO Jones, Jas M Jones, DO James! .Alexander Johnson, JaaTJones. JD Jesse.-Thos Jones Edward Jones,:Josi Jobnston^Peter Jaeobs,.John u Johnson, Christian JogateUer, B8 Johnson, 0 H John* son. Emanuel Joseph, J R Johnson, A E Jones, Johtt l Jackson. Bulloch Jackson, Nloholaa Jeffreys, Robl Peytan^ Johnson, Jm^ Ja^n^fflg?JMkin C . kCnS * < K* Fred Krate, Harmon Kuhlman, Wm H Kelly, Phlltln Kolb, Dodrick Kattenhnrn,P M Kollock, Earn Kent, N ft napn. JaaKlng, John Kennedy, Dr N Kohlhouso, James Kerr, Peter Krauss, Gefort Kerk, James Kennedy, Johtt •'illy,Daniel'Kaln,Hanford Knapp, A J Karu, Edwin tapp, J F Klrby,Nicholas Kcrloy, Robert Knox, Fred* !ek Krenson, Peter Krlno, Louis Ketnpr, A G Kennedy, L Kent, Louis Koeael,Thoa Keaton, Jas Kirkland, At* .. jd Kent, Phillip Kean. D O Kauffo, Wm Klne/ Ed* ward Kean; Edward 8 Kerapton, John Keegsh,Chaa . tt Knapp, Wm F Klng,-Nlehoua • Kelleher, Jno J Kelley, ThosU Kroegor. „..• :-v • j ' CAL Lamar, Thos E; x>gan, Jos Llppman, John p,DP Landershlne, [rld.^John Lyons, ° Z,ist of VMers, S EC. 2. Bi it furlkir' tMcttd bf the sattsrHf V <*• the State of Georgia Ibr one year. Immediately prooodli ' ti,o oiocdon and within the corporate limits of KLeigh, John Larkin, llanrj LU Andrew Low, O D Lebey, Louis Let Lufburrow, Cliarles I»aw, Peter Loe Levy HUenihaL W W Llucofo, H F Paine Lovell, Wm E Lc— “ T ML Luf burrow, WIIH iawtotW Edward Lyncli I Lane,'James- Lauahlln, . r -Miraer, names n uog lobert A Lewis, A B Luce, J H Ladd, Jno Lama, , Lynch, IDLsRoehe, Peter Lawrence, -Michael Lavnn, Matthew Lynch, Root Lachllson, James Lachllson, Cat* par Leaser, James Larkin, Timothy Lsvsu;- O A La* toche, Robt Lunday, John Lawton, A J Lei Lewis, Wm H Lyons,-AntonloLoevenlo,'J G L ilobael Lynch, Pafk Laugblln, John H Loreless, Lockwood, Loom Lohmsn. ’ 1 " "Ilf.' ..Abraham Minis, .David Morris,. Jacob Mattsei, John naktn,' Thos 'McNlcholas, John Maaterson, Edward Maahan, Jeremiah McCarthy, John McHue, Wm MorrelL G Mebrtens, Robt McIntyre, HO Mehrtens, Jno D Mai* letL Jos Mordccal, Michael McGrall, Thos Murtaugh; Lcandcr Moore. Blathlaa H Mycr, Peter Mcaullllcuddy! 811 tester- Manning, M Marsh. Jaoob Miller, JnoMurchl* sop, Jno Montmollln, Thos Maher, Thoa McAulltr, Jas NcFcely, n W Miscall/, II W Mercer, O A Magill^Wn* Meredith, E T MoGratf. Thoa McCollum, II Morce, Wm -ooodlng jvaunafi roroMmonth Immeduieftrpreoedlitg thelr'regldraUon aod coutlnue so to do ‘ up to the Umo of election, who hare attained the sgo of twenty-ono years, hare paid all eltr taxes or hate In their own light sufficient real estate to itUsiy any tax executions which may bo against them, who lure made all returns required by the ordinances of the city, and hare been registered according to tho pro* rUkuu of this act—Extras*/ran Ms RigUtry Lato. Adolph Abreharos; RobortAdami, John SAchord, Geo , Aih,r W ArcrSjaMJ WAndereon,MathIaa Amorous, B Ash. Stewart Austin, David AmhamrglS AruoWj A Aih,l — 0 B Ash, Stewart Austin, Ge6 Alexander, Jno WArtdCrson^P 1 '.. Aostln, George Armsbong, J*meS AJjdCrron, W' V N Armstrong, RF Akin,- Pena Armlet, R D Arnold, Thos AdtravH O AodersomjMchard Abercrombie. J. 8,An* ■ dsrsoiw John-Anglum, H G W Alexander, John Allen, i James Ahern, R A Alien, WILAdama,'' i James Ahem, R^| ConradByck,Blehard BurJro,.Michael Boylan, B W| Anthony Basler.Saul 8 Box, Joa H Baldwin, Isaac Bran* n gHelgsmond Uerg, Honry Ilemurs, N K liarnuin, Wmi ■■rauUoy, Robt Ulake, Wm Burke. A P Bennett, Wm I Tib lack, Velix Bosysson, Gilbert Uuller, Thos Bourke. Etceork Dee, J RftelfcullleH JL, B Byqlt,; A Borohjart, ' Wm Basalnxer. Patrick Buiko/, PJi Behn, Henry.Betto* man, Thos w B Bealle, Wm J Butlpeb,' Patrick Bradley, Henry Burt, EH Bacoo, 8 P Bell, Wm J Baud/, HL -BynLG A BoufeuiUet, Jno G Bryan, Thomas U ftarretl, SMiHilBiB ' 3aUougMVtd D Brown, A T Bowne, Jos H Uurrough|J Jno Bennott, Louis Barei|eld, Joa - BancroR, Thaddcua ■ Baldwin,Pslrick Buiko,GL‘Blount. JnoNBarbe^Jss Brown, O W-'Brueiif Moaos Black, H L 8 Bunts, Thoa B Bailor. W U Bulloch, R M Barthelraesa, Henry W Bmf- -sullett, P A Biota, Henry Brigham, W 8 Brantley, G W . Benton, M J Buckner, John >ir lfoston, B M -B Burroiuna, Doanls Blaunerhasselt, D II BaldWlm Wm' C Barton, Mlffi John 0 lllance, Theodore Blola, William Blols, Wm ll sou, P T Broughton: H 8 BMLWH Bradley, L SgtaMM JasBolbo, WmBalley.FH Blols, J H Buckner.^ Wm'H Cuvier,'John Oooper, 0 A cloud, P L donatan* Cabbage, David Cohen, John Cleary, Jos V Oonnerat, Allen Cullen, Obas Copper, JaaCleary, Barnard Oonstoo* Use, Thos W Cooper, John Olanc/. John Carstens, T W-. CoruWell, Jos 8 Carruthew,'NicholasCruMr, Wright 0 U Carapdold, Francis T Cole, John Curry, Thos Clarkl I John Oardell, Jss Connelly, John Oarruthers. Frederldc,' OooL Emanuel Cnnwnller, Luke OhrlitW'JwfOampbelL EraaUamplieldt Jno D - CharltonijJno G Cooke. Edmupd OoUer,- Montgomery Cumtnlng, H E Cpurter, Jos Clsg-i J»o Cunningham, Carl CniR, Wm Car* W.O Charlton, 8 J M Cubhego, Mowa L " y Capon, H M Colding, Frciler- ^^^ummlnB, horn;JohnC son,BLCol ..... Jno J Cornell,-Wm Con- Champion,. A H Champion, Jno W h Cranston, Charles Can* i, John-F-Oardell, nlffi-Thda Conway, S Cohen, D B Camp, Octavus Cohen, J P Golfer, h Gypthus, Patrick Clark, Jno M< Cody, Jaa Clag. Wm OSnnon, Charles Oler, Augustus Cannon, Pat- aSia m Bartow horn, Wm'Cahnon,Charles Cler, Auguatu> CannonTHB (^aup, ,Wm L Clark, DDCppp, John D .Cole, OoroeUm K Convor, Thomas Corr, Bryan Connor, James E Cope, L O Clirk,'George Clark,' Wm' P’Chirk, John AChsm- bcrs, VVm Colter, Laurence Connell, Frederick Cullen, John.