Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, December 25, 1852, Image 2

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K THEBEPjJBLICAN. SAVAKHAH. OA. p«n, ropar »». Trt-WooUy tamun. BY J. L.LOOKE&CO. p, w. AtiBIAHDBB, AMOOIATB EDITOR. HATUnUAY MORNING, DEC. 86, I8M. jbuNTRYSuescRiiKR*.—Conformingtoourannuol vi to-day forward account* to one* of ** r '“** tcribm at art in arrears, and trutt that no onowUl consider himself at dunned ant tf tetitn. Its frit tf January soill toon it here, and tee eMail hand ever ta others whatever may bt paid It at. Wo hopo that tho few who owe for more than a year will consider themselves at particularly invited to neks a speedy remittance. IF* set no apology for delay in a time of **ch universal prof perity. V. B. PALMER, the .American Newspaper Agent it the authorised Agent fer this paper in the cities of Boston, Now- York and Philadelphia, and is duly empowered to take advertisements and subscriptions at a* rot## as rf ouired by us. His receipts will be regarded as payments. Mis Offices are—BOSTON,Scollty'a Building; NEW- YORK, Tribune Buildings: PHILADELPHIA, N. TP. corner Third and Chestnut*triets. Curutmao.—No paper will bo lnuett'ftotn fthle offlee on Monday morning. Printer* turn a good claim to enjoy tho few holiday a that come along In thU week-day, work-day life. ' . ‘ Provesbor McKay.—Wo are rejoiced to learn, from our frienda of the Angaria Chronicle tend Sentinel, that Professor McCay, or tho franklin Unlreralty, la not dead. A despatch from the Chronicle office purport* that he passed up the Georgia Rail Hoad on Thursday, and that hla health waa considerably Improved. The professor la among many others who hare lately been killed by common rumor. We hope he will long live to enjoy tho posthumous honors which bla friends and the press bare bestowed upon him. Now that the professor la alive and well, may they all, In their Inter course with him, act up to the sentiments of respect and kind regard which they havo ao lately nu HIT rated. The Americana resident In Berlin held a meeting on the 10th November, at the bouse of Mr. Fay, Charge d’Affelra ad Interim, and unanimously passed a resolu tion to wear crape three days, as a token of respect fer tho memory of Blr Webster. Thk Caloric 8mr Erricsson.—The machinery of this new and wonderful ship, theNew York Herald says, continues to work to admiration. On Thursday the ‘en gine made feur turns of the wheel with the back action at the wharf; with only seven pounds of pressure. With the band the machinery could be moved with only eight ounces pressure to the square Inch. Am Imvortakt Project.—Tho Government of Boli via appears to have awakened to tho Importance of open ing a communication with the Atlantic, by means of their rivers Beni Branco and Mannora, which fell into the Madera, the largest southern branch or the Amazon. The commissioners appointed to examine the route are of opinion that the difficulties are not so great as was formerly bolleved,and that with a small expense they may be obviated. Thb Brayk hokor the Brave.—Gen. Shields the other day, in advocating the proposition to confer the rank of Llout. General ouScott, well says: Power ought to be generous, and there never waa a victor more gcuerous than 8cott himself. The resolutions of the Peace Society had been presented today, In which they say there will be no more war. He hoped this would be the caso, but saw little prospect or it. The country ow ed more to the army than to peace societies. Tna PoruLAR Votb or the Great States.—The to- . tal vote in tho State ofN. York exceeds 500,000; In Penn sylvania, 400,000, and In Ohio, 350,000; making, In all, 1,250,000, or nearly one-half of the entire vote of the .. Union. No wonder that these States exercise a poten- 1 al Influence upon the result of a Presidential election. t The Imvamt Drummer.—Among the prodigies of this marvellous age the infant drummer Is quite conspicuous. This most remarkable “ phenonomy” will be among us on Wednesday neat, and give some or his wonderful performances at the Theatre. Apalachicola.—'Tho Columbus Times of the Sid In. stanl learns from Captain Yam Vbiobton, of the steamer Eagle, arrived the day previous direct from Apalachl- cola, that all symptoms of cholera had disappeared from that place. Bishop Ivei,—The N. Y. Commercial of Monday after noon has the following t An article, having been reported from the London Tablet of November 27th, asserting that tho RC Rev. Bishop Ives, of North Carolina, in an Interview with Cardinal Wiseman, bad renounced the communion of the Reformed Church, and submlted himself to the Church of Rome, It is right that the friends of the Bishop and the Church at large should be informed that letters received from the Blsbop himself; and other members of the family, travelling with him, dated at Paris, on differ ent days since the alleged event, make no mention of it whatever, and are wholly Irreconcilable with Ita having occurred. J.H. HOBART. 306 Fourth street, 18th December. Mobile and Ohio Railroad.—Tho West Tennessee Whig, of the 0th, says; The agent of the Railroad, Dr. Hess, reportshla progress In securing Stock and letUag out contracts ns very encouraging. The whole amount necessary to prepare the road bed in Tennessee for the laying down of the Iron. 1x 5200,000, of which tunount there haa been raised a bona fide subscription of 8840,000, leaving only the small sum of 800,000 to be raised to complete the entire subscription. The whole distance which the road traverses the 8tate la 110 miles, leaving 53 miles to be let out, which will be mostly accomplished within the present month. Death or Horatio Greemouoh.