Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 29, 1852, Image 1

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*HT VOLUME L. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, MORNING, NOVEMBER. 29,1852. IHE BEPUBLIGM. IS roBUSHED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY BY J. L. LOCKE & CO. ulli and County Printer*. TKKMttt :» Paper OB, TrI-WMkly $5 Pm Annum. ^ss^^^fl^assas refereMCo; AnV ERTiBJNO RATES: UvnrtlaemenU Inserted at the following rates:— AdV0 roa one square or tee urns/ insertion. •• <00 cts. One Month 90 00 1 00 Two “ ,..,.,..10 00 'WO .. ... Jj'm-rt OK IPliMaU in In Three er, B D Hendry, DP Ifidsey,PatrickHonly, John Higgins, John Hanly, Jno A Ilenges, Jno Hunter,8II Haunt, Jno ■Bip EUsha llazad, J P Hood, Thos Henderson. VV J Halley Henry Han>or,JBHogg, W ttHarris, Nicholaslleraan! dex,thotHefrered, Alfred Haywood, MosesYHender- . 125 1 50 .175 ! 300 Four . 00 -Six «• BO 00 One Year 30 00 ‘ J '“ '“ lines, three- >91^0, Ac* Ac. rates,and Ingtolsw, strangers,. ' 'fiffiVlHlIt tr'-* 11 S W uuo ICU...H Bpasaaghaa; jPmMm ’ All advcrtlsementa Rom transient persons or SHrortiS eicMdlng In their edvertlumenl, the srenge number of Uum agreed fbr, will be charged ,l $ffirSar:«fti<T«« will an’ inserted oratui- “fi "■ 11 VsrAU advertisements sent to this office without dl- rJnons as to the number of insertions; will be published rtinUl ordered to be " John W Btlr, John I, IMjWm IU,, Btlen Ulind •rge Jones, JasO Jones, Jos tnder Johnson, JaaT Jones, J D Jesse, Thos Joneg SHMauflNrc** ■* e*fe. u," owllloii to rondor In tholr nhoounU, mint bn pub- :SSs!!^*V»WWwaa5 : W X^SmUom byExe^nhAdmiidstratOTS and Guardi «^ 0 il r „^m 1 n,.u. l ot. (hr Lot* %SiSMS.ia"imlnld»t.m (hr UP l*uSfl.SiM,m“lho[.5,& BIX MONTHS. JhtofTouS MOOTUB?’ fflmpBS Court of 0-dln.rrtoooooipanlod with o hi ffiorilSl thSmontlti It lent. 'liable Aldermen or tneciiy oi ohtshiuuimiu m«i»iurei»«ipitr of who are eltixen* of the United States, hire resided In the Bute of Georgia for one year Immediately preceding the election andwllhln the corporate limits or Savannah ' for one month Immediately preceding tholr registration and continue so to do up to tho time of election, who hare attained the age or twenty-one yeare, have paid all Sty Uses or haro In their own right sufficient real estate to satisfy any tax executions which may be against them, who hare made all returns required by the ordinances of the city, and have been registered according to the pro visions of this net.—Extract from tho Regittry Law. Adolph AbrahMTO,Robert Adams, JohnBAchotd, Geo Geo Alexander, Jno W Anderson, P VV Alexander, Robj Austin. George Armstrong, James Anderson, W V N Armstrong, ItP Akin, Peter Arnold, R D Arnold, Thos . Adams, E G Anderson, Richard Abercrombie. J 8 An* derson? John Angturo, HO W Alexander, John Alien, James Ahern, B A Allen, W B. Adams. Conrad Dyck, Richard Burke, Michael Boylan, E XV IliiWS'NS Anthony Uasler, Saul 8 Box.Joa H Baldwin, Isaac Bran- no, Belgsraond llerg, Henry Berners, N K Barnum, Wm V Brantley, Itobt Blake, Wra Burke, A P Bennett, Wm M Black, Felix Bouywon, Gilbert Butler, ThosBourke. i Eugene M Beo. J P Bolfonlllet, L E Byck, A Borchert, Wm Bosllnger. Patrick Bulkoy, P H Bohn, Hennr Bette* man, Thos W E Bealle, Wm J Bulloch. Patrick Bradley, Henry Uurt, EH Bacon, S P Bell, Wm J Bandy, HL • Byrd,G A Boufeulllet, Jno G Bryan. Thomas H Barrett, i Michael Brannon, Darld Bell, Jno Bilbo, T A Bulkier, Francis Blair, Chas Ball, Patrick Brady, Thos J Bulloch, JM Butler, Michael Uryan. Goo Bantonan, O B Itarrift Jos Bryan, DL Boat, J A Baker, MV 11 Bunch, Jos K Batloui'li, Wm D Brown, A T Bowne, Jos H Burroughs, I no Bennett, Louis Barefleld, Jos Bancroft, Thaddeus J . Augustus Boullneau, John Burns, Michael Bowley, l Burke, Ju O Blancs, J II Basbler. W J < Blodget, Jss O Bowen. Jno W Bite, Barnard E Bee, F 8 Bartow, Wm JBes,J P Brooks, W H Bourdler, WO Butler. IIS Bo- ganlus, Frederick Bailey, W D Bashlor, Jos W Brown, John O Blanco, Theodore Blols, William Blots, Wm-H Bourke, John P Blakely. GOO Brown, Wm H Banks, B L Bnulllneau, J T Buckner, Charles H Bell, Geo Bron son, P T Broughton. H 8 Belt, W H Bradley, L 8 Bennett, JuBelbo, WmBalloy,FH Blols, JHBuckner. Wm H Cttyler, John Cooper, C A Cloud, P L Constan tine, David 0 Cash, M A Cohen, RR Cuyler, Geo A Cuy* ler. Solomon Cohen, Hugh Cullen. W H Cooper, Edward Cabbage, David Cohen, John Cleary, Jos V Connernt, AUen Cullen, Chas Cooper, Uns Cleary: Barnard Constan tine, Thos W Cooper, JohnCtancv. John Carstens, F W Cornwell, Jos 8 Carruthora, Nicholas Oruger, Wright Oalpepper,'.Thoa Corley. R BI Charlton, 8 J Catsele, Richard Cole, Thos CusackJno L Clark, 'Michael Cusack, 0 H Oampfleld, Francis T Cole, John Curry, Thos Clark, John OkrdSlL Jas Connelly, John Carruthers, Frederick Cook. Emanuel Canwaller, Luke Christie, Jas Campbell, Fras Campflcld, Jno D Charlton, Jno G Cooke, Edmund . Cotter, Montgomery Camming, II E Courier, Jos Clog- horn, John Csss, Jno Cunningham, Carl Craft, Wm Car son, B L Cute, W-O Charlton, 8 J M Gubbcgo, Moses Coburn, L F Oookf Henry Capon. 8 M Coldlng, Freder ick Carstens. Wm Cox, Wallace Gumming, Patrick Grot* tv, Michael Carey, Peter Cobb, Jno J Cornell, Wm Con don, Itobt Carr, Eras Champion,. A H Champion, Jno Cornell, James Cornell, H It Christian, Jno J Coates^ ■HwCynthua,PalilcicGUrk,'Jno M Cody, Jaa Clad horiv Wm Cannon, Charles Cler, Augustus Cannon, Pal rick Clark, Isaac Cohen. Wm CromwelL G L Cope, Jr? G L Cope,sr^ James A Courvolecr, 8 11 Cooper, II A Crane, Wm L Clark, DD Copp, John D Cole, Cornelius KCOnvor, Thomas Corr, Bryan Connor, James EOope, LO Clark, George Clark, Wra p Clark, John A Chain» o.ui.VJ?caii OhirtfiH Th °““ ^Rlo’d W Delaney, Martin DUggan, John Doyle, Wm O ttlo’dTlonoran. 8aihl P Dibble, pahlel Dpnbvan. Albert L D’Lorre. Patrick Downey, DfLyon, Mlobael Donnelly, John- Donnelly, Wm M Davidson, Morty Dorgan, Wra II Davis, Wm Dixon, JuDunn,ChesIey Dugger, Jaa H Demund, Jos Dawson, Thoa Dowell, Jno Dowmng. J E Davis, H J. Dickerson, • b 8 DeLyon, Gl W Davis, D. 8 Danlols, Jno Dailey, Wm Duncan, John Dilloa. Israel Dasher, Leri Delbltt, AO Davenport Isaao Davis, Henry Dannenfelser, Jno D Dot- Dltyle, Jnnfca Dnwnoy, 0 ^m'll J 1 *, 0 ?