-F. Cercopely, . George Causec, B II Crandell, F ^A||||||mia|M|^A|tftaugh, .Martin Conway, D . John Doyle, Wm O John Donnelly, Wm fllll, lUIGIWI JSUUUOU/, .DUD uuunoiljj TT III >n, Morty Dorgan^ Wm 11,Davis, Wm Dixon, OhesIoy Dugger, Jaa ll Domund, JosDaprspn, Oil, Jno Downing, J E D&vla, H J Dlckernon, no Dnlloy, Wm VBevl DolbltL AO paveaport, Isaac Davis, Henry Dnnnenfelsor, Jno D Del- ' K ®?! 1 ‘S sr » John Doyanmr. John DOble. R H Darby, Jaa M, poyw, James Downey.’Wm H. Dunning Jr. HennrJffiB blgnon, James DoyleyMartlnDunnMWi^idleyDd Sore<S3iS««2 01 IhiMn,'Dudley 1 ^sher, R W Dasher, luel L Dowell, John Dry* [dsph,yhpsFIfoalpls, Michael in, Richard Ennla., Abraham, sona - r.Toraru, >Vm Elloby, Thoa Eden, 0 V ’ t joh n Foley, 1 Thos Ford, Jos .S Fay, Wm ‘ ‘ “ “ Dutaud-FtigusoiW illigant, Jaa FaN ^P'^psrdt. DomlnlckJEga^r • John ! 12.« ^ *MIohaeTFay,o!w J. Fulton, JMob Jnmes FounbilL. r . JFerrell, Jno O H Wn,Tl%L »| £d|ejr! Fnlrchficl, Jaa FmH folker. Green'Fleetwood, - Goo*V Fahn,-Leonard iwi Pray, JoromUTi flSJlnj. WmPl.ldfng, I « Oraiin, E W M dl fspueS . • * n ^•Harris, P D Hellibelm, John Ifm ... yORHell* Cd-Harria, Martin. ind, I. 8 Hart, -M - —, DarJd Harmon, MOHetdd, nliorslmm, Jos Hunter, HNHsr- i P HuntorflO IV Hardcaatlo, Wn^ Hun Thos White, W II Williams, J.T . John Wlckam, Lemuel. Wliion, -Wra- P Wylly,' John Wilder, JuH Walthour, -Christopher. Wllgsn, John RnfimVVaroer^ ° VVUUa,M0D » l,enr 7' 'Vmiamson, .l^V. r | , | W A ?M g£ 1, t « Y » W WAT < E*i •au Michael Moalh, Thomas Ms i, B 8 Millar, T J McNlsh,Johu nagh, Patrick Maslerson, John -.IsaacMinis, Edward MoCabe, Myers, Henry MorpkhardfL hon, Patrick McGovern, 8 Mahoney.'John McGanag.., _ , Mallory, James J MoCoy, Isaac Minis, Edward MoCabe, G Murklns, 8 8 Moody, Dennis McGuire, Lawrence Mc Kenna, Neylo McHue, J II Mehrtens, M B Mycr,Thomas McKenna, John Miller, Jacob Manke. Edward MoUraw, Bartholomew Molnarne/, John Mtilery, Luder Mohr* » A F Mira, Fabian MjerholTer, G a Miller, Johi in, William B Moll, James WMorgan. Michael ft ' John W McKoy, O F Mills, Wllllnm E Mongin, D J JssG.Metl Charles M Patrick McLaughlon, F W McCarthy, w II o Mills, Jno McMahon, Jno F ftlollegan," Jas ftlatthows, Isaao Marsh,ThosftladdemJohnMornn, FA Maddox,8olomon Mayer, E M McDonnell, Wm Morel,Jno Muliun, Jno R “layer! Thos G Mooney, M O Norland, Jaa McDouald, T Maxwell, N W Mfel&od, AlCx ftlcllardoe, Jno T Mltcfw ell, Fredk ftlundorr, II K Muntfbrt, Jas ftlcBrldo, W J McIntosh, Sami H Rlorcl, Jeremiah McCarthy, Wm Mo- Carth/, A N ftllller,Thos MolL H P Miller, IW Morrell Jaa Mcintlro,Danl McCarthy, M H MoLcod, JarMcCann Jas ftlcCanna, Thos Meekv Edward Mnllegan, John Mo Aullffi Archibald McAlUsten li.m -- Geo B Nlciiols, L P Nlcho1*,Jos Ragle? No vlllNcyle, Jno Nell, J,0 Ncldtllngcr, A A Nungazer; J R Norton, Jacob Edward Nugent, Sami Nuttman, Jas A lerlotc Noltemon, Jno O Nlcoll, Thos M Nor- Norrls, Frederick NoUemen, JnP O NloPU, Thps 1 WoodOGhwNflWtand, JgmesNpldtUnifer. Wm*» ? -. . ; 0, John W Owens, Geo W Owens. Daniel O’Connor, Tlra O’Brien, Owen OIRourkivIohn F tFB/rnc, Dsyld O'Con- u w rtln Paviotu Antoni- ’ Barn’ll Porter, ia aon?VohTiVerricldl Jolm - Phc7«n, Jno p Powell. Ju i’ron. !$>rn»|k.l Pltlrann, E J Por«, doors. Parsons, It D Papot, M Prondorgaat, Edw.rd Padolford, BooVEdwemPLlolrord, Jr n ;Tho. Pldaeoa. Tho. S PIu- Jno PpBUgJo. W Phlllln., J.raci Pninlr, J M Palin, Marcna M Pook, Patrick PHco, o UPudor.-rtim Praoder, Q, - Jas Qunntook. John Quinn, Martin Quinn, Wm Quinn, Wm Quantor,k,Jr. .wm si. ™ unty, Andrew U Pacotty, Edwin Parsons, E’ lslia Par. ns, Jno Poolo, s d Pnncost, Owen Palonon. O D PaUcr- ■■Mho Perdcld, Jolm Phelan, JnoFPoweM|yj||jre Booho, Barony Baden, Psl’k Kysn. Wra^ Jno O Rowland, Michael B liter, Edward RelUy, Daniel Robertson, Wm Kernyhi W Rabuu, Joa Roes,. Francis Ryan, J B Rlpley, J omahart, Robt Halford, H W Raiford, Mathow ltulfo fosept , Wn Ral- sassas Geo Roberta, Tobias Rothleter, F A Robcre, G S Roux [F T Ron; M J Reilly, James Russell, m Is A BoullanL Wm 8woll, John A Schaffer, John I Pcuddcr, Rlch’diSmyo, Henry Btsrii^M|a|ii|M Christopher Sshnoldcr, John A Stl Emanuel SheflaU, UarmanlBllbcr, I cal ShcftalLj Andrew SteafValcr,.John Savage, J 8 Solo- mons, Fretfk Bchertr. A A Bmela.W R Symons, Thos Sullivan,GeoBnaUhqtt JnoGSexton, AJ08b«w, J». cob Bhaflbr, MSnefllalWsr^GJ Spencer, Sami Solomons, ■M Scrl ven, John Spellman. D It Btowort, John Bulllvan, Ihaffcr. Wm II Smith, John Stoddard, Ephraim Bcud- L Bnm’l S Sibley, Anthony Sogur, JasShcn, Pat’k KS^a'i^LWnarMaSn'a Lewis Smith, 1 Jacob Schafferr ITjotnaB^underi, John Stevenson, G N Staley, Thos Smith* G J;8mllhi Jno Sul-1 llvnn, JamiwSulllvani Walter W8mltb,'Ge6Bhhlt*iP P ■trobharL - Jaa J ■ Stokes, Geo 8hute,-Hnrtnon Sangstock, Symons, F R Bwea^ Edmund J-Baundom, Edwin Btiles, J M Solomons, Augustus 8choldoman, Dennis Snlllvan, Daniel Sullivan, M J'Solomons, MBhehan, Dennis Sulll- Ivan, Barney Smith, Henry Bttbb*, Jas It Hhohan, Valen tino Want""; John' Sherlock, Loyal 1 Scranton, Martin Shannon, Joseph Snlllvan, Joa F Stoke^Phlllp Smith. Jos I MShellman; James M • Strickland,^Timothy Sborrodan, Thomns Smith, Wm Starr, Jr, II11 Sc ran ton, Jaa Sherd*, man, Conrad Schblneldor, Goo Stevenson, Richard Stele, John Shields, Nelson draltMS 6 SpeUlser. W W abblns, t Patrick-8klnne Spann, John B. Solomons, Thos Scully, S^mwranVWm Saunden^Julius.SmlUi,H R 8efley, Christopher Smith. •/ '. Win H Tarver, John V Turyer, Geo W TUcolmb; Wm H T^son; John Thompson, Patrick Tidings, Barnard G nideOj'Fra’sTiwjWl Thompson, Jno FTui impson, Patrick 'ftrdlngs, Baroaid itMId A FTortay, P O Thomas,; W -l —HuiupwwiHWHH - Tucker, A Tatblrd, Fras Tratiteii, J. L Tembroke, James ThurmalL B-T Turner, WmThotriss, O B TeffUDdward Townsend, B T Thens, A Thomas, W P Tetn, Marlon Threadersfl, Jno II Thode,- H J Thomas- .