—We learn from the Boston Transcript, of Saturday evening, that the death of Horatio Greemouoh, whose serious Illness was an nounced a short time since, took place on Saturday morning, alter a violent attack of brain fever. Sir. Greemouoh was well known as a sculptor of distin guished genius. A London letter in the New York 7W5k**, contains tho intelligence of tho disastrous defeat of a Russian army of 90,000 men by the mountaineers of Circassia. In iho Criminal Court at WaablngtonCIty on Saturday, the charge of a severe assault by the Hon. Senator Bor land, of Arkansas, on Mr. Kennedy, of the Census Bu reau, in the Capitol last session, was submitted, and the Senator 8100 and costa. E. K. Collins and other capitalists of New York, it Is arid, Intend to invest 81,000,000 in the proposed railroad trom that city to Norfolk. Decline or Pkofertt in New Orleans,—According to the returns or the tssossoni of New Orleans, there haa been a decline in tbe value of property in the city of three .millions three hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars within tbe pari year. Faow Nassau, N. P.—Tbe British schooner 7Vsm ar rived at Charleston dsy before yosterdiy from Nassau. Tbe American Barque Ovando, N. U. Higgins, 55 days from Havre, bound to New York with 140 emigrants and a cargo of merchandise, having experienced very bad ' weather, puttntoNassau on tbe 3d InsL, to distress, being leaky and out of provisions, and on Monday morning, tbe Gth Inst, was unfortunately burnt Tbe emigrants by the Ovands arrived at Charleston day before yesterday with cholera on board. Tbe Cou rier says: u 8e vend had been adzed with cholera at, Nassau, and tiro bad died—one onboard tbe Pedratza Just prior to her Bailing. On tbe passage, we understand four died, and deven are now sick, although no new cases bavo occurred for the last sixty hours. Tbe Mayor, who waa duly Informed of the anticipated arrival of the Po- drain gave instructions relative to her reception, and she ■ is how. In Quarantine. Our dtizena,however, need be under no approbeuelons whatsoever, as the cholera is , now generally believed lobe produced by atmospheric causes entirety, and mot to be contagious.” The British mall steamer Conway, Commander Saw ' yen, arrived at Nassau on tho 6th instant, from this dty. Leibsino, an actor, well known in Germany, died on the 15th Nor„ in Frankfort In order to prevent any possibility or being burled alive, says tho Hew Yorker Abend Zeitung, hla will directs hla executors to have his body flayed, and tbe akin presented to the Museum of NatoraLHUtory. He names the surgeon who la to per- form tbe operation, and leavsa him a legacy as payment The administrators of the 8eekenberg Musoum have rig. . nifled their, acceptance or the bequeat Fbeiohti om ths State Road.—We And the fol lowing letter in the last Chattanooga Oasetts t Chattamoooa, Dec. SO, 1852. F. A. PARHAM, Eaq.—Dear fi/r.-—Permit me, through tbe columns or your paper, to Inform our NorthAlabaraa friends, who are Complaining or what they call txoesslve ratosotfrelght on cotton front this place to Savannah SSff*Pr£den * -• *L*2JPS!Sft“?4 ¥}*«♦ H. h JU 150 » M.rlli. W 10 « Kill. O 10 S Web AiiU *8 : '2 “ aw Jr 8 « JWTrJWAJr 5 « J WJr a M JWTrOGA 5 m oo a Atkinson, RA L 1 Arnold, R D Tr Mra GOodwln 13 Austin, Stewart 108 Alray, H 10 Adams, G W Tr O W A Brant- o G W Tr G M A Brant- ley 9 Austin, 8 TTMJ Austin . „ 8 Anderson, J W Guardian A E and JT Patton 30 « U1 GW andJWltMB Mercer ■ m ow - 10 ‘ EdOJr 3 Alexander, A L .300 Anderson, J W Tr Eliza Jack- ? Andmoo,JWTr GONIooU 4 Anderson, J W TTB McQ An derson . . 5 » JWTrSSAAA and M T McIntosh 33 • J W Tr J A Marshall 3 « O W Guardian W W Gordon, Jr 31 » G W M B C Gordon 3 * J W and H Roberta TV ME Naylor 11 Arnold, RD 1 Ayres, Asher 31 BankBtate of Georgia 170 Baldwin, D H Ex’or L Baldwin 30 Bartlett, Myron 1 Barron, Isabella IS “ Ann 13 Bagshaw.Oatberine 6 Bradley. M J 8 Balfour, John Adm'or 8 - Beardsley, BO 65 Berry. J B 34 BellDTrMB Hopkins 4 “““ID “ «*«•«* Anna w « w « Oonnlck* Berg, 8 Trustee Brigham. Uy Blimey, J G 4 10 10 _ 89 Baldwin, D H 8 Bayard, N J, Tr Wilson and^ Barnett, Jane 31 Banks, Charles ' 9 Barrett, Thomu 101 Brantley, J U. Tr M C Adams 1 Baldwin, D H, Attorney M L Baldwin 3 Blackwood, J J SO Bartow, FS, Tr J Maxwell and children l “ F S, Tr J and B Maxwell 7 M F 8, Tr Mrs E Lloyd 3 Bancroft, J, Tr Mrs Taylor aad children 1? Bacon, H, Guardian, PDB 1 H8B EMB WT B RBB 19 Berrien, J M, Tr J M, W N and L O Berrien „ S Bloli, Jane B and EM Herb 100 Biota, Magdalen 4 Boggs, Mara A , 6 Bowne, AT 10 Borchert, A, Tr 8 Bo/nlon,W, SO Bond, E 3 Bowen, MaryE 13 Bloom, TR 3 Bourke, Ann M t Bulloch, WJ 13 ** Agent 11 “ JaaD 10 Barton, Chsriee A . . 16 Bullock, W G, Tr Jane Bulloch 13 Burroughs, JH.TrO J Green 5n Borns, T H 13 Buti/E O 6 Bruen, E C M 1 Burnett, Samuel 50 Barney, TJ,“ Bryan, Joe Caldwell, J W Caruthers, J B 5 ** ^Jno 10 Chatham Academy 34 Chase, Catherine u 8 Clarke, Tbomaa 10 Castoff, Ur, 8 Clark, MM 60 Campbell, Cbas, 9 Campbell, Harriet T 29 Champion, A 108 Ctagborn, Jos 8 8 Crabtree, Wm, Jr 85 It Gain, Ann 8 V Chariton be Wald 34 Charlton, RM SI t. ** Tr wife and children 33 ** Ex’or DUlon 4 “ Tr Mrs Gucrard and children 6. Cawfleld, Aim 4 Casa. John 20 u u Guardian of tbe Chil dren Qnigly 8 Cohen Solomon 263 “ Tr. H Y Cohen 10 SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY MORNING, DEC: ———.' ■- -i—i.. - > --— t! MRML K WMsadS. TB h&ssfrf* . Habersham, Robert 84 “ “ tr.h A Ad Anderson . S Hallowes, Millar, tr. O M B _ llaJlowes 14 Hallowes, Carollno M B Hallowes, C llardee, WJ Harts tene... ti Hayward, Louisa A 7 Uaalehurat, Robert 60 Ilenra, O 8 tr. Sarah J Aborn 1 Hendry, John A. Guardian G N A J,T and M Hendry 4 GobertJaaP 4 Gilmer, JF 43 Griffin, Larkin . 1 Grieves, 8unnJ . 