Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, December 17, 1852, Image 2

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, FRIDAY MORNING, TEE REPUBLICAN. SAY ASH AH, OA. Duly p.p.r »», TtI-WmUt W. BY J. L. LOCKE & CO. P. VI. ilgllHBgB, MMCUtTB EDITOR. FttIDAT MOMIW. DSC, 17. ISM. our Heading Bum. During tU noaooa, « of. ]>a;cm (net #«UerOen) Im found tkcir r«| 'at* Kpaiinf Room. 0*r wfrtA«*U,«»i *Uw/. r** «r« «/- k/or «kktcrikers, Unif «M* rrtsmW, »• «•«»* aartohoo •/Me ocean** to tty, tkat Os rules oftko ettaUiskmenl will,kereafler, n» every ease, to rfetofy •ftfbreed qgafea* «/! exeqrt sstocrttors, or strsar™ WfWtW tyftw. bsr Letts* Satar Puck* Cuaa*KT,and *.««» qf JU JUto-toC/to ttopatotasto^tovea^r /* < * Wt * r * M is morning el 10 e’efse* ymteaty. Iteraeae extra copitt will pUastiufemut Hfere 8 stetoc*. r ftf Law, we /ret y^s, eatatts. Journal of a Vo)»s« up Salt Rlttr. ’. Cotton PasaatRo,—Oar reader* have not forgotten tb% dlmlrou* Ora which contained U»e cotton prawn, warehouses, be»on|in»to 0. A. L. Lama*, B»q,oo the lower wharves, In April 1»»L The hand of Induttry, guided by the energetic detei tnlneUon of Mr. Lamar, hu been busy since that Umo In reconstructing everything on a mow permanent basts. Three spacious and commodious brick warehouses have arisen on the old alto, so situated with reference to each other as to afford Increased security, In case of Bra, and three ootton presses will eventually be In operation. One new Duvall's prsaa of Vmmwnee power U already up, and working successfully. Another one wtU immediately be •noted along aide of It. Tbe third Is now nearly In con* dlUon to work. This la the old press formerly owned by Mr. Mixture. It baa been put In complete order, by tbe aubstltutloh of soma new pieces of machinery where the old ones were missing, or In the least degree detect- lee. We presume that all these prewee are capable of doing as good work, as any other* la the United 8tates. We know of no better pleos of property In the Rate of Georgia, than tbe domain of Mr.LA*s*,ou tbe Eastern Wharves, with theImprovomeattsapsradded. Ills but a few j ears since, that this part of tbe Uty was regarded as being for removed from tbe buslaew centre or opera tions. Twelve or Bfteen years ago, much of tbe land In that vicinage bad buttlttla If any more value, than that referable to Its capacity for planting purpose*. Now, there are vessels lying at the wharves near two thousand foot below Mr. Lamar’s property, and yet further on there Is a ship yard, from which a new steamer, ithe St. «M*'s)hsaJnri been toned out,and a marine railway, with a good sited barque on It at this momeut undergo ing repairs. We desire for Mr. Lamar that success lu S business and security disasters which his energy and watchful vigilance merit. » • Piaiodt's Strawsrrrirs.—Mr. C, A. Piaiobt, of Columbus, whose strawberries we bad occasion to no tice some days ago, baa arrived In Savannah with speci mens and packages of his plants. Mr. P. Is tho editor of the Horticultural department of “ 7»« qf Us SmM,” and oomss highly rocomtneuded as a gentleman and hor ticulturist Ho showed os, yesterdsy, a duster of hit proilffe strawberries—rich, red and ripe, on tbe green vines traaspianlsd In an earthen pot. and brought down for publlo Inspection. Ills plants, cultivated on bis place, we are assured will yield fruit the whole Spring and Summer through; lit tbe open air, and Into tho Fall, until a bard and killing frost destroys them. Tbe speci men shown us may be aeon by the ladies and others at Wm. W. lux cols'* drug store. Packages, ready for - planting, may be had at Oowory fo Watts’, on Urn A GaoantA Naoao rot Mas. 8row«.—Those of our readers who have been much about MUtcdgevtUe during the past throe or four sessions of the legislature, will remember Harrison W. Rttiv, Ms representative Dora Lumpkin county. The Dahlonega Signal Informs us, that he permitted his slave Desist the past year to visit California, to try his band at mining u on his own hook.” ■ Daniel has Just returned with his pockets full of gold, the tamings of his labor, of all which he has given n faithful account to his master. If the institution of slavery la such as Mr*. Brown re presents It, would this slave’have voluntarily returned fTOrn a teee Stato where he was accumulating a fortune, r to a slave Bute where the proooeds of hla labor are . mainly absorbed by his master T Our readara will observe that a beautiful piano cover will ba rallied for at Mrs. Dillon’s fency store on Christ- mas Eve. We recommend persons of teste to Inspect ^ tho artlote and try their chance. Sailino or tmb Kcaora,—Tbs British Mall Bteara- shlp Enropa silled (TOm Naw York, on Wednesday, with •474,000 In specie. Bank or Tna Stats or South Carolina.—The South Carolina Legiflatare hu Just elected the following gentlemen President and Directors of the Bank of South Carolina*— President—C.M. Furman. Diretlare—V, B. lllll, W. a Dukes, P. M. Cohen, R. G. Stone, Elisha Carson, II. F. Strohccker, G. U. Wal ter, J. L. Gantt, J. Stelnmejcr, Gsorge Robertson, E. W- - Matthewea, Rice Dniln. Or asp, Durov 4a Co.’s Uranov.—Our friend Mr.Ds- ' vinioH,n«ar Market Square, In sending us his adver tisement, and eertlfleato for publication, to which wo re fer, hu accompanied them with an approved specimen or Ms beet In a gallon dom|John. Tbeeo brandies of Mr Davidson are beyond all question excellent and reliable* and we desire to call tho attention of thou Interested to tbe statement of Mr. Daemon, that hebu made ar rangements, If sufficiently encouraged, to oontluuo these direct importations hereafter. • Mr. D. Is able always to command the best foreign article at the moat reasonable to. tart a. .>—»> m*u, <**• Mtaa Licit.) . - Tbejovnwy bad beea rmfesplated fee aero* indeed,** It would bow appear, erer store May last, when tbs batldb« of tbe atrip was commenced al Haiti* more. Thewwksaf ss worried and qasrraied nmoag themselvaa, that thsre wet* maay old salte that predicted breakers, If not shipwreck, ahead. It wu ail aboat the kind ofCiptsta we shoaU hare. Oar portofdssttoatloo vns not Salt Rlrsr, bet a stream called the Potomac. Some of ns were quite sort we abould never reach har bor safe under OspUin BcotL He was a good enough navigator himself to be sure, but then h* had so many Jonah’s and Flying Dutchmen about hlm-feOows that dkPat know how to steer only In on* direction, and that dot North—that wo w$re all certain that we should be driven by stress oT weather Into Baft River, If Urn brim got Into tbrir hands. However, U wu no os*. Ws tried to gel Own mod ore FUlmore to continue the command, seeing that he had rescued the Ship of Stale, when one Ume, quite recently, aha wu In great danger oTgolag all to smash on the shoals of 8law*y, while w* were making for California. That wu a terrible voyage. The let shore of Disunion wu on one hand, while on the other were the quicksands of Abolitionism, Interspersed with Unwell known whirlpool of tbe lent. The Commodore wu helped to that tornado by hts chief mate Daniel r Webster, (of blessed memory,) and U wu no wonder, therefore, that the crew and nearly all hands engaged for the trip, tried to get them to take command, especially as everybody expected a rough voyage. They felt they could navigate so much safer, and get to a harbor to much sooner, than with anybody els*. Hut, as 1 said before, It wu all no use. Captain 8eoUwu M shipped for the voyage,” and we must either go with him or stay ashore. Writ, having got a captain, the next thing wu to pro cure a ship.