Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, December 28, 1852, Image 1

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VOLUME L. SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY HORNING, DECEMBER 28,1852. NUMBER 308. the republican. IS rDBLISHKO J DAItY AND TRI-WEEKLY BY .T. L. LOCKE & CO. our gnrt C«»Ptr Wnwr., ~ iSSSlii ; _ „ ■ Tri-Weekly »5, Par Annum. w m on order for llie paper bo attended *gS!BS!^3s« ““»■»* **“•“'”* fcVeccace. AnVE nT!81NG RATES: . imnriiMununta Inserted at tbo following ralcs:- Adverttaerowu* U RK or Xlt( , link* , On. Monlli 50 00. On® Insertion, t • *»“ ' Two „ to iki •'"* 25 Three“ ;13 50 *"*; j so . Four .15 00 •••*175 Six “ Ml 00 r..» , . •"’ a 00 One Year R0 00 rJLl»SerS2ooulalMWBl .i lM ratal, and HTSSEuEt they Da publllhed according to lnw, ‘•Jf'SJSSrSSSr ndmliKn. »«' * aonllnoj Tn° SuhobMUlnf bu.lno«i,iuid ull oilier ailvartlMt- Sfi no! |5™ »» b> toalt biulueM, ns agreed- for, to be Wtorat^jb Ull( , ln tbolr adraraiaments JSSSBBfiS! $ec«i for, will bo charged ’“ffifiSfeS® tor ehurlloblo liulUntlon. and ro. u toX nttmbar or Inaertlonl will bo-i.ubll«hod S” im" anlarad to bodlwtootlitiiad, end charged no- ■Will letter, dlrietad to Ihla ofllao, ortlto Edllore, a,,,! bo foot paid, to entitle them to attention. JfgSX5binder lnthelrmxonnl.,aa«.lbo pnb- n«rc«, Wlgfdfflg Ad- nilnlMralorB.and Ouanhaoh Inu8t ho mado '^fn^ Miatev by Executors and Administrators, ^ffiSrerWl^^toSWotthroNTUa!'' d, e courts, must bo bualnesr pursuits of life, yet at Die start It was his fancy; and time lias made It “a labor or love.” In conclusion, he refers to any respectable citizen of Baltimore who knows him, for how far he is deserving of confidence, and huvlng blit recently been Uio high Sheriff of tbo city, *• j Is torably well known. To his old friends and customers, who ham always . referred Ids nuro Blpliospnlcs und Renovator to nny oilier manure, he earnestly solicits a continuance of their favor*, lie will have nu ample stock on hand, and all orders will be promptly (Hied. Also, constantly on hand, Die very best GltOUN I) BLASTER, an article In Ibe pur chase of which farmers cannot bo too careful. Also, '•Ground Blaster and Potash.” “ Agricultural Potash," Ac. JOHN KinTl.EVVF.LL, one®, at the wholesale Drug Btoro- of Ober fc Co., cor- TO THE PLANTERS OP OEOHG1A* rplfe undersigned lias recently received so many com- X munlcatlous Rom the planters of Georgia, lu refer ence to Ids compound of Chemical Salts and Guano, thnt ha 1ms determined Upon a moro direct communication with them. Tbo extraordinary results which havo.been produced, both to land and crop Rom tho.uso of this mix- tore, enables him to present it to their, consideration without resolve, doubt, or apprehension, of- Us certain It win bo found quite as prompt ns Guwio; and corretpondenlly depresses, exhausts, and Impoverishes f ihates tho ammonia- which ttjfj •* Ores or .sul- ftrgely.exists In Guano, but and It therefor? cannot." ner Lombard and Hanover streets. Factory, Federal Hill, Baltimore. P. B.—The above mixture must be applied broadcast, at soedlng time, and harrowed ln with tho seed before, nt.oralter seeding. The undersigned has mndo arrangements to hard a qualitative analysis mndo of all soils lorwnrdcd to him, nt Uio low pHco of $5, and by one of the ablest chemists of thoconntry. When will farmers appreciate tho vnluo and Importance or this trifling cost? ln no other wuy could they be so well repaid for so small on. outlay. JttcccijauKfjt. pi UNPOVVDKR— MANUFACTURED UY jg. J. DU- OT PONT D* NEMOURS & CO. 5,000 kegs Dupont’s Rifle, FFFG, 25 lbs. each* 5,000 hr. kegs do. do., FFFG, 12* do. do. 5,000 qr.'kogs-do. di^ FFEG, 0* do. do. 4,000 kegs do. do. FFG, 25 do. do.. 3.000 hr. kegs do, do. FFG, 12* do. do. 3,000 kegs for Boa SbooUng. FG, 25 do. • do.- 2,000 kegsltougbPowder, FFFIl, 28 do. do. 3,000 kegs tlo. do. FFR, 25 do. do. 1,000 kegs do. do. Fit, 25 do. do.. 5,000 kegs A.F.&Co, Glsx’d FFF, 2.1 do. do. , 3,000 half do. do. FFF, 12* do. do. ; 5,000 kew do. do. FF, 25 do. do. 1|00Q ke£ 5,000 kegs '5,000 kegsRlnstlng fcBhl] 3,000 kegs High Glazed, * — htkc“ — JHct-diatmsc. R - '<ritU<j|:uii. Nl .i<,ki,iiii,d. Wlntw. ECKIVKD by recent arrivals; 120 bbls. Crushed, Powdered ami Clariflcd Bugsrsj 25 boxes double refined Loaf .doj 210 hags IUo Coffee, some or thorn prime: 45 do. Java do; j. . 50 liluls. Porto Itlco and Muscovado Hugnrs; 270 boxes Tobacco, B*s, 5’a and l’s Lumps; Nectar VRrinlu 0 *£JT° rior Toljncco tDorado, Diadem, 100 boxes best Family Soap; . . 150 do. do. No. 1 do; ■ * 114 half cliesta lllack Teas, some of It very superior; . ltd packages Hysou do- In*,* and * chests; ' | 150 boxes Tnllow Candles, 8’* and fl’a; KM) do. Biar aud Adamantine CanoloK ^ • :. > - ‘150 do. Pipes; 75 do. Mustard; SOdo.grou’d PepperfcAllspice; ■. ■ 70 bbls. Sugar, Uultcr and Boda Crackers; - 275 do! Domestic Gin, Hum, Brandy and Whiskey; OtdMononga’aWblskcy.soinoyerycholco; . 15 half pipes Otard, Dupuy st Oof’f 11 randy; * 25 quarter und eighth casks various kinds choice French Brandy; , * j 'i 5 pipes Holland Gin; 4 puncheons Jamaica and Sti Croix Rum; y. . 30 casks Madeira and Tcneriffo Wlucs; 20 do. superiorold Madelraand^hernr Wlaos; : 100 gaskets Cbampagno, -Ueldscck,, Hungarian,. ud tali*.-.. _. 400 bogs Buck and Drop t 50 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel; 25 do. No. 2 do; 20 do. No. 1 do; — 20 casks Codfish and Haddock; ao. ud. rrr, an. ao. s do. do. FF. 25 do. -do. P'j dov't do. FF, 12* : do. \do..*. • i do. do. F, 25 do. do., s do; • do,. .0, .25 .do,-do. 1 flHWSS a**-! FFF, 25 do. do. Ff! ‘M do. do. i;ooo hf.¥egs do. FF, 12* do. do. 1,500 hair kegs Duck 8honttng, 12* do. do. . - 1,000 qr. kegs Rlflo Shooting,. • 6* do. do. ' 1,000 kegs Mealed Powder, for Pyrotechnists. CANISTER POWDER. 10,000 canisters Eoglfc Rifle, oval canisters, 1 ■ - 5,000 • do.' do. round do.'1- 5,000 do. FFFG, i dot do. 1 AOOO do. FFFG, do.