Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, December 18, 1852, Image 2

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, THE B1PCBLICAN. • BAVAHHAH. OA. Daily Papar M, Xri-WwMy *5, Par Annum. t - BY J. L. LOCKE & CO. ivWi,mm.pgii< umimamm. ■aitUBDlT MORBISG. DBO. 18. IMt. conforming taour annual —slam, we to-day forward accrual/ to tuck of *•“* *«** acribtrt at art in arrears, and Intel that no ont will - eonaidtr himself at dunned out of tsaton. Tht frit of January will toon ht here, and we shall Am* ovtr to olhtra whatever may ho paid tons, We hope that the few who ova for man than attar will ttnaidtr thmittvu at particularly invited It make a speUy remittance. Wttet no apology for delay in a time of ouch universal prts- ' perity. ? I’rockkdisos or Council—Standing Committees.— ■ The proceeding* or Council will appear in our next Issue. ■ The Mayor ho* appointed the following Standing Com* mltteea for the ensuing ^ears On jiYMxes.—Aldermen Lewis, Screven, Holcombe, Lamar, Arnold. Streets and GMahl, Brunner, Bulloch, RIon dan. ' Health and Cemetery.—Mallery, Rtordan, Harris. Jail.—Bulloch, McMahon, Lamar. . Dry Culture.—Screven, Arnold, Holcombe. Public Salts and City Lets.—Holcombe, Lewis, Hams. JVsrArt.—MoMlhon, Mallery, Brunner. Pumps.—Brunner, Lamar, McMahon. Fire Department.—Arnold, Ganahl, 8creren. Public Buildings.—:Rlonlan, Harris, BulJocb. Docks and Wharves.—Lamar, Bulloch, Mallery. Oat.—Holcombe, Lewis, Ganahl. Water Works.—Screven, Arnold, Ganahl. Account#.—Harris, Holcombe, Lewis. # , The Railroads of Georgia, ' The following Is from the Report of the Superintendent of the Conatts on Railroads In the United States:— Jw .4 “From the best data accessible at this time, weprepire the following table, presenting the financial condition of some of the Railroads or the States selected, as offering a fair exemplification of the whole system In this coun try Mas, Dillor’s Pasct Stok*.—We take pleasure In wiling the atteatloo of the pnblle to the beautiful assortment of Fancy Articles and Toys, No. 70 Dfc MTKb street (Waring 1 * Buildings) for the coming Christmas. Wo IM that all who strive to Improve our city In any way by meeting the wants of Us Inhabit* auta, should be folly encouraged, even If It be In provld* tngtoya for children, for this is only a part of the great whole, and has Its Influence. Young hearts are glad* dened by three trivial things, end enjoyment, when JndP eieusly dispensed, exerts beneficial efifccta In after years. When they look back to the rq|o1olngs,and (As touts of tht rejoicings, at this beautiful annual festival, their hearts, the mainsprings of action, are touched, and who can tell how for they may not bo Influenced for good ? Gkass Vallkt Gold Mining Commht.—Wo have been requested to call Ibe attention or the reader to the advertisement of this Company, In this day's paper. Wo know nothing, personally, of the gentlemen who consti tute the Company, but a friend In Now York, In whom we have every confidence, assure* us that they ere highly respectable and responsible men. We do not hesitate, therefore, to eommend tho enterprise of the Company to the public. Booth GA*ou!uTASt#.-Th« following Is an abstract of the tax bin, as passed by the House of Representa tive*. Forty cents, ad valorem, per hundred dollars or lands; one-half cent per acre on Catawba lands. 81xty cents on slaves. Two dollars on free negroes. Ten oents, ad valorem, per hundred dollars of city lots, lands, and buildings. Sixty cents per hundred dollars on factorage, employments, faculties, professions. Ten cents per hun dred dollar of amount or aalre or goods, wares, and merchandise, deducting therefrom the amount of stock ou hand 1st January, and except also consigned goods sold and remitted for. Ten cents on salos of transient goods. Ten dollars per day for representations, shows, Nxoao Stealing.—A man named Avkky Pkxkinb, was taken np on the Angusta Railroad the other day, on suspicion of negro stealing. It appears that he had with him at tho Ume of hi* arrest, threo negro men whom he had enticed away from their owners. Edward Sxuuin, the vocalist, died In New-York, Monday last, of disease ortho heart. The Express says: “He leaves a wife and for children. Few were more beloved and respected in life, and few could bo snore widely and slucorely mourned, than this excellent man, and accomplished artist. W* have room at present, for iu '“the mere announcement of the melancholy , §33,505,288 OJM ~7A5 Hew York 1,828 70500,000 - Georgia 754* »M7,806.000 , •‘The figures under the head of the ‘estimated actual ‘ profits' present the assumed net income alter the addt- tlonto the amount of I be dividends of the surplus earn ings, reserved profits, and all receipts in excess of expen diture not Included In the calculation of which the divi dend Is a result." Anothor foci developed by the census of 1850, is that '{.• our8tatolanowthe sixth In valuo of property of the ' States or the Union. We have but just entered upon tbo fruition of tho blessings which our system of Rail roads have produced. In the course of a little over a -scar there will he added to the present miles of travelled ' railway In Georgia, 137 miles. This addition will con- ; nect Savannah through tho focomollvo engine with Columbus, West Point, Amerlcus, Ealonton, Washing, ton, and Angnstn, in addition to our present conneo- ’ tlons. Tht crowning work is yet to come. LettheBoulh- ,f Western Rosd he extended to thejunctlonrof the Flint * and Chaltahoocbco, and let the Wilkes County Road bo * extended to Savannah River In Elbert County. Then the ‘ surface of Georgia will present a grand trots of Iron way 1 , reaching from the North-west corner of tbo State to ~ Savannah In the South-eastern division, and from Mount j- Vernon, tho South-west corner, to Elbert County tn the Northeastern division— Macon being the central point. V How much money will it require (• da this gnat thing 1 ’ Not move than ono million and a half of dollars. The debt of Georgia, as particularly set forth In a re cent circular on the authority of tho Executive Depart • went, Is 83,800,769. Tho Western and Atlantic Road, owned entirely by tht State, Is worth, and can be sold for, . .more money. Then Georgia has In truth no debt. Nono - of the Railroad Companies In the State has received a dol- • lor, directly or Indirectly, In money or In credit from the State, except tho small snm or 830,000 by tho Milledge- rille Company. Tho north-western counties have been In creased In value four-fold and more, by the expenditure of the public money on the Western and Atlantic Road. The Railroad Companies have, by their lines, given to the Western ami Atlantic Road lta valuo. ' Great questlonsof gratitude, Interest and State prido, will come up for solution at the next session of our . Legislature. They will be solved, as we ardently hope, • by a public appropriation for jouth-western Georgia. Gratifude demands from the