—And here, again, there wu another flare up. Some of ue wanted to makes craft big eoough to take on board all tho passenger*,—thou who came from the South u well u thou who came teora other parts. But tbs friends of Captain Scott thought that we should go to sea, tearing Delaware, Kentucky, Virginia, Louis iana, Tnimum, Georgia, and other welldoeervu* old sailor* ashore. Tbe three strongest men In tho foreces- tie, New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, wo were told could manage the ship,—and the real of the crew might goto Davy Jones’ Locker, If they wanted to. Only sex tos* to get the ship felrly afloat, and to keep peace In the family,** 1st them have it u much their own way u possible,—and then all bands went to work to put tho Umber* together. This wu the signal for a regular mo tley. One of the gang commenced spitting oath* planks, right off;—white another In the same mesa, Insisted upon haring the concern painted all black, without a single streak of while. That got oar dander up. Of coarse we could never stand by and tee a long, lsw, pIratteaHook* Ing craft of that sort launched,Rare could help It, and so wo went to work right off and rubbed out tho dark spots, and mado U all white. 8ome of the crew next tried to gets woolly-headed follow fora figure head, the ugly spirit or spectre of Disunion, but that would n’t do,—eo we pulkd It down and set up a regular Silver Gray with straight hair and a white face on. The fellows that had tried to aptt cut the pleats undertook at this point to kick up another row. limy wanted to go to sea Paisa dtwn. We uld No, fivo us the Stare and Stripes, or nothing; non* of your black flags and cross bones. They caved In on that, and then all hands lent a hand In launching the ship, and th;n off we went with favoring gales. From May till November, wo ulled along pretty smoothly,—heading all the white for the Potomac. Some or the crew In tho Massachusetts and Georgia mesa, wouldn’t work very well, and once or twice they muti nied outright, but it wu thought best to kt them bare their way rather than undertake to giro them the cat, u the oW hulk by this time, (near November,) wu begin ning to pitch and tumble like a Dutch Lugger. All hands wore suddenly ordered aloft on the 1st November, (ship still beading for tho PotomacJ but on the evening of the find, tbe man at the look-out cried out— M break ers ahead,” and that It wu getting foggy,—white Jack, •t tho helm, Mkl he had lost his reckoning In the squall that wu coming on. The feet Is, we wasn’t In the Polo- rose latitude st all, m every body ou board now began to dlsoover, when U wu too late. Just st this moment It began to blow hard feom all quarter*—North, South, East and West,-* regular Paddy’s whirlwind. All wu lost—tho fetes were against us—Captain 8cott’s officers had done Just u w* predicted they would do-sent the ship up Salt River with all on board. As It wu too 1st* to back water, tho only thing we could do wu to push right on up the stream, but on the 3rd wo put In at For. lorn llofo to put ashore two passengers, named Mass*. chuseUs and Vermont, who wouldn’t go up tho River on any terms. Weighing anchor again, wo soon passed atdent W. R. Kino la modi Improved. LATEST I? By Telegraph INTELLIG to the BepubUran. veni. It. Kiel*. Iteltb. nram. Dm. IA r-U'-n. talk of VIM rn- Charleston Charleston, Dec. !«, P. M—OsrroN.-Tha sales to this nutkat today, Thursday, comprise 2,301 betas, sad for the week 11,000 betas. Prices today about tbs a* tho** current on Wednesday. The decline dur- tog tbe week hu been an MOM cent. Middling fair la quoted at cent*. Receipts of tbs weak 14,170 hales. Block on hand, axetueire of that on shlp-boerd, 28.716 bate*. Jamks Marsh, Naval Architect, died today, aged 80 w- Now-York .tlnrkct, •' Naw-Yoa*, Dee. 16, P. M.—Cotton.—The sales to- day amount to 1,300 beta*. Prictfr are unchanged. Additional raa Arctic—Leadra Mtnty Market.— On Monday the 29(h nil, Consols ware arid at (TOm ini KOKH)*. Rko wu steady, and Bcoegalwuqnoted at fTOrn llstolfisddpercwk Ess land.—It has been formally announced that the Ministry will adhere to the existing Dee-trade policy. Tbs activity In tbs French navy-yarda hu caused a coe- eapondlng activity In thou tn England. The negotiations, between England and France for the modification or the tariff hayp been nearly completed. The ladles of the English aristocracy hare adopted a memorial to tho ladles of the United States against slavery. Francs.—Tho Empire wu to hare been formally de clared on tho 2d tnsk, the day after Ut* A relic left Liver pool, and on the following day the Senate wu to have fixed the salaries oT the Royal femtly. IIbnry the fifth, Ula said, is making preparations to Issue a manifesto to the monarch! of Europe agalnss Natolkon. Grkbxouom Tna BcuLnoa.—We regret to perceive, fTOrn our Boston exchanges, that the report of the lunacy of Mr. Horatio Grkxnouoii, the celebrated sculptor, which wu circulated In Washington and Now York at the close of last wesk, la confirmed. Mr. Gaiaxovon Is now under tbe ear* of Dr. Bull, at tho Insane Asylum, lu 8omerriUe, Mass* but tt Is most earnestly hoped by hts many friends, that his mental aberration will be only temporary. Perhaps the recent loss or his brother, at Paris, noticed by us a few days since, may hare ltd to the sad result. If such, however, be the case, In Ume, doubtless, he will be restored to reason. IxroRTAKT raox Mexico—Raisono* or TUI Ta- HVANTarac PaorosiTiONi.—Tho N. O. Picayune Is lo possesion of later date* feom the city of Mexico. Tho Mexican Congress has rejected all the propositions be fore U lu reference to the Tehuantepec grant of the tight or way. A new proposition hu been received feom the clitiens of Vera Crux, offering to build a read acres* tho. Isth mus, which will cost ten millions or dollars. It Is uld the Government thlnka very favorably or this offer} and a report would soon be made on the subject. Letter* represent tho revolution u spreading very rap idly. The whole country Is in arms against tho Govern- menk GovRRNMSNTOrricsas and Claim*.—Proeton King has laid before tbe House or Representatives a bill, ma king it a penitentiary offenco for any Government officer, In or out of Oongreea, to bo Interested Insny claim against the United States. Extort or Acorns.—Seventy-three bushels oraoorns have been shipped to Belgium and Holland, feom Brad ford, Pa., with a vlow to Introducing the oak Into thoeo ountric*. Genual Pierce’s Cabinet.—Tha Buffalo Commer cial Advertiser of Friday hu tbs following:—We are enabled to state, upon tbe authority of a gcntkmen who had lately paid a visit to the President elect, at his real* ‘ tnoe lu Concord, Dial tbs new cabinet Is to be select- 1, and all tho preliminary arrangements for the orgsn- i of the Incoming administration definitely made, » Mr. Pieros leaves bis home for the seat or the general government to February next. la Lowel tho whole whig ticket for mayor and alder- men Delected. It Is said that Gerrett 8mltb, at the next session of Congress, will Introduce a bill for tbe purchase of Cuba. FiXALaa PiooLAiMin Outlaws.—La Bettors Vail, ante and 1a Benora Gorecouna, who are now to Nsw York, havo been proclaimed outlawa by the Military Commissioner at Havana, and are tuvltcd by that learned oommlliee to leave their husbands and oome to Havana, and suffer tho garroto. A splendid new steam ship, to bo called tbe City •/ PkileJc.'pki*, of 9,200 tons burthen, Is soon to b* added to the line or steamers now running between Philadel phia and Liverpool. She Is to b* commanded by Cape Lbitch, one of the most popular officers In the service. Situation as a Teacher Wanted.