^niy D r»i . blgnon, James Doyle, Martln Dunnagan, Dudley Daven port, Jacob Da La MottaJ ATM DayTJ* J O Davis, Thoa E U T Ditkos, John H. Dews, Samuel L Dowell, John Dry er, P H Demere, W J Donaldson, Thos F Daniels, Michael Duggan, John Dorgan. ^.Henry iilii,; Daniel Egan,*Rlcbard Ennis, Abraham Einstein, John Evorard, WmElloby, Thos Eden, CW m ' ' .rell, Johu Folleard,'Andrew^ 'drew FlaUey, R B Fell, Mich hos Ford, Jos 8Fay,Wm fountain, Dugald Ferguson, Jno -O Faljhrent, Jas Far-! *»"w, u '*< Fulton,'' Jaoop fill's }MniPM| fe p F r' dward Joi M Jones, BG James, D Jesse. Thos Jon* - Jo’s Johnston? Peter Jacobs, John Jones, Jot Johnston, Peter Jacobs, John R Christian Jogstettor, iE 8 Johnson, G H* John- nuel Joseph, J R> Johnson, A E Jones, John . jn, Bulloch Jackson, Nicholas Jeffreys, Itobt Jackson, Wra A Jaudon. II R Jackson, Claus Jackens, Peyton R Johnson, Jos W Jackson, Georgo Jsskson. ite, Hannon Kuhlman, Wra H Kelly, Phillip Kolb, DedrloK Kattonhorn,P B1 Kollock, Ezra Kcnt,N B Knapp. Ju King, John Kennedy, Dr N Kohlhouse, James Kerr, Peter Krauss, Gefort Korlc, James Kennedy, John Kelly, Daniel Kain, Hanford Knapp, A J Kam, Edwin Knapp. J F Kirby. Nlcholu Kerloy, Robert Knox, Fred erick Krenaon, Peter Krlne, Louis Kempr, AG Kennedy, A L Kent, Louis Koeul,Thos Keaton, Ju Kirkland, Al- fred Kent, Phillip Knit. D O Ksuffu, Wm Rlne, Ed- word Kean, Edward 8 Kempton, John Keegan, Chat II Knapp, Wm.E. King, Nlcholu Kelleber, Jno J Kelley, Thos u Kreegor. uiikuu, rfus Liinpiunn, vonn m u smitcii. m Lathrop, Martin Larkin, 8Y Levy, JTLalh Logan, Thos Leonr. Hugh Larken, Patrick Lenahan, Patrick Leo, Daniel Laphan, Thnmu Lvon, James Lsn ag han, J T Linde, Linda Linde, Daniel Luhey, William — D P Landershlnr B? Leigh, John Larkin, Henry Lathrop. D P Landershlne, Andrew Low, O D Leboy, Louis Legrlel, John Lyons, O Luf burrow, Charles I*aw, Peter Lee, Robert Ley bourn, Levy LUlenlhsi, W W Lincoln, H F Letcbe, F M LohofiJ Paine Lovell, Wm E Long, JohnN Lewis, Simoon Lane, M L Luf burrow, William Lakes BAT Lawrence, A R Lawton, Edward Lynch, Edward Lovell John Lares, D N Lane, Jamee Lauohlln, J F Linder. James J Logan, Robert A Lewis, A B Luce, J H Ladd, Jno Lama, Ju Lynch, IDLaRoche, Peter Lawrence, Michael Lavon, Matthew Lynch, Root Lachllson, James Lachllton, Cas par. Lenter, James Larkin, Timothy Lavau, O A La- Roche, Itobt Lunday, John, Lawton, A J Lebey, Thos Lewis, Wm II Lyons, AntonioLoevenlo, J G Lambright, Mlchaol Lynch, Pat’k Laughiln, John U Loveless, G W Lockwood, Loors Lohraan. Rf. Abraham Minis, David Morris, Jacob Manses, John Mukln, Thos MoNIcholos, John Mutcrson, Edward Moahan, Jeremiah McCarthy, John McHue, Wm Morrell, J G Blehrtens, Itobt Mclulyre, H O Mebrtens, Jno D Mul let!, Joe ftlordecal, Michael McGrall, Thoa Murtaugb, Lcandcr Moore, Mathlu H Mycr, Peter McGullllcuday, Silvester Manning, M Marsh, Jacob Miller, Jno Murchi son, Jno MontmoUin, Thos Maher, Thos MoAullff, Ju NcFeely, B W Mlsully, H W Mercer, O A MagHL Wm Meredith, E T McGrall, Thoa McCollum, II Morcc, Wm J Moore, J D Mallard, 0 D Murphy, Jeremiah Mack, N O Mills, Joese Mount, John Murphy, B M Morel, Patrick Meara,0 O Millar. John McCabe. Harvey Mono, John McDermott, J M Mlllcn, Thoinu VV McArthur, Lovl 8 Myers, Henry Merckhnrdt, Bllchne! Meath, Thomu Ma hon, Patrick McGovern, 8 8 Mlllnr, TJ SlcNIsh, John Mahoney. John McGunogb, Patrick Muterson, John Mallery.JamMJ McCoy, Isaao Mlnia, Edward McCabe, G Murkins, 8 8 Moody, Dennis McGuire, LawrencO Mc Kenna, Neyle McHue, J II Mehrtens, M B Myer, Thomu McKenna, John Miller, Jacob Manke, Edward Mcdraw, Bartholomew Mclnarney, John Mallei?, Luder Mehr tens, A F Mira, Fabian Myerhoffer,G 8 Miller, John R Martin, William B MelhJames W Morgan, MichaelB* ris, John W McKoy, O F Mills, William fi Mongln, McKenzie, A F Mordccal, Jas 8 McDonald, Ju Manu. Ju G Metis, L B BIcGonn, Wm AIorrls.John McCollum, Charles McCann, Bernard Blallan, Wm McLaughlin, Patrick BloLaughlon, F W BloCarthy, W H O Mills, Jno McMahon, Jno F Mullegan, Jas fttatthews, Isaac Marsh,Thos Madden,John Moran, FA Maddox,Solomon Mayer, E M McDonnell, Wm Morel, Jno Mabun, Jno R Mayer, Thoe G Mooney, M O Morland, Jm McDonald, T B Maxwell, N W McLeod, Alex McUardee, Jno T Mitch ell, Fredk Mundorf. H K Muntfort, Ju McBride, W J McIntosh, Stmt H Morel, Jeremiah McCarthy, Wm Mc Carthy, A N Miller, Thos Mott, IIP Miller. IW Morrell Ju 5IcIntlre.Danl McCarthy. M II McLeod, Ju McCann Ju McCannr, Thoa Meeks, Edward Mullegan, John Me Aullff, Archibald BlcAlllster. Neldllngor, Dan’l Nelson, Torrence Kugcnt,u « Nichols, Geo 8 Nichols, L P Nichols, Jos Nnglo, Nevlll Noyle, Jno NelL J G Neldtllngcr, A A Nungoxer, JR Norton, Jacob Neuberger, Edward Nugent, Satn’l Nutlman, Ju A Norris, Frederick Noltomon, Jno O Ntcoll, Thos B1 Nor wood, Chas Now land. James Neldtllngcr, Wm Neve. o. John W Owens, Goo W Owens, Daniel O'Connor. Tim O'Brien, Owen O'Rourke^ohn F O'Byrne, David O'Con nor, Owen O'Rlelly, Humphrey O’Leary, G 8 Owens, Dennis O’Connor, Jno O’Connell, Jno H Ohlmeycr, Wm II Olcott, Wm Olmstead, J F O’Neill, D G Olcott, E O’Byrne? Michael O’Neill, CE 0’8ulllvan,H O Oliver, John Oliver. Jonathan Olmslend, M O’Reilly, James Oli ver, W O O’Drisooll, Dan’l O’Sullivan, Timothy O’Con nor, Daniel O’Sullivan, W W Oates, John Ogelvle, M W O’llyrn, Thos O’Bryan, Goo OH, FredlckOHo. Martin Payton, Antonio Ponce, E M Prendergut, Sam’l N PapoL James Prendergut, O O Parker, Anthony Porter, Jos V Prentice. Jno F Posey, N 8 Plotter, 8 Phllbrlck, Ju M'Prantlce, 8 M Pond, Win Parris, I Pruuty, Andrew C Pacetty, Edwin Parsons, Elisha sons, Jno Poole, 8 G Pancost, Owen Peterson, O B Patter son, John Perfleld, John Phelan, Jno F Powell, Ju Pren- dergoifThos Purse, Satn’l Pittman. EJ Purse, George Parsons, R D Pupot, B1 Prendorgasi, Edward PadeHord, Son- Edward Padeirord, Jr., Thos Pidgeon, Thos 8 Pitt- JnoPostell,Jos W Phillips, Jumea Prunty, J M Palin, Msrcns M Peck, Patrick Price, G U Puder, Thoe Prender, goal, Chas Perry, R W Pooler, H K Preston, Jos V Pres ton, Wm F Preston, Edward Pursale, D Q Phllbrlck. Q, - Ju Quantock. John Quinn, Martin Quinn, Wm Quinn, Wm Quantock, Jr. P M Russoll. Waring RnaseU,David Rosenblatt,Jacob Itoaenband, John Russell, Dennis Ryan, WmRoehesler, James Russell, ThosJ Ryon, J D Ross, John Reedy, A M Ross, Michael Rochford, Christopher Uussell, Wra P Roberta, John Ryan, JB Read, Jos W Robberts, Henry Richardson, Jno O Rowland, Michael Rooney, George Ritter, Edward Reilly, Daniel Robertson,'Wm Kemshart, J W Rabun, Jos Roes, Francis Ryau, J B Ripley, J W J W Rabun, Jos Rosa,' Francis Ryan, J' B Ripley, J W Remshart, IlObt Raifbrd, H W Rallbra, Mathew Ualfoni, WmRellfr.J P W Reed, Jno Rlordon, Frauds Reives, Jeflbrton Roberts, C H Rlkorann, H Rogers, J Honoldson, Jeremiah Ryau, B G Reeti, ChasE Robinson, Joseph Ross, Henry Rober, Geo Robins, Allen Russell, Wm Roberaou, John Rowley, John Rogers, Dun’l