‘ do. ! * rr Tho above Powder Is Rom the cdebrsfcl faotory or 5les*rs. Du Pont, and Is greaDy superior to any other made in the United States, It wllf bp iold on rea sonable terms, In lota to suit purchasers. Also—Safety Fuse. F.L, KNEEL AND, Agont for the sale of DuPont’s Powder, • nov23 ly ■ IBSFronUtreet,New-York. do. do. do; D UPONTS GUNPOWDER, constantly for sale at manufaetdrer’a prices; also. Safely Fuse. • • nor-84 COIIEN fc FOBDlOK, JATEMT AIEDI01NK5— Townsend’s HsrsapartTIa; Marshall’s Pain Eradicator: Marshall’s Tetter Wash; Luclna Cordial; Ayre’s Cherry Pectoral; ■ Wlstar’s Bslsam WUd Cherry; Strongs Pills; r MoflUt*#Pitta; Jaynes’Pills; Brandrcth’s Pills. Tic above articles are for solo by JAB. H. CARTER. Iu a free and volatile state: and It therefore canpoLo^ capo, but remains in tho earth, to the great advantage of. a nd succeeding crons. Tho undersigned Is not g from theory; but Rom jya demand.the. past sc bio, aline was capable or manu_— - . crate use of these Balts, tho same «o» can be cultivated and cropped every season, as they contain all tho element* that plants require; and supply what each crop takes ,r< Thcro°lsno manure equal to it, Asa com, cotton; clo ver, or a grain manure, ft challenges competition. • • ■ It Is equally avallublo as to a top dressing, because lta properties sink Into the'**"* - •*- os docs Gunuo. Tho ; make tho mixture himself, the Relght on the Guano; - Contemplating this Improvement M a pubUo blessing, and knowing that most of our Atlantic soil needs renovr- tlon, tbo undcrslgucd has gained the consent oft Messrs, Ni A. Haxdxz 4c Co„ of Savannah, fo oqt ax his agents for the State of Georgia. Tlioy will receive onlers Rom any port of tho State, and tho undersigned will ahlp- to any portion or tho Sinto whoa directed by them. It Is not designed that Messrs. IUrdkb &Co. will keep the article.on band, but simply .to furnish tho undersigned with tho orders, and receive tho payment, therefor,. No order will bo supplied except ordered through them. Freight for Baltimore Is Rom 25 to 40 cents per barrel, and tho undesigned will ugree to present to any clmrlta- bio Institution In Georgia two hundred dollars, where any oilier manure—marsh gross, stable, guano, or U-mailers not what—can be proven to afford greater Improvement and crop, than this compound, the experiment to bo mado (Including thoactunl cost of labor ln applying domestic manures) and under the Inspection or gentlemen known at earefol agriculturists, and who will take sufll- clent Interest to giro the subject their personal attention. With this explanation tho undersigned refers to tho an nexed advertisement, with the admonition, that those who desire to nmko tbo experiment should order early, os foe past season many were disappointed by delay, as there were those whom ho could not supply. . JOHN KETTLKWELL, Baltimore.. N. A. HARDEE 4c CO., Agents, Savannah. A Nl-JW ERA IN AGRICULTURAL PROSPECTS. COMBINATION OF * KrUleteelFt Salta with Peruvian Guano l ! riUANO MADE A LA8TING MANURE.—It will bo vT- remorobered by all- who have read the advertise^ menu of tho undersigned. In the American Funner, and elsewhere, that ho frankly ndmltled tho superiority of Peruvian Guano In the rapid production ofu Wheat crop, although he as (Irmly contended, that his Balts were far moro lasting, much hotter adapted to tho growth of clo ver, with a decided advantage to the land, for a rotation of crops. - To this opinion ho still adheres, nndltbas been confirmed by the most extensive experience.. Tho oplulon which tbo uuderslgned entertained, that a mixture of his Chemical Baltsand Peruvian Guano, would nmko ouo ot tho most prompt, cheap, and what ts of more importance, lasting mnnures, known to tbo age, was uiost favorably entertained by the best practical und scl- entitle chemists ln tho country, and has now been demon strated by unquestionably, one of the most accomplished and able choinista wo have. All who know Dr. David 8tewurl, will admit that aa an agricultural and scleotlflo chemist, lie Is second to no monlu the uallon. - -For the conclusive and Intelligent reasons upon which those opinions are hosed, tho undersigned confidently re fers to tho communication herewith published.. Now the undersigned can testily Rom his own experience,, not only to the liberality nnd enterprise with which tho agri cultural community seek tbo best romody to ronovuto their lands, nnd Increase their crops, but when dlnppolnt- ed in their foil anticipations, the genoroslty and forbcu> anco which they manifest to tho manufacturer, when they believe his efforts are honest and fair. Tho undersigned asks no moro—wants no more than such a trial. Ills own faith In Its entire and unqualified success, Is ns strong and stern us wus Dint of; the ancient prophet. He stands not alone iu this oplulon; It Is Urmly .sustained by thoso who are disinterested, nnd whoso .opinions are not only enti tled to respect Rom every quarter, but should disarm tho mpst skeptical Rom nny suspicion of quackery or hum bug. The farmer cannot lose by buying this mixture. It contains every elomont the soil requires. There Is noth' lug absent—nothing deficient. lustcnd of cxhnustlng tho •oil, it gives it permanent Improvement. Tho under signed, therefore, trusts and earnestly requests that tho farmer who buys flvo tons-of guano, uould try, side 1 by •Ido, fairly ami without, prejudice, ouo, or more-tons of this compound. What will It cost?. ’ . s * ton best Peruvian Guano, will cost Bay. ,*...... $22 50 * ton Chemical Balts, xyill costri*;, 10 00 WINES. BRANDIES, Ac. rrWB SUBSCRIBERS are now receiving In store I JL general assortment of tho above articles, ln case: consisting or: " - Pale nnd Dark Brandy, Madeira Wine, Cherry & Raspberry Brandy, Port do. Scotch Whiskey, f Topax Sherry Wine, Holland aim-■ Brown do. Stoughton Bitters, ’Tlntllla do. “Crown’’ and-**StaF’brands Champagne. , EfTTbo “TinUlla’’ Sherry is highly recommended fo: Invalids—it causing no acldltr. For sale by oct27 BUNKER 4c OGDEN, SO Dav st. : A CHAMPION has In store and Is receiving the foK Xjls lowing articles for city and country trade, which having been purchased for cosh and seleclod by hlmseir, ‘ lei him to sell on the roost favorable terms, viz: 100 bbls. Baltimore and Const Flour.