—Persons wishing * to engage the services of n competent leather, are re ferred lo the advertisement In another column. The French Annexation Projects.—^Wo hear sim ultaneously (soys the Baltimore Sen) of two annexation prqjeeta, on or near tbe American continent, by French- men—ode under French naval enterprise. The occur rence of those two events, at or near the mm* Ume, may be simply aa accidental coincidence. Whether It la or not, Ute future wUI determine. One Is the annexation by the French conqueror of the Mexican 8tatoof Sonora, (apparently* private project,) to France as a colony; tbe oUter Is Ihs recent alleged seizure or the Weal India Island of Bam ana In 8t, Domingo, by the French naval It Is not Uksly, however, with Ute proximity or the Yankee* In that quarter, and their Jealousy of “appro priation” of this sort by ferelgnsrs, that Ute annexaUon of 8onora to France wlU be a very convenient Job, apart from any resistance Mexico herself might make. With regard to iho Island of Bamaua,U Is stated that the French themselves in taking possession or It with their naval forces, announce that they only intend to make It . n uaval staUon, should Ute United Statee not otyeot. But the New York 7W»mn* does not believe that this condi tion exists In Urn act of annexaUon. Barnana, It may be < added, Is a considerable Island attbe north of the Day of Baraan*, ons of the attest harbor* In tbe world. The itaUon that holdall has control over a most Important channel loading Into the Caribbean sea. Senator Pearce Struck at a Ladt.—During a de bate to the U. 8. Senate, Monday last, a parasol dropped from the hand of a Irldy In tbe gallery, which fell, point downward, on tbo head of the Hon, Mr. Pearce, or Ma. ryland, cutting hlrq severely,- but not seriously. Mr. B, after some Ume, resumed hu seat to the Senate. .BumoRRD Bstrothment or the Princess Royal —The report gains consistency that Prince Frederick Wiliam, the heir of tho Prussian Crown, is betrothed to U>* Prineess Royal or England. The Princes* of Pros- ' aU, mother of tbe Prince, will mako another visit to England next apriag.—Jlugtburg Zeitung. Dreadful Earthquake in China.—In a late train- tscroftLo Pekin GaitUt there appears an account of a terribio earthquake, that occurred a few months ago. In tha province of Kan-suh, to tbs northwest of China. The ■bocks eommtpced la the city of Ctraog-veJ and Its neighborhood on tbe 9kh of Msy last, sod were repeated many times during a space of fifteen days bom tost JJSM'“•‘S 1 'DMOfllD^««Md .M triihU T «« Jniiulmumui lunu Onmn- MDvta, IMIlww *«%«! Mm4m|«L(ImM fesgg Point Protection, and all hands were summoned on deck to— “Cast one longing, lingering look behind." We saw some English merchants helping to diminish Its feir proportion* by tumbling lu promoutorlee Into the ocean. In toe distance, fading away, were seen River and Harbor Bay,—but some people whom we met com ing down the river, U was understood, were going there to fill It up with snags aud sand bars. Our ears were next startled by a wild sort of cry which the man at toe look-out said came from a fleet of FllU- baMwiwutMwt a IM Mrsui«r, cetleU the ».Van\jat Destiny,” on hrr way down the stream. They were In great spirits as they passed. Their vessel was covered •Hover with streamers, and banners bearing such mot toes: “The whole or None,” “The Free Flag of Cuba,” “ Annexation oT Canada,” and “IntervcnUon for Hunga ry.” There were a great many other Inscriptions on their flags, but having a great head of steam on they traveled •o test that they were soon out or tight. On tbo decks and chief In command appeared Captains Douolass and Walbsidoe, both or whom were heard cheering on the man and pointing to the Lone Star. At tola point our ship was stopped to put ashore two more passengers who wo thought had shipped for tho voyage. Their name* were Tennessee and Kentucky. The part ing scene wm afibctlug to tho extreme. We bid them good-bye, while they hoped we should have a Jolly good Ume. The shrill voice or “all ashore that's going,” from the chtafcook, out short all further compliment, and as Uw two passengers turned lo take a last fluid look, oar craft wu making the best of her way past Belmont Breakers, the headlands or Native Americanism, every body asking his neighbor, “Why am 1 a Whig7” We put In again at another point lo take on boards bevy or custora-bouse officers, an army or post-office folks, “black spirits and white,”—hard shelled Whigs and sort ahslted ones, none of them In very good humor, but MweweraaUto the ume boat, the better disposed or us tried hard to keep peace in the femlly. When we got u fer m Inauguration Cape, wo met Commodore Ptaaca’s fleet under weigh, for Bpolla Harbor. Johe Van Burbn wu at the wheel, Cam wu setting toe studding sails, Buchanan wu leaning over too stern fishing for a foreign mission, while over to toe corner sat Marcy, mending his unmentionables. The rest of the crew were looklug anxious and hungry—Just like another Franeun Expedition cut loose feom a four or five years sojourn lu the Ice regions. To those parts we are now shaping our course, and u we are getting into the headwaters or the river, I must, in full view or the Blue Licks, out my epistle short. How long wo shall remain here la a matter of some doubt, but to toe couiae of another yew, or so, profiting by tho sad experience of toe put, we expect our good genius to help us with favoring gates Into deeper water. Meanwhile the most of us go Into the Military Academy to await the turn of tbe tide. • Madame Bisoaccunti la still In California—qulto a ferorite. A new French theatre ts about opening there, for operatic representations. Madame lUscaodsnU is to be tbe prims donna. She will be assisted by artistes from Peru. Loriol, U Is said, to to be tho tenor. “Home, sweet borne,’ is the eong that we never heard yure!”—5yr anCr *** b ° CQ married seven or eight Except, perhaps, *n Editor of a Dally Paper, who U so seldom at home that U to always a novelty. Anoturr 8usrsNStoN Bamos acroes tho Niagara riv er, la to course of construction at Bellevue, and when completed, wlU, it U said, be the longest In the world.— 13,000 miles ofwlre will be required for It, each cable be ing composed or 3300 separate wires. Teeth.—Healthy teeth depend mainly on healthy di gestion, aud on cleanly hablla as regards the teeth. They must, or course, bo confined to tho purposes for which they are designed. If they are employed for the purpose of cracking nuta, biting thread, unscrewing needle ewes, or turning the stopper or a smelling-bottle; If toe mouth la used u a kind of portablo for a tool chest, to which a pair of scissors, a knife, a vice, a cork-screw, or any other Instrument, may be feund at the time or need—then se rious and Irretrievable Injury will eventually be dono to the enamel of the teeth, which no healthiness of digestion nor cleanliness of habit wlU avail to remedy. Ornoaa in Wasuinoton.