Reddi Wm P Rowland, Hugh Rlelly, Andrew Rlelfr, A R •ton, H J Royal, Jno E Rice, James Ryan, Ju L Rc Russell, “ Red damn, ston^ HTlioytd7Jno*^ Rico," 'James Ryan, /asL Rosalg, noil, O B Ryan, Wra Robken^O W Rogers, Thos Ilonau, Geo Robertson, Toblu Rolhletcr, F A Robe re, G 8 Roux F-TBo^M J Reilly, Jamee RuaseU. E A Soullard, Wm SwolL John A Bchaffer, John cal SheltalL Andrew 8leafvatcr, John Savage, J 8 Solo mons, Frod’k ScherfT, A A Smela, W R Symons, Thos SuUlvat^Geo 8paltho0; Jno G Sexton, A JO Shaw, Ja- DShatrer,wm,n , der, Sam’l B Slbley, Anthony m Begur, Jas Shea, Pat’k ■■ fju van, Tohn Wra Salte, O M Stone, J R Saussy, J M Schley, Francis OliclU, 1* IcekUU, A.lam Bk.M, _V Rymnn., I—«. Symons, F R Sweat, Edmund J Sounders, Edwin Stiles, J M Solomons, Augustus Schetdeman, Dennis Sullivan,< Daniel 8ullivan, M J 8olomons, M Shohan. Dennis Sulll- van, narney Braith, Henry Stlbbs, Ju H Bhehan, Valen tine. 8tanton, Jobn Sherlock, Loyal Scranton, Martin 8hannon, Josoph Sullivan, Ju F Stokes, Philip 8mlth, Jos MShellman, Jamot M.Strickland, Timothy Bherrodan, Thomu 8mith, Wm Starr, Jr, H H Scranton. Ju Bherde- roan, Conrad Schelneldor, Goo Stevenson. Richard Utelo, John Shields, Nolson SmIUi, 8 S Spelsseixer. W W Starke, Arp Seamen, Thoa F Stevens,- JB 8tlrk,HW Bmlth, Wm Starr Jr, Henry Sauudera, PeterjSmith, J D Stebblns, A A 8olomons, G W Shaffer, D T Scranton, Patrick Skinner, Edward Swift, Sami B Sweat, John D Spann, John EStllwell, H Sheppard, FM 8tone,Elea*or Solomons, Thos Scully, Wra Baundere, Ju Smith 8r, Jno Schungell, Jeaseo J Smith, Wm F Shearer, J A Sowell, J 88turtevant.(.Wm Baundera, Julius. Smith, H R Sefley, ,Christopher Smith. 'T» Wiix H Tarver, John V Tarver, Geo W Tltoolmb, Wm nTyson.JphnThompson, Patrick Tydlngs, Barnard G Tlklon, Fro’s TranteU. A F Torlny, / Q Thomas, W F Thonipson, Jno F Tucker, ATalblnl,Fru Tj Ten:broke. — "*■ '* " O E.Tcfft, 1 Iw •on,ju ilgne. 14 u leocnu, wnaa w taioink uenry. ix»w, IPiMWiirs lor^ P TwIor, J M Tbomg,T:R Thomjapm dhrlsttan Uebeie, Philip Urtey* nioVehdley, allu Rnmboskl, ChasVpn,Horn, W ^ *no A Young, Dr E Yonge, W A Yongo, PelerZarodoskj,Edw«rda‘zetrouer. Jacob Zlmmsr- man,'Edward Zudomcs, Solomon Zelgfer. - Tbetbrecplngarethe qualiflc4tlonsof voters entitled to vote for. Mayor, and Aldermen of the City or Savannah, •nr persous whoso names are- Registered, and who are not entitled to • vote, notice Is respoctfully requested to bo given to the Clerk or Council, that they may be dealt with socordlng to Uw. R. F. AKIN, .upt 14 . . Clark Council. gttBtiunia C.A.Li‘|iAIltAR^ ' GENERAL COMMISSION MERCIIANT, nov 13 8avannah t Georgia. lj T IBERAL ADVANCES made - mob' 1 shipments o: JLi Cotton to my frelnda In Liverpool and New-York noyl3 *3m . C. A. L. LAMAR. DENTISTRY. H. J» ROY ALL, SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST, . .. . DrbnglttonitrMtt Suti Sidt, mar fVkitaktr;SavannaJu nov 10 1* »K. WILDMAIV, Having settled permanently in Savannaln respectfully of- for* tolls citizens his services In tho general Practice of medicine and Surgery* Rnidtnc* and Qfgc*—No. SO Abercorn, corner of South .. . ' Broed^treets. Heart of ComotuaUm-Vrom.8 111! 10 o’clock, A. M., and from 3 till 5, p. M, , noy ]o ■ n. A. (ltnnMnn .00 rj?F3.??a„ £ IMPORTER OF FRENCH ■ BONNETS. iA „ miss No A* CONN, 409 BROADWAY. NEW-YORK. . dressmaker" Importer of French Patterns, oct33—3mo GBIFF1N Ac GOttDON. . ATTORNEYS AT LJIIV, * Office In the second story of the new Custom House, over the main entrance. xobkktb. outran. (]ySI—<kno] quo.A.ooxpox. pled by Holt k Both wkll, and have associated them, •elves u partners, under tho name and style of Both- a'L»Ki ?S£S, r Cin”^ w “* * 0BMnJ JAS. T. aoTiiwxLL. [aug 31—3010] thos. ■. mint. BBMXT X. VO»T. t. X. UUHQAmI FORT & DUNHAM, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, oct 7 SAVANNAH, Ff smiitro & MILLER, The Understood having united in the practice of Law,' will attend to any business entrusted to their care. Office Swfc(£ 5r tDd ' VhltokwMrtfc ) 0,er Messrs. Swift,D«u- WtLLUMB.FLKmwo. JonwM. Millkx. „ Ordinary’* Of flee* .Corner of Bay and WhltakeMtroels. Office hours from A. M. to 3 P. artd'3# p. M. to 0 P. M. Jan 31 n.T.oBxxNwoop. josun Moaats. joun j.atoowAV GREENWOOD, MORRIS ft RIDOWAI, COTTON FACTORS AND OOmmiSSION MERCHANTS, No. 47 CARONDALET-8TREET, Ma. Moaais will remain at Mon^mwy, Alabama, ^i«lL ordc .”. r ?L* h .® P urc,| siing of Cotton, or any other busliiOM entrusted to our care, at that pUce, will meet with prompt attention. nov 2-tf GREENWOOD. MORRIS Be R1DQWA FACTORS ” Ctmifl^tON^lfeRCHANTS, SAVANNAH, OA. P.H.Bxhk, John Fostxx, of Savannah. from Hancock county |gly23 wftn—ly ~ BUNKER Ac OGDEN. 8HIPPIHQ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ifPtd , No*. 80 Ruy»* I., Savannah pB. CHAItLES W. WEST Offijra Ws professional sen-ices to the citizens of Savan nah and Its vicinity. Residence—corner of Congress and Bulhstroets, over tho Drugstore of W. W. Lincoln, fob 3 ly J1ENBY K. WASHBURN. Aff’U , .SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MeAcHAM 1 , Jttfr 21 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ROWLAND Ac CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah-No. 178 Bny-Mtreet. JOMHT.aoWl.ANP. [aug 31] JOUHT. kowland, jk. GIIlARDEk A'PARI. AUCTION AND COMMISSION ME , . ■& u Y u,ta » 0m * Hopkins, Kolb k Co, Augusta; A. H. Abrahams,Charles* ton,8.0;Brigham,Kelly4cCo,John Lama,Savannah nov 99 ly COOK At mONTFORT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - Office at Oglethorpe* Go* Will practice in the Counties of Macon, Marion, Craw- ford, Sumter, Houston, Dboty, and Lee. References ^-Messrs. Roberts, Foote 4c Marshall, 8a- vannah; Wlnshlp 4cSons, Macon. ly Jan29 JNO. F. HAMILTON * (SOCOKIIOR TO HAMILTON 4c HAUDKKAN.) FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. No. 83 Bny-ut., Savannah, Go. Tho services of Mr. C. F. Hamilton, (long known to the public as seller of Colton and country Produce- purchaser of Groceries, femlly supplies, See-) have been secured. Prompt and strict attention will be given to any business confided to tho care of the above House. %* The Mllledgerllle Recorder and Macon Journal 4c Measengor, will please insert 4 months, and send bills to this office. 