^Tbode; R V Thomas; Richard- ehnfG soiTforabs,’W fl'Ttlblrd, J tE >Taylor, John o Thomas, John Trumfler, IKTeffi, JasP^l^%orM ^er.-F' A-flPuober; CbasThompsoh, H JTIodemail,Davld Thomp- apron, ..... Wm U Talblrd Jr, Jno J Theus, J Techonof, WmsTiy- p.Tiylor, Jtl ThomMii B Thompaon, ‘ Chriallaa UabaK PhlllpUaHr. Wu^m^Edmnn^W*’ 1 *" - * J w »n» Jn»MWii«n. n Offers Ills services to the e!| Ish Designs, Specifications! Private Buildings, and to sij their erection. Designs for the Fronts of i Ml Fillings, carefully attend Office InBorePs Building,! TiAiuiWli JBitOliunn fflat-SM. ^^oiA. b'ua GENERiL > COMMISSION Uovl3 Sarannali, Cjcoryln. L IBERAiTAbVANCEa miKle upon shlnmonti _ : Cotton to my frelndsln Liverpool and New-York novI8 : 8m ^oTAiL.LAMAB. IjENTISTky.' 1 H • J . 'E O T A-X4 Ii", ' u ,, , SDBOICAl AND BECUAIVICAIi BEKTIST, Broughton*atreet, ffsatt Sidt, near Whitaker, Savannah* nor 10, JL. DR. IVUDMAk, Praotico of Medicine and Surgery, : RuUenca and CJfita—Vo, 90 Abercorn, comer of Sonth • I j. Broad-streets. ' Unr “ f 40, BB S’irj.y! IK- YORK, • DRESS UfAKBR. ' Impolrtor of French Patterns*. octM—3mo ~QBIFFIJf A GORDONt — _ , iV ATTORNEYS AT LAW* ’ Office in the second story of tho new Custom House, ovci thomaln entrance. • aoaaaTn.oairrtK. -XJyai-flmo] oeo.a.eo»pow. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS The underslSrfMv? '1 them Bow a General pled by Holt fc Dothwbll, and have •elresaajjartnara, under the name am JtSi 1 * for the purpose of tratu Commission and Factorage Business. «'• T * ■oTBwau.. [auggl—3mo] thos. a. switb nxitav a. roar. T . jl ouauaii FORT A: DtJNUAn, 1 FACTORS. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS.' oct7 SAVANNAH, OA. • ly ! Th,.Dod.SSSffl; will attend to „ corner Bay and lowaco. William D. Fhhiwq. 1 1 -J 1 ? *4lhIhepractlcoofLaw, inen entrusted to Uieircar«.,i Office takeiHM, over Messrs. Swift, Den* JnnwM.Mit.Etw* A. M. to 3 P. M m and P. ftf. to O P. M. Jau31 H.T,,oaa«K\YOOD. JOIIAB-Moatfs, iOHW J.StDOWAT. GREENWOOD, MORRIS k RIDQWAY, COTTON FACTORS AND COITIMI8SIOIV ItUBROBLANTS* No. 47 OARONDALET-STREET, Ma. Mnaats will remain at Montgomer^ Alabama, and all orders for tho purchasing or Cotton, or any other »'p‘sr»?:as,. our “ re -* 1 ££ pi *“> wifi norO-tf OBEEEWOODi MOBBI8 A BIMWA FACTORS &COMM NnmioS’jIt’RCHANTS „ _ SAVANNAH,OA. P. H. Bann, John Foster, i«i-OT SaTtnnaIu 0 from Hancock county Inly83 m -wftn—ly ' • mlivKEu A mjvd commissioJmKKKKKIRV MgO Bar*el.,SayanMah. 8HIPPINO AND COMMISSION wp!4 No. 90MMay. CHANTS mnkh.. Offers his profosslpnal services to the citizens of Sevan Mb and Its-vicinity. Residence—corner of Congress ant Bull-streets, over the Drugstore of W. W, Lincoln, fob 3 . ly. IIMMIV SHIPPING ‘ July 31 AND* CmftfllsfoN^E&C^/iNl’. SAVANNAH* GEORGIA. GENERAL Savannah- JOBW T.KOWLAWD. uftowLAwn. • fanggq^-jottgAowlawp, jr, CmO^AND^J^ilsSION^miSIfANTS, Broad-ltreett AUguildf Ga, . References!—If, H. Cummlng, .E*q n Mosus. J. Ct Carmichael, Baker & Wilcox, .Baker»k. Hart; Hand,' Williams It On, G. T. Jacks^Scranton, Stark It Da via; Hopkins, Kolb & Co- Augusta; A. H.:Abrahama,Gharte*- ton,S. C.j prlgham, Kelly It Co., John iLama, Savannah; novel) ,/ •• .. .^.-v( , . . ly 1 COOK ds KfONTFOHV* ATTORNEYS AT-LAW, Office at Oglctherpcf Gm Will practice in the Counties of- Macon,-Marion, Craw* (brd, Sumter, Houston, Dooly, and,Lee. References!—Messrs. Roberts, -FooteIt Marshall;8a-- vannaht Wlnthip it.Sons, Macon, -“iiy-■ Jan £0 JNO. F. IffAflllljTON* FACTOR and commission MERCHANT, No. 88,Hayat-, Savannah, On. . Tho servioea orMr. 0. F. Hamilton, (long, knowni to. the pubUq M seller of Cotton and country Produce— purchaser of Groceries, family supplies, secured. Prompt and strict attention will have been, _iron to any business onnOded to fhe care of the above Houso. v The ftllllodgovllle Recorder and Macon Jonrnal. It Messcngor. wBl please insert .4 months, and send bills .to this office, 4mo aug31' CAI/VIN FAY, Architect. Respectfully tenders his services to the citizens of Savan nah. Ho will at all-times be resdy to fUmlih PLANS . and DR A WING8 (brail; descriptions of Buildings, and Office opposite Pulaski House, over Hoy wood’s shop.- ly sept 11 ;#A< fob‘5—ly 88.BmY-84rnn^ iHANT, r ANNAHi GA OAS FITTING, TIN tt COPPER PL A TE WO R JT, trc. U.ORAN8TON, AT NO. 01 BRVAN-STRRRT, NEAR TIIR PULASKI OOOSB, Will perform wlthprompIneM and In tho best manner, all work relating lo Gas Fittings, Brakings; work in Tin, iron, and Copper Plato.Jy aug85 CONTRAOTOR^AND BU&iDKB, ! No. fi Jonos-atreetf , ITWO DOORS BAST OP. DRAYTOIMTRaRT.1 Is prepasod to contract for all klnda of Building and Rop drlng. Also—To conduct Water through the various partaol Houses. ■ ■ oct 13 . attoSneyat^laV, AND SOLICITOR GENERAL. E. Office over the storo of A. Slovens, Jr* Wbltal mar 80 ■ ■ M AST J$!*vYESl B R, rDeoler in WlzttePlnoXwrabor* ' TOax-aTaaaT,' ooLBTiioRra-aquARB. :N. B.—He Is prvparea to put in Iron Fronts to Stores, Ac, ' • Is apr-89 Executed wlthj IK AND JOB PRINTING h neatness and dispatch, and op acconuno- , oEoiiojs^t. nIo^ols, Owens’ Buildlnfff opp. Pulaakl House.. g3T Orders from tho country, with tho cash enclosed, wlUbe attended to promptly. Jan 13 FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 04 Ilay-at.t Savannah. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH-SCHOOL. :G. A. HOIaCOIGHE. OASTON-STUEET, (NEAR THE PARK,) • sept 97 savannah, oxo. Nl—3tawCmo W * t *^E?-AW NS ’ Onthbert. Randolph Countr, Gn, • Ills terra of office as Solicitor General of the South western Circuit having expired, he will give his Individ ual and undivided attention to all business of a profes sional and-legal character entrusted to his care In the Counties of Randolph, Stewart, Lee; Baker and Early., January Btli, 1B38... ly ’ Jan 15- JOHN J. BYRD* AUCTION AND COMMISSION- MERCHANT, Augnsla, Georgia* aarxRMNcxs! Savannah—Anthony Porter, Prea’t. State Batik, Chaa. “ “ >H/J, ;^l2uESr»SSibaa. WtSSaton. PreVt -— Imn* - Auousta—Dr. G, M. Newton, Prea’t Br. 1 Bank, H.' !^ r ‘ ' Tew ton, Prea’t Br.' Bank, H. W, Force, Conley A Co* John G. Carmichael. J.R. * dly July 10, FACT0R8^0MM?sfimi E MEROTANTS." ■TONE. ITABB . UO« - >. VO. 4t BKOAD traY. VE v-Ti>RK. LavtP. Stone, ) l II. Lanodon Hitler, 'Eli set StarN,’ l j Jon A J.Bboom. Henrt H. STOTisiURT,) 11 ly )M?34 wholesalCBealers" fiT dev goods, Til, June 14' GEORGE J.; Buaintei etacia. C1IARLEN ftliaiTli. Architect (FROM MNPON,) iept«8 of Savannah to fta* Estimates for Publloor ntend - tho same during as well as their Inter- pne flight of atalrs. " Factors and < No. 108. He B. I. HABDW1CK. . IIASUROU iTS IBrOSTESS ANP WUOI Si Earthen-Ware, *** ncrohantsy JOHN O. COOKE. 00* EDEALERS IN Looking Glasses. I manufacturer* j r; EAR MOVpMRNT-iqtfAUB. | ft! Hilary, Patent ^Ilc Hoots; Shoot- saa by the mostoxi>eri- j and. Brokets. nmm~Tj>TBrJ W RealEetott*Negroee,trany de riplion PertonaiPrtftrty, ftbo 0 " 10 '' HMjB *"-"*• i s. 8. MI!,LEBfclbi FEBQUSON, l»iroi,M. • . ■; lADAM niasteiu] ■ . naiT DOOR WEST 01 Will take contracts tor Bu or«rory description. _ . R. A J. I.ACHLI80N, ■' Engineers andffilillwvljrlatsy ^ IRON dr BRAStFOUNDERS* * Canal-Street-Near |h« CAnal Lock. JOHft J. MAUKICE’S i* LAOULtlON. B. LAOHUION. . '• Ai N. Engineer at. IRON AND B, KASTERN Wl A. POICE, Importer A Hannlaotnrer of Began, ■ . SO. 13 WmTAtRBaSTRNBT, Keeps on hand a well aeiefed stock of Imported I EASTERN PREMItM COOK STOVE. A-'wbew a large — tha'MttmMUfliStbrlM*whltt', __ ___ _ pans, ^Jtjron Phnips, Beer Pumps, Oast Iron Charcoal Burners, Laoe Iron*, Rerolving and Iyjw-handled Wzme ■>«« Dtroiure."n'd'.mVLC^rS !DWA&i -* !r ” B.H.™, 0,B« DUhro. cut* _ BRITANNIA WAREL^-IJsr Room Pitchers, Liquor Mixers, Segar Lamps, and a variety of BrilantUa Fluid Centro Table Lamps, Oamnbene Lamps, Oil Lampe^Brase and White Metal Candlesticks. .NNKD A PLAIN’TIN ^AREH-^mber PauTToUst Palfc WiimOoelan,Toilet Oaaea,Cash Boxeai m -_- and Robnd Boxes, Spiro Boxes, Basins and Plicbera, Mohuies Pots, Nursery Lamps, Glue-Drainers, Knfta id Spoon Boxes, Trays lS to 38 Inches, 8pltioons, FoorBaths, Ac. . rr; WOODEN WARE!—Mailt Wood Horses, Clothes Horse*. Step Ladders, Tubs;'Palls, Rulers, Meuures, Flout Boxes, Willow Wagons, Children’s Wlllow Chalrs, Brodies, Brooms, Ac. ! Sliver’s Fire and walerproof MINERAL PAINTS constantly kept on band;-alto, Camphene and Spirit Gas, iV All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Work executed with despatch. t7*Prtnied Catalogues nlay bo had on application; and forwarded post-free. JOHN J. MAURICE. nor 17 Salea Rooms, Nos. 10,19 and 14 Barnard-street, and 184 Bay-street. , nov3 ' epar. gars; dso Manufactured Tobacco, Snuff, Pit other articles usually keptlnhlsllno of * J he offon on the most rouomble terms. (fficwccat gltiterttnrmcnta. ATpmbib - i ~T: rplIE pbre?lte?wS* ret«lM]VoS?h?•’uaniion JL of toe public to his laigirand well aeleoled stock of Tolland Winter Maple and Fancy DryOwds. nsIsUDg iu part oft Blaek Ad colored 8llka, of a gnat variety; very rich erabroldfed Silks, or all patterns; Mantillas and Crape Bhawto ScotchWool Long do.; and square Plaid Shawls; Cashmeres; ftfouseltne do Lainesj Alpaocss, a great -Kristy ;• Needle-Work -Ool- hua and Oapea, of all patient; Cblmlaettes; Muslin and Lace Under-8leeveat Cambio Handkerchief*, from 13M ccnU to 9S a piece; Irish Lldms 5 Huckabacks 5 Diaper; French Towels-from 05 chits to 01 a piece; double Damask Table Linen; whltl and brown Napkins, a floo assortment; a very largo aaortraont of Gloves and Ho- alery,oi toe veiy bent makJ and style} English and A- merican Long Cloths; urdlecched do.: rich Damask Tablo and Pisno Corerst fasslraeres and Cloths, black and blue or erera quallt/t rich Veit patterns of all styles; Satinets; KentucW Jeans; Kerseys, a very large assortment; one of tho viry belt selorted slock or Blan ket* evor brought to this parket. CARPETING—Brussels 3-Ply, 9-Ply, All-Wool, a va- riet/of patterns; and. alto, Cotton Carpeting. N. B.—Clothing at whobuleonly. Country merchants voulddo well to call- ftelbre purchasing elrowhore, u tho goods shall be sold 1* w and on toe moat acoommoda- Ung terms. (octf) JOSEPH L1PPM AN. jrei/quallty ^ „ six alflbrant Departments, each one containing a rich' and frill 1 at Department. Oontalna Frock and Dress Coats of every quality, from Frock ■ l £d*mt»OMU, Olive, Blue, Brown and Green, from 07 to 091 Shad Felloes and Bnalneu Coats, a great variety, from 0310010. 1,000 OveH3oata. double and single breasted, aod double OYcr-CoalVfrora 03 to 030. Over-Goals, a splendid assortment, embracing Kossuth, from 018 to 030. 8,000 pair of Pants, of every quality and oolor, from 75 cents to 810. 