- 50 half do; dod 50 do. Stuart’s Crushed and Powdered Sugars; 10boxes do.. -Loaf. do; 10 bhda. Porto Rloo and Muaoovwlo do; 50 bbls. Clarified Sngar, various qualities: 25 boxes Cheese;. 100 boxes and lialfdo. Soap; 50 do. Sperm and Adamantlno Caudles; 100 bags Rio and Java Coffee. 30 boxes and hair boxes Hyson and Black Teas; 75 do.", and half do. .Tobacco; S do. Starch; %5 do. Pipes; dozen Brooms and Buckets; '60 bbls. *, *,'and kilts Mackerel; 20 kitta Salmon: 910,000 lbs. Bacon, Hams; Bides and Shoulders; 8moked Tongues, Dry Beef, Fulton Market BeeMJhoeo- to,; Farina. Sardines,. Tallet • Soap, Fig' Blue, Pickles, _sreet OlVAUqoods, .Spices, Mustard,Batter,.Currapta*. Citron,dub, c. _ AL80 _ 25 whole. 25 half, 25 quarter boxes Now Raisins: 5 bbls^ 20 half, 20 quarter and 20 boxes Buckwheat; 500 bags Shot; — Aphqlcbr * Maswaf~ New Fish. m co OARPETSt CAItl’ETS l I C’Aitl*JETS ill W E have This? Day opened forsalo. a splondtd as sortment orCarnetN, Oil Clollui, mats* Hugs, Witaaetir Curtains, dec. —CONS1BTINO IR PART OF— locos Three-Ply Carpets • do. Velvet Tapestry • > do.. Brussels - do.' - - ... ... do. TtrbrFlyQttpeta ; t*.r . 30 do. Floor Oil Cloth' ■ ■■ 10" do. : Drugget , 5 do. Felt Cornet 5 do. DutchttoT i 50 Velvet and ChOoettle Rugs] 1 100 common Rngs and Mata 100 pair or beautifol style Window Shades. AH of the above Gdods are offered at the lowest market prices. For aah) by [sept 22] AIKIN fc BURNS. BrbughtmStneU^?alaira?oppoaile the St. TTAYBnow on hand orerfufm and well-selector XL Stock orDRX GOODS, which they offer for sale, by Uto plooe or packart to the trade—constating, ln part, of Colored sndDuffell Blankets. Red aud White Flannel. .. Plains and Kerseys, assorted quality. 8atlnets and Kentucky Jean*. Bleached and brown Shirtings and Sheetings. , English aid American Prints. Black and Colored Coburgs. > -’-'nrloty or Goods usually kept l ire offered for ssle at tho, ■apt 18 With an additional,. . _ . In-Dry Goods Stores,.which usual accommodatlhg terms. Sheaf i cash CORNER WHITAKER AND CONORES8-8TS. B LEACHED and Brown SHEETINGS fcSHIRTINGS. The Subscribers have Just received per brig Wilton ^“^tor^sfblesched SIIEETING New-York Mills do do James’ 8team Mills do 7-Band 4-4 Lowell LONG CLOTHS, 7-8 and 4-4 Londsdale and Washington Long Cloths, 4-4 8en Island Brown Shirting. 7-8 and 4-4 7-8,8, fl, 10,11, and 12-4 Allendale Bro. Sheeting 1 . 7-8,8,0,10,11, and 12-4 do Bleached do i 7-8,8,0,10,11,and 134Hamilton do do ForsMeby .. . M. PRENDEROAST Ic CO. .pRBMIuSSmDOTJDLB EXTRA SUPER CANAL X FLOUR, selected fer this market. Just t Rom New York- 25 bblo. Hiram SnillhV,). . . ; r ; 25 '•* Burbank, (Double Extra Super. , 10 hrilfbbls.Bdrbttnk. - ) 24 bbls. Goodrich, extrA super. 15 hair bbls. AUetf r 25 bbls. Er-’“ * 85 .h Wi dec 7 gUNDRIES-; Ctnti-nl aautrtiKcmtnto. Sad <11 c r -Warehouse, young’s Building, Sign of, tin Golden Saddle. OprOBtTB W. n, SIMMOWS CinTplMO STORK. X or the publlo to his lafge'amt wtil selected stock of ; Fall aud WhatorStapta and Fancy Consisting lnpaii oft Black and colored Silks, of-^a *re„ -ariety ; very rich embroidered Silks. «f all-patiernn Inntillns and Crape Shawls: Scotch Wool Long da; nd square Ptald Shawls; Cashmeres; Moasellne lie 41 a great variety pNeedle-Work tyl- all patterns; Chlmlzettosj Muslin es t Cambric Handkerchlefa, Rom 1 >: IrishLiaansf.Huckabacks; Dta| /rom 25 cents to #1 a pleoe; doi Damask Table Linen;, white and brOwn Napkins, n assortment; a very targe assortment of Gloves and ■lery,of the veiytbert make and sty I*;. English aa merican Long.Clotlis; Dar Table and Piano OovarsuCaasI meres ana Cloths, I and blue of every quality: rich Vest patterns) c stylos; Satinets; Kentucky Jeans; Kerseys, a very assortment; one br the very host selected stock or 1 kets ever brought to this market. ; CARPETING—Bnwels, 3-Ply,* Wly, AH-Wool, riety of patterns;. and. also, Cotion Oorpeting. v N. B.—aotlilng at wliolesale only. Country mere. would do well to caU before purchating ebewheie, as the goods shall be sold low and on the most aeeomnoda* ting terms. . [oct2] - JOSEPH L1PPMAN. WATCHES^ E p Ml Y ien Crook? cxRa super. . °for rale low 1 , by u : , BEAUORNQOODALL. 10.- itimt of*Llquora and wince, ocl 8UNDRIES. OAfY BOXES TOBACCO, assorted kinds 70 lihda. Fair and Choice Porto Rico Bugar. 40 do. ‘ Cuba nnd Now-Orlcans do. 100 bbta^Reflnod * ... do. r 75 jdo.^Cru8hodand P 0 wdered do. 300' bags Rio Goffeo; - 200 do. Porto Rico and 8L Domingo Coffee, v 75 do. Java do. - SISMtSSK’ 130 boxes Soap. 100 do. Mustard, Popperi Allspice and Ginger. W bbta«Bitttor,^da, and Sugar, BlsculL 120 M Segors, assorted kinds. * . -20 bags Black Peotier. 250 bbls. Now-Orloans Whiskey. , 100 .do. White do, , 50 do. Mouongahola do. . 20- do. Old Bourbon do. 140 do. E. Phelps’ Gin. • ^ - 60do.BestP. & H. ■wye Gin. 0 pipes Holland do. 50 * casks Sherry, Madelru, fo Tenoriffo Wine. 00 baskets Champagne do. 40 bbls. American Brandy.- 25 * casks. do. to.* do. Cognac Brandy. I.In. Custom Uouso /. 500 bags Drop and BuckUhol. ■ _ With a compete assortment of Groceries. For sole on fhvorablo terms by. . iopt4 - 1 j WEBSTER fo PALME8. 50 Barrels Nos. 1,3 and 3, Mackerel. 50 Halve#'do 1 nnd 2. : 50 Barrels First Proof Whiskey. 25 “ Phelps’P. and U. Gin. 25 : “ Rose Gin. so “ New England Rnm.. Old Monongahcla Whiskey. New Crop New Orleans Blolasaes. as - Illram Smith Flourt 50 “ Pure Genesee Flour. IUO “ Baltimore, i 100 Boxes Colgate’s No. 1 and Pale Soap. 90 “ ToiletSoap. - .* 900 “ Sperm 8tar and Mould Gandies. 100 Bags Prime Rlo.Coffefo .. . ' 50 “ Java i“ 100 Barrels Stewart’s B. and A. Sugar. 10 Hbds. Porto Rloo Sugar. 10 Barreta (A), Crashed do. . 