4mo aug 31 CALVIN FAY, Architect. Respectfully tendcra his services to the citizens of Savan- nah. He will at all times be ready to furnish PLANS and DRAWINGS for all descriptions of Buildings, and superintend their construction. Office opposlt, Pulaski House, over Heywood’s sept 11 ■ WJtl. W. GARRARD, FACTOR & COMMISSION MERCHANT, 88 Hay-Street, SAVANNAH, OA fob 5—ly GAS FITTING, TIN » POPPER PLATE WORK, <5c. U. CRANSTON, AT NO. 91 BXYAN-STKHT, NKAX THE PULASKI HOUSE, Will perform with promptness and In the best manner, all work relating to Gas Fittings, Brazings; work in Tin, Iron, aud Copper Plate, ly aug 85 D. L. COHEN, ' CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, No. 5 Jonea-street, [TWO POOR! I AST OP PRAYTON-STBKIT,] Is prepared to contract for all kinds of Building and Rep .(ring. Also—To conduct Water through the various parts oi Houses.oct 13 Office No. 99 Ilay-atreet—8avannah, Ga. ly fob 20 THOS. T. LONG* ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR GENERAL, E.D. Office over the store of A. Stevens, Jr* Wnltaker-street. marSO ’ ■ ■ •' ' • - • 1 -ly* G. BUTLER, - MASTER BUILDER, Dealer la White Pine Lumber, TORX-STRRKT. OOLKTKORPK-SQUARK. N.B.—He is prepared to put In IronFrontato Stores, kc. y y Is apr 29* CJU'CUloa Willi JiumucM IU(U alaj)iiu;ll, Uiul oil UCCUU1IUO- O E O R o'e"V! , nJ all O L8, Owoni* Building, opp. Pulnoki Home. By Order* from the country, with the cash enclosed, wfllbe attended to promptly. Jim 18. * A«JJ uuninusaiUN AlEllOIlAMT, No. 04 Bay»*t., Savannah. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. G. A. llOLCOmUE. GASTON-STUEET, (NEAR THE PARK,) sent 87 . lAVANMAU, axo. Nl—3taw8mo Cathbert* Randolph County, Ga. His term of office, as Solicitor General of the South, vr.estern Circuit having expired, he will give his Individ ual and undivided attention to all business of a profes sional and legal character entrusted to hlscare In the Counties of Randolph, Stewart, Lee, Baker and Early. January 9th, 1852. ly Jan IS JOHN J. BYRD. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . Augnata, Georgia., references: Savannah—Anthony Porter, Pros’L 8tato Bunk, Chas. H. OnmpBed; Esq- H. J. Gilbert. Charleston—Chas. Edmondston, Pres’t —— Insur- ice omce, Burckmnyer 4c Motfelt, u. W. Williams, Esq factoubT commYssion’merchants. SXOME, BIAUB A Dll,, IMPORTIRS AND W110LEIALD DEALERS IN BhERRV-BVARI UxxxrH. - 41 BEOADW4 ft-Nfi IT- TORN, Stone, l 1 (ll.LANaqoN Butlsr, Starr,' } / V J JoNA Jt Broom. I. Stotrsiuxt.S ly JalyH WHOLES5Cffl®SS&*iB'D»ir GOODS. OPPOSITE ST, ANDRRW’S BALL, Bronfhton-street, • iPPeH , r SAVANNAH, G4- GEORGE j. amiTu, I ii AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION MBRCHANT, AND GENERAL AGENT. 108 Bar«iitrecit', SavannahtGeo. wiaVjSM^^us&r b£5,’ . iiliua,WlldMkOo^ll,l,h.m,K^ljkOb: nov »•• Uufltntno Cacao. OIlABI.ES SI.OLfc. Anhllool, r erection. l’erigns tor the Fronts of “oSKMSfS! ••pi *8 liAbDWicKkcobkk. Factor* and Commlaalon m< g of Savannah to far* timates for Public oi the same dnrini res, as welt as their Inter* one flight of stain. WYLLY 4c General RtalEaUU^Tegrtetl 8.8. Wheelwright* ^ f Broughton •AVAN] master .^.nttST DOOR WIST 0 Will Uke contracts fbr Iti of every description. E. S. HARDWICK. X . IMPORTERS AND BArthon-Wnro, “ j, L. c , Foahlonable ) NO.SEVENTEEN BULL-ST . 0ork-8ole, Leather, War manner, of warranted ra enoedand careful workmen.T? Comer of erchant*, Sl OO m ’" "• DEALERS IN Looking GLums. iiifacturer, MONUMENT-SQUARXd ding. Military, Patent mp«ote Boots; Shoot* ‘-’— Pumps, Slippers, ..most fashionable by the most oxperl* FERGUSON, III UC k Mill 111 N, 1 Montgomery-ill. Drays tnanuhctorecL and Grates, for novO _er, NDREW’S MALL. and Work In Masonry . . R.4t J.LACHLI30N, Engineer* and millwrlghte, IRONS- BRASS FOUNDERS, * Canal • Street—Near the Canal Look. X< LACHLISON. J, LACHLISOR. Engineer and millwright, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER, EASTERN WHARF—IAY-ST. A. PONCE, Importer & manufacturer of Segore, „ . HO. 13 WHITAKER-STRRRT, Keeps on hand a well selected stock of Imported Be- gars; also Manufactured Tobacco, Bnuff, Pipes, and all other articles usuaUy kept In hU line of business, which be offers on the most reasonable terms. nov 3 (general Stitoettiaementfl. A SPLENDID OPENING OF FALL GOODS. T HE Subscriber would respectfully call the attention’ or the publlo to his large and wui selected stock or Fall and Winter Staple and Fancy DryQoodi. Consisting In part nf: Olnsk and colored silk., of • great jfrioWI .ery Hob embroidered Bllkn, o! nil pttlern.: Mantillas and Crape Shawls: Scotch Wool Long do.: and square Plaid Shawls; Cashmeres; Mouscllno do Lalnes: Alpaccas, a great variety { Needle-Work Col- Ura and Capex or all patterns; CMmlsettes { Muslin and Lace Under-8leeves; Cambric Handkerchiefs, from 12V cenUto Ma piece; Irish Linens; Huckabacks; Diaper; French Towels, from 23 cents to 81 a piece ; double Damask Table Linen; white and brown Napkins, a fine assortment; a very large assortment or UJovee and Ilo- alery, of the vety beat make and style ; English and A- merican Long cloths; unbleached do,; rich Damask Table and Plano Covers; Caaalmerea and Cloths, black aud blue of evei? quality; rich Vest patients or all stylos; Satinets; Keiilucky Joans; Kerseys, a very large assortment; one or the very beat selected stock or Blan kets ever brought to this market. CARPETING—Brussels, 3-PIy, 9-Ply, All-Wool, a va riety or patterns; and, also, Cotton Caroetlng. N. B.—Clothing at wholesale only. Country merchants would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere, as the goods shall be sold low and on tho most accommoda- tlng terms. [oct 8] J08EP11 L1PPM AN. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS!! „ J. H. & M. BHEAHAN. Corner of Broughton and Whltaker-ats., savannah, TNV1TB atlenllon (o Iholr new .look of FALL * WIN- X TER GOODS,comprising: DRESS GOODS—French Cashmeres, French De LalnM, English De Lalnes, Black Silk, Colored Bilk, Black Alpacas, Colored Alpacas, Bomba sines, Damask Antique, Euglisb; French and American Calicoes. EMBROIDERIES—Linen Cambric, Cambric Hand kerchiefs, Plain and Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Boblnet Laces Boblnet Edgings, Collars and Cuffs, Habits and Under-Sleeves, Black Lace Veils, Btk Crape, Colored Crape. HOSIERY S- LINENS-A large and well-selected stock of Gloves, Irish Linens, Linen Diapers and Damasks. WOOLENS—Nogro Blankets, Kerseys, Llnseys, Cloths, Caul meres and Vestings, Satinets, Tweeds 4b Ken- tutky Jeans, Red. White, Blue and Yellow Flan nels, 10-4 and 11-4 Brown and Bleached Sheetings, Pillow-Case Linens, and Quilts. Country Merchants, Planters, and others, will consult their Interests by examining our stock betbre purchasing. tar All we ask la a visit from those desiring to pur chase. We feel confident thot the quality and prices