1,000 Vests, of every kind. .2d Department. tains Famishing Goods of every description for Gen tlemen’s wear—consisting of 8carfk, Cravnts, Water ford Ties, Prinoe Albert Ties. Spring Stocks, ftferino Shirts and Drawers, Cotton do* Suspenders, Half Hose, Gloves of all kinds, best quality Jonea’Patent Yoke Shirts, a line assortment, Ac. 3d Department. Contains 800 suits of Negro Clothing for house or planta tion use. Hickory 8hlrts. Red Flannel do* Overalls. Canton Flannel Uudershlrta and Drawers. Price ol toll suits from 03,35 to 04,50. NEW FALL iND WINTBB HOODS!! Corner o hltakeMti,, 1 IAVANNAH, raw .lock ofFALL fc WIN* Cashmeres, French Do: Lalnes. Englsh Do Lalncz, BUof Silk, Colored' ; Silk, Black ; Alpacas,. Colored Alpacas,; Bomba sines, Datntsk Antique, English, French and! American CUtooes. EMBROIDERIES—Uaen Cambric, Cambrio Hand- kerchieft, Plato and Embroidered Handkerchleft, lloblnot Lacet, Bobl not Edgings, Collars and Cuflk, Habits and Under-Sleeves, Black Lace Veils, Blk Orapei Colored Grape. hosiery & LINENS—A large and well-selected stockpfGloYsa,Lriab Linens, UnenDiapersarid^ ..tucky Jeans,- Red, While, Blue and Yellow Flan nels, 10-4 and U-4 Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Pillow-Case Linens, and Quilts. . Country ftlcrchnnts, Planters, and othen,wlll consult i their Interests by examining our stock before purchasing., ISTAU we zudc-lsia .visit from those desiring to pur chase. We feel confident-thit the quality and prices ol our Goods will command sales ppou our terms: IN STORE FOR THE GENTLEMEN. J OHN W. KELLY, having returned from the norto with a handsome assortment of 'CLOTHS, CARS I- MERE8 and VESTINGS, takes pleasure In Informing his' friends, those especially who admires flnol/fitting gar- mont, to his saloon. No. 4, opposite the Pulaski House, where thoy will Arid him ready at all times to suit his pa trons in the most approved and fashionable manner, and bo ventures to assert, that'tboeo who will confide In his selection as to color, fabric, stylo or finish of a covering for the human form, shall go away satlsflod. Furnishing Goods—Shirts, white and colored, with and without collars; Under Shlrls;' ftlerino, cotton and lisle thread Drawers; Hosiery, Cravats, Scarft, Stocks, neck Ties, Gloves, 8uspcnders, Umbrellas, silk and cotton,do. Also, a huge lot of men’s and boya’ Caps, of the latest patterns. Also, a-One lot of beantlfol Ready-made Clothing, which 1 selected with great core. Gentlemen in want of any of. the above articles will please give me a call, as' I am determined to sell at a small proflt. [sept S5j JOHN W. KELLY. 8ARI’E HOYT; Late of the firm of Sam’l lloyt & Co, Savanoah, Ga. XTTOULD announce to his friends that he has reracr- . YY od to Charleston; S.O- No. 149 East Bay, where ho Is prepared to do a geuoral Commission business, and frirhlsb'to order, at all times, any articles from the North or8outh that may bo wanted; Tor the usutl commission, as well as receive and sell tho tamo. And I-pledgo my self that all business entrusted to- my care shall receive manifoslatlon;-or nee with —-TT-T to do aft well as any, uid better than many; Also Deder in- Butter, Cbeeeee, Plaster, Marble Dust, Cement, Lime and Hair. And Agent for sundry ftlsohlne Manufactories, North and South, as well as SllusO. Herrings'Fire Proof Safes, Geolgla and French Burt MIU Btones; all 'of which wlU ho furnished on short notice, and at manufacturers prices. Cash paid at all times for Wool, Green, Saltednud Dry HideeyDeer and Sheep Skins, Shipping Fun, Beeswax, Riup ta Rope Cuttings, Sea -Island Cotton Seed and Flor ida Moss. Also, Southern Tanned Leather In toe' Rough. Terms cash Invariably. Refers to toe citizens of Savan* PORTER’S EXTENSIVE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. HPHE subscriber takes pleasure In announcing to toe citizens of Savannah and the public generally, of the largest X arrival or Fall and Winter CLOTHING ever offered lo the Southern Slates. In tots establishment can be found every qualltyand style of Clothing to please the taste of the most flutldlous. This establishment Is divided into most fastidious. This establishment Is divided into assortment in their line. 4th Department* Contains a largo and well-selected stock of India Rubber Goods—consisting In part of Sack Coats, Wblte and Black Frock Coats nr two colors, Leggings, Slips, Cloaks, Firemen’s Coats, warranted to stand 980 de. greet of heat; Riding and Driving Gloves, Horse Co* vers, eto. Department* Contains Hats and Caps, floe Moleskin, a large assort rnent and latest styles. 1 Oth Department* THE BAZAAR. - ! This splendid establishment, on toe left wing of the mala Department, 60 feet deep, la fitted op, at a great ex pense, expnuly fw Ladles accompottled b/ their Children. Here will be found every quality ahd style of Children’s Clothing, and of the latest Paris ftshlor* * Cops, ana • GtnccatatrimrtrnrmtntB. fl. WEIGAND has opourd, under the Planters’ Hotel, a neat and comfortable Eating Room, with an excellent Kitchen and Cooking Range adjacent, aa a RESTAURANT. IIo has an excellent Cook, from Strasbourg, who will suit German, American aud French tastes. OYSTERS, FISH, MEATS—every thing thatlhls market affords,ear* be had In all styles, on short notice. Yoono Clkrki, and others, who have rooms In town, are Invited to try the European mode of breakfasting and dining at the Restaurant. _ Philadelphia LAGER IlEER, 8WI8S CHEESE and LINDBURGER CHEESE, kept always on hand for the nao.of families. oct 5 - philadelpihTlaoer beer. T'HE Subscriber respectfully Invites the publlo of 8a- X. vannnh |o teat the qualities of this flue Beer, from tho Brewery orftfessrs. Esaan U Wolf, at the Falrmount Water Works, noar Philadelphia. This Beer Is made ex- actl/ like toe,.Lhgtr .Beer\ot.Munich, In Bavaria. I ' contlnuo to receive constant supplies of this pur* vholesomc beverage, during theautumn, winter, and InttMJoWcountry^TtwIlIbo^TOld^toftunlllei lyl ; ^ ; H^RNY WEIGANJD CAEfET AND DLOOB OLDTH ffiKEHDUSE. Curtains, Curtain Cioadsi "*Ci' &C« See, ' JTo; 140.CoDgrew and No. 57 SL Julian-itreetf. 