— 1 The Rochester Jlivirtlttr having denied the correctness or a statement In the New- York Etyrtei, that there are more Democrats than Whig* In Federal offices at present, the Kxpratt rejoins u roL “ What we wrote to the Express when In Wuhlngton, lut week, was literally correct, aud any body with the Ulue Book before him, and acqualntod with the po Hies of gentlomen lu office at the seat of government will find It to be so. There are more Democrats In office than there are Whigs; and Uils fact Is true st the very close or • four years’ Whig administration of tho government. We sped Bed tbe Comptroller’s office, (Mr. WhltUesey’s,) whore there are ulna Democrats to four Whigs t to* Re gister’s office, where there are fifteen Democrats to thir teen Whigs; and here we classed u Whigs thou who liad held office under tbe government for twenty, thirty, forty, and, in ono cue, sixty years. They are not active politicians, and, befog In the District of Columbia, of course have no vote. We picked out Mr. Drayton’s of fice, (u Democratic Auditor kept In office by the Whigs,) who ims retained, without any Interference from a Whig Pro*Idem or Whig heads of Department, a majority of Democratic clerks,. We referred to tho office of Com missioner ot Customs, fe&tfcc^and took pains to Inquire into the truth of what we wrote before sending It on for publication. The editor of the AdvertiaerwiUflndittobe true in two ways: first, by referring to tho administra tions under which the clerks were made; and, secondly, on inquiry u to the sentlmens avowed by those In office previous to too election, or previous to tho nominations.” London Jaws 8ocistt.—From too last annual report or this Society, wo learn that Its income for 1831-2, amoun ted to jC30,493, and that Its expenditures were £90,931. Of tho receipts, however, £1,788 were “special funds.” The whole number of laborers eraployod Is nlnety-elx, of whom fifty are Israelites. The socioly hu mlssslons In England, Palestine and Egypt, Turkey In Asia, Turkey to Europe, Austria, Poland, tho Duchy of Posen, Eut Prus sia, Central Prussia, 8llesla, Sweden and Denmark, Hol land, the Rhine District, France, and North Africa.— Great change* are taking placo among toe Jews, particu larly In Europe. Arksst ot a Mail RnaiK*.—On the 10th Inst. J. D. Frierson, special agent of the Port Office Department, ar rested Cicero Mnhaffur, the mall carrier between Atlanta and Carrollton, Georgia, on a charge of robbing too rnalL who subsequently made a foil confession j among other things he confe**cd having stolen the half bills remitted lo ,. 8 u C , r * n ,l on ’ Bt-rkertDavta, and Baker,Wilcoxk.Co- of this city, ou the 10th May last. ” The attention of the agent has been for a long time di rected to lids route, but hitherto he hM been unable to find the least due to the numerous thefts.—Anemia Chrtn. and Sen. OATfo—Are scarce and to demand. WaburofanuU ike at 303&3 cents per bushel. M0LAP8E&—Thera hu bean aoree demand for New Orleans during tbe part weak, sad sates to mom extent have been matte, la lota, a Thwa have bean do arrivals of Oiba for some time, and the stock l* light. Tha asking price ia 21 cent* per gal lon. IIAY.—We beer of sales of Eastern, from wharf, at •1^0, which wu the asking primal tbe dose of the market. W# have beerd of no transaction* to Northern, It ia worth about per hundred poaada. The sup- pjjj, ^»|[ t 0 tbe demand. BACON.—There has been nothing doing In this article’ Onr quotations must bo considered u altogether nomi nal. AV# quote Bhoukicn at 8* ®8 L'Jand Cldcs Otf® »•* Sent*, per pound. BALE ROPE—The transactions have been limited. Prices have advanced, and holders are now asking 7X® 1)4 for common and 8# for “Dillons.” LIME.—There hu been no arrival since our last re port. It Is selling from store at f 1,93 per cask. Tbe last cargo sale wu made at |1 per cask. BALT.—One cargo arrived yesterday after we had closed our enquiries; previous to which there wu non# afloat, and It was to demand. It to selling from store In smalt lota at 61,93 per sack. EXCHANGE—SterUng U quoted at 2Jf T cent, prom. Doxssno— 1 Tho Banks are selling Bight Checks ou all Northern cities st # per ct. premium; and purchasing Sight Bills at par; 30 day Bills, X®Kper cent dis count; 00 days 1)4 per cent, discount; and 20 day Bills at ner cent discount. FREIGHTS,—Foreiqn : We quote to Liverpool Jfd; to Havre !<&, and to Glasgow Jid. Coastwise; We quote to Boston )4®5M6c. for Cotton and 61J83® 1.37)4 If cask for Rice; to Provldenoo )4c. for Cotlon; to N. York, 7-lOc. for Cotton and 61 tor Rice; to Philadelphia 5-16c for Cotton and 91 T cask for Rice. Savannali Import*—Dec. 10. Per Br. ship Flu James, feom Liverpool— 1 7,223 ueka Balt, to A. Low 4t Co. Savannah Exporta—Dec. 16, Per ship Southport, for Apalachicola, (FIs.)—30 casks Rice. ________________________ CHARL1STOH MXrOETS—DEO. 15, Nant*—Fr. barque Ninette—868 bales Upland Cotton, 131 Uerces Rise, 10^33 feet Lumber. Barcelona—Sp. potter* Ellsea—360 bale* Upland Ootton. Boston—Barque Montpelier—373 bales Upland Col ton, 50 tierces Rice, SO bags Flour, 20 tons Iron. Naw-Yoar.—Steamship Southerner—18 bales Sea Island and 400 do. Upland Cotton, 57 tierces Rloe, 04 bales Domestics, S3 esses Sundrios, and 613,000 In specie. Nev-Orlkans—Schr. Gulnara—983 Uerces Klee, and 1 qr. cask Wine. Augnsth, Dec. 1 A, p. m.—Cotton.—There Is an improved feeling to-day, produced by the late Eu ropean accounts, and the market Is recovering a portion of what had been lost on Monday and Tfibsday. Price* are not, however, sufflolenUy settled to report the extent of the advance. There Is a good demand and an active business doing. The Bales show a X cent advance upon the prices or yesterday, Mobile, Doc. 11, p. m.—Cotton—Arrived — "* t 484 bales and ex- tying a stock on lut evening or 84,701 ba!es,'agatnst 50,483 bales st to* same time lut year. Os Thursday but little wm done to the early part of toe day, but towards the clou a better feeling wu manifest ed, and holders being more disposed to realise, the btsineaa of the day closed on sales of 4000 bales; mid- dUug8)4o. Yesterday all parties were walling later Eu ropean news now put duo by telegraph, and u holders were leu anxious to sell: tho transactions were only 9000 bales, tho market closing quietly st our quotations. The sales of the week are about 1EL500 bales, taken for Northern raar- good BBEF^Njw-York J BREAD^Na'vy, BUTFEIL Goshen! prime*. RICKS, Savannah! Ysi qaL Northern.... ........... CANDLES, Spermaceti Savannah made, Tallow. Northern do. do.. CHEESE, Northern COFFEE, Cuba, Inf. to fiUr.. Good Adr to prime .<F lb. IUo ^ lb. Java V tt>. COTTON, Upland, Inferior..jr lb. “ Ordinary. .T B»« MlddUng. .V lb. Mid. frlr..qr lb. FRlrltfifldr.f’ 1 lb. Good folr..V* ib. CORDAGE, Tarred * lb. Manilla v DOMESTIC GOODS, Shirtings, brown yd. Sheetings, brown V yd. Brown DriUa ? yd. Cotton Osnaburgs qr yd. DUCK, English qr bolt American Oollon qr yd. FISH, Mackerel, No. 1 qrbbb No. 2 qrbbl. No. 3 qrbbl. FLOUR, Canal qrbbl. Balt. Uownrd-strccLaupl.V hbl. Philadelphia qrbbL Georgia qrbbl GRAIN, Corn, cargo Thus. « retell qrbus. Oats qrbus. Wheat....... qrbus. GLASS, Am. Window qrlOOft GUNPOWDER qrkog. HAY, Prime Northern qrowt “ Eastern qrcvrt, HIDES, Dry qr B>. Deerskins qr lb. IRON, Swede*, assorted .It ton. Pig qrton. Hoop Vcwt, 3 50 Shut. v i .Vewt. .4 50 Tna Loras Arms in Cuba.