1 “ Guardian W 8 Pbtt- 9 Grovcnstcln, Bhadrack 1 Goalding, Bridget 3 Godfrey? Susan J 30 Gordon WW 100 tr.GAO 5 “ W WG, Jr 8 « GOO 1 Gordon, Geo, Agent 110 GuUmartln,E M 4 •» LJ 4 Henry, Isaao 8 Henry, J P "° Her— "** Hitchcock, NP “ NPtr. HUis, Barah ? Hook & Tounzend Ilolt,T G Houston, A P, tr. for his chil dren Houstoun, Eliza M Hover, John Hodgson, W B ! Howe, George Hunter, James Hunter, E Hunt, John J Hutchison, R- ** R, tr. Mrs West Hopkins, T 8 Guardian L J F and OB Hopkins Ingraham, John B Inman, Allen baaOiRB Jackson, F D, tr. M A Jack- son and children KmlfUn o«»hl 5, Wm, Tr U D fohn 190 Renuhart, W “ “ Tr W W R “ “ TrONR 9 “ •* TrRBR 9 Remshart, W, Trustee Mrs Wellman and children 7 Renuhart, W, Tr N Wellman and children 6 Rhlnd, Bryan 3 •Reilly; Julia, odra’x Philip Reil ly 30 Rolfe, Grace J, 20 Robinson, J A 194 Robinson, William 60 Robertson, W, Treaa'r 15 Rogers, Amy 37 Rogers, Osborn 100 Rowland, J T, TF U Chisholm's Orphans’ ^ 23 Rogers, OW 30 Ryeraon, T, TrMILTEOOR Sav’h Institute for 8av1ngs, 111 8av*h Poor House be Hosplu Savannah Widows’ Society, Savannah Female Asylum, Bawyer, Sarah 8alfher,Jno 8asnott, W J Savannah Fire Company, Sauaaey. J R -Shaw, ftlary C Shaw, A J O 8haffer, J Shaffer, Harriet T 4 Stamos, E Bufford, Robert Savannah Free School, Stacey, E Sheppard, Mara SmoOTA A Screven, J P Stevens, J D Stevens, F W Stephens, Ann M Stephens, Linton Stephens, Elizabeth J BtevenaTldaJ Schley, J M Schley, Geo, Guardian of ths children of Charles Cun* u Solomon, Jr 5 “ Octavos 40 “ •» Tr.S Cohen 32 “ Isaac S Cooper Geo, Ex’or WO 12 “ Lydia 0 M J Tr. Emma Cooper 9 “ JM 22 Cohen 8, Tr. D Mlnla 5 Cope G L, Jr 5 Collins R and TO Holt, Trs. Mrs Davenport, 30 Cohen, Cocllla 8 Church, Elizabeth 4 Churchill, EM 5 Cummlng, G B 23 Cuyicr, R R and P H Wood- ruftTra 39 Cuyiei^BR 40 Cuyler k. Harden, Com’ra, 8 “ WH 77 Cbevrier.H 10 Christie, Lake, Tr Mary E King 4 ** Luke.Tr EC Whits 4 Cow per, M A 18 . Condon, P 15 “ Margaret 0 Collins, R 3 Combs. Mary L 10 Crowell, N P 105 Cuyler, Jane H 5 Cullen, H 15 Cuyler. Caroline B 5 * AnnD 0 « John M 10 Camming, MW 10 Cuyler, LR and TH Churchill, Trs Mra Churchill and Son 31 Davis, Geo W, Ex*r Clark 10 Day. Joseph 31 Dasher, Samuel 5 Drayton, P 4 Davenport, H K 47 Day, Cmas Tr Mrs Nisbet aad children 60 DeMartin, J, Agent Mrs Pen nyraan, 10 DeVlllers, Petit FD 10 Denaler.Mara 11 “ F, Tr Mra Btarr 6 Dufour, A B, Guardian L Deaclaux 40 Denalow. Helen R 3 DeKalb Lodge IO O F 4 Dcnsler, Ann M 5 Dillon, M 80 “ “ Tr Mrs DUlon and children 10 Dunning Eliza M 5 “ Ralph 15 “ 8 C 12 Donaldson, JL 20 w IJarrictte 18 Dnnwoody, John Tr Mrs Ba- “ iohn, Tr Mrs Minium 20 « Hy 10 D’Lyon, S L 31 Dufeur, Mary M, Guardian M C Dufour 10 Dufour, M M, Ex’r 30 Dublgnom Hy 40 Duncan, Alex 600 Dunwoody, John 40 Dunnlug,» C, Assignee 10 Dunning, 8 C, Tr for his chll- dreo 10 Duncan, Wm 30 Eastman, KlizaM 13 Exley, Isaao 3 Ells, Cbas A 1 Elliott, B and RB Fuller, Tr 13 Etllng, E J, Tr 3 Elliott, Daniel 1U0 Fay Joseph 8,Tr St Johns Church 5 *» Joseph B, Tr bnllding Commitfee Bt Johns Church 21 Far, Busan, Ex’r 45 FaUlgant, LN *2 “ JohnG 10 Fraser, Caroline M 4 KU. £ Panto, JO 50 Fay,J , oeepb8,TrMr.Wtator and children 30 FeUer, Richard J t Jackson, John J Jaudon, Thomas J Jones, Wm Jennings, Thai J ^ 50 Jones, CC, guardian CO Jones 2 Jones, George 71 Jones,Elizabeth LB 0 u “ Ex’x for minora of J Jones 46 Jones, HH 9 “James N 9 Johnston, Louisa O 14 iSI-p * Kciffcr, Catherine 1 “ AUenN 1 “ John R 1 Keebler, John 10 Kelly, John J 30 Keller, Paul 8 Lamb, James Lavender, Mery, tr. Mra. Fer guson and children Lada,Jane E Lavender; Mary, tr. M E and J E Ferguson Ladd Harriet V Lavlnder, Mary, tr. M B Boor- qulne Lang, Nancy Lamar, John B Lalhrnp, Dwight, Jr 9 Lawton, A R 91 “ “ Agent 10 “ Joseph 40 Lewla, Joan N 0 Levy, J O Ex’or 3 4ve Oak Lodge IO O F 10 mcke,JosL SO : Joyd, Tho* E 9 Johnston, AugustaP 6 Bellamy R 94 WP 25 «* Wm B 609 “ Mary Helen 5 8usan M 30 Jones, Geo W 145 . ’ohnsotvJane E 3 Jordan, Green H 0 Jones, James M 9 “ Guardian Mary A Jones 3 “ Guardian M. Jones f2 Jones, MaJcom D 3 “ Francis A 3 CD James N Jones and R B Maxwell, trs. Mrs. Maxwell 0 Keller, Elizabeth H King, R 4c W 1 Kunzie, John M 15 Kollock, Jane P 5 “ Maria O 9 Kottman, Frederica 6 “ Frederick 4 Lloyd, BE 3 Lloyd, W H 3 Low, A 400 “ John 90 mckett, James 40 Low, Andrew, tr. Amy Low 100 “ ** tr. Harriet Low ■ 100 Lovell, J MB,tr. Mra Hy Wll- tUms 8 Lufburrow, M 0 M,tr.H MandOHLof- burrow 6 M, tr.LLow 0 •* “ 8 E Low 3 “ “ G Low 3 “ “ MM Low 9 Lutheran Congregation Eben- —. , 60 8tewart, Eliza P 1 Sorrel. F, Tr. Mra Macks!!, 9 Schneider, Conrad 6 8 tiles, Joa 8 Stiles, R W 100 8mlth, Horace 59 Smith, James 58 Smith, Elliot J 1 Smith, Robt A 1 Smith, Robt A, Tr. Eliza Smith, 1 Smith, Sidney Gd’n C, A, F, V Snider. Beni 917 Btiles, Wmll 14 8cott,WJ,Ex’rof 20 Sorrell, F 74 Solomon, David 5 Solomon, Jamea 60 Solomon, Wm 8 4 Solomon, Poter 9 Stone, Fal,Tr. GooOonflM. E Church 10 Stone. F M Sc Rahn, Ex’r* L Myers 9 401 Stone, Jeremy, Tr AG Stone, 5 Stoue, Jesse 0 100 Harris B 4 RB Fuller, C and M 8 Jones, Abram 60 Jones, Eliza 7 Johnston, Jano B 3 Lathrop/Hy 3 Lawton, A R Agent 8 L Brooks 5 Lawton, A R * 10 Levy, J O 10 Ashley, Cornelias 50 Alexander A L 100 Andwson, G W Gd’n W W g Ashley Nathaniel 7 Austin, Stewart Tr.M Austin 3 ■*» •» LE Austin 4 W M Jno Austin 3 Alexander, E 360 Beil, Joseph J 66 Burney, Ihoe J Treasurer 59 Burroughs, Hy K Tr. Mrs Jane . Bryan * 3 Bourronghs, 0 8 Bryan, Jos 10 Barnard, Jno B Guardian M Chisholm’s Orphans 8 Cuyler, W II 25 Cuyler, RM 9 Cuyler, Margaret M 5 Cuyler, R R, True Mery 0 Cuy ler and children Cuyler, RftfcFH Churchill, Trua Mra Churchill and >on 9 Churchill, E M Church, Elisabeth Dickson, James Felt, Jos GUieland, Mary M Minis, A, agent Daniel Eg bert 5 Morel, Hnrrftt 9 Morel, Wm 8 Nlcoll, Lewis P 74 Nicoll, Caroline A 20 NIcolL John O ' 16 Neufviilo, Mary 39 Ncufvllle, Mora F 85 NevittiJohn W 10 Nlsbett, Margaret J 25 Olmalead, Jonathan 8 Pope, Alax’r 50 -Potter, Jamea 118 PadelfordTE 99 Porter, A 100 “ “ Ex’or JP Henry 30 Raiford.Rtr.Mra.L A Ford 4 §X2> L »° 8 S«v ow ‘22 Rolfe, DU 16 Rowland, J T tr. Orphan* of Chisholm 10 Rogers, Rev. O W tr. Mrs. Har den 150 Shaffer, nerriet • 12 Sav’h Poor House fe BoeT 200 Sav’h Fire Company IB Bav’h FredSchool 10 Sav’h Ins. for Savings 36 JasP :.rf5^ N ° l ' l Tehaau, F 50 Tclfelr, Mary 00 Toonahowi Division Sons Tcm- ^ SEEEfllf ” IOOF 13 Tupper. P Atr Mra. Nichole and children * 60 Union Society 7 United Brothers’ Lodge 10 j VerstlUs, Charlotte L 8 3 Waldburg, Mra, KL ! S"!!’"’ 