3 subscriber, knowing that tl. ,— ih bare foil a great Interest in toe establishing of a _ —, —_ j—_. that the citizens of earait* to bare felt a great Interest in the estat Warehouse, awaits'that ninny have been of the New 8tore, so that they •election of tho various articles for fur- aea, would respectfully Inform the pub lic, generally, that taswIRlhU dBy open the moat com plete assortment ot all the various styles or GOODS usually kept In similar.establishments. .The Stock of the dlffewat departments will Constat, In part, of the foL lEPARTBIENT- Brussels; Mocel-Brussels; and Brussels for Stairs; ‘!2OTW| OE Royal Velvet: Thptttry : Brussels; Velvet, Tapestry 'SaigMwPffa patiara? anh. l.l«.tTmporuUan ;"^Tor» ■old at wholeaaldor retail, on the-roost liberal terms. . W. i ,«o.i V n- ?U “" ' • and many other Goods, too nnmeious t this advertisement. ParenU a- J spcctfolly solicited to call, as 1 taken to add to the comfort ami convei chasers. 83TNo abatement from prices first uked.^EJ 8X. ANDBEV4 MALI., UltOLOMXON-STBEET, bavannaH, Oa,^ 5»cccf|gntrCfc. GROCERIES, EIOIJORS Sc WINES. T> ECE1VED by recent srrTrals; ll ISO bbls. Crashed, Powdered ahd Clarified Sugars; 25 boxes double refined Loaf do; 840 bags Rio Coffee, some of them prime; 45 do. Java do; SO hhds. Porto Rico and ftluscovado Sugars; 870 boxes Tobooco, 8V, 5’s and l’a Lump*; 45 packsgM superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Dlodom, Nectar, Vlrglnlu*, Ac. 100 boxes best Family Soap; 150'do. do. No. 1 -do; 114 half chests Blaek Teas, some of It very superior: 148 packages Hytou do* In and X CbesU; 150 boxes Tallow Candles, 8V and 0’s: 100 do. Star and Adamantine Candles; 150' do. Pipes; 75 do. M uitard; 50 do. gron’d Pepper 4c Allspice; 70 bbls; Sugar, Butter and 8oda Crackers; 875 do. Domestic Gin, Rum, Brandy aud Whiskey; 40 do. Old Mononga’a Whiskey,tome very choice; 15 hair pipes Otard, Dupuy at Co.’s Brandy; . ^Wasy*'*" 1 ’ —j—- M.4. -laIm rnUI 5 pipes bolland Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica and St. Croix Rnm; 30 casks Madeira and Tcneriffo Wines; 90 do. superlnroldMadelraand Sherry Wines; 100 baskets Champagne, Heldseclc, Hungarian, LIon,4co* Ac. lot) kegs and halves FFFG. Powder; 400 bags Buck and Drop Shot; 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 25 do. No. 8 do; 90 do. No. 1 do; 90 casks Cod Osh and Haddock; 30 half bbls. 1 It 9 Mackerel; 50 boxes Codfish; • 40 kills No. I Mackerel; With a foil supply or everything else in the grocery “ Um “ U 'i”^S.’N b /EEAT A CO. Uhrmu CABPE^SIl CAHPEXSIl! W E have This Day opened for sale, , a splendid as* sortmentof Carpota, Oil Glotlts, Hats, Ruga, Window Ourtabti, See. —OOXSISTinO IH part or- 20 pieces Throe-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 do. Brussels do. 40 do. Two-Ply Carpets 30 do. Floor Oil Cloth ' 10 do. Drugget 5 do. Felt Gurnet 5 do. Dutch do. 50 Velvet and Chcnellle Rugs 100 oommon Rugs and Mata , 100 pair of beautiful style Window Shades. Allortlie above Good* are offered at the lowestraarkct prices. For sale by [sept 29] AIK1N fc BURNS. Now Fish. BrC755T-TJrCg5TT7 2 AAA LBS. EPSOM.BALT8. -UUU 5,000 lbs. Copperas. 7 L000 lbs. Glauber Balts. 9,000 lbs. Putty. ' *■—1. Window Glass. Opposite St. Andrew’s II WINES. IinANDIEH, &c. T HE SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving In store a general assortment of the above articles, In cases,: consisting of: Pale and Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, SoraiBh^Wlra, j Holland Gin, Brown' do. 8touahton BlUera. Tlntllla do. Holland , 8touahton Bit—. “ Crown" and wetarT brands Champagne. jyThe ‘*11011110" Sherry Is highly recommended for limited number or passeugera,-persons who d— avoid crowded boats win Hod toe route a desirable and Invalids, who wish to spend the Winter amon; West India lslsnds, may And conveyance tn lhe COi ny’» Steamships, twice a month, between Jr—* following ports; In addltlon to those: Antigun, Guadaloupe, Ilarbndoes, Havana, Bt. Lucia, Oarriacon,- Honduras, ‘ St. Thomas. Carth age na, Jacmel, 81. Vincent, Demarara, Martinique,. : Santa Martha, Dominica, , Montserrat, . Tampico. GreUadaT - ^- CNevis, Tobwo. Grey Town, Porto Rico, Trinidad. .Vera Crus, , , .: . .... TUKKATBSOPPASSAOI Akat * From Bavanuah to Nassau.vlVAWi.V..*!.’*......030 Do. do. Inagua:......7^. 55 Do. do. Jamaica.... SO Do. do. Chagres.,.-; ...; 90 (Including Steward’s fee*0 and In proportion to tho other Islands. 15 do. Unsay Wootoey, 15. do. Red Flannels, 50 do. Brown 8hlrttags, 10 do. 44 Sheetings. 50 do. Heavr Cotton Osnaburga. 10 cases Bleached Shirting^ .40 do. Printed Calicoes, 10 do. Kentuck/Jeans, 900 dozen Head Handkerchleft, 500 do. Assorted Hosiery, 130 Congresutrect. nah generally. sept 4 HgftndL AND OBALRaaiN Fine Ready Blade Clothing* A RE NOW receiving their Slock of FALL-AND xJl .W4NfER GOODS, oonsistlng In part of: Blue, black morican uasauners, or niaorana fancy colors; vestings of Silk, Batin, Caslimcres, embroldors and rich Cut Vel vet. All or which will be made up at the shortest nntico and in the best style of workmanship. OurXIHADY MADE OLOTHIN0 Is uraiiufectnnxl at the well known bouse of W. .T.