5 “ Powdered do. 10 Boxes Loaf Sugar. 50 Half and Quarter Boxes Ratal nt 3 Bales Almonds. 100 Boxes English Dairy and Wblto Cheat*. 100 “ Tobacco-assorted qtlallUot 50 “ 8ogars—assortod—some very fine. ml astortment of Wlbes.'Forelgn I. SILVER AND SILVER'l’LATEU iViRB. THE Subscriber'hoi’ on hand, and la con* atantly receiving Rom IhOr best aud most ro- ' apMublb manufacturers In the country. Rich Desert 1 ,. Waiters, Tea Setta, Castors, Cups ai Tumblers,Xab Boats, Soup and 8auc#.: , Cream; Cake and Suit Knives; solid Silver Desert,. Odd Butter Knives, Napkin Rings, Balt Cellars, and ftult Knives. silver Plated Spoon*, Forks and Ladles, Cake Boskets, Outors, Wallers, 8nuifers and Traya. Ivonr Balanco Handle Knives, and 8Uver Plated on Btoel; Table and Deaert Knives. ; Fine Twenty-on? Day Marble Mantle Clocks, and com- mon -Brass docks* of every doecriptlon. : Gold and Stiver Lever and Laplno Watches, fine enam- jUed Hunting Waives, Gold and Silver Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, Gold afolSUver Ttiubles, Gold and Silver Bpectaclea, '.Rogers’ line Pocket‘Cutlery, Razors and Razor Strops, Card Cases. Port Monties; foe. Particular attention will be given to, Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. From his long experience and extensive facilities, he confidently believes he will satisfy all who may favor him with their patronage. Uls prices ore as low, and terms aa favorable, as at any other establishment In the State. mar 18 : B. W1LMOT, Np.l Market-square. IKON FHOira JEWEUIV S'l'OUJR, WI.Mtn.nln nm.l IIn*n 11 JOIIJV J. MAURICE’S JY08. 10,13 & 14, Barnardst., Savannah. Centra! aatirrtiflrmtwts. M’ w Wagons, Children’s WlllowCbalrs, Brushes, Brooms, foe. e nnd Wntor-proor MINERAL PAINTS constantly kept on hand; also, Camphcno and Spirit Gas. nda of Tin and Sheet Iron Work exoeutod with despatch. ■ ' rj __,. Com Iren Charcoal 1 Burners, Lace Irons. Revolving and Long-handled Waffle n| ^^o|cd setoctlon^of^PLANISHED ’.•'AiREL^oflb? Biggins, To* Pots, Egg Botlera, Oyster Dishes, Chaffing 1 BRITANNIA WARE:—Bsr*hoom Pitchers,' Llqnor Mixers, Segar Lamps, and a variety or Brifiumla Fluid! Lam pi. Centre TsbleLampjh Csmpherie Lamps, Oil LsfnpfoBrass mid WhlfeMetal Candlesticks. • • JAPANNED tc‘ PLADTTIN WAUEt-Chsmber prfta, Toilet Palta Wine Oonlers;Toilet Cases, Cask^Boxes,i p » |h > "a-~. 1 Silver’s Fire and WaU tgy*Aifittodiwtol.„ __ w _... . . ISrPrintod Catalogues may be had on appllcatibn, and forwarded post-free. u - i .JOHN.J.MAURICE, not 17 . . Salesttooms,Nos. 10; 13and 14Bamord-strcetfUid 184Boy-street. . ' 7 PORTER’S 7 . . EXTENSIVE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. rriHE subscriber takes pleasure In announcing to tho citizens of Savannah and the public generally, of the largest X arrival of Fall and Wlhter CLOTHING ever offered In the Southern Stales. In -this establishment can bo found every quality and style of Clothing to please tho taste of the most fastidious. This establishment la divided into! six different Departments, each ono containing a rich and faU assortment In their line. Contains a large and weKK" *fo"k'’of India Robber lim'LEMEN’S REST 0B AT I ON. i-A<j»:it iiEEn. wMK If. WHIG AND lius o|«-iic<l, under U*e PUntefs’ Hotel, - neat nnd mmronabli- Kilting lloom, with an exOellStit Kitchen ami Cooking Range mljnceni, n s KEMT A (i It ANT. Ho has an excellent Cook, Rom Strasbourg, who will suit Germ nu, American nnd French tastes. OYSTERS, FISH, MEATS—every thing that this market a8brd*,eait be hod In nil styles, on short notice. Youimi Clkrxs, and others, who hare rooms in town, are Invited to try the European mode of breakfasting ■nd dining nt tho Restaurant. Philadelphia LAGER I1KF.R, SWISS CHEESE and LINDHUUGKR CHEESE, kept always on hand for the u»o of families, ■ oct 5 l>IKIIiAI>F.I,I*IIIA LAGER BEER. rrilIK Subscriber respectfully Invites Hie public of So- X viuinnli to lost tho qualifies of this fine Beer, Rom the Brewery of Messrs. Enoxi. fo Woi.r, at the Foirmonn Water Works, near Plilladclphla. Thin Beer is mode ex actly like tho lodger liter of Munich. In Bavaria. -1 •hall continue to receive constant supplies of this pure and wholesoino beverage,during (heuutumn, winter,and spring. As hi the old country, ft will be sold to famlliea and Individuals, who will thuslncurno risk of its souring on thdr hands. Tho use of this Beer Is particularly reoma mended by physicians to ladles who are nursing children Sold at tho Planters’ Hotel by »ept7 . Myl HERNY WE 10AND. CABPBT-AStt FLUOR CLOTH WARKlllHM. Curtains, Curtain Goods, foe. foe. foe. No, 140 CoDgreu aud Ko. 51 St. Juliin-ntroeta. rpHE subscriber, knowing thnt tho citizens or Savau- X nub have fell u great interest In the establishing of a Carpet Warehouae, in this city, and being aware that many have been nvraltiug the completion of tho Now Store, so lhat they could make thfefr selection of tho various articles for fur- Goods—consisting ln part of Sack Coots, White and Black Frock Goats of two colon, Leggings, 8llps, Cloaks, Firemen’s Coats,warranted toaUnd280 de grees of heat, Riding ami Driving GlorM; Horae Co• vers, etc. . . . 5th Department. Contains Hats and Caps, linn Moleskin, Iolcskln,a large assort) 1st Department; Contains Frock and Dress Costa or every qualitv, Rom rJP.-nd' Dress Coals, OUve, Blue, Brown and Green, Rom 87 to 820. Shad Felloes and Buslneu Coats. * groat variety, Rom . 