1 S orm » n "l • Wallace, Mary & Wallace, NTr.RB Isaao 61 Wallace, NTr. Julia 8 30 Welmnn, Mnrgajct M 7 ’’ ■ O J 3 Wayne, Jamos M ex’or Kollock 34 Washburn, Jos 50 Ward, Georgia 61 Williams, Wm 9 Wood, O A U Tr. AM Wood 20 WyUy. George W 15 « “ Gui Williams Guardian A N BASK Of THB STATE OF GEORGIA. <lio C'onitlllon of iho llank of the Hfafo of ttrorala, hr.. ■ d Afenclov* up «o rrlday, lOtl* l»c«< inl>er, lfffra. ^ nr *“cl»ea Published in ebtdltncs to tho Proclsmstion of lbs governor of ntsrgis, sf IDA December, IBM. -• itpii $3,180,085 40 « RealEatale........ “ Banking Houses it Lots. “ Expenses.... “ Protest Account........ “ Resulting Balanoe with * Branches and Agencies... Due from ofoer Banka...... 564,570 Notes of other Banks....... 901,488 Specie *"•*“** ’Isllisac 1 *; « Unclaimed Dividends.. 362,783 24 503,263 33- 1,271,275 29 84,035,385 69 -21s25E»3ij State of Geonrla* j CHATHAM COUNTY. J ly appeared A. PoaTaa, President,-and I. K.Tarrr, Cuhler, of- made oath that tho foregoing Statement is Just and true, to tho best of their knowledge and belli Sworn to tide 93d day of December, 1859, before me,) WM. THORNE WILLIAMS, V *.t. o.o.o. > the Bank of tho Stats of Os*.*. Unn-Udgo and belief. 1 am l*h lad A. PORTER, 'Prosldtnt I. K. TEFFt, Caeklcr^ CONSOLIDATED STATEI^T : ,' . t tho Condition of the Bank of Savannah and lu Agencies* Wedne**.- Morning* Dec* 8* IBM, “«ea«lap, A$ tailed for by tho Gtvsrnor’e Proclamation of December 140,185*. LATEST INTELLIGENCE. By Telegraph to the Republican. The Canada at Halifax. Ciiaklxston, Dzc. 94—The steatmhlp Canada arrived at Hallfex^t noon, to-day. The advice* from Liverpool are to tbe lUb ImU* The Pacific arrived at Liverpool at midnight, 10th intti Cotton on all qualltiea bad largely declined. Falrwu of the most demand and wu X to Xd. lower. Sales of the week 90)p00 bales, of which 3000 were on ■ peculation and exporter* taking 1000. Fair Orloani 6d.j Middling 5 7U6d.j Fair Upland* 5«d. Senator Hunter and General Fierce* Wasuimoton, Dee. 94.—It la rumored that Senator Huirraa haa gone to Concord to visit Gen.Fiaaea, by In vitation. North Carolina Iieglalatnre. Washington, Deo. 91—Tho Loglriaturo of this Slate adjourned sins die yesterday. New York Market. New Yo*r,Dec. 24.—Cotton Uhday waa ateady, and 2000 bales sold. .commetccai Knumgcneg. SAVANNAH MARKET. Friday, Deo. 24, P.-M. OoTTONr—Tho demand wu limited Unlay, the aaiea being conflned to 896 bales, at the (following particulars lOat8X, 13at8X,74 *t e, 168at0>f, 233 at OX. 1% at OX, 105 at 9X, and 13 at OX eents. The market closed Arm—prices being In fevor of sellers. Savannah Exporta—Dec. 94. Per ship Cornelia, for Liverpool—77 bslee Sea Island and 3,666do. Upland Cotton. Per ahlp Albert Franklin, for Liverpool-1,733 balsa Upland Cotton. Per brig Paulina, for Boston—507 bales Cotton. Per achr.BeqJ. Strong, for New-York—350 bales Cot ton, 50 cuke Rice, 406 dry Hides,750 boshols Bice Flour, and 7 rolls Leather. Per schr. N. W. Smith, for New-York—813 bales Cot ton, 23 bundles Nall Rod*, 107 pkgs. Mdu., and 41 tons ¥ -on. Per schr. Virginia, for PhUadetphlar-348 halos Cotton, 108 cuka Rice, 03 Railroad Whoels, and 50 ton* old Iron rrnaK JBF- Lui ice, A B, Treasurer Geo Chapter, No 3 Lovell, E ticlntire, R 4c W McBride, Jr, George Mcllardy, A McKay, OF McDonald. Alexander McAIpln, Henry “ Tr. Jo# McAlpta Tr. Ellen MoApin Tr. Angus McAIpln Tr.Hy.MeAlpImJr, Tr. Isabella McAIpln Tr. J W McAIpln Tr. D McAIpln MeAlpin JuA McAllister GW McAIpln Angus McAIpln Uy.ExV, of Mackay Eliza Maner Geo H Miner Gee R Marshall Elizabeth C Stoddard, John, Trustee 8olomon’s Lodge No 1 Strong4c Wood, 3 Sorrel, F, Tr Mra Green, 308 8ull!van. Hepiio 30 Sorrel, AM 3 Solomon, Wm 5 Tarver, Sam’lB 20 Tarver, A E, Ex’r 8 B Tarver 5 Taylor Henry 110 * “ Ex’r Wllklnaon ion Taylor, Wm 19 Taylor AO 12 Tebeau, F E 5 Tobcau, F E Tr H L Tebeau 9 Tebeau, F E, Tr A M Pindar 1 Telfair,Mary 94 Thweal, James 124 Tern, IK Tr chtidren A WU- klus 3 TeflLlK Trundcr IhewlUof A Wilkins 23 Tcm, IK apechil trust 9 Tefll, I K Tr 8 J Bell 1 *« “ Tr Adm’r Do VlUera 3 Teflt. I KTr Mrs MeNelty and ebudren 0 M I KTr Mrs Bealle 23 Thompson. W U 4c Go 5 Toonahowi Division, No 9, Sons of Temperance 2 Tupper, Holmes.Tr L W Crab tree 13 Tapper, Holmes 80 Turner, D, Tr Mr* Tupper 30 Trustees Emory College . 10 Turner, Richard D 25 Trustee* Permanent Fund He brew Congregation 11 Trustee* Magnolia Encamp ment 3 Trustee* Glynn County Acad emy 20 Ulmo, A 108 Union Bociety 36 Vanalen, J H ,235 Vanalen,J J 37 Vaughn, Wm 19 Versatile, T 6 Warden* and Ve*try Christ Ch Sav’h, in trust for Female Episcopal Bociety of Gcvr- Wardens and Vestry Christ Church Savannnh us Wardens and Vestry Saint John’s Church Savannah Wade, Peyton L Wodej EG Waver, Ann EJ Wall, Ann R Waring, Win & Wallace, N Wallace, Mary Waldburg, Jacob Waldbura George Wayne, JasM 11 »£Jb°S ,B0AW ”“j Wuhburn, Job 63 Warthen, Rich’d 20 Water*, Michael 2 Waters, John, Ex’r* of 150 w Sw.SS; Ex '" 01 “* Matthews 11 B W M tilery J. Guardian JEM “ Guardian G Wll : f attbews Jane E ilarine 4c Fire Ins Bank ifathad Margaret . Mayor and Alderman Mealy 8 A Mercer H W 1138 5 15 2 8 10 Tr. Mary 8 M Men, PII “ WBTr. Mrs Gannon MlUen, Cornelia Miller, Sarah E Miller, Ephraim Mints, Hetty “ Frances gbjUpp. Rebecca G Abram Maria Cecilia Morrison, J J Morel!, Wm Mowry, Edward Mobley, Jno Murpbree, Wm 6 Wright Murchison, Jno “ “ Tr.ME M « « “ Mary E yen, Lewis “ “ GtoELUysra 8 DTr Mrs Griswold Myers, 8 D Naylor, T JTr. Sarah J Leigh 11 NevltLJnoW 60 Neufvllle, Fenwick, Tr. Christ Ch Orp Fund NeufvlUe, Mary •' MaryP Jno WTr J J Nevitt NichofUGS 37 Nichols. DB Nicoll, G A “ JnoO 31 Lewis F 155 Nichols, Ed T Nichols! G WTr. Mrs Lyon Norris, M E Nuttman, Samuel Olmttoad, Jno O’Byrne, L Oliver, Geonre Owens, Jno W O’BrSwIUW 0 l» Planters’Bank 4J ‘ P«deirord,Ed « Parkman, SB l S an 5!