-Jennings fc Co* No/03! < Brwtaway, New-York, and Is equal to any In the clly.- We keep constantly on band tho, largest assortment of FANCY r GOODS- of an/ house fn-the trade, such as while and fancy colored Shirts; Silk, L1sl6 Thread and Gauae. MennoUnderJ3armente:'ShakerFlanneland^ joolored Kid' Gloves, (or-Alexander's make) 5 Stocks,' Scarft, Cravats and Collars: and,In foci, everything ne icessary to a Genticman’s Wardrobe. . For aale on aa ao eommodatlng terms as can be had In toe city, at ' GAUDRY’S BUILDINGS, aeptSl Next door to Pulaakl llouse. - fl citizens of Savannah,Georgia, and Florida. I that they have on hand more than fifty Pi- best stock over on aalo In this city, and made MgHlg^l States. | K oil well known to tho Plano Fortes, ... .^.J^flHWuhquld.. M Till these Instrumenu have -metalle frames, which rapder them.peculiarly suited for tola climate, preventing the necessity of tuning for yean,- , > -■ •: i The undersigned are agents for Henri Hera’s celebrated Grand Piano*, made In Paris,- For power andbeauty 1 :: ■ra. lK»aUrul lonwl.lirf ln«ruiH(avl,,for rtlUs. pm* Id art and Oo.’a and J. B. Dunham’s Pl» djHBfgobm _ r durability, they can-1* BWHi^B^BHWBfTWlW^^ww^fl^wanamcd, whilst their superiority of tone and touch UdrMent and acknowledged^ the mort casuM observer, as woMh the critical connoisseur. The Ladles, are reapcctndl] riled to view ais; L . „ iefld lnstrumeul*; and an Wlthohe bf bttt-m^- they bah kltd bb ei OJAVJKHtS ROBERTS 4c : FOOTE, , „ Broughton-atreet, lup atatra) ppponU the St. Andreufe Hall, H AVE now on hand a very large and well-selected Stock of DRY GOODS, which they offer for sale, by toe piece or package to the trade—consisting, In part, of P OolorodandlJUffen Blankets. Red aud White Flannel. Plain* and Kerseys, assorted quality. Satinets.and Kentucky Jeans. Fancy and Tweed Csssl meres. Striped and Plain Cotton Osnaburgs. Bleached and brown Shirtings and Sheetings. English Bad American Prints. Cashmeres and Printed DoLainea. BUbk and Colored Alpacas; Black add Colored Coburg*. With an additional general variety of Goods usnallykept In Dry Goods' Stores, which are offered for sale, at'toq usual accommodating terms. aept lo GROCERIES. A CHAMPION has In store and Is receiving the fob • lowing articles for city and country trade, which having been purchased for cash and selected by himself, enables him to sell on the most ftvorabte terms, vlxt 100 bbls. Baltimore and Canal Flour.' 50 do^ 50 do. Stuart’s Crushed and Powdered Sugars; 10 boxes do. Loaf . no; 10 hhds. Porto Rleo and Muscovado do; 50 bbls; Clarified Sugar, various qualities: _ 25 boxes Cheese; 100 boxes and hairdo. SoapjJ 50 do. Sperm and Adamantine Candles; 100 bags Rio and Java Coffee. 30 boxes and half boxes Hyson and Black Teas; 75 do. ahd half do; Tobacco; . 25 do. Starch; 30 do. Pipes; 50 bXjtf^'andltitte'siacSrel; 80 kitts Salmon; HyWO lbs; Bacon, Hams, 8ldea and moulders; f Sweet Oil, Almonds, Spices, Mortahyfiutter, Currants, Citron, 4cc* fee. _ AL80 ,_ 25 whole, 25 half, 23 quarter boxesNewRalslnss 5 bbls*20 half; 20 quarter and 20 boxes Bock wheat; 500 bags Shot; 500 ban Lead; A choice selection of Liquors and wines. ^ oct 25 DOWITT A WORGiSj CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRF.SS-STS. B LEACHED and Brown SHEETINGS A SHIRTINGS. The Subscribers have Just received per brig Wilson f'^^tor^TliJweeebed SHEETING t Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 Londsdale and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 Ben Island Brown Shirting, 7-8 and 4-4 7-8,8,9,10,11, and 124 Allendale Bro. Sheeting . 7-8,8,9,10,11, and 194 4 do Bleached do 7-8,8,9,10,11, and 194 Hamilton do do For side by M. PRENDERGAST tc CO. L ANDING, per schooner “Paunle,” from Philadel phia— 90 bogsbsadsebolce Porto Rico Sugar, 15 do. do. Santa Crus do. 110 bags choice Rio CoUbo, 15 barrela Cider Vinegar, 10 hogsheads choice Bncon Shoulders. nov 13 For sale by CRANE A HOLCOMBE, T AN DING, per schooners “Eclipse’’ and “North :Xi State"— 100 boxes Connecticut Choose, . 50 do. Soda, Butter, Wine and Milk Biscuits, 50 barrels Butter and Sugar do. 90 do. Pilot Bread, 50 boxes assorted Candy. •Alio, per brigs “American" and “Excel:" 200 bags assorted Bitot, . 50 boxes Cream Cheese, . 95 barrela Mercer Potatoes, 25 do. Yellow Onions. j n6V 13 For aale by CRANE fc HOLCOMBE. TftOREIGN LIQUORS.—20 hair and 10 quarter pipe tl? Dark and and Pale Otard, Dupuy 4c Co. Brandy, c our own Importation. Vintages 1840,'49 and '50. ' 0 pipe* Holland Gin, Meder Swan Brand. . 1 puncheon old Scotch Whiskey. 