83to812. L000 Over-Coats, double and single breasted, and double ft! OverCoataifrom 83 toC30. r -,. Orer-Coats. a splendid assortment, embracing Kossuth, g&menl and latest styles. otwt qailllr ui color, ftom 75 ] _ 1,000 Vesta, ofovery kind. Contains Furnishing GOOiFibreVMy description forOen-1 .KSSreS^liwo wlti ^ 'foundwve^flttstiiy K r . «e2wS&ymBSBi Shirts and Drawers, Cciiton do^ Suspenders,, Half Hose, Gloves of all kinds, best quality Jones’ Patoni Yoke Shirts, a floe assortment, foe. Contains 800 sultfoT Negro Uotl'higVor*houso br planta tion use. Hickory Shirts, Red Flannel do., Overalls, Canton Flannel Undershirts and Drawers. Price of fall suits Rom 83,84 to 84JI0. . . . B3TNo abatement from p ccs first asked. jTfl ^ w ST. ANDREW’S HALL, BBOVOUTON-STBEET* nlshtug tbolr houses, would respectfully Inform the pub lic, generally, that ho will this day open the most com plete assortment ot all tho various style* of GOODS usually kept hi similar establishments. The Slock of the different departments will consist, in part, of the fol lowing Goods, viz: • CARPET DEPARTMENT. Royal Velvet; Tapestry Brussels; Mocet Brussels Brussels; Velvet, Tapestry and Brussels for Siairst Three ply. Superfine, Fine and Common Ingrain: Plain: and Twilled Venltinn. for Stairs, Halls, foe.; Druggets, G-4,124 and 1G-4 In width, of overy variety of patients; Hearth Rugs; Parlor and Stoop Mats; Table aud Plano Covers; Sliver and Brass Oval and Octagon Stair Rods; 8talr Linen, foe. foe. • DIE CLOTHS, Of every, width Rom ouo to eight yard*, for Halls, Dining Rooms, Steamboat*, Saloons, foe.; Rose Wood, Mahogany and Small-figured Furniture Oil Cloths, 44, 54 and 0 4 wide; Figured India Rubber Cloth for Stairs. CURTAINS. ' Silk and Worsted Damask DeLalno: Worsted and Linen Damask DeLalno; Figured and Plain Damasks, variety or colors; White andlluir, for Shades. „ , WINDOW SHADES*. Transparent Landscape, Medallion, Garland, and White and Gold, entirely new style; Coni; Loops; Tassels; together with all tho varioua Trimmings for Curtains and Shades. Bands, Loopfand^Ins^Stite^ehtcs ’nre, MIUtary and Fancy (Joodlq great variety or articles, too numerous to mention; u -’“ will be add at reduced prloes, . < JiefodooM, Jewelry ewloflior Jobbing attended to by competent hands. . •••' qttg23il ORTON fcRl KRAI AN, No.llOBroughton*L . And a general assortment of Wlhes, Forelgn Liquors, Tdas,foo.foc. For sale by dec 17 'j COHEN fc TARVER.- T)LATFORM. and. Counter 'JT nnces, for ealo by F. _ deo7 102 Bryan-strect. TYTAX NIGHT LIGHTB^-Thtwe’extremely convenient, ' y v and useful articles will bo found the roost agreea ble light for the Chamber of Nursery, being Reo Rom aU offensive Impurities, and perfectly sate^For sale b; ' MOORE fo dec7 OlbboftMlullfl&fr; rilLL NET fo SEINE TWlNBr-500 lbs. Cotton Seine Ur Twine; 0,0,12,10 and 40 threads; 100 lbs. G1H Net Twine, unbleached, for snlo by ’ O' eiv ■ MOORE fo HENDRICKSON, lULOltED L1TI10UUAP1IS.—A red by largo 5*T*OV and beautifol- deol6- ■ • . W.lbonj'flHulldlnsf,JefT^rBOaalreot. N EW FIGS AND dec 14 jelfersoi . IAN NUT3—Just received, by W. W. GOODRICH. GOODRICH. | A tjE AND Sorter—50 barrels Cream Ale; 50 casks XX London Porter; J tut received nnd for sale by ; , dec 13 McMAHON fo DOYLE. ■ 838 50 therefore, to tho cost r«r ton, notaa much ns Patagonia, nor much moro than Moxlcnn Guano, and 813 leas than Peruvian, whilst tho undersigned eucrodly avers Ids firm belief, that lor crop nnd laud, wheat and clover, It Is really worth 810 per ton moro than oven tbo boat Peru vian Omuto. .300 lbs. of the best Peruvinn Guano would oost say, 8'».W) per mire; JMK) lbs, of. tho.Salts and Guano would l K ‘ r acre, nearly 83 less than Guano i^ or 20 crau ton or tho best Peruvian Guano, would cost say, ? 1 ®’’ 240^ ton of tlto Hulls would cost, say x *f; °f 8*H.C7 cts. per ton. Now. tho undersign- «d docs not bet, and It Is no argument; hut ho will agree to present Ono Hundred Dollars each, to the Stalo Agrl- cufturnl Sodetics or Maryland aud Vtaginta, ir any advo- caWorPatugonlan, Mexican or ARIcan Guano, will do 88 BmW n, coating 828,07 els. per . i the forfeit. Quantity, the same, tinder or by thodl- if either ortho nbovo societies. .•■.lA.ia this compound, there will bo °r83 i'or ton,' which Is tho acliinl cost. In nil cases Uio very Lost Fonivlnn Guano will bo used, nnd a rurrolturoor Uno Thomutml Dollars paid, whore Uio quail- Mly orgimilodlrocUid. Is found tlollclent by oom|»oteiit ■ i»ly*itlon, A cofiliiiiiio unduroiah, will alio bo fur- niihsii. whenever required, to each onlor, Whou tho uml(t-aiid«iidxtur«ldnis4ir,Kreutcnre must ba ’’““n tljoinUtiirocompleto—jiulverlzo It ns lino and then stave it through tho finest stave. biu'Diiius entirely Ini dormM. Alter lids Is Ito, It must nut bu applied by being plough- when Guano Is Used by IlmdC, bill sown when tho land I* In order, and harrowed In, lu “iiiiidlly precisely Unit mnnin ulniiu Is used, ID lids, M III? Aliunnii* Utereforo aliikr liitoilio It. No roiiiuilsihui will liiHiio, hut lu (Mist limit SiSSi'AF. 'Jaiprous 1 LOVES.—Ladles’ Colored and Black Kid Gloves Klk-and.-LlsIe, do. t/mUdrans’-audMisses. * 1 Gloves. Just opened and for sale by . UROOHE, — ~ J-j den Heeds, grown by David Landreth and warranto to bo tho growth of the present year. Just received;an forsalo by WW.W, LINCOLN, . dco 15 .- Meu’Jinont Square. jnEMENT.-200 bbls. of the HolfmsiV Rosendale Ce KJ mont, (a superior article,) landlngutid for safety dec 8 * v ” Q.fif. CAMPFlBLD. G ANAL BARUOWS.-3W) or there Barrowa Just ro- oelvodi and forsalo by deo8 O. H. OAMPFIELD. FLAG 'ROOT—A delicious confeotlon for grance to the breath. W. LINCOLN, Momunont Square. .. ffoshiiipply oboloe fain* vo<l per schoonor 0. Mills, aqd lum. by SEABORN GOOPALT*. for salo at tbo <Ieo7 .. . • ... B pmu-B, P.» w dooO. M LBAD-For solo by 105 nrenghton-strect. , A. MINIS. o Pork, lauding Rom # anti Prime i {'VcUHHINQilAH. jS3!«*awaggaer 2 hhds. Codfish: .A 100 boxes New Scaled Herrings; * Bti boxes Itodell’s Patent Tallow Candles: 00 barrels Duller, Sugar and Soda Biscuit; 100 boxes Whlto and Colored Cheese | loo empty Kegs, 5,10,15 and 20 gallons; . 50 dozen Painted Bunkcts; 30 barrels Extra No. 1 Mackerel; . 40 barrels Extra No.2 Mackerel;- ■- 00 half baareU No. 1 and 8 Mackerel; . 40 barrels, half and quarter do. Buckwheat: 20 boxes, naif and quarter do. Butkwkeal; 20 barreta Treadwell’a Pilot Bread; 00 kegs arid half kegs California Powder; :L *r;s 4 cases Canntafer Powder; . . f' 500 bags drop aud buok shot, assorted; 100 boxes Now Buncb and Layre Raisins t 80 half arid quarter boxes Bunch sod Layre Ralslna. and lhrtaleby Wi —^ joi)NSTQN fo GO, D rygoods.