oi our Goods will command sales upon our terms! IN STORE FOR THE GENTLEMEN. TOHN W. KELLY, hsvlng returned from the north tl with a handsome assortment of CLOTH8, CARSI- MERES and VESTINGS, takes pleasure In informing his friends, those especially who admires finely fitting gar ment, to his Xaloon, No. 4, opposite the Pulaski House, where they will find him ready at all times to suit his pa trons in the most approved and feahlonable manner, and he ventures to assert- that those who will confide In his selection as to color, fabric, style or finish of a covering for the human form, shall go away satisfied. Furnishing Goods—Shirts, whlto and colored, with and without collars; UnderShirts; Merino, cotton and lisle thread Drawers; Hosiery, Cravats, Scurft, Stocks, neck Ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, silk and cotton do. Also, a largo lot of men’s and* boys’ Caps, of the latest patterns. Also, • fine lot of beautiful Ready-made Clothing, which 1 selected with great care. Gentlemen In want or any or the above articles will ploose give me a call, as I am determined to sell at a small profit. [sept. 25] JOHN W. KELLY. . SAM’L HOYT, Late orthe firm of Sam’l Hoyt&Co, Savannah, 6a. W OULD announce to bis friends that he hss remov ed to Charleston, 8.0- No. 140 East Bay, where he Is prepared to do a general Commission business, and furnish to ordor, at all times, any articles from the North or South that may be wanted, for the usual commission, os well as receive and-sell the same. And I pledge my- ■eir that all business entrusted to my care shall receive such attention as will Insure similar manifestation of their good will, not doubting that my acquaintance with Northern and Southern markets will enable me to do as well as any, and better than many. Also Dealer in Butter, Cheecsc, Plaster, Marble Dust, Cement. Lime and Hair. * % “ ‘ he furnished on short notice, and at manufacturers prices. Cash paid at all times for Wool. Green, Salted and Dry Hides, Deer and Sheep Skins, Shipping Furs. Beeswax, Rags, .Rope Cuttings, Sea Island Cotton Seed and Flor ida Moss. Also, Southern Tannod Leather in the Rough. .L.L J.LI. • L... ~ irms cash Invariably, nah generally. Refers to the citizens of Savan- sept 4 _ „ RORINSON Ac CAMP, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, . , AND DEALERS IN Fine Heady Made Olothlmr, A HE NOW receiving their Stock of FALL AND A WINTER GOODS, consisting In part of i Blue, black and fancy colored English and French Cloths; OverCoat, Ings ot black, blue and fancy colored Beavers; blue, black and drab Pilot Cloths; English; French andA- m . U n, l r2 nof black *nd i fanoy colors; Vestings and in the best style of workmanship. Our READY HADE CLOTHING Is manufactured al the well known bouso or XV. T. Jennings 4o Co- No. 331 Broadway, New-York, and Is equal to any in the city.— SftJ5S5PJKH8S5P 1 *? on assortment of FANCY GOODS of any house In the trade, such as white and fahoy colored Shirts; 8llk, Lisle Thread and Gauze Merino Undergarments: Shaker Flannel and Lambswool do.; Thread, Cotton, Merino and Lambswoo) OoUon UmbrelUs: black, white and colored Kid Gloves, (of Alexanders-make) t Stocks. Scarfs, Cravats and Collaret and, in fact; everything no cessary 'to n Gentleman’* Wardrobe. For sale on u ao commodaUng terms as can be bad In the city, at GAUDRY’S BUILDINGS, ••pl?! ; ■ . ( . . Next-door to Pulaski llonse. 5 DEPOT, ^ed respectfully inform the innah’GDOigla, and Florida, PIANO FORT .Theandereigue. citizens of Savant , m ..... that they have on hand more than’flfty Pp anos, tho largest stock over on sole In this city, and made by the most celebrated manufacturers In the Uulted States. Nunn’s 4c Clark’s, J. Chlckering, Boordmtn 4c Gray, Lut- chet 4b Newton, Edwards fc, Fisher, aUwelLknown.tothe lovers of Music, have place In their Urge assortment. These Pianos are of rich tone, and beautifully flnlsned In Rpse. Wpod, Black Walnut. “ J ■ - frames mado In tho most sul—. _.— manner. Also the Justly celebrated AJollan which, for their sweetness and tone, have no. noon equal- ed. AU tone Instruments have meUdo frames, which render them peculiarly suited fbr IbU cllinato, preventing the necessity of tuning for years. „ 1 J • • . The underelgned are agents for IlenrI Herx's celebrated Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For powflr and beauty tone, they stand pre-eminent. - Tiiry Oathcart’a Melodeons. This beautiful toned wind Instrument, for village pur poses. Lodges, Serenading Parties, and the ptirttot prao- UceUrOrganlsts,poaeessuigaaweet.andpow*rtUItona j they have also for sale. .. .•> ... /QltiftheeelnstrumenUwlUbedUpbsodifonthemiil accommodating terms. The prices or the Pianos rancin* iTthe Pianos ranging I. W. MORRELL 4c 00. PIANO. FORT The Subscriber*, _dart and Cto.** and J.B.I— %S9M [ j NUMBER 284. (Stntcal saatJcrtrHcmcitt EASTERN PREMIUM COOK STOVE. ' T H E "b^ber h« now received hi. Fall Stock of STOVES, and respectfully solldUacall athU EsUbllihment, su u 'S 8 ? 2* Tm £* e ^ awortment of 8tovee for Cooking, Parlor and Office purposes can be viewed, from Hi® manufactories, which are on sale at reuonable terms. Also-Hollow-wark, PoU?Ovens, Spiders, Sauce pans, Cast Iron Pumps, Beer Pumps, Can Iron Charcoal Burners, Lace Irons, Wafer Irons, Fire Dog*. Fire Irons, Nalls, Tacks, Table Cutlery, and other Coffee Mills, Brass Faucets and Couplings, 4tc.4re. A cholco selection or PLANISHED W ARE '.—Coffee Biggins, Ts Dishes, Urge and small, Castor * IRITANNI “ so—Hollow-ware, Pc_, ice Irena Revolving and, L. ', Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Wood Saws, Box Biggins, Tea Pots, Egg Boilers, Oyster Dishes, Chaffing BRITANNIA WAREt—Bar Room Pitcher*, Liquor Mixers, Benr Lamps, and a variety of Britannia Fluid Lamps, Ofl Lampa^raMutd WhltoVleUl CandlMtUks. J SPANNED fc PLAItTTIN WAREt-Chamber Pall*, Toilet Palls, Wine Cooler*, Toilet Cases, Cash Boxes, Tub ^ bu ^ ke P t on hand; also, Campbene and Spirit Gas,. rg^All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Work executed with despatch. * KF*Printed Catalogues may be bad on application, and forwarded port-free. „ „ john j. Maurice. Bales Rooms, Noe. 10,13 and 14 Baraard-etreet, and 1B4 Bayatreet. nov 17 PORTER’S EXTENSIVE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. npHE subscriber takes pleasure In announcing to the citizens of Savannah and the public generally, of the Urgest A arrival of Fall and'Winter CLOTHING ever offered in the Southern States. In Inis establishment can be found ever/quality and style of Clothing to please the taste of the most fastidious. This establishment U divided Into six different Departments, each one containing a rich and fun assortment In their line. . „ , 1st Department* Contains Frock and Dress Coats of every quality, from 1,000 Over-Cost*, double and single breasted, and double OverCoats, from $3 to 830. Overcoat^ asplendld assortment, embracing Kossuth, 3,000 pair of Pants, of every quality and color, from 75 cent* to 819. 