representatives of Cherokee their votes in favor of tho measure; Interest, In dollars and cents, demands tho appropriation by tbo 8tate,for • the State Itself {and State pride cannot bo gratified with out 1L Were the 8tatetn grant the whole sum oroue and a half millions, the stock which the money would obtain would pay aevtn per cent at leist, whilst the State would be paying an interest of six, and be rccclr- ing moreover fifteen per cent premium on lta bonds. A road from Savannah direct to tho neighborhood of the Junction of the Flint and Chattahoochee, would place our general system In a stale of absolute perfection—the other extensions which wo have Intimated being flutahed. We venture to say that if the Stats will even lend its • credit for ono million of dollart,Jlv$ years will not elapse before that point of ebeoiute perfection will be reached. How great the priie l How small tbe required aid5 South Carolina, we learn, hasjtdt passed a law giving the • State’s Indorsement to the extent of one and a quarter millions to the Rabun Gap Railroad. Will Georgia not act with tho same liberality? We will not doubt It. What say our cotemporaries? One united effort, made no w, and continued up to the meeting of the Legislature, will forever fix the destiny of Georgia aa the Empire State of the South. •The United States Census wss taken In 1850, since • which we have added over a hundred miles to our Rati* way lines. There are 861 mile* or Railway now in oper ation In this State. fefor. Ifefe .fell fe wjr dedmlloni of dl.ld.od. fe* rwul 8 pw ceuluiu I»r »«i, or an, Incrcuo or our capita! by o dlrklrud of Mock, ir (Or tU IfeM Impor tant codk much non mono, .fell fe found feonouj tfea wu oootonpUM la Man*, 1891, »• feta Un Ml- Ufactlon to see that our revenue ha* been vastly aug- mented beyond the estimate of that period. The ability of the Company promise* to l»e greet enough to meat any excess of outlay. Out beside end beyond the absolutely necessary Im provements referred to, car* should bo taken tdBegin, at once, adequate provision (by sinking fund) for the re newal of tbo Iron on the lower part of the road whero U Is now nearly new. The pressure on our Road is already great, but there will be a very largo and continuing in crease of tonnage to passover It, and the Iron will of eourso wear out. It will requite an annual sum of at least 830,000 to be set apart with this vlow. Tho Board doelree to. Impress on you the Importance of being content, for the present, with tho regular pay ment of 8 per cent, on your Investments. By that course yon will soon havo a rosd or groat valuo—with no more material pressing want, and uot likely to bo diminished In valuo, even on the declaration of a liberal stock dlvl- md. It is due to the Superintendent, Mr. M..B. Millrn, and to tho Supervisor* or lload, Messrs. Wuildin and Wslliy, and their subordinates, to say that the Board highly estimates the sonic* which they rouderod upon the occasion or the late IresheU Respectfully submitted. R. R. CUYLER, President Savannah, Doc. IMA, 1851. STATEMENT of the Financial condition of tht Com pany on the 7th December, 1853: Rssocxcki amd PaoraaTT. Railroad and appurtenances. .13,378,133 31 Notesandblllsd(teountedandbillsre*vble.. 402,052 83 Due by other Banks 105.700 64 Due by Agentaand other Companies. 105,793 88 Stock In other Companies 488,354 84 Banking House and other Real Estate 16,074 85 Specie 8105,497 43 Notes of other Banks 38,118 00 187,600 43 ORNING, DECEMBER 18,1852. no more news.” The Georgia Annual CnxriRRMCR of the M, E. Church South, assembled tn Athena, In this State, the 15th Inst. LlABUtTIRS. Capital Stock $3,500,000 00 Sonds due by tho Company 390,187 00 Sank Notes In circulation 851,311 00 Suspense Account 5,675 06 Duo other Banks and Companies. 70,078 35 Individual Deposltes 103^540 05 Unclaimed Dividends 17,374 70 Dividends declared this day 130,858 00 Railroad earnings since 1st Dec- 1853 _ . 130 80 Balance beliur “Reserved Fund”..... Tna Next Annual State Fair of the Southern Cen tral Agricultural Association, will bo held in Augusta. Louisville Female 8rxihary.— 1 Tho attention of parents and guardians is directed to the advertisement, in another column, of the I^uistUlt Female Seminary, Bakhuk’s II Bkacu's New Paper.—Barmum has de termined to try his hand at the newspaper business. See his, or rather Barnum be Beach’s advertisement In another column. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS OF THE CENTRAL RAILROAD AND BANKING COMPA NY OF GEORGIA TO THE STOCKHOLDERS. The Board haa great pleasure In placing before you the accompanying Report of the General Superintend ent on the operations of tho Read Department for the year ending 1st December instant. Tho cash receipts In Bank for the year havo been: From Road earnings prior to lst'Deccm- ber, 1851 857,733 84 Since, to 7th December, 1858, the Divi dend day 870,864 01 8937,587 75 73,314 08 Total cash receipts from Rosd and Bank. §1,009,801 63 The cash expenditures have been: Curreut Railroad Expendi tures §437,883 50 Current Bank Expenditure 15,687 84 For Interest 31,570 17 For Dividends (being at tho rate of 8 per cent, per annum 370,363 00- 8745,503 51 Leaving a surplus of 8361,390 33 which surplus has been disposed of aa follows: Carried to cost of Hoad.. ..$100,000 00 , Carriod to Reserve Fund... 164,290 33— §364,300 33 The Reserve Fund, as yon will see by the accompany, ing statement, under the hand of tho Cashier, Is, at this day, 8381,057 U3. There Is a sum of about §17,000 due for Rood hire to lha Augusta and Waynesboro’ Compa- ny, which, when adjusted, will be charged to that Fund. The balance uncollected of last year’s earnings, as shown by tho 17th Report, was §64,467 61 Paid iuto Bank, as shown above 57,723 84 Leaving still a balance or §6,744 77 which balance Is accounted for as follows: Dno by tho Georgia and East Tcnncsse Com pany §1,653 60 Due by Savannah and Macon Trea surers, 81,083 09 Allowed per deductions on various accounts .§3,108 18-80744 77 The item due by Treasurers shows the whole sum lost in tho year 1851, by Insolvency and otherwise. A part of It may yet bo collected. The Board feels that due dili gence has been used In collecting $748^07 86 with so little loss. Tbo sum paid Into Bank from earnings of 1851-3, from 1st Dec^ 1851, tu?U> Dec^ 1853, (dividend dsy) is §879,864 01 Leaving uncollected on Deo. 7, 1853 65,643 37 Total of the year $945506 Central Railroad Rkvokts.