—Mr. Sullivan, an Eng lishman, the author of a recent book of travels In Amer ica, mentions the following u one of tbe causes of toe (sllura or too Lopes expedition; “When Lopes’s inva sion wu first mooted, and toe Creole population alfected to sympathise, the Governor-General gave toe whole of to* slave population within ten mile* of the Havana, three dsya holiday, that the whltea might be able to form some Idea or toelr numbers, strength, and ferocity, and takes wholesome warning against favoring any agitation which might bring about tbe horrors of a slave-rising. Ills said that tho sight of these fifty or rtxty thousand African warriors swaggering through the streets, and the knowledge Dial toe ume struggle which liberated them from the 8panlah rule, might also liberate the blacks feom theirs, did more to quench the rising feelmg to fkvor of “ Llbertad” amongst th*Creoles, than any dreed of the soldiers of Old Spain. It was a ticklish proceeding on the part of the Governor-General, and would have been scarcely warranted, but for tbe presence or twenty thou sand men under arms the whole time, and the possibility o( tbe slaves procuring arms being stricUy guarded ■gainst," Tub Tsifartitk Treaty Relative to Cubar-Ilt True Meaning.—Tha Baltimore Jwuricanaajt: “The most Important Item of Information, touching our foreign relations, in the President’s message, is tho unexpected disclosure that, test spring, France and England propos ed toe negotiation or a treaty, by vlrtuo ot which they and the United States should Jointly and severally dis claim, now and forever, all design of possessing Cuba, and bind themselves to discountenance all efforts to that purpose on tbe part of any power whatever. “Thismovement was, of course, understood lobes mere attempt st dlplomatle sounding. We have too rauch respect for toe good sense of Mona. De Sartigoa and Mr. Cnunpton, to believe that they dreamed of ma lting such a treaty with our Government. The whole affair was, unquestionably dressed up In that graceful garb of diplomatic millinery, which, while it Is too flimsy fo hide tho oLrjoct* beoeath It, Is far too elegant to be ap proached with rodents*. Messieurs De Sartlges and Crsmpton were,doubtless, entertained with due courtesy when they proposed this American Holy alliance, and « may easily Imagine tost Mr. Webster dallied with them long enough fo ascertain definitely what wuso •eautlljr bidden by their gossamer drapery. While Eng land add France were striving lo make us “show our bands,” we hope toe Secretary of Aisle caused Umm to esblbllibe palms of ibelre. M We believe Ibis movement lo Imre been • sham and * ‘ filter,' because nothing bw been more avowed In Amerlee* diplomacy, for Ibe last iblrty ycan, than our determleeHoBHbel while wewteblo mppon the mown ofNpelu tolls ownership of Cube, u long •* the Cuban* fMretebe rojniM*ruber then Kepetrileue, we fire equeUy wived wol to allow any Kuropeee nation to meddle with ibe right* of the friend, nr lo Interfere »Mb fee belenee of power tie ibte aide of Ibe rittetete,” (Eommercfal ffnteUfgencg. 8A VANN AH MARKET. COTTON.—Arrivod since tbe 0th Inab, 13,853 bate* Uplands (7,050 per Railroad, 7,000 from Augusta and landlngsonthe river,727 via Darien,andC8 per wagons, Hate, A*,) and 002 do. Sea Islauds. Tho exports for th* same period amount to 0,215 bales Upland and 236 do Sea Islands, via: to Havre 1,208 bales Upland and 109 do. Sea Islands; to Providence 941 bales Upland; lo Boston 5,090 bates Upland; to New-York 1,355 bale* Upland and 109 do. Sea Island; to Philadelphia 157 bates Up land, and to Charleston 305 bates Upland and 3B do. Sea Islands—leaving on hand and on shipboard not cleared a stock of 45,791 bales Upland aud 1,889 do. Sea Islands, against 34,430 bales Upland and 2,114 do. 8u Islands st tame Umo lut year. Our last report closed upon a quiet market. On Fri day and Saturday, there wubuta limited demand. Sale* on Friday 870, and op Saturday 434 bales. On Sundiy. we had later Intelligence from Europe by tbe Afiagara. The Liverpool market wu reported lo have declined )4d- and, under the influence of these advice*, price* here do- clinod X to fie. 8ale« on Bldhday, 1,190 balet-tbe mar ket closing unsettled. On Tuesday, there wu an active demand-tale* 2,000 bales-no change In price*. On Tuesday evening, we received three days later advices from Liverpool by tbe Arctic. That market had recov ered too decline reported by the Niagara, fair Orleans being quoted at 6)4, and fair upland at fid. On Wednes day there wu aome improvement In price* here. Sales 1911 bale*. Yesterdsy there wm a further Improvement, the advance oflhe two days being about Jfc. Tbo sales yesterday amounted to 1509 bates, at extremes of 8)4 to OXcU. We quote; „ ... though the stock has become reduced. The sales have been but moderate end at a range of ,4*4®3e. for prime Carolina. Now-Orlenne* Doc. 3, p. m.—Cotton.— The demand appeared to be extremely limited, but m price* were still more In favor af buyers, the soles em braced 6500 bales. The desire to realize being very gen- Sheet... -jPowt. Nall rods...;;.... .......qrowt LARD qr lb. 13 LIME. Thomaston. qr bbh 119 LU5IBER, S. Sawed, reflise. .qrmJL 8 00 Merdianteblo qrmJt. 14 00 River Lumber, refoso.. .qrinJt. 9 00 Merchantable to prime 14 00 Ranging don for export 9 00 MluRangtag 10 00 White Pino, dear 30 00 Merchantable 18 00 Cypress Shingles qr m. 4 00 Snwcd Cypress Shingles.. V tn. 10 00 Rod Oak Staves V »• 1* 00 White do. pipe V m. 35 00 do. do. nnd....«V ra. 25 00 do. do. bbl V m. 20 00 MOLASSES, Cube, Vgd. 91 • Now-Orioans..... Vgd. 30 _ NAILS, Cut 4d. to SOd V th. 3)4® 3)4 NAVAL STORES,Thr. Vbbh “ Spirits Turpentlno........Vgd. Varnish Vgd. OILS, Sjterm, winter stninod..Vgd. 1 40 “ BuinmNr..Vgd. Whdo, Racked, winter... V gd* Linseed Vgd. Tanner*’ Vbbl. OSNABURGS. Fhuc V yd- PORK, Mess, Western Vbbl. Prime ..Vbbl. Mess, Now-York V bbl. PORTER, London V do*. RAISINS, Malaga Vbox. SPOUTS. ' Brandy, OtfTd,Du|mjr ACo.V g"b I-cger frwos. 1 ,7.V.! V gah Perth V g*h Domestic y gal. 4 7 8 8 10® 14 10 50 850 7 00 0® 587 7 7. 87® ® 11 ® 15 ® .7 ® 10 @ 9 ® 10 <3 14 00 ® 24 ® 11 W ® ® @ 7® ® 7 ’ ® 6® ® S3 ®J 05 ® 53 ® ® 7® ® 5® 1 IS* i \* ®1M® ® 30 OT ® 4® S 5TO 0 25 ® 15 ® 1 25 ® 11 ® ® 18 W © 10 00 ® in® ® w ® ® 13® © 40 00 ® 25 00 ® 4® ® & 10 M ® 60 ® © 35 00 ® 25 TO American, TALLOW, Amerioan.; TOBACCO, Manufactured... TEAS, Souchong Gunpowder..........,.,, Ilrson. ;> TWINE, Seine ...' Baling WINES, Madeira Vgd. Sicily. Madeira Vgah TonoritfesL. P. Vgd. Mdogo, Sweet V gd. “ Dry... Vgah Claret, Marwllloa V c’k. “ Bordeaux V o’k. Champagne................• Vdnz. WOOL, Southern Unwashed..V ft>. “ Clean. r ~ “ WOOL-SKINS, Lamb’s- Sheep’s, Clean V #>• “ K«- Om S3 ElSU Wm. llaUiboiio, tall,....010 fr “»>«. 87* Our quotations, above, ore generally wholesale prices. In filling small orders, higher rates have to be pdd. BANK NOTE TABLE. Qerrtcltd for. Os 8avannak RtpnhHcan Print Current. Charleston Banks par. North-Carolina Banks. 5 V ct. disc. AU Banks and Branches at Auguste par. Bank of the State of Georgia par. Marine and Fire Insurance Bonk pari Planters’Bank ortho State of Georgia...,;.. par. Central Rail-Road Bank par. Bank of Savannah par. Central Bank of Georgia par Georgia RaU-Road Bank par. Merchants’Bank at Macon.... par. Manuflioturera’ Bank at Macon, par. Bank of MUtedgeriUe winding up. *• of Brunswick at Augusta “ of 8U Mary’s u * Gowdf »™pvMJS0 D«U..Wubb'iLWIH,rir. SSJiKSawteB Wm. Clark?Daly,. .179 N Geonrtana,Gll0hriil,.....0W £ Marshall, Ryder,.,.......197 Boston,.,.. w’SEX2* Corrlbboc, Ombmm, 310 dlic’B.!..., Tnngcbt, Itccd QUO li.Ui, W. cSfc Schooners. Franols, Prov..;Willis ItBruaduS! M*rth^ Teal......... NY’k..Wlllls k Bruodiia N.W.Smith.BTOUbj.,. , .... disrfg.Willis itBrandilt w". 