1,000 Vests, of every kind. , 2d Department* Contains Furnishing Goods of every description for Gen tlemen’s wear—consisting of Scarfa, Cravats, Water ford Ties, Prince Albert Ties. Spring Blocks, Merino Shirts and Drawers, Cotton do., Suspenders, Half Hose, Gloves of all kinds, best quality Jones’ Patent Yoke Shirts, a fine assortment, Ac. 3d Department* Contains 800 suits of Negro Clothing for house or planta tion use. Hickory Shirts. Rod Flannel do n Overalls, Canton Flanuel Undershirts and Drawers. Price of full suits from 83,25 to 8^50- . , 4th Department. Contains a largo and well-selected slock of IndU Rubber Goods—consisting in part of Sack Coat*, White and lltack Frock Coats of two colors, Leggings. BlIpL Cloaks, Firemen’s Goals, warranted to stand 280 de grees or beet, Riding and Driving Gloves, Horse Co ver*. etc. 5th Department* Contain* Hats and Caps, fine Moleskin, a large assort ment and latest styles. Gth Department* THE BAZAAR. This splendid establishment, on the left wing of the main Department, 00 feet deep. teflUod up, at a great ex pense, expressly for Ladles accompanied by their Children. Here will be found every quality and ■tyle or Children’s Clothing, and of the latest Parts " shlons. consisting of Infanta’ Robes, Christening ids, splendid Etnbroldored Capa, Suita, connected id separate, for every age, Jenny Linds, Polka faahloi Capa,i. u,„. i.-T and separate, for every age, Jenny Linds, Polka Backs, Frocks,Over-Coata with and without Capes; and many other Goods, too nnmeioua to mention In this advertisement. Parents and Guardians are re spectfully solicited to call, as great pains bare been taken to add to toe comfort ana convenience of pur chasers. nov 17 S3TNo abatement from prices first asked. ST. ANDREW’S IIALL, BROUGHTON-STREET* SttmpanUtfg. GROCERIES, LIQUORS A WINES. T) ECE1VED by recent arrivals; il 120 bbls. Crushed, Powdered and Clarified Sugars; 23 boxes double refined Loaf do; 340 bags Rio Coffee, some of them prime; 45 do. Java do: 50 hhds. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars; 370 boxes Tobacco, 8’s, 5’s and l’s Lumps; 45 packages superior Tobacco, El Dorado, Diadem, Nectar, Virglnlus, Ac. 100 boxes best Family Soap; 150 do. do. No. 1 do; 114 half chests Black Teas, some of It very auperior; 148 packages Hyson do., »nd Xchests; 150 boxesTallowCandles,8’s andC’« 100 do. Star and Adamantine Candles; 150 do. Pipes; Saettpamitic MVANNAHjjGrt 975 40 do. Old Mononga’a Whiskey .some very choice; 15 half pipes Otard, Dupuy a Co.’s Brandy; 35 quarter and eighth cask* various kinds choice French Brandy; 5 pipes Holland Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica and St. Croix Rum; 30 casks Madeira and Teneriffo Wines; SO do. superior old Madeira and Sherry Wines; 100 baskets Champagne, Heldaeck, .Hungarian, LIon,4ce- 4cc. 100 kegs and halves FFFG. Powder; 400 bags Buck and Drop Shot; 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 35 do. No. 3 do; SO do. No. l do; 90 casks Codfish and Haddock; New Fish. 30 half bbls. I A 3 Mackerel; 50 boxes Codfish; 40 kills No. I Mackerel; With a full supply of everything else In the grocery line, for sole on accommodating terms, bv oct 4 J. V. CONNER AT A CO. WINES* BBANDIES, dec. T HE SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving in store a- general assortment of the above articles, In cases, consisting of: Pale and Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, Cherry A Raspberry Brandy, Port , do. Scotch Whiskey, Topaz 8herry Wine. Holland Gin, Brown do. Stoughton Bitten, Tlntilla do. “Crown” and u Star”brands Champagne. CTThe “Tlntilla” Sherry is highly recommended for iviulds—It causing no add'— *-“ oct 37 BUN1 invalids—It causing no acidity^ Forarteb^r w ^ ^ OAHPETSI CAUPETS1I CAUPBVrtttt Bortment of Carpet*, Oil Clotb*, Mat*, gs, Window Curtain*, Ac* —consistino in r*aT or— 30 pieces Three-Ply Carpets 10 do. Velvet Tapestry 10 do. Brussels do. do. Two-Ply Carpets do. Floor Oil Cloth — do. Drugget 5 do. Felt Carpet 5 'do. Dutch do. 50 Velvet and Chenellle Rugs 100 common Rugs aud Mata 100 pair of beautiful style Window 8hades. AH of the above Goods are offered at the lowestmarket prices. For Bale by [sept 30] A1XIN A BURNS. 30 ROBERTS A FOOTE, Iroughton-strect, Uip aiain\opporile the St. 'AVE now on hand a very large and well-selected XL Stock of DRY GOODS, which they offer for sale, by the piece or package to the trade—consisting, In part, of Colored and Duffell Blankets. Red aud White Flannel. Plains and Kerseys, assorted quality. Satinets and Kentucky Jean*. Fancy and Tweed Casslmeres. Striped aud Plain OoUon Osnaburgs. Bleached and brown Shirting* and Sheetings. English vd American Prints. Cashmeres and Printed Do Lalnes. Blank and Colored Alpacas. Black and Colored Coburg*. With an additional general variety of Goods nsually kept In Dry Goods Stores, which are offered for sale at the sept 18 .a Dry _ usual accommodating terms. OnEAP CASH STORE, . CORNER WHITAKER AND CONGRE8S-8TS. B LEACHED and Brown SHEETINGS A SHIRTINGS. The 8ubacribera have Just received per brig Wilson Fuller, from New-York t Water Twist bleached SHEETING New-York Mills do do James’ Steam Mills do 7-8 and 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 Londsdale and Washington Long troths, 4-4 Sea Island Brown Shirting, 7-6 and 4-4 7-8,8,9,10,11, and 134 Allendale Bro. 8heetlng 7-8,8,9,10,11, and 13-4 do Bleached do 7-8,8,9,10,11, and 13-4 Hamilton do do For sale by M. PRENDERGAST A CO. ^awbtnu, per waiwiwt “fanuio," from WlwM P 20* hogsheads choice Porto IUco Sugar, 15 do. do. Santa Crux do. 110 bags choice Rio Coffee, 15 barrels Cider Vinegar, 10 hogsheads choice Bsoon Shoulders, nov 13 For sale by CRANE A HOLCOMBE. L ANDING, per schooners “Eclipse” and “North State”— 100 boxes Connecticut Cheese, 50 do. 8oda, Butter, Wine and MUk Biscuits, 50 barrels Butter and Sugar do. SO do. Pilot Bread, 50 boxes assorted Candy. Also, per brigs “ American” and “Excel:” 300 bags assorted Shot, '5.000 pounds Bar Lead, 25 kegs extra sholce Goshen Butter, 50 boxes Cream Gheeae, 85 barrels Mercer Potatoes, 35 do. Yellow Onions. 