—Wo lay before our readers this morning the regular annual reports or the several departments of the Central Railroad and Bank- ' tog Company. We might give a synopsis of these doc uments, but presume we should hardly be thanked for * doing so. The original reports and statements should be, and will be consulted attentively by all classes of our fellow clllxens. Their Interest tn this great corpora- tlon Is so vast, its machinery and the scalo or its ordi nary operations so extended, that a casual glance will not suffice. The Impression which we derive from looking over all the late reports of Railroads in Georgia, Is that there la no other system in any other State from which inch stupendous and beneficial results have flowed, with so . little outlay of capital. To no road probably In this broad land Is this remark more applicable than to the Central Road. Its operations have oust ripped by far tbo most sanguine estimates. Our readers will not havo forgotten that in the report of March, 1851, it was represented that the net Income of the rood would oe at least §375,000 per annum. The report published this - .morning, shows that the net Income has gone up to the ' figure of §507,000. The grots Income Is §045,508 38. We observe with pleasure that it is recommended to purchase 14 new locomotives in addition to those now In . use, and to have a thousand freight can In readiness for the business of transportation. Tho demands upon the - road hove always kept a little In advance of lta means or transportation. Tho additional business which Is certain to come to the road within some months, bss doubtless admonished Its officers to make this timely provision. Wb conclude wllh expressing our opinion that the condition and prospects of the Central Rosd indicate as pear an approach to admirable—almost perfect success, ns can bo looked, for In the viclultndes of human af fairs. It is due . to Mr. (bmrticR, the President of the •» Company, to add, that the services which he has render- * ed this community and the state at large by his excellent administration, cannot he. valued too highly. Messrs. J.M. Cooper k Co. have received the Decern ber number of the Knickerbocker. ; They have also received tbe December number of A pi plcton’s Mechanic’s Magazine, and Engineer’s Journal— : an admirable work published monthly. Thb Masonic Mirror.—Mr. Lyons, tho agent of this ^Interesting Masonic Journal, is now in our city for tbe pur pose of obtaining subscribers. He can be found for a few days at the Marshall House, where ell orders for tbe work will be thankfully received. Owing to his limited time, he fears he will not bo able to call on so many of the . brethren as he would desire. The Mirror a beautiful sheet, made up In quarto form, and la published weekly la Philadelphia. A splen did Lithograph llkunue of some distinguished brother, will accompany oacb quarterly number. It Is not ollen that we trouble our readers about our selves—least of all with complimentary notices which frequently oomo to band. We have been content with the knowledge that we reoel ve our share of such notices; and though they may bo of but little Interest to tbo public, yet It Is always a gratifying clroumilano# in an editor’s life, to know that his labors are well appreciated. We this morning dopart from our rule in publishing tbs •utyolned lellcr from one or the first .men and best Whigs lit Southwestern Georgia, The writer has been » subscriber for many years, but for some reason tho pa- » per ha* failed to go forwent for the pest few month*. Bs»mt County, Dm. 19th, JlM. Jlutrt, Utkeif On K4s, lltpubHean / ■. • aemeNiR,-Tb# time Is el hsnd when I choose to rUoRof my iiewepeperllil, eoute to b* dls- end others, not previously Ultra, to be celled ““ to leMer I wish to Imind# the Hepubiiten ■ ■ »» thigh, on more Iheu one ere end Hi* publle it tin* m.y, I think, On ell Mtyecu, III euiemente, m for * y tend 14 mw-tli „ wllh mi tad wllh 1$ $*4m dMntlen ee mlcfctlwM* lit Hi roWfeUnt. I ve, ike i 7Z, total during the year has $4,774,719 18 Tbo company now here forty-elx engines (Including the “Toat Hoy," * light engine, ordered for tbe aa* of the depot *t this elty In shifting cars) of which number nine ere new, twenty-eight ere In good order end con- stent s« vice, four are In the shop for alteration* end re pairs, end five ere condemned. The construction of Ibe new depot, it this city, has not progressed as rapidly as was anticipated and hoped for The retarding causes hare been an Insuflklency of mate rial and workmen, and the prevalence of unprecedented sickness during the pest summer. The oer shop Is nearly completed. 1^° commodious freight bouts Is in a state of forwardness, *nd the wells or the engine house end Its aityecent buildings era erected and awaiting tbe arrival of au Iron roof; from Messrs. A. WhUney k. Bon, of Phila delphia, with whom e favorable contract baa boon effect ed. As most of tho material (an article or corrugated Iron) for this roof haa to be Imported from Europe, wo cannot hope ft* a completion of this portion of the work under six months. Tho piers and abutments of the brick viaduct of four •pans acre#* tho canal and West Boundary-street have been erected, end tho foundations of a temporary trestle bridge, to support the track to the northern freight house, are now being prepared. This brldgo will eventually bo dlsplaocd by an enbankment and a brldgo of permanent character, probab)r of Iron, spanning with two openings the canal and stnet. There haa been expended to this date upon tho nev depot, the sum of §133,153515. The Augusta k Waynesboro’, and Mltledgeville be Gordon roada are In good repair. The earnings and ex penditure* of tbe former, are ineluded In thoeo of our road. The oarntigs mid expenditures of the Mllledgevlllo be Gordon road htvtfttcon duly kept, but os that road Is worked on aocouit or that company, I do not annex a table thereof. In view or thejompletlon of the Augusta k Waynes boro’, Milledgerllo k Ealonton, and Columbus Rail roads, and the {respective Increase of business conse quent thereon, I voukl recommend for the ensuing year the purchase of (.4) fourteen additional engines, and Uie construction of sk passenger and ono hundred burthen ears. Respeclfrtily tulmlUed by your obedient servant, MACPHER80N B. MILLEN, General Superintendent. Sfafeatmf of the Humber of Passengers transported fnm 1st Dcccn\er, 1851, ta 1st December, 1853. By Telegraph to the 'BepnbUoan. Charleston Market. Charleston, Deo. 17,' I*. M— Cotton.— 1 There haa been 1,500 bales of Cotton sold to day. at prices ranging from 7)4 to 9H cents* Middling ftlr Is quoted at 8 BJfc, and prices well sustained. Xewrilrlean* Rlarkete New Orleans Dee. 15.—Cotton.-Tbe soles for to day amount to 15,000 biles. Since tho reception of ad vices by the Greffs, price* have advanced H e. to Jrfc. Middling commands Bjfe. 881,837 03 §4,774,719 18 SOLOMON COHEN, Cashier. SseaNNaJt, 7th December, 1853. buraaiNTRNDENT’s OrricE. C. R. R.