0 i^ he n l V, or11 ’® n,lock ’* H»Vn*,..Oohen*k||*S W. Hone, Bolles, dlso’g.. ..Hone 4e Oonnm BenJ.Rtrong, Smith! -, v dlso’g...,H. K.WsS!5i EXCHANGE. © 1 ® 1® ® 125 M ® 70 75 © 60 15 TO ® 10 10 8)4 ® 10)4 21 TO ® 22 TO 18 TO ® 19 TO 21 TO ® 22 TO 1 75 ® 9 73 2 25 ® 3® 1 73 ® 2 TO 2 25 ® 3 50 M ® 125 34 ® 37 Bank Rates for Selling Exchange; Checks on Boston V )4 V ct. prem. “ “New York .)4VcL “ , u “ Baltimore .)4 V ct. “ Bank Ratos for Purchasing Exchange; Bills on England 0)4® V ot. prem. “ “ New-York, sight to 5 dnys, par. “ “ “ 30day. )4 ® KVct.dIso’t. “ “ “ TO dnys 1)4 ® 1)4 V cL “ “ “ “ 00days l«@9 Vet. “ “ “ Boston, 60dnys 1)4 @1)4 Vet. “ “ Phlladol’a, 00days 1)4 @1)4 Vet. “ “ Baltimore, TO days 1)4 ® 1)4 V cL Comparative View of Vessels LOLDINQ IX THI UNITED STATE! FOR FORRIOH FORTS, New-Orleans, Dec, 7.. Mobile, Dec. 3 Florida, Deo. 1 Savannah, Deo. 10. Charleston, Dec. 9, Virginia. Doc. 1 Now York, Dec. 7.. Total 1180 | Suoar—The demand continued fair, and 1000 hhds. were sold at steady prices. Fair to Cully Fair 3)4®4Kc. Molasses—1500 bbls. were sold *t 21991)40, Prime Iota being In request st 21)4e. Some fomenting were sold at 18®20c. Baooiho—100 bales India were sold at lOyfc. Rope—400 coils were sold In two lots at Oo, and 9500 colls In several lots, by one party at Oo., 0)4@0)4c. Pork—Sales 170bbls. uninspected Moss at 618, and Mat618 23. Bacon—Sales 10 casks Bides at 9c, 90 at 9)499)4^ and 10 casks Shoulders st So. Freiouts—Lut night a Bremen ship wu taken for 1-lverpool st )4d n and another tola morning at 15-I0d. A ship taken for Boston at l)4c. for cotton, aud 61 75 V barrel pork. Sugar shipping to New.York at 67 V bbd. and pork at 61 73 V barrel. Ezchanoes—Fair demaud. Sterling at 8®8V V ct. prom.; New-York at 0U daya 9)4® 2)4 V cent discount, and sight 1®1)4 V cent discount. Ghorloeton* Doc. 15, p. m.—Cotton.—There wu a moderately feir demand for this article to-day, the sales having ranched 1700 bales, at extremes ranging from 7)4@0)4c. Prices were reportod H fo Jtfc, bolter- than they were yesterday. GolumT>la« (8. C.) Doc. 14.—The Ootton mar ket opened this morning dull and languid. Tbe supply on ulo wm moderate, and it>a demand reeute. 3-io Ucim wore sold, at prices ranging from 7)4®8)4i and one lot, ■ choice article, brought 8)4c. Rnltimorc, Doo. 13, p. m.—Flour.—Sales to^lay of 200 bbls. Howard Street Flour at |4 03)4, and 400 bbls. at 65. A ute oMOTO bbls. City Mitts Flour wur J - — “»• - —*-•- *- days; - — too ume price. To^lay 64 87)4. Aloat holders refriso to sell for leu than 63. A ■ale of 2® bbls. Peun’s. Flour at 63. Boston & Gunby, JII Burroughs k. Son, G W Germany & Oo, Harner, Stuart It Co, and order. Cheves* flat, from Plantation, with 2,000 bushote Rough Rice, to R Habersham k Bon. Barclay*# flat, from Plautatlon, with 1,000 bushels Rough Rice, to R Habersham k Son. BELOW—Br. barque Alabama, 40 days from Liver pool, Also, a largo Ship. CLEARED. Ship Southport^Wilson, Apalachicola, (Fla.)—Wash- U. 8. M. stoam-packet Metamora, Peck, Charleston-S. M. Laffltcau. DEPARTED. U. S. 51, steam-packet Metamora, Peck, Charleston. a made on Saturday at 64 87)4, deliverable in thirty ys; and a ute of 60fl bbls. for Immediate delivery, at i ume price. To-day a ulo of 500 bbls. wu made at Export! of Cotton from Savannah. From SepL 1, 1852,to Dec. 10, * 1852. From SepL L 1831, to Deo. 10, 1851. SORTS EXPORTED TO. 8.1. Upland. B.I. Upland. Liverpool, Other British Porta,.... 123 31 13,389 1,120 102 2J301 Total Great Britain,... 154 14,511 102 2,001 llavre^ Other French Porta,.... 109 1,908 ;;;;;;;; Total France, 100 1,208 Other Foreign Porta,.... 1,1® Total Foreign Porta,.. 203 10,007 102 2,001 Boston, Providence, New-York!.. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Norfolk,. Charleston, Other U. 8. Ports, * V.iii ’’’343 9,009 011 32,717 0,000 1,509 L30U ”‘066 ”’io6 8,050 ’”S»!754 4,414 1,371 3,030 Total Coastwise, 1,400 55,048 1,002 40,231 Grand TotaL 1,750 72,015 1,104 48,832 Comparative Receipts, Exports and Stocks or Cotton at too Port of Savannah, from 1st September to date: Yeare. 1843 Rueipte. 08,088. Exports, .......45,339. Stock. 25,994 1B44 70,189. 49,498. 32,064 0^54 42,787 10,735 30,821 54,807 1845 43,527. 30,831. l&to 1847 1848 87,000. 27,500, 10$V*20. 50,804. 24,652. 88,439. 1840 128,009. 84,555. 16® 1851 1859 123,006. 81,080. 110,104. 81,530. 49,930. 74^74. 51,153 30 550 47,680 Statement of Cotton. 1851-’® 1850->51. |S. tel. | Upland. Received since Due. 0.. previously.... Total Receipts. Exported this week.... “ previously.... Total Exports,, Rem’gon hand, Dec. 10. j 2,900 15,853 99,633 3,6481118,400 9,913 03,400 1,7W| 72,015 1^69| 43,701 3,600 12,103 07,973 3,3I8| 83^808 1,022 1,104 2,114 lrio6 49^30 48^32 Stock of Cotton in the Interior Towns. Augusta and Hamburg, Deo. 1 42,070 Macon. Dec. 1 8,740 Columbus, Go.) Nov. 27 10,977 Montgomery. (Ate.) Deo. 1 14,208 Memphis, crieun.) Nov. 17 2£W 1631. 39,841 17,378 0,334 28,028 4,081 Becwlpteog ColtoMs dtc« per Rall-Rond, Dec. 15 and 10—9^78 bates Cotton, and Mdu.. to Low to Good Middling,.... Middling Fair " r to Pully F ..8K@_9_ Fair to Fully Fair,...;.... ...'.;;;;;;;Jj4@ 0)4 Tho tales of the week amount to 8590 bates at the fol lowing particulars; 4 at 8,10 at»J4,342 at 8)4,55 at 8)4 801 at 8)4,859 at 8)4,2370 at 0,1100 at 0)4,22 at 9 3-10 2108 at 9)4,109 at 9 5-10, 1® at 0)4,387 st 9)4,0 at 9L'! 17 at 9)4, ® at 9)4, and 57 at 10 cento SEA ISLANDS,—Tbo sale* of toe week amount to 3® bales at toe following particulars t 183 at TO, 53 at 7 at 30,4 at 40, 39 St 30040, 10 at 30®41 and 131 at 38®48 cents. Price# are not so firm u they were test week, but wo notice no quotable change. Tb# receipts of tbe week amount to 002 bates, exports In to* same lime 850 lisle*. niCI'—Tto. In. bMO, fair demand for ltd, ullel. during Ilia wMk. I’fln. I»n d«llnid full )l emu. nn ill Til. Ml., or tii, wiwk uwuni Id U|i*udi or vw cukt at Iirinw ru«ln, tom »J,» id p,n |m hundred fwundii U|WU of Uld «Nt 711, d«ta Md Hi4ra biMhdii rnuirti. Kld>im^-TliliuiUI,MlllMMlMMla4MMd. PrUw OIIIIlull. (Inn .Wt mil. w. Uu it „|_ -j -.nil— !«**..!• W., H ,l*7 M ««d imrlrWi ** llJIUWi-VV. Unkitf wiilm nini V, a M mm win Vtukm Ml.wl It d.irili tom m! twUtWMrdlddldirwIliiiiudiiwMii,, TU.i,|>|4lu O W Germany k Co, J Jones, CAL Lamar, O Hartridge, Boston !c Gunby. A b Dultn, Washburn, Wilder k Co! J II Burroughs k Bon, E Parsons k Co, W Duncan, Bolbwell k Smith. Rabun Jc Whitehead. Franklin Ifc Brantley, Hardwick k Cooke, Cooper Jl GlUlland, D 8 Howard, Bohn k Foster, Fulton fie Walker. E A8oul- lard, N A Hardoo fit Co! A Low fit Co, JII Hull, 8mlth fit Lathrop, Roberta fit Co, John Tarver, G B Cummlng, Godfrey fit Lawson, Allen fie Ball, 8 Goodall, and order. PASSENGERS. Per ateam-puket Calhoun, from Charleston—Mr F Birch, lady and two children, Mrs T Barnes, Miss OO Horn, Mlu J Dent and servant, Messrs B N Maynard, A A Barnes, W Currell, W B Knox, and eleven dock. 5&ar(ttc XitteUCflCiu*. POUT OF SAVANNAH,DBCEMBEITT8, 1852 bux Risks ,.6i7|8ux 8aT»,..4J)7|HtBHWATaa^.lLfig ARRIVED. Br. ship Pita James, Hoyt, Liverpool via New-York, to A. Low fit Co. „ »chr. North State, Horton, New-York, to Willis fit Brundago. Md*#., to Cluhorn ficOunnlngham, Cohan MEMORANDA. Tho Marlon, O’Brien, foi this port, wu loading at Liv erpool on tbe ]9tb nit. Brig Excel, Talmon, and schr. H. A. Barling, Wain- wrlght, for this port, cleared at New-York on the 13th ' ut. 8cbr. M.'R. Goon, Nye, for this port, cleared at Phils- dolphla an the 13th Inst. Brig 7avalla, Friend, and schr. Marin L Davis, Davis, from Jaaksonville, (Fla.) arrived at New-York on toe 12th Inst. COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC ROADS; ANNUAL MEETING. Wiibsbas, Tbo Publlo Roads near the city are fre quently not only used for running hone races, but are dug out Into race paths, greatly to the discomfort and danger ot publlo travel on the same, and In direct viola tion of the law of the State, Be it, tkertfore, rttolecd, That the Chairman of this Board be empowered and directed to olfer a reward of Ono Hundred Dollara for proof to convict any person or persons who shall be found guilty or violating toe tews forbidding hone racing upon the Publlo Roads. Extract from tbe minutes. W. W. WASH, Secretary C. P. B, O. C. • # * Georgian copy. 2aw3w dec 15 B FOR BALTIMORE-Reoular Link.