«m. 1 Wallace, N,Tr Julia B Isaac u “’TrMJ Roberta B ’ TrebUd ’ aJ Wayne, H O Walt, Geo 8, Tr S A Walt Teoi^ia WeTman, FII, Tr M M Wei* Wdman, F H, Tr O J W 3 “ M Tr F W Reid 3 Weltman, Naomi, Gd’n L Wellman 6 Weed, Henry D 56 0 Weltman, Naomi ll ‘ Whlton, David Gd’n A T Mil ler is Williams Wm 25 Wright, RM 30 Wilkins, Ann B 43 }V lllcl, Joseph 20 Wlltberger, P 1 Wilson, John 20 Williamson, R M so Wmiamson, J P, Ex’r Hy Tay. 1 Williams, Jas 25 White, William 4 Wilkins, G A, TrGUbert Wll- kina 7 Winn, T S 3 While, Henry Ex’r 8 J Hitch- cock 19 Wilder, Jno R GO White, Jos H 5 Will Carl 14 Wilder, Jno R Trustee Hr* Wright 5 Wood, AM 9 Wood, Susan 9 w “ Tr Laura A Spear 3 Wood, E J C 4 Wood, E J O and Hollis John* l Woolfolk, Thoa 50 WU11*, Francis T 183 Wyer, IIO 67 Young, Jane M S3 Yomon, Peter Young—" • Zerubl Notv-Orlcons market, Niw-Orldais, Dee. 23.—Cotton,—Tho Cotton mar ket waa active io-day, (Thursday) and 5,000 bates were sold. Middling is quoted at 8X0. Operators were some what disappointed by the non-arrival of the steamer. Suoar steady—feir 4c, Molassss, 22c. Wbisxkt, 20c. Rica dull at 4Xc®4Xc. Freights for Liverpool three ferthings. Cbarlonton Market. Charlkstot, Deo. 24^-Cotton^—1100 bslee of Cot- tou were sold ts-day at prices ranging from 7X to OXe. Middling Fair brought OXo. Congrreaalonal. (Receivedat Savannah Dcc.24,0.15 A. M.) Charleston,Dec. 23,10 o’clock P. M.—In the U. S. Senate Unlay Mr. BIabon of Virginia offered a resolution calling upon the President fer copies of the notes re ceived by him from France and England, proposing a triple treaty relative to Cuba. Mr. Mason aald he op posed interference in the existing relations between Spain and Cuba, but ho believed the time would come Vrhen the annexation of Cuba to this country would be inevitable. Gen. Gass concurred with Mr. Mason’s views, and reprobated Sea Island [T] and stand-still pol icy- Now York Market* New York,Deo. M.—The Colton market was ateady; 1200 bales sold to-day. No foreign St4pmship you Cbarleiton Market* (Received at Savannah Dee. 34,0.18, A. AT.) CHAnt*sTON,Dee.23, 10.30. P. M.—To-day 1400 bales of Cotton were aiUi Bales of the week, 12000 bales.— Quotations middling to good; middling 8X@0,mid dling fair, OX- (By Telegraph to Us Charleston paptr».'\ Congressional* Baltimore, Dec. 21.—In the U. 8. Senate on Tuesday, the resolutions to confer tho rank of Lieutenant General on Major General Scott being under consideration, were supported by the Hon. Lxwis Gass, of Michigan, Hon. Jamis Sheldon, of Illinois, and tho Hon.Solon Borland, of Arkansas, and opposed by tbe Hon. 8, P, On ask, of Ohio, and the Hon Stephen Adams, of Mis sissippi. Tbe House of Representatives took up in Committee of the Whole that portion.of the President’s Message relative to the Tariff. Mr. Clinoman’s motion to admit railroad iron free of duty was defeated. It la at length reported that an effort will be made in the Honse to take notice of the acquisition of Bamann by the French, and tho annexation of Sonora. BALTtMnRi,Dec.22.—In the U. 8. Senate on Wed nesday, the bill for the construction of a rail road to Ibe Pacific was made tb* special order of the day for the 10th of January. In the House of Representatives, (bat portion of tho President’s Message relative to Commerce, and Rivers and Harbors, was taken up, and referred to tbe appro priate committee. Tbe bill for fixing the compensation of members of Congress at $2000 wu also taken up. General Fierce and the Bostonians. Baltimore. Dec. 23.—Generaf Pierce bu accepted the invitation of the citizens of Boston to partake of their hospitalities on bia way to Washington. The British mall steam ship Niagara sailed from Bos ton on Wodnesday for Liverpool via Halifax, wllh 55 passengers—among whom wu Gborur Wilkins Ken dall, Esq., of the New Orleans Picayune. New Orleans Market** flee* New Orleans, Dec. 21,8.53, P. BL—On Monday, In New Orleans, barely 5000 bales of Cotton were disposed of; at pricea which showed a decline bf a quarter. Mid dling wu worth from 8X to 8X cent*. Operator* Were expecting tbe arrival of tbe Canada's advices. 1000 bbte. of Mess Pork, were sold at $17 per bbl. Lard in bbls. commanded 11 cents, and 500 kegs were sold at 13X cents per lb. Prime Molasses changed hands at 23 cents per gallon. Rio Coffee had declined and wu quo ted at 0 cents. Freight* ware unseltiad, and Colton to Liverpool wu taken at tbreo farthings per lb. Exchange on London wu quoted at 8X per cent premium. Tho steam ship Daniel Webster la to sail for San Joan, and tbe Philadelphia tor Aspiuwail, on Wednesday morning. New Orleans, Deo. 22,—On Wednesday, 7000 bales of Cotton were sold at previous rates, and no change occurred In tbo market. Rico wu worth 4X cents per lb. Mess Pork had advancod, and wu quoted at from 18 to $I8X. Tbo barque Dudley, Capt. Morrison, and tbe brig Telegraph, Capt. Grace, ha/e arrived from Charleston. OarteravlUe* fGa) Dec. 80.-Cotton.—There bu been delivered at thi* place, for iho week ending tola day, for shipment, 110 bales cotton, all of which has been sold. 33 bales at 8X, tbe balance at 7 to 8X. Cot ton brought Unlay.a fraction over 8X. Griffin* Dee* 83.—Cotton.—There ia an ap parent anxiety on the part of buyers to purchase, but the amount offering Is rather light. We quote 7X&&X eta. extremes. Augusta* Dee* 83, p. m.