} Savannah, Qa^ Dec. 4,1853. j To R. R. Cutler, E*q n President: Sir—I have the honor to present tho following report of the operations of the road for the fiscal year ending November 30th, 1853, of Its present condition, and that of Its appurtenances. The aggregate earnings for the year are .8945,508 38 The aggregate expenses for the samo period Showing a nett profit of §507,635 78 And au increase of gross receipts over the previous year of. §197,306 43 The annexed statements show the gratifying Results of tho year’s operations: Tho current expenses of the road during the year, are exhibited under the appropriate heads, as follows: Maintenance of way, Including labor, subsist ence and clothing for hands, salaries of all 'ofilcera connected with tho repair depart ment, timber, spikes, and all other mate rial, and all expense lor repair of bridges, culverts, well pumps, cisterns, ke §116,470 73 Maintenance of machinery and motive pow er, including all work and material for re pair of engines, machinery In shops, wages of euglne men and firemen, oil and tallow for engines, fuel and water for tho same, and salary of the Master Machinist 183,633 56 Maintenance of cars, Including all material and labor on cars, oil and tallow for tbe samo, and salary of the Master Carpenter. 50,507 65 Transportation expenses, including wages of conductors, train hands, labor at depots, agents, clerks, damage, portage, salary of Superintendent, Ac. 137,33115 Incidental expenses, including printing, ad vertising, stationery, and all expenses not Included under other heads 0,839 43 Aggregate expenses §437,883 50 The Increase or expenses Is explained by tbe Increased business of the road, tbe enhanced value of labor, tools, provisions and materials, and the occurrence of divers Total.... 31,030 Statement of the Humber of Balts of Cotton transported from 1st December, 1851, to 1st December, 1852. THROUGH. WAV. TOTAL. ...... 97,299 84,654 20,409 .84,837 . 15,331 . 7,805 MONTOSi December January February... March AprIL May June. July August September. October November 8,706 6,701 7,503 8.109 1.110 . 3,644 . 1,815 . 3,805 . 17,674 . 23,870 56 137 003 8,344 0,507 36,005 33,335 37,008 27,736 16,440 8,032 3,886 2,700 1,953 4,108 35,018 33,380 Total | 182^20 48,800 231,910 5tatcm<Rt of the Eaminfs of the Road for the year just closed, compered with Ike previous one. f l&SS. Increase. Dcc’sc. 16 240033 99 2700 83 20 78917 16 4804 79 348404 03 140393 31 70 02908 53 19725 77 R5 30473 41 1746 44 Upway do . 3795483 38918 70 10963 88 Down thro’ do . 3130*55 31343 37 15618 Down way do . 2384)80 34913 50 11972 70 United States Mall. 20219 00 34496 50 Total earning*... .8748207 86 045508 38 10925108 1050 GO -Deo’aebro’tdown. 1050 66 LATEST INTELLIGENCE. «... fflommnrclnl XnmiCocncc. »l «h« J’l-iiWr.' nank o« ifc. miwflw Notts of i.tlVe'r'lliuiVs.'.'.!"!!! *. 54>« 00 o and specie funds. ■"T discounted SAVANNAH MARKET* FaiDAT.Dao.17, P. M. * Cotton.—Tho market was rather quiet Unity, the sales being Untiled to 1,143 bales at tho following partic ulars l 83 at 8*, 19 at 8«, 107 at 0, 326 at OX, 403 at OX, and 63 at OX centa. ' l’rlccs unchanged. Savannah Exports—Doc. IT* Por brig Wilson FuUer, for Providence, (R. L)-600 bales Colton. Pcrschr. J.P. Tobias, for Philadelphia—309 bales Cot- ton, 140 casks ltlco, £0 tons old Railroad Iron, S3 Cariieys, and 1 box Mdse. Per schr. Isaac Cohen Hertx, for Havana—310 casks Rico, end 86,908 foot Lumber. , Augusta, Doc. 10. p* m«—Cotton—There has been a good demand to-day, and the prices paid frill. The decline caused by tho advices brought by tho Nlsg- ant, ha* been fully recovered, and Middling Fair brougnt readily to-day 0 cents, and Fair 0X@0X- Tho sales no doubt sum up 2000 bales, but wo havo returns from only five warehouses, whose aggregate sales reach 1181 bales, at extremes ranging from 7X«0X cents. A lot or 87 bales cboico brought 10 cents. Freiohts.—Tho River Is in good hosting order. Freight* to Savannah have boon advanced to§l por bale; to Charleston, by Railroad, ft. . JAUtaDeo* IO* p. m.—Cotton.—Our mar- ket baa been In a depressed condition, since our Isst np to last evening, when wo were put in possoeslon of tho European news from Liverpool to the 1st Inst- showing an Improvement lu that market of X 1® X'd. This has checked the downward tendency and prices today are X to X cents belter. We quote fktr 8X and other grades In proportion. nrontcromcry (Alai, Deo. 13, p» m.—Cot ton.—Owing to the nature or tho foreign news by the Niagara our market has suffered a decided decline. Sales on Saturday and today were limited, with an in creasing disinclination on the part of buyers for transac tions. We quote from 7®7X—principal sales 7X* Neov-OrleaiiB, Deo. 11. p. m.—Cotton.— The demand waa fair, but at lower prices; and as foctnrs, In consideration of the Niagara’s accounts, showed them selves free sellers, folly 10,000 hales were sold at a de cline of X®Xo. We quote— Inferior 6 @0X I Good Middling. 8X® 8*{ Ordinary 0X@7X Middling Fair... 9 & Middling 7X(B8 | Fair..... 10 & COTTtfN STATEMENT. Stock on hand 1st September, 1B51 bales, 10,000 Arrived since 607,04* Arrived to-day 5,591 NolatdSoounted runnlngto maturity... Bills and notes discounted, lying over, an InJudgmont g°°d * -.. • • • i •• • * $80,619 09 Doubtful and bad 38,310 00 Resulting balance with agencies $3,558,118 93 On the 14th InsL, by the Right Rev. Bishop Elliot, CHARLES W. W. BRUEN end Mrs. MARION T. JOHN SON—both of this oily. Exported to date. Exported to-day...' 712,647 ..411,330 .. 3,078-414,408 Slock on hand and on ship-board not cleared 398,339 Suoar—The demand waa fair, and 1200 hhds. were sold at steady prices. Fair to folly folr3X@4c. Molasiis—1000 bbls. wore sold at 2l@21Xc. Poax—Mess retailing at 18 75® 19. Bacon—Sales 50 casks Missouri Sides at 8Xc- and 00 casks Ordinary Missouri Clear Sides at Oe. Whiskey—Sates 845 bbls. Rectified at 2hL, and 156 Raw at 28Xc. Fasto hti—Tho ship Sarah Purrington taken for Havre at 2c. Vessel* loading for Liverpool filling up at Id. ExonANOEs—Fulr demand. I^ndon 8X®9 <F cent, premium: Paris 5f.20@5r.23; Now-York, 60days 3X@SX Vcent. discount: New-York Sight 1®1X V cL discount. <5>»ecfal “NottceB. DIVIDEND HO. 4.—'The Board or Direc tors of the Savannah Gas Light Companydiave a Dividend of Ono Dollar por share, out of the profits of. the Company for the last six months, psyablo at my office on and after the Suih Instant. ROBERT H. GRIFFIN, deo 17 3 President and Treasurer. Ovnoa Steamboat Co- Ga. STORAGE on Cotton by Boats 9and 13 will commence on the lBtb. Inst. 17 q. H. JOHNSON, President. , YORK,—Light freight, parcels, samples, ape- [^Tewelry, *p. will be dUtpatched per steamship ALA BAMA, to sail on Saturday, the 18th Inst, at 1 o’clock, P* M:, and delivered to address In Now-York, or forward* ed by Northern Expresses to any part or tbe North, or by Livingston Wells k Oo.’s Foreign Express to Liverpool, Bremen, Havre, ke, it iadesirable to havegoods delivered before 10 o’clock on day of salting. J. Dx MARTIN, Agent, _deol7_ 3 153 Bay-street. BdNOTICE.