—The schooner ANN MARIA, Mltcboll Master, will Ith dispatch os above. For freight or passage apply on board, at Johnson's Lower Wharf, or to deo 17 BRIGHAM. KELLY fic PUBLIC OR PRIVATE TEACHER. A YOUNG gentleman, a graduate of n New England college, desires a situation as a Teacher In a publlo school or In a private femlly. He hu had two years’ ex perience In teaching, and. can furnish the most sallsfeo- tory testimonials. -• ^* J — • . Exooutoris Sale. /YN tho first Monday In January next, will bo sold at U tho Court House In Gim*onvllte,.Boaufort District, P. O.. arty-(Wo (51) M*trru belonging lo llio estate of Wm. H. Mongin, deceased, and sold lor tho benefit of said estate. Terms cash. . J, J.8TONEY doo 17—1 Exocui PIANO COVER FOR RAFFLE. 4^N Friday evonlng, the 24tb Instant, (Christmas Eve,) there will be rallied at tho Fancy Store of Mrs. DIL LON, In Wnrlng’s Building, nn elegant Plano Cover.— This beautiful piece of work wu made by toe Orphan children at tha institution of the Sisters of Alercy. Tho mblio are respectfully Invited to call and mo It during bis week and next, until Chrlstmu Eve. Chance* se- cured at the store at 61 each.7 dec 17 To the V otore ol the Th Ird Din trie t G.M* I am A candidate for reflection to tbe Office or JUS- TICE OF THE PEACE for your District at the Election to be bold stray Office on Saturday, tbe 1st day of Janu ary next. The polls aye to be opened at 10 o’clock, A. M. deo 17 ti* R. RA1FORD. Friends and Fellow>Cltixeno 1 I am a OADdldAte for re-election for Tax Collector of Chatham comity, and respectfully ask your support, [dec IS]F. M. STONE. To the Voters of Chuthum County! Fallow Citizens: 1 am n candidate for the office ol 1 TAX COLLECTOR at the onsulng election, on the first Monday In January next, and respectfrilly solicit your support. dec 13 8AM’L B. SWEAT. Special Woticeu. DIVIDEND NO. 4,-The Board of Direc tors of the Savannah Gas Llgqt Company have n Dividend of One Dollar per share, out of tbe profits of the Company for tbe lost six months, payable ■ 1 my office on ana after toe 2Uth Instant. ROBERT H. GRIFFIN, deo 17 3 President and Treasurer. NOTICE.—Tho regular meeting of tbe Pa- , u_. vannah Total Abstinenco Society will be held Tktt Evening, in Armory Hall, at balf-put 7 o’clock, whon addresses may be expected from the Rov. Mr. Rambaut of tills city, and tbe Rov. Mr. Shaw, of North Carolina. By order or Exccutlvo Committee, deo 17 CHA8. II. DURYEE. Ornoa Steamboat Co- Ga. STO/MGEonColton by Boats 2 and 13 will mmmonco on the 10th. Inst. O, II. JOHNSON, President. CONSIONEE8 per schooner NORTH STATE from New-York will please attend to too receipt of their goods tills day, at Harris’ wharf. All goods/emalnlng on the wharf after sunset will be stored at the risk and oxpenso of toe owner. - dec 17 WILLIS fic BRUNDAGE, Agents. IIABNDRN‘8 EXPRESS FOR NE1V- _ YORK*—Light freight, parcels, samples, ape swelry, fitc. will be dlspatcbod per steamship ALA- JA, to ssll on Saturday, tho JHlh Inst., at 1 o’clock, P. and delivered to address In Now-York. or forward ed by Northern Expresses tosny part ortho North, or by Livingston Wells fit Co.’s Foreign Express to Liverpool, Bremen, Havre, fitc. It is desirable to lisvegoods delivered before 10 o'clock on day of sailing. J. Dv MARTIN, Agent, dec 17 3 1® Bay-street. , J QUARTERLY MEETING or the -Hibernian Society will be held In Luce’s room, corner of Whitaker and Bay-streets, To-Morrow Eve ning, 17th Inst., at half-post 7 o’clock. P. M. Punctual attendance I* requested. By orderG. D.Cukmiro, Prcsl- dent. L. I. GUiLMAItTIN, deo 10 2 Secretary. NOTICE.—Tho steamer PLANTER will not leave this port until Thursday the 23d Insta In consequence of baring one of her wheels disabled on her last trip. deo 10 KINOIILEY, LOCKETT fit CO., Ag’ts. Planter’s Bank, 8avannah, Dec. 7,1859. THE ANNUAL ELECTION tor Directors or of this Bank, wUI be held at the Banking House lo fint Monday In January next, between the hours H.W. MERCER, Cashier. Macon and Western R. R. O. > Macon, Dac. 13,1859. ( THE ANNUAL MEETING of Slockhold era, and an election of President and Directors held st this office on Tuesday, the -fills day of January next. ^ Stockholders are requested to be jirereift^ln jieraon or b, deo > S^3w ^Secretary. Becrelsry. Central iuilroad fic Dankino Uonr’v nr Ga. Mvsnnan THE ANNV4... ' alfelrofihl Tw THE ANNUAI. E, ..... mms'eKift ‘ BOLOMON OOHBN. Caalilar. ^SpfSl '..PLSHBSl M f'i l f, l “|Si 111 ^ Wrto StaucftfacmentB. roll S1IW-IOBE. To sail on Saturday. 18fA instant, at one o’clock. jBf&K The U. 8. Mall 8teamshlp ALABAMA, MIlfiMn... * “ 0 g, * L lIV tl .Copt. Tiiomas Lvon, will leave aa above. - ignt or passage, apply to deo 10 PADELFORD, FAY fic CO. FOR MATTIIEIV’M BLUFF* AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. To leave Saturday Morning, at 1U o’clock, wmm ^ The steamer IVANHO£,Cnpt. Wm. Tsy- lor, will loavo as above. For freight or pas- isage, apply on board, or lo 8. M LAFFITEAU, Agent. “ DIRECT IMPORTATION" OTARD, DUPUY fie 00*8 BRANDY. , 30 Half, 15 Quarter and 10 Eighth Pipes of Otard, Dupuy fic Co’s BRANDY, in Custom Jlouse Store. For sale by W. M. DAVIDSON. Many of the dealers In Brandy are under the Impres- slon that the genuine article can only be obtained by “ Direct ImportationTo meet their wishes. I made arrangements, lut Fall, wilh the bouse of Otard, Dupuy k- Co., of Cognac, for a regular supply of their Brandy, and hav* Just received the second shipment of® half, 15 quarter, and 10 olghth pipes, which were shipped direct by them, and through no other house at Bordeaux, (as s often dono for particular purposes.) By this arrange ment, I am enabled to sell nt Now-York prices, adding the difference or Exchange and other charges. Merchants and others would find It to their advantage pnrchastng here, to sending their orders elsewhere. This Brandy Is now In the United States Bonded Warehouse, where I offer It for sale, subject to debenture! If sustained by Iht Trade In this enterprise, 1 will continue to Import for them tho article direct. I annex a copy of the Certifi cate of Otard, Dupuy fic Co~whlch accompanied the Bill of Landing and Invoice. The original may be seen at my store. W. M. DAVIDSON. W.M. D. 30 )4 p’a We, tbe undersigned, Otard, J514 “ Dupuy fic Co., Merchants at 10 )4 “ Cognac, do hereby certify that Thirty Half, Fifteen Quarter, and Ton Eighth pipes Brandy marked and numbered as Ir the margin, with our fire Brand „. on tho head and initials (O.D) OTARD,DUPUY fic CO. at the Bung, have been pro- COGNAC. pnred by our houso for the American market, and for warded to Bordeaux to be shipped on bonrd tho Alto- rado. Captain Sleeper, for W. M. Davidson, Savannah. In testimony thereof, we have signed the present, and affilxod our Seal hereto. DoneatOognnc, July 28th, OTARD, DUPI •SEAL.! ••••••• deo 17 !m DUPUY fic CO. TOYS! TOYS 11 Ghrletmoa Prcsonts, rife* Ac, T HE Subscriber has received and opened at No. 70 St. Julian Street. (Waring’s building) the most com plete and beautiful assortment of toys of all descriptions, and various other objects for present a on the approach ing holidays ever offered In tola market. These articles are In the most approved modem taste. They are of French, German and American manufacture—some Im ported from France and Germany through New York, and others r«»ntly *elected by the subscriber In the cities of New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Parents, and children, and strangers, are /capcctftdly invited to call and examine for thomselves. deo 17—tj MRS. MARY A DILLON. 