—Cotton.—-The markotlsquiet to-day. The demand ismodorato and prices about the same u yesterday. Athena, Dec. 23*—Cotton 8X®8X. Tallahassee* Dec. 21 •—Cotton.—-Tbe mar- ket for the past few day* hu presented quite an ani mated appearance, and tho ftvorable news brought by tho Arctic of X advance, bu caused purchaurs to come forward freely and take all that la olfering, at a slight ad. Tf 0 *? SHJS?. 1 w “. k >. P r, «“* w ® now quote Middling to Good Middling al 7X®8 cents. Sea Island 88031, New-Orleans, Dee* 18, p m.—Cotton.— Tho demand was activo and although buyers hesitated at paying the advanced rates claimed by factor*, they gradually yielded and tho sales reached foUy Jlouo pales, taken for Europe and the North at higher rates. Wo.quote s Inferior 6X®6X Ordinary 7X@8X Middling......,..8X00 4 Buoar—The demand Improved u Ibe day advanced III loailllul In Inn ..In IW1 kU. .1 Notes In Circulation......, Individual Depositee Duo other Banks Profits undivided.. Dividends unpaid.'.,...... $400,00000 Exchange, maturing awi^TT 738,783 00 Discounted Notes, maturing..... *• Mtt^. 44 4 . 4 . 4 .; 4 .::::::::::::: Cash in Northern Banks. 881917 79 157,023 38 93,605 05 18^03 40 730 00 11,288 29 „ $1,426,023 09 Resulting Balanca with Aganclu.....; sir. W. B. TINSLEY, Caibibb. J. WAMI1BUBN, PaasiDi^T Board of Dlrectora* JOS. WASHBURN, President. HENRY BRIGHAM. | ASA HOLT. HENRY. HARPER. HENRY LATHROP. LEWIS F. HARRI8, WILLIAM 0. O’DRISOOLL. statement 4 . . J Of the Condition of the Central Railroad and Banklnsr Comnanv off at tho close of bniinen on Monday 4 , tho sixth day off December* 1862,* ■' Railroad and Appurtenances...... $3,378,132 31 Notes, and Notes Discounted, and Bills Re ceivable 403,053 83 Dueby other Banks.. 165,700 64 Duo by AgenU and other Companies 105,705 88 Stock in other Companies 488,354 84 Banking House and other Real Estate 16,074 23 Protests .*t 45 23 Railroad Ez^>enditures 910,050 00 Expenses 7,008 B0 Interest on770 Bonds 11,070 64 Notes of other Banka 22,119 00 8pecio 105,407 43 and rceuited in itie sale of Fair to folly folr 3X040. Molasses—1000 bbls.! Good Middling. 0X0 OX Middling Fair.!. 0X0-— Fair nominal. Of the obligations duo this Company, embraced by the above statement, there la considered by ibe Boarder Directors— 1 Doubtfol, the sum of. .$5,641 05 -< Bod, the sum or. 7,540 91 Lilt of President and Directors* R. R. CUYLER, President. JOHN W. ANDERSON. | THOS. PURSE. WILLIAM CRABTREE. ' L. O. REYNOLDS. J. B. OALLIE. J.R. WILDER. A. LOW. | G °Orfy I c5P BAVANNAH. | PenoR.ll. .ppe.rod n. n. Coriei, Pmldeol, end SotoMoe Con.e, OtiWer, wlw, bole, dole eirom, 11,0,1 tbe abo.e return lejuil end Inle, to the beel or Ibelr koowl^dgo end belief. 1 .worn to before me 1 tht.93dd.yoroe«raberjW58. | MSaSrSn. 000 hbds. at ateady prices. — bbla. were sold at 21X0220. Corn—Bales 5000 sacks, or which 300 green at 40c4 700 at 43&, 877 at 43XC.; 352 at 45c. and 47c.} 400 at 43c! and 200 purchased by one party at 47c. for prime white and yellow. Whiskey—Small sales of Rectified 4 at 21c. Pork—712 and 000 bbls. were sold at about $17 for Mess and $16 50 for 51.0. Lard—200 tierces wore told at llo. Gunny Bags—33 bales were sold at OXe. CorrEE—100 bags Rio were sold at Oke. Freights-A Ship taken for Liverpool at 13-16d. Cot- ton shipped for Liverpool at X d - and more wanted; and a small lot shipped at Xd. A small foreign vessel taken for Trieste at 2c. and a Brig for New-York for a foil car- goof Sugar at $8 Xbhd. Exchanges—Fair demand. Sterling at 808V V ct, prem.; New-York at 60 days 2X@ SX V cent discount and sight 101XF cant dfscoant. Charleston, Dec. 82* p. m*—Cotton.—Tbe transactions today reached about 1200 bales at previous price*. The extremes were from 8k to OX, tod two small lots at 7X08Xc. Tho market firm. Dec* 23*—Cotton^—The aaiea today amount to 1400 bales, making for the week about 10,200 bales, against receipt of 0^80 halos. Tho sales were at ex. Notice. Fellow-Citizens; 1 am a candidate for Re-election to tbe offlee of Receiver of Tax-Relurns. doc 25 Yours respectfully,. BARNARD E. BEE. To the Voter* .of the 2nd District* G* M*t Fsllow-Citisbns—I am a candidate for the office of Juitlce of the Peace In your District, and respectfully ao- llclt your support. The election will bo held st the offlee of Justice Philip BI. Bussell, on Saturday, 1st January, 1853. Your obedient servant, dsoSO Ul D.H. GALLOWAY. Friends and Fellow-Citizens! I am r Candidate for re-election for Tax Collector of Chatham county, and respectfully ask your aupport. [dec 15] F.M. STONE. To the Voters of the Third District O.M. I am a candidate for re-election to the Offlee of JUS. TICE OF THE PEACE for your District at tho Election to be bold at my Offlee on Saturday, tho 1st day or Janu ary next. Tbe poll* are to be opened at 10 o’clock, A. M. dec 17 b* R. RAiFORD. r oung, Elijah B lerubbabel Lodge Guaranteed 7 per tent. Stock. Anderson, G W. ex’or of WW Gordon 30 Berry, John B 4 Greens, Margaret 9 Gallaudst, James 5 ilszleburst, Robert lo Irish Union Bociety 7 Mallard, John U 7 McAIpln, Iljr 80 NoviU, Louisa A 8 Owr - ' 4 McAIpln, Iljr NoviU, Louisa a Owens. Geo W Star^tVm, Tr. A R Blarr S S *$1**”?*" M *• KB “ •* M Jun Stephens, Linton, Guaranteed Stock, 8 per Cent, of Anderson, Jno w! TmeUtN Jonsa and Children 1 Anderson^JnO'VV, Trusts# I Andsreon. JnoW, Tr BIIK adn’x HAW D.M-" teftsjiii/fia: rMnUtfuUm mm Kic, % fWn£ Ing Fair, OX; Fair and Fully Fair OX. ... very slrict class. The recelpU of Long Cottons during the week have been large, and a further reduction bM been submitted Jo, making tbe decline from the highest from 5 to 8c-being least on tbe flne, and greatest on tho common quallUes. Santces and Blaines may be quoted 40 to 48c.; Middling FIdo to Fine Sea lslamlt, 50 to GOo- and upwarda. ^ Rir*.