—The steamer PLANTER will JjR® r not leave this port until Thursday the23d Inst il consequent* or havlug ono of her whoels disabled on her last trip. deo 16 K1NCHLEY, LOCKETT k CO., Ag’f. GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. Tho next term of this Institution will com mence on Monday, January 10,1853. Additional build ings having been ereotod, ihorewlll bo accommodations for 130 cadets. A copy of tho regulations will bo sent to any person dealring fortber information, on application to thoundorslgnod. R. V. BRUMBY, Mnrlnlta M-l IO into I... 1 Marietta, Oct, 19,1852. Q0t38 law3mo Superintendent. Macon and Westeen R. R. O. THE JimVJIL tmSRSti&W _ __ ora, and an election of President and Directors wlllbo held at this office on Tuosdny, tho 4th day of Januaiy next. * Stockholders aro requested to bo present in person or */•- J.H. TAYLOR, 3vr Secretary. Central Railroad k Bankino Cokf’y or Ga- ( Savannah, December 1, 1859. ( K THE ANNUAL ELECTION for Nine Directors to manngo the affair of this Inslllu- bo held at tho Ranking House In this cltv, on Monday, tho 3d day of January next, between tho lioura of 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. By order. 4 deo 1 SOLOMON COHEN, Cashier. f#r qiu*M by i IMIHlI/ Wl4> Up w I Tile blase ill Its nihllasllsn in. Bu < • few *. I MW frOW IWWf f V»UH| *(. The financial condition of the Company is shown In tbe statement of tbe cashier. Since tbe last report, tbo Company has paid np Its sub scription to the Augusta and Waynesboro’Company and the sum of $58^54.84 on account of the Fort Valley Branch of tbe Southwestern Road. The Company by ita subscription of old iron rails at- $30 per ton, holds stock to tbe amount of $30,000 In the Mllledgevllle k Gordon Railroad Company, and tho sum of about $85,000 lu the Ealonton Railroad Company. The account with tho Ealonton Company will soon be ad justed, and then our Railroad account will receive a credit for tbe stock In the last named Company. The Board has agreed to take tbe Estonlon Road, so soon as the same shall be entirely finished, and to keep it up and work It according to the policy of this Company for tbe sum of $14,000 per annum. It Is expected that the road will bo finished by the first February next There Is a fair prospect that tbe Augusta and Waynesboro’ Road will be opened to Aagustaby the 1st day or November next. That road Is worked by this Company ou a leaso or four years from January, 1852. It is Important to the interest of this Company, that it should bo opened Its entire length as speedily as possible. Tho Branch of the Southwestern Road rtt>ra Fort Val ley to the town of Butler, where It will Join the Muscogee Road, will be opened by tbe 1st April next, when our connection with Columbus will bo perfect. Tbe road from Columbus to Opelika baa all been placed under contract, and tbe grading will be finished by tbe eud or tbe ensuing year. In a few months hereafter, we may expect our Railway connection to be complete to Mont* gomery, Alabama. Tho South-Western Road Is to be extended to Araert- cus. Ills believed that this extension will be finished early in 1854. The operations of our Road for tbo past year have been satisfactory; lta earnings have far exceeded any repre sentation which has over been made to you. The Isle Freshet, causing a delay or eight days in the day Passen ger line, and of twelve days lu the night Passenger and Freight lines, caused the November receipts to foil off very much. Tbe freight destined for our line was di verted, however, to a very small extent. The sum of §15,000 will, undoubtedly, cover not only tlie expense of replacing tbe track but all loss on Freight and Passen gers. Tbe Board is fully sensible of the Importance of raising the truck in those low places which have twice sustained injury by extraordinary fresh cats, viz: In 1841 and In 1853. Tbe taak can be accomplished without In terference wllh the operations of the line. ’ The rapidly Increasing freighting business of the Com pany will call for large additions to the motive power aud ears. Since the junction at Macon It is found that we have not, by a large number, tho proper complement of burthen cars. Tho running of cars to Chattanooga, Rome, Neuman, Oglethorpe and Columbus, requires as to odd within a year 1U0 to the number wo now have, and, of course, now cars to a considerable extent mutt bo provided to replace those which may bo worn out and broken up. We cannot hope to stop short of tbe number of 1000 cars as the measure of our forco, at tbe moment of the completion of tho lines above referred lo. It Is gratifying to know that tbe Increasing Income of the Company Is likely to keep pace wllh tbo demands for additional motive power. Tho Central Railroad should, es early a* practicable, be placed among the fret clan Railroads of the Union. Beside full preparation for freighting business, (our groat source \pt revenue,) wo should not fall to attract passenger* by furnleblntr proper accommodation# for Ibein throughout tho line. As soon ea tit* Augusta end Weynosboro’ Hue shill be opened through to Augusta, H Is reasonable to eipeetthet the greet crossing of Ire* ve! through Georgia, will be over our road from Milieu to MM9R’ There will bo two line* ecroea the Nieleof about equal length, hut Ui# Important poInta-Mecon end Columbus, being on the lower crossing, It U not essum’ Ing loo much to a»y, lh*t tho throng of inawngen will ness on III* upper 11« mil® of the Ueutral Hoed. You will now aee more clearly the greet importance of ihe MuperthtaudeoYi recommendation tv renew the iron on ^Tiw’lioerdhM le^HwMteutiy Ig view Ihe gallon o ihe emcthuldero at timlr meeting ef Mirth, iwi, it liopee tv eeeemidleh wlM to etveltoUm the# mMm> plaind, end lo to more, If Ihe pvller Is etandlly punned, of mailing uu road whet H might lo lm, In turn, In m> llvg power, In freight g$d pgeecggcf NMMglPUNiglfohr, The expenses of maintenance of way have been aug mented §5,406 45 by tho late freshet; those of motive power to tho extent of §5,767 51 from tbo fire at the shops of the Savannah depot In September last; and those of transportation §3^135 93 for increased portage at Macon, from tbo loss of the Ocmulgeo bridge; and §0,161 70 from the accession to the damage account by the burning or six cars of cotton In February, near tho 31st mile, by the communication of flro from the woods to tho train while on Its passage between stations. Tho extensive repairs to our cars consequent upon on Increased stock, and natural deterioration from wear, have tended to en hance materially tbe expenses of this department. Since the date of the last report 1300 tons of T rail therein spoken of to arrive, havo been received and laid down. 1300 tons more of tbo tome pattern and weight (52X pounds per yard) have been ordered, of which wo are now In dally expectancy. This will extend over 15 mile* of road, and will leave a residue of 64 miles now laid with a light T rail to be provided for. The deteriorated condition of this rail prompts me to advise the removal of at least 40 miles of It during the coming year. , The late freshet has not produced at serious damage aa was at first apprehended. The bridges are all In good condition, and tho track will, In the space of two weeks, be In equal and even belter repair than It was before lta