'UNDRIES— 5 ® Barrels Nos. 1,2 and 3, Mackerel. 60 Halves do 1 and 2. ® Barrels First Proor Whiskey. 25 “ Phelps’ P. and H. Gin. 25 “ Rose Gin. 20 “ Now England Ram. 10 “ Old Monomrahela Whiskey. 40 “ New Crop New Orleans Molasses. 25 “ Hiram Smith Flour. ® “ Pure Genesoe Flour. IUO “ Baltimore. 100 Boxes Colgate’s No. 1 and Pale Soap. 90 “ Toilet Soap. * 200 “ Sperm 8tar and Mould Candles. TOO Bags Prime Rio Coffee. SO “ “ Java “ 100 Barrels Stewart’s B. and A. Sugar, 10 Hhds. Porto Rico 8ugar. ' 10 Barrels (A) Crashed do. 5 “ Powdered do. 10 Boxes Loaf Sugar. 50 Half and Quarter Boxes Raisins. 2 Bales Almonds. loo Boxes English Dairy ami White Cheese, 100 “ Tobacco—assorted qualities. M “ Began—assorted—some very fine. _ And a gonornl assortment of Wines, Foreign Liquors, Tens, fico, fico. For sale by H doo 17 COHEN fic TARVER. fltxporti of Bice and Lumber-from Savannah, From Scpt.1, FORTS EXPORTED TO. Great Britain.......... France St.John’s and Halifax. West Indies Other Foreign PorU. Total Foreign Porta. loston, fico. Rhode Island, fico New York..7; ’hiladelphla Inltlmoro ondNorfolk. 'IharloBton Now-Orleana, fico Othor Porta?. Total Coastwise.. Riot,I LumbxA. Cosksf Poet. "m^too 671,800 548,1100 j Frtffi 8epk 1, , ■IP I Rice. Casks m 2,400 2,400| 8,803,000 l,B5ffi 1,393,000 407 450 244 . 2,010 . 091,900 74,400 14,200 OO^TOO Ltmsii, I Feet. 1 003^30 L 1,174,705 910 5,662 773 .351 040 2,747 40 “^83,700 818.UU0 I *575,500 66,000 1 03,300 ®3,70Q Wl 2,795,200|j 1,40^1 6M404 Grand Total,.......|10,341| 4,000,100J 13,74d| 4,703,100 Exports of Cotton, Rico and lumber, raOM DECEMBER OTII, 1852, TO BSCIMBSR 10tU, 1852, | i». md,r Havre, Cardonas, Bath. (Mo.).... Providence, (R. 1.)... Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Charleston..... .Total Up/and, 1177 ’* 476to I Wcto afeton-ttocmcntfj. TUB COST OB OOISOTO IIOIISE-KBEFISC! | What It Goqtfl for Hoaae-keeplnv Articles. The following list of Articles of noon qualitt, wbleb I are all requisite In going to honse-keeplng, will be pack, ed and shipped na directed, for Thirty DoLLAas,frum \ toe General House-keepers’ Furnishing Store, No. SO I Maiden Lane, New-York. (Sign of the BlgTes-Kettk.) f IIoose-Furntehlng List.—Set No. 1, for $80. 1 Kitchen Shovel, Tongs and Poker. 1 Iron Ton-Kettle. 1 Tinned Iron PoL 1 Tinned Iron Saucepan. 1 Hoop-stone Griddle. 9 Tin Bake-Pans. 1 Tin Dripping Pan. 1 Tin Saucepan. 1 Small Tin Kettle. 1 Pepper and Flour Dredge. 3 Tin Flo Plates. 1 Tin Wash-Basin. 1 Dials Pan. 3 Table fic Tea 8poons, Iron. 1 Chop Knlfo nnd Bowl. 1 Tea aud Coffee Canister. 2 Japanned Lamps. 1 Match Safe. 1 Chamber Poll. 9 Smoothing Irons. 2 Largo Cedar Wash-Tubs. I l Wash-Board. 3 Dos. Clothes-Pins. 1 Pint Measure. 1 Bet Table Mata. 1 Britannia Coffee PoL 1 Britannia Tea PoL 0 Knlvos fic Forks, stag lids. > 1 Pair Carvers lo match. 1 Corkscrew and Tunnel. 1 Largo Walter. 9 Painted Palls. The following list for Seventy-Five Dollars Ii com prised of more articles, and still devoid of superfluity, as may be soen; the articles ere generally of larger itae, and tbo list, of course, more complete. Housc-Furnisbtng List—Set No. 2, packed ud delivered on board Vessel for $76. Gridiron. Fry Pan. Cullender. Coffee Bolter. Tea PoL Grater. ■ - ' Tin Dipper. Egg Whip. Pair Bellows. Basting Spoon. Kklmmor. - Ladle. - Meat Fork. 'Meat Knife. Knife Board. Scrub Brushes. Dust Pan. .. _ „ Dust Brush. 2 Brooms. J Cotfee Mill. . J Flour Sieve. J Oil Filler. J Knife Box, | Door Mat. J Kitchen Table. 1 Potato Masher. J Flour Pail. 1 Spice Box. j Pastry Board. J Robing Pin.' 1 Clothes Line. 1 Pair Bronted Andirons. 1 Tinned Iron Tea-Kettie, 1 Tinned Iron Oval PoL 2 Tinned Iron Saucepans. 1 Soap-stone Griddle. 2 Russia Iron Drip Pans. 3 Tlu Pans, assorted sizes. ‘ 1 ranch Coffee Filter. 1 Japanned Knife Tray. 1 Knife Board. Beta Table Mats. Bet 0 Ivory Napkin Wop. Set 5 Wire DluCovsrs. I Fry Pan. 1 Cake Tumor. 0 Tin Pie Plates. 1 Cullender. I Bread Grater. 1 Dish Pan. I Wash Bute 1 Tin Tea-poL 2 Tunnels, assorted. I Wire Egg Whip, 1 Ladle. 7 ! Skimmer. Meal Fork, ITbsitFwk. . Meat Knife. 1 Dread Knife. 1 Basting Spoon. 1 Bet Skewers. 2 Wooden Spoons. I Towel Roller. 9 Painted Falla 1 Potato Masher. 2 Match Bares. 1 Cup Hop 1 Preserving Spoon. 1 Cup Keeler. ICaksBox. I Square Spice Box, 1 Lemon wjueexer., 1 Window Brush. 1 Wash Bench. 2 Clothes Lines. 4 Doz. Clothes Pin*. 4 Smoothing Irons. 1 Stand for do. „ . 1 Dustpan. 1 Dust Brush. 1 Floor Brush. 3 Shaker Brooms. 1 Feather Duster, 1 Meat Safe. 1 English Butter Print. 1 Fair Bellows. Many useful Housekeeping Articles enumerate! Is our Illustrated catalogue (wbioh will be forwsrdefib; mall when requested) are not Included In theabovs the prices of a few of which we append. Silver Plated Castors with 6 cut cruets st 63, •toOf* 1 ') do*’ 5 'do CaV. Ds.ket. at PM, IB, W. „ i Ivory-hnudle Knives and Forks, table size, stfM°» II -** Iton4ud7.itoiii?ll3w?'lo mitchi .1 OjJjW BrotLd Hot Slaod^ boxed, ot 93, W.73, PSS. ID.75 Bru*AndlreS4 h .l Wda, 13.75, PM, IW50, H 5 1" Flnti Tca TV.» Wlodioror Oolblo .tap., “ •5, SB, ,I£»IB,«St. por SOU (of Ion..) Refrigerator at 65,67,612,618. . th* An order for any of tbe above ■ articles, •PwWP* lhl price and accotnpauled with the amount, will IW ^ sumo attention os though toe purchaser were » p.r»„ to *tat ood .blji k fijjjBBC dec 17—law!5to . ® Malden Lane, NewTQ^. i ^OUND—In Congress-aL, opposite 1 a Gold Cuff Pin. The owner can have U by lg, 7 Ing at this office aud paying for thlssdvertUemwb^ 2 Small Tin Kettles. 1 Set Measures,quarttoglll. 1 Kitchen Corkscrew. 2 Flour Scoop*. I Sugar do. 1 Flour Dredge,! Pepper do 1 Tin Water Dipper. 9 Flour sieves, assorted. 1 Chop Knife and Tray. 1 Vegetable Sllcer. 1 Square Walter,for kitchen 2 Round Bowls, wooden. 1 Barrel nnd Hairdo^ cover. 1 Nest Wooden Boxes. 1 Nest Flour Palls. 2 Scrub Brushes, assorted. 1 Oil Feeder. 1 OU Con. 1 Slop Poll. 1 Enamel’d Preserve Kettle. 1 Roasting Tin Ovon. 1 Pastry tir’d fit Rolling Pin. 1 l’nsto Jigger. 1 Apple Coror. 1 English Coffee Mill, 3 Pairs Kitchen Knives and Forks. 3 Cedar Wash Tubs, ass’ed. 1 Zinc Wash Bonrd. 1 Settee Ironing Table. 1 Clothes IlaskeL Willow. 2 Britannia Lamps. 1 Each, Coffee and Tea Cod dles. i. , 1 Pr. Brass 8hovel fic Tongs. 3 Door Mata, assorted sizes. assortment or fency articles for Chriilmaa. Calls for "took! Hhsdo# having been frequent, I gIvo nolloo that I ivojuit received one dozen of various alias and alispe*, WfF* MAMII. deo »■»!> mipMom WfifiMl. VlkOU. ying for inisaaTcruww——^ IAOK BALE—A very likely Negro I? a good axeman; also a very likely Boy, "SS S""" '«•*■ k MONTMOUW;.. R KUmVBD BY lABT BTEAMBUgigd ■■SHIP Z “rir ou n$