8 do. do. Jamaica Rum. I do. . do. Bt. Croix da. ■ • • •, iao oCt M HCUANTdN, JOII . JOHNSTON lc CO. I AGOING, DALE ROPE, » M tolm Ounn, ulolV 800-oil. Kentucky Rotw, SCO nolU Dillon’. Bono, ; llr!g£ fMMl &?iiKKAF03D.CK. B LtSbSSSISiSfSshMB ■ sCHSoaSiBahusssi 50 hairdo. Ualtlmorodo} 10 hhds. choice Porto Rloo 109 gross Matches, and a eerie*, Foreign and Domestio Fbraaleby [nor 16] assortment of Gro- ■Wines and Teas. hlc TAllVER. p O^Sbhls Hlra^femlth’s Floor. / ^ 30 hlf bbls Pulton Market Beef. SO casks pints, 12 do quarts, best London Porter,. - 30 bbla prime Cream -Ala 1 ' DeWITT Sc MORGAN. ' ' DEALERS IN FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, C ALL attention to their large'8tock of the following articles, which the/ offer at too lowest prices: Rich Printed de Lalnes and Cashmeres, French and English Merinos, Black Bombazines and Alpacas, - Linen Cambric aud Embroidered Ildkft*. Marseille* Quilts and Counterpanes, Irish Linens and Damasks, Linen and Cotton SbeeUnw, . Silk, Cotton and Merino Hosiery White and Colored Flannels,: „ia ahd Colored Flannels,: -Cloths and Caasimores, ■ ■ ■ French, English and American Calicoes, Diapers and Towellngs, Table and Piano Covers, Plain and Figured Black Silks, Black Batin deChene, PUla.Changeable Bllfcs; Paris Mantillas and Talmas, Bonnet and Plain Ribbons, • Brocbo and Plaid Shawls, French and English Crapes, . Ladles’and Gentlemen’s Kid Gloves, 8wiss and Cambrio Trimmings, 7 French Needle-worked and Laoe Collars, Blankets, Plains and Kerseys, Muslin Curtains, bomettlo’^todsofaS'descrip lions, of the best manufto- “■ a* 200 SUNDRIES. BOXES TOBACCO* assorted klod*. , 70 hhds. Fair and Choice Porto Rico Sugar, 40 do. Cuba and New-Orleana do. 100 bbls. Refined J S°* 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 300 bs^sRIoCoffoe. , 200 do. Porto Rico and St Domingo Colfte. 75 do. Java .ii;. do* 40» ' ” do. IS do.” Mustard, Popper, AHaple® and Ginger. • 80 bbls. Butter, Soda, and 8ngar Biscuit. -30>fdo.- do. do. . -do. do. 120 SI Sogsrs. assorted kinds. 20 bags Black Pepper. 850 bbu. New-Orteans Whiskey. 100 do. While do. 50 do. MonongMielado. 20 do. Old Bourbon do. .140, do. E. Phelps’Gin. 60 do. Best P.kH. aye Gin. 50 M*ki°8berey, Madolrs^k TcnerilWWlne. , 'fSaapw*^ 25 X casks - do. 10 X do. Cognac Brandy.) In Custom House •£{£&.. t&Pnk 500 bags Drop and Bpck Shot" SO bags Java Coffee, -- , " • jWhoxc.Tonjcoo.-onrf.^ : noyii irouui In TABVtn,' tin Nui-u"loTrLio U’lilt,ifmxrlllo Bnblor, and iu(oiiicry Jnurrml^luscrt tri-weekly, for six months, FLORIDA I/'ANDS FOR 8AEE. 1-hefollowingvaluablo TRACTS OP. M during the monthq of October, November and December next, vis: ' .. ... K WCTUMPKAIIAMHOC^ illn.ted nbonttenmlloi talnlng 3,000 acres, about one-half of which la hammock, unsurpassed by any In the 8tate; and the remainder white oak and hickory land; A TRACT, well: knowni as the “Fort Dnne Planta- ou.” ountalnlpg 8,00° acrea.of Land, principally first uallly hammock, between four and five hundred acres rwhich Is thoroughly cleared, presont In culll- . fltlon. This place for several yoars averaged two hogs heads of Sugar to the acre, and evbry year that It hais been cultivated has produced lino crops of-com and cotton- Thcso Tracts could readlhr be divided Into two. or thrto plantations each, being well watered and surround* edbyhighrollihffplo* land.- r. . . ••*.« v : : r A TRACT of 1,000 acres on Orange Lake, consisting of ‘jsmmock. onuige grove; and well timbered pine land.' ; TWO TRACTS, of 1,000 acres each, nhor toe Alachua prairie.' The greater port 0! both these tracts la rich hammock* 1 5,000 AO&ES on MS* mnr. Any ono-»l.hlng to cultivate sugar dtiie would do well to examine this land, as being remarkably fortllo, and l/lng south of toe region of frost, U Is as well adapted to that culture as any lu tbo 12,000 ACRES, generally known as the H Bayartl fraet,’’ situated on the St. John’s river, opposite Picolata. .There small hammocks anil-orange drovba on tots ,.t Is principally Taluable for lu pine has ariver front of seven’orelghtmilei.,.. 'i’ . 1,000 ACRES on Itako George, and several small trapts on and near the 8L John*a rivS?well sUdafed 1 for fhrm- enring of orange grorea/kc. _ . . _ -Ovo tracts of land ware , purchased by the late GetWClin'ch, Immediately kftertbe' aeeeWon ofFiortda to the United States. From bis position al that time!his . ,On account of their accreslbftlty from Charleston and Sarahnah, they offer great inducements to planters in Ca rolina or Georgia wishing toremove. " ;V' y The titlea are dear ana indisputable. - . * . ; The titles are dear 1 . Terms—Cash, or or before the lstOf ISTAny further > tamed by 1 or Savannah, on „ 000HI 'im th. inUKl'am'M obtained by addr ” " Marlon county, F oct 16. — . f-^Tbe 'Tri-weekly ChronlcIe fc Sentinel, at Augusta, and the Journal 4c Messenger and tho Telegraph,si, Ma- FALL Sc WINTER GOODS! ■ • ’ . .,*.£ SUBSCRIBERS,takepleasure In aekPPrmii have received n large and splendid £ able for Fall and Winter mukdotSb LAIKESU' bo FKENOK AMD JMULjSII MEIUNOS, BILK AND VELVEFriANTEia, f ’ ofaUoelore and of the latest and most approved patterns ': They also bare receWe3'afc^4tWJrofSItK8,i»bteii^ oVvYmT^I^MBB^I^lSlVGi^^i^^S SSetK’lo^tSrwlS^'aUpIliee utiSm 1 u?® kopl ’ lfl Tbey r i^ltoo attention of the public especially to.foelr assortment of House-keep ind examine t , ' relCk laNStEIS fc KCKMAN, bni , . ■'• l . 11S10ongres»streeU i t naa- WaodifcOo..: — CHtaCHAND PAHUOR'ORGANS; £IS1SS”S=SS5' menlLreforonco ft made to toe organ recently erected by him In the Lutheran Church of this city. Parties dadring Information on tho subject can ascertain nil necessary pahlctilarson application to F. ZOGBAUftl kOO^ Tialw 13 : WhUakeretoPPO door east of Bryan^L ,...jllc, and strangers in town, that he hi* 1 ust received an elegant new Hack, called the ” —la on entirely new principle, safety. Ac. ' lie will always lagagaaBaagMM!: 4U half do do 1 and 2 do. MMv WHi» 4U half do do land 2 do. 40 qr-i'do and kite No. I do. 20 lilta Salmon. .FfettiVfeMlfKl 5 drums Codfish. 50 boxes smoked Herrings, landtoa, ajd for aate by CLAUHOltN 4t CUNNINGHAM.