—The demand baa boon of a general eharactor, and tho sales bare been abont equal to the receipls. Prices on tho whole have been pretty regular, ruling from 3X03X for fair shipping BlceTto &®3X forgo&Mnd upward* for reaUy prime to choice. There have been none of tbe finer grades for the last three or four days. Tbe general sales have been from 3X03Xc. FaztonTs.—Wc have no change to nolo this week. We continue our last week’s quotations to Liverpool, 0*16d. for Cotton in square bags; and to Havre 1c. for Upland* In square bagvsnd fWc. for round bags and Sea Islanda, and $3 r 600 lbs. for Rice. To New-York SdSWtoete 410 B0,t0n ^ f ° rlh0 f ° rmC, ‘ Camden. (8. c.) Dec. 21.—We quote ex treme prices or Cotton at 708X cents. _ Columbia* (8. C.) Deo* 22* p. m.—The Colton market presented no new feature to-day; In price* there was no change from those of yesterday, and the bales M 7X08 OS-iSSoI*** ***, ^ ^ ° f 225 Chentw, ffl. C.) Deo. 2 2.-Bales or Cotton this week at from 708X; mostly at 7X08Xc. Baltimore* Deo* 21* p« m*—The market hHlay for City Blllls Flour waa quite activo, and tho transactions were Jargu. Wo note safes of 6000 bbls. at $5,19X; 1500 bbls. at $5,18X; and 1500 bbls. at $5^5. S ow.York, Doo. 21. 2 p.m.-CoTTON/-The t to-day, so far as reported, amount to 800 bales, at yesterday’s quotations. * FLoua,fea-There Is a fair demand for Plow; and common brands of atsto are firm at $5 43X0 5 50; Ohlm Michigan, $5 50 05 02V; Baltimore, Alex* andria, Georeetown, fcc- bring W50X a 5 75; fancy brands $0 a 7. Canada Flour Is in feir request at $5 so ®*«w. 10,000 bUshels Southern ComSw to i?U at Whiskey is duU. Drudge Is offered at 23c. Provisions are without alteration. Tho sales ““aSlSOO bC °“ “ <xler,lt0 ’ 100 bbls old Mess Pork St OBITUARY. Died, at bar rcsidenco in Elbert County, in this 8tato on tbe 10th insb, Mrs. ELIZABETH ALEXANDER, contort of Peter Alexander, Esq. The deceased wu bom in tbe year 1706, of revolution ary pareuto from Virginia. Bha wu ono of that bravo race of mothers, now fast passing away, who wore among the early Millers of tbe State, and who adorned their day and generation by that energy, prudence, and other con spicuous quallUes which were demanded by ths times On tbe day of her birth Georgia wu comparatively a wilderness, and her character received those marked and decided impressions which spring from circumstances and scenes of danger, exposure and trial. To thoso char acteristics, however, she united ail the so On ess and deli cacy which distinguish her sex, and with that* genii* traits, ware harmoniously blended a deep-seated and unaffected piety, aad a maternal love that knew no limits. Ths lut Illness of Mrs. Alexander was a graceful and becoming sequel to the rest of her worldly career. During some eight months that she never uw the blessed sun except from the windows of aiiek cham ber, she never uttered a murmur. Reluctant to die dur ing the early stage! of her l!ln#a»,her double end role- livings receded as it advanced, sod vanished at last be fore the pure and benign radiance of »sincere end ex alted faith. She gave as one or the reteone for not feel ing prepared to die, that bar mind end beer! bed eo gone forth after her children, eh# bed elmoM forgotten she had e soul of her own lo be saved. Tbe grief of IIiqm chil dren must be keen Indeed under such an Infliction, hul It U soothing fer them to know that they have yet e mother In ilseveiii Till. mpHiMI MM. I. Mi .Mm bf «»* »H Ihuuib . M.UHIHM UlldHMH., t)M IWtTd tW Ulrl'IM »»'l «• mII-mIm rmuoM by oU»r>. Ml, tl* lM»X erbri|t.l •wt M. mutlKiloM wblib .1* li« Iwiumw. '.In. tiilUmiM. .mmwIi.m, am I* b; Mwa-lib SUSI plUII H*mI*M *1 Iloilo... M. *h4 PASBEWOEHS. Per itoua-pukot Calhoun, Worn Ch«le.h>n—Mr D -----Dg, H Furgcrson,. W O Ml M U Rowland, BI Laronsell J IT Bieffll and Per atoamer David L. Adam?, from Auguste—Mr M Dalton end family, Mrs Brown, child and servant, Mi J Plonrney and flvo servants, F Clifton end Hooper. SHactne NnttUtncmt. app But. ..7.01(000 8rn,|HlionVv.T.»„...ji AUUIVED ilertridr- ° *' * 1 * " DeUi fiffL.. Flannlgan, end J A Brown. Steamer David L. Adams, Rahn. Augusta, to G 11 Johnson. 000 bales f-’otton, to sundry parsons. Steamer Chatham, Phl poU Augusta, with boat* 4 and* 11, toU,II,Johnson. l.iDoWosOolton, end”‘ OII Johnson. Allen Is Bell, H Mol/neux, Star eon, A Low Is Co, Harper, atuart k Co. GI.I3ARBD. isasssa.,. HthrfVwnl., ||pA|Mgll<>pilli It Ilium! it., Wmim, .Dim lUmlolph, Uimw.II, Ai'iutU. nNnoiiAiTiiA, n.ri|i»SiiM,arDMl.ri ImiM,»I'rnvtiUnM on tin Jritli |Mi, nmxsxstssiaati NebrilbtiiriltiAtfoti Mid brig llldo. Ninell. heua. si HirVlSnS (WWW on Uw linli, w. ibf Uw'on JdjmHilklUlfttWOUHt jujft-M immite, ituuniu $5,004,400 50 Capital Stock....;. , Bonds due by this Company. Bank Notes m Circulation Suipenso Account......... Duo other Banks and Companies Individual Deposltoa Unclaimed Dividends Railroad Earnings paid lnalnco lat Decora- ber, Bank Earnlnga Railroad Earnings paid Into Bank since 1st Reserved Fund..!.*!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!*** $3ioo,p6 ooo 306,187 00 251,311 00 6,873 M 17*874 70 4%883(S . '186 SO 915,030 50 a,004,46u M To the Voten of Chatham County! Fellow Citizens; 1 am a candidate for tbe office of TAX COLLECTOR at the ensuing electioh, on the flrst Monday to January next, and respectfully solicit your support. dec 13 SAM’L. B. SWEAT. To the Voters of the Third District G.M* I am a Candidate for election to tbo office of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE for your District, at the election lo bo held at Justice Halford’s office, on Saturday, the 1st daj of January next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., and respectfully solicit your suffrages, dec 29 EDWARD G. WILSON. To the Electors of the Sepond Dlst. G*M* Fellow-Citizens I am a Candidate for re-election to tho offlee of JUSTICE OFTHE PEACE for theSecond District, which will bo held at my offlee on Saturday, 1st January next,and respectfully solicit yqur support, dec 23 PHILIP M. RUSSELL. To the Voters of the First Beat* G« M*! Gentlemen—I respectfolly announce that I am a can didate for the offlee of Justice of the Peaco to your Beat, and respectfully solicit your votes at the eloctlon on the flrst January next. doc 20 LAWRENCE CONNELL. ?K. R A. Y. THE members of the Clinton Lodge are requested to meet this evening, to finish tbe business of tho regular meeting called of from Tuesday evening last, dec 25 It JOHN CARRUTHER8, W. Bf. .Special yottegg. AUGUSTA If WAYNESBORO' RAIL ROAD.