— 100 bdes Negro Cloth, 35 do. Blankets, 15 do. Llnsey Wootaey, 15 do. Rod Flannels, 50 do. Brown 8htrtings, 10 do. 44 Sheetings. -- 50 do. Heaw Colton Osnaburgs. 10 cases Bleached Shirtings, 40 do. Printed Calicoes, 10 do. Kentucky Jeans, . 200 dozen Head Handkerchiefs, f SOO dOv 'Assorted Hosiery, • I TtLOUR.—50 barrels Floiir. Landing Rom schooner OPONGE8—I bale targe Glove Sponge, of fine quality, 1 Ann Marla and for sale by O suitable Ibr bathing, carriages, food also line Turkey de«17 BRIGHAM; KELLY fc CO. and common Sponge; for sale by ■ : ... ..-J AVholowulo anti Retail* - . . . THE largest arid beet selected stock of R_ )v ever offered for sale Iritlita elty. Gold ind alp '» Watches, Vest, Fob and Gusrd.CImlns, Seta ISO Jewelry, Chntotaues, Bracelets, Brooches, t i sthprwilh household use. For sale by JR' “»1 OLLAND GIN—13 pipes for aalw by ! Idee 17] Ao, n MR. F. STEIN, No. 148 BroughtotHUrect, hns L . Just received tho finest assortment of now fash- 11^ loued JEWELRY of all description: Gold and VltliB Silver Pencils and Pens; Stiver and Silver- plated' Ware, such M^Frult Bosketa, Walters, Toa-eets, Unltdle-stlcks.Tablo und Tea-spoons, IlnoTaljlo, l’ocketand Pcu Knives, foe. foe.—a large variety of the fluest Work- boxes, Dressing-case* Writlng4csk>, foe, fom, for litdles ■Mnas,Ac- hich ho . large variety u. ea, Dressing-case* Wrltintdeski, foe. fom, for ladles ,r3 xrrrr.i. - » - -fspidllnalAo. A LB, ALE, ALF.-50 barrels Albany Cream Ale, warns Albany Alo Depot,'by [dec 171 W. if. DAVIDSON. 'IDEIt, CIDER. CIDER—35 barrels Champagne Cider, J landing — ”” **" ■ dec 17.7^ M anufactured tobaooo—125 boxes Manufao- tnred Tobacco, varioua brands, some In store and Ibr sale by [dtp 17] W. M. D Ttio public generally and the ladles parucuiany. ore . jspectfolly Invited to call round and examine the above stock of Splendid Jewelry, ktrNo/148 Broughton-etireet A NEW FIRM. W. T. HARRIS. anDMORB HARRIS. Binnis & co., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AMD " ■ ■ ■ ’ • ' ' DEALERS IN GRAIN AND PROFISIONS, • rplIE alrove 1 * irm has enSiS“ nloPartoSshlp in Ba- X vannah, to forward to any destination, or soil on consignment—as they may be Instructed—Produce and Merchandize of nil descriptions.: They will be receiving, during the winter; spring nnd summer, Rom Tentietoeo, largo supplies of GRAIN, whlch wtti be sold felTforTUiaeaiA. ; They also: wish to purchase Groeodesand Dry Goods for the Tennessee trade, tr the Savtitnah market ofibra inducements as favorable to the purchaser as other South ern markets, v t ■’>. ) nor 30 December 1st, 1852.j MBW FALL AND WINTEft GOODS! I J.H.&M. SHEA3 Corner of Broughton and SAVANNAH, TNVITE attention to tbolr now 1* _ “ X TER GOODS, comprising: DRESS GOODS—Fnn& Lnlnes, Engltah Do L*^^, 130 Congress-street. G r 50 boxos prime English Dairy Cheese; 50 “ mite don suitable for cutting; 10 bhta. Old Monongahcla,Whisker | t'.U U f-mn Nnw ftrloHn* MnliiuiPI , 20-flAtlns itt^6rf0r ( ' 25 kegs prime Leaf Lard;’ . 100 bags prime Rio Cotfeo; for Mlo by doolO , QOHEN fo TARVER. If • T ARD, CRACKERS,' AND SOAP-1 Xj 50 kegs No.-1 Lard; ; 75 barrels Bread and Craokere, assorted; 50 boxes No. 1 Soap t 50 boxes Pale Soap. { uolga,C9 ' Landing and for sale by CRANE M HOLCOMBE. _doc 15 , " ' r 0IDER, APPLES, foo.7-5 bblXSweet Newark Cider; J. 25 bbls. Pippins, Red, and Groan Al. 100 Whole,!!nlves, and Quarter Boxe* Raisins t 100 Boxes French Lemons, and a general assortment of Dried Fruits. Just tending for dec 10 . M. J. 8OLOMON8. < ijrAUKERBL.—50 Paoksnes or Wholo*. Halves, Quar- XU tera and Eighths barrels of No. l’a{ tfs, and 3’s. 50 Kits No. 1 Mackerel and Salmon; 50 Boxes Herrings. Jnst reccived by : doolO M. J. SOLOMONS, B acon sides and shoulders.— 30 hhds. Prlmo Bacon Side# t 15 hhds. Prime Bacon Shoulders } . , T obaooo and 6EOAWL- , , ■ • , 1U0 boxe. MooreUolJ Tobeooo, ,«|0M bnind. ud uobodi. -a"*- Tbuoas— uSjudn ',0. l wSV 1 . ll, |"*w n luA^r fc ulj i bj iltaker-stsi, oIFALLtWIN- irea. French Do sot Silk, Colored Alpacas, Bomba- llab, French and Cambrio Hand- -Hondkereblefa, biter* and Quite, Lace Veils, filk American CMIboes. . EMBROIDERIES—Uaon Combr korchlefa, Plain and Embroldei Boblnet Lacwa, Boblnot Edglnxi , Habits nnd .UiiderSleeres, Bu MOiSS^^S&rSS^k large and weltasdectod stock of Gloves, Irish Linens; Linen Diaper* and Damasks. WOOL.KJVS—Negro Blankets, Kerseys, LInseys,Cloths, Cosslmeres aud Vestings,Satinets, Tweeds & Ken tucky Joans, Red, White, Blue, and Yellow Flan nels, 104 and 114 Brown and Bteaebed Sheetings, . Pillow-Case Linens, and Quilts.) Country Merchants, Planters, and othere, will oonsnlt their Interests by examining our stock bofore purchasing. OTAU We risk Is a visit Rom those, desiring to pur- chose. We feel confident that the quality and prices ol our Goods will command sales upon our terms: GENTJLEOIEN. from tho north I1V STORE FOR THE GEfal TOHN.W: KELLY, haTlltg returned HB Its with a handsome assortmenl of OLOT1J8, CARS IJ I MERES and VESTINGS, take* pleasure In informing his friends.thoseespeolslly,who admires folelyfltticx gar ment, to his saloon, N04 4, opposite tho Putaski liousc, where theywill find him ready atoll Ura-»*y suit htapi- I Irons In the most approrod and fashlonablo manner, and bo venture* to assert, that thoao who will confldo in hte selection as to color, fabric, stylo or finish or a covering for tho human form, shall go away satisfied. • Fumtaltlng Goods—Shirts, white and colored, with and without collars; Under 8hlrU;ri|w Also, a lino lot of .beaatlfol which I selected with groat care. Gentlemen in want of any qf plowe gl vo mo a call, as I am small profit. [sept 35] PIANO FORTE »E] 'aOMm . Thouitderali—* thatthey hSvefc |M|:-r_ co Nunn’s fo ClarkVJ. Chtekering, Boartfj chot fc Newlon, Edwards & Fisher, oil i lovers or Music, havoplaco In