13 For sale by CRANE A HOLCOMBE. TDOREIGN. UQUOR&r-SO half and 10 quarter pipes JU Dark and and Pale Otard, Dupuy A Co. Brandy, of our own importation. Vintages 1848,’49 and ’50.' 8 pipes Holland Gin, Meder 8wan Brand. 1 puncheon old Sootch Whiskey. 2 do. do.'Jamaica Rum. 1 1 do. do. 8t Croix do. . 90 demijohn*, 5 gallons eaeb. Scheldam Gin. Landing and for sale by oct 90 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A OO. B i AGGING, BALE ROPE, 5 ‘ .68 bale* Gunny Cloth, *vu urn, ttinw • * 12,000 Gunny Bags. ; nov9 COHEN AFQ8DICK- ■Sam.-' eh*, 100 bbls. Hahimor* Flour, 100 do. pure Genesee db; . 30do. HiramEmiUi do; 50 hairdo. Guta! do; 50 half do. Baltimore do; ^ ■10 hhds. choloe Porto Rico Sugar*; 100 gno* Matches, and a general asaortipeotof Gro- ar r„ p ?.T u °^ w A l TA^ CISSS'teFfcnr, 30 htf bbls Fulton Market Beef. i . 90 casks pints, 19 do,quart*, ^eat London Porter. 30 bbla prime Creaut'Ale. 1 ;:' ' SObalfbbl* Sugar,8oda and Butter Btaculta. 50 boxes Biar -j-™ fiOndoObmpoMtadoi 50 do Wtnaor.ToBetaad shaving Boapjust received d for sale by [oct 28] MuMAUCN a DOYLE., UKUijsl UUUbB II 2 AAA LBS. EPSOM SALTS. •UUl/ 5,000 lbs. Copperas. 7 1.000 lbs. Glauber Balts. 2,000 lbs. Patty. 500 boxes Window Glass. 7,000 White Lead. All of the above Just received and for sale by JAMES H. CAR1_ oct 29 Opposite 8L Andrew’s 100 bales Negro Cloth, 35 do. Blankets. 15 do. Llnsey Woolsey, 15 do. Red Flannels, 50 do. Brown Shirtings, 10 do. 4-4 Sheetings. 50 do. Hesw Cotton Osnabnrgs. 10 cases Bleached 8hlrtings, 40 do. Printed Calicoes, 10 do. Kentucky Jeans, 300 dozen Head Itandkerchlefa, 500 do. Assorted Hosiery, Together with a most complete stock of Fancy Goods, to which they Invite the attention of Country Merchants and othera. NEVITT, LATHROP A 8TEBB1NS, nov 8 139 Congress-street. GROCERIES* A CHAMPION has In store and Is receiving the fol- • lowing articles for city and country trade, which having been purchased for cash and selected by himself, enables him to sell on the most favorable terms, vixt 100 bbls. Baltimore and Canal Flour. 50 halfdo. do.; 50 do. 8tuart’s Crushed and Powdered Sugars; 10 boxes do. Loaf do; 10 hhds. Porto Rico and Mnscovado do; 50 bbls. Clarified Sugar, various qualities; 35 boxes Cheese; 100 boxes and hairdo. Soap;] ' 50 do. 8 perm and Adamantine Candles; 100 bag* Rio and Java Coffee. 30 boxes and half boxes Hyson and Black Teas; 75 do. and half do. Tobacco; 35 do. Starch; 30 do. Pipes; 35 dozen Brooms and Buckets; 50 bbls. X, X, and kill* Mackerel; SO kltta Salmon; 10,000 lbs. Bacon, Hams, Skies and Shoulders;' Smoked Tongues, Dry Beet; Fulton Market BeeCChoco- late, Farina. Sardines, Tallct 8oap, Fig Blue, Pickles, Sweet Oil, Almonds, Spices, Mustard,.Batter, Currants, Citron, 4hL Ac. —ALSO— 25 whole, 25 half, 25 quarter boxes New Raisins; 5 bbls- 30 half; 20 quarter and 20 boxes Buckwheat; 500 bags Shot; 500 bars Lead; A choice selection of Liquors and wines. oct 25 ' DeWITT Ac MORGAN* DEALERS IN FANCY ft STAPLE DRY GOODS, C ALL attention to their large Stock of toe foUowlng articles, which they offer nt the lowest prices: Rich Printed de Lalnes and Cashmeres, French and Engllsh-Merinos, Black Bombazines and Alpacas, Linen Cambric and Embroidered Udkfk, Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanes, Irish Linens and Damasks, . Linen and Colton 8beelinga, Silk, Cblton and Merino Hosiery, White nnd Colored Flannels, Cloths and CasslMeres. French, English and American Calicoes, Diapers and Towelings, Table and Plano Covers, Plain and Figured Black Silks, Black Satin de Chene, « Plain Changeable Silks, Paris Mantillas and Talma*, Bonnet and Plain Ribbons, Broeho and Plaid Shawls. French and English Crapes,. Ladles’ and Gentlemen’s Kid Glover, ^ Swiss and Cambric Trimmings, French Nwdlo-wnrfcnd nnd Laos Collars, Blanket*, Plains and Kerseys, Muslin Curtains,' Uroche and Figured Silks, Domestic Goods of all descriptions, of the best manufac ture. oct 28 200 70 hbds. Fair SUNDRIES. . TOBACCO, assorted kinds. Fair and Chot Jhoico Porto Rico Sup 100 bbls. Refined , , -- , , 75 do. Crushed and Powdered do. 25 boxes Loaf do. 300 bags Rio Colfee. „ , 300 do. Porto Rico and St. Domingo Colfee. 75 do. Java - do. 130 boxes Soap. > >-~L 100 do. Mustard, Pepper, Allspice and Ginger. SO bbls. Butter, Soda, and Sugar Biscuit. 30 X do. do. do. do. do. . 120 . M 8egara. assorted kinds. 100 do. White do. . 50 do. Monongahelado. 30 do. Old Bourbon do. . dfiBestP;S?H?&eG!n? { ,\ 8 pipes Holland ‘ dd. 50. x casks Sherry, Madeira, A Tcueriffe Wine. 60 baskets Champagne do. 1 40 bbls. American Brandy. i 95 Xcasks ■••• -do; 1 - ! ,m.’ 10 x do. Cognac Brandy.)'In-’Custom-Hottsd- 90 X pipes do. | Store. 150 keg* Gun and Rlflo Powder. 500 bag* Drop and Buck Shot. ■ > With a compile sissortment of Qroceriec Fbr sale on favorable terms by * -.’/ »epi4 ■ = WfeBaTER4cPALllE8. 10 '3k: Mi ;50‘b«*etaGra' “ ' ■ ' IdsWre anaiorsue or -, n , oct 93 W. W. DAVIDSON. 50 barrels Cincinnati WhUkey, ■ 15 hogsbaadaPbitaRleoSugsr, :, t .MAage,Bk»potte» GENTLEMEN’S » RESTORATION. UliEH HEEH. Mi*lt II. WE(GrtNO(iuop«n«d, under til. Planter.’ Hotel, a neat and comfortable Eating Rohm, with an excellent Kitchen and Cooking Range adjacent, a* a • RESTAURANT. He has an excellont Cook, from Strasbourg, who will suit German, American and French tastes. OYSTERS, F1SI1, ME ATS—every thing that this market affords, cat* be bad in all styles, on short notice. Youmo Clerks, and others, who have rooms fn town, -“ invited to ’try.'the European mode of breakfasting dining at the Restaurant. LAGER BEER, SWISS CHEESE and JER CHEESE, kept always on band for the LAGER BEEBi PHILADELPmAtiAGI T HE Subscriber respectfully Invites the public of Sa vannah to test the qualities of this fine Beer, from ~ ‘ of Messrs. Eiinet. A Wolf, at the Falrtnounl the Brewery of Messrs. Ekoel A Wolf,at the Falrtnount Water Works, near Philadelphia. This Beer Is made ex actor tike toe Ldgor Boor of Munich, in Bavaria. I •b*H continue to ncMte constant supplies or this pure and wholesome beTerage,dnrlng tbeantomn. winter, and •Pring-As lUlhe old country, ft will be sold to families and Indlvldualvwbo will thuslncurno risk oflta sourln on their handrtTlie tase of thla Baer to particularly reoom »»p(7 Mj( HEHHY WEIOArt.D m*II*0 and Jamaica. She will be due at Cbogrea on the 14th of each month, and retnra on the 18th, by tame route, to Savannah. o Aa this service contemplates arrangementa only for a limited number of pasiengers, persona who desire to avoid crowdbd'boata will ih.d the route a desirable Due; and Invalid!, who wish to spr—* *•— West indtatilandrtmay.flad ay’s Steamships, twice a monlb, between Jaa following porta, Inai JJ '**— ‘ Antigua, .. *' . Havluia, 1 Honduras, '■ BL! : JacmoL 1 Martinique, Montserrat, Nevis, . Porto Rico, Tttnpieo, Barbadocs, - CUrriaeon, Carthagena, Demarara, Dominica, Grenada, Grey Town, Varatfrnx, From Savannah to Nassau....... . .V.???..'