—An election for Seven Directors to manage tho affaire of this Company for the onauli _.... - —a - .... - - the Secrei “ * y, tho 3d _ or 10 A. M. and S P. BI. Per order. JOSEPH BANCROFT, 8eo’y. 5- ttOTICK.-Tbe Stumer IVANHOB will W not leave until Saturday. 1 st January nett. hi 24 B. BI. LAFFITEAU. will tie held at the offlee of tfie Secretary, No. 1& Bay street, .Savannah, on Monday, tho 3d day of January next, between Ibe hours of 10 A. M. and2 P. BI. ; Executive Department{Gam i Mllledgevllie, Dec. 17,1859.} IT 18 ORDERED. That the Treasurer of ms jo, ins* mo irensurur oi , the State anticipate tbe interest on all classes of tneTubilo Debt six months, by paying the Coupons due Ist'July In Jauaanr, those due 1st September iu March, and those due 1st November to Bley. By the Governor. ARTHUR HOOD, Pec’y Executive Department. " Treasurt Department, Ca^ ( ’"th Doc. 1852.} of Georgia, hold' will, upon CREDITORSofI PHIVATB HOkPtTAI.' DOCTORS W1LDMAN k GANAHL. fir “ WW Pink Kh4. DRS. WILDMAN k GANAIIL, h.rtng eom^ tb. .mogemeou ter . print, hoipltal, and ohm asU . urn. Willi .11 Iho of h/jlene, good mi** »nd medical .nd.uigle.1 .iteodunco, now oOtrUn tea. fits of the Institution to the public# Iho term, of admluion are *1 per d.jr. Thli wllln. core ud eOldont modlc.1 nU.Dd.nce, nudj. cine., board and lodging. Ten dollar. WIU b.r«elnd In .dnnea, which will not bo lubjoet lo reeliiiilji. Aparlmcnts perfect!/ private may be obteloM onrei. •onable extra, terms. i- That the Institution may partake as much as poulbk or the benevolent public character which the origins Intended, they have aollclled tbe following gentlemen t» act aa a board of visitor*, who, will at aU and any Bm inspect tbe promises, and whose namro'are guaraien to the public of ita efficient management t Hon. Lanodon Chbvei, John W. Anoikioe, Josephs. Fat, A.A.Smets, Charle* Green, John W. Rabun, . John Boston, Solomon Cohen, Montoomery Cummins. Arrangomenla have also been made for the aceomno* dailon of negroes. P. H. WILDMAN, M. D n Comer Abercora and South Broad-etreeti. . 0HA8. GANAHL. Bf.D^ deo 21 South Broad street, East o7Barnard. No Bombast or Xlumbug, Ready Uade Clothing. THE subscriber would respectfolly inform thi public that bp does not Intend to close up fals concern nor sell It out at auction, but will keep up a good assortment of Gentlemen’s, Youths’, Boys’ ondChlMren'i READY MADE CLOTHING of every quality, which bt wlU offer to bis patrons at emailprofits and warrant then good and well made, os every article is msdeup express ly for his trade at retail, and be bas no hesltaney In up tog they aro ns cheap as those who offer them at cosb- Thoeo in want are invited to call and see at the Clou- ino Store, No.60 and 150 Gibbons' Range. - nor 07 tJl geo; 8. NICHOLS. IJrtn gfotirvtfarmeuts. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. FOB PHILADELPHIA. To leave on Wednesday, December 20/A, at — •’</«}. ^s£$r£&k. Tho new and splendid steamship 8TATB OF GEORGIA, Copt. Jno. E. Walfi jc-uuuin, vnpi. JOO. E. 4 Walton, wUl For freight orpassoge, apply to PA DEL FCKD, FAY k CO. UNITED STATES MAIL UNE, FOB NEW-YORK. To leave on Saturday, SSlk insL, at 8 o'clock, A. Jl, The new wid splendid Steamship FLOb IDA, Capt. Woodhull, will positively **Er° re ' Vflrfro,K ^raKm°kco. OPPOSITION LINE. CHANGE OF DEPARTURE AND ALLINTEttMEPIAinB Sa^S _ . The regular slcam-packet WELAKA, -EjjfjSkrf Cant. N. King. wllL until further noileq leave every haturday Mqmimo, mIOAUoB: A. M. fs S. Bf. LAFFITEAU, Agent. N, B^-Ralca of Freight and Passage as heretofore. IhSf Ins either 0 or 7 per cent, bonds, wld, upon presentation of the same at tho respective places of pay ment, receive Interest six months In advance, to -accord ance with tbe above order. Thoeo bonds, with Coupon* attached, payablo at the Treasury, will be presented in' accordance with - their Otoe; thoso payable at Savannah, at the Bank of the State or Georgia; and those payable at Augusta, at the Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, deo 24 2t W. H. MITCHELL, Treasurer. TH* mffiEgliim Chatham Sheriffs Sale* WILL BE SOLD on the Aral Tuesday to February Md, before Iho Court House in the City ofaavaunahJbsreet* tbe legal hour# of sale, a runaway negro named Chaw*»» who is now confined in the Jail of Chatium CoaufcvJ* dered bjrthe Honorabio the Juailcsa of the jtaftrlor Oonri thnt ho ba sold os the law dlraota. dec 25 ri,0 - DEV ffi6.o. F RHEUMATISM. BORE THROAT, NEURAL- i, and PAIN in tba LIMBS—to be used externally, dec 4 PLARTER’a Bank, Savannah, Dee, 7,1859. THE ANNUAL ELECTION tor Directors , , or this Bank, will be held at the Banking House onlho flrat Monday In January next, between the bourn of 10 A. M. and 9 P. M. , dec8 Hew 1, W. MEROBB, Onebler. Maoon and Western R. —JB, I .10 rwiUMlM lo bo pn-wiUn ’is' THE ANNUAL Mi "to, _____ o»mb U.H..01D k snmr "DERSONS having^cSims^agAl’nitJog*;*' X deceased, late of Beaufort tiUUict, 1Beuffi Cero! n*. will proseut them wllhln the lime duly proven, to Samuel Solomons, to this city I oww* wise payment wUl bo barred, . - ' , w. T-MAKER, g„al0B. 8, P, MAN EH, I Savannah, Dec. 94,1859,