their There Pianos are of rich tone, and beai Row Wood, Black Walnut, and Mai ado Clothing, rh.v.waOT? 6 *''"^ • iaSBBCiSV “ -'-nnm.i.ton. ItlE. DAHAAm , its splendid estebltebment, on the leR wing of tho m« Department, 60 feet deep. Is fitted up, *( a great e pewei Mprwdy for I^i^aorem^lMjJjrtv fashions, constating of Infante’, Robee, Christening Caps, splendid Emoroldered Caps, Suita, connected and many other Goods, too numeiotis to mention In this advertisement.' Parents aud Guardians are re spectfully solicited fo call, as great pains have been taken to add to the comfort ana' convenience of par- .. . » greatest variety and patterns, or the latest importation; all ofvhleh will bo sold at wholesale or retail, on the most liberal terms. * WM.H.GUION, Agent, _novfl 140 Congress nnd 57 Bt. Jullan-sts. CHEAPER TUAN THE CHEAPEST* ST0UE IN SAVANNA!! IE Undersigned, who always havo sold the cheapest and best Goods In this place, respectfolly call tho attention of the public to their extensive slock of Dry Goods nnd Fancy Articles, to which every arrival of th# Northern steamer brings supplies more new and more fashionable. It constats of a large and well assorted HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Such as whlto nnd brown Linen and Cotton Shirting and Sheeting, Pillow Cnso Linens, Marseille and other Iledqiillts, all sorts of.Diaper. Tablo Cloths, Colton and Damask Table Covers, Towelling, Colton Fringes, Blan kets, foc~ foe. DRESS GOODS. - 4 - P LANTING POTATOES.—200 barrels. Landing per bark Cuba and for salo by ~ URIQH AU, KELLY fo CO. GbessBoarda, B EANS AND COW PEAS.—For sale nt 05 Bay st. _ dee 17 HARRIS fc CO, D ASKEHU.—A Urge usortmeui oFFancy7Travel ting, D aud Work Baskets, open and covered; also a good Sreff f,MWtolr “'"“ " AMMON BOARDS, Chessmen, Chess Boards, . _ Cups, Dice, Dominoes, and Cribbage Itoards, litis, Jaconet and Hook Muslh.. MOORE fo HENDRICKSON, variety or Silk nnd Velvet Mnnl Glbbona*,Buildings, g - • - •- Calicos, Glnghonu.. Muslin l>e latinos, Cashmeres, French nnd English Merinos, Alpacas, Bombazines, Pop- Bus, nnd a great vartejyof hlHck.plata and BrocadeSIlks. Rich Embroidered Collars, Worked Hands, n largo assortr Ings ami Inscrtlngs, Plain nnd litas, Jaconet and iiook Muslli COLLINS fc BULKLEY. iibiland GIn. in store and W. 5L DAVIDSON. E 1 ■oUed l dozon Potted , boxes Perdreaux without 1 dec 15 lied Qualls with Truffes ; 1 dozen Ruffes; 1 dozen Potted Becasset tx wllbontTruffes; 1 dozen half mx, with Trufles; 1 dozen PdUi 1 Perdreanx wllbont Truffes; 1 iux without Truffes. For sale bg ■ .lety of black,pis FANCY GOODS. Rich Embroidered Collars, Choinisetts and Sleove*, 1 — 1 "-"•** * —assortment of Needlework. Edg- •*" and Knihrulderod Swlsa Mu*, “ns, Itlshop l.nwim, a great ....... .. iMuloa, all eons and colors of Fringes aud Hood Tassels. HOSIERY. AU kinds or while, brown, mixed and black Cotton Hose, white,- black and grey Merino Hose, Children’* Worsted nnd Cotton Hose, Ladles’ Vee*., Cotton, Thread, Bilk, buckskin nnd Kid Gloves. They call particular attention lo their stock of Kerseys, Osnaburgs nnd Mulberry Stripes; also Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloth, ltugs, Window Curtains, an * lha largest assort ment of Shawls ever brought to thla place, constating ol Hlanket and Long Bbuwls, Cashmere, Crape and silk Shar’- ^ ^p"WSSI?|Sgf SSSSStaa uec JJ IUU Iiryamst^ prices titan over before In this place, i \ - .. .. EINSTEIN fo ECKMAN, d*c’13 1S1 Conurcaa-Btwt, B*vannah In store 1 . ... OOtATcfei.^UO’hnrrol* YeUowPionlinFPotatoe*; L Landing and for sale by dec 16 8WIFT * CO. ery snperior iVlDSON. -No*.3nnd4. . !r jrt>;ouroPpif j felDDLEB,-Wafer 1 and Waffle-Irons^f^j salo^bjr~ dec 13 , , ■ * * HI3 Bryan sleet C OFFEE—150 sacks Rio Coffee | 75 do. St. Domingo doj 50 do. Government' Java dog received and for sale by [dec 13] MoM AHON fc. DOYLE. T URK’S ISLAND SALT-3,000 bushels Instore and for sale by ... dec 3 1m ' SAMUEL SOLOMONS; O MOKED BEEF fo TONGUES.—100 8mokedTongue*} TkRASS ANDIRONS, Fenders, Shovel and Tong* O 3bbta. gmok'ed'^flHfodlP|^aM for salebj^^JL> Wire Fenders,Iron pnd Bronzo.Fire Dogs; for sale T> XCON.—20 hltda. Sides and Shoulders, landing Rom IL^ cmnsamk “wETUMPKA HAMMOCK, situated about ten miles North or Ocala, (tho county Mat or Marion county,) con taining 3,000 acres, about one-hair or which Is hammock, unsurpassed by any In the Slate; and tbo remainder wblto oak and hickory land. A TRACT, well known as the tionj” conbunlni do fine shoulders. 15 tierces canvassed ■boulders, now ln store, and for salo by KIBUEB & RODGERS, dec 10 Bay street; dec 13 1 nnd Bronze .Fire Dogsrfor at J. HABBROUCK fo CO., BrougbloMtreef Fort Drone Plants- ting 3,000 acre* of Land, principally first quality hammock, between four and flvo hundred acre* of which is thoroughly cleared, and at present locultl. vatlon. Tills place for several years averaged two h Bay streot. JiJKW ORLEAN8 1 AND CUBA 8YRUP^50 -barrels _ extra fine bales Gunny Ofoth} for sate low by Idee 18] T>LANI8HED Dish Covers, Steak Dishes, Coffee Urns dee 13 Broughton-street. 8,000 B g'° 0,l “' 11 ° 8,mdf gSI°fa. vatlon. Tills place for several years avenigod two hogs heads of Sugar to the acre, and every year that It ha*' been cultivated bos produced lino crops of corn aud' cotton. ,• . ~ t ; > * -; Tliese Tracts could readily bo divided Into two or- u “j well watered and surround- PH.. L SonOrange Lake, consisting of 'hammock, orange grove,, and well timbered pine land. TWO TRACTS, of 1,000 acres each, uc - ----- •v*— -—— —- -• *x»th thet near tho Alachua iso tracts li rich , taec lfl], . KiBUBEfcRODGElML ; I dec 10 M. J. SOLOMONS, M ackerel and aALMON^-soketu each. Land lug aDd for salo by CRANE fo HOLCOMBE;; AA •tiec 15 TTlttAH aMitifa aKdIIAKaI. H6b&.-i'80~a L, "^*" dt »'^ Et HOLCOMDK. OTUAKTS ETBAM REFINED UAHDIES—Io pound K h^f Pound pack^ ^-elv^ and for ' deo!5, _— .