occurrence. It has, however, pointedly Indicated tho policy of providing against similar disasters for the fu ture, by elevating the grade at such points aa aro subject to Inundation. Sufficient time has not since elapsed for an instrumental examination upon which a correct esti mate of the cost of this change may he based, but early measures with this vlow will bo adopted. A gravel train bas boon profitably employed during the past year, in cleaning and deepening ditches, and In embanking trestle bridges of superfluous length; of Ihe latter there still remain unfinished those at Uie Ocmulgeo and Little Ogeechee rivers, which together with the widening of several of tbe embankments of the road and tbe amount or filling necessary to be dono at the Savan nah and Macon depots, will afford this train employment for the ensuing year. Tho completion of tho western brick pier, the exten sion of the lattice bridge to it, and tbo substitution of a brick pier far the temporary wooden bents now under tho eastern end of the lattice bridge at tbe Oconeo river, will claim our early attention In the coming year. Tbe decayed state of several of our wooden freight houses along the lino of road, will render It Imperative to substltnte others. Eight will be required at a cost of about §30,000, ir constructed or brick, which I recom mend with a view to permanency. This work would al ready havo been commenced, but for the scarcity during Ibe past season of both workmen and materials. We shall soon, however, hare a supply of Iho latter. The erection of a passenger house at Gordon, of mod erate dimensions, for tbo Joint accommodation of this and the Mllledgevllle and Eatonton roada ia much need ed, and will be accomplished as early as practicable. At Macon the construction of a suitable passenger depot for tho three roads has been commenced, and will bo speedily prosecuted to completion. The flood of the latter part of August swept off the temporary trestle work at the Ocmulgec. The abutments and piers being opportunely completed, we were enabled to proceed forthwith to tbe erection of the permanent bridge (on Town’s lattice plan) which was In such a state of forwardness by November Uth, as to permit the pas sage of trains; since which time It has been In constant uie. A carpentry force Is now engaged In preparing and putting on the roofing aod weather-boarding. Thera has been expended upon il tbe sum of $00,317 73. Tho two passenger engines, from Bleasrs. Norris Brothers, and the four pssseogcr cars referred to In tho last report, as expected, have been received, and are now In use. Since then we have ordered, received, and have now In service two passenger care, from Messrs. Harlan k Hollingsworth, of Wilmington, Delaware; aixenginea, three or each, passenger and freight, from M. W. Bald win, Esq.—one, a passenger engine, from Messrs. Rogers, Ketcbum k Grosvenor, and another, a freight engine, from Messrs. Norris Brothers. Wo havo also re built In our own shops, during tho year, two passenger cars and ono baggage car, and propose to build Imme diately two more of Iho Utter. Our Inability, In consequence of the extensive repairs required, tbs deficiency of workmen, and tho incapacity of our shops to construct a sufficient number of burthen cars to moot tho emcrgsuoles of our business, having been early foreseen, contracts were made with the East Tennessee Manufacturing Company, Ibe Augusta Ma chine Works, and Mr. Joseph Wlnshlp, of Atlanta 1 Tbo result has been Uie construction of 130 new bur* Ibeu cere, s* follows! Ilex, Optn, Built In the shops of the Company..,,...... 84 84 M by J.WInablp, Atlanta §4 13 “ by Auguste Machine Works 4 00 M by H, Tennessee Menuf’g Co f uo Central Railroad and Banking Company of Ga. SAVANNAH, 17tii November, 1852. Tho annual meeting of the Stockholders of GpfS? this Company will be hold at the Exchange Long Room, In tbia city, on tho 81st day of December noxt, at 13 o’clock. nov 18 SOLOMON COHEN, Cosiiler. rySJ-S* NO TICE.—'The rate or Way Freight by Ihe ntrt*' Steamer 1VANHOE being governed by the through rate lo or from Augusta, notico is hereby given that any vnrlatiou from Iho former rates will be charged accordingly. deo 8 8. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent, foggs-' THE MUSTANG LINIMENT Cures RS3T RHEUMATISM, SORE THROAT, NEURAL GIA, nnd PAIN in tbo LIMBS—to bo used externally, dec 4 No Bombast or Xlumbuir. BUT Ready Made Clothing. THE subscriber would respectfully Inform tho vP2& r public that ho does not Intend to close up his concern nor sell It out at auction, but will keep up & good assortment of Gentlemen’s, Youths’, Boys’ and Children’s READY MADE CLOTHING of every quality, which he will offer to hit patrons at email profits and warrant them good end well mode, as every article is'made up express ly for his trade at retail, and he hoe no hesitancy In say ing they are as cheap ns those who offer them at cost.— Those In want ore Invited to call and seo at tbe Cloth- ino Store, No.69 and 150 Gibbons’ Range, nov 37 1 Ul GEO. 8. NICHOLS. BARNUM k BRACKS’ NEW PAPPti ILLUSTRATED NEWS. Six Conte per Copy, §50,000 la now espodally devoted to lu pobi cln ” Unl of THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS Will be^’^i v , weekly, commencing 18th December, 1852,wS& Tn. publUher. nil! .Uo, from tlm. lo JjT| tort cal Events. American and Foreign Battle FleUi.i. The year 18to Is the most auspicious of any. dS&ui past oentury, for tho commencement of audi a N.r. paper. The Great Wor/cPi Jfair which opens 1b N« W, lo Mu next, will b. on. or Ip. mSii ImponS ud Interesting nvi-nls which fee occured In JR! •Inn It. foundation. Here will fe cnnrngUcd IbcnS perfect »peclmonc of mechanical cklll and mcnnfwun horn nil oarli nf Iho drllliod globe. All portion, of m sketabce of the ships and eieamers composing thenJ Information or Us route aud progress, vlekrs of birtoa villages, cities?dwellings, and tbe people in-Japan. iS liable arrangements are making for these sketches, ui for all information, which will bo received here sita earliest dalo. On account of the World’s Fair, on account oru» Japan Expedition, and also In consideration of dthj and uncertainty In procuring back numbers, the puv Ushers cannot too strongly Impress upon<tho-publietU importance or commenoing their subscriptions with lU first number of the first volume, and using the utmu care In preserving the nepers .for binding. . At the conclusion or eacb volume aahandsome Ufa S pa go and indox will be gratuitously furnished by U« tblliliere. The publishers will procure, at low rein e uniform binding of tho volumes, when desired. The paper will be famished ut the low price of fa cents per copy, and served to subscribers In all the pris clple cities or the Union. It will also bo for sale at i| the principle Bookstores and Periodical Depota through out the United States end Canadas. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION PRICES. TWO VOLUMES IN ONI YEAR. Ono Copy, per volumo....'