?. 930 Do. do. Inaguauw.......'....: , .....'..v.'‘55 Do. do. ; i ( Jrtnalca. 80 Do - d “- audSuT^^’Yr^ *. r and In nroportlqn to tho other Islands. tUTuch ship Carrie*an experienced Burgeon. AT|- r'relght mod specie conveyed 66 the uroM termsT^Fbr engagements, apply to ANDREW LOW A 004’ %* Huntsville Advocate, Chattanooga Gazettes"co- Iambus Enquirer. Macon Journal A Messenger; and Au gusta Chronicle A Sentinel will please Insert tte'.above weekly; NnshvUloTrue Whig. Knoxville Register, and Montgomery Journal^ iusert tri-weekly, for six months, and charge this office- • hov5 loo barrels Baltimore Flour;: i HMttnfenOoStat i I ft TABVEH, CARPET AND FLOOR CLOTH WARK1I0DAE. Curtains, Curtain Goods, So- HO CODgrcra and No. B7 St, Jollan-nreetj. rpUE .ubtcrlter, (mowltl? (hit He dtlitn. or X nah have felt a great Interest In toe establishing pr a could nm^toefreetoSion^fthp 1 ^ onaartWt* ,he3 [ nUhlng 1 their bousra, wouM° respectfutiy* Informthep'ifo- lie, generally, that he will this day open the moat com plete assortment ot ell tho various styles of GOODS usually kept In similar establishments. The Stock of the different departments will consist, in part, of the fol lowing Goods, vixt ... : ** “ T. DEPA nTXTFMT, , i / Brdacls; for Stairs; WRH aaiiP^ Hearth Rngs; Parlor and btdop Mata'; Table and’piano 8Uti?LLSn, T AmAcf““° Tdt>Cteg0nBMT ^*• OUt r every width from one tt Dining Itooms. BleamboaU, 8a Maboganyand ; BmalH!gured' 1 . 5-4 and 6 4 wide; Fhjured India Rubber Cloth for Bplr*. 811k and Worsted Damask Deldtlnef Worsted'itod Linen Damuk DeLaine; (Figured and Plain Damasks, variety of colors; White and Buff; for Shade*. .. WINDOW SHADER. Transparent Landscape, Medallion, Garland, and White and Gold, entirely new style; Cord; Loops; Tassels; together with all toe various Trimmings for Curtains and Shades. - ^ „ . «IUT CORNICES. : > ( ’ Bands, Loops and Pina, of the greatest variety and patterns, orthe latest Importation; all of which will *— •old atwholesale or retail! on toe most liberal tornT Royal Vet Brussels; Vt 6-4,13^ and 164 In wldl nor 6 "•“■“Mi 140 CongrcMand 5’ FOB THE (TEST INDIA iSLANUN It CHAQUEN, ■T TBi aaiTUH royal mail stramsiiup ' Hondnras, 1 — ‘ TLOMDA LANDS FOE . m, The following valuable TRACTS OF NVlanD, lying in Marion and AlachnaMi counties, will be offered at Private 8ald;«SKe during tho months of October, November and Dooetnber "'wCTU.MPKA HAMMOCK, Xtaated dost te« mild. North of Ocala, (the county seat or Marion county.) con taining 3/MO *crea,abQUt ooe-halfof which U hammock, unsurpassed by any in the State; and toe Remainder White oak and hickory land. > f A TRACT, well known as toe “Fort Drone Planta tion,” containing 3,000 acres of. Land, principally first quality hammock, between four and five hundred acres of which U thoroughly deared,and at; preeentdn culti vation. Thla place for severalyears averaged two bogs- heads or Sugar to top acre, and every year that it has been cultivated haa produced fine crops of corn and COttOn. :> j. .1 ■... These Tracis conld readily be dlvldod'Inlb two or three plantations each, being well watered 4hd surround- i byhlgh rolling pine land. , A TRACT or 1,000 acres on Grai— * -• hammock, orange grove, indwell TWO TRACTS, of 1,0)0 acres e prairie. The greater part of both t hammock. —ALSO- .000 ACRES on Indian Rivor-t as being remarkably fertile,'and lying south orthe region or frost, it la as well adapted 16 that culture as any In the United States. . 12,000 ACRES, generally known as the “Bayard tract?’ situated on the St. John’s river, opposite Picolata. There has a river front of seven or eight miles. 7 . .1,000 ACRES on Lake George,andiMreral«n*Utrsotit >n and near the 8t- John’s river, well situated for farm ing, the rearing or orango groves, Ac. -Tho above -tracts'ofTand were' purchased by the late On account of their acoessiliffiiy'ftwm' Charleston amt ivannah, they offer greatlndUcemenls to planters to Ca rolina or Georgia wishing to remove. The titles are clear and Indisputable. „ Terms—Cash, or payable at Charleston or Savannah, on r before the 1st of January next.. ... if January next.. .. „ further information nn toe subject c obtained by addressing the subscriber, atOrangeSn Marlon county, Florida. ' . J.H.M.CLI oct 10 Executor... V Tho Tri-weekly Chronicle A Sentinel, at Augusta, and the Journal A Messenger and the Telegraph; af Ma- FALL AT WINTER, 4 GOODS ! rpHE SUBSCRIBERS take pleasiire tn'RnnOtfT . X toe citizens or Savannah, and the nubile 8 that, by various arrival*of steamers ar^—" ‘— have reoelred a large and splendid S* able for Fall and Winter trade—suet ALPACAS, 0/ MUSLIN DE LA FRENCH AND L _ • r .. BRA BILK AND VEL, , , of all oolore and or thehi test andmoat approved patterns They also have receivM a largo stock of SILKS, which surpass anr other ever brought to this place, as well to the quality and patterns as to the prices; a great assort ment of WHITtTa EMBROIDERED. GOODS, such aa Chemlse^flogether witS alUlherartlclcs usuatiy^kcpl in a Dry Goods 8tore. They call the attention of the poblio especially to tbelr t&We&,‘PlHow-Cae^ilnen, etSj etc.; nnd also to tholr extensive variety or Flannels: Blankhta^Kerseys, Battoeta, Twseds and Casslmeres t and Invite nil-who wish to pur- EINSTEIN A RCKMAV. 1 me NEGR4IHUOGANN T HE subscriber rpsp< * tors and PlanteraU. _ gro Brogans and Women’s I Uys ; been*etact«lexnriRMly; fc warranted the best stock and wo., , _ fldent that a fai^ trial of hU stock wlU Insure M and a continued patronage. - UH gpodsarert LefOis fair* \V Glbon’s Building, formerly occupied by N WwdfcCo.' ■- ., ’ CK.NE Y UOAUU. - subscriber respectfully Informs idiiC, and strangere in'town, that ho haa j_rt received an elegant new Hack, called the ^SSMatfJKSS’ BTJTaSft MMip aloe pair ot Horses attached, sod ready Cor tmme- dlateserri^^t^ortshoitidbe^cfl^K^Ga^iLWeiT^ta- ■A/TACKEUBL AND CODFISH.— “ JML 50 barrels No. 1,3 and 3 Mackerel. 40 half do do land 2 do. 40 qr. do aud kits No. I do. 20 kits Salmon. ;■> ;:<5 drums Codfish. 50 boxes smokod Horrlngr *—” ' ' ' •'ll CL AG HO nov It CLAGOORN A CUNNINGHAM. A HAll< P0MP£^ with fixtures complete. fbr'S^by' lu»-no»S3 JOliN IL NORTON.