>A'fiM , .. mont of Hair Brashes and Perfumery, of all kinds, as well as a few pair of handsome Toilet Bottle*. For sale by . JAB, H. GARTER, ' dec 21 . . Opposite SU Andrew’s Hati. iHEESB.—35boxes Cbeea^forfai^usgand Seed bate, .... ^MotntaeptStuare.’ BARREL COAL—150 tons, landing from ship Shan- AX don; for salo by ' dec 10’ tioMi? tr mvWKPV. ilsii ^J^forsateby .'-tdebi'l] EED OAT8<—200 bags - heavy Maryland landing Rom schooner Ann Maria, and forjala b; GLAGIIORN fc CUNNIGH, HONE t CONNERY. SUGAR LANDING, and_for lab/ I AM. I b a fresh supply SEABORN GOODALL. TATOEfl.—300 bbto; for sale by tP W “*Siw 77:"" HrJ.GILBERT. ;FVJnrttr , ?ii/!SbS8S! T3E0AN NUTS.—15barrels. Landing ftotq brig u Wm. UgV* 'W' —— j ,. ^ Fflridasprime and c*»ioe» •D Goshen Butter ^50 boxes Obeose,*Just received and for sale by , [dec 20/ McMAHON fc DOYLE. _ Clnrk,” Rom New Orleans, deolfi HONE fo CONNERY. r10SHEN BUTTER,—2U Firkins Fine Goshen Butter. \X Landing and for salo by - ■ _ dec iO . HONE fo CONNERY. fANILLA ROPE.—200 Ootis.^ EEF AND FLOUR.—30 half barrels Fulton Market ‘ “ " i ^tlmore noarj landln^antnbr xj Reef; 100 barreta uuuuiuro i-iuur, hum sale by |dec20]. , .McMAHON fe _ u —^ ■ ■ J?r ” |UBe-lW bbls. Landing per brig Kammoct h * 8rcatcr J ,urt of 1 * —ALSO- 5,000. ACRES on Indian River. Any ono wishing to cultivate sugar cauo would do well to examine this land, as being remarkably fertile-, and lying south of the region of frost, it is as well adapted to that culture as any in the United States. 12,000 ACRES, generally known as the “ Bayard tract,* situated on tho St.John’s rl vor, opposite Picotrta. Thera are .many small hammocks mid orange grove* on this * tract, but it ts principally valuable for Its plue timber. It has a river front of seven or eight mile*. 1,000 ACRES on Lake George, and sovcral small tracts on and near the 8L John's river, well,situated for farm- luffethe rearing of orango groves, foe. The above tracts of land were purchased by the late Gen. Clinch, Immediately after the accession of Florida to the United States. From his position at that time, his facilities for selection were unusually great, and It is be hoved they Include as good tend as can be found In tbo On account of thoir accessibility Rom Charleston and Savannah, (hey offer great inducements to planters lu Ca rolina or Georgia wishing to remove. The titles are clear and indisputable. Terms—Cash, or payabloat Ctmrlestonor Savannah',oa ^£°A C ' 1 ^^° XU -•••- •- inedbyaddn Ion county, F, oct 16 tJan V The Tri-weekly Chronicle & Sentinel, at Augusta, and tho Journal & Messenger and tho Telegraph, at Ma con, nro requested to publish tbo nbovo till first of Janu- . tnry, and sen J their bills to ibis olflcc. HIRE fo IIENHIi d ROHER? HABERSHAM fc SON. jVI^store and for mle by 1 dec 16 . . -QUTTER, CHBE8B.-75 tobfe, kegs, and firkins,' fresh, X> sweet Jlntter, and 25 boxes Cheese, recetvod per JD sweet Batter, and 25 boxes Cheese, recetvod per steamer Alabama, and a few barrels Pickled Cucum- TTtLOUR AND CORN—100 barrel* Howard street Flour; i to b J 0U . B UTreU AMD CHEESE—« In KlecUd Ooib I)utter} 100 boxes Kleclud Eugttih Dairy Clie» PSSfiS t co. S UGAR AND WHISKEY.—15 Muli. Porto IUcpSu- gar; ISO bbls. Domeatio Whiskey, Just received, and for sale by [dec 20] MoM AHON fc DOYLE. O ALTPKTRE^-18 barrets double refined. For side by dec 20 MOORE fo HENDRICKSON. JHAMS, 8moked Beer, Smoked Beef Tongues, Bo- eer, Smoked Beef Tongues, Ho- W* pRIME EASTERN. H AY.—50^btlea Prlmo Hay. l^IRE CRACKERS, Hre Crackert, Flre Craokers. X Just received, and for sale by W. D, FORD, dee JB- • • SMSfirtMEttooL. ^AETORSI OASrOBtt.t-Aujr.oyu.t^IrM b, dee 15 1 ’ •; . 155 Brough Ion-Street. AND DACOrl HAMS—30 hMT brrrrl. Kulton UCKWHEAT.—50 packages of Buckwliwl. Ihbajf schoonor N. W, Smith, and for aale by • dec 10 ' O NION SBT8-4 barreb Red aild White Onion Sets, 'I.N, Monument ft dfujls Monument Bqu.rK B Srr^asa hr dee 23. WSm retail by " ilog Powdei Tdeo 181 MOOR -MIOWHlinOlJa, tor' <W 11ilr,T'i« » gfetflSS For wlo bj^^ tl.OARTER, dec 21 Opposite Bti Andrew’s Hall. for tho cure of .oought, colds, -■**•— ‘ —i ind throat A R« oftiio lungsut: dtOflL U'- —rr— dvedby rueaki]j. a. imuivn. fiwTANtl I,IN! NutStConsUlliig of Brasil llburts, Alinuiute, Hickory —otiuom dee 01 rsr&Ta uvuii.^M B8ALE i)RUO;OIST8. Caibhons. Iluililisiffa* OFFER FOR BALE-5,000 lbs. Union Whit 500 8 do? n *BliMu:hed Winter 8perm Oil; 20 barrels do. Wholo Oil; 10 do. Train Oil, best quality; 8 do. Wlhter strained Uni Oil; 5 do. Cobum’s Machlucry Oil; in do. No. 1 CSstor Oil; f 0 tassssii., icansLit^ 250 ounce* Farts’ Snlpbato Qululne; 10 barreta Iuorlltard’s Snnff; 30 boxes snorted Candles; 50 boxes Roy’s Lemon Syrup; 30 bags Pepper, Allspice and Ginger: 1 barrel each Nutmegs, Mace and Cloves; 100 reains Letter ami Wilting Paper; Together with an extensive assortment of Patent Sledt* does; Perfomcry; Hair, Tooth and Shaving llrtuhes; Toi let Soaps; Tuck, Dressing and Bide Combs, foe. foe.; all of which are offered at Uio lowest prices, either for cosh or approved paper. sept P CHEAP CASH STORE, CORNER OF WHITAKER AND CONGRF.88-8TS. ’ll TANTILLA VELVETS, Black nnd Fancy Silk Man- 1VX tlllns: tho subscribers have just received Blue, rown, Green and Black 44 Silk Velvets for Mantillas. Uo, n large'supply of Black and Fancy Silk Mantillas, bleb they will dispose otat tltelr usual low prlcns. uov 5 M. PEN DERG ACT fc CO. HACKNEY UOAU1K. Tbo subscriber respectfully Informs tire , ubllc, nnd strangers lu town, that ho boa Just received an elegant now lluck, called tho “LADY HENTZ,” which Is on entirely new principle, gards accommodation, safety, foe. Ho will always top a flue pair of Horses attachwl, and ready for Itniue- late service. Ortlcrs should bo left utGtu’s 1.1 very rtla- ar ■ - •' lOllu^orU'uuulUou.Irg-lV.nuTViM.j.iiA. MM INLAM) MILL. rrMUS MILL I* now In X supplied with Timber, canoes of Bawe«l Lumber, or 11 ccltaut (|uulll^ with dispatch. fpjjv ao line upcruilou, at er,U now prupui >, being well i ti» furuUh nffos $3