. ...,....$1 50 Four Copies, do 5 00 Ten ao. do .10 00 Payable In all cases In advanoo. Post Maatera throughout thu United Blato are deilrri to net as Agents for this paper In receiving and forwui lug suncrlptlons. . . ■» All letters should be addressed, post-paid. Publishes “Illustrated News,” New York. H.D.JcA.B.nBACII, 138 Fulton street, New York. IT'OK SALE.—A STEAM ENGINE, perfectly new.d I' 10 horse power, with Boiler atticbed. Apply to deo 18 COHENS k KkltTZ. T UE undersigned offer for sale tbe following Wim or direct Importation from Madeira, by tbe Dr. brie Emanuel Boutcher: 1 pipe Madeira Wine at §1 55 per gallon. 10 quarter casks do at 91 35 do. 1 pipo very cholcaold §1 55 do. 34 casks do. do. at §1 55 do. X pIpeTInta Madeira, veryflno.atfl 45 do. BjTSamples can bo soon at our office.-137 Bay-siretl dec 13 tf- EPPJNC k KRKTZ. J$eta FOll NEW-YORK. “ To sail on Saturday, 13th instant, at one o’clock. The U. H. Mall Stoamiblp ALABAMA, ■Copt. Thomas Lvon, will leave aa above. For freight or passage, apply to deo 16 PADELFORD, FAY k CO. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rpHE undersigned having formed a co-partnership u- JL der the stylo or LEVY U CALDWELL, for tk transaction of a general Commission business, will pi; particular attention to consignments mado to them, ini will fill order# promptly. They solicit tho patronm d their friends. LIONEL C. LEVY, „ . , LUTHER M. CALDWELL New Orleans, Dec. 1st, 1852.Im dee 18 A LMANACS—German and English Almanac* for A 1853, for salo by 8. S. SIBLEY, dec 18 . . No. 135 Congrewt HOIOB BUTTER—Just received by Alabama i3 Vomon, another lot of thatcholco Goshen Butter, put up In small package* expressly for family uk. deo 18 GEO. J. SMITH. TOR MATTHEW’S IILUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. To leave Saturday Morning, at 10 tf clock. The steamer IVANllO^CapL Wm. Tay lor, will leave as above. For freight or pas- isage, apply on beard, or lo 8. M LAFFITEAU, Agent. ■pAISINS, GRAPES, FIGS, *o—300 whole, lialf and AX qr. boxes Raisins; 10 kegs Grapes; 100 boxti Fi ji Smyrna Figs; 14 bbls. Bordeaux Almonds; 9) bin Brazil Nutannd Filberts; and 15 boxes Flro Cneten, In store and for sale by deo 18 J. E. CADY k CO. FOR MACON, IIAWKINSVLLIfE AND OTHER LANDINGS. ~ Tbe steamer CH ARLES HARTIUDGE, mm* W.Taylor, Master, will leave os above Jay morning next, 21st Inst. For freight or pas sage apply on board at Johnson’* lower wharf, or to dec 18 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. |>UTTER, FULTON MARKET BEEP, Ac.-'Uefl JD choice Goshen Butter; SO half bbls. Fulton Market Beef: 16 do do Pig Pork; 10 bbls, White Beans; 5bbU. Cranberries, aud 350 choice Baltimore Hams, In won nnd for salo by [decj’ J. E. CADY k CO. \TEA8T POWDERS—Preston k Merrills, BabblU’iui A Durkoo’s Baking Powders, for sale wholeatle and retail by [dec 18] MOURE k HENDRlcKbON. FOR NEW YORK—Oldest Link-The bark ^FLIGHT,J. H. Luther master, will meet with dis patch at above. For freight or paeeago apply on board at Telfair’s wharf, or to J ~’° BRIGHAMjKELLYfcCO. FOR NEW ORLEANB-The splendid A1 clip- [per brig WILLIAM CLARK, Daly master, will tho abovo port In a fow days For freight or pas sage, having superior stale-room accommodations, apply to Captain on board, or lo deo 18 COHENS k HERTZ. F OR JELLIES, Ac.—Russia Sheet and Shred hire glass, English Bhrcd Isinglass, French BpsrkllM aud Sheet Gelatine, Cooper’s Isinglass and Cox’s RrfM English Sparkling Gelatine, foir sale by MOORE k HENDRICK80N, deo 18 - (I .bon'a Bnlldbf. liililillill S SSSSS3SSSS88 Stock of Cotton in the Interior Towns. Augusta and Hamburg, Doe. 1... tincon, Dec. 1 '. Cntumuiu, Ga.) Nor. 37 1853. ...42,070 ....8.740 10,277 1851. 30,841 17,378 0534 28,638 4,081 Montgomery, (Ala.) Dec. 1 Memphis, (Teniu) Nor. 17...... ...14508 ..,.2,859 818898 8 82 S3 3 8 8 Worcester ^Testimony In Favor of the Oxygenated Ritters. WORCESTER, June 37,1851. Meeeri. Reed, Rater, Sr Austin—‘GentlemenI feel a K ' mure lu acknowledging the benefit I havo received m the-use of your “ Oxygouaied Bitters.” In 1840 and 1847,1 hod a very severe attack of DysDepsla. nltended with pain In the stomach, heartburn, habitual costive* ness, and other symptoms of this troublesome disease, so severe most or tbe time, that I was compelled to ab stain almost entirely from my regular -meals, and my suffpring alter meals waa often greater than I can ex- press. 1 purchased one bottle or the Billers, and took It no- cording to directions, which gave me great relief, and be fore 1 had finished the second bottle, I was entirely free from nil symptoms of the disease, and I havo never been troubled with It since. I have frequently recommended tho medicine to persona similarly affllctod, and never knew U to fall olfecting a cure. ASA WALKER, No, 217 Main street. BATES k AUSTIN, Wholesale Druggists, No. 36, Merchant’s Row, Boston, General Agents. Price §1 per bottle; six bottles for §5. thstu—dec 10. DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY. _, Jrom the Fall River Monitor, Mass. This mod cine, prepared bj a long experienced and “ lu } approved by a great number of Intelligent, distinguished and respectable persons In ,P #rU tlio country, Is now received, and used W Jit “nMence and with great success by those afflicted with pulmonary complaints. It Is also recom mended as a valuable medicine for other diseases, such as colds, coughs, and particularly diseases whosetenden- cy Is to consumption. Important from Canada. “ l different times been afflicted with severe cold*, which produces In iny case the Asthma. I have, W|J*SVK2K ,0M ' UMd DIL WISTAR’S BALSAM OF llnued taking IL until Iliad used three or four bottles, which completely curod mo. Tbo present season I look Mother severe cold, and Immediately resorted to this Italian:, end a pert of one botlla had the desired effect. 1 therefore eheerfally recommend my friends end all 0 i on, M ho •rt nnxllolna for tbalr coughs and colds, and particularly Ihe Asthma. ^•JtanulM unless signed I. BUTTS on Ihe wrapper. Comparative Statement of the Foreign Exports of Cot ton from tho United States, from September 1st, In tho following yean: ' m 1853-’53. 185P53. 185(P51. 1849^50. To Great Britain,....393,320 910.114 213,087 106,000 SiS8Kiaa."ga US 7 £\i Total JtelwiM ,.1111 N II IrrtM up, Iwufe md I ID ItM.taf mmv ihwkiti ....IM M Tfe nimimt mw »»• U/M wM |i«Mfef un 11 KiHttlwIiM. Imrafei. Hri. ,,,,,,,,,,, ' » » Iwa Mini un M » » *«*» » ..I,i,Siii.;... J too * |imH * iiiiffiiiimiiniiiii # Tltal, i, „i„„„„„, .„„„„i„ l „ l mi„, 7* PAMDNunn*. U.m||IM.I If.M.Ilt IMiJNI UmII.II.N4 « MmiWuii »!»l M.U.W Total,.. Receipts,... Stock,..... .....502,037 341,120 357,305 ...1,107,433 723,207 033,001 ... 503,387 303,309 584,638 S7&533 680,450 347,664 ffiardie XnteHtgcncg. Sun Risks ..6.57|Spw SktsT..4,571 Hiqb WATxa,...0.0 ARRIVED. R rlg American, Hayden, New-York, 4 days, to Brig- K.°i ly ^ Co- Mdzo-to 8 E Bothwell & Co, T It Mills T S Wayne, B Goodall, Brigham, Kelly k Co, G II Johnson, Behn k Foster, R D Walker, W W Goodrich, Claghom k Cunningham, T Henderson, N A Hardee k Qo, G Butler, N B Knapp, Morse k Nichols, Fort k Dun ham, Way k King, T W Coskera, J V Connernt A Co, J Rosseau, O B Bcally.N D A If Weed, I W Morrell A Co, Cohen A Tarver, Crane A Holcombe, Davis A Copp, Scranton. Johnston A Co, M J Solomons, end order. Schr. Ellen, Little, Ogccbec, to Muter. 2,000 bushels Rough Illce, to R Habersham A Son. Sloop B. 8. Newcombe, , Back Rlror, lo Master. 1,000 bushels Rough Rico, to Andersons A Co. Steamer David L. Adams, Rahn, Augusta, to O H Johnson. 888 boles Cotton, Md Mdzo~ to E Molyueux, Podelford, Fay A Co,A Low A Co, Allen A Bali, M F Rouer, Bothwell A.Smith. Steamer Ivanboe, Garnet, Matthews’ Bluff, to 8. M, Laffltcau. 500 bales Cotton, and Mdzo. to 8 Solomons. Cruger AWadc, Behn A Foster. N A Hardee A Co, B Reed, Boston A Gunby, Bothwell A Smith, and others. CLEARED. Brig Wilson Fuller, JoUaeoo, Providence, (ILL)—Brig ham, Kelly A Co. Schr. J. F. Tobias, Hand, Philadelphia—^Willis A Bran- dage. Bebr. Isaac Cohen Hertz, Bullock, Havana—Cohens A Hertz, U. 8. M. steam-packet Calhoun, Barden, Charleston—8 M. Laffltcau. Ship Southport, WHso^'a pTlsolticoiiu * Barque Dolplm*. Lovell, New-Orleaua, Barquo Sophia, rreoman, Boston, Barque Chester, Crosby, u< ‘ Brig Foster, Crowell^ floiU LOUISVILLE FEMALE SEMINARY. LOUISVILLE, JEFFERSCN CO, GA. T HE first session of this Institution, under the charge or Misses A. end E. P. TAYLOR, will commencoou the 3rd of January next. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. Primary Department—Spelllug, Reading, Mental Arith metic, Geography. Preparatory Department—Defining, Geography, Arith metic, History, Watts on tho Mind. *■•-* " “■ "—{.Grammar, 'at. History. 'l Universal Junior cTaas—Nat! Philosophy, Geometry, Nat. Theolo- a , Uotony, Intellectual Phtiosophy, Elements of Critl- im. Senior Class—Logic, Evld. ChrlstlMlIy, Chemistry, Geometry, Trlgouoraotry, Moral Science, History of Lftr craturc. Particular attention will bo paid to Orthography, Com position and Practical Arithmetic, throughout tbe entire course. M lu S. Clary, who Is well known ns a successful teach er of Music, will toko charge or tho music Deportment. Lessons In Vocal Music will be given gratuitously to tho whoio school. No charge for use of Plano. A limited number of pupils will be received as board- re In tbe family of the Principals, for ono hundred ‘ irs por sohoolastic year, Including washing and o\ convenience. Tuition In Primary Md Prepnralory Departments, §35 per annum; First and Second Year, $35; Junior and Sonlnr, §45; Latin and Fronch Lougusges, §13 eacb; Music, $50. For farther particulars, address tbe Principals, or ei ther of the undersigned trustees. E. R. Carswell. Rov. R. W. Johnson, R. K. Dixon, M. D., L. B. Boslwlek. T. II. Polhilt, Esq., Wm. 8. Lownr, P. B. Connelly. Esq., [deo 20] Louisville. ill*Mi Philadelphia. DEFAIITEI), . Steam-packet Calhoun, Darden, Charleston. *.• Biitricio.n, 1*»* MndlMtS for rwfocUon wu»om„ or Jim. TWSprTHWa®* forMurDWitatMill. I'M,a to Im few .IM, M. on Haiunt,,! IIm Im 4h of Jwu- for'^^"**^1 (InltaMor nf OWfetaiMny.tan. m|Mrfiiii/ uk rtnr .npiMfi. GRASS VALLEY GOLD MINING COMPANY. T WINCHESTER, Prealdent. Copllnl $250,000. fj • Shares §200; halfaharee $100. ,Tho rich Quartz claims owned by tbe Company exceed 400. in number, covering a surface or 100 acres, In the richest Md most desirable part of Greu Valley. The Mnchlnery, which Is the most approved aud powerful of My;yot manufactured, Is calculated lo pulverlzoono hun dred tons per day. Tho machinery :■ on the ground. Tho whole of the property Is paid for, and tho CompMy free from debt. A few shores of tho stock for sale at par. Pamphlets, containing tho Charter, By-Laws, Map, Ac.,roayba obtained at the Offloe; If by mall, Inclose two thrce-cout stamps. Address, postage paid, with re mittance for stock, (In drafts on Now York, or current fund*,) to R. J. RICHARDS, Secretary, No. 107 Fulton-sLNow York, Hiere specimens of tho gold-bearing Quartz may be i from 10 to 3 o’clock. Ira deo 18 ...... FORSAJLE. A LL that property, eight miles from town on tbo Au* JrX. gusta Rood, containing flvo hundred aores, more or less, commonly known as Tho Grange. Aire, the following Negroes i Ishmael, Combe, Hamll* cttiiifronoTHue^ h ° r lW ° oh,,dron J,m 11,1,18up » * nd two Also, one half of lot I-oUer Z, Anson Ward. The above ** —* J ‘ - irl vnta ‘ Court House, on the first Tuesday In Fobrur- Tarins of salo mado known " — 5 elgnod, ... j.. I8 asr rueaday n Fobruary noxt.— on ennlloatlon to We under* G. W. ANDERSON, TffiTTwSy ozktsal rnuoe ornoe, mvmmol, nov, 13, IB59. £000 Reward. JTOLKN^-About 1 o’clock I R AT TRAPS—Irou, Wire Md Steel Spring; alio tti Polont Self BcUlng.RatTrnp^foraale^b^ ^ deo 18 P. W. CORNWELL, PIANO COVER FOR RAFFLE. O N Friday evening, the 24th Instant, (Christum Em) there will bo raffled at the Fancy Store of Wn. Wb LON, In Warlng’s Building, an elegant Plano CortL- Thla beautiful piece of work was insde by the Orpin children at the Institution nf the Sisters of Merc;. D* public ere respectfully invited to call and see It dirk* this week and noxt, until Christmas Eve. Chances * cured at the store at $1 each. 7 dec H NEW-YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. TUK SHIPS COMMUIINO THU UNI ASK! Tho ATLANTIC... ,C*pt.VV£8T. Tho PACIFIC.......; .Capt. NYE, Tho ARCTIC. Capt. LUCfe. Tho BALTIC a CapLOOMOTOCL Tho ADRIATIC....... Capt GRAFTON. These snips having been built bycontndi ^.expressly foe government service, every rin jii taken In their construction, a* alio In Ibeir »• glnes, to ensure streurth and speed; and their sccomnw* dstlnns for paasungurs are unequalled for .elegance « comfort. .... Price of passage from Now-York lo Liverpool, in fim class cabin, $120; In second class cablo, §70 5 exclw-u use ol extra slzo state rooms, §300. From Liverpool a New-York, £30 and lb30. An experienced Surgeon attached to each ship. No Berths cm be secured until paid for. PROPOSED DATES OF 8AIL1NG. From New-York. Saturday,....Deo. 11, 1859. Saturday,....Deo. 85,. 1859. Saturday,...jJm- '8, 1833. Saturday,....Jan.-93, 1853. Saturday,....Feb. 5, 1853. Saturday,....Feb. IB, 1853, Saturday,,...Mar. 5, 1853. Saturday,.... Mnr. 10, 1853. Saturday,... Apr. Jt, 1653, Saturday,...; Apr. 10, 1853. Saturday,.... Apr. 30, 1853. Saturday,... .May 14,' 1853. Baturday,....May 38, 1853. Saturday,....Juno 11, 1853. Saturday,.... Juno 25, 1853. Saturday,....July 0, 1853. Saturday,..;.July S3, 1853. EDWAlUm'ffiLmWWfo’vVlJtaW.I. *• J. MONROE * 09, » hgBE or metals, unless bills of lading are signed theiwb* Hu m1.w Hfew.r ...miuA thamtn. If Wedn«fe)r,..I>w. wSlS'cSl/.'.'.Jfe.Wjg Wednesday,.. Feb. ttg Wednesday,..Mar. 6,l»l Wednesday,..Mar Wednesday,..Apr. 8. Wednesday,. .Apr. ft }& Wednesd»»v;Wy J g nSgg t (br A DAILY TRAIN f A. Mscon at AM A, ?